HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-2024 Agenda Packet AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 2024 - 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers Members of the public can participate in person at Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue. Members of the public may join the meeting via Teams Meeting, Meeting ID: 270 967 142 637 or by calling Toll Number 1-323-433-2142; Conference ID: 244 190 036#. The mayor will allow for public comments and questions at the appropriate time. The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees, and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents, and a council member’s personal judgment. 1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge 2. Roll Call 3. Citizen Comments 4. Additional agenda information 5. Presentations/Introductions a. 2024 Taste of Lakeville b. Public Works Quarterly Report 6. Consent Agenda a. Check Register Summary b. Check Register Summary - 07/30/2024 c. Minutes of the 07/15/2024 City Council Meeting d. Minutes of the 07/22/2024 Work Session e. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville North Boys Hockey Boosters f. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Dakota Curling Club g. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville Area Arts Center/City of Lakeville h. Proposal from Wastequip LLC for Grand Prairie Park Toter Recycling and Trash Containers i. Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the City Code j. Approve Settlement Agreement with Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville k. Leo A. Daly Contract Amendment l. Water Treatment Facility Carpeting Page 1 of 447 City Council Meeting Agenda August 5, 2024 Page 2 m. Approve Amendment Number One to Professional Services Agreement with SRF Consulting for Grand Prairie Park n. No Parking Resolution for 202nd Street o. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Airlake 70 First Addition & KTJ First Addition Public Improvements (City Project 22-24) p. Approve Updated Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy q. Purchase of a lift station control panel and control accessories for the new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26. r. Proposals for the Preparation of Feasibility Report and Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Street Reconstruction Project s. Professional Services Agreements for Final Design and Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs and Overlays Project t. Proposal from Dakota Electric Association (DEA) for the Installation of Electric Service at Grand Prairie Park u. Antlers Ridge Final Plat v. Estoria Lakeville Final Plat w. Zaytsev Conditional Use Permit x. Henning Devries Addition Final Plat 7. Action Items a. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business 10. Announcements a. Next City Council Meeting Monday, August 19, 2024 b. Next Work Session Monday, August 26, 2024 11. Adjourn Page 2 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 2024 Taste of Lakeville Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Overview Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Report Completed by: Page 3 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Check Register Summary Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Check Register Summary. Overview A summary of the claims paid during the period 06/25/2024 – 07/17/2024 is as follows: Checks 323132-323264 $651,784.94 ACH 17363-17515 $1,928,129.33 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 20240337- 20240362 $1,951,541.54 Total $4,531,455.81 The City Council will receive a list of expenditures paid (claims detail) and it is available to the public upon request. Supporting Information 1. 7.16.24CKSUM 2. Check Register 7.16.24 for Aug 5,2024 Council Mtg Financial Impact: $4,531,455.81 Budgeted: Yes Source: Various Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Cheri Donovan, Assistant Finance Director Page 4 of 447 7/19/2024City of Lakeville 9:46:59R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 7/17/20246/25/2024 - Company Amount 680,460.3501000GENERAL FUND 11,450.7502000COMMUNICATIONS FUND 13,697.0004000BUILDING FUND 116,654.8804100EQUIPMENT FUND 222.0804200PARK DEDICATION FUND 2,971.3904401TRAIL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,607.71047002022 C PARK BONDS 43,584.50047202024 X PARK BONDS 17,219.9805200STATE AID CONSTRUCTION FUND 995,913.9805300PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT FUND 2,147.0006000WORK IN PROGRESS 279.080658622-03 210TH ST LKVL BLVD RECON 15,336.250659524-02 STREET RECONSTRUCTION 5,344.4607450ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES FUND 18,021.9007550UTILITY FISCAL ADMINISTRATION 48,156.9307575STREET LIGHTING FUND 63,360.5907600WATER FUND 6,770.3907700SEWER FUND 786,396.1507800LIQUOR FUND 10,620.5408000ESCROW FUND - DEVELOPERS/BUILD 111.6608910ESCROW - DCA/SECTION 125 353,599.7608950DAKOTA 911 - OPERATING FUND 46,842.6908970LAKEVILLE ARENAS - OPERATIONS 1,290,685.7909800PAYROLL CLEARING FUND Report Totals 4,531,455.81 Page 5 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Check Register Summary - 07/30/2024 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Check Register Summary. Overview A summary of the claims paid during the period 07/05/2024 – 07/31/2024 is as follows: Checks 323265-323442 $1,039,590.37 ACH 17516-17678 $2,074,457.35 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 20240363- 20240378 $4,423,397.83 Total $7,537,445.55 The City Council will receive a list of expenditures paid (claims detail) and it is available to the public upon request. Supporting Information 1. 7.30.24CKSUM 2. Check Register 7.30.24 for Aug 5,2024 Council Mtg Financial Impact: $7,537,445.55 Budgeted: Yes Source: Various Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Cheri Donovan, Assistant Finance Director Page 6 of 447 7/31/2024City of Lakeville 12:54:50R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 7/31/20247/5/2024 - Company Amount 354,271.0401000GENERAL FUND 1,856.3602000COMMUNICATIONS FUND 130,325.00031162014 B REFUNDING BONDS 03119 2017A HRA LEASE REV LIQ REF BO 152,700.00031202022 A REFUNDING BONDS 63,140.00031212022B GO TAXABLE BONDS HASSE 293,234.3803122"2022 "C" BONDS (PARK REF) 94,400.00031232023A PARK REFERENDUM BONDS 850.00031242024 "A" TAX BONDS (PARK REF) 10,875.00032502020 A AMES ARENA PARKING LOT 64,875.01032512021 A APEX ENERGY SAVINGS 65,350.00032522021 B KEOKUK LIQUOR STORE 41,358.75032532022B TAXABLE GO REF BONDS 16A 5,940.00033152011 "A" IMPROVE BONDS 36,462.50033182014 "A" IMPROVEMENT BONDS 143,775.00033192015 A IMPROVEMENT BONDS 153,959.38033202016 B IMPR BONDS INCL 2015 P2 72,965.63033212017 A IMPROVEMENT BONDS 85,400.00033222018 A IMP BONDS 92,050.00033232019 A IMP BONDS 169,425.00033242020 A IMP BONDS 263,750.00033252022 "" IMPR BONDS 21,600.00033262022 "A" IMP BONDS 60,571.88034032015A STATE AID STREET BONDS 14,250.000353717 "A" ST RECON REF BONDS 38,425.00035382018 B ST RECON REF BOND (09A) 78,800.00035392021 C STREET RECONSTR BONDS 118,875.00035412023A STREET RECON BONDS 73,920.6104000BUILDING FUND 88,343.3104100EQUIPMENT FUND 7,444.4304125TECHNOLOGY FUND 41,809.8004161ARENAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 96,322.9104200PARK DEDICATION FUND 9,375.00047002022 C PARK BONDS 1,016.25047102023 A PARK BONDS 35,067.18047202024 A PARK BONDS 18,517.3805200STATE AID CONSTRUCTION FUND 4,080.7305300PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT FUND 1,537.4505400STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE FND 151,861.2505500WATER TRUNK FUND 23,103.0005600SANITARY SEWER TRUNK FUND 610.500658622-03 210TH ST LKVL BLVD RECON Page 7 of 447 7/31/2024City of Lakeville 12:54:50R55CKS2LOGIS100 2Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 7/31/20247/5/2024 - Company Amount 5,122.260658922-24 AIRLAKE 70 IMPROVEMENT 480,757.240659524-02 STREET RECONSTRUCTION 41,994.2307450ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES FUND 67,475.00075042016 A WATER REVENUE BONDS 96,159.2507550UTILITY FISCAL ADMINISTRATION 74,792.1907575STREET LIGHTING FUND 261,802.1307600WATER FUND 467,123.0107700SEWER FUND 971,761.5507800LIQUOR FUND 1,013.5907900MUNICIPAL RESERVES FUND 206,894.0508000ESCROW FUND - DEVELOPERS/BUILD 3,956.70-08910 ESCROW - DCA/SECTION 125 330,553.3708950DAKOTA 911 - OPERATING FUND 70,694.7408970LAKEVILLE ARENAS - OPERATIONS 1,282,764.9109800PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 09900 INVESTMENT FUND Report Totals 7,537,445.55 Page 8 of 447 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 15, 2024 - 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1.Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Roll Call Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Joe Masiarchin, Parks & Recreation Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk; Brad Paulson, Police Chief; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director 3.Citizen Comments Bob Erickson, 19081 Inndale Drive, addressed the City Council and requested that all legal notices be posted on the City Website and the City newspaper. 4.Additional agenda information None 5.Presentations/Introductions a.Fire Department Retirement - Chris Mogen Fire Chief Meyer recognized Fire Fighter Chris Mogen for his 25 years of service to the City of Lakeville. b.National Night Out Proclamation Mayor Hellier proclaimed Tuesday, August 6, 2024 as National Night Out in Lakeville. 6.Consent Agenda Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Volk, to approve the following: Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter a.Check Register Summary b.Minutes of the 07/01/2024 City Council Meeting c.Minutes of the 06/24/2024 City Council Work Session d.Holiday Compensation for Firefighters e.Accepting Donation from Lakeville Public Safety Foundation f.School Resource Officer Agreement Page 9 of 447 City Council Meeting Minutes July 15, 2024 Page 2 g.Resolution Calling Public Hearing On Unpaid Special Charges h.Approval of a Contract for Online Payment Portal with InvoiceCloud i.Caslano Third Addition Final Plat j.Sundance Lakeville Final Plat k.Antlers Ridge Final Plat 7.Action Items None 8.Unfinished Business None 9.New Business None 10.Announcements a.Next Work Session Meeting July 22, 2024 b.Next City Council Meeting August 5, 2024 11.Adjourn Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Lee, to adjourn. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Respectfully Submitted, __________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk ____________________________ Luke M. Heller, Mayor Page 10 of 447 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION July 22, 2024 - 6:00 PM Lakeville City Hall, Marion Conference Room 1.Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director 2.Citizen Comments None 3.Action Item a.Antlers Ridge Development Contract 4.Discussion Items a.Franchise Fees Assistant City Administrator Kuennen presented updated materials related to the franchise fee proposal which would fund future public safety building expenses. Council had questions relating to how customers would go about with combining account numbers, communication efforts, and the implementation timeline. Next steps will be to notify the utility companies of the proposal and to hold a public hearing on November 18th. b.2Q 2024 Financial Report & Finance Mid-Year Report Finance Director Stahl presented the second quarter financial report and indicated that, in general, expenses and revenues were in line with budgeted amounts. Stahl also updated the council on finance department activities, including implementation of the new financial software and status updates on how many residents were utilizing electronic payment options for utility bills. c.Dunham Property Discussion Community Development Director Goodroad presented a sketch plan proposal for development of the Dunham parcels south of County Road 70. Bob Dunham, Mike Brandt, and Bob Domack discussed their current recycling operations and their desire to expand to land south of their current location. Council asked questions about their operations, odor control, and permitting processes. Council directed staff to continue to Page 11 of 447 City Council Work Session Minutes July 22, 2024 Page 2 work with the Dunham’s towards an Interim Use Permit and zoning amendments to encourage the development of the property to the south. d.Cannabis Zoning Discussion Community Development Director Goodroad updated the council on cannabis regulations being finalized by the State of Minnesota and indicated staff was seeking clarity on zoning for cannabis-related businesses in Lakeville. Staff and council reviewed the different types of businesses and where they might be appropriate. Staff was directed to begin work on ordinances that capped the number of businesses as allowed by statute, create a 500-foot buffer around schools, and prepare zoning amendments for a public hearing with the planning commission. 5.Items for Future Discussion Mayor Hellier asked that the council review “social districts” that allow cities to loosen alcohol regulations, similar to what some other cities have received special legislation for. 6.Committee/ City Administrator Updates Mayor Hellier noted that he attended a Regional Council of Mayors meeting that focused on city/school partnerships. One idea generated was to share legislative priorities and possibly work together to formulate ideas that benefit both cities and schools. 7.Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________________ Justin Miller, City Administrator ____________________________ Luke M. Heller, Mayor Page 12 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville North Boys Hockey Boosters Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the issuance of a temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville North Boys Hockey Boosters. Overview The Lakeville North Boys Hockey Boosters would like to host and serve alcohol at their fundraising event on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Airlake Airport, 8140 220th St. West. Lakeville North Hockey Booster personnel will provide security to identify and wristband those of legal age to consume alcohol. They will also monitor the entrances to assure that alcohol is not taken out of the designated area. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community and Belonging Report Completed by: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 13 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Temporary on-sale liquor license to Dakota Curling Club Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the issuance of a temporary on-sale liquor license to the Dakota Curling Club. Overview The Dakota Curling Club would like to serve alcohol under the tent at the Pirate Spiel event on September 27, 28, and 29, 2024. The event will be outside the curling facility's doors; the serving area will be in a designated area underneath a tent. Staff will provide security and wristbands to those of legal age to consume alcohol, and they will monitor the entrances to assure that alcohol is not taken out of the designated area. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community and Belonging Report Completed by: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 14 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville Area Arts Center/City of Lakeville Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the issuance of a temporary on-sale liquor license to Overview The Lakeville Area Arts Center/City of Lakeville would like to serve alcoholic beverages for their "Live at the Lake" concert series on August 7, 14, 21, and 28th at Casperson Park, 19720 Juno Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044. Personnel will provide security to identify and wristband those of legal age to consume alcohol, and they will monitor the entrances to ensure that alcohol is not taken out of the designated area. Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Sense of Community and Belonging Report Completed by: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 15 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Proposal from Wastequip LLC for Grand Prairie Park Toter Recycling and Trash Containers Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Proposal from Wastequip LLC to purchase Toter recycling and trash containers for Grand Prairie Park. Overview The construction of Grand Prairie Park was one project approved as part of the November 2021 Park Bond Referendum. Staff have been working to purchase 30 Toter recycling and 30 Toter trash containers along with 30 can/bottle inserts for recycling. Wastequip LLC submitted a Proposal at a cost of $28,526.64. Staff is recommending that the Mayor and City Council approve the purchase of the Toter recycling and trash containers along with the can/bottle inserts from Wastequip LLC through the Sourcewell state contract in the amount of $28,526.64. Supporting Information 1. Wastequip LLC Proposal Number WQ-10319277 Financial Impact: $28,526.64 Budgeted: Yes Source: Park Bond Referendum Envision Lakeville Community Values: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amenities and Recreational Opportunities Report Completed by: Mark Kruse, Parks Superintendent Page 16 of 447 WQ-10319277 PHONE: 800-424-0422 FAX: 833-930-1124 1661 Frontera Rd, Del Rio, TX, 78840 Pricing is based on your acceptance prior to the expiration of this Quote, including product specifications, quantities, andAdditional Our Quote serves as an offer to provide Products and/or services at the quantities and prices shown and is a good faith estimate, based on our understanding of your needs. By signing below, you indicate your acceptance of our offer which is expressly subject to the Wastequip Terms & Conditions of Sale (“Wastequip’s Terms””) located at: , as of the date set forth in Section 1(b) of the WQ T&C, which are madehttps://www.wastequip.com/terms-conditions-sale a part of this Quote. Wastequip’s Terms may be updated from time to time and are available by hard copy upon request. Any changes or deviations to the terms of this Quote, including any different terms in an Order submitted by you, must be agreed upon in writing by both parties. Additional Terms $28,526.64Grand Total $0.00Tax $4,251.54Shipping $24,275.10Subtotal FOB OriginShipping Terms Net 30 Days if credit has been establishedPayment Terms WQ-10319277 Please Reference Quote Number on all Purchase Orders Quote Number 8/9/2024Expiration Date ktyler@wastequip.comSalesperson Email Kim TylerSalesperson Quick Ship 7570 179th St Lakeville, MN 55044 USA Ship To City of LakevilleShip To Name (952) 985-2715Phone mkruse@lakevillemn.govEmail 7570 179th St Lakeville, MN 55044 USA Bill To City of LakevilleBill To Name Mark KruseContact Name Sell To: Quote Information Product Product Description Quantity Sales Price Total Price Dome-Top Litter Container - 60 gallon w Gravity Latch Model 860A --Dome-Top Litter Container - 60 gallon w Gravity Latch --Dimensions: 28.25 l x 28.25 w x 48.75 h --Load Rating: 60G --CU FT: 22.51 --Ship Wt: 45 lbs 30.00 $335.07 $10,052.10 Base Option - Color: 209 Blackstone ---Base Option - Color: 209 Blackstone 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 Dome-Top Litter Container - 60 gallon w Gravity Latch Model 860A --Dome-Top Litter Container - 60 gallon w Gravity Latch --Dimensions: 28.25 l x 28.25 w x 48.75 h --Load Rating: 60G --CU FT: 22.51 --Ship Wt: 45 lbs 30.00 $335.07 $10,052.10 Base Option - Color: 709 Bluestone ---Base Option - Color: 709 Bluestone 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plastics - OF30 Model OF30 - Can/Bottle Recycling Door Inserts (sold in packs of four)30.00 $139.03 $4,170.90 Additional Information Page 17 of 447 WQ-10319277 PHONE: 800-424-0422 FAX: 833-930-1124 1661 Frontera Rd, Del Rio, TX, 78840 Please Reference Quote Number on all Purchase Orders Accepted By: ______________________________________________________ Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________ Purchase Order: ______________________________________________________ Sourcewell – Pricing and Products/Services offerings are based on the Sourcewell Co-Operative Contract with Toter, LLC (#041521, eff. 5/25/2021), and such Contract terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference. Pricing and Products/Services changes may occur at any time with proper documentation, and subject to Sourcewell approval; therefore, offerings may change without written prior notice. Wastequip Product Limited Warranties, Disclaimers, Limitation of Liability and Remedies, and Limited Warranty Provisions apply to all purchases thereunder. Special Contract Information timing. Any differences to your Order may result in different pricing, freight or other costs. Due to volatility in petrochemical, steel and related Product material markets, actual prices and freight, are subject to change. We reserve the right, by providing notice to you at any time before beginning Product manufacturing, to increase the price of the Product(s) to reflect any increase in the cost to us which is due to any factor beyond our control (such as, without limitation, any increase in the costs of labor, materials, or other costs of manufacture or supply). Unless otherwise stated, materials and container sizes indicated on sales literature, invoices, price lists, quotations and delivery tickets are nominal sizes and representations – actual volume, Products and materials are subject to manufacturing and commercial variation and Wastequip’s practices, and may vary from nominal sizes and materials. All prices are in US dollars; this Quote may not include all applicable taxes, brokerage fees or duties. If customer is not tax exempt, final tax calculations are subject to change. Information Signatures N/A 8/5/2024 City of Lakeville City of Lakeville Date: August 5, 2024 By:__________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor By:__________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 18 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the City Code Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve an ordinance amending Title 9 of the City Code. Overview Community Development Department staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending Title 9 (Building Regulations) of the City Code as presented. The proposed ordinance amendment is to clarify language related to the Rental Registration Ordinance to explicitly require a Minnesota-based rental property manager when the rental property owner resides out- of-state. Upon approval, any properties that have already registered for the program with both an out-of- state property owner and out-of-state rental manager will be contacted to update their registration. As of July 26, 2024, there are 471 properties registered and 16 of those have out-of- state rental managers. Supporting Information 1. Rental Reg Code Update (redline) 2. Rental Reg Code Update (clean) 3. Rental Registration Update Memo 8.5.24 Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Report Completed by: Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Manager Page 19 of 447 1 ORDINANCE NO.________ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 9 RENTAL REGISTRATION ORDINANCE OF THE LAKEVILLE CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 9-9-5 of the Building Regulations Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provision: A. All residential rental properties shall be registered with the city by either the residential rental property owner or rental manager. If the rental property owner resides is out of state, an in-state rental manager shall be assigned. Registration of each residential rental property shall be made on a separate form provided by the city, and shall include the following information: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the residential rental property owner and rental manager(s); 2. The name, address and telephone number of the person completing the registration form; 3. The address of the residential rental property. In the case of an apartment building, the applicant shall provide the address and name for the building, as well as the number of dwelling units contained therein; 4. Whether or not the residential rental property owner or rental manager conducts a criminal background check on each and every residential tenant over the age of eighteen (18); 5. Whether or not a written lease exists for the residential rental property and each unit dwelling thereon; and 6. Whether or not a written lease addendum commonly known as a "Drug Free/Crime Free Lease Addendum" exists for each and every written lease. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this ______ day of ______________, 2024. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ________________________ Luke Hellier, Mayor ATTEST BY: ________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 20 of 447 1 ORDINANCE NO.________ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 9 RENTAL REGISTRATION ORDINANCE OF THE LAKEVILLE CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 9-9-5 of the Building Regulations Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provision: A. All residential rental properties shall be registered with the city by either the residential rental property owner or rental manager. If the rental property owner resides out of state, an in-state rental manager shall be assigned. Registration of each residential rental property shall be made on a separate form provided by the city, and shall include the following information: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the residential rental property owner and rental manager(s); 2. The name, address and telephone number of the person completing the registration form; 3. The address of the residential rental property. In the case of an apartment building, the applicant shall provide the address and name for the building, as well as the number of dwelling units contained therein; 4. Whether or not the residential rental property owner or rental manager conducts a criminal background check on each and every residential tenant over the age of eighteen (18); 5. Whether or not a written lease exists for the residential rental property and each unit dwelling thereon; and 6. Whether or not a written lease addendum commonly known as a "Drug Free/Crime Free Lease Addendum" exists for each and every written lease. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this ______ day of ______________, 2024. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ________________________ Luke Hellier, Mayor ATTEST BY: ________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 21 of 447 City of Lakeville Community Development Memorandum To: Lakeville City Council From: Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Manager Copy: Justin Miller, City Administrator Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director Date: August 5, 2024 Subject: Rental Registration Update The following memo is an update on the Residential Rental Registration program. The Lakeville City Council adopted an ordinance in September 2023 to require residential rental property registration. The purpose of the ordinance is to build strong partnerships with rental property owners to ensure that rental housing in the City is decent, safe and sanitary. The ordinance applies to all residential units that are rental as defined by the ordinance, with exception for licensed facilities, hotels or motels and owner-occupied dwelling units. This is a free registration program that does not require city inspections. The registration program began in earnest in December 2023 and is ongoing. Communication to inform the public and gain compliance has been conducted in a variety of ways including: a new Residential Rental Registration webpage with program information and registration form on LakevilleBusiness.com/RentalRegistration, Focus on Lakeville (September 22, 2023); letters mailed in December 2023 to apartment buildings and potential rental properties based on city utility billing records; City Administrator Weekly Update (December 15, 2023; February 2, 2024); Thrive! Business Newsletters (January 2024, February 2024, and March 2024); Economic Development Annual Report (January 16, 2024 City Council meeting); City Newsletter (Winter 2024); State of the City (April 17, 2024); applicable building inspections, code enforcement and utility billing communications; and City of Lakeville social media platforms. As of July 26, 2024, the City has received 471 unique registrations (16 apartments, 1 condo, 1 duplex, 2 manufactured home parks, 252 single family homes, 187 townhomes and 12 twin homes). When property owners (or rental managers) complete the online registration form, a confirmation letter and certificate are generated and distributed by Community Development staff. These registrations are added to a database that is available for use by city staff, and all registered addresses are mapped for public reference on LakevilleBusiness.com/RentalRegistration. Page 22 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Approve Settlement Agreement with Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Settlement Agreement and Release with Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville. Overview The City reconstructed 210th Street from Kensington Boulevard to Holyoke Avenue in 2022 to make safety improvements and provide for increasing traffic levels (City Project 22-03). The project included widening to a two-lane undivided urban roadway, intersection improvements at Dodd Boulevard, and pedestrian/bicyclist improvements. Construction of the project required additional right-of-way and permanent easement acquisition to accommodate the street, trail and drainage improvements. The City acquired most of the required easements through direct negotiation. The project did, however, require the use of the eminent domain process to ensure the timely easement acquisition and project construction consistent with the programmed improvements. The City Council authorized initiation of the eminent domain process on November 15, 2021. The final remaining easement to fully acquire is located on a parcel owned by Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville. The City and Trinity Church reached a settlement agreement that includes the following as compensation for the easement: a) $137,200 (appraised valuation of the land), b) conveyance of Outlot C, Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville, c) rezoning of Outlot C, Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville (for consistency and compatibility with adjacent parcels), and d) construction of a fence along the stormwater management basin located on Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville's property. Potential settlement terms were discussed with the City Council at a closed session on April 1, 2024. Supporting Information 1. Settlement Agreement and Release Financial Impact: $200,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: Municipal State Aid Envision Lakeville Community Values: Design that Connects the Community Report Completed by: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Page 23 of 447 Page 24 of 447 Page 25 of 447 Page 26 of 447 Page 27 of 447 Page 28 of 447 Page 29 of 447 Page 30 of 447 Page 31 of 447 Page 32 of 447 Page 33 of 447 Page 34 of 447 Page 35 of 447 Page 36 of 447 230655v1 (reserved for recording information) ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this _______ day of _____________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and TRINITY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (“Owner”). 1. BACKGROUND. Owner is the fee owner of certain real property located in the City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: PID 22-77350-01-010 Lot 1, Block 1, Trinity Evangelical Church Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. having a street address of 10658 210th Street West, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 (“Subject Property”). The City owns easements for drainage and utility purposes over portions of the Subject Property (“Easement Areas”). Owner desires to install fencing around the drainage pond located on the northeast side of the Subject Property, which encroaches on the Easement Areas as depicted on the document attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. Page 37 of 447 230655v1 2. ENCROACHMENT AUTHORIZATION. The City hereby approves the encroachment of the fencing in the Easement Areas on the Subject Property. Further conditions of encroachment approval are as follows: • The fencing located on the Subject Property shall not impact or increase water drainage on the abutting property or cause any adverse drainage patterns or erosion to the abutting property. • The Owner of the Subject Property will own and maintain the fencing. 3. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY. In consideration of being allowed to encroach in the Easement Areas, Owner, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage caused to the Subject Property, including the fencing in the Easement Areas, caused in whole or in part by the encroachment into the Easement Areas. 4. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. The City may, at its sole discretion, terminate this agreement at any time if the City needs to occupy the Easement Areas by giving the then owner of the Subject Property thirty (30) day advance written notice. The owner of the Subject Property may be required to remove the fencing if it is deemed necessary by the City in order to exercise the purpose of the Easement Areas. If the owner fails to do so, the City may remove the fencing and charge the cost of removal back to the owner for reimbursement. No notice under this paragraph shall be required in the event of an emergency condition determined solely by the City and the Agreement may then be terminated immediately. 5. RECORDING. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. Page 38 of 447 230655v1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: _____________________________________ (SEAL) Luke M. Hellier, Mayor And ____________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________ day of __________________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and Ann Orlofsky, respectively the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ______________________________________ Notary Public Page 39 of 447 230655v1 OWNER: TRINITY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA BY: __________________________________ Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ___________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 2024, by _____________________________, the ____________________________________ of Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville, Minnesota, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 AMP/smt Page 40 of 447 230655v1 EXHIBIT “A” Page 41 of 447 230659v2 RIGHT OF ENTRY/WAIVER OF TRESPASS THIS AGREEMENT, made this ______ day of _______________, 2024, is by and between TRINITY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, (the “Owner”), and the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”). WHEREAS, the Owner is the fee owner of certain real estate located at the address of 10658 210th Street West, Lakeville, Minnesota, and/or legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Trinity Evangelical Church Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof (the “Premises”); and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter onto the Premises for the purpose of installing fencing around the storm water basin located on the northeast portion of the Premises in accordance with the fence specifications and location identified in Exhibits A and B attached hereto (the “Work”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, they agree as follows: 1. Right of Entry. Owner hereby grants the City, its employees, contractors, agents and assigns the right to enter upon the Premises for the Work. This Right of Entry is temporary in nature and shall terminate on ___________, 20__, or upon completion of the Work by the City, whichever is earlier. The City shall pay for the costs of the installation of the fencing on the Premises completed by the City or its assigns, agents or contractors. Upon completion of the Work, the installed fencing on the Premises shall be owned and maintained by the Owner. 2. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, employees, agents and contractors harmless from any and all claims, costs, losses, expenses, demands, actions, or causes of action, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses of litigation, resulting from the City s activities described herein, except those which arise solely from the negligence, or willful misconduct of the City or its employees, agents or contractors. Owner expressly acknowledges that the City shall have no obligation to indemnify and hold Owner harmless from any claims, actions or damages to trees located on the Premises. 3. Scope of Right of Entry. The grant of the right of entry to the City by Owner shall not confer any estate, title or exclusive possessory rights in the Premises to the City or its assigns, agents or contractors. 4. Notices. All notices and demands required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when personally delivered or sent by first class mail, addressed to the parties: Owner: Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville 10658 210th Street West Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Page 42 of 447 230659v2 City: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 5. Condition of Premises. The City, at its sole expense, agrees to keep the Premises in neat, clean and safe condition, agrees not to make any improvements, except as otherwise provided herein, without the prior written approval of the Owner, and agrees to restore the Premises to a condition as nearly equal as possible that which existed prior to its entry upon the Premises, including the replacement of any ground cover, excluding trees. 6. Assignment. The City may assign its rights to use the Premises or any portion thereof to its contractors, subcontractors, vendors, employees or assigns solely for the Permitted Uses identified herein. 7. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] [Signature pages to follow] Page 43 of 447 230659v2 OWNER: TRINITY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE By: ______________________________ [print name] Its: _________________________________ Page 44 of 447 230659v2 EXHIBIT A TO RIGHT OF ENTRY / WAIVER OF TRESPASS Fence Specifications The fence will be approximately 350 feet long, running east to west, and approximately 150 feet long running north to south (the “Fence”). The approximate location of the Fence is depicted in Exhibit B to this Right of Entry/Waiver of Trespass. The final location of the Fence will be mutually agreed upon by the City and Trinity Church after meeting onsite. The fence will be black vinyl chain-linked and 48 inches high. Page 45 of 447 230659v2 EXHIBIT B TO RIGHT OF ENTRY / WAIVER OF TRESPASS Depiction of Fence Location Page 46 of 447 __________________________________________________________________ (Above Space Reserved for Recording Data) DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of _____________________ 2024, by and between the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the “City”) and Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville, Minnesota a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (“Trinity Church”). RECITALS A. Trinity Church is the owner of that certain real property situated in the City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Trinity Church Property”). B. The City wishes to obtain an easement for surface drainage purposes over that part of the Trinity Church Property which is depicted as a drainage easement on Exhibit B hereto (“Drainage Easement Area”). C. Trinity Church is willing to grant said easement, subject to the condition that Trinity Church, its assigns and successors in title will be able to relocate the surface drainage easement elsewhere so long as it can grant good title to the easement, and so long as the easement provides for drainage capacity equal to or greater than the drainage capacity of the easement depicted on Exhibit B hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the covenants herein contained, Trinity Church and the City hereby covenant and agree that the Trinity Church Property and all present and future owners and occupants of property shall be and hereby are subject to the terms, covenants, and easements hereinafter set forth in this Agreement, so that said Trinity Church Property shall be maintained, kept, sold and used in full compliance with and subject to this Agreement and, in connection therewith, the parties hereto on behalf of themselves and their respective successors and assigns covenant and agree as follows: AGREEMENTS 1. Grant of Drainage Easement. Subject to any express conditions, limitations or reservations contained herein, Trinity Church hereby grants, establishes, covenants and Page 47 of 447 agrees that the Trinity Church Property shall be burdened by the following nonexclusive easement which is hereby imposed upon said property: An easement in gross for surface drainage purposes over the Drainage Easement Area as depicted on Exhibit B. 2. Term. The easements contained in this Agreement shall be effective commencing on the date of recordation of this Agreement in the office of the Dakota County Recorder and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter in perpetuity, unless this Agreement is modified, amended, canceled or terminated by the parties. 3. Right of Relocation. The Drainage Easement Area shall be limited to that area depicted on Exhibit B, an area totaling no more than 54,466 square feet. Trinity Church, its successors and assigns may relocate and/or reconfigure the Drainage Easement at any time by giving written notice to the City. This right shall be conditioned on the resulting relocated or reconfigured easement having the same drainage capacity as the Drainage Easement Area. Trinity Church, its successor or assigns, as the case may be, shall pay the expense of relocating said easement, subject to the provisions of Section 4.2 below. In order to effect and memorialize the relocation, Trinity Church, its successor or its assign shall cause to be drafted an Amendment to this Agreement which the City shall review, and subject to its approval, sign and return to Trinity Church. 4. Miscellaneous. 4.1 Recitals. The recitals stated above are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. 4.2 Attorneys' Fees. In the event a party institutes any legal action or proceeding for the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained, the prevailing party after a final adjudication shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in the preparation and prosecution of such action or proceeding. 4.3 Amendment. The parties agree that the provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended, in whole or in part, or terminated, only by the written consent of Trinity Church and the City evidenced by a document that has been fully executed and acknowledged by said parties and recorded in the official records of the County Recorder of Dakota County, Minnesota. 4.4 Consents. Wherever in this Agreement the consent or approval of a party is required, unless otherwise expressly provided herein, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any request for consent or approval shall: (a) be in writing; (b) specify the section hereof which requires that such notice be given or that such consent or approval be obtained; and (c) be accompanied by such background data as is reasonably necessary to make an informed decision thereon. Any failure by the City to approve a relocated or reconfigured drainage easement which has the same drainage capacity as the Drainage Easement Area shall be deemed unreasonable. 4.5 Covenants to Run with Land. It is intended that each of the easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights and obligations set forth herein shall run with the land, shall bind every person having any fee, leasehold or other interest therein and shall inure Page 48 of 447 to the benefit of the respective parties and their successors, assigns, heirs, and personal representatives. [THE REST OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. THE NEXT PAGE IS A SIGNATURE PAGE.] Page 49 of 447 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CITY OF LAKEVILLE, A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION By: _______________________________ Printed: Luke Hellier Its: Mayor By: ______________________________ Printed: Ann Orlofsky Its: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF _____________ ) On this ___ day of _____________, 2024, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Luke Hellier and Ann Orlofsky, to me personally known, who, after being first duly sworn, did state that they are the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal Corporation, and that each signed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. _________________________________ Notary Public THE REST OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. THE NEXT PAGE IS A SIGNATURE PAGE. Page 50 of 447 TRINITY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA, A MINNESOTA NONPROFIT CORPORATION By: _______________________________ Printed: Jason Maloney Its: President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF _____________ ) On this ___ day of _____________, 2024, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jason Maloney, to me personally known, who, after being first duly sworn, did state that he is the President of the Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville, Minnesota, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, and that he signed the same on behalf of said nonprofit corporation. THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY, AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: LeVander, Gillen & Miller, PA (SML) 1305 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Eagan, MN 55121 651-451-1831 THE REST OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Page 51 of 447 EXHIBIT A: TRINITY CHURCH PROPERTY Outlot C TRINITY EVANGELICAL CHURCH ADDITION DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA according to the recorded plat thereof. Page 52 of 447 EXHIBIT B: DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA Page 53 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Leo A. Daly Contract Amendment Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract amendment with Leo A Daly for the design of the FiRST Center. Overview Article 11.1.1 of the original contract with Leo A. Daly dated October 30, 2023, indicates that if the project construction cost changes, the fee paid to Leo A. Daly will be adjusted based on the final established project cost and scope at the completion of the Schematic Design Phase. The original $895,000 fee for service was based on an estimated construction cost of $14,000,000. After completion of the Schematic Design Phase as reviewed by the City Council at their May work session, the updated construction cost of the FiRST Center is $22,988,369. This correlates to an increase of $533,956 to Leo A. Daly’s fees for a total of $1,428,956. Supporting Information 1. LAD Contract Amendment 8-5-24 Financial Impact: $533,956 Budgeted: Yes Source: Federal and State funding grants. Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator Page 54 of 447 June 20, 2024 Contract Modification Number 01 Lakeville FiRST Center Date of the “Original Agreement”: October 30, 2023 This contract modification (“Contract Modification”) is made by and between LEO A DALY Company (“Consultant”) and the City of Lakeville (“Client”) (together the “Parties”). The purpose of this Contract Modification is to alter the scope or fee as provided herein. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings contained in the Original Agreement. 1. MODIFICATIONS The Client and the Consultant agree to the following modifications to the Original Agreement. • Page 1, Paragraph 3: Revise Leo A Daly Company to “Leo A Daly, LLC.” • Page 1, Paragraph 7: Revise City of Lakeville, MN – Regional Public Safety Training Facility to “City of Lakeville - Lakeville FiRST Center or First Responder Skills Training Center.” • Article 1.1.1: After last paragraph add the following paragraph: “The Schematic Design phase as presented by the Consultant was approved during the May 28, 2024, council workshop. Refer to Schematic Design Presentation, Exhibit A. The program needs refined in Phase 1 and Phase 2 Schematic Design resulted in facilities consisting of a 43,545-sf training facility and a 4,995-sf warehouse. The costs associated with the Schematic Design scope of work are as follows: $22,988,369 (construction cost) and a total project cost of $24,707,622. Refer to Exhibit B (construction cost) and Exhibit C (project cost) for further information. Upon investigation during Phase 2 Schematic Design, it was determined MN B3 requirements are not applicable to this project.” • Article 1.1.2: After last bullet point add additional bullet point; “Upon completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Impact Studies, the area originally delineated for the site’s primarily stormwater management basins have been flagged for potential unsuitable soil requiring removal and disposal. Further, these soils may be contaminated, requiring hazardous handling and disposal. An alternative storm water management solution identified by the Client may require storm water treatment to be handled off site in a “treatment train” fashion moving storm water to the east property which is also owned by the Client.” Additional tests, surveys, and wetland delineations may be required. These tests, surveys, and delineations are not in the Consultant’s services. The results of this additional information and alternative stormwater treatment management design may influence the scope of the Consultant’s services and associated fees.” • Article 1.1.3: Strike the following: “anticipated to be $14,000,000.00 comprised of a combination of State of MN Grante funds and municipal funds.” Revise to read: “The Client’s project budget is as follows, Construction Cost of $22,988,369 (escalated to the mid-point of construction), with a total project cost of $24,707,622. For additional information refer to the attached Construction and Project Estimate, Exhibits B and C. • Article Strike all Phase 2 text. • Article Strike all and revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” • Article Strike all and revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” Page 55 of 447 • Article Strike all and revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” • Article 1.1.5 After Phase 2 text add the following: “The Consultant, in conjunction with the Construction Manager and the Client shall prepare a vendor best value RFQ to procure a Design/Build Range Contractor for the Client. Upon review of the received proposals and agreement between the Consultant, Construction Manager, and the Client on the selection, the Client shall contract with the selected Design/Build range contractor. The selected Design/Build Range Contractor shall design the range backstops/baffling systems, targeting systems, shooting stalls, range acoustical components, range HVAC and controls, lead disposal systems, all range related electrical requirements (excluding lighting and housekeeping power) and all range related coordination with the Consultant, including but not limited to defining the structural load requirements of the baffle and HVAC systems, coordinating the precast concrete structural shell and roof openings, defining and affirming the power requirements for range and range related components, defining and affirming fire protection systems and design, defining and affirming all gas and plumbing requirements for a complete range system. The design and coordination shall begin no later than the first day of the Construction Documents Phase. Delays in procurement may delay the Consultant and therefore be subject to additional services. The Design/Build Range Contractor shall be responsible for a complete set of construction documents to be referenced into the Consultants construction documents for the purpose of bidding the range shell and ancillary range support spaces, electrical services to the range designated electrical sub-panel, lighting systems throughout the range, fire protection within and adjacent to the range, and any required plumbing or gas services required to operate the range equipment.” • Article 1.1.6: Strike all Phase 2 text and replace with the following: “It is anticipated that an early “best value” bid package for the procurement of a firing range contractor will be required.” • Article 1.1.7: Strike all Phase 2 text and replace with the following: “Due to the State of Minnesota funding sources for this Project being acquired through an FY23 cash appropriation legislative bill, B3 / SB2030 sustainability requirements will not be enforced on this project. The Consultant shall follow best practices for sustainable design in cooperation with the Client and Construction Manager. • Table 4.1.1: Revise Article to read: “Not required, not provided.” • Table 4.1.1: Add Article “Coordination with selected Design/Build range equipment and HVAC contractor.” Add “Included in Phase 2” under the responsibility column of same line. 2. COMPENSATION The Client and the Consultant agree to the following modifications to the Original Agreement. • Article 11.1.1: Strike all text associated with Phase 2 and replace with the following: “Phase 2 Design and Construction Administration will be a stipulated sum of $1,428,956.00 and is based upon the professional services and disciplines identified in this contract and required for a project of the construction cost as stated in Article 1.1.3. Refer to Exhibit E for a further cost breakdown.” In addition, reimbursable expenses will be paid per terms of the Original Agreement. Consultant shall be paid consistent with the terms and conditions of the Original Agreement. Page 56 of 447 3. CONTRACT MODIFICATION TERMS & CONDITIONS A. This Contract Modification shall become effective on the date of the last undersigned party. B. All other terms under the Original Agreement not modified or contradicted herein shall remain in full force and effect. C. The Parties represent and warrant that the undersigned individuals have the authority to execute this Contract Modification. D. The execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Contract Modification shall not, except as expressly provided herein, operate as a waiver of any provision of the Original Agreement. In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Contract Modification to be executed: CONSULTANT: LEO A DALY, LLC By: Its: Managing Principal Name: Cindy A McCleary Date: CLIENT: City of Lakeville By: Its: Mayor, City of Lakeville Name: Luke Hellier Date: By: Its: City Administrator, City of Lakeville Name: Justin Miller Date: Page 57 of 447 June 17, 2024 Contract Modification Number 01 Lakeville FiRST Center Date of the “Original Agreement”: October 30, 2023 This contract modification (“Contract Modification”) is made by and between LEO A DALY Company (“Consultant”) and the City of Lakeville (“Client”) (together the “Parties”). The purpose of this Contract Modification is to alter the scope or fee as provided herein. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings contained in the Original Agreement. 1. MODIFICATIONS The Client and the Consultant agree to the following modifications to the Original Agreement. • Page 1: The name of the project has changed from “Lakeville - Regional Public Safety Training Center” to “Lakeville FiRST Center” or First Responder Skills Training Center. • Article 1.1.1: Add the following paragraph: “The Schematic Design phase as presented by the Consultant and approved during the May 28, 2024, council workshop. Refer to Schematic Design Presentation, Exhibit A. The program needs refined in Phase 1 and Phase 2 Schematic Design resulted in facilities consisting of a 43,545-sf training facility and a 4,995-sf warehouse. The costs associated with the Schematic Design Presentation are as follows: $22,988,369 (construction cost) and a total project cost of $24,707,622. Refer to Exhibit B (construction cost) and Exhibit C (project cost) for further information. Upon investigation during Phase 2 Schematic Design, it was determined MN B3 requirements are not applicable to this project.” • Article 1.1.2: Revise to add additional bullet point; “Upon completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Impact Studies, the area originally delineated for the site’s primarily stormwater management basins have been flagged for potential unsuitable soil requiring removal and disposal. Further, these soils may be contaminated, requiring hazardous handling and disposal. An alternative storm water management identified by the Client may require storm water treatment to be handled off site in a “treatment train” fashion moving storm water to the east property which is also owned by the Client.” Additional tests, surveys, and wetland delineations may be required. These tests, surveys, and delineations are not in the Consultant’s services. The results of this additional information and alternative stormwater treatment management design may in influence the scope of the Consultant’s services and associated fees.” • Article 1.1.3: Revise to read: “Upon completion of Schematic Design, the Client’s project budget is as follows, Construction cost escalated to the mid-point of construction (see Article 1.1.4 and Exhibit B) of $22,988,369 with a total project cost of $24,707,622. For additional information refer to the attached Construction and Project Estimate, Exhibits B and C. • Article Revise Phase 2 paragraph to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D revised Phase 2 dates.” • Article Revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” • Article Revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” • Article Revise to read: “Refer to the attached schedule, Exhibit D for Phase 2 dates.” • Article 1.1.6: Revise Phase 2 to read: “It is anticipated that an early “best value” bid package for the procurement of a firing range contractor will be required.” Page 58 of 447 • Article 1.1.7: Revise to read: “Due to the State of Minnesota funding sources for this Project being acquired through an FY23 cash appropriation legislative bill, B3 / SB2030 sustainability requirements will not be enforced on this project. The Consultant shall follow best practices for sustainable design in cooperation with the Client and Construction Manager. • Add Article to read: “The Consultant, in conjunction with the Construction Manager and the Client shall prepare a vendor best value RFQ to procure a Design/Build Range Contractor for the Client. Upon review of the received proposals and agreement between the Consultant, Construction Manager, and the Client on the selection, the Client shall contract with the selected Design/Build range contractor. The selected Design/Build Range Contractor shall design the range backstops/baffling systems, targeting systems, shooting stalls, range acoustical components, range HVAC and controls, lead disposal systems, all range related electrical requirements (excluding lighting and housekeeping power) and all range related coordination with the Consultant, including but not limited to defining the structural load requirements of the baffle and HVAC systems, coordinating the precast concrete structural shell and roof openings, defining and affirming the power requirements for range and range related components, defining and affirming fire protection systems and design, defining and affirming all gas and plumbing requirements for a complete range system. The design and coordination shall begin no later than the first day of the Construction Documents Phase. Delays in procurement may delay the Consultant and therefore be subject to additional services. The Design/Build Range Contractor shall be responsible for a complete set of construction documents to be referenced into the Consultants construction documents for the purpose of bidding the range shell and ancillary range support spaces, electrical services to the range designated electrical sub-panel, lighting systems throughout the range, fire protection within and adjacent to the range, and any required plumbing or gas services required to operate the range equipment.” • Table 4.1.1: Revise Article to read: “Not required, not provided.” • Table 4.1.1: add Article “Coordination with selected Design/Build range equipment and HVAC contractor “. 