HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Timberland Partners, Inc.City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Date: October 13, 2023 Subject: Packet Material for the October 19, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Sundance Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments Action Deadline: November 28, 2023 BACKGROUND Representatives of Timberland Partners have submitted a sketch plan for development of 18.7 gross (17.2 net) acres of land located north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and west of Buck Hill Road to be known as Sundance Lakeville. The developer is proposing 167 stacked-flat townhouse dwelling units within 13 buildings (11, 12 and 16 units), including as a 5,000 square foot clubhouse building, and a maintenance building. The proposed development would also include 9 single family lots to be accessed from Kendale Drive at the northwest corner of the property. A three-acre commercial property for a medical campus with two buildings totaling 26,500 square feet is proposed by Davis Medical Group to be located at the southeast portion of the site adjacent to the intersection of CSAH 46 and Buck Hill Road. The Planning Commission recommended approval of a similar Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendment on the same property for a slightly higher density residential development from Timbercrest Partners, Inc. with 18 proposed attached townhouse buildings and 188 stacked-flat units in 2021. The developer’s request did not receive the four-fifths vote of the City Council required for approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. If the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments are approved by the City Council, the developer would prepare applications for zoning and subdivision approvals, which would be subject to further review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. 2 EXHIBITS A. Aerial Photo/Site Location Map B. Developer’s Narrative C. Land Use Plan Exhibit D. Zoning Map Exhibit E. Overall Site Plan F. Townhouse Architectural Plans (7 Pages) G. Davis Medical Group Site Plan H. City of Burnsville Letter PLANNING A NALYSIS The subject 18.7 acre property is located within the northwest quadrant of the I-35 and CSAH 46 interchange. The property consists of planned commercial land and residential uses. Roughly three acres of the northwest corner of the property is guided for medium and low to medium density residential uses with the remainder of the property guided for commercial uses, including offices. This land use designation was established at the time the I-35 and CSAH 46 interchange was constructed as part of a planning study for the area. The designated commercial land use was to provide for development of retail, office, or service type businesses that would benefit from the visibility and access to the I-35 corridor. The Economic Development Commission (EDC) had identified the property as an opportunity for high density residential housing prior to the 2016 Multiple Family Housing Study and adoption of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. To the northeast of the property along Buck Hill Road is an undeveloped 3.73 acre parcel planned and zoned for commercial uses. Further to the east are two existing commercial properties and buildings. North of the property is the Lakeville/Burnsville City boundary and single family homes in Burnsville. On the south side of CSAH 46 is existing commercial uses including convenience food, office, indoor recreation, and self-storage, as well as senior housing and an apartment building. Similar to the 2021 Sundance Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendment applications, the current Comprehensive Plan amendment request would re-guide the portion of the property proposed for the stacked-flat townhomes from Commercial to Corridor Mixed Use and the Zoning Map amendment would rezone this portion of the property from C-3, General Commercial District to M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District. The difference between the current Sundance Lakeville applications and the 2021 applications is the retention of commercial uses and zoning for the proposed office building adjacent to the CSAH 46 and Buck Hill Road 3 intersection. Please refer to Exhibits C and D showing the existing and proposed land uses and zoning, respectively, for the subject property. As pointed out in the TPC planning report on the 2021 Sundance Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendment applications, the 2040 Land Use Plan establishes the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation to allow for development of high density residential dwellings with a base density allowance of 26 to 45 dwelling units per acre and commercial retail, service, and office uses in standalone or mixed-use buildings. The intent of the CMU land use designation is to recognize in part the “Amazon effect” of reduced demand for retail square footage due to on-line shopping services and the need to provide in-place market support for retail development that is constructed. Certain uses allowed in commercial zoning districts that are not as affected by reduced demand for on-site retail include restaurants, entertainment, professional/medical offices, on-site personal services, travel services such as hotels, and automotive services. Areas within the I-35 corridor have been guided for CMU uses to provide housing opportunities adjacent to planned nodes of commercial development that are also in proximity to existing or future transit facilities. The target area for higher density forms of residential development is a one-half mile radius from existing or planned transit facilities. The property