HomeMy WebLinkAboutITEM 5 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Daryl Morey FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 13 April 2022 RE: Lakeville - Brookshire TPC FILE: 135.01 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton has submitted plans for development of Brookshire located south of 170th Street abutting the east and south boundaries of the City. The submitted plans propose development of 298.93 acres with 736 dwellings, as well as public park, and HOA open space and a clubhouse facility. The proposed development requires applications for a Zoning Map amendment; Conditional Use Permit for single family lots within the RST-2 District and for a HOA clubhouse facility and HOA park and open spaces; Subdivision Ordinance variance for cul-de-sac length; and preliminary plat. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 21 April 2022 to consider the applications. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary Plat (4 pages) C. Grading Plan (14 pages) D. Utility Plan (3 pages) E. Landscape Plan (14 pages) F. Tree Preservation Plan G. Townhouse Building Plans (6 pages) H. Clubhouse Site, Building, and Photometric Plans (8 pages) I. Dakota County Plat Commission Letter J. Neighborhood Meeting Notes 2 ANALYSIS Land Use. The 2040 Land Use Plan guides the subject site for Low Density Residential land uses, which is defined as development with a net density of 3.0 dwelling units or less per acre anticipated to be single family neighborhoods. The density of the proposed preliminary plat based on a net area of 249.00 acres (gross area minus arterial and major collector right-of-way and wetlands) and 736 dwelling units is 2.96 dwelling units per acre. The 736 dwellings are proposed to consist of 555 single family dwellings and 181 townhouse dwellings. Based on changing demographic characteristics of the community, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan encourages development of small lot single family dwellings, detached townhomes, twin homes, traditional townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, and multiple family housing dwelling units to complement traditional single-family homes. The policy for implementation of the alternative dwelling units is to provide for development throughout the community to avoid a concentration of higher density housing types at a single location or in a continuous corridor between major activity nodes consistent with the desired community development concept. Inclusion of the proposed townhouses at the northwest corner of the preliminary plat provides a desirable land use transition from the existing Lake Place townhouses to the west of Eagleview Drive with the same type of dwellings on both sides of the roadway. Likewise, the proposed townhouse dwellings at the southwest corner of Street 17 and future Diamond Path provides separation between the major intersection and single family dwellings to the west and south. Both nodes of townhouse dwellings provide added housing diversity to the proposed Brookshire neighborhood and the City’s overall housing stock. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the land use and housing policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. MUSA. The subject site is within MUSA Expansion Area A. Land within MUSA Expansion Area A was identified during the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update to indicate that development as guided by the 2040 Land Use Plan will be allowed prior to 2028 provided that the following criteria are met: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the 2040 Land Use Plan and compatible with present and future land uses within the area as guided by the 2040 Land Use Plan. 2. Public sewer and water utilities are in place adjacent to the property with adequate downstream capacity to serve the proposed land use. 3. Development of the proposed land use will not unduly burden the City or adjacent properties due to development related costs or long-term maintenance, such as trunk oversizing and/or regional ponding credits, collector roadway financing, and park development. 3 4. Development of the property provides for or includes a public purpose such as major street connections, regional stormwater basins or facilities, community park and recreation facilities or other City needs. The proposed land use is consistent with the goals, policies, and plans of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Sewer and water utilities are available to the subject site with adequate capacity to serve the proposed preliminary plat. The preliminary plat will provide for right-of- way and construction of arterial and collector streets as designated by the Transportation Plan. Finally, the preliminary plat provides for dedication of land as part of the North Creek regional greenway corridor designated by the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The preliminary plat satisfies the criteria established by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for development of the subject site within MUSA Expansion Area A prior to 2028. Zoning. The subject site is zoned RS-3 District. The developer is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to designate RST-2 District zoning for the single family lots (and HOA clubhouse facility) and RM-1 District for the proposed townhouse unit and base lots. The single family lots are proposed in two forms, one with a 55 foot minimum lot width and one with a 70 foot minimum lot width. The City, as part of the 2021 Zoning Ordinance update, adopted standards for development of single family lots within the RST-2 District that are within a plat of at least 100 acres accessed by a major collector or arterial street to allow for a reduction in lot width. The intent of these provisions is to allow for greater diversity in housing choice within large scale developments similar to the character of the neighborhoods developed within Spirit of Brandtjen Farm and Avonlea through conventional zoning without the need for a PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Designation of RST-2 District zoning for the subject site to allow access to these standards is appropriate for the single family lots within the proposed preliminary plat in accordance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The RM-1 District allows for the proposed row-style townhouses platted in a base lot and unit lot configuration as a permitted use with performance standards appropriate for a suburban form of development. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is adjacent to existing residential uses west of Eagleview Drive at the northwest corner of the subject site. These residential developments include townhouse dwellings within the Lake Pointe plat guided by the 2040 Land Use Plan for Medium-to-High Density Residential land uses and zoned RM-2 District and single family dwellings within the Wild Wings plat guided for Low-to-Medium Density Residential land uses and zoned RS-4 District. Comments were made at the neighborhood meeting regarding the orientation of the townhouses within Block 1 backing up to Eagleview Drive rather than facing and accessing from this street like the dwellings in Lake Place and Wild Wings. With Eagleview Drive being a minor collector street, reducing the number of driveways to the roadway is desirable and arrangement of the Brookshire townhouses with double frontage to an interior private drive is 4 allowed by the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. The yard along Eagleview Drive is to be landscaped as a quasi-buffer yard to screen the roadway from the view of the proposed townhomes, which will also screen the proposed townhomes from the existing dwellings on the west side of Eagleview Drive. The proposed land uses and subdivision design will be compatible with existing and planned land uses in Lakeville surrounding the subject site. Single Family Lots. Section 11-57-7.H.3, 11-57-15.A and Section 11-21-9.E.1.a and b of the Zoning Ordinance establishes that the RST-2 District requires the following minimum lot requirements: Permitted Conditional Buffer Yard Corner Lot Interior Lot Corner Lot Interior Lot Min. Lot Area 10,200sf. 8,400sf. 9,520sf. 7,500sf. Min Width: 95ft. Min. Depth 150ft. Min. Lot Width 85ft. 70ft. 70ft. 55ft. Max Lot Cover 40% 45% Section 11-57-7.H of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the proposed lots with reduced area and width by approval of a Conditional Use Permit provided that the number of lots with reduced area or width are not more than 35 percent of the single family lots within the preliminary plat and the mean area of all single family lots within the preliminary plat shall be equal to or greater than the minimum lot area required by Section 11-57-15.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The lots proposed with a minimum lot area and width less than the permitted requirements of the RST-2 District are indicated on the preliminary plat. The proposed 55 foot wide lots number 170 lots or 30.6 percent of the total of the single family lots within the preliminary plat, which complies with the Zoning Ordinance. The mean lot area for all of the single family lots within the preliminary plat is 10,789 square feet and greater than the minimum lot area of the RST-2 District, which complies with the requirements for allowance of reduced lot width by Section 11-57-7.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Block 24 has double frontage lots to Street 1 and Street 19, but Section 10-4-2.I prohibits double frontage lots except those that abut major collector or arterial streets. The double frontage lots are problematic in that there is a sidewalk along the west side of Street 1 that would need to be maintained by the abutting lot owners and no privacy fences would be allowed in the rear yards of these lots. The preliminary plat must be revised to eliminate the double frontage lots or extend Outlot I between these lots and Street 1 to provide for an HOA maintained open space with buffer yard landscaping planted. 5 Single Family Setbacks. Section 11-57-7.H.3, Section 11-57-15.A, and Section 11-21-9.E.1.c of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the following setback requirements for single family lots within the RST-2 District. These setbacks are indicated on the preliminary plat and each lot has an adequate building envelope to accommodate a single family dwelling. Front Side Rear Buffer Yard ROW Interior 25ft. garage face 20ft. bldg. 20ft. 7ft. 30ft. Rear 50ft. Side 30ft. Townhouse Lots. Section 11-58-15.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per townhouse dwelling. The preliminary plat complies with the minimum lot area requirements for the RM-1 District. The four blocks of townhouse dwelling units within the preliminary plat are to be platted in a unit and base lot configuration as required by Section 11-58-19.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Block Unit Lots Total Area Lot Area/Unit 1 61 379,974sf. 6,229sf. 5 10 139,362sf. 13,936sf. 21 75 461,968sf. 6,243sf. 22 36 199,446sf. 5,540sf. Townhouse Setbacks. Section 11-58-17.B and Section 11-21-9.E.1.c of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the minimum setback requirements for townhouse dwellings within the RM-1 District shown in the table below. The site plans for the townhouses shown on the preliminary plat comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. ROW 20ft. 25ft. to garage face Base Lot 30ft. Buffer Yard 50ft. Wetland buffer 20ft. Between Buildings 20ft. Private Drives 30ft. Guest Parking 15ft. Access. The subject site abuts the existing or planned roadways shown in the table below that provide access for the proposed preliminary plat. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet completed for the proposed development included an analysis of traffic generation relative to available street capacity to accommodate the proposed preliminary plat. There is adequate traffic capacity within the existing and planned street system for the number of dwelling units included in the preliminary plat. Right-of-way dedication for the streets abutting the plat is 6 subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The preliminary plat is also subject to review and approval by Dakota County as it abuts existing and planned County rights-of-way. Street Functional Classification 170th Street Major Collector Eagleview Drive Minor Collector 179th Street (Future CSAH 9) A-Minor Arterial Diamond Path (Future CSAH 33) A-Minor Arterial Streets. The preliminary plat includes construction of the following streets: Street Functional Classification ROW Section Trail/ Sidewalk Street 17(179th Street) A-Minor Arterial 120ft. 23ft. divided Trail both sides Eagleview Drive Minor Collector 80ft. Sidewalk east side Street 8 Minor Collector 80ft. 32ft. Sidewalk both sides Streets 1-7, 9-16, 18-25 Local 60ft. 32ft. Sidewalk one side except cul- de-sac Future Diamond Path A-Minor Arterial 120ft. TBD TBD Street 6, Street 9, Street 11, Street 18, Street 19, and Street 23 all include permanent dead ends that are warranted by intersection spacing requirements, existing property boundaries, or natural features. Section 10-4-3.S.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that each cul-de-sac be a minimum of 150 feet and not more than 600 feet in length with a turnround at the closed end having a 60 foot radius. All of the cul-de-sac streets are less than 600 feet in length except Street 19. The length of the Street 19 cul-de-sac is 628 feet from the centerline of the intersecting street to the center of the turnaround radius requiring a variance in accordance with Section 10-6-2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The variance is warranted based on the natural elements of the site, including North Creek and wetlands, together with the site plan for the townhouses to the north of Block 23 and Outlot I. All right-of-way dedication, street design and construction plans (including cul-de-sac turnarounds) are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Townhouse Private Drives. The townhouses within Block 1, Block 21, and Block 22 of the preliminary plat are proposed to be accessed via private drives. The private drives comply with the standard established by Section 11-58-21.G.1 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide through connections or access to not more than six dwelling units for dead-ends. The private drives are shown to be 24 feet in width as required by Section 11-58-21.G.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7 There are sidewalks along the private drives labeled as Street 4 and Street 16. We recommend that the sidewalk shown on the inside perimeter of Street 16 be shifted to the outside perimeter of the private drive and that the sidewalks on both Street 4 and Street 16 be located directly behind the curb. The design and construction of the private drives are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Townhouse Guest Parking. Section 11-58-21.H.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance requires that townhouse dwellings provide 0.5 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit for guest parking. The submitted plans provide for 36 guest parking stalls in the area of the 71 townhouse dwellings within Block 1 and Block 5. There are 60 guest parking stalls in the area of the 110 townhouse dwellings within Block 21 and Block 22. The location and ratio of guest parking stalls for the townhouse dwellings comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Park Dedication. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies acquisition of land within the area of the subject site as part of the North Creek regional trail corridor, which enters the property at its west line just north of Street 17 and flows southeasterly to the south line of the property. Section 10-4-8 of the Subdivision Ordinance provides that the City may require dedication of a reasonable portion of buildable land within a subdivision for public park purposes, which is to be in addition to any private facilities the developer may propose as part of the development. The buildable area of the subject site for park dedication purposes is defined as the gross area of the subject site less right-of-way for arterial and major collector streets, wetlands, and floodplain. The gross area of the subject site is 298.93 acres and the preliminary plat identifies that the subdivision provides for dedication of 20.34 acres of right-of-way for arterial and major collector streets and within subject site is 23.35 acres of wetlands and 6.24 acres of floodplain. The net buildable area of the subject site is 249.00 acres. Based on 736 proposed dwelling units, the net development density of the proposed preliminary plat for park dedication purposes is 2.96 dwelling units per acre. Section 10-4-8.I of the Subdivision Ordinance states that the City may require dedication of up to 12 percent of the net buildable area of a preliminary plat for park purposes when the proposed density is less than 3.0 dwelling units per acre. Twelve percent of 249.00 acres is equal to 29.88 acres that the City may require to be dedicated to the City for park purposes. The preliminary plat identifies dedication of Outlots F and H to the City for park dedication purposes. Land to be dedicated for park purposes satisfying the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance is not to include rights- of-way, wetlands, wetland buffers, floodplain, or waterways in accordance with Section 10-4- 8.B of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat identifies the net area of land within Outlots F and H provided as dedication of land for the regional greenway corridor within the subject site as guided by the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan as 2.10 acres, all of which is within Outlot F. This equates to 8 7.0% of the required land dedication. The balance of the required park land dedication is to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land. The Developer will construct the trail within Outlot H providing a connection to the trails along 179th Street, which ultimately will connect to the planned Dakota County North Creek Greenway trail to the west. The City will reimburse the Developer for 100 percent of the costs for bituminous pavement and aggregate base for the trail construction within the greenway corridor. The amount of reimbursement, based on an estimate to be provided by the Developer’s engineer, will be credited to the Developer’s Park Dedication requirement with the future phase final plats. Satisfaction of park dedication requirements are to be subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Director, the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee, and approval of the City Council. Easements. Section 10-4-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 foot wide easements at the perimeter of all lots. The preliminary plat indicates dedication of the required easements for all of the single family lots. The preliminary plat dedicates drainage and utility easement over the townhouse base lots of Lot 61, Block 1; Lot 75, Block 21; and Lot 37, Block 22. The need to oversize any easements for overland drainage or public utilities or any open space lot/outlot retained by the HOA is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for the preliminary plat. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, stormwater management, and erosion control plan for the preliminary plat. Storm water basins, wetlands and wetland buffer areas are to be platted in outlots and deeded to the City in accordance with Section 10-4-4.