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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
JUNE 21, 2007
The June 21, 2007 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Swecker in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag Pledge...
Present: Davis, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Pattee, Grenz, Drotning, Ex-officio
Absent: None
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Daniel Licht, Northwest Associated
Consultants; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording
The May 17, 2007- Planning Commission meeting minutes .were. approved as
• Mr. Morey indicated the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting.
1. The June 20, 2007 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
meeting motions regarding the Stoneridge final plat and the Vermillion
.Ridge Estates preliminary plat.
Mr. Morey reminded the Commissioners about the work session immediately
following tonight's meeting in the Lake Marion Conference Room.
Mr. Morey stated that the July 5, 2007 Planning Commission meeting. will be
cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
07.33 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
June 21, 2007 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows:
Approve the request of Steve Seaburg for athree-year extension of a Special Home
Occupation Permit to operate a massage therapy use in his single family home,
located at 9523 - 207 Street.
Planning Commission Meeting
June 21, 2007
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Approve the request of James McCabe for athree-year extension of a Special Home
Occupation Permit to operate a photography studio in his single family home,
located at 9965 - 208 Street.
Ayes: Davis, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Pattee, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Stoneridge
Meadows, LLC for the vacation of public drainage and utility easements. in
conjunction with the proposed final plat of Stoneridge, located on property west of
Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) and south of 188 Street. Assistant City Attorney Poehler
attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State.
Statutes and City Code.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that the Stoneridge final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat.
He indicated that the developer is proposing to phase the development by final
platting and developing 31 lots on the .north side of Kenwood. Trail (CSAH 50) with
a single access at Kenwood Trail and 188 Street. Mr. Dempsey explained that the
proposed phased platting of the project will not require the construction of a second
access onto Kenwood Trail and the required divided concrete median in Kenwood
Trail with the Phase I development. He stated that the approved preliminary plat
included a local street connection (Jolly Lane) to Kenwood Trail in the area
identified on the final plat as Outlot F. The developer has not included this portion
of the final plat as lots and blocks for the Phase I development in order to continue
working with the adjacent property owner (Hilla) on the possibility of constructing
190 Street as the second and full access for this plat to Kenwood Trail instead of
Jolly Lane, which would require the developer to construct a median within
Kenwood Trail.
Mr. Dempsey. stated that the public drainage and utility easements located in
Outlots B, C and D, Lakerdge will be vacated with the final plat of Stoneridge.
They. will be re-established when Outlot G is platted into lots and blocks. He
.indicated that the public drainage and utility easement located in the northwest
corner of the property will be vacated and replaced with a temporary drainage and
utility easement. This temporary easement will expire when Outlot G is platted into
lots and blocks, and a permanent easement is established with a future phase of the
Stoneridge plat.
The develo er for Stonerid e, Mike Kam me er arrived.
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June 21, 2007
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Mr. Dempsey showed .the two options for Outlot F, .which would allow a future
road connection from 192nd Street and Jolly Way to Kenwood Trail or development
of two lots in that area if Outlot F is not needed for future access to Kenwood Trail.
Mr. Dempsey. stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council' approval of the. Stoneridge final. plat and easement vacation, Planning
Department staff recommends .approval subject to the 14 stipulations listed in the
June 15, 2007 planning report.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
07.34 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash clarified that in order to ensure that Outlot F can
be developed into conforming lots with or without the development of the future
road connection to Kenwood Trail, staff recommends that Lot 1, Block 4 be
. incorporated into Outlot F with this final plat. This will reduce the number of lots in
the final plat to 30.
07.35 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
Stoneridge final plat and the vacation of public drainage and utility. easements,
subject to the 14 stipulations listed in the June 15, 2007 planning report.
Ayes:. Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Pattee, Grenz, Drotning, Davis.
Nays: 0
Chair Swecker opened .the public hearing to consider the. application of Lakeville
Residential, LLC for the preliminary plat of 70 single family residential lots and 5
outlots to be known as Vermillion Ridge Estates, located west of Pilot Knob Road
(CSAH 31) and north of the Lakeville and Farmington city limits. Assistant City
Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly .published in
accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Don Jensen from RLK, Inc. presented an overview of the request. The engineer for
the project, Andy, Berenberg from RLK was also in attendance.
Associate Planner. Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Lakeville Residential, LLC has submitted an application and plans for the
.Planning Commission Meeting
June 21, 2007
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preliminary plat of 70 single family residential lots and five outlots to be known as
Vermillion Ridge Estates..
Mr. Dempsey stated that the subject property is zoned RS-3, Single Family
Residential District and RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. He explained
that the property is proposed to be developed in phases, with the south half of the
property zoned RS-3 to be developed as single homes with the first phase. He
indicated that the developer has submitted a ghost plat showing the future
development of 193 townhome units on the north half of the property. A separate
preliminary and. final plat will be required for the development of the ghost plat
Mr. bempsey stated that all lots meet the minimum lot area and width and building
setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the RS-3 District.
