APRIL 20 1998
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken.. Present: Councilmembers Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg
and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director;
D. Martens, Chief of Police;. D. Krings, Chief Building Official; C. Friedges, City
Clerk; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant.
The minutes of the April 6th regular Council meeting and the April 7th special
Council meeting were approved as presented.
ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson presented .additional information for consent
agenda Item 7d and a letter from Lova Anderson, agenda Item 12.
CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Martens recognized the achievements of
Lieutenant Dave Bellows in his recent graduation from the FBI Academy.
Lieutenant Bellows expressed his appreciation to the City Council for being
given the opportunity to attend the Academy.
LIEUTENANT BELLOWS then presented the March Police Department
monthly report.
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the March
Parks & Recreation Department monthly report.
Mayor Zaun read a letter from Gary Humphrey, Mayor of Apple Valley,
expressing appreciation on behalf of the Apple Valley City Council to the
APRIL 20, 1998
Lakeville Fire Department for mutual aid assistance at a recent fire at the
Lamperts Lumber building in Apple Valley.
Mr. Michaud introduced Dave Downs, Park Maintenance II employee.
Mr. Krings introduced Steve Horsman, Building .Inspector.
Mayor Zaun presented a proclamation for Volunteer Recognition Week. He
stated the City Council is soliciting nominations for the City's annual community
service recognition, which will be held in June.
98.90 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Holberg to proclaim the week of
April 19-25 as Volunteer Recognition Week.
Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg.
Sally Custer, coordinator of the Loyalty Day activities in Lakeville, presented a
proclamation declaring May 1st as Loyalty Day. She provided an overview of
the various activities that students can participate in as a part of Loyalty Day,
such as .poster and essay contests, which remind students to respect each
other, people of all ages, the flag and our country.
98.91 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to proclaim May 1, 1998,
Loyalty Day in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan.
Councilmembers removed Items 7x and 7i from the consent agenda.
Councilmembers added Item 11 to the consent agenda.
98.92 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. March Investment Report.
APRIL 20, 1998
c. Receive. minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Airlake Airport Advisory Commission, January 15, 1998.
Parks & Recreation Committee, April 1, 1998
Meals on Wheels Advisory Committee, March 25, 1998
Planning Commission, April 2, 1998
Environmental Affairs Committee, March 31, 1998
d. Resolution No. 98-65 receiving bids and awarding contract for park
improvements, pathways and King Park turn lanes, Improvement Projects
96-4, 97-5, 97-20 and 98-2.
e. Resolution No. 98-66 .receiving. bids and awarding contract for widening of
Ipava Avenue from 165th S#reet to Co. Rd. 46 (160th Street),
Improvement Project 98-9.
f. Change Order No. 1 with Keys Well Drilling Company for rehabilitation of
Well No. 6, Improvement Project 97-21.
g. Final acceptance of utilities in Kingsley Cove 2nd Addition.
h. Trunk watermain credits and trunk storm sewer credits for Boulder Village.
1st Addition.
i. (Removed from consent agenda)
j. Contracts for landscape maintenance services with Aspen Ridge Lawn
Maintenance and Jeff Reisinger Lawn Service.
k. Resolutions No. 98-68, 98-69 and 98-70 accepting donations from the
Lakeville Lions Club for the Meals on Wheels program, 1998 Pan-O-Prog
fireworks event and the puppet wagon.
I. Resolution No. 98-71 accepting donation from the Sons of Norway to the
Senior Center.
m. Resolution No. 98-72 accepting donations from. Domino's Pizza, Lakeville
Sanitary Service, Inc., Quality Waste Control, Inc. and Arden .International
Kitchens for Community Clean-up .Day.
