HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA199077 - 19778 Henning Ave Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400  952-985-4499 fax www.lakevillemn.gov Sewer & Water Tie Card Address:________________________________________ Contractor:______________________________________ Permit Number:__________________________________ Final Date:________________ Street Drain-Tile:______ Size of Water Service: 1” Comments: AIRTEST SANITARY OVER 20’/2 FITTINGS THIS CARD MUST BE COMPLETED AND ON-SITE AT TIME OF SEWER & WATER INSPECTION Secure door closed until deck is constructed with a separate permit. Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2020 MN Bldg Code 01/24/2022dmathews (3)2x10 (3)2x10 (2)9-1/2" LSL (3)9-1/2" LSL (3)11-7/8 LSL UFER Ground -Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stub up near electrical service panel. Temper if glass within 60" of tub floor. (2)9-1/2" LSL (2)2x10 Cont.(3)2x10 (3)2x10 (3)2x10 (2)11-7/8 LSL (2)11-7/8 LSL(2)11-7/8 LSL Smoke CO CS-PF CS-PF CS-PF CS-PF Verify loads with girder truss specs, may require removal of top plates at bearing due to crushing. -Min. 15" clearance to any obstruction from center of W.C., 24" in front(typ). Bid Set - 3575266 12-28-2021 - GW *** 18 Roof Vents Max *** 3-2x10 (3-8') Dbl Jacks 3-2x10 (3-8') Dbl Jacks (2) 9-1/2" LSL @ 7' Dbl Jacks (3) 9-1/2" LSL @ 9' Dbl Jacks (3) 11-7/8" LSL @ 13'2-2x10 (2-10')2-2x10 (1-8') 2-2x10 (1-8') 2-2x10 (1-12') Dbl Jacks (2) 9-1/2" LSL @ 8' 2-2x10 (2-12') 3-2x10 (3-8') Dbl Jacks 2-2x6 (2-10')2-2x10 (1-12')3-2x10 (3-8') Dbl Jacks 2-2x8 (1-12')2-2x8 (1-12')3-2x10 (3-8') 2-2x10 (1-8')2-2x10 (1-8')(2) 11-7/8" LSL @ 12' (2) 11-7/8" LSL @ 22' (2) 11-7/8" LSL @ 12'Cantilever Address: 19778 Henning Avenue Braced Wall Line Notes Reference table R602.10.3(1) (pg239)LocationWind (Ultimate)StorySpacingMethodMin. Lngth Ft.*Wind Exp. BRoof Ridge*Wall Hgt FctrLine CountLine Count FctrInterior GypsumTotal Req'd Ft.Total DesignedBWL #1 <115 2 34 CS-WSP 10.20 1.00 1.02 0.90 2 1.00 1.40 13.09 16.50 pass BWL #2 <16'<115 2 54 CS-WSP 15.00 1.00 1.02 0.90 2 1.00 1.40 4.00 16.00 pass BWL #3 <16'<115 2 54 CS-WSP 15.00 1.00 1.02 0.90 2 1.00 1.40 4.00 16.00 pass BWL #4***<115 1 27 CS-PF**3.64 1.00 1.49 1.00 3 1.30 1.00 7.04 7.50 pass BWL #5 <16'<115 1 27 CS-WSP 4.55 1.00 1.49 1.00 3 1.30 1.00 8.80 12.00 pass BWL #6 <115 1 42.333 CS-WSP 6.35 1.00 1.49 1.00 3 1.30 1.00 12.29 18.00 pass BWL #7 <115 1 42.333 CS-WSP 6.35 1.00 1.49 1.00 3 1.30 1.00 12.29 14.00 pass BWL #8 <115 1 34 CS-WSP 4.90 1.00 1.04 0.95 3 1.30 1.00 6.28 9.00 pass BWL #9 <115 1 34 CS-WSP 4.90 1.00 1.04 0.95 3 1.30 1.00 6.28 14.50 pass BWL #10 <115 1 54 CS-WSP 8.10 1.00 1.04 0.95 3 1.30 1.00 10.38 14.00 pass BWL #11 <115 1 54 CS-WSP 8.10 1.00 1.04 0.95 3 1.30 1.00 10.38 12.00 pass Braced Wall Panel Notes ft inches (per table R602.10.5, pg249)main roof 10 7.500 10.625 Method Loc.AdjOpng Wall Ht Min. Req'd garage roof 18 1.665 18.1388 CS-WSP typ <80"9'30">=32" CS-PF**A NA <10'20"20 1/2 * Braced wall lengths and ridge height factors use linear interpolation ** Portal Frame follow R602.10.6.4 (pg253) over masonry foundation *** Braced wall length reduced by factor 0.8 for additional 800lb strap SCOPE OF WORK: INDEX: S1 - Scope, Index, and Certification S2 - General Notes S3 - Step Footing Detail S4 - Frost Wall Detail S5 - Lookout Wall Detail S6 - Full Height Wall Detail MATERIALS: Reinforcing Steel: Grade 40 (40 ksi) for #4 and smaller bars Grade 60 (60 ksi) for #5 bars and larger Rebar Substitution Notes: 1.Two #4's bundled may be used to substitute (1)#6 and vice versa provided they are of the same grade steel. 2.For vertical bars on S6, #5's may be used in lieu of #6's at two-thirds of the noted spacing. Concrete: Mix design is to be prepared by the concrete supplier to meet the project's requirements Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi for walls Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 5000 psi for footings Backfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Sandy Clay (SC) - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Clay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressure SITE ADDRESS: Street: City: State:MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341) Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Scope of Work, Index, and Certification Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings 1/1/2022 The drawings are to only be used by the contractor noted below or his authorized sub-contractors/clients. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package. These drawings apply to the construction of cast-in-place concrete foundation walls for typical residential cases.These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor.Means and methods of construction for shoring,water-proofing,insulation,flashing,control and construction joints, and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice. These drawings are valid until the end of 2022. 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psi I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Page S1 of S6 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com GENERAL NOTES: 1.Wall thicknesses noted are nominal unless specifically stated otherwise. 2.Maximum wall to footing centerline offset is 2". A minimum of 2" of footing is to extend on each side of the wall. 3.Bar laps when required are to be at least 40 bar diameters for grade 40 and 60 bar diameters for grade 60. 4.Bend horizontal bars or provide matching hooks around all wall corners and intersections. 5.Horizontal bars may be placed anywhere within the wall thickness provided 2" minimum cover is provided. 6.Allowable bar placement tolerance is 1/2". Tying is not required if tolerances are met and maintained. 7. 8. 9.Anchor bolts 1/2" or larger in diameter do not require corrosion protection per IRC section R317.3.1 exception 1. 10.Anchor bolts may be substituted with 1/2" diameter threaded rod epoxy grouted at same spacing with 7" embed. 11.The presence of form oil on the reinforcing is acceptable for the conditions contained in these drawings. 12.Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code adequate swale. 13. 14. COLD WEATHER GUIDELINES: 1. 2.Concrete is to be delivered to the site in a timely manner. 3.Placement of concrete earlier in the day to take advantage of latent heat of sunlight is advised. 4.Do not add additional water. Using water-reducing admixtures is recommended when required. 5.Forms are to be free of snow and ice. Do not place concrete in contact with frozen ground, snow, or ice. 6.Preheating of rebar is not required, however it is to be free of frost, snow, and ice. 7. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:General Notes Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Dowels may be drilled and installed after footing pour unless otherwise noted. Vertical bars may be embedded into footing in place of dowels at the same embedment. Vertical bars and dowels do not need to align. Dowels may be bent down for safety and covering then bent back before wall placement. The following information is general guidelines for the placement of concrete in cold weather conditions. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure proper means and methods are followed and that the final in place product is adequate. 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Use of form blankets or other approved protection is highly recommended for the top of the wall at temperatures below 10 degrees F and for the whole wall when below zero degrees F. The contractor is to work with the concrete supplier to obtain a mix design which accounts for the conditions expected. Use of extra cement, early-strength concrete, and accelerators are recommended at temperatures below 20 degrees F. Sill plate sections require at least two anchors with one within 4" to 12" of each end and at all corners and intersections. Walls less than 24" in length require only one anchor. Sill plates may overhang the face of the wall provided the overhang is not loaded vertically and all anchor bolt/connection tolerances are met. Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring is required when the final floor and slab systems are not in place and fully anchored. Maximum inside window well dimension is 72". Well walls are to be at least 8" thick placed monolithically with house walls with horizontal bars extended into them and around corners. Provide two additional vertical bars and one additional anchor bolt each side of opening. Opening header by others. 1/1/2022 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Page S2 of S6 Phone: 612-720-4639 HIGH FOOTING LOW FOOTING FOOTING STEP DETAIL Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Step Footing Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Adjacent steps are to be placed no closer to either side of the beam section than twice the height of the largest step6'-0" maximum step Optional control joint each end of beam section by others 24" min(2) bundled #4 horizontal bars top & bottom w/ 3" min clearance extended at least 24" minimum beyond each end of beam section (bar length = step height + 4') High footing should be placed at 1-to-1 (45 degree) line, if high footing is closer to step than this line, place beam section rebar as if it was at this line as shown 1/1/2022 (beam section) www.oswellec.com Page S3 of S6 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Maximum applied actual load = 4000 plf uniform or 12,000 pound concentrated 6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete foundation wall Wall framing by others WALKOUT/ SLAB-ON-GRADE FROST WALL DETAIL Note: Maximum unbalanced fill height is 36" for 8" thick wall & 48" for 10" wall Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Frost Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Grade to be at least 6" below top of wall Sill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2") 6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wall Page S4 of S6 (1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com #4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embed Unreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, provide frost protection per Code as required 1/1/2022 Optional slab ledge, maximum stem height is 12" w/ width to match sill plate Wall framing by others 6" wall spacing: 8"+ wall spacing: LOOKOUT WALL DETAIL Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Lookout Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Grade to be at least 6" below top of wall Sill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2") Page S5 of S6 (1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Footing elevation may vary below slab, provide frost protection per Code 8" thick x 18" wide minimum unreinforced concrete strip footing (16" wide minimum for maximum unbalanced grade of 2'- 6" or less), larger footing width may be required for specific soil bearing conditions to be determined per Code by others 6" minimum thick cast-in-place concrete wall #4 x 2'-0" long centered dowels w/ 5" minimum embed wet set or epoxy grouted in place 32" o.c. max for sand & 24" o.c. max for SC & clay 48" o.c. max for sand, 42" o.c. max for SC, & 36" o.c. max for clay 1/1/2022 3'-2" max Wood floor & wall framing by others Grade to be at least 6" below top of wall BASEMENT WALL DETAIL Table Notes: (1) = (2) = Allowed alternate anchors are: Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Full Height Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Page S6 of S6 Continuous #4 horizontal bars, provide at least (2) @ 8'-0" clear, (3) @ 9'-0" clear, & (4) @ 10'-0" clear, At contractor's option: The lowest wall horizontal bar may be omitted if (2)#4 continuous horizontal bars are placed in the footing 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Unreinforced if concrete is 5000 psi or if clear height is 4" less Unreinforced if concrete is 4000 psi or if clear height is 4" less Cast-in-place concrete foundation wall w/ #6 or equivalent vertical bars placed 1.5" from inside face, see table below for spacing 2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk washers or alternative anchor (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5") (see table below for spacing) Exterior top of wall may have a brick ledge provided the stem wall formed is at least 6" thick & no more than 16" high Connection of floor members to sill plate to be per Code by others 1/1/2022 Clear Height8' or Less Bolts Alternate NA NA 36"(1) NA NA Clay 9'Wall Thickness 8" 10" 12" #4 x 2'-0" long dowels @ 72" o.c. max w/ 5" minimum embed Sand SC Clay Sand SC Unreinforced concrete strip footing per Code by others, elevation below slab may vary as required MAB/ST, MASA/FA3, FWAZ, or 1/2" diameter expansion bolts w/ 6" min embed (install in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations) 10' Clear Height and Soil Type Sand SC Clay Vertical Rebar Spacing NA NA NA NA 36" 36"(1) NA 24" 36" NA 36" 36"(1) NA 36"(2) NA NA NA NA NA 72" 48" 72" 24" 48" 18" 36"(1) NA NA 72" 36" 60" 24" 36" 12" 48" 18" Sill Anchor Spacing 36" 12" 24" 8" SCOPE OF WORK: INDEX: S1 - Scope, Index, and Certification S2 - General Notes S3 - Cantilevered/Tall Lookout Concrete Wall Detail S4 - Footing Size and Rebar Table for Concrete Walls S5 - Cantilevered/Tall Lookout Masonry Wall Detail S6 - Footing Size and Rebar Table for Masonry Walls MATERIALS: Reinforcing Steel: Grade 40 (40 ksi) for #4 and smaller bars Grade 60 (60 ksi) for #5 bars and larger Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 3000 psi for walls Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 5000 psi for footings Masonry:Minimum 28 day prism strength (F'm) of 1500 psi Backfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Sandy