HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 UCA Development 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Daryl Morey FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 26 April 2022 RE: Lakeville – UCA/NSIPM TPC FILE: 135.01 BACKGROUND Kotula Properties, LLC has submitted development applications for 51.14 acres located west of I-35 and south of 210th Street (CSAH 70). The proposed development consists of a United Christian Academy (UCA) Pre-K through 12 private education facility, daycare, and medical office building. The requested development applications include consideration of the following:  Preliminary plat/final plat  Conditional Use Permit for: o An education facility within the RM-2 District o A daycare facility within the RM-2 District o The height of the education facility building o The height of the medical office building o Exterior lighting for athletic fields greater than 35 feet in height  Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow: o Accessory equine therapy as an interim use within the C-3 District o An exception to the allowed height for exterior lighting as a conditional use  Interim Use Permit for equine therapy accessory to a medical office use A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 5 May 2022. 2 EXHIBITS A. Location map B. Zoning map C. Preliminary plat D. Final plat E. Existing conditions plan F. Site plan (5 pages) G. Grading plan (6 pages) H. Utility plan (2 pages) I. Landscape plan (2 pages) J. UCA floor and elevation plans (6 pages) K. Daycare floor and elevation plans (3 pages) L. NSIPM floor and elevation plans (7 pages) M. Equine Therapy floor and elevation plans (3 pages) N. Dakota County Plat Commission Letter ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The City Council approved an amendment of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan to change the land use guided by the 2040 Land Use Plan for the education facility within Lot 2, Block 1 of the preliminary plat from commercial to medium-high density residential land uses. Lot 1, Block 1, to be developed with the medical office use, and Outlot C located north of Keswick Loop, are guided for commercial land uses. The boundaries of the land use designations are to be defined based on the legal description of the lots within the proposed preliminary and final plat of the subject site. The proposed land uses are consistent with the guidance of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The boundaries of the respective zoning districts previously approved by amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map are to be defined on the legal description of the lots within the proposed preliminary and final plat of the subject site. Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot C are zoned C-3 District. Lot 2, Block 1, Outlot A, and Outlot B are zoned RM-2 District.  The proposed medical office is a permitted use within the C-3 District.  The education facility is a conditional use within the RM-2 District as provided for by Section 11-59-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance.  The submitted plans include a proposed building at the northeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1 to be used as a daycare, which is allowed as a conditional use within the RM-2 District in accordance with Chapter 31 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The proposed medical office use within Lot 1, Block 1 includes a planned equine therapy accessory use. This use would involve construction of an accessory building southeast 3 of the medical office building and a fenced riding area. Keeping of farm animals is not allowed within the C-3 District necessitating consideration of a Zoning Ordinance amendment discussed in subsequent paragraphs.  There is also a related retreat center shown as a separate principal building within Lot 1, Block 1 identified as a Phase II project. City staff has previously discussed that the proposed retreat center use would be considered similar to allowed uses within the C-3 District, such as hotels. The construction of the retreat center building would require a future application for a conditional use permit to allow multiple principal buildings within Lot 1, Block 1 as provided for by Section 11-75-7.M of the Zoning Ordinance. Subdivision. The 51.14 acre subject site is to be subdivided by the preliminary and final plat entitled UCA Development as part of the proposed development as follows:  Plat. The property south of Keswick Loop is to be subdivided into two lots, one for the education facility and one for the medical office, as well as two outlots. Outlot C north of Keswick Loop would be intended for a future development separate from the current proposal. Both a preliminary plat and final plat has been submitted and may be considered concurrently.  Right-of-Way. The submitted survey indicates the right-of-way for Keswick Loop/Keokuk Avenue over the north and east portions of the subject site and right-of- way is shown to be dedicated on the preliminary plat. Dedication of the right-of-way is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The plat has been reviewed by the Dakota County Plat Commission as Outlot C abuts 210th Street (CSAH 70) along its north line. The Dakota County Plat Commission is recommending approval of the preliminary and final plats conditioned upon possible improvements that would restrict access at the 210th Street (CSAH 70)/Keswick Loop intersection because of traffic generated by the proposed UCA development. Discussions regarding the possible intersection improvements are being held by the City Engineer and Dakota County Transportation staff.  Lot Requirements. The table below summarizes the lot requirements applicable to the two proposed lots. The proposed lots as shown on the preliminary and final plat comply with the minimum lot area and width requirements. Medical Office Education Facility C-3 District RM-2 District Min. Lot Area 20,000sf. None Min. Lot Width 100ft. None 4 Section 11-31-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the minimum lot area for the proposed daycare within Lot 2, Block 1 comply with any requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health in accordance with their licensure of the facility.  Sidewalks/Trails. There is no sidewalk or trail along the public streets abutting the subject site. The developer is proposing to construct an eight foot wide trail from 210th Street (CSAH 70) to the site extending along the east and north sides of Keswick Loop to a crossing to the south side of the street just east of the central driveway to the subject site. This trail extension is subject to review by the City Engineer and the Parks and Recreation Director.  Easements. Section 10-4-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires establishment of a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement at the perimeter of all lots. The drainage and utility easement may overlay the common lot line between the two lots to be platted five feet on each side. Drainage and utility easements are also required to be dedicated over regional stormwater facilities (or platted in an outlot deeded to the City) and publicly maintained utilities. Dedication of drainage and utility easements is shown on the preliminary plat and final plat as required by the Subdivision Ordinance and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.  Park Dedication. Subdivision of the subject site will require satisfaction of park dedication requirements established by Section 10-4-8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify acquisition of land for City park purposes from the subject site. As such, park dedication requirements are to be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval for the two proposed lots as required by Section 10-4-8.J of the Subdivision Ordinance.  Outlots. The preliminary plat includes three outlots. Outlot A encompasses the athletic fields of the proposed school campus located south of the natural gas line easement to include two ball fields and playfields. Note that the outlot status for the parcel upon which the athletic fields are to be developed would preclude issuance of a building permit pursuant to Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Outlot B is a remnant parcel and its intended purpose must be stated. Outlot C is a parcel north of Keswick Loop for future commercial development. Setbacks. The table below illustrates setbacks applicable to the two proposed lots. The site plan illustrates that the proposed buildings comply with applicable setback requirements. Medical Office Education Facility C-3 District RM-2 District North 30ft. 30ft. East 10ft. 30ft. South 10ft. 30ft. West 10ft. 20ft. 5 Buildings. The site plan illustrates the medical office building and horse barn on Lot 1, Block 1 and the UCA education building and daycare building on Lot 2, Block 1 of the preliminary plat. Multiple principal buildings in the case of Lot 2, Block 1 is allowed as a permitted use within the RM-2 District by Section 11-59-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The submitted plans include building elevations and floor plans necessary to verify compliance with the following provisions of the Zoning Ordinance:  Height. The medical office and equine therapy related building are allowed to be up to 35 feet in height as set forth by Section 11-73-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11- 59-23 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the education facility to be three stories or 35 feet in height. o The proposed medical office building is 57 feet to the top of the highest roof section and 61 feet to the top of the wall panel above the third floor. Section 11- 73-7.Q of the Zoning Ordinance allows buildings within the C-3 District to be up to six stories or 65 feet in height with approval of a conditional use permit. The proposed medical office building is within the overall campus of the proposed development and adjacent to planned commercial uses to the west so there will be no negative effect in allowing the additional building height. o The proposed school building is 43 feet in height to the top of the highest roof section necessitating application for a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 11-17-7.E of the Zoning Ordinance subject to the following criteria: 1. The site is capable of accommodating the increased intensity of use. 2. The increased intensity of use does not cause an increase in traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding streets. 3. Public utilities and services are adequate. 4. For each additional story or for each additional ten feet (10') above the maximum building height allowed within the applicable zoning district, front and side yard setback requirements shall be increased by five feet. 5. The increased height is not in conflict with airport zoning regulations as provided in Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. The capacity of the site and infrastructure serving the site to accommodate the proposed use is evaluated as part of the conditional use permit for the private education facility. The front and side yard setbacks for the building do comply with the increased minimums. The subject site is not within an area subject to 6 airport zoning regulations. The proposed increase in building height satisfies the standards established by the Zoning Ordinance for approval. o The proposed daycare building is 28 feet in height to the deck of the highest roof section within the height limit established by the Zoning Ordinance.  Exterior Finishes: o The medical office building must comply with the exterior finish requirements established by Section 11-17-9.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring use of 65 percent Grade A materials. The submitted building plans indicate that the exterior finish of the proposed building provides for 65 percent Grade A materials with the balance of the building as precast concrete panels, which complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The accessory building located south of the medical office building related to the proposed equine therapy use is to use substantially the same exterior materials as the principal building in accordance with Section 11-17-9.F.8.b of the Zoning Ordinance. The exterior materials include 30.55 percent Grade A materials in the form of a stone base and glass windows, with vertical wood siding as the balance of the structure. The architectural plans must be revised to substitute cement fiber materials for the proposed wood exterior finish. o The exterior finish of the education facility is to comply with Section 11-17-9.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 65 precent Grade A materials and precast concrete panels. The submitted building plans indicate brick, concrete precast panels, and windows comprise 95.2 percent of the building exterior finish exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at full buildout of the facility. o The exterior finish of the daycare facility is to comply with Section 11-17-9.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed building uses windows and brick, classified as Grade A materials for 68 percent of the exterior finish of the building exceeding the 65 percent requirement of the Zoning Ordinance.  