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Item 06 Airlake 70
1 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: April 29, 2022 Subject: Packet Material for the May 5, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Airlake 70 Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit Action Deadline: June 15, 2022 BACKGROUND Airlake Development, Inc. representatives have submitted preliminary plat and conditional use permit applications and plans for Airlake 70 which proposes one industrial lot and five outlots totaling 89.18 acres within the I-2, General Industrial District. The preliminary plat consists of five separate parent parcels that will include one lot, five outlots, and dedicated road right-of- way. Lot 1 is proposed to include a 276,480 square foot freezer warehouse and office area. The conditional use permit application is required for a building height greater than 45 feet and an exception the I-2 District exterior building materials requirements pertaining to the freezer warehouse occupancy of the proposed building. The property is located east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), south of future 215th Street (CSAH 70) and north of 220th Street. This preliminary plat represents the fourth phase of the Launch Park development conceptually planned with the 190 acre Alternative Areawide Review (AUAR) approved by the City Council on November 5, 2018. The preliminary plans have been submitted to: 2 1. The Engineering Division 2. The Parks and Recreation Department 3. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee 4. The Dakota County Plat Commission The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. 2018 AUAR Scenario Map D. Master Site Plan Layout E. Preliminary Plat and Civil Site Development Plans (9 Pages) F. Building Exterior Elevation Plans (8 pages) G. Cross Section View of Roof-top Mechanical Equipment H. Dakota County Plat Commission letter dated March 22, 2022 Zoning and Surrounding Uses. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial District. The proposed project is surrounded by the following existing or planned land uses: Direction Existing Use Land Use Plan Zoning North Undeveloped Agricultural Property Industrial I-2, General Industrial District South 220th Street and Industrial warehouse buildings Industrial I-2, General Industrial District East Lakeville/Farmington City Limits Agriculture Use Rural Agriculture (Farmington) Agriculture per City of Farmington Land Use Plan West Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Hearthside Warehouse/ Office Building Industrial I-2 District, General Industrial District STAFF ANALYSIS P RELIMINARY PLAT Airlake 70 plans include preliminary plat, site development plans, and building exterior and floor plans for the proposed warehouse building. The plans include proposed dedication of road right-of-way for future CSAH 70 between Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and the east city limit boundary east of proposed Lot 1. 3 a. Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently located in Planning District No. 6 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) which means that City municipal services, including sanitary sewer service, are available to serve the property. The subject property is guided Industrial therefore, the proposed warehouse use is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Airlake 70 preliminary meets the recommended goals and objectives of Planning District No. 6. b. Existing Site Conditions. The parent parcels of Airlake 70 total an undeveloped area of 89.18 acres. The site is generally flat draining toward the South Creek tributary that runs west to east along the south side of property within proposed Outlot C. c. Lot/Block/Outlot. Lot 1, Block 1 at 28.11 acres exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements of the I-2, General Industrial District. The following is a tabulation of the lots as noted on the preliminary plat plans. Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements L1 B1 Outlot A Outlot B Outlot C Outlot D Outlot E Outlot F 1 Acre 28.11 ac 10.21 ac 6.21 ac 8.13 ac 16.53 ac 3.72 ac 7.60 ac 100 feet 28.11 feet 1000+/- ft Outlot A will be deeded to the City for wetland and wetland buffer preservation Outlot B will be retained by the developer for future development Outlot C will be deeded to the City for wetland and wetland buffer preservation Outlot D will be deeded to the City for wetland and wetland buffer preservation Outlot E will be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes d. Streets. Airlake 70 abuts Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), will include an extension of 220th Street toward the east and will include dedication of right-of-way for 215th Street (CSAH 70) and Galway Lane, a north/south street that will extend from 220th Street north to 215th Street which will provide access to Lot 1, Block 1 and future lots within the preliminary plat and the lot at the southeast corner of 215th Street and Cedar Avenue when that property develops. Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) is a low density minor arterial two-lane road that abuts the west side of the property at Outlot D. Seventy-five (75) feet east half right-of-way is required for Airlake 70. 215th Street (CSAH 70) the preliminary plat plans make accommodation for the future extension of 215th Street east of Cedar Avenue. The right-of-way required for 215th Street be dedicated with the final plat of Airlake 70. Initial construction will include a paved 40 foot 4 wide street that will be reconstructed at a future date when 215th Street extends east into the City of Farmington. The City of Farmington 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates the properties to the east of Airlake 70 are guided Agriculture, so future development of the properties east of the city limits is unlikely before 2040. A temporary cul-de-sac will be constructed within 215th Street right-of-way to allow a turn-around until 215th Street is constructed in the future. 220th Street is a minor collector rural section road that will extend east from its current terminus east of Garvey Lane. 220th Street will be extended further east upon development of Outlot B ultimately connecting to 215th Street (CSAH 70). The Airlake 70 final plat will dedicate the required 80 feet of right-of-way for 220th Street. Galway Lane will connect 220th Street and 215th Street to the north as a north-south street providing access and frontage to Lot 1 and the future lot at the southeast quadrant of Cedar Avenue and 215th Street. (Lot?) 2, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, and Outlot B within Launch Park Third Addition. Galway Lane will dedicate the required 80 feet of road right-of-way. e. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sanitary sewer and water is currently available to the site, which is within the current MUSA, and is located adjacent to the west and south sides of the preliminary plat. All public utilities will be constructed by the developer to serve the proposed preliminary plat following final plat approval. Sewer and water will be available to serve the future development of outlots to be retained by the developer to be platted into future lots. Grading and utility plans have been submitted and reviewed by the Engineering Division as outlined in the report prepared by Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer and Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager, dated April 28, 2022. A copy of the engineering report is attached for your review. The Engineering Division recommends approval of the Airlake 70 preliminary plat and the freezer warehouse site plan, grading and utility plans. f. Floodplain. Portions of the preliminary plat are within flood Zones A and AE as shown on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 27037C0214E, dated December 2, 2011. Zone A designates areas subject to possible (1%) annual chance of inundation. Zone AE demonstrates a higher risk of flood events or a 1% probability of flood or a higher percentage within 30 years. Zones A designated areas may be mitigated with on-site stormwater areas associated with the site development. g. Wetlands. A wetland delineation has been completed for the property. The developer proposes impacts to wetlands in association with the Airlake 70 plat. A wetland replacement plan has been submitted and is under review in accordance with the Wetland Preservation Act. 5 The proposed wetland replacement plan would be shall be completed prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. h. Tree Preservation. No significant trees will be preserved with the Airlake 70 Addition preliminary plat. h. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. The City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan identifies a regional greenway trail corridor along the south side of the South Creek tributary and within the parent parcel boundaries of the Airlake 70 preliminary plat. No public trails or sidewalks are being constructed with the Airlake 70 plat. Park dedication will be satisfied with a cash fee determined at final plat approval. i. Airlake Airport. Airlake Airport is located to the southwest of the Airlake 70 plat. The airport is considered a reliever airport under the management of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). The airport’s flight safety zone is managed by MAC. The eastern flight zone is located south of, but not within, the Airlake 70 preliminary plat. Due to the site’s proximity to Airlake Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration may require an FAA permit (#7460 – Notice of Construction Form) if any construction cranes are used during the construction of the building. The developer is advised to coordinate any required permit with the FAA prior to submittal of building permit and construction plans. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Exterior Building Materials. The developer proposed the use of white, prefinished insulated metal panels as part of the construction of the building. A conditional use permit is required for application of more than 50% of the building exterior abutting public right of way to consist of metal exterior (a Grade E material). Due to the requirements of sub-zero freezer construction, the building necessitates the use of special insulated panels to accommodate the building to outside temperatures and related vapor mitigation. The proposed exterior of the building is consistent with the insulated metal panels approved in for the 360,000 square foot Clover Leaf storage freezer warehouse building located at 21755 Cedar Avenue. 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance requires metal buildings to be faced with 50% of the wall surface with brick, wood, stone, architectural concrete panels or pre-cast concrete panels abutting road right-of-way (Galway Lane and 215th Street). Exceptions to the exterior building material requirements are allowed by conditional use permit, provide that: 1. The proposed building maintains the quality intended by the Zoning Ordinance. 6 The developer proposes to use white metal/insulation sandwich panels on the freezer warehouse addition. The panels are a durable product that maintains the visual quality intended by the Zoning Ordinance. The use of a textured painted finish will provide a masonry look to the exterior. 2. The proposed building design and materials are compatible and in harmony with other structures within the district. The proposed building design will be consistent with an industrial warehouse building, not inconsistent with other industrial buildings in the vicinity. 3. The justification for deviation from the requirements of this section shall not be based on economic considerations. The application of the insulated sandwich metal panels is consistent with other similar industrial freezer warehouse buildings in Lakeville and in Minnesota. Building Height Criteria. Section 11-87-13 of the Zoning Ordinance sets a maximum building height of 45 feet unless approved by conditional use permit. The proposed warehouse building would be 52 feet, 11 inches in height. Section 11-17-7 of the Zoning Ordinance allows buildings to exceed the height limitations established within the individual zoning districts through a conditional use permit provided that: 1. The site is capable of accommodating the increased intensity of use (building height). The proposed building complies with the minimum setback requirements for a 52 foot, 11 inch tall building in the I-2 District. The proposed development meets the minimum parking requirements and street abutting the site can accommodate the proposed traffic caused by the additional seven foot, 11 inch building height. 2. The increased intensity of use does not cause an increase in traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding streets. The proposed 52 foot, 11 inch tall building will not increase traffic volumes beyond what can be accommodated by the surrounding streets. 3. Public utilities and services are adequate. Sanitary sewer, city water, storm sewer utilities, and streets are in place to accommodate the proposed freezer warehouse building. 4. For each additional story over three stories or for each additional 10 above 45 feet, front and side yard setback requirements shall be increased by five feet. The proposed warehouse building will require additional building setbacks of five feet for each 10 feet of additional building height. Minimum setbacks for a 45-foot tall or shorter building are: 7 Front Yard – 40 feet Side Yards – 10 feet Rear Yard – 30 feet Proposed building setbacks: Front Yard – 100+ feet Side Yards – 100+ feet (east) 100+ feet (west) Rear Yard – 100 feet (abutting future 215th Street) The proposed building will comply with minimum setback requirements. 