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LA222777-APPROVED - Hibeset Gebremariam Permit Pack flat
1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV1 Cover Sheet Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset GebremariamAPPLICABLE CODESAHJ UTILITY COMPANY SHEET INDEX City of Lakeville Dakota Electric Association *2023 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) *2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) *2020 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC), 2020 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC), AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING CODES PV Installation Professional Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 Enphase Platinum Installer Authorized Dealer RESIDENTIAL ROOFTOP SOLAR PERMIT PACKAGE Hibeset Gebremariam 16893 Jesper Path LAKEVILLE, Minnesota 55044 6123561807 PV1 PV2 PV3 PV4 PV5 PV6 PV7 PV8 SS COVER SHEET SITE PLAN ROOF PLAN STRUCTURAL ELECTRICAL 3-LINE ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS LABELS PLACARD SPEC SHEETS SCOPE OF WORK INSTALLATION OF ROOFTOP MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR SYSTEM 6.300 kW DC 4.725 kW AC NEW PV SYSTEM INFORMATION DC SYSTEM SIZE: AC SYSTEM SIZE: MODULE TYPE: INVERTER TYPE: 6.3 kW DC 4.725 kW AC (15)REC Solar REC420AA Pure-R Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US DESIGN CRITERIA WIND SPEED: WIND EXPOSURE FACTOR: RISK CATEGORY: GROUND SNOW LOAD: ROOF SNOW LOAD: SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY: TYPICAL STRUCTURAL INFORMATION 115 C II 5035 B ROOF MATERIAL: SHEATHING TYPE: FRAMING TYPE: RACKING TYPE: ATTACHMENT TYPE: TOTAL ATTACHMENTS: Comp Shingle OSB Manufactured Truss UNIRAC SFM INFINITY UNIRAC SFM INFINITY FLASHKIT 39 WEATHER STATION DATA MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INT'L ARP 32°C -28°C WEATHER STATION: HIGH TEMP 2% AVG: EXTREME MINIMUM TEMP: GENERAL NOTES SUNPOWER® TOTAL PV DC SYSTEM SIZE TOTAL PV AC SYSTEM SIZE Sealed For Existing Roof & Attachment Only 4/4/2024 Digitally signed by John A. Calvert Date: 2024.04.04 09:34:38 -06'00' Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field Inspection Inspector Date 2015 MN Bldg Code 04/08/2024jnuetzman DCAC DCAC DCAC DCACDCACDCACDCAC DCAC DCACDCAC DCACDCACDCACDCACDCAC M PV ACCB MSP N W S E 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV2 Site Plan Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset GebremariamSITE PLAN SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" UTILITY METER ROOF TOP JUNCTION BOX MAIN SERVICE PANEL SUBPANEL LEGEND AC DISCONNECT PV PRODUCTION METER COMBINER BOX BREAKER ENCLOSURE ESS - BATTERY ESS - CONTROLLER GENERATOR ATS PANEL UTILITY METER CT CABINET TRENCH OR OVERHEAD PROPERTY LINE REMOTE POWER OFF SWITCH FIRE SETBACK HATCH COMPASSPV SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS PV MODULE: (15) REC Solar REC420AA Pure-R, POWER RATING: 420 W MICROINVERTER: Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US, POWER RATING: 315 W NEW PV SYSTEM NEW PV SYSTEM INFORMATION M MSP SUB BE AC PV CB ATS CT BAT ESC RPO MICROINVERTERDC AC ICONS WITH DOTTED OUTLINE INDICATE INTERIOR LOCATION FRONT OF HOME 16893 Jesper Path Sealed For Existing Roof & Attachment Only 4/4/2024 DC AC DC AC DCAC DC ACDCACDCACDCAC DC AC DC AC DC AC DCACDCACDCACDCACDCAC M PV ACCB MSP N W S E 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV3 Roof Plan Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset GebremariamUTILITY METER ROOF TOP JUNCTION BOX MAIN SERVICE PANEL SUBPANEL LEGEND AC DISCONNECT PV PRODUCTION METER COMBINER BOX BREAKER ENCLOSURE ESS - BATTERY ESS - CONTROLLER GENERATOR ATS PANEL UTILITY METER CT CABINET TRENCH OR OVERHEAD PROPERTY LINE REMOTE POWER OFF SWITCH FIRE SETBACK HATCH COMPASSPV SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS PV MODULE: (15) REC Solar REC420AA Pure-R, POWER RATING: 420 W MICROINVERTER: Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US, POWER RATING: 315 W NEW PV SYSTEM NEW PV SYSTEM INFORMATION M MSP SUB BE AC PV CB ATS CT BAT ESC RPO MICROINVERTERDC AC ICONS WITH DOTTED OUTLINE INDICATE INTERIOR LOCATION ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" FRONT OF HOME SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT UNDERGROUND SERVICE LINE POINT OF INTERCONNECTION MP2 MODULE QTY: 7 AZIMUTH: 254 PITCH: 30 TSRF: 81 AREA: 893 ft² MP1 MODULE QTY: 8 AZIMUTH: 164 PITCH: 30 TSRF: 87 AREA: 369 ft² 3' 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'1'-6" 1'-6" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3' 3' 3' 3' 1'-6" 1'-6" 3' Sealed For Existing Roof & Attachment Only 4/4/2024 FRAMING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING FRAMINGROOF MATERIAL NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY *THIS DETAIL IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN EXACT REPRESENTATION OF FRAMING OR PV MODULE LAYOUT EXTERIOR WALL PV MODULES SHALL NOT EXTEND ABOVE ROOF RIDGE LINE PV MODULE ATTACHMENT DETAIL SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0"2 PV MODULE UNIRAC SFM INFINITY 2" MICRORAIL UNIRAC SFM INFINITY 6.5" SPLICE MAX CANTILEVER PER TABLE ABOVE (C) ATTACHMENT TYPE: Unirac SFM Infinity FRAMING SPACING PER TABLE ABOVE ATTACHMENT SPACING PER TABLE ABOVE (L) 212" MIN EMBEDMENT(1) 5/16" LAG BOLT WITH EPDM WASHER PORTRAITLANDSCAPE ATTACHMENT PATTERN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 *ATTACHMENT PATTERN SHOULD BE STAGGERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN ENGINEERING LETTER FOLLOW ATTACHMENT SPACING IN TABLE ABOVE RIDGE EAVE MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 MP7 MP8 PANEL COUNT ROOF MATERIAL SHEATHING TYPE FRAMING TYPE FRAMING SIZE AND SPACING RACKING TYPE ATTACHMENT TYPE MAXIMUM ATTACHMENT SPACING (S) MAXIMUM CANTILEVER (C) CEILING JOIST/ PURLINS SIZE AND SPACING AZIMUTH (DEG) PITCH (DEG) TSRF (%) AREA (ft²) TOTAL PV ATTACHMENTS TOTAL PV ARRAY WEIGHT (lbs) POINT LOAD (lbs/att.) TOTAL ROOF AREA (ft²) TOTAL PV ARRAY AREA (ft²) ROOF COVERAGE (%) DISTRIBUTED LOAD (psf) MP9 MP10 STRUCTURAL INFORMATION 8 164 30 87 369 Comp Shingle OSB Manufactured Truss 2x4 @ 24 in OC 2x4 @ 24 in OC UNIRAC SFM INFINITY UNIRAC SFM INFINITY FLASHKIT 48''L / 24''P 16''L / 8''P 7 254 30 81 893 Comp Shingle OSB Manufactured Truss 2x4 @ 24 in OC 2x4 @ 24 in OC UNIRAC SFM INFINITY UNIRAC SFM INFINITY FLASHKIT 48''L / 24''P 16''L / 8''P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 711 39 18.2 312.13 2922 2.28 10.68 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV4 Structural Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset GebremariamNOTES Sealed For Existing Roof & Attachment Only 4/4/2024 PV CIRCUIT 1 PRIMARY PV COMBINER BOX N G G (15) PV MODULES & MICROINVERTERS PRIMARY STRUCTURE A B CD E 1 2ENVOY 15A (N) 20A 8 MODULES 1 PV ARRAY 1 3 1 PV ARRAY 2PV CIRCUIT 2 7 MODULES 2 (N) 20A EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONS PV MODULE: REC Solar REC420AA Pure-R, 420 W DC, UL 1703 / UL 61730 COMPLIANTA MICROINVERTER: ENPHASE IQ7X-96-2-US, 315 W AC (0.315 kW), 1 PHASE, UL 1741 COMPLIANTB ROOFTOP JUNCTION BOX: EZ SOLAR JB-1.2 JUNCTION BOXC JUNCTION BOX: PVC 4 X 4 JUNCTION BOXD E F G H I J K L PV COMBINER BOX: ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 4 (X-IQ-AM1-240-4) M N O P Q R EQUIPMENT NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S T LEGEND (E) SPD EXISTING (N)NEW (EL)EXISTING LOADS (RL)RELOCATED LOADS (PV)PV BREAKER (FIB)FACTORY INSTALLED BREAKER SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE GENERAL NOTES Utility Meter Number: 91232426 Interconnect using a load side breaker in MSP, interior POI. SQUARE-D SAFTEY SWITCH 30A, 2P, 240VAC, FUSIBLE (D221NRB) MILBANK U4801-XL-5T9, METER SOCKET, 200A, RINGLESS, 1PH/3W, LEVER BYPASS, NEMA 3R KNIFE HANDLED SAFETY SWITCH TO BE INSTALLED IN READILY ACCESSBILE LOCATION UTILITY PV METER FOR PRODUCTION MONITORING. GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 250.53. UNDERGROUND SERVICE 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz 1 PHASE, 3 WIRE Utility Meter E N G (E) 150A Main Service Panel 9 (EL) (EL) (EL) (EL) (PV) 25A (E) 150A G UTILITY PV PRODUCTION METER I 4 4 LINE SIDE LOAD SIDE G G 3 AC DISCONNECT SAFETY SWITCH 30A NON-FUSIBLE 4 4 L1 L2 G N 1 L1 (1) 12 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU RED Exterior L2 (1) G (1) 12 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU BLACK 6 AWG BARE, CU ENPHASE Q-CABLE, 2-WIRE, FREE AIR 4 L1 (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU RED Exterior3/4 INCH L2 (1) N (1) G (1) 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU BLACK 6 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU WHITE 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU GREEN EMT 2 L1 (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU REDL2(1) G (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU BLACK 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU GREEN 3/4 INCH * *TYPE NM (ROMEX)/UF CABLE IS PERMITTED FOR INTERIOR OR ATTIC RUNS AND SHALL BE USED WHEN NEC CODE PERMITS 3 L1 (2) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU REDL2(2) G (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU BLACK 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CU GREEN 3/4 INCH EMT *TYPE UF CABLE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR USE IN CONDUIT WHERE NEC CODE PERMITS FINAL CONFIGURATION OF PV CIRCUITS TO BE DECIDED BY INSTALLER. MUST COMPLY WITH MAX MICROINVERTERS PER CIRCUIT AS LISTED ON ATTACHED SPEC SHEET. OTHER NOTES MI MECHANICAL INTERLOCK 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV5 Electrical 3-Line Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset Gebremariam NUMBER OF MODULES PER CIRCUIT PV CIRCUIT SPECIFICATIONS RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT (IOUT) MINIMUM AMPACITY (IOUT x 125%) OVERCURRENT PROTECTION RATING CIRCUIT 1 PRIMARY STRUCTURE DETACHED STRUCTURE WIRE SIZE SPECIFICATIONS CONDUCTOR MATERIAL CONDUCTOR TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MINIMUM CONDUCTOR