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SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00. p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken... Present: Council Members Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Luick and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; R. Erickson, City Administrator;
K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic
Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks &
Recreation Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; J. Hennen,
Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the August 16t" Council work session, the September 7t"
regular Council meeting and the September 14t" special Council meeting
were approved as presented.
ADMINISTRATOR:. At the City Administrator's request, Item 5b was
removed from the agenda.
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Steve Michaud presented the
August Parks & Recreation Department monthly report. Mr. Michaud
then acknowledged, with a video presentation, the seasonal employees
who worked in various city departments during the past summer.
CHIEF. OF POLICE: Chief Martens presented the August Police
Department monthly report.
Chief Martens introduced Police Officers Adam MacDonald and Thomas
Seykora. Mayor Zaun administered the oath of office to the new officers.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
Mr. Bob Temple, General Manager of Thisweek-Life & Times, made a
brief presentation regarding the combined publication of the two
newspapers, Life & Times and Thisweek .News.
Council Members removed Item 7i from the consent agenda.
99.167 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve the
consent agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. August Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Economic. Development Commission, August 24, 1999
Ames Ice Arena Committee., September 1, 1999
• d. Receive bids and award contract to Veit & Company, Inc. in the
amount of $32,710 for demolition of the former Wren building and
Main Street Automotive building, Improvement Project 99-24.
e. Resolution No. 99-225 accepting a sustaining grant from DARE
f. Subgrantee Agreement with the Dakota County HRA for
administration of the 1999 Community Development Block Grant.
g. Conditional use permit to allow the expansion of anon-conforming
single-family home at 20565 Howland Avenue.
h. Special Assessment Agreement with Walter and Wendy Clapp,
16420 Klamath Trail
i. (Removed from consent agenda)
j. Final acceptance of street improvements, Cherry Fields First
k. Final acceptance of street improvements, Kenridge 2"d Addition.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
I. Change Orders No. 2 and 3 with Shank Constructors for
rehabilitation of Lift Stations 6, 11 and 12, Improvement Project 98-
m. Airlake Development Third Addition trunk watermain
n. Resolution No. 99-227 calling a public hearing for proposed
assessments of street lighting improvements on 161St Street, Upper
161St Street and Jacquara Avenue, Improvement Project 99-11.
o. Resolution No. 99-228 calling a public hearing for proposed
assessments of sealcoating improvements in Districts 3 and 4,
Improvement Project 98-1.
p. Resolution No. 99-229 authorizing submittal. of a grant application
to the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
q. Resolution No. 99-230 approving a gambling permit for VFW
Auxiliary to Post 210.
• r. Agreement with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for
fiscal year 2000 cross-country ski trail grooming and maintenance.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, -Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
The City Council considered the application of Paul Ramey for a
conditional use permit and variance to allow the construction of a HAM
radio tower and .antenna higher than 15 feet above the ground at 17102
Firtree Place. City Attorney Roger Knutson explained that following the
Council's discussion and subsequent tabling. of this item at the August
16th Council meeting, City staff contacted Mr. Jeffrey Nelson, a
telecommunications consultant with PSC Alliance, Minneapolis. He
explained that staff procured Mr. Nelson's assistance in an effort to
accommodate the applicant, while protecting the interests of the
neighborhood and City. Mr. Nelson provided information regarding
numerous types of fold-over, crank-up antenna towers that would
provide the applicant with a reasonable and effective means of
communication. These crank-up/motorized towers can be lowered to a
• height of 25 feet when not in use. Such an antenna would allow the
applicant to communicate via HAM radio with the least possible negative
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
impact on the neighborhood. Findings of Fact have been drafted for the
City Council's consideration, and the conditional use permit and variance
have been revised, specifically requiring the antenna tower to be
Mayor Zaun stated he feels this recommendation represents a
reasonable compromise between the applicant, neighborhood and City.
Council Member Sindt stated she would like to look at amending the
City's ordinance with regard to radio antennas.
Mr. John Bellows, attorney representing the applicant, stated it was fiis
understanding that the reason this item was tabled was to determine
what impact, if any, the presence of an amateur radio tower would have
on the value of adjacent property. He stated the information he received
from the Dakota County Assessor's Office does `not show any adverse
impacts on property values due to amateur radio antennas and towers.
He voiced his frustration that the information submitted by Mr. Nelson
was not forwarded to him in a timely manner, thus he was not given a
reasonable opportunity to respond. He stated he .does not feel that Mr.
. Nelson is qualified to provide an opinion on amateur radio. The crank-
up/folding towers being recommended are not adequate, as they can
only handle a five square foot antenna. The applicant is proposing a 10
square foot antenna.. These types of antennas can only withstand a 50-
mph wind, while state law requires they withstand an 80-mph wind.
These towers have a large 30 to 36 foot base, which is necessary
because the towers are not as strong as the type the applicant is
Mr. Erickson stated his recollection was that this matter was tabled at the
August 16t" Council meeting to allow for additional research on a variety
of issues, not only on property values and sales information.
