HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-99 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING • OCTOBER 18, 1999 Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick and Mayor Zaun. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; R. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; F. Dempsey, Associate Planner; R. Mullenbach, Associate Planner;. R. Erpelding, Economic Development Coordinator; L. Gustafson, Assessment Clerk; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the October 4, 1999 City Council meeting were approved • with a correction to Page 9, Paragraph L, to read, "The hours of operation of the banquet facility shall .not exceed the following". STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: None ENGINEER: None ADMINISTRATOR: None PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr, Michaud presented the September Parks & Recreation Department monthly report. CHIEF Of POLICE: Chief Martens presented. the September Police Department monthly report. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Bob Brantly, representing the, City's Economic Development Commission, presented a proclamation for Manufacturers Week. Mayor Zaun read the proclamation for Manufacturers Week 1999, titled • "Creating .Your World". CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 2 99.192 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Ryan to proclaim the week of October 25-29 as Manufacturers Week in Lakeville. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Carla Rokke, 17701 Kenyon Avenue W. #2, ' expressed concerns about the increased traffic flow on 1851h Street from the west near Kenyon Avenue, She was also concerned about vehicles on 185t" Street blocking Kenyon Avenue and the speed of traffic along 185t" Street. She requested that a stop sign be placed on 185t" Street at Kenyon Avenue. Mayor Zaun indicated that the Council would discuss this matter under New Business. CONSENT AGENDA Council member Luick asked that Item 7h be removed from the consent agenda. Council members added Items 10, 11 and 12 to the consent agenda. • 99.193 Motion. was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment b. September Investment Report c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Planning Commission, October 7, 1999 Parks & Recreation .Committee, October 6, 1999 Ames Ice Arena Committee, October 6, 1999 d. Temporary slope easement with Stewart Properties for roadway, .drainage and utility construction purposes. e. Senior citizen assessment deferments with Rhena Benolkin and Dorraine Dircks. f. Resolution No. 99-242 calling a public hearing on proposed assessments for weed and grass removal g. Resolution No. 99-243 approving a gambling permit for Bloomington Lions Club. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 3 i h. (Removed from the consent agenda). i. Resolution No. 99-244 accepting a safe long-arm grant from the Minnesota Institute of Public Health to the Police Department. j. Resolution No. 99-245 accepting a donation from the Dakota County 4-H Federation to the Police Department. k. Authorize submittal of a grant application to the Minnesota DNR for paving Orchard Lake Park access and parking lots. L Change Order No. 2 with Rosti Construction for Improvement Project 98-17, Klamath Trail multi-purpose trail way. m. Resolution No. 99-246 accepting a donation from Hostelling International to the Parks & Recreation Department. n. Resolution. No. 99-247 accepting donation from VFW Post 210 to the Parks & Recreation Department. • o. Cancel the October 28, .1999 budget work session. p. Cancel the November 29, 1999 Council work session, and set a Council work session for December 2, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. 10. Receive the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory building and a second driveway access at 12299 Lucerne Trail 11. Receive the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit for US West Wireless to allow the construction of a cellular telephone tower antenna at Minnesota Valley Free Lutheran Church, 16075 Highview Avenue. 12. Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 98-33 to extend the completion time for the installation of the Hamburg Avenue transmission power lines between County Road 50 and County Road 70; and to allow the installation of temporary 115 kilovolt transmission power poles and lines on the. east side of Cedar Avenue near the intersection of Cedar Avenue and 202"d Street West, Great River Energy (formerly Cooperative Power Association) and Northern States Power Company. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 4 i Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan. ITEM 8 Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the proposed assessments for streetlights on 161St Street West, Upper 161St Street West and Jacquara Avenue, Improvement Project 99-11. The City Clerk attested to legal notices being duly published and mailed. City Engineer Keith Nelson presented the proposed assessments for Improvement Project 99-11. The total cost for installation of streetlights. was $11,000. The total amount being assessed is $11,248.00, which includes the Dakota County administrative. fee of $4.00 per parcel Sixty-eight units are being assessed, resulting in a unit assessment of $165.76. Finance Director Dennis Feller indicated the assessment is proposed over atwo-year period at seven percent interest.. Residents can pre-pay their assessment within 30 days to avoid paying interest and the $4.00 Dakota County administrative fee. Mr. Jim Mihalek, 10012-161St Street West, voiced his oppositionto the streetlights in his neighborhood. He stated he feels the street lights provide no benefit to his house. He went on to explain that he owns a duplex on a single parcel of property, but is being assessed for two units. He felt that since the value of his duplex is comparable to single-family .homes in the neighborhood, he should only be assessed for one unit. Mr. Knutson explained that Mr. Mihalek could file a written objection to the district court if he opposes the assessment on his property. A signed, written objection would need to be presented to the City Council in order to reserve the property owner's right to appeal 99.194 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to accept the letter from Jim Mihalek, 10012 - 161St Street W., objecting to the proposed assessments to his property for streetlights. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun. 99,195 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindt to close the public. hearing on the .proposed assessments for street lighting, Improvement i Project 99-11. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 5 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt. .99.196 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No. 99-248 adopting assessments for Improvement Project 99=11, street lights on 161St Street West,. Upper 161St Street West and Jacquara Avenue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill ITEM 9 Mayor Zaun opened the public hearing on the proposed assessments for Districts 3 and 4 sealcoating and overlay, Improvement Project 98-1. The City Clerk attested to legal notices being duly published and mailed. Mr. Nelson. provided an overview of the proposed assessments for sealcoating and overlay improvements in Districts 3 and 4. The total project cost was $408,580.02, and the amount proposed to be assessed is $89,002.73. The remaining costs are financed through the City's public works reserve fund. The total assessment for asingle-family home is $103.17. There are approximately 710 single-family units, 16 twinhome units, 79 townhome units, a number of large single family lots. and several large parcels. Large parcels are assessed a unit ($99.17) for every 85 feet of frontage. Mr. Feller stated the sealcoating assessments are proposed over a two year period at seven percent interest. Afterthe 30-day prepayment .period has expired, the assessments will be certified to the County Auditor for collection with taxes payable in 2000. There were no questions or comments from the City Council or members of the audience. 99.197 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Luick to close the public hearing on proposed assessments for improvement Project 98-1. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick. 99.198 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindf to approve Resolution No. 99-249. adopting assessments for Improvement Project 98-1, Districts 3 and 4 sealcoating and overlay. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 6 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan. ITEM 13 William Fink, F & L Enterprises, requested Council approval of a conditional use permit amendment for increased outside storage and elimination of future buildings identified on the previously approved site plan. He also requested that an existing storage building. on the southeast corner of the property, which was scheduled for removal, be retained. Mr. Fink indicated that F &,L Enterprises agrees to all the. stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission and City staff. Ron Mul enbach, Associate Planner, provided an overview of the proposed conditional use permit amendment for F & L Enterprises, located at 21980 Kenrick Avenue. The Planning Commission pointed out several issues still outstanding from the original conditional use permit. The Planning Commission had tabled the conditional use permit amendment to allow time for staff to work with the applicant to address these outstanding issues. Some concerns had been raised by residents to the south regarding screening of the site. The applicant has agreed to • work with the neighbor and increase the screening along the south property line. The Planning Commission subsequently-recommended approval of the conditional use permit amendment subject to nine conditions. One of the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission involved submittal of a revised site plan. The applicant has . since submitted the revised site plan. Staff recommends execution of a Site Development Agreement with F & L Enterprises, which includes a $25,000 letter of credit to assure the site is developed in accordance with the revised site. plan. Council Member Sindt asked if the original conditional use permit. contained any stipulations regarding berming or trees along the south property line. Mr. Sobota stated trees were initially required along the north property line; and additional trees are being added along the south and east property lines as part of the amended conditional use permit. Mr. Fink explained that the neighboring property owner had a concern regarding noise on his property during the night and assumed it was due to F & L Enterprises running a late shift. He stated he told the property owner that they do not have a second shift, and any noise coming from his property after 10:00 p.m. should be reported to the Police Department.. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 7 • Council Member Luick asked Mr. Fink if he concurs with the stipulations and timeline as recommended. Mr. Fink indicated that many of the stipulations have already been met, and the remainder would be completed within .the required timeline. 99.199 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a Site Development Agreement and Amended Conditional Use Permit for F & L .Enterprises, 21980 Kenrick Avenue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun. ITEM 14 Mr. Erickson presented a proposed Real Estate Purchase Agreement with All Saints Church. The agreement provides for the City's purchase of Hart Hall fo,r conversion to an Arts Center. The City would take. possession of the school and vacant land on May 1, 2000, the. convent on June 15, 2000 and Hart Hall, the rectory and garage on September 1, 2000. The Arts Center would be located in the upper and lower levels of . Hart Hall. The rectory would become the new home of the Lakeville • Historical Society, and the rectory garage would be used for storage of props, etc. for the theater. The. convent would be razed to provide for additional parking on the site. The vacant land would provide parking for. the Arts Center, as welt as overflow parking for the downtown area. Independent School District 194 is interested in converting the All Saints school into an adult education facility; and alease/purchase arrangement is currently being considered between the City and ISD 194. Mr. Erickson explained that the property is being purchased for $1,216,000, as identified by the appraisals for both parties. The City's 2000 budget includes funding for an Arts Center Coordinator position. An application has been submitted to the State of Minnesota fora $500,000 grant for the arts center. Funding will also involve the use of tax increment financing, which was identified and established approximately 10 years ago from the Southfork project: Council Member Luick asked if the $1 million liability insurance referenced on Page 7 of the agreement would provide sufficient coverage. Mr. Knutson stated he feels satisfied that $1 million would. be adequate. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 8 Council Member Luick pointed out an error on Page 8 of the agreement, Item No. 5, "Kitchen appliances....inc/udingslnks..." Mr. Knutson will make the correction. Council Member Ryan expressed his appreciation to church officials. He stated he feels, without a doubt, that this is a good move for the City. Council Members Sindt and Mulvihill expressed their appreciation for the preservation of this historic building. Mayor Zaun suggested .staff research and pursue a future Arts Foundation organization. Father Tiffany of All Saints Church stated he felt the acquisition process was thoughtful and well researched. He expressed his support for the future use of the church as an Arts Center. 