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1 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Kris Jenson, Associate Planner Date: May 11, 2022 Subject: Packet Material for the May 19, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Ninth Elementary First Addition Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit Action Deadline: July 7, 2022 BACKGROUND Wold Architects, on behalf of Independent School District 194, have submitted preliminary plat and conditional use permit (CUP) applications and plans for Ninth Elementary First Addition which proposes one institutional lot totaling 33.45 acres within the RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The site is proposed to include a 100,00 square foot public elementary school, the use of which requires a CUP application. The CUP is also for the height of the proposed school, which may exceed the 35 foot height maximum in the RS-3 District by CUP. The property is located west of Highview Avenue and south of future 185th Street (CSAH 60). The Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat and conditional use permit plans have been distributed to Engineering Division and Parks and Recreation Department staff, and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. EXHIBITS A. Site Location Map B. Zoning Map C. Certificate of Survey D. Preliminary Plat E. Demolition Plan (Tree Removal) 2 F. Existing Tree Inventory G. Paving Plan H. Grading Plan I. Erosion Control Plan J. Utility Plan K. Landscape Plan L. Electrical Site Plan M. Photometric Plan N. Color Building Elevations O. Building Elevations (5 pages) P. Floor Plans Q. Dakota County Plat Commission letter dated April 29, 2022 STAFF ANALYSIS PRELIMINARY PLAT Existing Conditions. The development site consists of one parcel. The use on the property has been primarily undeveloped agricultural land (Exhibit A). Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently located in Planning District No. 5 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is in Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) Expansion Area A, which allows development prior to 2028 provided that the proposed development is consistent with the 2040 Land Use Plan, that public sewer and water utilities are adjacent to the development, that development of the proposed land use won’t unduly burden the City, and provides for a public purpose such as a major street connection. The new elementary school development meets these requirements. Adjacent Land Uses. The adjacent land uses and zoning are as follows: North – Future 185th Street (CSAH 60), proposed Caslano single family lots (RS-4) East – Highview Avenue, single family lots/homes (RS-4) South – Single family homes (RS-3) West – Future Caslano single family development (RS-3/RS-4), currently undeveloped Consistency with the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Local city streets, sanitary sewer and water improvements for the area of Ninth Elementary First Addition will be financed and constructed by the developer. The development costs associated with the Ninth Elementary First Addition development are not programmed in the 2022–2026 CIP. Premature Subdivision Criteria. A preliminary plat may be deemed premature if any of the criteria listed in Chapter 10-2-4-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance exist. Eligible criteria pertain to a lack of adequate: drainage, water, streets, sanitary sewer, and public service capacity (police and fire protection). The other pertinent criteria pertain to inconsistencies with the City 3 Comprehensive Land Use and Capital Improvement Plans. Staff review of the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat against these criteria finds that it is not a premature subdivision. Lot Area. Lot 1, Block 1 is 31.1 acres and 800 feet in width, which exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements of the RS-3, Single Family Residential District. Streets. The following is a summary of streets that will provide access for the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat. Additional detailed information is outlined in the Engineering Division memorandum dated May 11, 2022. 185th Street (Future CSAH 60) will be located on the north side of the school site and is identified as a future minor arterial County highway in the City’s Transportation Plan. Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a 75-foot ½ right of way requirement for the street. The Developer is showing the required right of way on the preliminary and final plat and 185th Street will be constructed in 2023 as a city project. See the May 11, 2022 Engineering Memo for additional information. Highview Avenue is a major collector street located along the east plat boundary of the site. A right in/right out access will be constructed for the site, restricted to busses, delivery, and trash vehicles. Right of way for Highview Avenue was dedicated with the Ninth Elementary Addition final plat. Huntley Trail is a local residential street that will be constructed along the west site of the plat boundary from 185th Street and will ultimately connect to the residential development to the south. Huntley Trail will be a 32-foot-wide residential street within a 60-foot-wide right of way and it will be constructed with the 185th Street construction project. The Developer will provide the City with an escrow for their share of the street construction with the final plat. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. Proposed grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities for the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat is shown on the grading, drainage and erosion control and utility plans. All existing and new local utilities shall be placed underground. Grading and utility plans have been submitted and reviewed by the Engineering Division as outlined in the report prepared by Lucas Ritchie, Civil Engineer and Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager, dated May 11, 2022. A copy of the engineering report is attached for your review. The Engineering Division recommends approval of the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat and the elementary school site, grading and utility plans. Tree Preservation. Exhibits E and F show the location of significant trees on the site and those that are proposed to be removed. The plan indicates that there are 406 significant trees on the site and that 147 (36.2%) will be preserved with the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat. Wetlands. There are no wetlands within the plat boundary. Park Dedication. Park dedication will be satisfied with a cash fee determined at final plat approval. 4 Trails and Sidewalks. The site includes several trails and sidewalks to provide access around the site and from trails and sidewalks adjacent to public streets. A sidewalk will be constructed on the east side of Huntley Trail while a trail will be constructed along the south side of 185th Street and the west side of Highview Avenue to the right in/right out access to the site. The trails on site will connect with the proposed pedestrian underpass under 185th Street, which will be part of a public greenway corridor trail system. Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan proposes 150 overstory, evergreen, and ornamental trees as shown on Exhibit K. Trees are proposed around the perimeter of the site as well as around the school building and athletic fields. Evergreens are proposed along the southeast side of the building to add screening to the mechanical equipment and loading doc area as well as within a gap of existing trees to buffer the view to existing single family homes to the south of the site. Foundation plantings are shown in the area around the front entrance of the school, while trees are proposed on the north side of the building. All landscaped areas surrounding the school, including landscaped islands within the parking, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. A landscape security shall be submitted with final plat approval to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping. The security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. Dakota County Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the preliminary plat at their April 27, 2022 meeting. The Plat Commission approved the preliminary and final plat at that meeting. A copy of the April 29, 2022 letter from the Plat Commission is attached as Exhibit Q. Mechanical Screening. Zoning Ordinance 11-21-13 requires that ground mounted mechanical equipment be screened from view. The site plan and building elevations indicate a 10-foot-tall louvered metal screen around the ground level mechanical units to provide screening. Evergreen trees are proposed adjacent to the building for additional screening. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Building Height Criteria. Section 11-52-15 of the Zoning Ordinance sets a maximum building height of 35 feet in the RS-3 District unless approved by conditional use permit. The proposed elementary school building would be 43 feet, 4 inches in height. Section 11-17-7 of the Zoning Ordinance allows buildings to exceed the height limitations established within the individual zoning districts through a conditional use permit provided that: 1. The site is capable of accommodating the increased intensity of use (building height). The proposed building complies with the minimum setback requirements for a 43 foot, 4 inch tall building in the RS-3 District. 5 2. The increased intensity of use does not cause an increase in traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding streets. The proposed 43 foot, 4 inch tall building will not increase traffic volumes beyond what can be accommodated by the surrounding streets. 3. Public utilities and services are adequate. Sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer utilities, and streets are being constructed as part of a City construction project from which private service lines will be extended to serve the site. 4. For each additional story over three stories or for each additional 10 above 35 feet, front and side yard setback requirements shall be increased by five feet. The proposed elementary school will require additional building setbacks of five feet for each 10 feet of additional building height. Minimum setbacks for a 35-foot tall or shorter building are: Minimum Building Setbacks Proposed Building Setbacks Front Yard 30 feet 490+ feet Side Yard 10 feet 230+ feet Side Yard abutting ROW 20 feet 253.9 feet Rear Yard 30 feet 282.4 feet The proposed building will greatly exceed minimum setback requirements. 5. The increased height is not in conflict with airport zoning regulations as provided in chapter 36 of this title. The proposed 43 foot, 4 inch tall building is not located within the Airlake Airport or other airport runway safety zone. 6. The performance standards and criteria of chapter 4 of this title are considered and satisfied. Chapter 4 of the Zoning Ordinance sets forth the criteria required for consideration of a conditional use permit. Findings of fact are drafted for the proposed conditional use permit. GENERAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS In addition to the criteria for building height listed above, Section 11-4-7 lists the following performance standards for conditional use permits: A. The use and the site in question shall be served by a street of sufficient capacity to accommodate the type and volume of traffic which would be generated and adequate right of way shall be provided. 6 The site will have access from Huntley Trail, a local residential street, for staff, parents, and day care busses. School busses will access the site from Highview Avenue, a major collector street, and exit to either Highview Avenue or 185th Street. These streets are of sufficient capacity to serve the site. B. The site design for access and parking shall minimize internal as well as external traffic conflicts and shall be in compliance with chapter 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. The site design is such that full-sized school busses have a separate access and parking area from the staff and parent access and parking area. While the special education and day care busses will use the same access point as staff and parents, the drop off area for those busses is separated from the parent drop off traffic to reduce conflict between the vehicles. The access point at Highview Avenue will be a right in/right out while the access point to 185th Street will be a right-out exit only. Busses exiting to 185th Street will then be able to use the roundabout planned for the 185th Street and Highview Avenue intersection to travel any direction necessary. C. If applicable, a pedestrian circulation system shall be clearly defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachment by parked or moving vehicles. A sidewalk will be constructed along the east side of Huntley Avenue, a trail along the south side of 185th Street, and a trail along the west side of Highview Avenue between 185th Street and the right in/right out to Highview Avenue. A trail from Huntley Avenue and 185th Street provides pedestrian access to the school. D. Adequate off street parking and off street loading shall be provided in compliance with chapters 19 and 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires one space per seven students based upon building design. The school’s capacity is 750 students, which requires 107 parking stalls. The plans show an alternate floor plan that includes two additional classrooms, which would increase the student capacity to 818 students and the parking stall requirement to 117 spaces. The site proposes 147 parking spaces, which meets both the planned school size and the potential addition. The site also has two bus drop off/pick up areas, both of which are signed for busses only. One bus area is adjacent to the parking lot and is for special education and day care busses. The school anticipates nine busses will use this area and there are 11 spaces in the drop off/pick up area. The other bus area has access only from Highview Avenue. This bus area is for school busses and includes 17 bus slips. Busses can exit to either Highview Avenue or 185th Street. E. Loading areas and drive-up facilities shall be positioned so as to minimize internal site access problems and maneuvering conflicts, to avoid visual or noise impacts on any "adjacent" residential use or district, and provided in compliance with chapter 20 of this title. The loading area for the school is located on the east side of the building and vehicles can use the school bus area to access the loading areas. Additional plantings must be added to the southeast of the loading area to provide additional screening. 