HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA202930 - Approved Solar Plan SetEXISTINGSNAPNRACKSITE MAP & PV LAYOUTELECTRICAL 1-LINE DIAGRAM ATTACHMENT LAYOUTSYSTEM LABELING DETAILENPHASE RAPID SHUTDOWNINVERTER DATA SHEETSHEET INDEXPROPERTY PLANMODULE DATA SHEETRACKING DATA SHEETATTACHMENT DATA SHEETPV 1.0PV 2.0PV 4.0PV 5.1D 6.0D 7.0D 8.0D 9.0D 10.0D 11.0SYSTEM RATINGEQUIPMENT SUMMARYELECTRICAL INFORMATIONMAIN SERVICE PANEL BUS SIZE:MAIN SERVICE BREAKER SIZE:MOUNTING SYSTEM:BUILDING INFORMATIONCONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-BOCCUPANCY: R3ROOF:Truss 2 x 4 @ 24" O.C.COMP SHINGLEVICINITY MAP (SCALE: NTS)SATELLITE VIEW (SCALE: NTS)GENERAL NOTES1.All electrical materials shall be new and listed by recognizedelectrical testing laboratory Custom made equipment shall have complete test data submittedby the manufacturer attesting to its safety2.Outdoor equipment shall be NEMA 3R rated or equivalent3.All metallic equipment shall be grounded4.Contractor shall obtain electrical permits prior to installation andshall coordinate all inspections, testing commissioning andacceptance with the client, utility co. and city inspectors as needed.5.The electrical contractor shall verify the exact locations of servicepoints and service sizes with the serving utility company andcomply with all utility companies requirements.6.Drawings are diagrammatic only, routing of raceways shall beoption of the contractor unless otherwise noted and shall becoordinated with other trades.7.If the roof material or the roof structure not adequate for PVinstallation, call the engineer of record print to installation. Thecontractor is responsible to verify that the roof is capable ofwithstanding the extra weight.8.If the distances for cable runs are different than shown, thecontractor shall notify the electrical engineer to validate the wiresize. Final drawings will be red-lined and updated as appropriate.9.Whenever a discrepancy in quality of equipment arises on thedrawing or specifications, the contractor shall be responsible forproviding and installing all materials and services required by thestrictest conditions noted on the drawings or in the specificationsto ensure complete compliance and longevity of the operablesystem required by the engineer of record.PHOTOVOLTAIC NOTES:1.Rooftop mounted photovoltaic panels and modules shall be tested,listed and identified by recognized testing laboratory2.Solar system shall not cover any plumbing or mechanical vents3.Modules and support structures shall be grounded unless racking has integrated ground.4.Removal of an interactive inverter or other equipment shall notdisconnect the bonding connection between the groundingelectrode conductor and the photovoltaic source and/or outputcircuit grounded conductors.5.All PV modules and associated equipment and wiring shall beprotected from physical damage.6.Live parts of PV source circuits and PV output circuits over 150v toground shall not be accessible to other than qualified persons while energized.7.Inverter is equipped with integrated DC disconnect, thus providingground fault protection8.All conductors shall be copper and 75 deg rated9.A single conductor shall be permitted to be used to perform themultiple functions of dc grounding, AC grounding and bondingbetween AC and DC systems.10.Non-current carrying metal parts of equipment shall be effectivelybonded together. Bond both ends of raceways.200A200A05/26/2022Property Address:Owner: Jennifer KurtzProperty Type:Single Family ResidenceDrawn by:New@engineerinc.ioDate: HANWHA 400 WATT MODULESWITH IQ8+ MICROINVERTERS20397 Greengate Ct Lakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comTHE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS ANDPHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITHTHE FOLLOWING CODES:·2020 National Electrical Code·2018 International Building Code·2018 International Residential Code·2020 Minnesota Residential Code·2020 Minnesota Building Code·2020 Minnesota Energy Code·2020 Minnesota Accessibility Code·2020 Minnesota State Fire Code·2018 International Fire Code·2018 International Energy Conservation Code·2018 Mechanical CodeAS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTAALL OTHER ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THELOCAL GOVERNING AGENCIESGOVERNING CODESINVERTER CERTIFICATIOND 13.0PV 3.1ENPHASE AC COMBINER BOXD 12.0PV INSPECTION CHECKLIST ATTACHMENT DETAILPV 5.2SURGE PROTECTIONWITNESS TEST PROCEDURED 14.0D 15.0Xcel Energy Application #04998787PLACARDPV 3.2DC 12.00 KW STCAC 8.70 KW STC30Date Certified andSigned: 05/26/2022Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2020MN BldgCode06/14/2022dmathews EMT type ConduitSolar Module(N) Junction BoxJB.................................................................................MSP(E) Main Service Panel200AINDEXUAC....................