Clay (SC) - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Clay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Soil Bearing Pressure:1500 psf minimum SITE ADDRESS: Street: City: State:MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341) Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:Scope of Work, Index, and Certification Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Page S1 of S6 2022 Standardized Tall Lookout Foundation Drawings 1/1/2022 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. These drawings apply to the construction of cast-in-place concrete,insulated concrete form,and masonry cantilevered foundation walls for typical residential cases.These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor.Means and methods of construction for shoring,water- proofing,insulation,flashing,control and construction joints,and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice.These drawings are valid through December 31, 2022. The drawings are to only be used by the contractor noted below or his authorized sub-contractors/clients. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package. Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psi GENERAL NOTES: 1.Wall thicknesses noted are nominal unless specifically stated otherwise. Maximum tolerance is 1/2". 2.Maximum wall to footing offset from dimensions shown is 2". 3.Place matching hooks around all wall corners and intersections for each horizontal bar. 4.Horizontal bars may be placed anywhere within the wall thickness provided 2" minimum cover is provided. 5. 6.Allowable bar placement tolerance is 1/2". Tying is not required if tolerances are met and maintained. 7. 8. 9. 10.Dowels must be wet set or epoxy grouted in place. Hooks must be wet set. 11. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:General Notes Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Bar laps when required are to be at least 40 diameters for grade 40 bars and 60 diameters for grade 60 bars. Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code compliant swale. 1/1/2022 Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring is required until the final floor and slab systems are in place. Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Page S2 of S6 Phone: 612-720-4639 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Hook spacings in tables on S4 and S6 may be doubled for #5 bars and tripled for #6 bars. Hook spaces may be increased by 1.5 times if grade 60 #4 bars are used instead of grade 40 as noted. Maximum spacing in any case is 72" on center. Dowel spaces may not be modified in this way. This packet applies to cantilevered lookout walls at stories less than ten feet in clear height. This packet does not apply to full height or frost style walls. The details in this packet are not limited by wall length or plan dimensions. 6" Min Provide frost protection per Code CANTILEVERED CONCRETE LOOKOUT WALL DETAIL Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:Cantilevered Concrete Lookout Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 8" minimum thick cast-in- place concrete lookout wall Sill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors 3" from footing bottom to hook/dowel bottom 10" 8" thick minimum unreinforced concrete strip footing, refer to table on S4 for required total width Wall framing by others (maximum story clear height allowed is 10'-0") This dimension may be increased provided the total footing width required on S4 is increased by the same amount (1)#4 continuous horizontal bar w/in 18" of top of wall (provide an additional horizontal at mid- height when wall is taller than 6'-0") It is acceptable to lower the footing elevation from that shown (such as for bad soils, to achieve frost protection, etc.), however the dowels/hooks must be lengthened to extend at least 24" above the top of the slab elevation Wall Centerline Required Overall Width per S4 Page S3 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com 1/1/2022 Wall Height (see S4)3'-0" min long dowel or 3'-6" min long hook (6" min) placed 1.5" from soil face of wall (see table on S4 for spacing) #4 DOWEL/HOOK SPACING AND FOOTING SIZE FOR CANTILEVERED CONCRETE WALLS (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted (2) = Footing is to be 10" thick minimum (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted (2) = Footing is to be 10" thick minimum Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:Rebar and Footing Size Table for Concrete Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 7'-0" 6'-0" 4'-0" or Less WALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) 12" THICK WALL SAND SOIL SANDY CLAY SOIL CLAY SOIL Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 42" 24" 18" 12" 24" 12" 6" 36" 5'-0" 4'-0" or Less 20" 18"36"24" 7'-0" 6'-0" 5'-0" 72" 42" 20"36"60"20" Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf 72" 48" 30" 18" 20" 8" THICK WALL 4'-0" or Less 5'-0" 6'-0" CLAY SOILWALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) SAND SOIL WALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) 10" THICK WALL SAND SOIL SANDY CLAY SOIL CLAY SOIL 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf SANDY CLAY SOIL 20" 20" 24" Dowel Spacing www.oswellec.com Page S4 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf 24" 12" 48" Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf 1/1/2022 30"54"20" 18" 12" 36" 24"26" 22" Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing 42" 24" 18" 12" 20" 24"24" 6"18"30" 20" 22" 28" 24"36"20"20" 12"18"26" 6"12"34"30" 22" 26" 32" 20" 20" 24" 28" 36"60" 12"18" 6"12" 20"20"30"48"20" 26" 34" 42"(2) 22" 30"28" 38"34" 18" 12" 6" 24" 18" 12" 24" 30" 36" 24" 48" 30" 18" 12" 72" 54" 36" 24" 20" 22" 26" 32" 20" 20" 24" 28" 20" 22" 28" 34" 24" 24"30" 18"38" 20" 24" 30" 36" 26" 24" 12" 34" 42"(2) 6" Min Provide frost protection per Code CANTILEVERED MASONRY LOOKOUT WALL DETAIL Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:Cantilevered Masonry Lookout Wall Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 This dimension may be increased provided the total footing width required on S6 is increased by the same amount Wall Centerline Required Overall Width per S6 It is acceptable to lower the footing elevation from that shown (such as for bad soils, to achieve frost protection, etc.), however the dowels/hooks must be lengthened to extend at least 24" above the top of the slab elevation 3'-0" min long dowel or 3'-6" min long hook (6" min) placed 3" from soil face of wall (see table on S6 for spacing) 1/1/2022 Sill plate by others w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & standard washers @ 72" o.c. max or equivalent metal strap anchors Wall framing by others (maximum story clear height allowed is 10'-0") 8" minimum thick masonry lookout wall Wall Height (see S6)8" thick minimum concrete strip footing w/ min of (2)#4 continuous