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May 5, 2022
Chair Witte called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Chair Jeff Witte, Vice Chair Jenna Majorowicz, Karl Drotning, Patrick Kaluza,
Brooks Lillehei, Jason Swenson, Christine Zimmer, Ex-Officio Melissa Field
Members Absent: Patty Zuzek
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Daniel Licht,
The Planning Company; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The April 21, 2022 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved.
4. Announcements
Planning Director Daryl Morey stated that the following was distributed to the Planning
Commission at tonight’s meeting:
1. E-mails from area businesses, supporting Agenda Item 7, Lakeville Crossing
2. Email from neighboring homeowner, regarding Agenda Item 7, Lakeville Crossing
3. Email from adjacent property owner, regarding Agenda Item 9, UCA Development
5. KTJ First Addition
Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Oppidan Investment
Company for the following, located east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and north of 220th
Street: A. Preliminary plat of one industrial lot to be known as KTJ First Addition; and B.
Conditional Use Permit to allow a building height greater than 45 feet in the I-2, General
Industrial District.
Ian Halker from Oppidan Development, along with Mike Brandt from Kimley Horn, were in
attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Halker presented a brief overview of the request.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that
Oppidan Investment Company has applied for preliminary plat and site plan for KTJ First
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 2
Addition, which proposes one industrial lot totaling 22.85 acres combined from two separate
parent parcels. A conditional use permit application has been submitted to allow a building
height greater than 45 feet in the I-2, General Industrial District. The proposed property is
located east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), south of the future extension of 215th Street (CSAH
70), and west of the Lakeville/Farmington city boundary. The development would include one
400,000 square foot warehouse building.
The preliminary plat of KTJ First Addition consists of one lot and road right-of-way for Cedar
Avenue to the west, 215th Street to the north, and Galway Avenue to the east. The one lot
proposed with the preliminary plat exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements
for the I-2, General Industrial District.
Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities are addressed in the engineering report dated
April 28, 2022. The proposed 400,000 square foot building would be 49 feet tall. The I-2
District allows buildings up to 45 feet in height. The Zoning Ordinance allows buildings to
exceed the height limitations established within the individual zoning districts through a
conditional use permit. The criteria are outlined in the April 29, 2022 planning report.
Planning Department staff recommends approval of the KTJ First Addition preliminary plat
and conditional use permit, subject to the 11 stipulations listed in the April 29, 2022 planning
report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022.
Chair Witte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Drotning to close the public hearing at 6:19 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• Commissioner Lillehei requested the applicant give more detail on the proposed building
height. Mr. Halker explained the additional height and why it is needed.
• Commissioner Drotning requested that Mr. Brandt describe the proposed underground
stormwater storage chambers in more detail. The biofiltration system and underground
chambers were described by Mr. Brandt.
• Chair Witte requested the developer include clear, visible identification numbering on the
building docks for the benefit of emergency services.
Motion was made by Kaluza seconded by Zimmer to recommend to City Council approval
of the KTJ First Addition preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to the following
stipulations, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022:
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 3
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the April 22, 2022 engineering report.
2. The KTJ First Addition final plat shall not be recorded until the Airlake 70 final plat
and 215th Street road right-of-way have been recorded and financial security is
submitted for the road construction.
3. The site and building exterior shall be developed in compliance with the plans
approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements.
4. The building height shall not exceed 49 feet.
5. A financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation and completion of the
approved landscaping for Lot 1, Block 1 and for the storm water and infiltration basins and
drainage ways at the time of final plat approval. All landscaped areas within the lot and
adjacent to the building and parking lot shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be
planted in road right-of-way.
6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-2 District. A sign
permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs.
7. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces.
8. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public
right-of-way. Lighting fixtures are required to be downcast cut-off type fixtures that
do not glare onto public road right-of-way. Light fixtures may not include tip-up or flood
type installation.
9. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that
comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash
enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal building and shall include
maintenance free gates.
10. Prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat, the landscape plan shall be
revised to include trees along Cedar Avenue consistent with similar zoning compliant
properties in the vicinity and within the guidelines outlined in the Corridor and Gateway
Design Study.
11. If required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), approval of permit No. 7460
shall be obtained from the FAA prior to commencing construction with the use of a crane
or other construction equipment taller than 35 feet in height.
Ayes: Swenson, Kaluza, Lillehei, Witte, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Drotning
Nays: 0
6. Airlake 70
Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Airlake Development, Inc
for the following, located east of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and north of 220th Street: A.
Preliminary plat of one industrial lot and five outlots to be known as Airlake 70 First
Addition; and B. Conditional use permit to allow a building height greater than 45 feet and
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 4
an exception to the industrial district exterior building material requirements in the I-2,
General Industrial District.
Dan Regan, from Airlake Development Inc, presented a brief overview of the project. He stated
that the exterior building materials and height are needed to accommodate the design of the
proposed freezer warehouse building.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that the
applicant has submitted preliminary plat and conditional use permit applications and plans for
Airlake 70. The preliminary plat consists of five separate parent parcels that will include one
lot, five outlots, and dedicated road right-of-way. The conditional use permit is to allow a
building height greater than 45 feet and an exception to the industrial district exterior building
material requirements in the I-2, General Industrial District. The property is located east of
Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), south of the future extension of 215th Street (CSAH 70), and north
of 220th Street. The conditional use permit addresses the proposed building height and
exterior building materials, which are in compliance with the criteria of Section 11-17-7 and
Section 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance .
Mr. Dempsey stated the proposed lot meets the area and width requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance, as outlined in the April 29, 2022 planning report. Review of the freezer warehouse
site, grading and utility plans are outlined in the April 28, 2022 engineering report.
Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Airlake Development, Inc.
preliminary plat and conditional use permit, subject to the 11 stipulations listed in the April
29, 2022 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022.
Chair Witte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Swenson to close the public hearing at 6:36 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• How well do the proposed exterior materials age and what is the required maintenance?
Mr. Regan responded that the materials used are pre-finished metal gage that is durable
with no maintenance required.
• Commissioner Swenson states he is pleased with the proposed cold storage warehouse as
he feels it fills a need in our community.
• The Planning Commission asked City Engineer Johnson to describe the future extension
of 215th Street (CSAH 70).
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Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Kaluza to recommend to City Council approval
of Airlake 70 preliminary plat and conditional use permit, subject to the following stipulations,
and approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022:
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the April 28, 2022 engineering report.
2. The site and building for Lot 1, Block 1 shall be developed in compliance with the plans
approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements.
3. A minimum of 124 parking spaces is required for first phase construction of the
office/warehouse building. The site plan shall be amended to show proof of parking for the
future addition shown on the site plan.
4. The landscape plan shall be amended to include foundation landscaping including shrubs
around the office area. The landscape plan shall also be amended to identify minimum tree
and shrub sizes. The proposed Austrian Pine trees should be replaced with white pine,
spruce, or cedar. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including
landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
5. A security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping and for the stormwater
and infiltration basins and drainage ways is required at the time of final plat approval. The
security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration of the final
6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-2 District. A sign
permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs.
7. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces.
8. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-
of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public
9. Trash and recycling containers shall be stored inside the building or within a six-foot tall
enclosure constructed of similar materials as the building, including a durable,
maintenance free gate.
10. Rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment be screened from view. The cross
section view of the roof-top mechanical units appears to indicate that some of the units will
be visible from the public streets and must be screened.
11. Prior to commencing building construction, the developer shall contact the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if a permit is required for any crane of similar
construction equipment on the property.
Ayes: Kaluza, Lillehei, Witte, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Drotning, Swenson
Nays: 0
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7. Lakeville Crossing
Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Lakeville Crossing II,
LLC for a PUD development stage plan amendment for a building addition and site
improvements for a grocery tenant in the Lakeville Crossing Planned Unit Development
District, located at 7624 160th Street.
