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AUGUST 16, 1999
Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge. of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Luick and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator;
K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic
Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; D. Martens, Chief of
Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; F. Dempsey,
Associate Planner; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City
The. minutes of the August 2, 1999 City Council meeting. were approved
as presented.
ATTORNEY: Mr. Knutson announced that he has one additional condition
to the proposed Conditional Use. Permit for Agenda Item i0.
ENGINEER: Mr. Nelson presented apre-recorded video update of
construction projects within the city that are nearing completion.
ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided copies of the August 3, 1999
Environmental AfFairs Committee meeting minutes, which should replace
the EAC minutes of )uly 13, 1999 on the consent agenda. (The Council
had previously received the July 13th minutes.)
CHIEF OF POLICE: Lieutenant Greg Style presented the July Police
Department monthly report.
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Steve Michaud presented the July
monthly report of the Parks & Recreation Department.
AUGUST 16, 1999
Fire Chief Barry Christensen introduced the new part-time fire inspector,
Brian Carstensen.
99.143 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to amend the consent
agenda and replace the July 13t" Environmental Affairs Committee
meeting minutes with the Environmental Affairs Committee meeting
minutes of August 3, 1999.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
99.144 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
• a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental AfFairs Committee, August 3, 1999
Parks & Recreation Committee, August 4, 1999
Planning Commission, August 5, 1999
Telecommunications Commission, August 10, 1999
c. Special Assessment Agreement-with Joseph and Lisa Trier, 8782-
210th Street West.
d. Acceptance of improvements and final payment for Well No. 13
collection pipe, Improvement Project 98-11B.
e. Outdoor Lighting Contract with NSP for the installation of street
lights on Hamburg Avenue.
f. Final acceptance of public street improvements, Progressive Rail
First Addition.
• g. Resolution No. 99-181 calling a public hearing on the certification
of delinquent utility accounts.
AUGUST 16, 1999
h. Automated Pawn System Service and Software License Agreement.
i. Extension of Conditional Use Permit No. 98-26 allowing the
construction of a detached garage at 9894-194th Street.
j. Extension of Conditional Use Permit No. 98-27 allowing the
construction of a youth house on the Messiah Lutheran Church
property, 16725 Highview Avenue.
k. Resolution No. 99-182 awarding contract for acquisition of a
tanker-pumper fire truck.
I. Resolution No. 99-183 prohibiting parking on CSAH 23 (Cedar
Avenue) from Dodd Boulevard to the south city limits,
Improvement Project 97-9.
m. Resolution No. 99-184 accepting donation from Flora, Etc. to the
Parks & Recreation Department.
n. Resolution No. 99-185 approving access to Lots 12 and 13, Block 2,
Jackson's First Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick,
Jeff Hultgren, representing J.C. Holdings, Inc., requested Council
approval of the final plat of Boulder Village 3rd Addition, which consists
of 30 townhouse lots and two common area lots. Boulder Village 3ra
Addition, located south of 165t" Street. and west of Ipava Avenue,
represents the final development phase of the Boulder Village at Crystal
Lake preliminary plat/planned unit development approved on April 17,
Mr. Sobota stated City staff reviewed the project and found it to be
consistent with the preliminary plat and planned unit development. The
Environmental Affairs Committee, Parks & Recreation Committee and
Planning Commission have reviewed the final plat plans and all
• recommend approval. In response to concerns by Boulder Village
residents, the Planning Commission made the following
AUGUST 16, 1999
recommendation. The townhouse building style, exterior materials and
height for the six unbuilt Jerome Craig Homes townhouse units in
Boulder Village 1~ Addition and the 30 townhouse units in Boulder
Village 3~d Addition shall be consistent with the previously approved
townhouse development phases. These are specified in the 14 criteria
listed in the minutes from the Boulder Village Townhomes Association
special meeting. of June 17, 1999. Mr. Sobota stated the developer has
agreed to this condition, which is included in the development contract.
The City Council is also being asked to approve a resolution authorizing
"no parking" on the east side of Irwindale Way, consistent with the
preliminary plat and planned unit development.
99.145 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution
No. 99-186 approving the final plat of Boulder Village 3~d Addition and
Resolution No. 99-187 authorizing the installation of "no parking" signs
on the east side of private street Irwindale Way in the Boulder Village
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan,
• Zaun.
