HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA224629-17936 Hidden Creek Ct-Permit PackRESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LAKEVILLE BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 952-985-4440 Office Use Only __________________ Permit Number ___________________ Received By ___________________ Date Received ___________________ Fee Total SITE ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: JOB DESCRIPTION:__________________________________ MASTER PLAN: (Number or Address)____________________ LIST OTHER STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY:_______________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED VALUATION: PROPOSED START DATE: END DATE: (New Residential Only): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT: _____ BLOCK: _____ SUBDIVISION: APPLICANT IS: RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR EMAIL NEW MODEL HOME: YES NO (IF YES – ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT REQUIRED) PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELY (All Contractor information must be as listed on State License) RESIDENT OWNER NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________________________ LICENSE #:BC______________ LEAD CERTIFICATE#_______________ (PRE 1978 STRUCTURE) OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ PLUMBING WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:__________________________________________LICENSE #: PM______________ OFFICE PHONE #:_____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ MECHANICAL WORK Homeowner Contractor CONTRACTOR:________________________________________ _______________________________ _____________________________ CELL PHONE:___________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY:________________ ST:______ ZIP:____________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ SEWER/WATER CONTRACTOR New Construction Only NAME:________________________________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ CELL PHONE:______________________________ BOND #:_______________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE____________________ NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print)DATE I HEREBY APPLY FOR PERMIT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL INFORMATION ON THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT AND WORK IS NOT TO COMMENCE UNTIL SUCH TIME A PERMIT IS ISSUED. ALL WORK WILL COMPLY WITH LAKEVILLE CITY CODE, THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE, AND THE APPROVED PLANS. INTEREST EARNINGS ON ESCROW ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, WILL BE RETAINED BY THE CITY TO OFFSET THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCESSING THE ESCROW APPLICATION AND REFUND. OFFICE PHONE #:_ OFFICE PHONE #:_ *Entering your name affirms your intent to comply with the statement above. * Submit Application To: permits@lakevillemn.gov RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PAGE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BUILDING DUPLEX AS BUILT TOWNHOUSE UNITS BUILDING FINAL DETACHED TOWN HOUSE UNIT CONDO REROOF RESIDE RES ADDN/REPAIR/RMDL DECK PORCH GARAGES LOWER LEVEL FINISH ADDITION FOUNDATION ONLY MISCELLANEOUS DEMO APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR: Date: PLUMBING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR: Date: COMMENTS: CITY BUILDING VALUATION: $ BUILDING PERMIT FEES $PERMIT FEE $PLAN CHECK $SURCHARGE $METRO SAC $CITY WATER HOOKUP UNIT $CITY SEWER HOOKUP UNIT $LANDSCAPE ESCROW $TREE ESCROW $MISC ESCROW $PLUMBING $MECHANICAL $SEWER WATER WATER METER PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE $OTHER $TOTAL METER SIZE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE SEWER/WATER SEWER/WATER FINAL STREET DRAINTILE BUILDING INFORMATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ZONING CODE EDITION FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OCCUPANCY GROUP MECHANICAL AIR TEST FINAL ROUGH-IN PLUMBING FINAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION LATH DECK FOOTING FIREPLACE FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING PORCH FRAMING PORCH FOOTING POURED WALL SITE LOWER LEVEL FINAL OTHER DECK FRAMING LOWER LEVEL FRAMING LANDSCAPING DECK FINAL $ $ ACCESSORY BUILDING EGRESS WINDOW UNDERGROUND Secure door closed until deck isconstructed with a separate permit.Concept Approval ONLYSubject to Field InspectionInspectorDate2015MN BldgCode05/31/2024jnuetzman UFER Ground-Provide 20' Rebar in footing and stubup near electrical service panel.-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ).3 -Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ).BWPsAboveBWPsAbove2.62.63555ShearwallPFHPFH62.82.856.23.63.75 Verify loads with girdertruss specs, may requireremoval of top plates atbearing due to crushing.FAN3.253.82.8-Min. 15" clearance to anyobstruction from center ofW.C., 24" in front(typ). COPYRIGHT HANSON GROUP, LLC 2024©DescriptionDateRevisionMay 3, 2024Project Number:Date:4.191S11Sheets: of1Print Name:Signed: License Number:Garrett Brunell5-3-2452600Date:I hereby certify that this plan, specification or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota.Key Land Homes17021 Fish Point Rd SEPrior Lake, MN 55372Paulson Residence17936 Hidden Creek Ct.Lakeville, MN5851 Cedar Lake RoadSuite 202St. Louis Park, MN 55416Tel 612-708-3572www.hansongroupmn.comPLANS SHOWN LIGHT IN BACKGROUND ARE FORLOCATION REFERENCE ONLY. PLAN NOTES ANDELEMENTS SHOWN LIGHT MAY NOT NECESSARILYSUPPORT THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN.SCOPEDESIGN AND DETAIL OF THE MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE.CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT, STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE, AND THE CODE.NOTES1.THESE DOCUMENTS APPLY TO STRUCTURAL ONLY. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR MOREINFORMATION.2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O.A.2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.EXTERIOR SHEATHING: 716" MIN. STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANELEDGES AND 12" O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.3.ALL INTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA, U.N.O.A.2x4 OR 2x6 STUDS SPACED @ 16" O.C.B.WALL SHEATHING: 12" MIN. GYPSUM SHEATHING FASTENED TO FRAMING w/ 5d COOLER NAILS @ 8" O.C. MAX. ORTYPE S/W WALLBOARD SCREWS @ 16" O.C. MAX. (58" MINIMUM STUD PENETRATION)4.ALL FLOORS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.FLOOR FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FLOOR SHEATHING: 34" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS.5.ALL ROOFS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA.A.ROOF FRAMING SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24" O.C.B.FASTEN ALL ROOF FRAMING TO TOP PLATES WITH SIMPSON H2.5 CLIP OR EQUIVALENT AND (4) 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS.C.ROOF SHEATHING: 12" STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING w/ 8d COMMON NAILS @ 6" O.C AT PANEL EDGES AND 12"O.C. AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS OR 134" 16 GAUGE STAPLES @ 3" / 6" SPACING.6.ALONG LENGTH OF WALLS, LAP WALL TOP PLATES A MINIMUM OF 24" AND FASTEN TOGETHER WITH (12) 0.131"Ø x 3"IN LAP ZONE. AT CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS, LAP PLATES AND PROVIDE (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" FACE NAILS.7.CONNECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE TABLE R602.3(1).8.THE ENTRY PORCH AND OPTIONAL DECK ARE CONSIDERED TO BE PRIMARILY OPEN, NON-ESSENTIAL PORTIONS OFTHE STRUCTURE AND ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE OVERALL MAIN WINDFORCE SYSTEM OF THE HOME. PROVIDECODE REQUIRED UPLIFT CONNECTIONS AT ALL POSTS AND TENSION CONNECTIONS AT LEDGERS.MATERIALSWALL STUDS (10' OR LESS):SPF STUD GRADE OR BETTERWALL STUDS (OVER 10'):SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERDIMENSIONAL LUMBER:SPF NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERTREATED LUMBER:SYP NO.2 GRADE OR BETTERLSL:134" WIDTH - 1.55E OR BETTERLVL:134" WIDTH - 1.9E OR BETTERLOADSROOF SNOW LOAD: 35 PSFROOF DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFFLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSFFLOOR DEAD LOAD: 15 PSFWIND LOAD:115 MPH ULTIMATE EXP. BCODE2020 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODEPARTIAL LOWER LEVEL HOUSE PLANSHOWN FOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY1S1REFERENCE PLANMAIN LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY2S1REFERENCE PLANPOST-INSTALLED HOLDOWN OPTIONS4S1FRAMING DETAILSIMPSON HTT5 HOLDOWNFASTENED TO DOUBLE STUDSw/ 24" LONG 12"Ø THREADED RODw/ NUT & WASHER AT HOLDOWNw/ DOUBLE NUTS & WASHERGROUTED INTO MASONRYGROUT #4 VERTICAL BARPER EACH THREADED ROD& GROUT SOLID FULLHEIGHT (PROVIDE 6" HOOKLEG EMBEDDED INTOCONCRETE FOOTING)CONCRETE FOUNDATIONMASONRY FOUNDATIONSIMPSON HTT5HOLDOWN ANCHOR ATLOCATIONS SHOWN w/12"Ø x 12" LONGSIMPSON TITEN HDSCREW-IN ANCHORCONCRETEFOUNDATIONBELOWBRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE (4-FT) (4-FT) BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINE BRACED WALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)BRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(3-FT)(2.8-FT)CONSTRUCT GARAGESHEAR WALL AS SHOWNIN 7/S1(6.2-FT)ONE-SIDE(5-FT)(5-FT)UPPER LEVEL HOUSE PLAN SHOWNFOR LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY3S1REFERENCE PLANBRACEDWALL LINE(3.6-FT)(3-FT)(2.8-FT)CONSTRUCT PORTALFRAME AS SHOWN IN 6/S1(5-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT) BRACED WALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACED WALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINEBRACEDWALL LINE(4-FT)(3.25-FT)(3.8-FT)(4-FT) (4-FT)BALLOON FRAME REARBEDROOM WALL TOBOTTOM OF VAULTEDGABLE END TRUSS, BYOTHERSBRACED WALL LINE (4-FT)(4-FT) (4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(2.8-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT)(4-FT) SECTION 5S1AT BRACED WALL PANELS ABOVECANTILEVERED FLOOR FRAMINGNOTEREQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THIS SECTION ONLY APPLY WHENA BRACED WALL PANEL IS LOCATED ABOVE A CANTILEVEREDFLOOR SYSTEM. SEE PLANS FOR APPLICABILITY.S1FRAMING DETAILGARAGE FRONT PORTAL FRAME62'-2"±FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER w/ (2)ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.(1) 2x6 BEARING STUD & (1) 2x6 FULLHEIGHT STUD EACH END OF HEADERLOCATE PANEL JOINT WITHIN 2'-0" FROM CENTEROF HEADER HEIGHT AS REQ'D (2x SOLIDBLOCKING REQUIRED AT SHEATHING JOINT)(2) 2x6 BEARING STUDS MIN.(VERIFY w/ SUPPLIER)SIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDDED HOLDOWNANCHOR AT LOCATIONS SHOWN(REFER TO 4/S1 FOR POST-INSTALLEDHOLDOWN OPTION)FOUNDATION WALL BELOWLENGTH OF CONTINUOUS HEADER(2) 58" Ø ANCHOR BOLTS (7" MIN. EMBED)w/ 2" x 2" x 316" PLATE WASHERSNAIL SHEATHING TO HEADER w/ 8dNAILS @ 3" O.C. EA. WAY TYP.SMALL HATCH AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHINGAPPLIED TO EXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDS(NAIL SHEATHING AROUND PERIMETER w/ (2)ROWS 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C. STAGGERED & TOPLATES / BLOCKING @ 3" O.C.)SIMPSON MSTC40 STRAP ON INSIDE FACEOF WALL (PROVIDE SPACER TO FLUSHOUT HEADER TO WALL STUD THICKNESS)FASTEN KING STUD TO HEADER w/(2) ROWS 16d SINKER NAILS @ 3" O.C.2'-8"±CONTINUOUS LSL/LVL HEADER TOSUPPORT VERTICAL LOADS BY SUPPLIER(MIN. 312" WIDTH & MIN.1114" DEPTH REQ'D)PROVIDE 2x6 INFILL WALL ABOVEHEADER AS REQ'DLARGE HATCH AREA INDICATES716" OR THICKER PLYWOOD OROSB SHEATHING APPLIED TOEXTERIOR SIDE OF STUDS w/STANDARD 6"/12" NAILINGFASTEN FRAMING ABOVE AS SHOWN FORBRACED WALL PANELS10'-314" ±NOTEINFO APPLIES SYMMETRICALLY ACROSSDETAIL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.9'-2"S1FRAMING DETAILGARAGE SHEARWALL7FASTEN FRAMING ABOVE AS SHOWNFOR BRACED WALL PANELS ALONGTHIS SHEARWALL AS WELL ASABOVE OVERHEAD DOORHEADER, BEARING ANDKING STUDS BY SUPPLIERHATCHED AREA INDICATES 716" ORTHICKER PLYWOOD/OSB EXTERIORSHEATHING FASTENED TO STUDS w/8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES& @ 12" O.C. AT INTERIOR SUPPORTSSIMPSON STHD14 EMBEDEDHOLDOWN ANCHOR AT LOCATIONSSHOWN (REFER TO 4/S1 FORPOST-INSTALLED HOLDOWN OPTION)(2) 12" Ø ANCHOR BOLTS(7" MIN. EMBED)TYPICAL 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C.PROVIDE DOUBLE STUDSAT END OF SHEARWALL10'-314" ±3'-2"(4-FT)ONE-SIDE(4-FT)ONE-SIDEBRACED WALL LINE (4-FT) (3.75-FT)(2.6-FT)(2.6-FT)(4-FT) (5-FT)CONSTRUCT GARAGESHEAR WALL AS SHOWNIN 7/S1, MIRRORED(5-FT) ONE-SIDE(6-FT) (4-FT)THIS SHEET/S REPRESENTS A COMPLETE DESIGN OF THE "MAIN WINDFORCE RESISTING SYSTEM" FOR THE ENTIRERESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. THE LOCATION AND LENGTH OF EACH BRACED WALL PANEL AND ENGINEERED WINDRESISTING ELEMENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE HANSON GROUP'S DESIGN IS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURALDRAWINGS. WALLS NOT SPECIFICALLY LABELED ON THE PLANS MAY BE STANDARD FRAMING.SECTIONS SHOWN DEPICT CONNECTIONS OF BRACED WALL PANELS TOROOF TRUSSES ABOVE, TO JOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING ABOVE, AND TOJOISTS/TRUSSES/BLOCKING BELOW. THESE PANELS ARE NOT NECESSARILYREQUIRED TO ALIGN, BUT MAY DEPENDING ON PLAN LAYOUT.ROOFTRUSSESBRACEDWALL PANELFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)SIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH END(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSPROVIDE 12" WIDTH WEBSTIFFENER FOR ATTACHMENTOF FRAMING ANGLEBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONA35FRAMINGANGLEEACH ENDFLOORJOISTSBRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)FLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACEDWALL PANEL(4) 0.131"Øx 3" NAILSSIMPSONLTP4FRAMINGPLATEEACH ENDFLOORTRUSSESFLAT 2x6 @ 24" O.C.(MIN. (3) PER BRACEDWALL PANEL)BRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTIONBRACED WALL CONNECTION(ROOF TRUSSES)(FLOOR JOISTS)(FLOOR TRUSSES)DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE AREALTERNATIVE CONNECTIONS TO BEUSED WHEN BRACED WALL PANELDOES NOT ALIGN WITH FRAMING.EXTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLFRAME 2x4 BOXAROUND SPACEBETWEEN TRUSS w/SAME SHEATHINGAND FASTENING ASWALL BELOW(OR REPLACE w/ADEQUATE DEPTH2x MEMBER)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)#12 x 312" WOODSCREWS @ 16" O.C.INSTALLED INADDITION TO NAILS(MAIN/UPPERLEVEL ROOFTRUSS BEARINGWALLS ONLY)EXTERIOR BEARING WALLREPRESENTSFIGURER602.10.8.2(3)INDICATES INTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ GYPSUMSHEATHING BOTH FACES WITH EITHER FASTENER OPTIONLISTED IN NOTE 3, SPACED AT 4" O.C. PROVIDE INCREASEDFASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.INDICATES ENGINEERED WIND RESISTING ELEMENTS TOBE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAIL SHEETS.(MIN. LENGTH)INDICATES EXTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL w/ SHEATHING ONEXTERIOR FACE IN ACCORDANCE w/ NOTE 2. PROVIDEINCREASED FASTENING REQUIREMENTS AS SHOWN BELOW.(MIN. LENGTH)w/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESw/ JOISTSw/ TRUSSESROOF TRUSSESFASTENED TO PLATESw/ (4) 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS & SIMPSONH2.5 CLIPNAIL BOTTOM PLATETO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO RIBBON BRACE /TRUSS w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL EACH JOIST TOTOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS2x4 BLOCKINGBETWEENTRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATESw/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3"NAILS EACHNAIL EACH TRUSS TOTOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" TOENAILSROOF TRUSSFASTENED TOPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS@ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO RIM/JOIST/BLOCKINGw/ (3) 16d NAILSEVERY 16"NAIL RIM TOPPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS@ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOMPLATE TO LADDERTRUSS w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"NAIL LADDERTRUSS TO TOPPLATES w/0.131"Ø x 3"NAILS @ 6" O.C.INTERIOR WALLPERPENDICULAR TO FRAMINGINTERIOR WALLPARALLEL w/ FRAMING2x4 BLOCKING BETWEENROOF TRUSSES NAILEDTO TOP PLATES w/ (3)0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL BOTTOM PLATE TOBLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTSNAILED TO TOP PLATES w/(3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL EACH JOIST TO TOPPLATE w/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILSNAIL BOTTOM PLATE TOBLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE FULL DEPTHBLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSESNAILED TO TOP PLATES w/(3) 0.131"Ø x 3" NAILS EACHNAIL EACH TRUSS TO TOP PLATEw/ (3) 0.131"Ø x 3" TOENAILSPROVIDE ROOF TRUSSDIRECTLY IN LINE w/BRACED WALL PANELFASTENED TO PLATESw/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE JOIST DIRECTLYIN LINE w/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENED TOPLATES w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.NAIL BOTTOM PLATETO BLOCKING w/ (3)16d NAILS EVERY 16"PROVIDE TRUSS DIRECTLYIN LINE w/ BRACED WALLPANEL FASTENED TOPLATES w/ 0.131"Ø x 3"TOENAILS @ 6" O.C.PROVIDE SIMPSON LSTA36STRAP ACROSS MAINLEVEL FLOOR SYSTEM ATCORNERBRACED WALL PANELFASTEN BOTTOM PLATE TOJOIST/BLOCKING w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C.FRAMEWALL / BRACEDWALL PANEL BELOWBLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS AS FOLLOWS:·FLAT 2x4 TOP & BOTTOM OR JOISTMATERIAL OR SAWN BLOCKING·34" PLYWOOD SHEET NAILED TO 2x4's w/(8) 8d NAILS TOP & BOTTOM·CIRCULAR HOLE UP TO 6"Ø MAY BE CUTINTO CENTER OF PLYWOODNAIL FLOOR SHEATHING TOBLOCKING w/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C.FASTEN BOTTOM 2x4 w/ (3) 16dNAILS EVERY 16" O.C. 2X4 LEDGER RAISED 2X4 LEDGER 2X4 LEDGER DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE OUTSIDE OF FRAMING. THE TRUSS ID DOES NOT DENOTE THE LEFT END OF THE ROOF TRUSS ON THE PLACEMENT PLAN. USE THE LEFT END OF THE SEALED TRUSS DRAWING AND THE TRIANGLE ON THE PLACEMENT PLAN TO LOCATE THE PROPER END OF EACH ROOF TRUSS. DO NOT CUT TRUSSES. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE CALLJOHN @ 651-688- 3609OR EMAIL: JMILLER@TRUSSABC.COM 2 3/8" SEAT CUT THIS END4 3/4" SEAT CUT THIS ENDHR1LUS28 A3 A1 A2 A4 LUS28C2A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 C1C1C1C1C1E1E1E1E1E2E1D4D4D4D4D4D4D1D1D1D2D3EJ1J1J1J1J1J1SJ1 V1B V2B V3B V4B V5B V6B V7B V8B LGT2 HHUS28-2 JL210IF-TZ 18-00-00 16-00-00 10-00-00 12-00-00 56-00-00 8-00-0038-00-006-00-0052-00-0012-00-00 7-06-00 14-06-00 22-00-00 22-05-08 5-00-003-00-0014-00-0030-00-004-00-0022-00-004-00-00HUS26 M1 HUS26 L1 M2 L2LUS26G5G1G1G1G1G1G3G4G4G2 K3 K3 K3 K2 K2 K2 K2 K4 HUS26 K1 G8G8G8G8G8G8G8LUS26G6K3 G7H1H1H1H1H2V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15BV16BV16FV15FHGUS28-2 HGUS28-2 Customer: Key Land HomesJob Number: 327262-AHome Owner: 4680 A-PAULSONJob Name: RoofSite Address: 17936 HIDDEN CREEK COURT Sales Rep: John FrankCity, ST, ZIP: LAKEVILLE MN 55044 Designer: Unassigned2926 Lone Oak Circle, St. Paul, MN 55121Ph: 651-454-3610 Fax: 651-454-4765Date: 4/30/2024Version: TOTAL INPUT OF APPLIANCES1, THOUSANDS OF Btu/hr (kW) REQUIRED FREE AREA OF AIR-SUPPLY OPENING OR DUCT, SQUARE INCHES (sq mm) ACCEPTABLE APPROXIMATE ROUND DUCT EQUIVALENT DIAMETER2, INCH (mm) 25 (8)7 (4,500)3 (75) 50 (15)7 (4,500)3 (75) 75(23)11 (7,000)4 (100) 100 (30)14 (9,000)4 (100) 125 (37)18 (12,000)5 (125) 150 (45)22 (14,000)5 (125) 175 (53)25 (16,000)6 (150) 200 (60)29 (19,000)6 (150) 225 (68)32 (21,000)6 (150) 250 (75)36 (23,000)7 (175) 275 (83)40 (26,000)7 (175) 300 (90)43 (28,000)7 (175) 325 (98)47 (30,000)8 (200) 350 (105)50 (32,000)8 (200) 375 (113)54 (35,000)8 (200) 400 (120)58 (37,000)9 (225) 1. For total inputs falling between listed capacities, use next largest listed input. 2. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. * *Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. TABLE 304.1 COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS FOR GAS-FIRED APPLIANCES WHEN THE COMBINED INPUT IS UP TO AND INCLUDING 400,000 Btu/hr BTU Amount for Non-direct vent appliances_____________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Conditioned space1 (in sq. ft.) Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous Total/ Continuous 1000-1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501-2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501-3000 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 3501-4000 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 4001-4500 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501-5000 130-65 145/73 160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001-5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501-6000 2 150/75 165/83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113 1. Conditioned space includes the basement and conditioned crawl spaces. 2. If conditioned space exceeds 6000 sq. ft. or there are more than 6 bedrooms, use Equation R403.5.2 R403.5.2 Total Ventilation rate. The mechanical ventilation system shall rovide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average for each 1- hour period in accordance with Table R403.5.2, or Equation 403.5.2, based on the number of bedrooms and square footage of conditioned space, including the basement and conditioned crawl spaces. For the purposes of Table R403.5.2 and Section R403.5.3, the following applies: a. Equation R403.5.2 Total ventilation rate: Total ventilation rate (cfm) = (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space) + (15 x (number of bedrooms +1)) b. Equation R403.5.2.1 Continuous ventilation rate: Continuous ventilation rate (cfm) = Total ventiation rate/2 Amount Total _________________________ Amount Continuous____________________ TABLE R403.5.2 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ONE OR MULTIPLE POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES OR NO COMBUSTION APPLIANCESA ONE OR MULTIPLE FAN- ASSISTED APPLIANCES AND POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCESB ONE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANE OR ONE SOLID FUEL APPLIANCEC MULTIPLE APPLIANCES THAT ARE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCES OR SOLID FUEL APPLIANCESD 1. Use the Appropriate Column to Estimate House Infiltration a) pressure factor (cfm/sf) b) conditioned floor area (sf) (including unfinished basements) Estimated House Infiltration (cfm): [1a x 1b] 2. Exhaust Capacity a) clothes dryer b) 80% of largest exhaust rating (cfm): (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust) c) 80% of next largest exhaust rating (cfm):not applicable (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust) Total Exhaust Capacity (cfm): [2a+2b+2c] 3. Makeup Air Requirement a) Total Exhaust Capacity (from above) b) Estimated House Infiltration (from above) Makeup Air Quality (cfm): [3a - 3b] (if value is negative, no makeup air is needed 4. For Makeup Air Opening Sizing, refer to Table 501.4.2. A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances. B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included. C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (other than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. Table 501.4.1 Procedure to Determine