HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Antlers RidgeCity of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: June 30, 2023 Subject: Packet Material for the July 6, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Antlers Ridge 1. Rezoning from RM-2 to RST-2 2. Preliminary plat 3. Conditional use permit for a Shoreland Impact Plan ACTION DEADLINE: July 21, 2023 BACKGROUND Tamarack Land Lake Marion Commons LLC (Tamarack Land) representatives have submitted applications and plans for Antlers Ridge, which proposes the development of 54 twinhome lots on property located east of Kenrick Avenue and north of 205th Street. The proposed development includes applications for: 1) a rezoning (zoning map amendment) from RM-2 to RST-2, 2) a preliminary plat of 54 twinhome lots, and 3) a conditional use permit for a shoreland impact plan within the Shoreland Overlay District of Lake Marion. EXHIBITS: A. Site Location Map B. Zoning Map C. Title Plan Sheet D. Preliminary Plat E. Existing Conditions F. Demolition Plan G. Grading Plan H. Erosion & Sediment Control Plan I. Utility Plan J. Tree Preservation Plan (2 Pages) K. Landscape Plans (2 Pages) L. Phasing Plan PLANNING A NALYSIS Existing Conditions. The subject property, together with properties to the north, were at various times active gravel mining operations beginning approximately at the time Interstate 35 was constructed in the early 1960s. Mining on the subject property was evident in 1950 according to Dakota County aerial photos and remained active until approximately the late 1970s. The property survey shows a building and possibly a well on the property. A large amount of structural fill material was imported to the site in the early 2000s for the purpose of site rehabilitation of the gravel mining grades in anticipation for future development of the property. Tamarack Land has received approval from the City of a grading permit to continue import of additional fill material to finalize the grading to allow the site to develop with streets and city sewer. Following completion of the import and grading of the fill material, construction on the site would be allowed to commence following approval of a final plat. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses. North – RM-2, Medium Density Residential District and RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District (Ideal Rental) South – RM-2, Medium Density Residential District and PUD, Planned Unit Development District (Springbrook townhomes and Terra Products) East – RS-3, Single-Family Residential District (Marion Village neighborhood) West – RM-2, Medium Density Residential District (Marek Towing and Kenrick Avenue) The subject site is adjacent to existing single-family residential homes to the east in Marion Village, platted in 1993, and the Springbrook townhomes to the south, platted in 2002. To the southwest is the Terra Products garden center and to the west is Marek Towing, both of which abut Kenrick Avenue. The Terra Products site was developed for the garden center use in 1985 and is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. The Marek Towing building was constructed in the 1950s. The Antlers Ridge property and the Marek Towing property were both zoned commercial between 1969 and 1999 until the property was re-guided and rezoned to CC, Corporate Campus in 2000 and RM-2, Medium Density Residential in 2010. Marek Towing is a towing and auto repair business that stores wrecked autos on a temporary basis as the business specializes in responding to local vehicle crashes. The use of the property has been considered legal, non-conforming since 1969. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides the subject site as two separate residential categories. The west half of the property is guided for Medium/High Density Residential (5-9 units per acre) and the east half of the property is guided for Low/Medium Density Residential (4-5 units per acre). The preliminary plat application includes an application to rezone the west half of the property from RM-2, Medium Density Residential District to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District to allow a uniform single development of twinhomes. The density of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat is five units per acre, which falls within the guided density range for the entire property according to the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Based on changing demographic characteristics of the community, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan encourages development of a variety of home styles. Inclusion of the proposed twinhomes in the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat provides a desirable land use transition from the single family homes to the east and the attached townhomes to the south. The preliminary plat is consistent with the land use and housing policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Consistency with the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The development costs associated with the Antlers Ridge development are not programmed in the 2023– 2027 CIP. City streets, sanitary sewer, and water utility improvements for the preliminary plat of Antlers Ridge will be financed and constructed by the developer. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT The developer is requesting a zoning map amendment to rezone the west half of the property from RM-2, Medium Density Residential District to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District consistent with the zoning on the east half of the property. The rezoning would allow a uniform, consistent site development of twinhomes within the density allowed by the current land use designations. As such, a Comprehensive Plan amendment is not required. The RST-2 District allows single family homes, detached townhomes, and twinhomes. Findings of fact for consideration of the zoning map amendment and are attached to the planning report. P RELIMINARY PLAT Premature Subdivision Criteria. A preliminary plat may be deemed premature if any of the criteria listed in Chapter 10-2-4-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance exist. Eligible criteria pertain to a lack of adequate: drainage, water, streets, sanitary sewer, and public service capacity (police and fire protection). The other pertinent criteria pertain to inconsistencies with the City Comprehensive Land Use and Capital Improvement Plans (discussed above). Staff review of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat against these criteria finds that it is not a premature subdivision. MUSA. The subject site is within the current Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA). Sewer and water utilities are available to the subject site with adequate capacity to serve the proposed preliminary plat. Density. Section 11-57-13.B.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per twinhome dwelling. The Antlers Ridge preliminary plat consists of 54 twin home lots on 17.34 acres. This results in a gross density of 3.11 units per acre. Two outlots totaling 6.53 acres will be deeded to the City for wetland preservation and stormwater management purposes. The net density is 5.0 units per acre with 8,720 square feet per unit. Phasing. A phasing plan (Exhibit L) has been submitted with the preliminary plat. The site is proposed to be developed in two phases, from west to east. Phase 1 includes development of 28 twinhome units and Phase 2 includes development of 26 twinhome units. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes two outlots summarized in the table below: Outlot Area Purpose Ownership A 6.18 acres Wetland preservation and stormwater management City B 0.35 acres Stormwater management City Twinhome Setbacks. Section 11-57-15.B.2 and 3 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes the minimum setback requirements for twinhome dwellings within the RST-2 District shown in the table below. The preliminary plat plans comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Right of Way 20 feet 25 feet to garage face Base Lot 30 feet Wetland buffer 20 feet Between Buildings 14 feet Building Plans. The developer initially submitted building elevations and floor plans for the 54 proposed twinhome dwellings to evaluate compliance with design and construction standards established by Section 11-57-19.B and C of the Zoning Ordinance. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mark Elliot Homes, the builder that provided the architectural drawings for the original twinhome construction, will not be the building the twinhomes within Antlers Ridge. The twinhome dwellings proposed for construction will be reviewed for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements in conjunction with the final plat and prior to issuance of building permits. Access. The preliminary plat abuts Kenrick Avenue. Right-of-way dedication for Kenrick Avenue abutting the plat and turn lane improvements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and are described in the engineering report dated June 28, 2023. Streets. The preliminary plat includes construction of the following streets: Street Functional Classification ROW Roadway Width Sidewalk Kensfield Trail Local 66 feet 32 feet Sidewalk on both sides 203rd Street Local 60 feet 32 feet Sidewalk on south side Kensfield Court Local 60 feet 32 feet None Sidewalks/Trails. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed on the east and west sides of Kensfield Trail and along the south side of 203rd Street from the trail along the east side of Kenrick Avenue to Kensfield Court. Sidewalk on 203rd Street to the east will not be constructed since there are no sidewalks within the Marion Village neighborhood. A question raised by a caller with an adjacent business requested the sidewalk along 203rd Street be placed on the north side of the street to discourage acts of vandalism. The purpose of the proposed sidewalk being located on the south side of 203rd Street is connectivity to sidewalk on Kensfield Trail that does not require pedestrians to cross mid-street on 203rd Street. Easements. Section 10-4-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the development, abutting streets, and including any areas necessary as determined by the specific development. The preliminary plat indicates dedication of the required easements for all of the two-family dwelling lots. The need to oversize any easements for overland drainage or public utilities or any open space lot/outlot retained by the HOA is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and will be included on the final plat. The survey identifies a 100 foot wide Centerpoint Energy gas pipeline easement that runs north/south through the property. The pipeline was installed in 1939 and remained active until Centerpoint Energy relocated the pipeline along 205th Street, east to Ipava Avenue, then north along Ipava Avenue. Confirmation of the easement vacation and removal of the gas main has been received from Centerpoint Energy. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a sanitary sewer and water utility plan for the preliminary plat. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and are described in the June 29, 2003 engineering report. Grading and Erosion Control Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, erosion and sediment control with the preliminary plat and are addressed in the June 29, 2023 engineering report. Storm water basins, wetlands and wetland buffer areas are to be platted in outlots and deeded to the City in accordance with Section 10-4-4.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been submitted for the Antlers Ridge development, including landscaping around the foundations of the units. Landscape screening includes a staggered row of 13, eight foot tall white pine trees along the west boundary adjacent to Marek Towing. A row of evergreens and deciduous trees is proposed along the east boundary of the site adjacent to the existing single family homes. Landscaping is also proposed off-site as replacement trees due to grading on the Terra Products property near the southwest area of the preliminary plat. Written permission from Terra Products will be required prior to grading and installation of the landscaping on their property. All landscaped areas, including common open space, must have an inground irrigation system with an automatic controller. With the final plat, the Developer must provide information that the landscaping meets the requirements of Section 11-57-19.G of the Zoning Ordinance for minimum landscape value based on project value including building construction, site preparation, and site improvements. All landscaping shall be warranted for one year and guaranteed by financial security in the development contract at the time of final plat. The landscape plan shall be amended to identify minimum shrub sizes, not plant pot size. Low growing shrubs shall be 18 to 24 inches and tall growing shrubs shall be 24 to 36 inches as required by Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park Dedication. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify the need for park land within the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat. The public park accessible to the Antlers Park neighborhood is located in the southeast quadrant of 205th Street and Kensington Boulevard. The developer shall submit cash in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. Satisfaction of the park dedication requirements is subject to the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee at their July 5, 2023 meeting. Tree Preservation Plan. A tree preservation plan was submitted with the preliminary plat plans. The tree inventory identifies 888 significant trees with 322 save trees, or 36% of the total. Wetlands. A wetland delineation was completed and submitted with the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat. No wetland impacts are proposed with the Antlers Ridge development. The preserved wetland will be located in Outlot A, which will be deeded to the City with the final plat. Overhead Utility Lines. The developer shall be required to place the overhead utility lines adjacent to Kenrick Avenue underground as required by Chapter 7-6 of the City Code. Homeowners Association. Documents establishing a homeowners association (HOA) must be submitted with the final plat application to address ownership and maintenance of private open spaces for the proposed twinhome units in accordance with Section 11-57-17.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The structure of the HOA and the documents establishing it are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Signs. No subdivision identification monument signs are proposed with the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat. CONDITIONAL USE P ERMIT Shoreland Impact Plan. A portion of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat is located within the Shoreland Overlay District of Lake Marion. Section 11-102-17 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the developer to submit a shoreland impact plan and a conditional use permit application to allow development within the shoreland overlay district. The shoreland impact plan includes requirements that the plans address steep slopes, erosion control, access to public utilities, stormwater management, and site development best management practices. The shoreland overlay district includes all land within 1,000 feet of the Lake Marion ordinary high water level (OHWL) of 983.1 feet. While none of the Antlers Park twinhomes are proposed to be abutting the lake, the shoreland development requirements for environmental protections and impervious surface area apply to this development. Overall impervious surface area at full development of Antlers Ridge is projected to be 17.2%, which is in compliance with the 25% maximum impervious surface area allowed for residential developments. Planning Department and Engineering Division staff have reviewed the Shoreland Impact Plan and have determined that Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance requirements have been met. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was notified of the public hearing. The DNR responded with no comments. Conditional use permits in the Shoreland Overlay District are subject to the procedures set forth in Chapter 4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Conditional use permit approval requires adoption and approval of findings of fact in consideration of the Shoreland Impact Plan. Evaluation criteria include thorough evaluation of the water body (Lake Marion) and the topographic, vegetation, and soils conditions on the site to ensure prevention of soil erosion, that visibility of structures and other facilities from the public water is limited, and that the site has adequate water supply and sanitary sewer service. Draft findings of fact are attached to this report. Neighborhood Meeting. Representatives of the developer hosted a neighborhood meeting on April 13, 2023 at the Heritage Center. All property owners within 500 feet of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat property were invited to attend the neighborhood meeting. City planning and engineering staff were also in attendance. The meeting was attended by approximately 25-30 people. Questions and comments were primarily directed toward the need for the extension of 203rd Street from the Marion Village single family neighborhood to connect with Kenrick Avenue, tree removal on the site for the proposed development, in particular adjacent to the townhomes to the south and single family homes to the east, expected vehicle traffic flow on 203rd Street, and traffic capacity on city streets including Kenrick Avenue and 205th Street. Questions were raised about the roadway impacts that include planned residential and commercial developments on the west side of I-35. RECOMMENDATION The Antlers Ridge preliminary plat is consistent with the land use and housing policies of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Findings of fact supporting the approval of the Zoning Map amendment and conditional use permit have been drafted for consideration by the Planning Commission. City staff recommends approval subject to the following stipulations: 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the plans approved by the City Council. 2. The overhead utility lines adjacent to Kenrick Avenue shall be placed underground. 3. Outlots A and B shall be deeded to the City with the final plat. 4. The twinhome dwellings proposed for construction shall be reviewed for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements in conjunction with the final plat and prior to issuance of building permits. 5. The landscape plan shall be revised to identify minimum shrub sizes, not plant pot size. Low growing shrubs shall be 18-24 inches tall and tall growing shrubs shall be 24-36 inches tall as required by Section 11-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscape plan for the proposed preliminary plat shall be subject to review and approval of the City Forester. 6. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on the east and west sides of Kensfield Trail and on the south side of 203rd Street from the trail along the east side of Kenrick Avenue to Kensfield Court. 7. Park dedication shall be subject to the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee to be satisfied at the time of final plat. 8. The developer shall submit documents with the final plat application establishing a homeowners association to address ownership and maintenance of private open space for the proposed twinhomes in accordance with Section 11-57-17 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of City staff. Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, IGN, and the GIS User CommunityKENRICK AVE205TH ST LAKE MARION 204TH ST KENSFELD WAYI-35City of Lakeville Aerial Location Map Antlers Ridge Preliminary Plat Rezoning & CUP EXHIBIT A 203RD ST KEN SIN G T O N WA Y ANTLERS RIDGE JU P IT E R WAY Pre-plat, CUP, & Rezoning KENRICK AVE205TH ST LAKE MARION 204TH ST KENSFELD WAYI-35City of Lakeville Zoning Map Antlers Ridge Rezoning to RST-2 EXHIBIT B 203RD ST KEN SIN G T O N WA Y ANTLERS RIDGE JU P IT E R WAY RST-2 RM-2 RM-2 P/OS RS-3 PUD RM-2 TO RST-2 C-3 36202019 98 0019 09 16189620232018142121142115211421092008201316182210WET POND 2NWL: 990.010-YR HWL: 992.3100-YR HWL: 994.2EOF: 994.5HWL: 1022.2RETAINING WALL #1R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 9522WETLANDEX. 