horizontal bars, refer to table on S6 for required total width10" 3" from footing bottom to hook/dowel bottom www.oswellec.com Page S5 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 See S6 for cases requiring vertical reinforcing placed 3" from outside face (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted Note: Values in () are spacings for required #4 vertical bars (see S5) (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted Note: Values in () are spacings for required #4 vertical bars (see S5) (1) = Footing width based on soil bearing capacity noted Note: Values in () are spacings for required #4 vertical bars (see S5) Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Cantilevered Foundation Wall Drawings Description:Rebar and Footing Size Table for Masonry Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 #4 DOWEL/HOOK SPACING AND FOOTING SIZE FOR CANTILEVERED MASONRY WALLS www.oswellec.com Page S6 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 6'-8"16"(48")30"24"(48")36"16"(40")8"(40") Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 5'-4"24"40"24"28"32"16" 24" 6'-0"16"26"32"32"24"8" 4'-8" 4'-0" or Less 40" 32" 72"20" 56"20"24"40" WALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) 12" THICK WALL SAND SOIL SANDY CLAY SOIL CLAY SOIL Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf 1500 psf 2000 psf 1500 psf 2000 psf 16"(32")34"28"32" 6'-8"8"(40")16"(40")30"28"8"(32")16"(32")36"8"(24")8"(24")40"32"36" 6'-0"16"(48")24"(48")26"24"8"(48")16"(48")32"8"(32") 20" 5'-4"16"32"24"22"16"24"28"8"(48")16"(48")30"26" 24" 28" 4'-8"24"40"20"20"16"32"24" 22" 16"24"26" 20" 22" 4'-0" or Less 56"20"20"24"48"20"24"40"32" WALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) 10" THICK WALL SAND SOIL SANDY CLAY SOIL CLAY SOIL Footing Width (1) 2000 psf 1500 psf 2000 psf Hook Spacing1500 psf 2000 psf 1500 psf 6'-0"8"(32")8"(32")32"8"(24")8"(24")34"28"32"8"(40")16"(40")26"24" 24" 28" 4'-8"16"32"20"20" 16"(48")24"(48")24"22" 16"24"24"8"16"26" 30" 22" 4'-0" or Less 5'-4"8"(48")16"(48")28"8"(40")16"(40")26" WALL HEIGHT (Bottom of slab to top of wall) 8" THICK WALL SAND SOIL SANDY CLAY SOIL CLAY SOIL Footing Width (1) 1500 psf 2000 psf 16"20"24"40"20"20"32"20"16"24"22"20" 1/1/2022 Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing1500 psf 2000 psf 1500 psf 2000 psf Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing Hook Spacing Footing Width (1)Dowel Spacing 30"24"16" 26"32"24" 22"56"32"20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 20" 20" 22" 24" 28" 20" 22" 26" 28" 32" 20"64"32" 40"16"(32")8"(32") 34"16"(48")8"(48") SCOPE OF WORK: INDEX: S1 - Scope, Index, and Certification S2 - General Notes S3 - Standard Bearing Wall Detail S4 - Standard Non-Bearing Wall Joist Blocking Detail S5 - Bottom Chord Bearing Truss Non-Bearing Wall Detail S6 - Top Chord Bearing Truss Non-Bearing Wall Detail MATERIALS: Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 3000 psi for walls Minimum 28 day compressive strength (F'c) of 5000 psi for footings Masonry:Minimum 28 day prism strength (F'm) of 1500 psi Backfill Soil:Sand - 30 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Sandy Clay - 45 psf/ft effective lateral pressure Clay - 60 psf/ft effective lateral pressure SITE ADDRESS: Street: City: State:MN Zip:Craig Oswell, PE (MN #42341) Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings Description:Scope of Work, Index, and Certification Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 The drawings are to only be used by the contractor noted below or his authorized sub-contractors/clients. These drawings are to be provided to the building inspection department as part of the permit package. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Page S1 of S6 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com 2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Wall Support Drawings 1/1/2022 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Footings may be 3000 psi if an approved admixture is used to achieve a water and vapor resistance equivalent to 5000 psi These drawings apply to the construction of top of full height cast-in-place concrete,insulated concrete form,and masonry basement foundation walls for typical residential cases.These drawings are not to scale and all conditions are to be verified by the contractor.Means and methods of construction for shoring,water-proofing,insulation,flashing,and all other non-structural requirements are to be by others in accordance with the Code and standard industry practice.These drawings are valid through December 31, 2022. GENERAL NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4.Use of multiple sill plates is not allowed unless specifically noted. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. * = see note 11 above for alternate anchor options Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings Description:General Notes Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Anchor bolts may be substituted with 1/2" diameter threaded rod epoxy grouted at same spacing with 7" embed. Alternate anchors may be Simpson MAB, Simpson MASA, USP ST, USP FA3, Simpson FWAZ, or 1/2" diameter expansion anchors with 6" minimum embedment, or an equivalent manufactured anchor. 1/1/2022 Sill plates may need to be larger than the minimum to meet Energy Code or other requirements. The exact size of the sill plate is the responsibilty of the contractor. Do not backfill until the concrete has reached at least 70 percent of the 28 day concrete strength. Use of adequate shoring by others is required until the final floor and slab systems are in place. Sill plate sections require at least two anchors with one within 4" to 12" of each end and at all corners and intersections. Walls less than 24" in length require only one anchor. This packet applies to full height walls less than ten feet in clear height supporting unbalanced fill only. This packet does not apply to lookout and frost style walls. The details in this packet are not limited by wall length or plan dimensions. This packet applies to traditional floor joists, I-joists, and trusses. All floor members are to bear at least 3.5" on the sill plate unless noted otherwise. Sill plates may overhang the face of the wall provided the overhang is not loaded vertically and all anchor bolt/connection tolerances are met. All premanufactured connectors and anchors are to be installed in accordance with their manufacturer's recommendations. Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Page S2 of S6 Phone: 612-720-4639 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 72" 72" 72"24"48" 40" 72" 36"48"16" 72"72"72"72" 72"72"72" TOP OF WALL ANCHOR SPACING TABLE BACKFILL HEIGHT ABOVE SLAB ANCHOR BOLT ALTERNATE ANCHOR* ANCHOR BOLT ALTERNATE ANCHOR* ANCHOR BOLT SAND SANDY CLAY 8'-6" 16" 32" 32" 9'-6"64"24"40"16"24"8" 72"72"72"64" 72" 72"32"64"24" 72"40"56"24"10'-0" CLAY ALTERNATE ANCHOR* SOIL TYPE 72" 7'-6" 5'-6" or less 8'-6" 6'-6" or less 7'-6" 6'-6" 48" 16" 7'-6" or less 72"72" Slope grade 6" minimum downward away from foundations within first 10 feet or provide Code compliant swale. Anchor bolts 1/2" or larger in diameter do not require corrosion protection per IRC section R317.3.1, exception 1. 