HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA22008417003 Draft Horse Blvd. LA220084 SIGN PERMIT & ELECTRONIC SIGN LICENSE APPLICATION Page 2 Electronic Display/Changeable Copy Sign License By signing below you are certifying the electronic signage meets the following performance standards: 1.The display sign shall not change more than once every seven (7) seconds. 2.The display sign shall not include scrolling, flashing, animation, or other effects. 3.The display must be static and the transition from one static display to another must be instantaneous without special effects. 4.The display image or message must be self-contained, without continuation in content to the next image or message. 5.The brightness of the sign shall not exceed 5,000 NITS after sunrise and before sunset or 500 NITS after sunset and before sunrise each day. 6.The sign shall be equipped with an automatic dimmer control or other mechanism that automatically controls the sign’s brightness to comply with this condition. 7.The display must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction of the electronic display occurs. 8.The display must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the electronic display when notified by the City that it is not complying with the stipulations of this section. 9.The sign shall comply with Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signature_______________________________________ Date______________________________ Print Name______________________________________ Email ________________________________ EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL OF LICENSE: •All licenses expire on December 31st of each year. •License may be renewed only by making application as provided in Section 3-22-4 of the City Code. •Application for renewal shall be made at least sixty (60) days before the expiration date. •Each renewal license shall be issued for a maximum period of one (1) year. •Annual license renewal fee is $50.00 Office Use Only Sign Permit Type: Permanent Sign _____ Temporary Sign _____ Electronic Sign _____ Work Type: New _____ Addition _____ Repair _____ Demolish_____ Replace _____ Alter/Remodel _____ Move _____ Owner: Public _____ Private _____ Zoning District: Commercial _____ Industrial _____ Residential_____ Freeway Corridor _____ Required Inspections: Footing _____ Final _____ Permit Fee: Permit Fee _____________ Miscellaneous ___________ Total ___________________ Comments: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Approved by:____________________________ Date:___________________________________ (REVISED JANUARY 2017) X X X RST-2 X $50.00 $50.00 14 November 2023 *Sign must be setback 15' from property line along 170th Street. *No closer to 170th Street than the existing permanent Brookshire subdivision sign. *Sign may be displayed for 3 years from date of permit issuance or until building permits have been issued for all lots in the Brookshire development. Sign shall be 8’ in height and 8’ wide for a total of 64 square feet. Sign will be placed in the ground. 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SheetsBROOKSHIRESET 1/2" BY 14" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON SURVEYTHE NORTH LINE OF THE EAST HALF OFSECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 114, RANGE 20, HAS$1$6680('%($5,1*2)6ƒ (SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEETSCALE IN FEETINSET B(FROM SHEET 3 OF 8 SHEETS)BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED,AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH ANDADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES AS SHOWN ON THE PLATDRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS:(NOT TO SCALE)10 10 55X