Mechanical Equipment. Any rooftop or ground mounted mechanical equipment for the medical office building and education facility is to be screened in accordance with Section 11-21-13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Screening of the roof-top equipment is shown on the submitted building plans as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. A landscape plan is provided with the submitted plans. An inventory of significant trees has also been provided as required by Section 10-3-2C.3.d of the Subdivision Ordinance. The submitted landscape plan and tree preservation plan are to be subject to 7 review and approval of the City Forester for compliance with Section 11-21-9.B and C of the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The developer has submitted a traffic study to evaluate the capacity of the existing streets accessing the proposed development relative to estimated trip generation. The traffic study and its recommendations are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The subject site abuts public streets on its north and east sides. Keswick Loop on the north side of the subject site is designated as a major collector street and Keokuk Avenue on the east side of the subject site is designated as a minor collector street by the 2040 Transportation Plan. The site plan provides for three accesses to the public street from the off-street parking areas within the subject site, which are all interconnected. Section 11-19-7.I.6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that driveway access to minor collector streets be spaced 125 feet from intersections and 100 feet from other driveways with spacing increased to 220 feet from intersections and 200 feet from other driveways for major collector streets. All of the proposed driveway accesses comply with the spacing requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Off-Street Parking. The site plan illustrates off-street parking areas north and east of the medical office and educational facilities adjacent to the public right-of-way. The site plan indicates that there are five parking stalls closest to the daycare facility that will be posted for short-term parking to be used for drop off/pick up. The number of off-street parking stalls is identified cumulatively for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 as 644 stalls. The calculation of off-street parking requirements for the uses within the proposed development is summarized below: Use Required Stalls Stalls Provided Daycare 29 455 Education Facility Classrooms 355 378 Administration 23 Auditorium 250 Medical Office (Phase 1) 219 Surface: 156 Enclosed: 33 Total 626 644 The number of parking stalls required for the auditorium within the education facility is not included in the required number of stalls assuming that the parking demanded by that space would most always be off-set from the day-time operation of the school. On this basis, the total number of off-street parking stalls for the respective uses on both lots complies with the requirement of Section 11-19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance. An ingress/egress and cross parking easement will be required to be recorded for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 for the shared parking arrangement. The submitted plans also illustrate future possible Phase 2 for Lot 1, Block 1, 8 which is not accounted for in the calculation of required parking and will be evaluated at a future date. The dimensions of the parking stalls and drive aisles comply with Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. All off-street parking stalls and drive aisles are to be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-19-7.I.12 and 15 of the Zoning Ordinance. The design and construction of the off-street parking area is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Off-street parking stalls are shown to be setback 15 feet from public rights-of-way and 5 feet from lot lines at the perimeter of the two lots as required by Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Keeping Horses. The NSIPM facility includes a proposal for an equine therapy program to be included on Lot 1, Block 1. The program would include keeping four horses within a 4,165 square foot horse barn. The horse barn includes four stalls, a feed room, wash bay, tack room, and 2,459 square foot indoor riding arena for the therapy program. The entire area of Lot 1, Block 1 south of the building and off-street parking area is to be enclosed with a five-foot wood fence for outdoor grazing. City staff has drafted an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow for keeping of horses for an equine therapy program accessory to a medical use as an interim use within the C-3 District. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment establishes site, building, and operational standards for the keeping of horses intended to maintain compatibly with surrounding uses and protect public health safety and welfare. The subject site complies with the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment for issuance of an interim use permit as follows:  The property area exceeds the proposed minimum five acre requirement.  The intent is to keep four horses on the property within the proposed density limit of one horse per acre.  The building plan indicates an interior room for storage of feed to prevent vermin access.  The site plan identifies a location for outdoor storage of manure within a 20 yard roll-off container that will need to be cleaned out of the horse barn with contracted removal of the manure on a quarterly basis.  The proposed fence enclosing the grazing area will be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator with application for a fence permit. 9  The interim use permit is to be conditioned to expire upon a change in the medical program license, a change in property ownership, or the events established by Section 11-5-7 of the Zoning Ordinance for interim uses generally. Exterior Lighting. The submitted plans include detail information regarding proposed exterior lighting. A photometric plan has been submitted illustrating the intensity of proposed exterior lighting within the property. The photometric plan must be updated to include the perimeter property lines for the subject site where the limit for light intensity is measured. The photometric lighting plan is to be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Plans for illumination of the athletic fields have been submitted that include fixtures up to 80 feet in height. Section 11-16-17.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of the field fixtures to 35 feet. Section 11-16-17.F of the Zoning Ordinance includes an exception for public school facilities to accommodate field lighting. City staff has drafted a Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow installation of light fixtures to a height greater than 35 feet for private education facilities by conditional use permit to be considered concurrently with a conditional use permit request for the proposed the athletic field lighting. The location of the athletic fields and design of the lighting fixtures is such so as to minimize light cast at property lines and to prevent glare on public streets. City staff supports the proposed amendment as such lighting is incidental to a school facility of this type and the lighting plan mitigates any potential negative impacts. Waste. The site plan does not identify any structures for outdoor storage of waste and recycling containers. The building plans submitted identify locations interior to the medical office, education facility building, and daycare so no enclosure of containers stored outdoors as required by Section 11-18-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance is necessary. Signs. The submitted plans do not include information regarding signs proposed for the medical office or education facility other than illustrated generally on the building plans. Signs for each of the uses are to be allowed as provided for the respective zoning districts as outlined in Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit approved by the Zoning Administrator is to be required prior to placement of any signs upon the property. Grading Plan. The submitted information includes plans for tree preservation, grading, drainage, and erosion control for the proposed development. All grading and stormwater management issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 are within the Municipal Urban Service Area and utilities are available to the property. The submitted information includes a utility plan for connection to sewer and water utilities at the north property line of the subject site. All utility issues are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. Section 10-5-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance and Section 11-9-19 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the developer to guarantee to the City the completion of all public 10 improvements approved with the preliminary plat and the private improvements as shown on the approved site plan. A condition of approval will require the developer to enter into a development contract as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council to guarantee completion of all improvements, posting of required securities, and payment of any fees. CONCLUSION The proposed development of the UCA and NSIPM facilities is consistent with the City’s values established by Envision Lakeville and the 2040 Comprehensive Plan related to providing opportunities for high quality education and to strengthening community identity. Moreover, the submitted plans for the proposed UCA and NSIPM campus complies with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. Our office and City staff recommend approval of the applications subject to the following stipulations: 1. The final plat, site, and buildings shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council subject to stipulations of approval as outlined herein. 2. No building permit shall be issued for any structures within outlots as regulated by Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Dedication of right-of-way for all City streets shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Dedication of right-of-way and improvements required for 210th Street (CSAH 70) shall be subject review and approval of Dakota County. 5. Dedication of drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Park dedication for the lots proposed within the preliminary plat shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval. 7. The elevation plans for the equine therapy detached accessory building shall be revised to specify cement-fiber siding in lieu of wood siding. 8. The submitted tree preservation plan and landscape plan shall comply with Section 11- 21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Forester. 9. An ingress/egress and cross parking easement shall be recorded over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 10. Keeping horses within Lot 1, Block 1: 11 a. The maximum number of horses on the property shall not exceed five. b. Feed shall be kept within the designated room within the horse barn in a manner to prevent access by vermin. c. Manure management: (1) No manure or waste shall be deposited, stored, kept, or allowed to remain upon any site without reasonable safeguards adequate to prevent the escape or movement of such manure, waste, or a solution thereof from the site which may result in pollution of any public waters or any health hazard. (2) Manure shall be removed from the property for disposal at least once every three months or more frequently as necessary to prevent nuisance odors, insects or other hazards to public health, safety, and welfare. d. Installation of a fence shall be subject to issuance of a fence permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. e. The interim use permit shall expire upon a change in the medical program license, a change in property ownership, or the any of the events established by Section 11-5-7 of the Zoning Ordinance for interim uses generally, whichever occurs first. 11. Exterior lighting: a. The photometric plan for exterior lighting shall be revised to illustrate property lines to verify that lighting intensity complies with Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. b. The final plan for illumination of the athletic fields with light fixtures mounted to a height greater than 35 feet shall be subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 12. All signs shall comply with Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator 13. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12 15. The developer shall execute a development contract as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval by the City Council. c. Justin Miller, City Administrator John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer Andrea McDowell-Poehler, City Attorney Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community City of Lakeville United Christian Academy Aerial Location Map EXHIBIT A 210TH ST (CSAH 70)KENRICK AVEKESWICK LOOP KEOKUK AVEI-35Proposed Site Location KEOKUK AVE215TH ST City of Lakeville United Christian Academy Zoning Map EXHIBIT B 210TH ST (CSAH 70)KENRICK AVEI-35Proposed Site Location KEOKUK AVE215TH ST KENRICK AVEOP OP C-3 C-3 C-3 C-3 RH-2 RH-2 RA RA RA RM-2 C-3 RST-2 C-3 C-3 I-1 RM-2 C-3 C ADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com Plotted: 04 /18 / 2022 5:55 PMW:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\SURVEY\_dwg Sheet Files\S21369A-PPLATOUCKSL CADD QUALIFICATION QUALITY CONTROL PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 21219 Keokuk Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 FRAUENSHUH COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 7101 West 78th Street, Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55439 PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR UCA DEVELOPMENT 1 OF 1 01/27/22 SURVEY ISSUED 03/10/22 REVISED OUTLOTS 03/21/22 REVISED EASEMENTS 04/18/22 REVISED EASEMENTS SITE License No. Date I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of VICINITY MAP Field Crew Max L. Stanislowski - PLS 48988 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. Minnesota. 