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. All grading, drainage, and stormwater management issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Environmental Resources Manager. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes 12 outlots summarized in the table below regarding area, purpose, and ownership. Outlot Area Purpose Ownership A 2.20ac. Stormwater management City B 2.90ac. Stormwater management City C 4.04ac. Stormwater management City D 1.88ac. Stormwater management City E 6.34ac. Stormwater management City F 4.76ac. Stormwater management/park City G 9.14ac. Stormwater management City H 37.88ac. Stormwater management/park City 9 I 0.43ac. Open Space HOA J 0.78ac. Open Space HOA K 0.08ac. Monument sign HOA L 0.43ac. Open Space HOA Homeowners Association. Documents establishing a homeowners association must be submitted with application for final plat approval to address ownership and maintenance of private open space for the proposed townhouse dwelling units in accordance with Section 11- 58-19.B of the Zoning Ordinance. A separate HOA is also likely necessary due to the proposed open space and clubhouse facility accessible to the single family dwellings within the preliminary plat. The structure of the HOA and the documents establishing it are subject to review and approval of City staff in conjunction with consideration of a final plat application. Townhouse Building Plans. The developer has submitted building elevations and floor plans for the 181 proposed townhouse dwellings to evaluate compliance with design and construction standards established by Section 11-58-21.B and C of the Zoning Ordinance.  Building Materials. The exterior finish for the proposed townhouse building illustrates a stone wainscoting on the front of each building and the use of horizontal lap, board- and-batten, and shake style cement-fiber siding on the balance of the front elevation and on the entire side and rear elevations. The proposed materials comply with Section 11-59-21.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.  Building Height. The proposed townhouse buildings are two story structures with slab- on-grade foundations. The height of the proposed buildings is within the three stories or 35 feet allowed within the RM-2 District by Section 11-59-23 of the Zoning Ordinance.  Garages. Each townhouse dwelling is shown to have an attached garage that is 542 square feet in area by inside dimensions. The attached garages are 20.1 feet in width measured within the interior walls. The area and width of the proposed attached garages comply with Section 11-59-21.C of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. The developer has submitted a landscape plan for the preliminary plat that is to be subject to review and approval of the City Forester addressing:  Single Family Lots. The landscape plan is required to address the provisions of Section 11-21-9.C of the Zoning Ordinance including a minimum of two trees per single family lot. Based on 560 single family lots, 1,120 trees are required. The landscape plan summarizes that there are 808 street trees, plus buffer yard trees for a total of 1,980 trees. The single family lot and buffer yard requirements are separate and must be revised to indicate a minimum of two shade trees per lot plus landscaping required to comply with the separate buffer yard standards. Note that the street trees are actually installed in the front yard and not the public rights-of-way as required by Section 11-21- 9.C.4.f of the Zoning Ordinance. 10  Buffer Yard. Section 11-21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance requires a residential buffer yard be planted abutting 170th Street, Street 17 (179th Street), and Diamond Path to provide a minimum visual screen to a minimum height of 10 feet. The planting schedule on the landscape plan indicates that the proposed evergreen trees planted within the buffer yard are to be six feet in height. The landscape plan must add spot elevations for the proposed grading plan along 170th Street, Street 17, and Diamond Path to demonstrate that the proposed plantings will provide the required 10 foot minimum screening height. They types and species of the proposed plantings are to be subject to review and approval of the City Forester.  Townhouses. The townhouse base lots must each also address the landscape requirements of Section 11-58-21.I of the Zoning Ordinance including submission of a cost estimate for the proposed plantings with application for final plat approval. Again, the plantings required for the yards and foundations of the townhouse dwellings must be separated from the plantings required for the residential buffer yard by Section 11- 21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. We recommend that the developer provide separate information on the quantities and value of plantings for each block of townhouse dwellings to ensure that the landscaping is distributed appropriately within the development. Clubhouse. The developer has submitted site and building plans for an HOA clubhouse facility to be developed on Lot 1, Block 32. The clubhouse requires approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 11-57-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance.  A 30 foot setback from public rights-of-way is required for non-residential uses within the RST-2 District, which is indicated on the site plan. Community center buildings are required to provide a side yard setback double that required by the underlying zoning but not more than 30 feet, which for the proposed clubhouse building is 20 feet applicable to the north lot line. The off-street parking area is setback 15 feet from Street 1 as required by Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan complies with all required setbacks.  The submitted plans indicate that the proposed building has an exterior finish of stone veneer, two forms of fiber cement board siding, glass windows, metal trim, and asphalt shingles. The proposed exterior materials comply with the requirements applicable within the RST-2 District.  The proposed building is a one-story structure that is within the 35 foot height allowed for principal building within the RST-2 District.  The submitted plans identify the area of the clubhouse as 5,594 square feet. Section 11- 19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires community center uses to provide 10 parking stalls plus one parking stall per 300 square feet over 2,000 square feet. Based on the 11 floor area of the proposed clubhouse and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, 28 off-street parking stalls are required. The preliminary site plan provides 36 off-street parking stalls exceeding the number required. The site plan shows one ADA accessible stall is provided, but two stalls are required for parking lots with 26-50 stalls requiring the site plan to be modified.  The submitted landscape plan for the preliminary plat and the site plans for the clubhouse lot detail plant types, sizes, and quantities for the proposed landscaping. The landscape plan for the clubhouse property is to be subject to review and approval of the City Forester in compliance with the requirements of Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The developer has submitted an exterior lighting plan indicating the location, type and height of all exterior light fixtures and a photometric plan illustrating the intensity of the proposed exterior lighting in compliance with Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning Ordinance.  There is a trash storage area shown at the northwest corner of the off-street parking area. The developer has submitted a plan for an enclosure for the exterior trash and recycling containers that complies with the requirements of Section 11-18-11 of the Zoning Ordinance. Outlot I. The preliminary plat illustrates a HOA private park on Outlot I south of Street 17 (future 179th Street) and west of Street 1, which requires approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 11-57-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. No plans have been submitted for the private park, but the preliminary plat illustrates an envelope for installation of play equipment in the future. The proposed building envelope provides a 30 foot setback from Street 1 and Street 19 and 20 foot setback from the north and south lot line of the outlot. The site plan complies with all required setbacks and installation of play equipment in the future will require issuance of a building permit. Sign. The preliminary plat identifies Outlot K at the intersection of 170th Street and Street 1 for the purpose of locating a subdivision identification sign. Section 11-23-15.X of the Zoning Ordinance allows one subdivision identification sign at each entrance to a development from a collector or arterial street. Subdivision identification signs are limited to an area of 100 square feet and 10 feet in height and must be setback 15 feet from public rights-of-way. A sign permit is required to be approved by the Zoning Administrator for each subdivision identification sign in accordance with Section 11-23-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. CONCLUSION The proposed Brookshire preliminary plat is consistent with the land use and housing policies of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 12 Findings of fact supporting the approval of the Zoning Map amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Subdivision Ordinance variance have been drafted for consideration by the Planning Commission. Our office and City staff recommend approval of the applications be subject to the following stipulations: 1. The preliminary plat shall be revised to eliminate the double frontage lots within Block 24. 2. Park dedication shall be subject to the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee to be satisfied as: a. Outlots F and H shall be deeded to the City for 2.10 acres or 7.0 percent credit for the required park land dedication for the preliminary plat; b. The balance of the required park dedication shall be satisfied as a proportional cash fee in lieu of land equal to 93 percent of the cash fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. c. The City shall reimburse the developer for 100 percent of the costs for bituminous pavement and aggregate base for the trail construction within the Outlot H, based on an estimate to be provided by the developer’s engineer, will as a credit to the park dedication cash fee in lieu of land requirement with the final plat of future phases. 3. All right-of-way dedication and street design and construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All private drive design and construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. All drainage and utility easement shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All grading, drainage, stormwater management, wetland, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Outlots A, B, D, E, and G shall be dedicated to the City for stormwater management purposes. 13 9. The developer shall submit documents with application for final plat approval establishing a homeowners association to address ownership and maintenance of private open space for the proposed townhouse dwelling units in accordance with Section 11-58-19.B of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of City staff. 10. The landscape plan for the proposed preliminary plat shall be subject to review and approval of the City Forester in compliance with Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 11-58-21.I of the Zoning Ordinance, including the following: a. There shall be a minimum of two shade trees planted within each single family lot. b. The landscape plan for Blocks 1, 5, 21, and 22 shall individually comply with Section 11-59-21.I of the Zoning Ordinance. c. The residential buffer yard requirements of Section 11-21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance shall be in addition to the requirements of Section 11-21-9.C and 11- 59-21.I of the Zoning Ordinance. 11. Installation of play equipment within Outlot I shall be subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator and issuance of a building permit(s) as may be required. 12. Subdivision identification sign(s) shall comply with Section 11-23-15.X of the Zoning Ordinance subject to approval of a sign permit by the Zoning Administrator prior to installation. c. Justin Miller, City Administrator John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer Andrea McDowell-Poehler, City Attorney Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community City of Lakeville Brookshire Preliminary Plat Location MapPILOT KNOB ROAD (CSAH 31)170TH ST City of Farmington Brookshire Preliminary plat location Empire TownshipEAGLEVIEW DR173RD ST 179TH ST (FUTURE CSAH 9) EXHIBIT A STREET 2 STREET 3 STREET 19 STREET 9 STREET 17 STREET 8 7 8 6 15 STREET 25 9 151314121110987654321 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18192021222324252627282930 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21222324252627282930313233343536 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2827 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 171920 21 22 24 23 26 25 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131415161718 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920212223242526272829 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1817 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 112345 6 7 8 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 28 4123 5 76 118910 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 24 2223 25 27 26 28 3029 32 31 3334383536374639404142434445 7374 72 7071 6869 62 6766 65 64 63 6061 59 58525756555453514950 1 4847 11 23456 7 8910 151213 14 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 29 31 28 35 30 33 323436 123 54 6 7 89 1110 141312 15 16171819 20 2221 25 2324 26 29 2728 31 30 3332 34 35 39363738 45 404142 4344 49 46 4748 5150 5352 5554 56 57 1 32 45 678910 1COMMON LOT 62 1 44 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 1010 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 2122 2 3 5 23 23 24 26 26 28 27 29 29 30 31 31COMMON LOT 11COMMON LOT 75 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT F OUTLOT H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6789 25 OUTLOT I OUTLOT J 61,252 SF WETLAND IMPACT 170TH STREET WEST 170TH STREET WEST 58596061 OUTLOT L 1 32 34 26 26 34 34 26 26 34 1 2 3 4 2,550 SF 2,550 SF1,950 SF 1,950 SF STREET 4.8 21.2 21.2 4.8 4.8 21.2 21.2 4.8 15.0 11.011.0 15.015.0 11.011.0 15.0 623 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE OVERALL PRELIMINARY PLAT20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ########### ### OR ### 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING ZONING: RS-3PROPOSED ZONING: RM-1 (BLOCKS 1, 5, 21, 22) GROSS SITE AREA: 298.93 AC / 13,021,391 SF MAJOR R.O.W. (170TH ST., STREET 17 & FUTURE DIAMON PATH): 20.34 AC / 886,010 SF EXISTING WETLANDS: 23.35 AC / 1,017,126 SF FLOOD PLAIN (NOT WET): 6.24 AC / 271,814 SFNET SITE AREA: 249.00 AC / 10,846,440 PARK DEDICATION: 2.10 AC / 91,476 SF DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY MULTI-FAMILY TOWNHOMES:181 HOMES 55' SELECT / EXPRESS SELECT (B2,3,4,6,11(L1-10,13,14),27,28,29(L20-36)): 170 LOTS (30.6%) 70' RAISED RANCH / HORTON SINGLE FAMILY:385 LOTS (69.4%) TOTAL HOMES: 736 HOMES PROJECT OPEN SPACE: 70.86 AC / 3,086,661 SFSEE OUTLOT TABLE BELOW PROJECT DENSITY: MINIMUM LOT AREA SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA SINGLE FAMILY LOT STANDARDS 1. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST FOOT. 2. ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. 3. STREET NAMES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY. 4. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. 5. STREET WIDTHS ARE SHOWN FROM BACK OF CURB TO BACK OF CURB. DEVELOPMENT NOTES PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER LOT LINE POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL RETAINING WALL EXISTING PROPOSED TIP-OUT CURB AND GUTTER SITE LEGEND AVERAGE LOT AREA* MINIMUM LOT WIDTH MIN. CORNER LOT WIDTH SETBACKS FRONT SIDE INTERIOR LOT SIDE CORNER LOT REAR STANDARD 70' SINGLEFAMILY 55' SINGLEFAMILY 8,400 SF 11,731 SF 7,500 SF 8,787 SF 55' @ FRONT SBK 70' @ FRONT SBK 70' @ FRONT SBK 85' @ FRONT SBK 20' / 25' GARAGE 7'/7'; 14' TOTAL 20' 30' OUTLOT TABLE OUTLOT A GROSSAREA (AC)USE OWNERSHIP PONDING / OPEN SPACE CITY 2.20 AC B 2.90 AC C 4.04 AC D 1.88 AC E 6.34 AC PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 0'300'600'900' 1" = 300' SEE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION MINIMUM LOT DEPTH 130'125' 7'/7'; 14' TOTAL 20' 30' MULTI-FAMILY LOT STANDARDS SETBACKS FRONT TO R/W FRONT TO PRIVATE DRIVE SIDE TO R/W REAR STANDARD 25' TO GARAGE 30' TO GARAGE 25' 30' BETWEEN BUILDINGS 20' DENSITY 5,000 SF PER UNIT MIN. F 4.76 AC G 9.14 AC H 37.88 AC I 0.43 AC J 0.78 AC TYPICAL 70' SINGLE FAMILY LOT DETAIL 5' 7' 5' 70' 70' 21 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT TYPICAL LOTDIMENSION FRONT BUILDINGSETBACK BUILDING SETBACK LINE LOT NUMBER REAR BUILDINGSETBACK LOT LINEDRAINAGE &UTILITYEASEMENT ROADRIGHT-OF-WAY X,XXX SF LOT AREA TYPICAL 55' SINGLE FAMILY LOT DETAIL 5' 7' 5' 55' 55' 21 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT TYPICAL LOTDIMENSION FRONT BUILDINGSETBACK BUILDING SETBACK LINE LOT NUMBER REAR BUILDINGSETBACK LOT LINEDRAINAGE &UTILITYEASEMENT ROADRIGHT-OF-WAY X,XXX SF LOT AREA TYPICAL TOWNHOME DETAIL GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE DWY DWY DWY DWY 88 PARKING PROVISIONS: REQUIRED GUEST PARKING: 0.5 STALL PER UNIT X 177 UNITS = 90.5 STALLS PROVIDED GUEST PARKING: 96 STALLS CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY HOA HOA HOA PONDING / OPEN SPACE PONDING / OPEN SPACE PONDING / OPEN SPACE PONDING / OPEN SPACE PONDING PONDING / OPEN SPACE / PARK PONDING PARK OPEN SPACE MAX. BLDG COVERAGE 45%40% 20' / 25' GARAGE RST-2 (REMAINDER) SINGLE FAMILY HOMES:555 HOMES 5,303 SF/UNIT PROVIDED (OUTLOTS H TRAIL CORRIDOR, 20' AVG. WIDTH AS CALC.) *OVERALL AVERAGE LOT AREA: 10,789 SF K 0.08 ACHOAMONUMENT SIGN L 0.43 ACHOAOPEN SPACE PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACT:61,252 SF (1.406 AC) PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACT (VIA OFFSITE CREDIT PURCHASE):122,504 SF (2.812 AC) GROSSAREA (SF) 95,607 SF 126,208 SF 175,913 SF 81,783 SF 276,376 SF 207,396 SF 397,950 SF 1,650,141 SF 18,574 SF 34,098 SF 3,659 SF 18,801 SF EXHIBIT B POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH SAN61,252 SF WETLAND IMPACT STREET 3 STREET 8 085.7070.25 90.0076.0070.25 70.25 73.00 87.22 72.00 72.00 7 2 .5 0 72.5272.54 72.54 85.0071.0070.0070.5070.5070.5070.5070.5070.5070.5070.5074.0085.00 72.00 72.00 74.00 99.65 85.00 75.00 85.10 85.00 71.23 87.5472.0074.08 98.83 71.00 76.56 7 5.00 72.1172.11 69.0071.0071.0071.0071.0478.22 89.1685.00 71.0071.0071.0071.0055.29 55.29 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 71.00 72.5757.1557.1557.1557.1557.1557.1557.1557.1557.15 56.64 55.65 57.15 57.15 57.15 57.15 57.15 57.15 57.15 57.15 72.57 55.50 55.50 55.50 55.5055.50 55.50 55.51 55.51 55.51 55.51 77.27 151314121110 98765 43 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18192021222324252627282930 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 212223242526272829303132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 1 2 3 4 1 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 79 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425262728 29 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 11 10 14 13 12 15 1617 18 19 