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LA207812 - 5017-21-25 161st St Approved Plans
OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.1 23 *REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR HEADERS, CONCRETE, ANDFOOTING SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT. * ALL EXTERIOR TRIM TO BE COMPOSITE MATERIAL (COMP) UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED. * PROVIDE DRIP CAP OVER WINDOWS DOORS AND TRIM. * FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED UNDER SIDING, JUNCTIONS OF ROOFAND WALLS, CHIMNEYS, ROOF VALLEYS, CHANGE OF SIDINGMATERIALS, OR WHERE SIDING MEETS A TRIM BOARD AT BOTTOMOF A WALL. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM FACE OF SHEATHING TO CENTERLINE OFSTUD OR CENTERLINE OF PARTY WALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. *ALL BEARING WALLS TO HAVE 5/8" TYPE 'X' DRYWALL. All INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLS TO HAVE 1/2" DRYWALL. * SOLID BLOCK FLUES AT FLOORS & CEILINGS. * INSTALL SHOWER HEADS AT 7'-0" HEIGHT. SOLID STUD BEARINGFOR POINT LOADS * PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AS REQ'D AT ALL TOWEL BAR, PAPERHOLDER, HANDRAIL, SHOWER DOORS AND BATH TUB CURTAIN RODLOCATIONS. * VERIFY GRADES AND ADJUST FOUNDATION/FOOTING STEPS ASNEEDED.* SEE PLANS FOR CEILING HEIGHTS. * ALL TRADES & SUPPLIERS TO REVIEW & VERIFY INFORMATIONPERTINENT TO THEIR WORK AND NOTIFY RT URBAN HOMES, INC OFANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. * NOTED CABINET SIZES ARE +/- AND TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. * TRADES TO VERIFY BASE AND TRIM SIZE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. * ALL WALLS MORE THAN 10' H. TO BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER. * EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY: HOME SITE, FILL ANDTOPOGRAPHY WILL DICTATE ACTUAL GRADES AND MAY VARY FROMTHOSE SHOWN ON 1/2"HE PLAN. * ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS WILL BE SEALED. * THESE PLANS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES,CHAPTER 1322. * AIR SEALING REQUIREMENTS:** HOUSE WRAP WILL BE INSTALLED ON ENTIRE HOUSE-OVERLAPPED 6", TAPED SEAMS AND WINDOW FLANGES.** INSULATION, POLY (SEALED TO SUB-FLOOR), AND DRYWALLWILL BE APPLIED BEHIND TUB DECKS AND SHOWERS STALLS ONEXTERIOR & PARTY WALLS.** POLY AND OSB WILL BE APPLIED BEHIND AND AT TOP OFSOFFITS THAT INTERSECT WITH UNHEATED SPACES, EXTERIOR, &PARTY WALLS.** RIM JOIST WILL BE SEALED.** CAULKING WILL BE APPLIED BEHIND WINDOW FLANGES. * A CONTINUOUSLY SEALED VAPOR/AIR BARRIER WILL BE INSTALLED.** ALL SEAMS WILL BE OVERLAPPED 6" AND TAPED.** ACOUSTICAL SEALANT WILL BE USED AT TOP AND BOTTOMPLATES.** ACOUSTICAL SEALANT WILL BE USED AT EXTERIOR WALLINTERSECTIONS.** VAPOR BARRIER WILL BE TAPED TO LESCO BOX FLANGES.** ALL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS, INCLUDINGINSIDE LESCO BOXES, WILL BE SEALED.** FRAMING CONTRACTOR TO CAULK FOR RADON AT LOWERLEVEL WALLS. GENERAL NOTES BUILDING INFORMATION: UNIT COUNT: FOUR UNITS SQUARE FOOTAGE: END UNIT:GARAGE: 586 SQ. FT.LOWER LEVEL: 139 SQ. FT. FINISHED, 99 SQ FT. UNFINISHEDMAIN LEVEL: 834 SQ. FT.UPPER LEVEL: 922 SQ. FT. INTERIOR UNIT:GARAGE: 586 SQ. FT.LOWER LEVEL: 139 SQ. FT. FINISHED, 99 SQ FT. UNFINISHEDMAIN LEVEL: 824 SQ. FT.UPPER LEVEL: 912 SQ. FT. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: 5025 161st STREET W - SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 21st, LOT 7, BLOCK 15021 161st STREET W - SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 21st, LOT 6, BLOCK 15017 161st STREET W - SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 21st, LOT 5, BLOCK 1 REFER TO PAGE 1.1 FOR COMMON WALL AND FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES. C1 END UNIT5017 161st STREET WD1 INTERIOR UNIT5021 161st STREET W C2 END UNITC1 END UNIT C2 END UNIT5025 161st STREET W C1 END UNIT5017 161st STREET W D1 INTERIOR UNIT5021 161st STREET W C2 END UNIT5025 161st STREET W SEE ROOF PLAN AND ENLARGEDELEVATIONS FOR GUTTER &DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS 2020 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION (R300.1): IRC-3 TOWNHOUSETYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-BAUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM: NFPA 13DEXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATING (R302.1(2)): 1-HOUR PARALLEL AND WITH-IN 3' OF PROPERTY LINE0-HOUR PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINEUNIT COMMON WALLS:TWO 1- HOUR (GA FILE NO. 3241) SOUND TRANSMISSION (AK102.1):STC 45 WHEN TESTEDIIC 45 WHEN TESTED BUYER NAME ADDRESS JOB NUMBER HOESCHEN 5021 161st STREET W. SBF21.06.01 BUYER NAME ADDRESS JOB NUMBER .... UNIT DATE ADD. # .