2. COMPENSATION The Client and the Consultant agree to the following modifications to the Original Agreement. • Article 11.1.1 add the follow paragraph to read: “The fee for Phase 2 services per the contract requirements listed in same Article are modified as follows. The Original fee for service of $895,000 is based upon a percentage of construction cost equaling the construction cost originally listed in Article 1.1.3 or $14,000,000. This equals a percentage of 6.39%. Upon completion of Schematic Design, the established construction cost is $22,988,369. The fee for Phase 2 services, modified to reflect the corresponding anticipated services to complete the newly establish scope of the project is calculated based upon the same 6.39%. This equates to $22,988,369 x 6.39% or $1,468,956. Therefore, the Phase 2 fee for service increase is $1,468,956 - $895,000 or $573,956. Lastly, adjustments for removing MNB3 requirements from the fee for services are made as follows. The Consultant’s budgeted value of $50,000 to complete MNB3 requirements minus $10,000 for work completed to date (or 20% of the MNB3 budget). Therefore, the Consultant deduction of $40,000 from the Phase 2 fee for service reduces the Phase 2 modification of $573,956 - $40,000 or $533,956. In addition, reimbursable expenses will be paid per terms of the Original Agreement. Consultant shall be paid consistent with the terms and conditions of the Original Agreement. Page 59 of 447 3. CONTRACT MODIFICATION TERMS & CONDITIONS A. This Contract Modification shall become effective on the date of the last undersigned party. B. All other terms under the Original Agreement not modified or contradicted herein shall remain in full force and effect. C. The Parties represent and warrant that the undersigned individuals have the authority to execute this Contract Modification. D. The execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Contract Modification shall not, except as expressly provided herein, operate as a waiver of any provision of the Original Agreement. In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Contract Modification to be executed: CONSULTANT: LEO A DALY, LLC By: Its: Managing Principal Name: Cindy A McCleary Date: CLIENT: City of Lakeville By: Its: Mayor, City of Lakeville Name: Luke Hellier Date: By: Its: City Administrator, City of Lakeville Name: Justin Miller Date: Page 60 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Lakeville FiRST Center May 28, 2024 Council Workshop 2 Exhibit A Page 61 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER PHASE 2 – SCHEMATIC DESIGN REVIEW Page 62 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Page 63 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 64 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 65 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 66 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS UPDATEROOM NAME DESCRIPTION PRE-DESIGN GSF SCHEMATIC DESIGN GSF LEVEL 1 MECHANICAL 2,550 2,397 25 YARD FIRING RANGE 25 YARD RANGE WITH (6) 4’-0” WIDE LANES 4,089 3,936 50 YARD FIRING RANGE 50 YARD RANGE WITH (13) 4’-0” WIDE LANES 12,149 11,396 LOADING COVERED LOADING WITH OVERHEAD DOORS 386 462 AMMO STORAGE STORAGE FOR BOTH LAKEVILLE AND PARTNER/MEMBER AGENCIES 825 776 GUN CLEANING 8 STATIONS AT 4’-0” PER STATION 402 451 MEETING ROOM 45 OR 100 PERSON MEETING ROOM WITH PARTION DIVIDER 2,424 2,297 BREAK KITCHEN WITH SEATING FOR APPROX. 35 PEOPLE 683 749 LOBBY MAIN ENTRY WITH DISPLAY CASE 829 722 OFFICE ONE PERSON OFFICE 216 210 FRONT DESK CHECK-IN DESK WITH TOUCHDOWN DESK SPACE 203 202 CONFERENCE 12 PERSON CONFERENCE ROOM 336 408 MATS PADDED ROOM FOR USE OF FORCE AND DEFENSE TRAINING 1,558 1,482 MULTI-PURPOSE (FORMERLY VR)FLEX SPACE FOR STAGING, CLASSROOM OR VR USE 1,363 792 TACTICAL TRAINING SCENARIO TRAINING SPACE WITH MOVEABLE WALL SYSTEMS 5,455 3,531 LEVEL 2 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL 1,006 0 TACTICAL TRAINING FLEXIBLE, OPEN TRAINING SPACE 4,663 2,821 TOTAL BUILDING GSF*49,038*43,545* *BUILDING GSF DOES NOT INCLUDES WAREHOUSE BUILDING GSF (PD = 5,729 GSF; SD = 4,995 NSF) Page 67 of 447 FLOOR PLANS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 GSF: 40,005 SF (does not include warehouse) LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 68 of 447 FLOOR PLANS: LEVEL 2 LEVEL 2 GSF: 3,540 SF LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 69 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 70 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 71 of 447 PRELIMINARY RENDERING LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 72 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PROJECT COST: PD vs SD $21,480,834 Construction Cost + $2,776,589 Soft Cost = $24,257,423 Project Cost - $7,170,000 State of Minnesota = $17,087,423 TOTAL CAPITAL COST Contingencies: Escalation: 5% to 07/2025 or $967k Design and Construction: 10% or $1.76 million Soft Cost: 15% or $362k $21,933,333 Construction Cost + $2,774,239 Soft Cost = $24,707,572 Project Cost* - $7,170,000 State of Minnesota - $800,000 = $16,737,572 TOTAL CAPITAL COST * Contingencies: Escalation: 0% Design and Construction: 10% or $2.02 million Soft Cost: 15% or $362k * DOES NOT INCLUDE ALTERNATES SEE NEXT PAGE Page 73 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PROJECT COST: ALTERNATES AND COST SAVINGS ITEM ALTERNATES WAREHOUSE $994,785 HYBRID RANGE BAFFLES ($105,227) DUAL RUNNING MAN TARGETS $29,535 ACOUSTIC ENHANCEMENTS AT RANGE $30,716 ITEM VE ITEMS OFFICE AND RBT HVAC SCREENING ? OMIT MAKE UP AIR AT WAREHOUSE ? $16,737,572BASE BID CONTRUCTION COST AFTER ALTERNATES $17,792,608 after state and federal contributions after state and federal contributions Page 74 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PROJECT COST: COST REDUCTION EFFORTS DURING SD REVIEW ITEM COST REDUCTIONS REDUCE 3,000 SF OF RBT AT LEVELS 1 AND 2 ($525,744) REMOVE “SCENARIO FACADES” IN RBT ($70,000) CHANGE ROOF TYPE FROM BUILT-UP TO EPDM ($292,996) CHANGE OVERFLOW ROOF DRAINS ($63,000) RANGE EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ($50,000) RANGE HVAC MODIFICATIONS ($150,000) TOTAL COST SAVING REDUCTIONS ($1,151,740) B3 ADHERANCE NO LONGER REQUIRED ($5,062,310) Page 75 of 447 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTER 7700 214TH Street West PROJECT COST: OVERALL LAKEVILLE CONTRIBUTION TOTAL COST $24,707,572 STATE OF MN CONTRIBUTION ($7,170,000) FEDERAL GRANT ($800,000) ACCEPTANCE OF ALTERNATES 1, 3, 4 $1,055,036 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CONTRIBUTION $17,792,608 Page 76 of 447 PHASE 2 – DESIGN & BIDDING DESIGN BIDDING / NEGOTIATION Completion by December 2024 Anticipated Completion by February 2025 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 77 of 447 PHASE 3 – CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION START CONSTRUCTION END Anticipated by April 2025 Anticipated Completion by April 2026 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 78 of 447 MOVE-IN & OPEN FOR BUSINESS CLOSEOUT OPEN TO AGENCIES Anticipated Completion by May - June 2026 Anticipated July 2026 LAKEVILLE FiRST CENTERPage 79 of 447 Lakeville FiRST Center Q&A Page 80 of 447 Allyn Kuennen Assistant City Administrator City of Lakeville Re:City of Lakeville FiRST Responders Skills Training Center Dear Allyn Kuennen, Total Construction Estimate:$22,815,073 ALTERNATES: No. 1:Warehouse Building Add $994,785 No. 2:B3 - Photovoltaic Panels Add $1,695,313 No. 3:B3 - Bird Glass Add $118,140 No. 4:B3 - Geothermal System Add $3,248,857 No. 5:Overflow scupper drains in leiu of internal overflow drains Deduct ($63,000) No. 6:FA EPDM roof in lieu of built-up roof Deduct ($292,996) No. 7:Ballast EPDM roof in lieu of built-up roof Deduct ($426,246) No. 8:Shrink program area by 3,000 SF Deduct ($525,744) No. 9:Reduce tactical baffle layout to 25 yards and in Deduct ($105,227) No. 10:Dual Running Man Pro Add $29,535 No. 11:Add mineral wool behind PEPP on side/rear walls Add $30,716 CLARIFICATIONS: No. 1: No. 2: No. 3: No. 4: No. 5: Sincerely, Brad Barickman Vice President - Community Our estimate does not include any SAC and WAC fees. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this estimate. Our team is experienced and competent in your market; this applied knowledge will assist the team in obtaining the best possible project value. Please feel free to contact RJM if you have any questions or need additional information. May 20, 2024 RJM Construction is pleased to present an estimate for the City of Lakeville First Center project located in Lakeville, MN. Together with the City of Lakeville and Leo A Daly, we can work as a team to deliver the project goals of cost, schedule and quality. Our estimate is based upon drawings dated 04/17/2024. This estimate assumes that all work will be done during regular business hours. We do not include removing, storing or re-installing any systems furniture. Phone, data, AV and security are all excluded. Architectural and engineering fees are not included. deduct yellow items from total $21,933,333 list alternates Exhibit B Page 81 of 447 ESTIMATE SUMMARY ESTIMATE DATE: PROJECT: ARCHITECT: DRAWING DATE: Base $/sf DESCRIPTION Notes Estimate 46,250 Construction Costs Temporary Barriers and Enclosures $153,707 $3.32 Cleaning and Waste Management $123,664 $2.67 Building Demolition $106,488 $2.30 Concrete & Masonry $1,381,488 $29.87 Precast Plank & Wall Panels $1,742,639 $37.68 Structural Steel $1,481,499 $32.03 Rough Carpentry $56,756 $1.23 Architectural Millwork $158,041 $3.42 Metal Panel & Metal Roof $324,814 $7.02 Roofing $1,099,764 $23.78 Joint Sealants $40,800 $0.88 Doors, Frames, Hardware $434,501 $9.39 Overhead Doors $69,870 $1.51 Storefront & Glazing Systems $399,840 $8.65 Gypsum Drywall $428,349 $9.26 Tile $116,280 $2.51 Acoustical Ceilings $83,793 $1.81 Folding Panel Partition $48,960 $1.06 Carpet & Resilient Flooring $131,376 $2.84 Sealed Concrete $41,820 $0.90 Painting & Wallcovering $124,721 $2.70 Specialties $74,748 $1.62 Wall Protection $81,772 $1.77 Appliances $9,201 $0.20 Window Treatments $11,424 $0.25 Signage $26,961 $0.58 Range Equipment $3,379,561 $73.07 Elevators $0 $0.00 Moveable Wall System $0 $0.00 Fire Protection $220,830 $4.77 Plumbing $448,800 $9.70 HVAC $2,096,804 $45.34 Electrical $2,096,776 $45.34 May 20, 2024 City of Lakeville FiRST Responders Skills Training Center Leo A Daly April 14, 2024 2 Page 82 of 447 ESTIMATE SUMMARY ESTIMATE DATE: PROJECT: ARCHITECT: DRAWING DATE: May 20, 2024 City of Lakeville FiRST Responders Skills Training Center Leo A Daly April 14, 2024 Earthwork $407,949 $8.82 Asphalt Paving $195,840 $4.23 Site Concrete $110,645 $2.39 Retaining Walls $0 $0.00 Fences & Gates $76,628 $1.66 Landscaping & Irrigation $105,790 $2.29 Site Utilities $895,246 $19.36 Surveying $24,480 $0.53 General Requirements $164,507 $3.56 General Conditions $882,604 $19.08 Preconstruction Fee $40,000 $0.86 General Liability Insurance $214,462 $4.64 Builders Risk Insurance $68,445 $1.48 Building Permit $25,000 $0.54 Bonds/Sub Bonds $153,214 $3.31 $20,360,855 $440.23 Escalation $0 $0.00 Design Contingency $1,010,382 $21.85 Construction Contingency $1,010,382 $21.85 Contractors Fee $433,454 $9.37 Total Construction Estimate $22,815,073 $493.30 Subtotal Construction Costs 3 Page 83 of 447 LEO A DALY EXHIBIT C Updated 2024-05-28 Schematic Design Budget Lakeville FiRST Center Current Current Current PD Source of Reference No. Description Phase Responsibility Document Notes PRE-DESIGN 1 Legal: .1 Contract reviews (design, construction, other misc) 10,000$ Lakeville Estimate 2 Administrative Services .1 Design Period NA .2 Construction Period NA 3 Real Estate .1 No acquisition required NA 4 Land Surveying .1 Alta 17,300$ WSB Contract .2 Additional 14,500$ WSB Contract 5 Subsurface (Geotechnical) Investigation: .1 Soil borings 38,000$ Lakeville WSB proposal 2024-03-04 .2 Contaminated Soils Testing 10,000$ Lakeville Braun .3 Soil and Ground Water Analysis at Infiltration Basins 10,000$ Lakeville Estimate Anticipate 4 double ring test, 2 during design / 2 in construction 6 Existing Building Structural Analysis NA Anticipate demolition of existing buildings 7 Hazardous Material Survey 10,000$ Lakeville Estimate Of existing building prior to demolition, previous analysis has been completed prior DESIGN 8 Project Management/Architecture/Interior Design/MEP & Structural Engineering: .1 Pre-Design Phase 15,000$ LAD Contract .2 Schematic Design through Construction Administration Phases 895,000$ LAD Contract .3 Reimbursable Design Services Expenses 10,000$ LAD Contract .4 Proforma Analysis 17,700$ LAD Add Service .5 Potential contract alignment with scope after Schematic Design 475,000$ LAD Modification Estimate Article 11.1.1 of AIA B132 Contract 9 Civil Engineering -$ LAD Contract Included in line item 8.2 10 Landscape Architecture -$ LAD Contract Included in line item 8.2 11 Landscape Irrigation NA Any irrigation design (design / build contractor) would be included in the construction budget 12 Acoustical Engineering -$ LAD SM&W Contract Included in line item 8.2 13 Cost Estimating -$ LAD Contract Included in line item 8.2, for Phase 1 only 14 Sustainable Design/B3 -$ LAD Contract Included in line item 8.2 15 Fire Protection Engineering -$ LAD Contract Included in line item 8.2. Performance based specifcations and fire alarm documentation only 16 Technology (Low-Voltage Systems) Engineering: .1 Voice/Data/Network -$ Lakeville/LAD Lakeville Staff Conduit, rough-in boxes, devices, rack, patch panels, pull wire by LAD. Servers, switches by Lakeville. .2 Audio/Video -$ LAD SM&W contract Design and spec for AV and infrastructure. .3 Sound-Masking - See acoustics NA .4 Card Access -$ Lakeville/LAD ECSI Hardware and wire provided by ECSI, no design fee (included in 31.4). Conduit, rough-in boxes by LAD. Might be switching vendors. .5 Surveillance/Security -$ Lakeville/LAD ECSI Hardware and wire provided by ECSI, no design fee (included in 31.5). Conduit, rough-in boxes by LAD. Might be switching vendors. .6 Fire Alarm -$ Lakeville/LAD Contract Any required monitoring hardware by ElectroWatchman, no design fee (included in 31.6). Conduit, devices, rough-in boxes, pull wire by LAD. .7 Fiber -$ Lakeville Logis Fiber to water tower. Will neeed to extend. City has contract with Logis for services. .8 WiFi -$ Lakeville/LAD Lakeville Staff Conduit, rough-in boxes, rack, patch panels, pull wire by LAD. Servers, devices, and switches by Lakeville. 17 Commissioning .1 HVAC / Electrical 45,000$ Lakeville Estimate Required per code .2 Building Envelope 25,000$ Lakeville Estimate Required per code 18 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E Design) 5,000$ Lakeville Innovated Office Solutions Basic furniture layout is included in line item 8.2. Innovated Office Solutions to provide design services. 19 Specialty Equipment (Procurement) .1 VR 5,000$ LAD Add Service Fee dependant upon procurement method .2 Reality Based Training wall partitions 5,000$ LAD Add Service Fee dependant upon procurement method 20 Food Service Furniture - (FF&E Procurement) NA No kitchen equipment expected beyond refrigerators, microwaves, ice makers, and dishwashers. All provided by LAD specifications. 21 Signage - Exterior NA No signage beyond raised letter building mounted signage anticipated. 22 Specialty Signage/Displays/Exhibits NA Historical displays are not included in line item 8.2 23 Utility Rebates (EDA Program - Weldon) NA Tracked separately PRE-CONSTRUCTION 24 Hazardous Materials Abatement 30,000$ Lakeville Estimate Wild Card 25 Structure (Building) Demolition -$ CMa Estimate In Construction Cost. 26 Authority Entitlement: .1 Met. Council - SAC 37,275$ Met Council Estimate $2,485 per unit. Assuming 15 units. .1.1 Lakeville - Sanitary Sewer Access Charge NA $327 per unit. Lakeville to waive its own fee. .2 Met. Council - WAC -$ Met Council Estimate Met Council fee? .3 Planning/Development - Application(s)/Review NA Not anticipated, but Lakeville to waive its own fee. .4 Re-Zoning - Application NA Assume the no change in use = no re-zoning requirements .5 Re-Platting - Application NA Assume no change in site boundaries = no re-platting requirements .6 Vermillion River Watershed District - Application/Permit 6,000$ Lakeville Estimate Does Watershed District waive fees for municipalities? .7 Minnesota Dept. of Labor - Review NA Plumbing Plan Review Agreement in place. Lakeville to waive its own fee. .8 Park Dedication Fee NA 28 Preconstruction CM Services -$ Lakeville / CMr Estimate SD-Bidding phase, included in Construction Cost CONSTRUCTION 29 Soil Corrections NA Included as an Allowance within Construction Cost. 30 Plan Review(s) and Permit(s)NA Lakeville to waive its own fee. 31 Technology (Low-Voltage Systems): .1 Voice/Data/Network -$ Lakeville Estimate Included in construction cost estimate. .2 Audio/Video NA Included within Construction Cost. .3 Sound-Masking NA Not required. .4 Card Access -$ Lakeville Estimate Included in construction cost estimate. .5 Surveillance/Security -$ Lakeville Estimate Included in construction cost estimate. .6 Fire Alarm -$ Lakeville Estimate Lakeville to provide monitoring device ONLY. Included in construction cost estimate. .7 Fiber -$ Lakeville Estimate Lakeville to provide cabling and installation. Included in construction cost estimate. .8 WiFi 7,500$ Lakeville Estimate Lakeville to provide devices. 32 Electrical Site Utilities (Electrical Service hook up) ??? Estimate Typically this is outside of Construction Cost, if it is necessary. 33 Back-up (Emergency) Electrical Systems NA Not anticapated to be required, if provided - generator plug and play included in Construction Cost, temp generator by PW. 34 Construction Testing / Inspection NA CMr Included within Construction Cost. 35 Utility Rebates (EDA Program Results) OCCUPANCY 36 Offices (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Workstation (1) @ $7,500 7,500$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Task chair (3) @ $750 2,250$ Lakeville Estimate .3 Guest chairs (2) @ $400 800$ Lakeville Estimate 37 Conference Rooms (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Table (1) for 8 to 10 people @ $5,000 5,000$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Conference room chairs (10) @ $400 4,000$ Lakeville Estimate 38 Classroom (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Classroom chairs (100) @ $400 40,000$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Portable tables (50) @ $750 37,500$ Lakeville Estimate .3 Podiums (2) @ $5,000 10,000$ Lakeville Estimate 39 Misc tables and chairs (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Portable table (10) @ $400 4,000$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Classroom chair (20) @ $400 8,000$ Lakeville Estimate 40 Training Equipment (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 VR (1) @ $200,000 200,000$ Lakeville Estimate 3 sided screen based, could do a lease agreement… .2 Portable wall system kits for RBT (4 sets) @ $75,000 300,000$ Lakeville Estimate .3 Prop furniture - lump sum 60,000$ Lakeville Estimate .4 Light bars (4) @ $3,500 14,000$ Lakeville Estimate .5 Large Range Equipment NA Included in Construction Cost .6 Small Range Equipment NA Included in Construction Cost 41 Cleaning (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Floor scrubber (1) @ $20,000 20,000$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Mats cleaner (1) @ $1,000 1,000$ Lakeville Estimate .3 Pallet jack (1) @ $1,500 1,500$ Lakeville Estimate .4 Garbage cans / recycling (20) @ $100 2,000$ Lakeville Estimate 42 Appliances (FF&E) - Procurement & Install .1 Refrigerators (3) @ $1,200 3,600$ Lakeville Estimate .2 Ice Maker (1) @ $1,000 1,000$ Lakeville Estimate .3 Washer / Dryer (2) @ $1,000 2,000$ Lakeville Estimate 43 Displays/Exhibits - Interior NA None anticipated at this time 44 Move-In Accessories 10,000$ Mats, ladders, mops, etc SOFT COST SUBTOTAL 2,412,425$ OWNER'S PROJECT CONTINGENCY A Pre-Design Phase - Soft Cost Contingency (15%) 361,864$ Lakeville % Design and Construction Contigency included in Costruction Cost (10% and 5% respectively at Pre-Design Phase) B Schematic Design Phase (15%) C Design Development Phase (12.5%) D Construction Documents Phase (10%) E Construction Administration Phase (7.5%) SOFT COST TOTAL 2,774,289$ CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL 21,933,333$ Construction Cost F .1 Pre-Design Construction Cost Estimate 21,480,834$ Loeffler PD Estimate Dated 12/19/24, "All in" Building + Warehouse (precast construction) G .2 Schematic Design Construction Cost Estimate 21,933,333$ RJM SD Estimate H .3 Design Development Construction Cost Estimate I .4 90% Construction Documents Construction Cost Estimate OVERALL TOTAL PROJECT COST 24,707,622$ JState of Minnesota Bond Contribution 7,170,000.00$ KFederal Government Grant 800,000.00$ LCity of Lakeville Required Contribution _ BASE BID 16,737,621.75$ L.1 Alternate No. 1 994,785.00$ L.2 Alternate No. 2 (105,227.00)$ L.3 Alternate No. 3 29,535.00$ L.4 Alternate No. 4 30,716.00$ MCity of Lakeville Required Contribution _ ALL ADD ALTERNATES, NO DEDUCTS 17,792,657.75$ 13% Soft Cost to Construction Cost percentage Total cost of construction 22,988,369.00$ Includes base construction cost + warehouse + running man + mineral wool acoustic add Exhibit C Page 84 of 447 ID Task NameDuration Start Finish0LPSTF Overall Project Schedule_R6645 daysTue 10/17/23Mon 4/6/2612Phase 1: Space Needs Review37 daysTue 10/17/23Wed 12/6/233Project KO meeting0 daysTue 10/17/23Tue 10/17/234Weekly Meetings31 daysWed 10/25/23Wed 12/6/235Space Needs Review - Lakeville0 daysWed 10/25/23Wed 10/25/236Design Charette0 daysWed 11/1/23Wed 11/1/237Concept Refinement0 daysWed 11/8/23Wed 11/8/238Tour Feedback / Plans Review / Schedule / Budget Review - Teams Call0 daysWed 11/15/23Wed 11/15/239No Meeting - Thanksgiving Week0 daysWed 11/22/23Wed 11/22/2310Phase 1 Report Review - Cost Estimate0 daysWed 12/6/23Wed 12/6/2311Phase 1.1: Proforma41 daysWed 11/15/23Wed 1/10/2412Task 1 - Lakeville Training Requirements16 daysWed 11/15/23Wed 12/6/2313Collection of Lakeville PD/FD Training Hour Requirements11 daysWed 11/15/23Wed 11/29/2314Review Data / Request Similar Data to Additional Agencies0 daysWed 11/29/23Wed 11/29/2315LAD to Organize Data - Lakeville Only5 daysThu 11/30/23Wed 12/6/2316Review Results of Data - Lakeville Only0 daysWed 12/6/23Wed 12/6/2317Task 2 - Outside Agencies20 daysWed 12/13/23Wed 1/10/2418Roudtable Meeting with Other Agencies0 daysWed 12/13/23Wed 12/13/2319Feedback Review / Other Agency Data Review0 daysWed 12/20/23Wed 12/20/2320Adjust Phase 1 Design, if Required Based Upon Feedback15 daysThu 12/21/23Wed 1/10/2421Task 3 - Operating Analysis25 daysThu 12/7/23Wed 1/10/2422Establish Utility Costs per Unit10 daysThu 12/7/23Wed 12/20/2323Establish Administrative Costs & Maintenance Budget10 daysThu 12/7/23Wed 12/20/2324Establish Utility Usage Based Upon Revised Phase 1 Design11 daysWed 12/27/23Wed 1/10/2425Task 4 - Operations vs Revenue Recapture Analysis11 daysWed 12/27/23Wed 1/10/2426Finalize Operations vs Revenue Recovery11 daysWed 12/27/23Wed 1/10/2427Council Workshop0 daysMon 1/22/24Mon 1/22/2428Phase 2: Design and Construction225 daysWed 1/24/24Wed 12/4/2429SD88 daysWed 1/24/24Tue 5/28/2430SD KO Meeting - Are we where we want to be?0 daysWed 1/24/24Wed 1/24/2431Design Review Meetings41 daysWed 1/31/24Wed 3/27/2432City Review Mtg 0 - Meet with CNH regarding Fire Station0 daysWed 1/31/24Wed 1/31/2433Design Review Mtg 1 - Updated Floor Plans / Interior RBT 3D views0 daysWed 2/7/24Wed 2/7/2434Design Review Mtg 2 - Exterior0 daysWed 2/21/24Wed 2/21/2435City Review Mtg 1 - Planning0 daysWed 2/28/24Wed 2/28/2436Design Review Mtg 3 - Range Training / Exterior review0 daysWed 3/6/24Wed 3/6/2437Design Review Mtg 4 - Systems / B3 review0 daysWed 3/20/24Wed 3/20/2438OAC Meeting - KO CMr0 daysWed 3/27/24Wed 3/27/2439Pricing / QC Review Meeting39 daysWed 4/3/24Tue 5/28/2440Internal QC Review Begins / RJM onboarding5 daysWed 4/3/24Tue 4/9/2441QC pick up Begins / Design Rendering Updates (Teams)5 daysWed 4/10/24Tue 4/16/2442Start SD Pricing0 daysWed 4/17/24Wed 4/17/2443Client Check In Meeting (if necessary)0 daysFri 4/19/24Fri 4/19/2444SD Page Turn / Cost Estimate Meeting (in person)0 daysWed 5/8/24Wed 5/8/2445Final SD Package Complete / Review Council Presentation (online)0 daysWed 5/15/24Wed 5/15/2446Council Workshop packet due0 daysTue 5/21/24Tue 5/21/2447Council Workshop0 daysTue 5/28/24Tue 5/28/2448Design Development65 daysWed 5/29/24Wed 8/28/2449Internal DD KO Meeting0 daysWed 5/29/24Wed 5/29/2450Design Review Meetings30 daysWed 6/12/24Wed 7/24/2451Design Review Meetings 1 - RBT / Warehouse 0 daysWed 6/12/24Wed 6/12/2452Design Review Meetings 2 - AV/IT & Civil Design & Approvals Discussion0 daysWed 6/26/24Wed 6/26/2453Design Review Meetings 3 - Interior Finishes0 daysWed 7/10/24Wed 7/10/2454Design Review Meetings 4 - BO Meeting, Exterior Update, MEP Update0 daysWed 7/24/24Wed 7/24/2455Pricing / QC Review Meeting20 daysWed 7/31/24Wed 8/28/2456Intial Pricing Review / QC Start0 daysWed 7/31/24Wed 7/31/2457Client Page Turn Meeting / QC Complete 0n 8/60 daysWed 8/7/24Wed 8/7/2458Lakeville Client Review Period Summary / Cost Estimate Meeting0 daysWed 8/21/24Wed 8/21/2459Final DD Package Complete0 daysWed 8/28/24Wed 8/28/2460Construction Documents65 daysWed 9/4/24Wed 12/4/2461CD KO Meeting0 daysWed 9/4/24Wed 9/4/2462Design Review Meetings30 daysWed 9/18/24Wed 10/30/2463Design Review Meetings 1 - Door Types, Hardware0 daysWed 9/18/24Wed 9/18/2464Design Review Meetings 20 daysWed 10/2/24Wed 10/2/2465Design Review Meetings 30 daysWed 10/16/24Wed 10/16/2466Design Review Meetings 40 daysWed 10/30/24Wed 10/30/2467Pricing / QC Review Meeting20 daysWed 11/6/24Wed 12/4/2468Intial Pricing Review / QC Start0 daysWed 11/6/24Wed 11/6/2469QC End / Client Page Turn Meeting0 daysWed 11/13/24Wed 11/13/2470Lakeville Client Review Period Summary / Cost Estimate Meeting0 daysWed 11/27/24Wed 11/27/2471Final CD Package Complete0 daysWed 12/4/24Wed 12/4/2472Bidding29 daysThu 7/25/24Tue 9/3/2473Best Value Range / HVAC29 daysThu 7/25/24Tue 9/3/2479Bid Package No. 2 _ Remaining Project53 daysThu 12/5/24Mon 2/17/2580Bid Package Assembly24 daysThu 12/5/24Tue 1/7/2581Bidding16 daysTue 1/7/25Tue 1/28/2582Bid Review / Contracting11 daysWed 1/29/25Wed 2/12/2583Council Packet due0 daysWed 2/12/25Wed 2/12/2584Council Meeting - Approval of Bid / Contract0 daysMon 2/17/25Mon 2/17/2585Construction Administration295 daysTue 2/18/25Mon 4/6/2686Buyout Period / Early Shop Drawings34 daysTue 2/18/25Fri 4/4/2587Construction261 daysMon 4/7/25Mon 4/6/2610/1710/2511/111/811/1511/2212/611/2912/612/1312/201/221/241/312/72/212/283/63/203/274/174/195/85/155/215/285/29WTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSMTWTFSSOct 8, '23Oct 15, '23Oct 22, '23Oct 29, '23Nov 5, '23Nov 12, '23Nov 19, '23Nov 26, '23Dec 3, '23Dec 10, '23Dec 17, '23Dec 24, '23Dec 31, '23Jan 7, '24Jan 14, '24Jan 21, '24Jan 28, '24Feb 4, '24Feb 11, '24Feb 18, '24Feb 25, '24Mar 3, '24Mar 10, '24Mar 17, '24Mar 24, '24Mar 31, '24Apr 7, '24Apr 14, '24Apr 21, '24Apr 28, '24May 5, '24May 12, '24May 19, '24May 26, '24Jun 2, '24TaskSplitMilestoneSummaryProject SummaryInactive TaskInactive MilestoneInactive SummaryManual TaskDuration-onlyManual Summary RollupManual SummaryStart-onlyFinish-onlyExternal TasksExternal MilestoneDeadlineProgressManual ProgressPage 1Project: LPSTF Overall Project SDate: Sun 6/16/24Exhibit DPage 85 of 447 PLANNING ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING INTERIORS LEO A DALY 730 Second Avenue South Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55402-2406 612.338.8741 leoadaly.com June 20, 2024 Allyn Kuennen Assistant City Administrator City of Lakeville 21095 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Dear Allyn: The following identifies the fee modification to the contract amount listed in Article 11.1.1 of the original contract dated October 30, 2023. This article states: …If the project cost/construction cost or scope changes, the fee will be set based upon the established project cost and scope, set at the completion of Schematic Design by written agreement between the Owner and the Architect. Based upon this language the fee adjustment is as follows. The Original fee for service of $895,000 is based upon a percentage of construction cost equaling the construction cost originally listed in Article 1.1.3 of the contract, or $14,000,000. This equals a percentage of 6.39%. Upon completion of Schematic Design, the established construction cost is $22,988,369. The fee for Phase 2 services, modified to reflect the corresponding anticipated services to complete the newly establish scope of the project is calculated based upon the same 6.39%. This equates to $22,988,369 x 6.39% or $1,468,956. Therefore, the Phase 2 fee for service increase is $1,468,956 (the new fee) - $895,000 (the original fee) or $573,956. However, adjustments for removing MNB3 requirements from the fee for services are made as follows. The Consultant’s budgeted value to complete MNB3 requirements was $50,000. The Consultant completed $10,000 of work to date (or 20% of the MNB3 budget). Therefore, the Consultant deduction of $40,000 from the Phase 2 fee for service reduces the Phase 2 modification as follows. $573,956 (increase in fee without consideration of MNB3 services) - $40,000 (MNB3 services not rendered) equals a total increase in fee of $533,956. Exhibit E Page 86 of 447 LEO A DALY June 20, 2024 Allyn Kuennen Page 2 Refer to Contract Modification 1 for further information. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss. Sincerely, LEO A DALY Todd LaVold, AIA Senior Project Manager tblavold@leoadaly.com cc: Cindy McCleary, Managing Principal Page 87 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Water Treatment Facility Carpeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract with Hertaus Floors for Water Treatment Facility carpeting. Overview The Water Treatment Facility is scheduled for carpet replacement. The carpet has met its useful life. Carpeting will be replaced in the Conference Room, hallway, and office areas. Staff has solicited quotes from two carpeting contractors and Hertaus Floors was the lower contractor. Although Hertaus Floors quote doesn't include furniture lifting, Hertaus was still the lower quote after furniture lifting was removed. Supporting Information 1. CONTRACT_FOR_GOODS_AND_SERVICES_Hertaus_INC 2. Hertaus Quote 3. Intersource Quote Financial Impact: $23,950.00 Budgeted: Yes Source: Enterprise Fund 7550.1721 Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value of Public Services Report Completed by: Tom Breeggemann, Facility Supervisor Page 88 of 447 215047v2 1 NON-BID CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT made this 5th day of August, 2024, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and HERTAUS FLOORS INC., a Minnesota corporation,(“Contractor”). IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents,” all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement. B. Area Map Exhibit A. C. Contractor’s Quote dated July 11th 2024 Exhibit B. In the event of a conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts. Contract Document “A” has the first priority and Contract Document “C” has the last priority. 2. CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents for installation of new carpeting in the areas outlined in Exhibit A of the Water Treatment Facility (“Work”). Contractor shall provide all personnel, supervision, services, materials, tools, equipment and supplies and do all things necessary and ancillary thereto specified in the Contract Documents. 3. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by City is acceptable to Contractor. D. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 4. COMPENSATION. Contractor shall be paid by the City for the goods and services described in Exhibit B in accordance with the Quote, but not to exceed twenty-three thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two dollars and zero cents ($23,952.00), which is inclusive of reimbursable Page 89 of 447 215047v2 2 expenses. The fee shall not be adjusted even if the estimated number of hours to perform a task, or any other estimate, assumption or matter is wrong or exceeded. Payment shall be made periodically after a service has been completed and within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of an invoice. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Contractor shall complete the Work on or before December 1st , 2024. 6. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all warranties as specified in the Quote shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship. In addition to the warranties required in the specifications the Contractor provides the following warranties. The Contractor is responsible for any and all defects in workmanship and materials and upon notification by the City shall immediately replace or repair the defective workmanship and materials without cost to the City. The Contractor warrants that only new unused materials will be used. The Contractor further warrants to the City that all materials and services furnished under the Contract will be in conformance with Contract Documents and that the goods are of merchantable quality and are fit for the use for which they are sold. These warranties are in addition to any manufacturer's standard warranty, and any warranty provided by law. 7. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES. A. The duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents, and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to, and not a limitation of, any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. B. No action, or failure to act, by the City or the Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of, or acquiescence in, any breach there under, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. 8. INSPECTION AT DELIVERY. At the point of delivery, the City will have the right inspect the goods for compliance with the Contract Documents prior to installation. As the result of the inspection, the City will: A. Accept the goods subject to an inspection report requiring correction; or B. Refuse to make payment until corrections are complete. 9. CHANGES TO WORK. Without invalidating the Contract, the City may, at any time, or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the work provided under this Agreement; these will be authorized by an amendment to the Contract. Upon approval of an amendment, Contractor shall proceed with the work provided under the amendment. Changes in the Contract Price shall be based upon the prices identified in the Quote provided or negotiated between the parties based on similar work provided in the Proposal. 10. UNAUTHORIZED WORK. Additional work performed without authorization of an amendment of this Contract will not entitle Contractor to an increase in the Compensation or an extension of the Contract. Page 90 of 447 215047v2 3 11. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports, studies, analysis and the like prepared by the Contractor in conjunction with this contract. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Contractor shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of goods and services to be provided. 13. STANDARD OF CARE. Contractor shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional Contractor under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Contractor’s services. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Contractor’s negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Contractor’s indemnification obligation shall apply to subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Contractor, or anyone for whose acts Contractor may be liable. Contractor agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. 15. INSURANCE. Prior to the start of the project, Contractor shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance showing proof of the required insurance required under this Paragraph. Contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, such insurance as shall protect Contractor and the City for work covered by the Contract including workers’ compensation claims and property damage, bodily and personal injury which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations are by Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The minimum amounts of insurance shall be as follows: Commercial General Liability (or in combination with an umbrella policy) $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate The following coverages shall be included: Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage Personal and Advertising Injury Blanket Contractual Liability Products and Completed Operations Liability Page 91 of 447 215047v2 4 Automobile Liability $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit – Bodily Injury & Property Damage Including Owned, Hired & Non-Owned Automobiles Workers Compensation Workers’ Compensation insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota, including Employer’s Liability with minimum limits are as follows: $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease per employee $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Accident The Contractor’s insurance must be “Primary and Non-Contributory”. All insurance policies (or riders) required by this Contract shall be (i) taken out by and maintained with responsible insurance companies organized under the laws of one of the states of the United States and qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, (ii) shall name the City, its employees and agents as additional insureds (CGL and umbrella only) by endorsement which shall be filed with the City. A copy of the endorsement must be submitted with the certificate of insurance. Contractor’s policies and Certificate of Insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies shall not be cancelled without at least thirty (30) days’ advanced written notice to the City, or ten (10) days’ notice for non-payment of premium. An Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance policy may be used to supplement Contractor’s policy limits on a follow-form basis to satisfy the full policy limits required by this Contract. 16. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains the Contractor as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Contractor shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Contractor's performance under this Agreement. City and Contractor agree that Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Contractor or any of Contractor's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Contractor shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Contractor's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 17. SUBCONTRACTORS. Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Contractor shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. Contractor must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of Contractor’s receipt of payment from City. Contractor must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. Page 92 of 447 215047v2 5 18. BACKGROUND CHECKS. The City may require from the Contractor and each Contractor’s employee written authorization permitting the City of Lakeville Police Department to perform a criminal history background check and further authorize the Police Department to release the information obtained to the Lakeville City Council, City Administrator and other appropriate employees. The City reserves the right to deny access to City facilities to those Contractors or Contractor’s employees that it deems inappropriate. 19. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 20. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 22. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 23. COPYRIGHT. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. 24. RECORDS/AUDIT. The Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 16C.05, Subd. 5, any books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of City and Contractor relevant to the Agreement are subject to examination by City and Contactor, and either the Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate. City and Contractor agree to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of performance of all services covered under this Agreement. 25. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Contractor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Contractor receives a request to release data, Contractor must immediately notify City. City will give Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Contractor’s officers’, agents’, city’s, partners’, employees’, volunteers’, assignees’ or Page 93 of 447 Page 94 of 447 Exhibit APage 95 of 447 Proposal 7/11/2024 2:57:28 PM Page 1 5048 07/11/2024 Lisa Hertaus Proposal #: SaleDate: Next Install: Sales Rep: SOLD TO SHIPPED TO Tom Breeggeman City Of Lakeville Water Treatment Plant 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 Tom Breeggeman City Of Lakeville Water Treatment Plant 18400 Ipava Ave Lakeville MN 55044 Hertaus Floors 121 E Main Street New Prague MN 56071 952-758-5740 952-469-5123 952-224-6219 0 ENTRY, OFFICES, MIDDLE AREA AND HALL QUANTITY 1 Raw Beauty, 705 Ingenious 550.00 SqYrd Carpet Tile 550.00 SqYrd 2 Removal and Disposal 550.00 SqYrd $23,925.00ENTRY, OFFICES, MIDDLE AREA AND HALL Total $23,925.00 $0.00 $23,925.00 SubTotal: Misc Chg: Total: Removal and Disposal of existing flooring may cause excessive dust, please be sure to cover belongings. Does not include moving furniture. Areas to be cleared prior to installation. Existing base to stay. Estimate valid for 30 days. $0.00 $23,925.00 Payments: Balance: V2022.07.26 Exhibit B Page 96 of 447 Proposal 7/11/2024 2:57:28 PM Page 1 5048 07/11/2024 Lisa Hertaus Proposal #: SaleDate: Next Install: Sales Rep: SOLD TO SHIPPED TO Tom Breeggeman City Of Lakeville Water Treatment Plant 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 Tom Breeggeman City Of Lakeville Water Treatment Plant 18400 Ipava Ave Lakeville MN 55044 Hertaus Floors 121 E Main Street New Prague MN 56071 952-758-5740 952-469-5123 952-224-6219 0 ENTRY, OFFICES, MIDDLE AREA AND HALL QUANTITY 1 Raw Beauty, 705 Ingenious 550.00 SqYrd Carpet Tile 550.00 SqYrd 2 Removal and Disposal 550.00 SqYrd $23,925.00ENTRY, OFFICES, MIDDLE AREA AND HALL Total $23,925.00 $0.00 $23,925.00 SubTotal: Misc Chg: Total: Removal and Disposal of existing flooring may cause excessive dust, please be sure to cover belongings. Does not include moving furniture. Areas to be cleared prior to installation. Existing base to stay. Estimate valid for 30 days. $0.00 $23,925.00 Payments: Balance: V2022.07.26 Page 97 of 447 PROPOSAL LAKEVILLE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY 18400 Ipava Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Tom Breeggemann City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 tbreeggemann@lakevillemn.gov Dear Tom,JOB NO.20245300 TERMS 75% Deposit due at time of order, balance due Net 30 Days from invoice date Custom order material sales are final, non-returnable and non-cancellable Returns subject to supplier's restocking charges, handling charges and return freight SCOPE OF WORK BASE BID - FLOORING OFFICE AREA BLUE highlighted area MATERIAL 4,673.22 471.93 LABOR 4,604.60 Furniture moving price for the office area 1,687.50 Interface, Open Air - style 404, 410, or 418 - color TBD tile or plank TBD - 5.98 SY/CTN Interface, Open Air broadloom to be cut for 4" H carpet base, 6' 6" W Lift install carpet tile/plank direct glue on concrete, TBD layout, includes furniture lift, removal, disposal, grind/skimcoat adhesive 31 May 2024 We appreciate the opportunity to submit figures for Lakeville Water Treatment Facility per our conversations with you and our site measure. Our figures are based on floors ready to receive new floor finishes. Please forward a contract for review and signature, or a signed copy of this proposal as your authorization to proceed with ordering the specified materials and scheduling installation labor. INTERSOURCE by STARK I 275 Market Street I Suite 102 I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 I 612.377.0499 Page 1 of 5 Page 98 of 447 SCOPE OF WORK Install vinyl transitions, color Black U.N.O.120.00 Cut and bind carpet base 218.95 Install carpet base 675.00 OFFICE AREA TOTAL 12,451.19$ CARPET BORDER IN ENTRY AND HALLWAY GREEN and ORANGE highlighted area MATERIAL 1,502.10 88.86 LABOR Remove & dispose of existing carpet tile 262.50 Grind and/or skimcoat existing adhesive 354.38 Ramping to ceramic tile 933.75 Install carpet tile/plank direct glue on concrete, TBD layout 826.81 Install vinyl transitions, color Black U.N.O.120.00 Cut and bind carpet base 36.49 Install carpet base 112.50 CARPET BORDER IN ENTRY AND HALLWAY TOTAL 4,237.39$ CONFERENCE ROOM YELLOW highlighted area MATERIAL 5,674.62 222.00 Interface, Open Air - style 404, 410, or 418 - color TBD tile or plank TBD - 5.98 SY/CTN Interface, Open Air broadloom to be cut for 4" H carpet base, 6' 6" W Interface, Open Air - style 404, 410, or 418 - color TBD tile or plank TBD - 5.98 SY/CTN Interface, Open Air broadloom to be cut for 4" H carpet base, 6' 6" W INTERSOURCE by STARK I 275 Market Street I Suite 102 I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 I 612.377.0499 Page 2 of 5 Page 99 of 447 SCOPE OF WORK LABOR Remove & dispose of existing carpet tile 1,125.00 Grind and/or skimcoat existing adhesive 1,518.75 Install carpet tile/plank direct glue on concrete, TBD layout 2,414.43 Furniture moving price for the conference room 187.50 Install vinyl transitions, color Black U.N.O.120.00 Cut and bind carpet base 94.88 Install carpet base 292.50 CONFERENCE ROOM TOTAL 11,649.67$ CONTROL ROOM PINK highlighted area MATERIAL 3,338.01 166.65 LABOR Remove & dispose of existing carpet tile 650.00 Grind and/or skimcoat existing adhesive 877.50 Install carpet tile/plank direct glue on concrete, TBD layout 1,420.25 Furniture moving price for the control room 312.50 Install vinyl transitions, color Black U.N.O.120.00 Cut and bind carpet base 72.98 Install carpet base 225.00 CONTROL ROOM TOTAL 7,182.89$ Interface, Open Air - style 404, 410, or 418 - color TBD tile or plank TBD - 5.98 SY/CTN Interface, Open Air broadloom to be cut for 4" H carpet base, 6' 6" W INTERSOURCE by STARK I 275 Market Street I Suite 102 I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 I 612.377.0499 Page 3 of 5 Page 100 of 447 SCOPE OF WORK BACK OFFICE AREA PURPLE highlighted area MATERIAL 1,835.91 133.13 LABOR Remove & dispose of existing carpet tile 331.25 Grind and/or skimcoat existing adhesive 447.19 Install carpet tile/plank direct glue on concrete, TBD layout 986.70 Furniture moving price for the back office area 812.50 Install vinyl transitions, color Black U.N.O.120.00 Cut and bind carpet base 58.39 Install carpet base 180.00 BACK OFFICE AREA TOTAL 4,905.07$ PROPOSAL TOTAL 40,426.20$ POTENTIAL FLOOR PREP 156.25 - POTENTIAL FLOOR PREP TOTAL TBD Interface, Open Air - style 404, 410, or 418 - color TBD tile or plank TBD - 5.98 SY/CTN Interface, Open Air broadloom to be cut for 4" H carpet base, 6' 6" W Material and labor for floor prep - TBD after demo (1) HR (1) Bag INTERSOURCE by STARK I 275 Market Street I Suite 102 I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 I 612.377.0499 Page 4 of 5 Page 101 of 447 Respectfully, Tom Gross Account Manager Approved By:For:Date: My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the details of this proposal. I have determined all information, all terms and all conditions to be accurate and acceptable. I authorize INTERSOURCE by STARK to proceed with ordering the materials and scheduling labor as described herein. JOBSITE REQUIREMENTS Our aim is to perform the highest quality installation and complete our work per the project schedule. The jobsite must be fully enclosed with permanent windows and doors. The area of work must have proper lighting, HVAC climate control, ambient air temperature between 65⁰ F to 75⁰ F, and be free of other trades, materials, equipment and debris. To prevent delays and additional charges, please contact us if jobsite conditions will not allow our installers to proceed as scheduled. EXCLUSIONS - Attic stock - Work before or after normal working hours - Moving of furniture, appliances, planters, equipment and tools - Removal of sheetrock mud, paint, stain, construction materials and debris - Removal and reinstallation of wall base and trim - Removal of oversized doors, doors with specialty hinges and powered / wired doors - Concrete work, carpentry work necessary to ready the subfloor for floor covering - Sealing and priming of lightweight concrete or Gyp-Crete subfloor - Underlayment at areas to receive floor covering - Touch-up painting of walls, cabinets and trim due to marring or scratching - Wall and corner protection of wall covering, faux finishes, and other custom wall finishes - Adjusting or trimming doors to operate freely over new floor covering - Vacuuming or cleaning of floor covering - Application of maintenance products or floor finishes Prices include material, applicable tax, freight and labor during normal working hours. Material warranty per manufacturer published warranty at date of completion. Labor warranty in effect for one year from date of completion. Please note carpet material installed on stairs is excluded from manufacturer warranty. Please note unconventional installation and or use of material will void manufacturer and labor warranty. Standard floor preparation is included. Standard floor preparation is defined as broom sweeping and filling sawcuts. Unforeseeable floor preparation to be charged at the rate of $115.00/HR plus materials. Unforeseeable conditions that may require floor preparation are defined as, but not limited to, issues concealed by or caused by the existing floor coverings. Common issues are; floor coverings or adhesives that contain asbestos, deteriorated subfloor, incompatible subfloor, mold, mildew, or subfloor failure during removal of existing floor coverings. If an unforeseeable condition is discovered, we will notify the owner/contractor to discuss the nature of the condition and our recommended solution. The price of the floor preparation and the impact on project schedule will be shared. We will proceed with floor preparation upon receipt of written authorization. This proposal is valid for 30 days from proposal date. We look forward to working with you to furnish beautiful floor coverings that perform! INTERSOURCE by STARK I 275 Market Street I Suite 102 I Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405 I 612.377.0499 Page 5 of 5 Page 102 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Approve Amendment Number One to Professional Services Agreement with SRF Consulting for Grand Prairie Park Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve amendment number one to Professional Services Agreement with SRF Consulting for Grand Prairie Park. Overview The master plan for Grand Prairie Park was created in 2018 after receiving significant input on the design and amenities residents and athletic associations would like to see in the park. The construction of Grand Prairie Park was approved as part of the November 2021 park bond referendum. On July 17, 2023 the Council approved a Professional Services Agreement for Final Design with SRF Consulting that included design development, preparation of construction documents, in- construction services along with architectural final design provided by HCM Architects and irrigation designs provided by Water in Motion, Incorporated. At the recommendation of Engineering staff, the scope of SRF’s services should be expanded to include the inspection of any public infrastructure including all utilities (storm sewer pipe, sewer and water service lines), stormwater facilities (stormwater management basins and erosion control) and surfaces (parking lots, trails) included in Bid Package 1. The cost of these services shall not exceed $114,667.00, amending the total cost of SRF’s services included in the Professional Services Agreement for Grand Prairie Park to $1,167,167.00. Supporting Information 1. Amendment Number One Proposal for Professional Services for Construction Inspection Financial Impact: $114,667.00 Budgeted: Yes Source: Park Bond Referendum Envision Lakeville Community Values: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amenities and Recreational Opportunities Report Completed by: Joe Masiarchin, Parks and Recreation Director Page 103 of 447 www.srfconsulting.com 3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100 | Minneapolis, MN 55416-3791 | 763.475.0010 Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 16311.01 May 29, 2024 Zach Johnson, P.E. City Engineer City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Mn, 55044 Subject: Amendment Number (1) Proposal for Professional Services for Construction Inspection (Avonlea Community Park) Lakeville, MN Dear Zach Johnson: This Amendment Number 1 (the “Amendment”) is issued under Professional Services Agreement entered in July 17, 2023 by and between City of Lakeville and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Additional Services The Services to be performed by SRF under this Amendment (“Additional Services”) are set forth in Attachment A-1, attached hereto and incorporated into the Original Agreement. This includes inspection services to be provided as requested by the City associated with Bid Package 1. Additional Costs The Services performed by SRF under this Amendment shall not exceed $114,667.00 including the project costs and reimbursable expenses (the “Amendment Maximum”) in accordance with the rates provided in the Fee Schedule Attached as Attachment A-1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the total compensation payable to SRF for all services and expenses under this Agreement shall not exceed $1,167,167.00 (the “Contract Maximum”). Standard Terms and Conditions The Original Agreement and any previous amendments are incorporated into this Amendment by reference. Except as amended herein, the Terms and Conditions of the Original Agreement and any previous amendments remain in full force and effect. Acceptance/Notice to Proceed A signed copy of this proposal, mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as acceptance of this proposal and our notice to proceed. The email address is dherzog@srfconsulting.com. We appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to continuing to work with you on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Page 104 of 447 Zach Johnson, PE May 29, 2024 City of Lakeville Page 2 Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Dan Herzog, PE (MN) Jeff Kurth, PE (MN, MD, DC, VA), DBIA Project Manager – Construction Services Project Director – Construction Services DJH/JPK Attachment A-1 – Detailed Scope of Work/Hours/Fee Estimate Approved: City of Lakeville (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal H:\Projects\16000\16311-01\Management\Contracts\Construction Inspection Amendment Page 105 of 447 5/29/2024 Page 1 of 2 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Client:City of Lakeville Project:Avonlea Community Park Subconsultants:n/a 16311.01 TASK NO.SUMMARY OF TASKS 1.0 Construction Inspection TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PROF. V TECH. IV TECH. I TOTALS EST. FEE 1.0 Construction Inspection Assumptions: -Project manager = 10 hours for project coordination -Inspector 1 (Lead) = Average 8 hours/week. -Inspector 2 (Assistant) = Average 32 hours/week. -SRF to provide construction inspection services an average of 40 hours/week during active construction. For the purpose of this estimate, the assumed construction duration is 24 weeks. -SRF will provide services on a part-time to full-time basis. Staffing availability and project scheduling will dictate inspection time. SRF will primarily focus on key activies such as utility installations, grading/compaction, erosion control, traffic control, concrete placement, bituminous paving operations, and other activities as requested by the City included in Bid Pack 2. -Special Inspecitons required in Bid Pack 2 will be completed by Others. -Materials testing to be completed by Others. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) has assisted the City by preparing the final design of the Avonlea Community Park. The project is currently under construction. SRF has continued our service to the City during construction by providing design support, and upon request, we are prepared to amend our contract to include the additional Construction Inspection services. The project includes local funding. Construction is anticipated to be substantially completed by November 15, 2024. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 16311.01_Construction Inspection Scope.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN Page 106 of 447 5/29/2024 Page 2 of 2 TASK NO.TASK DESCRIPTION PROF. V TECH. IV TECH. I TOTALS EST. FEE 1.1 Project Manager 10 --10 $1,670.00 -General project coordination (as needed basis) 1.2 Inspector 1 (Lead)-192 -192 $30,528.00 -Provide general support to assistant inspector. -Attend weekly meetings as-needed. -Assist with project punchlist/closeout. 1.3 Inspector 2 (Assistant)--768 768 $75,264.00 -Attend weekly construction meetings -Serve as field point of contact, provide daily inspection of contractor's work, maintain daily diary and in-progress photos, and regularly update City of progress. -Assist the contractor with compliance of all easements and permits. -Coordinate scheduling of all material testing. SRF Deliverables: SUBTOTAL - TASK 1 10 192 768 970 $107,462.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PERSON-HOURS 10 192 768 970 AVERAGE HOURLY BILLING RATE $167.00 $159.00 $98.00 ESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEAD $1,670.00 $30,528.00 $75,264.00 $107,462.00 SRF ESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES $7,205.00 $114,667.00 $0.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE (SRF and Subconsultants combined)$114,667.00 SRF ESTIMATE OF DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES: MILEAGE:11000 Miles @ $7,205.00 SRF EXPENSES:$7,205.00 SUBTOTAL: (SRF Labor and Expenses) SUBCONSULTANTS: SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 16311.01_Construction Inspection Scope.xlsx MINNEAPOLIS. MN Page 107 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 No Parking Resolution for 202nd Street Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a No Parking resolution for 202nd Street from Ipava Avenue to Dodd Boulevard. Overview When Antlers Park parking lot is full, patrons have parked on 202nd Street creating a safety hazard. 202nd Street is classified as a major collector road with narrow shoulders and steep embankments. The road was not designed for street parking. It is recommended no parking be posted on 202nd Street from Ipava Avenue to Dodd Boulevard. Supporting Information 1. Resolution - No Parking Resolution on 202nd Street 2. 