5. The increased height is not in conflict with airport zoning regulations as provided in chapter 36 of this title. The proposed 52 foot, 11 inch tall building is not located within the Airlake Airport or other airport runway safety zone, however prior to commencing building construction, the developer shall contact the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if a permit is required for any crane of similar construction equipment on the property. 6. The performance standards and criteria of chapter 4 of this title are considered and satisfied. Chapter 4 of the Zoning Ordinance sets forth the criteria required for consideration of a conditional use permit. Findings of fact are drafted for the proposed conditional use permit. Mechanical Screening. Zoning Ordinance 11-21-13 requires that rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment be screened from view. The cross section view of the roof-top mechanical units appears to indicate that some of the units will be visible from the public streets and must be screened. SITE PLAN ANALYSIS The site plans propose a 276,480 square foot freezer warehouse building with plans for a future 77,760 square foot addition. Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space for each 200 square feet of office and 50 spaces for the freezer warehouse (estimated at one space for each employee on any major shift). The developer indicates that 100 employees will be assigned to the freezer warehouse over two shifts at approximately 50 warehouse employees per shift. The site plan proposes 96 striped parking spaces including four ADA accessible spaces, 40 striped parking spaces less than the required minimum with a parking deferment. The Zoning Ordinance does not include a parking requirement for freezer warehouses, which are typically a minimally occupied space compared to 8 dry storage. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to determine parking requirements for uses not specifically listed in the Zoning Ordinance. Consistent with past determination for similar freezer storage facilities, staff recommends one space per employee estimated to be applied to the freezer storage area. The one space employee ratio was previously approved for a similar freezer warehouse in in Lakeville in 2003. There is adequate space on site to accommodate future parking spaces if necessary, to accommodate parking for freezer warehouse employees. Any proposed future non-freezer warehouse occupancy of the building will require that parking be recalculated based on the change of occupancy from freezer to dry warehouse storage. If a change of occupancy were to occur for the entire building, the Zoning Ordinance would require a minimum of 271 parking spaces or 341 parking spaces if the future addition was also dry storage. The minimum number of required parking spaces for the freezer warehouse and office is calculated as follows: Building Square Footage………………..………..279,965 square feet Office – 5,190 sf (minus 10% floor area credit) ….................24 spaces Freezer Warehouse – 50 employees per shift………... 50 spaces Striped Parking Spaces…………………. …………......96 spaces Parking Proposed………..….………….………..…….…96 spaces Planned Future Expansion.………………………..…. Number to be determined Circulation. All drive aisles and parking stalls comply with the required aisle width of 24 feet and parking stall dimensions of 9 feet in width and 18-20 feet in length. All driveways, loading dock areas and trailer parking spaces are of adequate size to accommodate two way traffic and backing and turning movements. The driveways provide adequate width and turning radii to accommodate truck turning movements and emergency vehicle access according to the circulation plan. Access. Access to Lot 1 will be from two driveways at Galway Lane. Outdoor Storage. The preliminary plat plans propose no outdoor storage on the property other than semi-trucks/trailers used in the process of delivery and pick up of goods. The truck parking is located along the east side of the property adjacent to future 215th Street. Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan proposes 90 overstory, evergreen, and ornamental trees as noted in the table below: 9 Landscape Materials 48 Overstory trees (2.5 inch min. diameter) 71 Conifer trees (8 foot minimum height) 46 Ornamental trees (2 inch min. diameter) 0 Various Shrubs and perennials The landscape plan includes no building foundation plantings. The landscape plan must be amended to include foundation landscaping including shrubs around the office area. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. The landscape plan shall also be amended to identify minimum tree and shrub sizes as required by 11-21 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Austrian Pine trees should be replaced with white pine or cedar. Austrian Pines have proven to not be suitable in similar areas of city and do not have a favorable survival rate. The landscape plan should also be revised to include eight foot tall conifer trees and the minimum required height for shrubs, not container size. A landscape security shall be submitted with final plat approval to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping. The security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. Signage. One 42 square foot wall sign and a six and a half foot tall, 77 square foot monument sign will be installed on the building and property. The Zoning Ordinance allows two wall signs up to 100 square feet each and one freestanding sign with a maximum size of 100 square feet and a maximum height of 10 feet. A sign permit must be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. Site Lighting. An exterior lighting plan has been submitted and reviewed by staff for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. All site and building wall-pack lighting fixtures are proposed as LED, downcast and cut-off light throw fixtures as required by the Zoning Ordinance. A photometric plan has been submitted indicating not more than one foot-candle- light intensity at any property line. Trash and Recycling Enclosure. A trash and recycling container enclosure is not identified on the site plan. Unless all trash and recycling containers are stored inside the building, they must be located within a six-foot tall enclosure constructed of similar materials as the building, including a durable, maintenance free gate. Snow Storage. Snow storage may not occur within required parking spaces. 10 Dakota County Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the preliminary plat at their March 2, 2022 meeting. The Plat Commission approved the preliminary plat at that meeting. A copy of the March 4, 2022 letter from the Plat Commission is attached. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Airlake 70 preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the April 28, 2022 engineering report. 2. The site and building for Lot 1, Block 1 shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. A minimum of 124 parking spaces is required for first phase construction of the office/warehouse building. The site plan shall be amended to show proof of parking for the future addition shown on the site plan. 4. The landscape plan shall be amended to include foundation landscaping including shrubs around the office area. The landscape plan shall also be amended to identify minimum tree and shrub sizes. The proposed Austrian Pine trees should be replaced with white pine, spruce, or cedar. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 5. A security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping and for the stormwater and infiltration basins and drainage ways at the time of final plat approval. The security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-2 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 7. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. 8. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of-way. 11 9. Trash and recycling containers shall be stored inside the building or within a six-foot tall enclosure constructed of similar materials as the building, including a durable, maintenance free gate. 10. Rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment be screened from view. The cross section view of the roof-top mechanical units appears to indicate that some of the units will be visible from the public streets and must be screened. 11. Prior to commencing building construction, the developer shall contact the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if a permit is required for any crane of similar construction equipment on the property. C-2 C-2 I-2 I-2 I-2 I-2 I-2 I-2 P/OS P/OS P/OSRM-2 I-3 I-2 I-2 215TH ST W G R E N ADAAVECEDAR AVE220TH S T W LAKEVILLE B L V D GARVE Y LNLAKEVILLE BL V D AIRLAKE 70 PRELIMINARY PLAT & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ¹FARMINGTONLAKEVILLEFARMINGTON LAKEVILLE Exhibit A Airlake 70 Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 800 feet 4/19/2022 Exhibit B 44 TRAILER SPACES44 TRAILER SPACES10 DOCK DOORS10 DOCK DOORSBUILDING 3226,800 SFBUILDING 2550,000 SFBUILDING 4248,300 SFBUILDING 5245,700 SF1100.0'260.0'BUILDING 1286,000 SFFUTURE C O UNTY RD 70 R O W 222ND STREET R.O.W.RIGHT OF WAYBUILDING 678,750 SFBUILDING 7157,500 SFBUILDING 8200,200 SFBUILDING 9149,100 SFRIGHT-INRIGHT-OUTEXISTING GAS EASEMENTEXISTING GAS EASEMENTCEDAR AVE.POTENTIALWETLANDMITIGATIONAREACEDAR AVE. 185.0' 489.0'1125.0'1080.0'210.0'955.0'260.0'1170.0'210.0'375.0'210.0'750.0'210.0'710.0'210.0'770.0'260.0'PUBLIC R.O.W.220TH STREET R.O.W.100' SHORELAND OVERLAY100' SHORELAND OVERLAYEXISTING TROUT STREAMLEGENDPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENTEXISTING WETLAND 2017 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.2550 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST, SUITE 238N, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM©PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONLAKEVILLE, MNNORTHScenario 1DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECTDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.EX-1BUILDING SUMMARYBUILDING AREABUILDING 1 (NOT PART OFAUAR STUDY AREA)286,000 SFBUILDING 2550,000 SFBUILDING 3226,800 SFBUILDING 4248,300 SFBUILDING 5245,700 SFBUILDING 678,750 SFBUILDING 7157,500 SFBUILDING 8200,200 SFBUILDING 9149,100 SFOUTLOTS / ROW--TOTAL AUAR BUILDING AREA(EXCLUDES BUILDING 1)1,856,350 SFAUAR STUDY AREAAUAR STUDY AREAEXHIBIT C PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE108.0'90.0' 80.0'BUILDING 2387,700 SF20.0 ACBUILDING 6100,800 SF222ND STREET R.O.W.FUTURE COUNTY RD 70 R.O.W.SHARED ACCESS ROADOUTLOT C7.7 AC44 TRAILER SPACESTRUCK SERVICE ELEV = 942.5044 TRAILER SPACES10 DOCK DOORS10 DOCK DOORSBUILDING 3150,150 SF12.2 AC210.0'190.0'360.0'1077.0'200.0'LOT 613.1 ACOUTLOT B16.7 AC200.0'180.0'560.0' CEDAR AVENUE BUILDING 1286,000 SF18.9 ACLOT 107.3 ACLOT 93.3 AC1203.0'210.0'BUILDING 4252,630 SF22.8 ACBUILDING 551,000 SF21.3 AC545.0'80.0'88.0'OUTLOT A7.7 AC190.0'220TH STREET350.0'200.0'715.0'BUILDING 7155,755 SFLOT 719.1 ACLOT 114.5 AC120.0'OUTDOORSTORAGE2.0 AC468.0'332.0'BUILDING 870,000 SF12.7 AC 2017 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.2550 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST, SUITE 238N, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM©PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONLAKEVILLE, MNNORTHLAUNCH PROPERTIESLAKEVILLE, MNSITE PLANEXHIBIT 1DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECTDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.EX-2Exhibit D PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 PUBLIC STREETSTORMWATER AREAFUTUREBUILD INGEXPANSION 7 7 , 7 6 0 SF ( 362 'X 216 ' )276,48 0 SFSTORAGECOLDPROPOSED( 362 'X 756 ' )STORMWATER AREASTORMWATER AREAFFE: 9 4 1 . 9 0 ' STORMWATER AREAC E D A R A V E N U E C. S. A. H. N O. 2 330.00 FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT HIGHWAY EASEMENT FUTURE CR 70 ROW 6.27 AC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 60' GAS EASEMENT 60' PIPELINE EASEMENT HIGHWAY EASEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 1, BLOCK 1 28.11 AC OUTLOT C 8.13 AC OUTLOT D 16.53 AC OUTLOT F 7.60 AC OUTLOT A 10.21 AC OUTLOT E 3.72 AC OUTLOT B 6.21 AC This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C0-PRELIMINARY PLAT.dwg April 25, 2022 - 1:39pm©BYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN, P.E.04/25/202253113DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT16025400004/25/2022AS SHOWNACLAJWBMWNORTH LEGEND PROPERTY LINE EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 114, RANGE 20, EXCEPT THE NORTH 1625.38 FEET OF THE WEST 1320 FEET THEREOF, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PARCEL 2: OUTLOT B, LAUNCH PARK SECOND ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROPERTY IS ABSTRACT OWNER/SUBDIVIDER: LAUNCH AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT, LLC. 800 LASALLE AVE SUITE 1610 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 ENGINEER: KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PREPARED BY: BRIAN WURDEMAN, PE #53113 767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100 ST. PAUL, MN 55114 TELEPHONE (651) 645-4197 SURVEYOR: EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK 1229 TYLER STREET NE, SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 TELEPHONE: (612) 466-3300 EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED EASEMENT EXISTING EASEMENT KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE 215TH ST W CEDAR AVEPREPARED FORPRELIMINARY PLATPP100LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTADEVELOPMENT PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION SW ¼ EX N 1625.38 FT OF W 1320 FT EX PT PLATTED AS LAUNCH PARK THIRD ADDITION SUBJ TO ESMNT N 85 FT SUBJ TO PARCELS 12 & 12A DAKOTA CO R/W MAP 226 TO BE PLATTED AS: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT A, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT B, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT C, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT D, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT E, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA OUTLOT F, AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PROPERTY SUMMARY LOT 1 BLOCK 1 28.11 AC OUTLOT A 10.21 AC OUTLOT B 6.21 AC OUTLOT C 8.13 AC OUTLOT D 16.53 AC OUTLOT E 3.72 AC OUTLOT F 7.60 AC PROPOSED LOCAL ROW DEDIACATION 3.76 AC PROPOSED CO. RD. 70 R.O.W.6.27 AC TOTAL PROPERTY AREA 90.54 AC ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) PROPOSED ZONING I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT = 40 SIDE = 10' REAR = 30' Exhibit E FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') FFE: 941.90'935935 940935935 9 3 5 932935938938940 935 932 9 3 2 932 9 3 6 937 937 938 939 940 932932 93 2 939 941 940 936 938 940941940 941940940941941940 939 938 935 932 937 9 3 2 9 3 5 9 3 7 935 932 938 932 935 932 935935 932 937 2.47%1.57%2.28%1.57%1.13%1.30%1.37%1.11%1.30%2.12% 1.55 % 1.94% 1.29% 1.60%1.22% 1.65% 1.90% 1 . 