72" CLEAR HEIGHT (Top of Slab to Top of Wall) 8'-0" or less 9'-0"64"16" 72" 32"8" 72"32"56" Alternative to MN Code Table R404.1(1) 48" 6" Min TYPICAL TOP OF FOUNDATION WALL DETAIL Notes: 1. 2.USP LJQ must be sized appropriately for the actual floor member width. 3.Floor members must be at least 3" wide when two Simpson A35/USP MPA1's are used. 4.Connection C may be installed at every other floor member if the number of anchors is doubled. 5.As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every fourth floor member. 6.As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every third floor member. 7.As an alternative, connection C may be installed at every other floor member. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings ## Description:Typical Bearing Wall Detail Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Page S3 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com 8'-0" or less C C 19.2" 24" A (note 5)A (note 7) A (note 6) A (note 7) B C 16" 1/1/2022 9'-0" 10'-0" 16"A (note 7) C C A (note 7) B B B D C C CLEAR HEIGHT (Top of Slab to Top of Wall) C C D D D 24" D C Wood floor joist, I-joist, or trusses & wall framing by others FLOOR MEMBER TO SILL PLATE CONNECTION TABLE Alternate to MN Code Table R404.1(1) CLASS (weakest to strongest) DESCRIPTION 2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5") CLAY BACKFILL TYPE FLOOR MEMBER SPACING SAND SANDY CLAY See table below for connection of each floor member to sill plate Foundation wall per Code by others (clear height is measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall) CONNECTION TYPE D Simpson FWANZ, Simpson U2.1/4, Simpson U2.37/4, USP LJQ, or (2) USP MPA1/Simpson A35 (see notes 1 to 3) Simpson FWANZ requires 1.125" minimum OSB rim and must be located within 5" the floor member. For trusses, it must be in contact with the member or 2x4 minimum continuous bottom bracing must be provided. A B C (3)0.131" diameter x 3" long toe/top nails (3)0.148" diameter x 3" long toe/top nails USP LJC or USP MPA1/Simpson A35 (see note 4) D D 19.2" 24" 16" 19.2" JOIST BLOCKING DETAIL Blocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2) NOTES: 1. 2. 3.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty. 4. 5. 6.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur. 7.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings Description:Standard Non-Bearing Wall Joist Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 341/1/2022 Bays containing blocking do not need to be directly next to the wall or each other provided 2x4 spacer blocking is installed between them as shown. Toe nail spacers in place as required. Full height blocking may contain 4" diameter maximum holes if required for electrical/plumbing. Provide at least 3" edge clearance for all holes. Page S4 of S6 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Blocking shown may be replaced with pre-manufactured blocking provided it can resist at least 1500 pounds of lateral compression. Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spaced Wall framing, joists, & structural rim by others Floor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent. Use Class D connection from S3 for blocking to sill See note 4 for spacers as required at mechanical only Install full height 2x or I-joist blocking as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of two spaces), spaces used do not need to be next to each other if spaces between are blocked per note 4 2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5"), NOTE: Sill plate may have to be increased to 2x8 to fit Class D connectors BOTTOM CHORD BEARING TRUSS BLOCKING DETAIL Blocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2) NOTES: 1. 2. 3.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty. 4. 5. 6.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur. 7.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others. 8.Do not cut rim truss bottom chord for any reason. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings Description:Non-Bearing Wall Bottom Chord Bearing Truss Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 1/1/2022 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Page S5 of S6 Bays containing blocking do not need to be directly next to the wall or each other provided 2x4 spacer blocking is installed between them as shown. Toe nail spacers in place as required. OSB/plywood blocking may contain 4" diameter maximum holes if required for electrical/plumbing. Provide at least 3" edge clearance for all holes. Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spaced Wall framing, trusses, & structural rim by others 2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5"), NOTE: Sill plate may have to be increased to 2x8 to fit Class D connectors Floor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent. See note 4 for spacers as required at mechanical only Install 2x4 minimum flat blocking between trusses as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of two spaces), spaces used do not need to be next to each other if spaces between are blocked per note 4 Install 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood to one side of 2x4 blocking w/ (6)0.131" diameter x 3" long nails top & bottom OR 1/2" minimum thick OSB/plywood to each side w/ (4)0.131" diameter x 3" long nails top & bottom Use Class D connection from S3 for blocking to sill Nail rim truss bottom chord to sill plate w/ 0.148" diameter x 3" long nails @ 6" o.c. Blocking shown may be replaced with pre-manufactured blocking provided it can resist at least 1500 pounds of lateral compression. TOP CHORD BEARING TRUSS BLOCKING DETAIL Blocking spacing to match anchor bolt spacing (see S2) NOTES: 1. 2.Toe nail blocking members in place as required for stabilty. 3.All nails are to be spaced in members such that splitting does not occur. 4.Foundation wall is to be per Code by others. Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Top of Foundation Support Drawings Description:Non-Bearing Wall Top Chord Bearing Truss Blocking Detail (NOT TO SCALE) Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 341/1/2022 Nail the floor sheathing to the blocking w/ at least (12) 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails evenly spaced Wall framing, trusses, & structural rim by others Page S6 of S6 Install 2x4 minimum flat blocking between trusses as required to achieve the nailing noted (minimum of second space) 2x6 minimum sill plate w/ 1/2" diameter anchor bolts w/ 7" minimum embed & 2" wide x 1/8" thick square or round countersunk flush washers or alternative anchor (see table on S2 for spacing) (Anchor bolt clearance between edge of both wall and sill plate is to be 2.5") Floor sheathing is to be 3/4" minimum thick OSB/plywood installed in a staggered pattern. Nail to floor members with 0.131" diameter x 3" long nails at 6" o.c. at all panel edges/perimeter and 12" o.c. at all intermediate supports or an approved equivalent. 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Additional sill plates as required by others to match truss top chord depth Install treated double 2x blocking ripped to fit height of sill plates in first bay Phone: 612-720-4639 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com FOOTING LOCATION = A. Foundation: Is the house on a fill or cut site? If fill - Foundation Wall Height (in feet) x Thickness (in inches) x 13 = x x13 = Or if cut - Foundation Wall Height (in feet) x 25 = x25 = B. Main Floor: Is it precast? If 8" thick plank - Plank span (in feet) x 34 =x34 = Or if 12" thick plank - Plank span (in feet) x 42 =x42 =Or if wood floor - Floor span (in feet) x 7 =x7 = Is there concrete topping (for plank or in-floor heat) or thick tile? If yes - Floor span (in feet) x Topping thickness (in inches) x 6 = x x6 = Is it a house or garage? If house - Floor span (in feet) x 20 =x20 = Or if garage - Floor span (in feet) x 25 =x25 = Is there brick or stone veneer on the walls?If yes - Veneer height (in feet) x 40 =x40 = What is the main floor wall height? Wall height (in feet) x 10 =x10 = C. Second Floor: Is there concrete topping (for in-floor heat) or thick tile? If yes - Floor span (in feet) x Topping thickness (in inches) x 6 = x x6 = What is the floor span? Floor span (in feet) x 27 =x27 = What is the second floor wall height? Wall height (in feet) x 10 =x10 = D. Third Floor: Is there concrete topping (for in-floor heat) or thick tile? If yes - Floor span (in feet) x Topping thickness (in inches) x 6 = x x6 = What is the floor span? Floor span (in feet) x 27 =x27 = What is the third floor wall height? Wall height (in feet) x 10 =x10 = E. Roof: Is there slate or other heavy roofing materials? If yes - Roof span (in feet) x 10 =x10 = Where is the house located? If in northern MN - Roof span (in feet) x 30 =x30 = Or if in southern MN - Roof span (in feet) x 25 =x25 = Total Weight = FOOTING WIDTH (in inches): Minimum is greater of 16" or wall thickness +4" What is the allowable soil bearing pressure? If 1500 psf - required footing width (in inches) = Total Weight/125 = Or if 2000 psf - required footing width (in inches) = Total Weight/167 = USE FOOTING THICKNESS (in inches): Required footing thickness = [footing width - wall thickness (in inches)] x 0.5 =[-]x0.5 = (6" minimum, 8" recommended) USE Oswell Engineering and Consulting, L.L.C. Project Name:2022 Standardized Concrete Foundation Drawings Description:Footing Size Worksheet Project #21.100 Client Name:Kopp Concrete, Inc. Client Address:16455 122nd Street, Becker, MN 55308 34 Fax: 612-886-2966 www.oswellec.com Optional Page S7 1901 E Hennepin Ave, #201 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Phone: 612-720-4639 TOTAL INPUT OF APPLIANCES1, THOUSANDS OF Btu/hr (kW) REQUIRED FREE AREA OF AIR-SUPPLY OPENING OR DUCT, SQUARE INCHES (sq mm) ACCEPTABLE APPROXIMATE ROUND DUCT EQUIVALENT DIAMETER2, INCH (mm) 25 (8) 7 (4,500) 3 (75) 50 (15) 7 (4,500) 3 (75) 75(23) 11 (7,000) 4 (100) 100 (30) 14 (9,000) 4 (100) 125 (37) 18 (12,000) 5 (125) 150 (45) 22 (14,000) 5 (125) 175 (53) 25 (16,000) 6 (150) 200 (60) 29 (19,000) 6 (150) 225 (68) 32 (21,000) 6 (150) 250 (75) 36 (23,000) 7 (175) 275 (83) 40 (26,000) 7 (175) 300 (90) 43 (28,000) 7 (175) 325 (98) 47 (30,000) 8 (200) 350 (105) 50 (32,000) 8 (200) 375 (113) 54 (35,000) 8 (200) 400 (120) 58 (37,000) 9 (225) 1. For total inputs falling between listed capacities, use next largest listed input. 2. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. * *Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. TABLE 304.1 COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS FOR GAS-FIRED APPLIANCES WHEN THE COMBINED INPUT IS UP TO AND INCLUDING 400,000 Btu/hr BTU Amount for Non-direct vent appliances_____________________ 375 (113)54 (35,000)8 (200) 325 (98)47 (30,000)8 (200) 275 (83)40 (26,000)7 (175) 225 (68)32 (21,000)6 (150) 175 (53)25 (16,000)6 (150) 125 (37)18 (12,000)5 (125) 75(23)11 (7,000)4 (100) 25 (8)7 (4,500)3 (75) ✘ 105,000.00 123456 2 Conditioned space1 (in sq. ft.) Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous 1000-1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501-2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501-3000 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 3501-4000 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 4001-4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501-5000 130-65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001-5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501-6000 2 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113 1. Conditioned space includes the basement and conditioned crawl spaces. 2. If conditioned space exceeds 6000 sq. ft. or there are more than 6 bedrooms, use Equation R403.5.2 R403.5.2 Total Ventilation rate. The mechanical ventilation system shall rovide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average for each 1- hour period in accordance with Table R403.5.2, or Equation 403.5.2, based on the number of bedrooms and square footage of conditioned space, including the basement and conditioned crawl spaces. For the purposes of Table R403.5.2 and Section R403.5.3, the following applies: a. Equation R403.5.2 Total ventilation rate: Total ventilation rate (cfm) = (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space) + (15 x (number of bedrooms +1)) b. Equation R403.5.2.1 Continuous ventilation rate: Continuous ventilation rate (cfm) = Total ventiation rate/2 Amount Total _________________________ Amount Continuous____________________ TABLE R403.5.2 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS 3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 4001-4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 1000-1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 5001-5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 ✘ 145 73 ONE OR MULTIPLE POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES OR NO COMBUSTION APPLIANCESA ONE OR MULTIPLE FAN- ASSISTED APPLIANCES AND POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCESB ONE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANE OR ONE SOLID FUEL APPLIANCEC MULTIPLE APPLIANCES THAT ARE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCES OR SOLID FUEL APPLIANCESD 1. Use the Appropriate Column to Estimate House Infiltration a) pressure factor (cfm/sf) b) conditioned floor area (sf) (including unfinished basements) Estimated House Infiltration (cfm): [1a x 1b] 2. Exhaust Capacity a) clothes dryer b) 80% of largest exhaust rating (cfm): (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust) c) 80% of next largest exhaust rating (cfm):not applicable (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust) Total Exhaust Capacity (cfm): [2a+2b+2c] 3. Makeup Air Requirement a) Total Exhaust Capacity (from above) b) Estimated House Infiltration (from above) Makeup Air Quality (cfm): [3a - 3b] (if value is negative, no makeup air is needed 4. For Makeup Air Opening Sizing, refer to Table 501.4.2. A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances. B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included. C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (other than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. Table 501.4.1 Procedure to Determine Makeup Air Quantity for Exhaust Appliances in Dwelling Units Choose Which Applies 0.15 3,398.00 509.70 135.00 64.00 199.00 199.00 509.70 -310.70 0.09 0.