202nd Street No Park Exhibit Financial Impact: $1,500 Budgeted: Yes Source: Streets Division Budget Envision Lakeville Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Report Completed by: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director Page 108 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 24- Resolution Approving No Parking on 202nd Street WHEREAS, 202nd Street is classified as a major collector road located between Ipava Avenue and Dodd Boulevard; and WHEREAS, 202nd Street is a rural section road with narrow shoulders and steep embankments; and WHEREAS, it has been observed patrons to Antlers Park have parked on 202nd Street when the Antlers parking lot is full creating a safety concern; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council No Parking is established on both sides of 202nd Street from Ipava Avenue to Dodd Boulevard. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5th day of August 2024 CITY OF LAKEVILLE ______________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 109 of 447 Page 110 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Approve Change Order No. 1 for Airlake 70 First Addition & KTJ First Addition Public Improvements (City Project 22-24) Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Change Order No. 1 for Airlake 70 First Addition and KTJ First Addition Public Improvements (City Project 22-24). Overview City Project 22-24 provides for the construction of required public improvements (streets, sanitary sewer, watermain and stormwater facilities) associated with the Airlake 70 First Addition and KTJ First Addition plats. The City Council adopted resolutions approving public improvement and special assessment agreements with the developers and awarded a contract for construction to Northern Lines Contracting on October 3, 2022. Construction was pushed back from an anticipated start date in Fall 2022 to July 2023 due to delays in obtaining required permits from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The change order accounts for additional costs incurred by the contractor in 2023, specifically in relation to grading/earthwork operations and sequencing inefficiencies, and increased labor/equipment costs. Construction advanced in Summer/Fall 2023 along a critical path to align with the opening of Sweet Harvest Foods (Lot 1, Block 1, KTJ First Addition). Change Order No. 1 provides for a contract cost increase in the amount of $218,898.75 and will be funded by contingencies included in the special assessments. Change Order No. 1 also extends the substantial completion date from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024, and the final completion date from October 31, 2023, to October 31, 2024. The change order has been reviewed by staff and the project consultant (Kimley-Horn) and found to be consistent with work done on relevant bid items on related public improvement projects. City staff and the contractor negotiated unit prices for 2024 construction to address the increase in labor/equipment costs and unit prices. The documentation is included in Change Order No. 1. A second change order will be processed following construction once final quantities and actual work performed are determined. City staff continue to monitor the total project cost. If it appears the existing special assessments will be insufficient to cover the total project costs, City staff will review funding options and share potential strategies with the Council. Supporting Information 1. 22-24 CO1 Page 111 of 447 Financial Impact: $218,898.75 Budgeted: Yes Source: Special Assessments Envision Lakeville Community Values: Diversified Economic Development Report Completed by: Jonathan Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Page 112 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER DATE 7/16/2024 SHEET Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NO. 22-24 CONTRACTOR Northern Lines Contracting PROJECT NAME 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements ADDRESS 11039 Lamon Ave NE, Hanover, MN 55341 TYPE OF WORK Construct new roadways 215th Street, Galway Lane, and 220th Street ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $4,950,748.89 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $5,169,647.64 Spec. No. Item No. Item of Work Unit Original ± Previous Change Quantity Quantity ± Unit Price Increase Amount Decrease Amount 1904.000 121 LABOR & EQUIPMENT LS 0 1.00 $176,151.54 $176,151.54 0.00 1904.600 122 MATERIALS ESCALATION LS 0 1.00 $42,747.21 $42,747.21 0.00 Net Increase or Decrease: $218,898.75 Totals $218,898.75 $0.00 Due to this change, the contract time: ►a: is increased by 364 calendar days. □b: is not changed. □c: may be revised if the work affects/affected the controlling operation Change order no. 1 includes work performed by Northern Lines Contracting in 2023. The total amount of change order no. 1 is $218,898.75. The change order amount is based on negotiated unit price increases as a result of project delays that occurred and is detailed per the attached City of Lakeville CP 22-44 – 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements – 2023 Change Order Total Amount Table. The original contract substantial completed date is October 1, 2023. Change order no. 1 includes extending the substantial completion date to September 30, 2024. The original contract final completion date is October 31, 2023. Change order no. 1 includes extending the final completion date to October 31, 2024. An additional change order following completion of 2024 project work will be necessary and completed following completion of construction in 2024. The City and Contractor negotiated unit price increases for work to be completed in 2024 per the attached City of Lakeville CP 22-24 – 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements – 2024 Unit Price Increases Table. EXPLANATION OF CHANGE IN PLAN RECOMMENDED (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Delays in obtaining wetland and DNR permits for work on 215th Street and the proposed creek crossing for Galway Lane prevented construction activities from commencing at the planned, contract start dates. Construction was initially planned to commence in 2022 and be completed in 2023. Construction work could not start until July 2023 and is now not anticipated to be complete until Fall 2024. Change Order No. 1 includes additional costs incurred by the project as a result of these delays. Substantial completion of 215th Street and a portion of Galway Lane was able to be completed between July 2023 and November 2023. This work needed to be completed in 2023 to provide roadway access to the Harvest Foods development site by Spring 2024. The delays in starting this work resulted in additional earthwork costs tied to dewatering restrictions, increases in labor, equipment, and materials costs, and loss of efficiencies by the Contractor. Additional Page 113 of 447 earthwork costs were negotiated by the City and Contractor to agree upon a fair amount for change order no. 1. Additional supporting documentation to justify the labor, equipment, and material costs increases were provided by the Contractor and is attached with the change order. Work to be performed in 2024 has also been delayed. Negotiations between Northern Lines Contracting and City occurred throughout 2023 and 2024 to agree upon contract unit price increases for work in 2024 has occurred. Supporting documentation to justify the agreed, contract unit price increases for 2024 work was provided by the Contractor is attached to the change order. Change order no. 1 includes the agreed contract, unit price increases for work to occur in 2024 but no advance payment for this work will be provided. An additional change order following completion of construction will be necessary and will be based on the agreed contract unit price increases and the actual quantity of work performed. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE MAYOR SIGNATURE DATE CITY CLERK SIGNATURE DATE Page 114 of 447 Line Number Description Unit Total Contract Quantity 215th Plan Quantity Galway Plan Quantity Unit Price 215th Contract Amount Galway Contract Amount Contract Amount Posted Quantity (Thru 2023) Total Transacted Amount Change Order Quantity (215th - 2023) Change Order Quantity (Galway - 2023) 2023 NLC Unit Price Increase (215th) 2023 NLC Unit Price Increase (Galway) 2023 215th Street Change Order Total 2023 Galway Change Order Total 2023 CO Amount Total CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 EARTHWORK LUMP SUM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $176,151.54 23 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (P) (P) CU YD 6695 2336 4359 $32.00 $74,752.00 $139,488.00 $214,240.00 5499 $175,968.00 2336 3163 $3.80 $3.80 $8,876.80 $12,019.40 $20,896.20 35 2451.609 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 200 100 100 $36.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $7,200.00 554 $19,944.00 261 293 $2.00 $0.30 $522.00 $87.90 $609.90 36 2501.502 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 16 4 12 $1,265.00 $5,060.00 $15,180.00 $20,240.00 5 $6,325.00 2 3 $19.35 $19.35 $38.70 $58.05 $96.75 40 2501.503 15" RC PIPE CULVERT CLASS V LIN FT 360 34 326 $95.00 $3,230.00 $30,970.00 $34,200.00 92 $8,740.00 92 $1.70 $1.70 $0.00 $156.40 $156.40 48 2503.503 8" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 26) LIN FT 1822 352 1470 $70.00 $24,640.00 $102,900.00 $127,540.00 1712 $119,840.00 315 1397 $1.65 $3.50 $519.75 $4,889.50 $5,409.25 49 2503.503 8" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 35) LIN FT 315 315 $60.00 $0.00 $18,900.00 $18,900.00 315 $18,900.00 315 $3.00 $0.00 $945.00 $945.00 51 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LIN FT 2108 1505 603 $70.00 $105,350.00 $42,210.00 $147,560.00 1906 $133,420.00 1302 604 $1.46 $3.50 $1,900.92 $2,114.00 $4,014.92 52 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT 591 591 $80.00 $0.00 $47,280.00 $47,280.00 500 $40,000.00 500 $4.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 54 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1 1 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $0.00 $65,000.00 1 $65,000.00 1 $575.00 $575.00 $0.00 $575.00 59 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 2 1 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 1 $2,000.00 1 $62.50 $62.50 $0.00 $62.50 60 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH 7 1 6 $6,100.00 $6,100.00 $36,600.00 $42,700.00 5 $30,500.00 1 4 $42.50 $42.50 $42.50 $170.00 $212.50 61 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 7 1 6 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $16,800.00 $19,600.00 5 $14,000.00 1 4 $22.50 $22.50 $22.50 $90.00 $112.50 63 2504.602 10" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 1 1 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 3 $15,000.00 3 $30.00 $0.00 $90.00 $90.00 64 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 10 1 9 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $54,000.00 $60,000.00 5 $30,000.00 1 4 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $160.00 $200.00 65 2504.603 6" PVC WATERMAIN (C900) LIN FT 111 6 105 $48.00 $288.00 $5,040.00 $5,328.00 68 $3,264.00 6 62 $1.35 $1.35 $8.10 $83.70 $91.80 66 2504.603 12" PVC WATERMAIN (C900) LIN FT 4110 1450 2660 $73.00 $105,850.00 $194,180.00 $300,030.00 3387 $247,251.00 1450 1937 $0.85 $0.85 $1,232.50 $1,646.45 $2,878.95 68 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 2900 400 2500 $24.00 $9,600.00 $60,000.00 $69,600.00 2373 $56,952.00 519 1854 $0.40 $0.40 $207.60 $741.60 $949.20 69 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 29 12 17 $1,155.00 $13,860.00 $19,635.00 $33,495.00 13 $15,015.00 7 6 $25.25 $25.25 $176.75 $151.50 $328.25 70 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 LIN FT 64.4 33.4 31 $575.00 $19,205.00 $17,825.00 $37,030.00 49.39 $28,399.25 33.39 16 $8.25 $8.25 $275.47 $132.00 $407.47 71 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 LIN FT 17.6 4.6 13 $1,100.00 $5,060.00 $14,300.00 $19,360.00 4.56 $5,016.00 4.56 $16.50 $75.24 $0.00 $75.24 72 2506.602 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SPECIAL 1 EACH 1 1 $19,000.00 $19,000.00 $0.00 $19,000.00 1 $19,000.00 1 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 78 2506.603 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPEC 1 LIN FT 20.6 12.6 8 $650.00 $8,190.00 $5,200.00 $13,390.00 17.3 $11,245.00 9 8.3 $14.75 $14.75 $132.75 $122.43 $255.18 79 2506.603 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 124.5 30.5 94 $550.00 $16,775.00 $51,700.00 $68,475.00 124 $68,200.00 30 94 $7.50 $7.50 $225.00 $705.00 $930.00 80 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CU YD 541.2 84.2 457 $125.00 $10,525.00 $57,125.00 $67,650.00 8 $1,000.00 8 $4.00 $4.00 $32.00 $0.00 $32.00 82 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B418 LIN FT 2150 2150 $18.50 $39,775.00 $0.00 $39,775.00 1310 $24,235.00 1310 $0.10 $0.10 $0.00 $131.00 $131.00 94 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS LIN FT 20350 12000 8350 $1.90 $22,800.00 $15,865.00 $38,665.00 12170 $23,123.00 7410 4760 $0.05 $0.05 $370.50 $238.00 $608.50 102 2575.504 ROLLED EROSION PREVENTION CATEGORY 20 SQ YD 10500 5000 5500 $1.50 $7,500.00 $8,250.00 $15,750.00 4900 $7,350.00 4900 $0.05 $245.00 $0.00 $245.00 103 2575.505 SEEDING ACRE 17 9 8 $105.00 $945.00 $840.00 $1,785.00 2.97 $311.85 2.3 0.67 $5.25 $5.25 $12.08 $3.52 $15.59 104 2575.505 DISK ANCHORING ACRE 17 9 8 $80.00 $720.00 $640.00 $1,360.00 5.44 $435.20 4.77 0.67 $4.00 $4.00 $19.08 $2.68 $21.76 105 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 25-141 POUND 150 150 $7.00 $0.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 59 $413.00 59 $0.25 $0.00 $14.75 $14.75 110 2575.509 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 3 TON 31 18 13 $315.00 $5,670.00 $4,095.00 $9,765.00 10.88 $3,427.20 9.54 1.34 $7.50 $7.50 $71.55 $10.05 $81.60 $1,799,594.25 $3,144,589.64 $4,950,748.89 $2,432,692.91 $218,898.75TOTALS City of Lakeville CP 22-24 - 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements - 2023 Change Order Total Amount $176,151.541 $176,151.54 Page 115 of 447 Line Number Description Unit 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (215th) 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (Galway) 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $2,500.00 $7,500.00 2 2101.505 CLEARING ACRE 3 2101.505 GRUBBING ACRE 4 2102.503 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT 5 2104.502 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EACH $30.00 6 2104.502 REMOVE SIGN TYPE C EACH 7 2104.502 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH $22.50 8 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT $0.30 9 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT $0.40 10 2104.503 REMOVE FENCE LIN FT $0.40 11 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $0.50 12 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON (P)CU YD $0.46 13 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE CU YD $0.46 14 2106.507 GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)CU YD $0.46 15 2106.507 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) (P)CU YD $0.10 $0.40 16 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV) (P) (P)CU YD $0.40 $0.55 17 2106.601 DEWATERING LUMP SUM $37,500.00 18 2106.609 FOUNDATION MATERIAL (3" MINUS)TON $0.25 $4.00 19 2108.504 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 4 SQ YD $0.20 20 2118.507 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 2 (P) (P)CU YD $9.10 $9.10 21 2123.61 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR $10.00 22 2130.523 WATER M GALLON $5.00 23 2211.507 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (P) (P)CU YD $9.10 $9.10 24 2360.509 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C)TON $11.90 25 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3,C)TON $6.85 26 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (4,B)TON 27 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (4,E)TON $11.90 28 2412.502 14X6 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULV END SECT EACH $600.00 29 2412.502 14X8 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULV END SECT EACH $600.00 30 2412.503 14X6 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT LIN FT $14.65 31 2412.503 14X8 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT LIN FT $15.40 32 2412.602 PRECAST CONCRETE HEADWALL EACH $300.00 33 2451.507 COARSE AGGREGATE BEDDING (CV)CU YD $5.30 34 2451.607 STRUCTURAL BACKFILL CU YD $1.00 35 2451.609 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON $2.95 36 2501.502 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH $48.35 37 2501.502 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH $39.10 38 2501.502 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH $94.90 39 2501.502 36" RC PIPE APRON EACH $58.30 $72.00 40 2501.503 15" RC PIPE CULVERT CLASS V LIN FT $4.25 41 2501.503 24" RC PIPE CULVERT CLASS III LIN FT $4.64 City of Lakeville CP 22-24 - 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements - 2024 Unit Price Increases Page 116 of 447 Line Number Description Unit 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (215th) 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (Galway) City of Lakeville CP 22-24 - 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements - 2024 Unit Price Increases 42 2501.503 36" RC PIPE CULVERT CLASS III LIN FT $6.04 43 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH $15.00 44 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH $14.50 45 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 36" PIPE APRON EACH $19.50 $15.00 46 2502.503 6" PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN LIN FT $1.00 $1.00 47 2502.602 6" PVC PIPE DRAIN CLEANOUT EACH $10.40 48 2503.503 8" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 26)LIN FT $6.00 49 2503.503 8" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 35)LIN FT $6.00 50 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LIN FT $2.92 51 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LIN FT $6.70 52 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT $8.00 53 2503.503 36" RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT $19.20 54 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 55 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $235.00 $175.00 56 2503.602 8" PIPE PLUG EACH $5.00 57 2503.603 24" STEEL CASING PIPE LIN FT $19.00 58 2504.602 WATERMAIN OFFSET EACH $440.00 59 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $150.00 60 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH $694.50 61 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $159.50 62 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $50.00 63 2504.602 10" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 64 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH $520.00 65 2504.603 6" PVC WATERMAIN (C900)LIN FT 66 2504.603 12" PVC WATERMAIN (C900)LIN FT $3.10 67 2504.604 4" INSULATION SQ YD $2.50 $1.85 68 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $1.45 69 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $115.25 70 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 LIN FT 71 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 LIN FT $25.00 72 2506.602 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SPECIAL 1 EACH 73 2506.602 RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SPECIAL 2 EACH $450.00 74 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 2 EACH $250.00 75 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 3 EACH $220.00 76 2506.602 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH $55.00 77 2506.602 18F SNOUT & DEBRIS STOP EACH $100.00 78 2506.603 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPEC 1 LIN FT 79 2506.603 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 80 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CU YD $12.00 81 2521.518 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $0.20 82 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B418 LIN FT Page 117 of 447 Line Number Description Unit 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (215th) 2024 NLC Unit Price Increase (Galway) City of Lakeville CP 22-24 - 215th Street Extension, Galway Lane, and 220th Street Improvements - 2024 Unit Price Increases 83 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 84 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $400.00 85 2564.502 OBJECT MARKER EACH 86 2564.518 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT $4.20 87 2564.518 SIGN PANELS TYPE D SQ FT 88 2564.518 SIGN PANELS TYPE SPECIAL SQ FT $4.62 89 2565.616 REVISE SIGNAL SYSTEM SYSTEM $2,750.00 90 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LUMP SUM $100.00 $75.00 91 2573.501 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 92 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $17.00 $17.00 93 2573.502 CULVERT END CONTROLS EACH $0.10 $23.00 94 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS LIN FT $0.20 95 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER LIN FT $0.30 96 2574.507 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW CU YD $0.10 97 2574.507 FILTER TOPSOIL BORROW CU YD $1.00 98 2574.508 FERTILIZER TYPE 3 POUND $0.56 99 2574.508 FERTILIZER TYPE 4 POUND $0.10 $0.57 100 2574.607 CLAY LINER CU YD $1.00 $0.75 101 2574.607 ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST CU YD $1.25 102 2575.504 ROLLED EROSION PREVENTION CATEGORY 20 SQ YD $0.15 103 2575.505 SEEDING ACRE $12.75 104 2575.505 DISK ANCHORING ACRE $10.00 105 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 25-141 POUND $0.75 106 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 33-261 POUND $1.00 $3.00 107 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 34-171 POUND $0.50 $7.75 108 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 35-241 POUND $1.55 109 2575.509 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1 TON $27.50 110 2575.509 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 3 TON $32.50 111 2575.523 WATER (TURF ESTABLISHMENT)M GALLON $10.00 $6.50 112 2575.523 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 3 M GALLON $50.00 $50.00 113 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE MULTI COMP LIN FT $0.53 114 2582.503 4" DOTTED LINE MULTI COMP LIN FT $0.53 115 2582.503 4" SOLID LINE PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)LIN FT $0.47 116 2582.503 12" SOLID LINE PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)LIN FT $1.40 117 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)LIN FT $2.80 118 2582.503 4" BROKEN LINE PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)LIN FT $0.50 119 2582.503 4" DBLE SOLID LINE PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)LIN FT $1.00 120 2582.518 PAVT MSSG PREF TAPE GR IN (WR)SQ FT $3.20 Page 118 of 447 215th Street, Lkvl - 2023 Grading hours Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 1.3 7/7/2023 Thomas Thielen 1.3 12.1 7/17/2023 Riley Haas 12.1 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/18/2023 Riley Haas 13.9 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 14.5 7/18/2023 Kristopher Spike 0.6 12.6 7/19/2023 Riley Haas 12.6 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/20/2023 Riley Haas 14.4 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 27.7 7/20/2023 Chad Martin 13.3 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 7/21/2023 Chad Martin 12.2 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 25.2 7/21/2023 Riley Haas 13.0 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/24/2023 Chad Martin 13.2 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 7/24/2023 Michael Larson 8.6 207 (EX107) CAT 345CL 7/24/2023 Riley Haas 9.1 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/24/2023 Thomas Thielen 2.2 34.7 7/24/2023 Kyle Karie 1.6 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 7/25/2023 Michael Larson 13.4 207 (EX107) CAT 345CL 7/25/2023 Chad Martin 12.4 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 7/25/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.5 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 7/25/2023 Riley Haas 13.0 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 63.3 7/25/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.0 9.1 7/26/2023 Riley Haas 9.1 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 7/27/2023 Chad Martin 12.1 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 7/27/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.1 402 (HT102) CAT D400E 7/27/2023 Michael Larson 13.9 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 7/27/2023 Riley Haas 13.4 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 64.3 7/27/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.8 7/28/2023 Riley Haas 12.3 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/28/2023 Chad Martin 11.1 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 7/28/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.1 402 (HT102) CAT D400E 45.5 7/28/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.0 7/31/2023 Michael Larson 13.9 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL Page 119 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 7/31/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 12.4 402 (HT102) CAT D400E 7/31/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.4 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 7/31/2023 Riley Haas 13.7 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 7/31/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.3 65.9 7/31/2023 Kristopher Spike 1.2 8/1/2023 Michael Larson 13.0 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/1/2023 Riley Haas 13.6 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/1/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.6 402 (HT102) CAT D400E 8/1/2023 Chad Martin 12.3 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 61.6 8/1/2023 Sebastian Baker 10.1 8/7/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.6 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/7/2023 Chad Martin 12.5 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/7/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 1.1 8/7/2023 Michael Larson 14.4 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/7/2023 Riley Haas 12.8 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/7/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.3 77.3 8/7/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 11.6 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/8/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/8/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.7 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/8/2023 Chad Martin 12.5 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 8/8/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/8/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 12.5 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 79.3 8/8/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.5 8/9/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/9/2023 Matthew Kycia 0.4 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/9/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 11.4 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/9/2023 Riley Haas 14.8 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/9/2023 Chad Martin 11.4 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/9/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.7 77.0 8/9/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.0 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 8/10/2023 Riley Haas 14.8 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/10/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 12.1 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/10/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.9 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/10/2023 Sebastian Baker 13.4 8/10/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.8 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/10/2023 Chad Martin 12.0 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 77.4 8/10/2023 Thomas Thielen 0.4 Page 120 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 8/11/2023 Jordan Boreen 7.5 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/11/2023 Chad Martin 5.2 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/11/2023 Riley Haas 10.0 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/11/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 4.0 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 35.2 8/11/2023 Sebastian Baker 8.5 8/14/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.8 22.7 8/14/2023 Riley Haas 9.9 207 (EX107) CAT 345CL 8/15/2023 Ben Goar 11.3 22.8 8/15/2023 Riley Haas 11.5 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/16/2023 Michael Larson 13.1 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/16/2023 Chad Martin 12.3 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/16/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 0.5 8/16/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.7 8/16/2023 Riley Haas 14.4 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/16/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 11.9 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 72.4 8/16/2023 Thomas Thielen 7.5 8/17/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/17/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/17/2023 Chad Martin 6.7 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/17/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.4 8/17/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 1.2 8/17/2023 Kyle Karie 8.0 403 (HT103) CAT D400E 8/17/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 6.2 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 68.7 8/17/2023 Chad Martin 6.1 451 (SC101) CAT 627E 8/18/2023 Michael Larson 13.6 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/18/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.9 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP 8/18/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/18/2023 Chad Martin 11.0 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/18/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 0.7 8/18/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.1 8/18/2023 Kyle Karie 9.9 403 (HT103) CAT D400E 83.3 8/18/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 10.3 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/21/2023 Riley Haas 12.8 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 27.0 8/21/2023 Michael Larson 14.2 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL Page 121 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 8/22/2023 Michael Larson 15.1 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/22/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.1 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/22/2023 Riley Haas 13.3 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/22/2023 Chad Martin 12.0 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 60.7 8/22/2023 Jayden Baker 8.2 8/23/2023 Michael Larson 14.4 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/23/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.2 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/23/2023 Riley Haas 13.9 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/23/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.2 61.7 8/23/2023 Chad Martin 11.0 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 2.4 8/25/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.4 8/26/2023 Matthew Kycia 8.1 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 8/26/2023 Michael Larson 9.0 211 (EX111) CAT 349F 8/26/2023 Sebastian Baker 7.6 8/26/2023 Jayden Baker 7.4 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 39.2 8/26/2023 Riley Haas 7.1 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/28/2023 Sebastian Baker 13.0 25.5 8/28/2023 Riley Haas 12.5 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/29/2023 Michael Larson 12.6 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/29/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.6 303 (DZ103) CAT D6TLGP 8/29/2023 Riley Haas 13.0 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/29/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 0.4 8/29/2023 Kyle Karie 11.9 406 (HT106) CAT 740B 8/29/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.2 74.4 8/29/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 11.7 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/30/2023 Michael Larson 15.5 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/30/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.5 303 (DZ103) CAT D6TLGP 8/30/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 11.8 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/30/2023 Riley Haas 15.2 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 8/30/2023 Kyle Karie 1.0 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 8/30/2023 Sebastian Baker 13.0 8/30/2023 Kyle Karie 7.3 407 (HT107) CAT 740B 78.2 8/30/2023 Thomas Thielen 1.9 8/31/2023 Michael Larson 14.4 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 8/31/2023 Riley Haas 14.6 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP Page 122 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 8/31/2023 Jordan Boreen 13.0 303 (DZ103) CAT D6TLGP 8/31/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 13.2 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 8/31/2023 Jayden Baker 13.2 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 81.2 8/31/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.8 9/1/2023 Michael Larson 9.3 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 9/1/2023 Jordan Boreen 11.1 303 (DZ103) CAT D6TLGP 9/1/2023 Riley Haas 10.9 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 9/1/2023 Jayden Baker 9.5 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 9/1/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman 8.9 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 57.3 9/1/2023 Sebastian Baker 7.6 9/5/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.7 303 (DZ103) CAT D6TLGP 9/5/2023 Riley Haas 4.1 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL 9/5/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.5 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 9/5/2023 Jayden Baker 13.0 404 (HT104) CAT 740B 55.2 9/5/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.9 5.8 9/6/2023 Thomas Thielen 5.8 0.9 9/12/2023 Kristopher Spike 0.9 9/13/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.0 9/13/2023 Ben Goar 5.4 312 (DZ112) CAT D6K2 9.6 9/13/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.2 9/14/2023 Hunter Spike 9.7 9/14/2023 Ben Goar 11.0 9/14/2023 Jayden Baker 7.9 9/14/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.3 34.3 9/14/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.4 9/15/2023 Jayden Baker 7.0 9/15/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.5 9/15/2023 Ben Goar 7.4 9/15/2023 Hunter Spike 7.5 27.7 9/15/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.3 9/18/2023 Jayden Baker 10.8 9/18/2023 Ben Goar 11.0 9/18/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.9 29.1 9/18/2023 Hunter Spike 3.4 Page 123 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 9/19/2023 Ben Goar 12.1 310 (DZ110) CAT D6NLGP 9/19/2023 Jayden Baker 11.4 25.3 9/19/2023 Kristopher Spike 1.8 9/20/2023 Jayden Baker 12.2 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 9/20/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.1 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 9/20/2023 Ben Goar 12.2 310 (DZ110) CAT D6NLGP 48.1 9/20/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.6 9/21/2023 Ben Goar 12.2 14.6 9/21/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.4 8.8 9/22/2023 Ben Goar 8.8 310 (DZ110) CAT D6NLGP 5.1 9/25/2023 Kristopher Spike 5.1 2.2 9/26/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.2 1.7 9/27/2023 Kristopher Spike 1.7 1.6 9/29/2023 Kristopher Spike 1.6 10/5/2023 Kyle Karie 12.5 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 10/5/2023 Ben Goar 12.2 10/5/2023 Adam Ulferts 6.2 201 (EX101) CAT 345CL 10/5/2023 Hunter Spike 6.4 10/5/2023 Kristopher Spike 6.6 48.4 10/5/2023 Dane Vandervoort 4.5 85 KENWORTH T370 10/6/2023 Kyle Karie 5.6 310 (DZ110) CAT D6NLGP 10/6/2023 Adam Ulferts 3.9 201 (EX101) CAT 345CL 10/6/2023 Hunter Spike 8.7 10/6/2023 Kristopher Spike 6.1 27.9 10/6/2023 Ben Goar 3.6 10/9/2023 Hunter Spike 11.4 10/9/2023 Ben Goar 11.5 26.9 10/9/2023 Kristopher Spike 4.0 10/10/2023 Ben Goar 12.1 10/10/2023 Hunter Spike 10.7 Page 124 of 447 Total Hours per day Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment 25.9 10/10/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.1 0.6 10/19/2023 Kristopher Spike 0.6 3.3 10/20/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.3 3.5 10/23/2023 Kristopher Spike 3.5 2.9 10/26/2023 Kristopher Spike 2.9 11/1/2023 Riley Haas 12.3 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 16.6 11/1/2023 Thomas Thielen 4.3 11/2/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.1 312 (DZ112) CAT D6K2 24.5 11/2/2023 Riley Haas 12.4 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 11/3/2023 Jordan Boreen 10.8 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 11/3/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 10.6 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 11/3/2023 Riley Haas 10.8 312 (DZ112) CAT D6K2 11/3/2023 Matthew Kycia 7.6 401 (HT101) CAT D400E 47.0 11/3/2023 Hunter Spike 7.2 11/6/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 10.5 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP 11/6/2023 Thomas Thielen 9.7 30.1 11/6/2023 Riley Haas 9.9 312 (DZ112) CAT D6K2 10.3 11/7/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 10.3 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 5.9 11/8/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 5.9 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 11/16/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 3.1 202 (EX102) CAT 336FL 10.6 11/16/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 7.5 305 (DZ105) CAT D6K2LGP 11.4 11/17/2023 Brandon Whitcomb 11.4 305 (DZ105) CAT D6K2LGP 9.4 11/21/2023 Hunter Spike 9.4 3.9 11/22/2023 Bradley Baker 3.9 2140.6 2140.6 Page 125 of 447 Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment Code Horly Rate Total 7/20/2023 Riley Haas 14.4 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,530.10 Equipment Code Description Common Description 2023 Rate Assumption 7/20/2023 Chad Martin 13.3 451 321.13 $4,271.03 301 (DZ101) CAT D6TLGP Dozer $300.01 7/21/2023 Chad Martin 12.2 451 321.13 $3,917.79 407 (HT107) CAT 740B Off-Road $272.98 7/21/2023 Riley Haas 13 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,089.67 404 (HT104) CAT 740B Off-Road $272.98 7/24/2023 Chad Martin 13.2 451 321.13 $4,238.92 207 (EX107) CAT 345CL Excavator $321.13 7/24/2023 Michael Larson 8.6 207 321.13 $2,761.72 208 (EX108) CAT 345DL Excavator $321.13 7/24/2023 Riley Haas 9.1 FOREMAN 314.59 $2,862.77 451 (SC101) CAT 627E Scraper $321.13 Large Excavator 7/25/2023 Michael Larson 13.4 207 321.13 $4,303.14 403 (HT103) CAT D400E Off-Road $272.98 7/25/2023 Chad Martin 12.4 407 272.98 $3,384.95 308 (DZ108) CAT D6TXELGP Dozer $300.01 7/25/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.5 401 272.98 $3,412.25 FOREMAN $314.59 7/25/2023 Riley Haas 13 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,089.67 401 (HT101) CAT D400E Off-Road $272.98 7/25/2023 Sebastian Baker 12 401 272.98 $3,275.76 402 (HT102) CAT D400E Off-Road $272.98 7/27/2023 Chad Martin 12.1 407 272.98 $3,303.06 7/27/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.1 402 272.98 $3,303.06 7/27/2023 Michael Larson 13.9 208 321.13 $4,463.71 7/27/2023 Riley Haas 13.4 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,215.51 RATE OT RATE AVG HRLY RATE TAX/INS./PER DIEM 5%OH/10%PROFIT TOTAL RATE 7/27/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.8 401 272.98 $3,494.14 EXCAVATOR 68.01$ 89.42$ 74.65$ 24.59$ 14.89$ 114.13$ 7/28/2023 Riley Haas 12.3 FOREMAN 314.59 $3,869.46 DOZER 67.69$ 88.94$ 74.28$ 24.59$ 14.83$ 113.71$ 7/28/2023 Chad Martin 11.1 451 321.13 $3,564.54 HAUL TRUCK 67.69$ 88.94$ 74.28$ 24.59$ 14.83$ 113.71$ 7/28/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.1 402 272.98 $3,030.08 FOREMAN 70.01$ 92.42$ 76.96$ 24.59$ 15.23$ 116.79$ 7/28/2023 Sebastian Baker 11 401 272.98 $3,002.78 7/31/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman12.4 402 272.98 $3,384.95 7/31/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.4 407 272.98 $3,384.95 7/31/2023 Riley Haas 13.7 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,309.88 HRLY RATE FUEL 5%OH/10%PROFIT TOTAL RATE 7/31/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.3 401 272.98 $3,357.65 EXCAVATOR 110.00$ 70.00$ 27.00$ 207.00$ 8/1/2023 Michael Larson 13 208 321.13 $4,174.69 DOZER W/GPS 120.00$ 42.00$ 24.30$ 186.30$ 8/1/2023 Riley Haas 13.6 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,278.42 HAUL TRUCK 100.00$ 38.50$ 20.78$ 159.28$ 8/1/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.6 402 272.98 $3,439.55 PICKUP 10.00$ -$ 1.50$ 11.50$ 8/1/2023 Chad Martin 12.3 407 272.98 $3,357.65 8/1/2023 Sebastian Baker 10.1 401 272.98 $2,757.10 8/7/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.6 404 272.98 $3,439.55 OPERATOR EQUIP TOTAL 8/7/2023 Chad Martin 12.5 407 272.98 $3,412.25 EXCAVATOR 114.13$ 207.00$ 321.13$ 8/7/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman1.1 401 272.98 $300.28 DOZER 113.71$ 186.30$ 300.01$ 8/7/2023 Michael Larson 14.4 208 321.13 $4,624.27 HAUL TRUCK 113.71$ 159.28$ 272.98$ 8/7/2023 Riley Haas 12.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,026.75 FOREMAN 116.79$ 197.80$ 314.59$ 8/7/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.3 401 272.98 $3,357.65 8/7/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman11.6 404 272.98 $3,166.57 8/8/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 321.13 $4,913.29 8/8/2023 Matthew Kycia 12.7 407 272.98 $3,466.85 8/8/2023 Chad Martin 12.5 451 321.13 $4,014.13 8/8/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,341.34 8/8/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman12.5 404 272.98 $3,412.25 8/8/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.5 401 272.98 $3,412.25 8/9/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 321.13 $4,913.29 8/9/2023 Matthew Kycia 0.4 404 272.98 $109.19 8/9/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman11.4 404 272.98 $3,111.97 8/9/2023 Riley Haas 14.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,655.93 8/9/2023 Chad Martin 11.4 407 272.98 $3,111.97 8/9/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.7 401 272.98 $3,466.85 8/9/2023 Matthew Kycia 11 401 272.98 $3,002.78 8/10/2023 Riley Haas 14.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,655.93 8/10/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman12.1 404 272.98 $3,303.06 OPERATOR RATES BASED ON 58/HR/WEEK EQUIPMENT RATES COMBINED COST 2023 ADDITIONAL EARTHWORK HOURS Page 126 of 447 Date First Name Last Name Hours Equipment Code Horly Rate Total 2023 ADDITIONAL EARTHWORK HOURS 8/10/2023 Jordan Boreen 12.9 301 300.01 $3,870.13 8/10/2023 Sebastian Baker 13.4 401 272.98 $3,657.93 8/10/2023 Matthew Kycia 11.8 407 272.98 $3,221.16 8/10/2023 Chad Martin 12 401 272.98 $3,275.76 8/11/2023 Chad Martin 5.2 407 272.98 $1,419.50 8/11/2023 Riley Haas 10 FOREMAN 314.59 $3,145.90 8/11/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman4 404 272.98 $1,091.92 8/11/2023 Sebastian Baker 8.5 401 272.98 $2,320.33 8/16/2023 Michael Larson 13.1 208 321.13 $4,206.80 8/16/2023 Chad Martin 12.3 407 272.98 $3,357.65 8/16/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman0.5 401 272.98 $136.49 8/16/2023 Sebastian Baker 12.7 401 272.98 $3,466.85 8/16/2023 Riley Haas 14.4 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,530.10 8/16/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman11.9 404 272.98 $3,248.46 8/17/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,341.34 8/17/2023 Michael Larson 15.3 208 321.13 $4,913.29 8/17/2023 Chad Martin 6.7 407 272.98 $1,828.97 8/17/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.4 401 272.98 $3,111.97 8/17/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman1.2 401 272.98 $327.58 8/17/2023 Kyle Karie 8 403 272.98 $2,183.84 8/17/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman6.2 404 272.98 $1,692.48 8/18/2023 Michael Larson 13.6 208 321.13 $4,367.37 8/18/2023 Riley Haas 13.8 FOREMAN 314.59 $4,341.34 8/18/2023 Chad Martin 11 407 272.98 $3,002.78 8/18/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman0.7 401 272.98 $191.09 8/18/2023 Sebastian Baker 11.1 401 272.98 $3,030.08 8/18/2023 Kyle Karie 9.9 403 272.98 $2,702.50 8/18/2023 Wyatt Schimmelman10.3 404 272.98 $2,811.69 AVG COST PER HR TOTAL 905.50 $265,842.63 $293.59 Agreed Hours 600 $293.59 $176,151.94 Page 127 of 447 2022 2024 2022 2024 2022 2024 2022 2024 2022 2024 Page 128 of 447 Page 129 of 447 Page 130 of 447 Page 131 of 447 Page 132 of 447 Page 133 of 447 Page 134 of 447 Page 135 of 447 Page 136 of 447 Page 137 of 447 Page 138 of 447 1 Moren, Luke From:Brady Enright <Brady@nl-contracting.com> Sent:Tuesday, July 9, 2024 4:52 PM To:Moren, Luke Subject:215th Attachments:SKM_C25824070917200.pdf Categories:External Luke, Below are some of the clarifications as requested, let me know if you have any questions. Trucking Rates Based on Quad Trucks 4.5mi haul / 28 min round from pit 2022 120hr/60min=$2 $2x28Min = $56.00 per load $56 / 17tn per load = $3.29 per ton or $6.58per cy CV 2023 $132/hr = $3.62tn or $7.24cy 2024 $142/hr = $3.90tn or $7.80cy Dewatering Additional NLC dewatering Cost $5000 (our own dewatering) Additional Fuel Cost $7500 Additional Generator Maintenance $500 NLC Monitoring cost and weekend fueling costs $1800 Culvert protection increase 5% for 23 and 5% for 24 work Casing should only be increased $19/lf I will get you the labor and equipment rates tomorrow morning Brady Enright Estimator / Project Manager Northern Lines Contracting, Inc. Phone: 952-807-3322 Page 139 of 447 1 Moren, Luke From:Brady Enright <Brady@nl-contracting.com> Sent:Wednesday, July 10, 2024 10:57 AM To:Moren, Luke Subject:RE: 215th/Galway Change Order Meeting - City of Lakeville Attachments:NLC 215th Earthwork Dewatering Related Hours.xlsx Categories:External Luke See attached grading hour breakdown with rates for labor and equipment For the 2024 grading work I would like the increase in labor and equipment from 2022 to 2024 which would be a 13.25% increase (equip rates increased 16% and labor rates increased 10.5%) this would equate to a $.46 increase in price for a total of $3.96cy. Let me know your thoughts Brady Enright Estimator / Project Manager Northern Lines Contracting, Inc. Phone: 952-807-3322 From: Moren, Luke <Luke.Moren@kimley-horn.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 8:22 AM To: Brady Enright <Brady@nl-contracting.com> Subject: RE: 215th/Galway Change Order Meeting - City of Lakeville See attached. Luke Moren, P.E. Kimley-Horn | 14800 Galaxie Ave, Suite 200 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Direct: 651.643.0489 From: Brady Enright <Brady@nl-contracting.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 8:11 AM To: Moren, Luke <Luke.Moren@kimley-horn.com> Subject: RE: 215th/Galway Change Order Meeting - City of Lakeville Luke, can you send me the excel sheet with the total extra hours calculated? Brady Enright Estimator / Project Manager Northern Lines Contracting, Inc. Phone: 952-807-3322 Page 140 of 447 2 From: Moren, Luke <Luke.Moren@kimley-horn.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 7:44 PM To: Joyce, Mitchell <Mitchell.Joyce@kimley-horn.com>; zjohnson@lakevillemn.gov; Brady Enright <Brady@nl- contracting.com>; Blair Raitz <blairr@nl-contracting.com> Subject: 215th/Galway Change Order Meeting - City of Lakeville All – Thanks for the productive conversation today. Attached are my notes from the meeting for reference. As requested, also attached is Mitch’s markup with the jobsite activity and hours of water delay related issues highlighted in yellow that was the current basis of our calculations. I see Brady already sent me some additional information. Once I receive the remaining labor and equipment hourly rate information, I will finish building a revised change order document for review again by all parties. I think we are getting close and lets all please prioritize working through this in the next few days so we can get a signed change order by the end of the week. Thanks! Luke Moren, P.E. Kimley-Horn | 14800 Galaxie Ave, Suite 200 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Direct: 651.643.0489 Page 141 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Approve Updated Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve updated pedestrian crosswalk policy. Overview Pedestrian and bicyclist travel is a key element of the City’s multimodal transportation system and important to the health and quality of life of its citizens. Safe crossing locations provide connectivity to neighborhoods, trail/sidewalk corridors and popular destinations, and are essential to the City’s trail/sidewalk network. Developing and maintaining a successful pedestrian and bicyclist crosswalk policy improves conditions and better serves the mobility and access needs of the public to travel easily and safely. The current Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crosswalk Policy was adopted by the City Council on December 21, 2020. The City continues to proactively develop and improve a policy that focuses on education and enforcement efforts, with an emphasis on changing behavior and awareness and achieving high rates of yielding compliance. With the guidance of the recently completed Dakota County Pedestrian Crossing Safety Assessment, the City partnered with SRF Consulting to collect and review data, facilitate community engagement, and analyze and evaluate existing/potential crossing locations with the goal of updating the policy to ensure all users in the City benefit from an improved multimodal infrastructure system. The updated policy establishes guidelines and an evaluation process that provides a consistent, uniform approach for improving pedestrian/bicyclist safety at uncontrolled crossing locations using the best management practices. The policy is designed to provide a clear, understandable/relatable process in support of maintaining a consistent application of crossing enhancements that produces a safer environment for all pedestrians and bicyclists. The draft updated policy was shared with the City Council at a work session on June 24, 2024. Supporting Information 1. Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy (April 2024) Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: Yes Source: N/A Envision Lakeville Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Report Completed by: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Page 142 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK POLICY April 2024 Page 143 of 447 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Minnesota State Statute ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Jurisdictional Authority .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Crossing Guidance ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Field Review and Preliminary Data Collection .......................................................................................... 4 2. Data Collection .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Crossing Identification ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Roadway Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Traffic Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Multimodal Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Evaluate Candidate Locations ........................................................................................................................ 7 Crossing Types ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Crossing Considerations ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Criteria Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 11 4. Engineering Review ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Step 1: Traffic Volume Review ........................................................................................................................... 12 Step 2: Roadway Geometric Treatment Assessment ................................................................................ 14 Step 3: Evaluate Crossing Infrastructure Enhancements .......................................................................... 16 Step 4: Further Analysis of Major Enhancements ....................................................................................... 16 Crossing Infrastructure Treatments ................................................................................................................. 18 Removal of Infrastructure .................................................................................................................................. 22 Page 144 of 447 1 INTRODUCTION The City of Lakeville encourages multimodal transportation to access destinations in daily life and recreate via the community’s many parks and trails. Lakeville strives to provide safe, accessible, and efficient travel for all modes of transportation, while prioritizing the transportation network’s most vulnerable users: people walking, rolling, and biking. As the City strives Toward Zero Deaths within the city’s transportation network, a consistent application of pedestrian crossing enhancements is critical to best serve all users. Dakota County began using a pedestrian crossing guidance process developed as a part of the County’s Pedestrian Crossing Safety Assessment in July 2022. As a partner jurisdiction in Dakota County, the City of Lakeville has adopted Dakota County’s guidance to maintain a consistent application of crossing enhancements along all city and county roadways. The purpose of this policy is to leverage the County’s process to guide the City in evaluating and implementing a pedestrian crossing program that provides people walking, rolling, and biking a safe place to cross while providing motorists reasonable and consistent expectations for where and what that may look like. This consistent process and application are important for the safety of all as it sets reliable expectations while traveling throughout the transportation network. The intent is to ensure a mutual understanding between the City Council, Staff, and residents of Lakeville when presented as part of a public improvement project, or by a citizen or City staff request. MINNESOTA STATE STATUTE Minnesota State Statute Chapter 169 defines a crosswalk and pedestrians, as well as the rights of pedestrians and motorists regarding when and where to yield right-of-way. The definitions and legal language detailed in this section provide a foundation for how pedestrian crossings are viewed in Minnesota and considered by this assessment. 169.011 Definitions Subdivision 20. Crosswalk. "Crosswalk" means (1) that portion of a roadway ordinarily included with the prolongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at intersections; (2) any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface. Subdivision 20. Pedestrian. "Pedestrian" means any person afoot or in a wheelchair. 169.21 Pedestrian Subdivision 2. Rights in absence of signal. (a) Where traffic-control signals are not in place or in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk. The driver must remain stopped until the pedestrian has Page 145 of 447 2 passed the lane in which the vehicle is stopped. No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. This provision shall not apply under the conditions as otherwise provided in this subdivision. (b) When any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. (c) It is unlawful for any person to drive a motor vehicle through a column of school children crossing a street or highway or past a member of a school safety patrol or adult crossing guard, while the member of the school safety patrol or adult crossing guard is directing the movement of children across a street or highway and while the school safety patrol member or adult crossing guard is holding an official signal in the stop position. A peace officer may arrest the driver of a motor vehicle if the peace officer has probable cause to believe that the driver has operated the vehicle in violation of this paragraph within the past four hours. (d) A person who violates this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who violates this subdivision a second or subsequent time within one year of a previous conviction under this subdivision is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Subdivision 3. Crossing between intersections. (a) Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (b) Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. (c) Between adjacent intersections at which traffic-control signals are in operation pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. (d) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section every driver of a vehicle shall (1) exercise due care to avoid colliding with any bicycle or pedestrian upon any roadway and (2) give an audible signal when necessary and exercise proper precaution upon observing any child or any obviously confused or incapacitated person upon a roadway. JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY This policy applies to streets owned and maintained by the City of Lakeville, though Dakota County will perform the same assessment for their county facilities. The City and County will coordinate when applicable on projects to ensure proper application of crossing enhancements. Page 146 of 447 3 CROSSING GUIDANCE This section provides an evaluation process and guidance for when to consider enhancing a crossing at uncontrolled intersections and mid-block crossing locations. Enhanced crossing infrastructure is a key method of improving the safety and comfort of people walking, rolling, and bicycling (herein referred to as “multimodal users”) traveling throughout the transportation network, with research on the safety effects of appropriately enhanced crosswalks expanding in recent years. An uncontrolled crossing refers to a location where no traffic control (i.e., yield or stop sign, traffic signal) exists at the point in which people walking, rolling, or bicycling may cross. Uncontrolled crossings require additional review during planning and design because drivers are not consistently required to stop. Instead, a driver must recognize the presence of a person crossing and stop accordingly as required by Minnesota state law. This lack of consistency can create safety challenges acutely connected to these crossing locations. The FHWA states, “By focusing on uncontrolled crossing locations, local and state agencies can address a significant national safety problem and improve quality of life for pedestrians of all ages and abilities.”1 Uncontrolled crossing locations can be barriers for any multimodal user, notably children, older, and disabled populations, and require special attention to create a safe environment. Higher speed and traffic volume environments with multiple lanes are especially challenging and are locations where simply marking a crosswalk is insufficient. The objective of this section is to document a process for evaluation and design of crossing locations and ensure that anyone who wishes to be informed may understand how, where, and why crossing enhancements are recommended at certain locations based upon a variety of factors and contexts. INTRODUCTION The safety of multimodal users requires a holistic approach that focuses on engineering (implementing infrastructure improvements), education (for all roadway users), evaluation (continually collecting key data metrics to better inform decision-making), and encouragement (of following state laws). Engineering is the first step of this process to ensure the roadway and associated crossing design can effectively accommodate all users as safely and effectively as possible. It is important to focus upon the most vulnerable users of the transportation network throughout the process. Crashes are unacceptable and preventable, and though humans will make mistakes, Safe System of roadway design must always be considered to ensure a person’s mistake does not lead to serious injury or death. 