4 6%1.58%1.58%1.58%1.58%1.82% 1.50% 1.50%4.09% 1. 1 0 %1.59%1.58%1.58%1.5 8 % 1.58% EXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENTEXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT G A L W A Y L A N E (B Y O T H E R S ) 937 936 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SILT FENCE (OFFSET 5' FOR CLARITY) SILT FENCE (OFFSET 5' FOR CLARITY) SILT FENCE (OFFSET 5' FOR CLARITY) SILT FENCE (OFFSET 5' FOR CLARITY) LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EXISTING FLOODPLAIN REFER TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR 215TH STREET EXTENSION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (COMPLETED BY OTHERS) 85' WIDE HIGHWAY EASEMENT INLET PROTECTIONINLET PROTECTIONINLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION REFER TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR ROADWAY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (COMPLETED BY OTHERS) FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN FUTURE CR 70 ROW 6.27 AC INLET PROTECTION INLET PROTECTION EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EROSION CONTROL BLANKET INLET PROTECTION This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C3-EROS PH2 PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:22amBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN, P.E.04/01/202253113DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT16025400004/01/2022AS SHOWNACLAJWBMWEROSION CONTROL PLAN NOTES 1.ALL PERIMETER SILT FENCE AND ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE BASINS PRIOR TO SITE GRADING. 3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CATCH BASIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 4.WITHIN TWO WEEKS (14 DAYS) OF SITE GRADING, ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED, SOD, OR ROCK BASE. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR MATERIALS. 5.ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY, STATE, AND WATERSHED DISTRICT PERMITS. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF SILT IN FRONT OF SILT FENCES DURING THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 7.ANY EXCESS SEDIMENT IN PROPOSED BASINS SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 8.REMOVAL ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AFTER VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO EXISTING STREETS AND PAVED AREAS AND SHALL SWEEP ADJACENT STREETS AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS. 10.IF BLOWING DUST BECOMES A NUISANCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY WATER FROM A TANK TRUCK TO ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS. UPON IMPLEMENTATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE FOLLOWING AREAS: TRAILER, PARKING, LAYDOWN, PORTA-POTTY, WHEEL WASH, CONCRETE WASHOUT, FUEL AND MATERIAL STORAGE CONTAINERS, SOLID WASTE CONTAINERS, ETC., IMMEDIATELY DENOTE THEM ON THE SITE MAPS AND NOTE ANY CHANGES IN LOCATION AS THEY OCCUR THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. BMP AND EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION SEQUENCE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1.TEMPORARILY SEED, THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, DENUDED AREAS THAT WILL BE INACTIVE FOR 7 DAYS OR MORE. 2.INSTALL UTILITIES, UNDERDRAINS, STORM SEWERS, UNDERGROUND SYSTEM, CURBS AND GUTTERS. 3.INSTALL APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION AT ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES AS EACH INLET STRUCTURE IS INSTALLED. 4.PERMANENTLY STABILIZE AREAS TO BE VEGETATED AS THEY ARE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE. 5.PREPARE SITE FOR PAVING. 6.PAVE SITE AND INSTALL STRIPING. 7.INSTALL APPROPRIATE INLET PROTECTION DEVICES FOR PAVED AREAS AS WORK PROGRESSES. 8.COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT STABILIZATION OVER ALL AREAS. 9.OBTAIN CONCURRENCE WITH THE CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT THAT THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED THEN: 1.REMOVE ALL REMAINING TEMPORARY EROSION ADN SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES 2.STABILIZE ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL OF BMPS. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: ROCK ENTRANCE INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LEGEND EROSION CONTROL BLANKET PREPARED FOREROSION & SEDIMENTCONTROL - PHASE 2C101LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTANORTHPROPOSED RIPRAP PRIOR TO PLACING FILL WITHIN EXISTING DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN AREAS, CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE AN EQUIVALENT (OR GREATER) AMOUNT OF COMPENSATORY STORAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ONSITE OR OFFSITE IN DESIGNATED AREAS. REFER TO 215TH STREET EXTENSION PLANS COMPLETED BY OTHERS. PUBLIC STREETSTORMWATER AREA FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA FFE: 941.90' LOT 1, BLOCK 1 28.11 AC 755.3'361.9'70.0'100.0'12.5' (TYP) 14.0' (TYP)30.0'R30.0' R40.0' R40.0' R70.0' R100.0' R15.0' R29.0' R150.0' R350.0' R380.0' R180.0' R30.0' R30.0'30.0'20.0'24.0'40.0'24.0'18.0' 18.0'24.0'20.0'24.0'9.0'(TYP)6.0'20.0'20.0' D D D A A D D E E E E E (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) (TYP) F (TYP)F (TYP) F (TYP) F (TYP) K K H J J C C OUTLOT D7.60 ACPUBLIC STREET3.76 ACR30.0' R30.0' R100.0' R130.0' R100.0' R130.0' R30.0' R50.0' R25.0' R30.0' R50.0' D (TYP) R30.0' A A A A B B B B G G H I I J G L L L (TYP) (TYP) FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN 215TH STM M M FUTURE CR 70 ROW 6.27 AC G A L W A Y L A N E (B Y O T H E R S ) I I B B 10.0'15.0'35.0'PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE EXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENT WATER BREAK TANK AND PUMP. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL/MEP PLANS CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO GALWAY LANE PLANS FOR PUBLIC ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (COMPLETED BY OTHERS) SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT POTENTIAL FUTURE DRIVEWAY UPON COMPLETION OF E/W PUBLIC STREET / COUNTY ROAD 70 FULL EXTENSION 15' CONCRETE DOLLY PAD KEYNOTE LEGEND STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT LANDSCAPE AREA B612 CURB & GUTTER (TYP.) 9' x 20' STALLS WITH 4" WHITE PARKING STALL STRIPING (TYP.) 12' x 60' TRAILER STALL WITH 4" WHITE PARKING STRIPING (TYP.) ACCESSIBLE RAMP COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE, 9' WIDE WITH 9' ACCESS AISLE ACCESSIBLE SIGN PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK STOP SIGN AND PAINTED STOP BAR A B C D E F G H I J K L M PROPERTY SUMMARY LOT 1 BLOCK 1 28.11 AC OUTLOT A 7.67 AC OUTLOT B 14.34 AC OUTLOT C 21.44 AC OUTLOT D 7.60 AC PROPOSED LOCAL ROW DEDIACATION 3.76 AC PROPOSED CO. RD. 70 R.O.W.6.27 AC TOTAL PROPERTY AREA 89.18 AC ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) PROPOSED ZONING I-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT = 40 SIDE = 10' REAR = 30' PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY LINE LEGEND This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C4-SITE PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:22am©BYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSITE PLAN NOTES 1.ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CITY/COUNTY REGULATIONS AND CODES AND O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULES, SLOPE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, EXIT PORCHES, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS. 3.ALL INNER CURBED RADII ARE TO BE 3' AND OUTER CURBED RADII ARE TO BE 10' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. STRIPED RADII ARE TO BE 5'. 4.ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE TO BE ABANDONED, REMOVED OR RELOCATED AS NECESSARY. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL UTILITIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETC. AS REQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 7.SITE BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHY, UTILITY AND ROAD INFORMATION TAKEN FROM A SURVEY BY EGAN, FIELD, & NOWAK, INC., DATED 08/18/2017. KIMLEY-HORN ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, INACCURACIES, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. 8.PYLON / MONUMENT SIGNS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS. SIGNS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHICAL & INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION AND ANY REQUIRED PERMITS NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PYLON / MONUMENT SIGN. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE ARCH / MEP PLANS FOR SITE LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL PLAN. 10.NO PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SUCH AS TREES OR SHRUBS, ABOVE AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN EXISTING OR PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON PLANS OTHERWISE. 11.REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAILS. 12.REFER TO FINAL PLAT OR ALTA SURVEY FOR EXACT LOT AND PROPERTY BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS. 13.ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. 14.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST TENTH FOOT. 15.ALL PARKING STALLS TO BE 9' IN WIDTH AND 20' IN LENGTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. PROPOSED STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PARKING SUMMARY CITY REQUIRED PARKING 95 STALLS* PROPOSED PARKING 98 STALLS* ADA STALLS REQUIRED / PROVIDED 4 STALLS / 4 STALLS PREPARED FORSITE PLANC200LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTADATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT02/11/2022AS SHOWNERWERWBMW*REQUIRED PARKING CALCULATION: OFFICE PARKING: 1 STALL/200 SF OF OFFICE SPACE TOTAL OFFICE SPACE = 5,000 SF 5,000 SF/200SF = 25 STALLS FREEZER STORAGE:1 STALL FOR NUMBER OF ESTIMATED EMPLOYEES ASSIGNED TO FREEZER = 70 STALLS TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING = 95 STALLS *PROPOSED PARKING IS BASED ON TENANT PARKING DEMAND STUDY FROM COMPARABLE SITES/PROJECTS NORTHDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN, P.E.02/11/202253113PRIOR TO PLACING FILL WITHIN EXISTING DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN AREAS, CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE AN EQUIVALENT (OR GREATER) AMOUNT OF COMPENSATORY STORAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ONSITE OR OFFSITE IN DESIGNATED AREAS. REFER TO 215TH STREET EXTENSION PLANS COMPLETED BY OTHERS. PUBLIC STREETFUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') FFE: 941.90'1.58%1.78%1.58%1.58%1.50% 1.50%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.00%1.40%0.99%1.40%1.00%1.40%2.18%2.04%1.58% 1.58% 1.58%1.58%1.58%1.60%1.59% 1.65% 1.42% 1.55 % 1.98% 940 940 940 941 941 940936 937 938 93 9 937 936 937 936 937 936 937 935 933 934 9 3 6 936 937937 932935939940936937938939932932 935 940 935 940 933933 934 934 936 937 938 939 940936 937 938 939 940941941940941940 939 936 937 938 935 932 935 936 932 935932 935935 932 938939 935 932 932 935 9 3 2 9 3 5 9 3 9 938939940 941941941941 940940 937 938 939 941940938938938 939 936937934934932 935 940 937 938 939 941938939934 935 940 942 941 941941942943943 943943 943 943 935940 933934936 937 938 939 941 935 940 931 932 933 934 936 937 938 939 935 936 937 938 939939 939940 939 935 935940931 931932 932933 933934 934936936937938939935 932 932933 9 3 3 934 934936 937 940 9 3 9 9 3 8 935934936937938939930 931 932 933 93 3 932938 940941 93594 4 93 5 932 933 933940 94 2 941 942 94 2 9419 4 0935940940 936 937938939941941933 934 9409419 3 593594 0 9 4 0 9 40940940 940 94 0 94 0 9 3 2 9 3 2 9 3 39339 3 4934 9 3 69369 3 79379 3 8938938 9 3 8 9 3 9939939 9 3 9 93 9 93 9 941 941941 94194 1 94 1 9 4 1 94 1 9429 4 2 942 9429 4 2 9 4 0 9 4 0 9 4 1 9 4 1 9 4 2 9 4 2 94 3 9439 4 0 936 937 938 9 3 9 941 93 2 93 3 9349359 4 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDCODME:940.88215TH STG A L W A Y L A N E (B Y O T H E R S )930940935 940 932 EXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 939940938938930 930 931 936 931 G:940.96 G:941.41 G:940.12 G:939.67 G:938.93 G:938.48 G:935.66 G:936.11 G:936.78 G:937.25 G:936.33 G:936.06 G:935.70 G:935.70 G:936.26 G:936.90 G:937.39 G:937.39 G:937.85 G:939.40 