APRIL 20, 1998
n. Antenna Site Lease with U.S. West Wireless L.L.C. for the Dakota Heights
water tower located at 18050 Jacquard Path.
o. Resolution No. 98-73 receiving bid and awarding contract authorizing
purchase and installation of playground equipment for Dodd Pointe Park
and Dodd Trail Park.
p. Resolution No. 98-74 approving a gambling permit for Lakeville Men's
Softball Association.
q. Special assessment agreement with Thomas & Mary Toner, 16475
Kingswood Drive.
r. Real Estate Purchase Agreement with .Jeffrey and Dorothy Barr, 16760
Klamath Trail, Improvement Project 96-9.
s. Special assessment agreement with Jeffrey and Lori Barum, 7965 -215th
Street West., (Design Cabinets).
t. Resolution No. 98-75 authorizing sale of unclaimed and surplus .property.
u. Contract between County of Dakota and City of Lakeville for Sentence to
Service.Program work crew.
v. Resolution No. 98-76 approving a gambling permit for Turn In Poachers,
w. Resolution No. 98-77 terminating Conditional Use Permit No. 89-06.
x. (Removed from consent agenda)
11. Special Home Occupation Permit for Amy Smith, 16524 Jaguar Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun.
Mr. Feller explained that the City of Lakeville issued General Obligation
Temporary Tax Increment Bonds in 1995 to finance the Fairfield Business
Campus improvements. The proposed 1998 bond issue will refinance the
$2,401,700 balloon payment on the temporary bonds. The proposed bond
• issue will be repaid from tax increments derived from Fairfield Business
APRIL 20, 1998
Campus, (New Morning Windows, ITRON, Verified Credentials, Hearth
Technologies and Technical Methods, Inc.) Mr. Feller also explained that the
1998 budget anticipated the issuance of certificates. of indebtedness to finance
the acquisition of police, fire, street and park equipment that have a useful life
exceeding five years. The proposed certificates will mature over afive-year
Mr. Feller introduced Springsted Principal Dave MacGillray, who presented bid
results from the bond issues. He pointed out that the bond market is
experiencing the lowest interest rates since the early 1970s. There were six
bids for the $2,495,000 tax increment bond issue, with a low bid from Solomon.
Smith Barney Cronin & Company, Incorporated at 5.1033% interest. He
explained that the official statement on this issue permitted the underwriters to
combine multiple maturity years into a term bond. This provides a large block
of bonds that is more attractive to bond funds,and certain pension funds that
deal with only large blocks of bonds. In turn, it reduces the risk to the
underwriter, allowing them to lower their costs to the city. Since the purchaser
designated maturity to be term bonds, the City Council needs to approve a
supplemental resolution in addition to the resolution authorizing issuance of the
bonds. The $515,000 equipment certificates had seven bids, with a low bid
from United Bankers Bank at 4.2942% interest. Mr. MacGillray recommended
Council approval of resolutions authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds and
the supplemental resolution as presented.
98.93 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No.
98-78 authorizing issuance, awarding sale, prescribing the form and details
and providing for the payment of $2,495,000 General Obligation Tax Increment
Bonds, Series 1998A; Resolution No. 98-79 (Supplemental Resolution) relating
to $2,495,000 General .Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1998A; and
Resolution No. 98-80 authorizing issuance, awarding sale, prescribing the form
and details and providing for the payment of $515,000 General Obligation
Equipment Certificates. of Indebtedness, Series 1998B.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt.
Mr. Sobota indicated that Mr. Giles has a potential buyer for the subject
property and is recommending the CitX Council table consideration of a
conditional use permit until the May 4t Council meeting.
APRIL 20, 1998
98.94 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to table consideration of a
conditional use permit to allow an office/warehouse on property located east of
Kenrick Avenue and south of 215th Street until the May 4, 1998, City Council
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill
Mr. James Stanton, representing Shamrock Development, Inc. requested
Council approval of the Andersons Century Farm Addition preliminary plat,
.which consists of 127 single family lots located on the east side of Ipava
Avenue, north of East View Elementary School
Mr. Morey presented the proposed preliminary. plat . He stated the subject
property is currently a metes and bounds description parcel owned by Lova
Anderson. Mrs. Anderson intends to continue residing in her existing .house.
Her. house will be located on a seven and one-half acre parcel and. will be
connected to City sanitary sewer and water. The developer has conceptually
shown. a possible future subdivision of the seven and one-half acre parcel, in
the event Mrs. Anderson decides to develop the property in the future.
Mr. Morey explained that there are eight outlots with this proposed preliminary
.plat. Outlot B will include a trail connection to East View Elementary School..
Outlot C covers a wetland area. The Environmental Affairs Committee
acknowledged that the developer can leave the wetland. as is. Outlot D will
include a future trail connection to the Zweber Farm subdivisions. The trail will
eventually connect to the trails along 175th Street to the north and east. Outlot
E is a remnant parcel that can become a single family lot in combination with a
future development phase of the Zweber Farm subdivision. Outlot F is a
temporary ponding area. Outlots G & H cover the two permanent subdivision
identification signs that the developer is proposing to install..
The developer will be required to provide a cash escrow for the future upgrade.
of Ipava Avenue. The preliminary plat includes the construction of 178th
Street, which will provide access to the development fromlpava Avenue. The
developer must construct a right turn lane at 178t" Street.. The developer will
be required to provide security to guarantee installation of berm/landscaping on
three lots that abut Ipava Avenue.
Mr. Morey explained that as part of the plat development, Lova Anderson will
be required to eliminate her existing driveway on Ipava Avenue and relocate it
APRIL 20, 1998
onto the proposed Impala Path, which is City policy for metes and bounds
property along major and minor arterial streets. A letter was received from Ms.
Anderson requesting the driveway be allowed to remain at its present location
until the outlot is developed.
98.95 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the letter from
Lova Anderson dated April 20, 1998.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,. Holberg..
Councilmember Sindt stated. she would agree to allow Mrs. Anderson's
driveway to remain at its present location until her property is developed or the
Ipava Avenue parkway is built, whichever occurs first.
Councilmembers Mulvihill and Ryan stated they would also be willing to grant
Mrs. Anderson's request,
Staff recommended that Stipulation No. 17 be worded as follows with regard to
the location of Mrs. Anderson's driveway, "Lova Anderson's existing driveway
onto.Ipava Avenue shall be relocated to Impala Path when the homestead lot is
• subdivided in the future or when Ipava Avenue is reconstructed to a parkway
standard, whichever occurs first".
Councilmember Holberg asked if staff had any dialogue with ISD 194 officials
with regard to the trail connection to East View Elementary. School and
coordination with the district in regard to continuation of the trail on their site.
Mr. Morey state that had been discussed.
Councilmember Holberg asked if plans include a left turn lane on southbound
Ipava Avenue at 178th Street so that the shoulder (bike lane) is not used by
motor vehicles to get around trafFc making a left turn.
Mr. Erickson stated the City's traffic consultant can check the trip generation
and traffic counts in that area, and make a recommendation with the final plat.
98.96 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve the preliminary
plat of Andersons Century Farm Addition.
Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Ryan. Nays,
Holberg.. Councilmember Holberg stated she felt the request for a traffic study
on southbound Ipava Avenue at 178th Street should be in writing as a part of
• the report.
APRIL 20, 1998
98.97 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to direct staff to evaluate the
traffic patterns as they relate to Ipava Avenue and stacking on the southbound
lane at 178th Street and make a recommendation at the time of final plat
consideration for Andersons Century Farm Addition.
.Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun.
ITEM 13.
.Bob Wiegert of Paramount Engineering, representing Country Joe, Inc.,
requested Council approval of the final plat of Harris Acres Second.
Mr. Morey presented the Harris Acres Second final plat, which consists of 45
single family lots. on land located south of 170th Street and east of Fieldcrest
Avenue. The Harris Acres Second final plat includes three lots that were
approved with the adjacent Quail Meadows preliminary plat. The Quail
Meadows .developer sold these three lots to Country Joe, Inc. for development
with Harris Acres Second. Mr. Morey stated the final plat plans have been:
reviewed by the Planning. Commission, Environmental Affarrs Committee and
. Parks & Recreation Committee, and all recommend approval..