Makeup Air Quantity for Exhaust Appliances in Dwelling Units Choose Which Applies TYPE OF OPENING ONE OR MULTIPLE POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES OR NO COMBUSTION APPLIANCESA ONE OR MULTIPLE FAN- ASSISTED APPLIANCES AND POWER VENT OR DIRECT VENT APPLIANCESB ONE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCE OR ONE SOLID FUEL APPLIANCEC MULTIPLE APPLIANCES THAT ARE ATMOSPHERICALLY VENTED GAS OR OIL APPLIANCES OR SOLID FUEL APPLIANCESD PASSIVE MAKEUP AIR OPENING DUCT DIAMETERE,F,G OR SYSTEM (cfm)(cfm)(cfm)(cfm)(inches) Passive opening 1-36 1-22 1-15 1-9 3 Passive opening 37-66 23-41 16-28 10-17 4 Passive opening 67-109 42-66 29-46 18-28 5 Passive opening 110-163 67-100 47-69 29-42 6 Passive opening 164-232 101-143 70-99 43-61 7 Passive opening 233-317 144-195 100-135 62-83 8 Passive opening with motorized damper 318-419 196-258 136-179 84-110 9 Passive opening with motorized damper 420-539 259-332 180-230 111-142 10 Passive opening with motorized damper 540-679 333-419 231-290 143-179 11 Powered makeup airH >679 >419 >290 >179 Not applicable A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no combustion appliances. B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included. C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented (ther than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. E. An equivalent length of 100 feet of round smooth metal duct is assumed. Subtract 40 feet for the exterior hood and ten feet for each 90-degree elbow to determine the remaining length of straight duct allowable. F. If flexible duct is used, increase the duct diameter by one inch. Flexible duct shall be stretched with minimal sags. G. Barometric dampers are prohibited in passive makeup air openings when any atmospherically vented appliance is installed. H. Powered makeup air shall be electrically interlocked with the largest exhaust system. Table 501.4.2 Makeup Air Opening Sizing Table for New and Existing Dwelling Units IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1 Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method (for Furnace, Boiler, and/or Water Heater in the Same Space) Step 1: Complete vented combution appliace information: Furnace/Boiler: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: Btu/hr (Not fan Assisted) & Power Vent Water Heater: Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input: Btu/hr ( Not fan Assisted) & Power Vent Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion appliances. The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. CAS volume: ft3 Step 3: Determine air Changes per Hour (ACH)1 Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E-1 for use with Method 4b (KAIR Method). If the year of construction or ACH is not known, use method 4a (Standard Method). Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air. 4a. Standard Method Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Input: Btu/hr Use Standard Method column in Table E-1 to find Total Required Volume (TRV) TRV: ft3 If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. 4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method Total Btu/hr input of all fan-assisted and power vent appliances (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Input: Btu/hr Use Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find Required Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA) RVFA: ft3 Total Btu/hr input of all non-fan-assisted appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Non-Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find Required Volume Non-Fan-Assisted (RVNFA) RVNFA: ft3 Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA + RVNFA TRV = + = ft3 If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume. Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided by TRV (from Step 4a or Step 4b) Ratio = Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF). RF = 1 minus Ratio RF = - = Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside. Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS (EXCEPT DIRECT VENT) Input: Btu/hr Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA): Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per in2 / Btu/hr per in 2 = in2 Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA. Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF Minimum CAOA = x = in2 Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD) CAOD = 1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA CAOD = 1.13 x Minimum CAOA = in 1If desired, ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test. Follow procedures in Section 304. CAOA = IFGC Appendix E, Table E-1 Residential Combustion Air Required Volume (Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliances) Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method (ft3) Input Rating Standard Method Fan Assisted Non-Fan-Assisted (Btu/hr) (ft3) 19941 to Present Pre 19942 19941 to Present Pre 19942 5,000 250 375 188 525 263 10,000 500 750 375 1,050 525 15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788 20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050 25,000 1,250 1,875 938 2,625 1,313 30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575 35,000 1,750 2,625 1,313 3,675 1,838 40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100 45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363 50,000 2,500 3,750 1,875 5,250 2,625 55,000 2,750 4,125 2,063 5,775 2,888 60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3,150 65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3,413 70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675 75,000 3,750 5,625 2,813 7,875 3,938 80,000 4,000 6,000 3,000 8,400 4,200 85,000 4,250 6,375 3,188 8,925 4,463 90,000 4,500 6,750 3,375 9,450 4,725 95,000 4,750 7,125 3,563 9,975 4,988 100,000 5,000 7,500 3,750 10,500 5,250 105,000 5,250 