HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-019 Amended the 2023 General Fund Budget CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 24-019 Resolution Amending the 2023 General Fund Budget BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota as follows: 1. The 2023 budget for the General Fund is hereby amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 as per Exhibit A, as attached hereto. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5`"day of February 2024. CITY OF LAKEVILLE � L M. Hellier, Mayor � Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Exhibit A General Fund Schedule of Revenues>Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ending December 31,2023 2023 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 YTD 12/18/2023 2/5/2024 Final Adopted Ameaded Adjust Adjust Amended Budget Budget Res.No.23-154 x�.xo.aa-� Budget Notes Revenues General property taxes $ 26,954,875 $ 26,954,875 $ - $ - $ 26,954,875 Licenses and permits 2,943,346 2,943,346 373,000 - 3,316,346 Intergovernmental 1,512,699 1,512,699 1,991,476 - 3,504,175 Charges for services 3,392,946 3,471,591 245,910 - 3,717,501 Court fines 240,000 240,000 - - 240,000 Investment income 281,000 281,000 - - 281,000 Miscellaneous 46,257 46,257 - - 46,257 Total revenues 35,371,123 35,449,768 2,610,386 - 38,060,154 Exnenditures General government Mayor and Council 138,778 138,778 (6,909) - 131,869 Committees and Commissions 127,877 127,877 885 4,860 133,622 (3) City administration 629,559 629,559 (69,503) 41,460 601,516 (3) City Clerk 183,931 183,931 185 14,430 198,546 (3) Legal counsel 97,350 97,350 - - 97,350 Planning 662,843 662,843 993 420 664,256 (3) CommuniTy and econ.development 519,673 519,673 593 1,570 521,836 (3) Inspections 1,936,637 1,987,477 4,523 (134,860) 1,857,140 (3) General government facilities 684,889 684,889 (91,676) (2,130) 591,083 (3) Finance 1,134,847 1,191,943 (28,537) 10,700 1,174,106 (3) Information systems 1,072,579 1,072,579 (173,515) (41,460) 857,604 (3) Human resources 887,396 895,198 (137,885) (29,990) 727,323 (3) Insurance 250,000 250>000 - - 250,000 Public safetv Police 14,311,128 14,311,128 200,937 (63,460) 14,448,605 (3) Fire 2,666,423 2,666,423 202,628 198,460 3,067,511 (3) Public works Engineering 1,120,397 1,120,397 (213,840) - 906,557 Forestry 566,047 566,047 332 - 566,379 Operations and Maintenance 621,899 621,899 79,429 - 701,328 Streets 4,064,622 4,064,622 (74,790) - 3,989,832 Parks and recreation Parks 3,470,194 3,470,194 28,033 - 3,498,227 Recreation 847,937 847,937 53,748 - 901,685 Heritage Center 140,673 140,673 373 - 141,046 Arts Center 763,663 763,663 194,931 - 958,594 Total expenditures 36,899,342 37,015,080 (29,065) - 36,986,015 Fxcess(deficiency)of revenues overexpenditures (1,528,219) (1,565,312) 2,639,451 - 1,074,139 Other financing souces(uses) Transfer from other funds 1,171,099 1,285,453 (744,520) (68,764) 472,169 (1),(2) Transfer to other funds (2,353,880) (2,353,880) - - (2,353,880) Total otherfinancing sources(uses) (1,182,781) (1,068,427) (744,520) (68,764) (1,881,711) Net change in fund balance (2,711,000) (2,633,739) 1,894,931 (68,764) (807,572) (1),(2),(3) Fund balance,January 1 21,881,813 21,881,813 125,594 125,594 22,007,407 Fund balance,December 31 $ 19,170,813 $ 19,248,074 $ 2,020,525 $ 56,830 $ 21,199,835 Exhibit A (i) Payment from Liquor in Lieu of Taxes.This was included in the December 18th 2023 budget amendments, but was noted as an addition to revenue instead of a switch from transfer from Liquor store to a charges for services revenue. Revenues: Remove Liquor store transfer 54,410 Use of Fund Balance 54,410 (2) Remove transfer from Utilities related to ERP,as the costs were allocated out instead of recording as a transfer into the General Fund. Revenues: Remove Utilities transfer 14,354 Use of Fund Balance 14,354 (3) Adjust Expenses within General Fund Personnel City Administrator 22,460 Finance 25,130 Information Technology (41,460) Human Resources (25,130) Planning 420 Community Development (420) Police (63,460) Fire 198,460 Inspections (135,000) Other Charges and Services Committees and Commissions 4,860 City Administrator 19,000 City Clerk 14,430 Finance (14,430) Human Resources (4,860) Community Development 1,990 City Hall (2,130) Inspections 140