7 F. Whenever a nonresidential use "is adjacent to" a residential use or district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping shall be provided in compliance with chapter 21 of this title. Residential uses are or will be located around the entire school site. There are existing trees along the south property line and additional trees are proposed in the same area to provide additional buffering to the existing single family homes to the south. Staff recommends that landscaping be added on the west side of the general parking lot. G. General site screening and landscaping shall be provided in compliance with chapter 21 of this title. A mix of overstory and evergreen trees are proposed along the perimeter of the site, as well as within the interior of the site. As noted above, additional plantings must be added near the loading area to provide additional screening. A security must be submitted with the final plat to ensure the landscaping is completed. H. All exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto the public right of way or neighboring residential uses or districts, and shall be in compliance with section 11-16- 17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Schematic site lighting and photometric plans show the locations of light poles within the parking lot and around the building and site. All lighting is proposed to be shielded, downcast type fixtures to prevent glare onto adjacent streets and properties. The height above ground for the bases, poles, and fixtures is 35 feet. The photometric plans show that the proposed light levels meet the requirements of Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning Ordinance. I. Potential exterior noise generated by the use shall be identified and mitigation measures as may be necessary shall be imposed to ensure compliance with section 11-16-25 of the Zoning Ordinance. A 10 foot tall utility screen will be located around the outdoor utilities near the loading dock. Four Black Hills Spruce trees are proposed about 15 feet away from the utility screen to provide another layer of buffering. The utility area is 230 feet from the property line to the south and 250 feet to the property line along Highview Avenue. J. The site drainage system shall be subject to the review and approval of the city engineer. The Engineering Division has reviewed and approved the site drainage and utility plans. See the May 11, 2022 Engineering memo for more information. K. The architectural appearance and functional design of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing or potential buildings and area so as to cause a blighting influence. All sides of the principal and accessory structures are to have essentially the same or coordinated, harmonious exterior finish materials and treatment. 8 The proposed school is a two story building, approximately 43 feet, 4 inches in height. The school’s main entrance is on the southwest side of the building, where the staff and parent parking lot is located. The bus loading area drops students along the northeast side of the building, where the students will enter on the lower level of the building. Section 11-17-9.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that institutional uses, regardless of zoning district, require at least 65% grade A materials and that architecturally precast concrete panels with a form liner, tooled, brick and stone face, and/or cast stone type finish may be used to satisfy the grade A materials requirement. The primary exterior materials proposed on the school are brick, architectural precast panels with a custom form-lined pattern, and glass, which compose 77.6% of the overall building. The remainder of the building is metal wall panel, which is a grade C material (Exhibit O). The proposed materials meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. L. Provisions shall be made for daily litter control, an interior location for recycling, and trash handling and storage or an outdoor, enclosed receptacle area shall be provided in compliance with section 11-18-11 of the Zoning Ordinance. Trash and recycling are intended to be stored within the loading dock area. A stipulation has been added that the trash and recycling bins must be stored either within the building or that an enclosure must be constructed adjacent to the loading dock area for their storage. If a separate enclosure is constructed it must be of materials consistent with the school building. M. All signs and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A freestanding sign location is indicated on the site plan at the entrance from Huntley Trail. All signs must meet Zoning Ordinance requirements and sign permits must be issued by the City prior to the installation of any signs. N. The use and site shall be in compliance with any federal, state or county law or regulation that is applicable and any related permits shall be obtained and documented to the city. Not applicable. O. Any applicable business licenses mandated by this code are approved and obtained. Not applicable. P. The hours of operation may be restricted when there is judged to be an incompatibility with a residential use or district. The hours of operation are not expected to be incompatible with the surrounding residential area. Q. The use complies with all applicable performance standards of the zoning district in which it is located and where applicable, any nonconformities shall be eliminated. Not applicable. 9 R. All additional conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying or expanding the conditions set forth herein. Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the May 11, 2022 engineering report. 2. The site and building for Lot 1, Block 1 shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The landscape plan shall be amended to include additional plantings to the southeast of the loading zone to provide additional screening of the area and west of the general parking lot. All landscaped areas surrounding the school, including landscaped islands within the parking, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping must be submitted at the time of final plat approval. The security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 5. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements and sign permits shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 6. The maximum height above ground for the bases, poles, and fixtures is 35 feet. 7. The site plan must be modified to show that the trash and recycling containers shall be stored inside the building or within a six-foot tall enclosure constructed of similar materials as the building, including a durable, maintenance free gate, located adjacent to the loading dock area. Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User CommunityHIGHVIEW AVE190TH ST 188TH ST 189TH ST FUTURE 185TH ST HOLLAND DRKING PARK HUNTLEY TRL HOUSTON WAY City of Lakeville Ninth Elementary First Addition Pre/Final Plat & CUP Site Location Map EXHIBIT A Ninth Elementary First Addition Site Location HIGHVIEW AVE190TH ST 188TH ST 189TH ST FUTURE 185TH ST HOLLAND DRKING PARK HUNTLEY TRL HOUSTON WAY City of Lakeville Ninth Elementary First Addition Pre/Final Plat Zoning Map EXHIBIT B Ninth Elementary First Addition Site Location RS-4 RS-4 RS-4 RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 RS-3 PUD PUD P/OS P/OS P/OS O-R 188TH STREET WESTHUNTLEY TRAIL 60.060.0HUNTLEY TRAILENDS HEREPAVED DRIVEHOUSE11078 GAR.ST 101ST 102ST 103ST 106ST 105ST 104ST 107EXISTING 10' WIDE D&UEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.132192860.0115.0FUTUREOUTLOT AISD NO. 194Attn: Beth Louden17685 Juniper Path, Suite 307Lakeville, MN 55044TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAND BOUNDARY SURVEYNEW ELEMENTARYSCHOOLLAKEVILLE, MNEXISTING LEGENDLOT LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASEMENT LINEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEPOWER POLEXFMR. TRANSFORMERCBLX. CABLE BOXTEL. TELEPHONE BOXE.M. ELECTRIC METERG.M. GAS METERA.C. AIR CONDITIONERHYDRANTWATER VALVEP.I.V. POST INDICATOR VALVESANITARY MANHOLEC.O. CLEANOUTSTORM MANHOLEAREA CATCH BASINCATCH BASINCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTEPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:Outlot A, Ninth Elementary Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof.(Abstract Property)NOTES1) UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES COMPILEDFROM VISUAL EVIDENCE (FLAGGING & PAINT MARKS) AND RECORD DRAWINGS (DESIGN & AS-BUILT).CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 811 FOR ALL UTILITY, GAS LINE, AND ELECTRICAL LINE LOCATIONSPRIOR TO EXCAVATION.2)AREA OF PROPERTY= 1,457,107 SQ. FT. = 33.45 ACRESEXHIBIT C 188TH STREET WESTHUNTLEY TRAIL 60.060.0HUNTLEY TRAILENDS HEREPAVED DRIVEHOUSELOT 1, BLOCK 1(31.02 ACRES)11078 GAR.EXISTING 10' WIDE D&UEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.132192860.0115.0FUTURE185TH STREET WESTHUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE RIGHT OF WAYFUTURE RIGHT OF WAYFUTURE CURB/STREET/WALKFUTURE CURB/STREETFUTURE CURB/STREET/WALKNEW SCHOOL BUILDINGPARKING & CURBSOCCER FIELDSOCCER FIELDCONCRETEWALKSBASEBALL FIELDS123456789101112131415161712345678PONDINGPONDINGPLAYGROUND282.4253.9 ISD NO. 194Attn: Beth Louden17685 Juniper Path, Suite 307Lakeville, MN 55044PRELIMINARY PLAT"NINTH ELEMENTARYFIRST ADDITION"NEW ELEMENTARYSCHOOLLAKEVILLE, MNEXISTING LEGENDLOT LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASEMENT LINEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEPOWER POLEXFMR. TRANSFORMERCBLX. CABLE BOXTEL. TELEPHONE BOXE.M. ELECTRIC METERG.M. GAS METERA.C. AIR CONDITIONERHYDRANTWATER VALVEP.I.V. POST INDICATOR VALVESANITARY MANHOLEC.O. CLEANOUTSTORM MANHOLEAREA CATCH BASINCATCH BASINCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTENOTES1) UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES COMPILEDFROM VISUAL EVIDENCE (FLAGGING & PAINT MARKS) AND RECORD DRAWINGS (DESIGN & AS-BUILT).CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 811 FOR ALL UTILITY, GAS LINE, AND ELECTRICAL LINE LOCATIONSPRIOR TO EXCAVATION.2) AREA OF PROPERTY TO BE PLATTED= 1,457,107 SQ. FT. = 33.45 ACRESAREA PLATTED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 1= 1,351,403 SQ. FT. =31.02 ACRESAREA DEDICATED FOR 185TH STREET WEST = 105,704 SQ. FT. = 2.43 ACRESAND HUNTLEY TRAILPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:Outlot A, Ninth Elementary Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof.(Abstract Property)EXHIBIT D HYDHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST1MATCHLINE - C0.100MATCHLINE - C0.1011111122222222223524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date:Lic. No.:23793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION03.11.2022 - CUP SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C100 - Demo.dwg3/10/2022 9:25:16 PMDEMOLITION NOTES1.Verify all existing utility locations.2.It is the responsibility of the Contractor to perform or coordinate allnecessary utility demolitions and relocations from existing utility locationsto all onsite amenities and buildings. These connections include, but arenot limited to, water, sanitary sewer, cable tv, telephone, gas, electric,site lighting, etc.3.Prior to beginning work, contact Gopher State Onecall (651-454-0002) tolocate utilities throughout the area under construction. The Contractorshall retain the services of a private utility locator to locate the privateutilities.4.Sawcut along edges of pavements, sidewalks, and curbs to remain.5.All construction shall be performed in accordance with state and localstandard specifications for construction.SYMBOL LEGENDCLEAR AND GRUBEXISTING VEGETATIONREMOVE AND DISPOSE OFGRAVEL SECTIONAPPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATIONTREE REMOVALTREE REMOVAL BY OTHERSREMOVE AND DISPOSE OF GRAVEL SECTIONCLEAR AND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION12KEY NOTESC0.100DEMOLITIONPLAN - NORTHEXHIBIT E HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEGAR.HOUSEHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAIL1MATCHLINE - C0.100MATCHLINE - C0.1011111111123524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date:Lic. No.:23793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION03.11.2022 - CUP SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C100 - Demo.dwg3/10/2022 9:25:28 PMC0.101DEMOLITIONPLAN - SOUTHDEMOLITION NOTES1.See Sheet C0.100 for Demolition Notes.SYMBOL LEGENDCLEAR AND GRUBEXISTING VEGETATIONREMOVE AND DISPOSE OFGRAVEL SECTIONAPPROXIMATE SOIL BORING LOCATIONTREE REMOVALTREE REMOVAL BY OTHERSREMOVE AND DISPOSE OF GRAVEL SECTIONCLEAR AND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION12KEY NOTES 3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C100 - Demo.dwg4/29/2022 2:30:33 PMC0.102EXISTING TREEINVENTORYTree SummaryTotal Trees Trees RemovedTrees Saved406259147EXHIBIT F HYDHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WESTPLAYGROUNDNO PARKINGNO PARKINGNO PARKING1234567891011121314151617NEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")NO PARKINGNO PARKING12 3456 78 1020304050102030401020304050102030401235468792015121314161 1 109 47563821 SCORE1 2 345678910201918 171615141312112122232425 2627282930403938 373635343332314142434445464748 49 506059585756555453525161 62 636465666768 69 708079787776 75 7473727181 828384 8586 