HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-184CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 21-184 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2021 BUDGETS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota as follows: The 2021 budgets for General Fund, Debt Service Funds and Improvement Construction Fund are hereby amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021 as per Exhibits A- C, as attached hereto. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 201 day of December 2021 Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City C e k CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA Exhibit A General Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 2021 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Expenditures 2021 2021 2021 General government 2021 YTD 12/20/2021 Final Mayor and Council Adopted Amended Adjust Amended (2) Committees and Commissions Budget Budget Res. No. 20 ### Budget Notes Revenues 501,856 501,856 33,350 535,206 (3) General property taxes $ 24,232,728 $ 24,232,728 $ 304,550 $ 24,537,278 (2-6)(10) Licenses and permits 2,611,288 2,611,288 131,890 2,743,178 (7)(9) Intergovernmental 1,085,911 1,085,911 71,190 1,157,101 (1)(11) Charges for services 2,595,812 2,595,812 100,863 2,696,675 (13)(14)(17) Court fines 156,000 156,000 - 156,000 (7)(8)(9) Investment income 174,000 174,000 - 174,000 (11) Miscellaneous 57,729 62,729 30,750 93,479 (12) Total revenues 30,913,468 30,918,468 639,243 31,557,711 (5) Expenditures General government Mayor and Council 130,039 130,039 5,000 135,039 (2) Committees and Commissions 107,012 107,012 - 107,012 City administration 501,856 501,856 33,350 535,206 (3) City Clerk 163,078 163,078 30,450 193,528 (4) Legal counsel 99,783 99,783 - 99,783 Planning 603,468 603,468 - 603,468 Community and econ. development 402,861 402,861 - 402,861 Inspections 1,518,020 1,518,020 232,240 1,750,260 (7)(8)(9) General government facilities 672,379 672,379 19,500 691,879 (11) Finance 889,626 934,626 - 934,626 Information systems 885,371 885,371 34,750 920,121 (5) Human resources 588,059 588,059 - 588,059 Insurance 285,000 285,000 80,000 365,000 (6) Public safety Police 12,942,423 12,942,423 30,750 12,973,173 (12) Fire 2,260,808 2,265,808 42,340 2,308,148 (1)(8)(10) Public works Engineering 1,059,968 1,059,968 - 1,059,968 Operations and Maintenance 584,556 584,556 - 584,556 Streets 3,669,797 3,669,797 62,385 3,732,182 (13) Parks and recreation Parks 2,980,052 2,980,052 - 2,980,052 Recreation 776,532 776,532 43,000 819,532 (14) Heritage Center 139,264 139,264 - 139,264 Arts Center 630,071 630,071 30,000 660,071 (15) Other - - 98,500 98,500 (16) Total expenditures 31,890,023 31,940,023 742,265 32,682,288 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (976,555) (1,021,555) (103,022) (1,124,577) Other financing sources (uses) Transfer from other funds 876,430 876,430 - 876,430 Transfer to other funds (1,325,000) (3,686,032) (29,038) (3,715,070) Total other financing sources (uses) (448,570) (2,809,602) (29,038) (2,838,640) Net change in fund balance (1,425,125) (3,831,157) (132,060) (3,963,217) (13(16) Fund balance, January 1 23,440,187 23,440,187 1,299,442 24,739,629 (18) Fund balance, December 31 $ 22,015,062 $ 19,609,030 $ 1,167,382 $ 20,776,412 Exhibit A (1) Amend Fire Relief Association contribution resulting from increase in state aid. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 21,690 Revenues: Intergovernmental 21,690 (2) Amend Mayor and Council budget for Insite Discovery Workshop and the Race Discussion Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 3,100 Other Charges and Services 1,900 Revenues: Property Taxes 5,000 (3) Amend City Administration budget for lobbying expenses. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 33,350 Revenues: Property Taxes 33,350 (4) Amend City Clerk budget for cost related to the 2021 election. Expenditures: Personnel Services 22,000 Other Charges and Services 8,450 Revenues: Property Taxes 30,450 (5) Amend Information Systems for Broadband expenditures. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 34,750 Revenues: Property Taxes 34,750 Exhibit A (6) Amend Insurance for additional allocating from the General Fund to Municipal Reserves Fund. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 80,000 Revenues: Property Taxes (7) Amend Inspections Department budget for new Inspector position added April 2021. 80,000 Expenditures: Personnel Services 68,390 Revenues: Permits - Building 68,390 (8) Amend Inspections and Fire Departments' budgets to reflect the actual cost of the Fire Department performine inspection related duties. Expenditures: Personnel Services - Inspections 103,350 Personnel Services - Fire (103,350) (9) Amend the Inspections Department budget to account for increased contractual electrical inspections and the offsetting electrical permit revenues. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 63,500 Revenues: Permits - Electrical 63,500 (10) Amend the Fire Department budget for additional cost due to increases in fire calls. Expenditures: Personnel Services 121,000 Revenues: Property Taxes 121,000 (11) Amend General Government Facilities for the ADA Study costs funded by grants. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 19,500 Revenues: Intergovernmental 19,500 Exhibit A (12) Amend Police Department for the addition of anew K9 funded by a prior donation. Expenditures: Capital Outlay 30,750 Revenues: Donations 30,750 (13) Amend Street Department for additional street signs for new developments. Street sign revenues are collected with the development contract. Expenditures: Commodities 62,385 Revenues: Charges for Services 28,825 Use of Fund Balance 33,560 (14) Amend Recreation Department for cost association with increased participation in youth activities Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 43,000 Revenues: Charges for Services 43,000 (15) Amend Arts Center for additional costs associated with the Shuttered Venues Operating Grant. Expenditures: Commodities 5,000 Other Charges and Services 20,000 Capital Outlay 5,000 Revenues: Intergovernmental 30,000 (16) Amend departmental salary expense to include contributions from each department for their share of compensated leave costs. Expenditures: Personnel Services 98,500 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 98,500 Exhibit A (17) Amend departmental salary expense to include contributions from each department for their share Expenditures: Transfers Out - Improvement Construction Fund 29,038 Revenues: Charges for Services 29,038 (18) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2021 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 24,739,629 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 23,440,187 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 1,299,442 2021 DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGET Revenues General property taxes Tax increment Intergovernmental Charges for services Special assessments Investment income Total revenues Expenditures - Capital outlay Principal maturities Interest on debt Fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Exhibit B 2021 2021 2021 YTD Final Adopted Amended 12/20/2021 Amended Budget Budget A&A Budget Notes $ 7,967,038 $ 7,967,038 $ - $ 7,967,038 404,000 404,000 - 404,000 416,829 416,829 - 416,829 904,455 904,455 - 904,455 2,248,156 2,248,156 - 2,248,156 122,210 122,210 - 122,210 12,062,688 12,062,688 - 12,062,688 (298,520) (304,893) 9,400,000 9,400,000 - 9,400,000 4,221,190 4,221,190 - 4,221,190 28,395 28,395 - 28,395 13,649,585 13,649,585 - 13,649,585 (1,586,897) (1,586,897) - (1,586,897) Other financing sources Transfer from Other Funds 1,538,377 1,538,377 1,521,004 3,059,381 (1) Transfer To Other Funds (250,000) (256,373) - (256,373) Total other financing sources (uses) 1,288,377 1,282,004 1,521,004 2,803,008 Net change in fund balance (298,520) (304,893) 1,521,004 1,216,111 Fund balance, January 1 21,551,182 21,551,182 2,371,992 23,923,174 (2) Fund balance, December 31 $21,252,662 $ 21,246,289 $ 3,892,996 $ 25,139,285 i Exhibit B (1) Amend the budget to reflect excess bond proceeds transferred from the Improvement Construction Fund during 2021, for projects from prior years where excess funding remains after the contract has been closed. The funds are required to be used toward outstanding debt service payments per bonding authority. Other Financing Uses: Transfer from Capital Projects Fund 1,521,004 Revenues: Fund Balance 1,521,004 (2) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2021 