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 0.00 135.00 0.06 0.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 0.00 135.00 0.03 0.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 0.00 135.00 ✔ TYPE OF OPENING ONE OR MULTIPLE POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES OR NO COMBUSTION APPLIANCESA ONE OR MULTIPLE FAN- ASSISTED APPLIANCES AND POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCESB ONE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCE OR ONE SOLID FUEL APPLIANCEC MULTIPLE APPLIANCES THAT ARE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCES OR SOLID FUEL APPLIANCESD PASSIVE MAKEUP AIR OPENING DUCT DIAMETERE,F,G OR SYSTEM (cfm) (cfm) (cfm) (cfm) (inches) Passive opening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3 Passive opening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4 Passive opening 67-109 42-66 29-46 18-28 5 Passive opening 110-163 67-100 47-69 29-42 6 Passive opening 164-232 101-143 70-99 43-61 7 Passive opening 233-317 144-195 100-135 62-83 8 Passive opening with motorized damper 318-419 196-258 136-179 84-110 9 Passive opening with motorized damper 420-539 259-332 180-230 111-142 10 Passive opening with motorized damper 540-679 333-419 231-290 143-179 11 Powered makeup airH >679 >419 >290 >179 Not applicable A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances. B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included. C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (ther than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. E. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90-degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable. F. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. G. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed. H. Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system. Table 501.4.2 Makeup Air Opening Sizing Table for New and Existing Dwelling Units IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1 Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method (for Furnace, Boiler, and/or Water Heater in the Same Space) Step 1: Complete vented combution appliace information: Furnace/Boiler: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: Btu/hr (Not fan Assisted) & Power Vent Water Heater: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: Btu/hr ( Not fan Assisted) & Power Vent Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion appliances. The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. CAS volume: ft3 Step 3: Determine air Changes per Hour (ACH)1 Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E-1 for use with Method 4b (KAIR Method). If the year of construction or ACH is not known, use method 4a (Standard Method). Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air. 4a. Standard Method Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Input: Btu/hr Use Standard Method column in Table E-1 to find Total Required Volume (TRV) TRV: ft3 If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. 4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method Total Btu/hr input of all fan-assisted and power vent appliances (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Input: Btu/hr Use Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find Required Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA) RVFA: ft3 Total Btu/hr input of all non-fan-assisted appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Non-Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find Required Volume Non-Fan-Assisted (RVNFA) RVNFA: ft3 Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA + RVNFA TRV = + = ft3 If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume. Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided by TRV (from Step 4a or Step 4b) Ratio = Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF). RF = 1 minus Ratio RF = - = Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside. Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS (EXCEPT DIRECT VENT) Input: Btu/hr Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA): Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per in2 / Btu/hr per in 2 = in2 Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA. Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF Minimum CAOA = x = in2 Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD) CAOD = 1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA CAOD = 1.13 x Minimum CAOA = in 1If desired, ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test. Follow procedures in Section 304. CAOA = ✔ ✔ 70,000 35,000 1,848 1 1,848.-1,847. 1,848 1 1,848. 7,875 7,875 0 7,875 0 3,000 0.00 0.00 -1,847.0 0.00 Didn't fill out correctly, ECCC lists 6" c.a. is being installed. 1/25/22 SH IFGC Appendix E, Table E-1 Residential Combustion Air Required Volume (Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliances) Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method (ft3) Input Rating Standard Method Fan Assisted Non-Fan-Assisted (Btu/hr) (ft3) 19941 to Present Pre 19942 19941 to Present Pre 19942 5,000 250 375 188 525 263 10,000 500 750 375 1,050 525 15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788 20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050 25,000 1,250 1,875 938 2,625 1,313 30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575 35,000 1,750 2,625 1,313 3,675 1,838 40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100 45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363 50,000 2,500 3,750 1,875 5,250 2,625 55,000 2,750 4,125 2,063 5,775 2,888 60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3,150 65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3,413 70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675 75,000 3,750 5,625 2,813 7,875 3,938 80,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 8,400 4,200 85,000 4,250 6,375 3,188 8,925 4,463 90,000 4,500 6,750 3,375 9,450 4,725 95,000 4,750 7,125 