HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-2023 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 16, 2023 - 6:30 PM City Hall Council Chambers Members of the public can participate in person at Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue. Members of the public may join the meeting via Teams Meeting, Meeting ID: 267 706 322 550 or by calling Toll Number 1-323-433-2142; Conference ID: 848 709 193#. The mayor will allow for public comments and questions at the appropriate time. The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees, and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents, and a council member’s personal judgment. 1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge 2. Roll Call 3. Citizen Comments 4. Additional agenda information 5. Presentations/Introductions 6. Consent Agenda a. Check Register Summary b. Minutes of the 09/25/2023 Work Session Meeting c. Minutes of the 10/2/2023 City Council Minutes d. Appointments to the City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission e. Ordinance Amendment Concerning Control of Dogs f. Disposal of Baler Located at Lakeville Liquors Galaxie g. Contract for the rehabilitation of city wells h. No Parking Resolution for Kenyon Avenue i. Approve Feasibility Report and Calling a Public Hearing for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project j. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for Absentee Voting Services k. Agreement with Lakeville Lawn Care and Snow Removal LLC and Gonzo Brothers Landscape Limited Liability Company for Snow Removal l. Agreement with Blackstone Contractors, LLC. for Casperson Park Boat Launch Improvements m. Deferment of Special Assessments for Senior Citizens, Disabled and Military Page 1 of 248 City Council Meeting Agenda October 16, 2023 Page 2 n. Environmental Covenant and Easement Agreement with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Preserve of Lakeville Second Addition 7. Action Items 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business 10. Announcements 11. Adjourn Page 2 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Check Register Summary Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Check Register Summary. Overview A summary of the claims paid during the period 09/18/2023 – 10/11/2023 is as follows: Checks 320443-320571 $1,661,841.33 ACH 14546-14695 $1,166,712.53 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 20230468- 20230505 $1,757,245.77 Total $4,585,799.63 The City Council will receive a list of expenditures paid (claims detail) and it is available to the public upon request. Supporting Information 1. 10.10.23 CKSUM-REVISED 2. 10.10.23 CKREG-REVISED Financial Impact: $4,585,799.63 Budgeted: Yes Source: Various Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Cheri Donovan, Assistant Finance Director Page 3 of 248 10/12/2023City of Lakeville 10:15:56R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 10/11/20239/18/2023 - Company Amount 488,517.0701000GENERAL FUND 7,815.9602000COMMUNICATIONS FUND 325.00033212017 A IMPROVEMENT BONDS 12,747.6904000BUILDING FUND 795.0004125TECHNOLOGY FUND 247,155.2904200PARK DEDICATION FUND 408.6004401TRAIL IMPROVEMENT FUND 2,521.0504500PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND 13,574.75047002022 C PARK BONDS 45,923.84047102023 A PARK BONDS 7,800.00047202024 X PARK BONDS 113,820.0305200STATE AID CONSTRUCTION FUND 2,742.4905400STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE FND 1,955.00065902023 "" STREET RECONSTRUCTION 6,479.000659123-03 IPAVA AVE (KENWOOD-185TH 33,604.6007450ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES FUND 15,830.8207550UTILITY FISCAL ADMINISTRATION 16,473.8307575STREET LIGHTING FUND 799,279.2007600WATER FUND 20,973.3607700SEWER FUND 721,986.4707800LIQUOR FUND 179,844.0407900MUNICIPAL RESERVES FUND 303,663.8808000ESCROW FUND - DEVELOPERS/BUILD 2,310.1008910ESCROW - DCA/SECTION 125 382,176.9208950DAKOTA 911 - OPERATING FUND 8,696.0008954DAKOTA 911 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 38,603.5008970LAKEVILLE ARENAS - OPERATIONS 1,109,776.1409800PAYROLL CLEARING FUND Report Totals 4,585,799.63 Page 4 of 248 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES LAKEVILLE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 1. Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers. Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel,Lee,Volk Members Online: Council Member Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director 2. Moment of Silence and Flag Pledge 3. Citizen Comments: None 4. Consent Agenda for Approval Bermel moved, Lee seconded, to approve the following: a. Resolution Approving 2024 Health and Dental Insurance Rates Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk 5. Sundance Lakeville Comprehensive Plan Amendment Planning Director Morey provided background and an overview of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning maps to allow a mixed use development of property located in the northwest quadrant of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and Buck Hill Road. The subject property is 18.75 acres (17.24 acres net), is guided for Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Commercial land uses, with a corresponding zoning of RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District, RM-1, Medium Density Residential District, and C-3, General Commercial District, respectively. Timberland Partners presented the current concept plan for development of the property. The current plan proposes two, single story medical office buildings fronting CSAH 46, 169 attached (stacked flat) townhouse units within 13 buildings, nine single family lots, and an HOA clubhouse with outdoor pool and a maintenance building. Timberland Partners proposes to amend the land use and zoning maps to allow the townhouse and single family components of their project. Director Morey added that Timberland Partners’ 2021 proposal included no commercial uses, 188 attached (stacked flat) townhouse units within 18 buildings, nine single family lots, and an HOA clubhouse with outdoor pool and a maintenance building. Timberland Partners’ 2021 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendment requests were not approved by the City Council. Director Morey added that the Comprehensive Plan amendment requires a supermajority Page 5 of 248 City Council Work Session Minutes, September 25, 2023 Page 2 (four-fifths) vote of the City Council in order to pass. The Council discussed the traffic and parking concerns at this site as well as signage for the revised development proposal. They asked the developer to explain the challenges they have had to get tenants to occupy the location at this site. Overall, the Council thought the revisions to this the development were moving in the right direction for the city. 6. Lake Marion Gravel Pit Future Land Use Planning Director Morey provided an overview of the property. The property is identified on the 2040 MUSA Staging Plan as Expansion Area B, which would allow City sanitary sewer service in 2029 or later. MUSA Expansion Area B extends south of 195th Street approximately one-half mile. When the property is brought into the current MUSA, likely with the next Comprehensive Plan Update, and when City sanitary sewer is extended to the property, the City will obtain park dedication with the subdivision of the property. Low density subdivisions require a 12% land dedication and medium density subdivisions require a 14% land dedication. The land dedication would be used for the regional trail corridor adjacent to Lake Marion consistent with the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. The current Zoning Ordinance does not regulate docks or restrict the number of watercraft that can be docked on an individual lot, except that docks in planned shoreland developments incorporating shoreline recreational facilities must be centralized for common utilization (11-102- 21.J). Instead, docks are regulated by the DNR and do not require a permit provided they meet DNR requirements. One of the DNR requirements is that the dock cannot be used as a marina. The City Council previously discussed this subject at their August 23, 2021 work session, however, the Lake Marion Homeowners Association continues to express concerns regarding the future development of the gravel mining property and the possibility of multiple docks or boat slips associated with the future development. The Council discussed different options that could be applied to this location. Council directed staff to research regulations and ask the City Attorney if the Council needs to apply these regulations to the City Ordinance. 7. Printed Newsletter Discussion Communications Manager Helmers provided an overview of the City’s current communication methods and discussed that the residents have requested that the City consider different forms of communication. Helmers presented the different costs options to run a mailed newsletter (either monthly, quarterly, or semi-annualy). Council discussed several ideas for different forms of communication and directed staff to keep moving forward with iniating a printed quarterly newsletter in the final quarter of 2023. 8. Barking Dog Ordinance Amendment Page 6 of 248 City Council Work Session Minutes, September 25, 2023 Page 3 City Administrator Miller stated that at the last city council work session meeting Council asked staff to investigate our barking dog ordinance and determine if it could be improved. The current City Code 5-1-9(d) states: Keeping Of Nuisance Dogs Prohibited: No person shall keep or harbor a dog in the City which habitually barks, cries or whimpers. Any such dog is hereby declared to be a public nuisance 1 . (Ord. 133, sec. 7, 1-2-1979) Staff has provided a draft ordinance that replaces the existing language and sets a time period/definition of "habitually barks or cries". Setting this time period is important for enforcement purposes. The Council discussed the amendment to the ordinance, and the different enforcement concerns and directed staff to proceed with language in the draft ordinance this evening. 9. Items for Future Discussion - None 10. Committee/ City Administrator Updates Volk: Provided an update on the Hasse Arena’s Manager report. Bermel: Provided an update on the Airport Advisory Committee September Meeting Lee: Personnel Committee will begin the City Administrators Annual Review Hellier: Provided an update from the Regional Council of Mayors & the Dakota County Mayor’s Management Meeting Upcoming Meetings: •Next Regular Meeting: October 2, 2023 •Next Work Session: October 23, 2023 11. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ ___________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Luke M. Hellier, Mayor Page 7 of 248 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 2, 2023 1. Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; Brad Paulson, Police Chief; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Julie Stal, Finance Director; John Hennen, Parks & Recreation Director; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk 2. Moment of Silence and Flag Pledge 3. Citizen Comments: None 4. Additional Agenda Information: None 5. Presentations/Introductions: •Director Paul Oehme presented the Public Works Quarterly Report. 6. Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Wolter, to remove Item 6.d from the consent agenda for discussion and approve the following: a.Check Register Summary b.Minutes of the 09/18/2023 City Council Meeting c.Resolution Calling a Public Hearing Relating to the Imposition of a Service Charge for Special Service District No 1 d.No Parking Resolution for Kenyon Ave e.Resolution Calling Public Hearing on Unpaid Special Charges f.Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Lease Agreement g.Resolution Rescinding Post Health Care Savings Plan Policy 6.62.1 h.Estoria Lakeville Final Plat Extension i.Cordelia Second Addition Final Plat Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter 7. No Parking Resolution for Kenyon Avenue Councilmember Lee asked if the Council would explore a No-Overnight Parking change to this resolution versus restricting all parking. The road was not designed for semi-truck parking, and it has created a problem for emergency vehicles to get through the cul-de-sac. Page 8 of 248 CITY COUNCIL Minutes, October 2, 2023 Page 2 Lee moved, Bermel seconded, to table this item until the October 16, 2023, Council Meeting. The Council directed staff to bring a new resolution forward that would restrict overnight parking in this location. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter 8. Action Items a.Public Hearing for the Proposed 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan and Street Reconstruction Plan and the Intent to Issue General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds and General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds Finance Director Julie Stahl and City Engineer Zach Johnson presented the Proposed 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Project. Stahl explained that there are three resolutions to approve this evening after the public hearing. Approval of these motions will result in adoption of the 2024-2028 CIP and Street Reconstruction Plan and provide the City the flexibility to issue bonds for the projects listed in the resolution. Changes to the CIP document since the August work session include those noted below- 1. Addition of two police squad cars in the 2024 Equipment Plan 2. Increase in estimated cost of a fire engine in the 2024 Equipment Plan (+$100K) A potential project has emerged that is not included in the 2024-2028 CIP. Vermillion River applied for a grant to improve water quality in the Greenridge Park watershed. If grants are received, the project would be constructed in 2024. The City would be the lead agency and would incur approximately $525K of costs, of which $500K would be reimbursed by the grants. If the grants are looking favorable closer to the end of the year, this project will be included as part of the Environmental Resources budget for Council approval. Engineer Zach Johnson presented the specific projects that the CIP will support for the following departments: Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Utilities, Environmental Resources, and Equipment and Technology. Mayor Hellier opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Motion by Volk, seconded by Bermel, to close the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Bermel moved, Lee seconded, to approve the a Resolution Adopting the 5-Year Page 9 of 248 CITY COUNCIL Minutes, October 2, 2023 Page 3 Capital Improvement Plan (2024-2028) and Approving the Issuance of General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds; and a Resolution Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Lakeville to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the City. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Lee moved, seconded by Wolter, to approve the Resolution Adopting the 5-Year Street Reconstruction Plan (2024-2028) and Approving the Issuance of General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter b.Public Hearing Adopting a Resolution for Assessments For Unpaid Special Charges Director Stahl clarified that the City can minimize its losses due to bankruptcies by assessing unpaid special charges to taxes. These charges include costs and charges incurred by the City for mowing of grass, removal of weeds, property maintenance on nuisance properties, false alarm charges and unpaid utility bills. To recover the unpaid special charges, the city must adopt a resolution declaring the unpaid special charges to be assessed and establish a date for the assessment hearing for those charges. Public notice of the hearing was mailed to customers and published in the newspaper. Mayor Hellier opened the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Motion by Volk, seconded by Wolter, to close the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Motion by Lee, seconded by Bermel, approve Resolution Adopting Assessments for the Unpaid Special Charges. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter c.Organics Recycling Facility Ordinance Amendment Representatives Anthony Cecil and Julie Berry presented Bioenergy’s request for a text amendment to add Organics Recycling Facility as a new conditional use in the I-2 zoning district. Page 10 of 248 CITY COUNCIL Minutes, October 2, 2023 Page 4 Director Goodroad explained that the I-2, General Industrial District, allows for processing and manufacturing of products except for waste, so an amendment is necessary. This amendment includes adding Organics Recycling Facility to Section 11-2-3 Rules and Definitions, to define the use as the “recycling of diverted organics and food waste to produce sustainable energy and soil nutrients through naturally occurring biological processes known as anaerobic digestion”. The amendment also includes adding the use as a conditional use in the 1-2 District (Section 11-87-7) with several conditions related to the operations of a organics recycling facility. The conditions require all operations to be conducted entirely within enclosed structures and no outdoor storage of processing products or by-products shall be permitted. The text amendments will allow Bioenergy Devco, LLC to apply for a conditional use permit for the development of an organics processing facility that will utilize Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology to process organic feedstock and convert it into renewable natural gas. The organic material is primarily composed of residential and commercial food waste products that are then processed into natural gas which will be injected into a nearby Northern Natural Gas pipeline for transport to gas customers. The soil by-product will be used as compost as a soil amendment. Director Goodroad added that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed ordinance at their September 21, 2023, meeting, and unanimously recommended approval. There were not comments from the public. Mayor Hellier added comments from a resident and neighbor who grows lavender near the facility and had concerns about the smell affecting her product. Mayor Hellier asked the applicant to reach out to the resident. Motion by Volk, seconded by Wolter, to adopt an ordinance amendment to Title 11, Chapter 2 and Chapter 87 of the City Code. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter 9. Unfinished business: None 10. New business: None 11. Announcements: •Next Regular Meeting, October 16, 2023 •Next Work Session Meeting, October 23, 2023 Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Volk, to adjourn to the Meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Page 11 of 248 CITY COUNCIL Minutes, October 2, 2023 Page 5 Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ __________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Luke M. Hellier, Mayor Page 12 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Appointments to the City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to make appointments to the City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission. Overview The City Council established the City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission in 2022. At that time, 12 members were appointed. Two of those members have since graduated from high school, so the City opened an application to seek additional members. Applicants were interviewed by the City Council. Attached to this report is a resolution making the appointments. Supporting Information 1. Resolution Appointing Members to the Youth Advisory Commission Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community and Belonging Report Completed by: Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator Page 13 of 248 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. ____ Resolution Appointing Members to the Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission WHEREAS, the City Council has established a City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission, and WHEREAS, candidates were interviewed by the City Council, and WHEREAS, according to the approved by-laws, members are appointed to a two-year term beginning October 1, 2023 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following are appointed to the City of Lakeville Youth Advisory Commission: Zavieanna Johnson Olivia Schmidt ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 16 day of October 2023 ______________________________ Luke Hellier, Mayor _________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 14 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Ordinance Amendment Concerning Control of Dogs Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 5, Chapter 1 of the Lakeville City Code Concerning Control of Dogs. Overview Earlier this year, city council asked staff to research methods to strengthen the city code relating how to deal with habitually barking dogs. At the September work session, council reviewed a draft ordinance and directed staff to place it on a regular council agenda for approval. The revised ordinance adds a time threshold of five minutes as a definition of "habitual" barking. The previous code language had no time limit and left "habitually" up to interpretation. Supporting Information 1. DOCS-#227140-v2-ORDINANCE_NUISANCE_DOGS Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Justin Miller, City Administrator Page 15 of 248 227140v2 ORDINANCE NO. ___ CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 1 OF THE LAKEVILLE CITY CODE CONCERNING CONTROL OF DOGS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 5-1-9(D) of the Lakeville City Code is amended in its entirety to read as follows: D. Keeping of Nuisance Dogs Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor a dog which habitually barks or cries. Habitual barking shall be defined as barking or crying for repeated intervals of at least five minutes with less than one minute of interruption. Such barking must also be audible off of the owner's or caretaker's premises. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota this ______ day of _______________, 2023. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: _______________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 16 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Disposal of Baler Located at Lakeville Liquors Galaxie Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Overview Staff is requesting permission to dispose of the Harmony Baler, model number M60STD, serial number M60STD-3163 located at the Lakeville Liquors Galaxie location. This baler has not been used for numerous years and is of no value to the City. E-Z Recycling Center LLC of St. Paul, Minnesota, has offered to remove and dispose of the baler free of charge. Supporting Information 1. BILL_OF_SALE_BALER Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Tana Wold, Liquor Operations Director Page 17 of 248 228112v1 BILL OF SALE The CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“Seller”), owner of the following described property: Harmony Baler, Model Number #M60STD, Serial Number #M60STD- 3163 (“Property”) in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to it in hand paid by E-Z RECYCLING CENTER, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (“Buyer”) the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Buyer, in an “AS-IS” condition and with warranties only with respect to title and ownership, the Property described above. Seller and Buyer agree that no warrant of fitness for a particular purpose is provided in connection with the sale of the Property and Buyer accepts all liability related to the use and possession of the Property by Buyer, its officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns. CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: Luke M. Hellier, Mayor And: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk E-Z RECYCLING CENTER, LLC By: Print Name:__________________________ Its: Page 18 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Contract for the rehabilitation of city wells Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract with Bergerson Caswell, Inc. for the rehabilitation of wells nos. 3, 4 and 18. Overview The City of Lakeville pumps an average of six million gallons of water per day. Pumping needs are fulfilled by 19 ground water wells throughout the city. It is critical that all wells will operate efficiently when water use creates a demand of over 20 million gallons of water per day. Submersible wells are scheduled for inspection and rehabilitation every 10 years. Vertical line turbine wells are scheduled for inspection and rehabilitation every 8 years. This year, one submersible well and two vertical line turbine wells are scheduled for inspection and rehabilitation. After each well installation is removed and inspected, a detailed report is provided to the Utilities Department staff to determine the need for well component repairs and/or replacements. The Utilities Division solicited bids on the BidVault website. The contract is proposed to be awarded based on base bid price and contractor qualifications. Two well contractors submitted bids. Bergerson Caswell, Inc. submitted a base bid of $263,505.00. Keys Well Drilling Co. submitted a base bid of $269,800.00. Staff recommends awarding a contract to Bergerson Caswell, Inc. based on their low bid, meeting contractor qualifications and past work they have completed with the City. Several alternates were received in the bids but are not recommended for award at this time. The alternative bids will be used for pricing if the bid alternative work is required once the well components are removed and inspected. Supporting Information 1. Bergerson Caswell Contract 2. Bid Abstract Summary Financial Impact: $263,505.00 Budgeted: Yes Source: 7610-6295 Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Steve Grossman, Utilities Supervisor Page 19 of 248 Page 20 of 248 Page 21 of 248 Page 22 of 248 Page 23 of 248 Page 24 of 248 Page 25 of 248 Page 26 of 248 Page 27 of 248 Contractor Addendum AcknowledgedBid Bond Non-collusionResponsible ContractorBase Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Total Bid Bergerson Caswell Inc.x x x x $263,505.00 $144,000.00 $32,512.50 $50,700.00 $34,600.00 $525,317.50 Keys Well Drilling Co.x x x x $269,800.00 $287,000.00 $37,120.00 $45,500.00 $34,250.00 $673,670.00 2023 Well Rehabilitation Project 23-99 Well Nos. 3, 4 and 18 Bid Opening Summary September 26, 2023 10:30a.m. Page 28 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 No Parking Resolution for Kenyon Avenue Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve resolution for No Parking on Kenyon Avenue 10:00 p.m. to 6 a.m. from the end of the cul-de-sac north 115'. Overview Kenyon Avenue is a dead-end street west of I-35, north of Kenwood Trail and is in a commercial district. Semi-trucks routinely use the Kenyon Avenue cul-de-sac as an overnight parking area. Kenyon Avenue is not intended to be used for semi-truck parking and could hamper emergency vehicle movements and the traveling public. It is recommended no overnight parking be posted from10:00 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the cul-de-sac. Supporting Information 1. No Parking Area Exhibit Financial Impact: $0.00 Budgeted: Yes Source: N/A Envision Lakeville Community Values: Report Completed by: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director Page 29 of 248 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO._________ NO PARKING RESOLUTION FOR KENYON AVENUE Resolution Approving No Parking on Kenyon Avenue WHEREAS, Kenyon Avenue is a dead-end street west of I-35 and north of Kenwood Trail in the commercial district; and WHEREAS, it has been observed that commercial semi-trucks routinely use Kenyon Avenue cul de sac as an overnight parking area; and WHEREAS, Kenyon Avenue is not intended to be used for semi-truck parking; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council No overnight parking is established on Kenyon Avenue from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. at the end of the cul-de- sac north 115'. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 2nd day of October 2023 _________________________ Luke M Hellier, Mayor _________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 30 of 248 Page 31 of 248 Date: 10/16/2023 Approve Feasibility Report and Calling a Public Hearing for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the feasibility study and calling a public hearing for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project 24-02. Overview The City Council authorized WSB to prepare a feasibility report for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project on June 20, 2023. The feasibility report has been completed. Based on the information in the Feasibility Report, the estimated cost for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project is $3,100,033. Recommended funding sources are Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Trail Improvement Fund, Stormwater Infrastructure Fund, Environmental Resources Fund, City issuance of debt which is repaid with property tax levies and special assessments benefitting the property owners (consistent with the City’s Special Assessment Policy). A neighborhood meeting was held on August 2, 2023 for the proposed reconstruction project. There was no significant opposition to the project. Multiple questions and comments were shared with City staff. The primary topics were related to: assessments, tax dollar use, individual construction impacts, stormwater basin maintenance, existing localized drainage concerns and overall project scope. A second neighborhood meeting is scheduled to be held on November 9th, 2023 at City Hall. The project is feasible, necessary and cost effective from an engineering perspective. Based on the information provided, staff recommend approving the report and setting a public hearing date. Supporting Information 1. Project Location Map FDR Areas 2. CP2402 Resolution Ordering Public Hearing 3. 