Mr, .Dempsey indicated that the 171ots abutting 179t~ Street and. Pilot Knob Road are
required to have increased buffer yard lot sizes, setbacks and screening. The
preliminary plat meets the buffer yard requirements.
1Vlr. Dempsey stated that local street Eventide.Way will connect with Eventide Way
in the Deer Meadow single family residential development to the south in
Farmington. This street connection will ensure a long term full access to Pilot Knob
Road for the Deer Meadow residents via 179 Street.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the Vermillion Ridge Estates developer hosted a
neighborhood meeting in .conjunction with the Autumn Meadows development at
North Trail Elementary School on March 5, 2007. Approximately 40 people were in
attendance for both neighborhood meetings. A copy of the neighborhood meeting
notes, dated March 6, 2007, are included with the planning report.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Vermillion Ridge Estates preliminary plat, .Planning
Department. staff recommends approval subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the
June 15, 2007 planning report.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the .public for comment.
Jeffrey Thill, 5867180th Street W.
Mr. Thill stated that he likes the development, but wanted to clarify where and how
. many trees there would be along the Vermillion Ridge Estates south boundary line,
adjacent to the Deer Meadow development.
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June 21, 2007
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Mr. Thill also asked about the possibility of installing .traffic signals at the
intersection of 179 Street and Pilot Knob Road.
07.36 Motion was made and seconded to close the public. hearing at 6:35 p.m.
Ayes: 7 Nays; 0
Mr. Morey reiterated that storm sewer is proposed to be installed by the developer
along the south boundary of the Vermillion Ridge Estates plat, which will.
necessitate the removal of existing trees in this area. Also, he indicated that the
Zoning Ordinance does not require a landscape screen between single: family
Regarding signalization at the intersection of 179 Street and Pilot Knot Road, Mr.
Morey stated that this will be decided by Dakota County because both are. either
existing or planned County roads.
Commissioner Grenz asked if the developer has taken care of all the encroachments.
Mr. Jensen indicated: that all adjoining property owners with encroachments have
been contacted and the encroachments will be removed.
Commissioner Stolte asked it the developer is okay with the 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday -Saturday, hours of operation identified in the planning report. Mr. Jensen
indicated that this was fine, but would clarify with City staff if equipment could be
started before 7:00 a.m. when the weather got colder.
Commissioner Stolte asked if .the tree preservation plan is accurate. Mr. Rubash
indicated that the tree preservation plan is correct, but the landscape plan is
optimistic to propose. plantings over the storm sewer proposed along the south plat
There was a discussion regarding utilities cutting into Pilot Knob Road and whether
the road would need to be closed. Mr. Berenberg indicated that there may be lane
closures, but the entire road would not have to be closed.
The Planning Commission and developer discussed the proposed stock pile area on
the north half of the property. Mr. Rubash stated that the stockpile area is relatively
low in height and will help minimize the construction impacts on the neighborhood
to the north when the north half of the property is developed.
07.37 ,Motion was made and. seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
• Vermillion Ridge Estates preliminary plat of 70 single family residential lots and 5
outlots, located west of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) and .north of the Lakeville and
Planning Commission Meeting
June 21, 2007
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Farmington city limits, subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the June 15, 2007
planning report.
Ayes:. Stolte, Swecker, Pattee, Grenz, Drotning, Davis, Manikowski.
Nays: 0
Chain Swecker opened the public hearing to consider an ordinance amending Title
11 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City Code concerning signs. Assistant
City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly published in
accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Planning .Consultant Dan Licht presented the planning. report. Mr. Licht reviewed
the Sign Ordinance amendment which was approved by the City Council on
February 5, 2007. The City Council directed that staff obtain input from the
Economic Development Commission (EDC) regarding possible restrictions on
temporary portable reader board and balloon signs, and "for .sale/for lease" signs,
as well as the allowance of sandwich board signs.
• Mr. Licht indicated that the EDC discussed temporary portable reader board,
balloon, "for sale/ for lease," and sandwich board signs at their February 27 and
March 27, 2007 meetings. While the EDC supported the proposed allowance of
sandwich board. signs and the elimination of temporary portable reader board and
balloon signs, they felt that placing limits on "for sale/for lease" signs would have a
negative impact on area businesses.
Mr. Licht stated that the Planning Commission reviewed the EDC's
recommendation and discussed the. proposed sign regulations at their Apri119, 2007
work session. He indicated that on a 4-3 .vote the Planning Commission concurred
with the EDC's recommendation and directed .staff to proceed with a .public hearing
on the ordinance amendment with no changes to the current ordinance standards
concerning "for sale/for lease" signs.
Mr. Licht stated that the City Council reviewed the proposed sign regulations at
their May 21, 2007 work session and agreed with the proposed ordinance
Mr. Licht stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment, Planning Department staff
recommends approval, as presented.
• -Chair Swecker o ened the hearin to the ublic for comment.
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June 21, 2007
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There were no comments from the audience.
07.38 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 7:02 p.m.
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Commissioner Drotning. stated that he believes that the ordinance amendment is
incomplete because it misses an opportunity to address the current situation with
"for sale/for lease" signs that become quasi-permanent and/or are used to advertise
the properties located off-premise (sometimes in other cities).