G:938.95 G:939.78 G:940.06 G:940.22 G:940.30 ME:942.12 ME:943.43 G:939.71 G:939.26 G:941.09 G:940.64 G:939.61 G:939.16 G:940.92 G:940.47 G:940.05 G:940.28 G:940.45 G:940.60 G:940.54 G:940.52 G:940.69 G:941.00 G:940.94 G:940.59 G:940.67 G:940.80 G:941.16 G:941.12 G:941.25 G:940.85 G:940.08 G:940.49 940.89 940.89 940.89 940.89 940.89 940.89 940.89 T/G:941.16 T/G:941.16 T/G:940.82 941.32 941.13 941.70 941.70 941.70 941.70 G:940.09 G:940.14 G:939.97 G:939.90 G:939.31 G:939.49 G:939.58 G:939.89 G:940.53G:940.77 G:941.14 G:941.20 G:941.42 G:940.32 G:940.28 G:940.80 G:940.76 G:941.23 G:941.23 G:941.42 G:941.42 G:941.42 G:940.00 G:940.20 G:940.24 G:940.68 G:940.72 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90FFE:941.90FFE:941.90FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 FFE:941.90 ME:941.33 G:941.39 G:941.09 G:941.09 G:941.39 CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO GALWAY LANE PLANS (BY OTHERS) PROPOSED BASIN EQUALIZER PIPE FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN IE:929.5 FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN FUTURE CR 70 ROW 6.27 AC DA-3 FILTRATION BASIN DRAINTILE IE: 930.00 2' SAND SECTION IE: 930.00 BOTTOM:932.00 10 YR HWL: 933.98 100 YR HWL: 935.33 WQV PROVIDED: 22,850 CF TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED: 274,220 CF DA-1 FILTRATION BASIN DRAINTILE IE: 930.00 2' SAND SECTION IE: 930.00 BOTTOM: 932.00 10 YR HWL: 933.03 100 YR HWL: 934.34 WQV PROVIDED: 29,358 CF TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED: 191,705 CF DA-2 FILTRATION BASIN DRAINTILE IE: 9930.00 2' SAND SECTION IE: 930.00 BOTTOM: 932.00 10 YR HWL: 933.85 100 YR HWL: 934.98 WQV PROVIDED: 51,115 CF TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED: 146,276 CF 6" PERFORATED DRAINTILE (TYP.) 6" PERFORATED DRAINTILE (TYP.) 6" PERFORATED DRAINTILE (TYP.) DA-1 EOF: 935.90 DA-3 EOF: 940.11 DA-2 EOF: 935.00 9 3 5 9 3 2 9 3 3 9 3 4 9 3 6 9 3 7 9 3 8 935932933934936937938935 932 933 934 936 937 938 939 935 932 933 934 EXISTING WETLAND EXISTING WETLAND 940.71 940.60 940.78 G:935.70G:935.70 G:938.04 This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C5-GRADING PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:23am©BYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0.0%PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION 0.00%PROPOSED ADA SLOPE GRADING PLAN NOTES 1.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE, SPECIFICATIONS AND BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 2.CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE CALL ONE @ <1-800-252-1166> AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. 3.STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: RCP PER ASTM C-76 HDPE: 0" - 10" PER AASHTO M-252 HDPE: 12" OR GREATER PER ASTM F-2306 PVC SCH. 40 PER ASTM D-1785 STORM SEWER FITTINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: RCP PER ASTM C-76, JOINTS PER ASTM C-361, C-990, AND C-443 HDPE PER ASTM 3212 PVC PER ASTM D-3034, JOINTS PER ASTM D-3212 4.CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OR EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE START OF SITE GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE PROJECT ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS. 5.SUBGRADE EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXCAVATION TO HELP OFFSET ANY STABILITY PROBLEMS DUE TO WATER SEEPAGE OR STEEP SLOPES. WHEN PLACING NEW SURFACE MATERIAL ADJACENT TO EXISTING PAVEMENT, THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED PROMPTLY TO AVOID UNDERMINING OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE DRAINAGE TRENCHES TO FOLLOW PROPOSED STORM SEWER ALIGNMENTS. 8.GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUGH GRADE TO SUBGRADE ELEVATION AND LEAVE STREET READY FOR SUBBASE. 9.ALL EXCESS MATERIAL, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE ITEMS, ANY ABANDONED UTILITY ITEMS, AND OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIALS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 10.REFER TO THE UTILITY PLAN FOR SANITARY SEWER MAIN, WATER MAIN SERVICE LAYOUT AND ELEVATIONS AND CASTING / STRUCTURE NOTATION. 11.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS AND CURB AND GUTTER WITH SMOOTH UNIFORM SLOPES TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. 12.INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 4" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE UNDER CURB AND GUTTER AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. 13.UPON COMPLETION OF EXCAVATION AND FILLING, CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL STREETS AND DISTURBED AREAS ON SITE. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A MINIMUM OF 4" OF TOPSOIL. 14.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS/CONTOURS ARE TO GUTTER / FLOW LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15.GRADING FOR ALL SIDEWALKS AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES INCLUDING CROSSING DRIVEWAYS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT ADA STATE/NATIONAL STANDARDS. IN NO CASE SHALL ACCESSIBLE RAMP SLOPES EXCEED 1 VERTICAL TO 12 HORIZONTAL. IN NO CASE SHALL SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPES EXCEED 2% . IN NO CASE SHALL LONGITUDINAL SIDEWALK SLOPES EXCEED 5%. IN NO CASE SHALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS OR AISLES EXCEED 2% (1.5% TARGET) IN ALL DIRECTIONS. SIDEWALK ACCESS TO EXTERNAL BUILDING DOORS AND GATES SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ADA CRITERIA CANNOT BE MET IN ANY LOCATION PRIOR TO PAVING. NO CONTRACTOR CHANGE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR A.D.A COMPLIANCE ISSUES. 16.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 0.5% GUTTER SLOPE TOWARDS LOW POINTS. 17.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 3" INSULATION BY 5' WIDE CENTERED ON STORM PIPE IF LESS THAN 4' OF COVER IN PAVEMENT AREAS AND LESS THAN 3' OF COVER IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 18.ROOF DRAIN INVERT CONNECTIONS AT THE BUILDING SHALL BE AT ELEVATION <XXX.XX> OR LOWER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFERENCE MEP PLANS FOR ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION. 19.ALL STORM SEWER CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASKETED AND WATER TIGHT INCLUDING MANHOLE CONNECTIONS. 20.ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AIR TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT PLUMBING CODE. 21.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 1.25% SLOPE IN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AREAS, 0.5% SLOPE IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT AREAS. 22.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW PAVEMENT GRADIENT AND CONSTRUCT "INFALL CURB" WHERE PAVEMENT DRAINS TOWARD GUTTER, AND "OUTFALL" CURB WHERE PAVEMENT DRAINS AWAY FROM GUTTER. PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR925 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION100.00 LEGEND PROPOSED HIGH POINT ELEVATION HP:0.0 PROPOSED LOW POINT ELEVATION PROPOSED GUTTER ELEVATION PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION PROPOSED FLUSH PAVEMENT ELEVATION LP:0.0 G:0.00 T:0.00 PROPOSED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW T/G:0.0 EOF:0.0 ME:0.0 MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE (ROUND INLET CASTING) PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN (CURB INLET CASTING) PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION D EXISTING WETLAND NORTHPREPARED FORGRADING PLANC300LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTADATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN, P.E.02/11/202253113DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT1602540002/11/2022AS SHOWNACLAJWBMWGEOTECHNICAL BORING LOCATION PRIOR TO PLACING FILL WITHIN EXISTING DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN AREAS, CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE AN EQUIVALENT (OR GREATER) AMOUNT OF COMPENSATORY STORAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ONSITE OR OFFSITE IN DESIGNATED AREAS. REFER TO 215TH STREET EXTENSION PLANS COMPLETED BY OTHERS. FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') FFE: 941.90' 940 940 940 941 941 940936 937 938 93 9 937 936 937 936 937 936 937 935 933 934 9 3 6 936 937937 932935939940936937938939932932 935 940 935 940 933933 934 934 936 937 938 939 940936 937 938 939 940941941940941940 939 936 937 938 935 932 935 936 932 935932 935 935 932 932 9 3 2 9 3 5 9 3 9 938939940 941941941941 940940 937 938 939 941940938938938 939 936937934932 935 940 937 938 939 941938939935 940 942 941942943943 943943 943 943 940 938 939 941 935 940 931 932 933 934 936 937 938 939 936 937 938 939939 939940 939 935 931 931932 933 934 936935 932 932933 9 3 3 934 934936 937 940 9 3 9 9 3 8 932938 940941 93594 4 93 5 932 933 933940 94 2 941 942 94 2 9419 4 0935940940 936 937938939941941933 934 9409419 3 593594 0 9 4 0 9 4 0940940 940 94 0 94 0 9 3 2 9 3 2 9 3 39339 3 4934 9 3 69369 3 79379 3 8938938 9 3 8 9 3 9939939 9 3 9 93 9 93 9 941 941941 94194 1 94 1 9 4 1 94 1 9429 4 2 942 9429 4 2 9 4 0 9 4 0 9 4 1 9 4 1 9 4 2 9 4 2 94 3 9439 4 0 936 937 938 9 3 9 941 93 2 93 3 9349359 4 0 DDDDDDDDDDDDCODG A L W A Y L A N E (B Y O T H E R S ) 940935 940 932 EXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENT939940938938930 930 931 9 3 5 9 3 4 9 3 6 9 3 7 9 3 8 935932933934936937938932 935 932 933 934 160 RE:941.45 IE:932.22 S IE:932.22 N 135 RE:940.90 IE:933.17 NW IE:936.47 NE IE:933.17 SE 115 RE:940.87 IE:934.30 SE IE:936.47 NE IE:934.30 NW 107 RE:940.85 IE:936.47 NE IE:936.05 SE IE:936.05 NW 119 RE:940.73 IE:933.43 SE IE:936.47 NE IE:933.43 NW 101 RE:940.72 IE:936.48 NE IE:936.48 NW 131 RE:940.66 IE:932.80 NW IE:936.60 NE IE:932.80 SE 111 RE:940.59 IE:936.47 NE IE:935.17 SE IE:935.17 NW 153 CLEANOUT RE:940.58 IE:936.47 NE IE:936.47 SE 139 RE:940.57 IE:936.60 NE IE:933.67 NW IE:933.67 SE 149 RE:940.54 IE:934.54 NW IE:936.60 NE IE:934.54 SE 127 RE:940.31 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:932.28 NW IE:936.47 NE IE:932.28 SW 143 RE:940.19 IE:936.47 NE IE:934.27 NW IE:934.27 SE 123 RE:940.18 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:932.56 SE IE:936.47 NE IE:932.56 SW 177 RE:940.00 IE:934.85 SW IE:934.85 NE 176 RE:939.69 IE:933.19 SW IE:933.19 N 178 RE:939.31 IE:935.77 NE 158 RE:939.27 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:935.27 N 105 RE:939.16 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:936.66 NE 113 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 102 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW 108 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 W 112 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW 120 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW 124 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW 129 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 133 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 137 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 141 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 156 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 151 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 144 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW 147 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 146 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 117 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 121 RE:938.06 IE:937.33 SW 125 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 128 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 132 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 136 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 152 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 S 109 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 103 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 155 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 W 140 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 SW 116 ROOF DRAIN IE:937.33 NW ST-94 WYE IE:937.16 NE IE:937.16 N IE:937.16 SW ST-91 WYE IE:937.15 NE IE:937.15 N IE:937.15 SW ST-93 WYE IE:937.15 NE IE:937.15 N IE:937.15 SW ST-92 WYE IE:937.06 NE IE:937.06 N IE:937.06 SW ST-87 WYE IE:937.05 NE IE:937.05 SE IE:937.05 SW ST-89 WYE IE:937.05 NE IE:937.05 SE IE:937.05 SW ST-85 WYE IE:937.05 NE IE:937.05 E IE:937.05 SW ST-90 WYE IE:937.04 NE IE:937.04 N IE:937.04 SW ST-88 WYE IE:937.03 NE IE:937.03 SE IE:937.03 SW ST-86 WYE IE:937.02 NE IE:937.02 SE IE:937.02 SW 145 WYE IE:937.00 NE IE:937.00 N IE:937.00 SE IE:937.00 SW ST-84 WYE IE:936.99 NE IE:936.99 SE IE:936.99 SW 163 RE:937.60 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:933.52 NW 175 RE:937.14 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:932.24 S IE:932.24 NE171 RE:935.69 IE:933.76 SE 159 FES IE:933.00 N 170 RE:935.06 IE:932.85 NW IE:932.85 SE 169 RE:935.06 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:931.99 NW IE:931.99 NE 173 RE:935.06 4' SUMP & SAFL BAFFLE IE:932.11 NE OCS-164 RE:934.50 IE:930.00 N OCS-166 RE:934.50 IE:930.00 NW 161 FES IE:932.00 S 174 FES IE:932.00 SW 122 FES IE:932.00 NE ST-95 FES IE:932.00 NE 104 FES IE:932.00 SW 172 FES IE:932.00 SW 157 FES IE:932.00 S 168 FES IE:931.92 SW 162 FES IE:931.92 SE 165 CONNECT TO EX MH IE:929.70 SE IE:929.70 S 35 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.98% 17 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 14 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 14 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.03% 15 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 34 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.92%17 LF - 8" PVC @ 1.67% 14 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 34 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.90% 15 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 18 LF - 8" PVC @ 1.53% 39 LF - 24" HDPE @ 1.45% 14 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 33 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.87% 15 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 25 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.71% 9 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 33 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.82% 13 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 9 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 27 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.67% 16 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 27 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 34 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.96% 26 LF - 8" PVC @ 1.26% 8 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 28 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.62% 16 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 27 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 97 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 13 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.47% 86 LF - 18" HDPE @ 5.43% 37 LF - 18" HDPE @ 4.33% 370 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.21% 106 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.21% 117 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.78% 213 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.78% 122 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.78% 30 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.78% 549 LF - 2 4 " H D P E @ 0 . 