1 Federal Highway Administration. (2018). Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations, page ii. Page 147 of 447 4 Determining the appropriateness of enhanced crossing infrastructure requires a thorough review of the crossing location. The following steps are guidance for using or reviewing this process. Each crossing location requires staff review and engineering judgement beyond the basic guidelines included in this chapter and must include context-specific solutions beyond the scope of this document. Ideally this process is completed during the roadway design process, however, in many cases review occurs after the roadway is built or a new facility is added. This process is intended to help guide the reviewer through a methodical and data driven process such that engineering judgment can be effectively applied. 1. Performing field review and preliminary data collection to understand existing conditions and potential issues. Preliminary data collection includes existing, easily accessible data that is expected to take the reviewer less than 30 minutes and will determine if the crossing is acceptable for additional review performed by steps 2, 3, and 4. 2. Collect data to complete the review using recommended data points included in the Data Collection Form. The process includes the following steps: a. Identify crossing location. b. Collect roadway geometric and configuration data. c. Collect traffic and operational data. d. Collect multimodal data. 3. Evaluate the point of crossing using the flowchart and perform a high-level review to understand if a location is appropriate for consideration of an enhanced crossing. 4. If the flowchart leads to the conclusion that the consideration of an enhanced crossing is appropriate, continue to engineering review which includes the following steps: a. Review traffic volumes to determine proper roadway configuration/number of lanes. b. Determine if roadway geometric treatments are appropriate. c. Evaluate crossing infrastructure enhancements. d. Conduct specific warrant analyses or review of grade separation feasibility if applicable. 1. FIELD REVIEW AND PRELIMINARY DATA COLLECTION Upon identification of a crossing location by preemptive review (e.g., future development, etc.) or reactive evaluation (e.g., community input, recent crash, etc.), initial field review should be completed. This first step will aid in determining if an issue(s) is/are present, if other mitigation measures can be performed external to the process defined by this assessment, or if no additional follow up is necessary. Staff time and capacity is understood to be limited, and this will ensure that only crossings with the highest estimated need are provided the level of review described in the following sections. Page 148 of 447 5 2. DATA COLLECTION Data collection is a key component of this analysis. The Data Collection Form should be used for each study to collect all required data inputs. It is critical that all data points identified below are collected and properly organized to ensure the crossing location is successfully reviewed for potential improvements. Sometimes the planner or engineer is very familiar with the location and may have a good understanding of operations which may allow some of the data to be “approximated”, though it is important that all data inputs are completed to maintain the integrity of the process. Crossing Identification  Major Street: Name of the street crossed by the location under review.  Minor Street or Crossing Location: The connecting street of an intersection or specific location identified for the mid-block crossing.  Multimodal Generating Land Uses, Destinations, or Activity Centers: Within 660 feet of the crossing, are there land uses, destinations, or activity centers that could generate trips by walking, rolling, or bicycling and list those that are pertinent. These could be existing locations or those planned in the near-term (less than five years). Roadway Characteristics  Cross-section Type: Urban (curb and gutter) or rural (shoulder and ditch) cross-section.  Roadway Configuration: Configuration of the roadway at the point of crossing which includes the total number of lanes and if it is divided or undivided.  Total Number of Lanes to Cross: The total number of lanes present at the point of crossing.  Number of Left-turn Lanes: The total number of left-turn lanes present at the point of crossing.  Number of Right-turn Lanes: The total number of right-turn lanes present at the point of crossing.  Stopping Sight Distance: The stopping sight distance in both directions from the point of crossing based upon guidance found in the AASHTO’s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.  Obstruction: Sight distance obstruction present such as a tree, pole, sign, etc. that directly affects the crossing under review. Traffic Data  Traffic Control: If a crossing under review is at an intersection, identify the traffic control present (side-street stop control, all-way stop, or traffic signal).  Posted Speed Limit: Posted speed limit at the point of crossing. Page 149 of 447 6  85th Percentile Speed: The 85th percentile speed recorded at the point of crossing.  Existing AADT: The most recent average annual daily traffic available at the point of crossing.  Future AADT: The future average annual daily traffic identified at the point of crossing if available.  Existing V/C: The vehicle-to-capacity based upon the number of lanes and existing AADT at the point of crossing  Future V/C: The vehicle-to-capacity based upon the number of lanes and future AADT at the point of crossing  Total Crashes: The total number of crashes (all modes) that are recorded at the point of crossing in the last five years. Highlight serious injury or fatal crashes if present. Multimodal Data  Sidewalk: Identify if a sidewalk directly connects to the crossing under review.  Shared-use Path: Identify if a shared-use path, sidepath, or multiuse trail directly connects to the crossing under review.  Crosswalk Lighting: Identify if lighting is present that would illuminate the crossing and specifically note if that lighting is pedestrian-scale.  Transit Stop: Identify if a bus or transit stop is within 300 feet of the crossing under review.  Multimodal User Volume: Record the three peak hour totals for multimodal users and specifically identify pedestrians versus bicyclists. User types are further defined under the “Criteria Definitions” section. A best practice is collecting data between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. during warmer months (i.e., April-June or September-October) and when school is in session. Collecting both a weekday and weekend count is also recommended. Previously collected count data within two years of this assessment can be applied if location conditions have not changed significantly.  Multimodal User Volume – Vulnerable Population: Record the three peak hour totals for multimodal users that would identify as vulnerable (i.e., young, older, and/or disabled). User types are further defined under the “Criteria Definitions” section.  Pedestrian Crashes: The total number of pedestrian-involved crashes that are recorded at the point of crossing in the last ten years. Highlight serious injury or fatal crashes and remove preventable crashes (e.g., driver impaired, etc.) if present.  Bicycle Crashes: The total number of bicycle-involved crashes that are recorded at the point of crossing in the last ten years. Highlight serious injury or fatal crashes and remove preventable crashes (e.g., driver impaired, etc.) if present.  Distance to Next Marked Crosswalk: The distance (in feet) between the closest marked crosswalk and the crossing under review. Page 150 of 447 7  Distance to Next Controlled Crossing: The distance (in feet) between the closest controlled crossing (i.e., traffic/pedestrian signal, all-way stop, PHB, or RRFB) and the crossing under review.  Two-stage Crossing Distance: Total distance to cross (in feet) on either side of the pedestrian refuge island.  Total Crossing Distance: The total crossing distance (in feet) to complete the roadway crossing from curb ramp to curb ramp or curb face to curb face if curb ramps are not present. 3. EVALUATE CANDIDATE LOCATIONS Once data collection is complete, the candidate crossing location should be evaluated using the flowchart. Starting at the top, proceed through each criteria box following the path of whether the data meets that criterion. Progress through the flowchart until reaching one of three boxes at the bottom which include:  No Action Recommended: The crossing location does not meet one or more criteria and is not recommended. Directing users to the nearest marked crosswalk should be considered to reduce risk taking behavior. The nearest marked crosswalk should be consistent with the guidelines defined in this evaluation process or approved following staff review and engineering judgement.  Consider an Unmarked Crossing: An “unmarked crossing” is any treatment that improves a person’s ability to cross a roadway, short of a marked crosswalk with signage or other enhancements detailed in Step 3 at the crossing location. Installation of this type of crossing is subject to staff review and engineering judgement and must include ADA- compliant curb ramps, appropriate pedestrian warning signage in advance of the crossing, and roadway geometric improvements if applicable (list of options found below in step 3, the engineering review process). No markings or additional signage beyond pedestrian warning signage are provided to attract or recommend that nonmotorized users cross at the location. The crossing is intended to operate as an improvement for a low volume pedestrian crossing where nonmotorized users are already crossing and will continue to cross at this location or to provide consistency where enhancements are not warranted.  Consideration of a Crossing Enhancement is Appropriate: The crossing location is appropriate for consideration of infrastructure enhancements. Proceed to the engineering review process to complete context-specific analysis, staff review, and engineering judgement. Page 151 of 447 8 Crossing Types A pedestrian crossing is the section of the road at an intersection that acts as the prolongation, or extension, of the sidewalk for people walking, rolling, or bicycling to cross from one side of the road to the other and at all legs of any intersection. When no sidewalks exist, the crossing is the portion of the roadway within ten feet of the intersection unless modified by crosswalk markings, signage, or other infrastructure at a different location such as mid-block (i.e., between two intersections).  Unmarked crosswalk: A legal crosswalk that does not feature any crosswalk striping or markings.  Marked crosswalk: A legal crosswalk that features crosswalk striping or markings.  Uncontrolled crossing: A legal crossing of a roadway intersection approach or mid-block crossing of a roadway between two intersections not controlled by a stop sign, traffic signal, pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB), or pedestrian signal.  Controlled crossing: A legal crossing of a roadway intersection approach or mid-block crossing of a roadway between two intersections controlled by a stop sign, traffic signal, pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB), or pedestrian signal. Typical crosswalk marking implementation and designs are highlighted in the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD) and can include a variety of materials. To improve motorist vision of a crossing, high visibility markings are recommended (e.g., thermoplastic) when applicable and notably for higher volume crossings. Source: Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (left); National Association of City Transportation Officials (right) Crosswalks that are appropriately marked and enhanced provide pedestrians with convenient opportunities to cross the street, while maintaining safety. Marked crosswalks are valuable as they direct pedestrians to a designated place to cross, alert drivers to the potential presence of pedestrians, and legally establish the crosswalk at non-intersection locations. Page 152 of 447 9 The MN MUTCD states that a marked crosswalk should not be installed alone without other measures designed to reduce traffic speeds, shorten crossing distances, and/or provide active warning of pedestrian presence if the posted speed limit exceeds 40 mph and: 1. Four or more lanes present with no pedestrian refuge island and >12,000 AADT, or 2. Four or more lanes present with a pedestrian refuge island and >15,000 AADT Crossing Considerations External to crossing infrastructure, other considerations are important to review prior to potentially implementing infrastructure enhancements. Distance Between Crossings Crosswalk spacing criteria should be determined according to the pedestrian network, built environment, and observed desire lines. NACTO identifies that if it takes a person more than a three-minute walk to a crossing, wait to cross the street, and then resume their journey, they may decide to cross along a more direct, but unsafe or unprotected, route based upon perceived time savings. While this behavior depends heavily on the speed and volume of motorists, it is imperative to understand crossing behaviors from a pedestrian’s perspective (i.e., slower travel via a reduced travelshed). Of note, no state or national guidance exists identifying specific measured distances between crosswalks or enhanced crossings. Crossing placement is heavily dependent upon the surrounding context, land use and destinations, network connectivity, block length, and other factors. A high-level analysis of agency best practices in the United States showed typical marked crossing spacing from 200 to 600 feet when warranted. A minimum spacing of 300 feet between signalized crossings is identified in the MN MUTCD (page 4D-1). This spacing could fluctuate based upon engineering judgement and applicability given the roadway design, configuration, and intersection placement. Delay to Cross a Roadway The multimodal network should be designed in such a way where users are not unreasonably forced to wait for a gap in traffic or walk out of their way to access a crossing. The Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition states that when a pedestrian is forced to wait 30 seconds or more, they are highly likely to exhibit risk-taking behavior. NACTO also has guidance regarding delay at signalized and unsignalized crossings. Delays exceeding 40 seconds at signalized crosswalks and 20 seconds at unsignalized, or yield-controlled crosswalks, may cause the pedestrian to exhibit risk- taking behavior. These are important considerations as another metric to proactively determine how a crossing could be made safer. Page 153 of 447 10 Page 154 of 447 11 Criteria Definitions Additional detail regarding how to navigate each criterion is included by the corresponding number in the flowchart and footnotes.  Meets minimum multimodal volume threshold: The multimodal user crossing demand during a 24-hour period meets one or more of the following criteria. This is the total after the 1.33 volume conversion factor is applied for vulnerable population (i.e., children/young adults (ages 0-17), older adults (60+), and persons with disabilities). o 1 hour (any hour): 20 crossings per hour o 2 hours (any two hours): 15 crossings per hour o 3 hours (any three hours): 10 crossings per hour Of note, the two- or three-hour counts do not need to be consecutive. Multimodal users include a person walking, rolling (e.g., skateboard, scooter, or other nonmotorized or motorized riding device), bicycling (pedal-powered or e-bike), or using a wheelchair, mobility aid, or other battery power-driven mobility device.  Pedestrian or bicycle involved crash in the last ten years: ≥1 crash involving a multimodal user at the existing point crossing under review over the last ten years. A crash not addressable by engineering design (e.g., impaired driver, etc.) does not count.  Location meets the sight distance requirement: The required sight distance for a vehicle to come to a complete stop at the point of crossing per AASHTO’s stopping sight distance outputs using the roadway’s design speed.  Location directly serves a key destination or active transportation facility: Subject to staff review and engineering judgement, examine the surrounding land uses to determine if the proposed crossing directly serves, or is within close proximity, to a key destination or active transportation facility. Key destinations for consideration could include, but are not limited to: school, hospital, senior center, recreation or community center, library, park, bus stop or transit station, or a key activity center, destination, and/or land use subject to staff review. Active transportation facilities may include a multiuse trail, shared use path, sidepath, or greenway adopted by a City of Lakeville plan, or other local planning document subject to staff review and approval.  Location from the nearest marked crossing: The NACTO defines an approximate three minute out-of-direction walk as the threshold in which risk-taking behavior by a multimodal user may then occur. Pedestrians naturally desire to travel along the quickest and most direct pathway of travel. Utilizing the MN MUTCD’s 3.5 feet per second calculation for pedestrian travel, that equates to 600 feet total, or 300 feet in either direction from the crosswalk. These distances could vary and are dependent upon the surrounding context (i.e., urban, suburban, or rural) and characteristics of the roadway. The minimum distance allowable is 300 feet between crossings per the MN MUTCD (page 4D-1). Page 155 of 447 12 Exceptions to Criteria In some cases, it may be reasonable to allow exceptions to the criteria previously described. Any exception may require review, consideration, and discussion from city staff and must be clearly documented including the reason why the criteria exception was required. Examples could include a location that is identified for consideration of a crossing enhancement but does not meet the criteria outlined in this document though has other factors where crossing enhancements may be applicable. The city may choose not to construct crossings that have a high cost, are not justified by the project’s benefits, or have constraints present that require significant design. Developers should coordinate planning, design, and implementation of all crossings with the City of Lakeville’s Public Works Department. 4. ENGINEERING REVIEW If a location is identified as appropriate for consideration of crossing enhancements in the flowchart, then the following process should be completed to determine if additional crossing infrastructure enhancements could be implemented. This is a methodical process that potentially highlights items not previously considered. Step 1: Traffic Volume Review The first step of this process is important as the Potential Crossing Enhancement Matrix relies upon the number of lanes as one of three key inputs. This step ensures that the number of lanes (travel and turn lanes) at the point of crossing is adequate for the traffic volumes. Right sizing the crossing distance is critical to all modes of travel, but particularly important to non-motorized users, as the goal is to minimize their time in the hazard zone. 1. Analyze existing (and future traffic volumes subject to site-specific engineering judgement) using the Dakota County capacity thresholds to determine if the roadway design is appropriate (see Table 1). Table 1. Dakota County Roadway Capacities Roadway Design Capacity Range 110% of Capacity 2-lanes 10,000 11,000 3-lanes 18,000 19,800 4+ lanes 35,000 38,500 Source: Dakota County 2040 Transportation Plan Page 156 of 447 13  Four-to-Three Conversion: Often referred to as a “road diet” it reduces the number of travel lanes from four through lanes to two through lanes with a two-way left-turn lane in the center of the roadway. This can both calm traffic, slow speeds, and provide additional roadway space for crossing enhancements such as a pedestrian refuge island. This is an option if the capacity is found to be appropriate for such a conversion based upon county guidance and engineering judgement.  Multilane Threat: Removing lanes can also improve visibility and remove the multilane threat which is when two or more lanes in one direction approach a crossing. When one car stops for a person crossing the roadway, the second car may not be visible to the person crossing nor is that person visible to the second driver. 2. Engineering review of right- and left-turn lanes if applicable at the point of crossing to verify if they are necessary or if they can be removed. 3. If roadway design or turn lanes are appropriate, proceed to Step 2: Roadway Geometric Treatment Options. 4. If roadway design or turn lanes are not appropriate, consider lane reductions or turn lane removal before proceeding. If this is not a near-term option, proceed to Step 2: Geometric Treatment Options. Page 157 of 447 14 Step 2: Roadway Geometric Treatment Assessment Marking a crosswalk is one of many tools that can be used to improve pedestrian conditions. Before considering additional signage, markings/striping, signals, etc., staff should evaluate the feasibility of roadway geometric improvements. Minimizing the time that multimodal users are crossing in the travel lane(s) is important as it reduces crossing width/distance, as well as helps manage vehicle speeds by narrowing the cross-section and tightening curb radii. In some cases, moving a crossing away from an intersection to a mid-block location can significantly reduce the number of conflict points between vehicles and multimodal users thereby improving overall safety. The following process reviews opportunities to slow speeds, reduce crossing distance, and improve visibility of people crossing the roadway. 1. Narrow Travel Lanes: MnDOT identifies the following lane width best practices per the Performance-Based Practical Design – Process and Design Guidance. These are superseded by MnDOT’s own design standards though used as an example for consideration by the City of Lakeville. Studies have credited tighter lane widths by neutrally or positively impacting safety without affecting traffic operations.  Rural Roadways: 11- or 12-foot-wide lanes  Urban and Suburban Roadways: 10-foot-wide lanes (≤35 mph and turn lanes), 11-foot- wide lanes (suitable for all other typologies), 12-foot-wide lanes (≥50 mph and/or non- motorized traffic is absent). 2. Reduce Conflict Points: Consider moving the crossing to a location with the least number of conflict points depending upon engineering judgement. This could include an intersection leg with lower turning vehicles or overall traffic, as well as moving a crossing entirely out of an intersection and to a mid-block location. Page 158 of 447 15 3. Crossing Lighting: Ensure lighting is present that illuminates the entire crossing (curb ramp to curb ramp) per state and federal guidance. 4. Reduce Posted Speed: In Minnesota, legislative authority to reduce speed limits is granted to local jurisdictions (i.e., cities or towns) and does not require a speed study to reduce the posted speed limit on any road under their jurisdiction. Always consider reducing the posted speed limit when able along the travel corridor. Speed is a critical factor toward lowering the risk of serious injury or death when someone is struck by a vehicle and correlates directly with a motorist’s stopping distance and vision. Source: City Limits: Setting Safe Speed Limits on Urban Streets (2020), National Association of City Transportation Officials 5. Traffic Calming: Context-specific traffic calming measures using geometric improvements should always be considered. Each item is further defined in the section below.  Curb Radius: Review the turning curb radius to understand if a reduced radius can be achieved based upon context-specific needs and design vehicles (i.e., if the roadway is a freight or bus route). Reducing the radius to as small as practical can create significant benefits via reduced crossing distance and vehicle turning speeds. Curb radius design should be based upon roadway type, crossing activity, and turning vehicle needs. Page 159 of 447 16  Curb Extension: An extension or bump out of the curb into the roadway and typically a minimum of six-feet-wide though design is context specific. This could include removal or narrowing of a roadway shoulder to reduce the crossing distance. Special attention should be given to existing on-street bicycle infrastructure (e.g., bike lane) to ensure it does not remove space at the intersection for that connection.  Pedestrian Refuge Island: A raised median that is a minimum of eight-feet-wide though ten-feet or greater is preferred to ensure it is wide enough to accommodate bikes.  Raised Crosswalk: A ramped speed table spanning the entire width of the roadway which provides pedestrians the opportunity to cross at-grade with the sidewalk.  Several more traffic calming infrastructure opportunities are identified in best practice documents and guidance (e.g., NACTO, ITE, FHWA, etc.) and could be implemented based upon staff review and engineering judgement. Step 3: Evaluate Crossing Infrastructure Enhancements Review the crossing enhancement evaluation matrix to determine potential infrastructure improvements at the point of crossing. The improvement options are divided into four options which are further described in the matrix table below.  Consider Lane Reduction: Review the existing and future roadway volumes to determine if a lane reduction can be implemented prior to potential crossing improvements to maximize crossing infrastructure and minimize cost.  Markings and Signage: The most basic treatment for a location that qualifies for enhanced crossing. Two different scenarios for marking and signage (M&S 1 and M&S 2) specify which signs and roadway markings are included.  Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon: Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) are generally designed for locations with higher traffic volumes and pedestrian activity. Three different scenarios for RRFBs (RRFB 1, RRFB 2, and RRFB 3) specify which combination of markings and signs should be used in coordination with the RRFBs.  Further Analysis Required: An engineering assessment is required to determine if a pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) or pedestrian signal are warranted per the MN MUTCD (which both require higher pedestrian volumes), as well as pedestrian demand, roadway conditions and context, and available gaps in traffic. The need for, and feasibility of, a grade-separated pedestrian crossing requires a more detailed engineering review to understand the feasibility and cost. They are most applicable for highly used trail or greenway crossings, as well as high demand locations of high speed, multi-lane roadways, expressways, and freeways. Step 4: Further Analysis of Major Enhancements This step considers warrants found in the MN MUTCD for pedestrian hybrid beacons or pedestrian signals subject to engineering judgement and review of applicability. The feasibility of grade- separation may also be studied and is dependent upon context-specific needs. Page 160 of 447 17 Page 161 of 447 18 Crossing Infrastructure Treatments The following section describes crossing infrastructure to illustrate the universe of opportunities to mark/stripe, sign, and implement geometric improvements to upgrade locations for crossing a roadway by walking, rolling, or bicycling. The list is not exhaustive and only highlights key treatments beyond typical pedestrian crossing and warning signage, or in-street pedestrian signs. Guidance of infrastructure treatments and best practices continues to grow nationally and should be reviewed during some frequency to ensure the latest enhancements are understood (i.e., type, impact, cost, etc.). Of note, construction estimates, and crash reduction percentages are from MnDOT’s Best Practices for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (2021) or the FHWA. Lane Reduction A road diet reconfigures the roadway by converting a four-lane (or sometimes more), undivided roadway into a three-lane roadway with two through lanes and a two-way left-turn lane in the center of the roadway. The three-lane configuration provides added space to implement a pedestrian refuge island or landscaped median, bike infrastructure, and other elements for traffic calming. This is a candidate treatment for any undivided road with wide travel lanes or multiple lanes that can be narrowed or repurposed to improve pedestrian crossing safety. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 19 to 47 percent. Typically, a roadway with 20,000 AADT or less is a good candidate for a four- to three-lane conversion, though some examples in the United States have shown successful conversions with traffic volumes as high as 26,000 AADT in addition to lower turning volumes. Average cost of implementation is $25,000 to $40,000 per mile. Curb Radii Source: Federal Highway Administration Source: Federal Highway Administration Page 162 of 447 19 Tightened curb radii provide several benefits including shortened crossing distance, slowed turning vehicle speeds, and a larger pedestrian-realm. An actual curb radius of five to ten feet should be considered whenever possible, and not to exceed 30 feet.2 The effective curb radius should be minimized whenever possible and increased to accommodate turning buses or large trucks when absolutely required. In most conditions, the roadway has passenger vehicles or smaller trucks and, in some cases, large vehicles overtaking a lane to complete their turn should be acceptable unless specific issues are identified per staff review and engineering judgement. Creative designs can also be employed such as staggered stop bars and/or truck aprons to accommodate larger vehicle turning movements. Curb Extension A curb extension is an extension of the sidewalk and curb line into the roadway to reduce pedestrian crossing distance and exposure to vehicles. They also provide visual cues to drivers and improve vision of pedestrians crossing while reducing turning speeds. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 45 percent. Curb extensions can double as a traffic calming device in mid-block locations as pinch points or chicanes. Average cost is $2,000 to $3,500 per corner without storm sewer impacts and $10,000 to $20,000 per corner if storm sewer is impacted. 2 Minnesota Department of Transportation. (January 2016). Infrastructure Reference Guide. https://www.dot.state.mn.us/mnsaferoutes/assets/downloads/MnDOT_SRTS_InfrastrctureReferenceGuide.pdf The impact for driver sight of people crossing with the addition of curb extensions shown at right. Source: National Association of City Transportation Officials. Page 163 of 447 20 Pedestrian Refuge Island A pedestrian refuge island (i.e., a median) are raised areas that are constructed in the center of the roadway and serve as a place of refuge for people who cross mid-block or at an intersection and shorten the crossing distance. They allow people crossing to concentrate their attention on one direction of traffic at a time and allow users to wait for motorists and find an adequate gap in traffic before crossing the second half of the street. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 46 to 54 percent. Average total costs vary. Raised Crosswalk A raised crosswalk is a speed table that extends across the full width of the roadway and raises the crossing to sidewalk height. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 45 percent. They are most applicable along two-lane or three-lane roadways with a posted speed limit of ≤30 mph, and traffic volumes of ≤9,000 AADT, however, this is highly dependent upon the roadway’s context and most applicable in urban areas. Average cost is $7,000 to $40,000 per crossing. Crossing Lighting Crosswalk lighting is a strategy that installs streetlights at, and in advance of, intersections and crosswalks to improve visibility and safety of the person crossing. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 42 percent. The lux (amount of light in lumens per square meter) is recommended at 20 to 40 lux at five feet above the road surface to provide adequate vertical illumination within a crosswalk. Lighting is particularly important at mid-block crossings and should illuminate the entire crossing form curb ramp to curb ramp as illustrated above. Average cost is $10,000 to $40,000 per intersection. Source: Federal Highway Administration Source: National Association of Transportation Officials (left), Federal Highway Administration (right) Source: Federal Highway Administration Page 164 of 447 21 Advanced Stop Bar and Signage An advanced stop bar is typically striped 20 feet to 50 feet in advance of a marked crosswalk to encourage drivers to stop further back from the crossing which enhances the comfort for those crossing. The stop bar and corresponding sign also provides the key benefit for multilane roadways of removing the multilane threat by improving the visibility of a crossing pedestrian for motorists. Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) A crossing enhancement that is activated by a pedestrian and uses two rapid and alternate flashing yellow rectangular beacons. RRFBs are applicable on roadways with higher pedestrian demand, traffic volumes, and traffic speeds. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 47 percent. Average cost is $15,000 to $50,000 per crossing or $80,000 to $100,000 for an overhead system. Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) A pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB), formerly known as a HAWK, is a beacon installed to warn and control traffic by having vehicles stop with a red light. It consists of two red lenses and one yellow lens and is dark until pedestrian activated. PHBs are applicable on high speed, multilane roadways, with higher traffic volumes and where RRFBs are no longer a viable safety solution, such as when gaps in traffic are not sufficient. If PHBs are not already familiar to a community, agencies should conduct appropriate education and outreach as part of implementation. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 55 percent. Average cost is $100,000 to $170,000 per crossing. Of note, if pedestrian demand is higher, a pedestrian signal should be explored in lieu of a PHB. A pedestrian signal is a traffic signal placed at a pedestrian crossing and does not refer to a signalized intersection. Source: National Association of Transportation Officials Source: National Association of Transportation Officials Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation Page 165 of 447 22 Grade-separated Crossing Vertical separation of a pedestrian crossing (over or under a roadway) are most applicable for high volume and high speed roadways, railroads, and other topographically challenging locations or physical barriers. The overpass or underpass should always try to be conveniently located to reduce out-of-direction travel. It is a proven safety strategy for reducing crashes per the FHWA with a typical crash reduction of 87 percent. Cost can vary wildly and is dependent upon the surrounding context. Removal of Infrastructure Conditions that contribute to the need for a crossing enhancement may change over time, or a crossing may no longer be needed. When a roadway surface is to be impacted by reconstruction or resurfacing, a review should be performed to determine their use and need. If a crosswalk or crossing meets the criteria outlined in this assessment, it should be maintained. If it does not meet the criteria, it should be brought to the City Engineer for consideration of removal. In lieu of a removal, a crossing may also be reviewed for changes to align with the latest guidance or changing conditions. Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation Page 166 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Purchase of a lift station control panel and control accessories for the new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26. Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the purchase of a lift station control panel and control accessories from Quality Flow Systems, Inc. for the new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26. Overview The new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26, to be constructed in Oak Shores Park, is in the final stages of project design. The lift station will require a control panel to provide power to the station, to operate the station automatically and to communicate with the city's SCADA system. Quality Flow Systems, Inc. offers an arc flash control panel that is designed to allow for safe access to lift station control components by city staff. Quality Flow Systems, Inc. is a sole source provider of the specified control panel. The City has standardized all sanitary lift stations with this arc flash panel. City staff solicited a quotation from Quality Flow Systems, Inc. for the procurement of the lift station panel as well as control accessories including a level-sensing transducer, floats, and a SCADA communication antenna. Due to extended lead time to manufacture the panel, it is important to order the control panel and control accessories ahead of other lift station components. Quality Flow Systems, Inc. submitted a quotation at the price of $47,600.00. City staff recommends the purchase of the new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26 control panel and accessories from Quality Flow Systems, Inc. Supporting Information 1. Quality Flow Systems control panel quote Financial Impact: $47,600 Budgeted: No Source: 5600-6280 Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Steve Grossman, Utilities Supervisor Page 167 of 447 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC. 800 6th Street NW Phone (952)758-9445 New Prague, MN 56071 Fax (952)758-9661 August 1, 2024 To: City of Lakeville, MN Attn: Shane and Steve Subject: Lakeville, MN Crystal Lake LS Rev 3 Engineer: Bolton & Menk Dear Gentlemen; Please find below our proposal for the lift station control panel. We include a Arc Flash control panel, and accessories. Control Panel (Arc Flash Panel): One (1) “QCI” Pump Control Panel for operation on 277/480 Volt, 3-Phase, 4-Wire, 60-Hz incoming service. Designed to control the operation of two (2) 25 HP KSB submersible pumps. The system will provide control and monitoring for the City of Lakeville. To include: Qty Description 1 Enclosure; NEMA 3R; 304 stainless-steel; 48”H x 72”W x16”D with the following features: Arc-Flash Safety Design 3-point latch with padlock hasp and door pocket Free-standing; double-door; with 18”H skirted & louvered leg- stand system Enclosure condensation heater; 200 watt; fan-forced; thermostatically controlled GFCI convenience receptacle 1 Incoming Main Disconnect; Three-Pole; Double Throw; 100A; (Service Entrance Rated) 1 Portable Generator Inlet; with angle adapter 1 Circuit Breaker; Main; 100A; 3-pole; 1 Automatic Transfer Switch; 100A; with ASCO 300 Series Controller 1 Lightning Arrestor; Surge Protective Device & Phase Monitor 2 Circuit Breaker; 3-pole; 40A; (pumps) 2 Motor Starter; NEMA; with solid-state adjustable OL relay; sized for motor loads 2 Pump Protective Module; Overtemp & Seal-fail indication; with socket 1 Control Power Transformer; 5kVA 6 Single-pole circuit breakers (Control Power, GFI, generator battery, gen crankcase heat, area light, spare) A/R Pilot devices (switches, lights, pushbuttons); as required 2 Run Time Meter (each pump) 1 Uninterruptable Power Supply System; 24 VDC; with shelf 1 PLC; Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1400; with I/O as required 1 OIT; 4.3 inch; color touchscreen; Maple Systems 1 Cellular Radio; with coaxial cable & connectors as required; (includes first year of cellular service) 1 Alarm Light; LED; (enclosure top mounted) A/R UL698A Serialized Listing A/R 1-year warranty 1 Submersible Level Transducer; 0-5 PSI; 4-20mA; 60 ft cable; with suspension kit (primary pump control) 2 Float Switch; non-mercury; 60 ft cable; suspension mount; (back-up Page 168 of 447 pump control) 2 Hatch Cover Limit Switch 2 Antenna; Cellular; Hi-Gain Lot Wiring diagrams, bills of material, equipment data sheets, etc. A/R Programming of local PLC and OIT for Lakeville’s standard duplex lift station application One (1) Freight to jobsite One (1) Start-up and training Total Delivered Selling Price - $47,600.00 (+ applicable tax) (freight allowed to the jobsite) Notes & Exclusions: • Installation is not included. • Service & metering is by others. • Area Lighting and/or any Lights in valve vault are by others. • Programming of Lakeville’s Master and SCADA applications are by others. If you have questions or wish for our proposal to be quoted different, please give me a call. Sincerely, Cory Malay Cory Malay Page 169 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Proposals for the Preparation of Feasibility Report and Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Street Reconstruction Project Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to 1) approve a proposal authorizing WSB & Associates to prepare an engineering feasibility report and 2) approve a proposal authorizing Braun Intertec to perform preliminary geotechnical evaluations for the 2025 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 25-02. Overview The City’s Pavement Management Program rates pavement condition and guides long-term infrastructure management. The City’s annual street reconstruction plan is programmed each year into the 5-year Transportation Capital Improvement Plan. The streets recommended for reconstruction in 2025 show significant surface distresses and failures in the asphalt as well as watermain pipe failures. Proposed improvements include roadway rehabilitation through either reclamation, full depth milling, or mill & overlay along with spot curb and gutter replacement, pedestrian ramp ADA upgrades, and utility construction (watermain replacement and stormwater best management practices). City staff will hold a neighborhood meeting for the proposed project this fall before the feasibility report is finalized. At this meeting, the public can learn about the project, the proposed improvements, and most importantly ask questions and provide feedback for the project team. The proposed financing for the 2025 Street Reconstruction project (City Project 25-02) would be through bonds issued under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, for local improvements. A portion of the total project cost would be assessed to benefitting property owners abutting the identified streets. An engineering feasibility report is required under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 prior to adopting a resolution ordering the improvement. Both proposals from WSB and Braun identify the scope of services and estimated costs to provide professional engineering services in support of the project. Staff recommends approving the WSB contract in the amount of $325,265 and the Braun Intertec proposal without the alternative in the amount of $15,950. Supporting Information 1. WSB Street Rehabilitation Proposal 2. Braun Inc, Geotechnical Proposal Page 170 of 447 Financial Impact: $341,215 Budgeted: Yes Source: Multiple Sources Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Steve Ferraro, Public Works Coordinator Page 171 of 447 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx August 5, 2024 Mr. Steve Ferraro Public Works Coordinator City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: Supplemental Agreement to Provide Professional Engineering Services, Topographic Survey, Feasibility Report Preparation, Final Design and Bidding Assistance, Construction Administration and Construction Staking 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project, CP 25-02 Dear Mr. Ferraro: On behalf of WSB we are pleased to submit this Supplemental Agreement to our Professional Services Agreement, dated September 20, 2021, to provide engineering services to the City. Specifically, our services will include topographic survey, preparation of the project Preliminary Engineering Report (mill and overlay areas), preparation of the project Feasibility Report (reclamation area), final design and bidding support, construction administration support and construction staking for the 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project. PROJECT UNDERSTANING The 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project is comprised of approximately 4.7 miles of local and collector streets within the City of Lakeville. This mileage includes those roadways generally described as being located within the Glacier Way neighborhood, and 170th Street West and Hayes Avenue between 175th Street West and Cedar Avenue. The projects are shown on the Project Location Map below. Page 172 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 2 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx The scope of the 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project varies by location as follows: 170th Street and Hayes Avenue The primary rehabilitation anticipated for the 1.2 miles of 170th Street and Hayes Avenue is full depth reclamation and paving a new pavement section; replacement of the watermain infrastructure; spot repair of concrete curb and gutter as needed and as impacted by watermain work; spot sidewalk replacement and reconstruction of pedestrian ramps to meet current ADA requirements; replacement and repair of storm sewer pipes, catch basins and manholes as needed, drain tile installation; and repair of sanitary sewer manholes as needed. Glacier Way Area Rehabilitation efforts for the 3.5 miles of streets in the Glacier Way area primarily includes: Milling of all streets within the project area (including some streets where full-depth milling will be evaluated and considered by the City’s geotechnical consultant), placement of a new pavement overlay; spot repairs to the curb and gutter; spot sidewalk replacement and reconstruction of pedestrian curb ramps to meet current ADA requirements; storm sewer replacements/additions and select maintenance; and repair of sanitary sewer manholes as determined necessary, and select repairs and installation of corrosion protection* for the watermain. *Corrosion protection refers to the replacement of watermain bolts and the addition of sacrificial anode bags at valves and hydrants. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed tasks are based on our understanding of the project, and we propose the following scope of services: Task 1 – Topographic Survey WSB will complete the topographic survey for the areas identified as the 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project. The extent of the topographic survey will vary by location based upon the anticipated rehabilitation methods discussed above. Initially, survey controls will be set up for the project area followed immediately by the topographic survey of the existing conditions within the road right-of-way. Topographic survey will include 100 feet of adjacent roadways that abut the project area. Storm sewer structures will include measure downs. Sanitary sewer will include rim elevations, only. All hydrants and exposed valves will also be surveyed. Curb stops will be surveyed in the 170th Street and Hayes Avenue area. For the mill and overlay areas, it is proposed that the majority of the topographic survey data will be collected using a survey -grade drone. For the reclamation area, traditional topographic survey data collection will be employed. It is also proposed to complete the Gopher State One Call locate request for maps as a part of the topographic survey work. Task 2 – Feasibility Reports WSB will prepare a Feasibility Report and a Preliminary Engineering Report for the 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project. The Feasibility Report will be for 170th Street and Hayes Avenue which Page 173 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 3 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx will be prepared consistent with Minnesota Statute 429 which covers special assessments. The Preliminary Engineering Report will be for the Glacier Way area that will not include special assessments. Both reports will include: • Water quality improvement recommendations for areas draining to natural resources. • Feasibility Report text — Executive Summary, Existing Conditions, Proposed Improvements, Special Considerations, Cost Estimate/Financing, a Preliminary Special Assessment Roll for the 170th Street and Hayes Avenue report, and Recommendations. • Attendance at 3 Neighborhood Meetings for the Project • Attendance at the Public Hearing for the Project (170th Street and Hayes Avenue, only) • Attendance at the Special Assessment Hearing for the Project (170th Street and Hayes Avenue, only) • Attend the Project Kick-off Meeting with City Staff • Maps and figures as necessary. WSB will utilize information from Braun Intertec (to be obtained by the City) with regards to soil testing, pavement coring and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) results and reports. We will also utilize comment card information obtained from residents at the neighborhood meeting for the Project. WSB will also prepare materials for and coordinate a project kick -off meeting with staff as a part of this task. Task 3 – Final Design Project Management Project management includes the development of the project plan through bidding. This task includes the appropriation of necessary staff and resources at all stages of the final design process to achieve project milestones and completion. This includes f requent communication and coordination with City staff and its agents governing all aspects of the project. Proper completion of this task will allow for open lines of communication and routine updates on project issues, as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. Design, Specifications, and Plan Preparation WSB will: • Complete the design and prepare the project plans consistent with City, ADA, and local regulatory standards. • Evaluate storm sewer pipe capacity within the project area and work with the City to determine what, if any, segments of the system should be replaced with larger storm sewer pipes as a part of the project. • Facilitate a Utility Coordination Meeting for the project. • Prepare the specifications consistent with City, ADA, and local regulatory standards. • Calculate project quantities and prepare the project Bid Form. • Prepare an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost on the final design. Page 174 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 4 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx • Perform quality control reviews regularly throughout the duration of the design. • Attend project meetings with City staff and design team (WSB staff) members as necessary. The project plans will be generally organized as follows: • Title sheet • General layout • SEQ and Tabulations • Standard details • Removals • Improvement plans (plan view only except where storm sewer and watermain is planned to be replaced/added) • Erosion control • SWPPP Deliverables: • 60% Plan Submittal: Draft plan set for City review and comment • 90% Plan and Specification Submittal: Draft plan set and specifications for City review and comment • 100% Plan and Specification Submittal: Three (3) 11” x 17” final plan sets and three (3) specifications for your files Permits Prepare the following permits: • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency – NPDES permit (if needed) • Dakota County – General Permit for Work in Right-of-Way (CSAH 9 and CSAH 23) Bidding Assistance Prepare the Advertisement for Bid in compliance with the City’s practices; facilitate project bidding by answering contractor questions, prepare the Addenda if necessary, and attend the City of Lakeville-hosted bid opening (virtual). The cost to advertise the project will be paid by the City of Lakeville. The City will submit the Advertisement for Bid to the local paper and WSB will submit the Advertisement for Bid to Finance and Commerce. WSB will also produce a Cost Calculation sheet for the project, as we have for all past street reconstruction projects, that will be completed with support from the City’s Finance Department to determine final project costs and special assessment amounts. As-builts WSB will prepare as-builts consistent with the City of Lakeville standards for utility work associated within each individual area. Deliverables will include a .pdf version of the as-builts. Using as-builts and AutoCAD drawing files, WSB will update the City’s GIS utility data and other GIS datasets for the 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project area. WSB will take as-built plan sets and AutoCAD files created during the project and update the City’s GIS data based on information present in the plan set. This information can include features related to sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water distribution, and streets. The as-built plan set will be linked to the appropriate pipe linework within GIS. All attribute data currently tracked will also be updated for the newly added features. WSB will update existing feature classes hosted as Feature Layers through the City’s ArcGIS Page 175 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 5 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx Online site. These updates will be completed by editing the hosted Feature Layers directly in ArcGIS Pro. WSB will also update Cartegraph attribute data for utility repair work completed by the City within the project areas. Task 4 – Assisting the City with Construction Management Construction Staking WSB will provide construction staking and survey for construction of the project. WSB assumes one-time staking for all required staking needs. Any re-staking will be billed at a time and materials hourly rate. Construction Contract Administration WSB will provide Contract Administration services through construction of the project and final project closeout. This will include: • Preparation of materials for and attendance at the preconstruction meeting for the project. • Responding to all contractor requests for information (RFI). • Responding to all City requests for information/clarification during construction. We understand that the City does not anticipate needing construction observation support for the project. Should the City’s needs change, WSB can provide a separate proposal to provide construction observation services for the 202 5 construction season. Work Performed by the City of Lakeville It is our understanding that the City of Lakeville will facilitate all public meetings, assist with meeting preparation and public interaction, review with WSB the condition of the existing utility systems (including all documentation and inspection of existing storm sewer facilities) and mail all neighborhood meeting letters. The City will also coordinate all proposals and deliverables for geotechnical work with Braun Intertec. It is our understanding that the City of Lakeville will obtain all right -of-entries or temporary easements necessary to construct the improvements. Any permanent roadway easement acquisition needs will also be obtained by the City of Lakeville. Should the City require legal descriptions for easements, temporary or permanent, WSB can provide a separate proposal to complete that work. The City will bid the project using their bidding software. WSB will provide the City with a list of all bid items and quantities for import into the City’s bidding system. The City will also perform the following Construction Administration tasks associated with the project: • Preparation of all pay vouchers. • Prepare contract modifications including Work Orders, Change Orders, and Supplemental Agreements. Page 176 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 6 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx Schedule Based on our discussions with City Staff, we are proposing the following schedule for the 202 5 Street Rehabilitation Project: • August 5, 2024 Authorize contract with WSB and the preparation of the feasibility report and design for the project • Fall 2024 1st Neighborhood Meeting for the Project • August – September 2024 Data Collection o Topographic survey (WSB) o Geotechnical evaluation (Braun) o Water and Sanitary Sewer Evaluations (City) ▪ Break history ▪ Maintenance history ▪ Televising review o Storm sewer evaluations (City) • Week of September 23, 2024 Deliver Draft Feasibility Report to City Staff for Review o City Comments returned by October 4, 2024 o Final report delivered to City October 9, 2024 • October 21, 2024 City Council Accepts Feasibility Report and Orders the Public Hearing • Winter 2025 2nd Neighborhood Meeting for the Project • November 18, 2024 Public Hearing for the Project • December 16, 2024 60% Plan Submittal to City o Preliminary comments returned by December 23rd, and final comments returned by December 27th • January 7, 2025 Utility Coordination Meeting • January 7, 2025 90% plan submittal to City o Comments returned by January 14th • January 20, 2025 City Council approves plans and specifications • January 25, 2025 First Ad for bid published in This Week and Plans uploaded • February 19, 2024 Bid Opening Date • March 3, 2025 Declare Costs and Set Assessment Hearing Date • Spring 2025 3rd Neighborhood Meeting for the Project • April 7, 2025 Assessment Hearing and Award Contract Page 177 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 7 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-02 Street Rehabilitation Project\WSB 2025 Street Rehabilitation Proposal 8 5 24.docx PROPOSED FEE WSB will provide the services as outlined in Project Approach/Scope of Services. Our budget was developed based on our understanding of the scope and experience with past reconstruction projects in the area. We estimate an hourly not to exceed fee of $325,265 with the traditional survey and drone survey option for mill and overlay areas. The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on site visits and discussions with City staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (952) 737-4675. Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff. Sincerely, WSB Monica Heil, PE Vice President of Municipal Services Attachments Cc: Jeff Oliver, WSB Jake Newhall, WSB ACCEPTED BY: City of Lakeville By: Luke Hellier, Mayor Date: Attest: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 178 of 447 Task Description 1 1.1 Glacier Bay Area 91 20 211 322 $56,590.00 1.2 170th & Hayes Area 11 80 91 $16,057.00 1.11 GSOC Utility Location Coord.4 8 12 $2,156.00 Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 4 8 91 31 291 425 $74,803.00 2 2.1 Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Report 8 20 30 6 12 8 20 8 112 $18,680.00 2.2 1st Neighborhood Meeting 4 4 4 12 $2,636.00 2.3 Meetings - City Staff (One Kick-Off Meeting)2 2 2 2 8 $1,816.00 2.4 Assessment Rolls 4 8 4 16 $3,436.00 2.5 Public Hearing 2 4 2 8 $1,784.00 2.6 Assessment Hearing 2 4 2 8 $1,784.00 Task 2 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 22 42 40 8 12 12 20 8 132 $30,136.00 3 3.1 Project Management 30 40 40 4 114 $24,626.00 3.2 Design 20 20 40 6 16 40 30 172 $26,220.00 3.3 Storm Sewer Design 8 15 12 72 107 $15,859.00 3.5 Specifications 14 20 25 4 8 71 $14,271.00 3.6 Assist City with Bidding 4 16 4 8 32 $6,512.00 3.7 Drawings/Layouts 20 30 8 120 70 248 $27,608.00 3.8 Quantity Estimates 14 20 20 2 8 20 8 92 $16,236.00 3.9 Meetings 8 8 8 2 2 28 $6,012.00 3.10 Permit Application 4 8 12 $2,316.00 3.11 QA / QC 14 16 10 8 30 78 $17,252.00 3.12 Utility Coordination 4 8 8 20 $4,180.00 3.13 As-Builts 65 16 30 76 187 $30,382.00 3.14 2nd and 3rd Neighborhood Meetings 8 8 8 24 $5,272.00 Task 3 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 120 184 216 38 114 65 180 116 8 38 30 76 1161 $191,474.00 4 4.1 Preconstruction Meeting Attendance 3 3 3 3 12 $2,661.00 4.2 Review of Contractor Submittals 2 2 12 16 $1,720.00 4.3 Construction Administration 32 40 20 92 $21,116.00 4.4 Construction Staking 40 184 224 $39,680.00 4.5 Project Closeout 4 4 $932.00 Task 4 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 35 49 22 12 3 40 187 348 $66,109.00 Total Estimated Hours 177 279 286 46 126 77 192 136 16 41 91 101 554 2122 Average Hourly Billing Rate 273.00 233.00 153.00 249.00 121.00 120.00 79.00 113.00 135.00 206.00 175.00 187.00 175.00 Total Fee by Labor Classification w/ Traditional Survey $48,321.00 $65,007.00 $43,758.00 $11,454.00 $15,246.00 $9,240.00 $15,168.00 $15,368.00 $2,160.00 $8,446.00 $15,925.00 $18,887.00 $96,950.00 $350,005.00 Total Fee by Labor Classification w/ Traditional and Drone Survey $325,265.00 TOTAL PROJECT FEE (W/ TRADITIONAL SURVEY ONLY) $350,005.00 TOTAL PROJECT FEE (W/ TRADITIONAL AND DRONE SURVEY) $325,265.00 Final Design Graduate Engineer Monica Heil Project Manager Engineering Technician Topographic Survey Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Reports Principal Jeff Oliver Assisting the City with Construction Mgmt. One-Person Survey Crew N/A Administrative Assistant Amy Rein GIS Technician Rachel Scheu Alex Heggen Water Res. Project Manager Jake Newhall Estimate of Fee City of Lakeville Professional Engineering Services 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project, CP (2025-02) Estimated Hours Total Hours Construction Specialist Paul Kyle Design Engineer Emma Rae Roberts Justin Fuchs Water Res. Graduate Engineer Fee Erik Moberg Survey Coordinator Jim Barich Drone Survey Coordinator Cody Kutil Page 179 of 447 Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com AA/EOE July 30, 2024 Proposal QTB200001 Mr. Stephen Ferraro City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville Project 25-02 Street Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ferraro: Braun Intertec Corporation respectfully submits this proposal to complete a geotechnical evaluation for the City of Lakeville’s 25-02 project. Project Information Based on the information provided by the City of Lakeville, the proposed project includes improvements to various roadways located within the City of Lakeville. As part of the project, we understand that Hayes Avenue and 170th Street from Cedar Avenue to 175th Street West will be reconstructed using full depth reclamation techniques with a portion of 170th Street West including a full replacement of the existing water utilities. In addition, the project will also include a mill and overlay rehabilitation of Glacier Way from Granby Lane to 179th Street West, Glasgow Way, Glasgow Avenue, 177th Street West, 178th Street West, Gettysburg Way, Gillette Way and Gerdine Path from Dodd Boulevard to 179th Street. Purpose The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation will be to characterize subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations, evaluate their impact on the project, and provide geotechnical recommendations for use in the design and construction of the proposed roadway improvements. Scope of Services The following tasks are proposed to complete the geotechnical investigation and engineering services required for the project. If unfavorable or unforeseen conditions are encountered at any point during the completion of the tasks that lead us to recommend an expanded scope of services, we will contact you to discuss the conditions before resuming work. Site Access, Staking, and Utility Clearance We anticipate that the existing roadways will be accessible using a truck mounted pavement coring rig, a truck mounted drill rig, and a truck mounted GPR rig. Tree clearing, debris or obstruction removal, grading of navigable paths, and snow plowing are not included in our scope of services. Page 180 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200001 July 30, 2024 Page 2 Depending on access requirements, ground conditions or potential utility conflicts, our field crew may alter the exploration locations from those proposed to facilitate accessibility. We will stake prospective pavement coring and boring locations and obtain surface elevations at those locations using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. For purposes of linking the GPS data to an appropriate reference, we request that you provide CAD files indicating location/elevation references appropriate for this project. Prior to pavement coring or soil borings, we will contact Gopher State One Call and arrange for notification of the appropriate utility vendors to mark and clear the exploration locations of public underground utilities. You, or your authorized representative, are responsible to notify us before we begin our work of the presence and location of any underground objects or private utilities that are not the responsibility of public agencies. Traffic Control, Permits and Site Access We anticipate that we will require a Right of Way permit from the City of Lakeville to complete this work. As we will be working for the City, we assume that the fee for this permit will be waived. We anticipate that no traffic control will be necessary due to the low speeds and limited traffic volumes on these local residential streets. Should traffic control be needed to facilitate field work, additional fees will apply. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) To evaluate in-place materials along the various project roadways, we propose to use the GPR in conjunction with pavement cores in both travel lanes. GPR data provides a continuous estimate of pavement layer thicknesses, and GPR measurements will be tied to GPS coordinates for mapping and reference points. We will use this information to screen for potential exploration locations. An air-coupled GPR unit can be expected to penetrate approximately 2 feet under ideal conditions and is capable of detecting differentiation between bituminous pavement layers and underlying aggregate base layers, if present. We note that ambient electromagnetic interference in this area may affect the depth of signal penetration and make it more difficult to positively identify the pavement layers, particularly the aggregate base depth. Soil Borings We propose to drill five standard penetration test (SPT) soil borings along the full depth reclamation portion of the project. Three SPT borings will be advanced to depths of approximately 15 feet below existing grade along 170th Street West where the proposed water utility replacement will be performed. In addition, we will also perform two SPT soil borings along Hayes Avenue to a depth of approximately 5 feet below existing grade. We will sample at 2 1/2-foot intervals to the termination depths of the borings. If the intended boring depths do not extend through unsuitable material, we will extend the borings at least 5 feet into suitable material at greater depths. If we identify a need for deeper (or additional) borings, we will contact you prior to increasing our total estimated drilled footage and submit a Change Order summarizing the anticipated additional effort and the associated cost, for your review and authorization. Page 181 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200001 July 30, 2024 Page 3 Should our soil borings reach practical auger refusal prior to the planned termination depths, rock coring will not be performed to further advance the boring. Groundwater Measurements If the borings encounter groundwater during or immediately after drilling of each boring, we will record the observed depth on the boring logs. We will then backfill the boreholes immediately following completion of the soil borings. MDH Notification and Sealing Record Since our planned exploration will be less than 15 feet in depth, the Minnesota Statutes will not require that we complete any notifications or sealing records. If the Record or Form are required by extending the borings, we will contact you to discuss the additional fees and sealing requirements. Borehole Abandonment We will backfill our exploration locations immediately after completing the drilling at each location. Minnesota Statutes require sealing temporary borings that are 15 feet deep or deeper. Based on our proposed subsurface characterization depths, backfill the boreholes using soil cuttings. Upon backfilling or sealing exploration locations, we will fill holes in pavements with a temporary patch. Over time, subsidence of borehole backfill may occur, requiring releveling of surface grades or replacing bituminous patches. We are not assuming responsibility for re-leveling or re-patching after we complete our fieldwork. Sample Review and Laboratory Testing We will return recovered samples to our laboratory, where a geotechnical engineer will visually classify and log them. To help classify the materials encountered and estimate the engineering properties necessary to our analyses, we anticipate performing moisture content tests and mechanical analyses (through a #200 sieve only). We will determine the actual laboratory testing for the project depending on the encountered subsurface conditions. If we identify a laboratory testing program that exceeds the budget included in this proposal but provides additional value to the project, we will request authorization for the additional fees through a Change Order. Pavement Coring In conjunction with the GPR and soil borings, we propose to complete of 22 pavement cores along the project alignment staggered between the drive lanes. At each of these locations, the pavement coring crew will core the bituminous pavement, power auger through the aggregate base layer to a depth of approximately 2 feet below top of pavement, and obtain a subgrade soil sample. At each location, the bituminous pavement thickness, the apparent aggregate base thickness, and subgrade soil classification will be recorded. Following completion of the pavement coring, the core hole will be backfilled and topped with a temporary patch. In addition to these 22 pavement core locations, we will also complete an additional eight pavement cores as companion cores. These companion cores will be taken near the curbline of eight roadway cores Page 182 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200001 July 30, 2024 Page 4 to observe the pavement thickness consistency across the road profile. At these locations, only the bituminous thickness will be measured. We will include a photographic log of the pavement cores in the project geotechnical evaluation report. Over time, subsidence of core hole backfill may occur, requiring surface grades to be re-leveled or bituminous patches to be replaced. Braun Intertec is not assuming responsibility for re-leveling or re- patching subsequent to initial backfilling and patching long term. Report We will prepare a geotechnical evaluation report that includes: ▪ A sketch showing the exploration locations. ▪ A summary of the existing pavement profile. ▪ Logs of the borings describing the materials encountered and presenting the results of our groundwater measurements and laboratory tests. ▪ Photographs of the recovered pavement cores. ▪ Results of the GPR scans. ▪ Discussion identifying the subsurface conditions that will impact pavement design and rehabilitation. ▪ Recommendations for mill and overlay rehabilitation of the existing pavements where requested. ▪ Recommendations for full depth reclamation of the existing pavements of Hayes and 170th Street West. Alternate Service Option #1 – Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation While not included in the base scope, we understand that there is the potential that a stabilized full depth reclamation option is being considered for Hayes Avenue and 170th Street West. Once we have established a pavement rehabilitation recommendation and stabilized FDR is recommended, we will return to the site to perform cores to obtain materials required for the laboratory design. We would plan to obtain an additional 35 pavement cores with aggregate base sampling if needed. We have assumed one laboratory mix design will be performed, with an associated engineering addendum letter to our geotechnical report; additional mix designs will require a revision to our scope. Schedule ▪ GPR and pavement coring – Within 3 weeks of written authorization. ▪ Drill rig mobilization – Within 8 to 10 weeks following receipt of written authorization. Page 183 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200001 July 30, 2024 Page 5 ▪ Classification and laboratory testing – Within 1 to 2 weeks after completion of field exploration. ▪ Preliminary results will be communicated as they become available. ▪ Draft report submittal – Within about 4 weeks of completion of all field work. ▪ Final report submittal – Within 2 weeks of receiving comments on the draft report. Fees We will furnish the services described in this proposal for a lump sum fee of $15,950. Table 1 below outlines a detailed breakdown of each activity and the associated fees. Table 1. Estimated Costs Service Description Estimated Fee Site layout – staking – utility clearance – CADD $1,200 Soil borings 2,400 Ground penetrating radar 1,450 Pavement coring 4,800 Laboratory soil testing 1,400 Evaluation/analysis/reports 4,700 Project Total $15,950 Alternative Service Option #1 – Stabilized FDR Design $14,700 Our work may extend over several invoicing periods. As such, for work that is performed during the course of each invoicing period, we will submit partial progress invoices. Page 184 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200001 July 30, 2024 Page 6 General Remarks We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to you and will be happy to meet with you to discuss our proposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. The proposed fee is based on the scope of services described and the assumptions that our services will be authorized within 30 days and that others will not delay us beyond our proposed schedule. Our services will be provided und the terms of the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated September 20, 2021. To have questions answered or schedule a time to meet and discuss our approach to this project further, please contact Richard Jett at 815.545.7059 (rjett@braunintertec.com) or Matt Ruble at 612.434.0577 (mruble@braunintertec.com) Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Richard S. Jett, PE Project Engineer Matthew P. Ruble, PE Vice President, Principal Engineer The proposal is accepted, and you are authorized to proceed. Authorizer’s Firm Authorizer’s Signature Authorizer’s Name (please print or type) Authorizer’s Title Date Page 185 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Professional Services Agreements for Final Design and Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs and Overlays Project Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to 1) approve the Professional Services Agreement with WSB and Associates to perform final design and 2) approve a proposal authorizing Braun Intertec to perform preliminary geotechnical evaluations for the 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs and Overlays Project, City Project 25-01. Overview Annually, the City completes a maintenance project that is designed to protect the City's investment in its public roadways, trails and parking lots. These infrastructure improvements are smaller in nature and are identified through the City's Pavement Management Plan and routine inspections. The smaller projects are grouped into a larger project for economics of scale. The Construction Services Division will then perform more detailed inspections, topographic surveys of the areas, manage all resident communications and mailings, host neighborhood meetings, prepare project specifications and final design of the project, perform all tasks associated with advertising for bids, bid opening, contract processing, project management and construction observations. Due to current staffing shortages, an engineering consultant is needed to perform a number of tasks that are normally completed in-house during the fall and winter months. WSB and Associates has completed final designs and preliminary topographic surveys for other city project and has extensive understanding of what is required for the project. The proposal from WSB identifies the scope of services and estimated costs to provide professional engineering services in support of the project. Staff reviewed the proposal and recommends approval for the base design fee of $74,985 and the Alternate 1 survey option of $17,210. The professional services proposal in the amount of $12,350 from Braun Intertec includes services for geotechnical investigation for pavement design. Supporting Information 1. WSB Professional Services Proposal 2. Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation from Braun Intertec Financial Impact: $104,545 Budgeted: Yes Source: Multiple Sources Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Service Report Completed by: Steve Ferraro, Public Works Coordinator Page 186 of 447 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-01 Misc. Roadway Improvements\WSB 2025 Misc. Roadway Improvements Project Proposal 8 5 24.docx 540 GATEWAY BLVD | BURNSVILLE, MN | 55337 | 952.737.4660 | WSBENG.COM August 5, 2024 Mr. Steve Ferraro Public Works Coordinator City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: Supplemental Agreement to Provide Professional Engineering Services for Final Design of the 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Project, CP 25-01 Dear Mr. Ferraro: On behalf of WSB we are pleased to submit this Supplemental Agreement to our Professional Services Agreement, dated September 20, 2021, to provide engineering design services to the City. Specifically, our services will include final design for the 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Project. Additionally, we have provided alternative options for topographic survey under our services. PROJECT UNDERSTANING The 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Project is comprised of approximately 3.2 miles of local and collector streets, 2.5 miles of local trails, and rehabilitation of the Dakota Heights Park Parking Lot within the City of Lakeville. This mileage includes those roadways generally described as being located within the following neighborhoods: Hyacinth Area, Hyde Area, South Downtown Area, and Ireland Area, as shown in the Project Location Map below. Page 187 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 2 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-01 Misc. Roadway Improvements\WSB 2025 Misc. Roadway Improvements Project Proposal 8 5 24.docx The scope of the 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Project includes: Milling of all streets within the project areas, placement of a new pavement overlay, spot repairs to the curb and gutter, rehabilitation of asphalt trails and spot sidewalk replacement, full-depth reclamation and paving of the parking lot, and reconstruction of pedestrian curb ramps to meet current ADA requirements. Work on City utilities will include storm sewer replacements, additions and repairs; maintenance of the sanitary sewers including manhole chimney seals and manhole repairs as needed; and repairs and installation of corrosion protection* for the watermain. Within portions of the project, full-depth reclamation may be considered due to geotechnical recommendations or other subsurface drainage issues. *Corrosion protection refers to the replacement of watermain bolts and the addition of sacrificial anode bags at valves and hydrants. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed tasks are based on our understanding of the project. The work includes utilizing topographic survey of the project areas provided by WSB or the City, and performing final project design. Topographic Survey WSB will complete the following options for topographic survey for the areas identified as the 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Improvements Project. The extent of the topographic survey will vary by location based on upon the anticipated rehabilitation methods discussed above. Alternate 1: For the mill and overlay areas and majority of the trails, it is proposed that the majority of the topographic survey data will be collected using a survey-grade drone. Initially, survey controls will be set up for the project area followed immediately by the topographic survey of the existing conditions within the road right-of-way and within the trail easements. Topographic survey will include 100 feet of adjacent roadways that abut the project area. Storm and sanitary sewer will include rim elevations, only. All hydrants and exposed valves will also be surveyed. Alternate 2: For the Dakota Heights Park Trail and Parking Lot, it is proposed that traditional topographic survey data collection will be employed. Initially, survey controls will be set up for the project area followed immediately by the topographic survey of the existing conditions within the trail easements and within 10’ of the parking lot. Storm and sanitary sewer will include rim elevations, only. Project Management Project management includes the development of the project plan through bidding. This task includes the appropriation of necessary staff and resources at all stages of the final design process to achieve project milestones and completion. This includes f requent communication and coordination with City staff and its agents governing all aspects of the project. Proper completion of this task will allow for open lines of communication and routine updates on project issues, as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. WSB will also prepare materials for and coordinate a project kick-off meeting with City staff. Page 188 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 3 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-01 Misc. Roadway Improvements\WSB 2025 Misc. Roadway Improvements Project Proposal 8 5 24.docx Geotechnical Coordination WSB will utilize information from Braun Intertec (to be obtained by the City) with regards to soil testing, pavement coring and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) results and reports. Public Involvement WSB will attend one neighborhood meeting for the Project and will utilize comment card information obtained from residents at the neighborhood meeting. Design and Plan Preparation WSB will: • Complete the design and prepare the project plans consistent with City, ADA, and local regulatory standards. • Complete the Gopher State One Call locate request for maps. • Facilitate a Utility Coordination Meeting for the project. • Calculate project quantities and prepare the project Bid Form. • Prepare an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost on the final design. • Perform quality control reviews regularly throughout the duration of the design. • Attend project meetings with City staff and design team (WSB staff) members as necessary. The project plans will be generally organized as follows: • Title sheet • General layout • SEQ and Tabulations • Standard details • Improvement plans (plan view only except where storm sewer is planned to be replaced/added) • SWPPP (If Needed) Deliverables: • 60% Plan Submittal: Draft plan set for City review and comment • 90% Plan Submittal: Draft plan set for City review and comment • 100% Plan Submittal: Three (3) 11” x 17” final plan sets. Work Performed by the City of Lakeville It is our understanding that the following tasks will be performed by City of Lakeville staff. If the City determines that it would be preferable for WSB to perform any of these tasks the work can be performed as an amendment to our contract. • Apply for and obtain all permits required for the project, including but not limited to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency – NPDES permit if required, and a General Permit for Work in Right-of-Way from Dakota County. • Preparation and mailing of all project communications with residents. • Prepare all presentation materials and comment cards for project open houses. • Prepare the technical specifications for the project. • Perform all tasks associated with advertising for bids, bid opening and contract processing. • Perform all construction observation, management and staking. • Prepare, review and process all payments to the contractor. Page 189 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 4 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-01 Misc. Roadway Improvements\WSB 2025 Misc. Roadway Improvements Project Proposal 8 5 24.docx • Prepare As-built drawings for the project and update all city GIS and asset management programs. • Preparation of all pay vouchers. • Prepare contract modifications including Work Orders, Change Orders, and Supplemental Agreements. • City have the option to complete either Alternate 1 or Alternate 2 of the topographic survey Schedule Based on our discussions with City Staff, we are proposing the following schedule for the 2024 Street Rehabilitation Project: • August 5, 2024: Authorize contract with WSB for the final design of the project • August – September 2024 Data Collection ▪ Topographic survey (WSB or City) ▪ Geotechnical evaluation (Braun) ▪ Water and Sanitary Sewer Evaluations (City) • Break history • Maintenance history • Televising review ▪ Storm sewer evaluations (City) • Spring 2025: Neighborhood Meeting for the Project • Fall 2024: Submittal of 60% Plans approximately six weeks from finalization of the project scope in late October. ▪ City comments returned to WSB two weeks after submittal to City. • Submittal of 90% plans to the City to occur within two weeks following receipt of 60% comments. • City comments on 90% plans to City within one week. • Early January 2025: Final plans submitted to City. PROPOSED FEE WSB will provide the services as outlined in Project Approach/Scope of Services. Our budget was developed based on our understanding of the scope and experience with past reconstruction projects in the area. We estimate an hourly not to exceed fee of $74,985. This assumes that an estimated 50 plan sheets will be produced as construction documents at an estimated cost of $781.42 per sheet, in addition to tasks associated with the project such as Project Management, Quantity Estimates, Meetings, QA/QC and Utility Coordination. WSB will provide topographic services as outlined in the Project Approach/Scope of Services as directed by the City. We estimate an hourly not to exceed fee of $17,210 for Alternate 1 with the drone survey option for all of the mill and overlay street areas and majority of the trails. We estimate an hourly not to exceed fee of $4,761 for Alternate 2 with only traditional survey for the Dakota Heights Park Trails and Parking Lot areas. The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on site visits and discussions with City staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (952) 737-4675. Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff. Page 190 of 447 Mr. Steve Ferraro August 5, 2024 Page 5 G:\.Clients All\Lakeville\Proposals\2025-01 Misc. Roadway Improvements\WSB 2025 Misc. Roadway Improvements Project Proposal 8 5 24.docx Sincerely, WSB Monica Heil, PE Vice President of Municipal Services Attachments Cc: Jeff Oliver, WSB Jake Newhall, WSB ACCEPTED BY: City of Lakeville By: Luke Hellier, Mayor Date: Attest: Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 191 of 447 Task Description 1 1.1 All Street Areas 32 5 29 66 $11,610.00 1.2 East Lake Trails and Ipava Trails 32 32 $5,600.00 1.11 Dakota Heights Park Trails 3 24 27 $4,761.00 Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 64 8 53 125 $21,971.00 3 3.1 Project Management 15 20 25 60 $12,580.00 3.2 Design 15 10 20 20 10 75 $12,195.00 3.4 Drawings/Layouts 10 20 100 50 180 $18,940.00 3.5 Quantity Estimates 6 10 10 10 8 44 $7,936.00 3.6 Meetings 8 8 4 20 $4,660.00 3.7 QA / QC 14 16 8 30 68 $14,954.00 3.8 Utility Coordination 8 8 8 24 $3,720.00 Task 3 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 58 82 95 138 60 38 471 $74,985.00 Total Estimated Hours 58 82 95 138 60 38 64 8 53 596 Average Hourly Billing Rate 273.00 233.00 153.00 79.00 113.00 206.00 175.00 187.00 175.00 Total Fee by Labor Classification $15,834.00 $19,106.00 $14,535.00 $10,902.00 $6,780.00 $7,828.00 $11,200.00 $1,496.00 $9,275.00 $96,956.00 Total Fee for Lump Sum Services LS TOTAL PROJECT FEE (DESIGN ONLY) $74,985.00 ALTERNATE 1 TOTAL FEE (DRONE SURVEY) $17,210.00 ALTERNATE 2 TOTAL FEE (TRADITIONAL SURVEY) $4,761.00 Principal Jeff Oliver One-Person Survey Crew N/A Design Engineer Rachel Scheu Alex Heggen Cody Kutil Jim Barich Final Design Graduate Engineer Monica Heil Project Manager Engineering Technician Fee Erik Moberg Topographic Survey Estimate of Fee City of Lakeville Professional Engineering Services 2025 Street Rehabilitation Project, CP 2025-01 Estimated Hours Total Hours Construction Specialist Paul Kyle Drone Survey Coordinator Survey Coordinator Page 192 of 447 AA/EOE Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com July 30, 2024 Proposal QTB200000 Mr. Stephen Ferraro City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation City of Lakeville Project 25-01 Miscellaneous Overlays Lakeville, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ferraro: Braun Intertec Corporation respectfully submits this proposal to complete a geotechnical evaluation for the City of Lakeville’s 25-01 project. Project Information Based on the RFP provided by the City of Lakeville, the proposed project includes the rehabilitation of various residential streets using Mill and Overlay techniques as part of City project 25-01. The proposed mill and overlay locations include Hyde Park Avenue from 175th Street West to Hickory Trail, Ireland Way from 192nd Street West to Ipava Avenue, Ireland Court, Ibis Avenue from 212th Street West to 211th Street, 211th Street from Hyacinth Avenue to Honeycomb Path, Honeycomb Court, Hyacinth Avenue from 210th Street West to 212th Street West, Holt Avenue from 207th Street West to 210th Street West, 209th Street West east of Holyoke Avenue to Holiday Avenue, and Upper 209th Street West east of Holyoke Avenue to the cul-da-sac. We understand that the Hyde Park portion of the project was covered under a previous geotechnical evaluation and therefore, will not be included in this proposal. Purpose The purpose of the geotechnical services will be to characterize existing pavement conditions throughout the proposed corridor and provide geotechnical recommendations for use in the design and rehabilitation of the above outlined local roadways. Scope of Services The following tasks are proposed to complete the geotechnical investigation and engineering services required for the project. If unfavorable or unforeseen conditions are encountered at any point during the completion of the tasks that lead us to recommend an expanded scope of services, we will contact you to discuss the conditions before resuming work. Site Access, Staking, and Utility Clearance We anticipate that the existing roadways will be accessible using a truck mounted pavement coring rig and a truck mounted GPR rig. Tree clearing, debris or obstruction removal, grading of navigable paths, and snow plowing are not included in our scope of services. Page 193 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200000 July 30, 2024 Page 2 We will stake prospective pavement coring locations and obtain surface elevations at those locations using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. For purposes of linking the GPS data to an appropriate reference, we request that you provide CAD files indicating location/elevation references appropriate for this project. Prior to pavement coring, we will contact Gopher State One Call and arrange for notification of the appropriate utility vendors to mark and clear the exploration locations of public underground utilities. You, or your authorized representative, are responsible to notify us before we begin our work of the presence and location of any underground objects or private utilities that are not the responsibility of public agencies. Traffic Control, Permits and Site Access We anticipate that we will require a Right of Way permit from the City of Lakeville to complete this work. As we will be working for the City, we assume that the fee for this permit will be waived. We anticipate that no traffic control will be necessary due to the low speeds and limited traffic volumes on these local residential streets. Should traffic control be needed to facilitate field work, additional fees will apply. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) To evaluate in-place materials along the various project roadways, we propose to use the GPR in conjunction with pavement cores in both travel lanes. GPR data provides a continuous estimate of pavement layer thicknesses, and GPR measurements will be tied to GPS coordinates for mapping and reference points. We will use this information to screen for potential exploration locations. An air-coupled GPR unit can be expected to penetrate approximately 2 feet under ideal conditions and is capable of detecting differentiation between bituminous pavement layers and underlying aggregate base layers, if present. We note that ambient electromagnetic interference in this area may affect the depth of signal penetration and make it more difficult to positively identify the pavement layers, particularly the aggregate base depth. Pavement Coring In conjunction with the GPR, we propose to complete 22 pavement cores along the project alignment staggered between the drive lanes. At each of these locations, the pavement coring crew will core the bituminous pavement, power auger through the aggregate base layer to a depth of approximately 2 feet below top of pavement, and obtain a subgrade soil sample. At each location, the bituminous pavement thickness, the apparent aggregate base thickness, and subgrade soil classification will be recorded. Following completion of the pavement coring, the core hole will be backfilled and topped with a temporary patch. In addition to these 22 pavement core locations, we will also complete an additional eight pavement cores as companion cores. These companion cores will be taken near the curbline of eight main roadway cores to observe the pavement thickness consistency across the road profile. At these locations, only the bituminous thickness will be measured. We will include a photographic log of the pavement cores in the project geotechnical evaluation report. Page 194 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200000 July 30, 2024 Page 3 Over time, subsidence of core hole backfill may occur, requiring surface grades to be re-leveled or bituminous patches to be replaced. Braun Intertec is not assuming responsibility for re-leveling or re- patching subsequent to initial backfilling and patching long term. Sample Review and Laboratory Testing We will return recovered samples to our laboratory, where a geotechnical engineer will visually classify and log them. To help classify the materials encountered and estimate the engineering properties necessary to our analyses, we anticipate performing moisture content tests and mechanical analyses (through a #200 sieve only). We will determine the actual laboratory testing for the project depending on the encountered subsurface conditions. If we identify a laboratory testing program that exceeds the budget included in this proposal but provides additional value to the project, we will request authorization for the additional fees through a Change Order. Report We will prepare a geotechnical evaluation report that includes: ▪ A sketch showing the exploration locations. ▪ A summary of the existing pavement profile. ▪ Photographs of the recovered pavement cores. ▪ Results of the GPR scans. ▪ Discussion identifying the subsurface conditions that will impact pavement design and rehabilitation. ▪ Recommendations for mill and overlay rehabilitation of the existing pavements. Schedule ▪ GPR and Pavement Coring – Within 3 weeks of written authorization. ▪ Preliminary results will be communicated as they become available. ▪ Draft report submittal – Within about 4 weeks of completion of all field work. ▪ Final report submittal – Within 2 weeks of receiving comments on the draft report. Fees We will furnish the services described in this proposal for a lump sum fee of $12,350. Table 1 below outlines a detailed breakdown of each activity and the associated fees. Page 195 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200000 July 30, 2024 Page 4 Table 1. Estimated Costs Service Description Estimated Fee Site layout – staking – utility clearance – CADD $1,400 Ground penetrating radar 1,650 Pavement coring 4,950 Laboratory soil testing 550 Evaluation/analysis/reports 3,800 Project total: $12,350 Our work may extend over several invoicing periods. As such, for work that is performed during the course of each invoicing period, we will submit partial progress invoices. Page 196 of 447 City of Lakeville Proposal QTB200000 July 30, 2024 Page 5 General Remarks We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to you and will be happy to meet with you to discuss our proposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. The proposed fee is based on the scope of services described and the assumptions that our services will be authorized within 30 days and that others will not delay us beyond our proposed schedule. Our services will be provided und the terms of the Master Agreement for Professional Engineering Services dated September 20, 2021. To have questions answered or schedule a time to meet and discuss our approach to this project further, please contact Richard Jett at 815.545.7059 (rjett@braunintertec.com) or Matt Ruble at 612.434.0577 (mruble@braunintertec.com) Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Richard S. Jett, PE Project Engineer Matthew P. Ruble, PE Vice President, Principal Engineer The proposal is accepted, and you are authorized to proceed. Authorizer’s Firm Authorizer’s Signature Authorizer’s Name (please print or type) Authorizer’s Title Date Page 197 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Proposal from Dakota Electric Association (DEA) for the Installation of Electric Service at Grand Prairie Park Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Proposal from Dakota Electric Association (DEA) for the Installation of Electric Lines at Grand Prairie Park. Overview The construction of Grand Prairie Park was one project approved as part of the November 2021 Park Bond Referendum. As part of this project, electrical service needs to be installed at the park site. DEA has submitted the attached Proposal dated July 31, 2024, in the amount of $31,405.87. DEA does not require a contract for installation. Staff is recommending that the Mayor and City Council approve the Proposal with DEA for electric service at Grand Prairie Park in the amount of $31,405.87. Supporting Information 1. Dakota Electric Proposal 7.31.2024 Financial Impact: $31,405.87 Budgeted: Yes Source: Park Bond Referendum Envision Lakeville Community Values: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amenities and Recreational Opportunities Report Completed by: Mark Kruse, Parks Superintendent Page 198 of 447 4300 220th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-6212 • 1-800-874-3409 Fax: 651-463-6256 www.dakotaelectric.com A Locally-Owned, Not-for-Profit Electric Cooperative ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ An Equal Opportunity Employer July 31, 2024 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 Attn: Mark Kruse Re: Dakota Electric commercial service request per City of Lakeville Avonlea Community Park. Dear Mr. Kruse, Recently Dakota Electric Association (DEA) received a request to do work at 185TH, Lakeville. The total payment due for the requested work is detailed below and is based on fifty percent of the estimated annual kWh consumption and fifty percent of the estimated annual kW demand. This amount is due in full prior to the start of Dakota Electric work. $40,225.40 Estimated Extension Costs $0.03157 Allocated Distribution and Service Extension per kWh *87,600 Sum of Estimated Annual kWh Consumption $2,765.53 $2,765.53 Investment Justified by Anticipated Annual kWh * 50% $10.09 Allocated Distribution and Service Extension per kW *600 Sum of Estimated Annual kW (12 month non-coincident) $6,054.00 $6,054.00 Investment Justified by Anticipated Annual kW * 50% $31,405.87 Required Contribution in Aid of Construction There may be additional charges once construction has started due to delays, unusual soil conditions such as frost, rock formations, or poor backfill requiring sand fill, paving prior to the installation of the underground facility, or for any relocation request made after construction is underway. DEA requires all large utilities be installed prior to electric service installation and final grade to be established at any location along the proposed underground route, including the splice pit and transformer location. Any deviation of grade that affects the final depth of the electric facilities after installation will result in additional charges. If a temporary service will be needed prior to the permanent service being energized, a temporary service fee will apply. The owner/contractor is required to furnish a poured concrete pad in accordance with DEA specifications. There may be situations where DEA will require sections of conduit to be installed, such as from the pad to the property line in areas where the DEA underground primary is under blacktop, curbing or an impervious surface. Construction will be scheduled after payment is received, final grade is established along the proposed underground route, and concrete pad is poured in place. Please send the payment along with the invoice to the address listed below. Currently, an online payment option is not available. If you have any questions, please contact an Engineering Services Representative at newservices@dakotaelectric.com or 651-463-6247. Page 199 of 447 4300 220th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 651-463-6212 • 1-800-874-3409 Fax: 651-463-6256 www.dakotaelectric.com A Locally-Owned, Not-for-Profit Electric Cooperative ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ An Equal Opportunity Employer Sincerely, Dakota Electric Design Team Please send with payment July 31, 2024 Work order #: 199328 Please send payment to: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 Premise #: 133081 Dakota Electric Association Attn: Billing Coordinator 4300 220th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 Total Payment Due: $31,405.87 Payment is due before work will begin. Cost estimate is valid for 90 days from date on letter. Page 200 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Antlers Ridge Final Plat Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) the Development Contract for Antlers Ridge, and 2) approve an encroachment agreement. Overview The City Council approved the final plat and resolution for Antlers Ridge on July 15, 2024. A stipulation of the resolution requires the Developer to sign a development contract and all documents pursuant to the approved development contract. The encroachment agreement is to permit retaining walls to be constructed within Lot 17, Block 1, Antlers Ridge. This will be a common area lot owned and maintained by the HOA, but due to the drainage and utility easement over the entire parcel, the encroachment agreement is required for the retaining walls. Maintenance of the walls will be the responsibility of the HOA. The developer signed documents are attached. Supporting Information 1. Signed Development Contract 2. Signed Encroachment Agreement 3. Antlers Ridge final plat Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Kris Jenson, Planning Manager Page 201 of 447 1 231579v4 Antlers Ridge (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) ANTLERS RIDGE CONTRACT dated ____________________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and TAMARACK LAND - LAKE MARION COMMONS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the “Developer”). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat for ANTLERS RIDGE (referred to in this Contract as the "plat"). The land is situated in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 180 days after the City Council approves the final plat. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth or remove trees, unless a grading permit has been approved by the City Engineer following approval of a preliminary plat by the City Council, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, Page 202 of 447 2 231579v4 Antlers Ridge public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the necessary insurance for the Developer and its construction contractors has been received by the City, and 4) the plat has been filed with the Dakota County Recorder or Registrar of Titles’ office. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. If the plat is a phase of a multi-phased preliminary plat, the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the plat is a phase of a multi-phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, not outlots, within two (2) years after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current metropolitan urban service area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A, B, C, and F the plans may be prepared, subject to the City Engineer’s approval, after entering the Contract, but before Page 203 of 447 3 231579v4 Antlers Ridge commencement of any work in the plat. The City Engineer may approve minor amendments to Plan B without City Council approval. The erosion control plan may also be approved by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Tree Preservation Plan Plan D - Plans and Specifications for Public Improvements Plan E - Street Lighting Plan Plan F - Landscape Plan 8. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Stormwater Treatment/Infiltration Basins, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utility and street construction; and any other ordinances including Section 11-16-7 of the City Code concerning erosion and drainage and Section 4-1-4-2 prohibiting grading, construction activity, Page 204 of 447 4 231579v4 Antlers Ridge and the use of power equipment between the hours of 10 o’clock p.m. and 7 o’clock a.m. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The Developer shall instruct its engineer to provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure an acceptable level of quality control to the extent that the Developer’s engineer will be able to certify that the construction work meets the approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. In addition, the City may, at the City’s discretion and at the Developer’s expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City’s inspectors. The Developer’s engineer shall provide for on-site project management. The Developer’s engineer is responsible for design changes and contract administration between the Developer and the Developer’s contractor. The Developer or its engineer shall schedule a pre-construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer’s surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed following site grading, utility and street construction. 9. CONTRACTORS/SUBCONTRACTORS. City Council members, City employees, and City Planning Commission members, and corporations, partnerships, and other entities in which such individuals have greater than a 25% ownership interest or in which they are an officer or director may not act as contractors or subcontractors for the public improvements identified in Paragraph 8 above. 10. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, which may include: A. Dakota County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights-of-Way B. MnDot for State Highway Access C. MnDot for Work in Right-of-Way D. Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains Page 205 of 447 5 231579v4 Antlers Ridge E. MPCA NPDES Permit for Construction Activity F. MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal G. DNR for Dewatering H. City of Lakeville for Building Permits I. MCES for Sanitary Sewer Connections J. City of Lakeville for Retaining Walls 11. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer’s and the Developer’s contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 12. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by November 30, 2025, with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th the first summer after the base layer of asphalt has been in place one freeze thaw cycle. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. 13. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 14. EROSION CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the grading operations shall be stabilized per the MPCA Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity. Seed shall be in accordance with the City’s current seeding specification which may include temporary seed to provide ground cover as rapidly Page 206 of 447 6 231579v4 Antlers Ridge as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the MPCA Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity or with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer’s and City’s rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan. The plans include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan. The Developer is responsible for meeting all the requirements of the MPCA Construction Permit. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. An on-site preconstruction meeting shall be held with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The MS4 Administration Fee has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be paid with the final plat, calculated as follows: $346,979.92 x 2% = $6,939.60 Grading Cost Antlers Ridge 2024 Rate MS4 Administration Fee Antlers Ridge 15. GRADING. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading development and erosion control plan, Plan “B”. The plan shall conform to City of Lakeville specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except three (3) model home permits on lots acceptable to the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an “as constructed” grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all storm water treatment/infiltration basins and swales, have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. The “as constructed” plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of Page 207 of 447 7 231579v4 Antlers Ridge storm water treatment/infiltration basins; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed “conservation area” posts; and c) lot corner elevations and house pads, and all other items listed in City Code Section 10- 3-5.NN. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with house footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The soils observation and testing report, including referenced development phases and lot descriptions, shall be submitted to the Building Official for review prior to the issuance of building permits. Before a building permit is issued, a cash escrow of $1,000.00 per lot shall be furnished to the City to guarantee compliance with the erosion control and grading requirements and the submittal of an as-built certificate of survey. Prior to the release of the required individual lot grading and erosion control security that is submitted with the building permit, an as-built certificate of survey for single family lots must be submitted to verify that the final as-built grades and elevations of the specific lot and all building setbacks are consistent with the approved grading plan for the development, and amendments thereto as approved by the City Engineer, and that all required property monuments are in place. If the final grading, erosion control and as-built survey is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the cash escrow toward the cost. Upon satisfactory completion of the grading, erosion control and as-built survey, the escrow funds, without interest, less any draw made by the City, shall be returned to the person who deposited the funds with the City. Antlers Ridge contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. Page 208 of 447 8 231579v4 Antlers Ridge 16. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. 17. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract and final acceptance by the City, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 18. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION, CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWING PREPARATION. The Developer shall pay a fee for in-house engineering administration. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be three percent (3%) of construction costs identified in the Summary of Security Requirements if using a letter of credit, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The Developer shall pay for construction observation and as-built record drawing preparation performed by the City’s in- house engineering staff or consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed public utilities and street construction and will be billed on hourly rates estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost. Construction as-built record drawing preparation shall include field surveying, preparation of as-built record drawings and updating the City’s GIS database and will be billed on hourly rates estimated to be one half of a percent (0.5%) of the estimated construction cost. 19. STORM SEWER. The Developer shall construct a public stormwater management basin within Outlot A, Antlers Ridge to provide water quality volume and rate control of stormwater runoff generated from the site. The design includes a graded, vegetated trail extending from 203rd Street and through Outlot A to provide maintenance access. Development of Antlers Ridge also includes minor Page 209 of 447 9 231579v4 Antlers Ridge grading to the existing stormwater management basin located in Outlot A, Springbrook. The stormwater management design is consistent with the City’s stormwater management ordinance. . The Developer shall construct a public storm sewer system within the development conveying runoff to the publicly owned and maintained storm sewer basins located within Outlot A, Antlers Ridge and Outlot A, Springbrook. Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within Antlers Ridge for the street subgrade and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, deemed necessary during construction by the City shall be the Developer’s responsibility to install and finance. The Storm Sewer Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and will be collected with the final plat, calculated as follows: Storm Sewer Charge Summary Gross Area of Antlers Ridge 768,195 s.f. Less Area of Outlot A (Wetland, Stormwater Management Basin) (-) 267,155 s.f. Less Area of Outlot B (Future Development) (-) 194,121 s.f. Less Area of Kenrick Avenue Right-of-Way (-) 13,662 s.f. Total Storm Sewer Charge Area 293,257 s.f. 293,257 s.f. x $0.198/s.f. = $58,064.89 Net Area Antlers Ridge 2024 Unit Rate Storm Sewer Charge Antlers Ridge The Storm Sewer Charge for Outlot B will be collected at the time it is final platted into lots and blocks, at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. The Developer is eligible for credit to the Storm Sewer Charge for deeding Outlot A (wetland and buffer) to the City, calculated as follows: 3.34 acres x $5,500/acre = $18,370.00 Area of Wetland and Buffer Antlers Ridge Unit Rate Credit to Storm Sewer Charge Antlers Ridge Page 210 of 447 10 231579v4 Antlers Ridge Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. 20. SANITARY SEWER. The Developer shall construct and extend 8-inch public sanitary sewer within the subdivision from an existing stub located within Kensfield Trail, at the south plat boundary. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and is required with the final plat. The fee will be based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval, and calculated as follows: 34 units x $327.00/unit = $11,118.00 Total Units Antlers Ridge 2024 Unit Rate Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge Antlers Ridge 21. WATERMAIN. Development of Antlers Ridge includes construction of public watermain. Watermain will extend within the subdivision from existing stubs located within Kensfield Trail (at the south plat boundary) and 203rd Street (at the east plat boundary). 22. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction shall be through Kenrick Avenue. Construction traffic shall not access the site through Kensfield Trail to the south of the platted area, or 203rd Street West to the east of the platted area. 23. OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. Existing aboveground equipment (utility lines and poles) are located along the east side of Kenrick Avenue, adjacent to the parent parcel. The Developer shall relocate and maintain the equipment underground with development along Kenrick Avenue, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance. There are no undergrounding requirements with Antlers Ridge, but undergrounding requirements for future additions of the Antlers Ridge preliminary plat will be reviewed at the time Outlot B is final platted into lots and blocks. 24. KENRICK AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS. When Outlot B, Antlers Ridge is platted into lots and blocks, the Developer shall construct a dedicated northbound right turn lane and dedicated southbound left turn bypass lane for turning movements onto 203rd Street from Kenrick Avenue. The Developer must obtain a permit from MnDOT for any work required to take place within MnDOT right-of- way. The final design will be reviewed with the construction plans. Page 211 of 447 11 231579v4 Antlers Ridge 25. KENSFIELD TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall extend Kensfield Trail, and construct a concrete sidewalk along one side within a 66-foot wide right-of-way. The Developer shall receive a credit to the cash requirements from the City in the amount of $4,351.60 for the construction of sidewalk improvements outside of the plat boundary. 26. 203RD STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall extend 203rd Street, and construct a concrete sidewalk along one side within a 60-foot-wide right-of-way. The Developer shall receive a credit to the cash requirements from the City in the amount of $2,297.00 for constructing sidewalk improvements outside of the plat boundary. The Developer shall construct a temporary Cul-de-Sac at the west end of 203rd Street and provide to the City a temporary turnaround easement in a recordable form approved by the City and provide a $3,000.00 security for the future removal and restoration. The Developer shall install “Future Street” extension signs and barricades at the end of the roadway. 27. RETAINING WALLS. The Developer shall construct privately owned and maintained retaining walls. All modular block retaining walls constructed as part of the subdivision grading plan must meet MN/DOT requirements. A registered engineer must design any retaining wall that has a combined height greater than four feet (4'). The building official must approve the retaining wall plans and each retaining wall is subject to issuance of a separate building permit. The Developer must construct the walls prior to the issuance of building permits. The Developer shall provide an encroachment agreement in a recordable form approved by the City with the final plat for the retaining walls proposed within drainage and utility easements. The retaining walls will be owned and maintained by the Antlers Ridge HOA. The Developer shall post a $221,737.50 security with the final plat for construction of the retaining walls. 