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MAY 4, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ryan, Sindt, Holberg and
Mayor Zaun. Absent:. Councilmember Mulvihill
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud; Parks ~ Recreation Director;
D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; D.
Morey, Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; D. Krings, Chief Building
Official; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the April 20, 1998, regular Council meeting were approved with
a correction under Item 7i on Page 9. The April 20, 1998, special Council
meeting and the April 1, 1998, Council.. work session were approved as
ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided a corrected resolution relating #o
parking restrictions along a portion of Judicial Road, Item No. 14.
April, 1998, .monthly report of the Operations & Maintenance Department.
Mr. Volk stated the dedication of the City's new water treatment plant on
Saturday, May 2nd, was timed to coincide with Drinking .Water Week. He
presented a proclamation declaring May 3-9 as Drinking Water Week in
Lakeville. Councilmember Ryan read the proclamation.
MAY 4, 1998
98.102 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to proclaim May 3-9, 1998,
as Drinking .Water Week in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg.
Chief Martens introduced Police Reserve Officers Joe Farrington, Thomas
Knutson, Daniel Michael, Cynthia Ryan, Mike Scheurer and Kerrin Swecker.
Mayor Zaun administered the oath of office to the reserve officers.
Linda Waiter, Senior Coordinator, and Ron Oliphant, an instructor. for the local
55 Alive/Mature Driving courses, presented a proclamation declaring May 24-
30 as 55 Alive/Mature Driving Week in Lakeville. Councilmember Sindt read
the proclamation.
98.103 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to proclaim May 24-30 as 55
Alive/Mature Driving Week in Lakeville..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan.
Linda Walter, Senior Coordinator, presented a proclamation proclaiming May
10-16 as Senior Center Week in Lakeville. Mayor Zaun read the proclamation.
98.104 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ryan to proclaim May 10-16 as
Senior Center Week in Lakeville..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun.
Mr. Michaud presented the Tree City USA Award, which is being presented to
the City of Lakeville by the National Arbor Day Foundation for the sixth
consecutive year. Councilmember Holberg read a proclamation proclaiming
May 9, 1998, as Arbor Day in Lakeville.
98.105 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to proclaim May 9, 1998, as
Arbor Day in Lakeville.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt.
Mr. Krings introduced Lief Hanson, Zoning Enforcement Coordinator.
MAY 4, 1998
Councilmember Ryan asked that items 7e, 7g and 7i be removed from the
consent agenda. Councilmember Holberg asked that items 9 and 10 be added
to the consent agenda.
98.106 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental Affairs Committee, April 14, 1998
Parks & Recreation Committee, April 15, 1998
Planning Commission, April 16, 1998:
Ice Arena Advisory Committee, April 22, 1998
c. Resolution No. 98-82 accepting donation from. VFW Post 210 for the
firearms safety training program.
d. Agreement with Body Dryland Hockey School to conduct. a dryland
hockey. camp at the McGuire Jr. High School hockey rink and warming
e. (Removed from consent agenda}
f. Limited Use Permit with Mn/DOT and acknowledge receipt of trail
easement from Lakeville Land, Ltd. for construction of the 205th Street
trail, Improvement Project 98-2.
g. (Removed from consent agenda)
h. Resolution No. 98-84 receiving feasibility report and calling' a public
hearing for Districts 3 and 4 sealcoating, Improvement. Project 98-1.
i. (Removed from consent agenda)
j. Special assessment agreement with Mark Finholt for part of Lots 3 and. 4,
Block 1, Kingswood Estates, Improvement Project 96-6.
k. Cigarette license. for Brackett's Crossing Country Club.
MAY 4, 1998
I. Agreement with Dakota County for maintenance of I-35 park & ride lots.
m. Resolution. No. 98-85 accepting a donation from Keith Nelson to the water
treatment plant.
n. Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Eryn O'Brien and Jeffrey Markee
for 14.8 acres of property along Klamath Trail
o. Resolution No. 98-86 accepting a donation from Michelle Gerevics to the
Parks Department.
p. Tree service operator license for Tamarack Tree Service..
q. Licensing agreement with Ergometrics for police officer testing.