AMPACITY 13.1A AC CONDUCTOR SIZE CONDUCTOR AMPACITY AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR CONDUIT FILL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR ADJUSTED CONDUCTOR AMPACITY COMBINED AC OUTPUT CURRENT (COUT) MINIMUM AMPACITY (COUT x 125%) COMBINED PV BREAKER RATING WIRE RUN DISTANCE (FT) CALCULATED VOLTAGE DROP TOTAL VOLTAGE DROP WIRE TAG #1 WIRE TAG #2 WIRE TAG #3 WIRE TAG #4 WIRE TAG #5 WIRE TAG #6 TOTAL VOLTAGE DROP 0.62% 0.65% 0.11% 0.04% 0% 0% 1.420000% DATA SOURCE STATE CITY WEATHER STATION HIGH TEMP 2% AVG EXTREME MINIMUM TEMP ASHRAE Weather Station Data Minnesota LAKEVILLE ELECTRICAL INFORMATION UTILITY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NEW PV SYSTEM QUANTITY TYPE OUTPUT CURRENT PV MODULES MICROINVERTERS WATTAGE TYPE NOMINAL VOLTAGE OUTPUT POWER 15 REC Solar REC420AA Pure-R 420W DC Enphase IQ7X-96-2-US 1.31A AC 240V AC 315W AC AC SYSTEM SIZE DC SYSTEM SIZE 4.725kW AC 6.3kW DC DESIGN LOCATION AND TEMPERATURES 1-Phase, 3-Wire, 60Hz, 120/240V 1-Phase, 3-Wire, 60Hz, 120/240V MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL INT'L ARP 32°C -28°C CIRCUIT 2 CIRCUIT 3 CIRCUIT 4 CIRCUIT 5 CIRCUIT 6 CIRCUIT 7 CIRCUIT 8 CIRCUIT 1 CIRCUIT 2 CIRCUIT 3 CIRCUIT 4 CIRCUIT 5 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.5A 9.2A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 13.1A 11.5A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 0.0A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 20A 19.7A 24.6A 25AA 0.0A 0AA 0.0A CU THHN/THWN-2 12 AWG 30A 0.96 1 28.8A 13.1A AC 13.1A AC 24.61A AC ----A AC ----A AC ----A AC ----A AC ----A AC ----A AC CU CU CU ------------------------ THHN/THWN-2 THHN/THWN-2 THHN/THWN-2 ------------------------ 10 AWG 10 AWG 6 AWG ---- 40A 40A 75A ----A ----A ----A ----A ----A ----A 0.96 0.96 0.96 ------------------------ 1 0.8 1 ------------------------ 38.4A 30.72A 72A ----A ----A ----A ----A ----A ----A 52 60 10 5 ------------------------ 0.62%0.65%0.11%0.04%0%0%0%0%0%0% MAIN SERVICE PANEL BUSBAR RATING PANEL OCPD RATING AVAILABLE BACKFEED (120% RULE) PV BREAKER RATING SUBPANEL 1 SUBPANEL 2 150A 150A 30A 25A ----A ----A ##A ----A ----A ##A PV BREAKER BACKFEED CALCULATIONS NEC 705.12(B) -- "120% RULE" (BUSBAR RATING * 120%) - OCPD RATING = AVAILABLE BACKFEED 25A 25A *THESE CALCULATIONS ARE ONLY APPLICABLE IF PV INTERCONNECTION IS A LOAD SIDE BREAKER. *PV BREAKER MUST BE RATED LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO AVAILABLE BACKFEED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE* 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV6 Electrical Calculations Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset Gebremariam UTILITY METER MAIN SERVICE PANEL POWER SOURCE OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE WARNING! SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUTDOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN THE ARRAY. SOLAR ELECTRICPV PANELS *LABEL INSTALLED NEXT TO PV BREAKER AC DISCONNECT RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FOR SOLAR PV SYSTEM PV METER PV COMBINER BOX PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMBINER PANEL DO NOT ADD LOADS AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY NO DC WIRES PRESENT RAPID SHUTDOWN TEST NOT REQUIRED WARNING! WARNING LABELS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT!! 240 VNOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT 19.7 A ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION WARNING! IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE CONTACT: BLUE RAVEN SOLAR (800) 377-4480 NOTICE 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV7 Warning Labels Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset Gebremariam DCAC DCAC DCAC DCACDCAC DCAC DCAC DCAC DCACDCAC DCACDCAC DCACDCAC DCAC M PV ACCB MSP 1403 N 630 E Orem, Utah 84097 (800) 377-4480 BlueRavenSolar.com DRAWING TITLE: DRAWING NUMBER: April 3, 2024 PLOT DATE: DRAWN BY: REVISIONS: D PROJECT ID: PV DC SYSTEM SIZE: PV AC SYSTEM SIZE:CUSTOMER NAME:AHJ:UTILITY COMPANY:C B A 4.725 kW AC 6.300 kW DC BLUE RAVENSOLAR PV8 Directory Placard Brendan Fillmore ---- ---- ---- ---- 946585 Dakota Electric AssociationCity of LakevilleLAKEVILLE, Minnesota 5504416893 Jesper PathHibeset Gebremariam 1403 N. Research Way Orem, UT 84097 800.377.4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. DRAWING BY: PLOT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: SHEET NAME: PAGE NUMBER:REVISION: ---- CERTIFIED NABCEP PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385-498-6700 SPEC SHEET SS Product Specifications αexperience performance 9 A module Current compatible with MLPE wp430 20.7 w ft2 ELIGIBLE LEAD-FREE rohs cOMPLIANT22.3%Efficiency rec Alpha Pure-R SERIES COMPACT PANEL Size Ref: PD-DS-AAPR Rev 3.1 03.23 STC NMOT85 90 95 100 105 200100 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Lead-Free GR GR GR GR GR 11±0.2[0.43±0.01]6.6±0.2 [0.26±0.01]20.5±0.5[0.8±0.02] 6.0±0.2[0.24±0.01] 1700 [67]1700 [67] Lorem ipsum 1730±2.5 [68.1±0.1] 880 [34.6]425 [16.7]1077±2.5 [42.4±0.1]22.5 [0.9] 594±3 [23.4±0.12] 1118±2.5 [44.0±0.1]17 [0.7]45 [1.8] 30 [1.2]REC Solar PTE. LTD.20 Tuas South Ave. 14Singapore 637312post@recgroup.comwww.recgroup.com Founded in 1996, REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power. As Solar’s Most Trusted, REC is committed to high quality, innovation, and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Available from: LOW LIGHT BEHAVIOUR Irradiance (W/m²)Rel. Efficiency (%)ELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxAA PURE-R Power Output - PMAX (Wp) 400 410 420 430 Watt Class Sorting - (W)0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 0/+10 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 48.8 49.4 50.0 50.5 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.52 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 58.9 59.2 59.4 59.7 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 8.80 8.84 8.88 8.91 Power Density (W/ft2)19.26 19.74 20.22 20.70 Panel Efficiency (%) 20.7 21.2 21.8 22.3 Power Output - PMAX (Wp)305 312 320 327 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 46.0 46.6 47.1 47.6 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 6.64 6.70 6.80 6.88 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 55.5 55.8 56.0 56.3 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 7.11 7.16 7.20 7.24 Values at standard test conditions (STC: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 10.75 W/sq ft (1000 W/m²), temperature 77°F (25°C), based on a production spread with a tolerance of PMAX, VOC & ISC ±3% within one watt class. Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 800 W/m², temperature 68°F (20°C), windspeed 3.3 ft/s (1 m/s). * Where xxx indicates the nominal power class (PMAX) at STC above. REC Alpha PURE-R Series Product SPECIFICATIONS CERTIFICATIONS IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 IEC 62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist IEC 62716 Ammonia Resistance UL 61730 Fire Type 2 IEC 62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load IEC 61215-2:2016 Hailstone (35mm) IEC 62321 Lead-free acc. to RoHS EU 863/2015 ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IEC 45001, IEC 62941 Measurements in inches [mm] GENERAL DATA Cell type:80 half-cut REC bifacial, heterojunction cells with lead-free, gapless technology Glass:0.13 in (3.2 mm) solar glass with anti-reflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150 Backsheet:Highly resistant polymer (black) Frame:Anodized aluminum (black) Junction box:4-part, 4 bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors:Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (12 AWG) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68 only when connected Cable:12 AWG (4 mm²) PV wire, 67 + 67 in (1.7 + 1.7 m) in accordance with EN 50618 Dimensions:68.1 x 44.0 x 1.2 in (20.77 ft2) / 1730 x 1118 x 30 mm (1.93 m2) Weight:47.4 lbs (21.5 kg) Origin:Made in Singapore Specifications subject to change without notice.Typical low irradiance performance of module at STC: DELIVERY INFORMATION Panels per pallet:33 Panels per 40 ft GP/high cube container:858 (26 pallets) Panels per 53 ft truck:858 (26 pallets) WARRANTY Standard REC ProTrust Installed by an REC Certified Solar Professional No Yes Yes System Size All ≤25 kW 25-500 kW Product Warranty (yrs)20 25 25 Power Warranty (yrs)25 25 25 Labor Warranty (yrs)0 25 10 Power in Year 1 98%98%98% Annual Degradation 0.25%0.25%0.25% Power in Year 25 92%92%92% See warranty documents for details. Conditions apply TEMPERATURE RATINGS* Nominal Module Operating Temperature:44°C (±2°C) Temperature coefficient of PMAX:-0.24 %/°C Temperature coefficient of VOC:-0.24 %/°C Temperature coefficient of ISC:0.04 %/°C *The temperature coefficients stated are linear values MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational temperature:-40 ... +85°C System voltage:1000 V Test load (front): + 7000 Pa (146 lbs/ft2)* Test load (rear):- 4000 Pa (83.5 lbs/ft2)* Series fuse rating:25 A Reverse current:25 A * See installation manual for mounting instructions.Design load = Test load / 1.5 (safety factor) DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR DATA SHEET IQ7X Microinverter The high-powered, smart grid-ready IQ7X Microinverter dramatically simplifies the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency for systems with 96-cell modules.Easy to install • Lightweight and simple • Faster installation with improved, lighter two-wire cabling • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014, 2017, 2020, and 2023) Efficient and reliable • Optimized for high powered 96-cell modules • Highest CEC efficiency of 97.5% • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double-insulated enclosure • UL Listed Smart grid-ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage, and frequency ride-through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) and IEEE 1547:2018 (UL 1741-SB, 3rd Ed.) Part of the Enphase Energy System, the IQ7X Microinverter integrates with the IQ Gateway, IQ Battery, and the Enphase Installer App monitoring and analysis software. The IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25 years.