HomeMy WebLinkAbout20840 Guthrie DrCITY OF :..&Ki....VI C4..r�! FFICAt D\f. OFR4D€N AND c j I N P C L PLACEMENT A C E M E N k D IRON M D N U M EVES C Buildinc Pemi` 151893 Legal Dea"vr,DLion : 3 Nov..;4 I RECEIVED l By corlowsky at 2:08 pm, Dec 22, 2021 SUDOIV!SIOm CEDAR LANDING 3RD ADDITION Address: 20840 GUTHRIE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE 1 1 hereby certify that: on 22ND clay of JUNE 2017 inSDavrlOn 0f his property was conduvicec D) me or Unber my tre eand the _�; � � ❑ �:. BUD "V Si0r� ��;H= �i ....`OUIe: Grades, e evationa and drainage patterns of the sire' and DUiiding are in conformance. wi r the ,iradinc Man aDDroVed Dlr the City .=naine,e or amendments Drevi0usiy aDprOved by the City Engineer. in addiiti0n, all property corner monuments are ir, Dia:_ as of to s dare. i hereby ceitlfv that ti?!s survey. y;. plan or r epar% vv-L-75 Dr epareG by me or Under my dir = UArI 5 �P1/.'SJalt and sTas` s am .. auly Licensed' _3r3a Surveyor under me. laws of 7s= :>ua::� if illtnnesora. Print Name: MITCHHELL A SCOFIELD Signature.:: ✓ar JUNE 22, 2017 MN I i ve; v ` - r 48634 NOTE: ATTACH j ACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRA 'ES, ELEVATIONS IONS AND DRAINAGE P I :ERNS Approved sUbQivsion Qr acing pars 3nQU!C De DDuained from the Dr0pe -ry owner or. deveiooe:. Gene.rat Questions r .iattno t"; the du d,En.:; r.t'I it snaukc Die' dir ed Tic: the BUIIdird ! r^pe -tiD?^ Department az 9__-925- / 40, Q.cs`O'a r_.:at Irg to Grading s10Jir dire tec to the Engineenng D B.D r tmenz c,= 9:�2_9E—45Oi:. F.rior to reiease. of the sir ading Security, `.hs dot ument shalt be filed with. Lit or Lakeviiie Engineering Department 2019S liolyoite Avenue Lakeville, MN .w5O44 3.-Wi:s-rnameattN o^ns'Crza ;cataon o a au ne,nr.. 8.5x14 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR CALATLANTIC HOMES 20840 GUTHRIE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE GRADING AS -BUILT LOT 2 - CENTERLINE CB RIM=965.0 w_ 0 6 rj=104 s 12" 965.5=44.90 R=240.00 68. SERV 968.9 966.3 970. 966.1 66.0 966.3 966.1 ID HOUSE ELEVATION DATA HOUSE TYPE = SPLIT LEVEL LOT TYPE = WALKOUT BASEMENT WALL HEIGHT = 3 5 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR EL.= 970.3 (970 3) PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK EL = 971.0 (971 0) PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR EL = 967 8 (967 8) LOWEST FOUNDATION OPENING EL = 967 8 (WALKOUT) AREAS • LOT = 11136 SQ FT • BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 1999 SQ FT • DRIVEWAY = 1022 SQ FT (1008 SQ FT ) NOTES • DRIVEWAY GRADE = 7 4% GUTHRIE967.4 DRIVE 964.7 1 N N B -I (970.3 ) r. 15 00 a, FPORCH AA 03 „ , tos2 N O N89°58' 24 75 DRIVEWAY 963.8 963.2 962.6 961.6+ • BENCHMARK IS TOP NUT HYDRANT AT THE CORNER OF LOTS 6 & 7, BLOCK 1 ELEVATION = 967 12 • GRADING PLAN 11-23-2015 30 60 90 THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING 3RD ADDITION +966.5 4, LOT 3 +966.6 +966.1 d BLOCK 4 +965.2 1 b+964.7 5 L- et_ DRAINAGE & UTILITo-Y- cl EA 962 3T 961° J ]1 %� 85°39'37"E.�•`+ 20.00 969.5 'E 38 98 970.2 GARAGE W 970.0 5 O 970.4 d 1(970.1 ) v 970.3 1-970 0 4974 0 m I 973.8 <o EXISTING HOUSE 96 4 t V�N , 72SOn: 9611. N 16I .9 9679 TW972.4 Ow zw -o w= 45.00 967 96 .9 � Z47•NT1�"i1l- 970.9 PAD47�/' 967.3 967.0 1966 5 J969.2 LOT 1 1�� BW968.3 I 01 41966r-965.8 I I I I NI 0I + +965.8 65t6 __965.0 CO .965.4 +9651 I 4] I +964.3 5 /0963.6 963.7 ) -I> DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE ARROW 0 DENOTES A PLACED 1" BY 18" IRON PIPE HAVING A PLASTIC CAP BEARING LAND SURVEYOR LICENSE NO 48634 O DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT soo.0 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION (9000) JOHNSON & SCOFIELD INC. - - SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 1112 HIGHWAY 55, SUITE 201, HASTINGS, MN 55033 (651)438-0000 Lof , L iock 4,MI LAZING 3RD ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota 1 BK. NA PG. NA W.O. NUMBER 16-933 DRAWING NUMBER S-6546 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Atz4-c4z-c/ Mitchell A. Scofield MN License No. 48634 Date: June. 22. 2017