(N) 60A Utility AC(N) MicroinverterNOTE: Conduit in attic shallbe minimum 18 inches from roof sheatingSITE MAP & PVLAYOUTPV 1.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Drawn by:New@engineerinc.ioProject Name:Property Adress:05/26/2022 Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044DATE:CONTRACTORECB(N) Enphase Combiner Box....Wolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comEQUIPMENT ELEVATIONNote: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to beprovided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENTNOTE: No clearance issue Distance between all equipments is maximum 10"(E) Main MeterMM........................Fire Setback Line.............SECONDARY INTERCONNECTIONFMT type Conduit.............3030INVERTERINVERTER TYPE: Micro:___ Enphase IQ8PLUSModel # IQ8PLUS-72-2-US(240V)Xcel Energy Application #04998787Xcel Energy Application #04998787SOLAR MODULES___HANWHA 400 WattModel #Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+Total Roof Area:3957Total Module Area:66016.67% of CoverageECBUtility ACDisconnectMainMeter10"From roofMainServicePanel<10'InsideInsideOutsideOutside 18" fire setback18" fire setbackGreengate C tSolar PV Array 124- Hanwha 400 W Modules24 - IQ8+ MicroinvertersPitch: 20 DegOrientation: 185 DegSolar PV Array 26- Hanwha 400 W Modules6 - IQ8+ MicroinvertersPitch: 20 DegOrientation: 5 DegaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbccccccECBACMMMSPJB1JB2UTILITY AC DISCONNECT LOCKABLEAND READLY ACCESSIBLESCALE:3/32" = 1'-0" 180° 90° 270°0°SWNE MAIN METERENPHASE Q CABLE(2) #12 AWG PV WIRE(1) #6 AWG EGCFREE IN THE AIRPV 2.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044ELECTRICAL 1-LINE DIAGRAMCONTRACTOREnphasePV MONITORING DEVICEENPHASE IQ COMBINER4120/240V, NEMA 3R(2) #14 AWG THWN/ THWN-210A 2-POLENote: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to beprovided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT In locations where there is no local Public Authority, the customer is exempt frominspection, and/or the service has been shut off or disconnected for more than 365 days (1 year),the licensed electrician or wireman shall submit a signed and dated Xcel Energy ElectricalInspection Certificate to the Company’s Builders Call Line attesting that the electrical installationhas been completed and installed according to the current National Electrical Code®, the XcelEnergy Standard for Electric Installation and Use, and any other applicable codes that apply beforeelectric service is energized.Design meet National Electric Code(NEC codes)For smaller DERs, using the PoC as theReference Point of Applicability allows the DERequipment type testing certification to be utilizedas the main method by which compliancewith the Standard is verified. The PoC might bethe terminals of an inverter, for example,and utilizing a UL 1741 certified and listed inverterwould be sufficient to demonstrateStandard compliance.60A FUSED AC DISCONNECT,WITH 50A FUSESUTILITY AC DISCONNECT VISIBLE-OPENLOCKABLE, READILY ACCESSIBLENEMA3R120 / 240V 1P 3WINSTALL (3)20A PV2-POLE C/BWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com(3) #6AWG THWN/THWN-2(1) #6 AWG GND3/4" EMT, 2 FEETEXISTING______ MAINSERVICEPANEL120/240V,1P, 3WGEC(E) GROUNDINGELECTRODE SYSTEM200ANON CENTER _____MAIN C/BNOTE: Service Panel does not contain center fed Main Breaker:SECONDARY INTERCONNECTIONREFERENCE POINT OF APPLICABILITY (6) #10 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG GND 3/4'' EMT, 7 FEETAtticWall (6) #10 AWG THWN/THWN-2 (1) #8 AWG GND 3/4'' FMT, 20 FEETSurge ProtectionMNSPD-300-AC120/240V,1P, 3WXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE:1-PHASE MICRO-INVERTER UL1741HANWHA 400 WATT MODULES3030ENPHASE IQ8PLUS MICROINVERTERSSYSTEM RATING AND DER POWER OUTPUTINVERTER:ENPHASE IQ8PLUS-72-2-USINVERTER MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS OUTPUT:290VASYSTEM POWER OUTPUT:ENPHASE IQ8PLUS MICROINVERTERS1 PHASE 290VAMAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT 1.21AAC PORT BACKFEED CURRENT 0ADC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15ADC 12.00 KW STCAC 8.70 KW STCDC 12.00 KW STCAC 8.70 KW STCXcel Energy Application #0499878736.3A30x 290 =8.70200A1BRANCHCIRCUIT-B212 NOTE: AC DISCONNECT VISIBLE AND LOCKABLE36.3ANo loads or energy storage systems shallbe connected on the DER side of theproduction meter14.52AJ BOX1NEMA3R7.26A1BRANCHCIRCUIT-C26 J BOX1NEMA3R(NEW)GECAdd 2nd Ground rod andtie it to the existing ground rod.(3) #6AWG THWN/THWN-23/4" EMT, 2 FEET(1) #6 AWG GNDLine Side Tap1BRANCHCIRCUIT-A212 14.52A PV 3.1PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787SYSTEM LABELING DETAILDrawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE:36.3AProduction MeterLABEL 1PV ARRAYJ BOXPV SUB-PANELACDISCONNECTMAIN SERVICEPANELMETER233331716218135Note: LABELS SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690“Labels shall be weatherproof, durable and permanently mounted”Photovoltaic Power SourceLABEL 2CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUITLABEL 3WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDTHE DC CONDUCTORS OF THISPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AREUNDERGROUND AND MAY BE ENERGIZEDLABEL 4WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDIF GROUND FAULT IS INDICATEDNORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORSMAY BE UNDERGROUND AND ENERGIZEDLABEL 5WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT TOUCH TERMINALSTERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOADSIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPENPOSITIONLABEL 6WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT TOUCH TERMINALSTERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOADSIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPENPOSITIONDC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENTWHEN SOLAR MODULESARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHTLABEL 7WARNINGLABEL 8TURN OF PHOTOVOLTAICAC DISCONNECT PRIOR TOWORKING INSIDE PANELDO NOT DISCONNECTUNDER LOADLABEL 9MAIN PV SYSTEMDISCONNECTLABEL 10MAIN PV SYSTEMAC DISCONNECTLABEL 11LABEL 12CAUTIONLABEL 13SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEMCONNECTEDWARNING-LABEL 14 DUAL POWER SOURCESECOND SOURCE IS PV SYSTEMCAUTIONLABEL 15PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CIRCUITIS BACKFEDLABEL 16PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECTMAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENTMAXIMUM AC OPERATING CURRENTPHOTOVOLTAICLABEL 17UTILITY AC DISCONNECTPHOTOVOLTAICLABEL 18DC DISCONNECTNOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGENOMINAL OPERATING AC FREQUANCYMAXIMUM AC POWERMAXIMUM AC CURRENTMAX OCERCURRENT DEVICE RATINGFOR AC MODULE PROTECTIONLABEL 19LABEL 20PV SYSTEM DC DISCONNECTOPERATING CURRENTOPERATING VOLTAGEMAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGESHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTRATED MAX POWER-FONT CURRENTRATED MAX POWER-FONT VOLTAGEMAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGESHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTMAX RATED OUTPUT CURRENT OFTHE CHARGE CONTROLLER IF INSTALLEDLABEL 21***ALL LABELS = RED THERMOPLASTIC/REFLECTIVE , Permanently mounted240VSOLAR DISCONNECT21PerformanceMeter13SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPEDWITH RAPID SHUTDOWNTURN RAPID SHUTDOWNSWITCH TO THE"OFF" POSITION TOSHUT DOWN PV SYSTEMAND REDUCESHOCK HAZARDIN THE ARRAYSOLAR ELECTRICPV PANELS PLACARDPV 3.2PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787CAUTIONPOWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIEDFROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITHDISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN:SERVICE 1 OF 2CAUTIONPOWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIEDFROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITHDISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN:SERVICE 2 OF 2NWESNWESDrawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE:20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 5504420397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044SERVICE POINT &UTILITY METERINGENPHASE COMBINER BOXPV SYSTEM DISCONNECTFOR UTILITY OPERATIONSOLAR PV ARRAYSERVICE POINT &UTILITY METERINGENPHASE COMBINER BOXPV SYSTEM DISCONNECTFOR UTILITY OPERATIONSOLAR PV ARRAY PROPERTY PLANLEGENDMSPMain Service Panel................PV 4.