* Connect PV modules quickly and easily to IQ7X Microinverters using the included Q-DCC-2 adapter cable with plug-and- play MC4 connectors. IQ7X Microinverters are UL Listed as PV rapid shutdown equipment and conform with various regulations when installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. US © 2023 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the e and CC logos, IQ, and certain other marks listed at https://enphase.com/trademark-usage-guidelines are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. in the US and other countries. Data subject to change IQ7X-DSH-00208-2.0-EN-US-2023-11-08 To learn more about Enphase offering, visit Enphase.com * 25-year warranty is valid, provided an internet-connected IQ Gateway is installed.(1) Pairing PV modules with wattage above the limit may result in additional clipping losses. (2) Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. (3) Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. IQ7X Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC)UNITS IQ7X-96-2-US Commonly used module pairings 1 W 320–460 Module compatibility —To meet compatibility, PV modules must be within the following maximum input DC voltage and maximum module Isc.Module compatibility can be checked at https://enphase.com/installers/microinverters/calculator. MPPT voltage range V 53–64 Operating range V 25–79.5 Minimum/Maximum start voltage V 33/79.5 Maximum input DC voltage V 79.5 Maximum continuous input DC current A 6.5 Maximum module Isc A 10 Overvoltage class DC port —II DC port backfeed current mA 0 PV array configuration —1 x 1 ungrounded array; no additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires a maximum of 20 A per branch circuit. OUTPUT DATA (AC)UNITS IQ7X-96-2-US@240 VAC IQ7X-96-2-US@208 VAC Peak output power VA 320 Maximum continuous output power VA 315 Nominal grid voltage (L-L) V 240, split-phase (L-L), 180° 208, single-phase (L-L), 120° Minimum and Maximum grid voltage 2 V 211–264 183–229 Maximum continuous output current A 1.31 1.51 Nominal frequency Hz 60 Extended frequency range Hz 49–68 AC short-circuit fault current over three cycles Arms 5.8 Maximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit 3 —12 10 Overvoltage class AC port —III AC port backfeed current mA 18 Power factor setting —1.0 Grid-tied power factor (adjustable)—0.85 leading ... 0.85 lagging CEC weighted efficiency %97.5 97.0 MECHANICAL DATA UNITS Ambient temperature range °C (°F)-40 to 60 (-40 to 140) Relative humidity range %4 to 100 (condensing) DC connector type —MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Dimensions (H × W × D) mm (in) 212 (8.3) × 175 (6.9) × 30.2 (1.2) Weight kg (lbs)1.1 (2.4) Cooling —Natural convection–no fans Approved for wet locations —Yes Pollution degree —PD3 Enclosure —Class II double-insulated, corrosion-resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category/UV exposure rating —NEMA Type 6/Outdoor COMPLIANCE Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA), IEEE 1547:2018 (UL 1741-SB 3rd Ed.), HEI Rule 14H SRD 2.0 UL 62109-1, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV rapid shutdown equipment and conforms with NEC 2014, NEC 2017, NEC 2020, and NEC 2023 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015. Rule 64-218 rapid shutdown of PV Systems for AC and DC conductors when installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. IQ7X-DSH-00208-2.0-EN-US-2023-11-08 DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR The Enphase Q Cable™ and accessories are part of the latest generation Enphase IQ System™. These accessories provide simplicity, reliability, and faster installation times. Enphase Q Cable Accessories To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Data SheetEnphase Q Cable AccessoriesREGION: Americas Enphase Q Cable • Two-wire, double-insulated Enphase Q Cable is 50% lighter than the previous generation Enphase cable • New cable numbering and plug and play connectors speed up installation and simplify wire management • Link connectors eliminate cable waste Field-Wireable Connectors • Easily connect Q cables on the roof without complex wiring • Make connections from any open connector and center feed any section of cable within branch limits • Available in male and female connector types To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2020 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, Enphase IQ 7A, Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase Enlighten, Enphase IQ Envoy, and other trademarks or service names are the trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 2020-06-26 CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS Certification UL3003 (raw cable), UL 9703 (cable assemblies), DG cable Flame test rating FT4 Compliance RoHS, OIL RES I, CE, UV Resistant, combined UL for Canada and United States Conductor type THHN/THWN-2 dry/wet Disconnecting means The AC and DC bulkhead connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load-break disconnect required by NEC 690. Q CABLE TYPES / ORDERING OPTIONS Connectorized Models Size / Max Nominal Voltage Connector Spacing PV Module Orientation Connector Count per Box Q-12-10-240 12 AWG / 277 VAC 1.3 m (4.2 ft)Portrait 240 Q-12-17-240 12 AWG / 277 VAC 2.0 m (6.5 ft)Landscape (60-cell)240 Q-12-20-200 12 AWG / 277 VAC 2.3 m (7.5 ft)Landscape (72-cell)200 ENPHASE Q CABLE ACCESSORIES Name Model Number Description Raw Q Cable Q-12-RAW-300 300 meters of 12 AWG cable with no connectors Field-wireable connector (male)Q-CONN-10M Make connections from any open connector Field-wireable connector (female)Q-CONN-10F Make connections from any Q Cable open connector Cable Clip Q-CLIP-100 Used to fasten cabling to the racking or to secure looped cabling Disconnect tool Q-DISC-10 Disconnect tool for Q Cable connectors, DC connectors, and AC module mount Q Cable sealing caps (female)Q-SEAL-10 One needed to cover each unused connector on the cabling Terminator Q-TERM-10 Terminator cap for unused cable ends Enphase EN4 to MC4 adaptor¹ECA-EN4-S22 Connect PV module using MC4 connectors to IQ micros with EN4 (TE PV4-S SOLARLOK). 150mm/5.9” to MC4. Enphase EN4 non-terminated adaptor¹ECA-EN4-FW For field wiring of UL certified DC connectors. EN4 (TE PV4-S SOLARLOK) to non-terminated cable. 150mm/5.9” Enphase EN4 to MC4 adaptor (long)¹ECA-EN4-S22-L Longer adapter cable for EN4 (TE PV4-S SOLARLOK) to MC4. Use with split cell modules or PV modules with short DC cable. 600mm/23.6” Replacement DC Adaptor (MC4)Q-DCC-2 DC adaptor to MC4 (max voltage 100 VDC) Replacement DC Adaptor (UTX)Q-DCC-5 DC adaptor to UTX (max voltage 100 VDC) 1. Qualified per UL subject 9703. Enphase Q Cable Accessories TERMINATOR Terminator cap for unused cable ends, sold in packs of ten (Q-TERM-10) SEALING CAPS Sealing caps for unused aggregator and cable connections(Q-BA-CAP-10 and Q-SEAL-10) DISCONNECT TOOL Plan to use at least one per installation, sold in packs of ten(Q-DISC-10) CABLE CLIP Used to fasten cabling to the racking or to secure looped cabling, sold in packs of one hundred (Q-CLIP-100) DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR X-IQ-AM1-240-4 X2-IQ-AM1-240-4 (IEEE 1547:2018) The IQ Combiner 4/4C with IQ Gateway and integrated LTE-M1 cell modem (included only with IQ Combiner 4C) consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure. It streamlines IQ Microinverters and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre-wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. IQ Combiner 4/4C To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Data Sheet Enphase Networking Smart • Includes IQ Gateway for communication and control • Includes Mobile Connect cellular modem (CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05), included only with IQ Combiner 4C • Includes solar shield to match Enphase IQ Battery aesthetics and deflect heat • Supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular connectivity • Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge • Provides production metering and consumption monitoring Simple • Mounts on single stud with centered brackets • Supports bottom, back and side conduit entry • Allows up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240VAC plug-in breakers (not included) • 80A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable • Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure • Five-year limited warranty • Two years labor reimbursement program coverage included for both the IQ Combiner SKU's • UL listed • X2-IQ-AM1-240-4 and X2-IQ-AM1-240-4C comply with IEEE 1547:2018 (UL 1741-SB, 3rd Ed.) X-IQ-AM1-240-4C X2-IQ-AM1-240-4C (IEEE 1547:2018) IQ-C-4-4C-DS-0103-EN-US-12-29-2022 © 2022 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 4/4C, and other names are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 4 X-IQ-AM1-240-4 X2-IQ-AM1-240-4 (IEEE 1547:2018) IQ Combiner 4 with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 ± 0.5%) and consumption monitoring (± 2.5%). Includes a silver solar shield to match the IQ Battery and IQ System Controller 2 and to deflect heat. IQ Combiner 4C X-IQ-AM1-240-4C X2-IQ-AM1-240-4C (IEEE 1547:2018) IQ Combiner 4C with IQ Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 ± 0.5%) and consumption monitoring (± 2.5%). Includes Mobile Connect cellular modem (CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05), a plug-and-play industrial-grade cell modem for systems up to 60 microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Includes a silver solar shield to match the IQ Battery and IQ System Controller and to deflect heat. ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Supported microinverters IQ6, IQ7, and IQ8. (Do not mix IQ6/7 Microinverters with IQ8) Communications Kit COMMS-CELLMODEM-M1-06 CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05 CELLMODEM-M1-06-AT-05 - Includes COMMS-KIT-01 and CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05 with 5-year Sprint data plan - 4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem with 5-year Sprint data plan - 4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem with 5-year AT&T data plan Circuit Breakers BRK-10A-2-240V BRK-15A-2-240V BRK-20A-2P-240V BRK-15A-2P-240V-B BRK-20A-2P-240V-B Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215B with hold down kit support Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220B with hold down kit support XA-SOLARSHIELD-ES Replacement solar shield for IQ Combiner 4/4C XA-PLUG-120-3 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 4/4C (required for EPLC-01) X-IQ-NA-HD-125A Hold-down kit for Eaton circuit breaker with screws Consumption monitoring CT (CT-200-SPLIT/CT-200-CLAMP)A pair of 200A split core current transformers ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating Continuous duty System voltage 120/240VAC, 60 Hz Eaton BR series busbar rating 125A Max. continuous current rating 65A Max. continuous current rating (input from PV/storage)64A Max. fuse/circuit rating (output)90A Branch circuits (solar and/or storage)Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input)80A of distributed generation/95A with IQ Gateway breaker included IQ Gateway breaker 10A or 15A rating GE/Siemens/Eaton included Production metering CT 200A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Gateway MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD)37.5 cm x 49.5 cm x 16.8 cm (14.75 in x 19.5 in x 6.63 in). Height is 53.5 cm (21.06 in) with mounting brackets. Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) Ambient temperature range -40ºC to +46ºC (-40ºF to 115ºF) Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction Wire sizes • 20A to 50A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors• 60A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors• Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors • Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude Up to 3,000 meters (9,842 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b/g/n Cellular CELLMODEM-M1-06-SP-05, CELLMODEM-M1-06-AT-05 (4G based LTE-M1 cellular modem). Note that an Mobile Connect cellular modem is required for all Enphase Energy System installations. Ethernet Optional, IEEE 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, IQ Combiner CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA)IEEE 1547:2018 - UL 1741-SB, 3rd Ed. (X2-IQ-AM1-240-4 and X2-IQ-AM1-240-4C)CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, Title 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production)Consumption metering: accuracy class 2.5 Compliance, IQ Gateway UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 IQ Combiner 4/4C IQ-C-4-4C-DS-0103-EN-US-12-29-2022 1403 N. Research Way Orem, UT 84097 800.377.4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. DRAWING BY: PLOT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: SHEET NAME: PAGE NUMBER:REVISION: ---- CERTIFIED NABCEP PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385-498-6700 SPEC SHEET SS The Enphase IQ Envoy™ communications gateway delivers solar production and energy consumption data to Enphase Enlighten™ monitoring and analysis software for comprehensive, remote maintenance and management of the Enphase IQ System. With integrated revenue grade production metering and optional consumption monitoring, Envoy IQ is the platform for total energy management and integrates with the Enphase Ensemble™and the Enphase IQ Battery™. Enphase IQ Envoy To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Data SheetEnphase Networking Smart • Enables web-based monitoring and control • Bidirectional communications for remote upgrades • Supports power export limiting and zeroexport applications Simple • Easy system configuration using Enphase Installer Toolkit™ mobile app • Flexible networking with Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular Reliable • Designed for installation indoors or outdoors • Five-year warranty To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2021 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Envoy, and other trademarks or service names are the trade- marks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 06-30-2021 MODEL NUMBERS Enphase IQ Envoy™ENV-IQ-AM1-240 Enphase IQ Envoy communications gateway with integrated revenue grade PV productionmetering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). Includesone 200A continuous rated production CT (current transformer). ACCESORIES (Order Seperately) Enphase Mobile Connect™CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M/5-year data plan) CELLMODEM-M1-B (4G-based LTE-M1/5-year data plan) Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Consumption Monitoring CTCT-200-SPLIT Split-core consumption CTs enable whole home metering. Ensemble Communications KitCOMMS-KIT-01 Installed at the IQ Envoy. For communications with Enphase Encharge™ storage and Enphase Enpower™ smart switch. Includes USB cable for connection to IQ Envoy or Enphase IQ Combiner™ and allows wireless communication with Encharge and Enpower. POWER REQUIREMENTS Power requirements 120/240 VAC split-phase.Max 20 A overcurrent protection required. Typical Power Consumption 5W CAPACITY Number of microinverters polled Up to 600 MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD)21.3 x 12.6 x 4.5 cm (8.4” x 5” x 1.8”) Weight 17.6 oz (498 g) Ambient temperature range -40° to 65° C (-40° to 149° F) -40° to 46° C (-40° to 115° F) if installed in an enclosure Environmental rating IP30. For installation indoors or in an NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R enclosure. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) Production CT - Limited to 200A of continuous current / 250A OCPD – 72kW AC - Internal aperture measures 19.36mm to support 250MCM THWN conductors (max) - UL2808 certified for revenue grade metering Consumption CT - For electrical services to 250A with parallel runs up to 500A- Internal aperture measures 0.84” x 0.96” (21.33mm x 24.38mm) to support 3/0 THWN conductor- UL2808 certified, for use at service entrance for services up to 250Vac INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Ethernet 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Mobile CELLMODEM-M1 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1-B (4G). Not included. Note that an Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem is required for all Ensemble installations. COMPLIANCE Compliance UL 61010-1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-147 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003IEC/EN 61010-1:2010,EN50065-1, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-6-1, EN61000-6-2Metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production only) Enphase IQ Envoy DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR Product specifications Eaton BRNSURGE Catalog Number: BRNSURGE Eaton Type BR circuit breaker surge protective device, Two Pole, Surge Protective Device General specifications Eaton Type BR plug on module surge protection device BRNSURGE 786689353667 3.6 in 2.25 in 3.5 in 0.35 lb cUL Certified UL 1449 Product Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House 30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland Eaton.com © 2024 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Eaton.com/socialmedia defaultTaxonomyAttributeLabel Type BR 50/60 Hz 10 kAIC 3 kA L-N, L-L 600 V 150 V L-N, 300 V L-L 18 kA 10 kA Resources Product Family Guide Eaton Surge Module Product Aid Storm season is coming. Are you prepared? Complete Home Protection, Publication No. FL010001EN / 3PC Eaton Solutions, Publication No. SA00404006E / VCG1302 Complete Home Protection, Publication No. BR00414002E / VCG1502 Surge Module IL Eaton Specification Sheet - BRNSURGE Type Frequency rating Interrupt rating Nominal Discharge Current Protection Measured limiting voltage Maximum continuous operating voltage Surge current Short-circuit rating Brochures Installation instructions Specifications and datasheets SHEET NAMEPAGE NUMBER REVISIONCONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC.SSSPEC SHEET0CONTRACTOR:BRS FIELD OPS385.498.6700PV INSTALLATIONPROFESSIONALScott Gurney# PV-011719-015866NABCEPCERTIFIED1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING JOREM, UT 84097800-377-4480WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COMMilbank Manufacturing | 4801 Deramus Ave., Kansas City, MO 64120 | 877.483.5314 | milbankworks.comPlease consult serving utility for their requirements prior to ordering or installing, as specifications and approvals vary by utility and may require local electrical inspector approval. All installations must be installed by a licensed electrician and must comply with all national and local codes, laws and regulations. Milbank reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown without notice or obligation.Catalog NumberU4801-XL-5T9Marketing Product Description5 Terminal Ringless Small Closing Plate Lever Bypass 5th Terminal 9 Oclock PositionUPC784572288218Length (IN)4.844Width (IN)13Height (IN)19Brand NameMilbankTypeRingless Meter SocketApplicationMeter SocketStandardUL Listed;Type 3RVoltage Rating600 Volts Alternating CurrentAmperage Rating200 Continuous AmperePhase1 PhaseFrequency Rating60 HertzSize4.844L x 13W x 19HNumber Of Cutouts0Cutout SizeNo Main BreakerCable EntryOverhead or UndergroundTerminalLay inInsulationGlass PolyesterMountingSurface MountEnclosureG90 Galvanized Steel with Powder Coat FinishJaw Quantity5 TerminalBypass TypeLever BypassNumber of Meter Positions1 PositionEquipment GroundBonded Ground StrapHub OpeningSmall Closing PlateLine Side Wire Range6 AWG - 350 kcmilLoad Side Wire Range6 AWG - 350 kcmilNumber Of Receptacles0U4801-XL-5T91092206 SHEET NAMEPAGE NUMBER REVISIONCONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC.SSSPEC SHEET0CONTRACTOR:BRS FIELD OPS385.498.6700PV INSTALLATIONPROFESSIONALScott Gurney# PV-011719-015866NABCEPCERTIFIED1403 N RESEARCH WAY, BUILDING JOREM, UT 84097800-377-4480WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM 19" 13" O.D. A 4 13/16" I.D. D 2" 2 1/16" 4 1/16" 4 1/16" 2 3/16" 3/4" BCEFEATURE TABLEITEMQTYDESCRIPTIONA5U/L MNTG.EMBOSSB1¼ SOLID K.O.C1¼, ½ CONC. K.O.D21, 1¼, 1½, 2, 2½ CONC. K.O.E41¼, 1½, 2, 2½, 3 CONC. K.O.Please consult serving utility for their requirements prior to ordering or installing, as specifications and approvals vary by utility, and may require local electrical inspector approval. All installations must be installed by a licensed electrician and must comply with all national and local codes, laws and regulations. Milbank reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown without notice or obligation. Version:1All dimensions are +/- 1/16”. Drawing views are not to scale. 1403 N. Research Way Orem, UT 84097 800.377.4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. DRAWING BY: PLOT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: SHEET NAME: PAGE NUMBER:REVISION: ---- CERTIFIED NABCEP PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385-498-6700 SPEC SHEET SS NOTES: 6.00 [152] A.B,C KNOCKOUTS .28 [7] (J HOLES) A,B,C KNOCKOUTS 7 50 1[191~--~ A,B,C,D KNOCKOUTS FINISH -GRAY BAKED ENAMEL ELECTRODEPOSITIED OVER CLEANED PHOSPHATIZED STEEL. UL LISTED -FILE E-2675 ALL NEUTRALS -INSULATED GROUNDABLE SUITABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT TOP OF NENA TYPE JR SWITCHES HAVE PROVISIONS FOR !AAXIMUM 2 1 /2• BOLT -ON HUB. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RAllNGS: • 10,000 AMPERES. 10,000 AMPERES WHEN USED WITH OR PROTECTED BY CLASS H OR K FUSES. 100,000 AMPERES WITH CLASS R FUSES. * FOR CORNER GROUNDED DELTA SYSTEMS. • PLUG FUSES :j: LUGS SUITABLE FOR 60'C OR 75' CONDUCTORS. 'r-r----------+1 NEMA lYPE .3R ILLUSTRATED 9.00 [229] A,B,C KNOCKOUTS CATALOG NUMBER 0211NRBe• 0221 NRB 0321 NRB OU221RB OU321RB GENERAL DUTY SAFETY SWITCHES VISIBLE BLADE TYPE 30 AMPERE ENCLOSURE -NEMA TYPE JR RAINPROOF VOTAGE WIRING RATINGS OIAG. 240VAC A 240VAC A 240VAC B 240VAC c 240VAC D A B WIRING DIAGRAMS FUSIBLE NOT FUSIBLE ~J cH Cl--ffiZffi-o JJJ D H-1 Cl--ffiZffi-o TERMINAL WGS :t: At.IPERES MAX. WIRE MIN. WIRE lYPE L' 6 AWG _l# 12 AWG AL 30 I 6 AWG H 14 AWG cu KNOCKOUTS SYMBOL A B c D CONDUIT SIZE .50 .75 1 1.25 . INCHES DUAL DIMENSIONS. MILLIMETERS HORSEPOWER RATINGS 120VAC 240VAC STD. MAX. STD. ""'· 10 10 10 30 10 30 1/2 2 1 1/2 -3 - - -1 1/2 3' 3 7 1/2"' - -1 1/2 3 3 7 1/2 - ---3 - - ---3 7 1/2 1403 N. Research Way Orem, UT 84097 800.377.4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. DRAWING BY: PLOT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: SHEET NAME: PAGE NUMBER:REVISION: ---- CERTIFIED NABCEP PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385-498-6700 SPEC SHEET SSPROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF EZ SOLAR.ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EZ SOLAR IS PROHIBITED. Phone: 385-202-4150 www.ezsolarproducts.com ITEM No. 1 1 1 6 6 JB-1.2 Body POLYCARBONATE WITH UV INHIBITORS POLYCARBONATE WITH UV INHIBITORS #10 x 1-1/4” Phillips pan head screw #8 x 3/4” Phillips pan head screw JB-1.2 Lid2 3 4 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY Size SCALE: 1:2 WEIGHT: 1.45 LBS SHEET 1 of 3 DWG. NO.RevBJB-1.2 Torque Specification: certification: WEIGHT: 15-20 LBS 1.45 LBS UL Standard 1741, nema 3r JB-1.2Specification Sheet PV Junction Box for Composition/Asphalt Shingle Roofs • Maximum Voltage: 1,000 Volts • Maximum Current: 80 Amps • Allowable Wire: 14 AWG – 6 AWG • Spacing: Please maintain a spacing of at least ½” between uninsulated live parts and fittings for conduit, armored cable, and uninsulated live parts of opposite polarity. • Enclosure Rating: Type 3R • Roof Slope Range: 2.5 – 12:12 • Max Side Wall Fitting Size: 1” • Max Floor Pass-Through Fitting Size: 1” • Ambient Operating Conditions: (-35°C) - (+75°C) • Compliance: - JB-1.2: UL1741 - Approved wire connectors: must conform to UL1741 • System Marking: Interek Symbol and File #5019942 • Periodic Re-inspections: If re-inspections yield loose components, loose fasteners, or any corrosion between components, components that are found to be affected are to be replaced immediately. A. System Specifications and Ratings Phone: 385-202-4150 | www.ezsolarproducts.com 1403 N. Research Way Orem, UT 84097 800.377.4480 WWW.BLUERAVENSOLAR.COM CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT BLUE RAVEN SOLAR NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BLUE RAVEN SOLAR LLC. DRAWING BY: PLOT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: SHEET NAME: PAGE NUMBER:REVISION: ---- CERTIFIED NABCEP PV INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL Scott Gurney #PV-011719-015866 CONTRACTOR: BRS FIELD OPS 385-498-6700 SPEC SHEET SS www.carlon.com180 Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit – Junction Boxes Molded Nonmetallic Junction Boxes 6P Rated It’s another first from Carlon®- the first nonmetallic junction boxes UL Listed with a NEMA 6P rating per Section 314.29, Exception of the National Electrical Code. Manufactured from PVC or PPO thermoplastic molding compound and featuring foam-in-place gasketed lids attached with stainless steel screws, these rugged enclosures offer all the corrosion resistance and physical properties you need for direct burial applications. Type 6P enclosures are intended for indoor or outdoor use, primarily to provide a degree of protection against contact with enclosed equipment, falling dirt, hose- directed water, entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth, and external ice formation. • All Carlon Junction Boxes are UL Listed and maintain a minimum of a NEMA Type 4/4x Rating. • Parts numbers with an asterisk (*) are UL Listed and maintain a NEMA Type 6P Rating and Type 4/4X Rating. E42728Except where noted by † Size in Std.Material Std. Inches Ctn. Min Min. Min. Min. Ta Tc Thermo-Ctn. Part No.H x W x D Qty.AT AB B C PVC plastic Wt. (Lbs.) E989NNJ-CAR*4 x 4 x 2 5311/16 35/8 N/A 2 .160 .155 X3 E987N-CAR* 4 x 4 x 4 5 3 11/16 31/2 N/A 4 .160 .155 X 4 †E989NNR-CAR*4 x 4 x 6 4311/16 33/8 N/A 6 .160 .200 X 5 E989PPJ-CAR* 5 x 5 x 2 4 411/16 41/2 N/A 2 .110 .150 X 3 E987R-CAR*6 x 6 x 4 2 6 5 5/8 N/A 4 .190 .190 X 3 E989RRR-UPC* 6 x 6 x 6 8 5 5/8 53/8 N/A 6 .160 .150 X 14 E989N-CAR 8 x 8 x 4 1 8 8 N/A 4 .185 .190 X 2 E989SSX-UPC 8 x 8 x 7 2721/32 75/16 N/A 7 .160 .150 X 6 E989UUN 12 x 12 x 4 3 115/8 111/2 111/8 4 .160 .150 X 12 E989R-UPC 12 x 12 x 6 2 11 15/16 117/8 117/16 6 .265 .185 X 10 Typical Gross Automation (877) 268-3700 · www.carlonsales.com · sales@grossautomation.com DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR “Stay Connected” with Solar Power Components ® 1-4b1-800-526-4182 • 732-286-1800 (NJ) • FAX: 732-244-8843 • www.heyco.com Heyco®-Tite Liquid Tight Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cables Straight-Thru, NPT Hubs with Integral Sealing Ring The Ultimate in Liquid Tight Strain Relief Protection •Two new cordgrips now accommodate the Enphase Q Cable – M3231GCZ (1/2˝ NPT) and M3234GDA-SM (3/4˝ NPT). •The 1/2˝ version provides liquid tight entry for one Enphase Q Cable – .24 x .38˝ (6,1 x 9,7 mm). •The 3/4˝ version provides liquid tight entry for up to two Enphase Q Cables – .24 x .38” (6,1 x 9,7 mm) and an additional .130” (3,3 mm) dia. hole for a #8 solid grounding cable. •The 3/4˝ version utilizes our skinned- over technology so any unused holes will retain a liquid tight seal. •Rated for use with DG Cable. Material Nylon 6/6 with TPE Sealing Gland Certifications Listed under Underwriters’ Laboratories File E504900 CSA Certified by the Canadian Standards Association File 93876 Flammability Rating 94V-2 Temperature Range Static -40°F (-40°C) to 239°F (115°C) Dynamic -4°F (-20°C) to 212°F (100°C) IP Rating IP 68 GLAND PART NO. DESCRIPTION PART DIMENSIONS CONFIGURATION ABCDE Conductors or Clearance Max. O.A. Thread Wrenching Nut Type Size No. Black Hole Dia. Length Length Thickness Flat Size * mm.in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. Oval Gland Q Cable 6,1x 9,7 1 M3231GCZ LTCG 1/2 6.1x9.7MM .875 22,2 1.70 43,2 .61 15,5 .21 5,3 .98 24,9 Break-Thru Skinned Over Gland Q Cables 6,1x9,7 2 SMCG 3/4 2-6.1x9.7MMplusM3234GDA-SM 1.040 26,4 2.00 50,8 .62 15,7 .25 6,4 1.30 33,0 Ground 3,3 1 1-3.3MM Metal Locknuts INCLUDED. Heyco®Helios®UVX Clip – Blind Mount •The jersey pine tree mounting style installs easily with superior holding power. •UVX nylon protects from corrosion due to outdoor exposure. •Installs into .260˝ (6,6 mm) mounting hole. •Holds up to 2 cables between .230 - .315˝ (5,8 - 8,0 mm) each. •Cables install with fingertip pressure. •Molded from our robust UVX nylon 6/6 with extended UV capabilities for our Solar 20 Year Warranty. Material Nylon 6/6 with extended UV Capabilities Flammability Rating 94V-2 Temperature Range Dynamic -4°F (-20°C) to 185°F (85°C) PANEL THICKNESS RANGE WIRE DIAMETER PART NO. DESCRIPTION MOUNTING OVERALL RANGE HOLE DIA. HEIGHT Minimum Maximum 1-2 Wires AC in. mm. in. mm.in. mm. in. mm. 1-2 Wires .028 0,7 .250 6,4 .23 (5,8 mm) - .32 (8,0 mm)S6520 Helios UVX Clip 100 Pack .260 6,6 .96 24,4each cable S6560 Helios UVX Clip Bulk SUGGESTED CLEARANCE HOLE FOR NONTHREADED MOUNTING AD C B E SEALING NUT INTEGRAL SEALING RING ALL NEW PRODUCT! ALL NEW PRODUCT! DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR SFM INFINITY REVOLUTIONIZES ROOFTOP SOLAR WITH BENEFITS ACROSS YOUR BUSINESS, FROM DESIGN AND LOGISTICS, THROUGH ARRAY INSTALLATION AND SERVICE. SFM INFINITY 20% FEWER ATTACHMENTS Save time and money on every project: SFM INFINITY requires fewer attachments than rail systems. 2 INSTALLS PER DAY Make two installs per day your new standard. SFM INFINITY has fewer roof attachments, one tool installation, and pre-assembled components to get you off the roof 40% faster. BETTER AESTHETICS Install the system with the aesthetics preferred by homeowners, with integrated front trim, trim end caps, dark components, and recessed hardware. 