24-02 Project Recon Financing 4. 24-02 Feasibility Report - FDR Financial Impact: $3,100,033 Budgeted: Yes Source: Multiple Sources Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Steve Ferraro, Public Works Coordinator Page 32 of 248 Page 33 of 248 Orchard Lake Marion Lake CEDARAVEINTERSTATE 35210TH ST W 160TH ST W 162ND ST W 185TH ST W DODD BLVD202ND ST WKENWOODTRL 215TH ST W J U N I P E R W A Y ISLETO N W AY KENRICKAVEDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\ProjectLocationFDR Date Saved: 9/28/2023¯ 1 inch = 3,600 feet 0 3,600 Feet2024 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, MN Project Location Map Project Location City Boundary Page 34 of 248 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 23-__ RESOLUTION APPROVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2024 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, on October 16, 2022, the City Council received the feasibility report for the proposed improvements of portions of Rock Ridge First/Second Addition; Wyldewood Oaks; and Raven Lake First/Second/Third Addition; St. Frances Woods 7th Addition. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers Park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition, City Project 24-02; and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. The Feasibility Report for Project 24-02 is hereby approved. 2. The council will consider the improvement of such improvements in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting and nonabutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 at an estimated cost of the improvement of $3,100,033. 3. A public hearing on such improvement is hereby called for November 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the City Hall and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 16th day of October 2023. ______________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor _________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 35 of 248 Project Financing Funding for the project was programmed in the 2023-2027 CIP. The following is a breakdown of the estimated costs. ▪ The City’s cost-share for roadway and storm sewer improvements, including storm sewer repair/replacement, will be financed from the issuance of G.O. Improvement Bonds. The City’s share of debt will be financed with taxes, which are repaid with property tax levies. ▪New stormwater quality infrastructure will be financed from the Stormwater Infrastructure Fund. ▪Public watermain improvements, including the installation of corrosion protection best management practices, will be financed from the Water Operating Fund. ▪Public sanitary sewer improvements, including infrastructure repair/replacement and inflow and infiltration best management practices, will be financed from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. ▪Public stormwater management improvements, including water quality improvements & stormwater basin maintenance, will be financed from the Environmental Resources Fund. ▪Public trail reconstruction ADA ramps associated with said trails will be financed by the Trail Improvement Fund. Anticipated Funding Sources Amount G.O. Improvement Bonds – Taxes 1,554,857 G.O. Improvement Bonds – Sp. Assessments 904,257 Water Operating Fund 165,018 Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund 91,837 Stormwater Infrastructure Fund 194,107 Stormwater Infrastructure Fund – Water Quality 114,752 Environmental Resources Fund – Stormwater Basin Maintenance 38,800 Trail Improvement Fund 36,405 $3,100,033 The adopted Lakeville 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (2023-2027) programs an estimated total project cost of $4,810,000. The Capital Improvement Plan funding also included the 2024 street rehabilitation project which is not included in the street reconstruction project costs. Page 36 of 248 178 E 9TH STREET | SUITE 200 | SAINT PAUL, MN | 55101 | 651.286.8450 | WSBENG.COM FEASIBILITY REPORT 2024 STREET RE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 20195 HOLYOKE AVE | LAKEVILLE, MN October 16, 2023 Prepared for: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 CITY PROJECT NO. 24-02 WSB PROJECT NO. 023290 Page 37 of 248 178 E 9TH STREET | SUITE 200 | SAINT PAUL, MN | 55101 | 651.286.8450 | WSBENG.COM October 16, 2023 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: C.P. 24-02 WSB Project No. R-023290-000 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report which addresses improvements associated with the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project. This feasibility report describes the necessary improvements and associated costs for this street improvement project. I am available at your convenience to discuss this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (612) 430-0986 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB Chris Bunders, PE Project Manager Attachments cc: Page 38 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Table of Content s Letter of Introduction Table of Cont ents Certification 1. Executive Summary ..................................................................................... 1 2. Introduction ................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Authorization ........................................................................................ 2 2.2 Scope .................................................................................................. 2 2.3 Data Available ....................................................................................... 3 3. Existing Conditions ..................................................................................... 4 3.1 Surface ................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Public Utilities ....................................................................................... 8 3.2 .1. Public Sanitary Sewer ...................................................................... 8 3.2 .2. Public Water Main ............................................................................ 8 3.2 .3. Public Storm Sewer .......................................................................... 9 3.2 .4. Wetlands ....................................................................................... 10 4. Proposed Improvements .............................................................................. 11 4.1 Surface ............................................................................................... 11 4.2 Public Utilities ...................................................................................... 11 4.2 .1. Public Sanitary Sewer ..................................................................... 11 4.2 .2. Public Water Main ........................................................................... 12 4.2 .3. Storm Sewer .................................................................................. 12 4.2 .4. Wetlands ....................................................................................... 14 4.2 .5. Public Street Sign Replacement ....................................................... 14 4.2 .6. Mailbox Replacement ...................................................................... 15 4.2 .7. Permits/Approvals ........................................................................... 15 4.2 .8. Construction Access/ Staging ........................................................... 15 4.2 .9. Public Involvement .......................................................................... 15 5. Financing .................................................................................................. 16 5.1 Opinion of Probable Cost .............................................................. 16 5.2 Funding .......................................................................................... 16 6. Project Schedule .................................................................................. 18 Page 39 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Table of Contents 7. Feasibility and Recommendation .................................................................. 19 Appendix A Figure 1 – Project Location Map s Figure 2 – Typical Sections Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C Assessment ID Maps Assessment Roll Appendix D Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec Appendix E Public Response Log Appendix F Stormwater Capacity Analysis Figures , Bathymetric Maps and Sediment Sampling Results Page 40 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Certification Certification Sheet I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Chris Bunders , PE _______________________________________________ Date: October 16, 2023 Lic. No. 57173 Quality Control Review Completed By: Monica Heil , PE _______________________________________________ Date: October 16, 2023 Lic. No. 47497 Page 41 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 1 1. Executive Summary The 2024 Street Re construction Project, City Project No. 24-02, w as initiated based on the City’s Pavement Management Program and is separated into two parts based on the proposed improvements. The 2024 Street Reconstruction portion will require reclaiming and paving while the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project will require milling and overlaying. The streets proposed for improvements have deteriorated to a point where reclaiming and paving rehabilitation work is needed. Streets proposed for improvements in 20 24 include roadways within the following subdivisions totaling approximately 2.7 miles: Rock Ridge First/Second Addition ; Wyldewood Oaks ;and Raven Lake First/Second /Third Addition ; St. Frances Woods 7 th Addition. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition. • Jaguar Path (Kenwood Trail to Upper 178 th Street W ) • Jarl Court (Jaguar Path to cul -de-sac ) • Jay Court (Jaguar Path to cul -de-sac) • Jaeger Path (185 th Street W to Jacquard Path ) • Jambeau Court (Jaeger Path to cul -de-sac) • Jaeger Court (Jaeger Path cul -de-sac ) • 183 rd Street W (Jamaica Path to Jaeger Path ) • Jacquard Path ( Jaeger Path to project limits) • Jacquard Court ( Jacquard Path to cul -de-sac) • Kaftan Court (Kensington Boulevard to cul -de-sac) • 201 st Street W (Italy Avenue to Ipava Avenue) • Italy Avenue (201 st Street W to project limits) • 205 th Street W (Holyoke Avenue to project limits) • 172 nd Street W (Ixonia Path to Ipswich Way) • 173 rd Street W (Ixonia Path to Ipava Avenue) • Ipswich Way (172 nd Street W to Ixonia Path) The project location map for Reclaimed Streets is included in Figure 1 of Appendix A of this report . The 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project includes roadway reclamation based on pavement ratings, current roadway conditions, and utility needs in the area, as well as the overall Capital Improvement Plan budget. Surface improvements recommended for all streets within the project include reclamation of the existing Page 42 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 2 bituminous pavement, s ubgrade correction as necessary, replacement of structurally deficient or improperly draining concrete curb and gutter , sidewalks , and trails , ADA compliant pedestrian ramp installation, and new pavement installation. Replacing portions of the City’s deteriorating utility infrastructure in conjunction with the proposed street improvements provides an opportunity to minimize the replacement costs and traffic disruptions associated with the work. Proposed utility improvem ents include the following: • Installation of corrosion protection for the existing watermain throughout a majority of the project area. • Repair or replacement of structurally deficient storm sewer manholes and installation of stormwater quality best management practices (BMPs) • Installation of additional storm sewer drainage structures and storm sewer, including drain tile in areas with poorly draining soils (drain tile services to individual properties will be evaluated in final design). • Replacement of all structurally deficient storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings, concrete adjusting rings, and installing inflow and infiltration (I&I protection ) per current City Standards. The total estimated project cost for the City of Lakeville’s 2024 Street Reconstruction Project is $3,100,033 which includes a ten percent (10%) contingency and twenty -eight percent (28%) indirect costs for legal, engineering, administrative, and financing costs. The project is proposed to be funded through various City funds and through special assessments to benefitting property owners in accordance with the City’s current assessment p olicy. 2. Introduction 2.1 Authorization On June 20th, 202 3 , the Lakeville City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering report for the 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project . This project is included in the City’s 202 3 -202 7 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and is designated as City Project No. 24-02. 2.2 Scope This report investigates the feasibility of proposed street and utility improvements identified by the City Pavement Management Program (PMP) and CIP for 2024. Streets proposed within the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project were initially considered because of existing pavement conditions. The average Overall Condition Index (OCI) value for streets within the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project area is 4 3.8 using an OCI scale of 0 to 100 (with zero representing a completely failed street section and 100 repre senting a new street section free of deficiencies). Streets with OCI values less than 40 are considered to be in failing condition. Page 43 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 3 Streets with OCI values of 40 – 60 are considered to be in weakened condition and will deteriorate more quickly based on a typical pavement performance curve. Improvements outlined within this report include street rehabilitation in the form of reclamation, including partial replacement of concrete curb and gutter and concrete sidewalk, replacement of bituminous trail, installing ADA compliant pedestrian ramps, installation of corrosion protection on select watermain facilities, sanitary sewer repairs, and storm sewer improvements. 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Lakeville Record Plans • City of Lakeville Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Storm Sewer inspection documentation • City of Lakeville Water and Natural Resources Management Plan, Barr Engineering, dated January 2019 • Dakota County Topography Maps • Topographic Survey • Field Observations of the Area and Discussions with City Staff • Resident Input from Neighborhood Meeting s • Draft Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec, dated September 21, 2023 • Utility Record Drawings Page 44 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 4 3. Existing Conditions 3.1 Surface Streets within the proposed improvement area are aging and experiencing differing severities of distress, including alligator, transverse, and longitudinal cracking. All streets within the project area are urbanized, with existing concrete curb and gutter , except for Italy Avenue . A majority of the curb and gutter is surmountable ; however, some streets have barrier style curb as indicated in Table 1 . The curb and gutter is in overall fair condition, with isolated instances of cracking, heaving, and settlem ents resulting in localized drainage issues. Most of the streets within the 202 4 Street R econstruction Project Area are designated as local residential , while Jaguar Path is designated as a minor collector . The project area contains landscaping, trees, irrigation systems, and numerous other private improvements beyond the edge of the roadway and within City right -of-way. The photos below illustrate some of the varying levels of pavement distress: Photo 1. Jaguar Path looking north towards Jannevar Court. Page 45 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 5 Photo 2. Jaeger Path looking south towards 185th Street W. Photo 3. 205th Street W looking east towards Hollins Avenue W. Concrete sidewalks and bituminous trails exist throughout the project area, including connection points with 201 st Street West, Italy Avenue, 205 th Street West and Ipswich Way . Page 46 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 6 The concrete sidewalks and bituminous trails are generally in good condition; however, the majority of the existing pedestrian ramps do not meet the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design standards, and there are isolated instances where concrete sidewalk panels have heaved, settled, or are otherwise structurally deficient. Soil borings and corings for streets within the 202 4 project area were collected in August of 2023 . Ground penetrating radar (GPR) was employed in both directions on each street to collect interpretations on pavement layer thickness between boring and coring locations. The draft geotechnical report is included in Appendix D , and the draft boring and coring logs were used to determine the feasibility of a mill and overlay or full depth reclamation . The final geotechnical report will be available with final design. The quantities included in the Opinion of Probable Cost , Appendix B , are based on the draft geotechnical report. Table 1 Below provides a summary of existing street conditions within the 20 24 Street Rehabilitation Project. Page 47 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 7 1. Information transcribed from coring data in Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec Corporation, dated September 21, 2023 . Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) interpolations are contained wtihin the report. Table 1 - 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Summary of Existing Street Conditions Street Name Right - of-Way Street Width Curb Type Sub -base (aggregate)1 Avg. Bituminous Section 1 OCI Approx. Year of Most Recent Construction Jaguar Path 66’ 36’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 6.7” 4.1” 43.4 1996 Jarl Court 50’ 26’ B618 Curb & Gutter 6.4” 6.0” 38.5 1996 Jay Court 50’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 6.0” 5.0” 39.7 1996 Jaeger Path 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 8.3” 3.75” 46.3 1999 183rd Street W 60’ 3 0 ’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 8.0” 4.3” 39.7 1999 Jacquard Path 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 7.4” 3.85” 49.9 1999 Jacquard Court 50’ 2 4 ’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter N/A 3.7” 45.0 1999 Jambeau Court 50’ 2 4 ’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 5.2” 3.9” 48.9 1999 Jaeger Court 50’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 9.8” 3.7” 49.0 1999 Kaftan Court 50’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter N/A 4.3” 47.7 2000 201st Street W 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 5.35 ” 3.5 ” 48.8 1 9 86 205th Street W 28’ 14’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 7.8” 3.5” 20.8 1991 172nd Street W 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 6.0 ” 4.9 ” 45.3 1986 173rd Street W 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 7.7 ” 4.75” 50.3 1985 Ipswich Way 60’ 28’ Standard Surmountable D412 Curb & Gutter 4.6 ” 4.6 ” 43.8 1983 Page 48 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 8 3.2 Public Utilities 3.2.1. Public Sanitary Sewer All of the existing sanitary sewer located within the 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project Area and the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project consists of 8 -inch polyvinylchloride pipe (PVC), 9 -inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP), or 42 -inch RCP. 3.2.2. Public Water Main All of the existing watermain located in the 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project Area is ductile iron pipe (DIP). The diameter of watermain pipes varies throughout the project area. Below is a list of watermain pipe size by street: 6 -inch Watermain • 172 nd Street W (Isleton Avenue to 173 rd Street W) • Jarl Court • Jambeau Court • Jaeger Court • 183 rd Street W (Jamaica Path to Jaeger Path) • Jacquard Court • Kaftan Court (20623 Kaftan Court to cul -de-sac) • 205 th Street W (Holyoke Avenue to 40’ east of Hollins Avenue) 8 -inch Watermain • Ipswich Way (Ixonia Path to 173 rd Street W) • 173 rd Street W (Ixonia Path to Ipava Avenue) • Jaguar Path (Kenwood Trail to Upper 178 th Street W) • Jay Court • Jaeger Path (185 th Street W to Jacquard Path) • Jacquard Path (Jaeger Path to project limits) • Kaftan Court (Kensignton Boulevard to 20623 Kaftan Court) • 201 st Street W (Antlers Park parking lot to Ipava Avenue) 12-inch Watermain • 201 st Street W (Italy Avenue to Antlers Park parking lot) Page 49 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 9 City maintenance records indicate a sporadic and limited watermain break history throughout the 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project area that have required typical maintenance efforts. 3.2.3. Public Storm Sewer City record drawing information indicates that public storm sewer facilities exist within the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Area . All areas within the project area are urban section with curb and gutter and storm sewer , with the exception of Italy Avenue north of 201 st Street . Stormwater runoff from the 202 4 project area is within the Vermillion River Watershed and the Black Dog Watershed. A majority of the sub watersheds within the 202 4 project area contain stormwater basins and wetlands that serve as intermediate storage areas for stormwater runoff. All runoff is discharged into the either the Vermillion River Watershed or the Black Dog Watershed. • The Vermillion River Watershed is managed by the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) • The Black Dog Watershed is managed by the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (BDWMO) Most of the storm sewer facilities within the 202 4 Street Reconstruction Project are constructed of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and appear to provide the necessary collection and conveyance capacity. However, certain sections of storm sewer do not allow for proper conveyance of the 10 -year 24 - hour design storm event. Of thes e sections, most do not result in headwater exceeding the structure rim elevations. However, some segments and locations also fail the 5 -year, 3 -year, and 1 -year 24 -hour design storm event and result in headwater exceeding the structure rim elevations. T hese locations are shown in the stormwater capacity analyis figures in Appendix F . They have been reviewed by City staff and reviewed for any input from adjacent property owners. Of the locations identified, the following are included for improvement: • Low Point along Jaguar Path north of Jarl Court • Low Point along Jacquard Parth just west of Jaeger Path • Low Point along Italy Avenue • Low Point along 172 nd Street West east of Isleton Avenue • Low Point near the cul de sac on Ipswich Way Page 50 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 10 All storm sewer structures have been inspected by City Public Works staff and repair recommendations have been incorporated into the Opinion of Probable Cost . Inspections were also made at storm sewer inlet and outlet structures within the project area and revealed that select stormwater basins will require excavation at the outlet in order to remove accumulated sediment deltas. At the August 1, 2023, Neighborhood Meeting, residents approached City staff with concerns regarding localized drainage issues within the Project. City Public Works staff also provided input based on historical issues and maintenance. Localized drainage issues were identified in the following areas: • Low point on Italy Avenue freezes and is at the same water level as Lake Marion. Resident noted that a surge basin had been previously installed and had filled in from years of sediment discharge. 3.2.4. Wetlands Wetlands exist within the project area, specifically, adjacent to the Raven Lake Conservation area (adjacent to Jaguar Path and Jay Court ). There are also wetlands adjacent to Jaeger Court. South Creek runs directly under 205th Street West within the project area and is a DNR public waterway . The work on Italy Avenue and 201 st Street outlets to DNR public water Lake Marion adjacent to the roadways. Page 51 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 11 4. Proposed Improvements 4.1 Surface Surface improvements recommended with the 202 4 Street Re construction Project Area are intended to extend the life of the existing roadway systems, improve isolated drainage issues, and improve the ride quality of roadways. Surface improvements include the full depth reclamation of all roadways. Reclamation is the process by which the existing roadway surface is pulverized and mixed with existing aggregate base below and reused as aggregate roadway base for the new street section. Street grades will closely match the existing grades so as to minim ize construction impacts to adjacent properties. Minor adjustments to select roadway vertical profiles are proposed to improve drainage conditions. A significant portion of the existi ng curb and gutter within the project is in structurally adequate condition, so only partial curb and gutter replacement is proposed as a part of the project. The local residential and minor collector streets within the project area will be reclaimed and reconstructed in accordance with the recommendations provided in the geotechnical report. Appendix A illustrates the proposed residential and minor collector roadway sections, which in general, consist of a new pavement layer of varying thickness over the existing bituminous road section or consist of 2 inches of bituminous wearing course, 2 inches of bituminous base course, and a minimum of 6 inches of reclaimed aggregate base over 12 in ches of acceptable compacted subgrade . Certain areas have been identified by the geotechnical report as candidates for full depth reclamation due to the cracking, stripping, and additional distresses evident in the bituminous cores and upon visual inspection of the pavement surface. These include Jaguar Path, Jarl Court, Jay Court, Jaeger Path, 183rd Street W, Jacquard Path, Jacquard Court, Jambeau Court, Jaeger Court, Kaftan Court, 201st Street W, Italy Avenue, Ipswich Way, 172nd Street W, and 173rd Street W between Ixonia Path and Ipava Avenue, and 205th Street W. The crown for each street within the project area will be reviewed, and any with less than two percent grade towards the gutterline will be corrected. As part of the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project 202 4 , all City owned and maintained pedestrian curb ramps with the project area that do not meet current ADA accessibility design standards will be reconstructed. Additionally, spot replacement of structurally deficient concrete sidewalk and bituminous pathway s is proposed. 