Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick and
Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; C. Friedges, City. Clerk.
Mr. Erickson provided copies of a letter from Lieutenant David Bellows to Police
Chief Martens announcing his resignation from the Lakeville Police Department,
effective April 11, 1999. Mr. Erickson indicated that, at the request of Mayor
Zaun, he contacted Lieutenant Bellows, who expressed an interest in serving as a
regular member of the Planning Commission. Mr. Erickson also informed the
Council that Clay Van De Bogart was recently appointed Chair of the
Environmental Affairs Committee.
99.30 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Mulvihill to appoint David Bellows to a
three-year term on the Planning Commission effective April 12, 1999.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. A es, R an, Zaun, Sndt, Mulvihill Luick.
Y Y ,
99.31 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to appoint Chris Moates to the
remainder of athree-year term on the Planning Commission, which will expire on
January 1, 2001.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan.
99:.32 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to appoint Gerald C. Comer,
Jr. to the remainder of a three-year term on the Planning Commission, which will
expire on January 1, 2000.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun.
99.33 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Sindt to appoint Tim Knutson as ex-
officio member of the Planning Commission for the remainder of aone-year term,
effective April 12, 1999.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt.
99.34 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Luick to appoint Kevin Manias as the
• alternate member of the Parks & Recreation Committee for aone-year term,
which will expire on January 1, 2000.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Ryan, Zaun. Nay, Sindt.
Mulvihill abstained, as she was unable to attend the interview between the
Council members and Mr. Manias. Council Member Sindt stated she was
concerned with the perception of loading advisory committees with City
99.35 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to appoint Jeannie Schubert to
the Economic Development Commission for athree-year term, which will expire
on January 1, 2002.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
. Charlene Friedges, City Cl
Duane Zaun, Mayor