HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA209572-APPROVED - 18201 Hamel Dr Solar Bldg Permit AppRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED) PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ HOME PHONE _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ INTEREST EARNINGS ON THE ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, ARE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. I HEREBY APPLY FOR A BUILDING PERMIT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE; THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE ORDINANCES AND CODES OF THE CITY AND WITH THE STATE BUILDING CODE, THAT I UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO START WITHOUT A PERMIT AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLAN. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: www.lakevillemn.gov Submit to: permits@lakevillemn.gov LH - email 1.26.23 $201.00 Bldg and Elect Total $242.00 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT DECK FOOTING CONDO FIREPLACE ACESSORY BUILDING FOOTING REROOF FOUNDATION RESIDE FRAMING PORCH FRAMING GARAGES INSULATION RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LATH LOWER LEVEL FINISH LOWER LEVEL FINAL ADDITION OTHER FOUNDATION ONLY PORCH FOOTING MISCELLANEOUS POURED WALL DEMO SEPTIC TANK REMOVAL MOVED SITE MECHANICAL CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $AIR TEST FINAL BUILDING PERMIT FEES ROUGH-IN $PERMIT FEE PLUMBING $PLAN CHECK FINAL $SURCHARGE ROUGH-IN $METRO SAC METER SIZE $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT SEWER/WATER $LANDSCAPE ESCROW SEWER/WATER $TREE ESCROW FINAL $MISC ESCROW STREET DRAINTILE $PLUMBING BUILDING INFORMATION $MECHANICAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION $SEWER WATER ZONING $OTHER CODE EDITION $TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: (SOLAR)X X 200.00 1.00 201.00 DP 1/30/23 Rooftop Solar (16 Panels) V-B PUD 2020 IRC-1 :(676+25( '(6,*1(1*,1((563& 100 GREAT OAKS BLVD. ͿSUITE 115 ALBANY Ϳ NEW YORK Ϳ 12203 :HVW6KRUH'HVLJQ(QJLQHHUVۅ*UHDW2DNV%OYGۅ6XLWHۅ$OEDQ\1<ۅ  6XEMHFW 7LZDUL5HVLGHQFH   +DPHO'U   /DNHYLOOH01  7R:KRP,W0D\&RQFHUQ  7KHIROORZLQJUHIHUHQFHVWKH7LZDUL5HVLGHQFHLQ/DNHYLOOH01  ([LVWLQJURRIIUDPLQJ 3UHIDEULFDWHGHQJLQHHUHGZRRGWUXVVLV[DW´RF7KLVH[LVWLQJVWUXFWXUHLVFDSDEOHWRVXSSRUW DOOWKHORDGVLQGLFDWHGEHORZIRUWKLVSKRWRYROWDLFSURMHFW 5RRI/RDGLQJ SVIGHDGORDG PRGXOHVSOXVPRXQWLQJKDUGZDUH  SVIJURXQGVQRZORDG SVIURRIPDWHULDOV SVI[SVIVKHDWKLQJSVIDVSKDOWVKLQJOHV  ([SRVXUH&DWHJRU\%PSKZLQG VHF   7KLVLQVWDOODWLRQGHVLJQZLOOEHLQJHQHUDOFRQIRUPDQFHWRWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VVSHFLILFDWLRQVDQGFRPSOLHV ZLWKDOODSSOLFDEOHODZVFRGHVDQGRUGLQDQFHVVSHFLILFDOO\WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO%XLOGLQJ&RGH,%& DQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HVLGHQWLDO&RGH,5&LQFOXGLQJDOO01UHJXODWLRQVDQGDPHQGPHQWV7KHVSDFLQJ DQGIDVWHQLQJRIWKHPRXQWLQJEUDFNHWVLVWRKDYHDPD[LPXPRI´RFVSDQEHWZHHQPRXQWLQJEUDFNHWV VWDJJHUHGDQGVHFXUHGXVLQJ´GLDPHWHUFRUURVLYHUHVLVWDQWVWHHOODJEROWVDQGD´HPEHG  7KDQN\RX  :HVWVKRUH'HVLJQ(QJLQHHUV  ,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKLVSODQVSHFLILFDWLRQRUUHSRUWZDVSUHSDUHGE\PHRUXQGHUP\GLUHFWVXSHUYLVLRQ DQGWKDW,DPGXO\/LFHQVHG3URIHVVLRQDO(QJLQHHUXQGHUWKHODZVRIWKHVWDWHRI0LQQHVRWD 6LJQDWXUHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1DPH1LFRODV1LWWL 'DWH /LFHQVH1XPEHU       -RKQ(LEHUW1LFRODV1LWWL3( 3URMHFW&RRUGLQDWRU3UHVLGHQW 7R $OO(QHUJ\6RODU  '0DLQOLQH'U  :HVWILHOG0$  'DWH-DQXDU\ 5HI  Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2020 MN Bldg Code 01/30/2023dpfannenstein Please provide a copy of the City Approved plans on site at final inspection. For each roof plane with a photo-voltaic array, two pathways not less than 36" wide shall be provided from the lowest roof edge to ridge on the same roof plane as the array,on an adjacent roof plane, or straddling the same and adjacent roof planes. Not fewer than one pathway shall be provided on the street or driveway side of the house. Not less than an 18" clear setback is required on both sides of a horizontal ridge. Concept Approval ONLY Subject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2020 MN Bldg Code 01/30/2023dpfannenstein COMPACT PANEL Size 9 A module Current compatible with MLPE rec Alpha Pure-R SERIES Product Specifications α experience performance wp430 20.7 w ft2 ELIGIBLE LEAD-FREE rohs cOMPLIANT22.3%Efficiency Ref: PM-DS-12-06-Rev- B 08.22www.recgroup.com GENERAL DATA Cell type:80 half-cut REC bifacial, heterojunction cells with lead-free, gapless technology Glass:0.13 in (3.2 mm) solar glass with anti-reflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150 Backsheet:Highly resistant polymer (black) Frame:Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box:4-part, 4 bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors:Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68 only when connected Cable:12 AWG (4 mm²) PV wire, 67 + 67 in (1.7 + 1.7 m) in accordance with EN 50618 Dimensions:68.1 x 44.0 x 1.2 in (20.77 ft2) / 1730 x 1118 x 30 mm (1.93 m2) Weight:47.4 lbs (21.5 kg) Origin:Made in Singapore Specifications subject to change without notice.Measurements in inches [mm] LOW LIGHT BEHAVIOUR Typical low irradiance performance of module at STC: WARRANTY Standard REC ProTrust Installed by an REC Certified Solar Professional No Yes Yes System Size All ≤25 kW 25-500 kW Product Warranty (yrs)20 25 25 Power Warranty (yrs)25 25 25 Labor Warranty (yrs)0 25 10 Power in Year 1 98%98%98% Annual Degradation 0.25%0.25%0.25% Power in Year 25 92%92%92% See warranty documents for details. Conditions apply Irradiance (W/m²)Rel. Efficiency (%)TEMPERATURE RATINGS* Nominal Module Operating Temperature:44°C (±2°C) Temperature coefficient of PMAX:-0.26 %/°C Temperature coefficient of VOC:-0.24 %/°C Temperature coefficient of ISC:0.04 %/°C *The temperature coefficients stated are linear values CERTIFICATIONS IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 IEC 62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist IEC 62716 Ammonia Resistance UL 61730 Fire Type Class 2 IEC 62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load IEC 61215-2:2016 Hailstone (35mm) IEC 62321 Lead-free acc. to RoHS EU 863/2015 ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IEC 45001, IEC 62941 MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational temperature:-40 ... +85°C System voltage:1000 V Test load (front): + 7000 Pa (146 lbs/ft2)* Test load (rear):- 4000 Pa (83.5 lbs/ft2)* Series fuse rating:25 A Reverse current:25 A * See installation manual for mounting instructions. Design load = Test load / 1.5 (safety factor) STC NMOTFounded in 1996, REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power. As Solar’s Most Trusted, REC is committed to high quality, innovation, and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 85 90 95 100 105 200100 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Lead-Free ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxAA PURE-R Power Output - PMAX (Wp) 400 410 420 430 Watt Class Sorting - (W)0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 48.8 49.4 50.0 50.5 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.52 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 58.9 59.2 59.4 59.7 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 8.73 8.81 8.89 8.97 Power Density (W/ft2)19.26 19.74 20.22 20.7 Panel Efficiency (%) 20.7 21.2 21.8 22.3 Power Output - PMAX (Wp)305 312 320 327 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 46.0 46.6 47.1 47.6 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 6.64 6.70 6.78 6.88 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 55.5 55.8 56.0 56.3 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 7.05 7.12 7.18 7.24 Values at standard test conditions (STC: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 10.75 W/sq ft (1000 W/m²), temperature 77°F (25°C), based on a production spread with a tolerance of PMAX, VOC & ISC ±3% within one watt class. Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 800 W/m², temperature 68°F (20°C), windspeed 3.3 ft/s (1 m/s). * Where xxx indicates the nominal power class (PMAX) at STC above. GR GR GR GR GR 11±0.2[0.43±0.01]6.6±0.2 [0.26±0.01]20.5±0.5[0.8±0.02] 6.0±0.2[0.24±0.01] 1700 [67]1700 [67] Lorem ipsum 1730±2.5 [68.1±0.1] 880 [34.6]425 [16.7]1077±2.5 [42.4±0.1]22.5 [0.9] 594±3 [23.4±0.12] 1118±2.5 [44.0±0.1]17 [0.7]45 [1.8] 30 [1.2]DELIVERY INFORMATION Panels per pallet:33 Panels per 40 ft GP/high cube container:858 (26 pallets) Panels per 53 ft truck:858 (26 pallets) REC Alpha PURE-R Series Product SPECIFICATIONS Available from: IQ8M and IQ8A Microinverters Our newest IQ8 Microinverters are the industry’s first microgrid-forming, software- defined microinverters with split-phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to AC power efficiently. The brain of the semiconductor-based microinverter is our proprietary application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) which enables the microinverter to operate in grid-tied or off-grid modes. This chip is built in advanced 55nm technology with high speed digital logic and has super-fast response times to changing loads and grid events, alleviating constraints on battery sizing for home energy systems. Part of the Enphase Energy System, IQ8 Series Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase IQ Gateway, and the Enphase App monitoring and analysis software. IQ8 Series Microinverters redefine reliability standards with more than one million cumulative hours of power-on testing, enabling an industry-leading limited warranty of up to 25 years. Connect PV modules quickly and easily to IQ8 Series Microinverters using the included Q-DCC-2 adapter cable with plug-n-play MC4 connectors. IQ8 Series Microinverters are UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conform with various regulations, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. Easy to install • Lightweight and compact with plug-n-play connectors • Power Line Communication (PLC) between components • Faster installation with simple two-wire cabling High productivity and reliability • Produce power even when the grid is down • More than one million cumulative hours of testing • Class II double-insulated enclosure • Optimized for the latest high- powered PV modules Microgrid-forming • Complies with the latest advanced grid support • Remote automatic updates for the latest grid requirements • Configurable to support a wide range of grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) requirements © 2021 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ8 microinverters, and other names are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. IQ8MA-DS-0003-01-EN-US-2021-10-19 DATA SHEET (1) No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://link.enphase.com/ module-compatibility (2) Maximum continuous input DC current is 10.6A (3) Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. (4) Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. IQ8M and IQ8A Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC)IQ8M-72-2-US IQ8A-72-2-US Commonly used module pairings1 W 260 – 460 295 – 500 Module compatibility 60-cell/120 half-cell and 72-cell/144 half-cell MPPT voltage range V 33 – 45 36 – 45 Operating range V 25 – 58 Min/max start voltage V 30 / 58 Max input DC voltage V 60 Max DC current2 [module Isc] A 15 Overvoltage class DC port II DC port backfeed current mA 0 PV array configuration 1x1 Ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC)IQ8M-72-2-US IQ8A-72-2-US Peak output power VA 330 366 Max continuous output power VA 325 349 Nominal (L-L) voltage/range3 V 240 / 211 – 264 Max continuous output current A 1.35 1.45 Nominal frequency Hz 60 Extended frequency range Hz 50 – 68 Max units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit4 11 Total harmonic distortion <5% Overvoltage class AC port III AC port backfeed current mA 30 Power factor