9. Receive Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation
and approve a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a
detached accessory building at 16180 Garner Avenue
10. Receive Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation
and approve a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a
detached accessory building at 11556-195th Street West.
RoIP call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg.
ITEMS 7E, 7G, 71
Councilmember Ryan stated he will be abstaining from voting on these items
due to possible conflicts of interest.
98.107 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve the following
consent agenda items:
e. Trunk sanitary sewer and watermain credits. for Quail Meadows.
g. Resolution No. 98-83 approving special assessment agreements,
easement agreements,.. plans and specifications and setting a bid date for
210th Street sanitary sewer and watermain extensions, Improvement
Project 98-3.
i. Amendment to development contract for Harris Acres First.
MAY 4, 1998
Roll call was takeh on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan
Mr. Bernie Fink of F & L Enterprises requested Council approval of a-
conditional use permit to allow the construction of an office/warehouse building
on property located east of Kenrick Avenue, south of 215th Street.
Mr. Sobota presented the conditional use permit application. The parcel of
property, he stated, is located outside the current MUSA boundary. It has a
building on it which is proposed to be removed. The property was. partially
graded by the previous owner prior to receiving a grading permit and was cited
for the violation. The charges will be dropped if this project receives
conditional use_ permit approval Mr. Sobota stated that over the last five years
there have been three different proposals for the site. Staff feels that F & L
Enterprises will carry out development of the site per the proposed conditional
use permit. The office area of the building is being changed from a two story,
as originally planned, to a single story facility. Staff feels this change improves
the appearance of the building. Additional landscaping is being required along
the northerly driveway for screening from Kenrick Avenue. Access permits will
be required from the Dakota County Highway Department for access to the site
off of Kenrick Avenue. The Council is also being asked to approve an
assessment agreement for storm sewer area charges and dedication of a
permanent easement for the designated wetland.
Councilmember Sindt raised a concern with regard to the parking area. Mr.
Sobota stated the proposed parking currently meets the demand. If the
operation were to expand, the owner would have to apply for a conditional use
permit amendment and indicate where additional parking would be located.
98.108 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Ryan to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a
conditional use permit to allow: the construction of an office/warehouse building
on property located east of Kenrick Avenue and south of 215th Street near the
south city limits, and approve a Special Assessment Agreement with Darren
Giles and Daniel Giles, contract purchasers, and Wilfred J. Nelson, Trustee of
the Tri-State Machinery Company, and an Easement Agreement with Wilfred J.
Nelson, Trustee of the Tri-State Machinery Company.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun:
MAY 4, 1998
Lonnie Smith, Director of Business Services with ISD 194, requested Council
approval of a conditional use permit amendment to allow the installation of
additional portable classrooms at McGuire Junior High School
Mr. Dempsey presented the proposed conditional use permit amendment. He
stated the two additional portable classrooms will be attached to the east side
of the four. existing portable classrooms. All portable classrooms will be
.removed prior to the opening of the new junior high school in the fall of 1999.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use
permit amendment with five stipulations.
98.109 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve an
amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 91-01 allowing the use of portable
classrooms at McGuire Jr. High School, 21220 Holyoke Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt.
Mr. Don Patton, representing D.R. Horton-Minnesota, requested Council
approval of the Zweber Farm Second and Zweber Farm Third final plats.
Mr. Morey presented the final plat of Zweber Farm Second, which consists of
40 single family lots located west of Highview Avenue, south of Cherry View
Elementary School. Zweber Farm Third. consists of 14 single family residential
lots located south of Hyacinth Way and west. of Hyde Park Avenue. The
developer is also requesting the vacation of a sanitary sewer .easement
originally established to accommodate a sewer extension to serve the City's
water treatment plant. The sanitary sewer easement will be replaced by a
permanent street right of way and drainage and utility easements. At the
request of the developer, Zweber Farm Second And Zweber Farm Third are
being processed simultaneously with one development contract. Both are
consistent with the approved Zweber Farm preliminary plat. Outlots A and B
will be conveyed to the City for trail connections from 176th Street to the
Cherry View Elementary School site.
Councilmember Ryan stated he will abstain from action on this item due to a
• conflict of interest.
