HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-015 Appoint Election Judges for March 5, 2024 PNP Election CITY OF LAKEVILLE
WHEREAS,Minnesota Statute provides that election judges for precincts in a municipality
shall be appointed by the governing body of the municipality; and
WHEREAS,the appointments shall be made at least 25 days before the election at
which the election jud es will serve; and
WHEREAS, guidelines have been established for the appointment of election judges;
judges must be able to:
• read, write, and speak English;
• carry out instructions given by election administrators and Head Judges;
• learn and follow current election laws as provided by Minnesota Statute;
• answer questions and provide clear instructions to voters;
• work well with other election judges and the general public
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Lakeville, Minnesota, that the individuals listed on the attached e�ibit are appointed to serve as
election judges for the March 5, 2024, Presidential Nomination Primary at the hourly rate of
$13.00 for election judges and $15.00 for head judges.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk and/or the Deputy Clerk shall be
authorized to appoint additional judges to conduct this election.
DATED this Sth day of February 2024.
L M Hellier, ayor ��
Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk !I
Mary Akonu Steven Granneman Shari LaFavre Alan Rybak
Diane Anderson eritni Grenquist Catherine Langord Wall Heidi Samuels
Mary Ann Arneson Gerald Grenz David Larson Johanna Sawatske
Michael Atkins Marian Gritche William Larson Steve Schnell
Connie Backhaus Raymond Gritche Jerry Laugerude Debra Schoenbauer
Rachel Barnett Lynae Grossman Wiliiam Lenarz Louise Seigworth
Karla Barrett Laurice Gustafson Kathryn Lewis Susan Sheppard
Jean-Marie Baudhuin Marie Hansen Diane Lind Jacob Simmons
Janet Beihoffer Jan Hanson Linda Lindberg loyce Sinding
Janice Bentson Stephanie Harnois Stephanie MacDonald Ann Sittig
Mardeli Bentzen Gloria Hartman Kevin Marsh Charles Smith-Dewey
Joan Bindner Benjamin Hastings William Maxwell Elise Smith-Dewey
Jessica Biskupski Jeanne Heaney Michael Meyer Bob Smits
Stephanie Bredy Jackie Heinis Mike Michels Sheri Soens
Carroll Brooks Ellen Heisel Karin Miller Rod Stemme
Roxanne Busch Dave Heitz Susan Mitlyng James Strande
Dianne Carbonneau Bob Helman Barbare Moon Sandre Sullivan
Peter Carlson Dodi Helman Barbare Mutch Kaia Swetala
Amy Carlson Jessica Hillis Mark Naumann Patrick Swetala
Dennis Chick Nancy Hochbein Deborah Nelson James Swirtz
Mary Christensen Tania Hochhalter Devon Nielsen Mark Tessier
Devon Christianson Shelby Hoffman Judith Nord Michelle Tetreault
Larry Clausen Candice Hojan William Norton Beth Thelen
Olivia Colford Arinda Hoke Kaye Ochsner Janet Thompson
Mardell Coliins Terry Hoke Shannon Olson Jeannine Thyren
' Jackie Craig Brenda Horek Sare O'Reilly Linda Torgerson
Cynthia Daniels Tom Housenga Talia Owen Karen Torrez
Anthony Davlin Debra Hurston Susan Pastika Mark Treffas
Brenda Dolejs Kayla Irish Chuck Peterson Susan Tvedt
Fred Drexler Richard Jacobson Andrea Phillips Trace Ulland
Mark Dunnett Susan Jain Dianne Piekarski Marlene Walsh
Emily Dvorak Daniel Jensen Theodore Pillera Carol Ward
Lisa Ebaugh Teri Johnson Michelle Pine Dennis Ward
Cynthia Englund Kelly Jones Mark Prinsen Brian Welter
Melissa Field Terrence Joyce Steve Rall Chelsea Wheat
Stanley Fleming Brianna Kiecker Diana Regenscheid Arliss Wiliiams
Timothy Fohr Barbare King Zach Reuvers Daniel Wolter
Charles Glover Amy Kingsley Mike Richards Sonja Ziemann
Wayne Golembeck Patti Kluge lanet Ringberg
Donald Gordhamer Laurisa Koch Matthew Roeckers
Marilyn Gordhamer Steven Koch Wayne Rons
Eileen Goren Steve Krebs Theresa Royse