Mr. Knutson explained that the goal in obtaining an opinion from Mr.
Nelson was to get the height of the tower down as low as possible.. He:
feels with a retractable tower, that goal can be reached .while.
accommodating Mr. Ramey's communication. needs.
Council Member Mulvihill stated she also feels this is a reasonable
compromise. She pointed out that other communities. have responded to
this request in a like manner.
• Council Member Ryan pointed out that the guy wires might not be
needed with acrank-up tower. The guy wires were something he and
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
the residents had objected to. if the guy wires are not.. needed, he felt
that requirement could be deleted from the variance.
Council Member Luick stated he also supports the crank-up tower
Mr. Bellows stated that by requiring acrank-up tower in this application,
the City would be going beyond what was done in the past. He pointed
out that the cost of a crank-up tower would be $10,000 to $20,000, .which
he feels is not a reasonable accommodation by the City.
Council Member Ryan asked if the City can be assured by a structural
engineer that the base and antenna are structurally sound. Mr. Erickson
stated the Chief Building Official would be responsible for structural
99.168 .Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to receive the letter
from John B. Bellows, Jr., Attorney at Law, dated September 13, 1999;
and the letter from. Joan Mulvihill, 17140 Firestone Path, dated
September 7, 1999.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick,
Council members recommended that Stipulation (d) of the conditional
use permit and variance should read, "The antenna. tower shall not
exceed 25 feet in height. when the HAM radio is not in use."
99.169 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to adopt the Findings
of Fact and Decision and grant a conditional use permit and variance
(amended 9/1.7/99) #o allow the construction of an amateur HAM radio
antenna higher than 15 feet above the ground at 17102 Firtree Place,
with the wording change in Stipulation (d) of the conditional use permit
and variance as stated above.
Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, .Ryan, Zaun.
Nay, Sindt.
Mr. Sobota stated the Metropolitan (Met) Council has completed its
review of the City's 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, which was
• approved by the City Council on December 21, 1998 pending Met
Council review. The Met Council approved the document with some
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
PAGE 6 '
minor comments and corrections. Staff is asking the Gity Council o
approve the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update in its final, corrected
form. The proposed resolution authorizes submittal of the document to
adjacent governmental units and affected school districts, along with the
Metropolitan Council, for their official record. The final revisions to the
1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. are outlined in a memorandum to
Northwest Associated Consultants from Associate Planner Ron
Mullenbach dated September 16, 1999. (Memorandum on file in the City
Clerk's office)
Council Member Ryan stated he had received a .call from a resident who
expressed concern that the City is already changing the recently
adopted Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Zaun proceeded to identify-the
various changes that were recommended by the Met Council upon its
99.170 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution
No. 99-231 approving and amending the Lakeville, Minnesota 1998
Comprehensive. Plan Update.
• Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun,
99.171 Motion by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to appoint Jean Kane to the
Meals on Wheels Advisory Committee for athree-year term, which will
expire on December 31, 2002.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt,
99.172 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded. by Sindt to appoint Chuck Hadley
and Sandra Cross to the Meals on Wheels Advisory Committee for
three-year terms, which will expire on December 31, 2002.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
99.173 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to hold a budget work
• session on Tuesday, October 12, 1999 from 5-8 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick,
99.174 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to hold a budget work
session on Thursday, October 28, 1999 from 5-8 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan,
Council Member Luick asked the City Engineer to outline the project
phasing and proposed detours for the Cedar Avenue reconstruction. Mr.
Nelson explained that bids are proposed to be taken in December or
January. The project is expected to take two construction seasons to
complete. The first stage is the closing of Cedar Avenue between
Highway 50 and Dodd Boulevard. Traffic will be maintained across 200tH
Street, 210tH Street and 190tH Street. Highway 50 will remain open to
traffic during the first construction phase. The second phase is that
.portion of Cedar Avenue between Highway 50 and Highway 70. The
. third phase is that portion south of Highway 70 to the south corporate
limits. The official detour for that phase will be Highway 70 to Hamburg
Avenue to Highway 50 to Cedar Avenue. The total estimated
construction cost for this project is $10.5 million.
99.175 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution
No. 99-226 approving plans and specifications for Cedar Avenue from
Dodd Boulevard to the south city limits; Right-of-Way Acquisition and
Highway Construction Agreement; and easement acquisition offer from
Dakota County, Improvement Project 97-9.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun,
Council Member Mulvihill asked if a summary of the Maxfield Research
report, which was presented to the Economic Development Commission
on August 24tH, could be presented to the City Council at a future work
session. Staff will arrange a presentation.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1999
Council Member Sindt suggested that staff review the City's ordinance
with regard to FCC regulations for radio towers.
99.176 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Luick to authorize the City
Attorney to review the City's ordinance with regard to FCC regulations
for radio towers.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt,
Announcements: Next regular Council meeting October 4, 1999
Mayor Zaun adjourned the Council meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Fried s, City rk
Dua Zaun, Ma
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