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20047 Gamma La Survey
GAMMA LANEGALLIFREY WAYWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT WATWAT WATWA T W A T WA T WA T STO ST O ST O ST O STOSTOSTOSTOSTOST O ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO SANSANSANSANSANBuilding Pad per Grading PlanProposed Drainageand Utility EasementLOT 71N62°15'33"E 53.92N27°44'27"W 95.00N27°44'27"W 83.4260.00N62°15'33"EWA T WA T S A N S A N S A NProposed HouseCordoba EV1F, Elev. D2WalkoutLowest Floor Elev. = (1035.43) FourSeason PorchPorchGarage10.0010.0010.0017.0027.0055.0013.0013.0055.0015.4228.0010.0010.1310.1239.7551.8712.719.005.1712.1325.000.1230.00STCS1040.361036.131036.381040.91X 1035.11035.4 X1039.9 XX 1040.4 X 1038.96TCX 1039.60TCX 1040.22TCX 1041.05TCX 1031.88REX 1029.64RECO(6.6%)(1043.10)X (1030.5)EOFX (1034.8)X (1034.8)X (1034.3)X (1034.3)25.6118.00Sidewalk 6.130.1319.793.0010.0014.0010.00Drainage and Utility Easement over allof Lot 8, Block 1 per the plat of CEDARHILLS 3RD ADDITIONST60 .00 f oo t Pub l i c R igh t o f Way80.00 foot Public Right of WayProposed SidewalkPr op o s e d S id ewa l k 13.08N00°02'45"W168095.12 N526872.95 E168089.59 N526873.60 E168095.40 N526924.34 EDrain Tile Cleanout1030103010321034103610381040104210421040103810361034(1042.7) X103222.00N:\0025850.01\DWG\SURVEY\3RD ADD\0025850.01B01L07 3RD.DWG Lakeville, MinnesotaCedar HillsCertificate of Survey.MJWBTWLennarPREPARED FOR:Phone :hLWeZaWer 'rLYe 6XLWe Fax 0LnneWonNa 01 Toll Free .FIELD CREW:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:© 2023 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.PROJECT NUMBER: 0025850.011) Curb & gutter and utilities are existing.2) Building dimensions do not reflect brick facing.3) Grading Plan by Westwood Professional Services Inc.initial submittal date 02/06/20.4) Building shown reflects Cordoba foundation plan,sheet A2.1, dated 06/01/2023.Lot 7, Block 1, CEDAR HILLS 3RD ADDITION,according to the recorded plat thereof, DakotaCounty, Minnesota.Address- 20047 Gamma LaneGarage Floor Elev. = (1043.10)(at overhead door)Top of Poured Foundation Wall Elev. = (1043.43)Lowest Floor Elev. = (1035.43)I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me orunder my direct supervision and that I am a duly LicensedLand Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 11/08/2023Mathew J. Welinski DateMinnesota License No. 53596matt.welinski@westwoodps.comIMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONSLot area = 5,665 sq. ft.House area = 2,087 sq. ft.Porch area = 162 sq. ft.Four Season Porch area = 140 sq. ft.Driveway and Sidewalk = 260 sq. ft.Impervious area 2,649 sq. ft. / 46.8% of total of lot area0'20'40'LEGENDCABLE TV BOXTVNATURAL GAS METERGSTREET LIGHTELECTRIC BOXEELECTRIC METERESANITARY MANHOLESSEWER CLEANOUTCOCATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLESTTELEPHONE BOXTGATE VALVEHYDRANTWATER METERWCURB STOP BOXCSWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERSANSTOWATFLARED END SECTIONDenotes iron monument foundDenotes iron monument setx xxx.x Denotes existing elevationx (xxx.xx) Denotes proposed elevationBenchmark- Minnesota Departmentof Transportation Control Point "1914H", Elevation = 959.11 (N.A.V.D.1988), not graphically shown.NW Quarter, Section 27, Township 114, Range 20