28. PARKS, TRAILS, AND SIDEWALKS. The Developer shall construct five-foot wide concrete public sidewalks with pedestrian curb ramps along one side of 203rd Street and Kensfield Trail. The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcel and shall be satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat, calculated as follows: Page 212 of 447 12 231579v4 Antlers Ridge 34 units x $3,929.00 = $133,586.00 Total Units Antlers Ridge 2024 Unit Rate Park Dedication Fee Antlers Ridge The park dedication requirement for Oultot B will be collected at the time Outlot B is final platted into lots and blocks through a cash contribution at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. 29. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND STREET LIGHT OPERATION COSTS. The Developer shall pay a cash fee in the amount of $1,425.00 for traffic control signs with the final plat. If traffic control signs are installed in frost conditions, the Developer shall pay an additional $150.00 for each traffic control sign location. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for one-year of streetlight operating expenses with the final plat, calculated as follows: 34 units x $40.48/unit = $1,376.32 Total Units Antlers Ridge 2024 Rate Streetlight Operating Fee Antlers Ridge 30. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES EXPENSES. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for one-year of environmental resources management expenses with the final plat, calculated as follows: 34 units x $59.16/unit x 0.50 = $1,005.72 Total Units Antlers Ridge 2024 Rate Utility Factor Environmental Resources Fee Antlers Ridge 31. LANDSCAPING. Trees that are chosen by the Developer or property owner cannot cause a public nuisance, such as cotton producing trees, or trees that may become a public hazard due to insect infestation or weak bark. The minimum deciduous tree size shall be two and one-half (2½) inches caliper, balled and burlapped. Evergreen trees must be at least eight feet (8’) tall. The trees may not be planted in the right-of-way. The Developer or lot purchaser shall sod the front yard, boulevard, and side yards to the rear of the structure on every lot. Weather permitting, the trees, sod, and seed shall be planted within sixty (60) days after a home has received a certificate of occupancy. Before a building permit is issued, a cash escrow of $1,000.00 per lot shall be furnished the City to guarantee compliance with the landscaping requirements. If the landscaping is not completed in a timely manner, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the cash escrow toward the cost. Upon satisfactory completion of the landscaping the Page 213 of 447 13 231579v4 Antlers Ridge escrow funds, without interest, less any draw made by the City, shall be returned to the person who deposited the funds with the City. All trees shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. Any replacements shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. The Developer or property owner is responsible for contacting the City when all the landscaping has been installed to set up an inspection. Fifty percent (50%) of the security will be released when all the landscaping has been installed and inspected by City staff and the remaining fifty percent (50%) will be released one year after the landscaping inspection and any warranty work has been completed. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The Developer shall post a $36,400.00 landscaping security at the time of final plat approval to ensure that the landscaping is installed in accordance with the approved plan. 32. TREE PRESERVATION. The Tree Preservation Plan identifies 888 total trees on site and proposes to save 322 trees (36%). Prior to removals, the tree protection or silt fence line must be installed by the Developer. Minor changes to the development plans may result in additional removals or saves based on location or condition of the tree. All “save” trees that are damaged or removed will require replacement at a ratio of 2:1 as per the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance. Significant trees, as identified in the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance, shall be protected and preserved through termination of all grading and construction activities. 33. WETLANDS. A wetland delineation was completed for the site by Midwest Natural Resources Inc. The Notice of Application was sent out 8/9/21. No adverse comments were received. Based on the information provided in the report dated 7/16/2021 and site visit, the wetland delineation for the area outlined in the report has been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. One wetland was identified on the site. No wetland impacts are proposed with the preliminary plat. The wetland and required buffer will be placed in a City-owned outlot and dedicated with the final plat. The Developer is responsible for installing 10 Natural Area Signs along the south side of Outlot A. Page 214 of 447 14 231579v4 Antlers Ridge 34. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 10, 2024, Planning Report, and July 10, 2024, Engineering Report. B. The site shall be developed in accordance with the final plat plans approved by the City Council. C. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall convey Outlot A to the City by warranty deed, free and clear of any and all encumbrances. D. The Developer shall grant to the City a temporary public drainage and utility easement over the entirety of Outlot B, Antlers Ridge, expiring upon the earlier of Outlot B being platted into lots and blocks dedicating a public drainage and utility easement to the City, a permanent public drainage and utility easement is established over the entirety of Outlot B, or Outlot B is deeded to the City. E. A Homeowners Association must be established for the maintenance of the building exteriors and the ownership and maintenance of the common area lots. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the site, the Developer must submit Homeowners Association documents for review and approval by the City Attorney as well as proof of recording of the documents and conveyances of common areas lots to the Homeowners Association. The common area lots are as follows: • Lot 17, Block 1 • Lot 11, Block 2 • Lot 9, Block 3 F. The twin-home dwelling units shall be reviewed by the City for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements prior to issuance of building permits. G. All common areas and boulevards must be irrigated. H. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $3,900.00 security for the final placement of interior Page 215 of 447 15 231579v4 Antlers Ridge subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 39 lots/outlots at $100.00 per lot/outlot. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. I. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for the preparation of addressing, property data, and City base map updating. This fee is $90.00 per lot/outlot for a total charge of $3,510.00. J. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of street light installation consistent with a street lighting plan approved by the City. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall post a security for street light installation consistent with the approved plan. The estimated amount of this security is $4,800.00 and consists of four (4) post-top street lights at $1,200.00 each. K. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. 35. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a cash escrow, or letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $1,187,073.59. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: A. Sanitary Sewer $132,508.80 B. Watermain 161,921.15 C. Storm Sewer/Draintile 232,816.61 D. Streets 235,131.00 E. Grading/Erosion Control and Vegetation Establishment 61,601.00 CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL $823,978.56 OTHER COSTS: A. Developer’s Design (3.0%) $24,719.36 Page 216 of 447 16 231579v4 Antlers Ridge B. Developer’s Construction Survey (2.5%) 20,599.46 C. City Legal Expenses (Est. 0.5%) 4,119.89 D. City Construction Observation (Est. 5.0%) 41,198.93 E. Developer’s Record Drawings (0.5%) 4,119.89 F. Retaining Walls 221,737.50 G. Natural Area Signs 1,500.00 H. Landscaping 36,400.00 I. Street Lights 4,800.00 J. Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 3,900.00 OTHER COSTS SUB-TOTAL $363,095.03 TOTAL SECURITIES: $1,187,073.59 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The City may draw down the security, on five (5) business days written notice to the Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or without notice if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw it down without notice. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City’s standard specifications for utility and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. 36. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the City Council signing the final plat: Page 217 of 447 17 231579v4 Antlers Ridge A. Temporary Cul-de-Sac Removal/Restoration $3,000.00 B. Park Dedication 133,586.00 C. Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge 11,118.00 D. Storm Sewer Charge 58,064.89 E. MS4 Administration Fee 6,939.60 F. Traffic Control Signs 1,425.00 G. Street Light Operating Fee 1,376.32 H. Environmental Resources Expenses 1,005.72 I. Property Data and Asset/Infrastructure Management Fee 3,510.00 J. City Engineering Administration (3% for letters of credit) 24,719.36 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $244,744.89 CREDITS TO CASH REQUIREMENTS Storm Sewer Charge Credit (Outlot A) $18,370.00 Kenfield Trail Sidewalk Construction Credit 4,351.60 203rd Street Sidewalk Construction Credit 2,297.00 SUBTOTAL – CREDITS TO CASH REQUIREMENTS $25,018.60 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $219,726.29 37. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for streets is one year. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by the City. The one year warranty period on streets shall commence after the final wear course has been installed and accepted by the City. The Developer shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished to the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City’s standard specifications for utility and street construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of streets and utilities. Page 218 of 447 18 231579v4 Antlers Ridge 38. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and construction observation inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. This is a personal obligation of the Developer and shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots, the entire plat, or any part of it. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. Additionally, the Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City prior to any reductions in the security for the development. Page 219 of 447 19 231579v4 Antlers Ridge F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to City or MCES sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. 39. DEVELOPER’S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 40. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. Grading, curbing, and one lift of asphalt shall be installed on all public and private streets prior to issuance of any building permits, except three (3) model homes on lots acceptable to the Building Page 220 of 447 20 231579v4 Antlers Ridge Official. Approval of an administrative permit in compliance with Chapter 27 of the City’s zoning ordinance is required prior to the construction of any model homes. F. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connections or inspections may be conducted and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. G. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. In the event this Contract is recorded, upon request by Developer, the City covenants to provide a recordable Certificate of Completion within a reasonable period of time following the request, upon the completion of the work and responsibilities required herein, payment of all costs and fees required and compliance with all terms of the Contract. A release of this Contract may be provided in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as a Certificate of Completion provided there are no outstanding or ongoing obligations of Developer under the terms of this Contract. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. Page 221 of 447 21 231579v4 Antlers Ridge I. Insurance. Developer and Contractor shall provide a copy of the Development Contract to their insurance professional for verification that the certificate of insurance is in compliance with the requirements of the Development Contract. Prior to execution of the final plat, Developer and its general contractor shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance showing proof of the required insurance required under this Paragraph. Developer and its general contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, such insurance as shall protect Developer and its general contractor and the City for work covered by the Contract including workers’ compensation claims and property damage, bodily and personal injury which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations are by Developer and its general contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The minimum amounts of insurance shall be as follows: Commercial General Liability (or in combination with an umbrella policy) $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate The following coverages shall be included: Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage Personal and Advertising Injury Blanket Contractual Liability Products and Completed Operations Liability Automobile Liability $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit – Bodily Injury & Property Damage Including Owned, Hired & Non-Owned Automobiles Workers Compensation Workers’ Compensation insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of the State of Minnesota, including Employer’s Liability with minimum limits are as follows: • $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease per employee • $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate • $500,000 – Bodily Injury by Accident The Developer’s and general contractor’s insurance must be “Primary and Non-Contributory”. Page 222 of 447 22 231579v4 Antlers Ridge All insurance policies (or riders) required by this Contract shall be (i) taken out by and maintained with responsible insurance companies organized under the laws of one of the states of the United States and qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, (ii) shall name the City, its employees and agents as additional insureds (CGL and umbrella only) by endorsement which shall be filed with the City and (iii) shall identify the name of the plat. A copy of the endorsement must be submitted with the certificate of insurance. Developer’s and general contractor’s policies and Certificate of Insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies shall not be cancelled without at least thirty (30) days’ advanced written notice to the City, or ten (10) days’ notice for non-payment of premium. An Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance policy may be used to supplement Developer’s or general contractor’s policy limits on a follow-form basis to satisfy the full policy limits required by this Contract. J. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Developer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Developer’s negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Developer’s indemnification obligation shall apply to Developer’s general contractor, subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Developer, or anyone for whose acts Developer may be liable. Developer agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. K. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order Page 223 of 447 23 231579v4 Antlers Ridge as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. L. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots, the entire plat, or any part of it, until the City’s issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Release. M. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the Building Official evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls identified on the development plans and by special conditions referred to in this Contract shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. N. Should the Developer convey any lot or lots in the Development to a third party, the City and the owner of that lot or those lots may amend this Development Contract or other city approvals or agreements for development or use of those lots without the approval or consent of the Developer or other lot owners in the Development. Private agreements between the owners of lots within the Development for shared service or access and related matters necessary for the efficient use of the Development shall be the responsibility of the lot owners and shall not bind or restrict City authority to approve applications from any lot owner in the Development. 41. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Attn: Dale Willenbring, Tamarack Land - Lake Marion Commons, LLC, 712 Vista Blvd Suite 303, Waconia, MN 55387. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the Page 224 of 447 24 231579v4 Antlers Ridge following address: Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044.[The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] Page 225 of 447 25 231579v4 Antlers Ridge CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ___________________________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor (SEAL) AND __________________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ______________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and by Ann Orlofsky, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC Page 226 of 447 Page 227 of 447 27 231579v4 Antlers Ridge MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO., organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, which holds: 1. A Mortgage executed by Tamarack Land – Lake Marion Commons, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, in favor of Security Bank & Trust Co., dated December 29, 2021, filed January 7, 2022, with the Office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, as Document No. 3516827, in the principal sum of $715,000.00; And 2. Modification of Mortgage executed by Tamarack Land – Lake Marion Commons, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, in favor of Security Bank & Trust Co., dated January 17, 2023, filed January 19, 2023 with the Office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, as Document No. 3573793; And 3. Modification of Mortgage executed by Tamarack Land – Lake Marion Commons, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, in favor of Security Bank & Trust Co., dated February 7, 2024, filed February 8, 2024 with the Office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, as Document No. 3619569; on all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2024. [Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. Signature page follows.] Page 228 of 447 28 231579v4 Antlers Ridge SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO. By: _________________________ [print name] Its _____________________ [title] STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ____________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ________________, 2024, by ___________________________, the _________________________________________________ of SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO., organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said entity. ________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 AMP/smt Page 229 of 447 29 231579v4 Antlers Ridge EXHIBIT “A” TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as ANTLERS RIDGE That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner thereof; thence West 1320 feet; thence North 988.7 feet; thence East 440.6 feet; thence South 245.7 feet; thence East 879.4 feet; thence South 743 feet, to the place of beginning, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described parcels: Parcel 1: Commencing at a point 350 feet North and 1.50 feet East of the southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21; thence North 330 feet; thence East 199.5 feet; thence South 330 feet; thence West 199.5 feet to the place of beginning. Parcel 2: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25; thence West along the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 869.00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described herein; thence continuing West along the said South line 451.00 feet; thence North and parallel with the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, 290.00 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 451.00 feet; thence South and parallel with the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section 290.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 3: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25, distant 577.00 feet South of the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; said point being at the southeast corner of the Registered Property described on Certificate of Title No. 57052 in Volume 35, Page 382 of the records in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds West, assumed bearing, parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and along the South line of said Registered Property a distance of 879.40 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds East along the West line of said Registered Property a distance of 245.70 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds West parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter and along the South line of said Registered Property a distance of 394.80 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 35 (formerly Trunk Highway No. 65) as laid out and constructed; thence South 01 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 221.76 feet to the point where said right-of-way line deflects West; thence North 88 degrees 38 minutes 58 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 22.50 feet to the point where said right-of-way line deflects South; thence South 01 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West along said right-of-way line a distance of 86.61 feet to a point on a line 680.00 feet North of the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter when measured along a line parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 08 seconds East along a line parallel with the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 422.09 feet to a point on a line that bears South 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence North 00 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 62.24 feet to the point of beginning according to the Government Survey thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Page 230 of 447 30 231579v4 Antlers Ridge [BANK LETTERHEAD] IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. ___________________ Date: _________________ TO: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $____________, available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. __________, dated ________________, 2_____, of (Name of Bank) "; b) Be signed by the City Administrator or Finance Director of the City of Lakeville. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2_____. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Lakeville Finance Director that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Lakeville Finance Director, Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044, and is actually received by the Finance Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. DEMAND(S) FOR PAYMENT MAY ALSO BE MADE BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION TO ________ OR SUCH OTHER FAX NUMBER AS (NAME OF ISSUING BANK) MAY IDENTIFY IN A WRITTEN NOTICE TO YOU. TO THE EXTENT PRESENTATION IS MADE BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION YOU MUST PROVIDE TELEPHONE NOTIFICATION THEREOF TO (NAME OF ISSUING BANK) AT TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________ PRIOR TO OR SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE SENDING OF SUCH FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION. HOWEVER, THE ABSENCE OF SUCH TELEPHONE CONFIRMATION AS DESCRIBED ABOVE DOES NOT AFFECT OUR OBLIGATION TO HONOR SUCH DRAWING, IF SUCH DRAWING IS OTHERWISE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT. IF DEMAND FOR PAYMENT IS MADE BY FAX, PRESENTATION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS IS NOT REQUIRED. OR DEMAND(S) FOR PAYMENT TO BE MADE VIA EMAIL TO _______________. PRESENTATION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS IS NOT REQUIRED. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. Page 231 of 447 31 231579v4 Antlers Ridge This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. [NAME OF BANK] BY: ____________________________________ Its ______________________________ Page 232 of 447 1 231773v1 (reserved for recording information) ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this ____ day of _____________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and TAMARACK LAND – LAKE MARION COMMONS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (“Owner”). 1. BACKGROUND. Owner is the fee owner of certain real property located in the City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 17, Block 1, Antlers Ridge, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. (“Subject Property”) The City owns easements for drainage and utility purposes over portions of the Subject Property (“Easement Areas”). The Owner desires to construct a retaining wall on the Subject Property which encroaches on the City’s Easement Areas as depicted on Exhibit “A”. 2. ENCROACHMENT AUTHORIZATION. The City hereby approves the encroachment in the City’s Easement Areas on the Subject Property for the retaining wall subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement. Further conditions of encroachment approval are: Page 233 of 447 2 231773v1 • The City shall have no responsibility to maintain or repair the retaining wall located within the City’s Easement Areas. • The retaining wall located on the Subject Property must not impact or increase water drainage on the abutting properties or cause any adverse drainage patterns or erosion to the abutting properties. • The Owner shall construct the retaining wall consistent with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. • The Owner, its, successors and assigns, are fully responsible and liable for any and all damage caused to the retaining wall because of it being constructed in the City’s Easement Areas. • The Owner of the Subject Property will own and maintain the retaining wall. 3. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY. In consideration of being allowed to encroach in the City's Easement Areas, the Owner, for itself, its, successors and assigns, hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage caused to the Subject Property or retaining wall encroaching into the City’s Easement Areas as depicted on Exhibit “A”, including the retaining wall in the City’s Easement Areas, caused in whole or in part by the encroachment into the City's Easement Areas. 4. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. The City may terminate this Agreement at any time if it is reasonably necessary for the City to occupy the City’s Easement Areas for drainage or utility purposes and the retaining wall is inconsistent with the City’s use of the easement. Prior to termination, the City will give the then owner of the Subject Property thirty (30) days advance written notice, except that no notice period will be required in the case of an emergency condition as determined solely by the City and this Agreement may then be terminated immediately. The property owner shall remove that portion of the retaining wall to the extent it impacts the City’s Easement Areas to the effective date of the termination of this Agreement. If the owner fails to do so, the City may remove the retaining wall to the extent it impacts the City’s Easement areas and charge the cost of removal back to the owner for reimbursement. 5. RECORDING. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. Page 234 of 447 3 231773v1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: _____________________________________ (SEAL) Luke M. Hellier, Mayor And ____________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________ day of __________________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and Ann Orlofsky, respectively the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ______________________________________ Notary Public Page 235 of 447 Page 236 of 447 5 231773v1 EXHIBIT “A” Page 237 of 447 CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS EXHIBIT C Page 238 of 447 CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Page 239 of 447 CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Page 240 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Estoria Lakeville Final Plat Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) a resolution approving the First Amendment to the Estoria Lakeville development contract, 2) approval of a release of development contracts, conditional use permits, easements, and encroachment agreement, and 3) an extension to the recording deadline for the Estoria Lakeville final plat. Overview Ebenezer Development, Inc. is preparing the Estoria Lakeville final plat for recording and has requested an amendment to the approved development contract due to HUD requirements for the financing of the project. Community Development and Engineering staff, as well as the City Attorney, have reviewed the proposed modifications and finds them acceptable. The Developer has also requested that the City sign the attached release of development contracts, conditional use permits, easements, and encroachment agreement recorded against the parent parcels. The east half of the property to be platted is currently part of Lot 1, Block 1, Hosanna 4th Addition, which has been subject to several development contracts, the conditional use permits for Hosanna Church, drainage easements, and an encroachment agreement. Planning and Engineering staff have reviewed the list of documents and found that releasing the portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Hosanna 4th Addition intended to be included in the Estoria Lakeville final plat has no negative impact on the development contracts, conditional use permits, easements, and encroachment agreement. The City Attorney’s office has reviewed the release document and finds it acceptable. The final plat recording deadline is currently August 6, 2024. The Developer intends to close with the property owner this week and the final plat sent to the County for recording as a part of that process. On the slight chance that something may come up to delay that process, they have requested an extension to September 4, 2024 for the final plat recording deadline. City staff supports this request. Supporting Information 1. Resolution 2. Signed First Amendment to Development Contract 3. Release of Development Contracts, Conditional Use Permit, Easements, and Encroachment Agreement Page 241 of 447 Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Kris Jenson, Planning Manager Page 242 of 447 1 230036v1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 24-___ RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ESTORIA LAKEVILLE DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT WHEREAS, the City Council approved a final plat and Development Contract for the Estoria Lakeville development on April 3, 2023 by City of Lakeville Resolution No. 23-044; WHEREAS, the Developer is seeking financing from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”); WHEREAS, HUD has requested some minor revisions to the Estoria Lakeville Development Contract and staff recommends approval of certain revisions requested by HUD as provided in the First Amendment to Development Contract attached hereto (“First Amendment”). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Lakeville, Minnesota as follows: 1. The First Amendment is hereby approved; and 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the First Amendment. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this ___ day of _________, 2024. ______________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor ____________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 243 of 447 1 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville (reserved for recording information) FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ESTORIA LAKEVILLE THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (“Amendment”) is made this _______ day of ________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”) and EBENEZER DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Developer"). RECITALS A. The City and Developer previously entered into a Development Contract (“Development Contract”) dated April 3, 2023 for the property legally described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof, to be platted as Estoria Lakeville (“Property”); B. Developer is seeking financing from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”); C. HUD has requested certain revisions to the Development Contract in order to provide financing; Page 244 of 447 2 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville D. City and Developer desire to modify the terms of the Development Contract to reflect revisions to the Original Development Contract requested by HUD and changes due to delay in recording the plat. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. EFFECT OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. The Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect except as specifically amended herein. 2. AMENDMENT TO PARAGRAPH 4. Paragraph 4 of the Development Contract is amended to read as follows: 4. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the Plat is a phase of a multi-phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, not outlots, within two (2) years after preliminary plat approval. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the Project and Plat is not multi-phase. 3. AMENDMENT TO PARAGRAPH 11. Paragraph 11 of the Development Contract is amended to read as follows: 11. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by November 30, 2025, with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th the first summer after the base layer of asphalt has been in place one freeze thaw cycle. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. Page 245 of 447 3 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville 4. AMENDMENT TO PARAGRAPH 14. Paragraph 14 of the Development Contract is amended to read as follows: 14. GRADING. The Project shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading development and erosion control plan, Plan “B”. The plan shall conform to City of Lakeville specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and final establishment of the ground cover or temporary stabilization approved by the City, the Developer shall provide the City with an “as constructed” grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all storm water treatment/infiltration basins and swales, have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. The “as constructed” plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of storm water treatment/infiltration basins; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed “conservation area” posts; and c) lot corner elevations and building pads, and all other items listed in City Code Section 10-3-5.NN. The City will withhold issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The soils observation and testing report, including referenced development phases and lot descriptions, shall be submitted to the Building Official for review prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to the release of the grading and erosion control security, the “as- constructed” plan for the lot must be submitted to verify that the final as-built grades and elevations of the specific lot and all building setbacks are consistent with the approved Page 246 of 447 4 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville grading plan for the development, and amendments thereto as approved by the City Engineer, and that all required property monuments are in place. If the final grading, erosion control and “as-constructed” grading plan is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and draw on the letter of credit. Upon satisfactory completion of the grading, erosion control and “as-constructed” grading plan, the security, less any draw made by the City, shall be released. A certified as-built building pad survey must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer prior to commencement of Project vertical site improvements. The final grading plan must indicate any proposed borrow areas in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building Certificate of Occupancies will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. The land constituting the Plat contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed on or as of the date first above written. [Remainder of page is intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow. Page 247 of 447 5 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ___________________________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor (SEAL) AND __________________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ______________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and by Ann Orlofsky, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC Page 248 of 447 Page 249 of 447 7 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, fee owners of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2024. HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _____________, 2024, by ______________________________________________________. _____________________________ the ___________________________________ of HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said entity. ________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 AMP/smt Page 250 of 447 8 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT HOSANNA CHURCH , a Minnesota non-profit corporation, fee owners of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2024. HOSANNA CHURCH By: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _____________, 2024, by ______________________________________________________. _____________________________ the ___________________________________ of HOSANNA CHURCH, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said entity. ________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 AMP/smt Page 251 of 447 9 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville MORTGAGE CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT _______________________________________________________, which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2_____. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ________________, 2_____, by __________________________________________________________________________. ________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 AMP/smt Page 252 of 447 10 229995v3 Estoria Lakeville EXHIBIT “A” TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as ESTORIA LAKEVILLE The south 472.85 feet of Outlot A, CRYSTAL PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota And That part of the south 504.20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, HOSANNA 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 54 minutes 51 seconds East, along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 177.73 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 293.06 feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 19.84 feet; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 211.11 feet to the north line of said South 504.20 feet and said line there terminating. Page 253 of 447 DMFIRM #406603682 v2 RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT Date: ________________, 2024 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the real property in Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: LOT 1 BLOCK 1, ESTORIA LAKEVILLE Check here if all or part of the described real property is Registered (Torrens) X is hereby permanently and forever released from the obligations, liens, encumbrances, restrictions, terms and conditions created by the following: a. Conditional Use Permit No. 96-01, filed April 16, 1996, as Torrens Document No. T335039. b. Development Contract (Developer Installed Improvements) Hosanna Addition, filed April 22, 1996, as Torrens Document No. T335328. c. Conditional Use Permit No. 98-04 Conditional Use Permit Amendment to Hosanna Lutheran Church Conditional Use Permit No. 96-01, filed April 21, 1998, as Torrens Document No. T372137. d. Grant of Permanent Easement, in favor of City of Lakeville, as created in document dated April 1, 1998, filed July 10, 1998, as Abstract Document No. 1515106 (per City of Lakeville Resolution 23-020) . e. Conditional Use Permit Amendment CUP No. 00-16, filed August 13, 2001, as Abstract Document No. 1801126 and Torrens Document No. T445593. f. Development Contract (Developer Installed Improvements) Hosanna 2nd Addition, filed August 13, 2001, as Abstract Document No. 1801127 and Torrens Document No. T445594. Page 254 of 447 DMFIRM #406603682 v2 2 g. Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 96-01 CUP No. 02-02, filed April 18, 2002, as Abstract Document No. 1886091 and Torrens Document No. T464888. h. Development Contract (Developer Installed Improvements) Hosanna 3rd Addition, filed March 4, 2003, as Abstract Document No. 2008133 and Torrens Document No. T490763. i. Conditional Use Permit Amendment CUP No. 02-19, filed March 4, 2003, as Abstract Document No. 2008134 and Torrens Document No. T490764. j. Conditional Use Permit Amendment to CUP 96-01 CUP No. 03-09, filed June19, 2003, as Torrens Document No. T503531. k. Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement (Developer Installed Improvements) Hosanna 4th Addition, filed August 8, 2011, as Abstract Document No. 2813427 and Torrens Document No. T682684. l. Encroachment Agreement by and between the City of Lakeville and Hosanna! Lutheran Church of Lakeville, filed July 20, 2012, as Abstract Document No. 2881490 and Torrens Document No. T699822. m. Easements for utilities and drainage as shown on the recorded plat of Hosanna 4th Addition (per City of Lakeville Resolution 23-020). n. Development Contract (Developer Installed Improvements) Crystal Park, filed October 20, 2021, as Document No. 3499696. (signature page follows) Page 255 of 447 DMFIRM #406603682 v2 3 Signature Page to RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Luke M. Hellier, Mayor (SEAL) AND Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________ day of ______________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and by Ann Orlofsky, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC This instrument drafted by: Ballard Spahr LLP 2000 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 612-371-3211 (00371930) Page 256 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Zaytsev Conditional Use Permit Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Nikolay Zaytsev conditional use permit and adopt the findings of fact. Overview Nikolay Zaytsev of 16394 Klamath Trail has applied for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory structure within the RS-1, Single Family Residential District and located within the Kingsley Lake shoreland overlay district. The conditional use permit is required since the proposed accessory structure exceeds the 2,000 square feet combined allowable floor area for accessory buildings in the RS-1 District and for more than one detached accessory building. The proposed accessory building would total 2,080 square feet in area. The existing attached garage is 700 square feet, and the existing detached accessory building is 352 square feet in area which would result in a total of 3,132 square feet. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the conditional use permit at its July 18, 2024 meeting. There was written and verbal comment submitted by two neighbors of the applicant. The Planning Commission recommended unanimous approval of the conditional use permit subject to the 11 stipulations noted in the planning report. The applicant has submitted a building section sketch to document proposed building height and a color sample of the building exterior to clarify two items discussed at the public hearing. Supporting Information 1. CUP Form 2. Findings of Fact 3. Building section plan, elevation sketch, and siding color 4. July 18, 2024 draft Planning Commission Minutes 5. July 12, 2024 Planning Report Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Page 257 of 447 1 (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 24- ___ 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Lakeville hereby approves a conditional use permit to allow a combined accessory building area greater than 2,000 square feet in the RS-1, Single Family Residential District on property located at 16394 Klamath Trail. 2. Property. The permit is for the following described property in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, Kingswood Estates, lying Northerly of a line commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot, thence South 32 degrees 8 minutes 0 second East along the Westerly line of said Lot a distance of 177.93 feet to the point of beginning of the line. Thence North 70 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds East, 467.73 feet to a point on the East line of said lot, thence Easterly 54.25 feet South to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating. 3. Conditions. This conditional use permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a) The total accessory building area (combined attached and detached) on the property shall not exceed 3,132 square feet. b) Not more than two detached accessory buildings are permitted on the property. c) The accessory building shall be constructed in the location identified on the Certificate of Survey approved with the conditional use permit. d) The driveway to the detached accessory building shall be paved with concrete, bituminous, or paver brick. e) Exterior building materials shall be of similar color and materials as the principal building and shall conform with the standards and criteria in section 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. f) Additional screening is not required provided the existing trees between the building pad and Klamath Trail and Kingswood Drive remain. If the existing trees are removed or die for any reason, the property owner shall replace the trees with Page 258 of 447 2 conifer and overstory deciduous trees subject to a plan approved by the Zoning Administrator. g) The detached accessory building shall be kept, used, and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the existing single-family home on the property and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare. h) Sanitary sewer service shall not be provided to the detached accessory building and the detached accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling. i) The detached accessory buildings shall not be used for any commercial use or home occupation. Commercial storage or storage for third parties is not permitted. j) All vehicles and vehicle equipment shall be parked on an existing or approved paved surface on the property. k) A building permit application shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Inspections Department prior to commencing construction. 4. Expiration. This conditional use permit shall expire unless the applicant commences the authorized use within one year of the date of this conditional use permit unless an extension is approved by the Zoning Administrator. DATED: August 5, 2024 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor BY: ________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5th day of August 2024, by Luke M. Hellier, Mayor and by Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. __________________________ Notary Public SEAL Page 259 of 447 3 DRAFTED BY: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Page 260 of 447 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NIKOLAY ZAYTSEV CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION On July 18, 2024, the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Nikolay Zaytsev for a conditional use permit to allow accessory building area greater than 2,000 square feet in the RS-1, Single Family Residential District on property located at 16394 Klamath Trail. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The City Council hereby adopts the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which guides the property for low density residential use. 2. The property is zoned RS-1, Single Family Residential District 3. The legal description of the property is: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, Kingswood Estates, lying Northerly of a line commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot, thence South 32 degrees 8 minutes 0 second East along the Westerly line of said Lot a distance of 177.93 feet to the point of beginning of the line. Thence North 70 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds East, 467.73 feet to a point on the East line of said lot, thence Easterly 54.25 feet South to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating. 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The single-family home and existing and proposed detached accessory buildings are consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and District 1 recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: Provided compliance with the conditional use permit, the proposed second detached accessory building will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Page 261 of 447 2 Finding: The proposed second detached accessory building will conform with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code as allowed by this conditional use permit. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject property lies within in the current MUSA and is served with city sanitary sewer and water systems. The proposed second detached accessory building will have no impact on the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed second detached accessory building will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report dated July 12, 2024 prepared by Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council approves the conditional use permit in the form attached thereto. DATED: August 5, 2024 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY:_________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor BY:_________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 262 of 447 Page 263 of 447 Page 264 of 447 Page 265 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 18, 2024 Chair Majorowicz called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Chair Jenna Majorowicz, Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza, Amanda Tinsley, Jason Swenson, Christine Zimmer, Ex-Officio Jeff Hanson. Members Absent: Patti Zuzek Staff Present: Kris Jenson, Planning Manager, Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Jon Nelson, Assistant City Engineer; Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The June 20, 2024 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. 4. Announcements Planning Manager Kris Jenson stated that the following items were distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting: • July 17, 2024 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes regarding the Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary plat. • Email from neighboring homeowner, regarding Agenda Item 5b, Sundance Lakeville Second Addition. Ms. Jenson stated that the August 1st Planning Commission meeting will be a work session, and the August 15th Planning Commission meeting has been changed to August 22. 5a. Nikolay Zaytsev Chair Majorowicz opened the public hearing to consider the application of Nikolay Zaytsev for a conditional use permit to allow a detached accessory building with a combined accessory building area exceeding 2,000 square feet on a single-family lot in the RS-1, Single Family Residential District and to allow more than one detached accessory building, located at 16394 Klamath Trail. Nikolay Zaytsev presented an overview of his project. Page 266 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 2 Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated the applicant has applied for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory structure within the RS-1, Single Family Residential District and located within the Kingsley Lake shoreland overlay district. The proposed accessory building would total 2,080 square feet in area. The existing attached garage is 700 square feet, and the existing detached accessory building is 352 square feet in area which would result in a total of 3,132 square feet. The property is a single-family lot that totals 88,027 square feet (2.02 acres) in area, not including 13,985 square feet of wetland area, which is more than four times the minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet in the RS-1 District. The proposed detached accessory building complies with required setbacks. Mr. Dempsey stated the proposed accessory structure will utilize a concrete, fiber composite green finished siding to match the house color. The roof will be black finished steel. These materials comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the Nikolay Zaytsev conditional use permit, subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the July 12, 2024 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated July 18, 2024. Chair Majorowicz opened the hearing to the public for comment. Kurtis Scholz – 16445 Kingswood Court Mr. Scholz stated he supports the proposed accessory building. Motion was made by Zimmer , seconded by Einck to close the public hearing at 6:11 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous. Chair Majorowicz asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • Vice Chair Zimmer asked for clarification regarding the multiple driveways. • Commissioner Kaluza supports the request. Mr. Dempsey clarified that the Planning Commission is recommending adding Stipulation #12 to read: The applicant shall provide an accurate elevation of the building height and an exterior material sample and color prior to City Council approval. Page 267 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 3 Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Zimmer to recommend to City Council approval of the Nikolay Zaytsev conditional use permit, subject to the following stipulations, as amended. 1. The total accessory building area (combined attached and detached) on the property shall not exceed 3,134 square feet. 2. Not more than two detached accessory buildings are permitted on the property. 3. The accessory building shall be constructed in the location identified on the Certificate of Survey approved with the conditional use permit. 4. The driveway to the detached accessory building shall be paved with concrete, bituminous, or paver brick. 5. Exterior building materials shall be of similar color and materials as the principal building and shall conform with the standards and criteria in section 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Additional screening is not required provided the existing trees between the building pad and the Klamath Trail and Kingswood Drive remain. If the existing trees are removed or die for any reason, the property owner shall replace the dead trees with conifer and overstory deciduous trees subject to a plan approved by the Zoning Administrator. 7. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used, and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the existing single-family home on the property and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare. 8. Sanitary sewer service shall not be provided to the detached accessory building and the detached accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling. 9. The detached accessory buildings shall not be used for any commercial use or home occupation. Commercial storage or storage for third parties is not permitted. 10. All vehicles and vehicle equipment shall be parked on an existing or approved paved surface on the property. 11. A building permit application shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Inspections Department prior to commencing construction. 