setting 1.0 Grid-tied power factor (adjustable)0.85 leading – 0.85 lagging Peak efficiency %97.6 97.6 CEC weighted efficiency %97 97.5 Night-time power consumption mW 60 MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40ºC to +60ºC (-40ºF to +140ºF) Relative humidity range 4% to 100% (condensing) DC Connector type MC4 Dimensions (HxWxD)212 mm (8.3”) x 175 mm (6.9”) x 30.2 mm (1.2”) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 lbs) Cooling Natural convection – no fans Approved for wet locations Yes Acoustic noise at 1 m <60 dBA Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double-insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environ. category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor COMPLIANCE Certifications CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA), UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017, and NEC 2020 section 690.12 and C22.1-2018 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. IQ8MA-DS-0003-01-EN-US-2021-10-19 DESCRIPTION: PART NUMBER(S): DRAWN BY: SNAPNRACK, ULTRA RAIL COMP KIT SEE BELOW mwatkins Solar Mounting Solutions THE INFORMATION IN THIS DRAWING IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY. ANYREPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE THEREOF IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF SUNRUN SOUTH LLC. 595 MARKET STREET, 29TH FLOOR ● SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 USAPHONE (415) 580-6900 ● FAX (415) 580-6902B REVISION: MATERIALS: DESIGN LOAD (LBS): ULTIMATE LOAD (LBS): TORQUE SPECIFICATION: CERTIFICATION: WEIGHT (LBS): 6000 SERIES ALUMINUM, STAINLESS STEEL, RUBBER 405 UP, 788 DOWN, 236 SIDE 2006 UP, 4000 DOWN, 1070 SIDE 12 LB-FT UL 2703, FILE E359313; WIND-DRIVEN RAIN TEST FROM UL SUBJECT 2582 0.80 PARTS LIST DESCRIPTIONPART NUMBERQTYITEM SNAPNRACK, UMBRELLA LAG, TYPE 3, 4IN, SS242-9226611 SNAPNRACK, ULTRA FOOT FOR U FLASHING, SILVER / BLACK242-01219, 242-0122012 SNAPNRACK, COMP FLASHING, 9IN X 12IN, SILVER / BLACK ALUM232-01375, 232-0137613 3 1 2 2 DESCRIPTION: PART NUMBER(S): DRAWN BY: SNAPNRACK, ULTRA RAIL COMP KIT SEE BELOW mwatkins Solar Mounting Solutions THE INFORMATION IN THIS DRAWING IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY. ANYREPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE THEREOF IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF SUNRUN SOUTH LLC. 595 MARKET STREET, 29TH FLOOR ● SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 USAPHONE (415) 580-6900 ● FAX (415) 580-6902B REVISION: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 11.75 3.25 8.75 .45 6.75 1.00 4.20 .30 3.25 1.00 1.00SLOT 1.50 2.781.78 1.50 .38 .30 1.37 1.62 UMBRELLA L FOOT PROPERTIES SKU DESCRIPTION 242-01219 ULTRA RAIL UMBRELLA L FOOT, SILVER 242-01220 ULTRA RAIL UMBRELLA L FOOT, BLACK COMP FLASHING PROPERTIES SKU DESCRIPTION 232-01375 COMP FLASHING, 9" X 12", BLACK ALUM 232-01376 COMP FLASHING, 9" X 12", SILVER ALUM .35 1.80 105° DESCRIPTION: PART NUMBER(S): DRAWN BY: SNAPNRACK, UR-40 RAIL 232-02449, 232-02450, 232-02451 mwatkins Solar Mounting Solutions THE INFORMATION IN THIS DRAWING IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY. ANYREPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE, OR USE THEREOF IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OF SUNRUN SOUTH LLC. 595 MARKET STREET, 29TH FLOOR ● SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 USAPHONE (415) 580-6900 ● FAX (415) 580-6902B REVISION: MATERIALS: DESIGN LOAD (LBS): ULTIMATE LOAD (LBS): TORQUE SPECIFICATION: CERTIFICATION: WEIGHT (LBS): 6000 SERIES ALUMINUM N/A N/A N/A LB-FT UL 2703, FILE E359313 5.85 OPTIONS: CLEAR / BLACK ANODIZED MILL FINISH BUNDLES OF 144 BOXES OF 8 ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES UR-40 RAIL PROPERTIES SKU FINISH 232-02449 MILL 232-02450 CLEAR 232-02451 BLACK 1.624 1.500 CENTROID .750 .832 .792 EQUIVALENT PROPERTIES A0.357 in² Ixx 0.125 in⁴ Iyy 0.132 in⁴ Sx (TOP)0.150 in³ Sx (BOT)0.158 in³ Sy (LEFT)0.175 in³ Sy (RIGHT)0.175 in³