0 5 % 45 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.67% 80 LF - 18" HDPE @ 4.10% 254 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.34% 23 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.34%23 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.50% 271 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.34% 26 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 29 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00%28 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00%29 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 28 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 29 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 30 LF - 18" HDPE @ 1.45% 60 LF - 18" HDPE @ 1.45%60 LF - 18" HDPE @ 1.45% 60 LF - 24" HDPE @ 1.45% 60 LF - 24" HDPE @ 1.45% 28 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 27 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 30 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 27 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00%28 LF - 8" PVC @ 2.00% 37 LF - 18" HDPE @ 0.73% 81 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.73% 69 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.73% 50 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.73% 70 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.73% 39 LF - 24" HDPE @ 0.73%This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C5-STORM SEWER PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:24am©BYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONNORTHPREPARED FORSTORM SEWERPLANC301LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTADATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN, P.E.02/11/202253113DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT1602540002/11/2022AS SHOWNACLAJWBMWPRIOR TO PLACING FILL WITHIN EXISTING DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN AREAS, CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE AN EQUIVALENT (OR GREATER) AMOUNT OF COMPENSATORY STORAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED ONSITE OR OFFSITE IN DESIGNATED AREAS. REFER TO 215TH STREET EXTENSION PLANS COMPLETED BY OTHERS. FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') FFE: 941.90' EXISTING 60' GAS EASEMENT SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION 4" RSV 4" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE CONNECTION DDDDDDDDDDDDD121 STUB IE:932.71 SW 124 STUB IE:932.71 SW 106 STUB IE:932.71 SW 112 STUB IE:932.71 SW 115 STUB IE:932.71 SW 118 STUB IE:932.71 SW 109 STUB IE:932.71 SW CO123 CLEANOUT RE:941.66 IE:932.63 NE IE:932.63 W CO120 CLEANOUT RE:941.66 IE:932.51 NE IE:932.51 W CO105 CLEANOUT RE:941.64 IE:931.90 NE IE:931.90 W CO111 CLEANOUT RE:941.63 IE:932.12 NE IE:932.12 W CO114 CLEANOUT RE:941.62 IE:932.26 NE IE:932.26 W CO117 CLEANOUT RE:941.57 IE:932.38 NE IE:932.38 W CO108 CLEANOUT RE:941.54 IE:932.00 NE IE:932.00 W CO122 CLEANOUT RE:941.28 IE:932.35 E IE:932.35 NWCO119 CLEANOUT RE:941.27 IE:931.78 SE IE:931.78 E IE:931.78 NWCO113 CLEANOUT RE:941.16 IE:930.63 SE IE:930.63 E IE:930.63 NWCO104 CLEANOUT RE:941.13 IE:929.00 SE IE:929.00 E IE:929.00 NW CO110 CLEANOUT RE:941.09 IE:930.03 SE IE:930.03 E IE:930.03 NWCO107 CLEANOUT RE:941.05 IE:929.47 SE IE:929.47 E IE:929.47 NW CO116 CLEANOUT RE:940.92 IE:931.19 SE IE:931.19 E IE:931.19 NW 101 48" SSWR MH RE:941.12 IE:927.58 SE IE:927.48 NE IE:924.11 W CO103 CLEANOUT RE:940.80 IE:928.51 SE IE:928.51 NW 100 STUB RE:941.55 IE:923.51 E CO131 CLEANOUT RE:940.56 IE:930.52 SE IE:930.52 NWCO130 CLEANOUT RE:940.21 IE:930.02 SE IE:930.02 NW CO102 CLEANOUT RE:940.35 IE:928.00 SE IE:928.00 NWCO129 CLEANOUT RE:939.63 IE:929.52 SE IE:929.52 W CO125 CLEANOUT RE:939.34 IE:927.98 NE IE:927.98 SW CO128 CLEANOUT RE:938.46 IE:929.24 E IE:929.24 SW CO126 CLEANOUT RE:938.25 IE:928.36 NE IE:928.36 SW 136 STUB IE:932.71 NE CO127 CLEANOUT RE:937.95 IE:928.74 NE IE:928.74 SW CO132 CLEANOUT RE:937.89 IE:931.02 SE IE:931.02 NW CO133 CLEANOUT RE:937.89 IE:931.52 SE IE:931.52 NW CO134 CLEANOUT RE:937.88 IE:932.09 SE IE:932.09 NW CO135 CLEANOUT RE:937.88 IE:932.65 SW IE:932.65 NW 117 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.48% 119 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 116 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.48% 119 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 118 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.48% 87 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.53% 30 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00% 12 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 113 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50%56 LF - 6" PVC@ 0.50%100 LF - 6" PVC@ 0.50%4 LF - 4" PVC @ 2.00% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 2.00% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 5.12% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 5.12% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 8.37% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 8.37% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 11.46% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 11.46% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 14.76% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 14.76% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 17.84% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 17.84% 4 LF - 4" PVC @ 20.43% 14 LF - 4" PVC @ 20.43% CONNECT TO PROPOSED WATER SERVICE (BY OTHERS) CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE GALWAY DRIVE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS 113 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 100 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 100 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 100 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 100 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50%77 LF - 6" PVC@ 0.50%77 LF - 6" PVC@ 0.50%100 LF - 6" PVC@ 0.50%86 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 100 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.50% 92 LF - 6" PVC @ 0.54% 10" WATERMAIN 10"X10" TEE 10" RSV 4" BEND 4" DOMESTIC WATER 12" FIRE LOOP 12" BEND 10'X4" RED 10" BEND 10" WATERMAIN FIRE PUMP HOUSE FIRE TANK 16" LINE OUT FROM PUMP ROOM (2) 16" BENDS 16" RSV 16" TEE 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 16"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (2) 12" BENDS 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (2) 12" BENDS (2) 12" BENDS 16"X12" RED 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 12"X10" TEE 10" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION 16"X12" TEE (TYP) 12" FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE CONNECTION (TYP) 12" FIRE LOOP 12" RSV 16"X12" RED 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 16" FIRE LOOP (TYP) 12" FIRE LOOP (TYP) 12" FIRE LOOP (TYP) 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 12"X6" TEE 6" RSV FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (2) 4" BENDS (2) 12" BENDS (2) 4" BENDS 4" DOMESTIC WATER SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION CONNECT TO PROPOSED SANITARY SERVICE (BY OTHERS) FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION. CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE GALWAY DRIVE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS G A L W A Y L A N E (B Y O T H E R S )215TH STREET(BY OTHERS)STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA FUTURE CR 70 ROW 6.27 AC FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS (BY OTHERS) PROPOSED BASIN EQUALIZER PIPE 10" WATERMAIN CONNECT TO PROPOSED WATERMAIN. 10" RSV 10"X10" TEE This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\C6-UTILITY PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:25am©BYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONUTILITY PLAN NOTES 1.ALL FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE IN PLACE, AND COMPACTED BEFORE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES. 2.SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 8" PVC SDR35 PER ASTM D-3034, FOR PIPES LESS THAN 12' DEEP 8" PVC SDR26 PER ASTM D-3034, FOR PIPES MORE THAN 12' DEEP 6" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PER ASTM D-1785 DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 3.WATER LINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 6" AND LARGER, PVC C-900 PER ASTM D 2241 CLASS 200 UNDER COUNTY ROADS, OTHERWISE CLASS 150 4" AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 SMALLER THAN 3" PIPING SHALL BE COPPER TUBE TYPE "K" PER ANSI 816.22 OR PVC, 200 P.S.I., PER ASTM D1784 AND D2241. 4.MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE 2 FEET. 5.ALL WATER JOINTS ARE TO BE MECHANICAL JOINTS WITH RESTRAINTS SUCH AS THRUST BLOCKING, WITH STAINLESS STEEL OR COBALT BLUE BOLTS, OR AS INDICATED IN THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS AND PROJECT DOCUMENTS. 6.ALL UTILITIES SHOULD BE KEPT TEN (10') APART (PARALLEL) OR WHEN CROSSING 18" VERTICAL CLEARANCE (OUTSIDE EDGE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF PIPE OR STRUCTURE). 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 7'-5" COVER ON ALL WATERLINES. 8.IN THE EVENT OF A VERTICAL CONFLICT BETWEEN WATER LINES, SANITARY LINES, STORM LINES AND GAS LINES, OR ANY OBSTRUCTION (EXISTING AND PROPOSED), THE SANITARY LINE SHALL BE SCH. 40 OR C900 WITH MECHANICAL JOINTS AT LEAST 10 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE CROSSING. THE WATER LINE SHALL HAVE MECHANICAL JOINTS WITH APPROPRIATE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION. MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI A21.10 OR ANSI 21.11 (AWWA C-151) (CLASS 50). 9.LINES UNDERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE BACKFILLING. 10.TOPS OF MANHOLES SHALL BE RAISED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITH PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, AND TO BE ONE FOOT ABOVE FINISHED GROUND ELEVATIONS, IN GREEN AREAS, WITH WATERTIGHT LIDS. 11.ALL CONCRETE FOR ENCASEMENTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 3000 P.S.I. 12.EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY NEW LINES. 13.REFER TO INTERIOR PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR TIE-IN OF ALL UTILITIES. 14.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE AND/OR STATE OF MINNESOTA WITH REGARDS TO MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION OF THE WATER AND SEWER LINES. 15.THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES, AND WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 16.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NECESSARY INSPECTIONS AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY CODES AND/OR UTILITY SERVICE COMPANIES. 17.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 18.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE ARCH / MEP PLANS FOR SITE LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL PLAN. 19.BACKFLOW DEVICES (DDCV AND PRZ ASSEMBLIES) AND METERS ARE LOCATED IN THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. REF. ARCH / MEP PLANS. 20.ALL ONSITE WATERMAINS AND SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 21.ALL WATERMAIN STUBOUTS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED WITH REACTION BLOCKING. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN GATE VALVE HYDRANT TEE REDUCER UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE GAS MAIN LEGEND CO SANITARY CLEANOUTCO EXISTING PROPOSED PREPARED FORUTILITY PLANC400LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTANORTHDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.BRIAN M. WURDEMAN02/11/202253113DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT1602540002/11/2022AS SHOWNACLAJWBMW 102310241025 102610271028 10291030 10311032 10331034 10351036 10371038 10391040 1041 104210431044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 10511052 10531054 10551056 1057 10581059 1060 1061 1062 10631064 1065 1066 106710681069 10701071 1072 1073 1074 10751076 1077 1078 1079 1080108110821083 1084 1085 10861087 1088 1089109010911092 109310941095 1096 10971098 1099 11001101 1102 11031104 1105 1106 1107110811091110 1111 1112111311141115 11161117 111811191120 112111221123 1124 11251126 11271128 1129 1130 11311132 1133 1134113511361137 1138 1139 1140 11411142 11431144114511461147 11481149 1150 115111521153 115411551156 1157 11581159 1160 1161 1162116311641165 1166 1167 116811691170 1171 1172117311741175117611771178 11791180 1181 1182 11831184 118511861187 11881189 1190 119111921193 11941195 11961197 1198 1199 120012011202 12031204 1205 12061207 12081209 1210 12111212 1213 12141215 1216 12171218 1219 1220 1221 12221223 1224 1225 12261227 12281229 1230 123112321233123412351236 12371238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 12441245 1246 124712481249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 12581259 1260 1261 1262 1263126412651266 126712681269 12701271 1272 12731274127512761277 1278 127912801281 12821283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 12891290 1291 12921293 129412951296 129712981299130013011302 13031304 13051306 130713081309 1310 1311 1312 1313 131413151316 13171318 1319 1320 1321 13221323 132413251326 132713281329 133013311332 1333 1334 1335 13361337 13381339 1340 1341 13421343 13441345 1346 1347 1348 1349 135013511352 1353 135413551356 13571358135913601361 1362 1363 13641365 1366 136713681369 1370137113721373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 138113821383 138413851386 1387 138813891390 1391 1392 13931394 1395 1396 1397 1398 139914001401 14021403 14041405 1406 1407 14081409 14101411141214131414 141514161417 1418 141914201421142214231424 1425 142614271428 1429 106410651066106710681069107010711071BOX ELDERBOX ELDERBOX ELDERBOX ELDERB B B This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\L1-TREE INVENTORY AND PRESERVATION PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:25amBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TREE TO BE REMOVED PROPERTY LINE TREE TO REMAIN LEGEND TREE PROTECTION SIGN FURNISH AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIPLINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SPECIFIED, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. WHEN POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25 FEET BEYOND THE DRIP LINE. PLACE PROTECTION SIGNS ALONG FENCE AT 20' INTERVALS. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS DRIP LINE TREE REMOVAL: 429 TREES = 3,881 INCHES TREE MITIGATION DATA 1.PRUNING WILL BE DONE BY PROFESSIONALS DURING APPROPRIATE PRUNING SEASON. 2.NO STORAGE OF MATERIALS, OPERATION OF MACHINERY, OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY SORT WILL OCCUR WITHIN THE FENCE-LINE WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROM CITY. 3.SITE GRADING TO BE DONE ONLY AFTER PROTECTIVE MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN, CITY HAS APPROVED FENCING LOCATIONS, AND ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE BEEN BREIFED ON TREE PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES. 4.EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN OR REMOVED TO BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED, WITHIN DISTURBANCE LIMITS AND 10' OUTSIDE OF THE DISTURBANCE LIMITS. 5.TREE PRESERVATION TO BE APPROVED BY OWNER AND PER LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY. TREE PROTECTION NOTES TEMPORARY TREE PROTECTION FENCE PLACEMENT SCALE: N.T.S.L1001 KEYNOTE LEGEND EXISTING TREE TO BE SAVED (TYP.) EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED (TYP.) LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP.) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (SEE DETAIL) (TYP.) A B C D TREE PROTECTION FENCE EXISTING VEGETATION EDGE DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.MITCHELL G. COOKAS, PLA04/01/202256522DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT16025400004/01/2022AS SHOWNCFKCFKMGCPREPARED FORTREE INVENTORYANDPRESERVATIONPLANL100LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTANORTH TREE INVENTORY TAG # 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 SPECIES COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD MAPLE BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER BOX ELDER WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW BOX ELDER WILLOW BOX ELDER WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW ASH ASH COTTONWOOD ASPEN ASH WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW ASH WILLOW COTTONWOOD WILLOW WILLOW COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD WILLOW COTTONWOOD WILLOW WILLOW COTTONWOOD ASH ASPEN WILLOW WILLOW ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASH ASPEN SIZE 8 14 8 16 6 9 8 9 5 7 6 13 6 10 15 9 16 16 6 5 13 11 6 16 7 6 5 5 6 8 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 5 8 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 18 11 13 18 15 13 16 14 6 14 8 15 6 7 10 5 8 26 7 6 15 12 22 14 11 5 16 17 13 10 22 15 9 8 5 8 5 12 6 5 16 7 7 12 6 5 5 9 # 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1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 SPECIES ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN WALNUT ELM BOX ELDER BOX ELDER COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD BOX ELDER BOX ELDER WALNUT COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD BOX ELDER COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ASPEN COTTONWOOD ASPEN ASPEN COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD RUSSIAN OLIVE COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD RUSSIAN OLIVE COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ASH ASH ELM ASH BOX ELDER ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN WILLOW COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD WILLOW WILLOW BOX ELDER ASPEN WILLOW WILLOW WILLOW COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD BOX ELDER COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD SIZE 7 7 7 7 6 10 10 20 16 8 6 5 18 12 33 8 9 11 11 8 7 5 9 5 19 5 14 6 10 11 5 5 11 5 6 11 7 5 14 13 6 6 5 11 13 5 11 6 5 8 12 12 7 14 12 7 7 9 11 14 6 6 11 16 8 11 12 14 10 7 7 8 7 7 14 8 8 5 6 5 5 9 13 12 11 5 7 6 7 6 10 12 17 16 10 5 11 7 10 7 # 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1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 SPECIES COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD RUSSIAN OLIVE ASPEN ASPEN ELM ELM ASH ELM ELM ELM ASH ASH ASPEN ELM ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN COTTONWOOD ASPEN ELM ELM ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM ELM ELM ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ASPEN ELM COTTONWOOD SIZE 12 7 10 10 10 11 5 7 7 13 8 5 8 11 8 10 7 9 12 11 7 9 12 5 5 5 6 12 10 6 5 7 8 5 8 7 7 5 9 5 11 11 11 5 9 13 12 8 6 12 6 9 5 14 8 6 6 5 11 9 15 10 15 11 11 10 8 6 5 13 14 14 7 9 9 7 9 9 8 10 9 8 10 10 8 10 8 7 9 14 14 6 6 6 7 8 7 6 9 9 # 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1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 SPECIES COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM ELM COTTONWOOD ELM ELM ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM ASH ASH ASH ASH ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ASH COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ASPEN ASPEN ASPEN ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD ELM ELM ELM COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD SIZE 15 9 11 7 9 10 10 7 10 14 5 8 6 7 11 10 10 9 12 13 19 11 8 6 11 11 9 6 7 9 6 12 11 8 6 8 6 5 6 6 6 11 10 9 14 5 10 7 6 9 10 12 9 7 8 9 8 12 14 11 6 13 11 5 13 7 5 7 12 7 11 12 8 5 10 10 5 6 7 6 9 8 7 7 7 6 7 13 5 5 9 8 11 6 11 12 5 8 5 12 # 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1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 SPECIES COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD COTTONWOOD SIZE 9 10 12 12 9 12 5 7 # OF STEMS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\L1-TREE INVENTORY AND PRESERVATION PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:26amBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.MITCHELL G. COOKAS, PLA04/01/202256522DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT16025400004/01/2022AS SHOWNCFKCFKMGCPREPARED FORTREE INVENTORYANDPRESERVATIONPLANL101LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTANORTH LANDSCAPE KEYNOTESLANDSCAPE LEGEND EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (TYP.) EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE (TYP.) EXISTING SHRUB (TYP.) EDGER (TYP.) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SOD / IRRIGATION, SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS (TYP.) SEED/ SOD EDGE (TYP.) ROCK MULCH - 1.5" DIAM. RIVER ROCK (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 33-261: STORMWATER SOUTH & WEST SEED MIX (TYP.) TRAFFIC BOULDER - SEE DETAIL (TYP.) A A B C D E LANDSCAPE KEYNOTES EDGER (TYP.) DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (TYP.) ROCK MULCH (TYP.) SOD (TYP.) TRAFFIC BOULDER (TYP.) A C D D D D D E C D C C C A A STORMWATER AREA FUTURE BUILDING EXPANSION 77,760 SF (362'X216') 276,480 SF STORAGE COLD PROPOSED (362'X756') STORMWATER AREA STORMWATER AREA FFE: 941.90' 5 - RVB5 - RVB 5 - RVB 3 - SWO 3 - SWO 3 - SWO 5 - ERC 5 - RVB 4 - RVB 3 - SWO 3 - SWO 3 - SWO 4 - RVB 4 - RVB 3 - RVB 5 - RVB 1 - ABM 1 - ABM 1 - ABM 1 - ABM 6 - BOL 4 - RVB 1 - HCK 1 - HCK 5 - AUP 4 - ERC 1 - HCK 1 - HCK 3 - WHP 3 - WHP 1 - HCK 4 - CBS 1 - HCK 4 - WHP 1 - HCK 3 - ERC 1 - SWO 4 - CBS 1 - SWO 4 - AUP 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 1 - SWO 5 - CBS 4 - WHP 4 - CBS 5 - AUP 4 - CBS 4 - WHP 5 - ERC 1 - CBS 3 - BOL 17 - KFG 17 - KFG 9 - KFG 12 - KFG 2 - PRC 33-261 33-261 33-261 33-261 33-261 33-261 25-131 25-131 25-131 25-131 25-131 25-131 25-131 25-131 SEEDING KEYNOTES SEED WITH MNDOT 25-131: LOW MAINTENANCE TURF SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 33-261: STORMWATER SOUTH & WEST SEED MIX (TYP.) 25-131 33-261 CONIFEROUS TREE CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME AUP 14 PINUS NIGRA AUSTRIAN PINE CBS 22 PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO SPRUCE ERC 17 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA EASTERN RED CEDAR WHP 18 PINUS STROBUS WHITE PINE ORNAMENTAL TREE CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PRC 2 MALUS IOENSIS `PRAIRIE ROSE`PRAIRIE ROSE CRABAPPLE RVB 44 BETULA NIGRA RIVER BIRCH MULTI-TRUNK OVERSTORY TREE CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ABM 4 ACER X FREEMANII `AUTUMN BLAZE`AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE BOL 9 TILIA AMERICANA `BOULEVARD`BOULEVARD LINDEN HCK 7 CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS COMMON HACKBERRY SWO 28 QUERCUS BICOLOR SWAMP WHITE OAK PERENNIALS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME KFG 55 CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA `KARL FOERSTER`KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS PLANT SCHEDULE This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\LAUNCH PROPERTIES\LAKEVILLE\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\Realty Link - Cold Storage\L1-LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwg April 01, 2022 - 11:26amBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.MITCHELL G. COOKAS, PLA04/01/202256522DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT16025400004/01/2022AS SHOWNCFKCFKMGCPREPARED FORLANDSCAPE PLANL102LAKEVILLE CEDAR COLDSTORAGEMN LAKEVILLECEDAR, LLCLAKEVILLEMINNESOTAROOF OVERHANG REQUIRED LANDSCAPE:DECORATIVE MULCH AND / OR FOUNDATION PLANTINGS ROOF OVERHANG PROVIDED LANDSCAPE:DECORATIVE MULCH AND / OR FOUNDATION PLANTINGS PERIMETER TREES REQUIRED:DECIDUOUS TREES NOT MORE THAN 40' APART CONIFEROUS TREES NOT MORE THAN 15' APART PERIMETER TREES PROVIDED:DECIDUOUS TREES NOT MORE THAN 40' APART CONIFEROUS TREES NOT MORE THAN 15' APART *CONIFEROUS TREES MAY REPLACE SOME DECIDUOUS TREES TO PROVIDE YEAR AROUND SCREENING INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED:1,572 SF = 31,443 SF OFF STREET PARKING AREA / 100) * 5 INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED:2,123 SF *MINIMUM DIMENSION OF LANDSCAPE AREA IS NINE (9) FEET IN ANY DIRECTION, MEASURED FROM BACK OF CURB. MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA IS ONE HUNDRED SIXTY (160) SQUARE FEET. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE SETBACK 2' FROM PARKING STALLS. LANDSCAPE SUMMARY NORTH60' NATURAL GAS EASEMENT MAINTENANCE ACCESS DRIVE STORAGE TANK MAINTENANCE ACCESS DRIVE FEMA DEFINED FLOODPLAIN 10' D&U EASMENT NOTE: ALL SEED MIXES SHALL INCLUDE PROPER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES, WATERING DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD AND ONGOING MAINTENANCE PER MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER SPECIFICATION AND REQUIREMENTS. PAGE 203.11.2022REALTYLINK - LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MN - CHI22-0066-00 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLANOFFICECONVERTIBLE ROOM 2 47,539 SF CONVERTIBLE ROOM 1 55,338 SF COLD STORAGE BLDG 205,686 SF CONVERTIBLE ROOM 4 55,338 SF CONVERTIBLE ROOM 3 47,471 SF TRUCK DOCK 68,268SF 362'756'90'70'100'60'272'FUTUREEXPANSION78,162 SF216'362'30' 30' 24'24'20'DETENTION BASIN DETENTION BASIN DETENTION BASIN G A L W A Y L A N E NORTH SHEET 00.00.2018 IRV17-0000-00 Conceptual Site Planscheme: 01 Lakeville, MN 1 0 30 60 150 300 1" =60' This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Boundary Source: Stormwater Management Design: A PORTION OF THE ZONING INFORMATION IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME AND REQUIREMENTS MAY DIFFER THAN WHAT IS SHOWN IN THE SITE PLAN. This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Signage shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect municipal code compliance. All colors shown are for representative purposes only. Refer to material samples for actual color verification. Exhibit F PAGE 403.11.2022REALTYLINK - LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MN - CHI22-0066-00 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS F.F.E. 0" L AC.1DEFGHJK PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA TRIM INSULATED METAL PANEL 3'-0"X7'-0" INFIT FREEZER DOOR PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA TRIM A.6 A.3 EXTERIOR CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM, TYP. T.O.P.35'-0" M T.O.P.31'-0" F.5 E.5G.5H.5J.5K.5K.9 E.1 C B T.O.P.52'-11" F.F.E.0" 22 1414.51515.5191616.5171819.52020.52121.5 13 3'-0"X7'-0" INFIT FREEZER DOOR 3'-0"X7'-0" INFIT FREEZER DOOR INSULATED METAL PANEL PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOTS T.O.P.52'-11" F.F.E.0" 155.566.577.59.5 4 3 21010.51111.51214 813 3'-0"X7'-0" INFIT FREEZER DOOR INSULATED METAL PANEL PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS T.O.P.35'-0" T.O.P.31'-0" T.O.P.52'-11" 12255.566.577.599.5 31010.51111.5121414.51515.5191616.5171819.52020.52121.5 813 SEE ELEVATION 3 SEE ELEVATION 2 T.O.P.31'-0" T.O.P.52'-11" BASE COLOR: KINGSPAN INSULATED METAL PANEL, REGAL W HITE SECONDARY COLOR: KINGSPAN INSULATED METAL PANEL, CHROMIUM GRAY ACCENT COLOR: REGAL BLUE COLORS: PAGE11/05/2021 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS REALTYLINK LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 10 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"3PARTIAL SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2PARTIAL SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"4OVERALL SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Signage shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect municipal code compliance. All colors shown are for representative purposes only. Refer to material samples for actual color verification. PAGE 503.11.2022REALTYLINK - LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MN - CHI22-0066-00 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS F.F.E.0" LADEFGHJK 3'-0"X7'-0" INFIT FREEZER DOOR INSULATED METAL PANEL PREFINISHED METAL FASCIA TRIM T.O.P.35'-0" MF.5E.5 G.5 H.5 J.5 K.5 K.9E.1CB T.O.P.52'-11" F.F.E.0" 2212.9 14.3 14.8 15.3 15.8 16.3 16.8 18.6 19.2 19.7 20.1 20.6 21.1 21.6 PREFIINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT INSULATED METAL PANEL 10'-0"X11'-4" INSULATED DOCK DOOR WITH SHELTER 4'-0" WIDE PREFINISHED METAL CANOPY 3'X7' FRP PERSONNEL DOOR (TYP.) GALVANIZED STEEL STAIR (TYP.) T.O.P.35'-0" T.O.P.52'-11" F.F.E.0" 1 5432 5.4 5.8 6.4 6.8 7.4 7.8 8.3 9.8 10.2 10.6 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.9 COMPACTOR10'X20' INSULATED SECTIONAL DOOR CONCRETE RAMP PREFIINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT INSULATED METAL PANEL 10'-0"X11'-4" INSULATED DOCK DOOR WITH SHELTER 4'-0" WIDE PREFINISHED METAL CANOPY 3'X7' FRP PERSONNEL DOOR (TYP.) GALVANIZED STEEL STAIR (TYP.) INSULATED METAL PANEL EXTERIOR CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM, TYP. T.O.P.35'-0"T.O.P.31'-0" T.O.P.52'-11" 1 225425.4 5.8 6.4 6.8 7.4 7.8 8.3 9.8 10.2 10.6 11.2 11.6 12.1 12.9 14.3 14.8 15.3 15.8 16.3 16.8 18.6 19.2 19.7 20.1 20.6 21.1 21.6 SEE ELEVATION 2 SEE ELEVATION 3 T.O.P.35'-0" T.O.P.52'-11" BASE COLOR: KINGSPAN INSULATED METAL PANEL, REGAL W HITE SECONDARY COLOR: KINGSPAN INSULATED METAL PANEL, CHROMIUM GRAY ACCENT COLOR: REGAL BLUE COLORS: PAGE11/05/21 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS REALTYLINK LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 11 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2PARTIAL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"3PARTIAL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"4OVERALL NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Signage shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect municipal code compliance. All colors shown are for representative purposes only. Refer to material samples for actual color verification. PAGE 603.11.2022REALTYLINK - LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MN - CHI22-0066-00 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN EAST AERIALPERSPECTIVE This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Signage shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect municipal code compliance. All colors shown are for representative purposes only. Refer to material samples for actual color verification. PAGE 703.11.2022REALTYLINK - LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MN - CHI22-0066-00 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN EAST PERSPECTIVE - OFFICE This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. Signage shown is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect municipal code compliance. All colors shown are for representative purposes only. Refer to material samples for actual color verification. CLOVER LEAF STORAGE WEST OF CEDAR AVENUE T.O.P. 35'-0"PROPERTY LINEGALWAY LANE BUILDING HEIGHT MECHANICAL UNITS 650'-0" 0 16'32'64' 1/32"=1'-0" 8' PAGE This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. 04/20/22 SIGHT STUDY 1 RL COLD LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 2 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"1SIGHT LINE STUDY SCALE: 1" = 200'-0"2KEY PLAN Exhibit G T.O.P. 52'-11"PROPERTY LINEBUILDING HEIGHT GALLAWAY LANE MECHANICAL UNITS 288'-6" 0 4'8'16'20' 3/32"=1'-0" PAGE This conceptual design is based upon a preliminary review of entitlement requirements and on unverified and possibly incomplete site and/or building information, and is intended merely to assist in exploring how the project might be developed. 04/20/22 SIGHT STUDY 2 RL COLD LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 3 SCALE: 1" = 200'-0"2KEY PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"1SIGHT LINE STUDY Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087 Fax 952.891 -7127 www.co.dakota.mn.us March 4, 2022 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION The Dakota County Plat Commission met on March 2, 2022, to consider the final plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to Future County Road 70 and CSAH 23 (Cedar Ave.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The proposed plan includes a design for the extension of CR 70 with a cul-de-sac lying easterly of the CR 70/CSAH 23 intersection, which will require a review and permit from the Transportation Department - Permitting. The plan includes one lot and four outlots. The right-of-way needs along CSAH 23 and Future CR 70 are 75 feet of half right of way. The access spacing guidelines are ½ mile for full access locations and ¼ mile for restricted access locations along CSAH 23 and Future CR 70. There is one city street connection (Galway Lane) on the east end of the cul-de-sac, which will be a future right turns only access. This city street connection to future CR 70 should be skewed to the CR 70 right of way to accommodate a radial intersection with the Future CR 70 curve. The internal connector road to Galway Drive was moved southerly south of the stormwater pond. As discussed, some of the drainage from CR 70 is planned to be along the south right of way of future CR 70. As discussed, the drainage should not be in the dedicated CR 70 area along Lot 1. Further discussions regarding the drainage in the area are needed with County Transportation, City and developer for future CR 70 and the proposed sites. Restricted access should be shown all of future CR 70 along Lot 1 and CSAH 23 along Outlot C. A quit claim deed to Dakota County for restricted access is required with the recording of the plat mylars. The Plat Commission has approved the final plat provided that the described conditions are met and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners meeting on March 22, 2022. Traffic volumes on Future County Road 70 are to be determined. The traffic volumes on CSAH 23 are 8,000 ADT and are anticipated to be 8,400 ADT by the year 2040. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Exhibit H Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Brian Wurdeman, Kimley-Horn City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Daryl Morey, Planning Director Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: April 28, 2022 Subject: Airlake 70 First Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review • Preliminary Site Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Airlake Development, Inc. has submitted a preliminary plat to be known as Airlake 70 First Addition and site plans to construct a Cold Storage facility. The proposed development is located east of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and south of and adjacent to 215th Street (Future CSAH 70). The parent parcels consist of metes and bounds properties (PID Nos. 220340051020, 220340026015, 220340051010 and 220340050013), zoned I-2, General Industrial District. The preliminary plat consists of one lot within one block and five outlots on 89.18 acres. The Developer is dedicating 6.27 acres as 215th Street (Future CSAH 70) right-of-way. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 77 The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Launch Properties Engineer/Surveyor: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc./ Egan, Field, & Nowak, Inc. The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following uses: Outlot A: Floodplain mitigation; to be deeded to the City (10.21 acres) Outlot B: Future Development and floodplain mitigation; to be retained by the Developer (6.21 acres) Outlot C: Wetland mitigation and floodplain mitigation; to be deeded to the City (8.13 acres) Outlot D: Wetland mitigation and floodplain mitigation; to be deeded to the City (16.53 acres) Outlot E: Stormwater Management Basin; to be deeded to the City (3.72 acres) Outlot F: Future Development; to be retained by the Developer (7.60 acres) SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The parent parcels consist of vacant agricultural land. South Creek is located along the north side of the parent parcels and the south branch of south creek is located along the south end of the parent parcels. The land generally slopes from west to east. Several delineated wetlands are located through the property. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The parent parcels contain the following easements that will be maintained with developer: • Highway Easement dated April 16, 1975, filed December 30, 1975, as Document No. 462007; • Highway Easement dated December 2, 1975, filed December 30, 1975, as Document No. 462008; • Highway Easement dated June 26, 1984, filed September 19, 1984, as Document No. 666300; • Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 226; • Drainage and Utility Easement dated February 5, 2002, filed April 11, 2002, as Document No. 1883234; • Highway Easement dated February 5, 2002, filed April 11, 2002, as Document No. 1883235; • Final Certificate dated August 14, 2003, filed January 28, 2005, as Document No. 2289828. • Terms and conditions of Right of Way Agreement dated August 29, 1930, filed November 20, 1930 in Book 39 of Miscellaneous, at page 566. o As amended by Special Warranty Deed dated March 15, 1966, filed April 4, 1966 in Book 292 of Deeds, at page 610 which was conveyed to Williams Brothers Pipe Line Company, a Delaware corporation. o As amended by Partial Release of Right of Way (Full Release Tract) dated June 29, 2012, filed July 6, 2012, as Document Number 2878564. • Terms and conditions of Easement dated September 3, 2008, filed September 22, 2008, as Document No. 2614103, in favor of the Metropolitan Council, a Minnesota public corporation and political subdivision. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 77 • Terms and conditions of Easement dated May 5, 2009, filed July 27, 2009, as Document No. 2673750, in favor of the Metropolitan Council, a Minnesota public corporation and political subdivision. • Terms and conditions of Grant of Permanent Easement for Drainage and Utility Purposes dated June 30, 2021, filed July 13, 2021, as Document No. 3476966, in favor of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation. • Terms and conditions of Grant of Permanent Easement for Drainage and Utility Purposes dated June 30, 2021, filed July 13, 2021, as Document No. 3476967, in favor of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) Airlake 70 First Addition is located east of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue. Cedar Avenue is a low density minor arterial County roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. It is currently constructed as a four-lane, rural section roadway adjacent to the plat. The proposed improvements include the construction of the local extension of 215th Street extending from Cedar Avenue. The Developer shall construct a northbound right turn lane along Cedar Avenue and modify the existing traffic signal for the addition of the fourth leg to the intersection. The design for the improvements must be reviewed and approved by Dakota County and a right-of-way permit is required from the Highway Department for the proposed access. The preliminary plat was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at its March 2, 2022 meeting. The Developer is required to construct any necessary improvements as required by Dakota County. 215th Street (Future CSAH 70) Airlake 70 First Addition includes the construction of 215th Street, a future Principal Arterial County roadway. 