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January 19, 2023 Vice Chair Majorowicz called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Vice Chair Jenna Majorowicz, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza, Brooks Lillehei, Christine Zimmer
Members Absent: Patty Zuzek
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Kris Jenson, Associate Planner; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Lucas Ritchie, Project Engineer; Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The January 5, 2023 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented.
4. Announcements
Planning Director Daryl Morey stated that the following was distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting:
• Agenda Item 5, Gopher Outside Storage IUP, amendment to the January 12, 2023 engineering report and amendment to the January 13, 2023 planning report adding stipulation #10 regarding the need for a SIPA Planning Director Daryl Morey reminded the Planning Commission about the election of officers that will take place under Agenda Item 6 during tonight’s meeting Provided the Gopher Outside Storage agenda item is not tabled at tonight’s meeting, the February 2nd meeting will be cancelled due to a lack of agenda items Planning Director Daryl Morey stated that after a brief break, there is a scheduled work session in the Council Chambers following tonight’s regular meeting
5. Gopher Outside Storage Vice Chair Majorowicz opened the public hearing to consider the application of Mayflower Properties/Gopher Outside Storage for an interim use permit to allow to allow outdoor storage as a principal use in the RAO, Rural Agriculture Overlay District, located at 19680 Kenrick Avenue. Amy Sonquist with Mayflower Properties presented a brief overview of the project.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2023 Page 2
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated the applicant has submitted an interim use permit (IUP) application to construct an expanded outdoor storage at the existing Gopher Outside Storage facility. The property is zoned RM-2, Medium Density Residential District and is within the RAO, Rural Agriculture Overlay District because it lies outside of the Current MUSA. Mr. Dempsey stated that the proposed site plan is to approximately double the size of the open and outdoor storage area and will include the construction of a stormwater basin to be located at the northwest corner of the property adjacent to Kenrick Avenue. The applicant proposes to complete the project in two phases with phase two being the installation of pavement on the existing parking/storage area. There is a total of 269 significant trees on the site, of which 177 trees will be saved. The majority of the trees being removed are for the construction of the parking lot expansion to the north with a small number of trees being removed for construction of the proposed infiltration basin. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the criteria per the Zoning Ordinance that requires an interim use permit to comply with the same criteria used in the consideration of a conditional use permit. Mr. Dempsey commented that the amended engineering report and the added stipulation from the January 13, 2023 planning report was distributed at tonight’s meeting. Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Mayflower Properties/Gopher Outside Storage interim use permit, subject to the ten stipulations listed in the January 13, 2023 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated January 19, 2023. Vice Chair Majorowicz opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Einck, seconded by Lillehei to close the public hearing at 6:11p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion.
Ayes – unanimous.
Vice Chair Majorowicz asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included:
• Commissioner Zimmer asked for clarification on the landscape screening, especially as it pertains to Casperson Park.
• Commissioner Einck commented on the lighting for the parking lot, which could impact houses on Lake Marion. Mr. Dempsey confirmed that the parking lot lighting must be shielded and downcast and must meet Zoning Ordinance requirements.
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Motion was made by Zimmer, seconded by Einck to recommend to City Council approval of the Mayflower Properties/Gopher Outside Storage interim use permit subject to the following stipulations, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated January 19, 2023: 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council. 2. All parking and drive areas shall be paved with bituminous, concrete or paver brick in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The site plan shall be amended to include eight foot tall landscape screening along the east side of the expanded storage area adjacent to Casperson Park where the proposed removal of trees will increase visibility of the storage yard. The site plan shall be amended prior to City Council consideration of the interim use permit. 4. All landscaping shall be maintained, and any dead material shall be replaced with the same or similar materials as weather permits. 5. A commercial portable toilet and commercial waste/recycling containers shall be on site during the term of the interim use permit. 6. A signed stormwater maintenance agreement shall be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the interim use permit. 7. The project phasing shall be completed within one year of the approval of the interim use permit. 8. Storage of residential recreational equipment and recreational vehicles is allowed under the interim use permit. Outdoor storage of commercial trucks and equipment, building materials and equipment, container storage units, contractor and excavation equipment, and inoperable vehicles is not allowed. 9. The interim use permit will terminate at such time that the open and outdoor storage use is discontinued for one year, if the property is subdivided, or if another use is proposed on the property that requires City sanitary sewer service after the property is brought into the Current MUSA. 10. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement shall be submitted with the landscaping security prior to City Council consideration of the interim use permit.
Ayes: Einck, Kaluza, Majorowicz, Lillehei, Zimmer, Drotning
Nays: 0
6. Election of Officers Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Drotning to nominate Vice Chair Majorowicz to the office of Chair and to nominate Commissioner Zimmer to the office of Vice Chair, effective at the next Planning Commission meeting, and to close the nominations.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 19, 2023 Page 4
Ayes: Einck, Kaluza, Majorowicz, Lillehei, Zimmer, Drotning
Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary