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LA221989-20369 Gargoyle Ln-Permit Pack
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED) PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ _____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE I HEREBY APPLY FOR PERMIT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL INFORMATION ON THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO COMMENCE UNTIL SUCH TIME A PERMIT IS ISSUED. ALL WORK WILL COMPLY WITH LAKEVILLE CITY CODE, THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE, AND THE APPROVED PLANS. INTEREST EARNINGS ON ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, WILL BE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. OFFICE PHONE #:_ OFFICE PHONE #:_ *Entering your name affirms your intent to comply with the statement above. * Submit Application To: permits@lakevillemn.gov RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT CONDO REROOF RESIDE RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LOWER LEVEL FINISH ADDITION FOUNDATION ONLY MISCELLANEOUS DEMO APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $ BUILDING PERMIT FEES $PERMIT FEE $PLAN CHECK $SURCHARGE $METRO SAC $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT $LANDSCAPE ESCROW $TREE ESCROW $MISC ESCROW $PLUMBING $MECHANICAL $SEWER WATER WATER METER PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $OTHER $TOTAL METER SIZE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE SEWER/WATER SEWER/WATER FINAL STREET DRAINTILE BUILDING INFORMATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ZONING CODE EDITION FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP MECHANICAL AIR TEST FINAL ROUGH-IN PLUMBING FINAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION LATH DECK FOOTING FIREPLACE FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING PORCH FRAMING PORCH FOOTING POURED WALL SITE LOWER LEVEL FINAL OTHER DECK FRAMING LOWER LEVEL FRAMING LANDSCAPING DECK FINAL $ $ ACCESSORY BUILDING EGRESS WINDOW UNDERGROUND 10'-0 1/4" 9'-1 1/8"T.O. FTN1st FLR.T.O. FTN1st FLR.2'-4"8'-1 1/8"2nd FLR.T.O. PLATET.O. PLATE1288122T/GAR. PL.8121288121283RIPPEDSTONE VENEERFACE APPLIEDSTONE WATERTABLEFACE APPLIED2JAMBINNER6'-0"DETAILSEE COLUMNCOMPOSITIONSHINGLES6:12 PITCH8:12 PITCH8:12 PITCHFLASHING4:12 PITCHFLASHING2HORIZONTALSIDING, TYP.6:12 PITCH128ADDRESSLOCATION1'-2 1/8"8" TRIM10" TRIM6" TRIM4" TRIM 4" TRIM4" TRIM6" TRIM4" TRIM 4" TRIM 4" TRIM 4" TRIM 4" TRIM, TYP.4" TRIM 4" TRIM4" TRIMSHAKE SIDING10" TRIM181261212312126812HORIZONTAL SIDING8:12 PITCH8:12 PITCH6:12 PITCH6129'-1 1/8"8'-1 1/8"T/FNDTN1st FLR.T/PL.T/PLATE2nd FLR.10" TRIMROOF VENTS6:12 6:128:128:128:128:124:12 8:128:128:12 8:126:12 6:12 2'-0" 1'-11 1/4"EXTEND CRICKET18" PAST HOUSEROOF VENTS BY ROOFINGCONTRACTOR6' TYPICAL ICE & WATERSHIELD FOR EXTERIOR WALLS& 3' AT ROOF VALLEYSSLOPE T.B.D.IN FIELD24" RAKE O.H. AT SIDE ELEV'S.24" AT FRONT & REAR - TYP.FACE APPLIEDSTONE VENEER24" x 16" PIER5'-6 3/8"(FIELD VERIFY HEIGHT)8'-8 3/8"T/PORCH SLAB2'-0"2'-4"(+/-)3'-0"(+/-)(4-1/2 BLK CRS'S)8"4"8"8" BOX COLUMN4" TRIM6" TRIM1 x 61 x 41 x 81 x 10CORNERS, GABLE RAKE, WINDOW APPLICATIONSGARAGE INNER JAMBS, WINDOW SILLS, GABLE RAKE, FASCIADOOR KICK PLATEKEYNOTE SYMBOLMATERIAL ON TRIM KEY1LOCATION OF MATERIAL1234EXTERIOR TRIM KEYFRIEZE, RETURNSSIDING MATERIALS PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS. SIDING STYLESARE PER PLAN.REFER TO COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL FASCIA, SOFFIT ANDPORCH CEILING MATERIALS.ALL TRIM MATERIALS SHOWN TO BE PER COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS.TRIM SIZED PER PLAN.PER PLAN AND COMMUNITY SPECIFICATIONS ONLY:WRAP ALL WINDOWS AT SIDES & REAR OF HOME W/ 4" TRIM.INSTALL HOUSE WRAP AROUND ENTIRE HOME, SEE DETAIL ON A4 FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPING THE WINDOWS.ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE 4" HIGH MIN. & CONTRAST TO BACKGROUND.1112661212881234126'-0"STOOPHORIZONTAL SIDING8:12 PITCH8:12 PITCHSTONE RETURNS 2' WINDOW @ELEV. 'E3L' ONLY28121282128COMPOSITIONSHINGLES6:12 PITCH6:12HORIZONTAL SIDING10" TRIM28121282128COMPOSITIONSHINGLES6:12 PITCH6:12T/BASEMENT SLABHORIZONTAL SIDING28121282128COMPOSITIONSHINGLES6:12 PITCH6:12HORIZONTAL SIDINGT/SLAB AND REAR FOUNDATION WALLSEE 10/A27'-7 1/4"28121282128COMPOSITIONSHINGLES6:12 PITCH6:12T/BASEMENT SLABHORIZONTAL SIDINGTRADITIONS SERIESEN06 E3, E3L - SPRINGFIELDFOUNDATION PLAN & DETAILS ELEVATIONS, ROOF PLAN, NOTESSECTIONS ELECTRICAL PLANSA6MAIN AND SECOND FLOOR PLANS A2A3A5A1DETAILSA4F1FIREPLACE DETAILSL1LOWER LEVEL FINISH PLANSA7MORNING ROOM OPTIONGENERAL NOTES AND DETAILSS-0BASEMENT FOUNDATION PLANS-32ND FLOOR FRAMING PLANSS-4BRACED WALL & MISC. DETAILSSD-1BRACED WALL DETAILSSD-2FOUNDATION GUIDES1-S2ROOF FRAMING PLANS-5SCALE:A11FRONT ELEVATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A12ROOF PLAN1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A13SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A14SIDE ELEVATION1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A16COLUMN DETAIL1/2" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15REAR ELEVATION-FULL FOUND.1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15BREAR ELEVATION-GARDEN FOUND.1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15CREAR ELEVATION-LOOKOUT 1/8" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A15DREAR ELEVATION-WALKOUT1/8" = 1'- 0"GARAGEMAIN FLOOR 636 SF1,214 SFSECOND FLOOR 1,225 SFTOTAL2,439 SFMORNING ROOM OPTION170 SFFIN. LOWER LEVEL OPTION1,033 SFBASEMENT UNFINISHED1,214 SFFIN. LL RECREATION RM. OPTION711 SFGARAGE HARDWARE PERCOMMUNITY SPECS 20369 Gargoyle Lane Cedar Hills-3rd AdditionVINYL SIDING ON SIDE AND REAR ELEVATIONS.HORIZONTAL LAP SIDINGVINYL SIDING ON FRONT ELEVATION.FACE APPLIED STONE VENEERFACE APPLIED STONE VENEERSHAKE SIDINGHORIZONTAL LAP SIDINGSHAKE SIDINGConcept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2015MN BldgCode03/06/2024jnuetzmanSecure door closed until deck isconstructed with a separate permit. W 8 x 13 x 19'-2" LSTL. BM. ABV.4" DIA. AFCO '4X' ADJ.STL. COLUMN ON36"x36"x16" DP. CONC.FOOTING. ADJUSTABLEPORTIONS OF COLUMNTO BE ENCASED INCONCRETE.4" DIA. AFCO '4X' ADJ. STL.COLUMN ON 30"x30"x12" D.CONC. FOOTING.ADJUSTABLE PORTIONS OFCOLUMN TO BE ENCASED INCONCRETE.10'-9"10'-0 1/2"HOLD T/WALLDN 12" TYP.SLAB ABOVE4" CONC. PORCH10'-6"17'-9"4'-4 1/2" 51'-10 1/2" 16'-0"15'-0"14'-6"45'-0"8"6"6'-1 1/2" 28'-7" 29'-9" SYSTEM ABOVE PRE-ENG FLOOR 6"8"SYSTEM ABV. PRE-ENG. FLRSUMP 8"15'-11"21'-0 3/4"6"18'-7"1'-11 1/4"1'-11 1/4"16'-1 1/2"20'-0"6" 2'-11"3'-7 1/8"3'-8 5/8"4'-4 1/2"SLOPE SLAB 4" TO DOOR CJCJ 18'-3 1/2"5'-10"3'-3"CJ SYSTEM ABV PRE-ENG FLR.3'-1"3'-1"5'-7"3'-1" CJ 20" WIDE X 8" DEEP(5,000 P.S.I.) TYP.CONT. CONC. FOOTING8"5'-3 1/2"6" ELEC. SLEEVE WATER SLEEVE 4" CONC. SLAB OVER6 MIL. VAPOR BARRIEROVER DEPTH OF FOOTING GRAVEL BASE (2500 P.S.I.)BASEMENT SLAB(3500 P.S.I.)GARAGE SLAB4" CONC. SLABFPHBSUB-SLABVENTSUMP PIT DISCHARGEFPHBTHICKNESS ANDNOTE:BASEMENT WALLREINFORCING PERIRC SEC. R404BATHROUGH-INPRE-ENG FLOOR SYSTEM ABOVE PRE-ENG FLOOR SYSTEM ABOVE 39'-9"33'-3"8"8"4'-6"8"5'-10"2'-11"DROP PIT 8"PIT DRAIN18'-1 1/2"PLACE WEEP TUBESEVERY 6' IN FOOTINGF.D.FURNAIR EXCHANGER5'-4"6'-2"12'-8 1/2"16'-7"8"x4"x8 1/4" D.BM. POCKET(TYPICAL)EGRESS PITLADDERINTERIOR STUD BEARING WALLW/ 2x6 STUDS AT 16" O.C., DBLTOP PLATE AND P.T. SILL PLATEON 17" W x 8" DP. CONC. FOOTING5 1/2"ADD R-10 RIGID INSULATION7'-1 1/4"1'-4"4" 28'-8 1/2"6" 49'-10 1/2" 20'-1"9'-9 1/2" 4'-4"8" 3'-8"8"10'-0"11 1/4"8'-1 1/2"11 1/4"19'-6"6"1'-6"6" 2'-0"5'-1 1/2"OPTIONAL WET BAR ROUGH-IN 4'-10 1/2"6'-8"UP (15) EQ. RISERS W/ 10" TREADS1 1/2" OVERHANG OF FLOOR ABOVEINSTALL 2" R-10 RIGID INSULATIONAROUND PERIMETER OF HOUSEFOUNDATION, TYP.POUR GARAGE SLAB FLUSH45°6"2"4" LEDGE AT GARAGE COMMON WALL2" LEDGE AT GARAGE WALL-TYPICAL1 1/2"4"6"2"6"2'-11"6'-2 1/4"1 1/2"21'-5 1/2"3'-5"4' - 1 1 / 2 "GARAGE DOORDROP FDTN 8" AT22'-0"1 1/2"GARAGE DOORDROP FDTN 8" ATSTUD BEARING WALL W/ 2x4STUDS AT 16" O.C., DBL TOPPLATE AND P.T. SILL PLATE ON17" W x 8" DP. CONC. FOOTING℄(2) 1 3/4"x11 7/8" LSLW/ (1) JACK EA. ENDSYSTEM ABOVE PRE-ENG FLR.2838CSMT. WDW.WD. FRAMINGAT HATCHED AREAHATCHED AREADEFINES 80 S.F.UNPROTECTEDFLOOR AREA1 1/2"1 1/2"1 1/2"17'-2" W.H. TANKLESS5'-8"EL.= 0'-0"(FULL HEIGHT)T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 3'-10"T/ FDN.(1) JACK EA END(3) 2x10 HDR W/4636 SLIDER8'-5"T/ FDN.EL.= 0'-0"EL.= MINUS 3'-10"T/ FDN.2x8 STUD KNEE WALL W/ STEM FNDTN WALLSTUDS AT 16" O.C. ON 3'-6" HIGH(3) 2x10 HDR. W/4636 SLIDER25'-8"(1) JACK EA ENDEXTEND FULL HT.CONC. WALL TO REARCORNEREXTEND FULL HT.CONC. WALL TOREAR CORNER39'-9"SUMP PIT DISCHARGEPT. LOAD AT ELEV. E8" 7 1/4"1 1/2"8"1 1/2"INSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATIONWALL BELOWCORRUGATED STEEL EGRESS WELL75"W. x12"H. x 36"5'-6"MINUS 4'-10 @ 8'-4" FND.2'-3"MINUS 3'-10" @ 8'-4" FND.20'-2"MINUS 3'-10" @ 8'-4" FND.5'-6"MINUS 4'-10 @ 8'-4" FND.5'-0"MINUS 3'-10" @ 8'-4" FND.FPHBADD R-5 "THERMAX"INSUL. TO SIDEWALLS1/2" ROCK, 8" DEEP20" x 8" CONC. FTG.W/ SILL SEALER(TR) 2x6 SILL PLATEGRADER-20 BATT INSUL.BOLT AT 72" O.C.1/2" DIA. x 10" ANCHOR8" W. POURED CONC.FOUNDATION WALL CONC. SLABPER PLANEXT. FIN. PER PLANDOUBLE TOP PLATEHEADER AT WIN.4 MIL POLY8"2"WRB PER PLAN FLR. SYSTEMVAPOR BARRIERR-10 RIGID INSUL.OR APPROV. STRAP42" MIN.WATERPROOFINGREQ'D. @ TOP OFFDN. WALLR-20 INSUL. @ RIMRIM BOARD6" MIN.1/2" EXT. SHEATHINGCONC. SLAB20" x 8" CONC. FOOTINGFOUNDATION WALLDOUBLE TOP PLATEPER PLANFLR. SYSTEM8" W. POURED CONC.1/2" DIA. x 10" ANCHORBOLT AT 72" O.C.R-20 BATT INSUL.2x8 (TR.) SILL PLATEW/ SILL SEALERGRADEOR APPROV. STRAP3'-6"R-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.RIM BOARDR-10 EXT. FDN. INSUL.R-5 RIGIDINSULATIONWATERPROOFINGTOP OF FDN. WALLCANT PLATE 1 1/2"SQUASH BLOCKS@ ALL POINT LOADS2x8 STUDS @ 16" O.C.SIDE WALLWALKOUTFDN. ONLY4" WEEPS EVERY 6'WATERPROOFING6" MIN.1/2" ROCK, 8" DEEPEXT. FIN. PER PLANWRB 1/2" EXT. SHEATHINGAT FOUNDATION4" D. x 8" H. LEDGEPER PLANSUBFLOORFLOOR SYSTEMRIM BOARDCONC. STOOP7 3/4" ENTRY DR. MAX. TO10"30 MIL PVC MEMBRANESEAL ALL SEAMS,CORNERS & EDGES W/35 MIL POLYETHYLENEBACKED SYNTHETICBUTYL RUBBERADHESIVE MEMBRANE1/2" SHEATHING(2") R-10 EXTERIORR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL.WATERPROOFINGREQ'D.@ TOP FDN.FOUNDATION INSULATION2x8 SILL PLATEW/ ANCHOR BOLTS1 1/2" CANT'D. ALIGN W/ FDN. WALLTHRESHOLD SUBFLOORFLOOR JSTS/TRUSSES20"x8" CONC. 2x6 TOP PLATECONC. SLABPER PLANPER PLAN16" O.C. (TYP)2x6 STUDS @2x6 TREATEDPLATESECURED W/POWDEREDACTUATEDFASTENERS@ 24" O.C.1"4"x1/2" TRT'D.PLYWOOD,HOLD UP 1"FROM FTG.EACH SIDEBY ENGINEERFTG. U.N.O.GRADEWINDOW WELL WITH8" POURED CONCRETEEGRESS WINDOW PER PLANDRAIN FIELDBATT INS.