12. The applicant shall provide an accurate elevation of the building height and an exterior material sample and color prior to City Council approval. Ayes: Kaluza, Tinsley, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Einck, Swenson Nays: 0 Page 268 of 447 City of Lakeville Community Development Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: July 12, 2024 Subject: Packet Material for the July 18, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Nikolay Zaytsev Conditional Use Permit INTRODUCTION Nikolay Zaytsev of 16394 Klamath Trail has applied for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory structure within the RS-1, Single Family Residential District and located within the Kingsley Lake shoreland overlay district. The conditional use permit is required since the proposed accessory structure exceeds the 2,000 square feet combined allowable floor area for accessory buildings in the RS-1 District and for more than one detached accessory building. The proposed accessory building would total 2,080 square feet in area. The existing attached garage is 700 square feet, and the existing detached accessory building is 352 square feet in area which would result in a total of 3,132 square feet. The following exhibits are attached for your review: Exhibit A – Location/Zoning Map Exhibit B – Aerial Photo Maps Exhibit C – Certificate of Survey Exhibit D – Building Elevation Plans Exhibit E – List of Accessory Building Conditional Use Permits Approved 1981-2024 PLANNING A NALYSIS Existing Conditions. The subject property is a single-family lot that totals 88,027 square feet (2.02 acres) in area, not including 13,985 square feet of wetland area, which is more than four Page 269 of 447 2 times the minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet in the RS-1 District. The existing house is 3,682 square feet in area and was constructed in 1948 with expansions occurring since that time. An accessory building was constructed on the west side of the property in approximately 2015. The existing garage is 700 square feet, and the existing detached accessory building is 352 square feet. Adjacent Land Uses. The subject property is zoned RS-1, Single Family Residential District with a shoreland overlay district for Kingsley Lake. Adjacent land uses and zoning are as follows: North – Klamath Trail Homes (RS-1) East – Wetland and Single-Family Homes (RS-1) South – Single Family Homes (RS-1) West – Kingswood Drive and Single-Family Homes (RS-1) Setbacks. The minimum setbacks for the detached accessory building in the RS-1 District are 15 feet to the side property line, 20 feet to the street side (north) property line, and 30 feet to the front property (west) property line and 30 feet from rear (east) property line. The proposed detached accessory building complies with required setbacks. The proposed accessory structure setbacks are as follows: Front (West): 71 feet Side (North): 123.4 feet Side (South): 74 feet Rear (East): 275 feet (approximately) Accessory Building Use. The proposed detached accessory building shall be used only as a garage for vehicle storage, and storage of personal recreation or yard maintenance equipment. No sewer service is proposed nor shall be extended to the accessory building. The structure shall not be used for commercial or home occupation purposes. Driveway Surfacing. The driveway to the accessory building shall be surfaced with concrete, bituminous, or paver brick. Screening. The property and proposed accessory building are extensively screened by existing trees from adjacent properties. The accessory building will be at an elevation approximately 18- 20 feet above Kingswood Drive. Additional screening is not required provided the existing trees between the building pad and the Klamath Trail and Kingswood Drive remain. If the existing trees are removed or die for any reason, the property owner shall replace the trees with conifer and overstory deciduous trees subject to a plan approved by the Zoning Administrator. Appearance. The proposed accessory structure will utilize a concrete, fiber composite green finished siding to match the house color. The roof will be black finished steel. These materials comply with Section 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building Height. A maximum building height of 20 feet is allowed for detached accessory buildings in the RS-1 District. The proposed structure is 19 feet in height. Page 270 of 447 3 Impervious Surface Area. The proposed new building will increase the impervious surface area of the property to 19.1%. The lot area is measured from and above the high-water level edge of the wetland. The proposed impervious surface including the detached accessory building will bring the total impervious surface area to 19.1% of the lot above the wetland edge, which complies with the maximum allowable 25% impervious surface area requirement for single family lots in the shoreland overlay district. CONDITIONAL USE P ERMIT ANALYSIS The Zoning Ordinance allows the accessory building area requirements to be exceeded by conditional use permit subject to the following criteria as listed in Section 11-18-5: A. There is a demonstrated need and potential for continued use of the structure for the purpose stated. Properties in the RS-1 District are allowed combined accessory buildings totaling 2,000 square feet unless a conditional use permit is approved to exceed that amount. The property owner has indicated a need for the proposed detached accessory building to store personal and recreational vehicles and equipment. B. No accessory building or private garage shall be utilized for all or a portion of a home occupation, for commercial activities or for commercial storage. The applicant has indicated that the detached accessory building will be used for personal storage purposes. No home occupation or storage of commercial vehicles or equipment is allowed in any accessory building on the property. C. The accessory building has an evident reuse or function related to a single-family residential environment in urban service areas or hobby farm environment in nonurban service areas of the city. The proposed accessory building space has the evident function of creating storage of personal and maintenance equipment for this property. D. Detached accessory buildings shall be maintained in a manner that is compatible with the adjacent residential uses and does not present a hazard to public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed accessory building will be constructed with similar materials as the existing single-family home on the property and will be compatible with other single-family homes in the area. Similar conditional use permits were approved for two properties in the neighborhood in 2021 and 2022. Page 271 of 447 4 E. The performance standards and criteria of section 11-4-7 of this title shall be considered and a determination made that the proposed activity is in compliance with such criteria. The provisions of section 11-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance (Conditional Use Permits) have been considered and satisfactorily met. Please refer to the attached findings of fact. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Nikolay Zaytsev conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory building greater than 2,000 square feet in the RS-1 District located at 16394 Klamath Trail, subject to the following stipulations: 1. The total accessory building area (combined attached and detached) on the property shall not exceed 3,134 square feet. 2. Not more than two detached accessory buildings are permitted on the property. 3. The accessory building shall be constructed in the location identified on the Certificate of Survey approved with the conditional use permit. 4. The driveway to the detached accessory building shall be paved with concrete, bituminous, or paver brick. 5. Exterior building materials shall be of similar color and materials as the principal building and shall conform with the standards and criteria in section 11-17-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Additional screening is not required provided the existing trees between the building pad and the Klamath Trail and Kingswood Drive remain. If the existing trees are removed or die for any reason, the property owner shall replace the dead trees with conifer and overstory deciduous trees subject to a plan approved by the Zoning Administrator. 7. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used, and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the existing single-family home on the property and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare. 8. Sanitary sewer service shall not be provided to the detached accessory building and the detached accessory building shall not be used as a dwelling. 9. The detached accessory buildings shall not be used for any commercial use or home occupation. Commercial storage or storage for third parties is not permitted. 10. All vehicles and vehicle equipment shall be parked on an existing or approved paved surface on the property. 11. A building permit application shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Inspections Department prior to commencing construction. Page 272 of 447 RS-1 EXHIBIT A Page 273 of 447 EXHIBIT B Page 274 of 447 Page 275 of 447 1 6 3 9 4 K l am a t h T r Klamath TrailPART OF LO T 2 BLOC K 1Kingswood DrN32°08'00"W 177.93323.93Δ=19°09'28"R=968.79CB=N48°36'44"EC=322.42 S55°34'47"E 89.48S64°25'59"E 254.0154.25 S07°33'53" WS71°18'48"W 467.73 P A R T O F LO T 2 LO T 1 LOT 8 LOT 2LOT 3BLOCK 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYEDThat part of Lot 2, Block 1 of Kingswood Estates, lying Northerly of a linecommencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot, thence South 32 degrees 8minutes 0 seconds East along the Westerly line of said Lot a distance of 177.93feet to the beginning of the line. Thence, North 70 degrees 59 minutes 58seconds East, 467.73 feet to a point on the East line of said lot, thence Easterly54.25 feet South to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating.Survey Notes1. Bearings are based on the Dakota County Coordinate System.2. Client Name: Nikolay Zaytsev3. Site Address: 16394 Klamath Tr, Lakeville, MN 550444. This survey is based on the legal description as provided by the Client5. This Surveyor has not abstracted the land shown hereon for easements, rightsof way or restrictions of record which may affect the title or use of the land6. Do not reconstruct property lines from building ties7. Impervious areas include: House, ancillary structures, proposed structures,proposed decks, driveway, concrete pads, paths and decks.7.1. Building impervious category covers main residence onlyFOUND IRON MONUMENTLinetype & Symbol Legend MINNESOTA LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATIONI hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared byme or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly LicensedLand Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Dated this 4th day of June, 2024.___________________________________________________Kelly D Ness Minnesota License No. 45847SET IRON MONUMENT16974.22Certificate ofSurvey5775 Wayzata Blvd #700St Louis Park, MN 55416info@skysurv.us20240522 16394 KlamathTr SkySURV-16394 KlamathTr.dwg Draft copy - not for submittalEXHIBIT CPage 276 of 447 EXHIBIT D Page 277 of 447 Page 278 of 447 ACCESSORY BUILDING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Applicant Year Size (sf) Zoning Inside MUSA Parcel Size Zaytsev 2024 (>1,132 sf RS-1 Yes 2.3 acres Kiewatt 2024 (>390 sf) RS-1 No 5.5 acres Schuster 2023 (>294 sf) RS-2 Yes 2.88 acres Walz 2022 (>794 sf) RS-1 Yes 2.31 acres Scholtz 2021 (>548 sf) RS-1 Yes 1.17 acres Ryan 2021 520 RA No 18.0 acres Prawdzik 2020 1,302 RS-CBD Yes 0.40 acres Cohoe 2020 3,608/21 ft RS-1 Yes 1.42 acres Herbert 2020 1,485 (attached) RA No 11.49 acres Merril 2019 3,072 RS-2 Yes 5.12 acres Newman 2018 1,422 RS-3 Yes 1.46 acres Poehling 2018 2,904 RS-2 Yes 2.74 acres Berres 2017 4,240 RS-3 Yes 10.00 acres Lynch 2016 1,617 RS-2 Yes 1.04 acres Durst 2016 1,656 RS-3 Yes 0.73 acres Boecker 2014 +2% Lot Area RA No 1.41 acres Radke 2013 22 feet tall RS-3/Shoreland Yes 0.38 acres Helman 2013 1,614 RS-3 Yes 1.0 acre Lau 2013 2,927 RA No 2.0 acres Sarff 2012 882 RST-2 Yes 0.38 acres Johnson 2010 16,760 RA No 9.6 acres Hellevik 2010 5 Bldgs RA No 10 acres Miler 2008 18 ft RS-1 Yes 1.42 acres Goss 2008 4,032 RA No 30 acres Piekauski 2006 1,344 RS-3 Yes 1.60 acres Meyer 2006 1,572 RS-3 Yes 66 acres Rimnac 2005 2,096 RS-2 Yes 7.3 acres Spangler 2005 869 RS-2 Yes 2.3 acres Weinel 2004 1,480 RS-3 Yes 0.69 acres Hanson 2002 576 RS-3 Yes 1.5 acres Drogmuller 2002 2,184 RM-1 No 10 acres Steinman 2002 624 RM-1 Yes 1.4 acres Zeien 2001 1,102 RS-3 Yes 1.5 acres Emond 2001 864 RS-CBD Yes 0.25 acres Riehm 2000 1,310 RM-1 Yes 1.96 acres Graham 2000 1,078 RS-CBD Yes 0.57 acres Jensen 2000 1,470 RS-3 Yes 0.52 acres Laun 2000 952 RS-CBD Yes 0.50 acres Hendrickson 2000 4,452 R-2 Yes 15 acres Pietsch 1999 2,400 R-1 No 22 acres Smith 1999 896 R-3 Yes 0.35 acres Edmonson 1998 864 R-2 Yes 3.0 acres Krebs 1998 2,400 R-1 No 9.1 acres Forland 1998 1,462 R-1 No 5.0 acres Stuke 1998 2,520 R-1 No 20 acres Miller 1996 2,240 R-2 Yes 3.7 acres Menke 1996 1,620 R-2 Yes 15 acres Teal 1996 2,160 R-2 Yes 10 acres Curren 1995 960 R-2 Yes 3.0 acres Cronen 1995 2,396 R-1 No 10 acres Koble 1994 2,400 R-2 Yes 10 acres EXHIBIT E Page 279 of 447 Goetze 1993 1,232 R-2 Yes 4.3 acres Fenner 1993 936 R-2 Yes 9.5 acres Oster 1992 2,400 R-2 Yes 10 acres Clifford 1990 288 R-1 No 20 acres Moe 1990 1,600 R-2 Yes 2.0 acres Olson 1989 1,728 R-2 Yes 9.4 acres Storlie 1989 1,196 R-1 Yes 3.0 acres Moss 1985 2,000 R-1 Yes - Tangen 1984 1,800 R-2 Yes - Roheder/Johns. 1983-85 36,000 RA No Grossman 1983 672 RA Yes - Johnson 1983 3,402 R-1 Yes - Radunz 1983 5,000 R-2 Yes - LaFavor 1983 1,600 R-2 Yes - Harris 1982 900 R-2 Yes - Campbell 1982 400 R-2 Yes - Kalmes 1982 720 R-2 No - Zak 1981 1,632 I-1 No Page 280 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Henning Devries Addition Final Plat Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) a resolution approving the final plat of Henning Devries Addition, and 2) a stormwater maintenance agreement, and 3) partial release of development contract of Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition. Overview Representatives of RLD Properties, LLC have submitted applications and plans for the final plat of one commercial lot and site development plans for the construction of a commercial office building with the final plat of Henning Devries Addition. The preliminary and final plat is 1.18 acres in area. The City Council approved the preliminary and final plat, easement vacation, development contract, and stormwater maintenance agreement for Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition on October 3, 2022. The developer of the Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition withdrew from the property purchase shortly after city approval of the plat, so the plat was not recorded with Dakota County. The City Council authorized extensions of the final plat until December 31, 2024. RLD Properties, LLC has submitted a revised final plat and plans for construction of a similar office building on the property. The Henning Devries Addition and RLD Properties, LLC requires a revised development contract which has been prepared and signed by the developer. The revised site development plans have been reviewed by Community Development Department and Engineering Division staff. Supporting Information 1. Final Plat Resolution 2. Signed Development Contract 3. Signed Stormwater Maintenance Agreement 4. Release of Development Contract 5. July 26, 2024 Planning Report 6. Exhibits Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Diversified Economic Development Report Completed by: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Page 281 of 447 1 (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 24-____ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF HENNING DEVRIES ADDITION WHEREAS, the owner of the property described as HENNING DEVRIES ADDTION has requested final plat approval; and WHEREAS, the preliminary and final plat was reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council October 3, 2022 under the plat name of Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition and which the final plat had been extended by the City Council until December 31, 2024; and WHEREAS, the property developer has requested a change to the plat name to Henning Devries Addition and the assignment of the development contract to RLD Properties, LLC; WHEREAS, the final plat is acceptable to the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: 1. The HENNING DEVRIES ADDITION final plat is approved subject to the developer’s execution of the development contract and security requirements. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to sign the final plat mylars, development contract and all documents pursuant to the development contract. 3. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Dakota County Recorder. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5th day of August 2024 Page 282 of 447 2 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Luke Hellier, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 24-_______is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 5th day of August 2024 as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. ___________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk (SEAL) Drafted By: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Page 283 of 447 Page 284 of 447 Page 285 of 447 Page 286 of 447 Page 287 of 447 Page 288 of 447 Page 289 of 447 Page 290 of 447 Page 291 of 447 Page 292 of 447 Page 293 of 447 Page 294 of 447 Page 295 of 447 Page 296 of 447 Page 297 of 447 Page 298 of 447 Page 299 of 447 Page 300 of 447 Page 301 of 447 Page 302 of 447 Page 303 of 447 Page 304 of 447 Page 305 of 447 Page 306 of 447 Page 307 of 447 Page 308 of 447 Page 309 of 447 Page 310 of 447 Page 311 of 447 Page 312 of 447 Page 313 of 447 Page 314 of 447 Page 315 of 447 Page 316 of 447 Page 317 of 447 Page 318 of 447 1 231939v1 (reserved for recording information) RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT granted this ______ day of ________________, 2024, by the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”). WHEREAS, the City and G&F Holdings, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, have entered into a Development Contract dated December 6, 1999 and recorded June 27, 2000 with the Office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota as Document No. 1700519; and WHEREAS, the City has been requested to release and discharge the property legally described on Exhibit A (“Property”) from the Contract; WHEREAS, all requirements of the Contract have been met as to the Property and there is no longer a need to have the Contract recorded against the Property. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: The Property is released and discharged from the Contract. ADOPTED this _____ day of _______________, 2024. [Remainder of the page is intentionally left blank. Signature page is to follow.] Page 319 of 447 1 231939v1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE (Seal) By ____________________________________ Luke M. Hellier, Mayor By ____________________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, 2024, by Luke M. Hellier and Ann Orlofsky, respectively the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ___________________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP/smt Page 320 of 447 2 231939v1 EXHIBIT A Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Outlot A, Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. Page 321 of 447 1 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: City Administrator, Mayor and City Council From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: July 26, 2024 Subject: Packet Material for the August 5, 2024 City Council Agenda Agenda Item: 1. Final plat of Henning Devries Addition 2. Assignment of Development Contract and Stormwater Maintenance Agreement 3. Partial release of Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition development contract BACKGROUND On October 3, 2022, the City Council approved the preliminary and final plat, easement vacation, development contract and stormwater maintenance agreement for Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition. The project on the one lot within the plat was to include construction of an office building. The developer of the Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition withdrew from the property purchase shortly after city approval of the plat so the plat was not recorded with Dakota County. Another buyer has submitted a revised final plat and plans for construction of a similar office building on the property. Approval of the preliminary and final plat will require assigning the revised Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition development contract to the new developer of the preliminary and final plat. A commercial office building is proposed including associated required parking and construction of the required stormwater basin on site. The property is located south of 202nd Street (CSAH 50), north of 203rd Street, and west of Iberia Avenue. The preliminary and final plat is 1.18 acres (approximately 51,617 square feet). The revised final plat plans and site plan has been submitted to the Engineering Division for review. Page 322 of 447 2 The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. Survey D. Preliminary Plat of Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition E. Final Plat of Henning Devries Addition F. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plan G. Site and Landscape Plan H. Building Floor Plan and Elevations Plan FINAL PLAT a. Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is located in Planning District No. 4, Central Lakeville, of the 2040 Land Use Plan. Planning District No. 4 guides the subject property for commercial development. b. Zoning. The subject property is zoned C-3, General Commercial District. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning: north – 202nd Street (CSAH 50) and commercial development (PUD District) south – 203rd Street and Dakota County CDA Townhomes (PUD District) east – Hometown Auto and Frandsen Bank (C-3 District) west –New Horizon Academy Day Care (C-3 District) c. Existing Site Conditions. The area of the final plat is presently undeveloped and was a former site of a single family home fronting 202nd Street on the north one-third of the property and the undeveloped portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition on the south two-thirds of the property. d. Lots/Blocks/Outlots. The final plat consists of one lot and one block. The proposed lot area of 1.18 acres and lot width of 124 feet exceeds the 20,000 square foot lot area and 100 foot lot width requirements of the C-3 District. e. Streets/Pedestrian Paths. The final plat of Henning Devries Addition abuts 202nd Street (CSAH 50) and 203rd Street. The and final plat provides right-of-way for 202nd Street and 203rd Street as required by Dakota County and the City. The driveway that served the single family home lot off of 202nd Street will be removed and the trail and boulevard area will be restored. Access to Lot 1, Page 323 of 447 3 Block 1, Henning Devries Addition will be from 203rd Street and via a shared driveway between the Frandsen Bank and Hometown Auto. A recorded private access easement is currently in place for the shared access driveway. A 10 foot wide bituminous trail is located adjacent to 202nd Street. Concrete sidewalks were not included in the construction of 203rd Street in 2000 and will not be required with the proposed preliminary and final plat. f. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sewer and water is currently available to the Henning Devries Addition property. Grading and utility plans have been submitted with the project plat. Approximately 32,250 square feet of the area of the proposed final plat paid the storm sewer area charge when Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition was platted in 2000. The metes and bounds described portion of the subject property will be subject to the storm sewer area charge upon approval of the final plat. Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility review comments have been reviewed and approved by the Engineering Division. g. Wetlands. There are no wetlands located in the Henning Devries Addition final plat. h. Tree Preservation. There are no significant trees located within the plat area. i. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space System Plan does not designate any area within the proposed plat as future park land. The park dedication requirement for the area of property of Lot 1, Block 1, Henning Devries Addition has not paid. A cash contribution to park dedication will be required with final plat approval. The park dedication commercial rate is $8,078 per acre (2022). j. Dakota County Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the preliminary and final plat of Henning Devries Second Addition, the area that now includes Henning Devries Addition final plat, at its July 17, 2024 meeting. No additional right-of-way for 202nd Street (CSAH 50) is required. The final plat includes restricted access rights abutting 202nd Street. SITE P LAN Setbacks. The proposed two-unit medical office building is subject to the following minimum building setback requirements for the C-3 District: Abutting a Public Street: 30 feet Page 324 of 447 4 Interior Lot Lines: 10 feet Parking: 15 feet (abutting street), 5 feet (interior lot lines) The proposed building and parking lot comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Parking. The proposed 6,523 square foot office building requires 30 parking spaces given the requirement of one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area. The site plan proposes 37 parking spaces, including three handicap accessible spaces, in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The proposed parking spaces and drive aisle dimensions comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Parking aisles will be 24 feet in width and parking stall dimensions will be 9 feet in width and 18 feet in length with a two foot curb overhang. Circulation/Loading Area. Access to the site will be from two points. A single driveway at 203rd Street and a shared driveway across a private access easement to Iberia Avenue between the auto repair and bank buildings. Landscaping. The landscape plan proposes a variety of deciduous trees. Numerous shrubs and perennial plants are included around the building periphery and parking lot. In ground irrigation is required. Any ground mounted mechanical equipment will require landscape screening. A landscaping escrow shall be submitted as security with the final plat to guarantee installation of the landscaping. Building Exterior. The proposed building includes primarily Grade A (brick, stone, and glass) on all four sides. The proposed exterior building materials comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Signs. The Zoning Ordinance allows one freestanding sign and one wall sign per building tenant with a separate entrance. A signage plan has not yet been submitted. All signs require approval of a sign permit prior to installation in accordance with 11-23 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. Downcast cut-off lighting is proposed to illuminate the exterior of the building in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Snow Storage. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement. A Stormwater Maintenance Agreement will be required for the proposed on-site stormwater basin. The agreement will be conditioned on final plat approval. Page 325 of 447 5 RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the final plat of: 1) Henning Devries Addition, 2) approval of the development contract, 3) approval of the stormwater maintenance agreement, and 4) partial release of development contact of Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition subject to the following stipulations: 1. The site and building shall be developed and constructed in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements and according to the final plat plans approved by the City Council and the site plan approved by the Community Development Department. 2. The trash and recycling enclosure shall screen trash and recycling containers to a minimum six-feet in height with materials that match the building exterior including a durable maintenance-free gate. 3. All signs require approval of a sign permit prior to installation in accordance with 11-23 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Snow storage shall not occur in required parking spaces. Page 326 of 447 Page 327 of 447 Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 200 feet 7/21/2022 Page 328 of 447 SB-7SB-2SB-3SB-6SB-1SB-4SB-5BENCH - TNH = 984.12203RD STREET WEST(202ND STREET WEST)DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAYMAP NO. 176 PER DOC. NO. 1319914 (ITEM 4)C.S.A.H. NO. 50REMOVE DRIVEVACATE EXISTING PERIMETERPUBLIC DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENTS ANDRE-DEDICATE ON FINAL PLATAPPRO Development, Inc.21476 Grenada Ave.Lakeville, MN 55044952-469-2171TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAND SOIL BORINGLOCATIONSNEW CLINICLAKEVILLE, MNEXISTING LEGENDLOT LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASEMENT LINEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEPOWER POLEXFMR. TRANSFORMERCBLX. CABLE BOXTEL. TELEPHONE BOXE.M. ELECTRIC METERG.M. GAS METERA.C. AIR CONDITIONERHYDRANTWATER VALVEP.I.V. POST INDICATOR VALVESANITARY MANHOLEC.O. CLEANOUTSTORM MANHOLEAREA CATCH BASINCATCH BASINCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTEPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County,Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 ofSection 29; thence Easterly on the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of 1070.05 feet toa point 257.15 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the actual pointof beginning; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of233.70 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of124.00 feet; thence Northerly parallel with said East line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of233.70 feet to the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence Easterly on said North line a distanceof 124.00 feet to the actual point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota.EXCEPT that part thereof lying:Northerly of a line run parallel with and distant 60 feet Southerly of Line 1 described below:Line 1Beginning at a point on the North and South 1/4 line of said Section 29, distant 1334.29 feet South of the North 1/4corner thereof; thence run Westerly at an angle of 90 degrees 54 minutes 18 seconds from said North and South 1/4line (measured from North to West) for 700 feet and there terminating, Dakota County, Minnesota.And:Lot 1, Block 1, GILB FITZPATRICK ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.Except that part lying northerly and easterly of the following described line:Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence South 56 degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds East, assumedbearing, along the south line of said Lot 1 a distance of 14.65 feet; thence easterly, along the southerly line of said Lot1, a distance of 128.77 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a central angle of 34 degrees 45minutes 21 seconds and a radius of 212.28 feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds West along theeasterly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 105.25 feet to the point of beginning of said line to be described; thence South88 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 9.65 feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 49 secondsEast a distance of 163.95 to the north line of said Lot 1 and said line there terminating.(Abstract Property)EXISTING BOUNDARY PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE VACATED:The 10' wide public drainage and utility easement adjoining the north and south property lines, and the5' wide public drainage and utility easement adjoining the east and west property lines of the abovedescribed property.And,The 5' wide public drainage and utility easement that adjoins the north line of that part of Lot 1, Block 1,Gilb Fitzpatrick Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, that lies within the above described property.Exhibit CExheibit CEXHIexhibit BEXUI CEXHIBIT CPage 329 of 447 SB-7SB-2SB-3SB-6SB-1SB-4SB-5BENCH - TNH = 984.12203RD STREET WEST(202ND STREET WEST)DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAYMAP NO. 176 PER DOC. NO. 1319914 (ITEM 4)C.S.A.H. NO. 5010 L.F. OF 4" SANITARYSEWER LINEMONUMENT SIGNAPPRO Development, Inc.21476 Grenada Ave.Lakeville, MN 55044952-469-2171TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAND SOIL BORINGLOCATIONSNEW CLINICLAKEVILLE, MNEXISTING LEGENDLOT LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEASEMENT LINEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEPOWER POLEXFMR. TRANSFORMERCBLX. CABLE BOXTEL. TELEPHONE BOXE.M. ELECTRIC METERG.M. GAS METERA.C. AIR CONDITIONERHYDRANTWATER VALVEP.I.V. POST INDICATOR VALVESANITARY MANHOLEC.O. CLEANOUTSTORM MANHOLEAREA CATCH BASINCATCH BASINCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREECONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTEPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County,Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 ofSection 29; thence Easterly on the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of 1070.05 feet toa point 257.15 feet Westerly from the Northeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 and the actual pointof beginning; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of233.70 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of124.00 feet; thence Northerly parallel with said East line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a distance of233.70 feet to the North line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence Easterly on said North line a distanceof 124.00 feet to the actual point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota.EXCEPT that part thereof lying:Northerly of a line run parallel with and distant 60 feet Southerly of Line 1 described below:Line 1Beginning at a point on the North and South 1/4 line of said Section 29, distant 1334.29 feet South of the North 1/4corner thereof; thence run Westerly at an angle of 90 degrees 54 minutes 18 seconds from said North and South 1/4line (measured from North to West) for 700 feet and there terminating, Dakota County, Minnesota.And:Lot 1, Block 1, GILB FITZPATRICK ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.Except that part lying northerly and easterly of the following described line:Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence South 56 degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds East, assumedbearing, along the south line of said Lot 1 a distance of 14.65 feet; thence easterly, along the southerly line of said Lot1, a distance of 128.77 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a central angle of 34 degrees 45minutes 21 seconds and a radius of 212.28 feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds West along theeasterly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 105.25 feet to the point of beginning of said line to be described; thence South88 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 9.65 feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 49 secondsEast a distance of 163.95 to the north line of said Lot 1 and said line there terminating.(Abstract Property)Page 330 of 447 BENCH - TNH = 984.12203RD STREET WEST(202ND STREET WEST)C.S.A.H. NO. 50101087NEW BUILDINGFF = 981.277LOT 1BLOCK 1MONUMENT SIGNAPPRO Development, Inc.21476 Grenada Ave.Lakeville, MN 55044952-469-2171PRELIMINARY PLATGILB FITZPATRICKSECOND ADDITIONNEW CLINICLAKEVILLE, MNPROPOSED LEGENDWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERWATER SERVICESANITARY SERVICECHAIN LINK FENCEVINYL/WOOD FENCELIGHT POLEHYDRANTWATER VALVESANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECATCH BASINSILT FENCEGRADING LIMITS999CONTOUR LINESPOT ELEVATIONDRAINAGE ARROWDETAILNOTESSSSWWWWSSSSGENERAL NOTES1. The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information. The surveyor makes noguarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service orabandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that the underground utilities shown are in the exactlocation indicated although he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from the informationavailable. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. Call Gopher State One Call at811 for all utility, gas line, and electrical line locations prior to excavation.2. This survey was prepared using First American Title Insurance Company, Issuing Agent: DCA Title.Commitment No. 22-040100-XC, dated April 7, 2022 at 7:30 a.m.3. Property address: 9056 202nd Street West, Lakeville, MN 550444. Subject property lies in Zone X as it appears on Flood Insurance Rate Map Community - Map Number 27037C0213E, dated December 2, 2011.5. Benchmark - Dakota County Datum.6. Area of property to be platted: 51,617 sq. ft. = 1.185 AcresArea of proposed Lot 1, Block 1 = 51,617 sq. ft. = 1.185 Acres7. Property is zoned C-3 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT).Building setbacks: Front = 30 feetSide = 10 feetRear = 30 feet8. Bearings based on Dakota County section breakdown.9. Common Driveway and Access Easement per Document No. 1409998 is shown on the survey.Page 331 of 447 Page 332 of 447 Page 333 of 447 SB-1Page 334 of 447 Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRSB-1Page 335 of 447 SB-1 Know what's below.before you dig.Call R Page 336 of 447 Page 338 of 447 Page 340 of 447 Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us July 18, 2024 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: HENNING DEVRIES ADDITION The Dakota County Plat Commission met on July 17, 2024, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 50 (202nd St. W.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The proposed plan includes one commercial site. The future right-of-way needs for CSAH 50 as a 4-lane divided roadway are 75 feet of half right of way, which have been met. Access to the site will be from 203rd Street West, a city street. Restricted access is shown along all of CSAH 50. A quit claim deed to Dakota County for restricted access is required with the recording of the plat mylars. As noted, the existing driveway access to CSAH 50 should be closed and requires a permit. Please contact County Permits for closure of the existing access. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary and final plat, provided that the described conditions are met, and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners on August 13, 2024. Traffic volumes on CSAH 50 are 16,048 ADT and are anticipated to be 14,900 ADT by the year 2040. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact TJ Bentley regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Page 341 of 447 Page 342 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Sundance Lakeville Second Addition Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve: 1) the preliminary plat of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, 2) a conditional use permit to allow more than one multi- family principal building on one lot, and 3) adopt findings of fact. Overview Ryan Sailer, representing Timberland Partners, Inc. has submitted applications and plans for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, which proposes one lot and one block with 13 townhome buildings and 167 dwelling units and nine single family home lots with rental homes all totaling 15.75 acres north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road and east of Kendale Avenue. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the preliminary plat and conditional use permit at its July 18, 2024 meeting. There was public comment with concerns of traffic patterns, increased traffic to the neighborhoods to the west and north, traffic speeds through the neighborhoods, questions about findings in the traffic study, and Dakota County’s decision to restrict Kendale Drive at 162nd Street (CSAH 46) to a three-quarter intersection and proposed building setbacks and landscape screening along the north and west property boundaries. The comments and questions raised at the public hearing were addressed by City staff. The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to approve the preliminary plat and conditional use permit and subject to 12 stipulations, with one commission voting no with concerns regarding the proposed public use of a private road. Supporting Information 1. Preliminary Plat Resolution 2. CUP Form 3. CC Findings of Fact 4. July 18, 2024 Draft Planning Commission Minutes 5. July 22, 2024 Dakota County Plat Commission Letter 6. July 12, 2024 Planning Report 7. Exhibits A-C Maps and Project Narrative 8. Exhibits D-F Survey and Plats 9. Exhibit G Site Plans 10. Exhibit H Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control Plans 11. Exhibits I-J Tree Preservation and Landscape Plans 12. Exhibit K1 Townhome Architectural Plans Page 343 of 447 13. Exhibit K2 Clubhouse plans1 14. Exhibit L Single Family Architecture Plans 15. Exhibit M May 23, 2024 Traffic Study 16. July 8, 2024 Engineering report Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Diversified Economic Development Report Completed by: Frank Dempsey, AICP Associate Planner Page 344 of 447 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 24-____ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE LAKEVILILE SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, Timberland Partners, Inc. has requested preliminary plat approval of one residential townhome lot and nine single family residential lots and one outlot to be known as Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, legally described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at its June 20, 2024 meeting, preceded by notice as required by the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat meets Subdivision Ordinance requirements and is acceptable to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: The Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Implementation of the recommendations noted in the July 8, 2024 engineering report. 2. Park dedication shall be satisfied with a cash contribution paid at the time of final plat approval. 3. Outlot A will be deeded to the City for future stormwater maintenance purposes. 4. Prior to recording the final plat, the developer shall establish a cross access easement for the private street and abutting sidewalk within Lot 1, Block 1 benefitting the foregoing parcels for public and private access between Buck Hill Road and Kendale Drive, which easement shall provide for street construction and maintenance, including snow plowing, in a form approved by the City. 5. The Developer shall pay a prorated cash fee for contribution of sanitary sewer lift station No. 26 as a condition of final plat approval. The prorated fee is calculated based on the estimated Sundance Lakeville Second Addition wastewater flow sanitary sewer to lift station No. 26. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5th day of August 2024. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: _______________________ Page 345 of 447 Luke M. Hellier, Mayor ATTEST: BY: ________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( DAKOTA COUNTY ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 24-___ is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 5th day of August, 2024 as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. ________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk (SEAL) PREPARED BY: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Page 346 of 447 1 (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 24-___ 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Lakeville approves a Conditional Use Permit amendment to Timberland Partners, Incorporated to allow more than one multi-family townhome building on a single lot in the M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District. 2. Property. The permit is for the following described property located at 7430 160th Street West in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota: Lot 1, Block 1, SUNDANCE SECOND ADDITION 3. Conditions. This conditional use permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a) Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 8, 2024 engineering report. b) The landscape plan design along the north boundary of Lot 1 shall be amended to include a row of evergreen trees planted south of the utility easement to provide additional year-round screening of the townhome buildings from the north. c) All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be planted in street right-of-way or within the transmission line utility easement and shall comply with minimum size requirements. d) The developer shall submit a financial security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping at the time of final plat approval. e) Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. f) A site lighting plan shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of-way. g) Trash enclosures shall be constructed of materials consistent with the principal building and shall include a durable, maintenance free gate. Page 347 of 447 2 h) No parking signs shall be installed on both sides of the private street between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. 4. Revocation. The City may revoke the conditional use permit for cause upon determination that the conditional use permit is not in conformance with the conditions of the permit or is in continued violation of the city code or other applicable regulations. 5. Expiration. This conditional use permit shall expire unless the applicant commences the authorized use within one year of the date of this conditional use permit unless an extension is approved by the Zoning Administrator. Dated: August 5, 2024 BY: ________________________ Luke Hellier, Mayor BY:________________________ Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk SEAL STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5th day of August 2024 by Luke Hellier, Mayor and by Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. __________________________ Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Page 348 of 447 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA TIMBERLAND PARTNERS, INC. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION On July 18, 2024 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Timberland Partners, Inc. for a conditional use permit to allow multiple family townhomes and a recreational building on a single parcel in the M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The City Council hereby adopts the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is located in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which guides the property fer corridor mixed use, which includes multi-family residential. 2. The property is zoned M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 1, Sundance Lakeville Second Addition 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The multi-family townhomes and recreation building use of the property is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and District 1 recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The multi-family townhomes and recreation building on a single parcel is compatible with existing land uses in the area given compliance with the stipulations listed in the July 12, 2024 planning report. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Page 349 of 447 2 Finding: Provided compliance with stipulations of the conditional use permit, the multi-family townhomes and recreation building on a single parcel will conform to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. Finding: The subject property is within the existing MUSA. The property is served with city sanitary sewer and water. The multi-family townhomes and recreation building will not have a negative impact on the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The multi-family townhomes and recreation building use on a single parcel will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report dated July 12, 2024 prepared by Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner is incorporated herein. DECISION The City Council hereby approves the conditional use permit in the form attached thereto. DATED: August 5, 2024 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY:______________________ Luke Hellier, Mayor BY:_______________________ Anne Orlofsky, City Clerk Page 350 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 4 5b. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition Chair Majorowicz opened the public hearing to consider the application of Ryan Sailer, Timberland Partners, Inc. for the following: 1) Preliminary plat of one townhome lot to include 13 buildings and 167 dwelling units, one common club building, nine single family residential lots, and one outlot to be known as Sundance Lakeville Second Addition and 2) Conditional use permit to allow multiple family dwellings (townhome buildings) on a single parcel, located north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road, and east of Kendale Drive, located north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road, and east of Kendale Drive. Applicant Ryan Sailer presented an overview of the project. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. The project proposes one lot and one block with 13 townhome buildings and 167 dwelling units and nine single family home lots with rental homes all totaling 15.75 acres north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road and east of Kendale Avenue. The subject property is located in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is within the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). The proposed Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary and final plat meets the recommended goals and objectives outlined in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Dempsey outlined the shared private drive access at Buck Hill Road. The private drive will include an easement to allow the commercial and residential portions of the development as well as the public to use the private street connection between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. No parking signs shall be installed on both sides of the private street between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. A traffic study was completed by Alliant Engineering to determine the conditions of existing and anticipated traffic volumes between Buck Hill Road, 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and Kendale Drive. The study concluded that all intersections impacted by the development of the 18.75 acre Sundance Lakeville commercial and residential developments, future low-medium density residential to the west, and the existing neighborhoods utilizing Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road will operate under an acceptable grade (A & C) level of service or better through year 2045 anticipated peak hours of traffic. Community Development Department staff recommended approval of the Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the July 12, 2024 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated July 18, 2024. Chair Majorowicz opened the hearing to the public for comment. Page 351 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 5 Amy Erkenbrack - 11255 162nd St W Ms. Erkenbrack has a concern with the development of the land east of Kendale Drive and north of County Rd. 46. She stated her concern regarding removal of the left turn movements at Kendale Drive and County Rd. 46, suggesting it should remain. Tara Weishaar -15939 Kendale Circle Ms. Weishaar provided a handout to the Planning Commissioners prior to the meeting stating her concerns. She is requesting the City staff work with the developer to make a 60 foot right-of-way to allow the townhome buildings to be further from the private road. Chelsey Nguyen – 15956 Kendale Drive Ms. Nguyen is concerned about the number of homes and the increased volume of traffic in the proposed development. Emily Taylor – 15946 Kendale Circle Ms. Taylor asked for clarification regarding the plan for the private road. Sam Hass – 15729 Byant Avenue Ct Mr. Hass expressed concern regarding water drainage, screening, building setbacks, and the proposed pets policy, Great River Energy utility easement and fire safety in regards to the site and building design. Vincent LaFrance – 901 158th Street W Stated his concern regarding the close distance between the surrounding homes and the proposed development. Theresa Wels – 15713 Bryant Avenue Ct Requested information on building fire protection and charging pots for electric vehicles. Motion was made by Kaluza, seconded by Swenson to close the public hearing at 8:01 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous. Chair Majorowicz asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • Chair Majorowicz asked what the City’s limitations were regarding County Road 46. Mr. Dempsey explained that Dakota County controls access locations and intersection designs on all County highways. A decision to close the left turn vehicle movements at Kendale Drive and County Road 46 is a determination of the County as to when the intersection modifications are warranted and when they will occur. The County did not indicate that proposed Sundance development would result in warrants to modify the Kendale Drive intersection. Page 352 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 6 • Private road vs. public road is allowable, and how it fits into the proposed development. • Traffic safety within the site and surrounding area. • Commissioner Kaluza asked for clarification on whether the sidewalk on Kendale Drive will be extended to Dupont Avenue. • Stormwater drainage, setbacks, and power lines and easements. • Location of the private clubhouse and pedestrian access and crossings of the private street. • Distance from the private road intersection at Buck Hill Road. • Landscape screening should comply with city requirements. Motion was made by Kaluza, seconded by Einck to recommend to City Council approval of the Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated July 18, 2024. 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 8, 2024 engineering report. 2. Lots 2-10 shall confirm compliance with minimum lot width requirements of the RST-2 District prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat. 3. Park dedication shall be paid at the time of final plat approval. 4. The landscape plan design along the north boundary of Lot 1 shall be amended to include a row of evergreen trees planted south of the utility easement to provide additional year-round screening of the townhome buildings from the north. 5. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be planted in street right-of- way or within the transmission line utility easement and shall comply with minimum size requirements. 6. The developer shall submit a financial security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping at the time of final plat approval. 7. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 8. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. 9. A site lighting plan shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of-way. 10. Trash enclosures shall be constructed of materials consistent with the principal building and shall include a durable, maintenance free gate. 11. A private easement allowing shared public access over the private street between Buck Hill Road and Kendale Drive shall be submitted prior to final plat approval. The private easement shall include commitments to street construction to City of Lakeville standards, maintenance and repair, and maintenance and repair of the private storm sewer system within the private street. 12. No parking signs shall be installed on both sides of the private street between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. Page 353 of 447 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2024 Page 7 Ayes: Kaluza, Tinsley, Majorowicz, Zimmer, Einck Nays: Swenson – While he supports the proposed development, he has serious concerns that the street providing access for the development and the adjoining neighborhood is not a public street and instead will be privately owned and maintained. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tina Morrow, Recording Secretary Page 354 of 447 Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galax ie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us July 22, 2024 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE SECOND ADDITION The Dakota County Plat Commission met on July 17, 2024, to consider the preliminary plat of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 46 (162nd St. W.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The proposed site includes a replat of Oultot B, SUNDANCE ADDITION for residential development. Access to the site is off Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. The access spacing guidelines are ¼ mile (1320 feet) for restricted access locations. As per the access spacing guidelines, the Kendale Drive access at CSAH 46 is planned to be a restricted access location, which would be a ¾-access at this time. However, as discussed, there are no immediate plans to change the full access to ¾ access. This Kendale Drive/CSAH 46 intersection will continue to be evaluated, reviewed after full build out of the proposed development, and ongoing discussions with the City of Lakeville regarding future changes of this access. The Plat Commission noted that the internal street connection between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road should be a public street and not a private street to allow public access to the Buck Hill Road (full access) with Kendale Drive becoming restricted in the future. The City stated that this internal street will be a private street connection but operate like a public street. Restricted access will be shown along CSAH 46 for Block 1 per the underlying plat of SUNDANCE ADDITION. The Plat Commission has approved the preliminary and final plat and will recommend approval to the County Board of Commissioners meeting on August 13, 2024. Traffic volumes on CSAH 46 are 8,300 ADT and are anticipated to be 11,800 ADT by the year 2040. These traffic volumes indicate that current Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated into this development. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, Page 355 of 447 medians, etc. Please contact TJ Bentley regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Ryan Sailer, Timberland Partners Page 356 of 447 1 City of Lakeville Community Development Dept Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: July 12, 2024 Subject: Packet Material for the July 18, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: 1) Preliminary and final plat of one townhome lot to include nine buildings and 167 dwelling units, one common club building, nine single family rental residential lots and homes, and one outlot to be known as Sundance Lakeville Second Addition; 2) A conditional use permit to allow multiple family dwellings (townhome buildings) on a single parcel. Action Deadline: August 23, 2024 BACKGROUND Ryan Sailer, representing Timberland Partners, Inc. has submitted applications and plans for a preliminary plat, final plat, and conditional use permit for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, which proposes one lot and one block with 13 townhome buildings and 167 dwelling units and nine single family home lots with rental homes all totaling 15.75 acres north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road and east of Kendale Avenue. The 18.75 acre property had been agricultural property until approximately 2000, after which time the property had been an aggregate mining operation for approximately five years. This is the second phase of the proposed Sundance Lakeville development. At their June 20 meeting the Planning Commission recommended approval of the first phase of development, which proposes two medical office buildings. The preliminary and final plat plans have been submitted to: 1. The Engineering Division Page 357 of 447 2 2. The Parks and Recreation Department 3. Dakota County Plat Commission EXHIBITS A. Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo C. Project Narrative D. Property Survey E. Preliminary Plat F. Final Plat G. Site Plans H. Grading, Drainage, Utility Plans I. Tree Preservation Plan and Tree Inventory J. Landscaping Plan K. Townhome Architectural Plans L. Single Family Architectural Plans M. May 23, 2024 Traffic Study Zoning and Surrounding Uses. The subject property on which the townhomes and single-family homes will be located is zoned M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District and RST-1, Single and Two Family Residential District. The proposed preliminary plat is surrounded by the following land uses: Direction Existing Use Land Use Plan Zoning North Single family homes (City of Burnsville) Low Density Residential (Burnsville) R-1, Single Family District South 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and commercial development 162nd Street Right of Way and Commercial C-3, General Commercial District East Buck Hill Road/stormwater basin and I-35 right of way Restricted Development Undesignated (Right- of-Way West Kendale Drive easement and single family homes on Kendale Drive and Dupont Avenue and a single family home on 4.1 acres Low to Medium Density Residential RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District STAFF ANALYSIS On November 23, 2023, the City Council approved an amendment to the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for 14 acres of the 18.75 acre property from Commercial and Medium Density Page 358 of 447 3 Residential to high density residential and low to medium density residential and to rezone the 14 acres from C-3, General Commercial and RM-1, Medium Density Residential to M-1, Mixed Use I-35 Corridor District and RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. Following the amended land use plan and zoning, an application and plans for the proposed medical buildings was submitted for consideration of approval on the south three acres of the commercial zoned property abutting 162nd Street and Buck Hill Road. On June -20, 2024, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the preliminary and final plat of Sundance Lakeville for two commercial medical office buildings abutting 162nd Street and Buck Hill Road. The City Council approved the preliminary plat of Sundance Lakeville that included two commercial (medical) buildings adjacent to 162nd Street at its July 1, 2024 meeting. P RELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT a. Comprehensive Plan. The property is located in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is within the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). City municipal services, including sanitary sewer service, are available to serve the property. The subject property is guided -CMU, Corridor Mixed Use in the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary and final plat meets the recommended goals and objectives outlined in Planning District No. 1 of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. b. Lot/Block/Outlot. The proposed lots exceed the minimum lot area and lot width requirements of the M-1 and RST-2 Districts. M-1 District Townhome Lot Requirements Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements Townhome Lot 1 20,000 Square Feet 11.5 acres 100 feet 263 feet c. Streets. Sundance Lakeville abuts 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and will have a shared private drive access at Buck Hill Road. The private street will be extended west to Kendale Drive when the residential area to the north is developed. The private drive will include an easement to allow the commercial and residential portions of the development as well as the public to use the private street connection between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. No parking signs shall be installed on both sides of the private street between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. 