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OCTOBER 19,1998
Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance
to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council members Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg
and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; R. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson,. City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director;
D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; J.
Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
.The minutes of the October 5, 1998 City Council meeting were approved as
Mr. Jim Bauck, Superintendent of School District 194, provided an overview of
the upcoming school district operating levy referendum, which will appear on
the November 3rd General Election ballot.
Attorney: None
Engineer: Mr. Nelson announced that the 185d' Street and Ipava Avenue
intersection was closed today and will remain closed for approximately two
weeks. Dakota County has completed construction of the third lane on 185d'
Street underneath the I-35 bridge. He also announced that Dakota County has
taken bids on the County Road 5/202"d Street improvement prof ect and is
prepared to make a recommendation for award of contract. He pointed out that
the bids came in 16% over estimate.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson asked the City Council to consider approval of
five raffle permits for the Community Action Council. Mr. Erickson also
requested a short executive session of the City Council for the purpose of
discussing collective bargaining strategies.
OCTOBER 19, 1998
• Parks & Recreation Director: Mr. Michaud presented the September Parks &
Recreation Department monthly report.
Director of Operations & Maintenance: Mr. Volk presented the September
Operations & Maintenance Department monthly report.
Chief of Police: Chief Martens presented the September Police Department
monthly report.
Chief Martens introduced Police Officers Kelli Stripsky and Robert Doerfler.
Mayor Zaun administered the oath of office to the two new officers.
Marcy Cordes, Human Resource Director, introduced the new City Hall
Secretary/Receptionist Julie Kornmann.
Council Member Ryan removed Item 81 from the consent agenda. Council
members added the resolution approving a raffle permit for the Community
Action Council to the consent agenda.
98.235 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. September Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental Affairs Committee, September 29, 1998:
Joint EDC/EAC South Creek Subcommittee, October 6, 1998
Growth Task Force, September 30, October 7, 1998
Snowmobile Task Force, October 1, 1998
Parks & Recreation Committee, September 30, 1998
Planning Commission, October 1, 1998
d. Senior citizen 1999 assessment deferments for James Brooke, Geraldine
Pfarr and Lillian Sweno, Rhena Benollcin, Dorraine Dircks and Arlene
OCTOBER 19, .1998
e. Resolution No. 98-226 calling a public hearing on assessments for weed
and grass removal.
f. Resolution No. 98-219 accepting a donation to the DARE program from
Airlake Ford Mercury.
g. Resolution No. 98-220 accepting a donation to the DARE program from
Ryt-Way Industries, Inc.
h. Resolution No. 98-221 authorizing sale of assets.
i. South Metro Drug Task Force 1999 Joint Powers Agreement.
j. Final payment and acceptance of improvements, 175th Street extension,
Improvement Project 96-7.
k. Final acceptance of utility improvements, Gateway 2"d Addition.
1. (Removed from consent agenda).
m. Permit granting temporary right of entry for Progressive Rail First
• n. Change Order No. 1 for buildin hook-u at ui le -Sime Park,
g p Q g Y
Improvement Project 98-15.
o. Resolution No. 98-222 calling public assessment hearing for County Road
46, Improvement Project 91-3.
p. .Resolution No. 98-223 authorizing Marcus Cable Partners. to temporarily
operate the cable communications system.
q. Receive petition for temporary bituminous surface on part of 195th Street
13. Resolution No. 98-225 approving a gambling permit for the Community
Action Council
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
City Engineer. Keith Nelson introduced Dennis Eyler of SRF Consulting Group,
• who presented the City of Lakeville I-35 and CSAH 50 Interchange Area
OCTOBER 19, 1998
• Traffic Study dated August 19, 1998. (See document on file in the City Clerk's
office.) Mr. Eyler explained that the traffic study was done for the following
• To assess traffic changes due to the addition of the I-35/County Road 46
• To identify locations of traffic congestion, both existing and future.
• To identify roadway projects in the area that are currently proposed by the
City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Scott County and MnlDOT.
• To propose additional projects to address congestion from future traffic
growth and to identify the year when the improvements will be needed.
• To address traffic problems caused by the close intersection spacing and the
high number of property access points in the study area along County Road
• To investigate the. need for south ramps at I-35 and 185`h Street and the
changes to the roadway system that would be needed with these ramps.
Council Member Sindt asked about increased traffic on 185' Street since it
opened up to County Road 21 in Scott County. Mr. Nelson stated recent traffic
counts indicated approximately 12,000 vehicles per day along that stretch of
185x' Street, which is a substantial increase over a couple years ago. He pointed
• out that traffic is mostly traveling northbound I-35 in the morning and
southbound I-35 in the afternoon/evening. Council Member Sindt asked if the
southbound leg of a future fixll diamond interchange at that location would be
justified. Mr. Nelson stated that with 12,000 vehicles per day, afour-lane
roadway is justified.
Council Member Ryan asked how soon the northbound ramp on CR 46 will be
metered. Mr. Eyler indicated that since congestion on I-35 exists north of CR
42, he felt it could be quite some time before the CR 46 ramp is metered.
Council Member Ryan stated he felt it might be more cost efficient to narrow.
down the alternatives listed in the report, as more emphasis should be placed on
some while others may never come into play. Mr. Eyler agreed that some
alternatives are probably not viable at this time.
Mr. Erickson explained that at the last neighborhood meeting, there was some
interest expressed with regard to certain alternatives. Staff made a commitment
to the residents that all alternatives would be evaluated and brought back to the
residents so that they can make an informed decision as to which alternatives
should be eliminated. Mr. Eyler pointed out that right-of--way costs would be a
factor with some of these alternatives.
Mayor Zaun also referenced the alternatives in the report, pointing out that
• standards will change over the years. He suggested investing in a pilot project
OCTOBER 19, 1998
• now, with some way of determining new standards for transportation over the
next few years.
Mayor Zaun asked if there have been any changes in the County Road 70 traffic
counts now that 185th Street and County Road 21 in Scott County are
completely open. He questioned whether County Road 70 should still have
priority over the 185th Street interchange.
Mr. Eyler stated he feels County Road 70 should still have priority over 185th
Street, because there is more potential for traffic to the east on County Road 70.
He pointed out that County Road 70 has a higher percentage of truck traffic than
185th Street.
Council Member Holberg suggested contacting Scott County and getting its
projections and plans for County Roads 21 and 27.
98.236 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the I-35 .and
CSAH 50 Interchange Area Traffic Study dated August 19, 1998, and authorize
SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to prepare preliminary cost estimates for various
intersection alternatives as identified in the proposal dated September 25, 1998.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg,
• Ryan..
Chief Martens presented the proposed expansion to the Police Station facility, to
accommodate a new dispatch communication center. He explained that the
project would include acquisition of a record management system, software
upgrades and replacement of computers. and the 14 year-old dispatch center
radio communications equipment.
Finance Director Dennis Feller stated the proposed total project budget is
$1,168,414. He explained that the project is proposed to be financed by an
$802,226 transfer from the General Fund as a result of revenue exceeding
budget estimates. A federally fimded grant in the amount of $150,000 is
anticipated, and $216,188 will come from 1999 tax revenue.
Mr. Feller recommended Council approval of an architectural agreement with
Boarman Kroos Ffister Vogel and Associates, the architectural firm that
designed the original Police Station remodeling project in 1994.. He stated the
architect would coordinate the design with the communications consultant (PSC
Alliance, Inc.) in the layout and planning of the dispatch center. He
recommended approval of consulting services agreement with PSC Alliance,
• Inc.
OCTOBER 19, 1998
98.237 Motiomwas made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to approve an Architectural
Services Agreement with Boarman Kroos Pfister Vogel & Associates, Inc. and a
Consulting Services Agreement with PSC Alliance, Inc. for the Police Station
expansion project.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan,
98.238 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Holberg to hold a City Council
budget work session on November 30th at 5:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun,
Council Member Ryan asked if consideration could be given at this time far the
future design of 185th Street between Ipava Avenue and Dodd Boulevard to an
urban section prior to the opening of the new junior high school. He stated he
would be in favor of designing it now for bidding in the spring.
Mr. Erickson stated the City could pursue an advance-funding scenario with
Dakota County for the ultimate design of 185th Street, since it is not currently in
the County's CIP. Mr. Nelson stated the County is ultimately looking at 185th
Street as afour-lane divided roadway; however, it will not be constructed at this
time. He indicated staff could direct OSM to come up with the ultimate concept
for the 185th StreetJDodd Boulevard intersection, with some preliminary cost
estimates that could be presented to the City Council for advance funding to
Dakota County.
98.239 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
98-224 authorizing Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. to prepare plans
and specifications for 185th Street/Dodd Boulevard intersection improvements,
Improvement Project 98-20.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt,
98.240 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Holberg to direct staff to contact.
Dakota County for possible alternatives for financing, design and construction
of 185th Street between Ipava Avenue and Dodd Boulevard to an urban section
OCTOBER 19, 1998
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
98.241 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to acknowledge receipt of
information from Clay Van De Bogart dated September 29, 1998, and take it
under advisement
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg,
Council Member Ryan questioned the bids received for the County Road 5 and
202"d Street project. He was concerned that the bids came in over budget and
asked how awarding this contract will affect the City financially. Mr. Nelson
explained that in the County Engineer's opinion, the bidding climate will
probably get worse instead of better, and the County hoped to start the project
this fall. Mr. Erickson stated he feels that turn-back funds for 202"d Street are in
jeopardy. He stated he would not be comfortable with rejection of the bids at
this time, which would allow the State to re-allocate those funds.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, November 2, 1998
Mayor Zaun adjourned the Council meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
hart a Friedges, City Cl k
Duan Zaun, Mayor