2-YR: 986.0EX. 10-YR: 986.3EX. 100-YR: 986.6PR. 2-YR: 986.0PR. 10-YR: 986.3PR. 100-YR: 986.632'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP203RD ST. W34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIO PATIO 34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOO P PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPST O O P PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO10' POND ACCESS60' 30'30'30'6 0 '45'30'30'66'32'32' 25' 20' 25' 20' 20' 25' 32' 60 ' 2 5 ' 2 0 '25'20'32'60'25' 20'20'20'20' 30'WETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACK12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMON LOT 35123456789101112COMMON LOT 1312345678COMMON LOT 9K E NS F I E L D T R L 203RD ST W203RD ST WKENSFIELD CT.11223OUTLOT BOUTLOT A32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP30.0'120'90'12'25'25'WET POND 1NWL: 1016.010-YR HWL: 1017.3100-YR HWL: 1019.5EOF: 1028.330'COMMON LOT 9318219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSSITE DATAMINIMUM BLDG. SETBACKS RST-2 & RM-2:FRONT (ROW)-25' GARAGE & 20' LIVING SIDE YARD(ROW)-20'BETWEEN BUILDINGS- 14'FROM PRIVATE DRIVE-30'REAR-30'EXTERIOR PERIMETER-30'OHWL (SEWERED)-75'WETLAND BUFFER-50' (AVERAGING PROPOSED)BUFFER SETBACK-20'PROPOSED BUILDING PADS: 64'W X 58'D (32' WIDE UNIT)68'W X 58'D (34' WIDE UNIT)SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT: (see SHORELAND EXHIBIT)LAKE MARION:RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (RD)OHWL: 983.1LOT AREA:26,000 SF (DUPLEX NON-ABUTTING)13,000 SF PER UNITIMPERVIOUS:ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS: 25% MAXIMUM WITHIN SHORELAND DISTRICTNET AREA:17.34-0.25 = 17.09 AC = 744,440 SF ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS:744,440 X 0.25 = 186,110 SFPROPOSED IMPERVIOUS:(30) 32' UNITS @ 1,880 SF/UNIT= 56,400 SF (INCL. PATIO & WALK)(24) 34' UNITS @ 2,075 SF/UNIT= 49,800 SF (INCL. PATIO & WALK)(54) DRIVEWAYS @ 410 SF/UNIT= 22,140 SFPROPOSED IMPERVIOUS= 128,340 SF (17.2%)OPEN SPACE:REQUIRED OPEN SPACE FOR SHORELAND DEVELOPMENTS: 50%GROSS SITE AREA:755,287 SFDEVELOPED AREA:ROW AREA:118,077 SF (INCLUDES THE WHOLE ROW)TWIN UNIT (32'): 86,790 SF (30 x 2,893 SF/UNIT) (INCLUDES THE WHOLE LOT)TWIN UNIT (34'): 70,008 SF (24 x 3,042 SF/UNIT) (INCLUDES THE WHOLE LOT)DRIVEWAYS: 11,394 SF (54 x 211 SF/DRIVE) (OUTSIDE ROW & LOT)TOTAL: 286,269 SFPROPOSED OPEN SPACE (SF):755,287 - 286,269 = 469,018 SFPROPOSED OPEN SPACE (%):469,018 / 755,287 = 62.1%ROW & STREET DIMENSIONS:203RD ST W & KENSFIELD COURTROW: 60'STREET: 32' B-B (15' CURB RADIUS RETURNS) (25' CURB RADIUS RETURNS AT KENRICK AVE)KENSFIELD COURT CUL-DE-SACROW: 60' RADIUSSTREET: 45' RADIUSKENSFIELD TRAILROW: 66'STREET: 32' B-B (15' CURB RADIUS RETURNS)SITEPRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLANANTLERS RIDGESURVEYORPIONEER ENGINEERING2422 ENTERPRISE DRIVEMENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120TEL 651-681-1914CONTACT: PETER HAWKINSON, LSEMAIL: PHAWKINSON@PIONEERENG.COMCIVIL ENGINEERATERRA LAND SERVICES18219 70TH PL NMAPLE GROVE, MN 55311TEL 763-360-1307CONTACT: NATE HERMAN, PEEMAIL: NATE@ATERRALAND.COMLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTPIONEER ENGINEERING2422 ENTERPRISE DRIVEMENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120TEL 651-681-1914CONTACT: JENNI THOMPSON, PAEMAIL: JTHOMPSON@PIONEERENG.COMGEOTECHNICALHAUGO GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES2825 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTHMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55407TEL 612-979-3542CONTACT: JEFF HAYDONEMAIL JHAYDON@HAUGOGTS.COMSTORMWATER DESIGNAE2S6901 E FISH LAKE RD, SUITE 184MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369TEL 763-463-5036CONTACT: JUSTIN KLABO, PEEMAIL: JUSTIN.KLABO@AE2S.COMC1.01 1ZONING NOTESPARCEL ADDRESS: 11005 203RD ST WPID:22-025002-25-011EXISTING ZONING:EAST SIDE: RST-2 (SHORELAND OVERLAY)SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY HOMESWEST SIDE:RM-2 (SHORELAND OVERLAY)TOWNHOMES OR TWO FAMILY HOMESCURRENT GUIDING: LOW/MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-5 U/A)PROPOSED ZONING: RST-2 (ENTIRE SITE)PROPOSED LOT COUNT:27 TWO FAMILY BLDGS (54 UNITS)(30) 32' WIDE UNITS(24) 34' WIDE UNITSAREA SUMMARY:GROSS PARCEL AREA:±17.34 ACRES (100%)PROPOSED PUBLIC OUTLOTS*± 6.52 ACRES (37.6%)NET DEVELOPABLE AREA:±10.82 ACRES (62.4%)PROPOSED NET DENSITY:54/10.82 = 5.0 UN/ACSF/LOT:10.82 = 471,319 SF471,319/54 = 8,728 SF/LOT* PUBLIC OUTLOTS INCLUDE OHWL, WETLANDS, & WETLAND BUFFERSDEVELOPER/OWNERTAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT712 VISTA BLVDWACONIA, MN 55387TEL 952-715-2926CONTACT: DALE WILLENBRINGEMAIL DALE@TAMARACKLAND.COMDEVELOPMENT TEAM:TITLE SHEETLOCATION MAPSHEET INDEXPAGEDESCRIPTIONC1.01TITLE SHEETEXISTING CONDITIONS1SHEET2DEMOLITION PLAN3PRELIMINARY PLAT4PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN5SHORELAND EXHIBITWETLAND BUFFER AVERAGING EXHIBITPLAT PHASING EXHIBITPRELIMINARY EROSION CONTROL PLANPRELIMINARY UTILITY PLANPRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLANPRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (TYPICAL UNIT)6789101112131415C1.02C1.03C2.01C3.01C4.01C5.01C6.01L1.01C7.01C7.02C7.03PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANC3.02PRELIMINARY GRADING STREET PROFILESC3.03PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLANC6.0216SCALE IN FEET012060NL1.02PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN I hereby certify that this plan was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that Iam a duly Licensed Professional Surveyorunder the laws of the State of MinnesotacANTLERS RIDGELAKEVILLE, MINNESOTATAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC1536 BEACHCOMBER BLVDPRELIMINARY PLAT3-14-23NHKSONameReg. No.DateRevisions1.DateDesignedDrawn2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A.Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.comLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS3-16-2023WACONIA, MN 5538700-SURV-123011-BASE.DWGC2.0105/12/2023 Revisions per City Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that Iam a duly Licensed Professional Surveyorunder the laws of the State of MinnesotacANTLERS RIDGELAKEVILLE, MINNESOTATAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLCEXISTING CONDITIONS3-16-23NHKSONameReg. No.DateRevisions1.DateDesignedDrawn2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A.Mendota Heights, MN 551202422 Enterprise Drive(651) 681-1914Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.comLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS3-16-2023EX-SURV-123011-BASE.DWGC1.021536 BEACHCOMBER BLVDWACONIA, MN 5538705/12/2023 Revisions per City Comments ABANDON WELLPRIVATE UTILITY CONTRACTORREMOVE 450 LF EXISTING GAS MAINPER CENTERPOINT ENERGY:1.GAS MAIN WILL BE RETIRED EARLY APRIL 20232.EASEMENT VACATION PAPERWORK IN PROCESS3.REMOVAL SCHEDULED MID-MAY 2023SITE CONTRACTORREMOVE 280 LF FENCESITE CONTRACTORREMOVE 65 LF FENCEWITHIN PROPERTYSITE CONTRACTORREMOVE EXISTING BUILDINGSITE CONTRACTORREMOVE EXISTING DEBRISSITE CONTRACTORSALVAGE EXISTINGRIP-RAPSITE CONTRACTORREMOVE 520LF SILT FENCESITE CONTRACTORREMOVE 215LF SILT FENCESITE CONTRACTORREMOVE STORM SEWER(60 LF PIPE, OCS, 3 FES)SITE CONTRACTORREMOVE STORM SEWER(2 FES)SITE CONTRACTORREMOVE & REPLACE STREET ASNECESSARY TO CONNECT UTILITIESSITE CONTRACTORREMOVE 30LF 15" PIPE.PROVIDE TEMP DRAINAGEUNTIL UTILITIES INSTALLED.18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSDEMOLITION NOTES:1.ALL DEMOLITION AND TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITIES FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLEGENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURINGTHE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THEADJACENT PROPERTIES OCCURRING DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT.3.SAFETY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONTRACTORWILL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS ANDPROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THIS REQUIREMENT WILL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TONORMAL WORKING HOURS. THE DUTY OF THE ENGINEER OR THE DEVELOPER TO CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OFCONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF CONTRACTOR'S SAFETYMEASURES IN, ON OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ZONE SIGNAGE ASREQUIRED.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC CONTROLDEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, AND FLAGMEN TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OFTRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION STANDARDS.5.EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORSSHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THENOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA). THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BEFULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATEAND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD).6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT SOIL AND DEBRIS FROM LEAVING THE SITE BY EROSION AND VEHICLE WHEEL TRACKING.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING OF STREET, BOULEVARD AND UTILITY FACILITIES THAT RECEIVE ANYERODED OR TRACKED SOIL MATERIAL OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS OR MATERIAL.REMOVALS BY SITE CONTRACTORREMOVALS BY PRIVATE UTILITY CONTRACTORC1.03 3DEMOLITION PLANNSCALE IN FEET010050 0+001029.1 1027.9 X TP08X TP04X TP03X TP05X TP06X TP07X TP13X TP12X TP11X TP011028.77LP1027.73LP0+001+002+003+004+00 7+008+00 9+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0014+58.83203rd CDS2+15.191033.191033.19 HP -1+000+001+002+00 3+00 4+004+26.89203RD14+58.831033.101036.01032.91029.41028.91031.0 1031.51030.41029.3 1028.21027.91029.11030.21031.31032.41035.01030.71028.81029.7 1032.11031.01029.91028.7 1027.71028.51029.61030.81031.91027.81028.61031.01033.1 1032.5 1028.21029.51032.41033.0 1031.2203rd CDS3+66.891030.70203RD10+62.341028.651027.57 LP 0+001+00 KENSFIELD0+00.001028.652019 98 19 09 1618EOF: 994.51027.6 1028.0 1028.3 8.7%6. 3%5.1%5.9%5.8%6.8%7.6% 6.6% 5.0% 3.9% 4.0% 3.1% 3.9% 3.0%8.1%9.2%7.8%7.1%GF 1033.8WOBF 1025.8((1025.0))X XTF 1034.1GF 1033.9 WO BF 1025.9 ((1025.1))X X TF 1034.2 GF 1033.9 WO BF 1025.9 ((1025.1))X X TF 1034.2 GF 1034.4 WO BF 1026.4 ((1025.6))X X TF 1034.7 GF 1031.7WO¹BF 1024.7((1023.3))X XTF 1033.0GF 1031.2 WO¹ BF 1024.2 ((1022.8))X X TF 1032.5 GF 1030.7WOBF 1022.7((1021.9))X XTF 1031.0GF 1031.0WOBF 1023.0((1022.2))X XTF 1031.3GF 1031.7WOBF 1023.7((1022.9))X XTF 1032.0GF 1032.6LOLO 1027.6((1026.8))X XTF 1032.9BF 1024.6X X((1031.8))BF 1024.6FBTF 1032.9GF 1032.6GF 1 0 3 3 . 4 WO BF 1 0 2 5 . 4 ((102 4 . 6 ) ) X X TF 1 0 3 3 . 7 GF 1033 .4WOBF 1025 .4((1024.6))X XTF 1033 .7GF 1034.1LO¹LO 1030.1((1029.3))X XTF 1035.4BF 1027.1X X((1031.7))BF 1024.5FBTF 1032.8GF 1032.5X X((1030.8))BF 1023.6FBTF 1031.9GF 1031.6X X((1030.2))BF 1023.0FBTF 1031.3GF 1031.0X X((1029.6))BF 1023.0FB¹TF 1031.3GF 1030.0X X((1029.9))BF 1023.3FB¹TF 1031.6GF 1030.3X X((1030.1))BF 1023.5FB¹TF 1031.8GF 1030.5X X ((1030.4)) BF 1023.8 FB¹ TF 1032.1 GF 1030.8 X X((1032.0))BF 1024.8FBTF 1033.1GF 1032.8GF 1034.0LO¹LO 1030.0((1029.2))X XTF 1035.3BF 1027.05.3 % 4.6 %5.4%4.1%4.7%3.9%3.5%3.4%5.5% 6.4% 2.5% 3.4% 2.4% 3.3% 3.5% 4.4% 6.7% 6.4% 5. 7 % 5. 3 %6.2%5.8%6.4%5.2%4.7% 3.3% 3.3% 3.7%1032.6 1021.1 1020.81019.9 1020.11020.11031.41030.91030.3 1029.61029.91030.01030.71030.71031.51031.71032.41020.21020.01020.21020.01021.11021.7 1031.0 1021. 6 1032. 1 1032.71033.11033.71033.31033.31033.61033.71033.6 1025.2 1023.8 1023.9 1024.2 1024.1 1024.0 1024.51022.61033.61028.41027.91032.61032.41028.11028.11031.61031.51027.91027.61030.71030.61027.61028.81030.21029.21028.51026.61029.51029.61029.71026.81028.61028.6 1029.9 1030.5 1029.51031.71033.21026.91026.81033.11028.21032.51028.2 1028.91030.11029.81028.2EOFEOF1028.31028.2EOF1028.31026.01024.01026.01028.01029.01020.01024.01026.01028.0EOF 1022.01018.51020.01022.01026.01028.0EOF1028.11024.4EOF1 0 2 3 . 7 1 0 2 2 . 8 1 0 2 4 . 2 1 0 2 2 . 8 1 0 2 5 . 01026.3EOF1030.91 0 2 2 . 14.3%4.3%11.0%7.1%3 . 0%2.5%3.5%8.3%16.6%4.1%2.8%2.6%4.1%1010100099210141010100410009949909889849809 8 6 9 9 2 9 9 6101410021028 1024 102810261028102410221024 10281030103410201024102410301028103 2 1030 10181030103010261024 1 0 2 61030 10281.1%1.1%1.5% 1.4%1.1%1.1%2.4%5.0%1.9%10181023.02.9%1.9%1.0%2.1%24. 3 % 31.6%31.7%31.8%30.8%20.4%2.9% 2.2%3.3% 2.4%2.2%2. 5 % 3.2 %30.3%GRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITHWL: 1022.210221022 21.8%R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 2.4%1025.31033 . 31033.11022. 2 1033.81036.41.4%1036.81037.41038.01038.51033.19 HP 203RD ST. W60'30'30'6 0 '45'30'66'32'32' 25' 20' 25' 20' 20' 25' 32' 60 ' 2 5 ' 2 0 '25'20'32'60'20'20'20 ' 30'111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMON LOT 35123456789101112COMMON LOT 1312345678COMMON LOT 9K E NS F I E L D T R L 3RD ST W203RD ST WKENSFIELD CT.223OUTLOT B30.0' 120'90'12'25'25'RE=1028.3IE=1024.3 SRE=1028.3IE=1024.0 NIE=1023.8 ERE=1025.3IE=1021.0 WIE=1018.1 SWIE=1018.1 ERE=1029.3IE=1026.1 SWRE=1028.9IE=1016.0 WIE=1020.6 NEIE=1015.8 SRE=1027.9IE=1015.0 NIE=1013.2 SEIE=1013.0 NERE=1027.3IE=1014.1 EIE=1023.0 NEIE=1015.1 SIE=1013.7 NWRE=1027.3IE=1023.3 SWRE=1021.2IE=1012.0 SWIE=1012.0 NERE=996.1IE=991.0 SWIE=990.1 NERE=1028.5IE=1017.5 SIE=1015.0 WRE=1027.1IE=1018.0 SEIE=1022.9 WIE=1018.0 NRE=1027.1IE=1023.1 ERE=996.0IE=992.0 SIE=990.1 NRE=1019.4IE=1013.5 EIE=1013.5 NRE=1030.1IE=1016.9 EIE=1016.9 WRE=1031.6IE=1017.6 EIE=1017.6 WRE=1024.2IE=1018.3 SIE=1018.5 NIE=1018.3 WRE=1022.8IE=1019.2 SRE=1022.8IE=1018.8 SIE=1018.8 NRE=1028.5IE=1024.2 SIE=1024.0 NIE=990.0 SWIE=990.0 SIE=1018.5 NEIE=1028.0 W16184.0%3.1%GF 1031.7WOBF 1023.7((1022.9))X XTF 1032.01030.71031.51020.01021.110181920IE=1013.5 N1+99.83 1029.9 1028.316.6%2.6%10281026 102410201 0 2 0 10 2 4 1 0 2 6 102010141016 1 0 1 610141010 101431.8%32.3%30.8%28.9%29.7% 8.5%1008G R A D E L IM I T GRADE LIMITGRADE LIMIT25.9%WET POND 1NWL: 1016.010-YR HWL: 1017.3100-YR HWL: 1019.5EOF: 1028.3CONSTRUCT 2' CLAYLINER BELOW NWLFOR POND 1RE=1018.8IE=1015.0 SIE=1016.0 NRE=1027.6IE=1018.4 EIE=1018.4 NWRE=1023.0IE=1019.0 WRE=1028.5IE=1024.5 NRE=1027.9IE=1023.6 SIE=1023.6 NERE=1027.1IE=1022.7 SWIE=1023.1 SEIE=1020.0 NWIE=1016.0 SE101010201030104010500+001020.81028.650+501020.51027.961+001022.91027.581+501028.21028.262+00-1.38%3.88%PVI STA = 0+00.00PVI ELEV = 1028.65PVI STA = 1+99.83PVI ELEV = 1029.95 PVI STA:1+22.74PVI ELEV:1026.96K:23.00LVC:120.81BVCS: 0+62.34BVCE: 1027.79EVCS: 1+83.15EVCE: 1029.30 LP STA:0+94.01LP ELEV:1027.571+00 2+003+004+005+006+007+007+60995.01026.7 1020.21012.41006.41000.7995.1993.71024.7 1015.71009.31003.6997.9993.7X TP09X TP10X TP021032.50HP5+006+001031.51032.12020009620232018142121142115211421092008201316182210GRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITWET POND 2NWL: 990.010-YR HWL: 992.3100-YR HWL: 994.2EOF: 994.58.4%8.7%4.6% 4.2% 4.1% 5.0% 4.7 % 5.4 % 5. 5% 6. 3%((1025.0))X XGF 1034.0WOBF 1026.0((1025.2))X XTF 1034.3GF 1033.8WOBF 1025.8((1025.0))X XTF 1034.1GF 1033.6WOBF 1025.6((1024.8))X XTF 1033.9GF 1033.0WOBF 1025.0((1024.2))X XTF 1033.3GF 1032.5WOBF 1024.5((1023.7))X XTF 1032.8((1024.6))X X1032.61020.11020.91021.51022.11022.31025.21033.11033.41033.21032.61032.01022.51022.51022.71021.91023.11024.51023.31022.7EOFEOF995.0 995.0 995.0995.0EOF994.5995.0995.0995.0995.0995.01023.09809829869889 8 6 994994994 992992102210201014100810041002101010061002100099610141006101210241024 10221.1%99099299299499498899031.8% 31.1 % 27 . 9 % 32. 4 % 32 . 2 % 3.7% 4.0% 3.2 %RETAINING WALL #1R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 95222.4%9.0%6.1%5.7%5.7%0.0%5.7%3.4%5.6%16.9 %WETLANDEX. 2-YR: 986.0EX. 10-YR: 986.3EX. 100-YR: 986.6PR. 2-YR: 986.0PR. 10-YR: 986.3PR. 100-YR: 986.610' POND ACCESS30'30'30'25' 20'WETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACK12345678910203RD11OUTLOT AIE=988.5 SWRE=993.0IE=988.5 SWIE=989.5 NE18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC3.02 6PRELIMINARYGRADING PLANNSCALE IN FEET010050GROUND ELEVATIONAT BACK OF BLDG PADPROPOSEDHOUSE TYPEFRONT BLDG SETBACK LINEFULL BASEMENT (FB)LOOKOUT (LO)WALKOUT (WO)SPLIT LEVEL (WO/SLO)1 = 1' GARAGE DROP2 = 2' GARAGE DROPPROPOSED FINISHEDCONTOURLOT NUMBEREXISTING CONTOURGF: GARAGE FLOORELEVATIONTF: TOP OF FOUNDATIONELEVATIONBF: BASEMENT FLOORELEVATIONRIGHT OF WAY100' CENTERLINE STATIONPROPERTY LINEDRIVEWAY SLOPECENTERLINEBLOCK NUMBERTYPICAL LOT LEGEND1LOT CORNER ELEVATIONBUILDING PAD BOX1010102010301040100010101020103010401000KENSFIELD TRAIL 203RD ST. W10' POND ACCESSWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACK12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMON LOT 35123456789L 203RD ST WKENSFIELD CT.112OUTLOT ASFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SFSF S F S F SFSFSFSF202019 98 0019 09 16189620232018142121142115211421092008201316182210WET POND 2NWL: 990.010-YR HWL: 992.3100-YR HWL: 994.2EOF: 994.5EOFEOF EOFEOFEOFEOFEOF4.3%4.3%11.0%7.1%3 . 0%2.5%10101000992101410101004100099499098898498098098298698898 6 994994994 9929929 9 2 9 9 6101410021028 102410201024 102410301022102010141008100410021010100610021000996101410061012103 2 1030 101810301030102610241024 1024 102810221.1%1.1%1.4%1.1%1.1%2.4%5.0%1.9%99099299299499410189889901.0%2.1%24. 3 % 31.6%31.7%31.8% 31.1 % 27. 9 % 32. 4 % 32 . 2 %30.8% 2.9% 2.2%3.3% 2.4%2.2%2. 5 % 3.7% 4.0% 3.2 %30.3%HWL: 1022.210221022 21.8%RETAINING WALL #1R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 95222.4%2.4%9.0%6.1%5.7%5.7%0.0%5.7%3.4%5.6%16.9 %1.4%WETLANDEX. 2-YR: 986.0EX. 10-YR: 986.3EX. 100-YR: 986.6PR. 2-YR: 986.0PR. 10-YR: 986.3PR. 100-YR: 986.6IPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPINSTALL DOUBLE ROW HDMONO SILT FENCE AFTERGRADING TO PROTECT BASININSTALL AND MAINTAINFUNCTIONAL ROCKENTRANCE BERMEROSION BLANKETEROSION BLANKETINSTALL DOUBLE ROW HDMONO SILT FENCE TOPROTECT WETLANDINSTALL DOUBLE ROW HDMONO SILT FENCE TOPROTECT WETLANDSFSFINSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE AFTER GRADINGTO PROTECT SLOPEINSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE AFTER GRADINGTO PROTECT SLOPEEROSION BLANKETINSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE TO DELINEATEGRADE LIMITSINSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE TO DELINEATEGRADE LIMITSLEGEND:STORM SEWERCURB & GUTTERDPROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOURCENTERLINEEMERGENCY OVERFLOWEOFRIP-RAPROCK ENTRANCE BERM950944EROSION BLANKETSILT FENCESFSILT FENCE AFTERGRADINGSFLIMITS OFDISTURBANCELODINLET PROTECTIONTEMPORARY DITCHDRAINTILEIPSILT FENCE(DOUBLE ROW )SFSF9101112COMMON LOT 1312345678COMMON LOT 9K E NS F I E L D T R L 203RD ST W23OUTLOT BSF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFS F S F S FSFSF SF S FSF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFEOFEOF3.5%8.3%16.6%4.1%2.8%2.6%4.1%1028102610281026 102410201 0 2 0 10 2 4 1 0 2 6 10201024102210141016 1 0 1 610141010 10141024 1028103010341028103 2 1030 1 0 2 610301.5% 1.4%2.9%1.9%31.8%32.3%30.8%28.9%20.4%2.9%29.7% 8.5%100825.9%WET POND 1NWL: 1016.010-YR HWL: 1017.3100-YR HWL: 1019.5EOF: 1028.3IPIPIPIPIPEROSION BLANKETEROSION BLANKETINSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE AFTER GRADINGTO PROTECT BASININSTALL HD MONO SILTFENCE TO DELINEATEGRADE LIMITS18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC4.01 8PRELIMINARY EROSION &SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNSCALE IN FEET010050 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP203RD ST. W34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO 34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIO PATIO 34'34'STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOO P PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPST O O P PATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP34'34'STOOPSTOOPPATIOPATIO10' POND ACCESSWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACK12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMON LOT 35123456789101112COMMON LOT 1312345678COMMON LOT 9K E NS F I E L D T R L 203RD ST W203RD ST WKENSFIELD CT.11223OUTLOT BOUTLOT A32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOPSAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT (ENSURE FULL TURN LANE SECTION IS PRESENT)REMOVE 90 LF EXISTING FOG LINEMILL 4' X 1.5" DEEPREMOVE 68 LF EXISTING FOG LINEPRESERVE 95 LF EXISTING FOG LINE0+001+002+003+004+00 5+006+007+008+00 9+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0014+58.830+001+002+00 3+00 4+004+26.890+001+00 202019 98 0019 09 16189620232018142121142115211421092008201316182210WET POND 2NWL: 990.010-YR HWL: 992.3100-YR HWL: 994.2EOF: 994.5EOFEOFEOFEOF EOFEOFEOFEOFEOFHWL: 1022.2RETAINING WALL #1R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 9522PR. 2-YR: 986.0PR. 10-YR: 986.3PR. 100-YR: 986.6WET POND 1NWL: 1016.010-YR HWL: 1017.3SMH EXRE=1028.9BLD=11.9IE=1017.00 NSTMH EX STMHRE=1034.2BLD=3.4'IE=1030.8 E 8" PVC C900 8" PVC C900 8" PVC C900 8" PVC C900 8" PVC C900SMH 7RE=1030.9BLD=10.0IE=1020.90 NESMH 9RE=1030.8BLD=10.3IE=1020.50 SSMH 8RE=1033.2BLD=13.5IE=1019.70 NIE=1019.70 WSMH 6RE=1032.4BLD=12.0IE=1020.40 SWIE=1020.40 ESMH 5RE=1031.2BLD=11.3IE=1019.90 WIE=1019.90 SESMH 4RE=1029.9BLD=10.5IE=1019.40 NWIE=1019.40 SSMH 1RE=1028.5BLD=10.5IE=1018.00 WIE=1018.00 EIE=1018.00 SSMH 3RE=1028.1BLD=9.4IE=1018.70 NIE=1018.70 SESMH 2RE=1027.6BLD=9.2IE=1018.40 NWIE=1018.40 ECBMH 205RE=1031.6BLD=14.0'IE=1017.6 EIE=1017.6 WCBMH 204RE=1030.1BLD=13.2'IE=1016.9 EIE=1016.9 WCB 118RE=1029.3BLD=3.2'IE=1026.1 SWCBMH 113RE=1028.9BLD=13.1'IE=1016.0 WIE=1020.6 NEIE=1015.8 SCBMH 208RE=1028.5BLD=4.5'IE=1024.2 SIE=1024.0 NCBMH 106RE=1028.5BLD=13.5'IE=1017.5 SIE=1015.0 WCB 209RE=1028.5BLD=4.0'IE=1024.5 NCB 117RE=1028.3BLD=4.0'IE=1024.3 SCBMH 116RE=1028.3BLD=4.5'IE=1024.0 NIE=1023.8 ESTMH 104RE=1027.9BLD=14.9'IE=1015.0 NIE=1013.2 SEIE=1013.0 NESTMH 108RE=1027.6BLD=9.2'IE=1018.4 EIE=1018.4 NWCB 111RE=1027.3BLD=4.0'IE=1023.3 SWCBMH 105RE=1027.3BLD=13.6'IE=1014.1 EIE=1023.0 NEIE=1015.1 SIE=1013.7 NWCBMH 107RE=1027.1BLD=9.1'IE=1018.0 SEIE=1022.9 WIE=1018.0 NCB 112RE=1027.1BLD=4.0'IE=1023.1 ESTMH 114RE=1025.3BLD=7.2'IE=1021.0 WIE=1018.1 SWIE=1018.1 ESTMH 206RE=1024.2BLD=5.9'IE=1018.3 SIE=1018.5 NIE=1018.3 WCB 210RE=1022.8BLD=3.6'IE=1019.2 SCB 207RE=1022.8BLD=4.0'IE=1018.8 SIE=1018.8 NSTMH 103RE=1021.2BLD=9.2'IE=1012.0 SWIE=1012.0 NECB 109RE=1023.0BLD=4.0'IE=1019.0 WSTMH 203RE=1019.4BLD=5.9'IE=1013.5 EIE=1013.5 NFES 115IE=1018.5 NESTMH 202RE=996.0BLD=5.9'IE=992.0 SIE=990.1 NSTMH 102RE=996.1BLD=6.0'IE=991.0 SWIE=990.1 NEFES 101IE=990.0 SWFES 201IE=990.0 SSUBMERGED INLET 1IE=1013.0 N15" INLETFES 401IE=988.5 SWSTMH 402RE=993.0BLD=4.5'IE=988.5 SWIE=989.5 NESUBMERGED INLET 2IE=986.5 NE24" INLETFES 301IE=1028.0 WOCS 110RE=1018.8BLD=3.8'IE=1015.0 SIE=1016.0 N2 8 L F - 1 8 " R C P @ 1 . 4 2 %142 LF - 18"RCP @ 1.48%143 LF - 24 "RCP @ 0 .70% 1 1 8 L F - 2 4 " R C P @ 1 7 . 8 7 %94 LF - 21"RCP @ 0.85%29 LF - 12"RCP @ 1.03%248 LF - 15"RCP @ 1.13%45 L F - 1 2 " RC P @ 1 2 . 2 0 %110 LF - 15"RCP @ 0.55%59 LF - 15"RCP @ 0.67%140 LF - 15"RCP @ 0.64%78 LF - 21"RCP @ 0.64%29 LF - 12"RCP @ 0.69%29 LF - 12"RCP @ 1.03%28 LF - 15 " RCP @ -7. 1 6 %29 LF - 12"RCP @ 1.03%186 LF - 15" RCP @ 2.79%60 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.83%115 LF - 15"RCP @ 0.61%85 LF - 15"RCP @ 0.82%136 LF - 15"RCP @ 2.51%78 LF - 15"RCP @ 27.52%41 LF - 12" RCP @ 1.72%16 LF - 21"RCP @ 0.63%20 LF - 24"RCP @ 0.49%5 2 L F - 2 4 " R C P @ 1 . 9 1% 2 7 L F - 2 4 " R C P @ - 7 . 3 2%106 LF - 15"RCP @ 2.64%81 LF - 15 " RCP @ 0. 6 2 %109 LF -8 " SDR 35@ 0 .46%109 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.46%109 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.46%69 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.44%174 LF -8" SDR 35 @ 0.57%179 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.45%396 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.43%92 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.44%163 LF -8" SDR 35@ 0.43% 8" PVC C900 18" RCP 1016.0TOP BACK 1018.75HWL 1019.515" RCP INLET18" RCP OUTLETTOP FRONT1018.00.75'NWL 1016.0OUTLET STRUCTURE - POND 115" RCP 1015.0TOP BACK 993.75HWL 994.248"TOP FRONT993.00.75'OUTLET STRUCTURE - POND 2TOP WEIR 991.5WEIR SLOT990.0TOP WEIR WALL991.54' SUMP NWL 1016.024" RCP 988.0NWL 990.04' SUMP 24" RCP 989.524" RCP INLET24" RCP OUTLETNWL 990.0SUMP 986.0SUMP 1012.012"48"48" DIA.48" DIA.NO WEIRWALL1+99.83 10-YR HWL: 1017.3100-YR HWL: 1019.5EOF: 1028.321 LF - 15"RCP @ 2.34%21 LF - 12" RCP @ 3.85%15" INLETFES 501IE=1016.0 SESTMH 502RE=1027.1BLD=7.1'IE=1022.7 SWIE=1023.1 SEIE=1020.0 NWSTMH 503RE=1027.9BLD=4.3'IE=1023.6 SIE=1023.6 NE38 LF - 18"RCP @ 10.55%67 L F - 1 2 " RC P @ 1 . 3 4 %SANITARY SEWER AND WATERAIN NOTES:18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC5.01 9PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLANLEGEND:EASEMENTWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERCURB & GUTTERDSCONCRETE SIDEWALKNOTE: ASTERISK (*) ON SPOT ELEVATIONSDENOTES NON-TYPICAL ELEVATIONSBITUMINOUS TRAILSETBACK LINEREAR BLDG PAD LINESURFACE SLOPE LABELX.XGUTTER SPOT LABELG900.0PROPOSED CONTOUR944950EXISTING CONTOURCENTERLINEEMERGENCY OVERFLOWEOF1.THE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREETAND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION AND THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS" ASPUBLISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), EXCEPTAS MODIFIED HEREIN.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTYDAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THISPROJECT. CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TOTHE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OCCURRING DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OFTHIS PROJECT.3.SAFETY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTEDCONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONTRACTOR WILL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELYRESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALLPERSONS AND PROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THISREQUIREMENT WILL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMALWORKING HOURS. THE DUTY OF THE ENGINEER OR THE DEVELOPER TO CONDUCTCONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE IS NOT INTENDED TOINCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY MEASURES IN, ONOR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONSTRUCTIONZONE SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED.4.THE UTILITY BACKFILL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORCOORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOIL COMPACTION TESTS AND SOIL INSPECTIONSWITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING AND SCHEDULING ALLREQUIRED UTILITY INSPECTION WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE AND/OR ITSCONSULTANTS WITH A 48-HOUR NOTICE6.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFICCONTROL SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, ANDFLAGMEN TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS.7.EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THECONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATIONOF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THENOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA). THE CONTRACTORAND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALLDAMAGES, WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLYLOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD).8.CITY WILL OPERATE EXISTING GATE VALVES. COORDINATE SHUT OFF AT WATERCONNECTION WITH A 48 HOUR NOTICE9.ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN CEAM SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT ASMODIFIED HEREIN.9.1.ALL MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY.9.2.ALL SANITARY SEWER TO BE PVC C900, SDR26, OR SDR35, AS NOTED ON THEPLAN.9.3.ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE RISERS MATERIAL SHALL MATCH THE MATERIALOF THE MAIN UP TO THE LATERAL BEND.9.4.ALL SANITARY SEWER LATERAL SERVICES TO PROPERTY SHALL BE PVC SDR26 .9.5.FOR ANY SANITARY SEWER LINES REQUIRED TO BE DIP, THE DIP SHALL BEPOLY-WRAPPED AND ALL BOLTS USED SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL.9.6.USE AN 8" WIDE EXTERNAL SEAL WRAP, "INFI-SHIELD" OR APPROVED EQUALWITH ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES.9.7.ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTING RINGS INSTALLATIONS SHALL HAVEPOLYMER I/I BARRIERS BY "STRIKE PRODUCTS" OR APPROVED EQUALINSTALLED.9.8.SANITARY CASTINGS SHALL BE NEENAH R-1642 OR ACCEPTED EQUAL. LADTECHHDPE ADJUSTING RINGS SHALL BE USED ON SANITARY MANHOLES, ORAPPROVED EQUAL.9.9.ALL WATERMAIN TO BE PVC C900, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9.10.ALL WATERMAIN TO HAVE 7.5-FEET OF COVER OVER TOP OF WATERMAIN.9.11.PROVIDE THRUST BLOCKING AND MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINTS ON ALLWATERMAIN JOINTS PER CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIFICATION.9.12.WYE LOCATIONS TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTORS. WYE STATIONING SHOWNIS CALCULATED FROM THE DOWNSTREAM MANHOLES.10.ALL SEWER SERVICES ARE LOCATED 3 FEET DOWNSTREAM OF WATER SERVICES IFSEWER AND WATER ARE IN THE SAME TRENCH.11.ALL WATERMAIN VALVES SHALL BE POSITIONED SUCH THAT THEY ARE NOT LOCATEDIN THE CURB AND GUTTER. IF SEWER SERVICE CONDUCTIVITY BOX OR WATER CURBBOX IS PLACED IN A DRIVEWAY, WALK OR TRAIL, A FORD A-1 COVER OR EQUALMUST BE PROVIDED.12.ALL HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT GATE VALVES ARE RETAINED AND TIED BACK TO THEWATERMAIN TEE BY MEANS OF APPROVED MEGALUGS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.13.ALL SEWER AND WATER SERVICES ARE EXTENDED 15 FEET BEYOND THE PROPERTYLINE AS SPECIFIED BY THE CITY. CURB BOXES SHALL BE PLACED AT THERIGHT-OF-WAY.14.FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF CASTINGS AND GATE VALVES WITHIN THE STREET SHALL BE1/2" BELOW FINISHED ROADWAY SURFACE.15.ANY EROSION CONTROL DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED ASINCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION.16.THE DISINFECTION OF THE WATERMAIN SHALL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO THECITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIFICATIONS.STORM SEWER NOTES:1.THE STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THECITY OF LAKEVILLE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION.2.EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR AND/ORSUBCONTRACTORS SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORECOMMENCING WORK, BY CONTACTING THE NOTIFICATION CENTER (GOPHER STATE ONE FOR MINNESOTA).THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUBCONTRACTOR AGREE TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES,WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALLUTILITIES (UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD).3.