Mike Sturdivant, from Paster Enterprises, presented a brief overview of the project. He stated
that over several years they have looked at ways to redevelop the site, and they feel this project
is the best way to match the original vision of the Lakeville Crossing PUD for a grocery store
anchor tenant. He addressed the issue about the noise and stated that the new rooftop
refrigeration equipment will be higher efficiency, which will have a lower noise impact within
the area. Existing mature landscaping will act as a visual and sound barrier and Pastor
Enterprises will work with City staff on potential noise mitigation strategies.
Planning Consultant Daniel Licht from The Planning Company presented the planning report.
Mr. Licht stated that the main focus of the site plan review and the expansion of the building
are changes to the southeast corner of the proposed property, which will add 6,241 square feet
to the site loading dock enclosures.
He outlined the site plan changes to the off-street parking to accommodate the new loading
The proposed landscaping will be limited to areas impacted by the site improvements,
primarily in the parking area islands and boulevards. Plantings installed in the yard south of
the building at the time of the initial development to screen the adjacent residential uses have
matured and will provide effective screening.
Mr. Licht explained the upgrade to the existing site lighting to LED for increased energy
efficiency. The developer has provided information regarding the proposed fixtures and a
photometric lighting plan, which complies with the Zoning Ordinance.
The submitted plans illustrate the location of the roof mounted refrigeration condensers. The
City has received negative comments from homeowners south of Lakeville Crossing
concerning noise from the roof mounted mechanicals of the previous grocery tenant. The
noise from the new rooftop equipment may impact the residential neighborhood to the south
and west due to the elevated location of homes relative to the subject site. City staff
recommends that the Lakeville Crossing owner and the grocery tenant address this issue
through installation of new equipment and screening to attenuate sound.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 7
Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Lakeville Crossing II, LLC for a PUD
development stage plan amendment, subject to the 10 stipulations listed in the April 27, 2022
planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022.
Chair Witte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Retno Saridewi
Concerned about the noise level of the refrigeration unit, and was wondering if adjacent
residents can get a noise projection before the City Council’s approval?
Tony Stier, 16205 Godson Drive
His concern is regarding the traffic speed on Godson Drive south of the site.
Beth Kranz, 16189 Godson Circle
Agreed with the previous comment regarding the noise concern.
Motion was made by Zimmer, seconded by Majorowicz to close the public hearing at 7:03
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• Moving the refrigeration equipment to the north and/or east so the noise does not
impact the neighbors.
• Asked about the noise specifications on the previous refrigeration equipment in
compared to the newer equipment.
• Commission Drotning asked about the enforceable noise standards? Mr. Morey stated
the City will follow the MPCA noise regulations, which is 50 decibels between the hours
of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
• Asked about comparable noises generated at 50 decibels.
• Asked if the applicant could prepare a sound study to project the potential noise level
at the adjacent south and west single family property lines.
• Asked about shielding for the refrigeration units to direct noise to the north.
• Briefly discussed traffic and vehicle speeds on Godson Drive. Mr. Johnson stated this is
contributed to driver behavior and with communication and outreach speeds can be
reduced. Mr. Morey stated the speeds on Godson Drive south of the site are a police
issue and are not a factor for consideration of the application before the Planning
Commission this evening.
• Chair Witte stated he appreciated the comments and feedback from adjacent residents
regarding Lakeville Crossing II.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 8
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Lillehei to recommend to City Council approval
of the Lakeville Crossing PUD development stage plan amendment subject to the following
stipulations listed in the April 27, 2022 planning report and approval of the Findings of Fact
dated May 5, 2022.
1. The site and building shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City
Council subject to stipulations of approval as outlined herein.
2. The landscape plan shall comply with Section 11-21-9.B and C of the Zoning Ordinance,
subject to review and approval of the City Forester.