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTOREnphase Combiner BoxECB..........Wolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comMMMain Meter............................Xcel Energy Application #04998787Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to beprovided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENTDrawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE:Xcel Energy Application #04998787 Utility AC DisconnectUAC .............DrivewayGreengate C t32'76'-7"139'-3"117'-2"130'-10"46'-2"47'-2"31'-1"57'-2"ECBACMMMSPPROPERTY LINESCALE:1/16" = 1'-0" 180° 90° 270°0°SWNEDate Certified andSigned: 05/26/2022 ATTACHMENTLAYOUTDESIGN CRITERIAModules:Max Distributed Load: 3 PSFPOINT LOAD CALCULATION PER ARRAYModule Weight (lbs)# Of Modules48.5Total Module Weight (lbs)Rack Weight (lbs)MicroInverters Weight (lbs)Total System Weight (lbs)# Of StandoffsMax Span Between Standoffs (in)Loading Per Standoff (lbs)Total Area (sq.ft.)Loading (PSF)145529171.41817.4664827.536602.75RAIL ATTACHMENTMODULES ON ROOFTruss 2 x 4 @ 24" O.C.3030PV 5.1PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.com1 Layer of .Plywood & Building FeltSolar Module6"AttachmentMODULES ON ROOFTruss 2 x 4 @ 24" O.C.COMP SHINGLEPrior to the commencement of work, the contractor shall verify the existing roof and framingconditions. Notify New@engineerinc.io of any Discrepancies prior to starting construction.Prior to the commencement of work, the contractor shall inspect framing for any damagesuch as water damage, cracked framing, etc. and These Plans are stamped for structuralcode compliance of the roof framing supporting the proposed PV installation reference only.These plans are not stamped for water leakage. PV modules, racking, and attachmentcomponents must follow manufacturer guidelines and requirements. Attachments to beinstalled in a staggered orientation to properly distribute loads.1.86"3.05"0.25"Ø2.24"2.58"1"0.17"3.20"1.37"0.38"0.30"1.08"2.78"1.78"1.50"1.99"1.21"R 1.12"Ø0.33"R 0.82"12345SNAPNRACK, SPEEDSEAL FOOT, BASE, SEALING, SILVER/BLACKBOLT, FLANGE, SERRATED, 5/16IN-18 X 2IN, SSSNAPNRACK, RL UNIVERSAL, MOUNT SPRING, SSSNAPNRACK, ULTRA RAIL MOUNT THRU PRC, CLEAR/BLACKSNAPNRACK, ULTRA RAIL MOUNT TAPPED PRC, CLEAR/BLACK12345DESCRIPTIONITEMQTI11111MATERIALS:DESIGN LOAD (LBS):ULTIMATE LOAD (LBS):TORQUE SPECIFICATION:CERTIFICATION:WEIGHT (LBS):DIE CAST A380 ALUMINUM, 6000 SERIES ALUMINUM, STAINESS STEEL802 UP, 1333 DOWN, 357 SIDE2118 UP, 4006 DOWN, 1331 SIDE12 LB-FTUL 2703, FILE E359313; WIND-DRIVEN RAIN TEST FROM SUBJECT UL 25820.45OPTIONS:CLEAR/BLACKPARTS LISTSNAPNRACK, ULTRA RAIL SPEEDSEAL TM FOOTXcel Energy Application #04998787Note: 24/ 7 Unescorted keyless access is to beprovided for ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENTDrawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE:Xcel Energy Application #0499878725'-3"19'-6"Date Certified andSigned: 05/26/2022 PV 5.2PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044ATTACHMENT DETAILCONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: INVERTERDATA SHEETD 6.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: ENPHASE RAPIDSHUTDOWN,COMPATIBILITY WITH PVD 7.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: MODULEDATA SHEETD 8.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: RACKINGDATA SHEETD 9.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: ATTACHMENTDATA SHEETD 10.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: D 11.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORENPHASEAC COMBINER BOXDATASHEETWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: D 12.