is outside of the one-half mile radius from the existing Metro Transit Park and Ride facility located on the east side of I-35, south of CSAH 46, but is a shorter distance from the facility in terms of pedestrian or vehicle access than the Lakeside Flats apartments at the southwest quadrant of I-35 and CSAH 46 (1.2 miles vs. 1.4 miles). The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment has been submitted to 11 adjacent governmental jurisdictions, including the affected school district (ISD 194), for review and comment. The Metropolitan Council was also notified. At the time of the drafting of this report, seven jurisdictions have responded with no comments. The City of Burnsville responded with comments as follows:  Utilities. Sanitary sewer service for the property is directed to the City of Burnsville Maple Island lift station near Crystal Lake. City of Burnsville staff has made City of Lakeville staff aware of issues with sanitary sewer capacity at this lift station. Further study is necessary to evaluate improvements to the facility before additional development using that lift station can be approved. This utility capacity study will need to be completed and required improvements identified prior to approval of a preliminary plat for the proposed development of the property. Lakeville Public Works staff is communicating with Burnsville staff to obtain a recent capacity study for this lift station and to discuss capacity issues and options to address their concerns. Approval of a preliminary plat prior to resolution of the capacity issue at the Burnsville Maple Island lift station would be considered premature under the criteria established by the Subdivision Ordinance. 4  Land Use Compatibility. As part of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendment application, City of Burnsville staff had noted the proximity of the property abutting existing single family homes within Burnsville and requested consideration of screening between the existing dwellings and proposed townhouse development of the property. Lakeville Planning Department staff will recommend that buffer yard landscaping be required along the north line of the townhouse portion of the development of the property abutting the existing single family homes in Burnsville. This requirement would be a condition of approval for subsequent zoning applications if the requested Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments are approved.  Notice. Also as part of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendment application, Burnsville City staff requested that property owners within 350 feet of the subject site receive notice of future zoning and subdivision applications. The Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance require mailed notice of an application requiring a public hearing to properties within 500 feet of the property, which would include the zoning and subdivision applications necessary for development of the sketch plan. Burnsville property owners within 500 feet were given mailed notice of the current Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendment applications. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission previously supported the requested Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments as part of a sketch plan application for the property in 2021. The requested Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments are consistent with the City’s land use goals for expanding housing options in Lakeville, particularly opportunities for higher density forms of housing located near existing or planned transit facilities. The proposed land uses illustrated on the developer’s sketch plan are consistent with these goals and provide for an improved land use transition to existing single family homes to the north and west. Planning Department staff recommends approval of Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments as requested. Findings of fact for approval are included with the packet materials for your consideration. Lakeville Comprehensive Plan Amendment Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 800 feet 10/2/2023 Exhibit A SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND REZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE Timberland Partners and Davis are proposing to construct a mix of multifamily residential, single-family residential, and medical office on a currently vacant 18.75 parcel of land located north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and west of Buck Hill Road. The existing zoning on the site includes a mix of RST-2, RM-1, and C-3. More specifically, Timberland Partners proposes to construct 167 townhome-style apartments and 9 single-family rental homes on approximately 14.16 acres of the parcel. Both the multifamily and single- family project components will be branded as Sundance Lakeville and will include 100% market rate rentals targeting young couples, with and without children, and empty nesters looking to downsize. No public subsidy or assistance is requested. Sundance will contain thirteen (13) two-story buildings, each containing 8-16 flats, or dwelling units, on 11.15 acres that is currently zoned C-3. Timberland is requesting this portion of the subject property be rezoned to M-1. The nine (9) single-family homes are located on approximately 3.10 acres that has a split zoning of RM-1 and RST-2. The proposed use is consistent with current zoning. The multifamily buildings will include a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. All units will have direct access entries and most will have at least one dedicated attached garage space. There are no common corridors or common entries associated with any of the units, allowing