3. Installation of electric vehicle charging stations shall comply with Section 11-19-15 of the
Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
4. Signs:
a. Wall signs for the grocer tenant shall be as allowed in compliance with Section
11-23-19.D.1.b(3) of the Zoning Ordinance.
b. All signs shall require issuance of a sign permit, subject to review and approval of the
Zoning Administrator.
5. All exterior lighting shall be cast down with shielding that complies with Section 11-16-
17.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning
6. Freestanding light sources shall be installed to a height of 35 feet or less as required by
Section 11-16-18.C of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning
7. Noise mitigation measures and screening of rooftop mechanical equipment shall be
provided, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
8. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
9. All grading, drainage, erosion control, and stormwater management plans shall be subject
to review and approval of the City Engineer.
10. The developer shall enter into a Site Improvement Performance Agreement as drafted by
the City Attorney and approved by the City Council.
Ayes: Lillehei, Witte, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Drotning, Swenson, Kaluza
Nays: 0
Break from 7:35 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
8. Timbercrest
Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Mark A. Davis on behalf
of Lakeville MOB Partners LLC for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an office building
exceeding three stories and 35 feet in height in the Timbercrest at Lakeville Planned Unit
Development, located at 18465 185th Street.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 9
Mark Davis, from The Davis Company, along with architects from Century Architecture Inc.,
were in attendance tonight. Mr. Davis presented an overview the project which includes a
100,000 square foot medical building with a surgery center.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that
the conditional use permit request is to allow a building height of 59 feet, 8 inches. The
proposed property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District with uses and
performance standards under the C-3, General Commercial District. The proposed building
height meets the required setbacks, which are increased to accommodate the height of the
The site proposes two levels of parking, both surface and below ground, totaling 460 spaces.
Surface parking will be available as shared parking as envisioned with the Timbercrest at
Lakeville 3rd Addition master site plan. Parking will be shared in accordance with a recorded
shared access and parking easement between all properties within the development after
completion of construction. Dakota County has indicated that traffic generated by this
development can be accommodated with existing road infrastructure.
Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Timbercrest Medical Office Building
conditional use permit to allow a 59 foot, 8-inch tall commercial office building in the
Timbercrest PUD subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the April 29, 2022 planning report, and
approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022.
Motion was made by Majorowicz seconded by Swenson to close the public hearing at 7:01
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• Commissioners felt this was a great location for a medical office building .
• Commissioner Drotning expressed concern about access to the medical building drive
aisles and parking spaces. He expressed concerns about the overall site circulation in
Timbercrest at Lakeville 3rd Addition.
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Zimmer to recommend approval of the
Timbercrest Medical Office Building conditional use permit subject to the following
stipulations, listed in the April 29, 2022 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact
dated May 5, 2022.
1. The site and building improvements shall be developed according to the plans approved by
the City Council.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 10
2. The building roof height shall not exceed 59 feet 8 inches as defined by the Zoning
Ordinance and identified on the architectural plans attached to the planning report.
3. All building and freestanding signage shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance
requirements. Signage shall require approval of a sign permit prior to installation.
4. The landscape plan shall be revised prior to City Council consideration of the conditional
use permit to reflect minimum tree size requirements.
5. Site and building lighting shall be reviewed by staff prior to issuance of a building permit
to determine compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements.
6. Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 associated with this development shall be combined by administrative
approval of a zoning lot letter and the combination of the properties into a single tax parcel
subject to approval of the Dakota County Assessor.
7. The developer shall dedicate to the City a drainage and utility easement over the proposed
storm sewer under the proposed driveway access and a stormwater ponding easement over
the expanded basin on Lot 4, Block 1.
Ayes, Witte, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Swenson, Kaluza, Lillehei
Nays: Drotning
Commissioner Drotning stated the reason for his nay vote was due to the layout of the site.
Commissioner Drotning left the meeting.