7,875 3,938 11,025 5,513 110,000 5,500 8,250 4,125 11,550 5,775 115,000 5,750 8,625 4,313 12,075 6,038 120,000 6,000 9,000 4,500 12,600 6,300 125,000 6,250 9,375 4,688 13,125 6,563 130,000 6,500 9,750 4,875 13,650 6,825 135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14,175 7,088 140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7,350 145,000 7,250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7,613 150,000 7,500 11,250 5,625 15,750 7,875 155,000 7,750 11,625 5,813 16,275 8,138 160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8,400 165,000 8,250 12,375 6,188 17,325 8,663 170,000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925 175,000 8,750 13,125 6,563 18,375 9,188 180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9,450 185,000 9,250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713 190,000 9,500 14,250 7,125 19,950 9,975 195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10,238 200,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 21,000 10,500 205,000 10,250 15,375 7,688 21,525 10,763 210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11,025 215,000 10,750 16,125 8,063 22,575 11,288 220,000 11,000 16,500 8,250 23,100 11,550 225,000 11,250 16,857 8,438 23,625 11,813 230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24,150 12,075 1The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.20 ACH. 2This section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994. The default KAIR used in this section of the table is 0.40 ACH. 17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville HVAC Load Calculations for Prepared By: Thursday, May 23, 2024 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 2 Project Report General Project Information Project Title:17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Project Date:Thursday, May 23, 2024 Design Data Reference City:Minneapolis/St. Paul AP, Minnesota Building Orientation:Front door faces North Daily Temperature Range:Medium Latitude:44 Degrees Elevation:834 ft. Altitude Factor:0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:-15 -11.42 n/a n/a 72 n/a Summer:88 71 44%50%72 30 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,293 CFM Per Square ft.:0.294 Square ft. of Room Area:4,404 Square ft. Per Ton:1,466 Volume (ft³):29,570 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:69,789 Btuh 69.789 MBH Total Sensible Gain:28,893 Btuh 80 % Total Latent Gain:7,163 Btuh 20 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:36,056 Btuh 3.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 3 Miscellaneous Report System 1 Input Data Outdoor Dry Bulb Outdoor Wet Bulb Outdoor Rel.Hum Indoor Rel.Hum Indoor Dry Bulb Grains Difference Winter:-15 -11.42 100%n/a 72 n/a Summer:88 71 44%50%72 29.99 Duct Sizing Inputs Main Trunk Runouts Calculate:Yes Yes Use Schedule:Yes Yes Roughness Factor:0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop:0.1000 in.wg./100 ft.0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity:0 ft./min 0 ft./min Maximum Velocity:900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height:0 in.0 in. Maximum Height:0 in.0 in. Outside Air Data Winter Summer Infiltration Specified:0.370 AC/hr 0.190 AC/hr 182 CFM 94 CFM Infiltration Actual:0.370 AC/hr 0.190 AC/hr Above Grade Volume:Cu.ft.Cu.ft.X 29,570 X 29,570 10,941 Cu.ft./hr 5,618 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration:182 CFM 94 CFM Total Building Ventilation:190 CFM 190 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 17.08 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 16.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 19.79 = (0.68 X 0.970 X 29.99 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 92.85 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 87.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified:0.370 AC/hr (182 CFM), Construction: Average Summer Infiltration Specified:0.190 AC/hr (94 CFM), Construction: Average C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 4 Load Preview Report Scope Net Ton ft.² /Ton Area Sen Gain Lat Gain Net Gain Sen Loss Sys Htg CFM Sys Clg CFM Sys Act CFM Duct Size Building 3.00 1,466 4,404 28,893 7,163 36,056 69,789 840 1,293 1,293 System 1 3.00 1,466 4,404 28,893 7,163 36,056 69,789 840 1,293 1,293 12x18 Ventilation 1,298 3,760 5,058 7,057 190 190 190 Zone 1 4,404 27,595 3,403 30,998 62,732 840 1,293 1,293 12x18 1-Basement 1,366 4,422 223 4,645 15,523 208 207 207 2--7 2-Main Level 1,366 12,001 1,271 13,272 24,485 328 562 562 6--6 3-2nd Story 1,673 11,172 1,909 13,081 22,724 304 523 523 5--7 C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 5 Duct Size Preview Room or Duct Name Source Minimum Velocity Maximum Velocity Rough. Factor Design L/100 SP Loss Duct Velocity Duct Length Htg Flow Clg Flow Act. Flow Duct Size Reg Size System 1 Supply Runouts Zone 1 1-Basement Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 387.6 208 207 207 2--7 2-Main Level Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 477.3 328 562 562 6--6 3-2nd Story Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 391.7 304 523 523 5--7 Other Ducts in System 1 Supply Main Trunk Built-In 0 900 0.003 0.1 861.9 840 1,293 1,293 12x18 SummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummarySummary System 1 Heating Flow:840 Cooling Flow:1293 C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 6 Total Building Summary Loads Component Description Area Quan Sen Loss Lat Gain Sen Gain Total Gain Gls-Marvin: Glazing-Window, U-value 0.3, SHGC 0.34 560.8 14,640 0 18,178 18,178 11D: Door-Wood - Solid Core, U-value 0.39 41.8 1,419 0 441 441 12F-0sw: Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U-value 0.065 3021.3 17,085 0 3,202 3,202 15B0-10sf-8: Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to floor, no interior finish, 8' floor depth, U-value 0.05, above grade U-value 0.083 896.6 3,925 0 8 8 16B-50: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-50 insulation, U-value 0.02 1672.9 2,911 0 1,706 1,706 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide, U-value 0.027 1188 2,791 0 0 0 22B-10ph: Floor-Slab on grade, Vertical board insulation covers slab edge and extends straight down to 3' below grade, any floor cover, R-10 insulation, passive, heavy moist soil, U-value 0.481 52 2,176 0 0 0 20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, R-30 blanket insulation, any cover, U-value 0.035 280 853 0 108 108 Subtotals for structure:45,800 0 23,643 23,643 People:4 800 920 1,720 Equipment:750 750 1,500 Lighting:200 682 682 Ductwork:0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 182, Summer CFM: 94 16,932 1,853 1,600 3,453 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 190, Summer CFM: 190 7,057 3,760 1,298 5,058 Exhaust: Winter CFM: 190, Summer CFM: 190 Total Building Load Totals:69,789 7,163 28,893 36,056 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM:1,293 CFM Per Square ft.:0.294 Square ft. of Room Area:4,404 Square ft. Per Ton:1,466 Volume (ft³):29,570 Building Loads Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air:69,789 Btuh 69.789 MBH Total Sensible Gain:28,893 Btuh 80 % Total Latent Gain:7,163 Btuh 20 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air:36,056 Btuh 3.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 7 Building Pie Chart Building Loss 69,789 Btuh Floor 8% Roof 4% Wall 30% Glass 21% Door 2% Infiltration 24% Ventilation 10% Building Gain 36,056 Btuh Floor 0%Roof 5% Wall 9% Glass 50% Door 1% People 5% Equipment 4% Lighting 2% Infiltration 10% Ventilation 14% C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 8 Detailed Room Loads - Room 1 - Basement (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:44.0 ft.System Number:1 Room Width:31.0 ft.Zone Number:1 Area:1,365.8 sq.ft.Supply Air:207 CFM Ceiling Height:8.1 ft.Supply Air Changes:1.1 AC/hr Volume:11,040 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:2 Actual Winter Vent.:47 CFM Runout Air:104 CFM Percent of Supply.:23 % Runout Duct Size:7 in.Actual Summer Vent.:30 CFM Runout Air Velocity:388 ft./min.Percent of Supply:15 % Runout Air Velocity:388 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:22 CFM Actual Loss:0.077 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:11 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-12F-0sw 8 X 4.6 36.7 0.065 5.7 207 1.1 0 39 N -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 8 X 3.5 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 28 0.050 4.4 122 0.0 0 0 N -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 30 X 8.1 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 242.5 0.050 4.4 1,062 0.0 0 2 S -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 30 X 8.1 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 242.5 0.050 4.4 1,062 0.0 0 2 S -Wall-12F-0sw 8 X 4.6 36.7 0.065 5.7 207 1.1 0 39 S -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 8 X 3.5 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 28 0.050 4.4 122 0.0 0 0 E -Wall-12F-0sw 44 X 8.1 249.7 0.065 5.7 1,412 1.1 0 265 W -Wall-15B0-10sf-8 44 X 8.1 - Abv. grade U-value 0.083 355.7 0.050 4.4 1,557 0.0 0 4 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 12 0.300 26.1 313 36.6 0 439 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 32 0.300 26.1 835 36.6 0 1,171 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 42 0.300 26.1 1,096 36.6 0 1,536 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 20 0.300 26.1 522 36.6 0 732 Floor-21A-20 27 X 44 1188 0.027 2.3 2,791 0.0 0 0 Floor-22B-10ph 52 ft..Per. 52 0.481 41.8 2,176 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for Structure:13,484 0 4,229 Infil.: Win.: 22.0, Sum.: 11.3 437 4.662 2,039 0.441 223 193 Room Totals:15,523 223 4,422 C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 9 Detailed Room Loads - Room 2 - Main Level (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:44.0 ft.System Number:1 Room Width:31.0 ft.Zone Number:1 Area:1,365.8 sq.ft.Supply Air:562 CFM Ceiling Height:9.1 ft.Supply Air Changes:2.7 AC/hr Volume:12,405 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:6 Actual Winter Vent.:74 CFM Runout Air:94 CFM Percent of Supply.:13 % Runout Duct Size:6 in.Actual Summer Vent.:83 CFM Runout Air Velocity:477 ft./min.Percent of Supply:15 % Runout Air Velocity:477 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:86 CFM Actual Loss:0.143 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:44 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-12F-0sw 50 X 9.1 418.2 0.065 5.7 2,365 1.1 0 443 S -Wall-12F-0sw 50 X 9.1 410.2 0.065 5.7 2,319 1.1 0 435 E -Wall-12F-0sw 44 X 9.1 237.7 0.065 5.7 1,344 1.1 0 252 W -Wall-12F-0sw 44 X 9.1 321.8 0.065 5.7 1,820 1.1 0 341 W -Door-11D 2.7 X 6.5 17.3 0.390 33.9 588 10.5 0 183 W -Door-11D 3.5 X 7 24.5 0.390 33.9 831 10.5 0 258 N -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 100%S (2) 18 0.300 26.1 470 11.2 0 202 N -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 100%S 18 0.300 26.1 470 11.2 0 202 S -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 16 0.300 26.1 418 20.3 0 324 S -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 10 0.300 26.1 261 20.3 0 203 S -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 18 0.300 26.1 470 20.3 0 365 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S (5) 90 0.300 26.1 2,350 36.6 0 3,290 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 24 0.300 26.1 626 36.6 0 878 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 48 0.300 26.1 1,253 36.6 0 1,756 W -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S (2) 36 0.300 26.1 940 36.6 0 1,316 Subtotals for Structure:16,525 0 10,448 Infil.: Win.: 85.7, Sum.: 44.0 1,708 4.662 7,960 0.440 871 752 