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ADDENDUM TRACKING HOME START:... HOME START:... HOME START:... Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2020 MN Bldg Code 10/27/2022dmathews OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.1.1 23 1. Subflooring — Min 23/32 in. thick T & G wood structural panels, min grade "Underlayment" or"Single-Floor". Face grain of plywood or strength axis of panel to be perpendicular to the trusses with endjoints staggered 4 ft. Plywood or panels secured to trusses with construction adhesive and No. 6d cementcoated nails spaced 12 in. OC along each truss. Adhesive applied as 3/8 in. diam bead to top chord oftrusses and grooved edges of plywood or panel. 2. Trusses — Parallel chord trusses spaced a max 24 in. OC fabricated from nom 2 by 4 in. lumber withlumber orientated either vertically (2A) or horizontally (2B). Min truss depth is 12 in. Truss memberssecured together with No. 20 MSG galv steel truss plates. Plates include 5/16 in. long teeth projectingperpendicular to the plane of the plate. The teeth are in pairs facing each other made from the samepunch creating a split tooth type plate. Each tooth has a chisel point on its outside edge, with these pointsbeing diagonally opposite from each other for each pair. The top half of each tooth has a twist forstiffness. The pairs are repeated on approx 7/8 in. centers with four rows of teeth per inch of plate width. 3. Gypsum Board* -- Two layers of 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide gypsum board installed with long dimension perpendicular to trusses with end joints located under bottom of trusses. End joints in adjacent rows shall be staggered on adjacent joists. Base layer secured with 1-1/4 in. long Type S bugle head steel screws spaced 24 in. OC and located a min 1-1/2 in. from side joints. Outer layer secured to trusses through inner layer with 1-7/8 in. Type S bugle head steel screwsspaced 12 in. OC. All joints in outer layer offset 24 in. from inner layer joints. 2 U.L. DESIGN NO. L542 Assembly Rating - 1 Hr HORIZONTAL SECTION 1 3 FLOOR /CEILING ASSEMBLY GYPSUM WALLBOARD, RESILIENT CHANNELS,MINERAL FIBER INSULATION, WOOD STUDS Resilient channels 24" o.c. attached at right angles to ONE SIDE of 2 x 4 wood studs 16"or 24" o.c. with 11/4" Type S drywall screws. One layer 5/8" proprietary type X gypsumwallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel to channels with 1" Type S drywallscrews 12" o.c. End joints backblocked with resilient channels. 3" mineral fiberinsulation, 2.0 or 2.3 pcf, in stud space. Additional layer of 5/8" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer baseapplied parallel to channels with 1 5/8" Type S drywall screws 12" o.c. OPPOSITE SIDE: One layer 5/8" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneerbase applied at right angles to studs with 11/4" Type W drywall screws 12" o.c.Vertical joints staggered 48" on opposite sides. Sound tested with studs 16" o.c. and openface of mineral fiber insulation blankets toward resilient channel-side of stud space.(LOAD-BEARING) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARDAmerican Gypsum Company LLC - 5/8" FireBloc® Type CCertainTeed Gypsum Inc. - 5/8" ProRoc® Type C Gypsum PanelsCertainTeed Gypsum Canada Inc. - 5/8" ProRoc® Type C Gypsum PanelsGeorgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC - 5/8" ToughRock® Fireguard CTMLafarge North America Inc. - 5/8" Firecheck® Type CNational Gypsum Company - 5/8" Gold Bond® Brand FIRE-SHIELD CTM Gypsum BoardPABCO Gypsum - 5/8" FLAME CURB® Super ‘C’Temple-Inland - 5/8" TG-C PARTY WALLS GA FILE NO. WP 3241 PROPRIETARY 50 TO 54 STC SOUND Thickness: VariesApprox. Weight: 7 psfFire Test:Based on UL