9. UCA Development
Chair Witte opened the public hearing to consider the application of Kotula Properties, LLC
for the following, located south of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and west of Keokuk Avenue: 1.
Preliminary plat of two lots and three outlots to be known as UCA Development; 2. Zoning
Ordinance amendment to allow equine therapy and the keeping of horses as an interim use in
the C-3, General Commercial District; 3.Conditional use permit for: A. A private educational
institution exceeding 35 feet in height in the RM-2, Medium Density Residential District; B.
A daycare facility as an accessory use in the RM-2, Medium Density Residential District; C.
A medical office building exceeding 35 feet in height in the C-3, General Commercial District;
and 4. Interim use permit for equine therapy and the keeping of horses in the C-3, General
Commercial District.
David Anderson from Frauenshuh, Inc. indicated that the development team is in attendance
at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Anderson presented a brief overview of their request. He stated that
the multi-phased plan for the United Christian Academy education facility provides a Pre-K
through grade 12 private school with an athletic field complex, daycare and other related
ancillary functions. The full service campus will serve up to 200 early childhood learning center
students and up to 1,400 Pre-K through grade 12 students. The site plan will include two
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 11
classroom buildings along with a gym, winter sports complex, and fine art center including a
750 seat auditorium.
Dr. Christine Stevey, representing Neurosciences Institute of Pastoral Medicine (NSIPM) and
Sano Wellness Center (Sano) gave an overview of the equine therapy use. She stated they are
excited to pilot the non-invasive medical approach to partner with United Christian Academy.
Planning Consultant Daniel Licht presented the planning report. Mr. Lindt stated that the
proposed development consists of a United Christian Academy (UCA) Pre-K through 12
private education facility, daycare, and medical office building. The City Council approved an
amendment of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan to change the land use guided by the 2040 Land
Use Plan for the education facility within Lot 2, Block 1 of the preliminary plat from
commercial to medium-high density residential land uses. Lot 1, Block 1, to be developed with
the medical office use, and Outlot C located north of Keswick Loop, are guided for commercial
land uses. The subdivision of the proposed property includes a lot for the Neurosciences
Institute and a lot for the education facility. The developer will construct a sidewalk along the
public streets abutting the subject site and provide off-street parking and athletic field
lightning. The proposed buildings comply with applicable setback requirements.
Mr. Licht outlined the building elevations and floor plans to verify compliance with Zoning
Ordinance requirements. The Zoning Ordinance amendment will allow an equine therapy
program accessory to a medical use within the C-3 District. The proposed minimum lot size
for the equine therapy use is 5 acres, which is limited to 1 horse per acre not to exceed 5 horses.
The proposed barn would accommodate 4 horses with space for containment of feed and
manure management. Fencing for the site is used for pasturing of the horses when they are not
participating in the equine therapy program.
Planning Department staff recommends approval of UCA Development preliminary plat,
Zoning Ordinance amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Interim Use Permit subject to
the 15 stipulations listed in the April 26, 2022 planning report, and approvals of Findings of
Fact dated May 5, 2022, as amended.
Chair Witte opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Mary Wooldrik, via Zoom
• Ms. Wooldrik thanked the Planning Commission and City staff for the opportunity to speak on
this subject. She stated that she supports this project and indicates her property adjoins to the
west of the subject property. Her property is for sale and she is concerned about the decrease in
future marketability. Ms. Wooldrik commented on various issues contained in the email that was
provided to the Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting.
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Motion was made by Majorowicz, seconded by Zimmer to close the public hearing at 8:42
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Witte asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• Mr. Morey suggested that Ms. Wooldrik contact the City Engineer regarding her
questions and concerns raised at tonight meeting.
