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7072 205th St W-Survey
STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO205THSTREETS SANSANSANSANSANSTOWATWATSANSANCSCSWATWATWATWATWAT Drainage and UtilityEasement per the platof CEDAR HILLS3RD ADDITIONBuilding Pad per Grading PlanBuildingSetback11Proposed HouseLewis, EK05, Elev. A3LookoutLowest Floor Elev. = (990.93)Top of Foundation@ Lookout Elev.= (994.10)LOT 7PorchGarageExisting SidewalkSidewalk 20.0025.5010.2213.10 64.33L=64.20R=433.00Δ=8°29'41"4.45N26°41'09"E N63°18'51"W 136.0061. 1 0 N2 6 ° 4 1 ' 0 9 " E 28.10S13°51' 1 0 " W N71°48'32"W 136.0039.7537.7512.75 2.006.62 10.1320.50 2.0010.0020.5010.12 23.3824.1 6 15.48 31.99 20.0926.6745.9663.3662.7646.0427.19995.0(994.9)989.1(989.0)989.5(990.0)998.3(998.3)999.29995.70991.84994.54X (995.1)X (993.4)993.0 X993.2 XX 996.6X 996.6(998.60)(5.5%)994.82 X997.14 X 998.15 X997.83TC X996.72TC X994.67TC X994.09REX (993.4)X (992.9)X (992.9)4.138.50998996 998996 994 992 990 988 986992994990 99 6 99 4 992 990 98 8COCOTCO E165936.32 N528061.81 E165932.81 N528094.02 E165954.69 N528086.66 E105 510 10 101010DrainTileExisting Sidewalk66 Foot Public Right of WayN:\0025850.01\DWG\SURVEY\3RD ADD\0025850.01B11L07 3RD.DWG Lakeville, MinnesotaCedar HillsCertificate of Survey.MJWGMKLennarPREPARED FOR:Phone :hLWeZaWer 'rLYe 6XLWe Fax 0LnneWonNa 01 Toll Free .FIELD CREW:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:© 2024 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.comPROJECT NUMBER: 0025850.010'20'40'LEGENDCABLE TV BOXTVNATURAL GAS METERGSTREET LIGHTELECTRIC BOXEELECTRIC METERESANITARY MANHOLESSEWER CLEANOUTCOCATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLESTTELEPHONE BOXTGATE VALVEHYDRANTWATER METERWCURB STOP BOXCSWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERSANSTOWATFLARED END SECTION1) Curb & gutter and utilities are existing.2) Building dimensions do not reflect brick facing.3) Grading Plan by Westwood Professional Services Inc.initial submittal date 02/06/20.4) Building shown reflects Lewis foundation plan, sheet A2,dated 12/0/2023.Lot 7, Block 11, CEDAR HILLS 3RD ADDITION,according to the recorded plat thereof, DakotaCounty, Minnesota.Address- 7072 205th Street WI hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or undermy direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LandSurveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 04/05/2024Mathew J. Welinski DateMinnesota License No. 53596matt.welinski@westwoodps.comDenotes iron monument foundDenotes iron monument setx xxx.x Denotes existing elevationx (xxx.xx) Denotes proposed elevationBenchmark- Minnesota Department of Transportation Control Point "1914H", Elevation = 959.11 (N.A.V.D. 1988), not graphically shown.IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONSLot area = 10,797 sq. ft.House area = 1,861 sq. ft.Porch area = 48 sq. ft.Driveway and Sidewalk = 782 sq. ft.Impervious area 2,691 sq. ft. /24.9% of total of lot areaNW Quarter, Section 27, Township 114, Range 20Garage Floor Elev. = (998.60)(at overhead door)Top of Foundation Wall Elev. = (998.93)Lowest Floor Elev. = (990.93)Top of Foundation Wall @ Lookout Elev. = (994.10)