R3660-7,11-12-87; UL R2717-61,8-18-87;UL Design U311 1 HOUR FIRE Airspace side OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.2 23 ALL TRIM, SIDING, AND PANELSTO BE JAMES HARDIE SMOOTH OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.3 23 ALL TRIM, SIDING, AND PANELSTO BE JAMES HARDIE SMOOTH Sherwin Williams has the following color codes on file for James Hardie James Hardie Color 1. Artic White 2. Rich Expresso 3. Black Water SW formula code JH10-20 HS14103 ?? Panel Lap Rich Espresso (SC) Arctic White (SC) Brown Blaze (DC) Paper White (DC) Trim Brown Blaze (DC) Arctic White (SC) Midnight Black (SC) It reads left to right as the same color across the row. SC = Statement Collection DC = Dream Collection Any smooth lap product is automatically Dream Collection. Revelation Exterior Color Matrix October 5, 2021 James Hardie Siding Piece Trim Lap Lap Panel Panel Metal Others Shingles Front Door Garage Doors Garage Dr Weather Strip House #s Mortar Windows A1, B2 (JH) Rich Espresso TF-138 Flush Avalon Stone Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Tamlyn Style Color Black Water Paper White Brown Blaze Artic White Rich Espresso to match Moire Black (JH) Artic White White Black- ESW - Imperial Crest 12x24 Fawn Tan Black Collection Vendor Statement Dream Dream Lyman Lyman Statement Statement Lyman A2, B1 (JH) Artic White CertainTeed APV Action Action Atlass Décor ESW Manor Hayfield Lyman Lyman ABC Lyman Lyman OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.4 23 20"x20"x10" conc ftg 40"x40"x12" conc ftg w/#6 bars 6"o.c. ea way 56"x56"x12" conc ftg w/#6 bars 6"o.c. ea way 56"x56"x12" conc ftg w/#6 bars 6"o.c. ea way 40"x40"x12" conc ftg w/#6 bars 6"o.c. ea way 20"x20"x10" conc ftg UFER Ground -Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stub up near electrical service panel. OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.5 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.6 235025 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.07.01DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 1 BUILDING KEY (2)11-7/8 LVL 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 Portal Frame (2)11-7/8 LVL All sources of ignition must be elevated at-least 18" off of floor unless listed flammable vapor resistant or DC motor on furnace. 5-1/8"x15-1/8" TRTD GluLam Portal Frame (3)16" LVL 800# Hold-down 800# Hold-down 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/35/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5.5"x5.5" PSL Post 5.5"x5.5" PSL Post OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.6.1 235025 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.07.01ATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLETDESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 1 BUILDING KEY 800# Tie Straps 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 -Min. 15" clearance to any obstruction from center of W.C., 24" in front(typ). (2)9-1/4 LVL 5.5"x5.5" PSL Post OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.7 235021 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.06.01DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE GOLD COAST 1 BUILDING KEY 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 (2)11-7/8 LVL Portal Frame (2)11-7/8 LVL All sources of ignition must be elevated at-least 18" off of floor unless listed flammable vapor resistant or DC motor on furnace. 5.5"x5.5" PSL Post5.5"x5.5" PSL Post 5-1/8"x15-1/8" TRTD GluLam Portal Frame (3)14" LVL 800# Hold-down 800# Hold-down 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 UFER Ground -Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stub up near electrical service panel. OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.7.1 235021 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.06.01ATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLETDESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE GOLD COAST 1 BUILDING KEY 5.5"x5.5" PSL Post5.5"x5.5" PSL Post 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 5/8" LP FlameBlock Nail 6/3 -Min. 15" clearance to any obstruction from center of W.C., 24" in front(typ). (2)11-7/8 LVL OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.8 235017 