residents increased privacy and sense of safety. The single-family homes will be a mix of 3- and 4-bedroom homes on sizable lots, each with their own individual yard. Both the single-family and multifamily components will be constructed as one cohesive development through connectivity and shared amenities including a 5,000+ square foot clubhouse which will include a full kitchen, community room, game lounge, and fitness center. It will also contain offices for our award-winning on-site management team. Connected to the clubhouse will be a large outdoor pool with an outdoor kitchen, including grilling stations, and a fire pit. Site amenities will also include natural wetland buffers, ample green space, and a dog run and dog spa. Lakeville-based RT Residential, a division of the Tradition Companies, will be the general contractor for Sundance Lakeville ensuring that the project will be built to the highest quality and integrity. On the southeast corner of the site, Davis is proposing to construct two single-story medical office buildings on approximately 3 acres of land currently zoned C-3, which are appropriate for the intended use. One building will be approximately 14,000 SF with the other measuring 12,000 SF. Davis currently has interested tenants for both buildings. Sundance Lakeville will be developed, owned, and managed by Timberland Partners. Timberland is based in Bloomington, Minnesota, and currently owns and manages over 20,000 apartment homes located in 18 states. Timberland does not provide any third-party management services, managing only what we own and focusing on providing a safe, clean, and quality living experience for our residents. The medical buildings will be owned by Davis and is the same group that is developing the 100,000 sq. ft. medical building under construction in Lakeville currently. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with over 90 years of combined experience, Davis is a developer of high-quality Exhibit B medical office properties and also provides unparalleled real estate advisory services to the healthcare industry. Davis currently owns and/or manages 60 medical buildings (2,900,000 sq. ft.) located in 9 states. COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )COMMERCIAL583,093 SF (13.39 AC)MEDIUM DENSITYRESIDENTIAL90,683 SF (2.08 AC)LOW/MEDIUM DENSITYRESIDENTIAL99,032 SF (2.27 AC)LAND USE EXHIBIT - EXISTINGLAKEVILLE, MNR.O.W DEDICATION:43,932 SF (1.01 AC)Exhibit C 5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK24'20'20'20'24'32'19.8'BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 114-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITS12,500 SFSINGLE STORYSINGLE STORY14,000 SF11'BUILDING 516-UNITSCommunity Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolCLUBHOUSEPROPERTY LINE5' INTERIOR PARKING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACK/EASEMENTTRASHENCLOSUREFD Maint. StorageM3 Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 112-UNITSCOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )LAND USE EXHIBIT - PROPOSEDLAKEVILLE, MNLOW/MEDIUM DENSITYRESIDENTIAL156,509 SF (3.59 AC)FUTURE R.O.W DEDICATION:21,682 SF (.49 AC)INCLUDED IN 3.59 AC ABOVEM-1 MIXED USE I-35CORRIDOR DISTRICT485,781 SF (11.15 AC)C-3, GENERAL COMMERCIAL130,933 SF (3.01 AC)R.O.W DEDICATION:43,932 SF (1.01 AC) COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )C-3, GENERAL COMMERCIAL583,093 SF (13.39 AC)RM-1, MEDIUM DENSITYRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT90,683 SF (2.08 AC)RST-2, SINGLE AND TWO FAMILYRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT99,032 SF (2.27 AC)ZONING EXHIBIT - EXISTINGLAKEVILLE, MNR.O.W DEDICATION:43,932 SF (1.01 AC)Exhibit D COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK24'20'20'20'24'32'19.8'BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 114-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITS12,500 SFSINGLE STORYSINGLE STORY14,000 SF11'BUILDING 516-UNITSCommunity Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolCLUBHOUSEPROPERTY LINE5' INTERIOR PARKING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACK/EASEMENTTRASHENCLOSUREFD Maint. StorageM3 Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 112-UNITSZONING EXHIBIT - PROPOSEDLAKEVILLE, MNM-1 MIXED USE I-35CORRIDOR DISTRICT485,781 SF (11.15 AC)RST-2, SINGLE AND TWO FAMILYRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT156,508 SF (3.59 AC)FUTURE R.O.W DEDICATION:21,682 SF (.49 AC)INCLUDED IN 3.59 AC ABOVEC-3, GENERAL COMMERCIAL130,933 SF (3.01 AC)R.O.W DEDICATION:43,932 SF (1.01 AC) R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ =37°09'3 7"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC)DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145(PU B L I C )5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK24'20'20'20'24'32'19.8'BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 114-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITS12,500 SFSINGLE STORYSINGLE STORY14,000 SF11'BUILDING 516-UNITSCommunity Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolCLUBHOUSEPROPERTY LINE5' INTERIOR PARKING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACK/EASEMENTTRASHENCLOSUREFDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 112-UNITS24'STORMWATERPONDSTORMWATER PONDFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION8SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN OVERALL 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700Exhibit E kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville Cover Sheet SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE HUD Gross Square Footage Building Site Count Level -1 Level 1 Level 2 Building Total Gross Area Total Gross Building Areas 11-Unit Building (11A) 1 -9,134ft² 8,886ft² 