Jack Matasosky, representing Appro Development, Inc. and Airlake
Development, Inc. requested Council approval of Airlake Development
Fourth Addition. He explained that the purpose of this development is
to create an inventory of one to three acre lots for small to medium size
companies in Airlake Industrial Park. Airlake Development Fourth
Addition consists of 25 industrial lots that can be utilized individually or
combined. The proposed rezoning of the easterly portion of the plat
from I-2 to I-1 will provide consistent setbacks and uses throughout the
plat. A conditional use permit is also. being requested to allow
impervious surface coverage in excess of 25% throughout the plat. The
vacation of existing permanent sanitary sewer, roadway, drainage and
utility easements is also being requested. Boundary drainage and utility
easements, right-of--way dedication and dedication of two outlots to the
City are proposed to replace the existing easements being vacated. Mr.
Matasosky stated the developer concurs with all staff recommendations.
Mr. Sobota stated two business, Perma Groove and Main Street
. Automotive, are prepared to relocate to this development. Outlot C,
which will be deeded to the City by the developer, includes a nutrient.
AUGUST 16, 1999
removal. and sedimentation/infiltration basin for storm water. A
cooperative venture between developer's engineer and City engineering
staff resulted in the construction of sediment and infiltration basins
along South Creek, which has been designated a trout stream.
Additional trees wi11 be included to shade the ponding areas. The
Planning Commission reviewed the proposed plat plans and raised one ,
issue with regard to access on CSAH 50 from lots 10 and 11. The
developer has agreed to one shared access onto CSAH 50 between the
two lots. Because the proposed plat meets all ordinance requirements
and policies of the City, staff recommends approval
Mayor Zaun presented a letter he received from Sean Regan of Airlake
Development, Inc. regarding a recent experience Mr. Regan's
development team encountered at the August 3rd Environmental Affairs
Committee meeting.
99.146 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to receive the letter
from Airlake Development, Inc. dated August 10, 1999 (letter on file in
the City Clerk's office).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun,
Mayor Zaun announced that he also received a letter: from the US Postal
Service indicating its plan to locate the new Lakeville/Farmington Carrier
Annex within the Airlake Development Fourth Addition.
99.147 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve the
following for Airlake Development Fourth Addition:
• Ordinance No. 656 rezoning property from I-2 to I-1
• Conditional use permit to allow impervious surface coverage greater
than 25%
• Resolution No. 99-188 approving the preliminary and final plat of
Airlake Development Fourth Addition
• Resolution No. 99-189 vacating roadway, sanitary sewer, drainage
and utility easements
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt,
AUGUST 16, 1999
Mr. John Bellows, attorney representing Paul Ramey, requested Council
approval of a conditional use permit and variance to allow the
construction of a 70-foot tall amateur radio (HAM) antenna and tower on
Mr. Ramey's property, 17102 Firtree Place. He explained that the
conditional use permit is being requested to allow construction of an
antenna higher than 15 feet above ground. A variance is needed to
allow the antenna to be located less than 70 feet from the properly
Mr. Dempsey stated a neighborhood meeting was held on )une 16t", and
a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on August 5t" to
consider this request. Neighborhood concerns at the Planning
Commission meeting primarily centered around safety, impact on
property values and frequency interference. The Planning Commission
adopted findings of fact and recommended approval of the conditional
use permit and variance subject to 10 stipulations.
• City Attorney Roger Knutson recommended an additional stipulation to
the variance and conditional use permit as follows, "Plans for this tower
at this location shall be approved by a professional engineer licensed in
the State of Minnesota prior to construction".
Tom Gray, 17124 Firestone Path, spoke on behalf of the neighborhood
opposing the proposed antenna, which they feel does not belong in an
urban neighborhood setting. He voiced frustration with the fact that the
Federal Communications Commission has taken away all local control. in
the placement of these antennas. He indicated, however, that in
reviewing the covenants for Meadowbrook 1st Addition, nuisances are
prohibited. The residents feel that the proposed tower and antenna
constitute a nuisance within the neighborhood.. He indicated that 47 out
of 48 neighborhood residents have signed a petition against the
proposed installation of a Ham radio tower and antenna.
99.148 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to receive the petition
from residents of Meadowbrook 1st Addition regarding the proposed
HAM radio tower and antenna.
Roli call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
• Luick.
AUGUST 16, 1999
Council Member Luick recommended that Condition f) of the conditional
use permit and variance read as follows, ~~The tower shall be removed
by the current applicant when the occupant of the residence is not a
licensed HAM radio operator". Mr. Knutson explained that conditional
use permits run with the property, and conditions have to apply to the
property, which means the City cannot apply a conditional use permit to
a property owner...
Council Member Luick also inquired as to whether the equipment could
be modified inside the home with- respect to frequency interference
without a conditional use permit amendment.
Mr. Bellows explained that the actual equipment is not something the
City Council can regulate. With respect to the. interference issue, Mr.
Bellows stated that should there be a problem, Mr. Ramey stands ready
to work with the neighbors. He pointed out that the closer the antenna
is to the ground, the more likelihood there is for interference.
Council Member Mulvihill stated she understands the importance of the
amateur radio network, particularly in times of disaster. She also stated
she understands why the residents don't want it in their neighborhood.
Unfortunately, with local control taken away by the FCC, she stated
. there is nothing the City Council can do to stop this. She also pointed
out that the City cannot enforce covenants.
Council Member Ryan stated he feels a residential neighborhood is not
an appropriate place fora 70-foot tall radio tower and antenna. He
stated he feels the law should be challenged. He stated he does not
agree with the Planning Commission's findings that home values will not
be impaired or diminished, as he feels property values in the area would
be impaired.
Mayor Zaun stated he feels there is evidence in our community that a
previous tower did, in fact, result in a diminishing or decreasing of
property values based on sales that took place. He asked if that
evidence could be used to defend the City's position in denying this
conditional use permit.
Mr. Knutson pointed out that the FCC regulations have been challenged
in other cities and upheld in court. For the most part, he continued, the
City's hands are tied.
AUGUST 16, 1999
Council Member Sindt agreed that these antennas do not belong in
urban neighborhoods.
Mr. Erickson stated he contacted the property owner that was affected
by the tower that the City council reluctantly approved in 1993. He
indicated that the developer could not sell the lot, and ended up selling
it at a substantial discount due to the antenna.
Mr. Erickson suggested the residents pursue the covenant issue on their
own behalf. He also suggested the possibility of looking into the high
speed data transmission fiber optic system that was recently installed
throughout the city to determine if somehow in the future that system
could connect individuals to a central tower that the City would own.
Mayor Zaun questioned the timetable by which the City Council needs to
act on this conditional use permit request. Staff requested some
additional time for discussion.
Mayor Zaun recessed the Council meeting at 8:31 p.m. and reconvened
• the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Mr. Knutson suggested that this matter be tabled until the September
20th Council meeting. Mr. Bellows asked what City staff expects to
accomplish and what staff expects of the applicant prior to September
20th. Mr. Knutson stated the additional time would allow the applicant
to provide additional information, as well as allow the staff to research
additional information. Mr. Bellows stated his client accepts the
recommendation to table this matter until the September 20th Council
99.149 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to table consideration
of a conditional use permit and variance to allow construction of a HAM
radio antenna at 17102 Firtree Place until the September 20, 1999 City
Council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick,
• Greg Stattman, Vice Chair of the. City's Telecommunications Commission,
presented a request from the Minnesota Association of Community
AUGUST 16, 1999
Telecommunications Administrators for financial support in their current
lobbying effort. This lobbying effort is in opposition to proposed
legislation that would take control of cable TV franchising, franchise and
PEG fees and access channels away from cities. Control of these items
would be turned over to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), with
franchise and PEG fees going into the universal service fund for
distribution decided by the PUC.
Mr. Stattman explained that the City has anon-exclusive franchise and
collects approximately $200,000 in franchise fees annually. The City's
Government Channel i6 and School. District Channel 22 would not be
possible without these franchise fees. The Telecommunications
Commission is recommending assistance in the amount of $5,000 for
this lobbying effort. The City's cable budget has adequate funding for
this expenditure.
Mayor Zaun pointed out that the City of Lakeville's Cable Department
has received honors and recognition for its quality communications
efforts. Money for cable programming is coming out of franchise fees
• and is not being taken out of the City's general fund.
99.150 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to authorize a $5,000
contribution to the Minnesota Association of Community
Telecommunications Administrators for its lobbying efforts opposing
.Senate File #2133 relating to telecommunication regulatory structure.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan,
Mayor Zaun and the City Council members discussed the letter from
Airlake Development, Inc. regarding the South Creek environmental
review process and the integrity of the adopted policy that was violated
by a prolonged discussion by Environmental Affairs Committee
members. Mayor Zaun stated he is concerned about what took place at
the August 3rd Environmental Affairs Committee meeting. Council
members agreed that this matter should be given further review.
AUGUST 16, 1999
Acting Liquor Manager Brenda Visnovec asked the City Council to
consider modifying the liquor store hours of operation. She explained
that the stores currently close at 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Based on employee safety, conformity with other retail organizations
and labor costs, the Liquor Department is recommending the stores
close at 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Stores would remain open
until 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Stores would also stay open until
10 p.m. on December 31, July 3 and the day before Thanksgiving.
Liquor Committee .members Mulvihill and Luick expressed their support
of the proposed change in store hours.
99.151 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ryan to accept the
recommendation of the Liquor Committee and Liquor Department on the
liquor store hours of operation as stated above, effective September 7,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun,
• sinat.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Frie ges, Ci Clerk
D ane Zaun, M r