21369A MLS NJL MLS BRS 01/27/22 That part of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 35, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence west on the south line thereof a distance of 477.93 feet; thence north parallel with the east line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 435.60 feet; thence west parallel with said south line of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 502.92 feet to the east line of the west 329.02 feet of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence north on said east line of the west 329.02 feet a distance of 888.63 feet to the north line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence west on the north line of said Southeast 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 329.04 feet to the west line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence north on said west line a distance of 779.14 feet to the south line of the north 544.50 feet of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence east on said south line of the north 544.50 feet a distance of 280.03 feet to the east line of the west 280.00 feet of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence north on said east line of the west 280.00 feet a distance of 544.55 feet to the north line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence east on said north line a distance of 370.02 feet to a point 660.00 feet west of the northeast corner of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence south parallel with the east line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 660.06 feet; thence east, parallel with the north line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, a distance of 660.00 feet to the east line of said East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; thence south on said east line a distance of 1991.62 feet to the point of beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL NOTES SURVEYOR: Loucks 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55330 763-424-5505 1. Prepared January 17, 2022. 2. The address, if disclosed in documents provided to or obtained by the surveyor, or observed while conducting the fieldwork is 21219 Keokuk Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044. 3. The bearings for this survey are based on the Dakota County Coordinate System NAD 83 (1986 Adjust). 4. This property is contained in Zone X (areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) per Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 27037C0193E, Community Panel No. 2701070193E, effective date of 12/02/11. 5. The underlying existing conditions shown hereon is per the Administrative Subdivision and ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey prepared by Jacobson Engineers & Surveyors, dated 10/05/21. 6. The field work was completed on 12/23/21. OWNER/DEVELOPER: Frauenshuh Commercial Real Estate 7101 West 78th Street, Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55439 952-829-3480 Current Zoning: C-3 (General Commercial District) Any zoning classification, setback requirements, height and floor space area restrictions, and parking requirements, shown hereon, are per the Administrative Subdivision and ALTA/Land Title Survey per Jacobson Engineers & Surveyors, dated 10/05/21. Information for the subject property is as follows: Current Setbacks: Front 30 feet Side 10 feet, or 30 feet abutting public r/w Rear 10 feet ZONING INFORMATION Areas: Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,137 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,376 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,413 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 723,080 +/- square feet or 16.60 +/- acres OUTLOT C = 39,561 +/- square feet or 0.91 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,567 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,969 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA SCALE IN FEET 0 N100 200EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D AGRICULTURAL FIELDDEG PROPERTIES 2 LLCSTATE OFMINNESOTARIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 13 PER DOC. NO. 730312 (ITEM 12)PARCEL 27AKESWICK LOOPPARCEL 2 (AREA = 1,942,684 SQ. FT. = 44.59 ACRES) C.S.A.H. NO. 70 (210TH ST. W.)KEOKUK AVENUE215TH STREET W. HOUSE SHED GAR. PARCEL 1 (AREA=241,688 SQ. FT. = 5.55 ACRES) 75' WIDE NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 1296192 (ITEM 10)HEAVILY WOODED AREAJOHN HACK TRUST NICHOLAS & BRIANNE SIEBERT MARY WOOLDRIK LAKEVILLE HOSPITALITY LLC COMPEER FINANCIAL FLCA ROBERT LENERTZ INFILTRATION BASIN SEDIMENTATION BASIN JARED BITZANB & S PROPERTYHOLDINGS LLCKESWICK LOOP N SCALE IN FEET 0 100 200 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C1-1 - EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 11:19 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN C1-1 EXISTING CONDITIONS NOTES 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS DATED 10-05-21 AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY. LOUCKS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. EXHIBIT E INTERSTATE NO. 35DEG PROPERTIES 2 LLCSTATE OFMINNESOTAPARCEL 27AC.S.A.H. NO. 70 (210TH ST. W.)KEOKUK AVENUE215TH STREET W. HOUSE SHED GAR. JOHN HACK TRUST NICHOLAS & BRIANNE SIEBERT MARY WOOLDRIK LAKEVILLE HOSPITALITY LLC COMPEER FINANCIAL FLCA ROBERT LENERTZ INFILTRATION BASIN SEDIMENTATION BASIN JARED BITZANB & S PROPERTYHOLDINGS LLCKESWICK LOOP RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL W/ SAFETY RAILING RETAINING WALL N SCALE IN FEET 0 100 200 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C2-1 - SITE PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 12:48 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET OVERALL SITE PLAN C2-1 INTERIOR STALLS - 9'x20' EXTERIOR STALLS - 9'x18' 644 STALLS 14 HC STALLS 658 TOTAL STALLS PAVEMENT TYPES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK PARKING SUMMARY UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PHASE 2 UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PHASE 2 DAY CARE RETREAT CENTER PHASE 2 NSIPM CENTER HORSE BARN HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Areas: 210th Street West = 20,333 +/- square feet or 0.47 +/- acres Keokuk Avenue = 187,069 +/- square feet or 4.29 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,135 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,370 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,411 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 762,638 +/- square feet or 17.51 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,554 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,956 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS ASSOCIATES AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. LOUCKS ASSOCIATES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE REQUIRES NOTIFICATION PER "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY GRADING, EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CITY & COUNTY PERMIT FOR OBSTRUCTIONS AND WORK WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY. PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REMOVALS OR INSTALLATION. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. PROVIDE A 3 FOOT TAPER AT ALL CURB TERMINI. 7. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SEE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE APPLICATIONS. 8. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT. AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY (SIDEWALK, STREET OR DRIVEWAYS) 9. ANY SIGN OR FIXTURES REMOVED WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OR AS PART OF THE SITE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN ANY EXISTING STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 10. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE DESCRIBED AND PROVIDED IN FURTHER DETAIL ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS. THIS INCLUDES LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND OTHER FIXTURES. 11. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF ALL COMMON DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS WITHIN THE SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. ALL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING. 13. DISABLED PARKING SIGNAGE & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA & MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502. 14. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT ALL CONCRETE FORMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO POUR. MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. 15. “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED BY THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF REQUIRED SIGNS WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. SITE NOTES BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION TO SITE PLAYGROUND STORM BASIN STORM BASINATHLETIC FIELD EXHIBIT F KESWICK LOOP RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL W/ SAFETY RAILING RETAINING WALL FENCED-IN EQUINE GRAZING AREA LOT LINE 20'R 25'R 24.0 24.0 10'R 5'R 5'R3'R3'R 4 5 14.0 8'R8'R 20'R 8'R 20'R 8'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 30'R 10'R 10'R 25'R 39'R 10'R 10'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 10'R 10'R 10'R 20.0 24.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 3'R 3'R 24.0 3'R 3'R 5'R 5'R 5'R5'R 18.0 24.0 20.0 20.0 24.0 18.0 30.0 18.0 20'R 20'R 5'R 5'R 3'R3'R 3'R 3'R5'R 5'R 20'R 25'R 355.4353.7 23 24 24 23 20 19 18 18 16 34 34 34 33 9 26 26 33 TRASH ENCLOSURE STORMWATER BASIN CROSSWALK RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALL CROSSWALK UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PHASE II RETREAT CENTER PHASE II NSIPM CENTER PLAYGROUND 24.0 8.0 8.0 BITUMINOUS TRAIL 4-VAN ACCESSIBLE HC STALLS 6.0 18.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 10.0 6-VAN ACCESSIBLE HC STALLS RETAINING WALL CROSSWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK HORSE BARN 9.2 ADA RAMPS DRIVEWAY APRONDRIVEWAY APRON 12.0 12.0 CURB CUT CURB CUT 22'x8' MANURE STORAGE GATE LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C2-1 - SITE PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 12:50 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET NORTHWEST SITE PLAN C2-2 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING PAVEMENT TYPES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Areas: 210th Street West = 20,333 +/- square feet or 0.47 +/- acres Keokuk Avenue = 187,069 +/- square feet or 4.29 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,135 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,370 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,411 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 762,638 +/- square feet or 17.51 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,554 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,956 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS ASSOCIATES AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. LOUCKS ASSOCIATES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE REQUIRES NOTIFICATION PER "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY GRADING, EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CITY & COUNTY PERMIT FOR OBSTRUCTIONS AND WORK WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY. PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REMOVALS OR INSTALLATION. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. PROVIDE A 3 FOOT TAPER AT ALL CURB TERMINI. 7. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SEE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE APPLICATIONS. 8. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT. AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY (SIDEWALK, STREET OR DRIVEWAYS) 9. ANY SIGN OR FIXTURES REMOVED WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OR AS PART OF THE SITE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN ANY EXISTING STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 10. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE DESCRIBED AND PROVIDED IN FURTHER DETAIL ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS. THIS INCLUDES LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND OTHER FIXTURES. 11. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF ALL COMMON DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS WITHIN THE SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. ALL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING. 13. DISABLED PARKING SIGNAGE & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA & MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502. 14. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT ALL CONCRETE FORMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO POUR. MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. 15. “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED BY THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF REQUIRED SIGNS WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. SITE NOTESSEE SHEET C2-3PARKING SUMMARY INTERIOR STALLS - 9'x20' EXTERIOR STALLS - 9'x18' 644 STALLS 14 HC STALLS 658 TOTAL STALLS KESWICK LOOP RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 24.0 3'R 3'R 24.0 3'R 3'R 5'R 5'R 5'R5'R 18.0 24.0 20.0 20.0 24.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 30.0 10'R 10'R 10'R 5'R 29'R 5'R 5'R 3'R 18.024.0 20.020.0 24.0 18.0 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 20'R 25'R 5'R 3'R 5'R 24.0 18.0 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R3'R 5'R 5'R 27'R 5'R3'R 3'R 10'R 10'R20'R 20'R 5'R 5'R 3'R3'R 3'R 3'R5'R 5'R 20'R 25'R 355.4 43.0 18 34 34 34 33 9 26 26 33 30.0 15.0 5 31 28 28 30 17 37 5'R 29'R 75'R 99'R PLAYGROUND TRASH ENCLOSURE STORMWATER BASIN TRASH ENCLOSURE STORMWATER BASIN CROSSWALK RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALL CROSSWALK FENCE 110.8 202.3 DAYCARE UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PHASE IIUNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PHASE II PLAYGROUND PAVE PUBLIC STREET PER CITY DETAIL ST-LV-8 (SHEET C8-1) 24.0 180.1 24.0 8.0 8.0 RETAINING WALL 18.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 10.