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per:2 400 460 Lighting:100 341 Room Totals:24,485 1,271 12,001 C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 10 Detailed Room Loads - Room 3 - 2nd Story (Average Load Procedure) General Calculation Mode:Htg. & clg.Occurrences:1 Room Length:44.0 ft.System Number:1 Room Width:38.0 ft.Zone Number:1 Area:1,672.9 sq.ft.Supply Air:523 CFM Ceiling Height:8.1 ft.Supply Air Changes:2.3 AC/hr Volume:13,522 cu.ft.Req. Vent. Clg:0 CFM Number of Registers:5 Actual Winter Vent.:69 CFM Runout Air:105 CFM Percent of Supply.:13 % Runout Duct Size:7 in.Actual Summer Vent.:77 CFM Runout Air Velocity:392 ft./min.Percent of Supply:15 % Runout Air Velocity:392 ft./min.Actual Winter Infil.:75 CFM Actual Loss:0.078 in.wg./100 ft.Actual Summer Infil.:38 CFM Item Description Area Quantity -U- Value Htg HTM Sen Loss Clg HTM Lat Gain Sen Gain N -Wall-12F-0sw 48 X 8.1 368 0.065 5.7 2,081 1.1 0 390 S -Wall-12F-0sw 48 X 8.1 376 0.065 5.7 2,126 1.1 0 398 E -Wall-12F-0sw 44 X 8.1 283.2 0.065 5.7 1,601 1.1 0 300 W -Wall-12F-0sw 44 X 8.1 283.4 0.065 5.7 1,603 1.1 0 300 N -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 100%S 20 0.300 26.1 522 11.3 0 225 S -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 12 0.300 26.1 313 20.3 0 243 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 7.5 0.300 26.1 196 36.5 0 274 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 20 0.300 26.1 522 36.6 0 732 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S (2) 35 0.300 26.1 914 36.6 0 1,280 E -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 10 0.300 26.1 261 36.6 0 366 W -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S (4) 60 0.300 26.1 1,568 36.6 0 2,196 W -Gls-Gls-Marvin shgc-0.34 0%S 12.2 0.300 26.1 320 36.6 0 448 UP-Ceil-16B-50 44 X 38 1672.9 0.020 1.7 2,911 1.0 0 1,706 Floor-20P-30 20 X 14 280 0.035 3.0 853 0.4 0 108 Subtotals for Structure:15,791 0 8,966 Infil.: Win.: 74.7, Sum.: 38.3 1,487 4.662 6,933 0.440 759 655 People: 200 lat/per, 230 sen/per:2 400 460 Equipment:750 750 Lighting:100 341 Room Totals:22,724 1,909 11,172 Equipment Cooling Loads Item Name Cont. Output Sens. Btuh Cont. Output Lat. Btuh Avg. In-Use Output Pct Used /Hour Sens. Load Btuh Lat. Load Btuh Entertainment Equipment 750 750 100 100 750 750 Total 750 750 C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Rhvac - Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. West Metro Mechanical Inc.17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Green Isle, MN 55338-2007 Page 11 System 1 Room Load Summary No Room Name Area SF Htg Sens Btuh Min Htg CFM Run Duct Size Run Duct Vel Clg Sens Btuh Clg Lat Btuh Min Clg CFM Act Sys CFM ---Zone 1--- 1 Basement 1,366 15,523 208 2-7 388 4,422 223 207 207 2 Main Level 1,366 24,485 328 6-6 477 12,001 1,271 562 562 3 2nd Story 1,673 22,724 304 5-7 392 11,172 1,909 523 523 Ventilation 7,057 1,298 3,760 System 1 total 4,404 69,789 840 28,893 7,163 1,293 1,293 System 1 Main Trunk Size:12x18 in. Velocity:862 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.:0.102 in.wg Cooling System Summary Cooling Tons Sensible/Latent Split Sensible Btuh Latent Btuh Total Btuh Net Required:3.00 80% / 20%28,893 7,163 36,056 Equipment Data Heating System Cooling System Type:Natural Gas Furnace Standard Air Conditioner Model: Indoor Model: Brand: Efficiency:0 AFUE 0 SEER Sound:0 0 Capacity:0 Btuh 0 Btuh Sensible Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh Latent Capacity:n/a 0 Btuh C:\ ...\17936 Hidden Creek Ct., Lakeville Heat Calcs.r10 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:15 AM Passive (No Fan) Active (With fan and monitoring device ) Location (or future location) of Fan: Other Please Describe Here Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space Not required per mech. code Passive Powered Interlocked with exhaust device. Describe: Input in BTUS: Capacity in Gallons: Other, describe: AFUE or HSPF% Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Not required per mech. code Passive Low: Other, describe: Low: Location of fan(s), describe: Cfm's " round duct OR " metal duct Per R401.3 Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel. New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number City Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit Rigid, Extruded PolystyreneHeat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Combustion Air Select a Type Location of duct or system: Rim Joist (2nd Floor+) Building envelope air tightness: Below Entire Slab Fuel Type Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): Windows & Doors Ceiling, vaulted Bay Windows or cantilevered areas Floors over unconditioned area THERMAL ENVELOPE Foam Open Cell Wall Rigid, Isocynurate Perimeter of Slab on Grade RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Total R-Value of all Types of InsulationType: Check All That Apply Mineral FiberboardInsulation Location Foam, Closed Cell Describe other insulated areas Ceiling, flat Non or Not ApplicableFiberglass, BlownFiberglass, Batts Foundation Wall Output in Tons: Appliances Cooling System Location of duct or system: Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Make-up Air Select a Type Domestic Water Heater Model Heating System Rim Joist (1st Floor) Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door ) U: Duct system air tightness: Rating or Size Efficiency Heating Gain Cooling Load Select Type Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Residential Load Calculation SEER /EER Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Heating Loss Manufacturer Total ventilation (intermittent + continuous) rate in cfms: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms: High: High: MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Date Cert. Posted R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 5/30/24 X PM