215th Street will be initially constructed as a local standard rural section roadway until it is extended east providing alternate connections to the City of Farmington, currently not programmed. The street will be constructed as a 40-foot-wide paved section with two-foot gravel shoulders on the south side and curb and gutter on the north, transitioning to a 4-lane divided roadway at the intersection of Cedar Avenue to align with the approach lanes to the west. Dedicated westbound turn lanes will be constructed along 215th Street at the Cedar Avenue intersection. 215th Street will terminate in a temporary cul- de-sac east of the intersection with Galway Lane. The Developer shall install future street extension signs and barricades at the east end of 215th Street until it is extended in the future. Galway Lane Airlake 70 First Addition includes the construction of Galway Lane, a local roadway. Galway Lane will be constructed as a rural section roadway to promote infiltration and stormwater treatment. Curb and gutter will be included on the majority of the west side of the roadway in order to match existing elevations along the west right of way boundary. Galway Lane will be constructed as a 40-foot-wide paved section with two-foot gravel shoulders (east side) within an 80-foot right-of-way. Galway Lane will be constructed between 215th Street and 220th Street to provide additional access for existing industrial development south of 220th Street. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 77 Galway Lane will provide a temporary full access to 215th Street, until such time that it is improved to its ultimate design and jurisdiction is transferred to Dakota County. It is anticipated that the access will be converted to either right-in/right-out or ¾ partial access at such time. 220th Street Airlake 70 First Addition includes the construction and extension of 220th Street, a local roadway. 220th Street will be constructed as a 40-foot-wide paved rural section roadway to promote infiltration and stormwater treatment within an 80-foot right-of-way. 220th Street will terminate east of the Galway Lane intersection. At the time Outlot B is final platted into lots and blocks, right of way shall be dedicated and 220th Street shall be constructed at extended to the east plat boundary. SITE PLAN REVIEW A site plan and conditional use permit application was submitted by MN Lakeville Cedar, LLC for Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition. The site plan consists of a 276,480 square foot cold storage building, plans for a future building expansion, parking lot, utilities and stormwater management systems. Public improvements necessary to serve the development of the site include the construction of 215th Street, 220th Street and Galway Lane and associated utilities. Two access drives from Galway Lane serve the proposed site improvements. The driveway entrances are proposed to include a commercial driveway apron, stop sign and stop bar. The parking improvements includes stalls for automobiles and truck trailers, including 4 designated handicapped spaces. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction shall be from one access along 215th Street, by way of Cedar Avenue. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDD EEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication fee has not collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with the final plat. The City’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan identify a regional greenway corridor along South Creek on the north side of the parent parcels and a community greenway corridor along the South Branch of South Creek within the parent parcels. The proposed greenway corridors are located on land currently owned or proposed to be dedicated to the City for other uses (stormwater management, wetland preservation/mitigations, etc.), with the exception of Outlot B. At the time Outlot B is platted into lots and blocks, the Developer shall include land dedication to the City for the future community greenway corridor. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 77 UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANN IITTAARRYY SSEE WWEERR Airlake 70 First Addition is located south of the sub-district SC-10100 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district, as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The parcels can be served by sewer within sub-district SC-10100. The wastewater from the proposed site will be conveyed by privately-owned and City-owned sanitary sewer facilities to the Elko/New Market interceptor and then to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existing MCES-owned downstream facilities are adequate to convey the wastewater generated by the proposed development. Development of Airlake 70 First Addition includes the extension of public sanitary sewer from the MCES interceptor along 215th Street and Galway Lane to serve Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition. A direct connection permit from the MCES will be required prior to connection to the interceptor. Sanitary sewer services will be provided to the area of the proposed KTJ First Addition plat and Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot E, Airlake 70 First Addition. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be paid for with the Building Permit Application. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge will be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of approval of the Building Permit Application, as determined by the City’s Building Official. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Construction of 215th Street, 220th Street and Garvey Lane include the extension of 12-inch public watermain. The public watermain will be extended from existing watermain at the intersection of 215th Street/Cedar Avenue east along 215th Street, south along Galway Lane and west along 220th Street connecting to the existing watermain. Development of Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition includes the extension of private watermain. A 12-inch fire protection and 4-inch domestic watermain loop will be extended within the site from two proposed stubs along Galway Lane. The watermain constructed within the site shall be privately owned and maintained. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINN EESS Overhead utility lines and poles are located on the east side of Cedar Avenue and along the extension of 215th Street adjacent to the plat. Consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance, the overhead utility lines and poles along Cedar Avenue and 215th Street must be removed with development of the property. A security will be required with the final plat for the removal of the overhead utility lines and poles. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 77 DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Airlake 70 First Addition is located within subdistrict SC-173, SC-102 and SC-204, of the South Creek District of the City’s Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. The land use on the site is currently agriculture. Drainage on the existing site generally flows from the south to the east along the creeks. Construction of 215th Street, 220th Street and Galway Lane includes the grading of roadway ditches and two publicly owned and maintained stormwater management basin to manage the proposed drainage of the roadways. The proposed stormwater management design must meet the City’s requirements for rate and quality control. Development of Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition includes the construction of three privately owned and maintained stormwater management filtration basins which will manage the proposed drainage of the site and outlet via storm sewer and a stormwater ditch to an existing creek north of the site. The Developer shall sign a private maintenance agreement for the stormwater management basins prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. The grading specifications shall indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. A building permit will not be issued until a soils report and an as- built certified building pad survey have been submitted and approved by City staff. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition includes the construction of privately owned and maintained storm sewer systems, which will collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the development to the privately-owned and maintained stormwater management basins. Publicly owned and maintained storm sewer will be constructed along 215th Street and Galway Lane to collect and convey the runoff from the public roadways to the public basins on Outlot D and north of the 215th Street right-of-way. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with the final plat, at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. AAIIRRLLAAKKEE 7700 FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 77 FFEEMMAA FFLLOOOODDPPLLAAII NN AANN AALLYYSSIISS Portions of the Airlake 70 First Addition site are shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone AE and A by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. The proposed roadway improvements for 215th Street and 220th Street impact a portion of the mapped floodplain. The Developer shall conduct a “no-rise” analysis to permit the fill within the floodplain. The City Council will not consider the final plat and grading/impacts to the floodplain will not be permitted until the no-rise certification has been submitted and approved by the City. Floodplain mitigation areas are proposed to be graded on Outlot A, Outlot C and Outlot B. The portion of the outlots used for floodplain mitigation shall either be deeded to the City with the final plat, or an easement shall be established over the outlots to be retained by the Developer. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS A wetland delineation was completed by Kimley-Horn for the site. Based on the information provided in the report and site visit by City staff, the wetland delineation for the area outlined in the report has been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. The developer is proposing impacts to the wetlands throughout the site. A wetland replacement plan must be submitted and sent out for review and comment to local, state and federal agencies. The City Council will not consider the final plat and grading/impacts to the wetland until the wetland replacement plan has been submitted and approved by the City. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOO NN TT RROOLL The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. The Developer must obtain permit coverage prior to construction. Redundant silt fence is required along all wetlands that do not have a 50-foot buffer. The site drains to a DNR trout stream. Additional best management practices are required to protect the trout stream. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan, and site plan for Airlake 70 First Addition, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report. 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRLAKE 70 FIRST ADDITION BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXTERIOR MATEIRALS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On May 5, 2022 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at it’s regularly scheduled meeting to consider a conditional use permit to allow the construction of an industrial building at a height greater than 45 feet and for an exception to the I-2, General Industrial District exterior building materials requirements on property located at Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and south of 215th Street in the I-2, General Industrial District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 6 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which guides the property for industrial land uses. 2. The property is currently zoned I-2, General Industrial District. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lots 1, Block 1, Airlake 70 First Addition 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2 Finding: The proposed industrial building at 59 feet, 11 inches in height consistent with the recommendations of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for industrial uses in District 6. The additional proposed four feet of building height does not conflict with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is compatible with other industrial buildings in the vicinity. The proposed building exterior of insulated metal panels is compatible and consistent with other industrial buildings in the vicinity. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The 59 foot, 11 inch tall warehouse building constructed with metal insulted wall panels will be consistent and compatible with other similar industrial buildings in the area. b. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Finding: The proposed 59 foot, 11 inch tall warehouse building complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance including performance standards for increased building property line setbacks. The use of insulated metal wall panels is determined to be compliant with permitted exceptions to building material requirements. c. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject property lies within the current MUSA. The property is served with public sanitary sewer and water. The warehouse building with a height greater than 45 feet and proposed metal building exterior will have no impact on the City’s service capacity. d. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The 59 foot, 11 inch tall warehouse building with metal exterior materials will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report dated April 29, 2022 prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey dated April 29, 2022. DATED: May 5, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: _________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair