HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-2024MINUTES
June 24, 2024 - 6:00 PM
Lakeville City Hall, Marion Conference Room
1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge
Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 06:00 PM.
Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Lee, Volk, Wolter
Members Absent: Council Member Bermel
Staff Present: Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator;
Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Paul
Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Kati
Bachmeyer, Community Development Manager
2. Citizen Comments
A resident of Eureka Township expressed her concern regarding the future of Applewood
3. Discussion Items
a. Applewood Orchard Introduction
Community Development Director Goodroad, joined by Chris Fuller of Endurance Farm
Partners, provided an overview of the Applewood Orchard property, located at 22702
Hamburg Avenue. They explained that the property is for sale and Endurance Farm
Partners is working with the existing owner to purchase the property. Endurance Farm
Partners desires a broader "agritourism" use to be considered in Lakeville's zoning, as a
definition and use, either in an agricultural zoning or within an industrial zoning district,
as the use is a production use. Mr. Fuller shared Endurance Farm Partners' plans for the
orchard and introduced the consideration of annexation in the future.
The Council expressed interest in working with Endurance Farm Partners and directed
staff to continue exploring zoning options for the property.
b. Pedestrian Crossing Policy
City Engineer Johnson stated that the current Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crosswalk Policy
was adopted by the City Council on December 21, 2020. With the guidance of the
recently completed Dakota County Pedestrian Crossing Safety Assessment, the City
partnered with SRF Consulting to collect and review data, facilitate community
engagement and analyze and evaluate pedestrian crossings with the goal of updating the
City Council Work Session Minutes
June 24, 2024
Page 2
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crosswalk Policy to ensure all users in the City benefit from an
improved multimodal infrastructure system. Mr. Johnson stated that the proposed
revised policy establishes guidelines and an evaluation process that provides a
consistent, uniform approach for improving pedestrian/bicyclist safety at uncontrolled
crossing locations using the best management practices. The policy is designed to
provide a clear, understandable/relatable process in support of maintaining a consistent
application of crossing enhancements that produces a safer environment for all
pedestrians and bicyclists.
The Council expressed support for the policy and thanked Mr. Johnson for the update.
C. StFeet Tight poling and/-haFgeS-
Staff withdrew the Street Light Policy and Charges item from the agenda.
d. Local Affordable Housing Aid (LAHA) with Dakota County Community
Development Agency (CDA)
Community Development Director Goodroad, along with representatives of the Dakota
County Community Development Agency, provided information to the City Council
regarding Local Affordable Housing Aid (LAHA) funds. They explained that the 2023
Legislature passed a housing bill with $1 billion in new funding for various housing
programs. The Legislature appropriated state funds for the programs and established a
metro wide sales tax for housing needs, including a portion of this tax as a local housing
aid for metropolitan cities. The new law establishes a 0.25% metropolitan regional sales
tax, with a portion of the proceeds allocated to metropolitan cities over 10,000 in
population. They stated that Lakeville will receive a distribution of aid under this
legislation with an estimate of $385,117 in 2024. Cities can use the funds for a number
of projects.
The Council shared its support in partnering with the Dakota County CDA to implement
LAHA funding.
4. Items for Future Discussion
5. Committee/ City Administrator Updates
6. Adjourn
Motion was made by Wolter, seconded by Lee, to adjourn. Voice vote was taken on the
motion. Ayes- Lee, Wolter, Volk, Hellier
The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Courtney Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator
Luke M. Heller, Mayor