4.2 Public Utilities 4.2.1 Public Sanitary Sewer The City’s Public Works Department has televised the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer video inspection revealed that the existing sewer pipe is in relatively good condition and will not require full replacement. Page 52 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 12 Sanitary sewer manholes within the project are identified as needing new adjustment rings and/or castings will be repaired as a part of this project. Some existing structures have been identified as not having enough adjustment rings and will require recon figuration. Additionally, all sanitary sewer manholes within the street reconstruction area will receive external chimney seals as a part of the project to reduce the potential for inflow and infiltration issues and reduce the frequency of maintenance requ ests. 4.2.2 Public Water Main It is proposed that in conjunction with the street improvements, the service life of the existing of select watermain systems be extended by installing corrosion protection on select areas. This work is primarily proposed on water systems installed in the early 1990’s, which only includes a portion of the project area. Corrosion protection will directly connect the iron watermain pipe to a more easily corrodible material, or “sacrificial anode”, which corrodes first instead of the iron watermain thus reduci ng the potential for watermain breaks for buried iron pipes. This effort will extend the service life of the existing watermain without replacing the entire watermain system. Corrosion protection has been shown to extend the service life of the watermain a t a lower cost than pipe repairs or main replacements. In addition to the installation of corrosion protection along the watermain within the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project area, all bolts at existing hydrants and watermain valves within the select are as will be replaced with stainless steel bolts, which are more resistant to the corrosive nature of the underlying soils. Corrosion protection and bolt replacement is not needed in the Wyldewood Oaks neighborhood, Raven Lake 2 nd Addition, and Kaftan Court as identified by City Staff, since the watermain in those areas was installed in 1995 or later and has no break history. The City’s maintenance records show dispersed and limited watermain breaks and maintenance issues and therefor no watermain replacement is proposed with the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project. 4.2.3 Storm Sewer Reconstruction of the streets provides a timely opportunity to improve drainage conditions and increase the longevity of the streets within the project area by repairing existing and installing additional storm sewer facilities. City staff completed an inspection of the storm sewer system in the fall of 202 3 and provided recommendations for repairs and replacement including castings, adjustment rings, and structure replacement, as well as replacement of failing or deteriorating reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Structures identified as needing rehabilitation will undergo necessa ry interior concrete/grout invert and doghouse replacement. Those structures identified as having existing sumps, but are not the last accessible structure in the street, will have their sumps filled with grout. Page 53 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 13 Sections of storm sewer that have been identified in Section 3.2 .3 as not meeting capacity are proposed to be upsized such that headwater no longer surcharges above the upstream structure rim elevation. Additional catch basins are also proposed at the locations identified in the capacity figures in order to increase the inlet capacity and reduce localized flooding. Costs for this work are included in the O pinion of Probable C ost . Any new storm sewer or pipes that are upsized or structure replaced due to u psizing of pipes or if the structure needs to be upsized itself, shall be funded by the stormwater infrastructure fund and shall not be assessed. It is the City’s practice to have storm sewer castings meeting current City Standards installed on all catch basins within the project area, and therefore, structure top slabs or entire structures will be replaced to accommodate the transition. Existing inlets and outlets of storm sewer runs within the project area that were identified as needing improvements such as repair, replacement, tree removal, and/or delta excavation will be improved with the project. Italy Avenue Low Point As noted in Section 3.2 .3, the low point along Italy Avenue holds water seasonally and freezes on occasion. The storm sewer at the low point is shallow and is at approximately the same elevation of the nearby Lake Marion. The low point is approximately 70 feet from the corner of 205 th Street West and Italy Avenue, where the storm sewer outlets to Lake Marion. It is proposed that the roadway profile be modified to shift the low point towards the corner to shorten the pipe length needed to outlet the low point and to shift the low point further away from adjacent driveways. Additionally, i n order to keep the pipes as shallow and above lake level as possible rather than placing catch basins at the low point , slotted drain pipes are proposed within the gutter on both sides of the roadway with a trench drain crossing the roadway to connect the slotted drain pipes. A 1 5 ” pipe is proposed to drain from the pipe drain on the west side of the road and outlet to Lake Marion as it does under existing condition.Type B curb is recommended along Italy Avenue north of the low point to keep drainage withi n the roadway. On both side of Italy Avenue at the driveways curb would transition from full back B curb to B curb knocked down to a 3” back of curb height . This w ill keep water in the gutter rather than draining west down the driveways. Additionally, it was noted during the neighborhood meeting that there used to be a surge basin which had filled over the years due to sediment accumulation. A riprap plunge pool/surge basin shall be reinstalled at the outfall location from 201 st and Italy Avenue to provide pretreatment and energy dissipation prior to discharging to Lake Marion. Water Quality Improvements As part of the feasibility report, the project area was analyzed to determine if there were any opporutunities to provide additional water quality treatment at Page 54 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 14 exisitng outfalls . As mentioned previously, the majority of the project area discharges to exisitng stormwater ponds or wetlands where water quality treatment occurs. However, there is an exisitng 48” outfall located near the intersection of 205 th Street West and Hollins Ave that currently discharges to South Creek without treatment . While South Creek at the outfall is not listed as impaired, further downstream South Creek has been classified as imparied for dissolved oxygen and sediments making this a good location for a water quality structure. A diversion structure to a V2B1 water qualtiy structure is recommended at the existing 48” outfall. Due to the layout fo the existing watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer around the intersection , the size of the proposed V2B1 water quality structure is recommended t o be limited to a 4 -foot and 5 -foot structur e and would treat roughly the first 0.25 inches of rainfall off of the 60 acre drainage area. The availability of land, treatment efficiency and potential conflicts with private ut i lites of the proposed water quality structure will all be evaluated during final design of the project. Costs associated with water quality improvements are included in the OPC in Appendix B . In addition to water quality structure implementation, one storwmater pond (Basin 2018NW001 ) w as surveyed to identify any accumulated sediment that should be removed as part of the project. WSB has completed a bathymetric survey and sediment sampling for the pond to determine the MPCA Management Level of the accumulated sediment . R esults of this sediment sampling and a bathymetric figure for the pond can be found in Appendix F. Level 1 and Level 2 sediments were found in the pond . Utilizing the Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP) currently being finalized for the City and the bathymetric survey , a full pond dredging project is recommended for Basin 2018NW001. Taking into account the water quality benefit and constructibility constraints it is recommended approixmately 880 CY of accumulated sediment (440 CY of Level 1 sediment and 440 CY of Level 2 sediment) be removed within Basin 2018NW001 to achieve a managed depth of 3 feet. 4.2.4 Wetlands Wetlands are not anticipated to be impacted by the proposed improvement project. However, if they are, its anticipated that the impacts will result in a no-loss decision by the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Local Governing Unit (LGU). 4.2.5 Public Street Sign Replacement E xisting street signs within the project will not need to be replaced unless it is due to utility work , in which case they will be salvaged and reinstalled . Page 55 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 15 4.2.6 Mailbox Replacement It is the City’s intent to salvage and reinstall all existing mailboxes and mailbox supports that may be impacted with construction. In the event the condition of the existing mailbox support warrants replacement prior to reinstallation, the City is propos ing to salvage the existing mailbox and install a new mailbox support that will meet both City Standards and United States Postal Service (USPS) requirements. 4.2.7 Permits/Approvals An NPDES permit for construction activity will be required if more than one (1) acre will be disturbed by construction activities within the project, which will be determined in final design of the project. A Dakota County Work in Right -of-Way user registration will be required for the contractor for any county roads (i.e. CR 9, CSAH 50, CSAH 6 0, etc.) that may be used as a haul route for the project. Work in Right -of-Way permits will be also required for construction within Dakota County Right -of-Way. 4.2.8 Construction Access/ Staging The contractor will be responsible for providing access to all properties throughout the project. Adequately signed detours will be identified to direct traffic around the construction zones and notify users of the increased truck and construction activity. Construction will be phased such that construction truck traffic will not need to access newly reconstructed streets to complete the project. Detailed construction phasing plans will be developed with final design of the project. 4.2.9 Public Involvement A neighborhood meeting conducted in presentation and open house format was held on August 1, 2023 for anticiptaed Assessed Parcels. City and WSB staff attended and provided property owners with information regarding the proposed improvements, funding, schedule, and impacts associated with the project. The meeting was held to update the property owners on the status of the project, and to solicit comments from them regarding any issue s or concerns they have relating to the public infrastructure. Invitations to the neighborhood meeting were sent to all property owners within the pro ject area. Comments cards were made available attendees at the meeting, and an online comment submittal form is provided on the project website for property owners to submit comments electronically. Comments received are provided in Appendix E. Page 56 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 16 5. Financing 5.1 Opinion of Probable Cost A detailed opinion of probable cost for the project area can be found in the Appendix B of this report. The opinion of cost incorporates estimated 2024 construction costs and includes a ten percent (10%) contingency factor. Indirect costs are projected at twenty -eight percent (28%) of the construction cost and include engineering, legal, financing, and administrative costs. Table 2 below provides a summary of the opinion of probable cost for the 202 4 Street R econstruction Project: 5.2 Funding Financing for the street, storm sewer, watermain, and sanitary sewer improvements within the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project will come from Special Assessments, City CIP Funds, Trail Improvement Fund, Environmental Resources Fund, Stormwater Infrastructure Fund, Water Operating Fund, and Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. Special Assessments benefitting properties are proposed to f und forty percent (40%) of the roadway street and storm sewer improvements identified to be reconstructed with the project, with the remaining sixty percent (60%) funded using city funds. Assessments for this project were calculated in accordance with the City’s Assessment Policy dated Septemeber 20, 2021 . In general, those properties zoned residential were assessed on a per parcel (unit) basis . Along minor collectors, the Single -Family Unit Rate s hall be prorated to reflect the City’s typical 32 foot street section. As a part of the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project the improvements on Italy Avenue include urbanizing Italy Avenue from the corner of 201 st Street north to the end of the Italy Avenue. This new proposed curb and gutter will be assessed at one hundred percent (100%) per the City’s Assessment Policy. Table 2 – 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Opinion of Probable Cost Summary Schedule Amount Street Improvements $2,2 42,941 Storm Sewer Improvements $485,486 Watermain Improvements $16 5 ,018 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $91,83 7 Water Quality Improvements $114,752 TOTAL $3 ,1 00,033 Page 57 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 17 Table 3 below provides the funding level anticipated through the levy of Special Assessments to benefitting property owners for the street and storm improvements is $9 04,257 . Table 4 below provides a funding summary for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project. The 2024 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 24 -02, was separated into two parts based on the proposed improvements. The 2024 Street Reconstruction portion total cost is $3,1 00,033 while the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project total cost is $2,017 ,171 . Combined the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 24 -02 overall cost will be $5,117 ,204 . Table 3 – 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Special Assessments Funding Level Amount Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaguar Neighborhood $5,429 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaeger Neighborhood $5,375 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Kaftan Neighborhood $5,579 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 201 st Neighborhood $4,479 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Italy Neighborhood $5,494 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 205 th Neighborhood $4,413 per unit Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Ipswich Neighborhood $2,541 per unit Table 4 – 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Funding Summary Funding Source Amount Street and Storm Sewer Assessments (Effective rate 3 3.1 %) $904,257 City CIP Funds – Street /Storm $1 ,554 ,857 City Water Operating Fund $16 5,018 City Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund $91,83 7 City Storm Water Infrastructure Fund $194,107 City Storm Water Infrastructure Fund (Water Quality Manholes) $114,752 Environmental Resources Fund $38,800 Trail Improvement Fund $36,405 TOTAL $3,100,033 Page 58 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 18 6. Project Schedule The proposed schedule for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project is as follows: *Schedule assumes any necessary private utility work is completed prior to the start of construction. Task Number Task Description Completion Date 1 Present Feasibility Report and Set Public Hearing October 16, 2023 2 Neighborhood Meeting Early November 3 Public Hearing Novemeber 20, 2023 4 City Council Approves Plans and Specifications January 16, 2024 5 Open Bids February 20, 2024 6 Neighborhood Meeting Late March 7 Award Contract and Assessment Hearing April 1, 2024 8 Begin Construction April/ May 202 4 9 Substantial Completion October 202 4 10 Final Completion November 202 4 Page 59 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Page 19 7. Feasibility and Recommendation The 2024 Street Reconstruction Project includes full depth reclamation, watermain improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, storm sewer Street Rehabilitation Project improvements, pedestrian ramp installation, trail improvements and partial repair and repalcement of structurally deficient concrete sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter. The total estimated cost for the 2024 Street Reconstruction Project including roadway, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and watermain improvements is $3 ,100,0 33. Proposed funding for the project is provided through City Funds and Special Assessments. Construction costs are based on anticipated construction costs for 2024. This project is feasible, necessary, cost -effective from an engineering standpoint. The project feasibility is subject to financial review by the City. Based on information contained in this report, it is recommended to proceed with the improvements as outlined in this report. Page 60 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix A Figure 1 – Project Location Maps Figure 2 – Typical Sections Page 61 of 248 Orchard Lake Marion Lake CEDARAVEINTERSTATE 35210TH ST W 160TH ST W 162ND ST W 185TH ST W DODD BLVD202ND ST WKENWOODTRL 215TH ST W J U N I P E R W A Y ISLETO N W AY KENRICKAVEDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\ProjectLocationFDR Date Saved: 9/28/2023¯ 1 inch = 3,600 feet 0 3,600 Feet2024 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, MN Project Location Map Project Location City Boundary Page 62 of 248 2.0" MILL / 2.0" TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C) (SPWEA340C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT ON MILLED SURFACE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING AGGREGATE BASE EXISTING SUBGRADE INSET A MILL AND OVERLAY SECTION 30' 14'14' DRIVE LANE DRIVE LANE ℄ INSET B 3.0%3.0% URBAN RESIDENTIAL - FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION 205TH STREET W, 201ST STREET W, ITALY AVENUE, IPSWICH WAY, 172ND STREET W, 173RD STREET W, KAFTAN COURT, JARL COURT, JAY COURT, JAEGER PATH, JACQUARD PATH, 183RD STREET W, JAMBEAU COURT, JAEGER COURT, JACQUARD COURT (N.T.S.) 30' EXISTING/NEW PAVEMENT SURFACE 1:4 MA X 1:4 MAX 1:4 MAX 1:4 MA X R/WR/W EX. D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (PARTIAL REPLACEMENT) EX. D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (PARTIAL REPLACEMENT) 33' 18'18' DRIVE LANE DRIVE LANE ℄ INSET B URBAN MINOR COLLECTOR - FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION JAGUAR PATH (N.T.S.) 33' EXISTING/NEW PAVEMENT SURFACE 1:4 MA X 1:4 MAX R/WR/W EX. D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (PARTIAL REPLACEMENT) EX. D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (PARTIAL REPLACEMENT) 1:4 MAX 1:4 MA X FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION (APPROX. 10") 2.0" TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C) (SPWEA340C) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 2.0" TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C) (SPNWA340C) CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE OR SUITABLE RECLAIM MATERIAL EXISTING SUBGRADE INSET B FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION WITH NEW PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY & APRON SECTION (CITY STD. PLATE NO. LV-ST-3 & LV-ST-4) APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) 1.5" TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,B) (SPWEA240B) 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 1.5" TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,B) (SPWEA240B) DETAIL BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY SECTION 6" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MODIFIED (100% CRUSHED LIMESTONE; INCIDENTAL) APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) 7" CONCRETE (MNDOT 3F52) 6" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MODIFIED (100% CRUSHED LIMESTONE; INCIDENTAL) 5" CONCRETE (MNDOT 3F52) 4" SELECT GRANULAR (INCIDENTAL) DETAIL CONCRETE WALK (CITY STD. PLATE NO. LV-ST-15) APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) CONCRETE WALK SHALL BE 6" THICK WITHIN PEDESTRIAN RAMP LIMITS 3" TYPE SP 9.5 SPWEA240B WEAR COURSE 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE (100% CRUSHED LIMESTONE; INCIDENTAL) DETAIL BITUMINOUS TRAIL (CITY STD. PLATE NO. LV-ST-10) APPROVED SUBGRADE (INCIDENTAL) 3.0%3.0% R/W 1 ########RJS CJBRJS TYPICAL SECTION SCALE: PLAN BY: DESIGN BY: CHECK BY: SHEET OF WSB PROJECT NO.REVISIONSNO.DATEDESCRIPTIONCLIENT PROJECT NO.2024 STREET RECONSTRUCT PROJECTCITY OF LAKEVILLE, MN023290-000 24-02 1Page 63 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Page 64 of 248 WSB Project:2024 Street Improvement Project FDR Design By:ATS Project Location:City of Lakeville Checked By:CJB City Project No.:02-24,02-24A WSB Project No:023290-000 Date:10/11/2023 Item No. MnDOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 22,200.00$ 22,200.00$ 2 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 3 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 4 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 3 125.00$ 375.00$ 5 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 72 6.00$ 432.00$ 6 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 194 4.00$ 776.00$ 7 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 1970 6.00$ 11,820.00$ 8 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 80 14.00$ 1,120.00$ 9 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 128 10.00$ 1,280.00$ 10 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 11 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 230 35.00$ 8,050.00$ 12 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 13 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING CY 230 40.00$ 9,200.00$ 14 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 39 30.00$ 1,170.00$ 15 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 4 160.00$ 640.00$ 16 2130.523 WATER MGAL 3 75.00$ 225.00$ 17 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 13770 4.00$ 55,080.00$ 18 2232.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 37 15.00$ 555.00$ 19 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 7680 1.20$ 9,216.00$ 20 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 128 45.00$ 5,760.00$ 21 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 1556 75.00$ 116,700.00$ 22 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 1556 75.00$ 116,700.00$ 23 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 24 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 138 1.00$ 138.00$ 25 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL L F 1700 25.00$ 42,500.00$ 26 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L F 270 25.00$ 6,750.00$ 27 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 80 100.00$ 8,000.00$ 28 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 3 150.00$ 450.00$ 29 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 28 200.00$ 5,600.00$ 30 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 31 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 32 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 18 175.00$ 3,150.00$ 33 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 671 1.00$ 671.00$ 34 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 1341 11.00$ 14,751.00$ 35 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PAINT L F 3910 0.50$ 1,955.00$ 36 2582.503 4" DBLE SOLID LINE PAINT L F 2194 0.75$ 1,645.50$ 37 2582.518 PAVT MSSG PAINT S F 30 6.00$ 180.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 464,489.50$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)46,448.95$ SUBTOTAL 510,938.45$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)143,062.77$ TOTAL 654,001.22$ 38 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 17,900.00$ 17,900.00$ 39 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 40 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 41 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 5 125.00$ 625.00$ 42 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 99 6.00$ 594.00$ 43 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 256 4.00$ 1,024.00$ 44 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 1410 6.00$ 8,460.00$ 45 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 104 14.00$ 1,456.00$ 46 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 192 10.00$ 1,920.00$ 47 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 48 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 179 35.00$ 6,265.00$ 49 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 50 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING TON 63 35.00$ 2,205.00$ 51 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 35 30.00$ 1,050.00$ 52 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 4 160.00$ 640.00$ 53 2130.523 WATER MGAL 3 75.00$ 225.00$ 54 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 10693 4.00$ 42,772.00$ 55 2232.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 25 15.00$ 375.00$ 56 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 6874 1.20$ 8,248.80$ 57 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 192 45.00$ 8,640.00$ 58 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 1209 75.00$ 90,675.00$ 59 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 1209 75.00$ 90,675.00$ 60 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 61 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 107 1.00$ 107.00$ 62 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL L F 1410 25.00$ 35,250.00$ 63 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 104 100.00$ 10,400.00$ 64 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 5 150.00$ 750.00$ 65 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 43 200.00$ 8,600.00$ 66 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 67 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 68 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 22 175.00$ 3,850.00$ 69 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 625 1.00$ 625.00$ 70 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 1249 11.00$ 13,739.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 374,470.80$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)37,447.08$ SUBTOTAL 411,917.88$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)115,337.01$ TOTAL 527,254.89$ B. Street Improvements - Jaeger Path Area A. Street Improvements - Jaguar Path Area OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Page 65 of 248 71 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 11,700.00$ 11,700.00$ 72 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 73 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 74 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2 125.00$ 250.00$ 75 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 66 6.00$ 396.00$ 76 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 29 4.00$ 116.00$ 77 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 370 6.00$ 2,220.00$ 78 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 56 14.00$ 784.00$ 79 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 32 10.00$ 320.00$ 80 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SY 561 6.00$ 3,366.00$ 81 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK S F 210 2.50$ 525.00$ 82 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 83 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 66 35.00$ 2,310.00$ 84 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 85 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING TON 23 35.00$ 805.00$ 86 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 13 30.00$ 390.00$ 87 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 3.5 160.00$ 560.00$ 88 2130.523 WATER MGAL 2.5 75.00$ 187.50$ 89 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 3927 4.00$ 15,708.00$ 90 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 2764 1.20$ 3,316.80$ 91 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK - TRAIL S Y 562 45.00$ 25,290.00$ 92 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 56 45.00$ 2,520.00$ 93 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 444 75.00$ 33,300.00$ 94 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 444 75.00$ 33,300.00$ 95 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 96 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 40 1.00$ 40.00$ 97 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK - TRAIL S F 210 12.00$ 2,520.00$ 98 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK S F 210 12.00$ 2,520.00$ 99 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 - ASSESSED L F 744 15.00$ 11,160.00$ 100 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L F 1780 25.00$ 44,500.00$ 101 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 56 100.00$ 5,600.00$ 102 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES - TRAIL S F 28 60.00$ 1,680.00$ 103 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S F 28 60.00$ 1,680.00$ 104 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2 150.00$ 300.00$ 105 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 12 200.00$ 2,400.00$ 106 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 107 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 108 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 6 175.00$ 1,050.00$ 109 2573.502 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FI BER LF 1262 3.00$ 3,786.00$ 110 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 548 1.00$ 548.00$ 111 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 1096 11.00$ 12,056.00$ 112 2582.518 CROSSWALK PAINT S F 90 4.00$ 360.