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 10.0 8 6-VAN ACCESSIBLE HC STALLS CROSSWALK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 2-VAN ACCESSIBLE HC STALLS RETAINING WALLS 25.0 14.0 RETAINING WALL 24.0 24.0 9.2 ADA RAMPS SHORT-TERM PARKING SIGNAGE DRIVEWAY APRON DRIVEWAY APRON 12.0 12.0 5.5 CURB CUT CURB CUT LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C2-1 - SITE PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 12:50 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET NORTHEAST SITE PLAN C2-3 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING PAVEMENT TYPES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Areas: 210th Street West = 20,333 +/- square feet or 0.47 +/- acres Keokuk Avenue = 187,069 +/- square feet or 4.29 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,135 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,370 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,411 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 762,638 +/- square feet or 17.51 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,554 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,956 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS ASSOCIATES AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. LOUCKS ASSOCIATES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE REQUIRES NOTIFICATION PER "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY GRADING, EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CITY & COUNTY PERMIT FOR OBSTRUCTIONS AND WORK WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY. PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REMOVALS OR INSTALLATION. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. PROVIDE A 3 FOOT TAPER AT ALL CURB TERMINI. 7. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SEE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE APPLICATIONS. 8. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT. AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY (SIDEWALK, STREET OR DRIVEWAYS) 9. ANY SIGN OR FIXTURES REMOVED WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OR AS PART OF THE SITE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN ANY EXISTING STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 10. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE DESCRIBED AND PROVIDED IN FURTHER DETAIL ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS. THIS INCLUDES LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND OTHER FIXTURES. 11. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF ALL COMMON DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS WITHIN THE SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. ALL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING. 13. DISABLED PARKING SIGNAGE & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA & MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502. 14. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT ALL CONCRETE FORMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO POUR. MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. 15. “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED BY THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF REQUIRED SIGNS WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. SITE NOTESSEE SHEET C2-2SEE SHEET C2-4 PARKING SUMMARY INTERIOR STALLS - 9'x20' EXTERIOR STALLS - 9'x18' 644 STALLS 14 HC STALLS 658 TOTAL STALLS KEOKUK AVENUEARTIFICIAL TURF BASEBALL FIELD W/REMOVABLE FENCING ARTIFICIAL TURF MULTI-USE FIELD 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R3'R 20'R 25'R 3'R 3'R3'R 15'R 39'R 3'R 5'R 3'R 27'R 43.0 17 37 14 12 13 5'R 29'R 75'R 99'R STORMWATER BASIN RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL PLAYGROUND PAVE PUBLIC STREET PER CITY DETAIL ST-LV-8 (SHEET C8-1) 24.0 180.1 5.0 2-VAN ACCESSIBLE HC STALLS RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALL 18.024.0 20.020.0 24.0 18.0 24.0 24.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 24.0 20.0 18.0 10.0 6.0 24.0 DRIVEWAY APRON 12.0 5.5 CURB CUT LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C2-1 - SITE PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 12:51 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET SOUTHEAST SITE PLAN C2-4 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING PAVEMENT TYPES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Areas: 210th Street West = 20,333 +/- square feet or 0.47 +/- acres Keokuk Avenue = 187,069 +/- square feet or 4.29 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,135 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,370 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,411 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 762,638 +/- square feet or 17.51 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,554 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,956 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS ASSOCIATES AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. LOUCKS ASSOCIATES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE REQUIRES NOTIFICATION PER "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY GRADING, EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CITY & COUNTY PERMIT FOR OBSTRUCTIONS AND WORK WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY. PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REMOVALS OR INSTALLATION. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. PROVIDE A 3 FOOT TAPER AT ALL CURB TERMINI. 7. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SEE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE APPLICATIONS. 8. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT. AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY (SIDEWALK, STREET OR DRIVEWAYS) 9. ANY SIGN OR FIXTURES REMOVED WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OR AS PART OF THE SITE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN ANY EXISTING STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 10. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE DESCRIBED AND PROVIDED IN FURTHER DETAIL ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS. THIS INCLUDES LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND OTHER FIXTURES. 11. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF ALL COMMON DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS WITHIN THE SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. ALL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING. 13. DISABLED PARKING SIGNAGE & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA & MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502. 14. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT ALL CONCRETE FORMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO POUR. MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. 15. “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED BY THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF REQUIRED SIGNS WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. SITE NOTES SEE SHEET C2-3 PARKING SUMMARY SEE SHEET C2-4 INTERIOR STALLS - 9'x20' EXTERIOR STALLS - 9'x18' 644 STALLS 14 HC STALLS 658 TOTAL STALLS HOUSE SHED GAR. JOHN HACK TRUST ARTIFICIAL TURF SOCCER FIELDS ARTIFICIAL TURF SOFTBALL FIELD 39'R RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALLS 24.0 FUTURE SEWER EASEMENT 50.0 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C2-1 - SITE PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 12:51 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET SOUTH SITE PLAN C2-5 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING PAVEMENT TYPES BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Areas: 210th Street West = 20,333 +/- square feet or 0.47 +/- acres Keokuk Avenue = 187,069 +/- square feet or 4.29 +/- acres Right of Way Dedication Area = 207,402 +/- square feet or 4.76 +/- acres Lot 1, Block 1 = 237,135 +/- square feet or 5.44 +/- acres Lot 2, Block 1 = 799,370 +/- square feet or 18.35 +/- acres OUTLOT A = 221,411 +/- square feet or 5.08 +/- acres OUTLOT B = 762,638 +/- square feet or 17.51 +/- acres Net Property Area = 2,020,554 +/- square feet or 46.38 +/- acres Total Property Area = 2,227,956 +/- square feet or 51.14 +/- acres SITE DATA 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS ASSOCIATES AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. LOUCKS ASSOCIATES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE REQUIRES NOTIFICATION PER "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY GRADING, EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CITY & COUNTY PERMIT FOR OBSTRUCTIONS AND WORK WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY. PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REMOVALS OR INSTALLATION. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. PROVIDE A 3 FOOT TAPER AT ALL CURB TERMINI. 7. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. SEE LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ANY ADDITIONAL HARDSCAPE APPLICATIONS. 8. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT. AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY (SIDEWALK, STREET OR DRIVEWAYS) 9. ANY SIGN OR FIXTURES REMOVED WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY OR AS PART OF THE SITE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN ANY EXISTING STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. 10. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE DESCRIBED AND PROVIDED IN FURTHER DETAIL ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS. THIS INCLUDES LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND OTHER FIXTURES. 11. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE EDGE OF ALL COMMON DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS WITHIN THE SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 12. ALL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING. 13. DISABLED PARKING SIGNAGE & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA & MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502. 14. CITY ENGINEERING STAFF MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT ALL CONCRETE FORMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PRIOR TO POUR. MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. 15. “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED BY THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF REQUIRED SIGNS WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF. SIGNAGE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE FINAL OCCUPANCY INSPECTION. SITE NOTES SEE SHEET C2-4 PARKING SUMMARY INTERIOR STALLS - 9'x20' EXTERIOR STALLS - 9'x18' 644 STALLS 14 HC STALLS 658 TOTAL STALLS DEG PROPERTIES 2 LLCC.S.A.H. NO. 70 (210TH ST. W.)KEOKUK AVENUE215TH STREET W. HOUSE SHED GAR.HEAVILY WOODED AREAJOHN HACK TRUST NICHOLAS & BRIANNE SIEBERT MARY WOOLDRIK LAKEVILLE HOSPITALITY LLC COMPEER FINANCIAL FLCA ROBERT LENERTZ INFILTRATION BASIN SEDIMENTATION BASIN JARED BITZANB & S PROPERTYHOLDINGS LLCKESWICK LOOP 00 9414 96002020 20 20 10 04 06 001 0 05 10 12 100806 98323026 2824202220 10 20          RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL W/ SAFETY RAILING RETAINING WALL26 10 1218181620  945% MA X 5% MAX x x x 1118 1116 1120 1 1 2 211201118 002020Passenger Car 154 LF Passenger Car1104.3 1102.1 1100.9 Passenger CarPa s s e n g e r C a r 154 LF 1098.3 1097.7 1097.6 N SCALE IN FEET 0 100 200 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /18 / 2022 8:45 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET GRADING PLAN OVERALL C3-1 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22.STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS STREET DESIGN SPEED 35 MPH INTERSECTION DISTANCE & GRADE GRADE RIGHT GRADE LEFT OBSTRUCTION KESWICK LOOP EASTBOUND 154' 1104.3 1100.9 N/A NONE VEHICLE LOCATION 1 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 1 KESWICK LOOP NORTHBOUND 154' 1097.6 1098.3 N/A NONE2 2 SIGHT TRIANGLE ANALYSIS EXHIBIT G MARY WOOLDRIK LAKEVILLE HOSPITALITY LLC INFILTRATION BASIN SEDIMENTATION BASIN KESWICK LOOP 20 20  RETAINING WALL 24.6524.45 23.75 23.40 23.20 23.35 23.30 22.7524.00 24.80 20.20 20.40 TW 22.00 GW-21.00 TW 20.00 GW-17.00 TW 18.1 GW-17.6 18.35 TW 17.7 GW-17.1 18.95 18.7 18.45 18.0 16.23 15.9 DITCH C1 HWL: 1120.2 LOWEST STREET: 1120.5 DITCH C2 HWL: 1114.91 LOWEST STREET: 1116.4 22.88 22.30 20.22 20.08 19.27 18.55 16.28 16.05 BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION TO SITE x x x 18.6 18.5 20.0 20.1 20.9 21.0 20.7 EX 21.8 EX 22.5 EX 22.1 EX 20.7 EX 18.2 EX 16.0 18.0 17.9 18.5 18.6 20.1 20.0 21.0 20.9 EX 19.8 EX 18.0 17.5 17.4 EX 16.0 15.5 15.4 16.5 16.6 1118 1116 112 0112211201118 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 1:6 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET NORTH GRADING PLAN C3-2 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22. STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MARY WOOLDRIK KESWICK LOOP FFE: 1131.0 GFE: 1117.0 (LOE) x x x 1130.0 TW-1141.0 GW-1129.5 FFE: 1124.0 GFE: 1110.0 (LOE) 24.0 25.0 1420 20 20 05 1032302628242022 20 10 TW-1137.7 GW-1134.5 x TW-1132.2 GW-1131.5 x      BIOFILTRATION SWB BOT: 1105.0 10-YR HWL: 1107.29 HWL: 1108.96 STORMTRAP NWF BOT: 1109.5 SAND: 1111.5 10-YR HWL: 1114.57 HWL: 1115.86 RETAINING WALL 19.9 19.6 20.2 21.0 21.35 28.45 28.35 28.15TC 28.70 GL 28.2029.65 29.25 31.0 28.80 27.45 28.05 27.75 27.3 26.627.40 27.25 24.6524.45 23.75 23.40 23.20 23.35 23.30 22.7524.00 24.80 20.20 20.40 TW 22.00 GW-21.00 TW 20.00 GW-17.00 TW 18.1 GW-17.6 18.35 RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL W/ SAFETY RAILING RETAINING WALL 14.55 15.0 15.0 18.25 10.0 8.45 10.0 25.1 26.0 25.75 26.1 25.5 26.6 26.55 26.85 24.3 23.55 24.03 23.28 22.524.75 24.95 22.2 22.4 22.1 22.1 22.8 22.5 22.4 22.7 22.51 23.22 22.75 22.0 22.1 22.2 21.9 21.8 21.5 TW 17.7 GW-17.1 18.95 18.7 18.45 18.0 TW 20.0 GW-13.5 16.23 15.9 20.5 08.42 08.32 08.00 08.42 17.0 16.3 16.0 TW 24.00 GW-18.75 TW 22.00 GW-17.20 TW 20.10 GW-20.10 TW 26.00 GW-26.00 TW 24.20 GW-19.00 TW 23.80 GW-15.00 TW 23.80 GW-10.50 TW 28.00 GW-28.00 TW 