HomeMy WebLinkAbout20905 Greenwood CtCET' DF L ,.KEVIL L_ CERTIFICATION OF G FINAL PLACEMENT OF IR Luiidinc Perm': LA139778 Lecai Desorption: 4- 10 Block 7 SUDdiV'.SiDn: CEDAR LANDING Address,: 20905 GREENWOOD COURT, LAKEVILLE RADING AND ON MONUMENTS RECEIVED By Lucas Ritchie at 9:09 am, Dec 19, 2022 nereby D= rti;y aat on 29TH day of JUNE , 2015 an inspe IDr: 0f this proper c v was conducted Dy me or under my Dire t supervision and that the a. -Duit: Grads, elevations and arainaD_ Patterns of the Siva and DUilding are in conformance witn the :wading, plan approved py the. :-Y Engineer or 3^_n4man.'previously vi0!Sly approved by the City noinee:. in addition ailproper)/ �~ � dome:- monuments are in piece as ply tn:s date. i hereby certify that ti?!s survey, Dian or r epo, T vv'c; prepared by me or unde.r my dire:: Superv.'sion and LTat I am r duly License.d Land Surveyor under Lh ' laws a; the 5r re of Minn sor a. Prinz Name: MITCHELL A SCOFIELD Signature: 0.G -ja Date: JUNE 29. 2015 48634 NOTE: ATTACH i ACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS -- BUILT GRADES. ELEVATIONS IONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans snouid Pe obtained from the property owner or. oeveioDer, Genera: a stior?S reiatino t..Q the Duiiding permit snouid De directed to the Building Inspections Department a: 951-9E -444; Questions r ia.i'.i: to grading sno'Jio De direcr.e.d to the Enoineerinq Dpar tme. �L 2-9E5--ijOVr n . t'`iini to release of the Grading Security, this Eio: uirnent shall be filed w tt City of Lakeville Engineering Depa, tmen 2QI9. Holyoke. Avenue akevilie, MN ..55044 CI:Wj s.:uaneouP, o:msrZer.n;assoss c; :r;ed a,oc: CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 11x17 8 982 1 982.1 0 FOR RYLAND HOMES 20905 GREENWOOD COURT, LAKEVILLE GRADING AS -BUILT \ � AGREE N 96 9$ <;) CENTERu MINI E 989.7 990.2 0 B /Oj x 987.5 N �� LOT 10 . X N k ./ � �/ x 986.2 \ 70 /d 982.1 981,1 /A +981.4 ot• CO <003 �' + 981.2 n J g I II AREAS BLOCK 7 987.8 4 X Q� Obi x 983.2 � 984.2 Qom~ S79°5605"E •:+8 984.6+ 983.7+ 984.3 983.8 + 985.1 LOT 11 rn 985'Q I I 3.2 0 v 90• 021 990.8 4417 WOOD A VE. 5 R _ 06 C= 201t} LCONCRETE PAD 990 0 985.7 • LOT = 12438 SQ FT • BUILDING FOOTPRINT = 2315 SQ FT • DRIVEWAY = 1-086 SQ FT (1022 SQ FT ) NOTES • DRIVEWAY GRADE = 8 5% • BENCHMARK IS TOP NUT OF THE 1ST HYDRANT SOUTH OF GREENWOOD AVE ON THE EAST SIDE OF GREENWOOD CT ELEVATION = 991 13 0 Ill 0 0 81� 86.4 986, 9 4 986.6 -----987.4 EXISTING HOUSE GRADING PLAN JULY 18, 2014 30 60 143.55 987.4 oo,> 9O 0 9 391.1 1 ) 990.3E 30 ^ I 0 o N rn 989.2°1 II J J IW 0 00 .0� 01 �9W V 991 sso9 10 (sso.4 ) Po Q- x Lo O r 5531 o aI� o N CO 1 N e} a I I' 11 3 Q 0 73 0 1 00 4-86.8 .-. 4 10 0 SERV N 988.3 987.5 (987.5) 30 HOUSE ELEVATION DATA HOUSE TYPE = SPLIT ENTRY LOT TYPE = WALKOUT BASEMENT WALL HEIGHT = 3.5 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR EL = 990.8 PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK EL = 991.5 PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR EL.= 988.3 LOWEST FOUNDATION OPENING EL =988 3 ( LOWEST FLOOR) 0 DENOTES AREA RESHOT 11-9-2016 (AS DIRECTED BY EXCAVATOR) -I> DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE ARROW 0 DENOTES A PLACED 1" BY 18" IRON PIPE HAVING A PLASTIC CAP BEARING LAND 90 SURVEYOR LICENSE NO 48634 O DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 900.0 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING (9000) �. JOHNSON & SCOFIELD INC. SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 1112 HIGHWAY 55 SUITE 201, HASTINGS, MN 55033 (651)438-0000 Lot MTV, WAND., Dakota County, Minnesota BK. NA PG. NA W.O. NUMBER 15-154 DRAWING NUMBER S-5645 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan or repor was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Mitchell A. Scofield MN License No. 48634 Date: June 29. 2015 Revised: De . 1. 2016 (Grade corrections shot 11-9-2016)