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 244,964.30$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)24,496.43$ SUBTOTAL 269,460.73$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)75,449.00$ TOTAL 344,909.73$ 113 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 4,800.00$ 4,800.00$ 114 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 115 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 116 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 1 125.00$ 125.00$ 117 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 25 6.00$ 150.00$ 118 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 234 4.00$ 936.00$ 119 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 300 6.00$ 1,800.00$ 120 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 16 14.00$ 224.00$ 121 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 32 10.00$ 320.00$ 122 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SY 34 6.00$ 204.00$ 123 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SY 35 2.50$ 87.50$ 124 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 125 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 34 35.00$ 1,190.00$ 126 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 127 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING TON 12 35.00$ 420.00$ 128 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 12 30.00$ 360.00$ 129 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 4 160.00$ 640.00$ 130 2130.523 WATER MGAL 3 75.00$ 225.00$ 131 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 2036 4.00$ 8,144.00$ 132 2232.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 46 15.00$ 690.00$ 133 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 1300 1.20$ 1,560.00$ 134 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 32 45.00$ 1,440.00$ 135 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 230 75.00$ 17,250.00$ 136 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 230 75.00$ 17,250.00$ 137 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 138 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 21 1.00$ 21.00$ 139 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK S F 315 12.00$ 3,780.00$ 140 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL L F 300 25.00$ 7,500.00$ 141 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 16 100.00$ 1,600.00$ 142 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S F 42 60.00$ 2,520.00$ 143 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 1 150.00$ 150.00$ 144 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 5 200.00$ 1,000.00$ 145 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 146 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 147 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 5 175.00$ 875.00$ 148 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 316 1.00$ 316.00$ 149 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 632 11.00$ 6,952.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 99,929.50$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)9,992.95$ SUBTOTAL 109,922.45$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)30,778.29$ TOTAL 140,700.74$ D. Street Improvements - 205th Street W Area C. Street Improvements - Italy Avenue Area Page 66 of 248 150 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 151 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 152 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 0.04 5,000.00$ 200.00$ 153 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2 125.00$ 250.00$ 154 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 15 6.00$ 90.00$ 155 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 142 4.00$ 568.00$ 156 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 500 6.00$ 3,000.00$ 157 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 16 14.00$ 224.00$ 158 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 80 10.00$ 800.00$ 159 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SY 24 6.00$ 144.00$ 160 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK S F 210 2.50$ 525.00$ 161 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 162 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 31 35.00$ 1,085.00$ 163 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 164 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING TON 11 35.00$ 385.00$ 165 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 6 30.00$ 180.00$ 166 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 4 160.00$ 640.00$ 167 2130.523 WATER MGAL 3 75.00$ 225.00$ 168 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 1808 4.00$ 7,232.00$ 169 2232.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 16 15.00$ 240.00$ 170 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 1162 1.20$ 1,394.40$ 171 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 83 45.00$ 3,735.00$ 172 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 205 75.00$ 15,375.00$ 173 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 205 75.00$ 15,375.00$ 174 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 175 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 19 1.00$ 19.00$ 176 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK S F 210 12.00$ 2,520.00$ 177 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL L F 500 25.00$ 12,500.00$ 178 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 16 100.00$ 1,600.00$ 179 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S F 28 60.00$ 1,680.00$ 180 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2 150.00$ 300.00$ 181 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 12 200.00$ 2,400.00$ 182 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 183 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 184 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 7 175.00$ 1,225.00$ 185 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 372 1.00$ 372.00$ 186 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 743 11.00$ 8,173.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 104,656.40$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)10,465.64$ SUBTOTAL 115,122.04$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)32,234.17$ TOTAL 147,356.21$ 187 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 14,500.00$ 14,500.00$ 188 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 1.04 5,000.00$ 5,200.00$ 189 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 1.04 5,000.00$ 5,200.00$ 190 2104.502 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 8 125.00$ 1,000.00$ 191 2104.503 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 154 6.00$ 924.00$ 192 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)L F 512 4.00$ 2,048.00$ 193 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 2300 6.00$ 13,800.00$ 194 2104.504 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 160 14.00$ 2,240.00$ 195 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 400 10.00$ 4,000.00$ 196 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SY 127 6.00$ 762.00$ 197 2104.518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK S F 210 2.50$ 525.00$ 198 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 199 2105.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C Y 199 35.00$ 6,965.00$ 200 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 100 35.00$ 3,500.00$ 201 2451.507 GRANULAR BEDDING TON 70 35.00$ 2,450.00$ 202 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 39 30.00$ 1,170.00$ 203 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 4 160.00$ 640.00$ 204 2130.523 WATER MGAL 3 75.00$ 225.00$ 205 2215.504 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION S Y 11935 4.00$ 47,740.00$ 206 2232.604 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)S Y 34 15.00$ 510.00$ 207 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE L F 7672 1.20$ 9,206.40$ 208 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK - TRAIL S Y 107 45.00$ 4,815.00$ 209 2360.504 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX(2,B)3.0" THICK S Y 530 45.00$ 23,850.00$ 210 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 150 75.00$ 11,250.00$ 211 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3;C)TON 150 75.00$ 11,250.00$ 212 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 5 600.00$ 3,000.00$ 213 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 5 S Y 120 1.00$ 120.00$ 214 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK - TRAIL S F 105 12.00$ 1,260.00$ 215 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK S F 420 12.00$ 5,040.00$ 216 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL L F 2300 25.00$ 57,500.00$ 217 2531.504 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S Y 160 100.00$ 16,000.00$ 218 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES - TRAIL S F 14 60.00$ 840.00$ 219 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S F 56 60.00$ 3,360.00$ 220 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 8 150.00$ 1,200.00$ 221 2540.602 TEMPORARY MAIL BOX EACH 72 200.00$ 14,400.00$ 222 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 223 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 224 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 16 175.00$ 2,800.00$ 225 2575.604 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION S Y 639 1.00$ 639.00$ 226 2575.604 PERMANENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT S Y 1278 11.00$ 14,058.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 304,487.40$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (0%)30,448.74$ SUBTOTAL 334,936.14$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (0%)93,782.12$ TOTAL 428,718.26$ E. Street Improvements - Kaftan Court Area F. Street Improvements - Ipswich and 173rd Page 67 of 248 227 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 4,100.00$ 4,100.00$ 228 2104.502 REMOVE CASTING EACH 13 250.00$ 3,250.00$ 229 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 8 110.00$ 880.00$ 229 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER - ASSESSED EACH 3 2,500.00$ 7,500.00$ 230 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 231 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 13 975.00$ 12,675.00$ 232 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 20 550.00$ 11,000.00$ 233 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 L F 12 900.00$ 10,890.00$ 234 2506.602 GROUT CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE EACH 15 550.00$ 8,250.00$ 235 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3') - ASSESSED EACH 2 2,200.00$ 4,400.00$ 236 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3')EACH 1 2,200.00$ 2,200.00$ 236 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 2 300.00$ 600.00$ 237 2506.602 6" TOP SLAB FOR 48-4020 STRUCTURE EACH 4 2,300.00$ 9,200.00$ 238 2506.602 FILL STRUCTURE SUMP EACH 9 650.00$ 5,850.00$ 239 2506.602 REMOVE TRASH GUARD EACH 6 300.00$ 1,800.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 85,095.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)8,509.50$ SUBTOTAL 93,604.50$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)26,209.26$ TOTAL 119,813.76$ 240 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1,900.00$ 1,900.00$ 241 2106.601 DEWATERING LS 1 8,000.00$ 8,000.00$ 241 2106.607 EXCAVATION - CHANNEL AND POND (LV)CY 440 35.00$ 15,400.00$ 242 2106.607 EXCAVATION - CHANNEL AND POND (LV) (SPECIAL)CY 440 35.00$ 15,400.00$ 243 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 8 110.00$ 880.00$ 244 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1 800.00$ 800.00$ 245 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 28 550.00$ 15,400.00$ 246 2506.602 GROUT CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE EACH 16 550.00$ 8,800.00$ 247 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3')EACH 1 2,200.00$ 2,200.00$ 248 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 7 300.00$ 2,100.00$ 249 2506.602 FILL STRUCTURE SUMP EACH 11 650.00$ 7,150.00$ 250 2506.602 REMOVE TRASH GUARD EACH 2 300.00$ 600.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 78,630.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)7,863.00$ SUBTOTAL 86,493.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)24,218.04$ TOTAL 110,711.04$ 251 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 2,800.00$ 2,800.00$ 252 2503.503 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ 253 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 45 110.00$ 4,950.00$ 254 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 4 800.00$ 3,200.00$ 255 2503.602 12" CS SLOTTED DRAIN LF 40 400.00$ 16,000.00$ 256 2503.602 TRENCH DRAIN LF 28 325.00$ 9,100.00$ 257 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 10 550.00$ 5,500.00$ 258 2506.602 GROUT CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE EACH 5 550.00$ 2,750.00$ 259 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3')EACH 2 2,200.00$ 4,400.00$ 260 2506.602 6" TOP SLAB FOR 48-4020 STRUCTURE EACH 3 2,300.00$ 6,900.00$ 261 2506.602 FILL STRUCTURE SUMP EACH 4 650.00$ 2,600.00$ 262 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III (FIELDSTONE)CY 20 105.00$ 2,100.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 63,800.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)6,380.00$ SUBTOTAL 70,180.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)19,650.40$ TOTAL 89,830.40$ 263 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 300.00$ 300.00$ 264 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 30 130.00$ 3,900.00$ 264 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 4 800.00$ 3,200.00$ 264 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 9 550.00$ 4,950.00$ 265 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 2 300.00$ 600.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 12,950.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)1,295.00$ SUBTOTAL 14,245.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)3,988.60$ TOTAL 18,233.60$ 266 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 400.00$ 400.00$ 267 2502.503 6" PERF TP PIPE DRAIN L F 600 35.00$ 21,000.00$ 268 2502.602 6" TP PIPE DRAIN CLEAN OUT EACH 2 250.00$ 500.00$ 269 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 64 110.00$ 7,040.00$ 269 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 4 800.00$ 3,200.00$ 269 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 2 550.00$ 1,100.00$ 270 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3')EACH 2 2,200.00$ 4,400.00$ 270 2506.602 FILL STRUCTURE SUMP EACH 2 650.00$ 1,300.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 38,940.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)3,894.00$ SUBTOTAL 42,834.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)11,993.52$ TOTAL 54,827.52$ J. Storm Sewer Improvements - 205th Street W Area K. Storm Sewer Improvements - Kaftan Court Area I. Storm Sewer Improvements - Italy Avenue Area G. Storm Sewer Improvements - Jaguar Path Area H. Storm Sewer Improvements - Jaeger Path Area Page 68 of 248 271 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 2,400.00$ 2,400.00$ 272 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 16 110.00$ 1,760.00$ 273 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 55 110.00$ 6,050.00$ 273 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 70 130.00$ 9,100.00$ 272 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER - ASSESSED EACH 4 800.00$ 3,200.00$ 273 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 5 800.00$ 4,000.00$ 273 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 14 550.00$ 7,700.00$ 274 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 L F 13 900.00$ 11,880.00$ 275 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 72-4020 L F 6 1,200.00$ 7,200.00$ 275 2506.602 GROUT CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE EACH 14 550.00$ 7,700.00$ 275 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC (2'X3')EACH 2 2,200.00$ 4,400.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 65,390.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)6,539.00$ SUBTOTAL 71,929.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)20,140.12$ TOTAL 92,069.12$ 276 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 800.00$ 800.00$ 277 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 17 700.00$ 11,900.00$ 278 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 17 175.00$ 2,975.00$ 279 2506.602 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY)EACH 1 550.00$ 550.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 16,225.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)1,622.50$ SUBTOTAL 17,847.50$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)4,997.30$ TOTAL 22,844.80$ 280 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1,200.00$ 1,200.00$ 280 2503.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE L F 2 800.00$ 1,600.00$ 281 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 21 700.00$ 14,700.00$ 282 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 21 175.00$ 3,675.00$ 283 2506.602 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY)EACH 4 550.00$ 2,200.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 23,375.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)2,337.50$ SUBTOTAL 25,712.50$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)7,199.50$ TOTAL 32,912.00$ 284 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 400.00$ 400.00$ 284 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 7 700.00$ 4,900.00$ 285 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 7 175.00$ 1,225.00$ 286 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY)EACH 1 1,300.00$ 1,300.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 7,825.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)782.50$ SUBTOTAL 8,607.50$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)2,410.10$ TOTAL 11,017.60$ 287 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 200.00$ 200.00$ 288 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 4 700.00$ 2,800.00$ 289 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 4 175.00$ 700.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 3,700.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)370.00$ SUBTOTAL 4,070.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)1,139.60$ TOTAL 5,209.60$ 290 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 200.00$ 200.00$ 291 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 4 700.00$ 2,800.00$ 292 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 4 175.00$ 700.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 3,700.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)370.00$ SUBTOTAL 4,070.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)1,139.60$ TOTAL 5,209.60$ 293 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 500.00$ 500.00$ 294 2503.503 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE L F 1 800.00$ 800.00$ 295 2506.502 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 13 700.00$ 9,100.00$ 296 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 13 175.00$ 2,275.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 10,400.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)1,040.00$ SUBTOTAL 11,440.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)3,203.20$ TOTAL 14,643.20$ 296 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 200.00$ 200.00$ 297 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 1 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 3,700.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)370.00$ SUBTOTAL 4,070.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)1,139.60$ TOTAL 5,209.60$ S. Water Improvements - Jaguar Path Area R. Sanitary Improvements - Ipswich and 173rd Q. Sanitary Improvements - Kaftan Court Area P. Sanitary Improvements - 205th Street W Area O. Sanitary Improvements - Italy Avenue Area N. Sanitary Improvements - Jaeger Path Area M. Sanitary Improvements - Jaguar Path Area L. Storm Sewer Improvements - Ipswich and 173rd Page 69 of 248 298 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 -$ -$ 299 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 0 3,500.00$ -$ 300 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 0 4,000.00$ -$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL -$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)-$ SUBTOTAL -$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)-$ TOTAL -$ 301 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1,200.00$ 1,200.00$ 302 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 2 3,500.00$ 7,000.00$ 303 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 4 4,000.00$ 16,000.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 24,200.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)2,420.00$ SUBTOTAL 26,620.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)7,453.60$ TOTAL 34,073.60$ 304 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 1,300.00$ 1,300.00$ 305 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 6 3,500.00$ 21,000.00$ 306 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 1 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 26,300.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)2,630.00$ SUBTOTAL 28,930.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)8,100.40$ TOTAL 37,030.40$ 307 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 -$ -$ 308 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 0 3,500.00$ -$ 309 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 0 4,000.00$ -$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL -$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)-$ SUBTOTAL -$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)-$ TOTAL -$ 310 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 311 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - VALVE EACH 8 3,500.00$ 28,000.00$ 312 2504.602 BOLT & VALVE BOX REPLACEMENT - HYDRANT & HYDRANT VALVE EACH 8 4,000.00$ 32,000.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 63,000.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)6,300.00$ SUBTOTAL 69,300.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)19,404.00$ TOTAL 88,704.00$ 313 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LS 1 3,900.00$ 3,900.00$ 314 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V L F 30 130.00$ 3,900.00$ 315 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 4 800.00$ 3,200.00$ 316 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH 1 25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 317 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 2 EACH 1 40,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 316 2506.503 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 84-4020 LF 10 550.00$ 5,500.00$ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL 81,500.00$ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%)8,150.00$ SUBTOTAL 89,650.00$ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%)25,102.00$ TOTAL 114,752.00$ GRAND TOTAL 3,100,032.88$ DISCLAIMER: In review of this Opinion of Probable Cost, the Client understands that the Consultant has no control over the availability of labor, equipment or materials, market conditions, or the Contractor’s method of pricing. This Opinion of Probable Cost is made on the basis of the Consultant’s professional judgment and experience. The Consultant makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the ultimate bids or negotiated cost of the Work. X. Water Improvements - Ipswich and 173rd Y. Water Quality Manhole Improvements W. Water Improvements - Kaftan Court Area V. Water Improvements - 205th Street W Area T. Water Improvements - Jaeger Path Area U. Water Improvements - Italy Avenue Area Page 70 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix C Assessment ID Maps Assessment Roll Page 71 of 248 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Category A Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaguar Neighborhood 5,429.00$ per unit 42 Date:10/9/2023 24-02 Category B Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaeger Neighborhood 5,375.00$ per unit 43 Revised:-------- Category C Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Kaftan Neighborhood 5,579.00$ per unit 13 Category D Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 201st Neighborhood 4,479.00$ per unit 17 Category DD Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Italy Neighborhood 5,494.00$ per unit 11 Category E Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 205th Neighborhood 4,413.00$ per unit 14 Category F Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Ipswich Neighborhood 2,541.00$ per unit 73 MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE PROPERTY NUMBER PROPERTY STREET USE DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT CATEGORY SF RES. EQUIV. UNITS UNIT ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 1 226310100010 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT A 2.0 5,429.00$ 10,858.00$ 2 226310102010 THOMAS WILGENBUSCH 18201 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18201 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 3 226310103010 REGINALD FORREST TSTE GLICK 18135 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18135 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 4 226310103020 ROSS B & MARGIE A DUGAS 18129 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18129 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 5 226310104010 JOSEPH P LUCKEN TRUST 18115 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18115 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 6 226310104020 QUAN V DO 18111 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18111 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 7 226310104030 JAMES D & JUDY A TROWBRIDGE 18109 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18109 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 8 226310100020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 9 226310105010 NARAYANAN RAVI 18108 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18108 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 10 226310105020 MARK J HIRSCH 18109 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18109 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 11 226310105030 TAYLOR ABRAM 18120 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18120 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 12 226310105040 STEPHEN & NINA BAKER 18134 JARL CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18134 JARL CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 13 226310201020 TAIT HOTVET 18095 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18095 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 14 226310201010 JOSHUA SCHWARTZ 18081 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18081 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 15 226310107010 MICHAEL A & LINDA K RAUB 18067 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18067 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 16 226310107020 CHARLES F JR RATH 18039 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18039 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 17 226310108010 JOSHUA LOEWEN 18051 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18051 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 18 226310100040 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT A 2.0 5,429.00$ 10,858.00$ 19 226310109100 RAYMOND P & TAMI R BARTH 18031 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18031 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 20 226310109110 NONA AI 18023 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18023 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 21 226310109090 BARBARA E TSTE NAATJES 18015 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18015 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 22 226310109080 PAUL R SMITH 18011 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18011 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 23 226310109070 MARTIN G & MELISSA D GULDBERG 18012 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18012 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 24 226310109060 CARIE & CRAIG ALLEN 18018 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18018 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 25 226310109050 HARVEY W & MARY T MEYERS 18022 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18022 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 26 226310109040 KERRY J & JOAN B KLINE 18024 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18024 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 27 226310109030 NICHOLAS WAYNE JENSEN 18028 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18028 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 28 226310109020 BRUCE W & LYNN M TSTES KREJCI 18034 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18034 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 29 226310109010 MARK ALAN ENGLER 18040 JAY CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18040 JAY CT RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 30 226310000020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT A 7.0 5,429.00$ 38,003.00$ 31 226310106030 RICHARD J & JENNIFER COCKERILL 18132 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18132 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 32 226310106020 MARK M & CATHY L DALRYMPLE 18148 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18148 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 33 226310106010 ROBERT L KREPFLE 18162 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18162 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 34 226310101010 ANDREA LYNN WILKERSON 18220 JAGUAR PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18220 JAGUAR PATH RESIDENTIAL A 1.0 5,429.00$ 5,429.00$ 35 228750002080 LOREN & DEBRA HOLMAN 18005 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18005 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 36 228750002070 JAY A & JULIE M TSTES OSTERGAARD 18031 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18031 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 37 228750002060 DAVID A & RHONDA J ZOZ 18069 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18069 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 38 228750002050 MARC YE 18097 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18097 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 39 228750002040 PAUL S & SUSAN A HUGHES 18119 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18119 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 40 228750002030 JOSHUA KIM-TAE FRANCIS 18171 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18171 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 41 228750000050 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 42 228750002020 SEAN PATRICK CARNEY 18291 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18291 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 43 228750002010 GARRETT & MELISSA WESTON 10085 183RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 10085 183RD ST W RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 44 228470001110 CHRISTOPHER & BRITTNEY ESPINASSE 18320 JAMAICA PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18320 JAMAICA PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 45 228750000030 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 46 228750001070 DEANN L TSTE EVERSON 18337 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18337 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 47 228750001060 HENRY J SLOBE 18369 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18369 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 48 228750001050 NICK KOSZEWSKI 18407 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18407 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 49 228750001040 MICHAEL & LINDA SIMMONS 18423 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18423 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 50 228750001030 WARREN R SAGSTUEN 18447 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18447 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 51 228750001020 AMY RAY 18469 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18469 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 52 228750001010 GREGORY J & SUSAN A MILLER 18483 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18483 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 53 228750003190 ROBERT T & NANCY J MCCARTY 18482 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18482 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 54 228750003180 THOMAS & JANE COUGHLIN 18466 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18466 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 55 228750003170 BRIAN J LYNCH 18486 JAMBEAU CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18486 JAMBEAU CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ Preliminary Assessment Roll City Name Project: City Project No.: Rock Ridge First/Second Addition; Golden Pond First Addition; Golden Pond Second Addition; Golden Pond Third Addition; Greenwood Estates; Wyldewood Oaks; Raven Lake First/Second/Third Addition; St. Frances Woods 7th Addition;and The Oaks of Lake Villa. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition. Page 72 of 248 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Category A Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaguar Neighborhood 5,429.00$ per unit 42 Date:10/9/2023 24-02 Category B Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaeger Neighborhood 5,375.00$ per unit 43 Revised:-------- Category C Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Kaftan Neighborhood 5,579.00$ per unit 13 Category D Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 201st Neighborhood 4,479.00$ per unit 17 Category DD Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Italy Neighborhood 5,494.00$ per unit 11 Category E Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 205th Neighborhood 4,413.00$ per unit 14 Category F Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Ipswich Neighborhood 2,541.00$ per unit 73 MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE PROPERTY NUMBER PROPERTY STREET USE DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT CATEGORY SF RES. EQUIV. UNITS UNIT ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Preliminary Assessment Roll City Name Project: City Project No.: Rock Ridge First/Second Addition; Golden Pond First Addition; Golden Pond Second Addition; Golden Pond Third Addition; Greenwood Estates; Wyldewood Oaks; Raven Lake First/Second/Third Addition; St. Frances Woods 7th Addition;and The Oaks of Lake Villa. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition. 56 228750003160 CHRISTOPHER C TSTE BANGS 18485 JAMBEAU CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18485 JAMBEAU CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 57 228750000020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 58 228750004020 MICHAEL J KACHER 18440 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18440 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 59 228750004010 JASON REY PHILLIPS 18416 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18416 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 60 228750003150 NANCY M LEITZ 18436 JAEGER CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18436 JAEGER CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 61 228750003140 CHAD M & SARAH M NELSON 18446 JAEGER CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18446 JAEGER CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 62 228750003130 KEITH & KRISTIN PETERSON 18433 JAEGER CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18433 JAEGER CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 63 228750003120 WILLIAM R LARSON 18366 JAEGER PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18366 JAEGER PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 64 228750003110 ZAHID HAMEED 18270 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18270 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 65 228750000040 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 66 228750003100 BONNIE S TOUSSAINT 18234 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18234 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 67 228750003090 BENJAMIN & ELIZABETH JANSKY 18208 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18208 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 68 228750003080 JEFFREY JAMES BAKER 18184 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18184 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 69 228750003070 MICHAEL M MILLER 18160 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18160 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 70 228750003060 SYLVAIN J & KARINE FRION 18118 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18118 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 71 228750003050 DANIEL L & JAYNE L GOOD 18056 JACQUARD CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18056 JACQUARD CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 72 228750003040 MARK M BROWN 18082 JACQUARD CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18082 JACQUARD CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 73 228750000060 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 74 228750003030 CRAIG V & SUSAN M DUREN 18099 JACQUARD CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18099 JACQUARD CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 75 228750000070 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 76 228750003020 MARK T TSTE DOLL 18085 JACQUARD CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18085 JACQUARD CT RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 77 228750003010 STEVEN TSTE RALL 18004 JACQUARD PATH LAKEVILLE MN 55044 18004 JACQUARD PATH RESIDENTIAL B 1.0 5,375.00$ 5,375.00$ 78 227150001010 RAYMOND L & TRACY L TSTES COOPER 20633 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20633 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 79 227150001020 PATRICK T & MICHELLE FOX 20629 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20629 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 80 227150001030 ANNA BURK 20623 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20623 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 81 227150001040 BRIAN & JACLYN K CZAPIGA 20617 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20617 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 82 227150001050 CHAD VETTER 20609 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20609 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 83 227150001060 PETER M & SUSAN K DIRCKS 20605 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20605 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 84 227150001070 WILLIAM F & KATHRYN BYERS 20602 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20602 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 85 227150001080 MACKENZIE STREIFEL 20608 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20608 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 86 227150001090 RICHARD CARROLL 20612 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20612 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 87 227150001100 JACOB S & SARAH M BOREALIS 20618 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20618 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 88 227150001110 JAMIE E & DENISE L JACOBSON 20622 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20622 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 89 227150001120 TYLER & ALI KREBS 20630 KAFTAN CT LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20630 KAFTAN CT RESIDENTIAL C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 90 227150000020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT C 1.0 5,579.00$ 5,579.00$ 91 228340000050 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT D 4.0 4,479.00$ 17,916.00$ 92 224490028080 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT D 6.0 4,479.00$ 26,874.00$ 93 224490000076 RICHARD & JOYCE RINGEISEN 20085 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20085 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 94 224490000071 JAROSLAW ADAM & ANNA OLOWNIA 20079 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20079 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 95 224490000070 PETER JOHN & MARY MARGARET TSTES SMITH 20075 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20075 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 96 228340000030 GEORGE W WARWEG 205 11TH ST ROOM 124 FARMINGTON MN 55024 RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 97 228340000040 GEORGE W WARWEG 205 11TH ST ROOM 124 FARMINGTON MN 55024 AG-GREEN ACRES D 5.0 4,479.00$ 22,395.00$ 98 224490008320 CLOBES FAMILY TRUST 20034 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20034 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 99 221150008310 BRADLEY ANDERSON 20048 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20048 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 100 224490008300 MICHAEL MROZEK 20064 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20064 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 101 221150008280 SAMUEL G & JANICE E WILSON 20066 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20066 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 102 221150008270 JENNIFER BUIE 20068 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20068 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 103 224490008260 KENNETH & KAY LABOONE 20072 ITALY AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20072 ITALY AVE RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 104 221150008250 STEVEN A TSTE CLOBES 9775 201ST ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9775 201ST ST W RESIDENTIAL DD 1.0 5,494.00$ 5,494.00$ 105 224490008030 DAWN M KRIPPNER 9755 201ST ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9755 201ST ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 4,479.00$ 4,479.00$ 106 224490008041 THOMAS & JILL LAWRENCE 9715 201ST ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9715 201ST ST W RESIDENTIAL D 1.0 4,479.00$ 4,479.00$ 107 220290014040 CYNTHIA M GRAHAM 20480 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20480 HOLYOKE AVE RESIDENTIAL E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 108 221365001011 MINNESOTA HOUSINGCORP 8727 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8727 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE E 0.5 4,413.00$ 2,206.50$ 109 221365001012 JEANI L GEPHART 8723 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8723 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE E 0.5 4,413.00$ 2,206.50$ 110 221365001013 KATHLEEN HYNES 8719 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8719 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE E 0.5 4,413.00$ 2,206.50$ Page 73 of 248 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Category A Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaguar Neighborhood 5,429.00$ per unit 42 Date:10/9/2023 24-02 Category B Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaeger Neighborhood 5,375.00$ per unit 43 Revised:-------- Category C Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Kaftan Neighborhood 5,579.00$ per unit 13 Category D Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 201st Neighborhood 4,479.00$ per unit 17 Category DD Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Italy Neighborhood 5,494.00$ per unit 11 Category E Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 205th Neighborhood 4,413.00$ per unit 14 Category F Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Ipswich Neighborhood 2,541.00$ per unit 73 MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE PROPERTY NUMBER PROPERTY STREET USE DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT CATEGORY SF RES. EQUIV. UNITS UNIT ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Preliminary Assessment Roll City Name Project: City Project No.: Rock Ridge First/Second Addition; Golden Pond First Addition; Golden Pond Second Addition; Golden Pond Third Addition; Greenwood Estates; Wyldewood Oaks; Raven Lake First/Second/Third Addition; St. Frances Woods 7th Addition;and The Oaks of Lake Villa. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition. 111 221365001014 STEPHEN E BAUER 8715 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8715 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL-TOWNHOUSE E 0.5 4,413.00$ 2,206.50$ 112 220290014050 STACY PAOLI 8663 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8663 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 113 220290014060 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT E 2.0 4,413.00$ 8,826.00$ 114 220290011010 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 8500 202ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8500 202ND ST W EXEMPT E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 115 220290014070 LAKEVILLE GROVE CEMETERY 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 116 228205000010 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20651 HARTFORD WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20651 HARTFORD WAY EXEMPT E 3.0 4,413.00$ 13,239.00$ 117 221370005070 JEFFREY S BRAUN 8630 205TH ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 8630 205TH ST W RESIDENTIAL E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 118 221370005051 ANDREW J & KIMBERLY M SABERS 20520 HOLT AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20520 HOLT AVE RESIDENTIAL E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 119 221370004050 TONY L & TIA M BURNHAM 20520 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 20520 HOLYOKE AVE RESIDENTIAL E 1.0 4,413.00$ 4,413.00$ 121 226445203040 CHARLIE PAUL HOWE 9665 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9665 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 122 226445203050 KEVIN HARVEY & KIMBERLY ANN GULLICKSON 9649 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9649 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 123 226445203060 KATIE MATHEWS 9633 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9633 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 124 226445203070 GLENN & TRACEY OSTERMAN 9615 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9615 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 125 226445203080 DALE R & JEANANN LEHNERT 9597 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9597 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 126 226445203090 JOHN T MITCHEM 9583 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9583 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 127 226445203100 FREDRICK R & CARLA COOPER 9565 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9565 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 128 220070003014 THOMAS C TSTE SIEBENALER 9555 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9555 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 129 226445204010 ANDREW & JILL MADSON 9545 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9545 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 130 226445204020 JASON J & PATRICIA M DUNTLEY 9533 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9533 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 131 226445002010 JACOB MICHAEL THALHUBER 9521 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9521 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 132 221320002010 CHAD & KATIE JOHNSON 17302 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17302 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 133 221320002020 BARBARA M MOORE 17304 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17304 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 134 221320002030 JOSHUA WEISE 17306 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17306 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 135 221320002040 THEODORE B & SANDRA JOHNSON 17308 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17308 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 136 221320002050 LUIS E HERNANDEZ 17310 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17310 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 137 221320000010 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 138 221320003010 ROBERT & NATALIE HORN 17312 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17312 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 139 221320003020 SHARON R ENGLE 17314 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17314 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 140 221320003030 MICHAEL & ANNE HALEY 17316 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17316 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 141 221320003040 NEIL A & LINDA J JOHNSON 17318 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17318 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 142 221320003050 LINDA J ALMLIE 17320 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17320 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 143 221320003060 MATTHEW C & CHERIE R EWALD 17322 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17322 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 144 221320003070 CHRISTINE L ABRAHAM 17324 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17324 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 145 221320003080 DANIEL ROBERT TSTE ZARN 17326 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17326 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 146 221320003090 THOMAS J & KATHLEEN AUGEDAHL 17328 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17328 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 147 221320003100 THOMAS J & BARBARA KELLER 17330 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17330 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 148 221320003110 ROGER O & SUSAN R JACOBSON 17332 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17332 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 149 221320000020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE EXEMPT F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 150 221320001120 CHARLES H & KAREN TRACY 17333 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17333 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 151 221320001110 JARED R GRUBOR 17331 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17331 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 152 221320001100 MANIVONE SOUVANNASANE 17329 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17329 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 153 221320001090 STEVEN C & LAURIE I JENSEN 17327 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17327 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 154 221320001080 AMY LUNKA 17325 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17325 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 155 221320001070 SCOTT & DIONNE RISKEDAHL 17323 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17323 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 156 221320001060 TIMOTHY A & JUDY SCHEER 17321 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17321 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 157 221320001050 VILAIVANH N KOUBANDONH 17319 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17319 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 158 221320001040 KENNETH & PATRICIA CAPPO 17317 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17317 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 159 221320001030 DARRIN & ROSE KIRBY 17315 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17315 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 160 221320001020 BYRON L & KITSO G VEASY 17309 IPSWICH WAY LAKEVILLE MN 55044 17309 IPSWICH WAY RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 161 221320001010 YASUKO TANAKA AUSTIN 9550 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9550 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 162 226445101010 PATRICIA A TSTE GEGNER 9576 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9576 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 163 226445101020 GWENDOLYN JOHNSON 9590 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9590 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 164 226445101030 DANIEL ANDREW OLIVER 9608 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9608 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 165 226445101040 DEVIN J NIGHTINGALE 9624 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9624 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 166 226445101050 MARK S THOMAS 9638 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9638 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ Page 74 of 248 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Category A Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaguar Neighborhood 5,429.00$ per unit 42 Date:10/9/2023 24-02 Category B Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Jaeger Neighborhood 5,375.00$ per unit 43 Revised:-------- Category C Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Kaftan Neighborhood 5,579.00$ per unit 13 Category D Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 201st Neighborhood 4,479.00$ per unit 17 Category DD Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Italy Neighborhood 5,494.00$ per unit 11 Category E Single Family Unit Assessment Rate 205th Neighborhood 4,413.00$ per unit 14 Category F Single Family Unit Assessment Rate Ipswich Neighborhood 2,541.00$ per unit 73 MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE PROPERTY NUMBER PROPERTY STREET USE DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT CATEGORY SF RES. EQUIV. UNITS UNIT ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Preliminary Assessment Roll City Name Project: City Project No.: Rock Ridge First/Second Addition; Golden Pond First Addition; Golden Pond Second Addition; Golden Pond Third Addition; Greenwood Estates; Wyldewood Oaks; Raven Lake First/Second/Third Addition; St. Frances Woods 7th Addition;and The Oaks of Lake Villa. Woodridge Estates, Warweg Addition, Antlers park, Lenihans Lot Antlers Park, Bentson Addition, Village Creek First Addition, Berres Addition, Barrett First Addition. 