MARCH 2,.1998
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Mayor Sindt. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Rolf call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill and
Holberg. Absent: Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director;
D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; C.
Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the February 17, 1998, City Council meeting were approved as
presented. The minutes of the February 3, 1998, Council work session were
approved, with the inclusion ofwording that Mayor Zaun left the work session
early to attend another meeting.
February Operations & Maintenance Department monthly report.
MARCH 2, 1998
Ctl'IZENS' COMMENTS: John Boland, 10241 - 205th Street West, explained
that his reason for coming to recent Council meetings is because he is
concerned about the possible widening of 205th Street and how that will affect
his property. He stated he has a significant tree in his front yard and feels he
will eventually be forced to remove it to allow for a new road. He stated he is
concerned about the growth that is occurring in the area. and feels the City is
promoting this growth.
Mr. Erickson explained to Mr. Boland that the City is aware of and very
respectful of his concerns regarding his property. He explained that the City
does not promote growth. The City manages growth and is very proud of its
growth management strategies. He explained that the City is developing a
transportation system to try and keep 205th Street the way that Mr. Boland and
most of his neighbors want it.
Heidi Bailey, 16455 Kingswood Court., stated she has some concerns about the
location of a proposed driveway in agenda Item 7q. She stated she would also
like. to discuss an issue with regard to assessments in the Kingswood Estates
neighborhood. Mayor Sindt stated the Council will remove Item 7q from the
consent agenda, and Ms. Bailey can address the Council when that item is
Councilmembers removed Item 7q from the consent agenda.. Councilmembers
added Item 11 to the consent agenda.
98.51 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Ryan to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive January Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Cable TV Board, February 10,-1998
Snowmobile Task Force, February 12, 1998
Parks & Recreation Committee, February 18, 1998
d. Resolution No. 98-28 authorizing spring weight restrictions.
e. Trunk storm sewer credits and watermain credits, Kenridge 2nd Addition.
MARCH 2, 1998
f. Roadway improvement and trunk storm sewer payment, Muller Theatre
g. Trunk storm sewer credits, Raven Lake 2nd Addition.
h. Final acceptance of street improvements, Stonebriar 2nd Addition.
i. Final acceptance and final payment for CSAH 70 utility extensions,
Improvement Project 97-16.
j. Final acceptance and final payment for Holyoke Avenue watermain
.extension, Improvement Project 97-17.
k. Authorize sale of playground equipment from Oak Shores Park and Dodd
Trail Park.
I. Change Order No. 1, final acceptance and final, payment for Lift Station
No. 7, Improvement Project 95-10.
m. Tree service operator license for Outdoor Specialties.
n. Resolution No. 98-29 resigning the appointment as Deputy Registrar.
o. .Resolution No. 98-30 approving amendment to the 1998 General Fund
p. Resolution No. 98-31 approving application for conveyance of tax forfeited
land and certification of classification of forfeited lands.
q. (Removed from consent agenda)
11. Receive the resignations of Howard Amborn from the Planning
Commission and Carah Drews from the Environmental Affairs Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg.
Mr. Sobota presented a request from Roger Bass for the vacation of an
existing drainage and utility easement along the shared boundary between
Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Kingswood Estates. He explained that Lots 3 and 4
MARCH 2, 1998
were previously combined into one lot, but the existing boundary. drainage and
utility easement was not vacated. Mr. Bass is now proposing to re-subdivide
this property into. two lots and dedicate a new boundary drainage and utility
easement centered along the proposed new property line. He explained that
neighborhood residents raised concerns at the Planning Commission meeting
regarding traffic safety with regard to the proposed driveway. Mr. Bass has
submitted a revised survey that shows ahammer-head turn-around forthe
proposed driveway. He stated that given the number of lots in this area, staff
feels the driveway turn-around provides an appropriate measure of safety. The
Planning Commission unanimously recommend approval, and staff
recommends approval of the proposed easement vacation.
Ms. Heidi Bailey, 16455 Kingswood Court, asked if someone came out to look
at the area and reviewed the proposed driveway situation. She stated she is
not comfortable with the driveway as proposed, as she doesn't feel there is
enough room for a car coming out of the driveway. She stated the road is
narrow, has a blind corner and is slippery in the winter. She asked if the City
could require that the driveway be located on the other side of the lot.
Mr. Roger Bass, 16420 Kingswood Drive, indicated that the lot has not been
sold yet, and this is only a prospective plan supplied by a prospective buyer.
He felt that placement of the driveway is a decision that hould be made by
whomever purchases the property. He pointed out that the lift station located
on the property limits the placement of the driveway.
Mr. Sobota stated an administrative subdivision requires that both lots meet the
zoning ordinance requirements, and both lots do,
Mr. Erickson explained that the concerns expressed tonight regarding the
driveway were expressed and addressed by the Planning Commission at the
public hearing. Steps were taken to address and mitigate these issues and
concerns, despite the fact that they were not an integral part of this planning
action.. He further stated the City has no authority to ask the property owners
to move their driveway, since the lot meets all of the City's requirements.