99.200 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a Real Estate Purchase Agreement with the Church of All Saints of Lakeville, Minnesota. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, . Sindt. ITEM 15 Mr. Sobota presented a proposal by Barton-Aschman to conduct a parking study for the downtown area. Community Development Block Grant funds were reallocated in 1998 from the Septic System .Improvement Program to a Downtown Lakeville Housing Study and Parking Project. The proposed study would analyze long-term strategies for-future off-street parking in downtown Lakeville. Through the Downtown Lakeville Parking Study, the City will have an updated parking inventory, parking occupancy and turn-over data, parking demand. model and options for meeting future parking needs. Rod Borg and Greg Peterka, President and Vice President of the Downtown Lakeville Business Association, expressed support of the proposed parking study on behalf of the DLBA. Council Member Ryan pointed out that City parking ordinances do not currently apply to downtown, given the fact that downtown is a special, historic area. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 9 Council Member. Mulvihill stated she feels Lakeville is fortunate to have a "downtown". Therefore, it is imperative that adequate parking be provided for current and future development. 99.201 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve a contract with Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. for a Downtown Lakeville Parking Study. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick,. Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill ITEM 7H Mr. Nelson explained that the most significant revision to the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (WMO) Joint Powers Agreement. is that it incorporates approximately 3,700 acres of land in Burnsville and Lakeville that was formerly part of the Credit River WMO. The Credit River WMO dissolved last year, and the portion located within Scott County was taken over by the. County. Due to the expanded boundary, Lakeville's share of the watershed area will increase from 10.73 to 21,15 percent. Accordingly, the City's share of the $89,000 membership dues will increase from 9.56% to 18.25%. This new amount has been budgeted in the City's Surface Water Management Fund for the years 2000 and 2001. Half of the contribution is based on area, while the other half is based on assessed value. Mr. Nelson pointed out that Lakeville will no longer be contributing to the Credit River WMO. 99.202 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindt to approve the Revised and Restated Joint Powers Agreement for the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS In response to concerns raised by Carla Rokke under Citizens' Comments, the City Engineer outlined the proposed improvements for 185t" Street (CSAH 60) at I-35, including reconstruction of the bridge and expanding 185t" Street to a four-lane divided roadway. He pointed out. that 185t" Street is a Dakota County roadway. Temporary traffic signals are planned to be installed at the freeway ramps next spring. An additional signal at the Kenyon Avenue intersection, he stated, would not ' CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 10 . be feasible, due to its close proximity to the freeway ramp. He explained that there are plans to relocate the frontage road (Kenyon Avenue) further to the west in the future when the Mid-America Festivals property develops. Kenyon Avenue could be realigned along 184tH Street to the proposed Kingsway Path, connecting with Knollwood Circle to the south ofi 185tH Street. This would provide adequate spacing for signals at this intersection in the future. Council Member Mulvihill stated she would like to see an immediate solution to the concerns raised by Ms. Rokke. She agreed that the situation would become dangerous this winter for traffic entering 185tH Street from Kenyon Avenue. She also questioned how signals at the ramps would help the Kenyon Avenue intersection. Mr. Erickson explained that the signals would help move traffic and create gaps for traffic entering 185tH Street off of Kenyon. Avenue. Council Member Luick reiterated Ms. Rokke's concern that traffic on 185tH Street is blocking the Kenyon Avenue intersection. He suggested a sign be posted to help alleviate that problem.. Mayor Zaun indicated he would be meeting with County Commissioner Paul Krause and will relay these concerns to him. . OTHER NEW BUSINESS Council Member Luick referenced a letter that was sent to the Lakeville Planning Commission from the Minnesota Department ofi Natural Resources regarding a dewatering permit violation in Airlake Fourth Addition. He expressed disappointment that this violation occurred, after the City Council and staff worked hard to review and monitor the South Creek trout stream issues. Council Member Luick asked the City Engineer how the City handles the de-watering process. Mr. Nelson stated that according to the City's standard specifications, the contractor is responsible for obtaining a de- watering permit from the DNR. Mayor Zaun asked the Council if the letter of response written by the City's Environmental Resources Coordinator is appropriate. Council Member Mulvihill voiced her disappointment at the tone of the DNR letter, which was directed toward. the City staff and Council. She pointed out that Ryan Contracting was involved in the violation and stated she feels the City was put in an awkward position, in light of the fact that Tom Ryan is a member of the City Council CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 PAGE 11 • Mr. Erickson suggested, due to the likelihood that a citation for this violation may be issued, that the City staff should not get involved. He suggested Joel Jamnik from the City Attorney's office review the matter and prepare a .response to the DNR. 99.203 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to direct Joel Jamnik to review and respond to the October 6, 1999 letter to the Planning Commission from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regarding dewatering for. utility installation at Airlake 4th Addition. Council Member Mulvihill amended the motion to include direction on how to prevent these types of situations from happening in the future. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, November 1, 1999 Budget work session, October 19, 1999, 7:30 a.m. Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, i Charlene Friedges, City Jerk Duane Zaun, Mayor