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORINVERTERCERTIFICATIONWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: D 13.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044CONTRACTORSURGE PROTECTIONWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: D 14.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044WITNESS TESTPROCEDURECONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: D 15.0PV SYSTEMAS INDICATEDScale:Project:Project Name:Property Adress: Jennifer Kurtz20397 Greengate CtLakeville, MN 55044PV INSPECTIONCHECKLISTCONTRACTORWolf RIver ElectircAddress:101 Isanti ParkwayNE, Isanti, MN 55040Phone number: (763) 229-6662E-mail: contact@wolfriverelectric.comWolf RIver ElectricLakeville, MN 5504420397 Greengate CtXcel Energy Application #04998787Drawn by:New@engineerinc.io05/26/2022DATE: Structural Engineering Letter Date: 05/26/2022 Project Name: Jennifer Kurtz Project Address: 20397 Greengate Ct, Lakeville, MN, 55044 Contractor : Wolf River Electric Contractor Address : 101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Attn : To Whom It May Concern A Field observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team from Wolf River Electric. From the Field observation of the property, the existing roof structure observed as follows: Existing roof is supported by 2 x 4 @ 24" rafters at the solar array. The rafters are sloped at approximately 20 degree and have maximum projected horizontal span of 7 feet in between load bearing supports. Design Criteria Applicable codes: 2020 Minnesota Building Code (2018 IBC) ASCE 7-16 Ground Snow Load: 50 psf Roof Dead Load: 20 psf Wind speed: 125 mph Risk Category: II Date Certified and Signed: 05/26/2022 I certify that the capacity of the structural roof framing that directly supports the additional gravity loading due to the solar panel supports and modules had been reviewed and determined to meet or exceed the requirements in accordance with the Design Criteria. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us, Engineerinc.io, 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Suite 200 Burbank, CA 91502 (747) 333 - 5991 new@engineerinc.io Date: 05/26/2022 Job Number: 7371 Prepared for : Wolf River Electric, 101 Isanti Parkway NE, Isanti, MN 55040 Project.: Jennifer Kurtz , 20397 Greengate Ct, Lakeville, MN, 55044 The following calculations are for the structural engineering design of the photovoltaic panels and are valid only for the structural info referenced in the stamped plan set. The verification of such info is the responsibility of others. After review, I certify that the roof structure has sufficient structural capacity for the applied PV loads. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Engineerinc.io 303 N Glenoaks Blvd Suite 200 Burbank, CA 91502 (747) 333 - 5991 new@engineerinc.io Date Certified and Signed: 05/26/2022 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io Solar Module Details Module Type HANWHA Module Quantity 30 Module Model Number 400 WATT Design Criteria Code: 2020 Minnesota Building Code (2018 IBC) ASCE 7-16 Live Load (psf)20 Ult Wind Speed (mph)125 Exposure Cat C Ground Snow (psf)50 Structure Geometry Eave Height, he (ft)15 to 20ft Pitch of main roof (deg)20 Building Length, L (ft)60 Building Width, B (ft)55 Roof Area (Module Area) ft2 3300.00 NOTE: attachments should be installed in a staggered configuratiion to properly destributor loading. Roof Properties Roof Geometry type Gable Roof Roof Type Truss Roof Pitch (deg)20 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io Roofing Type Comp Shingles Sheathing Type 1/2" OSB Board Wood species No. 2, Douglas Fir-Larch Wood Fb (psf)900 Wood Fv (psf)180 Wood E (psf)1600000 Purlin C/C Spacing (in)12 Rafter C/C. Spacing (in.)24 Purlin Section Thickness, b (in.)2 Section Depth, d (in.)4 Rafter Section Thickness, b (in.)2 Section Depth, d (in.)4 Maximum Rafter Span (ft)7 Factors Cd(wind)1.60 Cd(Snow)1.60 CLS 1.15 CM 1 Ct 1 CL 0.75 CF 1.5 Cfu 1 Cv 1 Cr 1 M allowable_wind 413.44 M allowable_snow 297.16 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io Dead Load(psf) Comp Shingles 3.00 psf 1/2" OSB Board 2.00 psf Insulation 2.00 psf Total Roof 1DL 7 psf No. 2, Douglas Fir-Larch 31.00 lb/ft3 Solar Panel DL 3.00 psf Roof 1 Roof_Dist_DL 