(TR) 2x8 SUBFRAMESOCKED DRAINTILE CONNECTSTO INTERIORN.T.S.MIN. PER EGRESSNOTE:44" MAX. FROM T.O. SLABTO EGRESS WDW.LADDERPER PLAN HEADER PER PLAN42"4'-4"WATERPROOFINGPER PLANFLR. SYSTEMRIM BOARD (BY MFG.)EXT. FIN. PER PLANRIGID INSUL.R-10 EXT. FDN.1/2" EXT. SHEATHINGWATERPROOFING2x8 SILL PLATECANT. 1 1/2"2x8 STUDS4" WEEPSEVERY 6'1/2" ROCK FILLBELOW GRADE ON OUTSIDEWATERPROOFING ALL WALLSPERIMETER OF EGRESS WLLWRBFLR. TRUSS 20" x 8" CONC. FOOTINGPER PLANPER PLANWATERPROOFINGVAPOR BARRIER4" GRANULAR FILL4" CONC. SLAB2X4 RIBBON ATTACH TOP/BTM.1/2" EXT. SHEATHINGR-10 EXT. FDN.INSUL. ABOVE GRADE8"2" CERTI STUDR-20 SPRAY FOAMINSULATIONWATERPROOFINGREQ'D. AT TOPFDN. WALL2X8 SILL PLATEW/ ANCH. BOLT1 1/2" CANT.WITH .135"X3.5" BOX NAILSHOUSE BASELINE DIM.NOTE: NO R-5 INSUL.REQ'D. AT FULL BSMT.2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.R-10 EXT. FDN.INSULATION / DRAIN BOARDBELOW GRADEXP BOARD@ 6" O.C. THROUGHOUT4X2 GABLE FLOOR TRUSSSET IN 1 1/2", ALIGN W/ FDN. WALL(1) NAIL INTO EA. WEB4" WEEPS EVERY 6'SYSTEMFOUNDATION SHALL EXTENDABOVE THE FINISHED GRADEADJACENT TO THE FOUNDATIONAT ALL POINTS AT LEAST 6"FLR. TRUSS 20" x 8" CONC. FOOTINGPER PLANPER PLANWATERPROOFINGVAPOR BARRIER4" GRANULAR FILL4" CONC. SLAB2X4 RIBBON ATTACH TOP/BTM.1/2" EXT. SHEATHINGR-10 EXT. FDN.INSUL. ABOVE GRADE8"2" CERTI STUDR-20 SPRAY FOAMINSULATIONWATERPROOFINGREQ'D. AT TOPFDN. WALL2X8 SILL PLATEW/ ANCH. BOLT1 1/2" CANT.WITH .135"X3.5" BOX NAILSHOUSE BASELINE DIM.NOTE: NO R-5 INSUL.REQ'D. AT FULL BSMT.2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.R-10 EXT. FDN.INSULATION / DRAIN BOARDBELOW GRADEXP BOARD@ 6" O.C. THROUGHOUT4X2 GABLE FLOOR TRUSSSET IN 1 1/2", ALIGN W/ FDN. WALL(1) NAIL INTO EA. WEB4" WEEPS EVERY 6'SYSTEMFOUNDATION SHALL EXTENDABOVE THE FINISHED GRADEADJACENT TO THE FOUNDATIONAT ALL POINTS AT LEAST 6"5'-8"EL.= 0'-0"(FULL HEIGHT)T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 4'-10"T/ FDN.(1) JACK EA END(3) 2x10 HDR W/4636 SLIDER8'-5"T/ FDN.EL.= 0'-0"EL.= MINUS 4'-10"T/ FDN.2x8 STUD KNEE WALL W/ STUDSSTEM FNDTN WALLAT 16" O.C. ON 3'-6" HIGH(1) JACKS EA END(3) 2x10 HDR. W/4636 SLIDER(3) 2x10 HDR. W/4636 SLIDER9'-9"(1) JACK EA ENDADD R-5 "THERMAX"INSUL. TO SIDEWALLSEXTEND FULL HT.CONC. WALL TO REARCORNEREXTEND FULL HT.CONC. WALL TOREAR CORNER15'-11"39'-9"SUMP PIT DISCHARGEPT. LOAD AT ELEV. E8" 7 1/4"1 1/2"8"1 1/2"INSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATIONWALL BELOWFPHB4" CONC. SLABFLOOR SYSTEMGARAGE SLAB SLOPE: 4"20" x 8" CONC. FOOTINGPER PLAN20" x 8" CONC. FOOTING8"PER PLANWATERPROOFINGB.O. FTG.GRADE3'-6" MIN.VAPOR BARRIER8" GRANULAR FILL4" CONC. SLABTOP OF CURBTOP OF FDN.TREATED 2x SILLPLATE W/ SILL SEALERSHEATHINGEXT. MTR'L. PER PLANRIM BOARD (BY MFG.)5/8" GYP. SHEATHINGR-10 EXTERIOR FDN.INSULATION10"6"4"2" CERTI-STUD ATFOUNDATION LEDGER-20 SPRAY FOAMINSULATIONWATERPROOFINGREQ'D. AT TOP OFFOUNDATION WALL2x6 SILL PLATEW/ ANCHOR BOLT / STRAPNO CANT. AT GARAGESTD. RIM DETAILHOUSE BASELINE DIM.GAR. OUT TO OUT DIM.NOTE: NO R-5 INSUL.REQ'D. AT GAR./HOUSEINT. COMMON WALLS4" WEEPS EVERY 6'4"(PLATE SIZE PER PLAN)6"MIN.NOTE:FOUNDATION SHALL EXTENDABOVE THE FINISHED GRADEADJACENT TO THE FOUNDATIONAT ALL POINTS AT LEAST 6"(2) 2x10 HDR. W/(1) JACK EA END30 50(1) JACK EA END(2) 2x10 HDR. W/6068 SGD(2) 2x10 HEADERW/ (1) JACK EA END6'-11"W/ STUDS AT 16"O.C.2x6 BEARING WALL T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 8'-0"EL.= 0'-0"(FULL HEIGHT)T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 4'-6"T/ FDN.W/ STUDS AT 16" O.C.STEP FNDTN WALL2x8 STUD KNEE WALL 15'-0"18'-0" TO FOOTING STEP 18'-0" 15'-0"3'-8" FOOTING STEPT/ FDN.EL.= 0'-0"T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 4'-6"T/ FDN.EL.= MINUS 8'-0"SEE 10/A2ON 4'-0" HIGHSTEM FNDTN WALLSUMP PIT DISCHARGE5'-8"16'-11 1/2"8"30 5010'-2 1/2"PT. LOAD AT ELEV. ELINE OF FOUNDATIONWALL BELOW39'-9"8"5 1/2"1 1/2"8"7 1/4"7 1/4"ADD R-5 "THERMAX"INSUL. TO SIDEWALLSGFIP (WP)FPHB3'-8" FOOTING STEPTO FOOTING STEP FOUNDATION NOTES:·MAXIMUM WALL LENGTH WITHOUT A CONTROL JOINT TO BE 50'-0·PRIOR TO BACKFILLING, FOUNDATION WALLS MUST BE LATERALLY SUPPORTED BY FLOOR CONSTRUCTION ATBOTH TOP & BOTTOM OR BY ADEQUATE TEMPORARY BRACING·WALLS WITH EQUAL BACKFILL ON BOTH SIDES REQUIRE NO REINFORCING FOR WALL LENGTHS LESS THAN25'-0" LONG AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCING ONLY FOR WALLS LONGER THAN 25'-0"·EXTERIOR WATERPROOFING SHALL COMPLY W/ R406.2 PER 2020 MN RESIDENTIAL CODE, WATERPROOFINGSHALL EXTEND FROM TOP OF INSIDE EDGE, ACROSS TOP AND DOWN EXTERIOR FACE OF FOUNDATION WALLTO FOOTING·EXTERIOR FIBERBOARD INSULATION TO BE APPLIED OVER WATERPROOFING. ABOVE GRADE TO BE 2" THICKR-10 CERTISTUD OR EQUAL TO ALLOW FOR SIDING APPLICATION. BELOW GRADE TO BE R-10, 2 3/8" THICKFIBERBOARD (WATCHDOG OR EQUAL). SILL PLATE TO OVERHANG FOUNDATION BY 1 1/2" TO ALIGNFOUNDATION INSULATION WITH 1/2" SHEATHING ABOVE. A GROUND BREAKER PRODUCT WILL BE USED TOTRANSITION FINAL GRADE TO SIDING MATERIAL·2x8 STUD FRAMED WALLS AT LOOKOUT REAR/SIDE RETURNS AND WALKOUT SIDE RETURNS·ALL INTERIOR WALLS ARE 3 1/2", UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE·ALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO BE CARRIED THRU EACH FLOOR LEVEL TO BEAR ONFOUNDATION, INSTALL BLOCKING IN FLOOR SYSTEM BELOW ALL POINT LOAD SUPPORTS·ALL WOOD IN CONTACT W/ CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD·DISTANCE FROM T.O. FOOTING TO T.O. FOUNDATION WALL TO BE 8'-4" FOR 8' BASEMENT·EXPOSED FLOOR SYSTEM ABOVE UNFINISHED AREAS TO MEET R501.3 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS·FLOOR TRUSS FLOOR SYSTEM, SEE TRUSS LAYOUTS FOR SIZE & SPACING REQUIREMENTS2x10TREATEDBACK TO ALLOW HOLD FNDTN. WALLFOR 2x BLOCKING8"8"SCALE:A21FOUNDATION PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A21AGARDEN FOUNDATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A21BLOOKOUT FOUNDATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A27BEARING WALL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A28DETAIL AT STOOP3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A24EGRESS WELL DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A23FULL FOUND. / SIDE WALL DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A22FULL FOUND. / REAR WALL DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A25LOOKOUT DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A26WALKOUT DETAIL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A21CWALKOUT FOUNDATION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A29NON-DROPPED GARAGE / COMMON WALL3/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A210CORNER DETAIL @ FOUNDATION WALL3/8" = 1'- 0" 15'-5 1/2"16'x8' OVERHEAD DOOR16'-1 1/2"45'-0"20'-0"40'-0"52'-0"30'-0"12'-4 1/2"(2) 3060 MULLED(1) 2x6 JACK EA. END(2) 2x10 HDR. W/15'-0"3'-1 1/2"1'-11 1/4"3 1/2"5'-9 1/2"10'-2 1/2"16'-1 1/2"7"13'-11"(2) JACK EA END(3) 2x10 HDR. W/1'-11 1/4"8'-6 1/2"LINE OF 2ndFLOOR ABV.(TO STOOP)6'-0"16'-0"(4) 2x6JACKSAT WALLS & CLG.ADJ. TO HOUSE1/2" GYP. BD.KITCHEN4'-6"8'-10 1/2"11"WALL BELOW, TYPICAL.NOTE: GARAGE DOORBEAR ON RAISED FNDTN.HEADER JACK STUDS TO6'-7 1/2"2'-2 1/2"4'-2"(2) 2x10 HDR(1)JACK EA ENDREFRSTEP DN (3) R 02A421'-8 1/2"6'-4 1/2"5'-1"3'-8 1/2"5'-3 1/2"2'-1"2'-1"3'-4"2'-3"2'-3"3'-8"1'-10"DW02A4(2) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" LSL FLUSH7" 3" RANGE 3'-7"19'-9 1/2"5'-1 1/2" 19'-8 1/2" 3 1/2"3 1/2"2'-0"5'-0"10'-0"5 1/2" 52'-0"(2) 2x6 JACKS EA END(3) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" LSLW/ (2) JACKS EA. END5 1/2"5 1/2"5 1/2"5 1/2" 5 1/2"5 1/2"29'-10" 5 1/2" EQUALEQUAL 3 1/2"21'-7"STONE VENEER17'-4"COL. BASE)(TO C.M.U.4'-6"4'-4 1/2"1'-4"4'-4 1/2"4'-10"10'-7 1/2"5'-9 1/2"5'-6"TO WALL)(C.M.U. COL. BASE14'-10"8"4"8"7'-4"6'-6"2'-0"5'-4"2'-0"TO C.M.U. COL. BASE)(C.M.U. COL. BASE4x4 P.T. POST W/ 'SIMPSON' ABA442 BASE AND BCS2-2/4 CAP (TYP.)3'-6"1'-3"(2) 2x8 HDR2"ROOF TRUSSES ABV@ 24" O.C. - TYP8'-0"JACKS(3) ROOF GIRDER TRUSS ABV 8'x8' OVHD DR(4)JACKS EA END HIP GIRDER TRUSS ABV (2) 2x6CRIPPLESROOF TRUSSES ABOVE @ 24" O.C. - TYPICAL (2) 2x4 JACKS(3) 2x10 HEADER W/W/ (2) 2x4 JACKS EA. END(2) 1-3/4"x 11-7/8" LSL3 1/2"VENEERSTONE2'-0" STONERETURN1/2" TYP. "X" GYP. BD.A.C. AREAS ONLYCONCRETE SLAB W/GARAGE@ WALLS AND CEILING @ HIP GIRDER TRUSS ABV8'-1 1/2"11 1/4"11 1/4"PORCHCONC.TRUSSES ABVMONO ROOF PRE-ENG. FLR. SYSTEMABOVE, SEE LAYOUTPRE-ENG. FLR. SYSTEMABOVE, SEE LAYOUTJOISTS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLR.FOYER2-STORY2nd FLR. LINEABOVESIDELIGHTW/ 12"3068& TRANSOM 6068 SGD30 40(3) 3050 MULLEDPOWDER246824 6 82468PHPED. LAV. 1R/1S 1R/1S 2x6 WALL DROPCEILING2x6x12 DP.DROPPEDSOFFITTRFLR BRK12"SHADED WALLSINDICATE INTERIORBEARING WALLS W/STUDS AT 16" O.C.W/ DOUBLE TOPPLATEFAMILY ROOM2x STUDSTURNEDFLATWISEOPTIONAL DIRECT VENTFIREPLACE LOCATIONS (SEESHEET F1 FOR F.P. DETAILSAND STRUCTURALMODIFICATIONS)NOTE:HVAC CHASE, NOJOISTS BELOWPRE-ENG. FLR. SYSTEM ABOVE, SEE LAYOUT 1 3/4"x9 1/2" LSL 3'-1"5 1/2"11'-1"5'-10"4 SHELVES3'-1"PANTRY2668266826683'-6"3A3RAILING4'-6"9'-1"(2) 2x10 HDR/1JACK EA. END(2) 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" LSL (FL) ABV.(2) 2x6 JACKS(2) JACKS 6'-11"2'-5 3/4"3'-8 1/2"(3) 2x4 JACKS(2) JACKS 45°(4) JACKS5'-0"DN (15) R. W/ 10" T.28686'-6 1/2"MUDROOMW/ (2) 2x6 JACKS(3) 1 1/2" x 9 1/2" LSLAT EACH END3'-3"7'-0 1/2"W/ 10" TREADSUP (16) EQ. RISERS(2) 2x6 JACKS3"(3) JACKS2'-0"DINING ROOMOPTIONAL FLEX RM4'-2"HDR-DRP'D.W/ 2 JACKSEA. END(2) 2x10 CONT.OVERHANG10"BREAKFAST17'-2"1'-11"13'-11"2nd FLR. LINEABOVE 39'-1"CASEMENTROOF GIRDER TRUSS ABOVEROOF GIRDER TRUSSROOF GIRDER TRUSS ABOVE (2) 2040 FIXEDBEDROOM #430 50BEDROOM #24068 BI-PASS(2) 3050 MULLED2668OPEN TOBELOW1R/1S@ 24" O.C. - TYPICAL ROOF TRUSSES ABOVE 5068 BI-PASS 26681R/1S BEDROOM #31R/1S 5068 BI-PASS 30 50(2) 3050 MULLED 13'-8 1/2"11'-2"40'-0"5'-9 1/2"12'-7 5/8"2'-1"10'-2 1/2"14'-9"5 1/2"5 1/2"5'-0" 32'-0" 5 1/2"9'-11"2'-1"10'-1 1/2"5 1/2"12'-0 1/2"6'-0 1/4"11'-1 1/2"6'-0 1/4"5 1/2"24'-9 1/4"5'-7"40'-0"5 1/2"3'-2 1/4"6'-7"5 1/2"2'-0"6'-9 1/2"3'-1"5'-7 1/2"3'-1"6'-3 1/2"6'-5 1/2" 3'-1" 13'-0 1/2"27'-11 1/2"(4) SH. 1 6 6 81'-9 1/2"WD7'-10 3/8"2 6 6 8 13'-11"OWNER'S SUITE5'-1"9'-2 1/2"W.I.C.1R/1S 1R/1S2x6 WALL3'-4 1/2" 2 8 6 8 4036 FIXED (SAFETY)24" T.B.3'-7"24682068(4) SH.2'-0"2'-7"6'-1"PH3'-3"2x6 WALL 42" x 60"TUB6" TALL TILEBORDER(3 SIDES)4'-10"3'-10"5 1/2" 30'-0" 16'-9"5 1/2" 2'-6" 5'-0"5'-0" 1'-5 1/2"5'-1"2'-9 1/2"34"x60"SHOWER2'-10"24" T.B.HALL BATH2468266822"x30"ACCESSATTIC2'-9 1/2" 9'-0"32x60W/SH2'-6"FURR-OUTWALL 1/2"FLR BRK FLR BRKFLR BRK24682'-10"PH1'-5" ℄CASEMENTMULLED(2) 2x10 HDR (1) JACK EA END 2'-6"NOTE: ADD 3050 WDW TO ELEV. 