29.80 GW-29.50 TW 28.70 GW-27.00 TW 28.10 GW-28.00 28.0 28.15 31.0 24.0 09.0 EOF 09.0 DITCH C1 HWL: 1120.2 LOWEST STREET: 1120.5 DITCH C2 HWL: 1114.91 LOWEST STREET: 1116.4 26TW 24.50 GW-22.00 10 1218181622.88 22.30 20.22 20.08 19.27 18.55 16.28 16.05 BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION TO SITE RETAINING WALL 5% MAX x x x 18.6 18.5 20.0 20.1 20.9 21.0 20.7 EX 21.8 EX 22.5 21.0 20.9 EX 19.8 EX 18.0 17.5 17.4 EX 16.0 15.5 15.41118 1116 112 01122 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /18 / 2022 8:46 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET NORTHWEST GRADING PLAN C3-3 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22. STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS KESWICK LOOP FIELD ELEVATION: 1108.0 FILTRATION SFF 10-YR HWL: 1107.27 HWL: 1108.09 FFE: 1124.0 GFE: 1110.0 (LOE) x 24.0 24.0 25.0 FFE: 1120.5 0020 20 2010 04 05 10 20 10 20      BIOFILTRATION SWB BOT: 1105.0 10-YR HWL: 1107.29 HWL: 1108.96 DITCH NCB 10-YR HWL: 1096.52 HWL: 1099.15 LOWEST STREET: 1099.16 STORMTRAP NWF BOT: 1109.5 SAND: 1111.5 10-YR HWL: 1114.57 HWL: 1115.86 STORMTRAP SCF HWL: 1103.87 10-YR HWL: 1103.21 SAND: 1100.5 INV: 1098.5 x 1095.90 EOF RETAINING WALL TW 18.1 GW-17.6 18.35 RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL 10.0 8.45 10.0 24.3 23.55 24.03 23.28 22.5 22.2 22.4 22.1 22.1 22.8 22.5 22.4 22.7 22.51 23.22 22.75 22.0 22.1 22.2 21.9 21.8 21.5 TW 17.7 GW-17.1 18.95 18.7 18.45 18.0 TW 20.0 GW-13.5 16.23 15.9 20.5 18.0 19.0 EOF 18.5 18.85 19.15 19.7 20.0 20.0 19.60 19.20 19.75 19.0 18.4 19.15 18.0 20.90 20.30 20.20 19.20 18.9 18.620.0520.3 19.4519.7 1096.1 18.75 10.25 12.75 07.00 07.35 06.35 EOF 06.65 07.1 07.50 05.25 03.45 01.5 01.502.15 02.5502.8 01.35 02.9503.2 08.7 03.48 96.02 08.40 08.32 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 08.42 08.32 08.00 08.65 EOF 08.42 10.0 TW 20.00 GW-07.00 TW 20.00 GW-04.40 TW 20.00 GW-11.00 TW 19.25 GW-05.25 TW 19.50 GW-02.50 TW 19.90 GW-08.00 TW 17.90 GW-17.90 TW 02.00 GW-01.70 TW 19.00 GW-99.00 TW 00.20 GW-99.80 TW 00.90 GW-00.80 TW 10.10 GW-10.10 TW 13.50 GW-10.40 TW 14.50 GW-11.00 TW 08.90 GW-04.00 TW 08.10 GW-08.10 TW 23.80 GW-10.50 TW 28.00 GW-28.00 24.0 20.22 20.0 20.75 23.0 22.25 02.3 EOF TW 19.00 GW-11.00 01.85 EOF BASIN NEP BOT: 1100.0 10-YR HWL: 1100.88 HWL: 1101.23 09.0 EOF 09.0 DITCH C2 HWL: 1114.91 LOWEST STREET: 1116.4 DITCH MC 10-YR HWL: 1094.00 HWL: 1095.27 LOWEST STREET: 1095.55 98.0 EOF 10 201095.85 1095.55 1096.0  94.50 EOF DITCH MC-B 10-YR HWL: 1093.70 HWL: 1095.78 LOWEST STREET: 1096.20 93.01 95.0 TW 11.00 GW-06.50 93.25 1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%16.28 16.05 RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL Passenger Car 154 LF Passenger Car1104.3 1102.1 1100.9 Passenger CarPas s e n g e r C a r 154 LF 1098.3 1097.7 1097.6 5% MAX EX 16.0 15.5 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 1:16 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET NORTHEAST GRADING PLAN C3-4 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22. STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS KEOKUK AVENUEFIELD ELEVATION: 1108.0 FILTRATION SFF 10-YR HWL: 1107.27 HWL: 1108.09 9404 06 001 0 12100806                      DITCH CULVERT SC 10-YR HWL: 1092.55 HWL: 1093.18 LOWEST STREET: 1093.56x1103.0 EOF x 1093.98 EOF 07.00 07.35 06.35 EOF 06.65 07.1 07.50 05.25 03.45 01.5 01.502.15 02.5502.8 01.35 02.9503.2 06.3 05.7 06.206.3 04.65 07.5 04.85 04.55 03.85 03.45 02.3503.60 08.1 08.2 08.32 08.7 03.48 96.02 08.40 08.32 08.00 08.65 EOF 91.69 TW 00.20 GW-99.80 TW 00.90 GW-00.80 TW 04.00 GW-97.60 TW 04.00 GW-97.50 TW 03.00 GW-96.90 TW 03.70 GW-97.00 TW 04.10 GW-00.00 TW 04.20 GW-04.20 TW 07.30 GW-07.30 TW 08.20 GW-06.90 TW 08.50 GW-05.00 TW 08.90 GW-04.00 TW 08.10 GW-08.10 TW 09.75 GW-09.75 TW 09.5 GW-00.5 01.85 EOF STORMTRAP SPF HWL: 1100.08 10-YR HWL: 1099.77 SAND: 1097.0 INV: 1095.0 09.0              93.5 EOF 1096.0 94.0 EOF 94.2 EOF 1100.0 EOF DITCH CULVERT SC2 10-YR HWL: 1093.42 HWL: 1094.30 LOWEST STREET: 1094.37 DITCH CULVERT SC-B 10-YR HWL: 1093.26 HWL: 1093.55 LOWEST STREET: 1094.62 DITCH POND 1 BOT: 1096.0 10-YR HWL: 1099.46 HWL: 1102.43 TW 07.0 GW-07.0 TW 07.5 GW-02.0 92.25 91.55 92.35 95.0 1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%94RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL RETAINING WALL LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /18 / 2022 8:48 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET SOUTHEAST GRADING PLAN C3-5 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22. STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS KEOKUK AVENUE215TH STREET W. HOUSE SHED GAR.HEAVILY WOODED AREAJOHN HACK TRUST x 1102.0 00 94960010080698   10-YR HWL: 1092.55 HWL: 1093.18 LOWEST STREET: 1093.56 x 1093.98 EOF 03.85 03.45 91.69 TW 03.00 GW-96.90 TW 03.70 GW-97.00 TW 04.10 GW-00.00 TW 04.20 GW-04.20 TW 08.5 GW-08.0 TW 08.5 GW-07.0 TW 09.25 GW-02.75 TW 09.75 GW-09.75 TW 09.5 GW-00.5 TW 09.25 GW-01.0 TW 02.0 GW-02.0 TW 03.0 GW-01.25 TW 03.0 GW-03.0 TW 12.5 GW-02.0               94.0 EOF 94.2 EOF 1100.0 EOF 1100.0 EOF DITCH CULVERT SC3 10-YR HWL: 1094.49 HWL: 1095.60 LOWEST STREET: 1095.90 DITCH CULVERT SC2 10-YR HWL: 1093.42 HWL: 1094.30 LOWEST STREET: 1094.37 DITCH POND 1 BOT: 1096.0 10-YR HWL: 1099.46 HWL: 1102.43 DITCH POND 2 BOT: 1095.0 10-YR HWL: 1098.63 HWL: 1101.74 DITCH POND 3 BOT: 1094.0 10-YR HWL: 1094.49 HWL: 1095.60 TW 07.0 GW-07.0 TW 07.5 GW-02.0 TW 03.0 GW-02.75 91.55 92.35 94.0 1.5%1.5%1.5%94LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 - GRADING PLANPlotted: 04 /18 / 2022 8:49 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET SOUTH GRADING PLAN C3-6 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.10 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF PREMIUM TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. VERIFY WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 6. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, OR AS DIRECTED BY CITY. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 7. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 8. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 9. SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 10. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 11. A STREET SWEEPER MUST BE AVAILABLE WITHIN 3 HOURS UPON NOTICE FROM THE CITY THAT THE STREETS NEED TO BE SWEPT. 12. THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FROM GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, INCLUDING ANY CITY PERMITS AND THE NPDES PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 13. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL AND TREE PROTECTION MEASURES BEFORE BEGINNING SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS BALE CHECKS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN SPECIFIC AREAS. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROLS THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PROCESS AND REMOVE WHEN TURF HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA NPDES PERMIT. THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND TURF SHALL BE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED. 15. GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. 16. FINAL GRADING TOLERANCES ARE +/-0.1 FEET TO FINISH GRADES. 17. UNDER PAVEMENTS COMPACT THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE TO 100% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AND 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY BLOW THE UPPER 3 FEET OF SUBGRADE. OUTSIDE PAVEMENT AREAS COMPACT EMBANKMENTS TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 18. WORKING HOURS ARE 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY. A 48 HOUR NOTICED IS REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY WORK. 19. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY LICENSE. 20. A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING WITHIN CITY ROW. 21. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE LANDLOK 450, AS MANUFACTURED BY PROPEX GEOSOLUTIONS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OF THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 22. STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL, FENCING AND HANDRAIL DESIGN BY OTHERS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MARY WOOLDRIK LAKEVILLE HOSPITALITY LLC COMPEER FINANCIAL FLCA INFILTRATION BASIN SEDIMENTATION BASIN       FFE: 1124.0 GFE: 1110.0 FFE: 1131.0 GFE: 1117.0 FFE: 1020.5 FFE: 1131.0 GFE: 1117.0 CONNECT TO EX. 12" WATERMAIN STUB CONNECT TO EX. SANITARY STUB INV: 1092.84 20' SCH40 PVC @ 2.0% SAN MH 1 RIM: 1102.5 +/- INV: 1093.24 294' SCH40 PVC @ 0.6% SAN MH 2 RIM: 1114.0 +/- INV: 1095.00 224' SCH40 PVC @ 0.6% 104' SCH40 PVC @ 0.6% SAN MH 4 RIM: 1117.3 INV: 1096.97 SANITARY SERVICE 135' SCH40 PVC @ 0.6% INV: 1097.78 SAN MH 3 RIM: 1114.25 INV: 1101.46 374' SCH40 PVC @ 0 . 4 % SANITARY STUB INV: 1102.96 307' SCH40 PVC @ 2.0%SANITARY SERVICE INV: 1107.60 CONNECT TO EX. WATER STUB 8" C900 PVC WATER2-45 DEGREE BENDS 8"x12" TEE 8" TEE W/8" GATE VALVES 12" C900 PVC WATER 8" C900 PVC WATER 8" C900 PVC WATER 8" TEE, 6" REDUCER EAST 8" COMBINED WATER SERVICE 6" C900 PVC WATER HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE 8" C900 PVC WATER 12" C900 PVC WATER12"X6" TEE 8" TEE 8" GATE VALVES 22.5 DEGREE BEND 6" REDUCER 6" C9 0 0 P V C W A T E R 45 + 22.5 DEGREE BEND 8"X6" TEE 8"X6" TEE 22.5 DEGREE BEND 22.5 DEGREE BEND 8" X 6" TEE FUTURE SANI . S E R V I C E 8"x12" TEE 12" GATE VALVE 8" C 9 0 0 P V C W A T E R 8"X6" TEE SAN MH 3 RIM: 1114.25 INV: 1096.34 256' SCH40 PVC @ 2.0% HYDRANT W/6" VALVE 8" TEE 8" COMBINED WATER SERVICE 8" C900 PVC WATER12" C900 PVC WATER FUTURE WATER SERVICE 6" WATER STUB SANITARY STUB INV: 1092.92 12" C900 PVC WATER12"x6" TEE N SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C4-1 - UTILITY PLAN - SANI & WATERPlotted: 04 /18 / 2022 9:11 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET UTILITY PLAN SANITARY & WATERMAIN C4-1 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING UTILITY NOTES 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY. LOUCKS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS, THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE CITY AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. HDPE PIPE CONNECTIONS INTO ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES SHALL BE MADE WITH WATER TIGHT MATERIALS, UTILIZING AN A-LOK OR WATERSTOP GASKET OR BOOT, CAST-IN-PLACE RUBBER BOOT, OR APPROVED EQUAL. WHERE THE ALIGNMENT PRECLUDES THE USE OF THE ABOVE APPROVED WATERTIGHT METHODS, CONSEAL 231 WATERSTOP SEALANT, OR APPROVED EQUAL WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAIN LINE SHALL BE SDR 35. 3. SEE SHEETS C8-3 AND THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC UTILITY DETAILS AND UTILITY SERVICE DETAILS. 4. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 6. ADJUST ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TO THE PROPOSED GRADES WHERE DISTURBED AND COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE UTILITY OWNERS. STRUCTURES BEING RESET TO PAVED AREAS MUST MEET OWNERS REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC LOADING. 7. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: 7.1. WATER LOOP 8" PVC C900 7.5' BURY DEPTH, ASTM D1785, ASTM D2464 7.2. WATER SERVICE 6" PVC C900 7.5' BURY DEPTH, ASTM D1785, ASTM D 2464 7.3. SANITARY SERVICE 6" PVC SCHEDULE 40 SERVICE, ASTM D2665 8. STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL MEET OF EXCEED AASHTO M294 MINIMUM PIPE STIFFNESS PER ASTM D2412 60PSI FOR 8"-18". 9. PROPOSED GAS, TELEPHONE & ELECTRIC SERVICES ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS ONLY. COORDINATE EACH SERVICE WITH THE UTILITY OWNER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. IF ANY PROPOSED SERVICE LOCATION VARY SIGNIFICANTLY OR CONFLICT, THE ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE SERVICE. 10. THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING SERVICES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND UTILITY OWNER. ADDITIONAL SERVICES MAY EXIST. 11. ALL WATER SERVICES MUST BE INSTALLED AT A 7.5-FT BURY DEPTH. 11.1. INSULATE ALL CROSSINGS INVOLVING WATER AND SEWER WITH SEPARATION OF 18" OR LESS. 12. PVC SANITARY SEWERS MUST MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ASTM STANDARDS: D3034, F789, D2665, OR F891. ASTM D2241 PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SEWERS 6-INCH AND LARGER. THE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D2321, WHICH REQUIRES INSTALLATION BY OPEN TRENCH ON A CONTINUOUS GRANULAR BED (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 13. RCP STORM SEWERS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM C76 (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 14. HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714: 14.1. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. 14.2. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. 14.3. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. 14.4. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 15. ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 16. WATER SERVICE LINES MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10-FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, CATCHBASIN, OR OTHER SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION, MEASURED FROM OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 17. THE BOTTOM OF WATER SERVICE PIPES LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE SEWER CROSSING MUST BE AT LEAST 12-INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER. WHEN THIS IS NOT FEASIBLE, THE SEWER PIPE MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS LISTED IN CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714. THE WATER SERVICE SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY JOINTS OR CONNECTIONS WITHIN 10-FEET OF A CROSSING. 18. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714. EXHIBIT H DEG PROPERTIES 2 LLCGAR.HEAVILY WOODED AREAJOHN HACK TRUST NICHOLAS & BRIANNE SIEBERT ROBERT LENERTZ B & S PROPERTYHOLDINGS LLC                        FFE: 1124.0 GFE: 1110.0 FFE: 1131.0 GFE: 1117.0 FFE: 1131.0 GFE: 1117.0 FUTURE SEWER EASEMENT 50.0 135' SCH40 PVC @ 0.6% INV: 1097.78 SANITARY SERVICE INV: 1107.60 HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE HYDRANT W/6" VALVE 8" C900 PVC WATER 12" C900 PVC WATER12"X6" TEE 12"X8" TEE W/12" GATE VALVES STUB AND PLUG 12" WATER 12" GATE VALVE 45 + 22.5 DEGREE BEND 8"X6" TEE 8"X6" TEE 22.5 DEGREE BEND 22.5 DEGREE BEND 8" X 6" TEE 8" C 9 0 0 P V C W A T E R 22.5 DEGREE BEND HYDRANT W/6" VALVE 8" TEE 8" COMBINED WATER SERVICE 8" X 6" TEE 8" GATE VALVE STUB AND PLUG 12" WATER 12" C900 PVC WATERFUTURE BOOSTER STATION LOCATION LOUCKS W:\2021\21369\CADD DATA\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C4-1 - UTILITY PLAN - SANI & WATERPlotted: 04 /15 / 2022 1:12 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY & NEUROSCIENCE INSTITUTE OF PASTORAL MEDICINE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA FRAUENSHUH Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Vicki J. Van Dell - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 41352 21369 VJV TRG VMA 04-15-22 04-15-22 C1-2 DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1 SITE PLAN - OVERALL C2-2 SITE PLAN - NORTHWEST C2-3 SITE PLAN - NORTHEAST C2-4 SITE PLAN - SOUTHEAST C2-5 SITE PLAN - SOUTH C3-1 GRADING PLAN - OVERALL C3-2 GRADING PLAN - NORTH C3-3 GRADING PLAN - NORTHWEST C3-4 GRADING PLAN - NORTHEAST C3-5 GRADING PLAN - SOUTHEAST C3-6 GRADING PLAN - SOUT C3-7 SWPP PLAN - NORTH 02-01-22 CITY SUBMITTAL 03-10-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 03-30-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS 04-15-22 RESPONSE TO CITY COMMENTS C3-8 SWPP PLAN SOUTH C3-9 SWPP NOTES & DETAILS C4-1,2 UTILITY PLAN - SANI. & WATER C4-3,4 UTILITY PLAN - STORM C8-1 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-2 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET C8-3 CIVIL DETAIL SHEET L1-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-2 LANDSCAPE DETAIL SHEET UTILITY PLAN SANITARY & WATERMAIN C4-2 N SCALE IN FEET 0 50 100 Gopher State One Call THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WARNING UTILITY NOTES 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION IS BASED ON A FIELD SURVEY BY LOUCKS AND RECORD UTILITY DRAWINGS FROM THE CITY. LOUCKS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS, THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE CITY AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. HDPE PIPE CONNECTIONS INTO ALL CONCRETE STRUCTURES SHALL BE MADE WITH WATER TIGHT MATERIALS, UTILIZING AN A-LOK OR WATERSTOP GASKET OR BOOT, CAST-IN-PLACE RUBBER BOOT, OR APPROVED EQUAL. WHERE THE ALIGNMENT PRECLUDES THE USE OF THE ABOVE APPROVED WATERTIGHT METHODS, CONSEAL 231 WATERSTOP SEALANT, OR APPROVED EQUAL WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAIN LINE SHALL BE SDR 35. 3. SEE SHEETS C8-3 AND THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC UTILITY DETAILS AND UTILITY SERVICE DETAILS. 4. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION OR UNDERGROUND WORK. 6. ADJUST ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TO THE PROPOSED GRADES WHERE DISTURBED AND COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE UTILITY OWNERS. STRUCTURES BEING RESET TO PAVED AREAS MUST MEET OWNERS REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC LOADING. 7. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: 7.1. WATER LOOP 8" PVC C900 7.5' BURY DEPTH, ASTM D1785, ASTM D2464 7.2. WATER SERVICE 6" PVC C900 7.5' BURY DEPTH, ASTM D1785, ASTM D 2464 7.3. SANITARY SERVICE 6" PVC SCHEDULE 40 SERVICE, ASTM D2665 8. STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL MEET OF EXCEED AASHTO M294 MINIMUM PIPE STIFFNESS PER ASTM D2412 60PSI FOR 8"-18". 9. PROPOSED GAS, TELEPHONE & ELECTRIC SERVICES ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS ONLY. COORDINATE EACH SERVICE WITH THE UTILITY OWNER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. IF ANY PROPOSED SERVICE LOCATION VARY SIGNIFICANTLY OR CONFLICT, THE ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE SERVICE. 10. THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING SERVICES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND UTILITY OWNER. ADDITIONAL SERVICES MAY EXIST. 11. ALL WATER SERVICES MUST BE INSTALLED AT A 7.5-FT BURY DEPTH. 11.1. INSULATE ALL CROSSINGS INVOLVING WATER AND SEWER WITH SEPARATION OF 18" OR LESS. 12. PVC SANITARY SEWERS MUST MEET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ASTM STANDARDS: D3034, F789, D2665, OR F891. ASTM D2241 PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SEWERS 6-INCH AND LARGER. THE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D2321, WHICH REQUIRES INSTALLATION BY OPEN TRENCH ON A CONTINUOUS GRANULAR BED (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 13. RCP STORM SEWERS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM C76 (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 14. HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714: 14.1. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. 14.2. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. 14.3. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. 14.4. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 15. ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 16. WATER SERVICE LINES MUST BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 10-FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM ANY MANHOLE, CATCHBASIN, OR OTHER SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION, MEASURED FROM OUTER EDGE OF THE PIPE TO THE OUTER EDGE OF THE CONTAMINATION SOURCE (SEE CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714). 17. THE BOTTOM OF WATER SERVICE PIPES LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE SEWER CROSSING MUST BE AT LEAST 12-INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER. WHEN THIS IS NOT FEASIBLE, THE SEWER PIPE MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS LISTED IN CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714. THE WATER SERVICE SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY JOINTS OR CONNECTIONS WITHIN 10-FEET OF A CROSSING. 18. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4714. EXHIBIT I EXHIBIT J EXHIBIT K EXHIBIT L 1A3134 SF STALL #4 111 157 SF TACK ROOM 112 157 SF FEED ROOM 103 134 SF STALL #1 104 134 SF STALL #2 105 134 SF STALL #3 106 139 SF WASH AREA 107 2459 SF ARENA 100 717 SF CENTER AISLE 101 50' - 5"50' - 3"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 3"14' - 3" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 3"86' - 5"24' - 8"8' - 2" 16' - 9"8' - 0"12' - 0"11' - 7"12' - 0"6' - 0"11' - 7"12' - 0"12' - 0" 11' - 7"2A33 A3 4 A3 6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"6" / 1'-0"1'-0" / 1'-0"1'-0" / 1'-0"26' - 3"26' - 3"34' - 10"52' - 5"52' - 5"8' - 5"2A3 LEVEL 1 100' -0" ROOF 126' -8 1/2"4' - 7"3' - 0"ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF WOOD STONE BASE METAL LOUVERS WOODEN BARN DOORS LEVEL 1 100' -0" ROOF 126' -8 1/2"9' - 0"11' - 7"7' - 8"ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF WOOD STONE BASE METAL LOUVERS LEVEL 1 100' -0" ROOF 126' -8 1/2" DUTCH DOORS WITH GLAZING GLAZING LEVEL 1 100' -0" ROOF 126' -8 1/2" WOODEN BARN DOORS EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL QUANTITIES NORTH: EAST: SOUTH: WEST: WOOD PANELS: 740.66 SF (67.42%) WOOD PANELS: 620.1 SF (81.13%) WOOD PANELS: 675.50 SF (59.81%) WOOD PANELS: 668.82 SF (74.12%) GLASS: 140.59 SF (12.80%) GLASS: 0 SF (0.00%) GLASS: 149.30 SF (13.29%) GLASS: 63.90 SF (7.08%) STONE BASE: 217.37 SF (19.78%) STONE BASE: 144.21 SF (18.87%) STONE BASE: 304.70 SF (26.98%) STONE BASE: 169. 58 SF (18.80%) TOTAL PERIMETER MATERIAL SF WOOD PANELS: 2705.08 SF (69.45%) GLASS: 353.79 SF (9.09%) STONE BASE: 835.86 SF (21.46%) Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us March 4, 2022 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY The Dakota County Plat Commission met on March 2, 2022, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 70 (210th St. W.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The site includes a private school, day care center, medical office building, and retreat center off Keswick Loop, a city street. The property also includes one outlot (Outlot A) along CSAH 70. The right-of- way needs for a 4-lane divided roadway are 75 feet of ½ right of way, which has been met. CSAH 70 is designated as a future principal arterial roadway with full access spacing at ½-mile and restricted access locations at 1/4-mile. Outlot A along CSAH 70 should include restricted access along all of CSAH 70. A quit claim deed to Dakota County is required with the recording of the plat mylars. As discussed at the meeting, a traffic study was completed for this proposed development but was not provided prior to the meeting. After the meeting, the traffic report was quickly reviewed by the Kristi Sebastian, Traffic Engineer. Upon a review, Kristi noted concerns to the City with the traffic volumes at the Keswick Loop/CSAH 70 intersection and the traffic volumes generated by this development. The biggest concern is the significant left turn volumes turning westbound to southbound. Also noted, the I- 35 southbound left to go west is also significant – there is a dual left but if they are all destined to one location a short distance downstream this may be problematic. Therefore, these traffic concerns along CSAH 70 for this large development will include discussions with the City, County and traffic engineer to determine the best solution. The type of future access openings along County Roads are subject to change based upon operation, safety concerns, updated studies, or increased traffic counts. Future access allowed to any County Road has a right to an access opening but not the type of access (full, restricted) or future median requirements. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary and final plat, provided that the described conditions are met, and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners on March 22, 2022. Traffic volumes on CSAH 70 are 6,700 ADT and are anticipated to be 8,200 ADT by the year 2040. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. EXHIBIT N The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Dave Anderson, Frauenshuh 1 ORDINANCE NO. _________ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE LAKEVILLE CITY CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 2. Section 11-16-17.F of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following provision: 7. Exterior lighting for outdoor athletic facilities for private Pre-K through 12 education facilities as a conditional use. Section 2. Section 11-73-9 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following provisions and renumber subsequent sections accordingly: A. Equine therapy, including the keeping of horses, accessory to a licensed medical program, provided that: 1. The minimum area of the lot or parcel on which horses are to be kept shall be five (5) acres. 2. Setbacks: a. Buildings used for the keeping of horses shall be located only in a rear yard and setback a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any property line abutting property zoned as a commercial district. b. Any manure storage area shall comply with the setback requirements established by Section 11-35-5.D.1 of this title. 3. The maximum number of horses that shall be kept on the property at any time shall be one (1) per acre or ten (10) horses, whichever is less. 4. All feed shall be stored inside of an enclosed structure or within a watertight and vermin proof container. 5. A manure management plan shall be required to address the following: a. Land application of manure shall be prohibited. 2 b. The frequency for removal of manure from the facility shall be subject to approval of the City Council. c. No manure or waste shall be deposited, stored, kept, or allowed to remain upon any site without reasonable safeguards adequate to prevent the escape or movement of such manure, waste, or a solution thereof from the site which may result in pollution of any public waters or any health hazard. 6. Buildings: 1. A building shall be provided with a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet of enclosed area per horse kept on the property. 2. The exterior finish shall comply with the provisions of Section 11-17-9.D.1 of this this title. G. Fences enclosing areas for outdoor riding or exercise of horses shall comply with Section 11-21-5 of this title. H. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change in the licensed medical entity or individual operating the therapy program, a change in property ownership, or the upon occurrence of any of the other events of established by Section 11-5-7 of this title. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED this ____ day of ________, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY:_________________________________ Douglas P. Anderson, Mayor ATTEST:__________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NSIPM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT APPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On 5 May 2022, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Kotula Properties, LLC for a Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow equine therapy accessory to a medical use within the C-3 District as an interim use and to allow private education facilities to install exterior light sources to a height greater than 35 feet as a conditional use. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Commercial land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned C-3, General Commercial District. 3. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, UCA Development. 