Mrs.. Bailey asked about the assessments that were established for the
Kingswood Estates project, which were based on 21 lots. She asked how they
can get the assessment changed and divide it by the 24 lots that now exist.
Mr. Erickson stated that Attorney Jim Walston, who negotiated the
assessments on this project, indicated that most of the property owners he
• spoke to were aware, at the time the assessments were negotiated, #hat there
MARCH 2, 1998
were a number of possible lots that could be created. The property owners and
City mutually agreed to the amount of the assessment. The project, which was
initiated by the residents, ended up costing more than originally anticipated;
and consistent with a previous understanding with the property owners, the
City is responsible for these costs. He stated it was made very clear to the
property owners that if additional lots developed in the future, the assessments
against those lots would help offset the significant costs incurred by the City for
this project.
Mrs. Bailey stated she was told at the time of the project that if they combined
their two lots in order to avoid paying two assessments, they would not be
allowed to split them at a later date. Therefore, they chose to keep the two lots
separate and pay the, assessments on both. She stated she felt the same
would have been true for the Bass property, however, they are now able to
subdivide their property.
Mr. Erickson explained that if the .Bailey's had combined their lots and then
tried to re-subdivide them at a later date, the vacant lot would not have met the
new square footage requirements for the R-1 District. He pointed out that the.
property is on a natural environment lake, and those standards are more
stringent. Mr. Erickson further pointed out that the Bailey's were given a
deferment for their assessments on the vacant lot until a residential dwelling is
constructed on the property or the year 2008, whichever occurs first.
Mr. Bailey stated he felt they were miss-informed.
Councilmember Mulvihill stated the City is aware of the Bailey's concerns. The
potential buyer of the new lot is in the audience and is also aware of the
drivewayconcerns and may give it some thought.
Leo O'Brien, 16425 Kingswood Court, stated he is also concerned about the
curve in the street and placement of the proposed driveway.
Mr. Bass stated he was fully aware that if he subdivided his lot at a future date,
he would pay another full assessment, which would be used to offset the costs
incurred by the City forthe project. Mr. Bass also stated that when he first
purchased the property, it consisted of two separate lots. His builder had later
found a setback problem, which was the reason the two lots had been
MARCH 2, 1998
98.52 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Holberg to approve Resolution No.
98-32 vacating a portion of a drainage and utility easement at 16420
Kingswood Drive.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan.
Mr. Erickson presented a resolution advising the Metropolitan Council that the
.City of Lakeville opposes the extension of County Road 46 through Murphy
Hanrehan Park Reserve. He stated staff will forward copies of the resolution to
the Metropolitan Council, City of Burnsville, Dakota County Highway
Department and County Commissioners, Scott County, Credit River Township,
Hennepin County Park Reserve and to Ms. Brenda Callahan.
98.53 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
98-33 admonishing the Metropolitan Council and the municipal entities
participating in the CSAH 42 corridor study not to consider, recommend or
adopt any alternative mitigating measure that affects, effects or otherwise
impacts Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Ryan, Sindt.
Mr. Nelson presented a resolution requesting the installation of traffic control
signals at the I-35/County Road 46 interchange. He stated the Minnesota
Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has recently taken traffic counts, which
indicate that some warrants are currently being met for signals. In the interim,
MnDOT will be installing all-way stop signs at this intersection, hopefully by
April 1St.
Councilmember Ryan asked how the signals will be paid for. Mr. Nelson stated
MnDOT would pay half, and the City and County would each pay 25% of the
Councilmember Holberg asked if there was any indication as to which warrants
are being met for the signals. Police Chief Martens stated warrants are being
met during rush hour times.
MARCH 2, 1998
98.54 Motion by Ryan, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 98-34
requesting installation of traffic control signals at the I-35/County Road 46
interchange within the City of Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Ryan, Sindt, Mulvihill
Councilmember Ryan stated he will be abstaining from action on this item due
to a possible conflict of interest.
Ms. Kelly Murray, representing Wensmann Realty, requested Council approval
of the vacation of a portion of an existing boundary drainage and utility
easement in Heritage Square Addition and an amendment to the Heritage
Square Addition planned unit development (PUD).
Mr. Sobota explained that the easement vacation and PUD amendment are
being requested by Wensmann Realty to allow larger garages for the ten
condominium buildings. The larger garages will increase. the storage area and
• improve their livability. He stated there are no public utilities within the
easement area proposed to be vacated. Staff recommends approval of the
easement vacation and PUD amendment as requested.
98.55 Motion was made by Holberg seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
98-35 vacating a drainage and utility easement; and approve an Amended
Planned Unit Development Agreement for Heritage Square Addition..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg. Ryan
ALF Ambulance Director Kevin Raun presented the 1997 ALF Ambulance
Annual Report, which included a video presentation of their new quarters at the
Lakeville water treatment plant.
ANN®UNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting, March 16, 1998
Council work session, March 18, 1998
MARCH 2, 1998
Mayor Sindt adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Jerk
B Si t, Acting Mayor