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Sunday, December 18 – 6:30 p.m.
Central Maintenance Facility
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes of November 20, 2022, Youth Advisory Commission Meeting
5. Introduction of Officers – Chair, First Vice Chair, and Second Vice Chair
6. Public Works Director Paul Oehme
7. Councilmember John Bermel
8. Youth Advisory Commission Priority Projects
9. Next Meeting Date: January 20, 2022, at Lakeville Fire Station
10. Adjourn
Youth Advisory Commission Minutes, November 20, 2022 Page 1
November 20, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Faisal Ali, Ella Fowler, Caitlyn Holl, Peyton Knock Swanson, Katherine
Krogstad, Iftinta Mohamed, Faadumo Mohamed, Eston Moulder, Ava Nielson, Katie Sheehan
Members Absent: Rylee Eykyn, Aaimah Khawaja
Staff Present: Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator, Courtney Miller, Assistant to the
City Administrator
Ex Officio Members Present: City Council Member Joshua Lee, Tina Goodroad, Community
Development Director
1. Approval of Minutes
The October 16, 2022, Youth Advisory Commission meeting minutes were approved as
2. Election of Officers
The Youth Advisory Commission elected its officers, in accordance with the bylaws: Peyton
Knock Swanson, Chair; Iftinta Mohamed, First Vice Chair; and Ella Fowler, Second Vice
3. Councilmember Joshua Lee
Councilmember Lee welcomed the Commissioners and thanked them for their service on the
Youth Advisory Commission. He introduced himself and provided some personal and
professional background. Councilmember Lee talked about his role on the City Council as well
as various committees. He discussed his former role on the Lakeville Police Reserves.
Councilmember Lee was instrumental in the establishment of the Youth Advisory
4. Community Development Director Tina Goodroad
Community Development Director Goodroad provided an overview of the Planning and
Economic Development Departments. She discussed zoning and land use, upcoming
development projects, and an overview of the Planning Commission and the Economic
Development Commission.
5. Roundtable Activity – Prioritizing Future Agenda Items
At the October 16, 2022, meeting, Commissioners raised and discussed topics that they would like
to work on. Commissioners were asked to choose three topics they wanted to focus on first. The
most popular topics were meeting with the school board, involving youth in citywide efforts and
events, attending school group/organization meetings to obtain ideas to bring to the Commission,
Youth Advisory Commission Minutes, November 20, 2022 Page 2
expanding mental health awareness, and programming on social media safety.
6. Announcements
The next meeting will take place on December 18, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
7. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
_____________________________________________ Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator