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Sunday, October 16, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.
Marion Conference Room, City Hall
1. Call to order
2. Mayor's Welcome
3. Introductions
4. Review of By-Laws
5. City Commission Protocols
6. Meeting Schedule
7. Roundtable-Future Agenda Items
8. Adjourn
LAKEVILLE YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION BY-LAWS The purpose of the Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission is to serve as an advisory body to the Lakeville City Council. The Commission will provide Lakeville’s youth with the opportunity to participate in the City’s decision-making processes, provide the City Council with recommendations on a variety of issues, promote existing initiatives while developing new programs, and encourage more youth to become effective leaders who will help shape the future of Lakeville.
Section I. Membership a. Representation: The Youth Advisory Commission shall seek in its membership a diverse representation reflecting the community. The Commission shall consist of at least seven but not more than 11 members appointed by the City Council. Members must be residents of Lakeville. b. Membership qualifications: Commission members will be 14 to 18 years old at the time of selection. c. Term duration and limits: Members shall serve a two-year term. Terms shall begin on October 1st of each year. Members in good standing may be reappointed for an unlimited number of terms provided they still meet the membership qualifications. d. The City Administrator or designee shall provide additional support for the Commission as Staff Liaison.
Section II. Attendance a. Regular attendance at Commission meetings is expected from all regular Commission members. b. Three absences are allowed per year for each regular Commission member. After the third absence, the member will meet with the staff liaison to determine if the member remains in good standing or will be recommended to the City Council for removal from the Commission. Exceptions may be made if special circumstances exist.
Section III. Duties and Functions a. Report annually, or as otherwise specified by City Council, and confer with and advise the Council on matters concerning youth within the City, including: 1. promoting public interest in and an understanding of youth issues and activities. 2. fostering youth involvement in municipal decision-making by creating a forum for youth to raise issues and provide input to the city council, city departments, and influence policy formulation.
3. fostering cooperation and interaction amongst social, health and recreational programs offered by the city. b. Take under advisement, study, conduct conversations, and make written recommendations to the Council on all matters of youth interest or activities referred to the Commission or initiated by the Commission.
Section IV. Application Process a. Members of the Commission shall be chosen or appointed through an application and interview process. The City Council is responsible for appointment of members. b. Applications will be accepted in August/September of each year.
Section V. Officers a. The officers of the Commission shall be Chair, First Vice Chair, and Second Vice Chair.
Section VI. Officer Duties a. Chair 1. The Chair shall be charged with the administration of the affairs of the Commission with assistance from the Staff Liaison. 2. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Commission. 3. The Chair shall represent the commission as needed at public events. b. First and Second Vice Chairs 1. A Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair during the Chair’s absence. 2. A Vice Chair shall be familiar with the By-Laws and inform Commission members of what needs to be adhered to.
Section VII. Election of Officers a. The Chair, First Vice Chair, and Second Vice Chairs, shall be elected by the membership annually at either the first or second meeting of the new term and shall serve until their successors have been duly selected and sworn in. b. The officers of the Commission shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in attendance.
Section VIII. Meetings a. The Commission shall meet at least once a month during the school year and shall otherwise establish time and frequency of regular meetings as deemed appropriate by the membership.
b. The meetings shall include review of proposed agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, and reports; and discussion of other issues before the Commission. c. The Chair may call special meetings of the Commission with at least three days’ notice. The notice shall state the subject matter to be considered at the meeting. d. The meetings shall be held at City Hall or another publicly accessible location agreed upon among commission members.
Section IX. General Rules a. All meetings shall be conducted in general conformance with Robert’s Rules of Order and Minnesota State Statutes. b. The presence of at least half of the membership shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary to transact official business at any meeting. c. The Commission shall be responsible for its own procedures and order of business and may initiate or carry out activities addressing community concerns as they deem relevant and important with City Council approval.
Section XI. By-Laws and Amendments a. Commission By-Laws may be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting provided that two-thirds of the members of the Commission approve the amendment and provided further that the amendment is part of the agenda for the meeting and the membership has been notified of the proposed amendment in writing. The Commission shall present the amendment to the City Council for final approval and adoption.