HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-2023 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS December 18, 2023 - 6:30 PM Lakeville City Hall SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Kingsley Conference Room - 5:15 p.m. 1. Call to order and roll call 2. Motion to close the meeting for the purpose of conducting a performance evaluation of City Administrator Justin Miller pursuant to MN Statute 13 D.05 subd. 3(a) 3. Adjourn to Regular City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chamber - 6:30 p.m. Members of the public can participate in person at Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue. Members of the public may join the meeting via Teams Meeting, Meeting ID: 267 706 322 550 or by calling Toll Number 1-323-433-2142; Conference ID: 848 709 193#. The mayor will allow for public comments and questions at the appropriate time. The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees, and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents, and a council member’s personal judgment. 1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge 2. Roll Call 3. Citizen Comments 4. Additional agenda information 5. Presentations/Introductions a. Recognition of Lakeville Arenas Staff b. Donation to the Yellow Ribbon Program from the Lakeville Liquors Customers 6. Consent Agenda a. Check Register Summary b. Minutes of the 12/04/2023 City Council Meeting c. Minutes of the 11/27/2023 City Council Work Session d. Minutes of the 12/11/2023 City Council Work Session Page 1 of 30 City Council Meetings Agenda December 18, 2023 Page 2 e. 2024 Business License Renewals f. Resolution Accepting Donations on Behalf of Lakeville Liquors Customers to The Yellow Ribbon Program g. First Amendment to Naming Rights Agreement for Hasse Arena h. Approve 2024 Opioid Settlement Fund Budget i. Election of Non-Waiver of Statutory Municipal Tort Liability Limits j. City of Lakeville 2024 Legislative Priorities k. Professional Services Contract for Water Tower Inspection and Cleaning l. Agreement for Waste Refuse Collection from City Facilities and Park Areas m. Contract for Fire Alarm and Life Safety Services n. Resolution Accepting Donation to the Lakeville Police Department o. Summers Creek 3rd Addition final plat p. Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Final Plat Extension q. CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with DARTS for 2024 LOOP Senior Bus Service, Senior Outdoor Chores and Minor Home Repairs r. Granting Spectrum Mid-America, LLC (f.k.a. Charter Cable Partners, LLC) a franchise extension to December 31, 2024 s. Resolution approving 2024 salaries for seasonal employees t. Amending the 2023 and 2024 Budgets u. Labor Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Location 128 (Police Officers) for 2024 - 2026 v. Labor Agreement with Teamsters, Local No. 320 7. Action Items a. Public Hearing on The Moments of Lakeville b. 2023 Envision Lakeville Report 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business a. Report on City Administrator's Performance Evaluation 10. Announcements a. Next Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 2, 2024 b. Next Work Session Meeting January 22, 2024 11. Adjourn Page 2 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Check Register Summary Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Check Register Summary. Overview A summary of the claims paid during the period 11/17/2023 – 12/06/2023 is as follows: Checks 321022-321159 $1,243,556.39 ACH 15144-15280 $3,474,355.01 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 20230578- 20230598 $1,382,790.78 Total $6,100,702.18 The City Council will receive a list of expenditures paid (claims detail) and it is available to the public upon request. Supporting Information 1. 12.5.23 CKSUM 2. Check Register 12.5.23 for Dec 18,2023 Council Mtg Financial Impact: $6,100,702.18 Budgeted: Yes Source: Various Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Cheri Donovan, Assistant Finance Director Page 3 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 2024 Business License Renewals Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the issuance of the 2024 business licenses to the establishments listed in the report below. Overview Business licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 of each year and are subject to annual renewal. The following businesses have applied and paid the fee for a business license for 2024: Mixed Municipal Solid Waste and Recyclable Material Collector License Class A Class B Allied Waste Services d/b/a Republic Services 4325 East 66th Street Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Aspen Waste Systems, Inc. 2951 Weeks Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Buckingham Disposal 5980 Credit River Road SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dick's Sanitation 8984 215th Street W Lakeville, MN 55044 Nitti Sanitation, Inc. 10730 Briggs Drive Lakeville, MN 55044 Waste Management 1901 Ames Drive Burnsville, MN 55306 Suburban Waste MN LLC 7125 126th Street W Savage, MN 55378 Page 4 of 30 Cannabinoid License Hideaway 16040 Cedar Avenue South Rosemount, MN 55068 Lakeville Tobacco & Vape 47648 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 Lakeville Liquors Galaxie 16000 Galaxie Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Natreum Cannabis Wellness 16085 Buck Hill Road Lakeville, MN 55044 Lakeville Liquors Heritage 20164 Heritage Drive Lakeville, MN 55044 Remedy Bar 20757 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Lakeville Liquors Kenrick 16179 Kenrick Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Vape City Tobacco 11276 210th Street West Lakeville, MN 55044 Lakeville Liquors Keokuk 20880 Keokuk Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Vape Genius 17729 Kenwood Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator Page 5 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Resolution Accepting Donations on Behalf of Lakeville Liquors Customers to The Yellow Ribbon Program Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Motion to approve a resolution accepting donations valued at $35,756.63 on behalf of Lakeville Liquors customers to be used by The Yellow Ribbon program. Overview The Lakeville Liquor Stores hosted a fundraiser for The Yellow Ribbon program during the month of November 2023. Funds were raised using donation jars, sale of discounted club memberships, round-up sales option, in-store silent auctions, and admission fees from Emporium Room events. Total funds provided by the Lakeville Liquor Stores for The Yellow Ribbon program is $35,756.63. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $35,756.63 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community Value and Belonging Report Completed by: Tana Wold, Liquor Operations Director Page 6 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 First Amendment to Naming Rights Agreement for Hasse Arena Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the first amendment to naming rights agreement. Overview In 2007, upon opening of the new ice arena on County Road 70, Glenn and Tim Hasse paid $125,000 for naming rights of what is now known as Hasse Arena. This agreement has a term of 20 years. The Hasse's recently approached the city about extending this arrangement, and the attached First Amendment to Naming Rights Agreement reflects the terms negotiated for this extension. Specifically: • The agreement is extended for another 20 years with a contribution of $250,000 into a Lakeville Arenas capital account • Hasse shall have the right to extend the agreement for two additional 10 year terms at $125,000 each • Lakeville Arenas retains the right to sell in-ice naming rights for the outdoor ice sheet currently being constructed Both the Lakeville Arenas Board and ISD 194 will need to approve this agreement as well. Supporting Information 1. First Amendment to Naming Rights Agreement Financial Impact: $250,000 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amenities and Recreational Opportunities Report Completed by: Justin Miller, CIty Administrator Page 7 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Approve 2024 Opioid Settlement Fund Budget Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution Approving the 2024 Opioid Settlement Fund Budget. Overview The City Council approved resolution #21-185 on December 20, 2021 which authorized the City’s participation in the National Prescription Opioid Settlement and the execution of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA requires the City to establish a special revenue fund for the settlement funds and to pass a resolution authorizing the expenditure Opioid Settlement funds and specifying the activities that will be funded. The City of Lakeville has been awarded settlements from three class-action lawsuits resulting from the National Opioid Settlements. When the City formally approved participating in the settlements, the estimated amount to be received was approximately $600,000. Since all deadlines for opting into these settlements have passed, the final calculated amounts have been determined for all participating counties and cities across the United States. The existing settlements have the City of Lakeville receiving $1,066,161 over the course of 18 years. The chart below shows the breakdown of the various settlements and how much the City of Lakeville will receive for each: CLASS-ACTION DEFENDANTS PAYMENT YEARS TOTAL TO RECEIVE Janssen National Opioid Settlement 2022 - 2031 $108,904.66 Distributor National Opioid Settlement 2022 - 2038 $473,810.26 Teva/Allergan/CVS/Walgreens/Walmart 2023 - 2036 $474,302.19 NOAT II Distributor (Mallinckrodt) 2023 $ 9,143.83 The Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) spells out several programs and strategies in which recipients could choose to utilize the funds. The agreement also indicates that these items are not exclusive, and fund recipients shall have the flexibility to modify their abatement approach as needed and as new uses are discovered. Through the 2024 budget process and various meetings, staff identified that 85% to 90% of the drug task force agent’s time is dedicated to opioid cases. This use falls under the Part Three category of Other Strategies (I. First Responders – 1. Law enforcement expenditures related to the opioid epidemic) in the MOA. With this planned use of the opioid funds, the projected fund Page 8 of 30 balance at December 31, 2024 is expected to be approximately $73K. Of this fund balance, the City will set aside the $9,144 of Mallinckrodt proceeds as that settlement has different reporting requirements than the main group of class-action defendants. Supporting Information 1. Resolution Approving 2024 Opioid Fund Budget Financial Impact: $196,998 Budgeted: Yes Source: Opioid Settlement Fund Envision Lakeville Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Report Completed by: Julie Stahl, Finance Director Page 9 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Election of Non-Waiver of Statutory Municipal Tort Liability Limits Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution Electing the Non-Waiver of Statutory Municipal Tort Liability Limits. Overview The City of Lakeville participates in the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) for securing its liability, property, casualty, automobile and workers compensation insurance coverage. As a consideration of insurance policy renewal, the City must annually execute an “LMCIT Liability Coverage Waiver Form” and: 1. Determine whether to waive the statutory liability limits; and Staff is recommending that the City does not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability for 2024. Staff further recommends not purchasing Excess Liability above and beyond the existing $2M of coverage. Supporting Information 1. Non-Waiver Tort_Primary Issues 2. Resolution Non-Waiver Tort Liability Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Municipal Reserves Fund Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Julie Stahl, Finance Director Page 10 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 City of Lakeville 2024 Legislative Priorities Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the City of Lakeville 2024 Legislative Priorities. Overview The adoption of legislative priorities is intended to portray the City's positions on various issues to Lakeville's residents, legislators, county and state officials, lobbying organizations, and other interested parties. Attached for your consideration is the proposed 2024 Legislative Priorities. Added priorities include School Resource Officers and Earned Sick and Safe Time. Revisions were made to several other priorities to reflect changes since 2023. This was reviewed by the City Council at the December 11, 2023, work session. The final version is submitted to the City Council for approval. Supporting Information 1. Proposed 2024 Legislative Priorities Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator Page 11 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Professional Services Contract for Water Tower Inspection and Cleaning Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a professional service contract with SEH, Inc. for water tower inspection and cleaning. Overview Industry standards are to clean, inspect and evaluate painted coatings of water towers every 5 years. The Dakota Heights, Holyoke, Kenrick and Airlake (old public works) towers are due for cleaning and inspection. The work is important as a means of identifying possible deficiencies and to provide ongoing maintenance needs in an overall effort to extend the service life of the towers. The work will be completed in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) D101 standards and is scheduled to start April 2024. SEH Inc. has worked on several water tower projects and inspections for the City of Lakeville in the past. Their work has been acceptable. Supporting Information 1. Proposal for Tower Inspections and Cleanouts Financial Impact: $51,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: Water Utility Fund Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director Page 12 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Agreement for Waste Refuse Collection from City Facilities and Park Areas Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve agreement with Dick's Sanitation, Inc. for municipal waste refuse collection. Overview The agreement with Dick's Sanitation, Inc. for waste refuse from city facilities and park areas is set to expire December 31, 2023. Staff sent a request for quotes to several waste collection companies. The waste refuse contract encompasses collection of solid waste, recyclable material, and organic material for all city facilities and park areas. The city received one quote back from Dick's Sanitation, Inc. for the cost of $43,930.02 per year for 2024 and 2025. Dick's Sanitation work and performance was acceptable during the last contract period. City staff reviewed the quote and recommends award of contract to Dick's Sanitation. Supporting Information 1. Agreement 2. Dick's Sanitation Proposal Financial Impact: $87,860.04 (Two-year contract) Budgeted: Yes Source: General Fund Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Tom Breeggemann, Facility Supervisor Page 13 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Contract for Fire Alarm and Life Safety Services Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract with Summit Fire Protection Company for Fire Alarm and Life Safety Services Overview The contract with Summit Fire Protection Co. for annual inspection of fire and life safety systems is set to expire December 31, 2023. City staff requested quotes from 3 fire alarm and life safety system contractors and received two quotes back. The request was for annual fire alarm, fire sprinkler and fire extinguisher inspection and service in city facilities for years 2024- 2026. The city received the lowest quote from Summit Fire Protection Company with a cost of $10,879 for 2024, $11,308 for 2025, and $11,757 for 2026. The performance of Summit Fire Protection Company over the last contract was acceptable and staff recommends approval of the contract. Supporting Information 1. Contract 2. Summit Quote 3. Viking Automatic Sprinkler Quote Financial Impact: $33,944.00 (3 year contract) Budgeted: Yes Source: General Fund Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good value for public services Report Completed by: Tom Breeggemann, Facility Supervisor Page 14 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Resolution Accepting Donation to the Lakeville Police Department Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept a donation of $2,000.00 from Restored, Lakeville, for the purchase of a small drone. Overview Restored, a Lakeville business, donated funds to the Lakeville Police Department for the purchase of a small drone for our Unmanned Ariel System (UAS) team. During calls, the drone will be utilized inside residences and businesses to check the interior without having to send an officer into a potentially dangerous situation. The Lakeville Police Department appreciates the support of our community and sincerely thanks Restored for continued support. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $2,000.00 Budgeted: No Source: Donation Envision Lakeville Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Report Completed by: Brad Paulson, Chief of Police Page 15 of 30 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO._________ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION TO THE LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, MN Statute 465.03 requires that cities accept donations for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville's Police Department has received a grant or donation of money, goods, or property from Restored, Lakeville, in the amount of $2,000.00; and WHEREAS, the grant or donation is beneficial to the departments; and WHEREAS, the additional revenue received may require the City to incur additional expenditures in order to comply with grant agreements and restricted donations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the grant or donation is hereby officially accepted and acknowledged with gratitude to the donor; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City staff is authorized to amend the budget to comply with grant agreements and restrictive donations. _________________________ Luke M Hellier, Mayor _________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 16 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Summers Creek 3rd Addition final plat Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the Summers Creek 3rd Addition final plat. Overview Summergate Companies has submitted final plat application and plans for one detached townhome lot on 4,500 square feet of land located north of 179th Street (CSAH 9), at Hamburg Avenue. The Summers Creek preliminary plat of 84 single family and 127 detached townhome lots was approved by the City Council on August 5, 2019. The Summers Creek final plat of 46 single family home lots and 65 detached townhome lots was approved by the City Council on October 7, 2019 and the Summers Creek 2nd Addition final plat of 38 single family home lots and 61 detached townhome lots was approved on February 16, 2021. The Summers Creek 3rd Addition final plat is consistent with and the final phase of the approved preliminary plat. Supporting Information 1. Final Plat Resolution 2. November 30, 2023 Planning and Engineering reports Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Kris Jenson, Associate Planner Page 17 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Final Plat Extension Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve an extension to the Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition final plat until December 31,2024. Overview Property owner Roger Gilb is requesting a second extension to the deadline to record the final plat of Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition until December 31, 2024 to allow additional time to market the property. The City Council approved the final plat on October 3, 2022. Soon after City Council approval, the proposed buyer/developer backed out of the purchase. The final plat was extended on May 15, 2023 until December 31, 2023. The final plat will expire on December 31, 2023 unless an extension is approved by the City Council. Before the final plat can be recorded, the development contract will be assigned to either Mr. Gilb or the future buyer of the property. The party for which the development contract is assigned shall be responsible for submittal of the development contract securities, cash payment, and insurance. Supporting Information 1. Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Final Plat 2. Final Plat Extension Request from Roger Gilb Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Diversified Economic Development Report Completed by: Frank Dempsey, AICP Associate Planner Page 18 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with DARTS for 2024 LOOP Senior Bus Service, Senior Outdoor Chores and Minor Home Repairs Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Authorize the City Administrator to sign a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with DARTS to provide LOOP Senior Bus Service and Senior Outdoor Chores and Minor Home Repairs from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Overview The City of Lakeville receives federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding administered through the Dakota County Community Development Agency on an annual basis. The City of Lakeville is currently supporting the Envision Lakeville community value “A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life” by contracting with DARTS to provide support and assistance through the LOOP senior circulator bus service (LOOP), outdoor chores and minor home repairs for Lakeville seniors. The LOOP runs in Lakeville on Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The cost of providing service one day a week is $35,000 for the year. The LOOP follows a route with designated stops at senior living facilities and offers a variety of drop-off locations near grocery and other retail stores, pharmacies and restaurants. On-demand stops are available upon request. The cost to riders is $3 per day and riders can ride all day. No riders are turned away for inability to pay. The Senior Outdoor Chores and Minor Home Repairs program provides assistance to seniors that supports their desire to age in place. Services include lawn care, snow removal, installation of grab bars, build/reinforce railings, checking smoke detectors and more. The funding level for this program is recommended to be up to $10,000 for the year. City staff recommends designating up to $45,000 in CDBG funds for these DARTS programs. In return, DARTS agrees to verify that each senior being helped is a Lakeville resident and is at least 62 years of age or meet HUD income guidelines. Supporting Information 1. Lakeville-DARTS Subgrantee Agreement 2024 2. Lakeville Bus LOOP Schedule 3. LOOP application (62+) Page 19 of 30 Financial Impact: $45,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: Community Development Block Grant Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Coordinator Page 20 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Granting Spectrum Mid-America, LLC (f.k.a. Charter Cable Partners, LLC) a franchise extension to December 31, 2024 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to adopt a resolution granting an extension of the current franchise agreement with Spectrum Mid-America, LLC (f.k.a. Charter Cable Partners, LLC) from December 31, 2023 to December 31, 2024. Overview The original franchise agreement with Charter/Spectrum was approved by the City Council in 1998 and was up for renewal in 2013. The city began negotiations with Charter/Spectrum to renew the franchise for another 15 years, but neither party could agree on the terms prior to expiration of the agreement. Charter/Spectrum indicated they would prefer to continue with the existing franchise with annual extensions. Staff recommends a one-year extension of the current franchise agreement to December 31, 2024. Supporting Information 1. Resolution 2023 Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator Page 21 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Resolution approving 2024 salaries for seasonal employees Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Resolution adopting salaries for seasonal employees. Overview The Minnesota Minimum Wage rate is increasing January 1, 2024, to $10.85 per hour. In order to comply with the Minnesota Minimum Wage Law, Level 1 and Level 2 wages are increasing. There are no additional salary adjustments proposed for Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, and Level 7. A Pottery Studio Specialist position has been added to the seasonal employee pay plan. The hourly rate is $14.00. To remain competitive with the market, the Community Band Director was reclassified to Level 7. The Personnel Committee has reviewed the information and is recommending approval of the seasonal pay plan. The proposed pay rate increases are included in the 2024 budget. Supporting Information 1. 2024 seasonal wage resolution 2. 2024 Seasonal wages 3. Seasonal Wage Changes Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Yes Source: Various funds Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Tammy Schutta, Human Resources Manager Page 22 of 30 December 18, 2023 Item No. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2023 AND 2024 BUDGETS Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Resolution Amending the 2023 and 2024 Budgets. Overview Various events have transpired during the year which require an adjustment to the 2023 General Fund budget. Various amendments have been approved by the City Council during the year. Approval of this resolution authorizes the amendment of the budget to more accurately reflect changes in operations. Final Adopted YTD 12/18/2023 Amended Budget Amended Amendment Budget Revenues 35,371,123$ 35,436,018$ 2,610,386$ 38,046,404$ Expenditures 36,899,342 37,015,080 301,935 37,317,015 Excess (Deficiency)(1,528,219)(1,579,062)2,308,451 729,389 Other Financing Sources (Uses)(1,182,781)(1,068,427)(413,520)(1,481,947) Net Change in Fund Balance (2,711,000)(2,647,489)1,894,931 (752,558) Fund Balance, January 1 21,881,813 21,881,813 125,594 22,007,407 Fund Balance, December 31 19,170,813$ 19,234,324$ 2,020,525$ 21,254,849$ General Fund Detailed explanations for the adjustments are included as part of the exhibits to the resolution. Other funds: Council has approved various amendments to funds throughout 2023 relating to new construction/improvement or other projects. A separate list is included for additional transfers needed for funds not presented above. Included with the 2023 amendments (that are being made to align with GFOA reporting requirements) are amendments for the 2024 fiscal year as well. January 1, 2023 fund balances: The budgeted January 1, 2023 fund balance for all funds was adopted based on estimates from the prior year. The beginning fund balances for all funds are amended to the actual fund balance on January 1, 2023. Page 23 of 30 January 1, 2023 net position (Enterprise/Internal Service Funds): The budgeted January 1, 2023 net position for all Enterprise and Internal Service funds was adopted based on estimates from the prior year. The beginning net position for all funds are amended to the actual net position on January 1, 2023. Supporting Information •Resolution o Exhibit A: General Fund o Exhibit B: Other Funds (Improvement Construction Fund, Debt Service Fund, Park Bonds Fund, Park Dedication Fund, Building Fund) Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Julie Stahl, Finance Director See attached Various 2023 & 2024 Budgets Page 24 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Labor Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Location 128 (Police Officers) for 2024 - 2026 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the labor agreement between the City of Lakeville and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Local No. 128 for 2024, 2025 and 2026. Overview A three-year agreement has been reached with the Police Officers’ union which will take effect on January 1, 2024, and continue through December 31, 2026. This agreement will provide a 3% increase to wages effective January 1, 2024; a 3% increase effective January 1, 2025; and a 2.5% increase effective January 1, 2026. Employees currently at step 7 in 2023 and are meeting performance expectations, will transition to step 8 on July 1, 2024. Police Officers currently receive longevity pay. Beginning in 2025, longevity will begin to be phased out and will be eliminated on January 1, 2026. This agreement provides for health insurance identical for non-union employees. The Juneteenth holiday was also added. Field Training Officers will receive 2 hours of compensation during FTO duties. This agreement will provide a cardio exam reimbursement up to $400 for the employees' out-of- pocket expense not covered by health insurance or other funding sources every 3 years. The changes were reviewed by the Personnel Committee. Supporting Information 1. LELS Police Officers Labor Agreement 2024 -2026 Redline 2. LELS Police Officers Labor Agreement 2024-2026 FInal Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Yes Source: Various funds Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Tammy Schutta, Human Resources Manager Page 25 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Labor Agreement with Teamsters, Local No. 320 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the labor agreement between the City of Lakeville and Minnesota Teamsters Local No. 320 for 2024 and 2025. Overview A two-year agreement has been reached with the Teamsters union which takes effect on January 1, 2024, and continues through December 31, 2025. This agreement will provide a 3% increase to wages effective January 1, 2024: and a 3% increase effective January 1, 2025. Employees currently at step 7 in 2023 and who are meeting performance expectations, will transition to step 8 on July 1, 2024. There is a $0.15 increase for equipment pay, Utility License pay, and Service Technician pay. The agreement also provides health insurance rates identical to all other city employees. Additional items include $25 annual increase for safety shoes; $75 annual increase for clothing allowance; and weekend stand by pay will increase to eight (8) hours and twelve (12) hours for a holiday weekend. There is also memorandum of understanding between the Teamsters and the City of Lakeville to convene the Insurance Committee by March 1, 2024, to discuss the city’s contributions towards insurance premiums and HSA/HRA contributions. The changes were reviewed with the Personnel Committee. Supporting Information 1. Teamsters Labor Agreement 2024-2025_redline Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Yes Source: Good Value for Public Service Envision Lakeville Community Values: Various Funds Report Completed by: Tammy Schutta, Human Resources Manager Page 26 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Public