20 22 21 25 23 24 26 29 27 28 31 30 33 32 34 49 47 48 53 5051 52 55 54 57 56 5958 6061 1 32 45 6 7 8 9 10 9,740 sf 1 COMMON LOT 62 1 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 18 20 2 3 5 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 8,153 sf8,790 sf 8,436 sf9,145 sf8,044 sf 8,044 sf 8,238 sf 8,312 sf 8,482 sf 9,490 sf9,460 sf 9,173 sf 8,720 sf8,435 sf 10,153 sf 12,833 sf 11,674 sf 10,156 sf 17,992 sf 10,322 sf10,260 sf 10,500 sf 11,646 sf 11,221 sf 12,325 sf 14,727 sf 13,596 sf11,973 sf 13,620 sf 8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf8,019 sf 11,921 sf 11,400 sf 11,800 sf12,452 sf 10,446 sf 10,366 sf 10,499 sf 9,853 sf 10,336 sf 8,475 sf8,772 sf8,805 sf 8,251 sf 13,054 sf 8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf8,001 sf 8,001 sf8,001 sf 8,720 sf 7,735 sf 8,157 sf 8,908 sf 9,160 sf 7,902 sf 7,652 sf 9,108 sf 8,702 sf 8,458 sf 9,967 sf 8,950 sf 9,068 sf 8,229 sf 8,595 sf 8,431 sf 8,508 sf 8,860 sf 9,249 sf 9,246 sf 8,785 sf 10,813 sf 8,077 sf 7,930 sf 7,930 sf 10,509 sf 8,597 sf 8,355 sf 8,186 sf 7,652 sf 10,889 sf 9,729 sf 10,262 sf 9,872 sf 12,447 sf 9,733 sf 9,783 sf 9,684 sf 9,430 sf 9,585 sf 11,475 sf 9,627 sf 9,585 sf 9,585 sf 9,960 sf 12,118 sf 11,392 sf 9,722 sf 11,434 sf 11,373 sf 9,775 sf 12,065 sf 9,360 sf 9,302 sf 14,129 sf 10,352 sf 9,698 sf10,296 sf10,629 sf10,540 sf 9,989 sf 11,183 sf 9,135 sf 9,291 sf 11,271 sf 9,922 sf 11,732 sf10,125 sf 14,140 sf 11,666 sf 24,422 sf 14,765 sf 10,160 sf 10,160 sf 13,350 sf 10,031 sf 10,103 sf 10,188 sf 9,408 sf 9,516 sf 11,269 sf 9,407 sf 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 5 57 51 73575757575757575767 5747669 40 56 56 56 57 542 26269 7369 138 66 75 68 17 67 961 92 222 30 104 71206 105 53 107585 70 11276 91 76 95 92 427586 63 7 5 22 41 41156735656565655 8656565656 671101 837198 73575757577 161 29 4486 4785 9285 7137148 145 63 84 147 7140 147 125354 4735757575757575745 535353 877 13255 60 55 65 55 64 55 64 55 65 55 5567 5557 65 53 56 55 56 55 56 55 56 77365 51575 3151 0132133 113491 79 1357322 7377 135 135 8135 1871992408 41 684 84 8213387 69 69 131 229 70 1304577 145148 7 867 7 8 61137286 22 130130 130 136 136 180 190 165 170 165 180 165 193 165 201 165 199 165 165 171 693985 145 141 142 143 132 132 2605 10,309 sf 10,305 sf 7,729 sf 425 13955 56OUTLOT J STREET 2 8 8,840 sf 8,714 sf 8,682 sf 7,548 sf 7,635 sf 7,660 sf7,660 sf7,660 sf7,660 sf7,620 sf 8,598 sf 8,436 sf 7,753 sf 7,505 sf 7,563 sf 7,627 sf 8,494 sf 8,288 sf8,750 sf 7,673 sf 7,659 sf7,659 sf7,659 sf7,659 sf7,659 sf7,659 sf7,659 sf 9,020 sf 8,911 sf 7,696 sf 8,266 sf 8,358 sf 11,400 sf 11,730 sf9,407 sf 170TH STREET WEST 170TH STREET WEST 11,712 sf 126,208 sf 9,879 sf 12,121 sf 9,681 sf 9,511 sf 9,494 sf 9,456 sf OUTLOT K3 9,646 sf 10,583 sf 10,875 sf 10,006 sf 12,302 sf 12,121 sf 12,439 sf 10,352 sf 12,784 sf 86 9068 54 32 5129 156 4175 17515175 175 175 13,158 sf10,931 sf 34,098 sf 8,701 sf 7,851 sf 7,818 sf 29,862 sf 15,174 sf 230,574 sf 787,923 sf 21 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 34 26 26 34 34262634 34 26 26 34 34262634 34 26 26 34 34262634 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 3,660 sf 97 81,783 sf 9,546 sf 14,027 sf 12,338 sf 11,749 sf 12,479 sf 11,633 sf 95,607 sf 13,122 sf 11,632 sf 13,590 sf 14,515 sf 14,025 sf 11,811 sf 14,739 sf 12,337 sf 13,718 sf 12,337 sf 13,015 sf 12,338 sf 12,304 sf 165 170 180 165 98 193 165 201 199 190 180 9,857 sf 9,873 sf 10,684 sf 10,732 sf 9,648 sf 67 61 22158 40 2605 85 2751 518 641 22 85 1518 1OUTLOT L18,801 sf 247 175,914 sf 41 84 37415 68 6 4 9 10 7 1 125,910 sf 32 55555580 80 80 60R/W 32B-B 20 60 R/W 32B-B 6020 60R/W 32B-B 60R/W 32B-B32 60R/W 32B-B POND 32R/W5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK POND POND POND WETLAND EDGE OF WETLAND 5' SIDEWALK 60 8036805' SIDEWALK POND 60R/W 16B-B 16B-B 8' TRAIL 8' TRAIL 24B-B POND OVERHEAD LINES TO BE BURIED Drainage & UtilityEasement over all ofLot 62, Block 1 Drainage &UtilityEasementover allof Lot 11,Block 5 HOA AMENITY AREA(TBD) Drainage & Utility Easementover all of Outlot A 624 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY PLAT 20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' STREET 9 STREET 17 7 8 6 15 S T R E E T 1 1 68.29 83.92 71.0071.50 71.50 84.82 75.0170.50 75.01 70.50 75.54 75.00 75.0073.5285.4590.4370.7575.2570.7575.2570.7585.0070.5071.53 80.6770.50101.25 70.0270.65 86.92 72.00 10 11 12 13 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 24 23 26 25 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111819 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 32 33 34 1 412 3 5 76 1189 10 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 24 22 23 25 27 26 28 30 29 32 313334383536374639404142434445 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 6061 59 58 52 57565554535149 50 1 4847 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15121314 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 29 31 28 35 30 33 32 34 36 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 2122 23 26 31 COMMON LOT 75 COMMON LOT 37 OUTLOT D OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT F 10,906 sf 10,594 sf 9,938 sf 10,860 sf 10,013 sf 9,938 sf 9,938 sf 11,303 sf 9,517 sf11,674 sf 9,629 sf 10,310 sf 11,684 sf 10,287 sf 10,274 sf 11,070 sf 10,446 sf 9,818 sf 10,005 sf 9,917 sf 9,444 sf 10,045 sf 11,675 sf 10,813 sf 10,777 sf 10,906 sf 9,860 sf 13,189 sf 9,936 sf 15,057 sf 10,274 sf 14,031 sf 10,814 sf 13,378 sf 10,616 sf 10,360 sf 10,319 sf 10,360 sf 10,360 sf 10,651 sf 11,891 sf 16,582 sf19,954 sf 11,614 sf 13,721 sf 11,878 sf 9,558 sf 9,989 sf 11,183 sf 9,135 sf 9,291 sf 9,922 sf 11,841 sf 9,783 sf 9,783 sf 9,197 sf 11,116 sf 13,104 sf 12,766 sf 14,005 sf 10,931 sf 10,971 sf 11,811 sf 12,248 sf 12,248 sf 11,475 sf 9,360 sf 9,360 sf 9,360 sf 10,060 sf 13,910 sf 9,922 sf 9,897 sf 11,778 sf 12,190 sf 12,211 sf 18,843 sf 12,807 sf 13,106 sf 13,038 sf 12,816 sf 11,666 sf 12,357 sf 11,766 sf 14,332 sf 28,739 sf 25,398 sf 12,002 sf 12,002 sf 13,779 sf 22,492 sf 2,550 sf 18,575 sf15,607 sf 9,490 sf9,490 sf 9,490 sf 9,490 sf 12,714 sf 23,260 sf 11,513 sf 12,039 sf 12,017 sf 12,811 sf 12,225 sf 10,779 sf 10,961 sf 11,296 sf 13,600 sf 12,023 sf 9,964 sf 13,354 sf 11,445 sf 13,243 sf 13,679 sf 12,086 sf 15,404 sf 11,053 sf 11,296 sf 207,396 sf 14,103 sf 13,738 sf 13,515 sf 13,187 sf 12,622 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 11,054 sf 9,937 sf 26,722 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf79 50 75 75 75 12664130 84 789780 13579 7958 86 143 14372149 141 116 1327 37537 0 143 86 50 73 51 68686317 67 901147472 74 203 180 61 131136 148 1333 3711413757 9130 169 165 160 164 1771 6184 186 182 176 170 162 171 170 170 170 75 75 47 51 114 118 2 73 73 73 73 9 122 73 73 73 73 129 1455152 161 162 172 148 136 150 66 75 342626262634 34 26 26 26 26 34 3 4 3 4 342626262634 34 26 26 26 26 34 4114168161 7 5 268 17 71 72 13 283122 1452471 75 75 75 75 95.46 STREET 16 70.42 11,242 sf 10,464 sf 1 2 3 4 5 6 773.0073.0073.0073.00 OUTLOT I STREET 16 122,046 sf 14,532 sf 12,146 sf 15,568 sf 22,905 sf 23,299 sf 17,710 sf 18,130 sf 15,941 sf 10,703 sf 16,854 sf 11,616 sf 11,473 sf COMMON LOT 75 13,489 sf 300,868 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 1,950 sf 2,550 sf 2,550 sf 1,950 sf 459 34 26 26 26 34 3426262634 34262634 34 26 26 34 34 26 26 26 34 3426262634 75 75 3426262634 34 26 26 26 34 3426262634 34 26 26 26 34 3426262634 34 26 26 26 34 34 26 26 26 26 34 342626262634 34 26 26 26 34 3426262634 75 75 342626262634 34 26 26 26 26 34 3426262634 34 26 26 26 34 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 12,372 sf 10,719 sf 10,412 sf 17,159 sf 10,831 sf 276,376 sf 15,504 sf 13,501 sf 12,362 sf 14,029 sf 9,525 sf 11,475 sf 12,521 sf 13,975 sf 11,107 sf 13,375 sf 13,231 sf 13,231 sf 8199136 150 517132 411,289 sf 9,667 sf 9,546 sf 81,783 sf 9,546 sf 12,674 sf9,356 sf 9,210 sf 9,154 sf 9,246 sf 9,445 sf 9,449 sf 9,333 sf 9,173 sf 9,353 sf 397,950 sf 9,304 sf 12,960 sf 12,852 sf 9,537 sf 9,675 sf 9,728 sf 9,974 sf 10,292 sf 62 69 67 61 851 6 4 87979 147272139 145 9,038 sf 8,938 sf 4 4 13 124 4 2 2 2 7 6 80 80 80 POND POND POND POND POND POND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND 5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK 10' TRAIL 10' TRAIL 10' TR A IL10' TRA IL60R/W 32B-B R/W B-B B-B 22 21 28 24B-B 24B-B TOT LOT 8' TRAIL 66 70 62 63FEMA FLOODWAY Drainage & UtilityEasement over all ofLot 75, Block 21 Drainage & Utility Easementover all of Outlot G Drainage & Utility Easementover all of Outlot E Drainage & Utility Easementover all of Outlot F 625 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY PLAT 20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' POHPOH STREET 19 STREET 25 71.3555.5058.14 72.50 73.39 58.14 58.14 85.67 85.0070.50 72.50 71.50 71.50 85.0070.5070.50 85.00 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 112345 6 7 8 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 28 72.88 23 23 24 26 26 28 27 27 29 2929 30 31 31 OUTLOT H 9,706 sf 9,518 sf 10,128 sf 12,644 sf 13,659 sf 11,764 sf 10,431 sf 13,415 sf 18,001 sf 13,388 sf 18,575 sf15,607 sf 11,471 sf 9,490 sf9,490 sf 9,490 sf 9,490 sf 9,275 sf 9,275 sf 12,842 sf 10,636 sf 10,636 sf 12,112 sf12,749 sf11,631 sf 11,501 sf 11,820 sf 11,776 sf 11,676 sf 11,815 sf 9,900 sf 10,086 sf 10,756 sf 10,107 sf 9,341 sf 9,672 sf 9,673 sf 10,319 sf 16,317 sf 9,673 sf 9,672 sf 9,673 sf 13,739 sf9,672 sf 9,673 sf11,283 sf 9,341 sf 7,747 sf 7,565 sf 8,477 sf 7,559 sf 7,559 sf9,867 sf 7,559 sf 11,922 sf 11,927 sf 11,925 sf 11,260 sf 11,263 sf 12,714 sf 10,706 sf 7,493 sf 7,493 sf 7,493 sf 7,510 sf 7,493 sf 7,493 sf 7,493 sf 7,493 sf 9,425 sf 7,493 sf 8,517 sf 7,493 sf 8,224 sf 7,914 sf 7,931 sf 7,639 sf 12,160 sf 12,000 sf 14,843 sf 24,823 sf 23,260 sf 18,323 sf 9,011 sf 9,893 sf 9,768 sf 13,044 sf 9 1 2 5 147 77 77373168 7125 695151 1417135 135 137 7150150 225 47 158 2 73 73 73 73 9 55 70 70 70 39 11071 70 80 70 80 70 95 84 87 80 80 5060999 11 8 71 85 71 85 90 73 73 73 86 73 163 73 74 104 90 73 73 58 512 90 73 73 73 73 73 104647185 143 137 6136 65 58 156 156 58 73 151149 138 4484 13647 82 58 58 58 72 11141 141 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 146 25 79 140 160 160 160207 19 22 1781 319 136 3158,105 sf 170 80 70.42 11,242 sf 10,464 sf 73.00 103.6973.0073.0073.0090.00 73.00 90.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 73.0073.0073.0073.00 70.00 90.00 80.27 80.27 70.00 90.00 83.00 1 2 3 4 5 6789 70.00 25 83.45 9,275 sf 10,234 sf 55.50 72.00 28 9,000 sf 9,000 sf 11,145 sf 8 125 75 11,597 sf 10,542 sf 8,232 sf 7,671 sf 7,603 sf 7,651 sf 10,472 sf 8,421 sf 9,978 sf 8,355 sf 7,798 sf 7,798 sf 7,969 sf 8,313 sf 7,996 sf 7,745 sf 21,120 sf 8,186 sf 10,096 sf 15,098 sf 9,860 sf 14,464 sf 9,826 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,860 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 9,435 sf 11,900 sf 138 141 141 140 141 141 141 141 141 147 153 33 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 10,897 sf 10,418 sf 9,892 sf 13,489 sf 1,650,141 sf 11,443 sf 10,073 sf 9,704 sf 12,096 sf 9,194 sf 9,728 sf 9,974 sf 10,292 sf 9,681 sf 9,295 sf 9,456 sf 10,148 sf 10,568 sf 62 69 750 510485199 11,125 sf 12,455 sf 12,467 sf 11,797 sf 10,152 sf 9,544 sf 9,355 sf 9,038 sf 8,938 sf 7,745 sf 7,745 sf 7,745 sf 8,846 sf 8,875 sf 8,979 sf 7,975 sf 4914110047 10,264 sf 12,945 sf 12,691 sf 11,633 sf 10,579 sf 11,368 sf 10,424 sf 12,691 sf 12,248 sf 80 80 POND POND POND POND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND WETLAND 5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK5' SI DEWALK60 R/W 32B-B 60R/W 32B-B 60R/W 32B-B TOT LOT 208' TRAIL 8' TRAIL 8' TRAIL 8' TRAIL 8' TRAIL8' TRAIL R 4 6FEMA FLOODWAYZONE AE TOTAL CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH FROM CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE OF INTERSECTION WITH STREET 1 TO CENTER OF SAC IS 628' TOTAL CUL-DE-SAC LENGTH FROM CENTERLINE/CENTERLINE OF INTERSECTION WITH STREET 25 TO CENTER OF SAC IS 597' FEMA FLOODPLAINZONE AE FEMA FLOODPLAIN0.2% ANNUAL FLOOD CHANCE Drainage & Utility Easementover all of Outlot H 626 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY PLAT 20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH PUGPUGPUGSAN STO 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 510 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 1+00.00 STREET 3 151314121110 98765 43 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18192021222324252627282930 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 1 15 16 17 18 19 1617 18 19 20 22 21 25 23 24 26 29 27 28 31 30 33 32 34 49 47 48 53 50 51 52 55 54 57 56 5958 60 61 5+44.18 1 COMMON LOT 62 4 4 2 3 OUTLOT J STR 170TH STREET WEST OUTLOT K3 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF 41.4 0% 2.52%1.34%1.34%2.00%2.00% LP 13+08.14ELEV 933.36 0 1.04%0.60% HP 8+03.13 ELEV 931.24 LP 10+21.68 ELEV 929.29 ELEV 928.28 931.88930.34 929.35 929.69 930.29 930.89 931.49 1.92%0.92%1.92% HP 12+97.63ELEV 941.696 941.69 940.44 9 34.12% 5.18% 4.68% 8.37% 4.74% 7.92% 6.94% 7.10% 4.59% 7.77% 5.89% 7.81% 4.75% 7.64% 4.63% 7.80% 4.78% 7.79% 4.78% 5.43% 8.12% 5.43% 8.13% 7.38% 4.92% 7.66% 5.11% 7.91% 4.78% 3.60% 6.49% 5.18% 8.08% 628 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY EXHIBIT C POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH STO 1 2 3 6 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 1+00.00 1+00.00 151314 14 15 16 17 18192021 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 815 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 1+00.00 4 7 8 9 9OUTLOT A STREET 2 170TH STREET WEST OUTLOT K OUTLOT L SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF POND - 12 BOTT = 913.0 OUTLET = 923.0 10YR = 925.0 100YR = 927.7 1.34%1.34%2.00%2.00%0 HP 16+82.28 ELEV 936.62 LP 13+08.14ELEV 933.36 931.88930.89 931.49 0.60%0.60%0.95%0 2.00%2.00% LP 2+09.24ELEV 934.30 941.27 934.89 934.32 934.99 940.46 3 HP 7+57.02ELEV 942.55 LP 3+04.53 ELEV 940.58 POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SFPOST-SF POST-SF 629 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY PUGSTO 1+00.00 14 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 212223242526272829303132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 78 1 2 1213 14 15 1 2 3 4 28 29 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 11 10 14 13 12 15 16 17 60 61 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 6 6 7 10 11 11 12 5 OUTLOT C 1 32SFSFSFSFSF SFSFLP 12+18.14 ELEV 928.50 HP 14+07.80ELEV 930.15 ELEV 928.28 LP 1+60.06ELEV 925.33 0.80%0.60% LP 10+19.76 ELEV 929.40 LP 11+44.96 ELEV 928.98 HP 13+67.86 ELEV 930.21 075 92930.02 0.60%1.44%1.44% LP 1+56.36 ELEV 925.27 HP 4+05.00ELEV 926.66 LP 7+85.00ELEV 924.50 LP 9+75.00 ELEV 924.14 925.80 925.48 926 08 926 6 LP 20+98.85ELEV 925.77 HP 19+41.92ELEV 926.53 POND - 10 BOTT = 909.0 OUTLET = 919.0 10YR = 920.9 100YR = 923.6 7.79% 4.78% 6.91% 4.21% 8.26% 5.98% 6.69% 8.00% 5.88% 7.82% 5.79% 7.71% 5.36% 7.09% 4.69% 6.29% 6.42% 5.74% 4.70% 7.10% 5.49% 7.87% 7.81% 5.78% 8.10% 5.72% 7.95% 7.97% ??? EOF 925.5 INFILTRATION AREA - 10 BOTT = 918.6 OUTLET = 919.0 10YR = 920.9 100YR = 923.6 61,252 SF WETLAND IMPACT 6210 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH12 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28STREET 8 212223 13 14 1 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 8 9 10111213 14 15 8 79 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425262728 29 6 7 9 10 10 10 OUTLOT B 8 1 32 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFINFILTRATION AREA - 11 BOTT = 918.6 OUTLET = 919.0 10YR = 921.0 100YR = 923.7 LP 12+18.14 ELEV 928.50 HP 14+07.80ELEV 930.15 LP 8+97.14ELEV 941.82 HP 11+68.42ELEV 944.78 1.55% 0 5 8 0 .5 8 % 2.13% HP 7+68.69ELEV 932.50 LP 10+19.76 ELEV 929.40 LP 11+44.96 ELEV 928.98 LP 6+50.32ELEV 931.92 941.749.50 932.29 075 5.00%5.00%0.6 0%2.00% LP 20+93.02 ELEV 930.08 946.00 93 0 64 931.72 935.12 939.60 941.80 943.79 945.79 HP 10+65.54 ELEV 952.42 POST-SFPOST-SF P O S T -S F P O S T -S F POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF??? ??? POND - 11 BOTT = 909.0 OUTLET = 919.0 10YR = 921.0 100YR = 923.7 6211 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY 14 7 8 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 141516 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 416 17 18 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 24 23 26 25 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 4 12 5 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 OUTLOT D 11SFSFSF SFSFPOND - 6 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 917.2 100YR = 919.0 POND - 8 BOTT = 908.0 OUTLET = 918.0 10YR = 920.0 100YR = 922.3 LP 16+60.99ELEV 927.53 HP 25+81.99 ELEV 926.69 LP 29+05.00ELEV 924.88 0 60 LP 7+85.00ELEV 924.50 LP 9+75.00 ELEV 924.14 924.68 0.00%0.00%0.60%060% LP 1+61.54 ELEV 925.62 HP 3+40.79 ELEV 926.60 925.76 INFINITY5.8 0 6 LP 2+01.19ELEV 924.72 H P 3 + 7 5.0 0LP 5+70.04ELEV 924.59 HP 10+13.00ELEV 925.77 LP 30+24.49ELEV 924.94 LP 8+77.71ELEV 925.07 3 925.29 HP 23+83.84ELEV 927.30 LP 20+98.85ELEV 925.77 0LP 2+58.76ELEV 924.22LP 5+40.05 ELEV 924.28 HP 4+05.94ELEV 924.98POST-SFPOST-SFPOST-SFPOST-SFPOST-SFPOST-SF6212 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH7 8 14 22 23 24 25 26 27 28STREET 8 16 17 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 4 5 6 17 18 18 19 20 20 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFPOND - 6 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 917.2 100YR = 919.0 LP 16+60.99ELEV 927.53 0 6 0 % 5.00%5.00%0.60%2.00% LP 20+93.02 ELEV 930.08 946.00 924 .68 9 30 64 931.72 935.12 939.60 941.80 943.79 945.79 1933.10 % LP 2+48.21 ELEV 923.89 933.49 930.0 4 93 HP 4+05.94ELEV 924.98 POST-SFPOST-SFPOST-SF??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 6213 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY 6 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 4 5 8 7 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 8 1 2 3 4 5 36 3 2 12 13 13 15 16 16 17 COMMON LOT 37 OUTLOT E 21SFSF POND - 5 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9 LP 34+10.00 ELEV 923.22 HP 35+82.69ELEV 924.0924 6 7 LP 24+90.79 ELEV 920.34 .0 010 0HP 13+50.00ELEV 925.30 LP 14+75.00 ELEV 924.68 HP 16+23.24 ELEV 925.45 LP 18+96.59ELEV 923.52 HP 21+53.75ELEV 925.85 LP 23+75.00ELEV 924.64 HP 25+00.00 ELEV 925.26 9 5 925.41 714 0 HP 32+39.38 ELEV 924.61 LP 29+74.35 ELEV 923.43 LP 37+74.93 ELEV 921.80 9 2 4 0HP 4+05.94 ELEV 924.98 P O S T -S F POST-SFINFILTRATION AREA - 6 BOTT = 914.3 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 917.2 100YR = 919.0 POND - 4 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 919.0 6214 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH50' EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY PER MICS. RECORD BOOK 34, PAGE 338 (VERY HARD TO READ) EASEMENT IS IN THE W 1/2 OF THE W 1/2 OF SEC. 7, TWP. 114, RGE. 19, THE CENTERLINE IS PARALLEL TO & 25' EAST OF THE WEST SECTION LINE OF SEC. 7 2526 STREET 17 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 33 34 8910 11 412 3 5 76 1189 10 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 22 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 1 2 3 4 5 29 31 28 35 30 33 32 34 36 35 36 37 38 39 40 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 20 20 21 COMMON LOT 75 COMMON LOT 37 OUTLOT E STREET 16 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFPOND - 5 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9 LP 27+30.13 ELEV 924.18 LP 30+31.47 ELEV 922.27 929.28928.68 9 2 0.96 %0.96% HP 10+20.01 LP 4+22.61ELEV 921.97LP 3+25.15ELEV 921.86 9 2 9 .0 3 922.52 923.48 925.35 927.27 0 6 7 %2.00%2.64%2.64% 6 7 936.58 9 2 4 3 4 926 81 92 7.65 929.30 931.76 934.16 936.21 HP 4+05.94 ELEV 924.98 P O S T -S F POST-SF7.11%5.43% 5.41% 5.85% 5.78% ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????????? INFILTRATION AREA - 6 BOTT = 914.3 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 917.2 100YR = 919.0 6215 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 32 33 1 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 36 44 5+63.03 16 23 31 OUTLOT G OUTLOT F TPF TPF POND - 5 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 918.9 0.60% 923.69923.65.LP 44+66.57ELEV 925.08 LP 37+74.93 ELEV 921.80 LP 40+35.44 ELEV 924.04 2 3 2 9 PO ST-SFP O ST-SFEOF 916.1 EOF 916.1 8.08% 7.98% 7.04% 6.94% 7.17% 7.27% WETLAND - 2 OUTLET = 916.2 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 918.9 WETLAND - 3 OUTLET = 916.2 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 918.9 TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) POND - 3 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 919.0 END STREET CONSTRUCTION 15+95;FUTURE EXTENSION BY OTHERS ALL POND EXCAVATION BELOWWATER TABLE MAY REQUIREDEWATERING; CONTRACTOR TOOBTAIN DEWATERING PERMIT IF NECESSARY. 