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.05.01DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 2 BUILDING KEY OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.8.1 235017 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.05.01DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 2 BUILDING KEY ATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLET OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.9 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.10 23 METAL CLIPS HEAVY GLASSPANEL POLISHED EDGE TYPICAL HALFWALL CAP OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.11 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.12 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.13 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.14 23 OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.20 235025 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.07.01DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 1 BUILDING KEY ATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLETLED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LED OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.20 235021 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.06.01LED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LED DESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE GOLD COAST 1 BUILDING KEY ATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLET OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.20 235017 161ST STREET WEST - SBF21.05.01LED LED LOW VOLTAGE LED LED CFL HALOGEN LEDATTICACCESSW/ LIGHT,SWITCH, &OUTLETDESIGN SELECTIONS INTERIOR PACKAGE SOHO 2 BUILDING KEY OF SHEETTHE REVELATION5025, 5021, 5017 161st STREET WESTLAKEVILLE, MN 55044SBF21.07.01, SBF21.06.01, SBF21.05.01DRAWN BY: MAO Add... CUSTOMER 9/14/22 Add... PERMIT REVISIONS: ---- 9/19/22 - Ext. Stone .. 10/12/22Copyright of these documents is owned byRT Urban Homes, Inc.and reserves ALL rights.These plans may not be re-used, copied orassigned to another party nor shall they bemodified or used in part in other designswithout the prior written consent ofRT Urban Homes, Inc.1 1 SEE PAGE 3/20 FOR FULLLIST OF COLOR SELECTIONSNOT SHOWN HERE C2 END UNIT BLACK WATER PAPER WHITE CORONADO URBANA SMOOTH FRENCH WHITE (TYP. ALL STONE) BLACK WATER BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO BLACK WATER RICH ESPRESSO BROWN BLAZE PAPER WHITE ARTIC WHITE ARTIC WHITE BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO BROWN BLAZE C1 END UNIT RICH ESPRESSO ARTIC WHITE BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE RICH ESPRESSO BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE CORONADO URBANA SMOOTH FRENCH WHITE (TYP. ALL STONE) BROWN BLAZE BLACK WATER PAPER WHITE ARTIC WHITE RICH ESPRESSO C1 END UNIT5017 161st STREET WD1 INTERIOR UNIT5021 161st STREET WC2 END UNIT5025 161st STREET W C1 END UNIT5017 161st STREET W D1 INTERIOR UNIT5021 161st STREET W C2 END UNIT5025 161st STREET W BLACK WATER PAPER WHITE RICH ESPRESSO BLACK WATER CORONADO URBANA SMOOTH FRENCH WHITE (TYP. ALL STONE) RICH ESPRESSO ARTIC WHITE BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO BLACK WATER BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE RICH ESPRESSO PAPER WHITE BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE RICH ESPRESSO PAPER WHITE BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSOARTIC WHITE BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO BROWN BLAZE ARTIC WHITE PAPER WHITE BLACK WATER BLACK WATER BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO METAL TAMLYN TRIM TOMATCH ADJACENT SIDING/PANEL COLOR ONYX BLACK SHINGLES PAPER WHITE ARTIC WHITE SW (JH10-20)SW (JH10-20) PANEL SIZES SUBJECT TOCHANGE DUE TO FRAMINGLAYOUT AND MAXIMUMPANEL SIZE ALLOWABLE SW (JH10-20) WRAP COLORS AROUND CORNER WRAP COLORS AROUND CORNER FLASHING TO MATCH FASCIA ONYX BLACK SHINGLES BROWN BLAZE BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE RICH ESPRESSO ARTIC WHITE BLACK WATER RICH ESPRESSO BLACK WATER ARTIC WHITE PAPER WHITE RICH ESPRESSO BROWN BLAZE RICH ESPRESSO BROWN BLAZE CORONADO URBANA SMOOTH FRENCH WHITE (TYP. ALL STONE) PAPER WHITE © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044 © 5021 161st Street W Lakeville 55044