167 226445101060 KEVIN M & TINA R DOLECHEK 9656 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9656 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 168 226445101070 VERNON & ELIZABETH MACE 9672 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9672 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 169 226445101080 DONALD JR & MARY LOU KRUKOW 9688 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9688 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 170 226445101090 PHILIP D SKOGMO 9702 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9702 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 171 226445101100 JASON M & ISABELLE B MALLAND 9718 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9718 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 172 226445101110 STEVEN R SR & STACY A TSTES ANDERSON 9736 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9736 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 173 226445001010 JAMES R & MICHELLE J VOSS 9737 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9737 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 174 226445001020 DAVID JOHN LARSON 9719 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9719 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 175 226445001030 THOMAS R & JUSTINE R ANDERSON 9703 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9703 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 176 226445001040 JEFFREY L & LORI A WIEBERS 9689 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9689 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 177 226445001050 KADUM & HOAN N UM 9673 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9673 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 178 226445001060 GARY J & DENISE L BUNGERT 9657 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9657 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 179 226445001070 MARIE ANNE KOHOUT 9639 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9639 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 180 226445001080 MARCEL TUAKAPUMBA 9625 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9625 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 181 226445001090 TIMOTHY J & LISA D KLEDHANS 9609 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9609 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 182 226445001100 GEORGE WAHL 9591 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9591 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 183 226445001110 DONALD E & KATHY ROSTBERG 9577 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9577 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 184 226445001120 MICHAEL D & TAMI JO SCHULTZ 9559 173RD ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9559 173RD ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 185 226445201110 DENNIS E & KATHLEEN NEGEN 9562 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9562 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 186 226445201100 JOSHUA A & NICOLE R WILKES 9580 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9580 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 187 226445201090 RONALD MELARA 9604 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9604 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 188 226445201080 MONICA SERWAA ACHEAMPONG 9620 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9620 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 189 226445201070 DEVIN M ANDREWS 9638 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9638 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 190 226445201060 JOHN P CHECK 9654 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9654 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 191 226445201050 BRUCE W & CHRISTINA PARO 9672 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9672 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 192 226445201040 JANE L OTTUM 9688 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9688 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ 193 226445201030 DAVID WILLIAM & KELSIE MARIE JANNEY 9704 172ND ST W LAKEVILLE MN 55044 9704 172ND ST W RESIDENTIAL F 1.0 2,541.00$ 2,541.00$ Page 75 of 248 36 39 24 68 53 30 10 76 40 77 5 63 71 44 32 51 33 67 11 66 38 49 3 17 41 19 59 50 75 48 8 42 7 37 20 26 45 22 47 27 29 1 65 69 15 23 64 52 70 21 73 2 12 28 74 43 46 35 25 58 54 4 6 72 34 18 16 9 31 62 57 56 60 55 61 14 13 RO U NDABOUTJUREL W A Y J AGUARPATHUPPER178TH S T WJUBILEE WAY JASPERPATHJACQUARDPATH 183RD ST W JAMAICA PATHJAMB E A U C T 185TH ST WINGRID CTJ A S M I N E C T JACQUARD CT JOPLINAVEJASMINE WAYJURELCIR JASPE R C T IT A L Y P A T H JAE G E R C TJANNEVAR CT JAEGER PATHJULYC T 180TH ST W JAM A I C A C T IRONSTONE WAY JAVELIN CT KACHINACT182ND S T WKENWOOD TRL JARL CT JUREL CT JAVA TRLITALY AVEJAY CT IXONIA AVEDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\AssessmentMapFDR1_2 Date Saved: 7/25/2023¯1 inch = 350 feet 0 350 Feet2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Assessment Map Full Depth Reclamation Project Location Assessed Parcels 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 76 of 248 79 85 88 80 82 90 87 83 78 89 8481 86 JUPITERPATH KAISER C T KENSINGTONBLVDKAISER CIR JURA TRLKAISER WAYJ U T L A N D P L JUPITERCIRKAFTAN CT KEARNEYPATHDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\AssessmentMapFDR3 Date Saved: 7/25/2023¯1 inch = 125 feet 0 125 Feet2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Assessment Map Full Depth Reclamation Project Location Assessed Parcels 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 77 of 248 93 95 97 100 91 103 98 94 102 104 101 99 96 105 106 92 IC E N I C W A Y IPAVA AVEIC E N IC TRLJAGUAR AVEIR I S W A Y 199TH S T W K E N W O O D T R LITHACA CIRICALEE PAT HITERIPLITALY AVEIDEALWAY 202ND ST W 201ST ST W Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\AssessmentMapFDR4 Date Saved: 7/25/2023¯1 inch = 250 feet 0 250 Feet2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Assessment Map Full Depth Reclamation Project Location Assessed Parcels 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 78 of 248 114 116 113 118 119 112108 115 117 107 110 111 109 HOLYOKEAVEHIGHVIEW AVER OUN DABOUTHEATH AVEIBERIA AVE203RD ST W 202ND ST W HAMPTONAVEUPPER 206TH ST W HERSHEYAVE206TH ST W HOWLAND AVEHOLT AVEHOLLINS AVEHOLIDAY AVEHARTFORD WAY 205TH ST W HUGHES AVE207TH ST W HAMPSHIREWAYHAZELWOOD TRLHUNTER CTHE L ENA LNHULLAVEPRIVATE RDDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\AssessmentMapFDR5 Date Saved: 7/25/2023¯1 inch = 300 feet 0 300 Feet2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Assessment Map Full Depth Reclamation Project Location Assessed Parcels 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 79 of 248 137 184 148 142 188 125 153 129 168 183 143149 121 124 139 136 159 133 186 170 167169 160 191 161 132 146 157 173 130 128 171 151 166 180 172 176 165 163 145 174 144 192 156 138 135 182 150 152 179177 155 187 127 131 189193 175 190 164 185 134 158 122 140 154 181178 141 147 126 123 162 J A C K P I N E C T IPAVA AVEJ A C K P IN ETRLINLANDLOOPIXONIAPATHIT H A C A LN 173RD ST W I THACA C T UPPER 173RD CT W 172ND ST W IPSWICH WAY IDLEWOOD WAYISLETON AVEDocument Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\2024 Lakeville SRP Project\AssessmentMapPRO\AssessmentMapFDR6 Date Saved: 10/2/2023¯1 inch = 150 feet 0 150 Feet2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Assessment Map Full Depth Reclamation Project Location Assessed Parcels 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 80 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix D Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Braun Intertec Page 81 of 248 Geotechnical Evaluation Report City of Lakeville 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, Minnesota City Project 24-02 Prepared for City of Lakeville Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Neil G. Lund, PE Technical Manager, Senior Engineer License Number: 46212 September 27, 2023 Project B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Page 82 of 248 AA/EOE Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com September 27, 2023 Project B2307193 Mr. Stephen Ferraro City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, Minnesota City Project 24-02 Dear Mr. Ferraro: We are pleased to present this Geotechnical Evaluation Report for the City of Lakeville 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project. Thank you for making Braun Intertec your geotechnical consultant for this project. If you have questions about this report, or if there are other services that we can provide in support of our work to date, please contact Neil Lund at 952.995.2284 (nlund@braunintertec.com). Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Neil G. Lund, PE Technical Manager, Senior Engineer Page 83 of 248 Table of Contents Description Page A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 A.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 A.2. Site Conditions..................................................................................................................... 3 A.3. Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3 A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents .......................................................... 3 A.5. Scope of Services ................................................................................................................. 4 B. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 5 B.1. Geologic Overview .............................................................................................................. 5 B.2. Ground Penetrating Radar .................................................................................................. 5 B.3. Cores and Hand Augers ....................................................................................................... 6 B.4. Pavement Thickness Summary and Boring Results ............................................................. 8 B.4.a. Pavement Section ................................................................................................... 8 B.4.b. Subgrade Soils ...................................................................................................... 11 B.5. Groundwater ..................................................................................................................... 13 B.6. Laboratory Test Results ..................................................................................................... 13 B.6.a. Moisture Contents ............................................................................................... 14 B.6.b. Percent Passing the #200 Sieve Tests .................................................................. 14 C. Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 14 C.1. Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 14 C.1.a. Pavement Reclamation/Reuse ............................................................................. 14 C.1.b. Pavement Subgrades ............................................................................................ 14 C.1.c. Mill and Overlay ................................................................................................... 15 C.2. Mill and Overlay ................................................................................................................ 15 C.3. Utility Repair Areas ............................................................................................................ 17 C.3.a. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction .......................................................... 17 C.3.b. Corrosion Potential .............................................................................................. 18 C.4. FDR Pavements .................................................................................................................. 18 C.4.a. Subgrade Preparation and Proofrolls ................................................................... 18 C.4.b. Pavement Design Sections ................................................................................... 19 C.4.c. Pavement Materials Placement ........................................................................... 20 D. Procedures...................................................................................................................................... 20 D.1. Ground Penetrating Radar ................................................................................................ 20 D.1.a. GPR Data Collection ............................................................................................. 20 D.1.b. GPR Analysis ......................................................................................................... 20 D.1. Penetration Test Borings ................................................................................................... 20 D.2. Log of Boring Sheets .......................................................................................................... 21 D.3. Material Classification and Testing ................................................................................... 21 D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification .......................................................................... 21 D.3.b. Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................... 21 D.4. Groundwater Measurements ............................................................................................ 21 D.5. Pavement Cores and Hand Auger Borings ........................................................................ 21 E. Qualifications .................................................................................................................................. 22 E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................. 22 E.1.a. Material Strata ..................................................................................................... 22 E.1.b. Groundwater Levels ............................................................................................. 22 Page 84 of 248 Table of Contents (continued) E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility .......................................................................... 22 E.2.a. Plan Review .......................................................................................................... 22 E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing ............................................................... 23 E.3. Use of Report..................................................................................................................... 23 E.4. Standard of Care ................................................................................................................ 23 Appendix Soil Boring and Core Location Sketches Log of Boring Sheets B-1 to B-13 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Core Photo Logs GPR Results Summary GPR Pavement Thickness Charts Page 85 of 248 A. Introduction A.1. Project Description This Geotechnical Evaluation Report addresses the proposed 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project in Lakeville, Minnesota. The approximate location can be seen on the Soil Boring Location Sketch in the Appendix of this report. The project will include variable depth to full depth milling of the existing pavement, installation of new curb and gutter, storm sewer/water main spot improvements, and new surfacing. Table 1 provides project details. Table 1. City of Lakeville 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project (CP 24-02) Description Project Component Description Source Pavement rehabilitation methods 3.2 miles variable depth to full-depth milling (Areas 1, 2, 3, 9) City of Lakeville; See Figure 1 2.1 miles full-depth reclamation (Areas 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) New pavement type Bituminous City of Lakeville Pavement loads (residential) 50,000 to 100,000 Bituminous ESALs* Assumed/typical for residential traffic Pavement loads (commercial/state aid) 120,000 ESALs (Jaguar Path) MnDOT traffic database and ESAL forecast tool 1,010,000 ESALs (Ipava Ave) 95,000 ESALs (172nd St) Grade changes Less than 3 feet Assumed Utilities Storm sewer/water main spot replacement City of Lakeville *Equivalent 18,000-lb single axle loads based on 20-year design. We reference nine areas of the project throughout this report as shown in Figure 1. Page 86 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 2 Figure 1. City of Lakeville 2024 CP 24-02 Project Areas Figures provided by the City of Lakeville. Page 87 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 3 We have described our understanding of the proposed construction and site to the extent others reported it to us. Depending on the extent of available information, we may have made assumptions based on our experience with similar projects. If we have not correctly recorded or interpreted the project details, the project team should notify us. New or changed information could require additional evaluation, analyses and/or recommendations. A.2. Site Conditions The streets in the project areas consist mainly of bituminous pavement with concrete curb and gutter. In the residential project areas, which is most of the project area, the curb and gutter is mostly surmountable type. Municipal state aid streets serving these residential areas that are part of the project include 172nd Street (Area 2), Jaguar Path (Area 4), and a small segment of Ipava Avenue (Area 6). A.3. Purpose The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation was to characterize subsurface geologic or pavement material conditions at selected exploration locations, evaluate their impact on the project, and provide recommendations for the design and construction the City of Lakeville 24-02 Street Rehabilitation Project. A.4. Background Information and Reference Documents We reviewed the following information:  Communications with the City of Lakeville regarding the proposed construction, including the e-mail request for proposal.  A base map of the project area provided by the City of Lakeville.  Geologic map C-06 Geologic Atlas of Dakota County, Minnesota prepared by the Minnesota Geological Survey, dated 1990.  Aerial imagery of the site available from Google Earth.  MnDOT Traffic Data website (https://mndot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7b3be07daed84e7fa17 0a91059ce63bb). Page 88 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 4 A.5. Scope of Services We performed our scope of services for the project in accordance with our Proposal for a geotechnical evaluation to the City of Lakeville, dated July 12, 2023. The following list describes the geotechnical tasks completed in accordance with our authorized scope of services.  Reviewing the background information and reference documents previously cited.  Staking and clearing the exploration location of underground utilities. We selected and staked the new exploration locations. We acquired the surface elevations and locations with GPS technology using the State of Minnesota’s permanent GPS base station network. The Soil Boring Location Sketch included in the Appendix shows the approximate locations of the borings.  Performing ground penetrating radar (GPR) in both directions on each project street.  Performing standard penetration test borings, denoted as B-1 to B-13, to nominal depths of 5 to 10 feet below grade. The soil borings were performed primarily in areas of the project proposed for FDR or spot utility work. One proposed boring, B-14, could not be drilled due to utility and access restrictions.  Extracting cores in 30 locations and performing shallow hand auger borings to measure aggregate base thickness and extracting 10 companion cores to the mainline cores at pavement edges. We increased the number of cores to 34 at the request of the City during review of locations.  Performing laboratory testing on select samples to aid in soil classification and engineering analysis.  Preparing this report containing a boring location sketch, logs of soil borings, a summary of the soils encountered, GPR thickness results, pavement core results, results of laboratory tests, and recommendations for pavement subgrade preparation, pavement reclamation, pavement milling, and pavement thickness design. Page 89 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 5 Our scope of services did not include environmental services or testing, and we did not train the personnel performing this evaluation to provide environmental services or testing. We can provide these services or testing at your request. B. Results B.1. Geologic Overview Our references and experience in the area suggest the subgrade soils will be a wide-ranging mix of glacial till and outwash, depending on the location of the project, with possible lacustrine (lakebed) soils present near the margins of Lake Marion. We based the geologic origins used in this report on the soil types, in-situ and laboratory testing, and available common knowledge of the geological history of the site. Because of the complex depositional history, geologic origins can be difficult to ascertain. We did not perform a detailed investigation of the geologic history for the site. B.2. Ground Penetrating Radar We collected GPR data in August 2023 prior to completing soil borings and pavement cores. The tables and sketches provided with this report summarize the pavement layer thicknesses interpretations from GPR. A second layer (probable aggregate base) was sometimes not visible in the GPR scans, i.e. it was difficult to identify as a distinct layer. On some segments, a second layer could not be identified at all. However, a lack of a visible second layer in the GPR scan does not imply an absence of one within the pavement section. The tables in Section B.4 provide average thicknesses for each layer for each street segment indicated. Thickness will vary from these averages; consult the provided and attached GPR summary data for thickness by point and additional statistical summaries. Page 90 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 6 B.3. Cores and Hand Augers In August 2023, we conducted a subsurface investigation by extracting asphalt pavement cores and performing hand auger soil borings at 34 locations denoted with an “C” before the core number. Within each corehole, we extended manual soil borings (hand auger borings) to below the apparent depth of aggregate base up to 2 feet. Along with these cores, we took 10 companion cores in various locations throughout the greater project area. These cores were taken adjacent to wheelpath cores near pavement edges to show variation in core condition across the pavement. The companion cores are denoted with an “A” next to the core number. A complete summary of average core and aggregate base measurements is provided in Section B.4. These tables present averages; individual core thicknesses will vary from these values. Please consult the photos of each of the cores are included in the Appendix and the detailed GPR data for additional thickness information. Core conditions varied. The majority appeared to be in good condition or showed signs of low-severity stripping. Stripping is the long-term deterioration of the asphalt/aggregate bond in the asphalt material due to the presence of moisture. Stripping nearly always begins at the bottom of the HMA layer, where it may be in contact with saturated aggregate or soil and proceeds upward or is otherwise caused in wear courses by the trapping of moisture beneath an impermeable sealcoat. Cores showing more severe stripping, debonding or related distresses included those described in the table below as having moderate/severe stripping or debonding. Cores of particular note are called out in boldface type. Table 2. Pavement Core Condition Summary Area Core Street Start End Condition Companion Core Condition 1 C-1 167th Ct W Jaguar Ave CDS Low-severity stripping Low-severity stripping 1 C-2 Jacamar Way Jackdaw Path 165th St W Good 1 C-3 166th St W Jaguar Ave Jackdaw Path Good Low-severity stripping 1 C-4 Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave 165th St W Good 1 C-5 Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave 165th St W Good Good 2 C-6 172nd St W Ixonia Path Ipswich Way Debonding; moderate severity stripping Page 91 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 7 Area Core Street Start End Condition Companion Core Condition 2 C-7 Ipswich Way 172nd St W Ixonia Path Moderate severity stripping Good; possible material loss 2 C-8 173rd St W Ixonia Path Ipava Ave Moderate severity stripping 2 C-9 Ipswich Way Ixonia Path 172nd St W Moderate severity stripping High severity stripping and material loss 3 C-10 Ketchikan Tr 178th St W Keokuk Ave Good 3 C-11 178th St W Ketchikan Tr Kenyon Ave Good Good 3 C-12 Kenyon Ave 179th St W James Lane Debonding; moderate severity stripping 3 C-13 Kenyon Ave 179th St W James Lane Moderate severity stripping at bottom Low-severity stripping 4 C-14 Jaguar Path Kenwood Trail Upper 178th St W Good 4 C-15 Jaguar Path Kenwood Trail Upper 178th St W Good 4 C-16 Jarl Ct Jaguar Path CDS Good 4 C-17 Jay Ct Jaguar Path CDS Good 5 C-18 183rd St W Jacquard Path Jamaica Path Good 5 C-19 Jacquard Path 183rd St W CDS High severity stripping, debonding 5 C-20 Jaeger Ct Jacquard Path CDS Moderate severity stripping 6 C-21 201st St W Ipava Ave Italy Ave Good 6 C-22 Italy Ave 201st St W CDS High severity stripping and material loss 7 C-23 Kaffan Ct Kensington Blvd CDS Debonding; moderate severity stripping 8 C-24 205th St W Holyoke Ave Cemetery Good 9 C-25 Honeycomb Path 212th St W CDS Moderate severity stripping Moderate severity stripping 9 C-26 Honeycomb Path 212th St W CDS Low-severity stripping 9 C-27 Hummingbird Ln Honeycomb Path 212th St W Low-severity stripping Low-severity stripping Page 92 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 8 Area Core Street Start End Condition Companion Core Condition 9 C-28 Honeycomb Way 212th St W Honeycomb Path High-severity stripping, crack, debonding 9 C-29 Hyacinth Ave 212th St W Hytrail Cir Good Low-severity stripping 9 C-30 212th St W Honeycomb Way Dodd Blvd Good 6 C-31 Ipava Ave 201st St W Kenwood Tr Good 5 C-32 Jambeau Ct Jaeger Path CDS Good 5 C-33 Jacquard Ct Jaeger Path CDS Good 3 C-34 Ketchikan Ct Ketchikan Tr CDS Low-severity stripping B.4. Pavement Thickness Summary and Boring Results The pavement thickness and types of soils encountered in the borings are described below. The soils are generally described in the order they were encountered, i.e., beginning at the pavement surface. Please reference the Logs of Borings attached in the Appendix for additional details. B.4.a. Pavement Section Thicknesses The following tables summarize the average thickness of the bituminous pavement and aggregate base as estimating using GPR, cores and soil borings for each area. The values are averages and thicknesses will vary along the roadway; consult the individual logs or GPR segment data for detailed information. Table 3. Average or Measured Bituminous Thickness Results Area Street Start End Cores Borings Average or Measured Thickness (in.) Dir GPR Cores Borings 1 166th St W Jaguar Ave Jackdaw Path EB C-3 4.3 4.0 166th St W Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave WB 4.2 167th Ct W Jaguar Ave CDS EB C-1 3.8 3.0 Jacamar Way Jackdaw Path 165th St W NB C-2 4.7 4.0 Jacamar Way 165th St W Jackdaw Path SB 4.6 Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave 165th St W EB C-4, C-5 4.2 3.8 Jackdaw Path 165th St W Jaguar Ave WB 4.5 2 172nd St W Ixonia Path Ipswich Way EB C-6 5.0 5.0 172nd St W Ipswich Way Ixonia Path WB 4.8 Page 93 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 9 Area Street Start End Cores Borings Average or Measured Thickness (in.) Dir GPR Cores Borings 173rd St W Ixonia Path Ipava Ave EB C-8 5.0 5.0 173rd St W Ipava Ave Ixonia Path WB 4.5 Ipswich Way 172nd St W Ixonia Path WB C-7 4.6 4.0 Ipswich Way Ixonia Path 172nd St W EB C-9 4.6 3.5 3 178th St W Ketchikan Tr Kenyon Ave EB C-11 3.5 3.5 178th St W Kenyon Ave Ketchikan Tr WB 3.5 Kenyon Ave 179th St W James Lane NB C-12, C-13 5.9 5.3 Kenyon Ave James Lane 179th St W SB 6.1 Ketchikan Ct Ketchikan Tr CDS WB C-34 3.8 4.0 Ketchikan Tr 178th St W Keokuk Ave NB C-10 3.6 5.0 Ketchikan Tr Keokuk Ave 178th St W SB 3.9 4 Jaguar Path Kenwood Trail Upper 178th St W NB C-14 B-2 4.0 3.5 3.0 Jaguar Path Upper 178th St W Kenwood Trail SB B-1 4.2 5.0 Jarl Ct Jaguar Path CDS WB C-16 4.2 3.5 Jay Ct Jaguar Path CDS EB C-17 B-3 4.3 4.0 5.0 5 183rd St W Jacquard Path Jamaica Path WB C-18 3.9 5.5 183rd St W Jamaica Path Jacquard Path EB 4.2 Jaeger Ct Jacquard Path CDS EB C-20 3.7 3.5 Jacquard Path 183rd St W CDS NB C-19 B-4 3.7 4.0 5.0 Jacquard Path CDS 183rd St W SB B-5 4.0 9.0 Jacquard Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB C-33 3.7 3.5 Jaeger Path 183rd St W 185th St W SB B-6 3.8 6.0 Jaeger Path 185th St W 183rd St W NB B-7 3.7 5.0 Jambeau Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB C-32 3.9 4.0 6 201st St W Ipava Ave Italy Ave WB C-21 3.4 3.5 201st St W Italy Ave Ipava Ave EB B-8 3.6 3.0 Ipava Ave 201st St W Kenwood Tr NB C-31 4.7 4.0 Ipava Ave Kenwood Tr 201st St W SB 4.6 Italy Ave 201st St W CDS NB C-22 B-9 2.4 1.5 2.5 Italy Ave CDS 201st St W SB 2.5 7 Kaffan Ct Kensington Blvd CDS EB C-23 B-11 4.3 4.0 5.0 8 205th St W Holyoke Ave Cemetery EB C-24 B-13 3.5 2.5 5.0 205th St W Cemetery Holyoke Ave WB B-14 3.6 9 212th St W Honeycomb Way Dodd Blvd WB C-30 4.2 4.0 Page 94 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 10 Area Street Start End Cores Borings Average or Measured Thickness (in.) Dir GPR Cores Borings 212th St W Dodd Blvd Honeycomb Way EB 4.0 Honeycomb Path 212th St W CDS C-25, C-26 4.0 3.5 Honeycomb Way Honeycomb Path 212th St W SB 4.0 Honeycomb Way 212th St W Honeycomb Path NB C-28 3.8 3.0 Hummingbird Ln Honeycomb Path 212th St W WB C-27 3.7 2.5 Hummingbird Ln 212th St W Honeycomb Path EB 3.8 Hyacinth Ave 212th St W Hytrail Cir SB C-29 4.1 3.5 Hyacinth Ave Hytrail Cir 212th St W NB 3.9 Table 4. Average or Measured Apparent Aggregate Base Thickness Results Area Street Start End Cores Borings Average or Measured Thickness (in.) Dir GPR Cores Borings 1 166th St W Jaguar Ave Jackdaw Path EB C-3 7.9 6.0 166th St W Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave WB 7.0 167th Ct W Jaguar Ave CDS EB C-1 9.3 8.5 Jacamar Way Jackdaw Path 165th St W NB C-2 6.3 6.0 Jacamar Way 165th St W Jackdaw Path SB 9.2 Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave 165th St W EB C-4, C-5 8.5 7.8 Jackdaw Path 165th St W Jaguar Ave WB 9.7 2 172nd St W Ixonia Path Ipswich Way EB C-6 6.0 8.0 172nd St W Ipswich Way Ixonia Path WB 6.0 173rd St W Ixonia Path Ipava Ave EB C-8 7.5 14.5 173rd St W Ipava Ave Ixonia Path WB 7.9 Ipswich Way 172nd St W Ixonia Path WB C-7 5.2 4.0 Ipswich Way Ixonia Path 172nd St W EB C-9 4.0 5.5 3 178th St W Ketchikan Tr Kenyon Ave EB C-11 5.6 3.0 178th St W Kenyon Ave Ketchikan Tr WB 7.6 Kenyon Ave 179th St W James Lane NB C-12, C-13 10.3 Kenyon Ave James Lane 179th St W SB Ketchikan Ct Ketchikan Tr CDS WB C-34 4.0 Ketchikan Tr 178th St W Keokuk Ave NB C-10 5.5 4.5 Ketchikan Tr Keokuk Ave 178th St W SB 6.4 4 Jaguar Path Kenwood Trail Upper 178th St W NB C-14 B-2 6.4 6.0 6.0 Page 95 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 11 Area Street Start End Cores Borings Average or Measured Thickness (in.) Dir GPR Cores Borings Jaguar Path Upper 178th St W Kenwood Trail SB B-1 7.0 7.0 Jarl Ct Jaguar Path CDS WB C-16 6.4 6.0 Jay Ct Jaguar Path CDS EB C-17 B-3 7.5 8.5 6.0 5 183rd St W Jacquard Path Jamaica Path WB C-18 7.9 12.0 183rd St W Jamaica Path Jacquard Path EB 8.0 Jaeger Ct Jacquard Path CDS EB C-20 9.8 7.0 Jacquard Path 183rd St W CDS NB C-19 B-4 7.6 4.5 8.0 Jacquard Path CDS 183rd St W SB B-5 7.2 7.0 Jacquard Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB C-33 2.5 Jaeger Path 183rd St W 185th St W SB B-6 8.0 Jaeger Path 185th St W 183rd St W NB B-7 8.3 5.5 Jambeau Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB C-32 5.2 6.0 6 201st St W Ipava Ave Italy Ave WB C-21 5.1 8.0 201st St W Italy Ave Ipava Ave EB B-8 5.6 4.0 Ipava Ave 201st St W Kenwood Tr NB C-31 5.7 3.5 Ipava Ave Kenwood Tr 201st St W SB 6.3 Italy Ave 201st St W CDS NB C-22 B-9 6.2 1.5 7.0 Italy Ave CDS 201st St W SB 6.5 7 Kaffan Ct Kensington Blvd CDS EB C-23 B-11 8.5 8.5 8 205th St W Holyoke Ave Cemetery EB C-24 B-13 7.7 3.0 10.0 205th St W Cemetery Holyoke Ave WB B-14 7.9 9 212th St W Honeycomb Way Dodd Blvd WB C-30 6.4 7.0 212th St W Dodd Blvd Honeycomb Way EB 7.4 Honeycomb Path 212th St W CDS C-25, C-26 8.2 6.8 Honeycomb Way Honeycomb Path 212th St W SB 7.5 Honeycomb Way 212th St W Honeycomb Path NB C-28 9.5 8.0 Hummingbird Ln Honeycomb Path 212th St W WB C-27 9.3 10.0 Hummingbird Ln 212th St W Honeycomb Path EB 7.9 Hyacinth Ave 212th St W Hytrail Cir SB C-29 6.9 5.5 Hyacinth Ave Hytrail Cir 212th St W NB 7.3 B.4.b. Aggregate Base and Subgrade Soil Summary Page 96 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 12 Table 5. Apparent Aggregate Base and Subgrade Soil Composition from Hand Auger Borings Area Core