Commissioner Grenz questioned whether the ordinance addresses putting up a sign
in your front yard and what that sign could say. Mr. Licht indicated that the Zoning
Ordinance currently allows a sign up to nine square feet in area to be placed on
residential properties without a permit. Assistant City Attorney Poehler stated thaf
the right to put a sign in your front yard to express yourself is also covered under
the First Amendment.
07.39 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council .approval of the
ordinance amending Title 11 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City code
• concerning signs, as presented.
Ayes: Swecker, Pattee, Davis, Manikowski, Stolte.
Nays: Grenz, Drotning.
Commissioner Grenz stated he felt that he did not have sufficient supporting
documents to vote in favor of the ordinance amendment.
Commissioner Drotning stated that the ordinance amendment should. have
addressed "for sale/for lease" signs.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, ATTEST:
Penny Bre ,Recording See • ry Ke Swecker, Chair
Meeting Notes
Planning Commission Work Session
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Marion Conference Room
The Planning Commission work session commenced at 7:25 p.m. in the Marion Conference
Room at City HaH.
Commissioners Present: Chair Swecker, Davis, Drotning, Grenz, Manikowski, Pattee, Stolte,
and ex-officio Gerl.
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City
Engineer Jay Rubash, Planning Consultant Daniel Licht, and Assistant City Attorney Andrea
McDowell Poehler.
2008 Comprehensive Plan Update
Daniel Licht of NAC gave an overview of the draft 2030 Land Use Plan and Staged MUSA
Expansion Areas maps as well as the draft Policy Plan associated with the 2008
Comprehensive Plan Update, referencing his June 15, 2007 memorandum. The Planning
Commission made the following comments:
• Goals and Policies:
¦ The Planning Commission agreed with recommended policies to expand the City's
ability to manage the rate. of growth parallel to supporting infrastructure capacity,
including regional transportation improvements.
MUSA Staging Plan
¦ The Planning Commission approved a policy change. that MUSH expansion dates
become "not before" subject to further analysis. prior to the established date related to
.timing of infrastructure improvements in accordance with the CIP and need for additional
developable land supply
¦ The Planning Commission concurred .with the recommended MUSA staging areas.
¦ .The Planning Commission agreed that the decisions related to timing/land use-for the
Urban Reserve area. be deferred to allow completion of the current Dakota County plan
for Cedar Avenue, securing sources of funding for needed infrastructure improvements,
and allow the City to define future land uses in the- context of then current development
2030 Land. Use Plan
¦ The Planning Commission supports decreasing residential development densities away
from major nodes of commercial development.
¦ The Planning Commission supports changing the land use east of 1-35 to Jacquard
Avenue from tight fndustrial/VVarehouse to Office Park with the .intent to review specific
uses allowed in these areas as part of the 2009 Zoning Ordinance update.
¦ The Planning. Commission discussed the Charthouse property remaining Commercial
• when surrounding parcels are being designated Office/Residential Transition. Allowing
the ability to restore the facility to afull-service restaurant is important given the
Planning Commission Work Session Notes
May 3, 2007
• significance of the Charthouse to the community and that any other commercial use
would likely be severely restricted by Shoreland Overlay District standards.
¦ The Planning Commission discussed the need for the.Comprehensive Plan to identify
than alternative uses at the northwest corner of Dodd Boulevard and Pilot Knob Road be
considered in the future should the property owner determine that the uses currently
shown on the 2020 Land Use Plan are not viable. Until a change is initiated by the
property owner, the 2030 Land Use Plan will. not change the uses guided for this
¦ The Planning Commission asked about elimination of the Central Area PUD. City staff
responded that the land uses called for. by the Central Area Plan .are. shown on 2030
Future Land Use Plan and that changing parcels within the Central Area from PUD
- District to conventional zoning can be considered as part of the 2009 Zoning Ordinance
¦ The Planning Commission discussed the undeveloped properties on the west side of
Lake Marion (east of I-35). The Planning Commission agreed with City staff's
recommendation to change proposed Office Park uses to High Density Residential-Uses
due to the distance of time=properties from. freeway access. The Planning Commission
- also asked about extension of the Lake Marion Trail Loop around the west side of Lake
Marion. City staff responded that the Lake Marion Trail Loop is shown on the 2030
Parks and Trails Plan Map signaling that land is proposed to be acquired either by
purchase, donation or dedication at the time of development. This also includes the
Rechtzigel property, which is surrounded by Casperson Park and. West Lake Marion
¦ The Planning. Commission concurred that the 2030 Land Use Plan should designate the
Urban Reserve area as a Special Plan Area outlining commitments to future urban
development not before2020.
Next Steps
City staff indicated that the next step. in the Comprehensive Plan update process would be a
..community open house to be held in July or August at City Hall. Following the open house,.
NAC will finalize the draft Comprehensive Plan for Planning Commission and City Council
review in September.
The work session was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
R spectfully submitted,
Daryl M rey, Plan i g Director