'E3L' ONLY (3) 2x10 HDR(2) JACKS EA END(1) JACK EA END(2) 2x10 HDR(2) JACKS EA END(2) 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" LSL8'-0"6'-0"(2) 2x6 JACKS(2) 2x10 HDR(1) JACK EA END(2) 2x10 HDR(1) JACK EA END(2) 2x10 HDR (1) JACK EA ENDWIRE SHELF @ 64" A.F.F.LAUNDRY2'-4"℄48" H. WALLW/ WOOD CAPRAILINGOWNER'SBATH42" H. HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAP5'-0"3'-3"4'-2 1/2"8'-5 1/2"3 1/2"60" VANITY OPT. FREESTANDING L.TUB1'-5"w/ 10" TREADSDN. (16) EQ. RISERSOPTOPTCASEMENT GENERAL NOTES:·MAIN FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 9'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)·T.O. MAIN FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 8'-0" (U.N.O.)·UPPER FLOOR CEILINGS TO BE 8'-1 1/8" ROUGH CEILING HEIGHT (U.N.O.)·UPPER FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE FRAMED AT 6'-11 3/8" (U.N.O.)·SEE DETAILS SHEET, DETAIL #'s 11 & 12 FOR TYPICAL WINDOW FRAMING·ALL EXTERIOR HOUSE WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)·GARAGE/HOUSE COMMON WALLS TO BE 2x6 @ 16" O.C. (U.N.O.)·INTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x4, WITH EXCEPTION TO THE 2x6 PLUMBING AND BEARINGWALLS PER PLAN (U.N.O.) ALL INTERIOR WALLS TO BE FRAMED @ 16" O.C. MAINFLOOR BEARING WALLS SHALL BE FRAMED W/ STUDS ALIGNING WITH I-JOISTSABOVE. REFER TO I-JOIST LAYOUTS·WINDOW AND DOOR HEADERS TO BE (2) 2x10 (U.N.O.)·ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO ROUGH FRAME (U.N.O.)·S.R.O. SIZES LISTED ARE THE FINISHED SHEETROCK OPENING WIDTH AND HEIGHTPER PLAN (EXAMPLE: 2680 OR 2/6x8/0 = 2'-6"x8'-0")· INDICATES A LOAD BEARING POINT, IF NOT SHOWN ON PLAN MINIMUM BEARINGOF (2) 2x4 IS REQUIRED AT END OF ALL HEADERS.· INDICATES NUMBER OF TRIM JACKS & KING STUDS AT WINDOW HEADERS,UNLESS A 2 STORY WALL SITUATION IS PRESENT·FLOOR BREAK INDICATES CHANGE IN FLOORING MATERIAL, REFER TO THESPECIFICATIONS FOR ACTUAL FLOORING MATERIALS SELECTED·REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCES & THE APPROPRIATEELECTRIC OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH·REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL TUB AND SHOWER SURROUNDMATERIALS·REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL KITCHEN & BATH CABINETFEATURES WHERE AVAILABLE PER CABINET SUPPLIER·ALL CLOSETS, PANTRYS, & LINENS TO RECEIVE WIRE SHELVING, (U.N.O.)·BLOCK SLIDING GLASS PATIO DR TO PREVENT OPENING LESS THAN 4" WHEN GRADETO FINISHED FLOOR HEIGHT IS GREATER THAN 30".·ALL WASHERS ON LEFT SIDE & ALL DRYERS ON RIGHT SIDE·WINDOW FALL PROTECTION TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE W/ R312.2.1·AT ALL BATHROOM VANITIES, INSTALL WOOD STUD FRAMING SO ELECTRICALOUTLET IS CENTERED ON VANITY.(1) KING(2) TRIMBREAKFASTREFDW10" OVERHANG4'-6 1/2"OVENPANTRY4 SHELVES4'-2"8'-10 1/2"2'-6"11"DISPOSAL SWITCHDISP.6'-0"CAPPEDFIXTURE R.I. GASHOOD 33 GFIP (WP)GFIP GFIP GFIP220VLLLLLLLCH3 26682668 2x STUDSTURNEDFLATWISE4'-6"KITCHENGOURMET4'-6"3'-6"ELEC. R.I. TO JUNCTIONBOX FOR FUTUREOUTLET INSIDE CABINETPMPMPMPM PM5 1/2"5 1/2"TILEDSHOWERBASESHOWERCONTROL2'-9 1/2"2x6 WALL 10'-5 1/2" 2020 (4) SH.5'-1"5'-5"3'-6"2'-0"2'-7"6'-1"2'-9 1/2"PH3'-3"11'-9"2x4 WALL1'-9"RAISED PLATFORM,SEE DETAILFRAMED GLASS SHOWERSURROUND FROM 42"A.F.F. TO 92" A.F.F. LEAVE4" AIR SPACE ABOVE42" H. 2x4 TILEDHALF-WALL, SLOPEDCAP FOR DRAINAGEBULLNOSE TILEAT WINDOW ANDFRAMED GLASSOPENINGSCORNER BENCHFRAMED @ 18"HIGH TILED TOPAND FACE W/SLOPED TOPSHELF LEDGE2X6 WALLFRAMED 18"HIGH. TILED W/SLOPED TOP3'-9"1'-0 1/2"1'-1"6'-2"24" T.B.1R/1S 1R/1S2'-4"4'-10"9"2'-7"5" 7"3'-10"SAFETY GLASSGFIPGFIP FLR BRK48"H HALFWALLW/ WOOD CAP24" T.B.2x6 WALL W.I.C.246820682468LL(2) 2x10 HDR(1) JACK EA END2068206826682-STORYFOYERFLEX ROOMKITCHENPANTRYSIDELIGHTW/ 12"3068JOISTS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLR.(2) 3060 MULLED(2) 2X10 HDR. W/(1) 2x6 JACK EA. ENDFLOOR ABV.LINE OF 2ndSHADED WALLS INDICATE INTERIORBEARING WALLS W/ STUDS AT16" O.C. W/ DOUBLE TOP PLATE7"12'-4 1/2"6'-11"2'-1"11'-1"5 1/2"FRENCHDOORS2'-1"2nd FLR. LINE ABOVE 7'-3 1/2" MM 3FLR BRKFLR BRK LLLL36'-0 1/2"9'-0 5/8"ALIGN W/BOTTOM OFCABINET3'-0 1/8"SCALE:A31FIRST FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A32SECOND FLOOR PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A3OPT3FLEX ROOM OPTION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A3OPT2SERENITY SHOWER OPTION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A3OPT1GOURMET KITCHEN OPTION1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A33KITCHEN DETAIL AT REFRIG.3/8" = 1'- 0"Temper ifwithin 60"of tub floor 11 7/8" IJST. / LSL25/32" OSB SUBFL.RIM CONST. - R-20 MIN. 2x8 TR. SILL PLATE W/ A.B.BOTTOM OF TOP CHORD11 7/8" IJST.25/32" OSB SUBFL.VAPOR BARRIERR-49 BLOWN INSULATIONEXTEND SHTG. TO5/8" DRYWALL CLG. (TYP.)CEILING(WINDWASH)MANUF. TRUSSES24" O.C.12PER PLANBATT INSULATION (R-20 MIN.)2x6 TOP & BOTTOM PLATES1/2" DRYWALL WALLS W/ 4 MIL. POLY (TYP.)1/2" BUILT-RITE SHTG TYP.VAPOR BARRIER2x6 STUDS 16" O.C.WALL CONST.VINYL SIDINGHOUSE WRAPR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSULATIONRIM CONST. - R-20 MIN. 1/2" BUILT-RITE SHTG TYP.BATT INSULATION (R-20 MIN.)2x6 TOP & BOTTOM PLATES1/2" DRYWALL WALLS (TYP.)11 7/8" RIMBOARDHOUSE WRAPVAPOR BARRIER2x6 STUDS 16" O.C.ROOF CONST.STD. ENERGY HEEL HT.ASPHALT SHINGLES PER SPECS.WATERGUARD ICE BARRIER AT EAVESVINYL SOFFIT AND ALUM FASCIAWALL CONST.VINYL SIDING7/16" OSB. SHTG.INSUL. CHUTES/EA. TRUSS SPACE15# FELT2x6 SUBFASCIAMIN. 6"1/2" BUILT-RITE SHEATHINGR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION11 7/8" RIMBOARD (NOTE: SEE SHT.1/2" BUILT-RITE SHEATHINGINSTALL WINDWASHAPPROX. GRADEWINDOW FALL PROTECTIONALL WINDOWS, WITH SILLSBELOW 36" A.F.F.TO RECEIVE FALL PROTECTION,WINDOW FALL PROTECTIONALL WINDOWS, WITH SILLSBELOW 36" A.F.F. AND 72"AT REAR WALL (LOOKOUT /WALKOUT)TO RECEIVE FALL PROTECTION,ABOVE YARD GRADEPER R312.2.1PER R312.2.1NOTE: CANTILEVERS TO HAVEMIN. R-30 INSUL. IN FLR. CAVITY 2" "CERTI STUD INSUL (R-10)CANT. I JOIST 1 1/2", W/ STD. RIMADD SQUASH BLOCKS@ ALL POINT LOAD LOCATIONS.A2 FOR SIDE WALL / REAR WALL DTLS.)ADD INVERTED HANGER AT REAR WALL.XP BOARD TO GRADE6" GRAVEL FILL6 MIL POLY / LAPPED 12" 3 1/2" CONCRETE SLAB8" POURED CONC. WALLFDN. WALL CONST."WATCH DOG" WATERPROOFING2 3/8" "WATCHDOG" (R-10)NOTE: R-5 INSUL.REQUIRED AT WALKOUTSIDE WALLS ONLY20x8 CONC. FTG.ORSIZED PER STRUCT.ENGINEERINGMUDROOMBASEMENTOWNER'S W.I.CHALLBEDROOM #2DININGMIN. HEADROOM 8"8'-4"SECOND FLOOR9'-1 1/8"T.O. FOOTING8'-1 1/8"R-20 MIN.INSUL.T.O. PLATET.O. FDTN.FIRST FLR.T.O. PLATE8" 6'-8"INSUL.R-49 MIN. HEADROOM 6'-8"OWNER'S BATHLAUNDRYCEILING TEXTURE ONHORIZONTAL PLANE ONLYCEILING CLIPPAINTED TOMATCH WALLABOVE11 7/8" LSL JOISTSSEE FLOOR JOIST LAYOUT11 7/8" LSL JOISTS11 7/8" FLOOR JOISTSCLOSED BOX STAIR(16) EQ. RISERS W/10" TREADSCLOSED BOX STAIR(15) EQ. RISERS W/10" TREADSFILTER PAPER O/DRAIN ROCKFILTER PAPER O/DRAIN ROCKHOUSE WRAP CUTTING PATTERN12CUT HOUSE WRAPPER DIAGRAM.CUT UPPER FLAP AT 45FLEX WRAPWINDOW OPENINGWRAP TO SILL OF APPLY 10" FLEXUNDER HEAD INSTALL WINDOWINSTALL JAMBSTRIPS OVERINSTALLED WINDOWHOUSE WRAP FOLDHOUSE WRAP FOLDSTRIP UNDER UPPERINSTALL HEADUPPER FOLDAND TAPE OVERCUTOVER HEAD STRIPDROP UPPER FOLDTO SETTING WINDOWAPPY CAULK BEHINDWINDOW FINS PRIORHOLD UPPER FOLD OUT UNTIL FINAL STEPINSTALL, FOLD SIDEAFTER FLEX WRAPHOUSE WRAP FLAPSOVER FLEX WRAPAND TRIM / FASTENTAPETAPEWINDOW WRAP.CAP UNDERINSTALL DRIPDOWN EACH SIDE.BEND CORNERS3456789SEAMS5'-4 1/4"8'-0"3 1/2"2'-4 3/4"7'-9"4x4 TRTD POSTSEE A1 FORCOLUMN DETAIL℄SOFFIT / CLG(2) 2X8 BEAMT.O. WDWR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL. (+/- 3 1/2") THICK4122'-0"CANT.5'-2"8'-0"3 1/2"2'-7"7'-9"4x4 TRTD POSTSEE A1 FORCOLUMN DETAIL℄SOFFIT / CLG(2) 2X8 BEAMT.O. WDWR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL. (+/- 3 1/2") THICK4122'-0"CANT.5'-2"8'-0"3 1/2"2'-7"7'-9"4x4 TRTD POSTSEE A1 FORCOLUMN DETAIL℄SOFFIT / CLG(2) 2X8 BEAMT.O. WDWR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL. (+/- 3 1/2") THICK4122'-0"CANT.6'-4"8'-0"4123 1/2"2'-5"T.O. WDW℄8'-9"4x4 TRTD POSTSEE A1 FORCOLUMN DETAILR-20 SPRAY FOAM INSUL. (+/- 3 1/2") THICKSOFFIT / CLG(2) 2X8 BEAM2'-0"CANT.SCALE:A44-APORCH SECTION - ELEV. 'A' , 'AG'1/2" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A44-EPORCH SECTION - ELEV. 'E'1/2" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A44-FPORCH SECTION - ELEV. 'F'1/2" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A44-GPORCH SECTION - ELEV. 'G' , 'GG' , 'GS'1/2" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A42BUILDING SECTION (ELEV. 'A' SHOWN - OTHERS SIM.)1/4" = 1'- 0"LENNAR WILL BE INSTALLING A "PASSIVE RADON READY" SYSTEM.ALL BASEMENT SLABS WILL HAVE A MIN. 4" CLEAN AGGREGATE, COVERED BY6 MIL POLY. THIS POLY WILL HAVE 12" LAP AT ALL SEAMS. ALL TEARS OR PUNCTURES WILL BESEALED OR COVERED BY POLY. ALL OPENINGS WILL BE SEALED USING POLYURETHANE CAULK ORELASTOMERIC SEALANT AT ALL OPENINGS. ALL SUMP BASKETS WILL HAVE SEALED LIDS.LENNAR WILL INSTALL A 3" GASTIGHT PVC PIPE, AND WILL BE CONNECTED TO THE DRAIN TILESYSTEM. USING A "T" FITTING, INTO THE DRAIN TILE SYSTEM. WE WILL USE THE SHORTEST ROUTETO EXIT THE ROOF SYSTEM, WITH A MAX. OF (2) 90 DEGREE ELBOWS. IN UNCONDITIONED AREAS,THE RADON EXHAUST PIPE WILL BE INSULATED WITH AN R4 SLEEVE. THIS PIPE WILL BE LABELED"RADON REDUCTION SYSTEM" AT ALL ACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS. ALSO, ALL RADON PIPES WILL BELABELED AT ALL FLOORS FOR FUTURE REFFERENCE.AT ROOF EXIT LOCATIONS, WE WILL MAINTAIN A 10' DISTANCE TO ANY WINDOW LOCATION, 2'BELOW EXHAUST POINT AND ANY ADJACENT STRUCTURE. THE LOCATION OF THE EXIT POINT, INTRUSS AREA, WILL BE CLEAR OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS WITHIN 24" HORIZONTALLY AND 36"VERTICALLY. LENNAR WILL INSTALL AN OUTLET AND PULL CHORD LIGHT FOR FUTURE EXHAUSTFAN ADDITION.RADON NOTE:SCALE:A43HOUSEWRAP DETAIL AT WINDOWN.T.S.SCALE:A41TYP. WALL SECTION3/8" = 1'-0" MICROGFIP GFIP (WP)GASNOTE:NO LIGHT IN BREAKFASTAREA WITH ENLARGEDISLANDTO BSMNTSTAIR LANDINGLIGHTTO 2nd FLR LIGHTSDISPOSAL SWITCH FIREPLACEOPTION3'-0"ELECTRICALSERVICEPANEL6'-0"EVC33 GFIP DISP.3333GFIP (WP)CLG. MNT. FOR G.D.O.GFIP GFIP 3GFIPELEC. R.I. TO JUNCTIONBOX FOR FUTUREOUTLET INSIDE CABINETOPTOPT TO 1st FLRSWITCHTO 1st FLRSWITCHWDOPT GFIIN VANITYW/ CFRIGFIP GAS43GFIPGFIPGFIP4 OPTIONALWET BARROUGH-IN W.H.TANKLESSSUMPDEDICATEDCIRCUIT GFIP 33GFIP GFIP (WP)DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET ABOVE COUNTERWEATHERPROOF DUPLEX OUTLETHALF-SWITCHED DUPLEX OUTLETDUPLEX OUTLET IN FLOOR220 VOLT OUTLETWALL SWITCHTHREE-WAY SWITCHFOUR-WAY SWITCHCEILING MOUNTED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURERECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURELIGHT FIXTURE WITH PULL CHAINFLOURESCENT LIGHT FIXTUREEXHAUST FANCHIMESSMOKE DETECTORTHERMOSTATELECTRIC PANELPCWPELECTRICAL KEY DUPLEX OUTLET (GROUND FAULT PROTECTED)GFIPRECESSED INCANDESCENT EYE BALL FIXTURECARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER ROUGH-IN (OPTIONAL)LED FIXTURELMULTI-MEDIA JACKEVCMMTCMSDCHPLUGMOLD PM34AND HEATING PIPE LOCATIONS AND WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS1. THIS ELECTRICAL PLAN MAY VARY DEPENDING UPON PLUMBINGSUCH AS JOISTS, TRUSSES AND STUDS.GENERAL NOTES ELECTRICAL AND/OR GAS HOOK-UP REQUIREMENTS, THIS INCLUDES2. REFER TO SPECIFICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLIANCEBUT IS NOT LIMITED TO WASHER, DRYER, RANGE/COOKTOP,MICROWAVE, OVEN AND/OR ADVANTIUM (WHERE APPLICABLE),DISHWASHER AND REFRIGERATOR.5. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, INSTALL SWITCHES & RECEPTACLESAT THE FOLLOWING HEIGHTS ABOVE FINISH FLOOR:REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) AND MEETING THE4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERUPTERS (GFI)AND MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING CODES.TELEVISION.........14"TELEPHONE........14"OUTLETS.............14"SWITCHES...........42"AS REQUIRED BY NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA)3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL LOCALLY CERTIFIED SMOKE DETECTORSGFIP (WP)CLG. MNT. FOR G.D.O.3GFI P 3'-0"ELECTRICALSERVICEPANELEVCGFIP GFIP CLG. MNT. FOR G.D.O.SCALE:A51MAIN FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN W/ 2 CAR GARAGE1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A53FOUNDATION ELECTRICAL PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A53AWALKOUT FOUNDATION ELECTRICAL PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A52SECOND FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN1/4" = 1'- 0"SCALE:A51AMAIN FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN W/ 3 CAR GARAGE1/4" = 1'- 0"NOTE:SEE FLOOR PLAN SHEETS& PANEL FOR OPTIONS HEADER1/2" GYPSUM BD.1/2" GYPSUM BD.WIN. OPNG.2x6 HEADER PLATEINSULATE1 1/4" RIM BOARD2x6 DOUBLE TOP PLATE2x6 SILL PLATESUBFL.INSULATE2" SPRAY6'-11 3/8" TO T.O. WIN. R.O.SUBFL. AT 8' CLG. 8'-0" TO SUBFL. AT 9' CLG.1x2 AT EA. SIDE OFWINDOW OPENINGSHEATHINGFOAM INSUL.FLOOR SYSTEM PER PLAN1/2" GYPSUM BD.TRUSS BTM. CHORDTOP PLATEDOUBLE WIN. OPNG.WIN. HDRS.SHEATHING2x6 HDR. PLATET.O. WIN. R.O.6'-11 3/8" TO SUBFL.INSULATEINT/EXT WALL INTERSECTIONINTERIOR WALL CORNER2x6 EXTERIOR WALL1/2" GYPSUM BOARD2x6 R.W. 2x4 R.W. 2x6 EXTERIOR WALL2x2 R.W. INSIDE CORNEROUTSIDE CORNERINSULATE STUDCAVITIES OF ALLCORNERS AND INTERSECTIONSOF OUTSIDE WALLSSIDING2x4 INTERIOR WALL 2x4 BACKINGAT MID HGT.2x4 INT. WALLSHEATHING(EXT. FIN. MAY VARY PER PLAN)PER PLANEXT. MAY VARYSHEATHING9'-0"PLYWD.ALUM. SOFFITW/ALUM.2 x 6 SPF1/2" OXBOARD SHEATHINGGABLEEND TRUSS(WHERE APPL.)2x6 FOR LOOK OUTSUSE SCRAP 2x4 ORNOTE:ENG'DFASCIADIM.2x4 INT. WALLBOARD1/2" GYPSUM5/8" GYPSUM BD.2x4 DOUBLETOP PLATE2x6 BACKINGBOTTOM CHORDOF TRUSSINT WALL2x2 NAILER3/4" PLYWOOD1/2" GYP. BD.FIRE STOP5/8" GYP. BD.I-JOISTDOUBLE TOP PLATEPER PLAN5/8" GYP. BD.1/2" GYP. BD.PER PLANHANGER(2) MICROLAM BEAMSHANGER1/2" GYPSUM BD.SUBFLOORNOTE:FOLLOW MFG'S NAILINGPATTERN FOR HANGERFLOORSYSTEMPER PLANFLOORSYSTEMPER PLANFLOOR SYSTEM PER PLAN1/2" GYPSUM BD.SUBFLOOR(2) 2 x HEADERS1/2" OSBDOUBLE TOP PLATESILL PLATESILL/ TILT TO OUTSIDEHEADER(1) 2X6 TRIMMER U.N.O. VARIES8'-1 1/8" or 9'-1 1/8" TYPICALVARIES7'-0" OR 8'-0" (MAIN FLOOR) / 6'-11 3/8" (2ND FLR.)(R.O.)(R.O.)ON FLOOR PLAN(REFER TO PLAN)FOR WATER DRAINAGERUN TRIMMERS TOBOTTOM OF HEADER(SEE PLAN)BOTT. PL.10"2x12 STRINGERS3'-0"10"7 3/4" MAX.(3) 2x12 STRINGERS5/8" TYPE "X" GYP.AT ENCLOSED USABLESPACE (TYPICAL)UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN CONSTR. WORK ORDERPARTICLE BOARD TREADS & RISERS3"6 1/2" W. x 3/4" T.WOOD CAP5/8" TYPE "X" GYP.AT ENCLOSED USABLESPACE (TYPICAL)ALLOW 6'-8" MIN. HEADROOMNOTE:REFER TO SELECTIONS FOR REFER TO PLAN OR WORK ORDER FOR RAIL AND FINISH TYPE(S)NOTE: THIS DETAIL IS FOR FRAMING PURPOSES ONLY4"MAX.RAIL TYPE3/4" PLYWOOD1 1/4" RIMBOARDSUBFLOORFACE OF RISER3/4" PLYWOOD1 14"7 3/4" MAX.11 14"FLOORSYSTEMPER PLANMAX.MAX.1 14"11 14"MAX.MAX.2x4 TO EXTEND 1 1/2"BEYOND 2x AT EA. ENDCAULKNOTE:5 DEG.2 x W/BEV. TOP"Z" FLASHINGSMOOTH FINISH 2x4EXT. FINISH PER PLANSEE PLANVARIESROUGH OPENINGROUGH OPENINGSUBFLOORCRIPPLEHEADER PLATEDOUBLE TOP PLATE9'-1 1/8" OR 8'-1 1/8" TYPICAL STUDSNOTE: THIS DETAIL IS FOR FRAMINGPURPOSES ONLY, REFER TO SPEC'S. BOX NEWELSTARTER1 3/4" RIM BD.1/2" GYP.SUBFLR.PER PLANFLR. SYSTEM3'-0" FROM FIN. FLR.FOR RAIL & FINISH TYPES TREADPOSTSTONE CAPOR ROWLOCK BRICKFLASHING - CONT.CAULKSHEATHING15# FELT1" AIR SPACESTUD WALLSIDING PER PLANSLOPED TO DRAINSHEATHING ONCEDAR 5/4x BLOW UP DETAIL1 1/8"CAULK"Z" FLASHING"Z" FLASHING4"MINIMUM FINISH MTR'L.PER PLANPER PLANCAULK2x6 FRAMINGFINISH MTR'L.PER PLANWATER RESISTIVE BARRIERWIN. UNIT DIM.14"WIN. ROUGH OPENINGSHEATHINGWINDOW UNITGYPSUMSPRAY FOAM SIDINGTRANS.INSULATIONTRIMSTONE/BRICK CAPSLOPED TO DRAIN(FOR STONE CAP)CAULKTO BACK OF SILLSHEATHING15# FELT1" AIR SPACEFLASHING - CONT.FLASHING - CONT.(FOR BRICK CAP)TO BACK OF SILL2'-0"2x6 SPF MIN. ICE BARRIERVERT. TO ROOFW/ R20 MIN.2x6 STUD WALLON 4 MIL POLY1/2" GYPSUM BD.SOFFITSIDING PER PLANSHINGLES, 15# FELT, 48# BASESHEATHINGTRUSS BOT. CHORD5/8" GYPSUM BD.INSULATION BAFFLES (48" L.)ENG'D TRUSSES AT 24" O.C.R-49 INSULATIONDBL. TOP PLATEON 4 MIL POLYROOF VENTS AS REQUIREDSHEATHINGICE BARRIER6"MIN.HEEL HGT.ICE BARRIER TO END THIS POINTNOTE: ICE AND WATER SHIELD TO RUNENTIRE LENGTH OF ALL VALLEYS2 ROWS OF 24" TO INSURECOVERAGE PAST PLATE LINEEXTEND SHEATHING1 1/4" PAST END OF TRUSSFOR 6/12 PITCH ROOF.REDUCE OVERLAP PERSTEEPER PITCH TRUSSES.OVERLAP W/ FASCIAICE / WATER SHIELDBATT INS.5/8" FIRE-RATEDGYP. BOARDEXTERIORSHEATHINGWRB CONT. ONVERTICAL &HORIZONTALPLANES ATTUCKUNDER,TAPE ALL SEAMSR-20 SPRAYFOAM AT RIM6" DIA. R-4.2 INSULATEDFLEX-DUCT, HELD TIGHTTO FLOOR ABV.TYP. EXTERIORWALL: 2x6 STUDFRAMING W/ R-21BATT. INSULATIONTHERMOPANR-19 MIN. SPRAYFOAM INSUL.PER TABLE R402.1.1WRB CONTINUOUS ONVERTICAL AND HORIZONTALPLANES AT TUCKUNDER,TAPE ALL SEAMSTUCKUNDER FLOOR CAVITIESW/O HVAC BLOWN FULL W/ 11-7/8"FIBERGLASS L-77 INSULATIONI-JOIST FLRSYSTEMGARAGEHOUSEHOUSEELASTOMERICCAULK ATCORNER(BY INSULATORS)8" MIN.PVC SHOWER PAN LINER,DO NOT CUT, EXTEND UP WALL 8" MIN.CEMENT BOARD, OVER LINERCERAMIC TILEWOOD SUBFLOORGROUT SOLID W/ MORTARCERAMIC TILE, SLOPED1" VERTICAL TO DRAIN2-PIECE SHOWER DRAIN SYSTEMTILE SHOWER WALL & DRAIN DETAILTILE SHOWER PLATFORM DETAILCERAMIC TILE W/ BULLNOSED EDGE AT LIPCEMENT BOARD, OVER LINERWOOD SUBFLOOR(2) 2x4 SLEEPERS AT 8" O.CPVC SHOWER PANLINER, DO NOT CUT.CONTINUE OVERPLATFORM 12" MIN.GROUT SOLID W/ MORTARCERAMIC TILE, SLOPED1" VERT. TO DRAINCERAMIC TILEPLATFORM FLOOR1'-0" MIN.3/4" OSBTILE SHOWER CURB DETAILCEMENT BOARDTILE FLOORWOOD SUBFLOORCERAMIC TILE W/BULLNOSED EDGEBATHROOMSHOWER(2) 2x4 SLEEPERS AT 8" O.C3/4" OSB10"30 MIL PVC MEMBRANE, SEALALL SEAMS, CORNERS & EDGESW/ 35 MIL POLYETHYLENEBACKED SYNTHETIC BUTYLRUBBER ADHESIVE MEMBRANE4" MIN. AT GRADE2" MIN. AT HARD SURFACE W/ NO FOOTERGRADEMORTAR SCRATCH COATEXTERIOR SHEATHINGCULTURED STONE VENEER2 LAYERS WRBWIRE LATHMORTAR SETTING BEDWEEP SCREED, EXTEND MIN. 1" BELOWTOP OF FND. WALL2 LAYERS W.R.B. LAPPEDOVER WEEP SCREEDFRAMING HGT OF BOX PIER PER PLANPER PLAN4"(2) USP B88 CLIPS W/(36" H. MOST COMMON W/ RAILING)FINISH WIDTH IS PER PLAN(6) 3/8" x 1" LAG SCREWSTOP RAIL OF RAILING1/2" OSB SHEATHINGINSTALL ICE/WATER SHEILDBEHIND B88 CLIPS2X6 BACKER AT MID POINTBOTTOM RAIL OF RAILINGINSTALL 2x6, CLIPPEDFOR FLAT CLG. FINISHGYP. BOARD,FINISH PER PLANFLOOR SYSTEMPER PLAN5 12"2x4 STUD WALLNON-BEARINGN/A1FLASHING DETAIL3"= 1'-0"2NAILER DET.1"= 1'-0"3FLUSH BEAM1"= 1'-0"4DROP'D. BEAM1"= 1'-0"5EAVE/RAKE1"= 1'-0"8STONE SILL DETAIL1" = 1'-0"1411M. FLR. WIN. HDR.1" = 1'-0"12UPPER FLR. WIN. HDR.1" = 1'-0"13TYP. STUD LAYOUT1" = 1'-0"15DOOR FRAMING1" = 1'-0"16WINDOW FRAMING1" = 1'-0"19RAIL DETAIL1" = 1'-0"201x2 NAILER @ WINDOW3" = 1'-0"21TRIM DETAIL3" = 1'-0"10PIER W/ RAILING DTL.3/4" = 1'-0"6SOFFIT DETAIL1"= 1'-0"7STONE CAP1"= 1'-0"18STAIR FRAMING DETAILS1/2" = 1'-0"22TYPICAL OVERHANG DETAIL1" = 1'-0"23FLOOR ABV. GARAGE INSUL. DETAIL1" = 1'-0"24SERENITY SHOWER OPTION DETAILS1 1/2" = 1'-0"9STONE VENEER DTL.3/4" = 1'-0"17UNDER FIN. STAIR DTL1" = 1'-0" 3'-6" R.O.1'-9 1/2" FRAMEDALLOW 16"SPACE FORVENT DUCT6' - 0 " FI N I S H E D 1'-3"1'-3"4'-3 1/4" TO FRAMING 3'-6" R.OSL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.4'-4"8" 5'-0" 512"6'-0" FINISHED9'-0"3'-1" R.O.1x8 SHIPLAPW/ MITEREDCORNERS &RETURNEDBACKTO WALL,PAINTEDWHITE1'-5"FRAMED1'-5"FRAMED4" TRIMHARDIE6" TRIM,PAINTEDWHITE2'-10 1/2"1/2" REVEALAT ALL SIDESOF F.P.1 3/4"SL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.4'-4"8" 5'-0" 5 1/2"6'-0" FINISHED9'-0"3'-1" R.O.1'-5"FRAMED1'-5"FRAMED4" TRIM2'-10 1/2"1 3/4"5'-11" FRAMED60"Lx8"Wx8"HWOOD MANTEL,SEE SELECTIONSFOR FINISH:-RUSTIC/DISTRESSED-SMOOTH BOX LIGHT-SMOOTH BOX DARK5'-0" MANTEL1x8 SHIPLAPW/ MITEREDCORNERS &RETURNEDBACKTO WALL,PAINTEDWHITE60"Lx8"Wx8"HWOOD MANTEL,SEE SELECTIONSFOR FINISH:-RUSTIC/DISTRESSED-SMOOTH BOX LIGHT-SMOOTH BOX DARK5'-0" MANTELHARDIE6" TRIM,PAINTEDWHITEFRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 6 5/8"ABOVE FLR.1/2" REVEALAT ALL SIDESOF F.P.FRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 6 5/8"ABOVE FLR.1'-3 1/2"1/2" GYP. BD.FIREPLACE FLUEFIREPLACE BOX8 1/4"8 1/2" 5 1/2" 1 1/2"3/4"VERIFY DIST. TOCOMBUSTIBLES w/MANUFACTURER'SSPECIFICATIONS.24243/4"3/4"42261x10 TRIMMED2x41x43 1/2"1/2"1x6 241'-0 1/2"1'-8"3'-6"R.O.1'-4"5'-11"ALLOW 16"SPACE FORVENT DUCTFRAMEDFRAMED 1'-8" 1'-10 1/2" FIN.1'-2 1/2"1'-2 1/2"3'-6".R.O.6' - 0 " F I N I S H E D 1'-3"1'-3"8" MANTEL 5'-2"SL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.7 1/2"FRAMED912"2'-10 1/2"912" 9'-0"7 1/2"FRAMED912"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.3'-1"2" APPLIEDSTONEVENEER812"5'-11" FRAMED912"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.5'-6" MANTEL1/2"REVEAL ATALL SIDESOF F.P.4'-8"FACE OF GYP. BD.2" STONE RETURN2" STONE RETURN6'-0" FINISHED5'-2"SL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.7 1/2"FRAMED9 1/2"2'-10 1/2"9 1/2"7 1/2"FRAMED912"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.3'-1"2" APPLIEDSTONEVENEER8 1/2"5'-11" FRAMED912"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.5'-6" MANTEL6'-0" FINISHED1/2" REVEALAT ALL SIDESOF F.P.4'-3 1/4" FRAMING9'-0" 4"3'-6" R.O.FRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 8-7/8"ABOVE FLOORFRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 8-7/8"ABOVE FLOOR3'-11"712"712"5'-2"5"5"5 3/4"2'-10 1/4"5 1/4"3'-9 1/4"6'-0"FINISHED5'-10"MANTELINSIDE OF SURROUNDINSIDE OF SURROUNDOUTSIDE OF SURROUND4'-9"5 TILES @ 7-1/8"W/ 1/4" GROUT5 EQ. TILESW/ 1/4" GROUT FRAMED TO CEILINGOUTSIDE OF SURROUNDTILE TO TILETILETILETILE TILESL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.3'-11"712"712"5'-2"5"5"5 3/4"2'-10 1/4"5 1/4" 3'-9 1/4"6'-0"FINISHED5'-10"MANTELINSIDE OF SURROUNDINSIDE OF SURROUNDOUTSIDE OF SURROUND4'-9"5 TILES @ 7-1/8"W/ 1/4" GROUTFRAMED TO CEILINGOUTSIDE OF SURROUNDTILE TO TILETILETILETILE TILESL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.5 EQ. TILES W/ 1/4" GROUT1'-212"3'-6" R.O.5'-11" FRAMEDFRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 4-3/4"ABOVE FLR1'-212"4 7/8" 3'-2 1/4" R.O. 3'-7 1/8"FRAMED TO CEILINGSL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.3'-6"1'-5"1'-212"1'-212"5'-11"ALLOW 16"SPACE FORVENT DUCT(FRAMING)(R.O.)