Mr. Erickson commended the developer with regard to landscaping and.
Councilmember Ryan stated he will abstain from voting on this item due to a
conflict of interest.
98.98 .Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve Resolution No.
98-81 approving the final plat of Harris Acres Second.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Zaun, Sindt. Ryan
Mr. Erickson asked the City Council to consider the creation of a Human
Resources Director position. He explained that during the past several years,.
State and Federal mandates have added to the responsibilities of personnel
management.: Mr. Erickson outlined the specific duties of the Human
Resources Director and a number of special. projects that will require
• immediate attention. (See memo from City Administrator dated April 16, 1998)
APRIL 20, 1998
Mayor Zaun asked. if compensation and funding for this position will be
available without jeopardizing other positions.. Mr. Erickson stated funding for
thisposition has been identified in the General, Liquor and Municipal Reserves
98.99 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to approve the creation of a
Human Resource Director position.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill
Councilmember Holberg asked about correcting the sight lines on 172"~ Street
at this time, given the proposed plans to realign 172"d Street. She asked if this
portion of the overlay project could be delayed to allow the Council an
opportunity to obtain more information with regard to the realignment of 172nd.
Street and determine whether funds should be expended at this time.
Mr. Nelson stated that portion of the project could be bid as an alternate to the
.base bid, and the City Council would have to determine whether the contract
should be awarded with or withoutthe alternate. Mr. Erickson stated the 1-
35/Highway 50 traffic report is expected to be available later this week.
Councilmember Ryan questioned whether the Highview Avenue overlay should
be done this year. He stated he is concerned about bidding with alternates,
which could result in the City not- receiving a competitive bid on the alternate.
Mr. Nelson explainedthat the contract could be awarded based on the base
bid, or base bid plus alternate, which keeps the alternate from getting inflated.
He further'explained that the realignment of Highview Avenue could be several
years out, if it happens at all, considering the area is environmentally sensitive.
Highview Avenue was originally improved under a change orderfor the County
Road 46 project. At that time it was considered a temporary improvement and
needs the overlay this year.
98.100 .Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
98-67 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for 1998
miscellaneous bituminous overlays and street patching, Improvement Project
98-14, including the correction of site lines on 172nd Street as a bid alternate.
APRIL 20, 1998
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg. Nays,
Ryan. Councilmember Ryan stated he feels it is important for the
Councilmembers to know what they want before putting this work out for bids,
rather than pushing it through with an alternate situation..
98.101 Motion by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to table consideration of a resolution
approving consent to transfer DI HED YOKES, INC. interest of real property
located at 21467 Holyoke Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan.
Councilmember Holberg stated last fall the Personnel Committee had
discussed the staffing situation in the Community Development Department.
She asked how the staff is doing at this point under the pressure of
development and whether any further thought or evaluation has been given to
that situation. Mr. Erickson stated he will continue to evaluate the
organizational structure and staffing in both the Community Development
Department and the Inspections Department and will report back to the
Personnel Committee as quickly as possible.
Councilmember Ryan voiced his concern with the use of the metric system for
competitive bidding, pointing out the inaccurate engineer's estimate in Item 7d
which may have been due to the use of metric measurements. He stated
some smaller contractors are unfamiliar with the system and may be precluded
from bidding on certain projects. He stated he would .like to explore a way to
break out of using the metric system for bidding City projects.
Mr. Nelson stated that while he agreed with Councilmember Ryan, the
Minnesota Department of Transportation uses the metric system for
measurement, and all projects that were designed in 1.995 or later have to be in
metric so that the City can get state aid approval
Mayor Zaun suggested the Council and staff make local legislators aware of
the. City's concerns with regard to metric measurements and the possible
impacts it has on the bidding .process.
APRIL 20, 1998
Mr. Erickson suggested the City's engineering consultants make some
comparisons in recent bids, working with the two.systems of measurement.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council. meeting, May 4,.1998
Council work session, April 29, 1998
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, Ci Clerk
Dua a Zaun, Ma r