HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-07 work session • Meeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session Thursday, April 19, 2007 Marion Conference Room The Planning Commission work session commenced at 5:45 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room at City Nall. Commissioners Present: Kecrin Swecker, Karl Drotning, Lowell Miller Stolte, Kim Manikowski, Steve Pattee, Jerry Grenz, Bart Davis, and ex-officio member Sergeant Bill Gerl. Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen and Planning Consultant Daniel Licht (NAC). Lake Marion Backwaters Reclassification Daniel Licht of NAC updated the Planning Commission on the progress staff has made since the July 10, 2006 City Council/Planning Commission/Economic Development Commission joint work session with respect to the age-restricted condominium development proposed adjacent to Kingsley Lake east of the Chart House restaurant. He stated that City staff has met several times with DNR representatives, who indicated that the City must adopt an ordinance allowing the transfer of density within the City's. shoreland overlay district prior to consideration of a . residential development that exceeds the shoreland overlay district's density requirements. As a result of the meetings with the DNR and in conjunction with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update, NAC prepared a density analysis of the backwaters portion of Lake Marion located west of I-35 and south of 185th Street. Lake Marion is currently classified as a Recreational Development Lake, however, the backwaters portion of the lake has existing characteristics,. surrounding development pattern, and land use and MUSA staging designations that better fit .the definition of a Natural- Environment -Lake. There are 13 property owners, not including the City, located within the shoreland overlay district for this portion of Lake .Marion that could potentially be affected by the lake .reclassification. Only one of these property owners attended the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update District 10 neighborhood meeting to hear staffs presentation on the proposed reclassification. The ordinance amendment to effectuate the lake reclassification will require a public hearing. Staff is seeking the Planning Commission's recommendation on the lake reclassification and direction on hosting a neighborhood meeting prior to the public hearing. The Planning Commissioners concurred with the proposed reclassification due to the existing characteristics, surrounding development pattern, and land use and MUSA staging designations for this portion of the Lake Marion backwaters. The Planning Commission directed staff to host a neighborhood meeting and invite the affected property owners. The Planning Commission also directed staff to draft an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would reclassify this portion of Lake Marion as a Natural Environment Lake and include language to allow the density transfer. The Planning Commissioners expressed a desire to review the draft ordinance • amendment at a work session to better understand how the density transfer will work and provide comments to staff prior to formal review of the ordinance amendment at a public hearing. • Sign Ordinance Amendment Daniel Licht described the draft ordinance proposing changes to sign regulations as recommended by the Economic Development Commission (EDC). Mr. Licht stated that both the Planning Commission and City Council directed staff to obtain input from the EDC on possible restrictions to temporary portable reader board and balloon signs and "for sale/for lease" signs, as well as the allowance of sandwich board signs. The EDC discussed the proposed sign regulations at their February and March meetings and recommended eliminating temporary portable reader board and balloon signs, adding sandwich board signs, and no change to the regulations concerning "for sale/for lease" signs. The draft ordinance amendment: • Creates provisions for the allowance of sandwich board signs in commercial zoning districts. • Prohibits temporary portable reader board and balloon signs in any zoning district, including the P-OS, Public/Open Space District... Temporary banner and pennant signs will continue to be allowed by special permit. • Allows buildings. in the C-CBD, Commercial District-CBD Area to have an additional sign on a rear or side wall, which may or may not front a public street, similar to the existing allowance for multiple tenant buildings in commercial zoning districts. Commissioner Drotning strongly stated his feeling that the ordinance amendment also address "for sale/for lease" signs to prevent the existing situation whereby these signs, which are intended to be temporary in nature and directed at the property on which the sign is placed, instead become quasi-permanent and/or are used to advertise for properties located elsewhere • in the city or even in other cities.. He proposed allowing an increase in the size of freestanding signs for multiple tenant commercial/industrial/office buildings. Separate "for sale/for lease" signs would not be allowed on these properties. As such, any "for sale/for lease" language would. have to be included on the allowed freestanding sign. On a vote of 4-3, the Planning Commission directed staff to proceed with a public hearing for the proposed ordinance amendment as presented, without any changes to the "for sale/for lease" sign provisions. 2008 Comprehensive Land Use .Plan .Update Staff described that the next step in the Comprehensive Plan Update process is for the Planning. Commission to review the comments received during the planning district neighborhood meetings and consider which of them fit into the overall development goals of the City and which have merit or potential for further consideration and incorporation into the draft Land Use Map and Policy Statement. Staff also requested Planning Commission members to comment on issues and policies they would like to see addressed with the update that have not yet been covered in the comments from the neighborhood meetings. The Planning Commission agreed that the majority of the comments expressed during the neighborhood meetings should be considered and directed staff to specifically considerthe following comments: • 2 i District One ¦ A connection from Lake Villa Golf Estates to CSAH 50 should be .constructed when that area develops consistent with the current Land Use Plan.. The Planning Commission questioned if there is a land. use change, such as designating the area as commercial, which would better encourage the area to develop/redevelop and allow the road to be constructed bythe developer. District Two ¦ Voice.. concerns to MAC with the increase in airport noise over Lakeville. ¦ There is a need for senior housing opportunities. Senior housing needs to be located near .adequate transportation infrastructure and commercial services such as the proposal received from Hosanna! Church regarding the east portion of their property. ¦ The City needs to attract high paying jobs and provide more Corporate Campus guided and zoned areas. District Three ¦ .Reconsider commercial land use designation at Dodd Boulevard and Flagstaff Avenue. ¦ Consider designating small commercial areas in the district as transitional commercial locations or for residential redevelopment. ¦ Consider designating the portion of the Winkler property southeast of the creek adjacent to Dodd Boulevard as low/medium density land use. • District Four ¦ Preservation of bluff areas on .the southwest shores of Lake Marion is a priority. ¦ Consider designating -the Bury property west of the utility easement as office park/business campus land use. District Five ¦ Traffic signals should be considered at the 202"d Street (CR-50)/Cedar Avenue (CR-23) intersection for traffic safety reasons. ¦ Land use at the northwest corner of CSAH 50/Ipava Avenue should be changed from low- medium density residential to office-residential transition. ¦ Land use at southwest corner of CSAH 50/Ipava Avenue. should be changed from medium density residential to high density residential for senior housing. District Six ¦ Consider reducing the amount of commercial land use on the west side of I-35 north. of 205th Street. ¦ Consider more office park/business campus land use on the south side of CR-70 east of I- 35 and consider moving up the MUSA staging in this area due to the planned construction of .the Elko-New Market interceptor. ¦ Evaluate designating property owned by the Hack family as commercial • 3 :District Seven • Follow the Downtown Develo ment Guide. p ¦ Consider the use of financial tools to help implement the recommendations of the Downtown Development Guide. ¦ Review the parking requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance as they pertain to downtown uses -are they too restrictive for downtown? ¦ Complete the greenway corridor connection between downtown and South High School District Eight ¦ Continue al{owing commercial recreational uses within industrial zones. ¦ Continue to develop with the current residential and industrial land use designations. ¦ Consider more retail/service commercial uses in proximity to Airlake Industrial Park for employee convenience. District Nine ¦ Study what should be done for those property owners that wish to connect to water and sewer but want to stay in the Permanent Rural Staged MUSA Area. District 10 ¦ Work to preserve larger stands of trees. ¦ Review the impacts of the CR-70/I-35 interchange improvements on potential land uses in . the area with respect to commercial uses versus residential uses. District 11 ¦ Consider cluster style development to preserve greenways and to facilitate implementation of the Northeast Creek Greenway trail corridor shown on the 2006 Parks, Trails and Open Space System Plan for the 110 acres on the east side of Pilot Knob Road under existing PUD District mechanisms. ¦ The ground water is close to thesurface in this area and must be considered in conjunction with proposed land uses. ¦ Consider re-guiding the property in the northwest. corner of Pilot Knob Road and Dodd Boulevard to residential ¦ Keep residential land use designations and limit commercial uses to designated commercial nodes at major intersections. District 12 ¦ Timing and staging of development within the Urban Reserve must be determined. ¦ The future extension of 185th Street between Dodd Boulevard and Cedar Avenue is important. ¦ Future development should include transit oriented design features in relation to Dakota County's BRT planning. ¦ Additional office park/business campus areas should be considered within the Cedar Avenue corridor area. ¦ There are opportunities for additional greenway corridors along existing drainage ways east • of Cedar Avenue at 190th Street. 4 ¦ The realignment of Holyoke Avenue/Highview Avenue at 190th Street should be encouraged with future development. General Comments ¦ Locations for assisted or elderly housing or planned communities need to be considered. ¦ More preservation of trees and wetlands is needed. ¦ The tree preservation/tree replacement requirements should be updated. ¦ Consider a new RM-2 zoning district to reflect the current medium to high density land use designation. The RM-2 District should allow back-to-back townhomes at a higher density than the current RM-1 District. The townhouses allowed in the RM-1 District should be row style only. ¦ Review the requirements for exterior building materials for commercial, industrial and office uses. ¦ Consider future park and ride locations on Cedar Avenue and I-35. The work session was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. R pe Ily s bmitted, Daryl M y, Plan n Director • 5