MAY 4, 1998
Councilmember Sindt asked about the elimination of the provision in the
Zweber Farm preliminary plat limiting the number of building occupancy
permits issued yearly. Mr. Morey explained that with the upcoming
construction of a new elementary school, School District 194 is reviewing
boundary issues in the northern part of the city and has determined that. the
Zweber Farm second and third addition students will be going to Cherry View
Elementary School Children from the Andersons Century Farm. subdivision
and the remainder of the Zweber Farm development will go to Eastview
Elementary School
Councilmember Sindt asked about any future plans to realign the intersection
of Dodd Boulevard and Highview Avenue. Mr. Morey stated that project is not
currently in the County's Capital Improvement Plan; however, the first addition
of Zweber Farm was platted to accommodate the ultimate straightening of that
intersection. From the City's perspective, the project is still being pursued.
98.110 .Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No.
98-87 vacating a sanitary sewer easement, Resolution No. 98-88 approving the
final plat of Zweber Farm Second and Resolution No. 98-89 approving the final
plat of Zweber Farm Third.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan
.ITEM 13
Ken Gust, representing North Suburban Development, Inc., requested Council
approval of the revised preliminary plat of Dodd Valley Estates.
Mr. Morey presented the. revised preliminary plat of Dodd Valley Estates, which
consists of 98 single family lots located on the south side of Dodd Boulevard
between Flagstaff Avenue and Pilot Knob Road. The original Dodd Valley
Estates preliminary plat consisted of 57 single family lots and was approved by
the City Council on December 15, 1997. Forty-two single family lots were
shown, conceptually as a future development phase.. The developer would like
to develop all 98 lots at this time. The developer lost one lot from the original
development in order to provide a second street access to the subdivision at
Dodd Boulevard and Farcry Way as requested by the neighboring residents
and recommended by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission
held a public hearing. and unanimously recommended approval of the revised
preliminary plat. Staff recommends approval subject to 10 stipulations.
MAY 4, 1998
Councilmember Ryan asked about a street angle in the southwest corner of the
plat and whether the angle is acceptable. Mr. Morey explained that because
Dodd Boulevard crosses at an angle at that location, it results in some unique
lot and street configurations and jagged points on lots that are perpendicular to
Dodd Boulevard. He stated the engineering staff reviewed the street.
configurations and recommended approval.
Councilmember Ryan stated he is not comfortable with the street angle as
proposed and asked that the developer look for realignment options prior to
final plat consideration..
98.111 Motion was made by Ryan, seconded by Sindt to approve the preliminary plat
of Dodd Valley Estates.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan.
Michael Falk, representing Weston Real Estate Corporation, requested Council
approval of Orchard Hills 1st Addition and Orchard Hills 2nd Addition.
Mr. Sobota presented the final plat of Orchard Hills 1st Addition, consisting of
eight single family residential lots on the west side of Judicial Road at 168th
Street. Orchard Hills 2nd Addition is located immediately north of the 1st
Addition and consists of seven single family residential lots. The final plats are
consistent with the preliminary plat approved by the City Council in 1997. The
two final plats are being processed simultaneously with one development
Mr. Sobota stated the area>is heavily wooded, and some lots will require
retaining walls in order to make them buildable. An additional $50,000 is being
posted by the developer to guarantee construction of the retaining walls. The
small wetland located in the central portion of the site will not be impacted by
proposed project. The developer is providing a cash escrow for the future
development of Judicial Road. In response to concerns raised by the
neighboring residents, the Planning Commission is recommending approval of
a resolution authorizing "no parking" on the south side of 168th Street from the
intersection of 168th Street and Judicial Road to 16860 Judicial Road.
Councilmember Sindt asked when the oak trees are susceptible to oak wilt.
Mr. Sobota stated that because oak trees are susceptible to oak wilt between
MAY 4, 1998
April 15th and July 1st, the developer must follow special requirements in the
tree preservation plan to prevent the spread of oak wilt.
Councilmember Holberg asked the developer if any oak wilt was located on the
property when the trees were evaluated. Mr. Falk stated there is some oak wilt
in the second addition, mostly in an area where trees are proposed to be
removed. He stated his forester has been working with the City's
environmental engineer and forester in an effort to meet the requirements of
the tree preservation plan.
98.112 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No,
98-90 approving the final plat of Orchard Hills 1st Addition; Resolution No. 98-
94 approving the final plat of Orchard Hills 2nd Addition; and Resolution No.
98-92 authorizing " no parking" on the south side of 168th Street from the
intersection of 168th Street and Judicial Road to 16860 Judicial Road.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun.
Mr. Byron Watschke, Fortune Realty, Inc., requested Council. approval. of the
final plat of Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition.
Mr. Morey presented the final plat of Lake Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition, which
consists of 21 townhouse lots, one single family lot, four common area lots and
seven outlots located in the southwest corner of Kenyon Avenue and 179th
Street.. In conjunction with the final plat, Mr. Watschke is requesting approval
of a variance to allow a cul-de-sac street with a length greater than 500 feet,
the vacation of an existing roadway, drainage and utility easement, and a
wetland replacement plan.
Mr. Morey explained that the need for a cul-de-sac street length variance
resulted from changes made to the preliminary plat as requested by Lake Villa
Golf Estates residents at the preliminary plat neighborhood meetings and
public hearing. The neighbors did not want the 9th Addition private streets
connecting to the existing 179th Trail. The developer eliminated that street
connection by making the private street a long cul-de-sac. He pointed out that
private streets are maintained by a homeowners association.
The proposed easement vacation is for a segment of 179th Trail that was
established in conjunction with the adjacent Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th
Addition, which included a stipulation that the easement be replaced by
MAY 4, 1998
.permanent street right-of--way when that segment is final platted. Mr. Morey
explained that the 9th Addition preliminary plat and PUD rezoning were
approved by the City Council last year. The property to the north was rezoned.
last fall as requested by the. neighborhood residents. The .developer had
agreed to rezone the property to R-5, which is suitable for townhouse or two-
family dwelling units. Staff felt it was appropriate to reduce the width of 179th
Street from 44 feet to 40 feet, because the property to the north of 179th Street
as rezoned from commercial to residential. Staff is further recommending "no
parking" on 179th Street from Kenyon Avenue to 179th Trail. Due to the
environmental sensitivi#y of the area and plans to begin construction prior to
July 1st, special tree preservation measures will be required. Staff
recommends approval of the variance, resolution vacating a roadway, drainage
and utility easement, resolution approving the final plat and resolution
authorizing "no parking" along a portion of 179th Street.
Councilmember Ryan expressed concern regarding the length of the cul-de-
sac on Outlot B. Mr. Morey explained that the cul-de-sac, which is
approximately 200 to 300 feet longer than ordinance standard, is being
proposed in response to a request from neighborhood residents to not extend
179th Trail. Councilmember Ryan asked if any other alternatives were
considered. Mr. Morey stated that in order to avoid pushing the house pads
out into the wetland areas, this was the best scenario from an environmental
Mr. Erickson explained that an extensive mediation process between the
neighborhood residents and the developer yielded several compromises,
including the cul-de-sac as presented.
Councilmember Ryan asked about the width of the cul-de-sac on Outlot F. Mr.
Morey stated it is 32 feet back to back. Councilmember Ryan also asked
about site lines at .the entrance. Mr. Morey stated the engineering department
reviews all subdivisions. in terms of internal flow and site line distance issues
and recommended approval as presented.
Councilmember Hoiberg asked the City Engineer about the. functional
classification and corresponding road width of 179th Street/Keokuk Avenue as
identified in the City's transportation plan. Mr. Nelson stated it is a major
collector roadway, and the 40 foot right-of--way is appropriate.
Mayor Zaun stated he feels the proposed 179th Street construction is an
improvement for the area. He further stated in reviewing the justification. for the
MAY 4, 1998
variance, in his opinion it does not violate the intent and purpose of the zoning
and subdivision ordinance.
Mayor Zaun pointed out that approval of the variance and PUD agreement
would require afour-fifths vote of the Council
Councilmember Ryan stated he does not intend to vote in favor of this item, as
he feels the 30 foot wide cul-de-sac in Outlot B is not large enough. to
accommodate snow storage, fire equipment, etc. He stated he feels there was
a trade-off between density and where the road could be placed. He felt that
occasionally private streets in townhome developments end up being owned by
the. City, and.. privately owned streets in Lakeville have always .been built
consistent with other streets in the City.