4. Section 11-3-3.E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment with its judgment based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: A goal of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is for commercial uses to be developed concentrated market centers oriented to major transportation corridors and intersections to promote sustainable business activity responsive to Lakeville’s needs and surrounding market area. The proposed equine therapy use accessory to a medical office would provide a unique treatment program within the City. Allowance of the use by approval of an interim use permit is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan policy to evaluate the physical implication of commercial land uses located in areas of high accessibility with consideration related to traffic generation, site access, sewer and water demands, environmental issues, and compatibility with neighboring land uses. The 2 proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment is consistent with the intent of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Athletic fields accessory to education facilities have unique design requirements to ensure visibility and safety for participants as well as spectators. The Zoning Ordinance allows an exception to the height limits for the exterior lighting for public education facilities for these reasons. An exception by conditional use permit for private education facilities is appropriate on the same basis with the additional process requirements to ensure protection of public interests for health safety and welfare, compatibility with surrounding properties, and avoidance of any impacts to public streets. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: Performance standards regarding the site, building, and operation of the equine therapy program or the design and operation of the exterior lighting as conditions of the interim use permit or conditional use permit, respectively, will ensure that such uses are compatible with existing and planned uses of surrounding properties. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The interim use permit and conditional use permit application processes will ensure that any proposed equine therapy program or exterior lighting for private education facilities complies with the requirements and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The interim use permit and conditional use permit application process will ensure that any proposed equine therapy program or private education facility exterior lighting can be accommodated within the capacity of existing City infrastructure. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The interim use permit and conditional use permit application process will ensure that access to any equine therapy program or private education facility with exterior lighting using existing streets is adequate for the traffic the use will generate and will not result in congestion. 5. The report dated 26 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance amendment based upon the foregoing information, findings, and conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by TPC dated 26 April 2022. DATED: May 5, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA UCS/NSIPM CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On 5 May 2022, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Kotula Properties, LLC for a conditional use permit to allow: 1) a private education facility within the RM-2 District with a height greater than 35 feet; 2) a daycare facility within the RM-2 District; 3) the height of a medical office building greater than 35 feet in the C-3 District; and 4) the height of exterior lighting greater than 35 feet for a private education facility. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Commercial and Medium-to-High Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned C-3, General Commercial District and RM-2, Medium Density Residential District. 3. The legal description of the property is Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Outlot A, UCA Development. 4. Section 11-4-3.E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed conditional use with its judgment be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: Envision Lakeville establishes a set of community values that are to guide development and implementation of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which includes the following related to schools: High Quality Education; We value and are committed to high quality education that sets us apart. Lakeville residents came here for high quality 2 schools more than any other reason. Lakeville will continue to attract those seeking the highest quality K-12 education and will also offer continuing education opportunities for the lifelong learner. Locations for new school facilities are not identified as part of the Comprehensive Planning process, but are more reactive to ongoing changes in population and demographics that occur over time within the community. To this end, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan establishes a goal of working with education providers to ensure proper school facilities planning to meet future population needs. This goal is to be achieved through a policy of identifying sites for new school facilities that are easily accessible, compatible with adjoining land uses, environmentally compatible, and offer land area to meet the schools’ physical needs. The proposed development of the UCA and NSIPM campus also has opportunity for recognition as a regionally significant education program that supports a positive identity for Lakeville and strengthens the community’s sense of identity consistent another value of Envision Lakeville: A Sense of Community and Belonging; We value the sense of belonging that comes from our traditions and institutions, and we strive to support and preserve them. Lakeville residents draw a sense of community and belonging from a range of institutions and activities that exist within the City. We highly value these institutions and activities including neighborhoods, schools, places of worship, recreation, athletics and community celebrations. The proposed use is consistent with the goals and policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed UCA facility will abut the NSIPM facility, as well as planned commercial uses to the west of the subject site. There are existing commercial uses to the north of Keswick Loop and planned commercial uses east of Keokuk Avenue across from the subject site. Given that the proposed UCA is an educational facility that will draw attendance from the broader region and is to be developed as part of a larger campus, the proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. 3 Finding: The proposed development complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, as proposed to be amended, and City Code, including performance standards specific to the conditional uses. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, UCA Development are within the MUSA and the proposed use can be accommodated within the City’s existing public service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 210th Street (CSAH 70) via Keswick Loop and Keokuk Avenue. The Transportation Plan designates 210th Street (CSAH 70) as an existing A-Minor Arterial street and future Principal Arterial street. Keswick Loop is designated by the Transportation Plan as major collector street along the north line of the subject site and Keokuk Avenue is designated as a minor collector street along the east line of the subject site. The streets accessing the property have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The report dated 26 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the requested Conditional Use Permit based upon the foregoing information, findings, and conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by TPC dated 26 April 2022. DATED: May 5, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NSIPM INTERIM USE PERMIT APPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On 5 May 2022, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Kotula Properties, LLC for an Interim Use Permit to allow equine therapy accessory to a medical use within the C-3 District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Commercial land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The subject site is zoned C-3, General Commercial District. 3. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, UCA Development. 4. Section 11-4-3.E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed interim use with its judgment based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed equine therapy use accessory to a medical office use provides for a unique treatment program within the City. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes a policy to evaluate the physical implications of commercial land uses located in areas of high accessibility with consideration related to traffic generation, site access, sewer and water demands, environmental issues, and compatibility with neighboring land uses. The proposed use satisfies these criteria and the performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance consistent with the intent of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. 2 Finding: The proposed use is integrated within the NSIPM and UCA campus with planned commercial uses to the west of the subject site. The proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area through compliance with the standards established by the Zoning Ordinance. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The proposed development complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including those performance standards specific to the interim use. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the MUSA and the proposed use can be accommodated within the City’s existing public service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 210th Street (CSAH 70) via Keswick Loop and Keokuk Avenue, which have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The report dated 26 April 2022 prepared by The Planning Company LLC (TPC) is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the requested Interim Use Permit based upon the foregoing information, findings, and conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by TPC dated 26 April 2022. DATED: May 5, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director From: Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Date: April 28, 2022 Subject: United Christian Academy • Preliminary Plat Review • Conditional Use Permit • Site Plan Review • Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Kotula Properties, LLC has submitted a preliminary plat named United Christian Academy and Conditional Use Permit and Zoning Ordinance Amendment applications for the construction of a private K-12 school, separate Pre-K (daycare) building and Neuroscience Institute of Pastoral Medicine (NSIPM) medical office building. The proposed development is located west of I-35 and south of and adjacent to 210th Street (CSAH 70). The parent parcel is a metes and bounds parcel (PID No. 220350001014) zoned C-3 General Commercial District and RM-2, Medium Density Residential District. The preliminary plat consists of two lots within one block and three outlots on 51.14 acres. The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Kotula Properties, LLC Engineer/Surveyor: Loucks, Inc. UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 88 The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following uses: Outlot A: Athletic Fields; to be retained by the Developer (16.60 acres) Outlot B: Future Development; to be retained by the Developer (0.91 acres) Outlot C: Future Development; to be retained by the Developer (5.08 acres) SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The existing site is largely vacant agricultural land. The parcel is bisected by Keswick Loop, which is located within an existing roadway easement. An existing homestead and accessory buildings are located along the portion of the parcel south of Keswick Loop. The Developer will be required to remove the existing homestead, accessory buildings, structures, septic system, well, tanks and site encroachments and a security will be required with the final plat. A privately owned and maintained stormwater management basin is located on the north side of the parent parcel within an existing easement that will remain. High pressure gas mains bisect the site in an existing easement. An overhead utility line is located along the east side of Keokuk Avenue adjacent to the site. Significant trees are located along the west and south property lines. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The following easements will remain and will not be impacted by the site development: • 75-ft wide Northern Natural Gas Company Easement per Doc. No. 1296192 • Shared Drainage and Utility Easement per Doc. No. 3086869 • Drainage and Utility Easement per Doc. No. 2548719 • Ingress and Egress Easement per Doc. No. 3086870 • Highway easement per Doc No. 485916 • Drainage and Utility Easement per Doc. No. 2548719 • Highway Certificate of Condemnation per Doc. No. 2795939 • Keokuk Avenue, 215th Street and Laigle Avenue right-of-way per Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 13, 300 and 300A per Doc Nos. 2483217, 2544948, 2548717 and 730312 SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT 210th Street (CSAH 70) United Christian Academy is located south of and adjacent to 210th Street, a minor arterial County roadway as identified by the City’s Transportation Plan. Dakota County controls the right-of-way requirements and access locations along 210th Street. 