COCO255 L.F. OF 4" PVC SANITARYSEWER PIPE AT MIN. 2.0% SLOPEW/ CLEAN OUTS (EVERY 100')250 L.F. OF 1" COPPER WATERSERVICE PIPE TO HOUSEBrookstone Builders, Inc.Attn: Kevin BergeI hereby certify that this is a correct representation of a survey of:Lot 1, Block 1, Replat Of Acorn Heights Addition, Dakota County,Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof.And that this survey and certificate was prepared by me or under mydirect supervision and that I am a duly licensed Land Surveyorunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.Grant D. Jacobson, MN License No. 23189Dated this 3rd Day of May, 2022ARROWS SHOW DIRECTION OF SURFACE FLOW.BENCHMARK - MNDOT MARKERPROPOSED DRIVE SLOPE = 7.9%LOT AREA = 0.94 ACRES1047.1ALL ITEMS ARE PROPOSED:TOP OF FOUNDATION = 1047.8GARAGE FLOOR = 1047.5BASEMENT FLOOR = 1040.1FINISHED GRADE AT FRONT OF HOUSE = 1047.1FINISHED GRADE AT REAR OF HOUSE = 1039.6SITE ADDRESS:PID = 22-63300-03-040Lakeville, MN 55024DESCRIPTION FOR DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT:That part of Lot 1, Block 1, REPLAT OF ACORN HEIGHTS, according tothe recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota being 20 feet wide and10 feet on each side of the following centerline:Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 90degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, along the south line of said Lot 1, adistance of 126.16 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to bedescribed; thence North 37 degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds West adistance of 58.77 feet; thence North 73 degrees 19 minutes 06 secondsWest a distance of 19.20 feet; thence South 77 degrees 41 minutes 00seconds West a distance of 38.46 feet; thence South 54 degrees 25minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 40.27 feet to the west line of saidLot 1 and there terminating.The curb box, drain tile cleanout, and catchbasin(if applicable) must be inspected andaccepted before As-Built escrow monies willbe released. All structures must be flushwith the sod. This will be scheduled with thelandscape inspection.Zoning = RS-2FY - 30'SY - 15' Interior, 30' CornerRY - 30'SY Buffer - 40'RY Buffer - 50'*Maintain 6" between bottom of siding and sod.*No structures in easements.EROSION CONTROLMUST BE INSTALLEDBEFORE EXCAVATIONENGINEERING REVIEWEDDate:__________________05/02/2022lritchie