HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA198284 18122 Garland Path App & FormsRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400  952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Pronto Heating and AC Trillium Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page 1 Project Report General Project Information Project Title:Trillium Designed By:Doug Dormanen Project Date:11-15-2021 Client Name:Brandl Anderson Company Name:Heating & Cooling Two Inc Company Representative:Doug Dormanen Design Data Reference City:Minneapolis/St. Paul AP, Minnesota Building Orientation:Front door faces East Daily Temperature Range:Medium Latitude:44 Degrees Elevation:834 ft. Altitude Factor:0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:-15 -12.38 n/a n/a 70 n/a Summer:92 73 41%50%72 35 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:861 CFM Per Square ft.:0.376 Square ft. of Room Area:2,289 Square ft. Per Ton:991 Volume (ft³):18,973 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:46,916 Btuh 46.916 MBH Total Sensible Gain:21,656 Btuh 78 % Total Latent Gain:6,072 Btuh 22 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:27,728 Btuh 2.31 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Brandl Anderson- Trillium.rh9 Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:19 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Pronto Heating and AC Trillium Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page 2 Miscellaneous Report System 1 Lower Level Input Data Outdoor Dry Bulb Outdoor Wet Bulb Outdoor Rel.Hum Indoor Rel.Hum Indoor Dry Bulb Grains Difference Winter:-15 -12.38 100%n/a 70 n/a Summer:92 73 41%50%72 35.16 Duct Sizing Inputs Main Trunk Runouts Calculate:Yes Yes Use Schedule:Yes Yes Roughness Factor:0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop:0.1000 in.wg./100 ft.0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity:0 ft./min 0 ft./min Maximum Velocity:900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height:8 in.6 in. Maximum Height:10 in.0 in. Outside Air Data Winter Summer Infiltration Specified:0.220 AC/hr 0.110 AC/hr 70 CFM 35 CFM Infiltration Actual:0.000 AC/hr 0.000 AC/hr Above Grade Volume:Cu.ft.Cu.ft.X 18,973 X 18,973 0 Cu.ft./hr 0 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration:0 CFM 0 CFM Total Building Ventilation:154 CFM 154 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 21.35 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 20.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 23.19 = (0.68 X 0.970 X 35.16 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 90.72 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 85.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified:0.220 AC/hr (70 CFM), Construction: Semi-Tight Summer Infiltration Specified:0.110 AC/hr (35 CFM), Construction: Semi-Tight C:\ ...\Brandl Anderson- Trillium.rh9 Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:19 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Pronto Heating and AC Trillium Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page 3 Load Preview Report Scope Net Ton ft.² /Ton Area Sen Gain Lat Gain Net Gain Sen Loss Sys Htg CFM Sys Clg CFM Sys Act CFM Duct Size Building 2.31 991 2,289 21,656 6,072 27,728 46,916 441 861 861 System 1 2.31 991 2,289 21,656 6,072 27,728 46,916 441 861 861 16x10 Ventilation 3,287 3,572 6,859 13,970 Zone 1 - Clg.: 20%, Htg.: 27%808 4,519 700 5,219 8,951 120 212 212 6x9 1-Lower Level 808 4,519 700 5,219 8,951 120 212 212 4--6 Zone 2 - Clg.: 48%, Htg.: 41%800 10,808 600 11,408 13,528 181 506 506 10x10 2-Main Level 160 1,150 0 1,150 4,371 59 54 54 1--6 4-Great Room/ Dining/ Kitchen 640 9,658 600 10,258 9,157 123 452 452 7--6 Zone 3 - Clg.: 31%, Htg.: 32%681 7,014 1,200 8,214 10,467 140 329 329 8x10 3-Upper Level 681 7,014 1,200 8,214 10,467 140 329 329 5--6 Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because Sum of room airflows may be greater than system airflow because system has multiple zones. C:\ ...\Brandl Anderson- Trillium.rh9 Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:19 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Pronto Heating and AC Trillium Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page 4 System 1 Lower Level Summary Loads Component Description Area Quan Sen Loss Lat Gain Sen Gain Total Gain 4A-6-d: Glazing-Double pane low-e (e = 0.20 or less), high performance, sliding glass door, e=0.05 on surface 2, any frame, U-value 0.33, SHGC 0.33 225 6,312 0 8,425 8,425 11N: Door-Metal - Polystyrene Core, U-value 0.35 39 1,161 0 423 423 12E-0bm: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, brick finish, metal studs, U-value 0.103 1864.8 16,327 0 3,150 3,150 15B0-10sf-8: Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to floor, no interior finish, 8' floor depth, U-value 0.05, above grade U-value 0.083 680 3,272 0 185 185 16CR-44: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic with Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-44 insulation, U-value 0.022 1321 2,470 0 1,308 1,308 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide, U-value 0.027 808 1,854 0 0 0 20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, R-30 blanket insulation, any cover, U-value 0.035 521 1,550 0 274 274 Subtotals for structure:32,946 0 13,765 13,765 People:8 1,600 2,400 4,000 Equipment:900 1,200 2,100 Lighting:0 0 0 Ductwork:0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 154, Summer CFM: 154 13,970 3,572 3,287 6,859 Exhaust: Winter CFM: 60, Summer CFM: 60 AED Excursion:0 0 1,004 1,004 System 1 Lower Level Load Totals:46,916 6,072 21,656 27,728 Check Figures Supply CFM:861 CFM Per Square ft.:0.376 Square ft. of Room Area:2,289 Square ft. Per Ton:991 Volume (ft³):18,973 System Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:46,916 Btuh 46.916 MBH Total Sensible Gain:21,656 Btuh 78 % Total Latent Gain:6,072 Btuh 22 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:27,728 Btuh 2.31 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\Brandl Anderson- Trillium.rh9 Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:19 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Pronto Heating and AC Trillium Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page 5 System 1 Room Load Summary No Room Name Area SF Htg Sens Btuh Min Htg CFM Run Duct Size Run Duct Vel Clg Sens Btuh Clg Lat Btuh Min Clg CFM Act Sys CFM ---Zone 1--- 1 Lower Level 808 8,951 120 4-6 270 4,519 700 212 212 Zone 1 subtotal 808 8,951 120 4,519 700 212 212 ---Zone 2--- 2 Main Level 160 4,371 59 1-6 274 1,150 0 54 54 4 Great Room/ Dining/ Kitchen 640 9,157 123 7-6 329 9,658 600 452 452 Zone 2 subtotal 800 13,528 181 10,808 600 506 506 ---Zone 3--- 3 Upper Level 681 10,467 140 5-6 335 7,014 1,200 329 329 Zone 3 subtotal 681 10,467 140 7,014 1,200 329 329 Ventilation 13,970 3,287 3,572 System 1 total 2,289 46,916 441 21,656 6,072 861 861 System 1 Main Trunk Size:16x10 in. Velocity:775 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.:0.101 in.wg Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. Cooling System Summary Cooling Tons Sensible/Latent Split Sensible Btuh Latent Btuh Total Btuh Net Required:2.31 78% / 22%21,656 6,072 27,728 Equipment Data Heating System Cooling System Type:Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: Indoor Model: Brand: Efficiency:0 AFUE 0 SEER Sound:0 0 Capacity:0 Btuh 0 Btuh Sensible Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh C:\ ...\Brandl Anderson- Trillium.rh9 Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 11:19 AM