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 23,923,174 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 21,551,182 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 2,371,992 Exhibit C 2021 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND BUDGET 2021 2021 2021 YTD Final Adopted Amended 12/20/2021 Amended Budget Budget Adiust Budget Notes Revenues Intergovernmental Charges for services Escrow Investment income (charges) Special Assessments Miscellaneous - pass-through developer obligations Total revenues Expenditures - Capital outlay Public works Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources Transfer from Capital Projects Stormwater Infrastructure Fund Park Dedication Fund Tax Increment Financing Fund General Fund Transfer from Debt Service Transfer to Debt Service InterFund Loan Issuance of debt Premium on bonds issued Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balance Fund balance, January 1 Fund balance, December 31 $ 769,054 $ 1,749,054 $ 530,000 $ 2,279,054 (4) 121,098 121,098 121,098 3,656 3,656 3,656 137,915 137,915 541,763 541,763 - 541,763 1,435,571 2,553,486 530,000 3,083,486 10,922,252 13,207,867 (951,228) 12,256,639 (1)(3)(4)(5) 10,922,252 13,207,867 (951,228) 12,256,639 (9,486,681) (10,654,381) 1,481,228 (9,173,153) 105,000 105,000 - 105,000 309,260 309,260 131,032 29,038 160,070 (7) 200,000 206,373 - 206,373 - (1,521,004) (1,521,004) (6) 815,440 815,440 9,185,337 9,185,337 (3,535,337) 5,650,000 (3) - - 776,907 776,907 (3) 9,490,337 10,752,442 (4,250,396) 6,502,046 3,656 98,061 (2,769,168) (2,671,107) (1)(3)(5)(6)(7) 5,578,403 5,578,403 2,964,705 8,543,108 (2) $ 5,582,059 $ 5,676,464 $ 195,537 $ 5,872,001 Exhibit C (1) Amend the budget for the cost of additional legal costs incurred related to project 15-02 during 2021. This amount includes an estimate for additional costs to be incurred through the end of 2020. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Public Works 600,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 600,000 (2) Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2021 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 8,543,108 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 5,578,403 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2021 2,964,705 (3) Amend the budget to reflect final bond proceed amounts recorded in the Improvement Construction Fund in 2021 from the 2021C bonds, and the related decrease in anticipated project expenditures. The design/engineering costs for the 22-02 project were not included in the 2021 bonds, so the adjustment to the use of fund balance offset represents the 2021 estimate of those costs. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Public Works (2,439,688) Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 318,742 Bond Proceeds (3,535,337) Bond Premium 776,907 (4) Amend the budget to reflect revenues and costs incurred during 2021 for project 21-18, 202nd St extension/Cedar Hills 2nd Addition. This is a pass- through cost from the City of Farmington, and will be paid partially to the developer and partially to a contractor. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Public Works 530,000 Revenues: Intergovernmental Revenues 530,000 Exhibit C (5) Amend the budget to reflect additional costs incurred during 2021 for the 2020 street projects (20-02 and 20-04), which were paid for by bond proceeds received in 2020. Expenditures: Capital Outlay - Public Works 358,460 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance (Bond Proceeds) 358,460 (6) Amend the budget to reflect excess bond proceeds transferred to the debt service fund during 2021, for projects from prior years where excess funding remains after the contract has been closed. The funds are required to be used toward outstanding debt service payments per bonding authority. Other Financing Uses: Transfer to Debt Service Fund 1,521,004 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance (Bond Proceeds) 1,521,004 (7) Amend the budget to include an additional transfer from the General Fund to Improvement Construction Fund for revenues generated by City staff beyond the budgeted amounts. These funds will be used on future city transportation projects to avoid or delay issuance of bonds. Other Financing Sources: Transfer from General Fund 29,038