(FRAMING)4'-3 1/4" FRAMING3'-6" R.O.6'-0" FINISHED1'-3"1' - 3 "TOP OF MANTELEQ.EQ.8"8"8"8"CLEQ.EQ.CLCEILINGRECEPTACLETECH.TUBE2x10 BLOCKINGBACKER2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 3'-6"R.O.1'-4"5'-11"ALLOW 16"SPACE FORVENT DUCTFRAMEDFRAMED 1'-8" 1'-10 1/2" FINISH1'-2 1/2"1'-2 1/2"3' - 6 "R.O.6'-0"FINISHED1'-3"1' - 3 " 4'-3 1/4" TO FRAMING 5'-0"5 1/2"FRAMED9 1/2"2'-10 1/2"8"5'-4" FINISHED9'-0"5 1/2"FRAMED1112"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.3'-1"2" APPLIEDSTONE VENEER5'-0"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.2" STONERETURN2" STONERETURN8"56"Lx8"Wx8"HWOOD MANTEL,SEE SELECTIONSFOR FINISH:-RUSTIC/DISTRESSED-SMOOTH BOX LIGHT-SMOOTH BOX DARK5'-11" FRAMED1112"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.SL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.4'-8" MANTEL5'-0"5 1/2"FRAMED9 1/2"2'-10 1/2"8"5'-4" FINISHED9'-0"5 1/2"FRAMED1112"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.3'-1"2" APPLIEDSTONE VENEER5'-0"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.2" STONERETURN2" STONERETURN8"56"Lx8"Wx8"HWOOD MANTEL,SEE SELECTIONSFOR FINISH:-RUSTIC/DISTRESSED-SMOOTH BOX LIGHT-SMOOTH BOX DARK5'-11" FRAMED1112"TO FACE OF GYP. BD.SL-7GAS FIREPLACER.O. 42" W.x 38 1/4" H.x 16 1/4" D.4'-8" MANTEL1/2" REVEALAT ALL SIDESOF F.P.1/2" REVEALAT ALL SIDESOF F.P.5'-0"FRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 7-3/8"ABOVE FLRFRAME R.O.FOR F.P. BOXAT 7-3/8"ABOVE FLRPAGE DESCRIPTION:PAGE NO.: PLAN NO. FIREPLACEFIREPLACESFIREPLACES _ 1-10-19 ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION 10-12-22 REMOVE FIREPLACE OPTIONS 4, 6 & 7 6-1-2023 Q3 2023 PLAN REVISIONS 09-2023 ADD FIREPLACE FRAMING DETAILS REVISIONS Sheet:1of4A complete Javelin® framing plan requires the Framer's Pocket GuideSee the Framer's Pocket Guide for Product Trademark InformaƟonLack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. ©2022 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Lateral strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist. Installbracing with 2 - 8d(.0113" x 2.5") nails each joist and end support at 8 ft on center (6 ft for TJI 110 joists). Without this bracing,buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.7. See www.wy.com/besafe for additional installation information.*Conventional construction code minimum for usewith A3 only. See the Weyerhaeuser TJI®Specifier's Guide, #TJ-4000, for A3.1-A3.3installation specifications and applications.Plate nail - 16d (0.135" x 312")at 16" on-center*Floor panel nail - 8d (0.131"x 212") at 6" on-center*Toe nail - 10d (0.131" x 3")at 6" on-center*114" TimberStrand®LSL or118" TJ® rim board.*When sheathing thickness exceeds 78",trim sheathing tongue at rim boardA3A3.2A3.1 A3.3Load bearing or braced/shear wallabove (must stack over wall below)Blocking panel: 118" TJ® Rim Board, 114"or 112" TimberStrand®LSL or TJI® joist.Web stiffeners requiredon both sides at B1Wand B2W ONLYB1WB1B2B2W116"2x4 minimumsquash blocksBlocking panels may be required with braced/shearwalls above or below — see detail B1Use 2x4 minimum squash blocks totransfer load around TJI® joistCSLoad from above2x4 minimumsquash blocks116"BlockingpanelEnd of joistsat centerlineof supportB4Load bearing or shear wallabove (must stack overwall below when present)2'TJI® JOIST2"2x6 (min.) solid sawn or 4 12" wideTimberstrand® LSL rim board, full lengthin bay and tight to each joist flange. Connectto plate with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at 6"on-center.2416 span rated sheathing (716" Min.).Attach with 8d (0.113" x 2 38") nails at6" on-center along panel edges and infield. Use pressure treated plywoodfor ground level cantilevers.E1 ALTTimberstrand ® LSL rim boardto match TJI® depthWARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterally,Safety bracing required during installation.Lateral load transfer for this detail is180 PLF (pounds per lineal foot).Additional connections may be requiredto transfer lateral loads from wall above.8" diameter maximum hole for 1178" -16" deep blocking panels; 6" diametermaximum for blocking panels 912"deep or shorter than 12" long.Do not cut flanges.E1E1WWeb stiffenersrequired on bothsides at E1W ONLY118" TJ® Rim Board or114" or 112" TimberStrand® LSL.Nail with 10d (0.131" x 3")nails, one each at top andbottom flange.Variable slope joisthanger. Beveled webstiffener required eachside.LSTA24 (Simpson Strong-Tie or USP StructuralConnectors) strap with twelve 10d (0.148 x 112")nails required at H5S with slopes greater than 3:12H5H5SStrap nails:Leave 238" minimumend distanceAdditional blockingmay be requiredfor shear transfer.H5S is allowed only with joist depths < 16''_LOLDouble joistmay be requiredwhen L exceedsjoist spacing2x_ overhang. Notcharound TJI® joist topflange.Blockingas requiredEnd wallR5Beveled web stiffeners required onboth sides. Cut to match roof slope.2x4 block for soffit supportBIRDSMOUTH CUT allowed at low end of joist only 2'-0"maximumTJI® joist flangemust bear fully onplate.Birdsmouth cutmust notoverhang insideface of plate.R92x4 one side. Use 2x6 ifjoist spacing is greater than24" on-center.10d (0.128" x 3")nails at 8"on-centerBeveled 2x4 blockBeveled web stiffenerson both sidesBIRDSMOUTH CUT allowed at low end of joist only4'-0"minimum2'-0"maximumR14Strap nails:Leave 238" minimumend distanceDouble beveled bearing platewhen slope exceeds 14:12LSTA18 (Simpson Strong-Tie® or USPStructural Connectors®) strap withtwelve 10d (0.148" x 112") nailsAdditional blockingmay be required forshear transferWeb Stiffener required onboth sides at R14W ONLYWR7R7Web stiffenersrequired on bothsides at R7W ONLYBeveled bearingplate required whenslope exceeds 14:12INTERMEDIATE BEARINGBlocking panels or shear blocking may bespecified for joist stability at intermediate supportsR7STwist strap and backer block required atR7S with slopes greater than 3:12. SeeNailing Requirements at Bearing inWeyerhaeuser Installation Guide for Floorand Roof Framing, TJ-9001.R7S is allowed only with joist depths < 16''_NAILING FOR TOP & BOTTOM PLATE TO SHEATHING & CEILING/ROOF MEMBERSSHEATHING NAILING(16d PNUEMATIC NAILS)NAILS/FT16" o.c.24" o.c.NON-HURRICANE PRONE REGIONS 3 4 6HURRICANE PRONE REGIONS 4 6 8120 MPH WIND AREA 5 7 10CEILING/ROOF MEMBER SPACINGP5L13 P6Header to columnHeaderColumnColumn to Top PlateFraminganglesas requiredTrimmerStud (s)Plate widthmust equal wallthickness toprovide lateralbracing. (Platenot required ifheader widthequals the wallthickness.)Trimmerstud (s)Doubletop plateFraminganglesas requiredSolid blocking isrequired if columnand trimmer studsdo not extend tosill plateBlockingpanel asrequiredTrimmerstud (s)Framinganglesas requiredRimboardSill PlateSoleplateColumnColumn to Bottom PlateA notch and hole shall not occurin the same cross sectionMaximum diameter:*138" for 312" thick walls*2316" for 512"-1114" thick wallsMaximum notch:One hole may be cut anywwhere along the length ofthe stud or column but must be at least 58" from the edge.One notch may be cut anywhere except themiddle 13 of the length of the stud or column.*78" for 312" thick walls*138" for 512"-1114" thick walls58" Minimumedge distanceL/3L/3L/3Allowable Holes and Notches*Note: Field skewableframing angles requiredfor sloped top plateconnectionsWB2Connection of double top plate to outlooker must bedesigned to tranfer lateral load to roof.Connect outlooker to double topplate with angle clip (565 lbs min.for Load 1) at 24" o.c.2x_ outlookerContinuous tall-wall framing(from sill plate to top plate)4" o/c nailingrequired fromsheathingto outlookerBlocking betweenoutlookers asrequiredConnect outlooker to trusswith (2) 16d nails for 2x4,(3) 16d nails for 2x6 or 2x82' maxWB3Loads must be trackedto foundation by designerof recordTrusses by othersat 24" on centerConnect truss todouble top platewith one angleclip (545 lbs min.for Load 2) at24" o.c.Gable end wall2x_ solid sawn angle braces toconnect double top plate to roof @ 2'-0"o.c. along length of wall fit snug betweenthe two bays. Connect with (3) 16d nails.2x_ solid sawn connected to topof bottom chord with (3) 16d nails at2'-0" o.c. along length of wall, back 8'-0"Wall bracing is necessary if double top plate is not attacheddirectly to the roof/floor diaphragm.25° to45°Member OrientationPlate width must equal wall thicknessto provide lateral bracing (plate notrequired if header equals wall thickness)MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIONS FOR POINTLOADED COLUMNS2 PLY 3 PLY 4 PLYUSE 16d (0.131" x 314") PNEUMATIC NAILS4 PLY ALTERNATE: 2 ROWS, 12" DIAMETER BOLTS AT 8" ON-CENTERMULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTION FOR NON POINT LOADEDCOLUMNS2 PLY, USE (2) ROWS 16d PNEUMATIC NAILS AT10" O.C.3 PLY'S AND GREATER, USE (2) ROWS 16d PNEUMATIC NAILS (EACH PLY) AT 8" O.C.- STAGGER 2" PER PLYDO NOT cut, notch or drillholes in headers or beamsexcept as indicated inillustrations and tables.DO NOTcut or notch flange.DO NOTcut holes in cantileverreinforcement.112" hole may be cutanywhere in web out-side of hatched zoneMin. distance from Table ANo field cutholes inhatchedzonesMinimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest end supportminimum(applies to all holesexcept knockouts)Table A - End Support6"6"1L12 x D1DDL2 x Lminimum226"6"2ALLOWABLE HOLES - TJI® Joists1.3E TimberStrand®LSL allowed hole zoneddMicrollam®LVL andParallam® PSLallowed hole zonemiddle 13 span1.3E TimberStrand®LSL hole zoneMicrollam®LVLand Parallam® PSLhole zone2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)d13 depth1"2"134"Maximum RoundHole SizeHeader or Beam Depth438"714"- 20"512"See illustration for Allowed Hole ZoneOther Trus Joist® Headers and Beams1.55E TimberStrand®LSL Headers and BeamsALLOWABLE HOLES - Headers and Beams13 depth2 x diameter of thelargest hole (minimum)8"See illustration for allowed hole zone1114"-11 78"14"-16"914"-912"358"458"3"No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation.Round holes onlyGeneral NotesGeneral NotesNo holes in headers or beams in plank orientation.Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniform loads only.Round holes onlyNo holes in cantilevers.Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams withuniform and/or concentrated loads.Maximum RoundHole SizeHeader or Beam Depth8"Allowed hole zoneMin. distance from Table BDo not cut holes largerthan 112" in cantilever6"Closely grouped roundholes are permitted ifthe group perimetermeets requirements forround or square holes.10'-0" 11'-6"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-6" 9'-0"9'-0"6'-6"4'-6"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-0"3601'-0"12'-0"17"13"15'-6"15'-6"SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZEMinimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest intermediate or cantilever support16'-6"16'-0"21'-0"20'-6"18'-0"17"17'-0"For simple span (5' minimum), uniformly loaded joists used in residential applications, one maximum size round hole may be locatedat the center of the joist span provided that no other holes occur in the joist.Distances are based on the maximum uniform loads from current Trus Joist specifier's guides. For other load conditions or holeconfigurations use Forte® software or contact your Weyerhaeuser representative.15"8"10"6"4" 12"17"15"12"10"8"6"4"16'-0"15'-6"Holes may be located vertically anywhere within the web. Leave 18" of web (minimum) at top and bottom of hole.Knockouts are located in web at approximately 12" on-center; they do not affect hole placement.1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"Rectangular holes based on measurement of longest side.18"20"1'-0"5605603603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-6"1'-0"2'-0"3'-0"3'-0"6'-0"6'-0"12'-0"5'-6"16'-6"11'-0"15'-0"10'-0"6'-0"9'-0"6'-0"3'-0"1'-6"4'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"16'-6"18'-0"16'-6"14'-0"8'-6"7'-0"9'-0"11'-6" 16'-6"12'-6"14'-6"19'-6"17'-6'19'-0"20'-0"19'-6"10'-0"17"11'-0"13"10'-6"ROUND HOLE SIZETable B - Intermediate or Cantilever Support11'-0"10'-0"15'-0"13'-6"4'-0" 8'-6"2'-6"2303'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"4'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"16"14"2305603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2305602103601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1178"1'-0"2303601102105602'-0"1'-0"1'-6"3602101103'-0"1'-0"1'-0"9'-6"5'-6"1'-0" 2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"2'-6"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"2'-0"1'-0"5'-6"5'-6"3'-6"11'-0"10'-0"4'-0"7'-0"6'-6"6'-6"10'-6"13'-6"12'-6"6'-0"9'-6"3'-6"8'-6"6'-0"2'-6" 5'-0"4'-0"1'-0"4'-6"7'-0"2'-0"8'-0"5'-6"2'-0"1'-6"4'-6"4'-0"9'-0"10'-0"11'-0"4'-6"12'-0"8'-6"9'-0"8'-6"6"3"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-6"2'-6"912"TJI®2101102"2'-0"2'-0"18"20"1'-0"3605605603601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5601'-0"4"4"3'-6"3'-6"612"8'-0"7'-6"878"11"1'-0" 2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"8"10"1'-0"10'-0"5'-0"11'-0"5'-0"1'-0"2'-0"7'-0"7'-0"5'-0"12"7'-6"15"7'-6"3'-6"2'-0" 4'-6"4'-6"2'-0"1'-6"3'-6"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"4'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"3'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0"13'-0"6'-0"2'-0" 10'-0"10'-6"13'-6"12'-0"11'-0"14'-6"13'-0"1'-0"3'-6"2'-0"5'-0"9'-0"7'-6"1'-0"5'-0"4'-0"2'-6" 6'-6"4'-6"10'-0"9'-0"13'-6"16'-0"14'-6"13'-6"12'-6"15'-0"14'-0"10'-0"12'-0"11'-0"10'-6"10'-0"8'-6"3'-6"5'-0"1'-0"6'-0"9'-6"5'-0"10'-6"5'-6"3'-0"2'-6"8'-0"8'-0"7'-0"12'-0"9'-0"9'-6"2'-0"6"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"3"1'-0"3'-0"2'-6"2'-0"1'-6"2"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"4"4'-0"3'-6"4"612"7'-6"6'-6"11"878"10'-0"12'-0"11'-6"11'-0"10'-0"5'-0"6'-6"4'-0"2'-6"11'-0"9'-6"8'-0"3'-0"8"4'-6"10"13'-6"14'-6"14'-6"14'-0"12'-6'11'-0"15"12"13"11'-0"11'-0"SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE13"6'-0"7'-0"ROUND HOLE SIZE1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"2'-0"2'-0"1'-6"1'-6"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"2'-0"2'-6"1'-6"56016"14"1'-0"3602102305601'-0"1'-0"1'-0"2102301101'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1178"912"1102303602101'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1102303602101'-0"1'-6"1'-6"1'-0"8'-0"3'-0" 4'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-6"8'-0"5'-6"2'-6"3'-0"6'-6"3'-6"4'-0"9'-0"3'-6"4'-0"3'-0"6'-0"7'-0"5'-6"1'-6"2'-0"3'-0"2'-0"2'-0"3'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-0"2'-6"3'-0"2'-6"4'-0"3'-6"3'-0"3'-0"5'-6"6'-6"7'-0"6'-0"3"JOISTDEPTHTJI®2" 4" 878"11"1'-6"2'-0"1'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-0"3'-6"2'-6"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"5'-6"4'-6" 8'-0"4'-0"2'-6"1'-0"1'-0"4'-0"2'-0"2'-0"5'-0"2'-0"1'-6"2'-0"3'-0"2'-6"2'-0"9'-6"8'-0"9'-0"8'-0"10'-0"7'-0"6'-6"9'-0"9'-0"8'-6"8'-0"7'-0"6'-0"6'-6"2'-0"3'-6"2'-6"2'-6"2'-6"4'-6"3'-6"3'-0"3'-6"3'-0"2'-6"2'-6" 3'-6"5'-0"4'-6"4'-0"7'-6"7'-0"6'-6"6'-0"3"2" 4" 11"878"612"5'-6"5'-0"5'-6"6'-0"3'-0"3'-0"4'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-6"1'-6"4'-6"1'-0"1'-6"3'-6"5'-6"2'-6"2'-6"612"4'-6"5'-0"5'-0"5'-6"5'-0"5'-6"6'-6"4'-6"3'-6"4'-0"4'-0"7'-0"3'-6"3'-0"6'-0"7'-0"6'-6"5'-0"3'-6"3'-6"5'-0"3'-0"2'-6"2'-6"2'-0"5'-0"1'-6"1'-6"4'-0"6'-0"3'-0"2'-6"5'-6"5'-6"6'-6"5'-0"4'-0"4'-6"5'-0"7'-6"4'-0"3'-6"6'-6"7'-6"7'-0"5'-6"5"5"7"7"1'-6"2'-6"3'-0"5"4'-6"5'-0"2'-6"3'-0"6'-6"5'-6"1'-0"5'-6"3'-6"3'-6"3'-6"1'-0"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5'-6"7"4'-6"3'-0"2'-0"3'-6"4'-0"4'-0"1'-0"6'-6"6'-0"5'-6"7'-6"2'-6"8'-6"5'-0"7"5"5'-6"6'-6"3'-6"2'-6"5'-6"4'-0"4'-0"1'-6"7'-0"5'-6"5'-0"7'-0"2'-6"8'-0"7'-6"4'-6"4'-0"6'-6"8'-0"11'-0"6'-0"9'-6"9'-0"10'-0"11'-0"5'-6"7'-6"8'-6"10'-0"6'-0"7'-0"7'-0"5"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"7"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5" 7"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"3'-0"4'-0"5"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-6"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"7" 5"1'-0"1'-0"3'-6"1'-6" 6'-6"4'-0"6'-0"8'-6"7"JOISTDEPTHEXTERIOR DECK ATTACHMENTStructural exterior sheathingSee fastenertable below. Maintain2" distance (minimum) fromedge of ledger to fastener.LAFlashingTreated 2x_ledger118" TJ® Rim Boardor 114" or 112"TimberStrand®LSL.(1) Corrosion-resistant fasteners required for wet-service applications.(2) Allowable load determined in accordance with ASTM D7672.(3) 118" TJ® Rim Board is allowed with joist depths < 16" only.(4) Maximum 12" shimmed air space.Fastener Allowable Load (lbs/bolt)48012" lag bolt118" TJ® Rim BoardRim Board Material1 14" TimberStrand® LSL1 12" TimberStrand® LSL61067569512" Through bolt72572512" Through boltwith Air Space615(2)(3)(4)_Load bearing wall above(must stack over wall below)Web stiffeners required onboth sides at B5W ONLYB5B5WPer IRC R502.7,blocking required ateach intermediatesupport in seismicdesign categoriesD0, D1, and D2.Blocking panels may be required with shearwalls above or below — see detail B1TJI® 560 floor joistTop ViewNAILING AT BEARING (FLOOR)134" minimum end bearingsingle-family applicationsTJI® Joist to Bearing Plate118" TJ® Rim Board,114" or 1 12" TimberStrand® LSL. or TJI® 110 rim joist:One 10d (0.131" x 3") nail intoeach flangeTJI® 210, 230, and 360 rim joist:One 16d (0.135" x 312") nail intoeach flange.With depths > 16", use TJI® 360 rim joist.Shear transfer: Connections equivalentto floor panel nailing scheduleTJI® 560 rim joist: Toenail with 10d (0.128" x 3")nails, one each side ofTJI® joist flangeRim to TJI® JoistSquash Blocks to TJI® Joist(Load bearing wall above)One 10d (0.128" x 3")nail into each flange118" TJ® Rim Board or114" or 1 12" TimberStrand® LSL.Also see detail B2Locate rim board joint between joists.134" minimum bearingOne 8d (0.113" x 212")nail each side. Drivenails at an angle atleast 112" from end.312" minimumintermediate bearing514" may be requiredfor maximumcapacityThese placement plans have been developed for the specificaƟon of productsbased on project informaƟon provided. This service is solely intended forproduct applicaƟon assurance; and, is not intended to circumvent the need fora design professional as determined by the building code. The designer ofrecord and/or builder/framer is responsible to assure these drawings arecompaƟble with the overall project.CANTILEVERS/TRUSSESDesign assumes all trusses at floor canƟlevers are connectedto the wall and NOT to the Trus Joist rimboard. If trusses needto connect to the Trus Joist rimboard, contact Weyerhaeuserfor a connecƟon detail prior to installaƟon.JOIST & BEAM HANGER FACE NAILING REQUIREMENTS* FOR3 & 4 PLY SUPPORTING MEMBERSFor IUS or THF Hangers - Use 10D (0.148") x 3" nails.For MIU, HU, HHUS, HGUS or HD, THD, THDH Hangers - Use16d (0.162") x 3 1/2" nails.*For hangers that have joist fasteners/connecƟons, fill allholes with the manufacturer's recommended fasteners. Start Framing Here.ProductsPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyFBk1 34' 0 13/16" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist 1 1TS4 31' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS5 30' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 17TS7 21' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS9 17' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 5TS12 11' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS13 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2TS14 9' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS15 8' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 3TS16 7' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1STCa1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board 1 10AccessoriesPlotID Length Product Plies Net Qty23/32"x48"x96" Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold Panel (0/24) T&G SF 1 41Optional Stone Fireplace at Egress - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyFBk1 4' 0 5/8" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist 1 1TS8-2 20' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 4TS13 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2TS17-2 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2Optional Stone Fireplace at Egress - ADDPlotID Qty Manuf Product Backer Blks Web StiffH2 2 Simpson IUS3.56/11.88 No NoOptional Stone Fireplace at Egress - REMOVEPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTS5 30' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2Optional Stone Fireplace - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyFBk1 4' 0 5/8" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist 1 1TS8-2 20' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 