87888990100999897969594939291123546879PBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600ALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600TALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLER111111111111111122222222333341541555555555155512B512B12C512A5561012B12B67A7A7A7A7A7A7B7A7A7A7B7A7A7A7A7A7C7C7C7D7D11111111111111115512A13131416161616171717171717171717181819192122222324252525262728294'14'10'8'12'24'8'20'24'40'24'20'9'TYP24'20'24'36'10'10'8'15'7.5'14'8'8'8'8'8'8'8'10'8'8'8'14'10'20'24'130'24'S1S1S2S1S2S1S2S5S3S3S7S4S7S4S8S8S4S6S6S9S12S13S10S114040323334353637383859999999917398999912A5404012A41313131313131313131313130303030303030307B7E7E7B7E7E3315'424255434343333320203524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C200 - Paving.dwg4/29/2022 2:45:47 PMC0.200PAVINGPLAN1NEW BITUMINOUS TRAIL, DETAIL 1/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, DETAIL 2/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, DETAIL 3/C0.700NEW AG-LIME, DETAIL 4/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT, DETAIL 5/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT, DETAIL 6/C0.700NEW CONCRETE CURBB612, DETAIL 7/C0.700SURMOUNTABLE, DETAIL 8/C0.700RIBBON CURB, DETAIL 11/C0.700PLAYGROUND CURB, DETAIL 12/C0.700TRANSITION CURBNEW TRANSFORMER PAD, DETAIL 1/C0.703NEW CONCRETE SPLASH PAD, DETAIL 13/C0.700NEW RAISED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY, DETAIL 15/C0.700KEY NOTES234567NO PARKINGNEW BITUMINOUS TRAILDETAIL 1/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTYBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTDETAIL 2/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTYBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTDETAIL 3/C0.700NEW AG-LIMEDETAIL 4/C0.700SYMBOL LEGENDNEW LIGHT-DUTYCONCRETE PAVEMENT*DETAIL 5/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTYCONCRETE PAVEMENT*DETAIL 6/C0.700NEW MECHANICAL PADCONCRETE PAVEMENT*DETAIL 19/C0.700NEW STOOP/APRONSEE STRUCTURAL/ARCHITECTURALPAVEMENT MARKINGS(BY OTHERS)*JOINT PATTERN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TOSPECIFICATIONS FOR JOINT SPACING REQUIREMENTSCURB PAINT (BY OTHERS)NEW LIGHT POLE,SEE ELECTRICALNEW CHAIN LINK FENCE(SEE PLAN FOR HEIGHT)NEW STOOP DRAINTILE, DETAIL 10/C0.700NEW ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMPTYPE 1, DETAIL 16/C0.700TYPE 2, DETAIL 17/C0.700TYPE 3, DETAIL 18/C0.700NEW BASKETBALL GOAL, DETAIL 2/C0.701NEW RETAINING WALL, DETAIL 3/C0.701NEW BALL FIELD DIAMOND, DETAIL 4/C0.701NEW 6' HEIGHT CHAIN-LINK FENCE, DETAIL 5/C0.701NEW 4' HEIGHT CHAIN-LINK FENCE, DETAIL 6/C0.701NEW DOUBLE SWING GATE, DETAIL 7/C0.701NEW BALL FIELD BACKSTOP, DETAIL 8/C0.701NEW MECHANICAL PAD CONCRETE, DETAIL 19/C0.700NEW SHOOTS AND LADDERS STRIPING, DETAIL 4/C0.703 (BYOTHERS)23NEW BASKETBALL STRIPING, DETAIL 5/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW HOP SCOTCH STRIPING, DETAIL 6/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW NUMBER CIRCLE STRIPING, DETAIL 7/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW FOUR SQUARE STRIPING, DETAIL 8/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW DOTS AND BOXES STRIPING, DETAIL 9/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW FOOTBALL FIELD STRIPING, DETAIL 10/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW TRACK LANES STRIPING, DETAIL 11/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)NEW BUS PARKING STRIPING, DETAIL 12/C0.703 (BY OTHERS)4" YELLOW SAFETY LINE, 3' OFF BACK OF CURB (BY OTHERS)CURB PAINT (BY OTHERS)NEW BENCHNEW BIKE RACKNEW FLAGPOLE, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL B3/A6.000NEW COMPASS ROSE INLAY, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAILB1a/A6.0002425262728212232_A_B_C2018191731_A_B_CSNEW SIGN AND POST, DETAIL 1/C0.701ADA PARKINGACCESS AISLEADA LOADING ZONESTOP SIGNSCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PARKING ONLYVISITOR PARKING ONLYLANE USAGE SIGNRIGHT TURN ONLYBEGIN ONE WAYDO NOT ENTERBUSES ONLYDROP OFF AND PICK UP ONLYYIELD TO BUSES_1_2_3SIGN LEGEND111213141516_D_E30_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13373638NEW MONUMENT SIGN, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS D4/A6.000AND F1/A6.000NEW LOADING DOCK, SEE ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURALNEW UTILITY SCREEN, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS E2/A6.000,E4/A6.000, E6/A6.000, F2/A6.000, F4/A6.000, AND F6/A6.000MAINTAIN TOP OF FENCE ELEVATION THROUGH SWALENEW PLANTERNEW BOLLARD, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL D1/A6.000ALTERNATE 2: GEOTHERMAL WELL, SEE MECHANICALNEW CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP, DETAIL 11/C0.7013940891029343335414243EXHIBIT G HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEGAR.HOUSEHIGHVIEW AVENUENO PARKINGNO PARKINGNO PARKINGGTSCNO PARKINGNO PARKINGSIGNALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600MATCHLINE - C0.200MATCHLINE - C0.2011111111222222225555555512B512B12C512A5561012B12B206677A7A7A7A7A7A7A7A7A1111111417174'15'9'8'12'24'8'20'24'40'24'20'9'TYP24'20'24'36'10'10'8'15'7.5'14'8'8'8'S1S1S2S1S2S1S2S5S3S3S7S4S7S8S4S6S6S9S12S13S10S11303030323334353636375993524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.: 23793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION03.11.2022 - CUP SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C200 - Paving.dwg3/10/2022 9:00:22 PMC0.201PAVINGPLAN - SOUTH1NEW BITUMINOUS TRAIL, DETAIL 1/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, DETAIL 2/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, DETAIL 3/C0.700NEW AG-LIME, DETAIL 4/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT, DETAIL 5/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT, DETAIL 6/C0.700NEW CONCRETE CURBB612, DETAIL 7/C0.700SURMOUNTABLE, DETAIL 8/C0.700RIBBON CURB, DETAIL 11/C0.700PLAYGROUND CURB, DETAIL 12/C0.700TRANSITION CURBKEY NOTES234567NO PARKINGNEW BITUMINOUS TRAILDETAIL 1/C0.700NEW LIGHT-DUTYBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTDETAIL 2/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTYBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTDETAIL 3/C0.700NEW AG-LIMEDETAIL 4/C0.700SYMBOL LEGENDNEW LIGHT-DUTYCONCRETE PAVEMENT*DETAIL 5/C0.700NEW HEAVY-DUTYCONCRETE PAVEMENT*DETAIL 6/C0.700NEW STOOP/APRONSEE STRUCTURAL/ARCHITECTURALNEW BRICK PAVERDETAIL 10/C0.700PAVEMENT MARKINGS*JOINT PATTERN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TOSPECIFICATIONS FOR JOINT SPACING REQUIREMENTSCURB PAINTNEW LIGHT POLE,SEE ELECTRICALNEW CHAIN LINK FENCE(SEE PLAN FOR HEIGHT)8NEW BRICK PAVER, DETAIL 10/C0.700NEW CONCRETE SPLASH PAD, DETAIL 13/C0.700NEW RAISED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY, DETAIL 15/C0.700NEW STOOP DRAINTILE, DETAIL 16/C0.700NEW ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMPTYPE 1, DETAIL 17/C0.700TYPE 2, DETAIL 18/C0.700TYPE 3, DETAIL 19/C0.700NEW BASKETBALL GOAL, DETAIL 2/C0.701NEW RETAINING WALL, DETAIL 3/C0.701NEW BALL FIELD DIAMOND, DETAIL 4/C0.701NEW 6' HEIGHT CHAIN-LINK FENCE, DETAIL 5/C0.70191023NEW 4' HEIGHT CHAIN-LINK FENCE, DETAIL 6/C0.701NEW SINGLE SWING GATE, DETAIL 7/C0.701NEW BALL FIELD BACKSTOP, DETAIL 8/C0.701NEW DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE, DETAIL 1/C0.703NEW SHOOTS AND LADDERS STRIPING, DETAIL 4/C0.703NEW BASKETBALL STRIPING, DETAIL 5/C0.703NEW HOP SCOTCH STRIPING, DETAIL 6/C0.703NEW NUMBER CIRCLE STRIPING, DETAIL 7/C0.703NEW FOUR SQUARE STRIPING, DETAIL 8/C0.703NEW DOTS AND BOXES STRIPING, DETAIL 9/C0.703NEW FOOTBALL FIELD STRIPING, DETAIL 10/C0.703NEW TRACK LANES STRIPING, DETAIL 11/C0.7032425262728NEW BUS PARKING STRIPING, DETAIL 12/C0.703NEW BENCHNEW BIKE RACKNEW FLAG POLENEW COMPASS MONUMENT, SEE ARCHITECTURALNEW MONUMENT SIGN, SEE ARCHITECTURALNEW LOADING DOCK, SEE ARCHITECTURAL/STRUCTURALNEW LOUVERED SCREEN WALL, SEE ARCHITECTURALSEE ELECTRICAL/MECHANICALNEW PREMIUM LIMESTONE CUBES212232_A_B_C20181934331731_A_B_CSNEW SIGN AND POST, DETAIL 1/C0.701ADA PARKINGACCESS AISLEADA LOADING ZONESTOP SIGNSCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PARKING ONLYVISITOR PARKING ONLYLANE USAGE SIGNRIGHT TURN ONLYBEGIN ONE WAYDO NOT ENTERBUSES ONLYDROP OFF AND PICK UP ONLYYIELD TO BUSES_1_2_3SIGN LEGEND111213141516_D_E3029_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_1335373638 PLAYGROUNDNEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")PBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600ALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600TALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLERGMHYDHIGHVIEW AVENUE6058565452504846424440363874727068766664626058565452504846444240383436323076747270686664626058565452525048464442646256525048464442403836 64626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST61595755535149474543413937353433323130757371696765636159575553514947454341403836343275737169676563615957555351494745434139373533313028676665646362616059585756555453525150494847464544434241403938379.6%56.5555.9569.18 TC68.68 GL68.89 TC68.39 GL68.40 TC67.90 GL68.56 TC68.06 GL67.73 TC67.23 GL67.75 TC67.25 GL67.27 TC66.77 GL67.03 TC66.53 GL66.65 TC66.15 GL66.24 TC65.74 GL66.94 TC66.44 GL66.52 TC66.02 GL66.62 TC66.12 GL66.70 TC66.20 GL67.01 TC66.51 GO67.13 B69.27 TC68.77 GL68.17 TC67.67 GL67.01 TC66.51 GO66.77 TC66.27 GO67.92 TC67.42 GL65.22 TC64.72 GL64.50 TC64.00 GL68676564636260616659589.8%61601.5%1.5%69.65 TC69.15 GL57.00 FFE57.00 FFE70.33 FFE57.00 FFE69.90 TC69.40 GL69.88 C67.34 TC66.84 GL67.30 TC66.80 GL67.07 C68.28 TC67.78 GO68.29 TC67.79 GO54.20 TC53.70 GL57.00 FFE53.49 TC/C52.99 GL52.16 G56.8057.00 FFE57.10 TC56.60 GL57.38 TC56.88 GL64.99 TC (EOF)64.49 RIM67.58 TC67.28 GL67.50 TC67.00 GL69.20 TC68.70 GL67.86 TC67.36 GL66.38 TC65.88 GL66.12 B67.05 B64.67 TC64.17 RIM64.99 TC64.49 GL68.0068.51 C67.46 TC66.96 GL66.92 TC66.42 GL67.04 TC66.54 GL65.17 TC64.67 RIM65.48 TC64.98 GO68.37 C67.73 TC/GL54.35 C53.51 TC53.01 GL52.45 TC51.95 GL57.00 FFE56.88 C52.88 C52.81 TC52.31 GL70.33 FFE57.00 FFE65.60 B57.70 B69.50 TW57.00 BW64.62 TW56.62 BW/B56.88 B56.88 B55.56 B60.83 TW55.68 BW/B55.68 B57.89 TW/BW/B56.50 B56.73 B56.65 B56.43 B58.77 B58.65 B58.77 B58.83 B58.65 B55.45 B51.6856.88 B55.10 C57.00 FFE52.81 TC52.31 GL55.33 B/C52.44 TC (EOF)52.14 RIM67.61 C66.92 TC/GL64.89 TC/GL64.81 TC/GL67.67 TC67.17 GL67.41 TC/GL67.71 TC/GL67.65 TC67.15 GL67.41 TC66.91 GL67.68 C67.91 C68.16 C68.30 C70.21 C70.13 C70.05 C69.06 C68.99 C70.14 C67.54 TC67.04 GL67.34 TC66.84 GL67.49 TC/GL68.22 TC/GO65.37 TC/GL64.99 TC/GL65.72 TC65.22 GL65.43 TC64.93 GL64.89 TC/GL64.81 TC/GL64.57 TC/GL64.49 TC/GL65.49 B/C66.77 TC66.27 GL66.82 TC66.32 GL66.50 C66.35 TC/GL66.97 C/B66.92 C/B66.41 TC65.91 RIM59.61 B59.73 B65.32 B56.74 C/B55.60 B55.75 B55.91 B55.13 C53.79 C54.96 C55.33 B/C55.70 B56.74 C/B54.96 TC54.46 GL53.18 TC52.88 GL55.58 B55.06 B51.36 B51.48 B51.36 B51.24 B56.73 B56.85 B55.07 B55.00 RIM54.95 B55.79 B50.40 C49.07 G52.37 C51.04 G50.64 TC (EOF)50.14 RIM51.13 B51.52 TC/C51.02 GL50.19 G69.75 C69.60 TC69.10 GL69.90 C69.13 TC68.63 GL68.03 C70.00 C67.83 TC67.33 GL67.65 TC/GL68.06 C2% MAX SLOPEWITHIN ADA PARKING68.75 TC68.25 GL67.86 TC67.36 GL67.95 TC67.45 GL68.90 TC68.40 GL67.0069.50 TW56.88 BW51.50 TC51.00 GO51.82 TC51.32 GO57.63 TC57.13 GL58.34 TC57.84 GL56.21 B55.40 B55.52 B56.13 B56.33 B56.25 B68.01 C/B68.11 C67.93 C/B55.10 RIM56.74 B/C56.80 B56.5056.22 B56.10 B51.05 RIM43.70 EOF44.90 EOF58.16 TC57.66 GL57.76 TC57.26 GL54.29 TC/GL56.88 C52.42 C52.92 TC52.42 GL56.90 TS52.90 BS57.58 B56.79 C52.93 TC52.43 GL53.64 TC53.14 GL55.18 TC54.68 GL55.33 TC54.83 GL55.48 B/C54.76 C52.89 TC/GL53.33 TC52.83 GL51.8057.00 FFE56.83 B56.60 B56.3356.22 C56.47 C54.96 B54.89 B/C54.25 C/B54.25 C/B54.33 C/B54.33 C/B53.59 B53.67 B53.44 B53.52 B53.45 B53.53 B53.33 B53.41 B55.08 B65.07 TC/GL65.28 TC/GO (EOF)65.64 TC65.14 GL65.25 TC64.75 GL65.46 TC64.96 GL65.84 C/B65.40 B/C66.06 B/C65.94 TC65.44 GO54.15 TC/GL54.62 C54.76 C54.22 C52.79 B55.00 RIMBASIN -2100-YR HWL: 44.8610-YR HWL: 42.965-YR HWL: 42.61NWL: 41.00BOT: 32.505565455070656055605545454040606540456958575654535267686867666666666362616867636266676769684346444748495251666462686763697173727461535452515253545657585952535456575859575753544251564244433937414344424138363839666462586361595738424446474341394550404347494244464851373936384135352.0%1.5%4.0% 4.3%4.3%4.3%7.1%7.4%4.1%4.1%42.24 B42.28 B42.22 TC41.72 GL42.22 TC41.72 GL414142394037383536353637383940HYDHIGHVIEW AVENUE6058565452504846424440363874727068766664626058565452504846444240383436323076747270686664626058565452525048464442646256525048464442403836 64626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST615957555351494745434139373534333231307573716967656361595755535149474543414038363432757371696765636159575553514947454341393735333130286766656463626160595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383752.91 TC/GL53.49 C53.41 C53.35 C53.43 C51525068.72 C67.46 TC66.96 GL58.70 RIM5969.66 TC69.36 GL68.94 TC68.64 GL52.45 TC52.15 GL53.13 TC52.83 GLBENCHMARK PK NAIL IN EDGEOF PAVEMENT OF ROAD: 36.75FES INV: 41.26FES INV: 36.00FES INV: 47.41FES INV: 40.50FES INV: 34.0065.12 TC64.62 RIM65.54 TC65.04 RIM54.90 RIM51.6857.00 FFE56.82 C56.82 C56.86 C57.00 B/C54.00 C55.27 C52.50 RIM52.7545.00 RIM41.00 INV43.50 RIM38.06 INV44.70 RIM40.00 INV45.00 RIM46.27 RIM58.70 RIM56.75 RIM56.9034523332.53432.5333:13:13.5:14:14:14:14:14:151494745504846444:13:13:13:13:13:1BASIN -1100-YR HWL: 43.6610-YR HWL: 41.995-YR HWL: 41.70NWL: 40.00BOT: 31.0045504051494743413848464442363435323331373943.4044.60MATCHLINE - C0.300MATCHLINE - C0.30113C0.70313C0.7033524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C300 - Grading.dwg4/29/2022 2:46:46 PMPROPOSED CONTOURS - MAJOR INTERVALGRADE BREAK LINEPROPOSED CONTOURS - MINOR INTERVAL949950950EXISTING CONTOURS2.0%950.00 TC949.50 GLGRADE SLOPESPOT ABBREVIATIONS:TC - TOP OF CURBGL - GUTTER LINEGO - GUTTER OUTB - BITUMINOUSC - CONCRETEEOF - EMERGENCY OVERFLOWTW - TOP OF WALLBW - BOTTOM OF WALL (F/G)(*) - EXISTING TO BE VERIFIEDGRADING NOTES1. Tree protection consisting of snow fence or safety fence installed at thedrip line shall be in place prior to beginning any grading or demolitionwork at the site.2. All elevations with an asterisk (*) shall be field verified. If elevationsvary significantly, notify the Engineer for further instructions.3. Grades shown in paved areas represent finish elevation.4. Restore all disturbed areas with 4” of good quality topsoil and seedunless otherwise specified.5. All construction shall be performed in accordance with state and localstandard specifications for construction.6. Add 1000' to spot elevations and contours listed for NAV 88 elevationdatum.SYMBOL LEGENDC0.300GRADINGPLAN - NORTH950PROPOSED CONTOURS - BY OTHERSEXHIBIT H PBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600TALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLERGMHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEGAR.HOUSEHIGHVIEW AVENUE76747270686664626058565452504876747270788082828078 788280787684868280848674727068767880828482806664626058567674727068666462727068727068666464625664626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAIL757371696765636159575553514985838177857173757779818179777574737271706968667573716967656394929088868583817978777573716967656361595774737271706968676665646362616059585775.109.6%69.18 TC68.68 GL68.89 TC68.39 GL68.40 TC67.90 GL68.56 TC68.06 GL67.73 TC67.23 GL67.75 TC67.25 GL67.27 TC66.77 GL67.03 TC66.53 GL66.65 TC66.15 GL66.24 TC65.74 GL66.94 TC66.44 GL66.52 TC66.02 GL66.62 TC66.12 GL66.70 TC66.20 GL67.01 TC66.51 GO67.13 B69.27 TC68.77 GL68.17 TC67.67 GL67.01 TC66.51 GO66.77 TC66.27 GO67.92 TC67.42 GL65.22 TC64.72 GL64.50 TC64.00 GL68676564636260616659589.8%616069.65 TC69.15 GL57.00 FFE57.00 FFE70.33 FFE57.00 FFE69.90 TC69.40 GL69.88 C67.34 TC66.84 GL67.30 TC66.80 GL67.07 C68.28 TC67.78 GO68.29 TC67.79 GO57.00 FFE56.8057.00 FFE57.10 TC56.60 GL57.38 TC56.88 GL64.99 TC (EOF)64.49 RIM67.58 TC67.28 GL67.50 TC67.00 GL69.20 TC68.70 GL67.86 TC67.36 GL66.38 TC65.88 GL66.12 B67.05 B64.67 TC64.17 RIM64.99 TC64.49 GL68.0068.51 C67.46 TC66.96 GL66.92 TC66.42 GL67.04 TC66.54 GL65.17 TC64.67 RIM65.48 TC64.98 GO68.37 C67.73 TC/GL56.88 C52.88 C52.81 TC52.31 GL70.33 FFE57.00 FFE65.60 B57.70 B69.50 TW57.00 BW56.88 B56.88 B55.56 B60.83 TW55.68 BW/B55.68 B57.89 TW/BW/B56.50 B58.77 B58.65 B58.77 B58.83 B58.65 B56.88 B52.81 TC52.31 GL67.61 C66.92 TC/GL64.89 TC/GL64.81 TC/GL67.67 TC67.17 GL67.41 TC/GL67.71 TC/GL67.65 TC67.15 GL67.41 TC66.91 GL67.68 C67.91 C68.16 C68.30 C70.21 C70.13 C70.05 C69.06 C68.99 C70.14 C67.54 TC67.04 GL67.34 TC66.84 GL67.49 TC/GL68.22 TC/GO65.37 TC/GL64.99 TC/GL65.72 TC65.22 GL65.43 TC64.93 GL64.89 TC/GL64.81 TC/GL64.57 TC/GL64.49 TC/GL65.49 B/C66.77 TC66.27 GL66.82 TC66.32 GL66.50 C66.35 TC/GL66.97 C/B66.92 C/B66.41 TC65.91 RIM59.61 B59.73 B65.32 B53.79 C55.00 RIM51.13 B69.75 C69.60 TC69.10 GL69.90 C69.13 TC68.63 GL68.03 C70.00 C67.83 TC67.33 GL67.65 TC/GL68.06 C2% MAX SLOPEWITHIN ADA PARKING68.75 TC68.25 GL67.86 TC67.36 GL67.95 TC67.45 GL68.90 TC68.40 GL67.0069.50 TW56.88 BW51.50 TC51.00 GO51.82 TC51.32 GO57.63 TC57.13 GL58.34 TC57.84 GL56.21 B55.40 B55.52 B56.13 B56.33 B56.25 B68.01 C/B68.11 C67.93 C/B55.10 RIM56.74 B/C56.80 B56.5056.22 B56.10 B51.05 RIM58.16 TC57.66 GL57.76 TC57.26 GL56.88 C52.42 C52.92 TC52.42 GL56.90 TS52.90 BS57.58 B56.79 C52.93 TC52.43 GL53.64 TC53.14 GL52.89 TC/GL53.33 TC52.83 GL51.8057.00 FFE56.83 B56.60 B56.3356.22 C56.47 C65.07 TC/GL65.28 TC/GO (EOF)65.64 TC65.14 GL65.25 TC64.75 GL65.46 TC64.96 GL65.84 C/B65.40 B/C66.06 B/C65.94 TC65.44 GO54.22 C55.00 RIM75757065758065657065605560557070606971727374747372696664747276787371776958676868676671798182686766666668666764636261686763626667676968666462686763697173727461525354565758595253545657585957695751566462586159572.0%1.5%4.0% 4.3%4.3%4.3%4.1%4.1%HOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEHOUSEGAR.HOUSEHIGHVIEW AVENUE76747270686664626058565452504876747270788082828078 788280787684868280848674727068767880828482806664626058567674727068666462727068727068666464625664626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAIL757371696765636159575553514985838177857173757779818179777574737271706968667573716967656394929088868583817978777573716967656361595774737271706968676665646362616059585768.72 C67.46 TC66.96 GL58.70 RIM5969.66 TC69.36 GL68.94 TC68.64 GL65.12 TC64.62 RIM65.54 TC65.04 RIM54.90 RIM57.00 FFE56.82 C56.82 C56.86 C57.00 B/C54.00 C52.50 RIM52.7558.70 RIM56.75 RIM56.90MATCHLINE - C0.300MATCHLINE - C0.3013524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C300 - Grading.dwg4/29/2022 2:47:00 PMGRADING NOTES1. See Sheet C0.300 for Grading Notes.C0.301GRADINGPLAN - SOUTHSYMBOL LEGENDPROPOSED CONTOURS - MAJOR INTERVALGRADE BREAK LINEPROPOSED CONTOURS - MINOR INTERVAL949950950EXISTING CONTOURS2.0%GRADE SLOPE950PROPOSED CONTOURS - BY OTHERS950.00 TC949.50 GLSPOT ABBREVIATIONS:TC - TOP OF CURBGL - GUTTER LINEGO - GUTTER OUTB - BITUMINOUSC - CONCRETEEOF - EMERGENCY OVERFLOWTW - TOP OF WALLBW - BOTTOM OF WALL (F/G)(*) - EXISTING TO BE VERIFIED PLAYGROUNDNEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")PBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600ALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600TALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLERGMHOUSEGAR.HOUSEHYDHIGHVIEW AVENUE76747270686664626058565452504846424440363876747270788082828078 7882807876848682808486747270687678808284828066646260585654525048464442403834363230767472706866646260585654525250484644427270687270686664646256525048464442403836 64626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST757371696765636159575553514947454341393735343332313085838177857173757779818179777574737271706968666462757371696765636159575553514947454341403836343230949290888685838179787775737169676563615957555351494745434139373533313028267473727170696867666564636261605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837686765646362606166595861607575706575558065654550706560556055707045454040606540456971727374747372696664747276787371776958575654535267686867667179818268676666666866676463626168676362666767696843464447484952516664626867636971737274615354525152535456575859525354565758595769575354425156424443393741434442413836383966646258636159573842444647434139455040434749424446485137393638413535414142394037383536353637383940HOUSEGAR.HOUSEHYDHIGHVIEW AVENUE76747270686664626058565452504846424440363876747270788082828078 7882807876848682808486747270687678808284828066646260585654525048464442403834363230767472706866646260585654525250484644427270687270686664646256525048464442403836 64626058 FUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST7573716967656361595755535149474543413937353433323130858381778571737577798181797775747372717069686664627573716967656361595755535149474543414038363432309492908886858381797877757371696765636159575553514947454341393735333130282674737271706968676665646362616059585756555453525150494847464544434241403938375152505934523332.53432.53351494745504846444550405149474341384846444236343532333137391C0.7021C0.7021C0.7021C0.7021C0.7021C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7023C0.7023C0.7023C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7024C0.7025C0.7025C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7026C0.7027C0.7027C0.7027C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.70210C0.70110C0.70110C0.70110C0.70110C0.70110C0.70110C0.70110C0.7014' WIDE4' WIDE4' WIDE4' WIDE2' WIDE2' WIDE2' WIDE2' WIDE1C0.7021C0.7021C0.7021C0.7021C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7022C0.7027C0.7022C0.7021C0.7021C0.7023524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C300 - Grading.dwg4/29/2022 2:47:24 PMRIP-RAP / ROCK CONST. ENTRANCEDETAILS 3/C0.702, 5/C0.702, & 7/C0.702INLET PROTECTIONDETAIL 6/C0.702CONCRETE WASHOUT STATION(LOCATE DURING CONSTRUCTION)SYMBOL LEGENDC0.302EROSIONCONTROL PLAN1. Owner and Contractor shall obtain MPCA-NPDES permit. Contractor shall beresponsible for all fees pertaining to this permit. The SWPPP shall be keptonsite at all times.2. Install temporary erosion control measures (inlet protection, silt fence, and rockconstruction entrances) prior to beginning any excavation or demolition work atthe site.3. Erosion control measures shown on the erosion control plan are the absoluteminimum. The contractor shall install temporary earth dikes, sediment traps orbasins, additional siltation fencing, and/or disk the soil parallel to the contours asdeemed necessary to further control erosion. All changes shall be recorded inthe SWPPP.4. All construction site entrances shall be surfaced with crushed rock across theentire width of the entrance and from the entrance to a point 50' into theconstruction zone.5. The toe of the silt fence shall be trenched in a minimum of 6”. The trench backfillshall be compacted with a vibratory plate compactor.6. All grading operations shall be conducted in a manner to minimize the potentialfor site erosion. Sediment control practices must be established on all downgradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin.7. All exposed soil areas must be stabilized as soon as possible to limit soil erosionbut in no case later than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion ofthe site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Temporary stockpiles withoutsignificant silt, clay or organic components (e.g., clean aggregate stockpiles,demolition concrete stockpiles, sand stockpiles) and the constructed basecomponents of roads, parking lots and similar surfaces are exempt from thisrequirement.8. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch orswale that drains water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts wateraround the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge,or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization of the last 200lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water.Stabilization of the remaining portions of any temporary or permanent ditches orswales must be complete within 14 days after connecting to a surface water andconstruction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or permanently ceased.9. Pipe outlets must be provided with energy dissipation within 24 hours ofconnection to surface water.10. All riprap shall be installed with a filter material or soil separation fabric andcomply with the Minnesota Department of Transportation StandardSpecifications.11. All storm sewers discharging into wetlands or water bodies shall outlet at orbelow the normal water level of the respective wetland or water body at anelevation where the downstream slope is 1 percent or flatter. The normal waterlevel shall be the invert elevation of the outlet of the wetland or water body.12. All storm sewer catch basins not needed for site drainage during constructionshall be covered to prevent runoff from entering the storm sewer system. Catchbasins necessary for site drainage during construction shall be provided with inletprotection.13. In areas where concentrated flows occur (such as swales and areas in front ofstorm catch basins and intakes) the erosion control facilities shall be backed bystabilization structure to protect those facilities from the concentrated flows.14. Inspect the construction site once every seven days during active constructionand within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. Allinspections shall be recorded in the SWPPP.15. All BMPs must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they becomenonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the capacity of the BMP. Theserepairs must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditionsallow access. All repairs shall be recorded in the SWPPP.16. If sediment escapes the construction site, off-site accumulations of sedimentmust be removed in a manner and at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-siteimpacts.17. All soils tracked onto pavement shall be removed daily.18. Temporary soil stockpiles must have silt fence or other effective sedimentcontrols, and cannot be placed in surface waters, including stormwaterconveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches unlessthere is a bypass in place for the stormwater.19. Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic,fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed ofproperly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements.20. Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored,including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge.Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism.Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCAregulations.21. External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to adefined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposedof. No engine degreasing is allowed onsite.22. All liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations must becontained in a leak-proof containment facility or impermeable liner. A compactedclay liner that does not allow washout liquids to enter ground water is consideredan impermeable liner. The liquid and solid wastes must not contact the ground,and there must not be runoff from the concrete washout operations or areas.Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of properly and in compliance withMPCA regulations. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility toinform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities.23. Upon completion of the project and stabilization of all graded areas, alltemporary erosion control facilities (silt fences, hay bales, etc.) shall be removedfrom the site.24. All permanent sedimentation basins must be restored to their design conditionimmediately following stabilization of the site.25. Contractor shall submit Notice of Termination for MPCA-NPDES permit within 30days after Final Stabilization.26. Coordinate construction access with city staff with respect to multiple phases ofconstruction and nearby projects. Recommended right in and right out fordeliveries and construction access off of Highview Avenue.EROSION CONTROL NOTES0NORTH25 50100EROSION CONTROL BLANKETDETAIL 4/C0.702SILT FENCEDETAIL 1/C0.702SEDIMENT ROLLDETAIL 2/C0.702EXHIBIT I PLAYGRO U N D NEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")PBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600ALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600TALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLERHYDHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WESTHYDHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WEST188 LF 6" PVC (SCH 40) @ 2.00%159 LF 18" HDPE @ 4.19%82 LF 24" HDPE @ 2.00%155 LF 12" HDPE @ 7.00%136 LF 15" HDPE @ 1.55%95 LF 30" HDPE @ 0.96%145 LF 16" PVC (SCH 40) 2.75%86 LF 15" HDPE @ 0.50%246 LF 30" HDPE @ 0.55%185 LF 24" HDPE @ 1.00%144 LF 24" PVC (SCH 40) @ 1.00%76 LF 6" PVC(SCH 40) @ 2.00%183 LF 6" PVC (SCH 40) @ 2.00%95 LF 12" PVC(SCH 40) @ 3.20%141 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.50%121 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.50%8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC8" C900 PVC60 LF 12" HPDE @3.00%191 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 2.79%79 LF 24" HDPE @ 7.59%8" C900 PVC96 LF 4" PVC (SCH 40) @ 2.00%GM6" TEE6" x 90° BEND6" FIRE & 6" WATER SERVICECOORDINATE W/ MECH.INV: 1049.006" SANITARY SEWER SERVICECOORDINATE W/ MECH:INV: 49.00SAN-3RIM: 54.30INV (SE): 41.60INV (N): 41.506" HYD6" GV W/ BOX8" x 6" TEESTMH-8 (48" Ø)RIM: 53.00INV (N,S): 47.75STMH-7 (48" Ø)RIM: 57.12INV (S): 52.62INV (E): 50.39INV (N): 49.39STMH-17 (48" Ø)RIM: 54.45INV (W): 50.45INV (NE): 48.06CB-6 (48" Ø)RIM: 55.00INV: 51.00CB-4 (48" Ø)RIM: 64.17INV (DT): 61.00INV (N,S): 59.67CB-2 (2' x 3')RIM: 64.62INV: 60.62 CB-3 (48" Ø)RIM: 64.49INV (DT): 61.32INV (E,W): 60.49INV (N): 59.80 CB-1 (2' x 3')RIM: 65.04INV: 61.04CB-9 (2' x 3')RIM: 65.91INV (DT): 62.74INV (S): 62.69INV (E): 61.91CB-11 (48" Ø)RIM: 55.10INV (N,W): 51.06INV (E): 50.81CB-12 (48" Ø)RIM: 54.90INV: 50.38CB-27 (48" Ø)(WEIR, SEE DETAIL 12/C0.701)RIM: 45.00INV: 41.00STMH-26 (48" Ø)(WEIR, SEE DETAIL 9/C0.701)RIM: 45.70INV: 40.00CB-23 (2' x 3')RIM: 45.00INV: 41.54FESINV: 47.416" HYD6" GV W/ BOX8" x 6" TEE6" HYD6" GV W/ BOX8" x 6" TEE45° BEND45° BEND45° BEND45° BEND45° BEND45° BEND45° BEND8" x 6" TEE8" TEE8" GV8" GV8" GVCONNECT TOEXISTING STUBCONNECT TOEXISTING STUBCONNECT TO EXISTING STUBINV: 37.8450 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.10%10 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.30%20 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00%W/ 45° BENDCOORDINATE W/ MECH.INV: 53.00COORDINATE W/ MECH.INV: 53.00COORDINATE W/ MECH.INV: 51.9215 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 3.05%CB-14 (48" Ø)RIM: 51.05INV (S): 46.70INV (N): 45.55CB-20 (60" Ø)RIM: 50.14INV (DT): 46.81INV (SW): 46.14INV (S): 44.64INV (NW,NE): 42.72CB-19 (48" Ø)RIM: 52.14INV (DT): 48.81INV (NW): 47.33INV (SW,SE): 44.07CB-5 (48" Ø)RIM: 64.67INV (W): 60.20INV (N,S): 59.2917 LF 24" HDPE @ 2.00%45° BEND8" GV8" TEE8" GV6" HYD6" GV W/ BOX8" x 6" TEEFESINV: 40.5013 LF 18" HDPE @ 1.00%38 LF 18" HDPE @ 1.00%61 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 1.00%FESINV: 41.26STMH-28 (60" Ø)RIM: 43.50INV (E): 39.15INV (W): 38.56INV (N): 38.0643 LF 30" RCP @ 0.50%CB-18 (2' x 3')RIM: 52.04INV (DT): 48.71INV (E): 48.04STMH-25 (48" Ø)RIM: 53.20INV (S): 48.46INV (NW,NE): 40.8242 LF 18" HDPE @ 0.75%CB-10 (48" Ø)RIM: 55.00INV: 51.4640 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 1.00%20 LF OF SOLID PVC (SCH 40), EXTEND10' BOTH SIDES OF WATERMAIN20 LF OF SOLID PVC (SCH 40), EXTEND10' BOTH SIDES OF WATERMAIN25 LF OF SOLID PVC (SCH 40), EXTEND10' BOTH SIDES OF WATERMAIN20 LF OF SOLID PVC (SCH 40), EXTEND10' BOTH SIDES OF WATERMAINSAN-2RIM: 53.95INV (SW): 45.46INV (NW): 45.3647 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 3.20%STMH-22 (48" Ø)RIM: 55.50INV: 51.5037 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00%W/ 45° BEND39 LF 6" PVC@ 1.00%59 LF 6" PVC @ 4.07%COINV: 48.40INV: 50.37INV: 49.0225 LF 12" PVC (SCH 40) @ 3.00%STMH-16 (48" Ø)RIM: 56.15INV: 52.2514 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00%W/ 45° BEND20 LF 6" PVC@ 1.00%STMH-15 (48" Ø)RIM: 55.10INV: 51.46GAS METER ANDCONNECTIONFESINV: 34.00FESINV: 36.0038 LF 24" HDPE @ 13.16%4" SANITARY SEWER SERVICECOORDINATE W/ MECH:INV: 49.00SAN-1RIM: 56.00INV (SW): 48.64INV (SE): 47.08INV (NW): 46.9818 LF 6" PVC (SCH 40) @ 2.00%CB-32 (48" Ø)RIM: 56.76INV (DT): 53.59INV (N,S): 51.44CB-31 (48" Ø)RIM: 57.00INV: 52.46CB-29 (48" Ø)RIM: 58.70INV: 54.2034 LF 18" PVC (SCH 40) @ 3.00%STMH-34 (48" Ø)RIM: 54.00INV (W,S): 49.1915 LF 21" RCP @ 1.50%COINV: 60.00COINV: 57.84COINV: 63.53COINV: 65.666" DT6" DT6" DT30 LF 12" HDPE @ 3.00%126 LF 21"HDPE @ 1.50%20 LF OF SOLID PVC (SCH 40), EXTEND10' BOTH SIDES OF WATERMAIN84 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% W/ 45° BEND8" C900 PVCCB-13 (48" Ø)RIM: 52.50INV (DT): 48.50INV (SW,N): 48.27101 LF 15" HDPE @ 1.55%CB-24 (48" Ø)RIM: 46.27INV: 41.4321 LF 12" RCP @ 0.50%STMH-21 (48" Ø)RIM: 49.50INV (NW): 46.00INV (SW,N): 42.2971 LF 30" HDPE@ 0.60%172 LF 30" HDPE @ 0.60%CB-30 (48" Ø)RIM: 58.70INV: 53.3628 LF 18" HDPE @ 3.00%CB-33 (48" Ø)RIM: 56.75INV: 51.0812 LF 18" HDPE @ 3.00%12C0.7029C0.7009C0.7009C0.7009C0.7009C0.7009C0.7009C0.70013C0.70213C0.7022C0.7033C0.7032C0.7033C0.7032C0.7033C0.7032C0.7033C0.70314C0.70214C0.70214C0.70214C0.70214C0.70211C0.70211C0.70211C0.70211C0.70211C0.70211C0.7028C0.7028C0.7028C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.70210C0.70210C0.7029C0.7029C0.70210C0.70210C0.70210C0.7029C0.7029C0.7028C0.7028C0.7029C0.70113C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7009C0.70012C0.70212C0.70212C0.70212C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.7029C0.70212C0.7013524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.0NORTH20 4080FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C400 - Utility.dwg4/29/2022 2:48:26 PMSTORM SEWER PIPESANITARY SEWER PIPEWATERMAIN PIPESTORM MANHOLE (STMH)FLARED END (FES)CURB INLET (CB)CATCH BASIN (CB)GATE VALVE & BOXHYDRANT (HYD)SANITARY MANHOLE (SAN)DRAINTILE PIPEUTILITY NOTES1. It is the responsibility of the contractor to perform or coordinate all necessary utility connections and relocations fromexisting utility locations to the proposed building, as well as to all onsite amenities. These connections include but arenot limited to water, sanitary sewer, cable TV, telephone, gas, electric, site lighting, etc.2. All service connections shall be performed in accordance with state and local standard specifications for construction.Utility connections (sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer) may require a permit from the City.3. The contractor shall verify the elevations at proposed connections to existing utilities prior to any demolition orexcavation.4. The contractor shall notify all appropriate engineering departments and utility companies 72 hours prior to construction.All necessary precautions shall be made to avoid damage to existing utilities.5. Storm sewer requires testing in accordance with Minnesota plumbing code 4714.1109 where located within 10 feet ofwaterlines or the building.6. HDPE storm sewer piping shall meet ASTM F2306 and fittings shall meet ASTM D3212 joint pressure test. Installationshall meet ASTM C2321.7. All RCP pipe shown on the plans shall be MN/DOT class 3.8. Maintain a minimum of 7 ½' of cover over all water lines and sanitary sewer lines. Where 7 ½' of cover is not provided,install 2” rigid polystyrene insulation (MN/DOT 3760) with a thermal resistance of at least 5 and a compressive strengthof at least 25 psi. Insulation shall be 8' wide, centered over pipe with 6” sand cushion between pipe and insulation.Where depth is less than 5', use 4” of insulation.9. Install water lines 12” above sewers. Where the sewer is less than 12" below the water line (or above), install sewerpiping of materials approved for inside building use for 10 feet on each side of the crossing.10. All watermain piping shall be C900 PVC unless noted otherwise.11. See Project Specifications for bedding requirements.12. Pressure test and disinfect all new watermains in accordance with state and local requirements.13. Sanitary sewer piping shall be PVC, SDR-35 for depths less than 12', PVC SDR-26 for depths between 12' and 26', andclass 52 D.I.P. for depths of 26' or more.14. A structure adjustment shall include removing and salvaging the existing casting assembly, removing existing concreterings to the precast section. Install new rings and salvaged casting to proposed grades, cleaning casting flange bymechanical means to insure a sound surface and install an external chimney seal from casting to precast section.Chimney seals shall be Infi-Shield Uni-Band or an approved equal.SYMBOL LEGENDC0.400UTILITYPLANEXHIBIT J HOUSEGAR.HOUSEHIGHVIEW AVENUEFUTURE HUNTLEY TRAILFUTURE 185TH STREET WESTPLAYGROUNDNEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")PGMPGMPGMPGMPGMPGMKCKCKCCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSCBSBHSBHSBHSBHSBHSWPWPWPWPWPWPWPWPGMMGMMGMMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMSGMPGMPGMALALALALALALALALALALKCKCKCCBSCBSCBSBHSBHSBHSBHSBHSBHSNHENHENHENHENHENHEABMABMABMABMABMABMNMNMNMNMNMNMGMMGMMGMMISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLISLTHTHACACACSSCSSCAGGAGGAGMAGMAGMSSCDEGMMPSCPSCPSCRBCRBCRBCRBCRBCHCSDBHSKFGSSDSSDSSDAJSDSAGSCGSCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGTGATGATGAPPJPPJPPJPPJPPJPPJBHBHBHBHBHDBLDBLDBLDBLPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPDAPDAPDABBBSSDSSDSSDSSDSSDPCPCPCCEECEECEECEECEECEECEECEECEELLHLLHTGADKLDKLPBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSBBPCPCPCBHBHBHDBLBHTGAPCCPCCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGBPGMPGMSGMSGMSGMBESHCSDBHSBHSBHSKFGKFGKFGKFGPCPCPCBESBESBESBESBESBESBESBESPCPCPCPCPCKFGKFGPCPCPCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGBESBESBESBESBESPCPCPCPCBHSALTERNATE 3 - SEE SHEET C0.600ALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600ISLHADBBIHHAHAHAHAHAHAHADBBDBBDBBIHIHIHIHTALTERNATE 2 - SEE SHEET C0.600GENERATORCHILLERAJSDSASSDSSDSSDKFG3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C500 - Landscape.dwg4/29/2022 2:49:25 PMC0.500LANDSCAPEPLANSYMBOL LEGENDLANDSCAPING NOTES0NORTH25 50100TREE PLANSymbolCommon NamePlanting Size QuantityKentucky Coffeetree2.5" DIA6Northwood Maple2.5" DIA6Green Mountain Maple2.5" DIA7American Linden2.5" DIA10Ivory Silk Lilac2.5" DIA16Black Hills Spruce8' HEIGHT16Sienna Glen Maple2.5" DIA16White Pine8' HEIGHT8Princeton Gold Maple2.5" DIA10Colorado Blue Spruce 8' HEIGHT19Autumn Blaze Maple2.5" DIA6New Horizon Elm2.5" DIA6Adams Crabapple2.5" DIA3Spring Snow Crabapple2.5" DIA3Autumn Gold Ginkgo2.5" DIA2Thornless Hawthorn2.5" DIA2Discovery Elm2.5" DIA1Armstrong Gold Maple2.5" DIA3Pink Spires Crabapple2.5" DIA3Red Baron Crabapple2.5" DIA5Honeycrisp Semi-Dwarf2.5" DIA2KCNMGMMALISLBHSSGMWPPGMCBSABMNHEACSSCAGGTHDEAGMPSCRBCHCSDNOT TO SCALETREE PLANTING DETAIL1C0.500EQUALS TWICE BALLDIAMETER12"MIN.18"MIN.DECIDUOUS TREE (2.5" Ø MIN)AS PER SCHEDULECOLORED FLAGS1 PER WIRETOP 13 OF WIRE CAGE ANDBURLAP SHOULD BE REMOVEDOPTIONAL STAKING METHOD - 6' METALPOSTS AND RUBBER HOSE STRAPSCONIFEROUS TREE (8' HEIGHT MIN)AS PER SCHEDULEHOSE LOOPS3 GUYS EACH OF 10 GAUGE TWISTEDWIRE 120° APART AROUND TREETURNBUCKLE6" DEEP MULCH, HOLDBACK 2" FROM STEM.SOD/SEED(SEE PLANS)24" STAKE TYP.PLACE PLANTINGMEDIUM SOILSSCARIFY ALL SIDES ANDBOTTOM OF EXCAVATED HOLE1. All trees not planted in landscaped areas shall have shredded hardwood mulchplaced around the tree at 4' diameter and 6" deep.2. Restore all disturbed turf areas with 6" of good quality topsoil and seed unlessotherwise specified.3. Landscape Contractor is responsible for coordination with the GeneralContractor, to protect the new improvements on and off-site during landscapework activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor immediately.4. Plant size and species substitutions must be approved in writing prior toacceptance in the field.5. Landscape Contractor is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newlyinstalled material until time of owner acceptance. Any acts of vandalism ordamage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility ofthe contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance programincluding, but not limited to, pruning, fertilization and disease/pest control.6. Landscape Contractor shall provide the owner with a watering scheduleappropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growthrequirements.7. Landscape Contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through onecalendar year from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibitmore than 10% die-back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to theowner. The contractor shall also provide adequate tree wrap and deer/rodentprotection measures for the plantings during the warranty period.STORMWATER SEED MIXATHLETIC SEED MIXSODRIVER ROCKDETAIL 14/C0.700STEEL EDGINGEXHIBIT K NEW ELEMENTARYUPPER FFE: 1070.33 (ARCH: 100'-0")LOWER FFE: 1057.00 (ARCH: 86'-8")GSCGSCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGTGATGATGAPPJPPJPPJPPJPPJPPJBHBHBHBHBHDBLDBLDBLDBLPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPMDPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPCCPDAPDAPDABBBSSDSSDSSDSSDSSDPCPCPCCEECEECEECEECEECEECEECEECEELLHLLHTGAPBPBPBPBPBPBPBPBFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSBBPCPCPCBHBHBHDBLBHTGAPCCPCCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGBBESKFGKFGKFGKFGPCPCPCBESBESBESBESBESBESBESBESPCPCPCPCPCKFGKFGPCPCPCKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGKFGBESBESBESBESBESPCPCPCPCALTERNATE 1 - SEE SHEET C0.600HADBBIHHAHAHAHAHAHAHADBBDBBDBBIHIHIHIHGENERATORCHILLERKFGSSDSSDSSDAJSDSAAJSDSASSDSSDSSDKFG3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comC 2022 Larson Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.3524 Labore RoadWhite Bear Lake, MN 55110651.481.9120 (f) 651.481.9201www.larsonengr.comLarsonEngineering, Inc.Greg A. Buchal, P.E.Date: Lic. No.:04.29.202223793I hereby certify that this plan, specifications or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the state of Minnesota.FEDCBA12345678AMNNorthCheck:Drawn:Date:Comm:GABNJN12216155RevisionsDescriptionDateNumINDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT #194NEWELEMENTARYSCHOOL17630 Juniper PathLakeville, MN 55044Scale: As IndicatedNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION04.29.2022 - CITY SUBMITTALP:\Projects\Projects - 2021\12216155 - Lakeville New Elementary School - Wold\C. Design\Drawing Files\12216155 - C500 - Landscape.dwg4/29/2022 2:49:40 PMC0.501SHRUBENLARGEMENTPLANSYMBOL LEGENDBOULDER OUTCROP (7 EA)FLAGSTONE (23 EA)LANDSCAPING NOTES1. Owner to verify plant selection and placement.0NORTH10 2040SHRUB PLANSymbolCommon NamePot/PlantingSizeQuantityKarl Forester Grass#348Stella Supreme Daylily#115Degroots Spire Arborvitae#51Autumn Joy Sedum#13Dwarf Bloomerang Lilac2.0" DIA5Black Eyed Susan#114Purple Coneflower#121Little Lime Hydrangea#52Holmstrup Arborvitae#78Technito Globe Arborvitae#55Phlox Candy Crush#110Pardon Me Daylily#110Bobo Hydrangea#59Coreopsis Enchanted Eve#19Purple Dome Aster#13Pencil Point Juniper#56Golden Sphere Coreopsis#52Dwarf Burning Bush#54Incrediball Hydrangea#55Dwarf Korean Lilac2" DIA2KFGSSDDSAAJSDBLBESPCLLHHATGAPCCPMDBHCEEPDAPPJGSCDBBIHDKLBFSENLARGEMENT PLANBUILDING SHRUBAC0.5011:20ENLARGEMENT PLANFRONT SIGN SHRUBBC0.5011:20PREPARE SOIL IN THE ENTIRE BED8" TO 12"CUT WEED BARRIER FABRICTHE MINIMUM NEEDED FORPLANTING.CONTAINER-GROWN PLANTWITH ROOTS PULLED OUT OF BALL -COMPLETLY REMOVE CONTAINER.TOP 13 OF WIRE CAGE AND BURLAP SHOULD BE REMOVEDFOLD BURLAP FROM TOP OFROOT BALL DOWN INTO GROUND;SET TOP OF BALL SLIGHTLYABOVE FINISH GRADE4" DEEP MULCH (DO NOTPUT MULCH AGAINSTTHE BASE OF THE PLANT)12" TO 18" (FORLARGER SHRUBROOT BALLS,MAKE DEPTHMIN. 4" DEEPERTHAN BALL)SCARIFY ALL FACES AND BOTTOM OFEXCAVATED HOLEPLACE PLANTING MEDIUM SOILSNOTES1. FOR CONTAINER-GROWN SHRUBS, USE FINGERS OR SMALLHAND TOOLS TO PULL THE ROOTS OUT OF THE OUTER LAYEROF POTTING SOIL; THEN CUT OR PULL APART ANY ROOTS THATCIRCLE THE PERIMETER OF THE CONTAINER.2. INCORPORATE COMMERCIALLY PREPARED MYCORRHIZASPORES IN THE SOIL IMMEDIATELY AROUND THE ROOT BALLAT RATES SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER.3. CONFIRM THAT WATER DRAINS OUT OF THE SOIL DURINGTHE PLACEMENT PHASE; ALTER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ASREQUIRED.4. IF PLANTS ARE TO BE PRUNED, BRANCHES SHALL BEPRUNED AT THE BRANCH BARK RIDGE, NOT FLUSH WITH THEBARK.NOT TO SCALESHRUB PLANTING DETAIL1C0.501SHEET FOR REFERENCE ONLY -COORDINATE SHRUB PLANTING'S(BY OTHERS) WITH OWNER PC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 123456781 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 10203040501020304012354687920 15 12131416 1110947 5638 21S C O R E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 0 19 18 1 7 16 15 1 4 1 3 12 1 1 21 2 2 2 3 24 2 5 2 6 27 2 8 2 9 30 4 0 39 38 3 7 3 6 35 3 4 33 32 3 1 41 4 2 4 3 44 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 50 6 0 59 58 5 7 56 55 5 4 53 52 5 1 61 6 2 63 64 6 5 6 6 67 6 8 6 9 70 8 0 79 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 5 7 4 73 72 7 1 81 8 2 83 84 8 5 86 87 8 8 89 90 1 00 99 9 8 9 7 96 9 5 9 4 93 9 2 9 1 123546879LLH LLH LLH DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL PDA PDA GSC GSC KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFGKFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG RA RA TGA TGA TGA PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJBHBHBHBHBH DBL DBL DBL DBL PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMDPMD PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PDA PDA PDA B B B SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD PC PC PC CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE LLH LLH TGA PB PB PB PB PBPB PB PB FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FSFS FS FS FS FS FS FS FSFS FS FS FS FS B B PC PC PC GS GS GS GS GS LLH LLH BH BH BH DBL BH TGA PCC PCC PCC KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG B BES BES BES BES KFG KFGKFG KFG PC PC PC BES BES BES BESBESBESBESBES PC PC PC PC KFG BES BES KFG PC PC PC KFG KFG KFGKFG KFGBES BES BES BES BES KFG BES BES BES BES BES BES BES PC PC PC PC RA RA RA RA RA RA KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA XXXX XXXX SP23 SP23 SP23 SP23 SP13 SP23 SP23 SP23 SP23 SP23 SP24 SP24 SP23 SP24 SP24 SP23 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP23 SP24 SP23 SP23 SP23 SP24 SP24 SP24 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP13 SP23 LAKEVILLE ISD 194 NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL © DLR GroupREVISIONS-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 3/10/2022 2:29:02 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/40-21130-00_ISD194 ES_MEP_2021.rvt40-21130-00 03/11/2022LAKEVILLE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOLCUP SUBMITTAL ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN ES0.1.GENERAL NOTES A POLE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURES ARE LED, FULL-CUT-OFF, HUBBELL BEACON VIPER SIERIES. B TYPE SP13 FIXTURES ARE MOUNTED ON 14-FOOT STEEL POLES ON CONCRETE BASES WHICH EXTEND 18-INCHES ABOVE GRADE. C TYPE SP23 AND TYPE SP24 FIXTURE ARE MOUNTED ON 30-FOOT STEEL POLES ON CONCRETE BASES WHICH EXTEND 30-INCHES ABOVE GRADE. SHEET NOTESTRUEN SCALE:1" = 40'-0" ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT L PC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 123456781 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 10203040501020304012354687920 15 12131416 1110947 5638 21S C O R E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 1 9 1 8 17 16 1 5 14 13 1 2 11 2 1 22 23 2 4 2 5 26 2 7 2 8 29 3 0 40 3 9 3 8 37 36 3 5 34 33 3 2 31 4 1 42 43 4 4 4 5 46 47 4 8 49 5 0 60 5 9 5 8 57 5 6 5 5 54 53 5 2 51 6 1 62 63 6 4 65 66 6 7 68 69 7 0 80 7 9 7 8 77 7 6 7 5 74 7 3 7 2 71 8 1 82 83 8 4 85 86 8 7 88 89 9 0 10 0 9 9 98 97 9 6 9 5 94 9 3 9 2 91 123546879LLH LLH LLH DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL DBL PDA PDA GSC GSC KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFGKFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG KFG RA RA TGA TGA TGA PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJ PPJBHBHBHBHBH DBL DBL DBL DBL PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMDPMD PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PDA PDA PDA B B B SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD PC PC PC CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE LLH LLH TGA PB 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0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 © DLR GroupREVISIONS-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 3/10/2022 2:31:42 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/40-21130-00_ISD194 ES_MEP_2021.rvt40-21130-00 03/11/2022LAKEVILLE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOLCUP SUBMITTAL SITE PHOTOMETRICS PLAN ES0.3.TRUEN SCALE:1" = 40'-0" SITE PHOTOMETRICS PLAN NOTES: 1. LIGHT LEVEL AT ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LINES IS 0 FC. 2. NORTH PARKING AREA STATS: 2.5 FC AVERAGE 2.3 AVE:MIN UNIFORMITY 3. SOUTH PARKING AREA STATS: 2.0 FC AVERAGE 2.8 AVE:MIN UNIFORMITY EXHIBIT M T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 113'-2" T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 115'-8" T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 115'-8" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 115'-8" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" B1 A5.101 D1 A5.101 F1 A5.101 C1 A5.101 F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 4/29/2022 4:21:15 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 BID PACKAGE B A5.101 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - OVERALL 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 SWK JN 04/29/2022 212125B MN 5.13.22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT 0 1/16" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - OVERALLB1 12' 24' 0 1/16" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - OVERALLC1 12' 24' 0 1/16" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - OVERALLD1 12' 24' 0 1/16" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - OVERALLF1 12' 24' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - OVERALL KEY PLAN AB D C Revisions Description Date Num NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET EXHIBIT N BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" 04.01 07.39 07.10 T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" 03.0407.39 03.05 T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" 03.0407.3903.05 08.02 T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" 03.0407.39 03.05 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. PARAPET (KITCHEN/ RECEIVING) 102'-0" 03.04 08.0207.39 03.05 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" T.O. PARAPET (KITCHEN/ RECEIVING) 102'-0" 07.10 03.0407.39 03.05 08.02 OPEN TO BEYOND 08.0108.58 08.5808.02 07.10 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. UTILITY SCREEN 10'-0" 08.61 08.02 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. UTILITY SCREEN 10'-0" 08.61 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. UTILITY SCREEN 10'-0" 08.61 B1 A5.102 D1 A5.102 B2 A5.102 B5 A5.102 D4 A5.102 F1 A5.102 F5 A5.102 F7 A5.102 F4 A5.102 F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN Check: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:42:35 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A5.102 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - AREA 'A' 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET Checker Author 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 03.04 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE 03.05 PRECAST CONCRETE JOINT 04.01 BRICK 1 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 08.61 SCREEN LOUVER KEY PLAN AB D C 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'A'B1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'B2 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'A'B5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'D1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'A'D4 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'F1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" UTILITY SCREEN - NORTHF4 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" UTILITY SCREEN - EASTF5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" UTILITY SCREEN - SOUTHF7 6' 12' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - AREA 'A' GRADE A: 11,333 SF - 24.4% GRADE A: 19,676 SF - 42.3% GRADE C: 10,446 SF - 22.4% GRADE A: 5086 SF - 10.9% THE MATERIAL GRADE AND ASSOCIATED AREA/ PERCENTAGE LISTED IN THE KEY BELOW REPRESENT THE OVERALL BUILIDNG, NOT JUST WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Architectural Precast is being considered a Grade A material per the exception listed under 11-17-9 section D. 2. b. All precast panels will have a custom form-lined pattern, which is indicated on the elevations. EXHIBIT O T.O. GYM PRECAST 118'-8" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" T.O. PARAPET (KITCHEN/ RECEIVING) 102'-0" 08.10 08.1007.39 03.04 03.05 08.3008.5808.02 08.58 08.01 08.58 08.01 08.58 08.01 08.58 08.0103.04 07.39 03.04 03.05 03.05 07.39 08.02 08.59 08.5908.58 08.58 08.58 08.5808.01 07.10 TO FOOTING 82'-4" BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. PARAPET (KITCHEN/ RECEIVING) 102'-0" 03.0403.05 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. PARAPET (KITCHEN/ RECEIVING) 102'-0" 03.04 03.05 BASE LL 86'-8" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" 07.10 04.01 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" T.O. PARAPET (CAFETERIA / DAPE) 110'-0" 07.10 07.1008.5808.30 07.1008.30 08.58 07.10 08.5808.58 04.01 04.0207.1004.01 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 07.10 08.58 04.01 04.0104.01 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.0204.01 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 08.5807.10 04.01 08.0208.01 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.02 04.01 07.39 D1 A5.103 B1 A5.103 D2 A5.103D3 A5.103 D5 A5.103 F 1 A 5 .1 0 3 F 6 A 5 .1 0 3 F 7 A 5 .1 0 3 D 3 A 5 .1 0 3 F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:42:40 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A5.103 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - AREA 'A' & 'B' 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET Checker Author 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 03.04 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE 03.05 PRECAST CONCRETE JOINT 04.01 BRICK 1 04.02 BRICK 2 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.10 COILING DOOR 08.30 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM WINDOW 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 08.59 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - AREA 'A'B1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'D1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'D2 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'A'D3 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - AREA 'B'D5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - AREA 'B'F1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - AREA 'B'F5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - AREA 'B'F6 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - AREA 'B'F7 6' 12' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - AREA 'A' & 'B' KEY PLAN AB D C GRADE A: 11,333 SF - 24.4% GRADE A: 19,676 SF - 42.3% GRADE C: 10,446 SF - 22.4% GRADE A: 5086 SF - 10.9% THE MATERIAL GRADE AND ASSOCIATED AREA/ PERCENTAGE LISTED IN THE KEY BELOW REPRESENT THE OVERALL BUILIDNG, NOT JUST WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Architectural Precast is being considered a Grade A material per the exception listed under 11-17-9 section D. 2. b. All precast panels will have a custom form-lined pattern, which is indicated on the elevations. JOIST BRG (CLASSROOM) 113'-4" BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.0104.0104.01 07.1007.10 08.5808.58 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.01 04.0207.