HomeMy WebLinkAbout19558 Harbor Dr SurveySS89°45'10"E 130.00S0°14'50"W 85.00S89°45'10"E 130.00S0°14'50"W 85.00HARBOR DRIVE
Found 1/2" Iron Pipe w/Cap "42299"Water ValveSanitary ManholeLEGENDExisting Concrete SurfaceExisting ContoursExisting Spot ElevationEasement LinesLight PoleDrainage & Utility EasementRight-of-Way LinesExisting Bituminous SurfaceProposed Drainage ArrowUtility PedestalCurb StopHydrantProposed ContoursProposed Spot ElevationS Sep 14, 2023 - 8:10pm - C:\Users\SysOp\Documents\_Projects\19-23004_(19544&58 Harbor Dr - Lakeville)\CAD\19-23004_2_19558.dwg NPO BOX 201702, BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420PH: 612.314.9417 EMAIL: INFO@MYRIADLAKES.COMCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY19558 HARBOR DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTASURVEY PREPARED FOR:POEHLING FAMILY COMPANIES LLCSHEET1 OF 1I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALSURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. THAT THIS SURVEY DOESNOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL IMPROVEMENTS, EASEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, TOTHE PROPERTY EXCEPT AS SHOWN THEREON.SIGNED THIS 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023.CHECKED BY:DRAWN BY:MMHTRHPROJECT #:19-23004_2PAPER SIZE:ANSI BSURVEYOR'S NOTES:1.Subject property's address is 19558 Harbor Drive,Lakeville, its property identification number is221371702050.2.The bearing system is based on the North line of Lot 5,Block 2, which is assumed to bear South 89 degrees 45minutes 10 seconds East.3.Field work was completed 07/20/2023.4.The building(s) and exterior dimensions of the outsidewall at ground level are shown on the survey. It may notbe the foundation wall.5.No specific title search for existence or non-existence ofrecorded or un-recorded easements has been conductedby the surveyor as a part of this survey. Only easementsper the recorded plat are shown.6.The gross area of the subject property is 0.253 Acres or11,050 square feet.7.Proposed house shown per plans with a re-issue date of08/30/23 provided by client on 09/05/23.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot 5, Block 2, BERRES RIDGE 8TH ADDITION, accordingto the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota.IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS:House/Garage= 2,480 sq. ft.Driveway/Walk= 1,004 sq. ft.Deck/Stairs= 440 sq. ft.Patio= 257 sq. ft.BUILDING SETBACKS (RS-3 District):Front:30 feetRear:30 feetSide:10 feetBENCHMARKS:The vertical datum is NAVD88.Benchmark #1:Station "WIN" (GSID #102076). Elevation = 1098.81Benchmark #2 (Site):Top Nut of Hydrant at northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1.Elevation = 1064.12Timothy R. HolperinMN P.L.S. No. 58889ELEVATION SUMMARY:Garage Floor:1063.7Top of Foundation:1064.1Basement Floor (WO):1055.4Zoning = RS-3FY - 30'SY - 10' Interior, 20' CornerRY - 30'SY Buffer - 30'RY Buffer - 50'Deck NotIncludedThe curb box, drain tile cleanout, and catchbasin(if applicable) must be inspected andaccepted before As-Built escrow monies willbe released. All structures must be flushwith the sod. This will be scheduled with thelandscape inspection.EROSION CONTROLMUST BE INSTALLEDBEFORE EXCAVATION*Maintain 6" between bottom of siding and sod.*No structures in easements.ENGINEERING REVIEWEDDate:__________________10/11/2023asobottka