210th Street is currently constructed as a four-lane divided urban roadway adjacent to the plat. A ten-foot-wide bituminous trail is located along both sides of 210th Street. The current Dakota County Plat Needs Map identifies 210th Street as a four-lane divided roadway with 75-feet of half right-of- way. The preliminary plat was reviewed for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at its March 2, 2022 meeting. UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 88 The segment of 210th Street adjacent to the plat is planned to be a principal arterial roadway the requires ½-mile full access and ¼ mile for restricted access. The only proposed access for the development is along Keswick Loop. This access location does not meet the future access spacing guidelines for a full access with ½-mile full access spacing. The Developer completed a traffic impact study, which was reviewed by Dakota County Transportation staff following formal review of the plat by the Plat Commission. Due to the results of the traffic impact study and impact by the development generated traffic on the County roadway, the Dakota County Plat Commission is recommending that in conjunction with phase 1 of the development the Developer construct the access restriction at 210th Street. The Developer is required to coordinate with Dakota County the extent of the improvements along 210th Street. The plan for any County road improvements must be approved by Dakota County, and a permit for the work within the right-of-way must be obtained from the County. Keswick Loop/Keokuk Avenue/215th Street United Christian Academy is located north, south and west of Keswick Loop, a major collector roadway as identified by the City’s Transportation Plan. Keswick Loop is currently constructed as a 36-foot wide 2-lane undivided rural roadway within 80-feet of right-of-way, traversing east-west through the preliminary plat. As the roadway curves south, it is named Keokuk Avenue and designated as a minor collector roadway. Keokuk Avenue is currently constructed as a 36-foot wide 2-lane undivided rural roadway within 80-feet of right-of-way, transitioning to a 36-ft wide rural gravel roadway, 400-feet south of the curve. At the southeast corner of the parent parcel, Keokuk Avenue curves west and is named 215th Street. The Developer is proposing two driveway entrances to Keswick Loop and one to Keokuk Avenue. The west access to Lot 1, Block 1 aligns with the existing driveway to the Candlewood Suites. Based on the results of the traffic study, the Developer shall construct right turn lanes at each of the proposed driveway entrances to Keswick Loop and Keokuk Avenue. Additionally, the easterly proposed driveway is located on the existing gravel portion of Keokuk Avenue. The Developer shall reconstruct Keokuk Avenue to City standards to the south of the proposed easterly driveway. The Developer shall construct commercial driveway aprons, stop signs, stop bars, and pedestrian access ramps at the driveway accesses. A security will be required with the final plat for the improvements relating to Keswick Loop and Keokuk Avenue. SSIITTEE PPLLAANN United Christian Academy includes the construction of a private K-12 school, Pre-K/Daycare building and plans for the future expansion of the K-12 school building on Lot 2, Block 1 and an NSIPM medical office building and plans for the future construction of a separate Retreat Center building on Lot 1, Block 1. Access to each of the buildings will be provided by private driveways to Keswick Loop and Keokuk Avenue. The Developer shall establish a cross access and maintenance agreement with the final plat for the shared parking and driveway access across the multiple lots. UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 88 At grade parking lots will be provided for the proposed improvements. Privately owned and maintained sidewalks will be constructed within the site allowing pedestrian access and connectivity within the site. Several privately owned outdoor athletic improvements are proposed with the development. An athletic field, track and playground is proposed south of the proposed K-12 school on Lot 2, Block 1. Baseball and soccer fields are proposed to be constructed south of the gas easement on Outlot A. Municipal services will not be provided to Outlot A as it is located outside of the City’s MUSA (municipal urban service area). CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility, building and street construction shall be determined with the final construction plans. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication requirement for the parent parcel has not been paid and will be satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat. The Developer shall construct an 8-foot-wide trail connecting 210th Street to the proposed site. The preliminary plans, include the extension of the trail along the north side of Keswick Loop, crossing to the south side at the central driveway access. The Developer is required to obtain any easements necessary for the trail construction prior to recording the final plat. The Developer shall provide an escrow with the final plat for the future construction of a trail along the north and south sides of Keswick Loop and west side of Keokuk Avenue adjacent to the plat that will not be constructed with the proposed improvements. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR United Christian Academy is located within subdistrict SC-13420 and SC-10520 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Downstream sanitary sewer is not extended to the parent parcel within SC-10520 and that portion of the site is outside of the MUSA. Wastewater will be conveyed to the Empire Treatment Facility. The downstream facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed commercial development. Development of United Christian Academy includes the construction and extension of public and privately owned and maintained sanitary sewer throughout the site. The public sewer extension will be located within a drainage and utility easement on Outlot C and Lots 1 and 2 and must be extended to the west plat boundary to provide service to the adjacent parcels consistent with the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Consistent with the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan, sanitary sewer will be required to be extended through Outlots A and B in the future within SC-10520 once the downstream sewer UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 88 is extended to the parent parcels. The Developer shall establish an easement on the outlots for the future construction of the sanitary sewer. The Developer shall provide an escrow with the final plat for the sanitary sewer that will not be constructed with the development improvements. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and shall be collected with the Building Permit Application. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge will be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of approval of the Building Permit Application, as determined by the City’s Building Official. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of United Christian Academy includes the construction and extension of public and privately owned and maintained watermain systems with private utility service to the buildings. The public watermain will be located within a drainage and utility easement on Outlot A and within the Keokuk Avenue and Keswick Loop right-of-way. Consistent with the City’s Water Plan, the Developer shall install 12-inch trunk watermain extending from 210th Street to the southeast plat boundary. The City will credit the Developer 100% of the costs of the watermain west of the plat boundary and for the oversizing of the 12-inch watermain within the plat. The oversizing credit will be based on the difference between 8-inch and 12-inch watermain. The parent parcel is located within a “Future Boosted Pressure Zone” as identified in the City’s Water Plan. Due to the elevation of the site and no redundancy in the City’s service, water pressures for the site are below typical adequate domestic and fire suppression requirements. In order to provide adequate service, the City plans to extend watermain from the east, providing a redundant connection the City’s high pressure trunk watermain. Additionally, the City will construct a booster station to increase service pressures. The Developer shall dedicate a utility easement on Outlot A for the construction of the booster station. The City’s water extension and booster station improvements are expected to be completed in 2023. Any improvements necessary to construct the proposed improvements with the existing service pressures will be required to be completed by the Developer. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit applications and final construction plans. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS Overhead utility lines and poles are located on the east side of Keokuk Avenue adjacent to the plat, extending within the parent parcel providing service to the existing homestead. Consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance, the overhead utility service line and poles extending within the site must be removed with development of the property. A security will be required with the final plat for the removal of the overhead utility lines and poles. The overhead utility lines and poles along the east side of Keokuk Avenue will not be required to be placed underground with the development. UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 88 DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG United Christian Academy is located within subdistrict ML-082-2W and ML-082 of the Marion Lake stormwater district and SC-134 of the South Creek stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water and Natural Resources Management Plan. Development of United Christian Academy includes the construction of two privately owned and maintained filtration basins and two privately owned and maintained underground filtration chamber systems. The private stormwater systems will be located within Lot 2, Block 1. The Developer shall sign a private maintenance agreement for the stormwater management systems and dedicate a maintenance easement over the areas prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. The stormwater management design is consistent with City requirements. To provide adequate rate control and conveyance of the offsite drainage within SC-134, the Developer proposes to grade a series of stormwater swales and storage areas within Outlot A. Additional culverts are required under Keokuk Avenue to maintain discharge from the site consistent with City ordinance requirements, which will be constructed with the development improvements. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building Certificate of Occupancies will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. United Christian Academy contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of United Christian Academy includes the construction of public and privately owned and maintained storm sewer systems. The private storm sewer system will be located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, within Outlot A and under the proposed driveway entrances (ditch culverts). The public storm sewer consists of the culverts under Keokuk Avenue. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected and will be required to be paid with the final plat. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit application and final construction plans. UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 88 RREETTAAIINNIINNGG WWAALLLLSS Development of United Christian Academy includes the construction of eleven privately owned and maintained retaining walls. The proposed retaining walls are located within Lots 1 and 2 and on Outlot A. The Developer shall post a security and enter into an encroachment and maintenance agreement with the City prior to City Council consideration of the final plat for the private improvements to be constructed within the City’s easements. Additionally, the Developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the proposed retaining walls that cross or are located along property lines. Retaining walls with a combined height greater than four feet shall be designed by a registered geotechnical or structural engineer and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications consistent with MnDOT requirements. A separate building permit from the City’s Building Official is required prior to the construction of the wall. The wall shall be inspected during construction and certified by the design engineer following construction. A security will be required with the final plat for the retaining walls. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS United Christian Academy is located within areas shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X, as determined by FEMA. Based on this designation, no areas within the plat are located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). WWEETTLLAANNDDSS An aerial review of the site was completed by staff to identify any potential wetlands. A field visit from the developer’s wetland consultant must be completed during the growing season to verify that there are no wetlands on the site. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN A tree inventory was completed for the site. The bulk of the trees will be removed for grading the site except for a large stand of trees in the southeast corner of the site. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. The Developer must obtain permit coverage prior to construction. The Developer is responsible for the establishment of native vegetation around all stormwater treatment basins UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHRRIISSTTIIAANN AACCAADDEEMMYY –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT AAPPRRIILL 2288,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 88 OOFF 88 Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, site plan, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan, and tree preservation plan for United Christian Academy, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.