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 07.10 08.5808.02 04.0108.01 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.02 04.01 07.39 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 08.58 08.58 08.5807.10 07.10 07.1004.0104.0104.01 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 08.58 08.58 08.5804.02 07.39 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" 10.06 07.10 08.58 08.02 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" 07.10 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 07.10 08.58 04.0104.0107.39 D6A5.104D1A5.104B 6 A 5 .1 0 4 B 3 A 5 .1 0 4 B 1 A 5 .1 0 4 B 4 A 5 .1 0 4F1A5.104D7A5.104F2A5.104F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:42:45 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A5.104 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - AREA 'B' & 'C' 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET Checker Author 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 04.01 BRICK 1 04.02 BRICK 2 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 10.06 ALUMINUM DIMENSION LETTER SIGNAGE 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'C'D1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - AREA 'C'D6 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - AREA 'C'D7 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - AREA 'C'F1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'B'B1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - AREA 'B'B3 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'B'B4 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - AREA 'B'B6 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'C'F2 6' 12' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - AREA 'B' & 'C' ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE: (GRADE A: 11,333 SF - 24.4%) (GRADE A: 19,676 SF - 42.3%) (GRADE C: 10,446 SF - 22.4%) (GRADE A: 5086 SF - 10.9%) THE MATERIAL GRADE AND ASSOCIATED AREA/ PERCENTAGE LISTED IN THE KEY BELOW REPRESENT THE OVERALL BUILIDNG, NOT JUST WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Architectural Precast is being considered a Grade A material per the exception listed under 11-17-9 section D. 2. b. All precast panels will have a custom form-lined pattern, which is indicated on the elevations. BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.01 07.10 04.01 04.01 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 07.10 08.58 08.0204.01 04.02 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.0104.0104.01 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.01 04.02 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 08.58 04.0104.0104.01 07.39 BASE LL 86'-8" BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.01 08.0207.1007.10 04.02 04.01 07.39 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 07.10 08.0208.58 08.01 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 04.0104.02 07.39 BASE UL 100'-0" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" 08.58 07.10 07.3904.0104.01 JOIST BRG (CLASSROOM) 113'-4" T.O. PARAPET (CLASSROOM) 116'-8" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" 07.10 08.5807.39 08.01 BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" 07.10 T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" JST BRG PENTHOUSE 128'-2" 08.02 07.10 07.39 D1 A5.105 B4 A5.105B1A5.105B7 A5.105 D2 A5.105 D4 A5.105 D6 A5.105 D7 A5.105 E1A5.105 E 2 A 5 .1 0 5 E 5 A 5 .1 0 5 E 6 A 5 .1 0 5 F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:42:51 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A5.105 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - AREA 'D' & PENTHOUSE 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET Checker Author 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'B1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - AREA 'D'B4 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'B7 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'D1 6' 12'0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'D2 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - AREA 'D'D4 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'D6 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHEAST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'D7 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTHWEST ELEVATION - AREA 'D'E1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEE2 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEE5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEE6 6' 12' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - AREA 'D' & PENTHOUSE MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 04.01 BRICK 1 04.02 BRICK 2 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 04.01 BRICK 1 04.02 BRICK 2 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 10.06 ALUMINUM DIMENSION LETTER SIGNAGE ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE: (GRADE A: 11,333 SF - 24.4%) (GRADE A: 19,676 SF - 42.3%) (GRADE C: 10,446 SF - 22.4%) (GRADE A: 5086 SF - 10.9%) THE MATERIAL GRADE AND ASSOCIATED AREA/ PERCENTAGE LISTED IN THE KEY BELOW REPRESENT THE OVERALL BUILIDNG, NOT JUST WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Architectural Precast is being considered a Grade A material per the exception listed under 11-17-9 section D. 2. b. All precast panels will have a custom form-lined pattern, which is indicated on the elevations. T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" 08.5807.39 07.1008.01 BASE UL 100'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" T.O. PARAPET (MAIN ENTRY) 124'-6" 07.10 07.39 T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" 07.10 07.39 T.O. PENTHOUSE 130'-0" BASE PENTHOUSE 114'-6 1/2" 08.59 07.39 08.59 12'-0"32'-0"11'-4"20'-8"28'-8"6'-8"B1A5.106B6A5.106C 1A5.106D 5 A 5 .1 0 63'-0"24'-0"3'-0"F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:42:55 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvtAs indicatedCentral: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A5.106 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - PENTHOUSE & ELEVATION DETAILS 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET Checker Author 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num 0 1/8" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEC1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - PENTHOUSED5 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEB1 6' 12' 0 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION - PENTHOUSEB6 6' 12' MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 08.59 PREFINISHED METAL LOUVER 0 1/4" = 1'-0" TYPICAL PRECAST PANELF1 3' 6' EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEY PLAN - PENTHOUSE 0 1/4" = 1'-0" BRICK COURSING AT CLASSROOM WINDOWS, TYPICALF2 3' 6' MATERIALS KEY KEY MATERIAL 04.01 BRICK 1 04.02 BRICK 2 07.10 METAL WALL PANEL 07.39 ANODIZED ALUMINUM COPING 08.01 HOLLOW METAL FRAME 08.02 HOLLOW METAL DOOR 08.58 EXTERIOR GLAZING 10.06 ALUMINUM DIMENSION LETTER SIGNAGE ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE: (GRADE A: 11,333 SF - 24.4%) (GRADE A: 19,676 SF - 42.3%) (GRADE C: 10,446 SF - 22.4%) (GRADE A: 5086 SF - 10.9%) THE MATERIAL GRADE AND ASSOCIATED AREA/ PERCENTAGE LISTED IN THE KEY BELOW REPRESENT THE OVERALL BUILIDNG, NOT JUST WHAT IS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE Architectural Precast is being considered a Grade A material per the exception listed under 11-17-9 section D. 2. b. All precast panels will have a custom form-lined pattern, which is indicated on the elevations. UP UP UP UP 1615 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CAFETERIA KITCHEN RECEIVING BOILER OUTDOOR STORAGE GYM STAFF STEM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM FLEX CIRC/STAIRS SPED RESOURCE BANDMEDIA COMMONS MUSIC/ BAND STORAGE R2 AA AB AF AD AG AH AJ AK 28272617181920222324 R5 R7 R8 R9 R6 25 1A R4 1C AC AE R2.1 R1.2 R10 GYM/ DAPE STORAGE CUST. ELEC WORK ROOM 5a AI DRY STORAGE ELEC DATA CUSTODIAL/ STORAGE KID ZONE STORAGE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM STEM STORAGE 11a 21 VESTIBULE 25A CLASSROOM ELEC ELEC FRIDGE FREEZER MEDIA MATERIALS EL VIDEO PRODUCTION CONF. CONF. CIRC. PE OFFICE DISH WASH 89'-4" AI1 AH.1 AH.2 1B R3 DAPE DAPE OFFICE MUSIC AREA CAREA D AREA C AREA D AREA CAREA BAREA CAREA BFLEX G&T CALM DATA SPECIAL ED RESOURCE AREA BAREA AAREA BAREA AFLEX SPED RESOURCE R7.1 LOWER LEVEL AREA: 59,052 SF MAIN LEVEL AREA: 37,400 SF PENTHOUSE AREA: 4,052 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 100,504 SF 2A T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T OUTDOOR UTILITIES CLASSROOM ALTERNATE F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:39:16 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt1/16" = 1'-0"Central: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A1.001 LOWER LEVEL OVERALL PLAN FOR REFERENCE 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET SWK JP 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT 0 1/16" = 1'-0" LOWER LEVEL OVERALL PLANF1 12' 24' Revisions Description Date Num EXHIBIT P UP UP UP UP UP UP UP 1615 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM SPED RESOURCE CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM ARTKILN C.B. SPED R2 AA AB AF AD AG AH AJ AK 28272617181920222324 R1 R5 R7 R8 R9 R6 25 1A R4 1C AC AE R2.1 R1.2 R10 5a AI 11a 21 25A AI1 AH.1 AH.2 1B R3 FLEX ELEC ELEC FLEX CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM FLEX C.B. SPED C.B. SPED C.B. SPED OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE SPED RESOURCE OFFICE PENTHOUSE ACCESS RECEPTION LARGE CONFERENCE NURSEISO OFFICE WORK ROOM OFFICE PRINCIPAL SENS. NOOK CALM STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE CALM R7.1 2A T T T T T T T T CUSTODIAL OFFICE SUITE T T SECURE VESTIBULE LOBBY CIRC CIRC/STAIRS CIRC/ STAIR MEDIA COMMONS BELOW MECH MEZZANINE MECH MEZZANINE ELEC CALM CALM CALM CALM DAPE BELOW CAFETERIA BELOW GYM BELOW GYM/ DAPE STORAGE BELOW T T AREA CAREA D AREA C AREA D AREA CAREA BAREA CAREA BAREA BAREA AAREA BAREA ALOWER LEVEL AREA: 59,052 SF MAIN LEVEL AREA: 37,400 SF PENTHOUSE AREA: 4,052 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 100,504 SF CLASSROOM ALTERNATE F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A MN NorthCheck: Drawn: Date: Comm: License Number: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed under the laws of the State of Scale: Date 3/14/2022 1:39:18 PMBIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt1/16" = 1'-0"Central: BIM 360://ISD #194 - New Elementary/NEW ES - Curved Plan (NEW).rvt INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #194 NEW ELEMENTARY NO.9 A1.002 UPPER LEVEL OVERALL PLAN FOR REFERENCE 17630 Juniper Path, Lakeville, MN 55044 18685 Highview Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SET SWK JP 3.14.22 212125 MN 3/14/22 VAUGHN DIERKS 26979 ARCHITECT Revisions Description Date Num 0 1/16" = 1'-0" UPPER LEVEL OVERALL PLANF1 12' 24' Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087 Fax 952.891 -7127 www.co.dakota.mn.us April 29, 2022 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: NINTH ELEMENTARY FIRST ADDITION The Dakota County Plat Commission met on April 27, 2022, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to Future County Road 60 (185th St.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. This plat is a replat of NINTH ELEMENTARY ADDITION that includes an elementary site. The right-of-way needs for a 4-lane divided roadway along Future CR 60 (185th Street) are 75 feet of half right of way. There is one right-out access only at the 1/8-mile location. Restricted access should be shown along all of Future CR 60 except for one access opening. A quit claim deed to Dakota County for restricted access is required with the recording of the plat mylars. As discussed, there should be further discussions with the School District, City, and County regarding safe pedestrian crossings and sidewalk connections. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary and final plat, provided that the described conditions are met, and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners on May 24, 2022. Traffic volumes on Future County Road 60 are not yet determined. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: EXHIBIT Q 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NINTH ELEMENTARY FIRST ADDITION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On May 19, 2022, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Independent School District #194 for a conditional use permit to allow a public elementary school in the RS-3, Single Family Residential District and for the school to exceed the 35 foot maximum building height of the RS-3 District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is located in Comprehensive Planning District 5, which guides the property LDR, Low Density Residential. 2. The subject site is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. 3. Legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary First Addition 4. Chapter 4 of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed elementary school is consistent with the policies and provisions of Planning District 5 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed elementary school is compatible with existing and approved residential land uses in the area. The additional building height is offset by the location of the elementary school, which is set a considerable distance away from the adjoining residential homes. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. 2 Finding: The proposed elementary school conforms with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance, including additional setbacks for the additional building height. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The proposed elementary school will be adequately served by the public services that are to be installed to serve this and other development in the area and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. The additional building height does not increase the elementary school’s demand for public services. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The streets that will serve the property (Huntley Trail, 185th Street, and Highview Avenue) can accommodate the proposed elementary school and its associated traffic. The additional building height does not increase the traffic generated by the elementary school. 5. The report dated May 11, 2022 prepared by Kris Jenson, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Kris Jenson, Associate Planner, dated May 11, 2022. DATED: May 19, 2022 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: __________________________ Jeff Witte, Chair City of Lakeville Public Works– Engineering Division Memorandum To: Kris Jenson, Associate Planner From: Lucas Ritchie, Civil Engineer McKenzie Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Alex Jordan, Assistant City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: May 11, 2022 Subject: Ninth Elementary First Addition • Preliminary and Final Plat Review • Site Plan Application • Grading Plan Review • Utility Plan Review • Erosion Control Plan Review • Tree Preservation Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Independent School District #194 has submitted a preliminary and final plat named Ninth Elementary First Addition. ISD 194 representatives have also submitted site plans to construct an elementary school on Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary First Addition. The proposed development is located south of and adjacent to 185th Street (future CSAH 60), west of and adjacent to Highview Avenue, and east of and adjacent to future Huntley Trail. The parent parcel consists of Outlot A, Ninth Elementary Addition. The development is zoned RS-3, Single Family Residential District. The Developer is dedicating 2.43 acres as right-of-way for 185th Street and future Huntley Trail. NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 22 The preliminary and final plat consists of one (1) lot within one (1) block over 33.45 acres prepared by Jacobson Engineers and Surveyors. The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Independent School District #194 Engineer/Surveyor: Larson Engineering, Inc. SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Ninth Elementary First Addition consists of undeveloped agricultural land and wooded areas. The site is located within the Farmington Outlet stormwater district with the land generally draining south to north. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The parent parcel contains existing public and private easements. The following easements will remain with the development and will not be impacted: • Drainage and Utility Easement in favor of City of Lakeville per Doc. Nos. 1321928 SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT 185th Street (Future CSAH 60) Ninth Elementary First Addition is south of and adjacent to 185th Street (Future CSAH 60), a future minor arterial County highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The current Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right-of-way requirement of 75- feet and designates this roadway as a future four-lane divided urban roadway over its entire length adjacent to the plat. The City and Dakota County completed an alignment study for 185th Street from Dodd Boulevard to Highview Avenue to define the right-of-way location for 185th Street within the Ninth Elementary First Addition development. The Developer has incorporated the necessary right-of-way, as shown on the preliminary and final plat. 185th Street is designed as an interim two-lane divided urban roadway with a 10-foot-wide bituminous trail along the north and south sides of the street consistent with Dakota County’s standards, access locations and spacing requirements. 185th Street will provide a full access for the development at Huntley Trail. The alignment and design for 185th Street was reviewed and NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 33 approved by the Dakota County Transportation Department including a single lane roundabout intersection at 185th Street and Highview Avenue. 185th Street will be constructed in 2023 with City Project 24-04. The City is the lead agency for final design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. The Developer shall provide an escrow with the final plat for its collector share of the 185th Street construction adjacent to the parent parcel, based on an estimate provided by the City’s consultant, consistent with Dakota County Highway Transportation policy. 185th Street will be a city road until jurisdiction is transferred to Dakota County. The Developer shall remove trees and mass grade within the 185th Street right-of-way from the west plat boundary to Highview Avenue. The Developer shall coordinate plan review and revisions with the City throughout 185th Street final design and construction. No entry access is proposed off 185th Street; however, a right-out only exit is proposed on 185th Street west of Highview Avenue to provide safe and efficient bus routing operations for the school. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed and approved the plat at their April 27, 2022 meeting. Highview Avenue Ninth Elementary First Addition is located west of and adjacent to Highview Avenue, a major collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Highview Avenue is currently constructed as a two-lane undivided rural roadway adjacent to the plat. The preliminary and final plat includes one proposed access location along Highview Avenue, which will be constructed as a right-in/right-out restricted access for buses and deliveries. A traffic control plan will be required for the intersection improvements and any closures of Highview Avenue must take place outside of the school year. Final design of the Highview Avenue improvements will be reviewed with the final construction plans and in conjunction with the review process of the 185th Street final plans. The Developer shall construct an eight-foot-wide bituminous trail along the west side of Highview Avenue from the north plat boundary to the proposed access on Highview Avenue. The Developer shall provide an escrow with the final plat for its share of the construction of the trail south of the access to the south plat boundary, which would be constructed in the future with development of the adjacent parcels. NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 44 Huntley Trail Ninth Elementary First Addition is located east of and adjacent to future Huntley Trail, a local roadway. Huntley Trail is designed as a 32-foot-wide urban roadway with a sidewalk along the east side of the street. Huntley Trail will provide a full access at 185th Street. Huntley Trail will be constructed and extended to the south plat boundary of the proposed Caslano Development, providing a connection and access to the existing Huntley Trail within Chokecherry Hill. The Developer is dedicating the required portion of right-of-way for Huntley Tail where the street intersects the west plat boundary. Independent School District (ISD) 194 has submitted plans for an elementary school, to be located at the southwest corner of Highview Avenue and 185th Street. Access to the school is proposed from Huntley Trail, south of 185th Street. The City will continue to work with ISD 194 staff to review and modify site plans to provide adequate and safe access for the elementary school. Huntley Trail from 185th Street to the proposed driveway access for the elementary school will be constructed by the City with CP 24-04 in 2023. The Developer shall provide the City with an escrow for its share of the Huntley Trail construction with the final plat. The Developer shall mass grade the right-of-way for Huntley Trail with site development in 2022. Site Plan Review Ninth Elementary First Addition includes the construction of an elementary school to serve Independent School District 194. Multiple access driveways are proposed, connecting to Huntley Trail and Highview Avenue, as well as an exit only access to 185th Street. The access drives will provide vehicle circulation within the site and access to a proposed main parking lot from Huntley Trail and a separate bus corral utilizing the access from Highview Avenue and exit onto 185th Street. The applicant shall install a stop sign and stop bar at the location of all access driveways. The applicant will grade and construct outdoor play areas surrounding the proposed building including: two soccer fields to the south of the building, softball and baseball fields in the north- west section of the lot, and a playground on the north-east section of the lot. The play areas will be publicly accessible and privately maintained within Lot 1, Block 1. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction for Ninth Elementary First Addition and the proposed elementary school shall vary based on construction operations of adjacent projects. Initial construction access will be from Highview Avenue until NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 55 construction operations allow access off 185th Street and Huntley Trail, both future roads, as show on the erosion control plans. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS A series of privately owned and maintained trails and sidewalks are proposed to be constructed with the site improvements. The private trails will connect to the public greenway corridor trail system west of the parent parcel, which connects to the proposed pedestrian underpass under 185th Street. The section of this trail that will be constructed within Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary First Addition, excluding those along the public roadways, shall be privately owned and maintained by the property owner. The Park Dedication requirement for the parent parcel has not been paid and therefore will be collected with the final plat. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR:: Ninth Elementary First Addition is predominately located within sub-district NC-20175 with a small portion of the plat located within sub-district NC-20180 of the North Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via proposed trunk sanitary sewer to the Empire Wastewater Facility. No public sanitary sewer is proposed to be constructed with the development. To provide sewer service to the proposed elementary school, a private service shall be extended from a stub on the south side of 185th Street to be constructed by the City with CP 24-04 in 2023. The Developer may not connect to the downstream sanitary sewer until it has been tested and accepted by the City. The Developer shall extend a private sanitary sewer service to the single family home located on Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary Addition. Consistent with City Code, the property owner will have 24 months to connect to the public sanitary sewer once available. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and must be paid for Lot 1, Block 1, with the building permit application. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge will be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of approval of the building permit application, as determined by the City’s Building Official. NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 66 The private sanitary sewer design shall be reviewed by the City’s Plumbing Inspector with the building permit application. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN:: The City’s Comprehensive Water Plan identifies 20-inch trunk watermain to be constructed along 185th Street adjacent to the parent parcel. The Developer shall connect to watermain along 185th Street, in accordance with the City’s Water Plan. CP 24-04 includes construction of the 20- inch watermain adjacent to the site, extending from Highview Avenue to Huntley Trail in 2023. An 8-inch private water service will be extended to the south side of 185th Street to provide utility service for the development. Watermain will also be extended to the site from Huntley Trail to provide a looped system. The Developer shall extend a private water service to the single family home located on Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary Addition. Consistent with City Code, the property owner will have 24 months to connect to the public water once available. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit applications and final construction plans. The Developer shall establish a utility and maintenance easement over the sewer and water services that will be extended through the site to Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary Addition prior to recording the final plat. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS There are no existing overhead utility lines and/or poles within the parent parcel. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Ninth Elementary First Addition is located within subdistrict FO-045 of the Farmington stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. Existing drainage for the parent parcel of Ninth Elementary First Addition development generally drains south to north to a Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Water Quality Corridor to then be conveyed west to east under Highview Avenue via existing culverts. Development of the site includes construction of two privately owned and maintained stormwater management basins on the north side of the site to provide the necessary water quality control and rate control for the development. The stormwater management basins shall be constructed, and an as-built grading plan must be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for Lot 1, Block 1, Ninth Elementary First Addition. NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 77 Ninth Elementary First Addition contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Ninth Elementary First Addition includes the construction of a privately owned and maintained storm sewer system. Storm sewer will be installed to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from the paved areas and open space within the development. The storm sewer will convey the runoff to the stormwater management basins within the development. The stormwater basins will outlet to storm sewer that will be constructed with CP 24-04 underneath 185th Street. The Developer shall coordinate with the City to ensure that the site can outlet in a temporary condition until the permanent outlet is completed in 2023. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and shall be paid with recording of the final plat, at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. FFEEMMAA FFLLOOOODDPPLLAAIINN AANNAALLYYSSIISS Ninth Elementary First Addition is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS There are no wetlands within the project area. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN There is a total of 406 significant trees on the site. A total of 147 trees will be saved. The majority of the trees are being removed for the construction of 185th Street. Additional trees maybe removed along the Highview Avenue right of way during construction. NNIINNTTHH EELLEEMMEENNTTAARRYY FFIIRRSSTT AADDDDIITTIIOONN –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY AANNDD FFIINNAALL PPLLAATT MMAAYY 1111,, 22002222 PPAAGGEE 88 EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing and maintaining the SWPPP throughout construction phase. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction should be documented in the SWPPP. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the Ninth Elementary First Addition preliminary and final plat, grading plan, utility plan, erosion control plan, and tree preservation plan subject to the requirements and stipulations of this report. Calculations of securities and cash requirements will be determined prior to final plat consideration by the City Council.