Mr. Erickson stated that in the interest of the environment and the developer's
commitment to this project, he has concerns with .regard to the long standing
agreement that has been achieved between the developer and the
neighborhood residents. He suggested the Council proceed with the next item
on the agenda and allow staff an opportunity to discuss alternatives to achieve
.the standard 45-foot cul-de-sac turn around radius.
Ms. Friedges presented a precinct boundary map, proposing the creation of
two'additional precincts. She explained that the additional precincts are being
proposed in order to accommodate the growing number of registered voters in
the north central area of the city. She explained that the southern portions of
precincts 5 and 9 would make up a new Precinct 10, and the southern half of
precinct 4 would be the new Precinct 11. The polling place for Precinct 10
would beat Eastview Elementary School, and the polling place for Precinct 11
would be at the Water Treatment Plant. She also proposed relocating the
polling place in Precinct 8 from Fire Station No. 2 to North Trail Elementary
School to better serve the .growing number of residents in that area of the. city.
Ron Gerk asked if the polling places for Precincts 10 and 11 could be switched.
The City Clerk stated both the Water Treatment Plant and Eastview. Elementary
School would be appropriate polling places for either precinct.
98.113 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve new precinct
boundaries and polling places as recommended by the City Clerk, (see
Precinct Map on file in the City Clerk's office), with the polling place for Precinct
MAY 4, 1998
10 at he Lakeville Water Treatment Plant and the polling place-for Precinct 11
at Eastview Elementary School
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt.
Mr. Erickson stated a 45 foot radius can be achieved on the cul-de-sac in Lake
Villa Golf Estates 9th Addition, necessitating a change in the setbacks on two
lots to 25 feet.
Councilmember Holberg stated that by creating the 45 foot radius, more.
impervious. surface would be added to an environmentally sensitive area. She
stated she doesn't feel the cul-de-sac radius needs to be made that large,
given the fact that this particular development is environmentally sensitive.
She further stated she feels. the developer has taken. every step possible to
respond to the environmental concerns of the City and the Lake Villa Golf
Estates neighborhood.
. Councilmember Ryan stated the extra long cul-de-sac does not meet the City's
standards. The layout lacks creativity and looks as if density has taken priority
over good traffic patterns.
Mr. Maurer stated they have tried. very hard to work with the neighborhood and
feels the design of this project is excellent, considering this piece of property is
very difficult to develop. He stated they would have preferred to have the
street go through, however, the neighbors did not want that.
Councilmember Ryan asked if the roadway could be realigned to the west of
the wetland. Mr. Maurer stated by doing that they would lose a unit. He stated
they have no objection to an increased radius of the cul-de-sac as
recommended by staff.
98.114 Motion by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to table consideration of Lake Villa Golf
Estates 9th Addition until the May 18, 1998, City Council meeting.
:Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg.
Councilmember Holberg provided. an update for the Council on the County
Road 42 Corridor Task Force.
MAY 4, 1998
Councilmember Ryan asked the Council to reconsider the Highview Avenue
overlay project (item 7i from the April 20th Council meeting) until after School
District 194 decides what is needed on that street as far as turn lanes, by-pass
lanes, etc. for the proposed new elementary school at Highview Avenue and
165th Street. He stated the Council may also want to reconsider improvement
of the site line problem on 172nd. Street near the Holiday Stationstore at this
time, as the roadway may be realigned to the north in the near future.
Mr. Nelson stated the school- construction is not going to affect the Highview
Avenue overlay. He stated there are currently some signs of deterioration on
Highview Avenue, and it needs to be overlaid at this time. Councilmember
Holberg stated the Orchard Lake Community Improvement Association has
asked the area residents to provide feedback to the City prior to taking of bids
on the overlay project (May 12th) as to whether.#hey feel the City should
proceed with the improvement of 172nd Street at this time.
. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next. regular Council meeting, May 98, 1998
Mayor Zaun. adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Frie ges, Cit Clerk
Dua a Zaun, M y r