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING AND SCHEDULING ALL REQUIRED UTILITYINSPECTION WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE AND/OR ITS CONSULTANTS WITH A 48-HOUR NOTICE4.THE UTILITY BACKFILL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICALENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOIL COMPACTIONTESTS AND SOIL INSPECTIONS WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.5.ANY EROSION CONTROL DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPARED AS INCIDENTAL TOCONSTRUCTION.NSCALE IN FEET010050 203RD ST. W10' POND ACCESSWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACKWETLAND BUFFER20' BUFFER SETBACK12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMON LOT 35123456789101112COMMON LOT 1312345678COMMON LOT 9K E NS F I E L D T R L 203RD ST W203RD ST WKENSFIELD CT.11223OUTLOT BOUTLOT ASAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT (ENSURE FULL TURN LANE SECTION IS PRESENT)REMOVE 90 LF EXISTING FOG LINEMILL 4' X 1.5" DEEPREMOVE 68 LF EXISTING FOG LINEPRESERVE 95 LF EXISTING FOG LINE202019 98 0019 09 16189620232018142121142115211421092008201316182210GRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITWET POND 2NWL: 990.010-YR HWL: 992.3100-YR HWL: 994.2EOF: 994.5EOFEOFEOFEOF EOFEOFEOFEOFEOF1010100099210141010100410009949909889849809809829869889 8 6 994994994 9929929 9 2 9 9 6101410021028 1024 1028102610281026 102410201 0 2 0 10 2 4 1 0 2 6 10201024102210141016 1 0 1 610141010 10141024 102810301034102010241024103010221020101410081004100210101006100210009961014100610121028103 2 1030 101810301030102610241024 1 0 2 6 1024 10301028102299099299299499410189889901008G R A D E L IM I T GRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITGRADE LIMITHWL: 1022.210221022 RETAINING WALL #1R E T A I N I N G W A L L # 2 9522WETLANDEX. 2-YR: 986.0EX. 10-YR: 986.3EX. 100-YR: 986.6PR. 2-YR: 986.0PR. 10-YR: 986.3PR. 100-YR: 986.6WET POND 1NWL: 1016.010-YR HWL: 1017.3100-YR HWL: 1019.5EOF: 1028.3152315241525152615271528152915301531153215331534153515361537153815391540154115421543154415451546154715481549155015511552155315541555155615571558155915601561156215631564156515661567156815691570157115721573157415751576157715781579158015811582158315841585158615871588158915901591159215931594159515961597159815991600160116021603160416051606160716081609161016111612161316141615161616171618161916201621162216231624162516261627162816291630163116321633163416351636163716381639164016411642164316441645164616471648164916501651165216531654165516561657165916601661166216631664166516661667166816691670167116721673167416751676167716781679168016811682168316841685168616871688168916901691169216931694199516961697169816991700170117021703170417051706170717081709171017111712171317141715171617171718171917201721172217231724172517261727172817291730173117321733173417361737173817391740174117421743174417451746174717481749175017511752175317541755175617571758175917601761176217631764176517661767176817691770177117721773177417751776177717781779178017811782178317841785178617871788178917901791179217931794179517961797179817991800180118021803180418051806180718081810180918111812181318141815181618171818181918201821182218231824182518261827182818291830183118321833183418351836183718381839184018411842184318441845184618471848184918501851185218531854185518561857185818591860186118621863186418651866186718681869187018711872187318741875187618771878187918801881188218831884188518861887188818891890189118921893189418951896189718981899190019011902190319041905190619071908190919101911191219131914191519161917191819191920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956195719581959196019611961196219631964196519661967196819691970197119721973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027202820292030203120322033203420352036203720382039204020412042204320442045204620472048204920152051205220532054205520562057205820592060206120622063206420652066206720682069207020712072207320742075207620772078207920802081208220832084208520862087208820892090209120922093209420952097209820992100210121022103210421052106210721082109211021112112211321142115211620172018201921202121212221232124212521262127212821292130213121322133213421352136213721382139214021412142214321442145214621472148214921502151215221532155215621572158215921602161216221632164216521662168216921702171217221732174217521762177217821807181218221832184218521862187218821892190219121922193219421952196219721982199220022012202220322042205220622072208220922102211221222132214221522162217221822192220222122222223222422252226222722282229223022312232223322342235223622372238223922402241224222432244224522462247224822492250225122522253225422552256225722582259226022612262226322642265226622672268226922702271227222732274227522762277227822792280228122822283228422852286228722882290229122922293229422952296229722982299230023012302220323042305230623072308230923102311231223132314231523152316231723182319232039273928392939263930393139323933393439353936393739383939394039413942394339443945394639473948394939503951395239533954395539583957395839593960396139623963396439653966396739683969397039713972397339743975397639773978397939803981398239833984398539863987398839893990399139923993399439953996399739983999400045014502450345044505450645074508450945104511451245134514165820962154216721792289LEGEND:STORM SEWERCURB & GUTTERDPROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOURCENTERLINE950944SAVED TREEGRADE LIMITREMOVED TREE18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC6.01 10PRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLANNSCALE IN FEET010050 18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC6.02 11PRELIMINARY TREEPRESERVATION PLAN STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOP STOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATI O PATI O STOOPSTOOPPA T I O P A T I O STOOPSTOO PPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIOSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOO P STOO P 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOP STOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATI O PATI O STOOPSTOOPPA T I O P A T I O STOOPSTOO PPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIOSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOO P STOO P 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOP STOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATI O PATI O STOOPSTOOPPA T I O P A T I O STOOPSTOO PPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIOSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOO P STOO P 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOP STOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOPPATI O PATI O STOOPSTOOPPA T I O P A T I O STOOPSTOO PPATIO PATIO STOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIOSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOPSTOOP PATIOPATIO32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32' 32' STOOP STOOP 32' 32' STOO P STOO P 32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'STOOPSTOOP32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'32'34'34'34'34'34'34'34'34' 34' 34' 34' 34' 34'34' 34' 34' 3 4 ' 3 4 '34'34'34'34'c OFANTLERS RIDGE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC 1536 BEACHCOMBER BLVD 3-14-23Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS WACONIA, MINNESOTA 55387 00-PLAN-123013-SHEET-LAND.DWG L1.01LANDSCAPE PLANJLT c 2Name Reg. No.Date 1. XX-XX-2023 - City Comments Date Designed Drawn 2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson JLT LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1.FENCE SHOWN ON WEST SIDE WILL BE 6' PRIVACY; MATERIAL CHOSEN BY DEVELOPER 2.FENCE TOP OF RETAINING WALLS TALLER THAN 4' (AS SHOWN ON PLAN) TO BE 48" BLACK VINYL CHAINLINK, OR APPROVED EQUAL 3.DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED EXCEPT SLOPE ON NORTH END FROM 1020 CONTOUR (RET. WALLS) TO THE NORTHERN MOST GRADING LIMIT WILL BE SEEDED; SEE GRADING PLAN FOR SEEDING 4.SODDED AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED 5.IRRIGATION DESIGNED BY OTHERS 6.SEE SHEET L1.02 FOR FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLANS 5-10-2023 5-10-2023 CITY COMMENTS 8' 05/12/2023 Revisions per City Comments 32'32' STOOPSTOOP 32' STOOP 32' STOOP 32' STOOPSTOOP AJ-4 MNS-6 AH-1 NFS-3 AJ-4 MNS-6 AH-1NFS-3 OS-1 OS-1 STREET STOOPPATIO STOOPSTOOPPATIO PATIO 34'34' KOR-1 JWS-3 HJ-3 SD-12 MCS-7 PATIO 34' KOR-1 JWS-3 HJ-3 SD-12MCS-7 AH-1AH-1 OS-1OS-1 STREET c OFANTLERS RIDGE LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC 1536 BEACHCOMBER BLVD 3-14-23Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS WACONIA, MINNESOTA 55387 00-PLAN-123013-SHEET-LAND.DWG L1.02LANDSCAPE PLANJLT c 2Name Reg. No.Date 1. XX-XX-2023 - City Comments Date Designed Drawn 2023 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 5-10-2023 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson JLT 5-10-2023 CITY COMMENTS 34' WALKOUT TWIN UNITS NORTH OF 203RD STREET 32' TWIN UNITS ON KENSFIELD COURT AND SOUTH OF 203RD STREET LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1.QUANTITIES SHOWN ON PLANT SCHEDULE ARE PER TWO UNIT BUILDING. 2.PLANTING AREAS TO BE MULCHED WITH ROCK MULCH TO A DEPTH OF 3"; BUILDER TO CHOOSE ROCK MULCH TYPE 3.6MM BLACK POLY SHEETING USED BENEATH ROCK MULCH 4.NO WEED BARRIER IN PERENNIAL AREAS 5.EDGING USED BETWEEN PLANTING BEDS AND SOD 6.LANDSCAPE GRADE BLACK VINYL EDGER TO BE USED BETWEEN PLANTING BEDS AND SOD AND BETWEEN PERENNIAL AREA AND REMAINDER OF PLANTING BED. 7.PERENNIAL AREAS TO HAVE COMPOST/PLANTING SOIL AMENDMENT TO A DEPTH OF 6" 05/12/2023 Revisions per City Comments OUTLOT A(PUBLIC)OUTLOT A(PUBLIC)OUTLOT B(PUBLIC)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMOM LOT 3512345678910111212345678COMMOM LOT 911223COMMOM LOT 131PLATTINGPHASE 1PLATTINGPHASE 2PLAT PHASING EXHIBITSCALE IN FEET012060N18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRHPRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARY05/12/23NRHREVISIONS PER CITY COMMENTSC7.03 14PLAT PHASING EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ANTLERS RIDGE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On July 6, 2023, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Tamarack Land Lake Marion Commons, LLC for a conditional use permit for a shoreland impact plan in conjunction with the preliminary plat of Antlers Ridge. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is located in Planning District 4 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which guides the Antlers Ridge property for medium/high density residential and low/medium density residential development. 2. The subject site is zoned, or proposed to be zoned, RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. 3. The legal description of the subject property is: (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A) 4. Chapter 4 of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be approved unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The shoreland impact plan conditional use permit is consistent with the goals and objectives and guided residential land uses of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed twinhomes in the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will be compatible with the single family and attached townhome developments adjacent to the subject property. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. 2 Finding: Subject to compliance with the stipulations listed in the June 30, 2023 planning report, the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will meet the performance standards contained in the Zoning and Subdivision ordinances. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The Antlers Ridge preliminary plat can be accommodated with the public services available to serve the subject property and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The traffic generated by the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will be within the capacity of the streets that will serve this development. 5. The report dated June 30, 2023 prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMNENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit for a shoreland impact plan conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner, dated June 30, 2023. DATED: July 6, 2023 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: __________________________ Jenna Majorowicz, Chair 3 EXHIBIT A That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner thereof; thence West 1320 feet; thence North 988.7 feet; thence East 440.6 feet; thence South 245.7 feet; thence East 879.4 feet; thence South 743 feet, to the place of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described parcels: Parcel 1: Commencing at a point 350 feet North and 1.50 feet East of the southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21; thence North 330 feet; thence East 199.5 feet; thence South 330 feet; thence West 199.5 feet to the place of beginning. APPLICATION NO.: ORTE749056 ORT FORM 4308 Page 2 ALTA Commitment 2006 Parcel 2: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25; thence West along the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 869.00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described herein; thence continuing West along the said South line 451.00 feet; thence North and parallel with the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, 290.00 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 451.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section 290.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 3: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25, distant 577.00 feet South of the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; said point being at the southeast corner of the Registered Property described on Certificate of Title No. 57052 in Volume 35, Page 382 of the records in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds West, assumed bearing, parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and along the South line of said Registered Property a distance of 879.40 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds East along the West line of said Registered Property a distance of 245.70 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds West parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter and along the South line of said Registered Property a distance of 394.80 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 35 (formerly Trunk Highway No. 65) as laid out and constructed; thence South 01 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 221.76 feet to the point where said right-of-way line deflects West; thence North 88 degrees 38 minutes 58 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 22.50 feet to the point where said right-of-way line deflects South; thence South 01 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 86.61 feet to a point on a line 680.00 feet North of the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter when measured along a line parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 08 seconds East along a line parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 422.09 feet to a point on a line that bears South 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 62.24 feet to the point of beginning according to the Government Survey thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ANTLERS RIDGE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On July 6, 2023, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Tamarack Land Lake Marion Commons, LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone property from RM-2, Medium Density Residential District to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District in conjunction with the preliminary plat of Antlers Ridge. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the Zoning Map Amendment application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is located in Planning District 4 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which guides the Antlers Ridge property for medium/high density residential and low/medium density residential development. 2. The area of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat proposed to be rezoned to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District is currently zoned RM-2, Medium Density Residential District. 3. The portion of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat proposed to be rezoned is shown on the attached Exhibit A. 4. Chapter 3 of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a Zoning Map amendment may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed rezoning is consistent with the land use guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the subject property within the range of 5-9 dwelling units per acre. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed twinhomes in the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will be compatible with the single family and attached townhome developments adjacent to the subject property. 2 c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: Subject to compliance with the stipulations listed in the June 30, 2023 planning report, the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will meet the performance standards contained in the Zoning and Subdivision ordinances. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The Antlers Ridge preliminary plat can be accommodated with the public services available to serve the subject property and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The traffic generated by the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will be within the capacity of the streets that will serve this development. 5. The report dated June 30, 2023 prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council approval of the Zoning Map amendment conditioned upon compliance with the planning report prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner, dated June 30, 2023. DATED: July 6, 2023 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: __________________________ Jenna Majorowicz, Chair PUBLIC OUTLOT4.82 ACPUBLIC OUTLOT1.35 ACRM-2 ZONING (5-9 U/A)GROSS AREA: 5.31 ACOUTLOT A: 1.35 ACOUTLOT B:0.35 ACNET AREA: 3.61 ACUNIT COUNT: 18 UNITSNET DENSITY: 18/3.61 = 5 U/AOUTLOT A(PUBLIC)OUTLOT A(PUBLIC)OUTLOT B(PUBLIC)PUBLIC OUTLOT0.35 ACRST-2 ZONING (4-5 U/A)GROSS AREA: 12.03 ACOUTLOT A: 4.82 ACOUTLOT B: 0.00 ACNET AREA: 7.21 ACUNIT COUNT: 36 UNITSNET DENSITY: 36/7.21 = 5 U/A34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE34' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE32' WIDE12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334COMMOM LOT 3512345678910111212345678COMMOM LOT 911223APPROX. ZONING LINECOMMOM LOT 131RM-2 ZONING (5-9 U/A)GROSS AREA: 5.31 ACRST-2 ZONING (4-5 U/A)GROSS AREA: 12.03 ACZONING EXHIBIT ASCALE IN FEET012060N18219 70th Pl N, Maple Grove MN 55311763.360.1307 | nate@aterraland.comA3A5+:ER=0*E:TERRASUBMITTALS & REVISIONSDateDescriptionRev.ByPLAN DATE:SHEETREV.PAGE #CHECKED:DRAWN:PROJECT #:03/21/2023LAKEVILLE, MNANTLERS RIDGENRH---23001TAMARACK DEVELOPMENT, LLC03/21/23NRH PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTALLICENSE NO:DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORTWAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.XX/XX/202347982Nathan R. HermanPRELIMINARYC7.01 12ZONING EXHIBIT City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Lucas Ritchie, Civil Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director Daryl Morey, Planning Director Date: June 29, 2023 Subject: Antlers Ridge • Preliminary Plat Review • Easement Vacation • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Tree Preservation and Landscape Plan Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Tamarack Development Lake Marion Commons, LLC representatives have submitted a preliminary plat named Antlers Ridge along with preliminary plans to construct fifty-four (54) twinhome lots on three (3) blocks with two (2) outlots on 17.34 acres. The parent parcel (PID No. 220250025011) is zoned RM-2, Medium Density Residential District. The proposed development is located east of and adjacent to Kenrick Avenue, north of 205th Street, west of 203rd Street and southwest of Lake Marion. The parent parcel is a metes and bounds parcel and consists of undeveloped land with a portion of wetland encumbering a small section along the northern property line. The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following use: Outlot A: Wetland, buffers, and stormwater basins; to be deeded to the City (6.18 acres) AANNTTLLEERRSS RRIIDDGGEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 66,, 22002233 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 66 Outlot B: Stormwater Basin; to be deeded to the City (0.35 acres) The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Tamarack Land Lake Marion Commons, LLC Engineer/Surveyor: Aterra Land Services SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The existing parcel consists of undeveloped land and wooded areas abutting a wetland adjacent to Lake Marion. The site is located within the Marion Lake Stormwater District with the site generally draining southwest to northeast. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS The following easements will be vacated with the final plat: • Easement in favor of Northern Natural Gas Company dated June 7, 1939 and filed August 26, 1939 in Book 204 of Deeds, Pages 449-450 will be vacated by the developer in conjunction with CenterPoint Energy The following easements will be vacated and reestablished with the final plat: • Drainage and Utility Easement in favor of City of Lakeville per Document No. 1267072 will be vacated and reestablished with the recording of the final plat SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Kenrick Avenue Antlers Ridge is located east of and adjacent to Kenrick Avenue, a minor arterial roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Kenrick Avenue is constructed as a two-lane undivided roadway, with an eight-foot-wide bituminous trail along the east side. The developer shall construct a dedicated right turn lane and dedicated left turn bypass lane for turning movements onto 203rd Street from Kenrick Avenue and will be reviewed with the final plans at the time of final plat approval. The developer is dedicating the necessary right-of- way as shown within the preliminary plat. Kensfield Trail Development of Antlers Ridge includes the extension of Kensfield Trail, a local roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Kensfield Trail was constructed as a 32-foot-wide urban local roadway with a concrete sidewalk along both sides with the development of Springbrook and is currently terminated at the southern border of the Antlers Ridge site. The developer shall extend Kensfield Trail as 32-foot-wide local street, along with the concrete sidewalk along both sides, from its current terminus to the intersection of 203rd Street within the Antlers Ridge site. The developer shall receive a credit for the City’s share of the sidewalk constructed outside of the parent parcel. The developer is dedicating 66 feet of right-of-way to accommodate sidewalks on both sides of the street as shown on the preliminary plat. AANNTTLLEERRSS RRIIDDGGEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 66,, 22002233 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 66 203rd Street Development of Antlers Ridge includes the extension of 203rd Street, a local roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 203rd Street was constructed as a 32-foot-wide urban local roadway with the development of Marion Village 2nd Addition and is currently terminated at the eastern border of the Antlers Ridge site. The developer shall extend 203rd Street as 32-foot-wide local street from its current terminus to the intersection of Kenrick Avenue within the Antlers Ridge site. The developer shall construct a concrete sidewalk on one side of 203rd Street from the Kensfield Court intersection to the bituminous trail along Kenrick Avenue along with ADA compliant pedestrian ramps at the 203rd Street and Kenrick Avenue intersection. The developer is dedicating 60 feet of right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. Kensfield Court Development of Antlers Ridge includes the construction of Kensfield Court, a local roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Kensfield Court is designed as a 32-foot-wide urban roadway terminating in a cul-de-sac meeting City requirements. The developer is dedicating 60 feet of right-of-way as shown on the preliminary plat. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility, and street construction shall be limited to a single access from Kenrick Avenue. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDD EEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication requirement for the parent parcel has not been paid and will be calculated and satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat. Development of Antlers Ridge includes the construction of public sidewalks. 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of 203rd Street and both sides of Kensfield Trail. The Developer will be responsible for 100% of the grading and restoration for the concrete sidewalks. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANN IITTAARRYY SSEE WWEERR Antlers Ridge is located within subdistrict SC-13041 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via existing sanitary sewer to the Empire Treatment Facility. The downstream facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed residential development. 8-inch public sanitary sewer will be extended from an existing sanitary sewer manhole provided with the construction of the Springbrook development along Kensfield Trail. The developer shall provide an escrow for their share of the future sanitary sewer cost along Kenrick Avenue adjacent to Antlers Ridge that will be calculated at the time of final plat. AANNTTLLEERRSS RRIIDDGGEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 66,, 22002233 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 66 The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and will be required with the final plat. The fee will be based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Antlers Ridge includes construction of 8-inch public watermain. This watermain will be extended from watermain stubs on Kensfield Trail and 203rd Street. The Developer shall provide an escrow with the final plat cash requirements for its share of the trunk watermain to be constructed along Kenrick Avenue, west of Antlers Ridge. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINN EESS An overhead electric transmission line and poles are located along the east side of Kenrick Avenue on the parent parcels. The Developer is required to remove the poles and place the utilities underground with the final plat, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance or provide a security for their share of the costs to bury the overhead utility adjacent to the plat. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Antlers Ridge is located within subdistrict ML-092 of the Marion Lake stormwater district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. A public stormwater management infiltration basin will be constructed with the Antlers Ridge development in Outlot A to provide water quality volume and rate control for the parent parcel. The stormwater basin will require an access path extending from 203rd Street into Outlot A to provide access for maintenance purposes. Additionally, development of Antlers Ridge includes minor basin expansion to the public stormwater management basin located in Outlot A, Springbrook, near the southwest corner of the parent parcel. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building Certificate of Occupancies will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. Antlers Ridge contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. AANNTTLLEERRSS RRIIDDGGEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 66,, 22002233 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 66 SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Antlers Ridge includes the construction of a public storm sewer system. Public storm sewer constructed within the development will convey runoff to the publicly owned and maintained storm sewer basins located within Outlot A, Antlers Ridge and Outlot A, Springbrook. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and will be required with the final plat. The fee will be based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the building permit application and final construction plans. RREETTAAIINNIINNGG WWAALLLLSS The Developer proposes to construct privately owned and maintained retaining wall. Walls with a combined height over 4-feet are subject to approval of a building permit and must be designed by a registered geotechnical or structural engineer. An encroachment agreement is required with the final plat for the retaining walls proposed within drainage and utility easements. The retaining walls will be owned and maintained by the Antlers Ridge HOA. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Antlers Ridge is located within areas shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X, as determined by FEMA. Based on this designation, no areas within the plat are located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The parent parcel is located within the shoreland overlay district. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS A wetland delineation was completed for the site by Midwest Natural Resources Inc. The Notice of Application was sent out 8/9/21. No adverse comments were received. Based on the information provided in the report dated 7/16/2021 and site visit, the wetland delineation for the area outlined in the report has been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. One wetland was identified on the site. No wetland impacts are proposed with the preliminary plat. The wetland and required buffer will be placed in a City-owned outlot and dedicated with the final plat. The developer is responsible for installing Natural Area Signs along the south side of Outlot A. AANNTTLLEERRSS RRIIDDGGEE –– PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 66,, 22002233 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 66 TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN The plan identifies 888 total trees on site and proposes to save 322 trees (36%). Prior to removals, the tree protection or silt fence line must be installed. Minor changes may result in additional removals or saves based on location or condition of the tree. All “save” trees that are damaged or removed will require replacement at a ratio of 2:1 as per the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOO NNTTRROOLL The plans include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan. The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. An on-site preconstruction meeting shall be held with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat, easement vacation, preliminary site plans including the grading plan, erosion control plan, utility plan, tree preservation plan, and landscape plan subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.