18,020ft²18,020ft² 12-Unit Building (12A) 9 -8,384ft² 8,136ft² 16,520ft²148,680ft² 16-Unit Building (16A) 3 -11,803ft² 11,890ft² 23,693ft²71,079ft² Clubhouse 1 -5,120ft² -5,120ft²5,120ft² Maintenance 1 -1,014ft² -1,014ft²1,014ft² x Grand Total 15 243,913ft² Residential Unit Mix - 12-Unit Building (12A) Name Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 4 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,712 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²740 ft² 2,960 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit A2 4 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 5,282 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 0 ft²841 ft² 3,365 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 -Garage 2 4 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 6,525 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²1,221 ft² 4,884 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 12 16,519 ft²11,209 ft² Residential Unit Mix - 11-Unit Building w/ Type A (11A) Name Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 1,178 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²740 ft² 740 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit B3 1 1,134 ft² 0 ft² 419 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,070 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²1,070 ft² 1,070 ft² 2 2 Type B Unit B5 - Type A 1 1,098 ft² 0 ft² 723 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,035 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²1,035 ft² 1,035 ft² 2 2 Type A Level 2 Unit A2 1 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 1,321 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 0 ft²841 ft² 841 ft² 1 1 - Unit A2 -Stairs 2 1 813 ft² 132 ft² 412 ft² 1,357 ft² 1,357 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 0 ft²841 ft² 841 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 -Garage 1 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 379 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²1,221 ft² 1,221 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 -Garage 2 2 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 3,262 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²1,221 ft² 2,442 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 -Garage 3 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 716 ft² 2,051 ft² 2,051 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²1,221 ft² 1,221 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 -Garage 1 1 1,188 ft² 95 ft² 412 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 0 ft²1,212 ft² 1,212 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 -Garage 2 1 1,188 ft² 132 ft² 748 ft² 2,068 ft² 2,068 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 0 ft²1,212 ft² 1,212 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 11 18,019 ft²11,836 ft² Residential Unit Mix - 16-Unit Building (16A) Name Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 -Garage 1 4 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,712 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²740 ft² 2,960 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit A7 2 855 ft² 0 ft² 385 ft² 1,240 ft² 2,479 ft² 798 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²798 ft² 1,596 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit A2 -Garage 1 4 808 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,316 ft² 5,263 ft² 753 ft² 83 ft² 0 ft²836 ft² 3,344 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 -Garage 2 4 1,216 ft² 113 ft² 318 ft² 1,647 ft² 6,588 ft² 1,148 ft² 86 ft² 0 ft²1,234 ft² 4,936 ft² 2 2 - Unit C2 2 1,660 ft² 128 ft² 748 ft² 2,535 ft² 5,071 ft² 1,502 ft² 76 ft² 0 ft²1,578 ft² 3,155 ft² 3 2 - Grand total 16 24,113 ft²15,991 ft² Exhibit F Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,056 SF = 53% -STONE VENEER = 927 SF = 47% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 679 SF = 25% 6.17.3 7.1 7.6 4.1 7.3 7.7 4.1 7.8 Level 3 121'-3 3/4" High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 7.1 7.6 26.1 4.1 7.7 7.6 Level 3 121'-3 3/4" High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 4.1 7.7 7.6 6.126.1 7.6 Level 3 121'-3 3/4" High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,056 SF = 53% -STONE VENEER = 927 SF = 47% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 679 SF = 25% 7.3 6.1 7.1 7.6 4.1 7.3 7.77.6 7.87.8 4.1 Level 3 121'-3 3/4" High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS TAG KEY 5.1 ALUMINUM RAILINGS - COLOR: BLACK 4.1 CULTURED STONE - COLOR: TBD 5.3 METAL FENCE POST - COLOR: BLACK 6.1 CEDAR TIMBER - COLOR: STAINED 5.2 CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING - COLOR: BLACK 7.5 PVC SKIRTBOARD - COLOR: WHITE 7.1 LAP SIDING - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.3 BOARD & BATTEN SIDING - SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.4 TRIM - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.6 ASPHALT SHINGLES - COLOR: CHARCOAL 26.1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING - COLOR: BLACK 8.1 GLAZING 7.7 DECORATIVE 12"x36" LOUVER - COLOR: BLACK 5.4 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: WHITE kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"1 12-Unit Building (12A) - Front Elevation Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"2 12-Unit Building (12A) - Side Elevation 1 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 12-Unit Building (12A) - Side Elevation 2 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"4 12-Unit Building (12A) - Back Elevation Copy 1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 6.1 7.6 7.7 4.1 7.1 7.6 26.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 6.1 7.6 7.7 4.1 7.1 7.6 26.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,431 SF = 53% -STONE VENEER = 1,277 SF = 47% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 1,134 SF = 30% 4.1 7.3 7.77.6 26.1 4.15.1 6.1 7.37.1 7.6 6.1 4.1 26.1 7.626.14.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,475 SF = 52% -STONE VENEER = 1,336 SF = 48% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 1,035 SF = 27% 7.6 4.1 7.3 7.7 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.37.1 4.1 7.17.6 6.1 26.14.1 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 16-Unit Building - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"1 16-Unit Building- Side Elevation 2 3/16" = 1'-0"2 16-Unit Building - Side Elevation 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 16-Unit Building - Front Elevation1 3/16" = 1'-0"4 16-Unit Building - Back Elevation1 Exhibit G Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone: 952-985-4423 E-mail – fdempsey@lakevillemn.gov RE: Agency Response to Lakeville Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment APPLICANT: Timberland Partners – North of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road, and south of the municipal boundary with Burnsville Please be advised that (Agency/Jurisdiction) ______________________________ has received notice from the City of Lakeville of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the 2040 Land Use Plan to re-guide property from Commercial and Medium Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use and Low/Medium Density Residential. This amendment will allow the development of approximately 167 multiple family dwelling units and nine single family homes on the site. (Check Applicable Line) ____ The Comprehensive Plan Amendment is not anticipated to impact this jurisdiction. No comments on the application will be forthcoming. ____ This agency will submit written comments on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. ____ Other: (Please attached separate pages if necessary)________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________ Name Date ____________________________________ Title Exhibit H 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE 2040 COMPRHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On October 19, 2023 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Timberland Partners, Inc. for an amendment to the 2040 Land Use Plan map of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan in conjunction with the Sundance Lakeville development. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Commercial, Medium Density Residential, and Low/Medium Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Timberland Partners, Inc. has applied for an amendment to the 2040 Land Use Plan to change the guided land uses to Corridor Mixed Use and Low/Medium Density Residential. 2. The legal description of the property is: (See attached Exhibit A) 3. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment has been submitted to adjacent governmental jurisdictions and the affected school district. Comments were received from the City of Burnsville and are incorporated herein. 4. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment with its judgment to be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2 Finding: Areas within the I-35 corridor have been guided for CMU uses to provide housing opportunities adjacent to planned nodes of commercial development that are also in proximity to existing or future transit facilities. The proposed development is consistent with the goals of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for economic development, attainable housing, and a desirable land use transition. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is at the west edge of the I-35 and CSAH 46 interchange. Introduction of housing in this location would provide both market and employment support for businesses in the area in proximity of the existing Metro Transit Park and Ride facility located on the east side of I-35, south of CSAH 46. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The land uses and site improvements illustrated on the sketch plan will be required to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code and will be evaluated as part of necessary applications to develop the property. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the MUSA. A condition of preliminary plat approval will require that development of the subject property can be accommodated within existing public sanitary sewer and water service capacity or the development will be deemed premature. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 162nd Street (CSAH 46), designated as an A- Minor Arterial street, via Buck Hill Road, a major collector street, and Kendale Drive, a local street. The streets accessing the property have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The planning report dated October 13, 2023 prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan amendment subject to the approval of the Metropolitan Council. DATED: October 19, 2023 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY:_________________________________ Jenna Majorowicz, Chair 4 Exhibit A That part of the West 722.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying Northerly of Dakota County Right of Way Map no. 145, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota except that part lying Westerly, Southwesterly and Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds West, an assumed bearing along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 1, a distance of 1064.56 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 385.50 feet; thence Southeasterly along a non-tangential curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 140.00 feet, a included angle of 75 degrees 03 minutes 19 seconds, an arc length of 183.39 feet and a chord bearing of South 36 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds East; thence South 01 degrees 19 minutes 08 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 307.15 feet to the Northerly line of said Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 145 and there terminating. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota lying Northerly and Northwesterly of Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 145, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, and Easterly of the West 722.00 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota. 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On October 19, 2023 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Timberland Partners, Inc. for an amendment to the Zoning Map to rezone property from RM-1, Medium Density Residential District to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District and from C-3, General Commercial District to M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District in conjunction with the Sundance Lakeville development. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the application preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The subject property is guided for Commercial, Medium Density Residential, and Low/Medium Density Residential land uses by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Timberland Partners, Inc. has applied for an amendment to the 2040 Land Use Plan to change the guided land uses to Corridor Mixed Use and Low/Medium Density Residential. 2. The subject property is zoned C-3, General Commercial District, RM-1, Medium Density Residential District, and RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. Timberland Partners, Inc. has applied for an amendment to the Zoning Map to change the zoning of the property to M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District and RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. 3. The legal description of the property is: (See attached Exhibit A) 4. Section 11-3-3.E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that the Planning Commission shall consider possible effects of the proposed amendment. Its judgment shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 2 a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: Areas within the I-35 corridor have been guided for CMU uses to provide housing opportunities adjacent to planned nodes of commercial development that are also in proximity to existing or future transit facilities. The proposed development is consistent with the goals of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for economic development, attainable housing, and a desirable land use transition. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is at the west edge of the I-35 and CSAH 46 interchange. Introduction of housing in this location would provide both market and employment support for businesses in the area in proximity of the existing Metro Transit Park and Ride facility located on the east side of I-35, south of CSAH 46. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. Finding: The land uses and site improvements illustrated on the sketch plan will be required to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code and will be evaluated as part of necessary applications to develop the property, including availability of sanitary sewer. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject site is within the MUSA. A condition of preliminary plat approval will be that the use can be accommodated within existing public service capacity or the development will be deemed premature. e. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed by 162nd Street (CSAH 46), designated as an A- Minor Arterial street, via Buck Hill Road, a major collector street, and Kendale Drive, a local street. The streets accessing the property have adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 3 5. The planning report dated October 13, 2023 prepared by Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment as consistent subject to approval of the Sundance Lakeville Comprehensive Plan amendment by the Metropolitan Council. DATED: October 19, 2023 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY:_________________________________ Jenna Majorowicz, Chair 4 Exhibit A That part of the West 722.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying Northerly of Dakota County Right of Way Map no. 145, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota except that part lying Westerly, Southwesterly and Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds West, an assumed bearing along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 1, a distance of 1064.56 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 45 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 385.50 feet; thence Southeasterly along a non-tangential curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 140.00 feet, a included angle of 75 degrees 03 minutes 19 seconds, an arc length of 183.39 feet and a chord bearing of South 36 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds East; thence South 01 degrees 19 minutes 08 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 307.15 feet to the Northerly line of said Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 145 and there terminating. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota lying Northerly and Northwesterly of Dakota County Right of Way Map No. 145, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, and Easterly of the West 722.00 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, according to the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Dakota County, Minnesota.