17' WETLAND BUFFER 6216 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTREET 19 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 20 18 19 21 24 22 23 25 26 323334383536374639404142434445 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 60 61 59 58 52 5756555453514950 1 4847 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15121314 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 2928 35 30 3334 36 3 4 5 6 7 8 121314151617 1920 2 3 4 5 205+63.03 21 2122 24 26 OUTLOT G STREET 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 25 OUTLOT I STREET 16 COMMON LOT 75 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFPOND - 5 BOTT = 905.0 OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 918.9 LP 34+60.32 ELEV 922.12 LP 31+81.36ELEV 922.08 LP 30+31.47 ELEV 922.27 0.81% 0 60 0.81% 0.9 6 % 0.60% 0.96% HP 10+20.01 ELEV 931.14 LP 4+22.61 ELEV 921.97LP 3+25.15 ELEV 921.86 LP 17+10.47 ELEV 922.60923.69 9 2 9 .0 3 922.52 923.48 925.35 927.27 926.20924.98924.17923.35922.61 923.05923.65 PVI 4+52.00 ELEV 923.69 7.11%5.43% 5.41% 7.05% 4.37% 7.05% 7.33% 5.85% 5.78% 7.19% 4.18% 7.17% 8.03% 8.08% 7.98% 7.04% 6.94% 7.17% 7.27% WETLAND - 3 OUTLET = 916.2 10YR = 916.9 100YR = 918.9 T P FTREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) 0.60% % PVI 19+26.00 ELEV 924.22 922.44 923.03 923.63 92 4 2 4 6217 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOH 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 29 30 1 2 3 3 430 31 OUTLOT H POND - 2 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.4 POND - 3 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.6 0.60%0.60%92 4 .0 4 .5 0 LP 53+44.95ELEV 925.47 LP 48+95.00 ELEV 925.46 LP 44+66.57ELEV 925.08 HP 51+20.00 ELEV 926.70 6 POST-SFPOST-SFTREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) POND - 1 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9 100YR = 917.6 POND - 3 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.6 ALL POND EXCAVATION BELOWWATER TABLE MAY REQUIREDEWATERING; CONTRACTOR TOOBTAIN DEWATERING PERMITIF NECESSARY. 6218 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH63+38.92 STREET 25 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 3 2 112345 6 727 28 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1011121314 21+23.76 23 24 26 27 OUTLOT H 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6789 25 SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFBOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.4 HP 38+60.10 ELEV 924.36 LP 41+81.80 ELEV 921.59 0 0 1.52%0.60%1.18%%0.60%0.60%1.18%0.61% LP 53+44.95ELEV 925.47 LP 48+95.00 ELEV 925.46 HP 51+20.00 ELEV 926.70 LP 57+97.16 ELEV 922.25 926.50 6 2 924.82 923.30 921.91 922.13 922.73 924.22 925.40 LP 39+39.23 ELEV 922.77 HP 44+00.00 ELEV 927.38 ??? ??? 2.00%2.00%0.60% PVI 16+96.00 ELEV 925.60 HP 7+99.99 LP 12+84.97ELEV 923.22 925 1924.27923.37922.76923.24923.82 POND - 1 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9 100YR = 917.6 6219 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY 3 7 8 29 SF SFTPFTREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE(TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) POND - 1 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9 100YR = 917.6 POND - 2 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.4 6220 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY XPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 58 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 1+00.00 53+47.34 28 27 29 2929 28 SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFTPFPOND - 1 BOTT = 904.0 OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9 100YR = 917.6 0 HP 46+45.53ELEV 923.29 LP 47+14.76ELEV 922.94 LP 58+47.47 ELEV 923.38 HP 56+97.67 ELEV 924.18 LP 55+15.09 ELEV 923.21 HP 54+38.00ELEV 923.56 HP 49+77.50 ELEV 924.40 HP 59+97.50 ELEV 924.16 9 7 LP 6+25.65ELEV 923.84 POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF POST-SF ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.) TREEPROTECTIONFENCE(TYP.) 6221 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 50' 10' OR 5' 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . EXISTING PROPOSED GRADING LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SOIL BORING LOCATION INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION900.00 900.00 HIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00 PROPOSED TOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW FLOW DIRECTION0.00% TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XX E.O.F. CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00 PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX% EXISTING PROPOSED STO STORM SEWER TREE LINE RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK) GRADING LIMITSGL POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL WETLAND LINE PROPOSED WETLAND FILL WETLAND BUFFER POND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCH WETLAND BUFFER LIMITS WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT DO NOT DISTURBDNDFEMA FLOOD WAY 1 2 3 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 1+00.00 12 8 14 1+00.00 1 2 3 14 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1+00.00 151314121110 98765 43 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18192021222324252627282930 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 212223242526272829303132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 1 2 3 1 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 79 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425262728 29 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 11 10 14 13 12 15 1617 18 19 20 22 21 25 23 24 26 29 27 28 31 30 33 32 34 49 47 48 53 5051 52 55 54 57 56 5958 6061 1 32 45 6 7 8 9 10 5+44.18 12 1+00.00 1 COMMON LOT 62 1 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 14 18 2 3 5 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D OUTLOT J 8 OUTLOT K3 OUTLOT L 1 32 XXXXXXXXXXPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH XXXPOND - 8BOTT = 908.0OUTLET = 918.010YR = 920.0 100YR = 922.3 INFILTRATIONAREA - 11BOTT = 918.6 OUTLET = 919.010YR = 921.0100YR = 923.7 POND - 12BOTT = 913.0 OUTLET = 923.010YR = 925.0100YR = 927.7 POND - 10 BOTT = 909.0OUTLET = 919.010YR = 920.9100YR = 923.6 INFILTRATIONAREA - 10BOTT = 918.6OUTLET = 919.010YR = 920.9 100YR = 923.6 POND - 11BOTT = 909.0OUTLET = 919.0 10YR = 921.0100YR = 923.7 REMOVE PLUGAND CONNECT TOEXISTING 12" WM SALVAGE HYDRANT ANDREDUCER AND CONNECTTO EXISTING 12" WM 12" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 6223 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . SAN EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WAT WATER MAIN WAT HYDRANT DRAIN TILE UTILITY LEGEND 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANDNOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAINAND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENTADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES ASOUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THEPROPERTY LIMITS. 4. VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONSPRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES S DT EXHIBIT D 7 8 2526 S T R E E T 2 4 STREET 17 7 8 6 15 10 11 12 13 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 4 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 24 23 26 25 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 4123 5 76 118910 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 24 22 23 25 27 26 28 30 29 32 313334383536374639404142434445 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 6061 59 58 52 5756555453514950 1 4847 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15121314 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 29 31 28 35 30 33 32 34 36 12 2 4 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 5 6 7 8 9 1314151617 1920 5+63.03 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 2122 23 COMMON LOT 75 COMMON LOT 37 OUTLOT D OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT F STREET 16311 21 OUTLOT I STREET 16 COMMON LOT 75 PARCEL 4 POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOND - 5BOTT = 905.0OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 916.9100YR = 918.9 POND - 6 BOTT = 905.0OUTLET = 915.0 10YR = 917.2100YR = 919.0 WETLAND - 2OUTLET = 916.210YR = 916.9100YR = 918.9 INFILTRATIONAREA - 6BOTT = 914.3 OUTLET = 915.010YR = 917.2100YR = 919.0 POND - 4BOTT = 905.0OUTLET = 915.010YR = 916.9100YR = 919.0 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM FUTURE EXTENSIONOF WATERMAINBY OTHERS. FEMA FLOODWAY 6224 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . SAN EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WAT WATER MAIN WAT HYDRANT DRAIN TILE UTILITY LEGEND 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANDNOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAINAND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENTADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES ASOUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THEPROPERTY LIMITS. 4. VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONSPRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES S DT 63+38.92 STREET 19 STREET 25 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 112345 6 7 8 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 28 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 2 3 4 5 1011121314 15 1 9 21+23.76 3 1+00.00 53+47.34 23 23 24 26 26 28 27 27 29 2929 30 31 31 OUTLOT H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6789 25 28 EXCEPTION PARCEL 5 EXCEPTION/PARCEL 7 PARCEL 6 XXXX POHPOH XXXXXXXXXXXXEXCEPTION POND - 2BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.010YR = 916.0100YR = 917.4 POND - 3BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0100YR = 917.6 POND - 1 BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9100YR = 917.6 WETLAND - 3OUTLET = 916.210YR = 916.9100YR = 918.9 POND - 1BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 915.9100YR = 917.6 POND - 3BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.010YR = 916.0 100YR = 917.6 POND - 1BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.010YR = 915.9 100YR = 917.6 POND - 2BOTT = 904.0OUTLET = 914.0 10YR = 916.0100YR = 917.4 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM8" PVC WM 8" PVC WM FEMA FLOODWAY FUTURE EXTENSIONOF WATERMAINBY OTHERS. FUTURE EXTENSIONOF WATERMAINBY OTHERS. 6225 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 FRANCIS D HAGEN IIDR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com 100' 20' OR 10' 0'100'200'300' 1" = 100' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . SAN EXISTING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WAT WATER MAIN WAT HYDRANT DRAIN TILE UTILITY LEGEND 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANDNOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALLCONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAINAND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THE CURRENTADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES ASOUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THEPROPERTY LIMITS. 4. VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES S DT POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH 6238 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE OVERALL PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 0'300'600'900' 1" = 300' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOTES: 1. STREET TREE LOCATIONS AND SPACING ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON CONSTRUCTED DRIVEWAY ANDUTILITY LOCATIONS. 2. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN FRONT OF SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 25' FROM BACK OF CURB IN A LOCATION THATDOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS. 3. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN FRONT OF MULTI FAMILY LOTS 8' FROM BACK OF CURB IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS. 4. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN FRONT OF MULTI FAMILY LOTS 4' FROM BACK OF CURB WHERE SIDEWALKS AREPRESENT. IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATERCONNECTIONS. 5. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. 6. DECIDUOUS TREES SHOULD BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5' OFF ANY UTILITY PIPE AND CONIFEROUS TREES TREES SHOULD BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 15' OFF ANY UTILITY PIPE. 7. NO TREE SHOULD BE LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF A HYDRANT OR 15' FROM A STREETLIGHT. 8. NO TREES SHOULD BE LOCATED WITHIN A STORM POND HWL. 9. NO TREES SHOULD BE LOCATED WITHIN STORM POND ACCESS ROUTE. 10. NO DECIDUOUS TREE WITH 5' OF A SIDEWALK OR TRAIL AND NO CONIFEROUS TREES WITHIN 20' OF APROPOSED SIDEWALK OR TRAIL. NATIVE SEEDING LEGEND DENOTES STORMWATERNATIVE SEED MIX (33-261)TOTAL AREA (9.8 AC) MESIC PRAIRIE GENERAL SEED MIX (35-241)TOTAL AREA (5.7 AC) NOTES: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY. REFER TO FINALLANDSCAPE PLANS FOR SPECIES LOCATIONS AND QUANTITIES. TREES MARKED WITH A + INDICATED LIMITED USE SPECIES AND ARE NOT USED ON BOULEVARD. PRELIMINARY PLANT SCHEDULE * ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE DENOTES WET MEADOW S & WSEED MIX (34-271)TOTAL AREA (1.9 AC) * ALL DISTURBED AREAS IN R.O.W. TO BE SEEDED WITHMESIC GENERAL ROADSIDE SEED MIX (25-141) 2.5" BB AS SHOWNFrontyard Linden / Tilia americana 'Frontyard' COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SPACING O.C. 2.5" BB AS SHOWN MATURE SIZE H 60'-80' W 40'-60' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 40'-50' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 40'-50' W 35'-40' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-70' W 40'-50' White Oak / Quercus alba Red Oak / Quercus rubra Redmond Linden / Tilia americana 'Redmond' Princeton Elm / Ulmus americana 'Princeton' Accolade Elm / Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton' Sienna Glen Maple / Acer x freemanii 'Sienna' Northern Catalpa / Catalpa speciosa H 40'-60' W 20'-40' H 40'-60' W 30' H 70' W 40'-50'2.5" BB 2.5" BB 2.5" BB AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50' W 30'-35'Skyline Honeylocust / Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skycole' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50' W 40'Kentucky Decaf Coffeetree / Gymnocladus dioica 'McKBranched' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50' W 30'Autumn Gold Ginkgo / Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75' W 50'Hackberry / Celtis occidentalis H 60'-70' W 30'-40' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 45' W 35'Red Sunset Maple / Acer rubrum 'Franksred' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75' W 50'Fall Fiesta Maple / Acer saccharum 'Bailsta' 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-60' W 60'-80'Swamp White Oak / Quercus bicolor 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 65'-75' W 50'-60' 6'-10' HT., BB AS SHOWN AS SHOWN6'-10' HT., BB H 35'-45' W 20'-25' H 50'-70' W 25'-30' AS SHOWN6'-10' HT., BB H 50'-80' W 25'-40' Black Hills Spruce / Picea glauca densata Norway Spruce / Picea abies White Pine / Pinus strobus AS SHOWN2" BB H 30'-40' W 20' AS SHOWN8' HT., BB CLUMP H 15'-20' W 15'-20'Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn / Crataegus crusgalli 'Inermis' Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry / Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' Quaking Aspen / Populus tremuloides Royal Spendor Crab / Malus 'Royal Splendor' Whitespire Birch / Betula populifolia 'Whitespire'10' HT., BB CLUMP 2" BB 8' HT., BB CLUMP AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN H 20' W 20' H 20'-25' W 15'-18' H 40'-45' W 30' 6'-10' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 40'-60' W 15'-30'Colorado Spruce / Picea pungens Show Time Crab / Malus 'Shotizam'2" BB AS SHOWN H 15'-20' W 12'-15' AS SHOWN6'-10' HT., BB H 60'-80' W 25'-30'Ponderosa Pine / Pinus ponderosa 6'-10' HT., BB AS SHOWN H 40'-50' W 15'-30'Concolor Fir / Abies concolor AS SHOWN6'-10' HT., BB H 40' W 20'Eastern White Cedar/ Thuja occidentalis Bur Oak / Quercus Macrocarpa 2.5" BB AS SHOWN H 50'-75' W 50'River Birch / Betula nigra AS SHOWN6'-10' HT., BB H 12'-15' W 6'-8'Techny Arborvitae / Thuja occidentalis 'Techny' QTY.SYMBOL 896OVERSTORYDECIDUOUS STREET TREES 183LARGEOVERSTORYTREES FUTUREOVERSTORY DECIDUOUSTREES (BY BUILDER)555 310SMALL OVERSTORYTREES 1,282BUFFEREVERGREENTREES SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1,110 TREES* 2 OVERSTORY TREES PER SINGLE FAMILY LOT (555 PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY LOTS) TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 2,476 TREES* STREET TREES: 750 TREES* FUTURE YARD TREES:555 TREES* BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES:114 TREES* BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES:847 TREES * BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES:210 TREES* BUFFER SHRUBS:1,339 SHRUBS MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS:* 1% OF OVERALL MULTI FAMILY PROJECT VALUE -PROJECT VALUE WILL BE DETERMINED BY DEVELOPER TOTAL MULTI FAMILY LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 1,090 TREES* STREET TREES:146 TREES* DECIDUOUS TREES: 25 TREES* EVERGREEN TREES: 209 TREES * ORNAMENTAL TREES: 35 TREES* BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES: 25 TREES* BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES:226 TREES * BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES: 65 TREES* BUFFER SHRUBS:376 SHRUBS TOTAL LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 3,226 TREES* STREET TREES:896 TREES* FUTURE YARD TREES: 555 TREES * BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES:183 TREES* BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES: 1,282 TREES* BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES:310 TREES * BUFFER SHRUBS:1,715 SHRUBS OVERALL LANDSCAPE PROVISIONS MULTI FAMILY LANDSCAPE PROVISIONS SINGLE FAMILY LANDSCAPE PROVISIONS MULTI FAMILY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS SINGLE FAMILY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Cardinal Dogwood / Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' Redwing Cranberry Viburnum/ Viburnum trilobum 'J.N. Select' #5 Cont.6'-0" O.C. Regent Serviceberry / Amelanchier alnifolia 'Regent #5 Cont. #5 Cont. 6'-0" O.C. 6'-0" O.C. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN AS SHOWN Summerwine Ninebark / Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward'#5 Cont.6'-0" O.C.AS SHOWN 1,715BUFFERSHRUBS 170TH STREET W. - DIAMOND PATH - 179TH STREET W. BUFFERYARD REQUIREMENTS:* A MINIMUM VISUAL SCREEN OF 10'.