Apparent Aggregate Base Material Subgrade Soil Classification (to about 2 feet in depth) 1 C-1 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 1 C-2 Recycled concrete SP-SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 1 C-3 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 1 C-4 Recycled concrete SP-SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 1 C-5 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 2 C-6 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 2 C-7 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 2 C-8 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 2 C-9 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 3 C-10 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 3 C-11 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 3 C-12 Sand/gravel SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 3 C-13 Sand/gravel SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 4 C-14 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 4 C-15 Limestone SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 4 C-16 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, brown, moist 4 C-17 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 5 C-18 Sand/gravel SM, f-m grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 5 C-19 Sand/gravel SP-SM, f-m grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 5 C-20 Recycled asphalt SP, f grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 6 C-21 Limestone SM, f grained, little gravel, brown, moist 6 C-22 Sand/gravel SM, f grained, little gravel, brown, moist Page 97 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 13 Area Core Apparent Aggregate Base Material Subgrade Soil Classification (to about 2 feet in depth) 7 C-23 Recycled concrete SP-SM, f-grained, brown, moist 8 C-24 Limestone SM, f-grained, brown, moist 9 C-25 Limestone SP, f-grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 9 C-26 Recycled asphalt SM, f-grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 9 C-27 Limestone SP-SM, f-grained, trace gravel, brown, moist 9 C-28 Recycled asphalt SM, f-grained, brown, moist 9 C-29 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, brown, moist 9 C-30 Limestone SP-SM, f-m grained, brown, moist 6 C-31 Limestone Not identified (refusal/no recovery) 5 C-32 Not identified (refusal/no recovery) 5 C-33 Sand/gravel SP-SM, f-c grained, w/gravel, brown, moist 3 C-34 Limestone SP-SM, f-c grained, w/gravel, brown, moist As shown in Table 5, the hand auger borings mostly encountered poorly graded sand, poorly graded sand with silt or silty sand below the apparent aggregate base. Given the typical street sections employed by the city, it is likely this sandy material was placed as a granular subbase over much of the project area. Penetration test borings encountered similar shallow materials. Clayey soils, including clayey sand and sandy lean clay, were mostly present below this sandy material, as was silty sand. Typical blow counts in the clay, which we identified as a mix of fill and native soil, ranged from 8 to 12. The Descriptive Terminology of Soil sheet in the Appendix includes definitions of abbreviations used in this report and on the Log of Boring sheets. B.5. Groundwater We did not observe groundwater while advancing our borings. Therefore, it appears that groundwater is below the depths explored. Project planning should anticipate seasonal and annual fluctuations of groundwater. B.6. Laboratory Test Results The boring logs show the results of laboratory testing we performed next to the tested sample depth. Page 98 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 14 B.6.a. Moisture Contents We performed moisture content (MC) tests (per ASTM D2216) on selected samples to aid in our classifications and estimations of the materials’ engineering properties. The Log of Boring Sheets attached in the Appendix present the results of the MC tests in the “MC” column. B.6.b. Percent Passing the #200 Sieve Tests We performed tests to evaluate the percent of particles passing the #200 sieve (P200) (per ASTM D1140) to assist in classification of the granular material. The Log of Boring sheets list the results of P200 tests in the “Tests or Remarks” column. C. Recommendations C.1. Discussion C.1.a. Pavement Reclamation/Reuse If pavement materials are to be reused by reclamation, removal, stockpiling, and replacement, a 9 to 10-inch full-depth reclamation (FDR) depth will, based on the measurements from the borings, avoid subgrade soils through much of the project area. We recommend 10 inches for the residential streets for the pavement section in Section C.2.c. An increased FDR depth of up to 12 inches can be used in residential areas without great risk of incorporating undesirable subgrade materials into the product due to the granular nature of most subgrades or probable subbase. However, some additional inconsistency should be expected. The designer and reclaim contractor should review our borings, GPR and core results to evaluate if a greater reclaim depth appears feasible and to note possible variations that may limit these options. An increased depth may warrant a change in the pavement section thickness provided below for the streets. We recommend implementing thorough quality control practices, including frequent sieve analyses, to achieve a desirable gradation of the reclaimed material. We also suggest that the contractor assume some contingency for importing clean, crushed rock that can be blended with the reclaimed material to improve the uniformity of the resulting gradation prior to any direct reuse as an aggregate base. C.1.b. Pavement Subgrades Based on the soil boring results, we anticipate the pavement subgrades will mostly consist of poorly graded sand, poorly graded sand with silt, and silty sand in the upper portions, with clayey portions below. Very limited clayey sand was present directly below probable aggregate base, while other clayey Page 99 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 15 soils encountered on the project were generally 3 or more feet below the pavement surface and are unlikely to be disturbed by shallow reclamation and grading. With no grade changes proposed, the subgrade soils present beneath the existing roads will generally be suitable for pavement support in their current condition. Some soils with higher fine contents, including silty sands and clayey sands, may need some moisture conditioning and recompaction depending on conditions at the time of construction. C.1.c. Mill and Overlay The streets in the City of Lakeville 2024 project areas generally appear suitable for mill and overlay. This is based on the core- and GPR-measured thickness, which averaged about 4 inches and was generally greater than 3 inches, with some exceptions where material loss was present. The cores were also typically in good material condition. Some companion cores near edges showed more severe distresses, such as cracking or stripping, than in the adjacent mainline. These locations would be candidates for full depth mill and overlay or edge mill and overlay to remove the most poor- quality pavement possible. This was particularly true in Area 2, with some locations in Area 9. There was also stripping in some of the mainline/wheelpath cores, where full depth or deeper milling could provide a benefit as described in section B.3. See Table 2 and the attached core photos for locations where moderate or high severity stripping is described. A detailed evaluation of pavement surface conditions, which will influence the suitability and service life of the overlay, was outside of the scope of our evaluation. This will be the primary factor influencing the performance of the selected rehabilitation option. The risk and additional cost of repairs with additional milling and/or excavation to reach a suitable surface for overlay placement must also be considered. In general, this will include areas with surface distresses such as fatigue/alligator distress and edge cracks. We recommend further reviewing the condition data from the city’s pavement management system for signs that these types of distresses are prevalent within the project area. C.2. Mill and Overlay Milling should proceed per MnDOT Specification 2232, with paving in general accordance with MnDOT Specification 2360. We recommend a minimum mill depth of 1 1/2 inches for a 1 1/2-inch overlay with SPWEA240B replacement mix for all streets. Mill and overlay and lift thicknesses should be limited to 2 inches; although a thicker overlay will tend to have a slightly longer service life, the risk of damage to areas of thin milled pavement increases. Page 100 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 16 Some companion cores near edges showed more severe distresses than in the mainline, including in Area 2 most prominently. These locations would be candidates for full depth mill and overlay, or an edge mill that extends through damaged pavements. This would remove a majority of the poor-quality pavement near the edge line of the roadway. The service life of the partial depth overlay, which is typically 10 to 16 years depending on surface conditions, may be extended through pre-overlay repair of certain severe distresses. This includes severe longitudinal and transverse cracking, alligator/fatigue cracking of any severity, potholes, and other similar failures. MnDOT defines these distresses as follows in their surface rating procedure:  High-severity linear cracking: Any crack with significant adjacent random cracking (12 inches or more apart), large areas of spalling, missing material and/or potholes.  Alligator cracking: A series of interconnected cracks forming many-sided, sharp-angled pieces, 6 inches or less in size typically located in the wheelpaths or where traffic loads are concentrated. We recommend full-depth milling or sawcutting and complete removal of pavements exhibiting these conditions, recompaction of the exposed soils and replacement with the same thickness of bituminous materials used for the overlay. We recommend having an experienced engineer walk the milled surface to delineate areas where further repair may be warranted based on conditions exposed by the milling process. All mixes should meet the requirements outlined in MnDOT Specification 2360. We recommend tack coat meeting MnDOT Specification 2357 be placed between the lifts and along vertical faces where paving will match adjacent pavement. We recommend Gyratory tests on bituminous mixes to evaluate strength and air voids, and density tests to evaluate compaction. Deeper excavations or larger patch areas that penetrate the aggregate base should match the in-place section that is suggested by the cores and average GPR thicknesses, which will typically be 3 to 4 inches. For edge cracking or other distressed areas where milling will be performed to the full depth of the in- place HMA layer, we recommend performing the mill to at least 1 foot beyond the edge of the visible distress. Patch areas should also be sized to allow for proper compaction of the replacement materials by the available equipment. We recommend having an engineer review the milled surface and make recommendations for repair for areas with the poorest surface condition or where the pavement is damaged by the milling process. Page 101 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 17 C.3. Utility Repair Areas C.3.a. Engineered Fill Materials and Compaction The on-site soils with an organic content less than 5 percent and free of debris are suitable for reuse as trench backfill. If imported material is to be used, the table below contains our recommendations for engineered fill. Note that similar materials compared to existing should be used to the degree possible. Importing different soils for backfill may create lenses that could trap water and result in differential frost heave and other performance issues. If longitudinal transitions between soil types are required, we recommend tapering them at a rate of 1:20 (vertical:horizontal) or flatter. Transitions in the transverse direction, such as at intersections, should be at least 1:4 V:H. Table 6. Engineered Fill Materials* Locations To Be Used Engineered Fill Classification Possible Soil Type Descriptions Gradation Additional Requirements Pavement subbase/drainage layer Non-frost-susceptible Embankment and trench backfill Utility bedding (dry or moist conditions) Free-draining Non-frost- susceptible fill MnDOT select granular GP, GW, SP, SP-SM, SW See MnDOT 3149.2.B.2 --- Utility bedding (wet, unstable conditions)* Coarse aggregate bedding GP, GW, SP, SW 100% passing 1 1/2-inch sieve 0 to 10% passing #4 sieve See MnDOT 3149.G.3 --- Below landscaped surfaces, where subsidence is not a concern Non-structural fill --- 100% passing 6- inch sieve < 10% OC *Thicknesses will vary by condition and alternative materials may be required; consult the geotechnical representative to evaluate utility excavations. We recommend spreading engineered fill in loose lifts of approximately 12 inches thick. We recommend compacting engineered fill in accordance with the criteria presented below. Page 102 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 18 Table 7. Compaction Recommendations Summary* Reference Relative Compaction, percent (ASTM D698 – Standard Proctor) Moisture Content Variance from Optimum, percentage points* < 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically SP, SP-SM) > 12% Passing #200 Sieve (typically CL, SC, ML, SM) Within 3 feet of top of pavement subgrade 100 ±3 -1 to +3 More than 3 feet below top of pavement subgrade 95 ±3 ±3 Below landscaped surfaces 90 ±5 ±4 *Alternatively, use the penetration index method (MnDOT Specification 2106.3.F.3) for soils with P200 < 20%. Consult MnDOT 2106.3.B.2 for alternative moisture content controls when using Specified Density for soils. The project documents should not allow the contractor to use frozen material as engineered fill or to place engineered fill on frozen material. Frost should not penetrate under foundations during construction. We recommend performing density tests in engineered fill to evaluate if the contractors are effectively compacting the soil and meeting project requirements. C.3.b. Corrosion Potential We consider the sandy soils present to be non- to slightly corrosive to metallic conduits. If utilities extend through clay soils, we recommend bedding the utilities in sandy soil free of any clay lumps or constructing the utilities with non-corrosive materials. C.4. FDR Pavements C.4.a. Subgrade Preparation and Proofrolls After preparing the subgrade as described above and prior to the placement of the sand subbase or aggregate base, we recommend proofrolling the subgrade soils with a fully loaded tandem-axle truck. We also recommend having a geotechnical representative observe the proofroll. Areas that fail the proofroll likely indicate soft or weak soils that will require additional correction work to support pavements. The contractor should correct areas that display yielding or rutting greater than 1 inch under wheel traffic during the proofroll, as determined by the geotechnical representative. Possible options for subgrade correction include moisture conditioning and recompaction, subcutting and replacement with soil or crushed aggregate, chemical stabilization and/or geotextiles. We recommend performing a second proofroll after the aggregate base material is in place, and prior to placing bituminous pavement. Page 103 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 19 C.4.b. Pavement Design Sections Our scope of services for this project did not include laboratory tests on subgrade soils to determine an R-value for pavement design. Given the typical subgrades, which generally included a mix of sandy subbase and clayey soils in the upper 4 feet, we recommend using a design R-value of 25 for pavement design on the project. Based upon the assumed traffic loads and an R-value of 25, we recommend that new pavement sections include the following materials and thicknesses per the table below. Table 8. Recommended Bituminous Pavement Thickness Design, FDR segments (all streets) Layer Thickness (inches) Material (Specification) Bituminous wear course 2 SPWEB240C (MnDOT 2360) Bituminous non-wear course 2 SPNWB230C (MnDOT 2360) Aggregate base 6 Class 5 or Class 6 or Reclaim (MnDOT 3138) Approved subgrade --- --- The above pavement designs is based upon a 20-year performance life. This is the amount of time before major rehabilitation is anticipated. This performance life assumes maintenance such as seal coating and crack sealing is routinely performed. The actual pavement life will vary depending on variations in weather, traffic conditions, and maintenance. These designs are considered the minimum thicknesses for the anticipated traffic and the structural life may extend well beyond this period, particularly for concrete pavement. It is common to place the non-wear course of bituminous and then delay placement of wear course. For this situation, we recommend evaluating if the reduced pavement section will have sufficient structure to support construction traffic. Many conditions affect the overall performance of the pavements. Some of these conditions include the environment, loading conditions and the level of ongoing maintenance. Regarding bituminous pavements, it is common to have thermal cracking develop within the first few years of placement and continue throughout the life of the pavement. We recommend developing a regular maintenance plan Page 104 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 20 for filling cracks in pavements to lessen the potential impacts for cold weather distress due to frost heave or warm weather distress due to wetting and softening of the subgrade. C.4.c. Pavement Materials Placement We recommend placing the bituminous wear and non-wear courses to meet the requirements of MnDOT Specification 2360. We recommend compacting the aggregate base to meet the requirements of MnDOT Specification 2211.3.D.2.c (Penetration Index Method for the dynamic cone penetrometer [DCP]). D. Procedures D.1. Ground Penetrating Radar D.1.a. GPR Data Collection GPR data was collected in August 2023. GPR collection occurred at posted speed limits and data was recorded continuously along each street (scan interval of 1 foot), in both directions of travel except for cul-de-sac sections. A calibration file, required for data post-processing, was collected at the onset of testing. D.1.b. GPR Analysis Data collected by the GPR unit was returned to our office and analyzed to estimate the pavement thickness using RADAN 7.0, a software package included with the GSSI RoadScan system. The software includes tools to delineate pavement layer transitions with thickness estimates based on measured signal time and amplitude. Where “ground-truth” data (borings, cores) were performed, the interpreted layers from the GPR scan were compared directly to the measured thicknesses from the borings to validate the accuracy of the GPR analysis, with adjustments if necessary to improve accuracy or data clarity. D.1. Penetration Test Borings We drilled the penetration test borings with a truck-mounted core and auger drill equipped with hollow- stem auger. We performed the borings in general accordance with ASTM D6151 taking penetration test Page 105 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 21 samples at continuous intervals in general accordance with ASTM D1586. The boring logs show the actual sample intervals and corresponding depths. D.2. Log of Boring Sheets The Appendix includes Log of Boring sheets for our penetration test borings. The logs identify and describe the penetrated geologic materials and present the results of penetration resistance tests performed. The logs also present the results of laboratory tests performed on penetration test samples, and groundwater measurements. We inferred strata boundaries from changes in the auger cuttings. The strata boundary depths are only approximate. The boundary depths likely vary away from the boring locations, and the boundaries themselves may occur as gradual rather than abrupt transitions. D.3. Material Classification and Testing D.3.a. Visual and Manual Classification We visually and manually classified the geologic materials encountered based on ASTM D2488. When we performed laboratory classification tests, we used the results to classify the geologic materials in accordance with ASTM D2487. The Appendix includes a chart explaining the classification system we used. D.3.b. Laboratory Testing The exploration logs in the Appendix note the results of the laboratory tests performed on geologic material samples. We performed the tests in general accordance with ASTM or AASHTO procedures. D.4. Groundwater Measurements The drillers checked for groundwater after auger withdrawal. We then filled the boreholes as noted on the boring logs. D.5. Pavement Cores and Hand Auger Borings We obtained core samples of the pavement using a portable coring machine advancing a 4-inch diameter core barrel. Immediately after completing the coring, we repaired the bituminous pavement with a cold- Page 106 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 22 mix bituminous patch. We measured the cores to obtain approximate bituminous thickness and noted their material conditions based on visual observation. The Appendix includes images of the cores. We drilled hand auger borings with a 3-inch-diameter bucket auger. We advanced the borings to the apparent bottom of aggregate base and measured the thickness of the layers present. E. Qualifications E.1. Variations in Subsurface Conditions E.1.a. Material Strata We developed our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations from a limited amount of site and subsurface information. It is not standard engineering practice to retrieve material samples from exploration locations continuously with depth. Therefore, we must infer strata boundaries and thicknesses to some extent. Strata boundaries may also be gradual transitions, and project planning should expect the strata to vary in depth, elevation, and thickness away from the exploration locations. Variations in subsurface conditions present between exploration locations may not be revealed until performing additional exploration work or starting construction. If future activity for this project reveals any such variations, you should notify us so that we may reevaluate our recommendations. Such variations could increase construction costs, and we recommend including a contingency to accommodate them. E.1.b. Groundwater Levels We made groundwater measurements under the conditions reported herein and shown on the exploration logs and interpreted in the text of this report. Note that the observation periods were relatively short, and project planning can expect groundwater levels to fluctuate in response to rainfall, flooding, irrigation, seasonal freezing and thawing, surface drainage modifications, and other seasonal and annual factors. E.2. Continuity of Professional Responsibility E.2.a. Plan Review We based this report on a limited amount of information, and we made several assumptions to help us develop our recommendations. We should be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the designs Page 107 of 248 City of Lakeville Project B2307193 September 21, 2023 Page 23 and specifications. This review will allow us to evaluate whether we anticipated the design correctly, if any design changes affect the validity of our recommendations, and if the design and specifications correctly interpret and implement our recommendations. E.2.b. Construction Observations and Testing We recommend retaining us to perform the required observations and testing during construction as part of the ongoing geotechnical evaluation. This will allow us to correlate the subsurface conditions exposed during construction with those encountered by the borings and provide professional continuity from the design phase to the construction phase. If we do not perform observations and testing during construction, it becomes the responsibility of others to validate the assumption made during the preparation of this report and to accept the construction-related geotechnical engineer-of-record responsibilities. E.3. Use of Report This report is for the exclusive use of the addressed parties. Without written approval, we assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Our evaluation, analyses, and recommendations may not be appropriate for other parties or projects. E.4. Standard of Care In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Page 108 of 248 Appendix Page 109 of 248 C3 C2 C5 C1 C4 165TH STREET W. 166TH STREET W.JACK D A W P AT H JACKPINE TRAI L JAGUAR AVENUEJACAMA WAYF:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,1,9/12/2023 3:58:35 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 1 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 150' 150'75' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 110 of 248 C6 C8 C9 C7 172ND STREET W 173RD STREET W. IPSWIC H W A Y IPAVA AVENUEIXONIA AVENUEUPPER 173RD COURT W.ISLETON AVENUEF:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,2,9/12/2023 3:59:00 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 2 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 150' 150'75' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 111 of 248 C10 C13 C12 C11 C34 INTERSTATE 35KENYON AVENUEKEOKUK AVENUEKETCHICAN TRAIL178T H S T R E E T W . 17 9 T H S T R E E T W .F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,3,9/12/2023 3:59:17 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 3 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 200' 200'100' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 112 of 248 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-5 B-4 B-7 B-6KENWOOD TRAIL185TH STREET W.IXONIA AVENUE183RD STREET W. JAGUAR PATH J A Y COURTJAMAI CA PAT H JASPER PATHJAVA TRAILJACQUARD PATHC14 C16 C15 C17 C33 C19 C18 C20 C32 F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,4,9/12/2023 3:59:38 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 4 8 N DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING 0 SCALE:1"= 300' 300'150' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 113 of 248 B-9 B-8 B-10 K E NW O O D T R A I L IPAVA AVENUEITALY AVENUE201ST STREET W. LAKE MARION C31 C21 C22 F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,5,9/12/2023 3:59:58 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 5 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 150' 150'75' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 114 of 248 JUTLAND PLACEKEARNEY PATHKAFTAN CO U R TKENSINGTON BOULEVARDB-12 B-11 JURA TRAILC23 F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,6,9/12/2023 4:00:14 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 6 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 100' 100'50' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 115 of 248 B-13 B-14 205TH STREET W. 206TH STREET W.HOLYOKE AVENUEHOLT AVENUEHOLLINS AVENUE W.C24 F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,7,9/12/2023 4:00:31 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 7 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 100' 100'50' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 116 of 248 210TH STREET 211TH STREET 212TH STREET HUMMINGBIRD LANE HONEYCOMB PATHHYACINTH AVENEUEDODD ROADHYTRAIL CIRCLEIBIS AVENUEHONEYCOMB WAYC30 C29 C27 C25 C26 C28 F:\2023\B2307193\CAD\B2307193.dwg,8,9/12/2023 4:00:48 AMbraunintertec.com 952.995.2000 Minneapolis, MN 55438 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Project No: B2307193 Drawn By: Date Drawn: Checked By: Last Modified:9/12/23 Drawing No: Project Information Drawing Information Sheet: of Fig: B2307193 JAG 8/9/23 NGL City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 City Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota Soil Boring Location Sketch 8 8 N 0 SCALE:1"= 200' 200'100' DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CPT SOUNDING DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING Page 117 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1091.3 1.0 1088.3 4.0 1086.3 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to coarse- grained, with Gravel, light brown, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown, moist (POSSIBLE FILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 7-10-32 (42) 18" 5-4-6 (10) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-1 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:177969 EASTING:510242 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1092.3 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-1 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 118 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1104.9 0.8 1099.7 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 3 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of apparent aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), brown, moist, very stiff to hard (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 5-8-13 (21) 12" 9-12-18 (30) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-2 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:178864 EASTING:510380 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1105.7 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-2 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 119 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1112.0 0.9 1106.9 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), brown, moist With Gravel at 5 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-4-5 (9) 16" 8-7-7 (14) 10" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-3 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:178592 EASTING:510994 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1112.9 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-3 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 120 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1131.3 1.1 1126.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of apparent aggregate base CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, Clay lenses, brown, moist, medium to stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-3-5 (8) 14" 3-4-6 (10) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-4 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:177537 EASTING:512406 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1132.4 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-4 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 121 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1151.3 1.3 1146.6 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 9 inches of bituminous over 7 inches of apparent aggregate base SILTY SAND (SM), with Gravel, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 6-14-12 (26) 16" 13-7-10 (17) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-5 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:178085 EASTING:512132 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1152.6 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-5 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 122 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1088.9 1.2 1084.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 6 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of apparent aggregate base SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), brown, moist (POSSIBLE FILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-5-4 (9) 16" 5-5-6 (11) 17" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-6 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:176620 EASTING:512145 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1090.1 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-6 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 123 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1110.2 0.9 1105.1 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 5 1/2 inches of apparent aggregate base SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), with Gravel, brown to gray, moist, medium to stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-7-6 (13) 15" 3-4-6 (10) 15" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-7 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:177227 EASTING:512165 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1111.1 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-7 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 124 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 990.1 0.6 984.7 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 3 inches of bituminous over 4 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to coarse- grained, with Gravel, dark brown, moist END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-4-4 (8) 16" 3-3-3 (6) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-8 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:167848 EASTING:514260 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:990.7 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-8 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 125 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 984.6 0.8 980.4 5.0 974.4 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 2 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SILTY, CLAYEY SAND (SC-SM), dark brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT (SP-SM), fine to medium-grained, little Gravel, brown, moist, loose to medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 6-10-7 (17) 4" 6-5-6 (11) 17" 3-2-3 (5) 18" 3-3-3 (6) 17" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-9 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:168206 EASTING:513716 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:985.4 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-9 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 126 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 983.9 0.8 978.7 6.0 973.7 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 3 inches of bituminous over 6 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SILTY SAND (SM), fine to medium- grained, slightly organic, black and dark brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), medium to coarse-grained, Clay lenses, light brown, moist, loose (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 3-3-4 (7) 15" 5-3-4 (7) 18" 3-3-4 (7) 17" 3-3-3 (6) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-10 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:167872 EASTING:513717 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:984.7 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-10 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 127 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1062.1 1.1 1059.2 4.0 1052.2 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 1/2 inches of bituminous over 8 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), brown, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), brown, moist, stiff (GLACIAL TILL) Boulder at 7 feet END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 2-5-9 (14) 6" 3-5-4 (9) 18" 3-5-6 (11) 18" 4-5-7 (12) 18" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-11 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:165200 EASTING:508506 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1063.2 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-11 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 128 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 1050.1 1.1 1047.2 4.0 1045.2 6.0 1040.2 11.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 4 1/2 inches of bituminous over 9 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), brown, moist CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, brown to black, moist, stiff (GLACIAL TILL) Boulder/Gravel at 5 feet CLAYEY SAND (SC), light brown, moist, soft to stiff (GLACIAL TILL) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-5-6 (11) 16" 11-8-7 (15) 4" 3-2-2 (4) 15" 3-3-5 (8) 8" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-12 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:165096 EASTING:508249 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:1051.2 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-12 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 129 of 248 Elev./ Depth ft 969.1 1.3 966.4 4.0 964.4 6.0 WaterLevelDescription of Materials (Soil-ASTM D2488 or 2487; Rock-USACE EM 1110-1-2908) PAVEMENT, 5 inches of bituminous over 10 inches of apparent aggregate base FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC), with Gravel, dark brown, moist POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), fine to medium-grained, brown, moist, medium dense (GLACIAL OUTWASH) END OF BORING Boring then backfilled with auger cuttings 5 10 15 SampleBlows (N-Value) Recovery 4-5-6 (11) 16" 6-8-10 (18) 16" qₚ tsf MC %Tests or Remarks Water not observed while drilling. LOG OF BORING See Descriptive Terminology sheet for explanation of abbreviations Project Number B2307193 Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville 2024 CIP 24-02 Project Areas Lakeville, Minnesota BORING:B-13 LOCATION: DATUM:NAD 1983 HARN Adj MN Dakota (US Feet) NORTHING:165823 EASTING:519513 DRILLER:S. Hull LOGGED BY:N. Lund START DATE:08/18/23 END DATE:08/18/23 SURFACE ELEVATION:970.4 ft RIG:75011 METHOD:3 1/4" HSA SURFACING:Bituminous WEATHER:Sunny B2307193 Braun Intertec Corporation Print Date:09/21/2023 B-13 page 1 of 1DRAFT Page 130 of 248 Descriptive Terminology of Soil Based on Standards ASTM D2487/2488 (Unified Soil Classification System) Group  Symbol Group NameB  Cu ≥ 4 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D GW  Well‐graded gravelE  Cu < 4 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D GP  Poorly graded gravelE  Fines classify as ML or MH GM  Silty gravelE F G  Fines Classify as CL or CH GC  Clayey gravelE F G  Cu ≥ 6 and 1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3D SW  Well‐graded sandI  Cu < 6 and/or (Cc < 1 or Cc > 3)D SP  Poorly graded sandI  Fines classify as ML or MH SM  Silty sandF G I  Fines classify as CL or CH SC  Clayey sandF G I CL  Lean clayK L M  PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJ ML  SiltK L M Organic OL CH  Fat clayK L M MH  Elastic siltK L M Organic OH PT  Peat Highly Organic Soils Silts and Clays  (Liquid limit less than  50) Silts and Clays  (Liquid limit 50 or  more) Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor Inorganic Inorganic  PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" lineJ  PI plots on or above "A" line  PI plots below "A" line Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and  Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Soil Classification Coarse‐grained Soils (more than 50% retained on      No. 200 sieve)Fine‐grained Soils (50% or more passes the         No. 200 sieve) Sands  (50% or more coarse  fraction passes No. 4  sieve) Clean Gravels (Less than 5% finesC) Gravels with Fines  (More than 12% finesC)  Clean Sands  (Less than 5% finesH) Sands with Fines  (More than 12% finesH) Gravels  (More than 50% of  coarse fraction  retained on No. 4  sieve) Liquid Limit − oven dried Liquid Limit − not dried    <0.75 Organic clay K L M N Organic silt K L M O    Liquid Limit − oven dried Liquid Limit − not dried    <0.75 Organic clay K L M P Organic silt K L M Q    ParticleSize Identification Boulders.............. over 12"   Cobbles................ 3" to 12" Gravel Coarse............. 3/4" to 3" (19.00 mm to 75.00 mm) Fine................. No. 4 to 3/4" (4.75 mm to 19.00 mm) Sand Coarse.............. No. 10 to No. 4 (2.00 mm to 4.75 mm) Medium........... No. 40 to No. 10 (0.425 mm to 2.00 mm)  Fine.................. No. 200 to No. 40 (0.075 mm to 0.425 mm) Silt........................ No. 200 (0.075 mm) to .005 mm Clay...................... < .005 mm Relative ProportionsL, M trace............................. 0 to 5% little.............................. 6 to 14% with.............................. ≥ 15% Inclusion Thicknesses lens............................... 0 to 1/8" seam............................. 1/8" to 1" layer.............................. over 1"   Apparent Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Very loose ..................... 0 to 4 BPF Loose ............................ 5 to 10 BPF Medium dense.............. 11 to 30 BPF Dense............................ 31 to 50 BPF Very dense.................... over 50 BPF A. Based on the material passing the 3‐inch (75‐mm) sieve.  B. If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders,   or both" to group name. C. Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW‐GM well‐graded gravel with silt GW‐GC  well‐graded gravel with clay GP‐GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP‐GC poorly graded gravel with clay  D. Cu = D60 / D10 Cc =  𝐷30 2 /  ሺ𝐷10 𝑥 𝐷60)  E. If soil contains ≥ 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name.   F. If fines classify as CL‐ML, use dual symbol GC‐GM or SC‐SM. G. If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name.  H. Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW‐SM well‐graded sand with silt SW‐SC well‐graded sand with clay SP‐SM poorly graded sand with silt  SP‐SC poorly graded sand with clay I. If soil contains ≥ 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name.  J. If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is CL‐ML, silty clay.  K. If soil contains 15 to < 30% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is  predominant.  L. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. M. If soil contains ≥ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. N. PI ≥ 4 and plots on or above “A” line. O. PI < 4 or plots below “A” line. P. PI plots on or above “A” line. Q. PI plots below “A” line. Laboratory Tests DD Dry density,pcf qp Pocket penetrometer strength, tsf WD Wet density, pcf qU Unconfined compression test, tsf P200 % Passing #200 sieve LL Liquid limit MC Moisture content, %PL Plastic limit  OC Organic content, %PI Plasticity index  Consistency of Blows             Approximate Unconfined  Cohesive Soils             Per Foot            Compressive Strength Very soft................... 0 to 1 BPF................... < 0.25 tsf Soft........................... 2 to 4 BPF................... 0.25 to 0.5 tsf Medium.................... 5to 8 BPF .................. 0.5 to 1 tsf Stiff........................... 9 to 15 BPF................. 1 to 2 tsf Very Stiff................... 16 to 30 BPF............... 2 to 4 tsf Hard.......................... over 30 BPF................ > 4 tsf Drilling Notes: Blows/N‐value:  Blows indicatethe driving resistance recorded  for each 6‐inch interval. The reported N‐value is the blows per  foot recorded by summing the second and third interval in  accordance with the Standard Penetration Test, ASTM D1586. PartialPenetration:If the sampler could not be driven  through a full 6‐inch interval, the number of blows for that  partial penetration is shown as #/x" (i.e. 50/2"). The N‐value is  reported as "REF" indicating refusal. Recovery:  Indicates the inches of sample recovered from the  sampled interval. For a standard penetration test, full recovery  is 18", and is 24" for a thinwall/shelby tube sample. WOH:  Indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of  hammer and rods alone; driving not required.   WOR: Indicates the sampler penetrated soil under weight of  rods alone; hammer weight and driving not required.  Water Level: Indicates the water level measured by the  drillers either while drilling (       ), at the end of drilling (       ),  or at some time after drilling (        ).   Moisture Content: Dry:Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. Moist:  Damp but no visible water. Wet:  Visible free water, usually soil is below water table.  5/2021       Page 131 of 248 GPR Summary Results Lakeville Project 24-02 Street Rehab B2307193 September 2023 HMA Probable aggregate base/second layer Area Segment Length (ft)Street Start End Direction Average Std Dev Min Max 10th Pctle Average Std Dev Min Max 10th Pctle 1 166th St W (Jaguar Ave - Jackdaw Path) (EB)1613 166th St W Jaguar Ave Jackdaw Path EB 4.3 0.6 0.5 7.3 3.6 7.9 2.2 0.8 15.7 5.4 1 166th St W (Jackdaw Path - Jaguar Ave) (WB)1632 166th St W Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave WB 4.2 0.6 2.7 6.7 3.6 7.0 1.8 2.7 14.4 4.9 1 167th Ct W (Jaguar Ave - CDS) (EB)257 167th Ct W Jaguar Ave CDS EB 3.8 0.5 2.8 5.5 3.2 9.3 1.1 6.7 12.7 8.2 1 Jacamar Way (Jackdaw Path - 165th St W) (NB)500 Jacamar Way Jackdaw Path 165th St W NB 4.7 0.7 3.6 7.1 3.9 6.3 1.4 3.2 10.1 4.5 1 Jacamar Way (165th St W - Jackdaw Path) (SB)510 Jacamar Way 165th St W Jackdaw Path SB 4.6 0.7 3.1 6.4 3.8 9.2 1.3 3.2 12.1 7.7 1 Jackdaw Path (Jaguar Ave - 165th St W) (EB)1656 Jackdaw Path Jaguar Ave 165th St W EB 4.2 0.6 2.0 6.6 3.5 8.5 1.2 5.7 12.0 7.0 1 Jackdaw Path (165th St W - Jaguar Ave) (WB)1642 Jackdaw Path 165th St W Jaguar Ave WB 4.5 0.8 0.8 7.1 3.6 9.7 2.0 5.1 16.6 7.1 2 172nd St W (Ixonia Path - Ipswich Way) (EB)1228 172nd St W Ixonia Path Ipswich Way EB 5.0 1.0 2.8 9.1 3.7 6.0 1.3 2.4 9.7 4.4 2 172nd St W (Ipswich Way - Ixonia Path) (WB)1240 172nd St W Ipswich Way Ixonia Path WB 4.8 0.7 2.3 7.8 4.1 6.0 1.2 2.5 9.9 4.5 2 173rd St W (Ixonia Path - Ipava Ave) (EB)1203 173rd St W Ixonia Path Ipava Ave EB 5.0 0.8 0.9 8.6 4.2 7.5 1.7 3.3 11.8 5.0 2 173rd St W (Ipava Ave - Ixonia Path) (WB)1192 173rd St W Ipava Ave Ixonia Path WB 4.5 0.4 2.5 6.7 4.0 7.9 1.4 4.5 11.1 5.8 2 Ipswich Way (172nd St W - Ixonia Path) (WB)1285 Ipswich Way 172nd St W Ixonia Path WB 4.6 0.6 2.2 7.0 3.8 5.2 0.9 3.2 8.7 4.1 2 Ipswich Way (Ixonia Path - 172nd St W) (EB)1341 Ipswich Way Ixonia Path 172nd St W EB 4.6 0.7 3.2 6.9 3.9 4.0 0.9 1.6 6.7 3.0 3 178th St W (Ketchikan Tr - Kenyon Ave) (EB)789 178th St W Ketchikan Tr Kenyon Ave EB 3.5 0.4 2.3 5.0 3.0 5.6 1.0 2.9 8.3 4.2 3 178th St W (Kenyon Ave - Ketchikan Tr) (WB)806 178th St W Kenyon Ave Ketchikan Tr WB 3.5 0.5 0.6 6.8 3.0 7.6 0.9 1.4 10.0 6.4 3 Kenyon Ave (179th St W - James Lane) (NB)1510 Kenyon Ave 179th St W James Lane NB 5.9 0.7 3.4 8.3 4.9 3 Kenyon Ave (James Lane - 179th St W) (SB)1441 Kenyon Ave James Lane 179th St W SB 6.1 0.6 4.2 8.2 5.4 3 Ketchikan Ct (Ketchikan Tr - CDS) (WB)151 Ketchikan Ct Ketchikan Tr CDS WB 3.8 0.5 2.8 5.3 3.2 3 Ketchikan Tr (178th St W - Keokuk Ave) (NB)1484 Ketchikan Tr 178th St W Keokuk Ave NB 3.6 0.4 0.9 5.7 3.1 5.5 1.3 1.8 9.6 3.8 3 Ketchikan Tr (Keokuk Ave - 178th St W) (SB)1235 Ketchikan Tr Keokuk Ave 178th St W SB 3.9 0.4 1.6 5.7 3.5 6.4 1.3 3.8 10.5 4.7 4 Jaguar Path (Kenwood Trail - Upper 178th St W) (NB)1965 Jaguar Path Kenwood Trail Upper 178th St W NB 4.0 0.6 2.8 6.4 3.4 6.4 1.3 2.4 10.0 4.3 4 Jaguar Path (Upper 178th St W - Kenwood Trail) (SB)1995 Jaguar Path Upper 178th St W Kenwood Trail SB 4.2 0.6 1.5 6.6 3.6 7.0 1.1 4.8 10.8 5.7 4 Jarl Ct (Jaguar Path - CDS) (WB)529 Jarl Ct Jaguar Path CDS WB 4.2 0.7 2.4 6.2 3.2 6.4 1.1 3.8 9.0 5.1 4 Jay Ct (Jaguar Path - CDS) (EB)1032 Jay Ct Jaguar Path CDS EB 4.3 0.8 0.5 7.1 3.3 7.5 0.7 5.7 10.7 6.6 5 183rd St W (Jacquard Path - Jamaica Path) (WB)371 183rd St W Jacquard Path Jamaica Path WB 3.9 0.9 0.6 6.5 3.0 7.9 1.2 1.5 13.5 6.6 5 183rd St W (Jamaica Path - Jacquard Path) (EB)398 183rd St W Jamaica Path Jacquard Path EB 4.2 0.6 3.0 6.0 3.5 8.0 1.1 5.2 10.8 6.3 5 Jaeger Ct (Jacquard Path - CDS) (EB)268 Jaeger Ct Jacquard Path CDS EB 3.7 0.4 2.4 4.9 3.1 9.8 0.7 8.2 11.5 9.0 5 Jacquard Path (183rd St W - CDS) (NB)1136 Jacquard Path 183rd St W CDS NB 3.7 0.4 2.7 5.4 3.2 7.6 1.5 3.5 11.3 5.9 5 Jacquard Path (CDS - 183rd St W) (SB)1089 Jacquard Path CDS 183rd St W SB 4.0 0.4 0.3 6.3 3.5 7.2 1.5 4.4 11.7 5.1 5 Jacquard Ct (Jaeger Path - CDS) (EB)218 Jacquard Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB 3.7 0.5 2.6 4.8 3.1 5 Jaeger Path (183rd St W - 185th St W) (SB)980 Jaeger Path 183rd St W 185th St W SB 3.8 0.5 2.5 5.7 3.2 5 Jaeger Path (185th St W - 183rd St W) (NB)990 Jaeger Path 185th St W 183rd St W NB 3.7 0.4 2.6 5.3 3.2 8.3 1.1 5.7 10.9 7.0 5 Jambeau Ct (Jaeger Path - CDS) (EB)174 Jambeau Ct Jaeger Path CDS EB 3.9 0.5 0.8 5.3 3.4 5.2 0.7 3.7 7.2 4.4 6 201st St W (Ipava Ave - Italy Ave) (WB)726 201st St W Ipava Ave Italy Ave WB 3.4 0.6 2.0 5.3 2.5 5.1 1.6 2.2 9.7 3.1 6 201st St W (Italy Ave - Ipava Ave) (EB)758 201st St W Italy Ave Ipava Ave EB 3.6 1.1 2.1 6.9 2.5 5.6 1.0 2.3 9.2 4.3 6 Ipava Ave (201st St W - Kenwood Tr) (NB)551 Ipava Ave 201st St W Kenwood Tr NB 4.7 0.4 3.4 6.5 4.3 5.7 1.5 2.8 9.3 3.5 6 Ipava Ave (Kenwood Tr - 201st St W) (SB)566 Ipava Ave Kenwood Tr 201st St W SB 4.6 0.4 3.5 5.7 4.1 6.3 1.4 2.9 9.0 4.2 6 Italy Ave (201st St W - CDS) (NB)410 Italy Ave 201st St W CDS NB 2.4 0.9 1.4 5.5 1.7 6.2 1.1 3.5 9.6 4.9 6 Italy Ave (CDS - 201st St W) (SB)409 Italy Ave CDS 201st St W SB 2.5 0.8 1.0 5.2 1.8 6.5 1.3 4.0 10.0 4.9 7 Kaffan Ct (Kensington Blvd - CDS) (EB)561 Kaffan Ct Kensington Blvd CDS EB 4.3 0.9 2.9 7.6 3.4 8 205th St W (Holyoke Ave - Cemetery) (EB)1240 205th St W Holyoke Ave Cemetery EB 3.5 0.8 1.5 6.6 2.5 7.7 2.3 2.9 15.9 5.3 8 205th St W (Cemetery - Holyoke Ave) (WB)1237 205th St W Cemetery Holyoke Ave WB 3.6 1.1 1.5 6.7 2.4 7.9 2.6 2.4 17.9 4.5 9 212th St W (Honeycomb Way - Dodd Blvd) (WB)1651 212th St W Honeycomb Way Dodd Blvd WB 4.2 0.5 2.9 6.3 3.6 6.4 1.4 1.8 10.3 4.8 9 212th St W (Dodd Blvd - Honeycomb Way) (EB)1657 212th St W Dodd Blvd Honeycomb Way EB 4.0 0.6 2.4 6.0 3.3 7.4 1.5 3.3 14.0 5.5 9 Honeycomb Path (212th St W - CDS) ()980 Honeycomb Path 212th St W CDS 4.0 0.4 2.6 5.5 3.5 8.2 1.0 5.0 10.8 6.7 9 Honeycomb Way (Honeycomb Path - 212th St W) (SB)1033 Honeycomb Way Honeycomb Path 212th St W SB 4.0 0.4 3.1 5.8 3.5 7.5 0.7 5.5 10.4 6.6 9 Honeycomb Way (212th St W - Honeycomb Path) (NB)779 Honeycomb Way 212th St W Honeycomb Path NB 3.8 0.5 0.3 5.5 3.3 9.5 1.2 7.0 12.5 7.8 9 Hummingbird Ln (Honeycomb Path - 212th St W) (WB)900 Hummingbird Ln Honeycomb Path 212th St W WB 3.7 0.4 2.7 5.0 3.2 9.3 1.2 6.1 12.3 7.4 9 Hummingbird Ln (212th St W - Honeycomb Path) (EB)874 Hummingbird Ln 212th St W Honeycomb Path EB 3.8 0.4 2.9 5.8 3.4 7.9 1.3 4.8 12.0 6.2 9 Hyacinth Ave (212th St W - Hytrail Cir) (SB)282 Hyacinth Ave 212th St W Hytrail Cir SB 4.1 0.5 3.1 6.4 3.5 6.9 1.2 4.3 9.4 5.1 9 Hyacinth Ave (Hytrail Cir - 212th St W) (NB)259 Hyacinth Ave Hytrail Cir 212th St W NB 3.9 0.4 3.1 5.3 3.5 7.3 0.9 5.4 9.7 6.3 Page 132 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix E Public Response Log Page 133 of 248 Comment No.Resident Name Resident Address Phone Date Received Comment 1 Italy Avenue/201st Street West Neighborhood Residents Italy Avenue/201st Street West Neighborhood 8/2/2023 Primary comments/concerns from last nights meeting from residents in this neighborhood were: Standing water on road during rain events, water quality going into the lake, street width and emergency services access, road width taper going west towards Italy is very abrupt, most liked the idea of concrete curb but did not want to see their yards impacted, right of way lines shown on the map are incorrect, requested we search for grants/funding to help with assessments and ADA improvements, wanted to see larger parcels treated as multiple units for assessment calculations, concerns of what the DNR would allow in terms of stormwater improvements, requested the sediment basin which was created long ago at corner of 201st and Italy be dug out, wanted to see no on street parking for folks using SUP's and kayaks, motorized vehicles using the bituminous path to 199th st, insufficient base underneath Italy ave, and flooding/ice build up in spring thaws. 2 Mary M Smith 20075 Italy Ave marymsmith2@gmail.com 8/3/2023 Will residents on Italy Ave be assessed? When will we have access to the design? Will there be road/bike path improvements. 3 Jerry Olownia 20079 Italy Ave jerry.olownia@gmail.com 8/1/2023 Will the reconstruction of Italy Avenue include the following: widening the street, adding curbs, proper lighting and installing proper street draining system as at this point, we have no draining/sewage system on the street. Every spring for 3-4 weeks I have almost no access by foot to my house from the street as melting snow creates standing water in front of our driveway. This also happens temporarily when we have heavy rain throughout the year. 4 Rick Ringeisen 20085 Italy Ave ringer@mshsca.org 7/11/2023 Resident and City staff had a back and forth email exchange discussing the project and Italy Ave history from the resident back to 1960. Public Response Log 2024 Street Reconstruction Project Page 134 of 248 Feasibility Report 2024 Street Reconstruction Project C.P. 24-02 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 023290-000 Appendix Appendix F Stormwater Capacity A nalyis F igures Page 135 of 248 """"""" " " " """"" " " " " " "! # # #JAG U AR P A T H 45AA001 45AP014 45AP013 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 40 feet 0 40 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin 12-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 10-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 3.5 feet below structure rim in 10-year event Head pushes water through pipe, capacity doesn't appear to be an issue Water coming in at 4.14 cfs Ponds on catchbasin up to 0.383 feet in the 3-year event, would spread 15 feet across the roadway Recommend adding adjacent catchbasin Page 136 of 248 """" #JARL CT 44BP019 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 30 feet 0 30 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin Water coming in at 3.19 cfs Ponds on catchbasin up to 0.32 feet in the 3-year event, would spread 12.5 feet across the roadway Page 137 of 248 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" " " " " "" " " " " "! ! # 183RD ST W JAEGER CT J A C Q U A R D P A T H JAEGER PATH45AA023 45AC046 45AC045 45AP027 45AM011 45AP028 45AP026 45AP025 45AC051 45AC050 45AC04745AM012 45AM010 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 60 feet 0 60 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin Water coming in at 3.57 cfs Ponds on catchbasin up to 0.348 feet in the 3-year event, would spread 13.6 feet across the roadway Recommend adding adjacent catchbasin 12-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 2-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 0.6 feet below structure rim in 10-year event Head pushes water through pipe, capacity doesn't appear to be an issue 15-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 10-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 2 feet below structure rim in 10-year event Head pushes water through pipe, capacity doesn't appear to be an issue See next page Page 138 of 248 """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " "" " " " ! #JAEGERPATHJAEGER CT 45AC045 45AP027 45AM011 45AP028 45AP026 45AP025 45AC052 45AM013 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 50 feet 0 50 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin 15-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 10-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 1.3 feet above structure rim in 10-year event Water over-topping rim elevation will continue south and will be picked up by catch basins at the low point 15-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 10-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 0.4 feet above structure rim in 10-year event Water over-topping rim elevation will continue south and will be picked up by catch basins at the low point Page 139 of 248 " " " " " " " " " " """""""""""""""""""""""" " " " " ! ! #JAEGERPATHJAMB E A U C T 45AC044 45AC043 45AP024 45AP023 45AC053 45AM014 45AM009 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 40 feet 0 40 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin 18-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 5-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 4.7 feet below structure rim in 10-year event Head pushes water through pipe, capacity doesn't appear to be an issue Page 140 of 248 """"""""" " !! # JACQUARD CT 45AEM02 45AEM01 45AP029 45AEM02 45AEM01 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 30 feet 0 30 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin Water coming in at 2.92 cfs Ponds on catchbasin up to 0.303 feet in the 3-year event, would spread 11.8 feet across the roadway Page 141 of 248 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " "" " " " " " " " """" "KENSINGTONBLVDKAFTAN CT 14BP061 14BC030 14BC02914BA007 14BC034 14BP060 14BP062 14BC026 14BC027 14BC033 14BC032 14BC031 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 70 feet 0 70 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin "Proposed Structure Existing Draintile Proposed Draintile Add new 2x3 structure for proposed draintile connection, and a 15-inch proposed RCP connecting into existing CB Add draintile along northern curb line of Kaftan Court (approx. 600 LF) Add new 2x3 structure for proposed draintile connection, and a 15-inch proposed RCP connecting into existing CB Page 142 of 248 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " " "" ! !##"""201ST ST WITALY AVEMH21BC003 MH21BC002 21BEM02 21BM003 MH21BC004 21BEM02 21BM003 Document Path: K:\023290-000\GIS\Maps\Lakeville 2024 Storm Sewer Capacity\FDR - Existing Capacity Figures Date Saved: 10/9/2023¯1 inch = 30 feet 0 30 Feet 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project Lakeville, MN Proposed Storm Sewer Improvements Pipe Capacity Status "Consider Replacement "Allowable HW Pressure Flow "Good in Rational Calculation Full-Depth Reclamation Sag Point Catchbasin 12-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 2-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 0.9 feet above structure rim in 10-year event See low-point and pipe recommendations on this sheet 12-inch Existing Pipe Fails at 2-year event in Rational Calculation Headwater 1.7 feet above structure rim in 10-year event See low-point and pipe recommendations on this sheet Move the low point to the south. Add trench drain with valley gutter across the road, add slotted drain in the curb line on each side of the low point Install a 15-inch RCP from the slotted drain to the west outlet 21BM003 Water coming in at 7.64 cfs Ponds on catchbasin up to 0.523 feet in the 3-year event, would spread 20.6 feet across the roadway Re-establish plunge pool/energy dissipation at outfalls Page 143 of 248