HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 work session minutes
January 19, 2023
Vice Chair Jenna Majorowicz called the work session to order at 6:22 p.m.
Members Present: Vice Chair Jenna Majorowicz, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Pat
Kaluza, Brooks Lillehei, and Christine Zimmer
Members Absent: Patty Zuzek
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Community Development Director Tina
Goodroad, Assistant City Administrator Allyn Kuennen, and Associate Planners Frank
Dempsey and Kris Jenson
KP Properties Sketch Plan
Jason Kerr representing KP Properties and Bryce Hotzler representing Greystone
Construction Services, presented an overview of the proposed project.
The Planning Commission made comments on the following:
• The adequacy of the drive-through stacking, especially for the proposed coffee
shop use.
• The proximity of the menu boards for each use to one another and their location
in relation to the pick-up window.
• The adequacy of turning movements for longer, extended cab pick-up trucks.
• The drive-through lanes should be wider (10-12 feet).
• Traffic conflict at the exit lanes for each drive-through because they merge
• The design of the Jimmy John’s outdoor seating area was discussed at length.
More detail was requested regarding type of fencing, seating location, and
pedestrian access. Concern was expressed about pedestrian conflicts with the
coffee shop drive-through exit lane and whether the Jimmy John’s outdoor patio
will obstruct the view of vehicles exiting the covered coffee shop drive-through.
Preparation of a cross-section drawing and consideration of speed bumps, a
pedestrian crosswalk, and adding windows to the sides of the Jimmy John’s and
coffee shop that face the coffee shop drive-through lane were recommended.
• Should there be a minimum lot size requirement for properties with more than
one drive-through use?
The Planning Commission expressed support for the two drive-through uses subject to
the conditional use permit/s addressing the comments raised at tonight’s work session.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – January 19, 2023 Page 2
2023 Zoning Ordinance Update
Ms. Jenson provided an overview of the January 12th staff memo regarding the possible
items for consideration with the 2023 Zoning Ordinance update. The list of items has been
compiled by staff since the 2022 Zoning Ordinance update was approved by the City
Council on April 4, 2022. The following specific provisions were discussed:
Platted and Unplatted Property. The Planning Commission supports amending the
Zoning Ordinance as described in the January 12th staff memo.
Multiple Family Exterior Materials. The Planning Commission supports allowing
multiple family uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts to have 50% brick, stucco or stone (vs.
65% as required for commercial uses) provided the remaining 50% is Grade B and/or C
materials (similar to commercial uses).
Residential Driveway Street Access. The Planning Commission supports amending
the ordinance as staff suggests in the January 12th memo subject to meeting minimum lot
size and width requirements to be determined. The Planning Commission understands
the challenges for deeper residential lots with longer and narrower driveways having the
need for vehicles to be able to turn around instead of having to back out of their driveway.
Parking Stall Locations. The Planning Commission supports amending the Zoning
Ordinance as described in the January 12th staff memo.
Number of Required Parking Spaces. The Planning Commission supports reviewing
commercial and industrial parking requirements but not multiple family and senior housing
with services, which they feel are under parked. They cited Springs at Lakeville,
Northlake Lofts, Beehive, and The Moments as examples of such uses that they feel are
under parked.
Solar Energy Systems. The Planning Commission supports amending the Zoning
Ordinance to increase the square footage allowed for ground mounted solar panels on
residential properties subject to meeting specific performance standards. Staff will
research other cities and prepare performance standards for review by the Planning
Home Occupations. The Planning Commission supports amending the Zoning
Ordinance as described in the January 12th staff memo.
Commercial Drive-Throughs. The Planning Commission does not support amending
the Zoning Ordinance to require drive-through uses to have a bypass lane.
Cosmetic Tattooing. The Planning Commission supports amending the Zoning
Ordinance to allow cosmetic tattooing as an accessory use in the O-R, C-1, and C-CBD
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – January 19, 2023 Page 3
Commercial and Industrial Building Heights. The Planning Commission supports staff
researching other cities and their requirements with respect to amending the Zoning
Ordinance to increase the permitted building heights in commercial and industrial districts
subject to increased building setbacks for increased building height, similar to the current
requirement for increased building height by conditional use permit.
Conditional Use Permits. The Planning Commission supports staff reviewing and
recommending changes to uses allowed by conditional use permit in the various zoning
districts for review by the Planning Commission at a future work session.
CUP/IUP/PUD Amendments. The Planning Commission supports amending the Zoning
Ordinance as described in the January 12th staff memo but not for the expansion of non-
conforming uses.
Building Height. The Planning Commission supports amending the ordinance to require
a variance, not a CUP, for increased building height provided this is considered in
conjunction with the proposed ordinance amendment to increase building heights in
commercial and industrial districts.
The work session adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Daryl Morey, Planning Director