* SCREENING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN TWO OR MORE ROWS STAGGERED WITH SHRUBS ARRANGEDTO LESSEN GAPS BETWEEN TREES. * MINIMUM SPACING: DECIDUOUS TREES 40' O.C., EVERGREENS 15' O.C., SHRUBS 4' O.C BUFFER LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT E POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH PUGPUGPUGSAN STREET 3 13 14121110 98765 43 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 192021222324252627282930 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2122232425262728293031 14 13 12 15 1617 18 19 20 22 21 25 23 24 26 29 27 28 31 30 33 32 34 49 47 48 53 50 51 52 55 54 57 56 5958 60 61 1 COMMON LOT 62 1 4 4 6 2 3 OUTLOT J 170TH STREET WEST 3 6 4 9 10 7 6239 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH C R O P C R O P CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROP CROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROP CROP CROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROPCROP1514 16 17 1819 19 20 2122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 914 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 79 10 11 12 13 7 7 8 9 9 9 OUTLOT A STREET 2 8 170TH STREET WEST OUTLOT K OUTLOT L 6240 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' STO STO WAT S T R EE T 7 1 2 3 4 212223242526272829303132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 12 13 26 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 11 10 13 12 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 6 11 11 12 14 14 5 OUTLOT C OUTLOT D 1 32 6241 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' NOTE: LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR AMENITY BUILDING WILL BE IN SEPARATE AMENITY BUILDING PLAN SET POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTREET 8 2122 14 2 1 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 3 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 10111213 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425262728 29 7 10 10 10 18 18 20 OUTLOT B 6242 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 7 8 6 15 11 12 13 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 24 23 26 25 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 6243 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTREET 17 16 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 17 17 18 19 20 20 OUTLOT E 6244 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 26 28 27 29 9 1011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 16 23 31 OUTLOT G OUTLOT F 6245 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTREET 17 32 33 34 1 4123 5 76 1189 10 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 24 22 23 25 26 323334383536374639404142434445 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 60 61 59 58 52 5756555453514950 1 4847 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15121314 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 29 31 28 35 30 33 32 34 36 21 21 2122 26 COMMON LOT 75 COMMON LOT 37 STREET 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OUTLOT I STREET 16 COMMON LOT 75 4 4 13 124 4 2 2 2 7 6 6246 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' POHPOHPOHPOHPOH 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 31 31 OUTLOT H 6247 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTREET 25 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 3 2 112345 6 727 28 23 24 26 27 8 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6789 25 6248 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' XXXXXXXXX 6249 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' XPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 36 7 8 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 28 27 27 29 2929 28 6250 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0'50'100'150' 1" = 50' 6251 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE DETAILS & NOTES20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT COMMON GROUND ALLIANCE AT 811 OR CALL811.COM TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OFALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LANDSCAPE MATERIAL. 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. 3. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THEIMMEDIATE AREA. 4. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF ANY BIDAND/OR QUOTE BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TWO YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THEDATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S OR OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING.REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6. ALL PLANTS TO BE SPECIMEN GRADE, MINNESOTA-GROWN AND/OR HARDY. SPECIMEN GRADE SHALL ADHERE TO, BUT IS NOT LIMITED BY, THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS:ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DISEASE, PESTS, WOUNDS, SCARS, ETC.ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM NOTICEABLE GAPS, HOLES, OR DEFORMITIES. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES.ALL PLANTS SHALL HAVE HEAVY, HEALTHY BRANCHING AND LEAFING.CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL HAVE AN ESTABLISHED MAIN LEADER AND A HEIGHT TO WIDTH RATIO OF NO LESSTHAN 5:3. 7. PLANTS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2014 OR MOST CURRENT VERSION)REQUIREMENTS FOR SIZE AND TYPE SPECIFIED. 8. PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MNLA & ANSI STANDARD PLANTING PRACTICES. 9. PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL-IN MATERIALS IF NECESSARY;TEMPORARY ONLY. 10. PRIOR TO PLANTING, FIELD VERIFY THAT THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR IS LOCATED AT THE TOP OF THE BALLED &BURLAP TREE. IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE, SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED DOWN TO THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR.WHEN THE BALLED & BURLAP TREE IS PLANTED, THE ROOT COLLAR/ROOT FLAIR SHALL BE EVEN OR SLIGHTLYABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 11. OPEN TOP OF BURLAP ON BB MATERIALS; REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 12. PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY - PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRANCHING OFEXISTING AND PROPOSED TREES. 13. WRAP ALL SMOOTH-BARKED TREES - FASTEN TOP AND BOTTOM. REMOVE BY APRIL 1ST. 14. STAKING OF TREES AS REQUIRED; REPOSITION, PLUMB AND STAKE IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. 15. THE NEED FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS. 16. BACKFILL SOIL AND TOPSOIL TO ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 3877 (SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW)AND TO BE EXISTING TOP SOIL FROM SITE FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE INCH, SUBSOIL DEBRIS, AND LARGE WEEDS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. MINIMUM 4" DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN GRASS AREAS AND 12"DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR TREE, SHRUBS, AND PERENNIALS. 17. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL, AND MAINTENANCE AREAS. TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDSSHALL HAVE 4" DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUNDALL PLANTS WITHIN TURF AREAS. PERENNIAL AND ORNAMENTAL GRASS BEDS SHALL HAVE 2" DEPTH SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL AND COLORED RED, OR APPROVED EQUAL.ROCK MULCH TO BE BUFF LIMESTONE, 1 1/2" TO 3" DIAMETER, AT MINIMUM 3" DEPTH, OR APPROVED EQUAL.ROCK MULCH TO BE ON COMMERCIAL GRADE FILTER FABRIC, BY TYPAR, OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH NO EXPOSURE. MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. MULCH TO MATCH EXISTINGCONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 18. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE VALLEY-VIEW BLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDGING OR SPADED EDGE,AS INDICATED. POLY EDGING SHALL BE PLACED WITH SMOOTH CURVES AND STAKED WITH METAL SPIKES NOGREATER THAN 4 FOOT ON CENTER WITH BASE OF TOP BEAD AT GRADE, FOR MOWERS TO CUT ABOVE WITHOUTDAMAGE. UTILIZE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V-SHAPEDDEPTH AND WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN MULCH AND GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE, SHRUB, OR RAIN-GARDEN BEDS TO BE SPADED EDGE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EDGING TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS(WHERE APPLICABLE). 19. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PARKING LOT ISLANDS TO BESODDED WITH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AROUND ALL TREES AND SHRUBS. SOD TO BE STANDARD MINNESOTA GROWN AND HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE OF LAWN WEEDS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAKED TOREMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL BE STAKED. SEED AS SPECIFIED ANDPER MN/DOT SPECIFICATIONS. IF NOT INDICATED ON LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 20. PROVIDE IRRIGATION TO ALL PLANTED AREAS ON SITE. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN/BUILD BY LANDSCAPECONTRACTOR. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORAPPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPERATION MANUALS,AS-BUILT PLANS, AND NORMAL PROGRAMMING. SYSTEM SHALL BE WINTERIZED AND HAVE SPRING STARTUP DURING FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. SYSTEM SHALL HAVE ONE-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ALLINFORMATION ABOUT INSTALLATION AND SCHEDULING CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT MATERIALS UNTIL THE PLANT IS FULLYESTABLISHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL. OWNER WILL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 22. REPAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REQUIRED FOR ANY ROADWAY BOULEVARD AREAS ADJACENT TO THESITE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 23. REPAIR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO OWNER. 24. RAIN GARDEN NOTE: PROVIDE AND INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET AT RAIN GARDEN AREA SIDE SLOPESAFTER ALL PLANTING HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. BLANKET TO BE ONE SEASON GEOJUTE, MN/DOT CATEGORY 2(STRAW 1S, WOOD FIBER 1S), OR APPROVED EQUAL. BLANKET TO BE OVERLAPPED BY 4" AND ANCHORED BY SODSTAPLES. PLACE BLANKET PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. TRENCH IN EDGES OF BLANKET AREA TO PREVENT UNDER MINING. PROVIDE SILT FENCE AT TOP OF SLOPE AS NEEDED. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO MATCHOTHER PROJECT PLANTING MULCH. PLACE 4" DEPTH OF MULCH AT ALL PLANTING AND EROSION CONTROLBLANKET AREA (NO FILTER FABRIC). SEE RAIN GARDEN DETAIL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. RAIN GARDEN TOPROVIDE PROPER INFILTRATION AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS PER ENGINEERS APPROVAL. PLANTING NOTES LAST REVISED:10/19/18DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING LA28 N.T.S. SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL OR COMPACTED SOIL MOUND MATCHINGTREES NATURAL GROUNDLINE WITH FINISHEDSITE GRADE. REFER TO AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK FOR MINIMUM BALL SIZE.ROOT FLARE TO BE PLANTED AT OR NEARFINISHED GROUNDLINE. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED BACKFILL SOIL. FORM 3" DEEP WATERING BASIN. PLACE MULCH, DEPTH AS SPECIFIED, OVERPLANT PITS - DO NOT PILE AGAINST TRUNK. TREE WRAP MATERIAL FROM GROUNDLINE UPWARD TO FIRST BRANCHES, AS REQUIRED. PRUNE OUT MISDIRECTED BRANCHES. PROVIDE ONE CENTRAL LEADER. GUYING AND STAKING, AS REQUIRED, FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL DECIDUOUS ANDCONIFEROUS TREES:TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE GROUND (MAX.)OR TO FIRST BRANCH. BOTTOM OFSTAKE 3' (MIN.) BELOW GROUND.STAKING POSTS TO BE 2"X2" STAINEDWOOD OR PAINTED STEEL DELINEATORPOSTS. PLACE 3 POSTS EQUIDISTANT AROUND AND OUTSIDE ROOT BALL.SECURE TREE TO POSTS WITH 16" LONGPOLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE, 40MIL., 1.5" WIDE STRAP. 2XBALLDIAMETER PLANTING DETAILS SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL OR COMPACTED SOIL MOUND MATCHINGTREES NATURAL GROUNDLINE WITHFINISHED SITE GRADE. REFER TO AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK FOR MINIMUM BALL SIZE.ROOT FLARE TO BE PLANTED AT OR NEARFINISHED GROUNDLINE. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED BACKFILL SOIL. FORM 3" DEEP WATERING BASIN. PLACE MULCH, DEPTH AS SPECIFIED, OVERPLANT PITS - DO NOT PILE AGAINST TRUNK. PRUNE OUT MISDIRECTED BRANCHES. PROVIDE ONE CENTRAL LEADER. GUYING AND STAKING, AS REQUIRED, FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL DECIDUOUS ANDCONIFEROUS TREES:TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE GROUND (MAX.)OR TO FIRST BRANCH. BOTTOM OFSTAKE 3' (MIN.) BELOW GROUND.STAKING POSTS TO BE 2"X2" STAINEDWOOD OR PAINTED STEEL DELINEATOR POSTS. PLACE 3 POSTS EQUIDISTANTAROUND AND OUTSIDE ROOT BALL.SECURE TREE TO POSTS WITH 16" LONGPOLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE, 40MIL., 1.5" WIDE STRAP. 2XBALLDIAMETER LAST REVISED:10/19/18EVERGREEN TREEPLANTING LA29 N.T.S. LAST REVISED:10/23/18SHRUB & PERENNIALCONTAINER PLANTING LA27-C N.T.S. 2X CONT.DIAMETER SET CONTAINER ROOT SOIL ONUNDISTURBED SUBSOIL OR MILD COMPACTED SOIL FOR DEPTH TO MATCHFINISH GRADE SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. DEPTH PER CONTAINER SOIL DEPTH BACKFILL PLANT PIT WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL OR AS APPROVED EDGING AT PLANTING BEDS, AS SPECIFIED,ADJACENT TO LAWN AREAS MULCH AS SPECIFIED (AND FILTER FABRIC, AS INDICATED) REMOVE CONTAINER, SCARIFY SIDES, ANDSET SOIL MASS ON COMPACTED SOIL BASEMOUND, MATCHING SHRUBS NATURALGROUNDLINE WITH FINISHED GRADE SEED MIXTURES (EX 18)DRAINAGEEASEMENT PERDOC NO. 1494056 (EX 18)WETLAND MITIGATIONEASEMENT PER DOC NO. 1494056&(EX 19)REPLACEMENT WETLAND PERDOC NO. 1499280&(EX 20)WETLAND BANK PER DOC NO.1983896 WETLAND MITIGATION AREA PERWARRANTY DEED, DOC NO.1648935 POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH 50' EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF NORTHERN STATESPOWER COMPANY PER MICS. RECORD BOOK 34,PAGE 338 (VERY HARD TO READ)EASEMENT IS IN THE W 1/2 OF THE W 1/2 OF SEC. 7,TWP. 114, RGE. 19, THE CENTERLINE IS PARALLEL TO& 25' EAST OF THE WEST SECTION LINE OF SEC. 7 61,252 SF WETLAND IMPACT STREET 2 STREET 3 STREET 19 STREET 9 STREET 17 STREET 8 STREET 14 7 8 6 15 STREET 25 9 1513 14121110 98765 43 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18192021222324252627282930 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 212223242526272829303132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1110 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 24 23 26 25 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415161718 1 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 79 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 242526272829 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 23242526 28 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1920 18 17 15 16 14 13 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 10 11 16 13 14 15 17 20 18 19 22 21 23 26 24 25 27 28 412 3 5 76 118 9 10 12 13 14 17 15 16 20 18 19 21 24 2223 25 27 26 28 30 29 32 313334383536374639404142434445 73 74 72 7071 6869 62 67 66 65 64 63 6061 5958 52 5756555453514950 1 4847 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15121314 1716 18 19 27 2021222324 25 26 29 31 28 35 30 33 3234 36 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 11 10 1413 12 15 1617 18 19 20 22 21 25 23 24 26 29 27 28 31 30 3332 34 49 47 48 53 5051 52 55 54 57 56 5958 6061 1 32 45 6 7 8 910 1 COMMON LOT 62 1 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 2122 2 3 5 23 23 24 26 26 28 27 27 29 2929 30 31 31 COMMON LOT 75 COMMON LOT 37 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT F OUTLOT H STREET 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 1314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6789 25 9,275 sf OUTLOT I OUTLOT J STREET 2 STREET 16 8 170TH STREET WEST 170TH STREET WEST OUTLOT K3 COMMON LOT 75 28 OUTLOT L 1 32 6252 PROJECT NUMBER: 0029340.00 LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 . . .BROOKSHIRE OVERALL TREE PRESERVATION PLAN20860 KENBRIDGE COURT, SUITE 100LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 02/17/22 1771603/24/2022 . 03/24/2022 DR HORTON, INC. - MINNESOTA 03/24/2022 26971 CORY MEYER NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: VERTICAL SCALE: DATE: PREPARED FOR: OF HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 (888) 937-5150 DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Common Ground Alliance Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com ### ### OR ## 0'300'600'900' 1" = 300' 03/24/2022 . . . . REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS . . . . DENOTES EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREETO REMAIN DENOTES EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN DENOTES EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TO BE REMOVED DENOTES EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREETO BE REMOVED DENOTES TREE PROTECTION FENCEX " T " POST OR EQUAL 6' MAX. ORANGE MESH CONSTRUCTION FENCE LOCATION AS SHOWN ON PLAN. MAINTAINMAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM TRUNK POSSIBLE. ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE STAKED EVERY 6' 1. PRUNING WILL BE DONE BY PROFESSIONALS DURING APPROPRIATE PRUNING SEASON. 2. NO STORAGE OF MATERIALS, OPERATION OF MACHINERY, OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY SORT WILL OCCURWITHIN THE FENCE-LINE WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROM THE CITY. 3. SITE GRADING TO BE DONE ONLY AFTER PROTECTIVE MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN, CITY HAS APPROVEDFENCING LOCATIONS, AND ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE BEEN BRIEFED ON TREE PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES. NOTES: PLAN ELEVATION DRIPLINE 6' METAL FENCE POST. STAKE EVERY 6' MAXIMUM. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL LEGEND EXHIBIT F AT FRONT ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIM3 1/2" TRIM 5" TRIM3 1/2" TRIM5" TRIMThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C1.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LLFRONT ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"REFSIDING LEGENDANOT USEDLAP SIDING - CEMENT BDPRODUCTCBD5" TRIM - CEMENT BDEBOARD & BATTEN- C. BDFSHAKES-CEMENT BDGNOT USEDXXXXX4:12 PITCHSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBERCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODEAFLASE CORNER CLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD6:12 PITCHAT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USED2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. MSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOOR4:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHA4:12 PITCH8'-0"2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. NAA4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD2W 3020 FXR.O. 72 1/8" X 24"848 SF FRONT FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD231 SQ FT STONE - 27.24% (25% REQ'D)198 TOTAL FASCADE 55 SQ FT STONE = 27.8%182 TOTAL FASCADE 46 SQ FT STONE = 25.2%403 SQ FT SIDING - 47.52% (MAX OF 75%)190 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 22.41%24 SQ FT SHAKES - 2.83%NOT USEDFRONT TAKEOFF:ADDRESS STONEXXXXX2x10 CAP2x10 BASE8x8 REALWOOD COLUMN8x8 REALWOOD COLUMNDETAIL1/4"=1'-0"PORCH COLUMNCENTER COLUMNSCORNER COLUMNS30°CAULK TOP OFCOLLAR TO COLUMNPER MANUF. SPECSCOLUMN TO BE MIN 1" ABOVEHOLD COLLARS 1/2" MINABOVE FLOOR/SURFACEMETAL POST BASE. ATTACHFOUNDATION OR 6" ABOVE GRADE231 SQ FT STONE - 4.38%2147 SQ FT SIDING - 47.23%1510 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 33.22%658 SQ FT SHAKES - 14.47%OVERALL BLDG: 4546 SFWHOLE BUILDING TAKEOFF (ALL 4 SIDES):STEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBER4:12 PITCHXXXXXFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODAAELLSWORTHSOFFIT LIGHTS6:12 PITCH2630 ELEV. L2630 ELEV. PSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBERXXXXXAAELLSWORTH6:12 PITCHFYPONBKT7x12x4(TYPICAL)128AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFD8'-0"6:12 PITCH6:12 PITCH222 TOTAL FASCADE 56 SQ FT STONE = 25.22%246 TOTAL FASCADE 74 SQ FT STONE = 30.08%4:12 PITCHSOFFIT LIGHTSNO 1 MATERIAL TYPE IS TO EXCEED 60% COVERAGE4'-0"4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 6:124:1216' RIDGE VENT4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4:124:126:1216' RIDGE VENT4'-0"6:126:126:126:124:124'-0"4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 6:124:126:124'-0"15' RIDGE VENTBOX VENTBOX VENT8:128:126' RIDGE VENT16'-0"4:126:1215' RIDGE VENTBOX VENTBOX VENT4 UNIT ROOF4:126:126:12EXHIBIT G These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C2.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LLREFSIDING LEGENDANOT USEDLAP SIDING - CEMENT BDPRODUCTCBD5" TRIM - CEMENT BDEBOARD & BATTEN- C. BDFSHAKES-CEMENT BDGNOT USEDNOT USED4-UNIT BUILDINGHOSANNA - LAKEVILLEINSTALL 1/2" FIRE TREATED PLYWOODFROM CENTERLINE OF COMMONWALL TO A MINIMUM OF 4'-0" BACKINTO EACH SIDE OF THAT UNIT. (TYP.)NO OPENINGS WITHIN5'-0" OF CENTERLINE OF AIR SPACE5'-0"5'-0"SIDE ELEVATIONS3/16"=1'-0"DA124126F8:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHAAA6:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHREAR ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"PLUMBING VENTRADON VENT1/2 BATHBATH #2BATHLAUNDRYOWNERSPLUMBING VENTRADON VENTBATH #21/2 BATHBATHLAUNDRYOWNERSFURNACE EXHAUSTERV EXHAUSTFURNACE EXHAUSTERV EXHAUSTA/C UNITA/C UNITA/C UNIT2x6:12 PITCHAA/C UNIT2xSIMILAR VENTING IS REQ'D ONLEFT SIDE OF THE BUILDINGPRIVACY WALL 4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODDEDA124FDESIDE ELEVATIONS3/16"=1'-0"1167 SF TOTAL FASCADE - 100 % HARDI BOARD462 SQ FT SIDING - 39.59% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)388 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 33.25%317 SQ FT SHAKES - 27.16%SIDE TAKEOFF (x2):EEDDDALAUNDRYED327 TOTAL FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD220 SQ FT SIDING - 67.3% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)107 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 32.7%REAR TAKEOFF(MIDDLE UNIT X 2):355 TOTAL FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD190 SQ FT SIDING - 53.52% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)165 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 46.48%REAR TAKEOFF(END UNIT X2):1364 TOTAL REAR FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD820 SQ FT SIDING - 60.12% (NO 1 MATERIAL TO EXCEED 75%)544 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 39.88%OVERALL REAR ELEVATION:CRYSTAL PARKPRIVACY WALL 1ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"CLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C8.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LLGASMETERGASMETER4'-0"BOLLARD1'-4"BOLLARD1'-4"OVERHANG TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGH OVERHANG TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGHPANTRYREF.ELEC.METERELEC.METERUP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.UP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.PANTRYREF.ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ELEC FPELEC FP9'-6"18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSGARAGEKIT.HD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.UP17RSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLSDINING RMCPT.2X4 WALL, 35" HIGH 26'-0"8'-0"10'-6"2W 3050 SHA/C7'-6"6-0 x 6-8 SGD4' x 12'CONC. PAD38'-0"6'-0"54'-0"5'-6"4'-6"OPT ELEC FP20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEREF.16x7 OVERHEAD DOORCOVEREDENTRY3-0(2) 2x101/2BHD-FLR14'-4"6'-0"2W 3050 SH3050 SH26'-0"20'-1 1/8"ON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 10'-0"26'-0"21'-3"10'-7 1/2"10'-7 1/2"4'-9"PRIVACY WALL4'-0"GASMETERMETERSELEC CLEAR FRAMING 2x626'-6"TOP & BTTM COLLARSSAWN CEDAR POST W/11 1/2"2"2"3'-0"DWSINKPAINTED 6X6 ROUGH2x6DROPPED BEAMAT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"AT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"4'-0"18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSGARAGEKIT.HD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.UP17RSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLSDINING RMCPT.2X4 WALL, 35" HIGH 26'-0"8'-0"10'-6"2W 3050 SHA/C7'-6"6-0 x 6-8 SGD4' x 12'CONC. PAD38'-0"6'-0" 54'-0" 5'-6"4'-6" OPT ELEC FP20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEREF.16x7 OVERHEAD DOORCOVEREDENTRY3-0(2) 2x101/2BHD-FLR14'-4"6'-0"2W 3050 SH3050 SH26'-0"20'-1 1/8"ON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 10'-0"26'-0"21'-3"10'-7 1/2"10'-7 1/2"4'-9"PRIVACY WALL 4'-0" GAS METERMETERSELEC CLEAR FRAMING 2x626'-6"TOP & BTTM COLLARSSAWN CEDAR POST W/11 1/2"2"2" 3'-0" DW SINK PAINTED 6X6 ROUGH2x6DROPPED BEAMAT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"AT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"4'-0"522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE) AT FRONT ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIM3 1/2" TRIM 5" TRIM3 1/2" TRIM5" TRIMThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C1.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LLREFSIDING LEGENDANOT USEDLAP SIDING - CEMENT BDPRODUCTCBD5" TRIM - CEMENT BDEBOARD & BATTEN- C. BDFSHAKES-CEMENT BDGNOT USEDNOT USEDSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS STONE4:12 PITCHXXXXX4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODAASOFFIT LIGHTS6:12 PITCHFYPONBKT7x12x4(TYPICAL)128AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFD8'-0"2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. Q212 TOTAL FASCADE 55 SQ FT STONE = 25.9%4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS2x10 CAP2x10 BASE8x8 REALWOOD COLUMN8x8 REALWOOD COLUMNDETAIL1/4"=1'-0"PORCH COLUMNCENTER COLUMNSCORNER COLUMNS30°CAULK TOP OFCOLLAR TO COLUMNPER MANUF. SPECSCOLUMN TO BE MIN 1" ABOVEHOLD COLLARS 1/2" MINABOVE FLOOR/SURFACEMETAL POST BASE. ATTACHFOUNDATION OR 6" ABOVE GRADEFRONT ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"XXXXX4:12 PITCHSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBERCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODEAFLASE CORNER CLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD6:12 PITCHAT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USED2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. MSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOOR4:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHA4:12 PITCH8'-0"2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. NAA4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD2W 3020 FXR.O. 72 1/8" X 24"198 TOTAL FASCADE 55 SQ FT STONE = 27.8%182 TOTAL FASCADE 46 SQ FT STONE = 25.2%ADDRESS STONEXXXXXSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBER4:12 PITCHXXXXXFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODAAELLSWORTHSOFFIT LIGHTS6:12 PITCH2630 ELEV. L6:12 PITCHFYPONBKT7x12x4(TYPICAL)128AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFD8'-0"4'-0"4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 6:124:1216' RIDGE VENT4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4:124:126:1216' RIDGE VENT4'-0"6:126:126:126:124:124'-0"4'-0"15' RIDGE VENTBOX VENTBOX VENT8:128:126' RIDGE VENT16'-0"CLBETWEEN UNITSXXXXX4:12 PITCHSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBER4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODEA6:12 PITCHAT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USED2625-FAIRFAX ELEV. MA182 TOTAL FASCADE 46 SQ FT STONE = 25.2%4:12246 TOTAL FASCADE 74 SQ FT STONE = 30.08%2630 ELEV. PSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBERXXXXXAAELLSWORTH6:12 PITCH6:12 PITCH222 TOTAL FASCADE 56 SQ FT STONE = 25.22%4:12 PITCHSOFFIT LIGHTS4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4:126:1216' RIDGE VENT6:124:126:1216' RIDGE VENT6:128:128:126' RIDGE VENT 16'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 6:124:126:124'-0"15' RIDGE VENTBOX VENTBOX VENT1242 SF FRONT FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD332 SQ FT STONE - 26.73% (MIN 25% REQ'D)518 SQ FT SIDING - 41.71% (MAX OF 75%)343 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 27.62%49 SQ FT SHAKES - 3.95%FRONT TAKEOFF:332 SQ FT STONE - 5.93%2702 SQ FT SIDING - 48.30%1877 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 33.55%683 SQ FT SHAKES - 12.21%OVERALL BLDG: 5,594 SFWHOLE BUILDING TAKEOFF (ALL 4 SIDES):NO 1 MATERIAL TYPE IS TO EXCEED 60% COVERAGE4'-0"4'-0"6:126:12 These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C2.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LL6-UNIT BUILDINGHOSANNA - LAKEVILLECRYSTAL PARK327 TOTAL FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD220 SQ FT SIDING - 67.3% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)107 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 32.7%REAR TAKEOFF(MIDDLE UNIT X 4):355 TOTAL FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD190 SQ FT SIDING - 53.52% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)165 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 46.48%REAR TAKEOFF(END UNIT X2):2,018 TOTAL REAR FASCADE - 100% HARDIBOARD1260 SQ FT SIDING - 61.50% (NO 1 MATERIAL TO EXCEED 75%)758 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 38.50%OVERALL REAR ELEVATION:INSTALL 1/2" FIRE TREATED PLYWOODFROM CENTERLINE OF COMMONWALL TO A MINIMUM OF 4'-0" BACKINTO EACH SIDE OF THAT UNIT. (TYP.)NO OPENINGS WITHIN5'-0" OF CENTERLINE OF AIR SPACE5'-0"5'-0"SIDE ELEVATIONS3/16"=1'-0"DA124126F8:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHAAA6:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHREAR ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"PLUMBING VENTRADON VENT1/2 BATHBATH #2BATHLAUNDRYOWNERSPLUMBING VENTRADON VENTBATH #21/2 BATHBATHLAUNDRYOWNERSFURNACE EXHAUSTERV EXHAUSTFURNACE EXHAUSTERV EXHAUSTA/C UNITA/C UNITA/C UNIT2x6:12 PITCHA/C UNIT2xPRIVACY WALL 4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODDEDA124FDESIDE ELEVATIONS3/16"=1'-0"1167 SF TOTAL FASCADE - 100 % HARDI BOARD462 SQ FT SIDING - 39.59% (NOT TO EXCEED 75%)388 SQ FT BOARD-N-BATTEN - 33.25%317 SQ FT SHAKES - 27.16%SIDE TAKEOFF (x2):EEDDDALAUNDRYEDPRIVACY WALL 4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODA6:12 PITCHA/C UNITDPRIVACY WALL REFSIDING LEGENDANOT USEDLAP SIDING - CEMENT BDPRODUCTCBD5" TRIM - CEMENT BDEBOARD & BATTEN- C. BDFSHAKES-CEMENT BDGNOT USEDNOT USED4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOOD4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODA6:12 PITCHA/C UNITSIMILAR VENTING IS REQ'D ONLEFT SIDE OF THE BUILDINGDPRIVACY WALL These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2022C8.0X2600 ROW HOMESLAKEVILLE PLANS:8-20-20-LLADD 2635 PLAN:2-14-22-LL1ST FLOOR PLAN3/16"=1'-0"6-UNIT BUILDINGCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHGASMETERGASMETER4'-0"BOLLARD1'-4"BOLLARD1'-4"OVERHANG TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGH OVERHANG TOP2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGHPANTRYREF.ELEC.METERELEC.METERUP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.UP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.PANTRYREF.ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ELEC FPELEC FP9'-6"18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSGARAGEKIT.HD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.UP17RSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLSDINING RMCPT.2X4 WALL, 35" HIGH 26'-0"8'-0"10'-6"2W 3050 SHA/C7'-6"6-0 x 6-8 SGD4' x 12'CONC. PAD38'-0"6'-0"54'-0"5'-6"4'-6"OPT ELEC FP20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEREF.16x7 OVERHEAD DOORCOVEREDENTRY3-0(2) 2x101/2BHD-FLR14'-4"6'-0"2W 3050 SH3050 SH26'-0"20'-1 1/8"ON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 10'-0"26'-0"21'-3"10'-7 1/2"10'-7 1/2"4'-9"PRIVACY WALL4'-0"GASMETERMETERSELEC CLEAR FRAMING 2x626'-6"TOP & BTTM COLLARSSAWN CEDAR POST W/11 1/2"2"2"3'-0"DWSINKPAINTED 6X6 ROUGH2x6DROPPED BEAMAT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"AT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"4'-0"18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSGARAGEKIT.HD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.UP17RSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLSDINING RMCPT.2X4 WALL, 35" HIGH 26'-0"8'-0"10'-6"2W 3050 SHA/C7'-6"6-0 x 6-8 SGD4' x 12'CONC. PAD38'-0"6'-0" 54'-0" 5'-6"4'-6" OPT ELEC FP20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEREF.16x7 OVERHEAD DOORCOVEREDENTRY3-0(2) 2x101/2BHD-FLR14'-4"6'-0"2W 3050 SH3050 SH26'-0"20'-1 1/8"ON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 10'-0"26'-0"21'-3"10'-7 1/2"10'-7 1/2"4'-9"PRIVACY WALL 4'-0" GAS METERMETERSELEC CLEAR FRAMING 2x626'-6"TOP & BTTM COLLARSSAWN CEDAR POST W/11 1/2"2"2" 3'-0" DW SINK PAINTED 6X6 ROUGH2x6DROPPED BEAMAT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"AT FRONT OFDROP PLATESGARAGE 6"4'-0"CLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHGASMETERBOLLARD1'-4"OVERHANG TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGHELEC.METERUP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.PANTRYREF.ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ELEC FPDWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0" 6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"26'-6"6"10'-6"16'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"A/C6-0 x 6-8 SGDGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR557 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 3-020 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGE10'-8"10'-7"DROPPED HDRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAMCOVEREDCONC. PORCHGASMETERBOLLARD1'-4"OVERHANG TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGH ELEC.METERUP17R1/2BHD-FLR4'-2"5'-1"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.PANTRYREF.ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS EL E C F P 9'-6"CLBETWEEN UNITS20'-1 1/8"522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE)522 SQ. FT. (INSIDE) kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSECOVER 0 02/18/2022 D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSE 02/18/2022 SCHEMATIC DESIGN HIBIT H EXHIBIT H STREET 8 1717+10.70 1213141516178 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 POND - 8 NWL = 919.0 HWL = 921.0 908 9 2 8 9 2 4 9229329269249 3 2 9 2 8 9 2 8 924 926926928 9 3 09209109209 1 0 920930 910 POND - 7 NWL = 918.0 HWL = 920.0 UNOBSTRUCTED SPACE 10'-0"PREFERED.UNOBSTRUCTED SPACE 3'-0"MINIMUME N T R A N C E E N T R A N C E P E R G O L A MAI N ENTRANCE25'-0"25'-0"CLUB HOUSELOT : 3.3 ACRES 35 CAR PARKI NGLOT LINE LOT LINEAFTER HOUR ENTRANCET O T L O T B A S K E T B A L L P IC K E L B A L LGAMEPATIOLAWN BALL N O IS E B L O C K IN G L A N D S C A P E E L E M E N T S25'-0"P arking S B15'-0"Buiding SB30'-0"Bik eTRFRTRASH ENCLOSURE 5' FENCEF E N C EEXITEXITEXITLOOP TRAIL 3 bikes LOOP TRAIL B uid in g S B30'-0 "kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSESITE PLAN 1.0 02/18/2022 N 1" = 60'-0"1 SD Site Plan 926924MAIN ENTRANCE AFTER HOUR ENTRANCE 323 ft² Dining / Meeting 1,113 ft² Club Room 712 ft² Screen Porch 105 ft² Mech/ Janitor/ Elect. 837 ft² Fitness 221 ft² Kids 497 ft² Yoga Game Game Patio 314 ft² Men Locker52 ft²Riser Closet159 ft² Vestibule 379 ft²Circulation1,650 ft² Pool Basketball Pergola Fire Place 161 ft² Office 402 ft² Hall 31 ft² Electric Room 818 ft² Pergola Picket ball 6,651 ft² Deck 95 ft² Circulation 34 ft² Chem. room 132 ft² Pool Equipment Room 310 ft² Women- Locker Room 115 ft² Storage Tot Lot Bike Park Exit Exit Exit Minimum 4'-0" BIKE PARK FENCE 5'-0"30'-0"5'-0"5'-0"55'-0"5'-0"-3.6' -3.6' -3.6'-4.6' -4.6' -4.6' -4' -4' -3.6' 0' Picket ball kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSEFLOOR PLAN 2.0 02/18/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 N GROSS AREA - TOTAL Level Area Level 1 5,594 ft² Not Placed 0 ft² Grand total 5,594 ft² Level 1 100'-0" 6.0 4.0 5.0 5.1 Level 1 100'-0"20'-6"?4.0 5.07.0 kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSEElevation 6.1 02/18/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"1 NE Elevation 1/16" = 1'-0"2 SW Elevation EXTERIOR MATERIALS Material Mark Description 4.0 STONE VENEER 5.0 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 5.1 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 6.0 ASPHALTH SHINGLES 7.0 METAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS Material Mark Description 4.0 STONE VENEER 5.0 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 5.1 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 6.0 ASPHALTH SHINGLES 7.0 METAL Level 1 100'-0" 4.06.0 5.17.0 Level 1 100'-0" 6.0 4.05.1 7.0 kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSEElevation 6.2 02/18/2022 1/16" = 1'-0"2 SE Elevation 1/16" = 1'-0"1 NW Elevation EXTERIOR MATERIALS Material Mark Description 4.0 STONE VENEER 5.0 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 5.1 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 6.0 ASPHALTH SHINGLES 7.0 METAL EXTERIOR MATERIALS Material Mark Description 4.0 STONE VENEER 5.0 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 5.1 FIBER CEMENT BOARD 6.0 ASPHALTH SHINGLES 7.0 METAL 5.15.1 kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSETrash Enclosure 7.0 02/18/2022 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Trash Area - Plan 1/4" = 1'-0"2 Trash Area - Front View 1/4" = 1'-0"4 Trash Area - Side View 1/4" = 1'-0"4-1 Trash Area - Back View kaas wilson architects D.R. HORTON BROOKSHIRE CLUB HOUSETrash Enclosure Details 8.0 02/18/2022 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 Trash Area - Coping Detail 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 Trash Area - Grade Detail PAGE 1 OF 1Drawn By: SANDYDate:2/9/2022Scale: AS NOTEDRevisions# Date CommentsGENERAL NOTES:A. PULSE PRODUCTS DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITYFOR THE INTERPRETATION OF THIS CALCULATION ORCOMPLAINCE TO THE LOCAL, STATE, OR FEDERALLIGHTNG CODES OR ORDINANCES.B. LIGHTING LAYOUT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTS BUT ONLY TO ILLUSTRATE THE PERFORMANCEOF THE PRODUCT.C. ALL READINGS/CALCULATIONS SHOWN ARE SHOWN ONOBJECTS/SURFACES.DR HORTON CLUB HOUSELAKEVILLE, MNChecked By: ROSSLuminaire ScheduleSymbolQtyLabelArrangementLLFCalculation SummaryLabelDescriptionArr. WattsLum. LumensCalcTypeUnits3AASingle0.900AvgMaxMinORE LIGHTING SLD-100W-T4-40K MOUNT ON 20FT POLE WITH 2FT BASE99.9Avg/MinMax/MinPERGOLA AND SCREEN PORCHIlluminanceFc1.772.0147511.61.111.25SITE GROUNDIlluminanceFc3.5978.70.0N.A.N.A.BASKETBALLIlluminanceFc31.9248.021.91.462.19PARKINGIlluminanceFc2. LOTIlluminanceFc33.4846.816.42.042.856BBSingle0.900MODERN FORMS WS-W5222F-BN B122913 WALL MOUNT AT 7FT25.287632CCSingle0.900PRISMA 071814 MIMIK 10 BOLLARD 1000 740 1191513DDSingle0.900PRISMA HEDO PLUS 840 072100 MOUNT ON 12FT POLE 2321458FFSingle0.900SATCO 62-1205 GROUND MOUNT FLOOD LIGHT98855GGSingle0.900ATLANTIC LIGHTING PLED 1018-SYL30-40K-HZ SUSPENDED AT 14FT25.2772238410HHSingle0.900ORE LIGHTING SLD-400W-T4-40K MOUNT ON 20FT POLE WITH 2FT BASE394.75773843JJSingle0.900SATCO S8020 24FT STRING LIGHTS SUSPENDED AT 9FT1.05046141Plan ViewScale: 1 inch= 40 Ft.AAAABBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJGGGGGGGGGGAADDDDDDDDDDDD0.2 0.2 0.20.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.10.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.8 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.3 2.2 2.5 2.9 4.6 3.0 2.7 2.3 1.8 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 2.1 4.8 7.0 6.8 11.3 9.2 5.9 4.7 3.7 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.8 3.7 9.6 16.4 18.8 17.4 16.7 9.5 8.4 8.6 5.4 3.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.6 7.0 17.8 28.4 33.3 33.8 27.7 22.4 15.6 19.4 10.2 5.2 4.7 3.9 2.9 2.3 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 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HHTYPE BBTYPE CCTYPE DDTYPE FFTYPE JJTYPE GG Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us January 21, 2022 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: BROOKSHIRE The Dakota County Plat Commission met on January 19, 2022, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to Future County Road 33 (Diamond Path) and Future County Road 179th St. and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The plan was revised to match the alignment for future CR 179th Street. The right-of-way needs for future CR Diamond Path and future CR 179th Street are 60 feet of half right of way for 2-lane divided roadways or 3-lane roadways. Diamond Path is shown as a dedication of 80-feet for the western portion of future Diamond Path, as dedicated on the plats the north. There are two accesses shown along future CR 179th Street, one full access at Eagle Point Drive and one future restricted access at Street 1 (Draft Horse Blvd). The full access opening allowed at Street 25 (Eagleview Drive) and future CR 179th Street should include left and right turn lanes. The access opening at Street 1 (Draft Horse Blvd)/179th Street would be allowed as a temporary full access opening but restricted in the future, which should include installing right turn lanes at this location. No left turn lanes should be installed. This temporary access intersection should remain a full access until such time when Diamond Path (either to the north or south) is constructed; the intersection should then be restricted and median closed to right-in right-out movements. The developer will include information in new homeowner materials describing the future access restriction at this location. The County and City will consider marking the access restriction with field signage. Also noted, the City and County are continuing to work on the vertical design for future CR 179th Street at the bridge location. City staff asked about the timing of the completion of CSAH 33 and whether construction of CSAH 33 would be dependent on development in Empire Township. Traffic volumes on Future County Road 33 (Diamond Path) and Future County Road 179th St. are yet to be determined. Traffic volumes may indicate that current Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated into this development. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. EXHIBIT I The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Mike Suel, DR Horton Francis Hagen and Corey Meyer, Westwood City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: File From: Daryl Morey, Planning Director Date: March 23, 2022 Subject: Brookshire Neighborhood Meeting On March 22, 2022 DR Horton hosted a virtual neighborhood meeting for the proposed Brookshire development located south of 170th Street and east of Eagleview Drive. Approximately 15 residents were in attendance online. Following the introduction of Brookshire by the development team, the neighbors raised the following questions/concerns: • Several residents living in the Lake Place townhomes that front Eagleview Drive and face east toward the Brookshire development expressed concerns about their view of the back of the row townhomes proposed on the east side of Eagleview Drive, including: grades, building height and elevations, and landscape buffering. The developer was asked to consider installing a fence at the rear of these townhome buildings or moving the attached townhomes to another location on the site. • Asked if a sidewalk was going to be constructed on the east side of Eagleview Drive. • Expressed concerns about speeding on Eagleview Drive and that the Brookshire development would make things worse. • Expressed concerns about the existing amount of traffic, vehicle speeds, use of right turn lanes as bypass lanes, and pedestrian crossing safety on 170th Street. The Brookshire development will add to these concerns. Asked if a pedestrian crossing signal could be installed at the existing trail crossing of 170th Street east of Embers Avenue. • Asked about the timing of Diamond Path. Many residents felt that Diamond Path should be constructed with the Brookshire development to help disperse traffic in Brookshire to 170th Street so fewer vehicles would travel through the Lake Place neighborhood on Eagleview Drive and 173rd Street to get to 170th Street and Pilot Knob Road. • Asked if the developer would consider adding another internal street connection to 170th Street to potentially reduce the amount of traffic on Eagleview Drive. • Asked if Street 1 (across from Draft Horse Boulevard) could have both left and right turn lanes onto 170th Street. • Requested that construction traffic not use the existing streets in Lake Place. • Expressed concerns about dust, noise, and dirt being tracked onto the streets in Lake Place. EXHIBIT J 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BROOKSHIRE APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION The Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 21, 2022 to consider the application of DR Horton, Inc - Minnesota for a Conditional Use Permit related to the Brookshire preliminary plat to allow a reduction in minimum lot area and minimum lot width for single family lots within the RST-2 District and for a HOA clubhouse facility and HOA park and open spaces. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The applicant has applied for an amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning of the property to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. 3. The applicant is proposing a reduction in minimum lot area and minimum lot width for single family dwellings within the RST-2 District allowed by approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 11-57-7.H of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The applicant is proposing development of HOA facilities within the proposed preliminary plat including a clubhouse facility and outdoor pool, private park, and open space, which is allowed within the RST-2 District by approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 11-57-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The legal description of the property as shown on the preliminary plat of Brookshire, City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota is: Lots 1-6, Block 2; Lots 1-15, Block 3; Lots 1-30, Block 4; Lots 1-40, Block 6; Lots 1-10, 13, 14, Block 11; Lots 1-28, Block 27; Lots 1-20, Block 28; Lots 20-36, Block 29 2 And, Lot 1, Block 32; Outlot I 6. Section 11-4-3.E of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment. Its judgment shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2040 Land Use Plan guides the subject site for Low Density Residential land uses, which is defined as development with a net density of 3.0 dwelling units or less per acre anticipated to be single family neighborhoods. The density of the proposed preliminary plat based on a net area of 249.00 acres (gross area minus arterial and major collector right-of-way and wetlands) and 736 dwelling units is 2.96 dwelling units per acre. Based on changing demographic characteristics of the community, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan encourages development of small lot single family dwellings, detached townhomes, twin homes, traditional townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, and multiple family housing dwelling units to complement traditional single-family homes. The inclusion of small lot single family dwellings and row-style townhouse dwellings provide added housing diversity to the proposed Brookshire neighborhood and the City’s overall housing stock with public and private recreation amenities to support the needs of the development. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed land uses and subdivision design will be compatible with existing and planned land uses in Lakeville surrounding the subject site. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. 3 Finding: The subject site is within MUSA Expansion Area A and the proposed development satisfies the criteria for inclusion of the subject site in the Current MUSA and can be accommodated within the City’s existing public service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 170th designated as a Major Collector and future 179th Street designated as a Future Principal Arterial by the 2040 Transportation Plan, which will have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed subdivision. 5. The report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit based upon the foregoing information, findings, and the considerations and stipulations outlined in the Planning Report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC. . DATED: April 21, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BROOKSHIRE APPROVAL OF ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION The Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 21, 2022 to consider the application of DR Horton, Inc - Minnesota for an amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone property located south of 170th Street (CSAH 70) and west of future Diamond Path. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The applicant has applied for an amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning of the property to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. 3. The legal description of the properties to be rezoned within the preliminary plat of Brookshire, City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota in accordance with Section 11-45-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is as follows: RST-2 District: Lots 1-8, Block 2; Lots 1-15, Block 3; Lots 1-30, Block 4; Lots 1-40, Block 6; Lots 1-19, Block 7; Lots 1-13, Block 8; Lots 1-33, Block 9; Lots 1-29, Block 10; Lots 1-14, Block 11; Lots 1-29, Block 12; Lots 1-13, Block 13; Lots 1-13, Block 14; Lots 1-18, Block 15, Lots 1-26, Block 16; Lots 1-13, Block 17; Lots 1-19, Block 18; Lots 1-13, Block 19; Lots 1- 34, Block 20; Lots 1-34, Block 23; Lots 1-6, Block 24; Lots 1-9, Block 25; Lots 1-24, Block 26; Lots1-28, Block 27, Lots 1-20, Block 28; Lots 1-36, Block 29; Lots 1-5, Block 30; Lots 1- 14, Block 31; Lot 1, Block 32; Outlot A; Outlot B, Outlot C; Outlot D; Outlot E; Outlot F; Outlot G; Outlot H; Outlot I; Outlot J; Outlot K; Outlot L. RM-1 District: Lots 1-62, Block 1; Lots 1-11, Block 5; Lots 1-75, Block 21; Lots 1-31, Block 22. 2 4. Section 11-3-3.E of the Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment. Its judgment shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2040 Land Use Plan guides the subject site for Low Density Residential land uses, which is defined as development with a net density of 3.0 dwelling units or less per acre anticipated to be single family neighborhoods. The density of the proposed preliminary plat based on a net area of 249.00 acres (gross area minus arterial and major collector right-of-way and wetlands) and 736 dwelling units is 2.96 dwelling units per acre. Based on changing demographic characteristics of the community, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan encourages development of small lot single family dwellings, detached townhomes, twin homes, traditional townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, and multiple family housing dwelling units to complement traditional single-family homes. The inclusion of small lot single family dwellings and row-style townhouse dwellings provide added housing diversity to the proposed Brookshire neighborhood and the City’s overall housing stock. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed land uses and subdivision design will be compatible with existing and planned land uses in Lakeville surrounding the subject site. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within MUSA Expansion Area A and the proposed development satisfies the criteria for inclusion of the subject site in the Current MUSA and can be accommodated within the City’s existing public service capacity. 3 e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 170th Street designated as a Major Collector and future 179th Street designated as a Future Principal Arterial by the 2040 Transportation Plan, which will have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed subdivision. 5. The report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve an amendment to the Zoning Map based upon the foregoing information, findings, and the considerations and stipulations outlined in the Planning Report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC. DATED: April 21, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BROOKSHIRE APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE VARIANCE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION The Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 21, 2022 to consider the application of DR Horton, Inc - Minnesota for a variance to allow a cul-de-sac street with length greater than 600 feet within the Brookshire preliminary plat. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Low Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The applicant has applied for an amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning of the property to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. 3. Section 10-4-3.S.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that each cul-de-sac be a minimum of 150 feet and not more than 600 feet in length with a turnround at the closed end having a 60 foot radius. Street 19 within the preliminary plat is a cul-de-sac street with a length of 628 feet as defined by the Subdivision Ordinance. The applicant has applied for a variance to allow for the proposed length of the cul-de-sac street. 4. The legal description of the property is the preliminary plat of Brookshire, City of Lakeville, Dakota County Minnesota. 5. Section 10-6-2-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance provides that the planning commission shall not recommend approval of a variance request unless they find failure to grant the variance will result in unusual hardship and that the following criteria must also be met: 1. That the variance would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2 Finding: The 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes a policy to plan, design, and develop a street system that reflects the highest standards and relates land use to transportation needs. The overall system of streets within the Brookshire preliminary plat, including the proposed cul-de-sac street exceeding 600 feet in length, is consistent with this policy. 2. That the variance would be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of [the Subdivision Ordinance]. Finding: The proposed length of the cul-de-sac is limited to the minimum extent necessary based on existing physical conditions of the property and requirements for street intersections effecting the design of the subdivision consistent with the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance regulations for cul-de-sac length. 3. That the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The need for variance is based on the existing natural conditions of the subject site and requirements regarding street intersections effecting the design of the subdivision. 4. That the purpose of the variance is not exclusively economic considerations. Finding: The purpose of the variance is not based on economic considerations. 5. That the granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood in which the parcel of land is located. Finding: Approval of the variance will allow for development of single family lots consistent with the overall character of development within the proposed Brookshire preliminary plat. 6. That the requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the unusual hardship. Finding: The requested variance is the minimum deviation from the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance necessary. 6. The report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the cul-de-sac length variance based upon the foregoing information, findings, and the considerations and stipulations outlined in the Planning Report dated 13 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC. DATED: April 21, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: April 13, 2022 Subject: Brookshire • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Tree Preservation Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD DR Horton, Inc. has submitted preliminary plat, rezoning, conditional use permit and variance applications for a development to be known as Brookshire. The proposed subdivision is located south of and adjacent to 170th Street, east of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31), and north and west of the Lakeville/Farmington/Empire Township corporate limits. The parent parcels consist of seven metes and bounds parcels (PID No. 220120003010, 220120077012, 220120076012, 220120075010, 220120001010, 220120002010, and 220120079020) zoned RS- 3, Single Family Residential District. The Developer requests to rezone the area of the preliminary plat to RST-2 for the proposed single family lots and RM-1 for the proposed townhome lots. The preliminary plat consists of five-hundred fifty-five (555) single family lots, one hundred eighty-one (181) attached townhome lots, one (1) HOA community lot, three (3) HOA common lots within thirty-two (32) blocks, and twelve (12) outlots on 298.93 acres. The Developer is dedicating 20.34 acres as 170th Street, 179th Street (Future CSAH 9) and Diamond Path (Future CSAH 33) right-of-way. The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following use: BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 99 Outlot A: Stormwater management basins and open space; to be deeded to the City (2.20 acres) Outlot B: Stormwater management basins; to be deeded to the City (2.90 acres) Outlot C: Stormwater management basins; to be deeded to the City (4.04 acres) Outlot D: Stormwater management basins; to be deeded to the City (1.88 acres) Outlot E: Stormwater management basins; to be deeded to the City (6.34 acres) Outlot F: Stormwater management basins, VRWJPO Principal Corridor, wetland and buffers; to be deeded to the City (4.76 acres) Outlot G: Stormwater management basins, wetland and buffers; to be deeded to the City (9.14 acres) Outlot H: Stormwater management basins, trail corridor, VRWJPO Principal Corridor, wetland and buffers; to be deeded to the City (37.88 acres) Outlot I: Privately owned and publicly accessible park; to be retained by the Developer (0.43 acres) Outlot J: HOA open space; to be retained by the Developer (0.78 acres) Outlot K: Privately owned and maintained monument sign; to be retained by the Developer (0.08 acres) Outlot L: HOA open space; to be retained by the Developer (0.43 acres) The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: DR Horton, Inc. Engineer/Surveyor: Westwood SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Brookshire site consists of undeveloped agricultural land and wooded areas with a Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Principal Connector water corridor along the western edge of the site. The site is located within the North Creek Stormwater District with the land generally draining north to south. The site is bordered to the east by Empire Township and to the south by the City of Farmington. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The following easement exists on the parent parcel that will remain with the development of the parent parcels: • Easements for sanitary sewer purposes as contained in Final Certificate filed of record March 16, 1979 as Document No. 533616 • Terms and conditions of Dakota County ROW Map No. 186 recorded as Document No. 1363193 • Easements for Highway purposes in favor of the County of Dakota as Document No. 1390830 • Final Certificate in the Matter of the Condemnation for Certain Lands for Highway Purposes as Document No. 2307644 • Final Certificate in the Matter of the Condemnation for Certain Lands for Highway Purposes as Document No. 2400098 BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 99 SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT 170th Street Brookshire is located south of and adjacent to 170th Street, a major collector roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 170th Street is currently constructed as a two-lane undivided rural roadway adjacent to the preliminary plat. The Developer shall dedicate 55-ft ½ right-of-way for 170th Street as shown on the preliminary plat. Access for the development is proposed to 170th Street via Eagleview Drive (existing), Street 1, and Future Diamond Path. The Developer shall construct improvements along 170th Street to complete the urban roadway design through the installation of curb and gutter and turn lanes at the proposed intersections. The roadway improvements will be determined with the first phase final plat. 179th Street (Future CSAH 9) Brookshire is bisected by 179th Street (Future CSAH 9), a future minor arterial County highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right-of-way requirement of 60-feet and designates this roadway as a future two-lane divided urban roadway over its entire length adjacent to the plat. The City and Dakota County and currently conducting a preliminary engineering study to determine the recommend roadway crossing design for 179th Street over North Creek within the preliminary plat. The Developer shall incorporate the recommendations of the engineering study with the future final plat plans, including, but not limited to; roadway profile, right-of-way and easement needs, bridge location, intersection design, and turn lane locations among others. The Developer shall dedicate the right-of-way for 179th Street with the first phase final plat. The preliminary plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at their January 19, 2022 meeting. The Developer is responsible for any improvements to 179th Street as required by Dakota County. The Developer shall construct 179th Street from its current terminus in the Pheasant Run of Lakeville development to Diamond Path with the final plat improvements. The Developer shall pay 100% of the costs to construct 179th Street. The City will reimburse the Developer’s cash fees for construction of 179th Street outside of the plat boundary, including the bridge improvements. The Developer is eligible for reimbursement for costs above the standards of a City collector roadway, consistent with Dakota County Transportation policy. The City and Dakota County will enter into a Joint Powers Agreement “JPA” to provide the Developer with the County’s share of the project costs. A Development Contract Amendment will be required once a JPA is approved to allocate the County’s share of the project costs as a reimbursement to the Developer. BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 99 Diamond Path (CSAH 33) Brookshire is located west of and adjacent to Diamond Path, a future major collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map identifies Diamond Path as a three-lane undivided County State Aid Highway with a ½ right-of-way requirement of 60 feet. The Developer is dedicating right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. The preliminary plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at their January 19, 2022 meeting. The construction of Diamond Path is not identified in the City’s or County’s current Capital Improvement Plans. The Developer shall install “Future County Roadway” signs along the east boundary of Blocks 9, 20, 21, 26 and 28 until Diamond Path is constructed. Eagleview Drive Brookshire is located east of and adjacent to Eagleview Drive, a minor collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Eagleview Drive is currently constructed as a two- lane undivided urban roadway adjacent to the plat. Development of Brookshire includes construction and extension of Eagleview Drive from its current terminus south to provide a full access intersection with 179th Street. Eagleview Drive will be extended south of 179th Street to provide a future access to Diamond Path at the east plat boundary. The Developer shall construct Eagleview Drive as a 32-ft wide urban two lane roadway with a 5-ft sidewalk along both sides of the street north of 179th Street, and along one side of the roadway south of 179th Street. The Developer shall also construct a 5-ft wide sidewalk along the east side of the existing Eagleview Driveway roadway from 170th Street to the south. The City will provide the Developer with escrow numbers 8524 and 8525 with the final plat for the extension of Eagleview Drive outside of the plat boundary, which was provided with the Wild Wings development. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way for Eagleview Drive, as shown on the preliminary plat. 173rd Street Development of Brookshire includes the construction and extension of 173rd Street, a minor collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 173rd Street is designed as a 36-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along both sides of the street. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way for 173rd Street, as shown on the preliminary plat. 173rd Street will provide a connection and full access to Pilot Knob Road and Diamond Path. The Developer shall install a “Future Street Extension” sign and barricades until it is extended in the future to connect to Diamond Path. Street 1 Development of Brookshire includes the construction of Street 1, a local roadway. Street 1 is designed as a 32-foot wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along one side of the street. Street BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 99 1 will provide a full access at 170th Street, and partial restricted access to 179th Street. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. Streets 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 24 Development of Brookshire includes the construction of Streets 2, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 24, all local roadways. The local roadways are designed as 32-foot-wide urban roadways with a sidewalk along one side of each street. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way. Streets 6, 9, 11, 18, 19 and 23 Development of Brookshire includes the construction of Streets 6, 9, 11, 18, 19 and 23, all local roadways terminating in a permanent cul-de-sac. The local streets are designed as 32-foot- wide urban roadways with a sidewalk along one side of the street, with the exception of the portions along the cul-de-sacs. The Developer is dedicating of the necessary right-of-way. Private Roadways Development of Brookshire includes the construction of several privately owned and maintained roadways providing driveway access to the attached townhome units. The private roadways are designed as 24-foot-wide urban roadways. The Developer shall dedicate a drainage and utility easement over the private roadways to allow for the City maintenance of the public utilities to be constructed within the private roadways. The City shall not be responsible for any repairs (including cost) to the private roadways due to future operation and maintenance of the public utility systems within the easement area. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction will be determined with each phase of construction. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcels and will be satisfied through a cash contribution to be paid with the final plat. Greenway Corridor Trail The City’s Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a greenway corridor traversing through the southwest parent parcels along North Creek. The Developer shall construct the trail within Outlot H providing a connection to the trails along 179th Street which ultimately will connect to the planned Dakota County North Creek Greenway trail to the west and North Creek neighborhood park. The City shall reimburse the Developer for 100% of the costs for bituminous pavement and aggregate base for the trail construction within the greenway corridor. The amount of reimbursement, based on an estimate to be provided by the Developer’s engineer, shall be credited to the Developer’s Park Dedication requirement with the future phase final plats. Development of Brookshire includes the construction of public trails and sidewalks. Five-foot wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of all BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 99 local streets (except cul-de-sacs) and along both sides of Eagleview Drive and 173rd Street. Bituminous trails shall be constructed along both sides of 179th Street, the south side of 170th Street and within Outlot H. The Developer will be responsible for 100% of the grading and restoration for the bituminous trails. The Developer shall receive a credit to the final plat cash fees for the City’s 3/8th share (excluding grading and restoration) of the trail construction costs, except for the trail within the greenway corridor, identified previously. Two private HOA owned and maintained parks are proposed to be constructed with the development improvements. The two parks are proposed to be located in the HOA amenity area on Lot 1, Block 32 and tot lot on Outlot I. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR Brookshire is located within subdistricts NC-20010, NC-20021, and NC-20000 of the North Creek sanitary sewer district, as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed through sanitary sewer to the MCES Elko/New Market Interceptor and continue to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Facility. Development of Brookshire includes the extension of public sanitary sewer. 8-inch sanitary sewer will be constructed within the subdivision and connect to the existing 48-inch Metropolitan Council interceptor along the west plat boundary and existing sewer sub along 173rd Street. A Direct Connection Permit is required from the Metropolitan Council for the connections to the interceptor. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and will be required with the final plat. The fee will be based on the current rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Brookshire includes the extension of public watermain. 8-inch watermain will be extended within the development to provide service to the development. Consistent with the City’s Water Plan, 12-inch watermain will be extended from existing water stubs along 170th Street and 173rd Street. The 12-inch watermain will be located along Street 1 extending from 170th Street south, west along 173rd Street, south along Street 7 and west along 179th Street. The Developer shall extend the 12-inch watermain along 179th Street to the west plat boundary, which includes a crossing of North Creek. Final plans and requirements for the watermain extension across North Creek will be finalized with the final plat. The City will credit the Developer for the oversizing of the trunk watermain constructed with the development improvements. The credit will be based on the cost difference between 8- inch watermain and 12-inch watermain that will be installed. The credit will be applied to the Developer’s final plat cash fees and will be based on an estimate provided by the Developer’s engineer. BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 99 OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS An overhead electric transmission line and poles are located along the south side of 170th Street on the parent parcels. The Developer is required to remove the poles and place the utilities underground with the final plat, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Brookshire is located within subdistricts NCL-80a2, NCL-84, NCL-85, and NCL-83 of the North Creek stormwater district, as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. A Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Principal Connector is located within the site draining from west to east. Development of Brookshire includes the construction of nine publicly owned and maintained stormwater management basins and three infiltration basins to collect and treat the stormwater runoff generated from the site. The basins will outlet to the south into North Creek. Water quality improvements and volume reduction will be provided by infiltration due to the highly permeable soils on the site and a privately owned and maintained water re-use system. The Developer shall provide a security with the final plat and conduct three double ring infiltrometer tests within the infiltration basins to verify the design rates. The Developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement and grant an easement to the City over the water re-use systems for the private improvements located within public property. The final locations and designs for the re-use system will be completed with the first phase final plat. The stormwater management basins will be located within Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H which will be deeded to the City with the final plat. The stormwater management design is consistent with City ordinance requirements. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. Brookshire contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Brookshire includes the construction of public and private sewer systems. Public storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public stormwater management basins located within Outlots A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The privately owned and maintained storm sewer will be located within the private streets. BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 88 OOFF 99 Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within Brookshire for the street sub-cuts and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction shall be the developer’s responsibility to install and finance. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be collected with the Brookshire final plat. The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for deeding the portions of F, G and H not used for stormwater management or reimbursed as park dedication credit, calculated at $5,500/acre consistent with City policy. The reimbursement will be calculated with the final plat. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. The Developer shall remove the existing temporary storm sewer installed with the Wild Wings development located along the east side of Eagleview Drive south of 173rd Street with the development improvements. The City will credit the Developer’s cash fees Escrow No. 8523 for the removal of the temporary storm sewer. RESIDENTIAL BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENTS 170th Street and Diamond Path are a major collector roadways and 179th Street is a minor arterial roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. A buffer yard containing earth berms and/or plantings of a sufficient density to provide a visual screen and a reasonable buffer a minimum of ten feet in height shall be provided adjacent to 170th Street, Diamond Path, and 179th Street. A certified as-built grading plan of the buffer yard berm must be submitted and approved by City staff prior to the installation of any buffer yard plantings. RREETTAAIINNIINNGG WWAALLLLSS The Developer proposes to construct a privately owned and maintained retaining wall. Walls with a combined height over 4-feet are subject to approval of a building permit and must be designed by a registered geotechnical or structural engineer. A private maintenance agreement is required with the final plat for the retaining walls located on private property. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Portions of Brookshire is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone AE by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, areas of the plat are located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. The areas within the SFHA will be located within Outlots F and H and within the 179th Street right-of- way, which will all be deeded to the City. The Developer proposes to place fill within the floodplain, outside of the regulated floodway. The Developer’s engineer has prepared a no- rise certificate confirming that the floodplain is not impacted with the proposed grading improvements. The remaining areas of the plat are located outside of SFHAs. BBRROOOOKKSSHHIIRREE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 1133,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 99 OOFF 99 WWEETTLLAANNDDSS A wetland delineation for the site was completed for the site by Westwood Professional Services. The wetland delineation was reviewed by City staff and The Notice of Application was sent out November 10, 2020. No adverse comments were received. Based on the information provided in the report dated October 1, 2020 and site visit, the wetland delineation for the area outlined in the report has been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. A wetland replacement plan was submitted to the City for review. The plan identifies 1.406 acres of wetland impacts. The wetland replacement plan is currently out on review until April 19, 2022. The developer is proposing to purchase wetland credit from the Vermillion River Watershed JPO for the impact. The wetland replacement plan must be approved prior to any impacts or grading adjacent to the wetlands on the site. All wetland and buffers will be placed in City owned outlots with final plat. Natural Area Signs will be placed along all property lines. Final locations will be staked in the field and reviewed by city staff prior to installation. Installation of Natural Area Sign should take place prior to the release of building permits. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN A tree preservation plan was submitted by the developer. There are 1,436 significant trees located within the Brookshire preliminary plat boundaries. The tree preservation plan proposes to save 312 (22%) of the significant trees on site. Many of the remove trees are Boxelder and Siberian Elm. Additional trees maybe be requested to be removed by the City during the process. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing a SWPPP for the site prior to construction. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction must be documented in the SWPPP. Redundant silt fence is required along all wetlands and waterways that do not have a 50-foot established buffer. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, conditional use permit, variance, grading and erosion control plan, tree preservation, and utility plan for Brookshire, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.