30% LOGISTICS SAVINGS With fewer SKUs and compact components, SFM INFINITY is easier to stock, easier to transport, and easier to lift to the roof. Plus, make more efficient use of your vehicle fleet. SYSTEM OVERVIEW BONDING AND ACCESSORIES 2MW 3MW PART NAME DESCRIPTION TRIMRAIL ENDCAPS Covers ends of TRIMRAIL for refined aesthetic. TRIMRAIL BONDING CLAMP Electrically bonds TRIMRAIL and modules N/S BONDING CLAMP Electrically bonds rows of modules 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 4 3 5 6 7 SFM INFINITY 15 Attachments RAIL 20 Attachments 87%OF HOMEOWNERS PREFER MAXIMUM POWER DENSITY Easily mix module orientations to achieve optimal power density without incurring the increased bill of materials, labor, and attachments required by rail. 7 2 PART NAME DESCRIPTION TRIMRAIL Structural front trim provides aesthetic and aligns modules. TRIMRAIL SPLICE Connects and electrically bonds sections of TRIMRAIL. TRIMRAIL FLASHKIT Attaches TRIMRAIL to roof. Available for comp shingle or tile. MODULE CLIPS Secure modules to TRIMRAIL. MICRORAIL Connects modules to SLIDERS. Provides post-install array leveling. SPLICE Connects and supports modules. Provides east-west bonding. ATTACHED SPLICE also available. SLIDER FLASHKIT Roof attachment and flashing. Available for comp shingle and tile. DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILARSFMSUNFRAMEMICRORAIL™INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 19SYSTEM BONDING & GROUNDING E-W BONDING PATH: E-W module to module bonding is accomplished with 2 pre-installed bonding pins which engage on the secure side of the MicrorailTM and splice. TRIMRAIL BONDING PATH: Trimrail to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with integral bonding pin and bonding T-bolt. (refer also to alternate method) N-S BONDING PATH: N-S module to module bonding is accomplished with bonding clamp with 2 integral bonding pins. (refer also to alternate method) System bonding is accomplished through modules. System grounding accomplished by attaching a ground lug to any module at a location on the module specifi ed by the module manufacturer. LUG DETAIL & TORQUE INFO Ilsco Lay-In Lug (GBL-4DBT) • 10-32 mounting hardware • Torque = 5 ft-lb • AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded LUG DETAIL & TORQUE INFO Ilsco Flange Lug (SGB-4) • 1/4” mounting hardware • Torque = 75 in-lb • AWG 4-14 - Solid or Stranded LUG DETAIL & TORQUE INFO Wiley WEEBLug (6.7) • 1/4” mounting hardware • Torque = 10 ft-lb • AWG 6-14 - Solid or Stranded NOTE: ISOLATE COPPER FROM ALUMINUM CONTACT TO PREVENT CORROSION TERMINAL TORQUE, Install Conductor and torque to the following: 4-6 AWG: 35in-lbs 8 AWG: 25 in-lbs 10-14 AWG: 20 in-lbs TERMINAL TORQUE, Install Conductor and torque to the following: 6-14 AWG: 7ft-lbs TERMINAL TORQUE, Install Conductor and torque to the following: 4-14 AWG: 35in-lbs WEEBLUG Single Use Only Star Washer is Single Use Only Alternate method Alternate method DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILARSFM SUNFRAMEMICRORAIL™INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 20UL CODE COMPLIANCE NOTES SYSTEM LEVEL FIRE CLASSIFICATION The system fire class rating requires installation in the manner specified in the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) Installation Guide. SFM has been classified to the system level fire portion of UL 1703. This UL 1703 classification has been incorporated into the UL 2703 product certification. SFM has achieved Class A, B & C system level performance for low slope & steep sloped roofs when used in conjunction with type 1 and type 2 modules. Class A, B & C system level fire UL2703 TEST MODULES See pages 22 and 23 for a list of modules that were electrically and mechanically tested or qualified with the SUNFRAME MICRORAIL (SFM) components outlined within this Installation Guide. • Maximum Area of Module = 27.76 sqft • UL2703 Design Load Ratings: a) Downward Pressure – 113 PSF / 5400 Pa b) Upward Pressure – 50 PSF / 2400 Pa c) Down-Slope Load – 21.6 PSF / 1034 Pa • Tested Loads: a) Downward Pressure – 170 PSF / 8000 Pa b) Upward Pressure – 75 PSF / 3500 Pa c) Down-Slope Load – 32.4 PSF / 1550 Pa • Maximum Span = 6ft • Use with a maximum over current protection device OCPD of 30A • System conforms to UL Std 2703, certified to LTR AE-001-2012 • Rated for a design load of 2400 Pa / 5400 Pa with 24 inch span • PV modules may have a reduced load rating, independent of the SFM load rating. Please consult the PV module manufacturer's installation guide for more information • Down-Slope design load rating of 30 PSF/ 1400 Pa for module areas of 22.3 sq ft or less Module Type Roof Slope System Level Fire Rating Microrail Direction Module Orientation Mitigation Required Type 1 and Type 2 Steep Slope & Low Slope Class A, B & C East-West Landscape OR Portrait None Required performance is inherent in the SFM design, and no additional mitigation measures are required. The fire classification rating is valid for any roof pitch. There is no required minimum or maximum height limitation above the roof deck to maintain the Class A, B & C fire rating for SFM. SUNFRAME MICRORAILTM components shall be mounted over a fire resistant roof covering rated for the application. DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILARSFM SUNFRAMEMICRORAIL™INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 22TESTED / CERTIFIED MODULE LIST Aleo P-Series Aptos DNA-120-(BF/MF)26 DNA-144-(BF/MF)26 Astronergy CHSM6612P, CHSM6612P/HV, CHSM6612M, CHSM6612M/HV, CHSM6610M (BL)(BF)/(HF), CHSM72M-HC Auxin AXN6M610T, AXN6P610T, AXN6M612T & AXN6P612T Axitec AXIblackpremium 60 (35mm), AXIpower 60 (35mm), AXIpower 72 (40mm), AXIpremium 60 (35mm), AXIpremium 72 (40mm). Boviet BVM6610, BVM6612 BYD P6K & MHK-36 Series Canadian Solar CS1(H/K/U/Y)-MS CS3(K/L/U), CS3K-MB-AG, CS3K-(MS/P) CS3N-MS, CS3U-MB-AG, CS3U-(MS/P), CS3W CS5A-M, CS6(K/U), CS6K-(M/P), CS6K-MS CS6P-(M/P), CS6U-(M/P), CS6V-M, CS6X-P Centrosolar America C-Series & E-Series CertainTeed CT2xxMxx-01, CT2xxPxx-01, CTxxxMxx-02, CTxxxM-03, CTxxxMxx-04, CTxxxHC11-04 Dehui DH-60M Manufacture Module Model / Series Eco Solargy Orion 1000 & Apollo 1000 ET Solar ET-M672BHxxxTW Freedom Forever FF-MP-BBB-370 FreeVolt Mono PERC GCL GCL-P6 & GCL-M6 Series Hansol TD-AN3, TD-AN4, UB-AN1, UD-AN1 Heliene 36M, 60M, 60P, 72M & 72P Series, 144HC M6 Monofacial/ Bifacial Series, 144HC M10 SL Bifacial HT Solar HT60-156(M) (NDV) (-F), HT 72-156(M/P) Hyundai KG, MG, TG, RI, RG, TI, MI, HI & KI Series HiA-SxxxHG ITEK iT, iT-HE & iT-SE Series Japan Solar JPS-60 & JPS-72 Series JA Solar JAP6 60-xxx, JAM6-60-xxx/SI, JAM6(K)-60/ xxx, JAP6(k)-72-xxx/4BB, JAP72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAP6(k)-60-xxx/4BB, JAP60SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-72-xxx/ZZ, JAM72SYY-xxx/ZZ, JAM6(k)-60-xxx/ZZ, JAM60SYY-xxx/ZZ. i. YY: 01, 02, 03, 09, 10 ii. ZZ: SC, PR, BP, HiT, IB, MW, MR Jinko JKM & JKMS Series Eagle JKMxxxM JKMxxxM-72HL-V Kyocera KU Series Manufacture Module Model / Series Manufacture Module Model / Series • Unless otherwise noted, all modules listed above include all wattages and specific models within that series. Variable wattages are represented as "xxx" • Items in parenthesis are those that may or may not be present in a compatible module's model ID • Slashes "/" between one or more items indicates that either of those items may be the one that is present in a module's model ID • Please see the SFM UL2703 Construction Data Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with SFM • SFM Infinity is not compatible with module frame height of less than 30mm and more than 40mm. See Module Mounting section, page 12 for further information LG Electronics LGxxxN2T-A4 LGxxx(A1C/E1C/E1K/N1C/N1K/N2T/N2W/ Q1C/Q1K/S1C/S2W)-A5 LGxxxN2T-B5 LGxxxN1K-B6 LGxxx(A1C/M1C/M1K/N1C/N1K/Q1C/Q1K/ QAC/QAK)-A6 LGxxx(N1C/N1K/N2T/N2W)-E6 LGxxx(N1C/N1K/N2W/S1C/S2W)-G4 LGxxxN2T-J5 LGxxx(N1K/N1W/N2T/N2W)-L5 LGxxx(N1C/Q1C/Q1K)-N5 LGxxx (N1C/N1K/N2W/Q1C/Q1K)-V5 LONGi LR4-60(HIB/HIH/HPB/HPH)-xxxM LR4-72(HIH/HPH)-xxxM LR6-60(BP/HBD/HIBD)-xxxM (30mm) LR6-60(BK)(PE)(HPB)(HPH)-xxxM (35mm) LR6-60(BK)(PE)(PB)(PH)-xxxM (40mm) LR6-72(BP)(HBD)(HIBD)-xxxM (30mm) LR6-72(HV)(BK)(PE)(PH)(PB)(HPH)-xxxM (35mm) LR6-72(BK)(HV)(PE)(PB)(PH)-xxxM (40mm) Mission Solar Energy MSE Series Mitsubishi MJE & MLE Series Neo Solar Power Co.D6M & D6P Series DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILARSFM SUNFRAMEMICRORAIL™INSTALLATION GUIDE PAGE 23TESTED / CERTIFIED MODULE LIST REC Solar (cont.) TwinPeak Series TwinPeak 2 Series TwinPeak 2 BLK2 Series TwinPeak 2S(M)72(XV) TwinPeak 3 Series (38mm) TP4 (Black) Renesola Vitrus2 Series & 156 Series Risen RSM72-6 (MDG) (M), RSM60-6 SEG Solar SEG-xxx-BMD-HV SEG-xxx-BMD-TB S-Energy SN72 & SN60 Series (40mm) Seraphim SEG-6 & SRP-6 Series Sharp NU-SA & NU-SC Series Silfab SLA, SLG, BC Series & SILxxx(BL/NL/NT/HL/ ML/BK/NX/NU/HC) Solarever USA SE-166*83-xxxM-120N Solaria PowerXT-xxxR-(AC/PD/BD) PowerXT-xxxC-PD PowerXT-xxxR-PM (AC) SolarWorld Sunmodule Protect, Sunmodule Plus Sonali SS-M-360 to 390 Series, SS-M-390 to 400 Series, SS-M-440 to 460 Series, SS-M-430 to 460 BiFacial Series, SS 230 - 265 SunEdison F-Series, R-Series & FLEX FXS Series Manufacture Module Model / Series Suniva MV Series & Optimus Series SunPower A-Series A400-BLK , SPR-MAX3-XXX-R, X-Series, E-Series & P-Series Suntech STP, STPXXXS - B60/Wnhb Talesun TP572, TP596, TP654, TP660, TP672, Hipor M, Smart Tesla SC, SC B, SC B1, SC B2 TxxxH, TxxxS Trina PA05, PD05, DD05, DE06, DD06, PE06, PD14, PE14, DD14, DE09.05, DE14, DE15, PE15H Upsolar UP-MxxxP(-B), UP-MxxxM(-B) United Renewable Energy (URE) D7MxxxH7A, D7(M/K)xxxH8A FAKxxx(C8G/E8G), FAMxxxE7G-BB FAMxxxE8G(-BB) FBMxxxMFG-BB Vikram Eldora, Solivo, Somera Waaree AC & Adiya Series Winaico WST & WSP Series Yingli YGE & YLM Series ZN Shine ZXM6-72, ZXM6-NH144-166_2094 Manufacture Module Model / Series Manufacture Module Model / Series • Unless otherwise noted, all modules listed above include all wattages and specific models within that series. Variable wattages are represented as "xxx" • Items in parenthesis are those that may or may not be present in a compatible module's model ID • Slashes "/" between one or more items indicates that either of those items may be the one that is present in a module's model ID • Please see the SFM UL2703 Construction Data Report at Unirac.com to ensure the exact solar module selected is approved for use with SFM • SFM Infinity is not compatible with module frame height of less than 30mm and more than 40mm. See Module Mounting section, page 12 for further information Panasonic EVPVxxx (H/K/PK), VBHNxxxSA15 & SA16, VBHNxxxSA17 & SA18, VBHNxxxSA17(E/G) & SA18E, VBHNxxxKA01 & KA03 & KA04, VBHNxxxZA01, VBHNxxxZA02, VBHNxxxZA03, VBHNxxxZA04 Peimar SGxxxM (FB/BF) Phono Solar PS-60, PS-72 Prism Solar P72 Series Q.Cells Plus, Pro, Peak, G3, G4, G5, G6(+), G7, G8(+) Pro, Peak L-G2, L-G4, L-G5, L-G6, L-G7 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+ Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/TS Q.PEAK DUO (BLK)-G8(+) Q.PEAK DUO L-G8.3/BFF Q.PEAK DUO (BLK) ML-G9(+) Q.PEAK DUO XL-G9/G9.2/G9.3 Q.PEAK DUO (BLK) ML-G10(+) Q.PEAK DUO XL-G(10/10.2/10.3/10.c/10.d) Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ / t REC Solar Alpha (72) (Black) (Pure) RECxxxAA PURE-R RECxxxNP3 Black N-Peak (Black) N-Peak 2 (Black) PEAK Energy Series PEAK Energy BLK2 Series PEAK Energy 72 Series DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR Listing Constructional Data Report (CDR) Report Number 102393982LAX-002 Original 11-Apr-2016 Revised: 5-Oct-2022 Standard(s) Applicant Manufacturer 2 Address Address Country Country Contact Contact Phone Phone FAX FAX Email Email Manufacturer 3 Manufacturer 4 Address Address Country Country Contact Contact Phone Phone FAX FAX Email Email Manufacturer 5 Address Country Contact Phone FAX 505-462-2190 505-843-1418 NA klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com toddg@unirac.com 1411 Broadway Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 USA Klaus Nicolaedis Todd Ganshaw 1.0 Reference and Address Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703:2015 Ed.1+R:24Mar2021] PV Module and Panel Racking Mounting System and Accessories [CSA TIL No. A-40:2020] Unirac, Inc Page 1 of 138 Listing Constructional Data Report (CDR) Report Number 102393982LAX-002 Original 11-Apr-2016 Revised: 5-Oct-2022 1.0 Reference and Address Email Page 2 of 138 DRAWING NUMBER: SS BLUE RAVEN ]ILAR Report No. 102393982LAX-002 Unirac, Inc Page 3 of 138 Issued: 11-Apr-2016 Revised: 5-Oct-2022 Product Brand name 2.0 Product Description Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail Installation Guide, PUB2022SEP28 Unirac Description The product covered by this report is the Sun Frame Micro Rail roof mounted Photovoltaic Rack Mounting System. This system is designed to provide bonding and grounding to photovoltaic modules. The mounting system employs anodized or mill finish aluminum brackets that are roof mounted using the slider, outlined in section 4 of this report. There are no rails within this product, whereas the 3" Micro Rail, Floating Splice, and 9" Attached Splice electrically bond the modules together forming the path to ground. The Micro Rails are installed onto the module frame by using a stainless steel bolt anodized with black oxide with a stainless type 300 bonding pin, torqued to 20 ft-lbs, retaining the modules to the bracket. The bonding pin of the Micro Rail when bolted and torqued, penetrate the anodized coating of the photovoltaic module frame (at bottom flange) to contact the metal, creating a bonded connection from module to module. The grounding of the entire system is intended to be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, including NEC 250: Grounding and Bonding, and NEC 690: Solar Photovoltaic Systems or the Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1 Part 1 in accordance to the revision in effect in the jurisdiction in which the project resides. Any local electrical codes must be adhered in addition to the national electrical codes. The Grounding Lug is secured to the photovoltaic module, torqued in accordance with the installation manual provided in this document. Other optional grounding includes the use of the Enphase UL2703 certified grounding system, which requires a minimum of 2 micro-inverters mounted to the same rail, and using the same engage cable. ED 16.3.15 (1-Jul-2022) Mandatory Report No. 102393982LAX-002 Unirac, Inc Page 4 of 138 Issued: 11-Apr-2016 Revised: 5-Oct-2022 2.0 Product Description Models Model Similarity Other Ratings Ratings Fuse Rating: 30A Module Orientation: Portrait or Landscape Maximum Module Size: 17.98 ft² UL2703 Design Load Rating: 33 PSF Downward, 33 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-Slope Tested Loads - 50 psf/2400Pa Downward, 50psf/2400Pa Uplift, 15psf/720Pa Down Slope Trina TSM-255PD05.08 and Sunpower SPR-E20-327 used for Mechanical Loading Increased size ML test: Maximum Module Size: 22.3 ft² UL2703 Design Load Rating: 113 PSF Downward, 50 PSF Upward, 30 PSF Down-Slope LG355S2W-A5 used for Mechanical Loading test. Mounting configuration: Four mountings on each long side of panel with the longest span of 24" UL2703 Design Load Rating: 46.9 PSF Downward, 40 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-Slope LG395N2W-A5, LG360S2W-A5 and LG355S2W-A5 used for used for Mechanical Loading test. Mounting configuration: Six mountings for two modules used with the maximum span of 74.5" IEC 61646 Test Loads - 112.78 psf/5400Pa Downward, 50psf/2400Pa Uplift Mechanical Load test to add FlashLoc Slider and Trim Assemblies to UL2703 and IEC 61646 Certifications, & Increase SFM System UL2703 Module Size: Maximum Module Size: 27.76 ft² UL2703 Design Load Rating: 113 PSF Downward, 50 PSF Upward, 21.6 PSF Down-Slope Jinko Eagle 72HM G5 used for Mechanical Loading test. Mounting configuration: Four mountings on each long side of panel with the longest span of 24" Mamzimum module size: 21.86 ft2 IEC 61646 Test Loads - 112.78 psf/5400Pa Downward, 75psf/3600Pa Uplift SunPower model SPR-A430-COM-MLSD used for Mechanical Loading Fire Class Resistance Rating: - Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 1 Modules. Can be installed at any interstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail. - Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 2 Modules. Can be installed at any interstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail. - Class A Fire Rated for Low Slope applications with Type 1 or 2 listed photovoltaic modules. This system was evaluated with a 5” gap between the bottom of the module and the roof’s surface See section 7.0 illustractions # 1, 1a and 1b for a complete list of PV modules evaluated with these racking systems Unirac SFM NA NA ED 16.3.15 (1-Jul-2022) Mandatory ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Domus Structural Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 560 Broomfield, CO 80038 530-864-7055 projects@domusstruc.com To: Blue Raven Solar 1403 North Research Way, Building J Orem, UT. 84097 Subject: Certification Letter Gebremariam Residence 16893 Jesper Path Lakeville, MN. 55044 To Whom It May Concern, Design Criteria: ●Applicable Codes = 2020 Minnesota Building Code, ASCE 7-16 ●Roof Dead Load = 7 psf (MP1&2) ●Roof Live Load = 20 psf ●Wind Speed = 115 mph (Vult), Exposure C ● ● Sincerely, John Calvert, P.E. Project Engineer The scope of this report is strictly limited to an evaluation of the fastener attachment, underlying framing and supporting structure only. The attachments to the existing structure are required to be in a staggered pattern to ensure proper distribution of loading. All panels, racking and hardware shall be installed per manufacturer specifications and within specified design limitations. All waterproofing shall be provided by the manufacturer. Domus Structural Engineering assumes no responsibility for misuse or improper installation of the solar PV panels or racking. Please contact me with any further questions or concerns regarding this project. Note: Seismic check is not required since Ss<.4g and Seismic Design Category (SDC) < B Attachment: 1 - 5/16 dia. lag screw with 2.5 inch min. embedment depth, at spacing shown above. April 4, 2024 The roof structures of (MP1&2) consist of composition shingle on roof plywood that is supported by pre-manufactured trusses that are spaced at @ 24"o.c.. The top chords, sloped at 30 degrees, are 2x4 sections, the bottom chords are 2x4 sections and the web members are 2x4 sections. The truss members are connected by steel gusset plates. The max unsupported projected horizontal top chord span is approximately 6'-9''. The existing roof framing systems of (MP1&2) are judged to be adequate to withstand the loading imposed by the installation of the solar panels. No reinforcement is necessary. Ground Snow Load = 50 psf - Roof Snow Load = 35 psf The spacing of the solar standoffs should be kept at 48" o.c. for landscape and 24" o.c. for portrait orientation, with a staggered pattern to ensure proper distribution of loads. A jobsite observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team of Blue Raven Solar as a request from Domus Structural Engineering. All review is based on these observations and the design criteria listed below and only deemed valid if provided information is true and accurate. On the above referenced project, the roof structural framing has been reviewed for additional loading due to the installation of the solar PV addition to the roof. The structural review only applies to the section of the roof that is directly supporting the solar PV system and its supporting elements. The observed roof framing is described below. If field conditions differ, contractor to notify engineer prior to starting construction. Gebremariam Lakeville MN 1 4/4/2024 Digitally signed by John A. Calvert Date: 2024.04.04 09:33:23 -06'00' ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Domus Structural Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 560 Broomfield, CO 80038 530-864-7055 projects@domusstruc.com 50.0 psf (ASCE7 - Eq 7-1) 1 (ASCE7 - Table 7-2) 1 (ASCE7 - Table 7-3) 1 35.0 psf (ASCE7 - Eq 7-2) 1.00 35.0 psf 3.46 psf 3.0 psf 2.00 ft 6.08 ft 12.17 sft 37 lb 4.00 psf 2.00 psf 0.73 psf 0.00 psf (Ceiling Not Vaulted) 0.27 psf 7.0 psf 8.1 psf PV Dead Load = 3 psf (Per Blue Raven Solar) DL Adjusted to 30 Degree Slope Point Loads of Standoffs Miscellaneous Vaulted Ceiling Total Roof DL (MP1&2) Roof Live Load = 20 psf Roof Plywood Roof Dead Load (MP1&2) Composition Shingle Note: Roof live load is removed in area's covered by PV array. Roof Snow Load Calculations pg = Ground Snow Load = Ce = Exposure Factor = pf = 0.7 Ce Ct I pg Ct = Thermal Factor = I = Importance Factor = Cs = Slope Factor = Standoff Tributary Area = ps = Cspf ps = Sloped Roof Snow Load = pf = Flat Roof Snow Load = DL Adjusted to 30 Degree Slope Gravity Loading PV System Weight Weight of PV System (Per Blue Raven Solar) X Standoff Spacing = Y Standoff Spacing = Note: PV standoffs are staggered to ensure proper distribution of loading 2x4 Top Chords @ 24"o.c. Gebremariam Lakeville MN 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Domus Structural Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 560 Broomfield, CO 80038 530-864-7055 projects@domusstruc.com 115 mph C Gable Roof 30 degrees 20 ft 21.3 ft 0 ft (Eq. 26.10-1) 0.90 (Table 30.3-1) 1.00 (Fig. 26.8-1) 0.85 (Table 26.6-1) 1.00 115 mph (Fig. 26.5-1A) II (Table 1.5-1) qh = 25.95 psf Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Positive ya =0.77 0.80 0.80 0.77 GCp =-1.71 -2.00 -2.89 0.87 (Fig. 30.3) Uplift Pressure =-34.3 psf -41.5 psf -60.0 psf 17.3 psf (Eq. 29.4-7) ASD Uplift Pressure =-20.6 psf -24.9 psf -36.0 psf 10.4 psf X Standoff Spacing = 2.00 ft 2.00 ft 1.33 ft Y Standoff Spacing = 6.08 ft 3.04 ft 3.04 ft Tributary Area = 12.17 sqft 6.08 sqft 4.06 sqft Dead Load on attachment = 37 lb 18 lb 12 lb Footing Uplift (0.6D+0.6W) = -229 lb -141 lb -139 lb Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Positive ya =0.75 0.80 0.80 0.75 GCp =-1.65 -2.00 -2.83 0.84 (Fig. 30.3) Uplift Pressure =-32.2 psf -41.5 psf -58.7 psf 16.4 psf (Eq. 29.4-7) ASD Uplift Pressure (0.6W)=-19.3 psf -24.9 psf -35.2 psf 9.8 psf X Standoff Spacing = 4.00 ft 4.00 ft 2.67 ft Y Standoff Spacing = 3.50 ft 1.75 ft 1.75 ft Tributary Area = 14.00 sqft 7.00 sqft 4.67 sqft Dead Load on attachment = 42 lb 21 lb 14 lb Footing Uplift (0.6D+0.6W) = -246 lb -162 lb -156 lb -246 lb 450 lb Therefore, OK Fastener =1 - 5/16" dia. lag Number of Fasteners = 1 Embedment Depth = 2.5 in. Pullout Capacity Per Inch = 250 lb Fastener Capacity = 625 lb w/ F.S. of 1.5 & DOL of 1.6= 667 lb Therefore, OK Wind Calculations Maximum Design Uplift = Design Wind Pressure Calculations qh = 0.00256 * Kz * Kzt * Kd * Ke * V^2 Kz (Exposure Coefficient) = Kzt (Topographic Factor) = Wind Speed Exposure Category Roof Shape Roof Slope Effective Wind Area Per ASCE 7-16 Components and Cladding Input Variables Fastener Capacity Check Mean Roof Height Ground Elevation Kd (Wind Directionality Factor) = 667.2 lb capacity > 246 lb demand Ke (Ground Elevation Factor) = V (Design Wind Speed) = Risk Category = Standoff Uplift Calculations-Portrait Standoff Uplift Calculations-Landscape Standoff Uplift Check Standoff Uplift Capacity = 450 lb capacity > 246 lb demand Gebremariam Lakeville MN 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Domus Structural Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 560 Broomfield, CO 80038 530-864-7055 projects@domusstruc.com (MP1&2)PASS Dead Load 8.1 psf PV Load 3.5 psf Snow Load 35.0 psf Governing Load Combo = DL + SL Total Load 46.5 psf Fb (psi) = f'b x Cd x Cf x Cr (NDS Table 4.3.1) 1650 x 1.15 x 1 x 1.15 Allowed Bending Stress = 2182.1 psi (wL^2) / 8 = 530.1995 ft# = 6362.394 in# Actual Bending Stress = (Maximum Moment) / S = 2077.6 psi L/180 (E = 1500000 psi Per NDS) = 0.45 in Deflection Criteria Based on = (w*L^4) / (185*E*I) = = L/360 > L/180 Therefore OK Allowed Deflection (Live Load) =L/240 0.337 in (w*L^4) / (185*E*I) L/480 > L/240 Therefore OK Member Area = Fv (psi) = 135 psi (NDS Table 4A) Allowed Shear = Fv * A = Max Shear (V) = w * L / 2 = 314 lb Check Bending Stress (True Dimensions) Continuous Span 0.225 in 0.169 in Member Properties Member Size 2x4 S (in^3) 3.06 1650Fb/1.5E Member Spacing @ 24"o.c. Maximum Moment = Check Deflection I (in^4) 5.36 Lumber Sp/Gr Actual Deflection (Live Load) = Allowed Deflection (Total Load) = Actual Deflection (Total Load) = Allowed > Actual -- 95.3% Stressed -- Therefore, OK 709 lb Allowed > Actual -- 44.4% Stressed -- Therefore, OK 5.3 in^2 Check Shear w = 93 plf 2x4 Top Chords @ 24"o.c. Member Span = 6' - 9" Framing Check Gebremariam Lakeville MN 4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Domus Structural Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 560 Broomfield, CO 80038 530-864-7055 projects@domusstruc.com Appendix A: General Notes GENERAL ●The contractor shall verify all dimensions, property setbacks, AHJ/HOA CC&R's, elevations and site conditions before starting work and shall notify Domus Structural Engineering, LLC of any discrepancies. ●All report conclusions represent Domus Structural Engineering, LLC's best professional judgment based upon industry standards. ●Resolve any conflicts on the drawings with Domus Structural Engineering, LLC before proceeding with construction. ●The design criteria used for this project & listed on the first page of the report is based on the engineers best judgement and/or provided by the ATC council. AHJ specific requests may differ. Please contact our team if the design criteria needs to be modified. ●A site visit was not physically conducted by Domus Structural Engineering, LLC. The accompanying calculations and certification are provided with the understanding that the site building and construction standards meet an acceptable level of industry standards. It shall be the contractors responsibility to identify any irregularities such as inconsistent framing conditions, water damage, fire damage, cracked, split or noticeably deflecting framing members. ●Domus Structural Engineering, LLC is not responsible for enforcing safety measures or regulations. The contractor shall design, construct, and maintain all safety devices including shoring and bracing, and shall be solely responsible for conforming to all local, state and federal safety and health standards, laws and regulations. The contractor shall take necessary precautions to maintain and insure the integrity of the structure during construction. If a lawsuit is filed by one of the contractor's or subcontractor's employees, or any one else, the contractor will indemnify, defend and hold the owner and Domus Structural Engineering, LLC harmless of any and all such claims. ●Any and all waterproofing shall be provided by the contractor. Domus Structural Engineering, LLC is not responsible for waterproofing. ●All hardware shall be installed per manufacturer specifications and within specified design limitations. Domus Structural Engineering, LLC assumes no responsibility for incorrectly installed hardware or hardware installed outside of the manfacturer specifications. USER RELIANCE ●Domus Structural Engineering, LLC was engaged by Blue Raven Solar (Client) to perform this assessment. This report and the information therein, are for the exclusive use of the Client. This report has no other purpose and shall not be relied upon, or used, by any other person or entity without the written consent of Domus Structural Engineering, LLC. Third parties that obtain this report, or the information within shall have no rights of recourse or recovery against Domus Structural Engineering, LLC, its officers or employees. ROOF MOUNTED ARRAYS ●If an analysis of a supporting stucture is included in our scope of work, the structural assessment only applies to the section of the roof that is directly supporting the proposed solar PV system. ●No structural members can be cut for conduit, etc., unless specifically shown. Obtain prior written approval for installation of any additional conduit, etc. ●It is assumed that a standard quality of construction care was used to construct the original building. It shall be the contractors responsibility to field verify any and all framing members supporting the proposed PV array are in adequate condition. The contractor shall field inspect for sub-standard construction means, signs of dry rot, mold, fire damage, etc. and notify engineer if any compromised material is found on site prior to starting construction. ●It is assumed that there have been no additional loads (HVAC or MEP equipment, additional layers of roofing, etc) added to the building over the course of the structure's histroy. The contractor and/or client shall verify this with the property owner and notify Domus Structural Engineering, LLC if additional load has been added to the structure already. ●Flexible utility connections must be used at any building seismic joint. ●Care should be taken to ensure that PV arrays do not preclude drainage of rain water. ●Unless otherwise noted, construction material shall be evenly distributed if placed on framed floors or roofs. Loads shall not exceed the allowable loading for the supporting members and their connections. ●All lags or wood screws at the roof shall be stainless steel and installed withing the middle 1/3 of the dimensional width of the framing members. ●All fasteners shall be a minimum of 6" away from any truss panel or hinge joints, truss plates and/or member ends. Field verify location of fasteners prior to starting construction. All fasteners shall be pre-drilled to avoid splitting existing lumber. ●Domus Structural Engineering, LLC is not responsible for downslope effects of snow shedding or sliding off of the PV array nor any damage to downslope decks, roofs, walkways, landscaping, automobiles, pets, people, etc.. If snow guards are requested by the customer, notify Domus Structural Engineering, LLC. Gebremariam Lakeville MN 5