4TS13 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2Optional Stone Fireplace - REMOVEPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTS5 30' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 2Egress @ Full Foundation - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTS17-2 6' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2Egress @ Full Foundation - ADDPlotID Qty Manuf ProductBacker Blks Web StiffH3 2 Simpson IUS1.81/9.5 No NoAdditional TimberStrand for Ledger @ FULL Basement-1PlotID Length Product Plies Net Qty- 40' 0" 1-1/2" x 11-7/8"1.5E TimberStrand LSL 1 1CSCSCSB1B2B2A3A3A3A3A3A3A3CSA3A3B1B4B2TS17-2BBO2TS4TS14TS12TS13TS15TS16TS13STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1SB6SB2TS15TS7FBk11' 7 3/16"FBk1FBk1FBk11' 7 3/16"TS17-2STCa1STCa1STCa11' 7 3/16"FBk1SB9FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1FBk1TS15TS519.2" O.C.TS519.2" O.C.TS519.2" O.C.TS919.2" O.C.TS1319.2" O.C.TS519.2" O.C.TS8-219.2" O.C.H3H2Blocking per site requirements.Refer to Hanson's Detail 2/S2.An additional 8 PSF DL has been added to account fortile load on this floor and tile walls for optionalbathrooms. See architecturals for tile locations.An additional 20 PSF DL has been added to accountfor load from kitchen island counter top.An additional 40 PSF DL has been added to account forfireplace hearth at optional fireplace locations.An additional 135 PLF DL has been added to accountfor stone wall at stone fireplace options.No Material Change for Bath Options.STONE FIREPLACE @ EGRESS OPTIONSTONE FIREPLACE OPTIONALL BATH OPTIONS HAVEBEEN ACCOUNTED FOR. NOMATERIAL CHANGE NEEDED.EGRESS WINDOW @ FULL FOUNDATIONSEE DETAIL FOR DECK LEDGER ATTACHMENT@ FULL FOUNDATION WITH 2 INCH FOAM. Start Framing Here.Optional Morning Room - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyFBk1 10' 7 7/16" 11 7/8" TJI 210 joist 1 1TS2 41' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS3 40' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 3TS6 27' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 5TS12 11' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1STCa1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board 1 2Optional Morning Room - REMOVEPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTS4 31' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS5 30' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 3TS9 17' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 5CSCSB1A3A3B4TS21' 7 3/16"BBO26STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1TS12FBk11' 7 3/16"1' 7 3/16"FBk1FBk1FBk1TS319.2" O.C.TS619.2" O.C.MORNING ROOM OPTIONSheet:2OF4A complete Javelin® framing plan requires the Framer's Pocket GuideSee the Framer's Pocket Guide for Product Trademark InformationWEEKES FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. * 2600 COMO AVENUE651-644-9807 * ST. PAUL, MN 55108LIVE LOAD:TOTAL LOAD:40DEFLECTION:L/480 LIVEL/240 TOTALDRAWN BY:JLT52WIND/EXP.:N/ADATE:02.23.24Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. ©2022 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Lateral strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist. Installbracing with 2 - 8d(.0113" x 2.5") nails each joist and end support at 8 ft on center (6 ft for TJI 110 joists). Without this bracing,buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.7. See www.wy.com/besafe for additional installation information.User Defined Point LoadUser Defined Line LoadUser Defined Area LoadBeam By OthersPost By OthersConstruction Detail Callout(See Framer's Pocket Guide)Excessive Point Load(WARNING: Member design did notinclude this load. Special considerationis required by the designer of record.)Required Bearing Length(Only placed at insufficient bearinglocations.)BBOPBOPL: 12KSymbol LegendLayout Start LocationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Only header openings and roof loads which affect Weyerhaeuserproduct sizes have been denoted on this layout. In addiƟon to any 'CS'detail callouts shown, solid blocking and/or squash blocks are requiredto provide verƟcal load transfer from all concentrated load locaƟons tofoundaƟon below. See Pocket Framer's Guide for appropriate detail(s).Joists may be shiŌed up to 3" if floor panel edgeis supported and span raƟng is not exceeded.DO NOT CUT FLANGES.This layout is intended for the use of Trus Joist® engineered woodproducts only. The subsƟtuƟon of other engineered wood products withthis layout isNOT PERMITTED. Please idenƟfy the TJI®, TimberStrand®LSL, Microllam® LVL, and Parallam® PSL stamps on the product to ensurethat this layout is valid for the products actually installed.Blocking at Kitchen IslandINSTALL (4) 2X6 SQUASH BLOCKS UNDERALL POINT LOADS AT FRONT OF HOUSE.FOR POINT LOADS OVER 10,000#CONTACT LENNAR FOR DETAILSONLY OPTIONS WHICH AFFECT EWP MATERIAL CHANGES HAVE BEENSHOWN. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND/OR ENGINEERINGPLANS FOR ANY OPTIONS NOT SHOWN. Start Framing Here.Framing Connector SummaryPlotID Qty Manuf Product Backer Blks Web StiffH1 2 Simpson HUS1.81/10 No NoH2 1 Simpson HUCQ1.81/9-SDS No NoH4 15 Simpson IUS2.37/11.88 No NoProductsPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyR32' 32' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 6R30' 30' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 5R21' 21' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 7R17' 17' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 6R16' 16' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 1R13' 13' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 1R10' 10' 0" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 7RBk1 11 7/8" 11 7/8" TJI 360 joist 1 1TS2-2 13' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS3-2 9' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS4 2' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1TS5 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 1 1STCa1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board 1 10Wall FramingPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTSHd2-3 4' 0" 1 1/2" x 9 1/2" 1.5E TimberStrand LSL 3 3AccessoriesPlotID Length Product Plies Net Qty23/32"x48"x96" Weyerhaeuser Edge Panel (0/24) T&G FF 1 38LEVEL NOTESCurrent Date:2/23/2024File Name:SPRINGFIELD V.jvlLevel Name:2nd FloorBuilding Code - Design Methodology:IBC 2012Members with Design Overridden:TJ-Pro Rating (Weighted Average):40Minimum Level TJ - Pro Rating & Joist:TJ-Pro rating = 31, joist = R21'(i46492)Maximum Level TJ - Pro Rating & Joist:TJ-Pro rating = 61, joist = R10'(i46504)FLOORFloor Container:FC2, FC4, FC9Use/Occupancy:ResidentialLivingAreasFloor Area Loading is:40.0 lb/ft² Live Load & 10.0 lb/ft² Dead LoadOperator Added Additional LoadsMaximum Allowed Deflection:L/480 Live Load & L/240 Total LoadTJ-Pro Rating Information:Weighted Average:FC2: 41; FC4: 40; FC9: 39Directly Applied Ceiling:NoneDecking Attachment:Glue and NailDecking Material:23/32"x48"x96" Weyerhaeuser Edge Panel (0/24) T&G FFPerpendicular Partition:NoStrapping at max 8' o.c.:NoneBlocking at max 8' o.c.:NoPoured Flooring:NoFamily Room Window Option - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTSHd1-3 10' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 3 3CSE1A3A3A3B4BBO8TS2-2TS3-2STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1STCa1BBOBk1TS4H1TS5R16'9 3/16"1' 8 1/8"STCa1R13'RBk1BBO1-2BBO7TSHd2-31' 10 7/8"1' 4 13/16"H4H1H23"TSHd1-3R32'19.2" O.C.R17'19.2" O.C.R21'19.2" O.C.R30'19.2" O.C.R10'19.2" O.C.H4H4An additional 8 PSF DL has been added to account fortile load on this floor and tile walls for optionalbathrooms. See architecturals for tile locations.No Material Change for Bath Options.ALL BATH OPTIONS HAVEBEEN ACCOUNTED FOR. NOMATERIAL CHANGE NEEDED.FAMILY ROOM WINDOW OPTION3RD CAR GARAGEOPTION NOTSHOWN.NO EWP MATERIALCHANGE NEEDED.Morning Room Option - ADDPlotID Qty Manuf Product Backer Blks Web StiffH4 10 Simpson IUS2.37/11.88 No NoMorning Room Option - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyM1-3 17' 0" 1 3/4" x 18" 2.0E Microllam LVL 3 3Morning Room Option - REMOVEPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtySTCa1 16' 0" 1 1/8" x 11 7/8" TJ Rim Board 1 1A31' 10 7/8"M1-3STCa1R32'19.2" O.C.R17'19.2" O.C.H4MORNING ROOM OPTIONElevation E - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTS1-2 21' 0" 1 3/4" x 11 7/8" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TS1-2ELEVATION ESheet:3OF4A complete Javelin® framing plan requires the Framer's Pocket GuideSee the Framer's Pocket Guide for Product Trademark InformationWEEKES FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. * 2600 COMO AVENUE651-644-9807 * ST. PAUL, MN 55108LIVE LOAD:TOTAL LOAD:40DEFLECTION:L/480 LIVEL/240 TOTALDRAWN BY:JLT52WIND/EXP.:N/ADATE:02.23.24Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. ©2022 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Lateral strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist. Installbracing with 2 - 8d(.0113" x 2.5") nails each joist and end support at 8 ft on center (6 ft for TJI 110 joists). Without this bracing,buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.7. See www.wy.com/besafe for additional installation information.User Defined Point LoadUser Defined Line LoadUser Defined Area LoadBeam By OthersPost By OthersConstruction Detail Callout(See Framer's Pocket Guide)Excessive Point Load(WARNING: Member design did notinclude this load. Special considerationis required by the designer of record.)Required Bearing Length(Only placed at insufficient bearinglocations.)BBOPBOPL: 12KSymbol LegendLayout Start LocationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Only header openings and roof loads which affect Weyerhaeuserproduct sizes have been denoted on this layout. In addiƟon to any 'CS'detail callouts shown, solid blocking and/or squash blocks are requiredto provide verƟcal load transfer from all concentrated load locaƟons tofoundaƟon below. See Pocket Framer's Guide for appropriate detail(s).Joists may be shiŌed up to 3" if floor panel edgeis supported and span raƟng is not exceeded.DO NOT CUT FLANGES.This layout is intended for the use of Trus Joist® engineered woodproducts only. The subsƟtuƟon of other engineered wood products withthis layout isNOT PERMITTED. Please idenƟfy the TJI®, TimberStrand®LSL, Microllam® LVL, and Parallam® PSL stamps on the product to ensurethat this layout is valid for the products actually installed.ONLY OPTIONS WHICH AFFECT EWP MATERIAL CHANGES HAVE BEENSHOWN. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND/OR ENGINEERINGPLANS FOR ANY OPTIONS NOT SHOWN. Elevation E - ADDPlotID Length Product Plies Net QtyTSHd1-2 7' 0" 1 3/4" x 9 1/2" 1.55E TimberStrand LSL 2 2TSHd1-2BBOHd1-2ELEVATION ESheet:4OF4A complete Javelin® framing plan requires the Framer's Pocket GuideSee the Framer's Pocket Guide for Product Trademark InformationWEEKES FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. * 2600 COMO AVENUE651-644-9807 * ST. PAUL, MN 55108LIVE LOAD:TOTAL LOAD:35DEFLECTION:L/480 LIVEL/240 TOTALDRAWN BY:JLT55WIND/EXP.:N/ADATE:02.23.24Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in seriousaccidents. Observe the following guidelines:WARNING NOTES:WARNINGJoists are unstable until braced laterallyBracing Includes:BlockingHangersSheathingRim BoardStrut LinesRim JoistDO NOT stack buildingmaterials on unsheathedjoists. Stack only overbeams or walls.DO NOT walk on joiststhat are lying flat.DO NOT walk on joistsuntil braced.INJURY MAY RESULT.Weyerhaeuser, Microllam, Parallam, TimberStrand, TJI, TJ, and Trus Joist are registered trademarks ofWeyerhaeuser NR. ©2022 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.1. All blocking, hangers, rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI® joists must be completely installed and properly nailed.2. Lateral strength, like braced end wall or an existing deck, must be established at the ends of the bay. This can also beaccomplished by a temporary or permanent deck (sheathing) fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay.3. Safety bracing of 1x4 (minimum) must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area (as in note 2) and to each joist. Installbracing with 2 - 8d(.0113" x 2.5") nails each joist and end support at 8 ft on center (6 ft for TJI 110 joists). Without this bracing,buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light construction loads - such as a worker or one layer of unnailed sheathing.5. Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges.6. The flanges must remain straight within 1/2" from true alignment.4. Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI® joist before additional loads can be placed on the system.7. See www.wy.com/besafe for additional installation information.User Defined Point LoadUser Defined Line LoadUser Defined Area LoadBeam By OthersPost By OthersConstruction Detail Callout(See Framer's Pocket Guide)Excessive Point Load(WARNING: Member design did notinclude this load. Special considerationis required by the designer of record.)Required Bearing Length(Only placed at insufficient bearinglocations.)BBOPBOPL: 12KSymbol LegendLayout Start LocationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"This layout is intended for the use of Trus Joist® engineered woodproducts only. The subsƟtuƟon of other engineered wood products withthis layout isNOT PERMITTED. Please idenƟfy the TJI®, TimberStrand®LSL, Microllam® LVL, and Parallam® PSL stamps on the product to ensurethat this layout is valid for the products actually installed.ONLY OPTIONS WHICH AFFECT EWP MATERIAL CHANGES HAVE BEENSHOWN. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND/OR ENGINEERINGPLANS FOR ANY OPTIONS NOT SHOWN. © © UFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel. X X 2160 88,000 199,000 280 415 415 4001 600 600 -185 90 180 � wrightsoft� Project SummaryEntire House ELANDER MECHANICAL INC Job: EN06 Date: 2024By: Kati Printon Plan: SPRINGFIELD El 645 SHENANDOAH DRIVE, SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 Phone: 952-445-4692 Pro·ect Information For: Lennar Homes Notes: Desi n Information Weather: Minneapolis-St Paul lnt'I Arp, MN, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db -15 °FInside db 70 °FDesign TD 85 °F Summer Design Conditions Outside db 88 °F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 13 °F Daily range M Relative f\umidity 50 % Moisture difference 31 gr/lb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 46588 Btuh Ducts O Btuh Central vent (SER=50% 165 cfm)7485 Btuh Heat recovery Humidification O Btuh Piping O Btuh Equipment load 54072 Btuh Infiltration Method Simplified Semi-tight 0 Construction quality Fireplaces Area (ft2) Volume (ft3) Air changes/hour Equiv. AVF (cfm) Heating 4001 26160 0.25 109 Cooling 4001 26160 0.13 57 Heating Equipment Summary Make Lennox Trade LENNOX Model ML 193UH090XE48C-* AHRI ref 202568881 Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 93 AFUE 88000 Btuh 84000 Btuh 50 °F 1574 cfm 0.034 cfm/Btuh 0 in H2O Structure Ducts Central vent (SER=50% 165 cfm) Heat recovery Blower Use manufacturer's data Rate/swing multiplier Equipment sensible load 24008 Btuh 0 Btuh 1136 Btuh 1707 Btuh 1.00Y 26850 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ducts Central vent (165 cfm) Heat recovery Equipment latent load 2370 Btuh 0 Btuh 3406 Btuh 5776 Btuh Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 32626 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.81 SHR 2.8 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Lennox Trade LENNOX Cond ML 14XC1S042-230A** Coil CX35-48C++ TOR AHRI ref 9147485 Efficiency 11.2 EER2, 13.4 SEER2 Sensible cooling 31200 Btuh Latent cooling 7800 Btuh Total cooling 39000 Btuh Actual air flow 1300 cfm Air flow factor 0.054 cfm/Btuh Static pressure O in H2O Load sensible heat ratio 0.82 Bald/italic values have been manually overridden Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed . ..,:S;:_ -ti,,- �-���-�!::.::.�_!!=,� Right-Suite® Universal 2023 23.0.03 RSU13410 ACC/11. ... Folder\Lennar ENOS Springfield.rup Cale= MJ8 Front Door faces: SE 2024-JAN-4 10:11:48 Page 1 20369 Gargoyle Lane Date Certificate Posted X Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monometer or other system monitoring device) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here X R-15 X X X R-20 X R-20 X R-20 X R-49 X R-49 X R-30 X R-30 X X Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space X Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS:88,000 Capacity in Gallons:Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF% 93% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct X Not required per mech. code Passive X Low: Other, describe: Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Duct system air tightness: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area Describe other insulated areas Building envelope air tightness: Windows & Doors Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door ) U: 0.31 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC):0.29 R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System Natural Gas Natural Gas Electric RU199iN ML14XC1-042 Fuel Type Manufacturer Lennox Rinnai Lennox Model ML193UH090XE48C 14 Location of duct or system: Rating or Size Output in Tons:3.5 Efficiency SEER /EER Residential Load Calculation Heating Loss Heating Gain Cooling Load 54,072 26,850 32,626 MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Combustion Air Select a Type Select Type Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms:180 MN License Number Lennar BC001413 THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Type: Check All That Apply Insulation Location Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationNon or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, BattsFoam, Closed CellFoam Open CellMineral FiberboardRigid, Extruded PolystyreneRigid, IsocynurateNew Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel.1/17/2024 Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City Lakeville20369 Gargoyle Lane Name of Residential Contractor Below Entire Slab Foundation Wall Perimeter of Slab on Grade Rim Joist (1st Floor) Rim Joist (2nd Floor+) Wall Ceiling, flat Interior R5 + R10 Exterior Interior Interior Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms:Mech Room Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: 90 High: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms:High: Location of duct or system: 000000Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SWPPP VERIFICATION This form must be completed and submitted with all new residential permit applications. New residential building permits WILL NOT be issued without this completed form. Project Site Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Primary Contact: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Description of Land Disturbing Activity: _____________________________________________________ NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit # C000 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or # SUB00 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you are not covered under a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit administered by the MPCA, an erosion and sediment control plan MUST be submitted with the residential building permit application. “The permittee(s) shall ensure that the individuals are trained by local, state, federal agencies, professional organizations or other entities in erosion prevention, sediment control, permanent Stormwater management and the Minnesota NPDES/SDS Construction Stormwater Permit.”(NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) “The permittee(s) must ensure that a trained person (as identified in Part III.A.3.a) will routinely inspect the entire construction site at least once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA) Contact information of person CERTIFIED to provide weekly onsite erosion and sediment control inspections and corrective actions: Name of Person: ________________________________Company: _______________________________ Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________ Entity that Provided Training: ________________________ Certification Expiration Date: ____________ NOTE: Prior to any land-disturbing activity, all erosion and sediment controls must be installed on the project site and on individual lots. No land disturbing activity may begin until a residential building permit has been issued. I understand, the above information to be true and I will have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (MN R 100001). The City of Lakeville may issue a STOP WORK ORDER; withhold building inspections; or, draw on securities/escrows to bring the site into compliance with the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit (MN R 100001) or erosion and sediment control plan. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________ Contact the City of Lakeville with questions at erosion@lakevillemn.gov or 952-985-4500 20369 Gargoyle Lane US Home LLC dba Lennar Jesse Schwarzrock 612-346-2648 Jesse.Schwarzrock@Lennar.com Residential Development 57174 Chad Johnson Stantec 651-325-6860 chad.johnson@stantec.com University of Minnesota 5/31/23 1/17/2024Kurt NiskaDigitally signed by Kurt Niska Date: 2024.01.17 11:16:27 -06'00' 1/18/24 X PM