7.00 psf M_Roof_Dist_DL 2493.86 Def_Roof_Dist_DL 1.48 PV_uni_Dist_DL 3.00 psf M_PV_uni_Dist_DL 10.54 Def_PV_uni_Dist_DL 0.01 Total_Uni_DL 11.00 psf M_Total_DL 2504.40 Def_Total_DL 1.49 Snow Load(psf) Ground Snow Load, pg 50 Importance Factor, Ic 1 Thermal Factor, Ct 1 Exposure Factor, Ce 1 Flat roof snow, pF 50 Slope Factor, Cs 1 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io Sloped Row Snow, ps 50 Uni_Dist_S 50.00 M_uni_Dist_s 306.25 Def_uni_Dist_S 0.18 Wind Load Ultimate Wind Speed 125 Directionality Factor,kd 0.85 Topographic factor 1.00 Velocity pressure exposure factor,kz 0.88 Ground Elevation Factor,ke 2.34 Side Wall Width 55 Median Roof Height 140.54 Velocity pressure,qz 29.92 External Pressure Up,GCp_1 -0.7 External Pressure Up,GCp_2 -0.6 External Pressure Up,GCp_3 -1.3 External Pressure Down,GCp -0.18 Design Pressure Up,p_1 -17.51 Design Pressure Up,p_2 -15.01 Design Pressure Up,p_3 -32.52 Design Pressure Up,p -4.50 Uni_Dist_W_up -32.52 M_uni_Dist_W_up -199.19 Def_uni_Dist_W_up -0.12 Uni_Dist_W_down -4.50 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io M_uni_Dist_W_down -27.56 Def_uni_Dist_W_down -0.02 Lag Screw Uplift Check (ASD) 5/16" Lag Screw Withdrawl value 205.00 lb/in Lag Screw Penetration 2.50 in Roof1 0.6D+0.6W(up z1)1699.566 > 512.5 Roof1 0.6D+0.6W(up z2)1701.066 > 512.5 Framing Check (ASD): Roof1 uni 1.0D+0.6W 2504.40 > 413.44 Lag Screw Penetration 2734.09 > 413.44 Roof1 0.6D+0.6W(up z1)2810.65 > 297.16 Roof1 0.6D+0.6W(up z2)1383.13 > 413.44 Seismic Check: Wood 5.00 psf 2x4 Studs @ 16"2.00 psf Gypsum 3.00 psf Misc(insulatioon,etc)2.00 psf Total wall DL 12.00 psf Total Wall Area (Approx)2765.00 ft2 Total Wall W 33180 lbs Total Roof DL 7.50 psf Total Roof Area (Approx)1404.62 ft2 Total Roof W 10534.65 lbs 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io OK PV Panel W 3.00 psf Area of panel 600.00 ft2 Total Roof W 702.45 lbs % increase=(Wadditional)/Wexisting 1.72% The increase in weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no furtherseismic analysis is required. Limits of Scope of Work and Liability Existing structure is assumed to have been designed and constructed following appropriate codes at time of erection, and assumed to have appropriate permits. The calculations produced are only for the roof framing supporting the proposed PV installation referenced in the stamped planset and were completed according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgements. Existing deficiencies which are unknown or were not observable during time of inspection are not included in this scope of work. All PV modules, racking, and mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. The Engineer of Record and Engineerinc assume no responsibility for misuse or improper installation. This analysis is not stamped for water leakage. Framing was determined based on information in provided plans and/or photos, along with engineering judgement. Prior to commencement of work, the contractor shall verify the framing sizes, spacings, and spans noted in the stamped plans, calculations, and cert letter (where applicable) and notify the Engineer of Record of any discrepancies prior to starting construction. Contractor shall also verify that there is no damaged framing that was not addressed in stamped plans, calculations, and cert letter (where applicable) and notify the Engineer of Record of any concerns prior to starting construction. Prior to the commencement of work, the contractor shall verify the existing roof and framing conditions. Notify Engineerinc and the engineer of record of any Discrepancies prior to starting construction. Prior to the commencement of work, the contractor shall inspect framing for any damage such as water damage, cracked framing, etc. and notify the E.O.R. if any issues are found.These plans/calculations are stamped for structural code compliance of the roof framing supporting the proposed PV installation reference only. These plans/calculations are not stamped for water leakage. PV modules, racking, and attachment components must follow manufacturer guidelines and requirements. 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd Suite #200 Burbank, CA 91502 | (747)333-5991 | new@engineerinc.io