HomeMy WebLinkAbout18180 Gavel LaRECEIVED By cpeterson at 11:47 am, Jun 10, 2024 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATION OF GRADING AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MONUMENTS Building Permit #: LA211778 LA211780 LA211781 LA211783 LA211784 LA211786 Legal Description: Lot 1=6glock 2 Subdivision: GLACIER CREEK 3RD ADDITION Address: 18160 18164 18168 18172 18176 18180 Gavel Lane We -t hereby certify that on 22nd day of May J 2024 an inspection of this property was conducted by me or under my direct supervision and that the as -built grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance with the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. (EXCEPT AS NOTED ON INCLUDED SURVEY) In addition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. I hereby cerbfy that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: P ter J. Hawkinson Signature: Date: May 28, 2024 MN License #: 42299 NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Inspections Department at 952-985-4440. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985-4500. Prior to release of the Grading Security, this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Ends. 1 K:IIOSH A IOEfVSOIVIC'en .fi.of Giad4 L�E doc - - - - - -- -- - - GAVEL LANE S87°12'12eE '---<--- - - - - `I•" a 212.00�- I m4.1 9]4.] 971.e 81] 973.7 9715 8]14 W]3 aR ^en gny6 8A.1 B]3.0 8]28 Wo-w We B]5.} O 9]S2 .7A 9J0ap 915E 9] 6 971O 97V 928 D% O a v %94.8� 9, zul6 Rn•� �1 22 %B]SA %poo, Me G a m 0. 9]S6 975.0 8]6.Y•4R BR.9 9]6.0 6.2Z rne2 x971B IBv W6.1 B]SPJ B]or 6.6X 5.9 975.8 %8714 %975.1 9JSa 9]5.9 42.D0 .11.4 / 32.00 975e 7.1X %8]Sfi /,6X 8]S x°]5.6 9]5.5 ■ O9yy6 Q% e]e. 7s.5 Driveway 1 i e Drivewa 32.001 32.0 8.5X e7 .e (974.7 LJ.14.1 N 9]6p. ar 976A Y 9]9]65 9]SS IV2Way Driveway / 94e 32.00 9]As B]6 ^°]6 °J Driveway W6s Driveway/ 42.00 9]Ss V. Q B]fi 6 9 b b 2 2 °]fi5 n n W6.4tz 2 g 5 9 6.5 9]6. B .5 °76.4 I g °76.5z % 971a \ T f Porc n B]. h n BA 22_2 8 _5 9]Ba B]65 9A.9 v 9]5d r porch h n ] .ark ^ O 5 22,29 .5 n 9 .5 22Z g 8' X 874.2 9. O O11"i O 9.8 .< Porcrl 1: K °Pdr '° ^o �•/in / h VaICM1 W Garage i Garage Garage ara a 98 9.8 o e]ei7s'0!/� � Garage 9.7 B� Q `o `-• 17a5 M ____ �I// Garage 10.2 9717 y \ / F G c. W B]S.a M m _ F O m C < 00 10_2 Sables M 3 House M 3 House 3: 3 __ ___ n _- ___ _ _--�C___ __ _ n e7s.° r3 FM a doe a \ srt / trillium J / x a y n Trillium House 3 M 3 n% DD 9 z.9 d NQ C o w n a ire Trillium ///HHHouse 9JSe 1 m v m e W \ oV 973.a p� / Trillium Sable %/ ^ xa711.2 / Q x 171.0 wam �i y V \ L Bn.} eJ1w 3 deck I 97x4 973.z tleek 3.a e711 32.0 9JSa e]3} O 32.0 1} y 31.8 9 .} O COW j m IS J Q, _ woes 10.0 9]6`.e °Jiaa e s wx} 9ig§k d dak xa ens s]. B]z° (/ N I WNp•a y p rv-=o g B]9.9 %B]2.4 972.7 10.0 W A 9R.] - deck a g]}.}9]3.3 deck V i U 0 V -m YF 9R.6 B]R. M. c 97' JSa O \ zB]R.2 V 10.0 9729 x 9]29 972.1 O 1 2 3 4 9]2 972] V O 9]2] J W y 0 a no iE. 42.00 C 9]z.] N 1 Y m O e2.2 %Bn1 32.00 s7z2 32.00 J x9725 �\ VQ OIO e7v 32.00 1 l0 17l.a 1 28 J $ O O e7za 32.00 erzz I I^ i ` V. to do 972.1 40.17 1o21'21" o m o '' • •}. x x 9R.0 9T.8 N87012'12" B] 9 1• J0.9 X.7a.5 - O m -5 - 87,.3 210.17 \no �971.0 9 _ --(100YR HWL) WETLAND _ _ - sos= = _ �1711 conshraahion Notes: • Denotes Iron pipe 1. all rack construction entrance. Denotes service Lots 1, 6 Lots 2-5 2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion control. Lot area 62M SF emE 3. Sidewalks shall drain oway from house a minimum of 1.0%. Denotes television box Lot area a 9472 SF � 4. Contractor must verify driveway design. ■ Denotes electric box House area = 2652 SF House area = 5332 SF 0' 10 20' pre °igg,m z 5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior to construction. 0 Derote. telephone box Parch area = 90 SF porch area - 180 SE 6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. x al Denotes existing elevation Sidewalk area = 92 SF Sidewalk area = 184 Sir g 7.g re c grade x ooa.ao Denotes a elevouon Driveway crec = 326 SF Driveway area - 652 SF W l will in walla a conditional; the g Wall installed if the de exceeds 81. Y nn9 Wall will not be installed if the grade is 3:1 or less. drainage Total Impervious Area = 3160 SF Total Impervious Area = 6346 SF Denotes drainage now direction impervious Coverage 51.0X impervious Coverage a 67.OX Scole: 1" = 20' vs N General Notes: A Dennis..pike § P'w; n 1. Grading plan by Pioneer Engineering last dated 12-03-21 was used to sere.... Denotes proposed retaining wall REVISED 5/22/24 GRADING AS -BUILT ra determine proposed elevations shown herein. designed and built by others. Benchmark: E- # 2. This survey does not purport to show improvements or encroachments, a Tap Nut Hydrant a We hereby certify to Brandt Anderson Homes Inc Shot Shia a rvey, pl on except as shown, as surveyed by me or under my direct supervision. 3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal location of Lowest opening elevation per grading plan :972.9 or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that L6-7 B2 N li Elevation = 975.40 S P Lowest floor elevation per grading plan : 973.1 am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under She laws of the State of structures on the lot only. Contact builder prior to construction for W M d construction Minnesota, tlated 04/11 /23. approve pans. f .� o 4. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the 1. 04-1m'. Q pi o surveyor. The suitability of sails to support the specific house proposed is House elevations (Proposed) / As -built Signetl: eer E gineering, P.A. L)0410a txveBldg g - not the responsibility of the surveyor. z) 011211 aam eiagws 5 .g,ay P Y Ya Lowest Floor Elevation :(973.6) / 973.5 1)0522-Zl accek bru �' S. This certificate does not purport to show easements other than those 4)OS zzw c�.di.ans-bath 9� shown on the recorded plot. Top Of Foundation Elev. :(976.8) / 976.8 BY: w� u Z. Bearings shown ore based on an assumed datum. Gara a Slab Elev. ®Door g78.4 Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land Surveyor _ '9 9 .( ) / 976.5 Minnesota License No. 42299 emoil-phawkinson0pioneereng.com ~ <