Hearing on The Moments of Lakeville Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) a resolution vacating Kenyon Avenue right-of-way, 2) a resolution approving the conveyance of property, 3) a purchase and sale agreement for the conveyance of City property, and 4) a stormwater maintenance agreement. Overview Representatives of TMSC of Lakeville, LLC (aka The Moments of Lakeville) are requesting the vacation of excess Kenyon Avenue right-of-way so they can purchase the vacated right-of-way along with Outlot A, Kenyon Retail from the City for their private use. Section 2-1-5.B of the City Code requires that the Planning Department review the proposed City sale and disposition of City property in accordance with Minnesota Statute 462.356 and find that the proposed disposition of property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City acquired Outlot A, Kenyon Retail through final plat dedication for stormwater ponding purposes at the time of plat approval in 2016. Staff concurs that the stormwater basin now serves the sole purpose of treating stormwater from the Kenyon Retail plat under private ownership. The Planning Department finds the disposition of Outlot A, Kenyon Retail is consistent with the goals and policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The right-of-way vacation and sale of City property requires The Moments of Lakeville establish a drainage and utility easement over the vacated right-of-way and City approval of a stormwater maintenance agreement for the private stormwater ponding area. Supporting Information 1. Moments of Lakeville Easement Vacation Attachments Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Page 27 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 2023 Envision Lakeville Report Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept the 2023 Envision Lakeville Report. Overview In 2013, the City of Lakeville adopted the initial Envision Lakeville report. The purpose of the report is to help community leaders, residents, and business owners establish an informed, reasoned, and cohesive picture of how the community wants to grow in to the future. The plan sets forth a 25-year vision for the future of Lakeville by outlining a set of community values and strategic priorities, while providing a list of key initiatives and an action plan to make the vision a reality. The plan is reviewed every five years to ensure the vision is still relevant as the city grows and develops. The last update was completed in 2018. Earlier this year, the City retained Craig Rapp, of the Rapp Consulting Group, to facilitate an update to the plan. The City Council appointed a taskforce to conduct the review and make recommendations for changes to the plan. Community and stakeholder feedback was gathered to inform the process. The City commissioned a community survey to measure opinions on a range of issues, taskforce members conducted interviews throughout the community, a joint meeting of the City Council and its Boards and Commissions was convened to elicit input. Each of these efforts was undertaken to inform the taskforce’s efforts to assess the need for plan modification. The taskforce met four times to conduct the review. The taskforce examined a wide variety of reports and background data, reviewed community feedback and considered changes to the plan. At the final meeting, the taskforce discussed changes to the community plan since 2013, debated the need for alterations, and developed a set of recommendations to the City Council for plan modifications. In addition, the taskforce brainstormed ideas for new initiatives in each priority area to address challenges identified in the stakeholder feedback. This was reviewed by the City Council at the November 27, 2023 work session. The final version of the report is submitted to the City Council for acceptance. Supporting Information 1. 2023 Envision Lakeville Final Report Page 28 of 30 Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community and Belonging Report Completed by: Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator Page 29 of 30 Date: 12/18/2023 Report on City Administrator's Performance Evaluation Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Staff recommends that the Personnel Committee summarize the conclusion of the City Administrator's performance evaluation and make a motion setting the City Administrator's salary with an effective date of January 1, 2024. Overview Prior to the regular City Council meeting of December 18, 2023, the Mayor and City Council will be conducting an annual performance evaluation for City Administrator Justin Miller. Pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 13D.05, the review may be held in a closed session, but the conclusions must be reported at the next open meeting of the City Council. Per the City Administrator’s employment agreement, the Mayor and City Council will also review compensation on an annual basis. Any change to the City Administrator’s annual salary that is determined during the performance evaluation session will be reported at the open meeting as part of the summary. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Tammy Schutta, Human Resources Manager Page 30 of 30