• Commissioner Swenson comments on the student drop-off and asked about the
circulation pattern proposed in the parking lot area? Jeff Bednar, SRF Consulting
Group, commented on the traffic associated with buses dropping off and picking up
students, but thinks the site is well designed. Chair Witte suggested that the bus drop
off and pick up should be designed for safer circulation. The Planning Commission had
lengthy discussion regarding the segregation of bus and parent drop off and pick up
• Planning Department recommended adding a stipulation to read as follows:
#16 The developer shall provide an internal traffic management plan for
student arrival/departure that incorporates segregation of school bus and
passenger vehicle movements within the subject site, subject to review and
approval of the Zoning Administrator.
• Commission Zimmer asked the applicant to consider the weather when considering
the student drop off and pick up locations.
• Commission Zimmer wanted more clarification regarding the building heights for the
school and medical office buildings.
• City Engineer Johnson described the traffic movements on CSAH 70 and the
requirement of Dakota County that a three-quarter access restriction at the Keswick
Loop/CSAH 70 intersection be constructed with the UCA Development.
• Commission Zimmer asked about the number of horses that will be grazing. Mr.
Licht clarified that the property in total is 5 acres and within the property the horses
have 2 acres of pasture for grazing. Mr. Licht also clarified that the number of horses
allowed is for the overall equine therapy site, not just the pasture area.
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Lillehei to recommend approval of the UCA
Development preliminary plat, Zoning Ordinance amendment, Conditional Use Permit and
Interim Use Permit, subject to the following stipulations, as amended, and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated May 5, 2022:
1. The final plat, site, and buildings shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved
by the City Council subject to stipulations of approval as outlined herein.
2. No building permit shall be issued for any structures within outlots as regulated by Section
11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 13
3. Dedication of right-of-way for all City streets shall be subject to review and approval of the
City Engineer.
4. Dedication of right-of-way and improvements required for 210th Street (CSAH 70) shall
be subject to review and approval of Dakota County.
5. Dedication of drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the
City Engineer.
6. Park dedication for the lots proposed within the preliminary plat shall be satisfied as a cash
fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval.
7. The elevation plans for the equine therapy detached accessory building shall be revised to
specify cement-fiber siding in lieu of wood siding.
8. The submitted tree preservation plan and landscape plan shall comply with Section 11-
21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Forester.
9. An ingress/egress and cross parking easement shall be recorded over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1,
subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
10. Keeping horses within Lot 1, Block 1:
a. The maximum number of horses on the property shall not exceed five.
b. Feed shall be kept within the designated room within the horse barn in a manner
to prevent access by vermin.
c. Manure management:
(1) No manure or waste shall be deposited, stored, kept, or allowed to remain upon any
site without reasonable safeguards adequate to prevent the escape or movement
of such manure, waste, or a solution thereof from the site which may result in
pollution of any public waters or any health hazard.
(2) Manure shall be removed from the property for disposal at least once every three
months or more frequently as necessary to prevent nuisance odors, insects or other
hazards to public health, safety, and welfare.
d. Installation of a fence shall be subject to issuance of a fence permit approved by the
Zoning Administrator.
e. The interim use permit shall expire upon a change in the medical program license,
a change in property ownership, or the any of the events established by Section 11-
5-7 of the Zoning Ordinance for interim uses generally, whichever occurs first.
11. Exterior lighting:
a. The photometric plan for exterior lighting shall be revised to illustrate property
lines to verify that lighting intensity complies with Section 11-16-17 of the Zoning
Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
b. The final plan for illumination of the athletic fields with light fixtures mounted to
a height greater than 35 feet shall be subject to review and approval of the Zoning
12. All signs shall comply with Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a
sign permit, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator.
13. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of
the City Engineer.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 5, 2022 Page 14
14. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
15. The developer shall execute a development contract as drafted by the City Attorney and
subject to approval by the City Council.
16. The developer shall provide an internal traffic management plan for
student arrival/departure that incorporates segregation of school bus and
passenger vehicle movements within the subject site, subject to review and
approval of the Zoning Administrator.
Ayes: Majorowicz, Zimmer, Swenson, Kaluza, Lillehei, Witte
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary