HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. EDC minutes 8.22.23 DRAFT
August 22, 2023
1. Chair Seiler called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room.
Members Present: Comms. Rick Bjorklund, Lowell Collman, Joe Eykyn, Jack Matasosky,
Andrew Phillips, Don Seiler, Glenn Starfield
Ex-officio Members Present: City Administrator Justin Miller, Chamber President Krista
Members Absent: Comm. Jessica Christiansen, Bob Gillen, Sara Lundberg
Staff Present: Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Kati Bachmayer,
Economic Development Coordinator
Guests: Jennifer Byers, Vice President of Grassroots and Chamber Relations, MN Chamber
of Commerce
2. Approval of June 27, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Comms. Matasosky / Phillips moved to approve the minutes of the June 27 meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Presentation by Guest Speaker, Jennifer Byers, MN Chamber
Ms. Byers presented information on the MN Chamber Foundation’s Minnesota: 2030 (2023
Edition) report and the MN Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 State of business retention and
expansion in Minnesota report. Key takeaways from the report are:
• Minnesota has a highly developed (and diversified) economy
• Minnesota’s economic growth has slowed over time
• The state’s working age population is expected to plateau in coming decades
• Productivity and beating labor force projections will be key to future economic growth
• Homegrown companies, a strong workforce and existing industry clusters are drivers
for expansion activity
4. Election of Officers
Economic Development Commission Minutes August 22, 2023 Page | 2
Chair Seiler opened the floor for nominations for chair. Comm. Starfield nominated Comm.
Seiler for the position. Hearing no additional nominations, Chair Seiler closed nominations
for chair and held a vote. Comm. Seiler was elected as chair unanimously.
Chair Seiler then opened the floor for vice chair nominations and Comm. Starfield
nominated Comm. Collman for vice chair. Hearing no additional nominations, Chair Seiler
closed nominations for vice chair. Comm. Collman was elected as vice chair unanimously.
Lastly, Chair Seiler opened the floor for secretary nominations and Comm. Seiler nominated
Comm. Christiansen for the position. Hearing no additional nominations, Chair Seiler closed
nominations for secretary. Comm. Christiansen was elected as secretary unanimously.
5. Project Updates
a. Downtown Parking Needs Assessment project update – Ms. Goodroad informed
the EDC that the second meeting was held on July 19. Based on the outcomes of both
meetings, the report will focus on strategies for improved signage and improvements
to the west public parking lot.
b. Business Survey Update – Ms. Bachmayer provided an update on the business
survey. The City has received 180 responses so far, with a closing deadline of
September 8. Three letters were sent to inform the business community, as well as
social media and a link on the lakevillemn.gov website. Members were encouraged to
complete the survey and spread the word.
c. Envision Lakeville Discussion – EDC members were provided a copy of the minutes
from the Envision Lakeville Taskforce meeting. Discussion was held around the
amount of restaurants and retail in the City.
d. Development Update - A development update was provided to highlight current and
upcoming projects.
6. Marketing Efforts
a. Outreach – The Community & Economic Development (CED) website now has a new
mapping tool – the Commercial & Industrial Zoning Districts Map. This map features
business-only zones and provides information on property ownership and zoning
b. Events – The City’s annual manufacturers appreciation event is scheduled to take place
in October. Members volunteered to help increase attendance at the event this year.
7. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
Respectively submitted by:
Economic Development Commission Minutes August 22, 2023 Page | 3
Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Coordinator