HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Work Session Minutes CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES April 6, 2023 Vice Chair Christine Zimmer called the work session to order at 6:24 p.m. Members Present: Vice Chair Christine Zimmer, Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza, Brooks Lillehei, Patty Zuzek, and Amanda Tinsley Members Absent: Chair Jenna Majorowicz and Jason Swenson Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Community Development Director Tina Goodroad, and Associate Planners Frank Dempsey and Kris Jenson Others Present: Nathan Lenz, 9718 – 203rd Street 2023 Zoning Ordinance Update, continued Ms. Jenson provided an overview of the March 29th staff memo that includes additional staff research on several possible Zoning Ordinance amendment items discussed at the January 19, 2023 Planning Commission work session, plus additional items that have been raised since this work session. The following items were discussed: Keeping of Chickens. Mr. Lenz has provided staff with changes he would like to see made to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the keeping of chickens. The requested changes were included in the Planning Commission work session packet. Mr. Morey provided a brief overview of the current Zoning Ordinance regulations, including a history of previous Planning Commission discussion on the keeping of chickens. Commission members commented that agriculturally zoned properties in the city allow the keeping of chickens without the restrictions for residentially zoned properties. In addition, the Planning Commission expressed concern about enforcement if some of the regulations were relaxed as proposed. The Planning Commission unanimously did not support any changes to the regulations regarding the keeping of chickens on residentially zoned properties as they believe the current ordinance regulations are appropriate and have worked out well since they were enacted. Uses Allowed by Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission supported staff’s recommendations in the March 29th memo for the following: • Bed and breakfast establishments in the RS-CBD District • Multiple family dwellings in the RH-CBD District • Connection of principal buildings across a property line in multiple districts • Daycare facilities as a principal use in multiple districts • Multiple principal buildings on one lot in multiple districts Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – April 6, 2023 Page 2 • Fitness centers in the C-1 District • Commercial kennels in the O-P District • Airports in the I-2 District Convenience Restaurant Drive-Through. The Planning Commission supports the proposed changes to convenience restaurants with and without a drive-through in the M-2 and commercial districts as recommended in the March 29th staff report. Residential Driveway Street Access. The Planning Commission supports the allowance of a second driveway access for single family residential lots subject to meeting certain minimum lot width and area requirements, as well as other performance standards such as not being allowed on collector streets. Subdivision Identification Signs. The Planning Commission supports the recommendation listed in the March 29th staff memo to allow two subdivision identification signs at each neighborhood entrance from a collector or arterial street for subdivisions larger than 100 net acres. Residential Solar Energy Systems. The Planning Commission supports allowing ground mounted solar panels subject to the accessory building number, area, and setback requirements for each residential district, including the CUP allowance to exceed the number and area requirements. Building Height. The Planning Commission supports raising the building height in the RH-2 District to 48 feet to match the building height in the M-2 District and raising the building height in the I-1 and I-2 Districts to be more consistent with current industry trends. I-1 District – Retail Automobile Sales. The Planning Commission does not support the allowance of retail automobile sales in the I-1 District because it is not consistent with the purpose and uses allowed in the I-1 District; however, the Planning Commission does support further study on this subject for possible consideration with a future Zoning Ordinance update. The work session adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Daryl Morey, Planning Director