3,563 9,975 4,988 100,000 5,000 7,500 3,750 10,500 5,250 105,000 5,250 7,875 3,938 11,025 5,513 110,000 5,500 8,250 4,125 11,550 5,775 115,000 5,750 8,625 4,313 12,075 6,038 120,000 6,000 9,000 4,500 12,600 6,300 125,000 6,250 9,375 4,688 13,125 6,563 130,000 6,500 9,750 4,875 13,650 6,825 135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14,175 7,088 140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7,350 145,000 7,250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7,613 150,000 7,500 11,250 5,625 15,750 7,875 155,000 7,750 11,625 5,813 16,275 8,138 160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8,400 165,000 8,250 12,375 6,188 17,325 8,663 170,000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925 175,000 8,750 13,125 6,563 18,375 9,188 180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9,450 185,000 9,250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713 190,000 9,500 14,250 7,125 19,950 9,975 195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10,238 200,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 21,000 10,500 205,000 10,250 15,375 7,688 21,525 10,763 210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11,025 215,000 10,750 16,125 8,063 22,575 11,288 220,000 11,000 16,500 8,250 23,100 11,550 225,000 11,250 16,857 8,438 23,625 11,813 230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24,150 12,075 1The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.20 ACH. 2This section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.40 ACH. Tab 0 EMS Heat Loss/Heat Gain Calculation Company: WestAIR Heating & Cooling Customer: Sharper Homes Preparer: Maria Haus Address: 19778 Henning Ave, Lakeville MN 55044Phone:763-498-8071 Phone: 763-783-1000 Date: 01/03/2022 This HVAC load calculation has been performed using sound engineering principles as prescribed by Manual J seventh and eighth abridged editions and ASHRAE Fundamentals. Duct sizing has been performed as prescribed by Manual D. 1. Design Conditions Indoor Outdoor Temp. Diff.Front of home is facing: Winter 70 -12 82 South Summer 70 89 19 2. How would you describe the summer humidity in your area? Moderately Humid 40 3. How tight is the house? Average-over 1500 Sq. Ft. Winter air change / hr: 0.7 Summer air change / hr: 0.35 4. Fireplace evaluation : Number: 1 Tightness: Average 20 5. Number of occupants: 5 6. Overhang characteristics (optional) East West S/SE/SW Distance of overhang from top of window (Ft.) Length of overhang Tab 1 7. Solar gain through glass Use Manufacturer's Specs to determine HTM Latitude:44 U-value .29 SHGC .33 Facing Total area - Sq.Ft.Type of glass HTM Linear ft.Unshaded Shaded BTUH N/Shaded 127 -- Select --12 Below OH 127 NE/NW -- Select --25 0 0 South 42 -- Select --19 42 0 798 SE/SW -- Select --31 0 0 0 East 9 -- Select --36 9 0 324 West 12 -- Select --36 12 0 432 Skylight -- Select --0 Total North and Shaded 127 1524 Total Solar Gain 3078 Adjust for tinted or reflective window coating?No 1 3078 8. Ducts/Pipes Location:All duct work in conditioned area Attic Temp.Insulation Leakage Area -- Select ---- Select ---- Select -- Duct gain:0 Duct loss:0 Tab 2 9. Load Calculation Elements of Load Insulation / R-value Area/lin.ft.U-value Heat Loss Heat Gain Gross Wall 1820 Glass solar gain 3078 Glass 1 -- Select --190 4518 Glass 2 -- Select --0 Skylight -- Select --0 0 Doors Insulated or Storm 39 0.4 1279 296 Net walls R-22 1591 0.045 5871 1360 Ceilings R-45 1699 0.022 3065 1682 Floors -- Select --0 0 Open floors -- Select --0 0 Slab floors -- Select --0 0 Volume of your building or zone (cu. Ft.)16990 19683 2071 People 1500 Appliances 6000 Sub Total 34416 15988 Duct Loss/Gain 0 0 Sensible Load 34416 15988 Latent Load 3846 TOTAL BTUH 34416 19834 Summary BTUH Tons Total heating load 34416 Total cooling load 19834 1.7 Tab 3 Basement Calculation Elements of Load Insulation / R-value Area/lin.ft.U-value Heat Loss Heat Gain Walls - above grade 712 Glass -- Select --96 0 North Double 96 24 2304 South -- Select --0 East -- Select --0 West -- Select --0 Doors -- Select --0 0 Net walls (above)R-19 616 0.024 1212 281 Walls (below grade)R-15 712 0.06 3503 0 Ceilings -- Select --0 0 Floors 1699 0.024 3344 0 Infiltration (Cu.Ft.)13592 5108 1184 Number of people 300 0 Appliances - Enter total BTUH ->0 Sensible Load:13167 3769 Latent Load:1540 TOTAL BTUH:13167 5309 Total whole house load including basement:47584 25143 Per R401.3 Certificat. A building certificate shall be Date Certificate Posted posted on or in the distribution panel Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City 19778 Henning Avenue Lakeville, MN Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number Sharper Homes Inc BC-356604 X Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here R-10 X R-10 XX R-10 X R-21 X X R-21 X R-49 X X R-38 X X X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space X Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS:70,000 Capacity in Gallons: Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF%95% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace):Not required per mech. code X Passive X Low: Other, describe: Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's " round duct OR 6 " metal duct SEER /EER Heating Loss Cooling Load Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms: 145 73 Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Hallway - Source point Rating or Size Efficiency Heating GainResidential Load Calculation Select Type 37,50047,584 MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Location of duct or system:Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: High:Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Rheem Inside to outside 73 145 High: 25,143 Combustion Air Select a Type Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): Windows & Doors Electric R-value Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and & door) U: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces MECHANICAL SYSTEMS N/A Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area (garage) 0.33 Describe other insulated areas 0.29 Building envelope air tightness: Foundation Wall Location of duct or system:13 42PV50F Make-up Air Select a Type Rheem Domestic Water Heater Natural Gas Perimeter of Slab on Grade Ceiling, flat Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationType: Check All That Apply Below Entire Slab Foam, Closed CellFoam Open CellMineral FiberboardRigid, Extruded Polystyrene 2.6 max air leak Duct system air tightness: Fiberglass, Blown Heating System Natural Fuel Type Truss Joist (2nd Floor+) Wall 2.6 max air leak Truss Joist (1st Floor) 50 Output in Tons:3 Appliances Cooling System Rheem Manufacturer Model RA1336AJ1NAR95TC0701317 THERMAL ENVELOPE Insulation Location Rigid, IsocynurateNew Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, Batts000000Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014