162nd Street (CSAH 46) is classified as a minor arterial road in the City’s Transportation Plan and is constructed as a 4-lane divided road. The Dakota County Plat Commission review of the preliminary and final plat indicated that no additional road right-of-way is required with the Page 359 of 447 4 proposed final plat. There will be no private driveway access to 162nd Street with the proposed medical buildings site plan. Buck Hill Road is classified as a major collector road providing access via a signalized intersection at 162nd Street. No additional right-of-way is required for Buck Hill Road. Kendale Drive is classified as a local street with a 32-foot-wide street constructed temporarily as a rural section road until such time the remaining undeveloped properties adjacent to Kendale Drive are developed. Kendale Drive was constructed as a rural section road in 2001 as part of the Streefland Addition development to the west and is between 60 and 80-feet wide and partly within a temporary roadway easement. The road width is suitable for the commercial and residential development proposed for the 18.75 acre property. Kendale Drive to the west is 60 feet wide within the single-family residential development. Kendale Drive will be platted as right-of-way and developed as an urban street (curb, gutter and sidewalks) at the time of development of the remaining properties in this area. The Dakota County Plat Commission met at its April 10, 2024 meeting to review the Sundance Lakeville preliminary plat under the terms of the Contiguous Plat Ordinance (plats adjacent to County Roads). The Plat Commission determined that the development of the combined residential and commercial portions of the 18.75 acre property in addition to the existing and projected traffic along 162nd Street necessitates the construction of a restricted turning movement median in 162nd Street (CSAH 46). Left turns from southbound Kendale Drive to eastbound 162nd Street will not be allowed. Right turning movements to and from Kendale Drive from 162nd Street will remain. The restricted access at Kendale Drive will require vehicles to use the shared private road across the Sundance Lakeville development to access the signalized intersection at Buck Hill Road. Traffic Study. A traffic study was completed by Alliant Engineering on in 2023 with a final traffic study report prepared May 23, 2024 to determine the existing and post-development conditions of and anticipated traffic volumes between Buck Hill Road, 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and Kendale Drive. The study identified traffic volumes in 2017, 2021 and adjustments to 2021 traffic to account for lingering impacts to traffic volumes during the COVID pandemic. The study concluded that all intersections impacted by the development of the 18.75 acre Sundance Lakeville commercial and residential developments, future low-medium density residential to the west, and the existing neighborhoods utilizing Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road will operate under a high grade (A & C) level of service or better through year 2045 anticipated peak hours of traffic. Traffic volumes on 162nd Street (CSAH 46) are presently 8,300 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) vehicles per day and anticipated to be 11,800 ADT by 2040. d. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sanitary sewer and water is currently available to the site, which is within the current MUSA. All public utilities will be constructed by the developer to serve the proposed preliminary and final plat following final plat approval. Page 360 of 447 5 City sanitary sewer lift station No. 26 is under construction to provide sanitary sewer service for the development of the 18.75 acre property and other future property developments within the Crystal Lake watershed that services this area. Sanitary sewer now going through the Crystal Lake lift station in Burnsville will be diverted to the lift station under constructed in conjunction with Sundance commercial and residential plats. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for construction of sanitary sewer lift station No. 26. The construction of lift station No. 26 was anticipated upon determination that the Crystal Lake lift station was very near capacity. Grading and utility plans have been submitted with the Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary and final plat plans. Grading, drainage, erosion control, utility, and tree preservation review comments are addressed in the engineering report prepared by Jon Nelson, Assistant City Engineer and Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager, dated July 8, 2024. A copy of the engineering report is attached for reference. e. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. The City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify any future park land needs in the area of the plat. A bituminous trail is in place along the north side of 162nd Street (CSAH 46). Concrete sidewalk will be installed along Kendale Drive in conjunction with development of the residential Sundance Lakeville project. Park dedication will be satisfied with a cash fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. The 2024 park dedication cash fee rate in lieu of park land is $3,012 per dwelling unit for high density residential and $5,774 per dwelling unit for low density residential. f. Wetlands. There are no wetlands associated with the Sundance Lakeville Second Addition preliminary and final plat property. g. Tree Preservation. The tree preservation plan identifies 738 significant trees on the entire 18.75 acre site. Due to the high-density residential development proposed, most trees will be removed with the residential development phase of construction. A tree preservation plan for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition shall be submitted prior to issuance of a city grading permit. The proposed landscape plan outlines the tree replacement proposed as part of the site development. h. Premature Subdivision Criteria. The preliminary plat is not premature under the terms of the Subdivision Ordinance. All utilities and public streets are in place to serve the subject property. i. Capital Improvement Program (CIP). All proposed improvements necessary for the development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition will be privately funded by the developer. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Section 11-65-7 of the Zoning Ordinance allows multi-family buildings on a single parcel subject to approval of a conditional use permit. The purpose of this requirement is to compliance with development density, building height, floor area ratio, exterior design, and building height requirements as well as establishment of a ownership requirement for the for uniform property and building exterior maintenance. Page 361 of 447 6 Lot Area. Section 11-65-7.L.1.a(1) of the Zoning Ordinance requires multiple family uses to provide a minimum of 1,675 square feet of net lot area per dwelling unit. The area Lot 1, Block 1 is 14.74 acres or 642,074 square feet. Based on 167 dwelling units, the lot area per unit for the proposed multiple family use is 3,844 square feet per dwelling unit, which complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Floor Area Ratio. Section 11-65-7.L.1.a(2) of the Zoning Ordinance limits the floor area ratio for the proposed multiple family building to 0.7 as the subject site abuts single family lots zoned RST- 2 District to the west. The gross floor area of the proposed buildings range between 18,019 and 20,490 square feet and the area of the proposed lot is 642,074 square feet. The floor area ratio of the proposed development is between 0.28 and 0.32, which fall within the limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The table below outlines the setbacks required for development of the subject site by Section 11-65-13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The locations of the proposed multiple family buildings within the lot meets or exceeds the minimum setbacks required by the Zoning Ordinance. Buck Hill Rd. Kendale Dr. North South East Required 30 ft. 30 ft. 30ft. 0 ft. 35+ ft Proposed 45+ ft. 100+ ft. 30ft. 13+ ft. 35+ ft Dwelling Units. The proposed building has a mix of 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom dwelling units summarized in the table below: Min Floor Area Required Proposed Floor Area # of Units % of Total Units 1 Bedroom 700sf. 728-855sf. 67 40.2% 2 Bedroom 800sf. 1,035-1,148sf. 92 55.1% 3 Bedroom 880sf. 1,336-1,660 8 4.7% The proposed dwelling units comply with the minimum floor area requirements specified in Section 11-17-13.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior finish. The exterior materials for the proposed building must comply with Section 11-65- 7.R.3.c of the Zoning Ordinance requiring minimum of 25 percent of each building elevation shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco, and/or natural or artificial stone and shall have more than 60% of all elevations of one type of exterior finish. The submitted building elevation plans identify the type of all exterior finish materials and include a schedule indicating the percent of the total area of the exterior of the principal building using required materials. The use of brick or stone for Page 362 of 447 7 the exterior finish of all proposed buildings complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Building Height. Multiple family buildings within the M-1 District are limited to a height of four stories or 48 feet by Section 11-65-7.N.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Illustrations of the proposed townhome buildings indicate a gable roof design with heights between 28 and 31.4 feet. Parking. The proposed building is to have 167 dwelling units and 240 total bedrooms equal to 1.44 bedrooms per dwelling unit. Section 11-19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires multiple family dwellings to provide 2.0 parking stalls per dwelling unit if there are less than 2.0 bedrooms per dwelling unit. Section 11-65-7.R.d of the Zoning Ordinance further requires that a minimum of 1.0 of the required parking stalls per dwelling unit be provided within an enclosed garage attached to the principal building. Based on 167 dwelling units, 334 parking stalls are required and 338 parking spaces are proposed in addition to 41 guest parking spaces and ADA accessible parking spaces. The breakdown of surface and garage parking shown on the submitted plans is summarized below: Garage Stalls 169 Driveway Stalls 169 Guest Parking 41 Total 379 The site plan shall provide the required number of ADA accessible parking spaces on site. The proposed off-street parking areas and drive aisles are setback more than 15 feet from the west property line abutting the RST-2 lots. Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires off- street parking stalls to have minimum dimensions of 9 feet by 20 feet. The proposed driveway aisles are 20 feet in width as allowed in the M-1 District. The townhome driveway setback from the private driveways is 20 feet as allowed by the M-1 District and consistent with other similar townhome developments in Sprit of Brandtjen Farms and numerous Dakota County CDA townhomes developed in Lakeville. The proposed surface parking stalls comply with these minimum dimensions. The parking stalls must striped as required by Section 11-19-7.I.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking area must be surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 11-19-7.I.15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Tenant Clubhouse/Recreation Lot. The site plan provides a location for outdoor recreation amenities including a swimming pool, patio area, grilling stations and a 5,000+ square foot clubhouse building as a benefit to tenants of the townhomes and single family homes within the development. The clubhouse and pool area are located at the southwest corner of the site and are setback not less than 33 feet from the south property line (162nd Street) as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The building elevation plans show a community building consistent with the exterior building materials as the townhome buildings and in compliance with Zoning ordinance requirements. Section 11-21-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance requires details regarding fencing for Page 363 of 447 8 the patio and pool area to be submitted for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator, including compliance with Section 11-21-5.G of the Zoning Ordinance related to pools. Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan proposes 219 overstory, evergreen, and ornamental trees as noted in the table below: Landscape Materials 111 Overstory trees (2.5-inch min. diameter) 72 Conifer trees (8-foot minimum height) 36 Ornamental trees 39 Shrub plantings The site and landscape plan propose a minimum 30-foot landscaped buffer between the townhome property and the single-family homes to the north. A 30-foot landscaped buffer is consistent with the 30-foot required landscaped buffer between single family homes and commercial zoned property. The landscape plan design along the north boundary of Lot 1 shall be amended to include a row of evergreen trees planted south of the utility easement to provide additional year-round screening of the townhome buildings from the north. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of eight feet in height. Deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 2.5-inch caliper. All shrubs shall comply with minimum size/height requirements, not container sizes. The landscape plan shall be amended to identify minimum shrub heights in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements, not container size as shown. A landscape security based on the contractor estimate shall be submitted with the final plat consideration as financial security for installation of the approved landscaping. Exterior Lighting. Plans for exterior lighting have not yet been submitted but will be submitted by the developer and reviewed and administered during the building permit process. All exterior lighting shall comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements, shall be downcast and not glare onto public right of way or other residential properties. The developer shall submit a lighting plan showing the location, height, type, and illumination pattern of all exterior lighting. The intensity of exterior lighting is limited to one foot-candle measured at the right of way or property line. Signs. Any signage shall comply with Section 11-23-19.D of the Zoning Ordinance allowing uses within the M-1 District one freestanding sign per lot not to exceed 100 square feet in area and 20 feet in height. A sign permit is required to be issued prior to placement of any sign upon the property in accordance with Section 11-23-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. Waste Storage. Individual units will be responsible for indoor trash and recycling storage in each unit as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Findings of Fact in consideration of the conditional use permit are attached. Page 364 of 447 9 SITE PLAN RST-2 Lots. Nine single family home lots are proposed at the northwest corner of the property with a 230 foot long cul-de-sac street accessed from Kendale Drive. RST-2 District Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements RST-2 Minimum Lot Width and Lot Area Lots 2-9 Lot Width Corner 85 ft. Interior 70 ft. Lots 2 and 4 shall be revised for lot width prior to approval of the preliminary plat Lot Area Corner 10,500 ft. Interior 8,400 ft. All lots comply with minimum area requirements RST-2 District Single Family Home Setback Requirements Front Side (Interior) Side (Corner) Rear 20 feet house 25 feet garage 7 feet 20 feet 30 feet The lots comply with minimum lot area and lot width requirements except for Lot 2 and 4 which do not clearly determine lot width at the 20 foot garage setback line. The preliminary plat shall be revised to demonstrate compliance with minimum lot width prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat. The proposed Sundance Lakeville Second Addition townhome and single family home development is consistent with the goals and policies of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for inclusion of multiple family land uses within mixed use residential and commercial developments adjacent to the I-35 corridor in proximity to transit facilities to provide market support for surrounding business and expand housing choices within Lakeville. Furthermore, the proposed development complies with the performance standards applicable to multiple family uses within the M-1 District established by the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Findings of fact supporting the approval of a conditional use permit to allow for the proposed multiple family use has been drafted for consideration by the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATION Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 8, 2024 engineering report. Page 365 of 447 10 2. Lots 2-10 shall confirm compliance with minimum lot width requirements of the RST-2 District prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat. 3. Park dedication must be paid at the time of final plat approval. 4. The landscape plan design along the north boundary of Lot 1 shall be amended to include a row of evergreen trees planted south of the utility easement to provide additional year- round screening of the townhome buildings from the north. 5. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. Trees and shrubs shall not be planted in street right-of-way or within the transmission line utility easement and shall comply with minimum size requirements. 6. The developer shall submit a financial security to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping at the time of final plat approval. 7. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 8. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. 9. A site lighting plan shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. All exterior light fixtures shall be down-cast design so as not to glare onto public right-of- way. 10. The trash enclosures shall be constructed of materials consistent with the principal building and shall include a durable, maintenance free gate. 11. A private easement allowing shared public access over the private street between Buck Hill Road and Kendale Drive shall be submitted prior to final plat approval. The private easement shall include commitments to street construction to City of Lakeville standards, maintenance and repair, and maintenance and repair of the private storm sewer system within the private street. 12. No parking signs shall be installed on both sides of the private street between Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road. Page 366 of 447 COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK24'20'20'20'24'32'19.8'BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 114-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITS12,500 SFSINGLE STORYSINGLE STORY14,000 SF11'BUILDING 516-UNITSCommunity Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolCLUBHOUSEPROPERTY LINE5' INTERIOR PARKING SETBACKBUILDING SETBACK/EASEMENTTRASHENCLOSUREFD Maint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1 Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 112-UNITSPROPERTY ZONING M-1 MIXED USE I-35CORRIDOR DISTRICT485,781 SF (11.15 AC)RST-2, SINGLE AND TWO FAMILYRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT156,508 SF (3.59 AC)FUTURE R.O.W DEDICATION:21,682 SF (.49 AC)INCLUDED IN 3.59 AC .C-3, GENERAL COMMERCIAL130,933 SF (3.01 AC)R.O.W DEDICATION:43,932 SF (1.01 AC)EXHIBIT APage 367 of 447 Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community 158TH ST City of Burnsville KENDALE DR Sundance Lakeville Second Addition City of Lakeville Sundance Lakeville Second Addition Location Map EXHIBIT B BUCK HILL R D 162ND ST (CSAH 46) Sundance LakevilleDUPONT AVEKENYON AVE KENT TRLPage 368 of 447 SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP, ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT, PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE Timberland Partners and Davis Medical Group are proposing to construct a mix of multifamily residential, single-family residential, and medical office on a currently vacant 18.75 parcel of land located north of 162nd Street (CSAH 46) and west of Buck Hill Road. The existing zoning on the site includes a mix of RST-2, M-1, and C-3. More specifically, Timberland Partners proposes to construct 167 townhome-style apartments and 9 single-family rental homes on approximately 14.25 acres of the parcel. Both the multifamily and single- family project components will be branded as Sundance Lakeville and will include 100% market rate rentals targeting young couples, with and without children, and empty nesters looking to downsize. No public subsidy or assistance is requested. Sundance will contain thirteen (13) two-story buildings, each containing 8-16 flats, or dwelling units, on 11.15 acres that has been rezoned to M-1. The nine (9) single-family homes are located on approximately 3.10 acres that has been rezoned to RST-2. The multifamily buildings will include a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. All units will have direct access entries and at least one dedicated attached garage space. There are no common corridors or common entries associated with any of the units, allowing residents increased privacy and sense of safety. The single-family homes will be a mix of 3- and 4-bedroom homes on sizable lots, each with their own individual yard. Both the single-family and multifamily components will be constructed as one cohesive development through connectivity and shared amenities including a 5,000+ square foot clubhouse which will include a full kitchen, community room, game lounge, and fitness center. It will also contain offices for our award-winning on-site management team. Connected to the clubhouse will be a large outdoor pool with an outdoor kitchen, including grilling stations, and a fire pit. Site amenities will also include natural wetland buffers, ample green space, and a dog run and dog spa. The proposed plan includes ample resident and guest parking which exceeds city code and is thoughtfully designed in a manner to provide residents with a true neighborhood feel. All interior roads are proposed to be private, with the main east-west road that will traverse the site from Kendale Drive to Buck Hill Road serving as shared access to both the Sundance development and the Davis project. Both parties will execute a Private Roadway, Stormwater Retention and Utility Easement Agreement which will outline care and maintenance requirements of the shared road roadway and stormwater system. Lakeville-based RT Residential, a division of the Tradition Companies, will be the general contractor for Sundance Lakeville ensuring that the project will be built to the highest quality and integrity. Sundance Lakeville will be developed, owned, and managed by Timberland Partners. Timberland is based in Bloomington, Minnesota, and currently owns and manages over 20,000 apartment homes located in 18 states. Timberland does not provide any third-party management services, managing only what we own and focusing on providing a safe, clean, and quality living experience for our residents. EXHIBIT C Page 369 of 447 EXHIBIT DPage 370 of 447 Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNR=410.00 L=101.31 Δ=14°09'25" C.Brg =S33°41'44"W C=101.05S88°40'52"E 263.48S00°45'50"W 294.65 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 .0 0 L = 1 6 .1 3 Δ = 2 ° 2 2'1 3 " C .B rg = S 4 1 ° 5 7 '3 4 "WC = 1 6 .1 3S49°13'36"E20.00DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.1452345678910N01°30'01"E 197.34 S40°06'53"W 225.77N40°06'53"E 134.34N02°39'36"W72.72N08°29'31"W19.15R=271.45L=326.69Δ=68°57'24"C.Brg=N35°58'23"WC=307.3358.6496.99139.02 97.35658.24137.43171.54N40°06'53"E 164.94 N90°00'00"E 128.20N00°00'00"E 371.49 S18°09'40"W 118.66S34°11'49"E 146.13N49°53'07"W 206.07N49°53'07"W 174.36N49°53'07"W 120.11N49°53'07"W 120.11N49°53'07"W 120.9626.41138.53 140.84R=60.00L=259.73Δ=248°01'16"C.Brg=N87°28'35"WC=99.4743.9990.3582.73 68.0475.00 R=27.50L=34.37=71°36'05"L=12.04=11°29'54"L=79.37Δ=75°47'30"L=54.83Δ=52°21'28"L=45.70Δ=43°38'44"L=60.7 7Δ=58°01'3 7 "L=7.02=6°42'03"KENYON COURTL=133.79Δ=28°14'23"L =4 4 .3 1Δ=9 °2 1 '0 8 "N00°00'00"E 172.75 R=170.00L=153.02Δ=51°34'27"N90°00'00"E 185.01R=414.00L=159.33Δ=22°03'01"C.Brg=N78°58'29"WC=158.35R=99.04L=73.58=42°34'12"C.Brg=N59°42'39"EC=71.90BLOCK 1N90°00'00"E 140.23N40°06'53"E 198.96OUTLOT A48.59 75.00 75.37152.16 78.49 1L=60.30Δ=12°43'43"L=88.29Δ=18°38'11"PARCEL AREA TABLEPARCELLot 1Lot 2Lot 3Lot 4Lot 5Lot 6Lot 7Lot 8Lot 9Lot 10Outlot ARight of WayTotalAREA SF485,78112,5629,0089,01113,87921,92112,93617,57015,12913,0569,75321,683642,290AREA AC11. REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION4SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT PRELIMINARY PLAT 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700LEGEND: EXHIBIT EPage 371 of 447 R=410.00L=101.31Δ=14°09'25"C.Brg=S33°41'44"WC=101.05S88°40'52"E 263.48S00°45'50"W 294.65N89°45'28"W 1064.56 N00°39'19"E 507.71R=390.00L=16.13Δ=2°22'13"C.Brg=S41°57'34"W C=16.13S49°13'36"E 20.00 DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N01°30'01"E 197.34S40°06'53"W 225.77N40°06'53"E 134.34N02°39'36"W72.72N08°29'31"W 19.15 R = 2 7 1. 4 5 L =3 2 6 .69Δ=68°57'24"C .B rg = N 3 5 ° 5 8 ' 2 3"WC=307.3358.6496.99139.0297.35 658.24137.43171.54 N40°06'53"E 164.94N90°00'00"E 128.20 N00°00'00"E 371.49S18°09'40"W 118.66S34°11 '49 "E 146 .13 N 4 9 ° 5 3 ' 0 7 " W 2 0 6 . 0 7 N 4 9 ° 5 3 ' 0 7 " W 1 7 4 . 3 6 N 4 9 ° 5 3 ' 0 7 " W 1 2 0 . 1 1 N 4 9 ° 5 3 ' 0 7 " W 1 2 0 . 1 1 N 4 9 ° 5 3 ' 0 7 " W 1 2 0 . 9 6 26.41138.53140.84R=60.00L =2 5 9 .7 3 Δ=24 8 ° 0 1'16"C.Brg=N 8 7 °2 8 '3 5"W C = 9 9.4743.9990.3582.7368.0475.00R=27.50 L=34.37 =71°36'05" L=12.04 =11°29'54"L=79.37Δ=75°47'30"L =5 4 .8 3 Δ =5 2 °2 1'2 8 "L = 4 5. 7 0 Δ=43° 3 8 ' 4 4"L=60.77Δ=58°01'37"L=7.02 =6°42'03"KENYON COURTL=133.79Δ=28°14'23"L=44.31Δ=9°21'08"N89°45'28"W 1568.22 N00°00'00"E 172.75R =1 7 0 .0 0 L =1 5 3 .0 2 Δ =5 1 °3 4 '2 7 " N90°00'00"E 185.01 R=414.00L=159.33Δ=22°03'01"C .B r g=N7 8°58'29"WC=158.35 R=99.04 L=73.58 =42°34'12" C.Brg=N59°42'39"E C=71.90 BLOCK 1 N90°00'00"E 140.23 N40°06'53"E 198.96OUTLOT A48.5975.0075.37152.1678.491 L = 6 0.3 0 Δ = 1 2 ° 4 3 '4 3 " L=88.29 Δ=18°38'11"BLOCK 11 SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE SECOND ADDITION EXHIBIT F Page 372 of 447 R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ =37°09'37"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC)DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145(PU B L I C )Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUN1BLOCK 12345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASINFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION8SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN OVERALL 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700EXHIBIT GPage 373 of 447 R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ=37°09'37"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R DDAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145(PU B L I C ) FDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINSUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION7Page 374 of 447 S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ECOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)KENDALE DR (PUBLIC)DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFD Maint. Storage M3 Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 MAINT.DOG RUN23OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASIN8SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 375 of 447 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2 1BLOCK 1OUTLOT ABUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASIN9SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 376 of 447 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56FD Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 2345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASIN10SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT SITE PLAN - VIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 377 of 447 R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ =37°09'3 7"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68ΔΔCOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFD Maint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1 Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUN1BLOCK 12345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASINW/O W/O W/O C W/O L/O SOGSOGW/OC L/O FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION11SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN OVERALL 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700EXHIBIT HPage 378 of 447 R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ=37°09'37"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R DDAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145(PU B L I C ) FDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINFFE:1008.00FFE:1009.00FFE:1008.70FFE:1009.30FFE:1007.70FFE:1007.00SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION12Page 379 of 447 S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"EΔΔCOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)KENDALE DR (PUBLIC)DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFD Maint. Storage M3 Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 MAINT.DOG RUN23OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASINW/O W/O FFE:1008.50FFE:1008.70FFE:1008.00FFE:1009.00FFE:1008.70FFE:1007.00FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN - VIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 70013Page 380 of 447 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2 1BLOCK 1BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINFFE:1008.00FFE:1009.00FFE:1011.20FFE:1010.70FFE:1010.7FFE:1009.70FFE:1010.00FFE:1008.70FFE:1009.30FFE:1010.70FFE:1007.70FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN - VIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 70014Page 381 of 447 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56ΔΔFD Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 2345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASINW/O W/O W/ O C W/O L/O SOGSOGW/O C L/O FFE:1008.00FFE:1009.00FFE:1011.20FFE:1010.00FFE:1008.70FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN - VIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 70015Page 382 of 447 R=410.00 L=265.91 Δ =37°09'3 7"R=4681.66L=87.53Δ=1°04'16"S88°40'52"E 712.12S01°19'08"W 307.15 R=140.00L=183.39Δ=75°03'19"C.Brg=S36°12'31"ES00°45'50"W 385.50 N89°45'28"W 1064.56N00°39'19"E 507.71 R = 3 9 0 . 0 0 L = 1 6 . 1 3 = 2 ° 2 2 ' 1 3 "S49°13'36"E20.00N03°36'50"E 73.38S86°23'10"E40.00N03°36'50"E25.68ΔΔCOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFD Maint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1 Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUN1BLOCK 12345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASINBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSINFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASININFILTRATIONBASINW/O W/O W/O C W/O L/O SOGSOGW/OC L/O FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION16SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (SWPPP) PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700Page 383 of 447 Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2 1BLOCK 12345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURTCOUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R D KENDALE DR (PUBLIC) (PU B L I C )TREE PROTECTION FENCENOT TO SCALE42SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONEXHIBIT IPage 384 of 447 43SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT TREE INVENTORY 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 385 of 447 44SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT TREE INVENTORY 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 386 of 447 COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)BUCK HILL R DDAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145(PU B L I C ) FDMaint. StorageM3 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2MAINT.DOG RUNBUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSSEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 16 UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 16 UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION36FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONEXHIBIT JPage 387 of 447 COUNTY HWY NO. 46 (PUBLIC) (AKA 162ND ST W)KENDALE DR (PUBLIC)DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.145Community Room110Game Room109Lobby100Office101Office102Work Room103Mech104Womens105Mens106Yoga108Fitness107Concrete Pool DeckPool Equip112Mech/Storage111PoolFD Maint. Storage M3 Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 MAINT.DOG RUN23OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDCLUBHOUSEBUILDING 112-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 11 UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTING,SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION37SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 2FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 388 of 447 Bike FixitM1Pet WashM2 1BLOCK 1BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 412-UNITSBUILDING 612-UNITSBUILDING 812-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDBUILDING 316-UNITSBUILDING 516-UNITSSEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-B UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 16 UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 16 UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 16 UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION38SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 3FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 389 of 447 FD Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 2345678910OUTLOT AKENYON COURT BUILDING 212-UNITSBUILDING 1212-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 1112-UNITSBUILDING 1012-UNITSSTORMWATERPONDSTORMWATERPONDSEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 12-A UNIT TYPICALFOUNDATION PLANTING, SHEET 41SEE 11 UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTING,SHEET 41733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION39SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT LANDSCAPE PLAN - VIEW 4FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 390 of 447 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 70040MULCH AT SOD DETAILNOT TO SCALE5MULCH AT SIDEWALK DETAILNOT TO SCALE43PERENNIAL PLANTINGSNOT TO SCALESHRUB PLANTINGNOT TO SCALE2TREE PLANTINGNOT TO SCALE1PLANTING NOTES: SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE, NOTES AND DETAILS LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: SEEDING NOTES: FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 391 of 447 BUILDING 912-UNITSBUILDING 1311-UNITSBUILDING 716-UNITSFD Bike Fixit M1 Pet Wash M2 BUILDING 212-UNITS733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 70041SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE CUP/PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT TYPICAL LANDSCAPE PLANS16 UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTINGSCALE: 1" = 20'411 UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTINGSCALE: 1" = 20'112-B UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTINGSCALE: 1" = 20'2LEGEND: LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: 12-A UNIT TYPICAL FOUNDATION PLANTINGSCALE: 1" = 20'3FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPage 392 of 447 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville Cover Sheet SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE Gross Square Footage Building Site Count Level -1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Building Total Gross Area Total Gross Building Areas 11-Unit Building (11A) 1 -9,134ft² 8,885ft² -18,019ft²18,019ft² 12-Unit Building (12A) 8 -8,384ft² 8,315ft² 1,190ft² 17,709ft²141,672ft² 12-Unit Building (12B) 1 -10,374ft² 10,115ft² -20,490ft²20,490ft² 16-Unit Building (16A) 3 -11,803ft² 11,454ft² -23,257ft²69,771ft² Clubhouse 1 -5,120ft² --5,120ft²5,120ft² Maintenance 1 -1,014ft² --1,014ft²1,014ft² x Grand Total 15 256,086ft² Unit Mix Name Garage Stalls Total Unit Count Unit Area w/ Mezz Unit A1 1 45 797 ft² Unit A2 1 14 813 ft² Unit A3 - Type A 1 2 728 ft² Unit A7 1 6 855 ft² Unit B2 1 50 1,221 ft² Unit B2 2 2 1,221 ft² Unit B3 1 2 1,134 ft² Unit B4 1 2 1,188 ft² Unit B4 2 1 1,188 ft² Unit B5 - Type A 2 1 1,098 ft² Unit B6 1 2 1,305 ft² Unit B7 1 32 1,111 ft² Unit C2 2 1 1,433 ft² Unit C3 - Type A 2 1 1,422 ft² Unit C4 1 6 1,660 ft² Grand total 167 Residential Unit Mix - 12-Unit Building (12A) - 8 Buildings on Site Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Mezzanine Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Gross Total Gross Area Main Floor Net Stairs Net Mezzanine Net Garage Net Total Unit Net Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 4 797 ft² 0 ft²0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,713 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²339 ft² 1,079 ft² 4,316 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit B2 1 4 1,221 ft² 0 ft²92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 6,524 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²289 ft² 1,510 ft² 6,040 ft² 2 2 - Unit B7 1 4 813 ft² 298 ft² 96 ft² 411 ft² 1,618 ft² 6,471 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 321 ft² 367 ft² 1,529 ft² 6,117 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 12 17,709 ft²16,473 ft² Residential Unit Mix - 11-Unit Building w/ Type A (11A) Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 1 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 1,178 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 339 ft²1,079 ft² 1,079 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit B3 1 1 1,134 ft² 0 ft² 419 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,070 ft² 0 ft² 372 ft²1,442 ft² 1,442 ft² 2 2 Type B Unit B5 - Type A 2 1 1,098 ft² 0 ft² 723 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,035 ft² 0 ft² 676 ft²1,711 ft² 1,711 ft² 2 2 Type A Level 2 Unit A2 1 1 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 1,321 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 367 ft²1,208 ft² 1,208 ft² 1 1 - Unit A2 1 1 813 ft² 132 ft² 412 ft² 1,357 ft² 1,357 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 337 ft²1,178 ft² 1,178 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 1 2 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 3,262 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 289 ft²1,510 ft² 3,020 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 379 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 346 ft²1,567 ft² 1,567 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 2 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 716 ft² 2,051 ft² 2,051 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 669 ft²1,890 ft² 1,890 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 1 1 1,188 ft² 95 ft² 412 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 367 ft²1,579 ft² 1,579 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 2 1 1,188 ft² 132 ft² 748 ft² 2,068 ft² 2,068 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 696 ft²1,908 ft² 1,908 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 11 18,019 ft²16,583 ft² Residential Unit Mix - 16-Unit Building (16A) Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 4 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,713 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 339 ft²1,079 ft² 4,316 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit A7 1 2 855 ft² 0 ft² 385 ft² 1,240 ft² 2,479 ft² 798 ft² 0 ft² 346 ft²1,144 ft² 2,288 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit A2 1 2 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 2,642 ft² 753 ft² 83 ft² 337 ft²1,173 ft² 2,346 ft² 1 1 - Unit A2 1 2 813 ft² 96 ft² 373 ft² 1,282 ft² 2,564 ft² 753 ft² 83 ft² 352 ft²1,188 ft² 2,376 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 1 4 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 6,524 ft² 1,148 ft² 86 ft² 287 ft²1,521 ft² 6,084 ft² 2 2 - Unit C4 1 2 1,660 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 2,168 ft² 4,335 ft² 1,502 ft² 76 ft² 337 ft²1,915 ft² 3,829 ft² 3 2 - Grand total 16 23,257 ft²21,239 ft² Residential Unit Mix - 12-Unit Building (12B) - 1 Building on Site Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A3 - Type A 1 2 728 ft² 0 ft² 491 ft² 1,219 ft² 2,437 ft² 675 ft² 0 ft² 454 ft²1,129 ft² 2,258 ft² 1 1 Type A Unit B3 1 1 1,134 ft² 0 ft² 419 ft² 1,553 ft² 1,553 ft² 1,070 ft² 0 ft² 372 ft²1,442 ft² 1,442 ft² 2 2 Type B Unit C3 - Type A 2 1 1,422 ft² 0 ft² 699 ft² 2,121 ft² 2,121 ft² 1,336 ft² 0 ft² 653 ft²1,989 ft² 1,989 ft² 3 2 Type A Level 2 Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 1,631 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 289 ft²1,510 ft² 1,510 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 336 ft² 1,649 ft² 1,649 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 302 ft²1,523 ft² 1,523 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 437 ft² 1,750 ft² 1,750 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 397 ft²1,618 ft² 1,618 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 2 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 773 ft² 2,086 ft² 2,086 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 722 ft²1,943 ft² 1,943 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 1 1 1,188 ft² 95 ft² 412 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,125 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,568 ft² 1,568 ft² 2 2 - Unit B6 1 2 1,305 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,813 ft² 3,627 ft² 1,102 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,545 ft² 3,090 ft² 2 2 - Unit C2 2 1 1,433 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,941 ft² 1,941 ft² 1,366 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,809 ft² 1,809 ft² 3 2 - Grand total 12 20,490 ft²18,751 ft² EXHIBIT K1 Page 393 of 447 UP UP UP UP 412 ft² Unit B7-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 96 ft² Unit B7 - Stairs 412 ft² Unit B7-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 96 ft² Unit B7 - Stairs 412 ft² Unit B7-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 96 ft² Unit B7 - Stairs 412 ft² Unit B7-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 96 ft² Unit B7 - Stairs MECH797 ft² Unit A1 797 ft² Unit A1 797 ft² Unit A1 797 ft² Unit A1 A501 2 A5013 SD_312 4 SD_312 1 SD_312 2 SD_3123 SD_311 5 SD_311 2 SD_311 3 SD_3114 118'-8"83'-8"813 ft² Unit B7 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 A501 2 A5013 SD_312 4 SD_312 1 SD_312 2 SD_3123 SD_311 5 SD_311 2 SD_311 3 SD_3114 813 ft² Unit B7 813 ft² Unit B7 813 ft² Unit B7 A501 1 A501 2 A501 4 A5013 SD_312 4 SD_312 1 SD_312 2 SD_3123 SD_311 5 SD_311 2 SD_311 3 SD_3114 298 ft² Unit B7-Mezzanine 298 ft² Unit B7-Mezzanine 298 ft² Unit B7-Mezzanine 298 ft² Unit B7-Mezzanine kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12A) - Floor Plans 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - 12-Unit Building 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - 12-Unit Building Residential Unit Mix - 12-Unit Building (12A) - 8 Buildings on Site Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Mezzanine Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Gross Total Gross Area Main Floor Net Stairs Net Mezzanine Net Garage Net Total Unit Net Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 4 797 ft² 0 ft²0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,713 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 0 ft²339 ft² 1,079 ft² 4,316 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit B2 1 4 1,221 ft² 0 ft²92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 6,524 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 0 ft²289 ft² 1,510 ft² 6,040 ft² 2 2 - Unit B7 1 4 813 ft² 298 ft² 96 ft² 411 ft² 1,618 ft² 6,471 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 321 ft² 367 ft² 1,529 ft² 6,117 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 12 17,709 ft²16,473 ft² 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Level 3 Copy 1 - 12-Unit Building (12A) Page 394 of 447 6 12-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 1 7 12-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 2 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12A) Page 395 of 447 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 4.17.8 4.1 7.3 7.7 4.1 7.8 High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" 7.6 EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,078 SF = 47% -STONE VENEER = 1,197 SF = 53% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 773 SF = 33% 7.3 7.7 7.37.7 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 7.1 7.6 26.1 4.1 7.7 6.17.6 4.1 7.76.1 7.6 High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 448 SF = 38% -STONE VENEER = 728 SF = 62% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 600 SF = 33% 5.27.3 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 4.17.7 7.6 6.1 4.1 High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 448 SF = 38% -STONE VENEER = 728 SF = 62% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 600 SF = 33% 7.3 5.2 7.3 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 7.6 4.1 7.3 7.7 4.1 7.37.7 4.1 7.87.8 4.1 High Truss Brg. 130'-4 7/8" 7.3 7.7 7.37.7 EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,078 SF = 47% -STONE VENEER = 1,197 SF = 53% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 773 SF = 33% EXTERIOR MATERIALS TAG KEY 5.1 ALUMINUM RAILINGS - COLOR: BLACK 4.1 CULTURED STONE - COLOR: TBD 5.3 METAL FENCE POST - COLOR: BLACK 6.1 CEDAR TIMBER - COLOR: STAINED 5.2 CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING - COLOR: BLACK 7.5 PVC SKIRTBOARD - COLOR: WHITE 7.1 LAP SIDING - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.3 BOARD & BATTEN SIDING - SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.4 TRIM - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.6 ASPHALT SHINGLES - COLOR: CHARCOAL 26.1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING - COLOR: BLACK 8.1 GLAZING 7.7 DECORATIVE 12"x36" LOUVER - COLOR: BLACK 5.4 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: WHITE kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12A) - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"1 12-Unit Building (12A) - Front Elevation 3/16" = 1'-0"2 12-Unit Building (12A) - Side Elevation 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 12-Unit Building (12A) - Side Elevation 2 3/16" = 1'-0"4 12-Unit Building (12A) - Back Elevation Page 396 of 447 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP 1,134 ft² Unit B3 797 ft² Unit A1 1,098 ft² Unit B5 - Type A 412 ft² Unit B4-Garage 419 ft² Unit B3-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 95 ft² Unit B4 - Stairs 748 ft² Unit B4-Garage 379 ft² Unit B2-Garage 132 ft² Unit B4 - Stairs 412 ft² Unit A2-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 96 ft² Unit A2 - Stairs 716 ft² Unit B2-Garage 412 ft² Unit A2-Garage 132 ft² Unit A2 - Stairs 723 ft² Unit B5 - Type A - Garage MECHSD_3313 SD_331 2 SD_331 1 SD_331 4 696 ft² Unit B4-Garage 2 346 ft² Unit B2-Garage 1 289 ft² Unit B2-Garage 1 372 ft² Unit B3-Garage 367 ft² Unit B4-Garage 1 337 ft² Unit A2-Garage 669 ft² Unit B2-Garage 3 289 ft² Unit B2-Garage 1 339 ft² Unit A1-Garage 367 ft² Unit A2-Garage 676 ft² Unit B5 - Type A -Garage 131'-4"83'-8"1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,188 ft² Unit B4 1,188 ft² Unit B4 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 813 ft² Unit A2 813 ft² Unit A2 SD_3313 SD_331 2 SD_331 1 SD_331 4 40'-0" kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 11-Unit Building - Floor Plans 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - 11-Unit Building 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - 11-Unit Building 3 11-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 1 4 11-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 2 Residential Unit Mix - 11-Unit Building w/ Type A (11A) Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 1 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 1,178 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 339 ft²1,079 ft² 1,079 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit B3 1 1 1,134 ft² 0 ft² 419 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,554 ft² 1,070 ft² 0 ft² 372 ft²1,442 ft² 1,442 ft² 2 2 Type B Unit B5 - Type A 2 1 1,098 ft² 0 ft² 723 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,820 ft² 1,035 ft² 0 ft² 676 ft²1,711 ft² 1,711 ft² 2 2 Type A Level 2 Unit A2 1 1 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 1,321 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 367 ft²1,208 ft² 1,208 ft² 1 1 - Unit A2 1 1 813 ft² 132 ft² 412 ft² 1,357 ft² 1,357 ft² 759 ft² 83 ft² 337 ft²1,178 ft² 1,178 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 1 2 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 3,262 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 289 ft²1,510 ft² 3,020 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 379 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,714 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 346 ft²1,567 ft² 1,567 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 2 1 1,221 ft² 114 ft² 716 ft² 2,051 ft² 2,051 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 669 ft²1,890 ft² 1,890 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 1 1 1,188 ft² 95 ft² 412 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 367 ft²1,579 ft² 1,579 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 2 1 1,188 ft² 132 ft² 748 ft² 2,068 ft² 2,068 ft² 1,125 ft² 88 ft² 696 ft²1,908 ft² 1,908 ft² 2 2 - Grand total 11 18,019 ft²16,583 ft² Page 397 of 447 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,054 SF = 49% -STONE VENEER = 1,086 SF = 51% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 768 SF = 26% 7.8 4.1 7.3 7.7 4.1 7.87.3 6.1 7.1 6.17.6 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 7.1 7.6 26.1 4.1 7.7 7.6 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 564 SF = 41% -STONE VENEER = 803 SF = 59% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 565 SF = 29% 4.1 7.626. 7.76.1 7.7 6.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,076 SF = 49% -STONE VENEER = 1,107 SF = 51% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 738 SF = 25% 4.1 7.3 7.77.6 4.1 7.8 7.6 4.17.8 7.3 6.1 7.1 6.17.6 7.8 EXTERIOR MATERIALS TAG KEY 5.1 ALUMINUM RAILINGS - COLOR: BLACK 4.1 CULTURED STONE - COLOR: TBD 5.3 METAL FENCE POST - COLOR: BLACK 6.1 CEDAR TIMBER - COLOR: STAINED 5.2 CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING - COLOR: BLACK 7.5 PVC SKIRTBOARD - COLOR: WHITE 7.1 LAP SIDING - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.3 BOARD & BATTEN SIDING - SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.4 TRIM - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.6 ASPHALT SHINGLES - COLOR: CHARCOAL 26.1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING - COLOR: BLACK 8.1 GLAZING 7.7 DECORATIVE 12"x36" LOUVER - COLOR: BLACK 5.4 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: WHITE kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 11-Unit Building - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"1 11-Unit Building (11A) - Front Elevation 3/16" = 1'-0"2 11-Unit Building (11A) - Side Elevation 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 11-Unit Building (11A) - Side Elevation 2 3/16" = 1'-0"4 11-Unit Building (11A) - Back Elevation Page 398 of 447 SD_342 3 SD_342 4 SD_342 1 SD_3422 412 ft² Unit A2-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 412 ft² Unit C4-Garage 797 ft² Unit A1 797 ft² Unit A1 385 ft² Unit A7-Garage 373 ft² Unit A2-Garage 3 373 ft² Unit A2-Garage 3 855 ft² Unit A7 412 ft² Unit A2-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 381 ft² Unit A1-Garage 412 ft² Unit C4-Garage 797 ft² Unit A1 385 ft² Unit A7-Garage 855 ft² Unit A7 1 2 797 ft² Unit A1 173'-4"83'-8"SD_342 3 SD_342 4 SD_342 1 SD_3422 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,660 ft² Unit C4 813 ft² Unit A2 813 ft² Unit A2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,660 ft² Unit C4 813 ft² Unit A2 813 ft² Unit A2 1 2 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 16-Unit Building - Floor Plans 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - 16-Unit Building 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - 16-Unit Building Residential Unit Mix - 16-Unit Building (16A) Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A1 1 4 797 ft² 0 ft² 381 ft² 1,178 ft² 4,713 ft² 740 ft² 0 ft² 339 ft²1,079 ft² 4,316 ft² 1 1 Type B Unit A7 1 2 855 ft² 0 ft² 385 ft² 1,240 ft² 2,479 ft² 798 ft² 0 ft² 346 ft²1,144 ft² 2,288 ft² 1 1 Type B Level 2 Unit A2 1 2 813 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,321 ft² 2,642 ft² 753 ft² 83 ft² 337 ft²1,173 ft² 2,346 ft² 1 1 - Unit A2 1 2 813 ft² 96 ft² 373 ft² 1,282 ft² 2,564 ft² 753 ft² 83 ft² 352 ft²1,188 ft² 2,376 ft² 1 1 - Unit B2 1 4 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 6,524 ft² 1,148 ft² 86 ft² 287 ft²1,521 ft² 6,084 ft² 2 2 - Unit C4 1 2 1,660 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 2,168 ft² 4,335 ft² 1,502 ft² 76 ft² 337 ft²1,915 ft² 3,829 ft² 3 2 - Grand total 16 23,257 ft²21,239 ft² Page 399 of 447 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 16-Unit Building - Exteriors 1 16-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 1 2 16-Unit Building - 3D Exteriors - 2 Page 400 of 447 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 785 SF = 42% -STONE VENEER = 1,094 SF = 58% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 567 SF = 30% 6.1 7.6 7.7 4.1 7.1 7.6 26.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 6.1 7.6 7.7 4.1 7.1 7.6 26.1 EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 785 SF = 42% -STONE VENEER = 1,094 SF = 58% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 567 SF = 30% Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 4.1 7.3 7.7 7.6 26.1 4.15.1 6.1 7.37.1 7.6 6.1 4.1 26.1 4.1 7.3 7.7 7.6 26.14.1 EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,843 SF = 49% -STONE VENEER = 1,950 SF = 51% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 1,168 SF = 31% Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,843 SF = 49% -STONE VENEER = 1,950 SF = 51% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 977 SF = 26% 7.6 4.1 7.3 7.7 7.64.1 7.17.6 6.1 26.14.1 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 16-Unit Building - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"1 16-Unit Building- Side Elevation 2 3/16" = 1'-0"2 16-Unit Building - Side Elevation 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 16-Unit Building - Front Elevation1 3/16" = 1'-0"4 16-Unit Building - Back Elevation1 Page 401 of 447 SD_353 5 SD_353 4 SD_3536 1,422 ft² Unit C3 - Type A 1,134 ft² Unit B3 412 ft² Unit B6-Garage 773 ft² Unit B2-Garage 318 ft² Unit B2-Garage 419 ft² Unit B3-Garage 412 ft² Unit B4-Garage 412 ft² Unit C2-Garage 699 ft² Unit C3 Type A - Garage 2 437 ft² Unit B2-Garage 336 ft² Unit B2-Garage 412 ft² Unit B6-Garage 2 3 491 ft² Unit A3 Type A-Garage 728 ft² Unit A3 - Type A 728 ft² Unit A3 - Type A 491 ft² Unit A3 Type A-Garage 96 ft² Unit B6-Stairs 95 ft² Unit B4 - Stairs 96 ft² Unit B6-Stairs 96 ft² Unit C2 - Stairs 92 ft² Unit B2- Stairs 152'-5 1/2"83'-8"SD_353 5 SD_353 4 SD_3536 1,305 ft² Unit B6 1,305 ft² Unit B6 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,221 ft² Unit B2 1,188 ft² Unit B4 1,433 ft² Unit C2 4 2 3 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12B) - Floor Plans 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - Floor Plans - 12B - 12-Unit Building (Type A) 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - Floor Plans - 12B - 12-Unit Building (Type A) Residential Unit Mix - 12-Unit Building (12B) - 1 Building on Site Name Garage Stalls Count HUD Unit Gross Square Footage HUD Net Rentable Square Footage Rooms Unit Type Main Floor Stairs Garage Area Total Unit Area Total Area Main Floor Stairs Garage Net Total Total Net Area Bed Bath Level 1 Unit A3 - Type A 1 2 728 ft² 0 ft² 491 ft² 1,219 ft² 2,437 ft² 675 ft² 0 ft² 454 ft²1,129 ft² 2,258 ft² 1 1 Type A Unit B3 1 1 1,134 ft² 0 ft² 419 ft² 1,553 ft² 1,553 ft² 1,070 ft² 0 ft² 372 ft²1,442 ft² 1,442 ft² 2 2 Type B Unit C3 - Type A 2 1 1,422 ft² 0 ft² 699 ft² 2,121 ft² 2,121 ft² 1,336 ft² 0 ft² 653 ft²1,989 ft² 1,989 ft² 3 2 Type A Level 2 Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 318 ft² 1,631 ft² 1,631 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 289 ft²1,510 ft² 1,510 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 336 ft² 1,649 ft² 1,649 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 302 ft²1,523 ft² 1,523 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 1 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 437 ft² 1,750 ft² 1,750 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 397 ft²1,618 ft² 1,618 ft² 2 2 - Unit B2 2 1 1,221 ft² 92 ft² 773 ft² 2,086 ft² 2,086 ft² 1,153 ft² 68 ft² 722 ft²1,943 ft² 1,943 ft² 2 2 - Unit B4 1 1 1,188 ft² 95 ft² 412 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,695 ft² 1,125 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,568 ft² 1,568 ft² 2 2 - Unit B6 1 2 1,305 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,813 ft² 3,627 ft² 1,102 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,545 ft² 3,090 ft² 2 2 - Unit C2 2 1 1,433 ft² 96 ft² 412 ft² 1,941 ft² 1,941 ft² 1,366 ft² 76 ft² 367 ft²1,809 ft² 1,809 ft² 3 2 - Grand total 12 20,490 ft²18,751 ft² Page 402 of 447 1 12-Unit Type A Building - 3D Exteriors - 1 2 12-Unit Type A Building - 3D Exteriors 2 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12B) - 3D Views Page 403 of 447 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,025 SF = 44% -STONE VENEER = 1,303 SF = 56% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 977 SF = 29% 4.1 7.77.3 26.1 4.1 7.8 5.1 7.4 7.3 6.1 7.1 6.17.6 5.1 7.8 4.1 8.1 7.3 7.7 26.1 4.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 438 SF = 36% -STONE VENEER = 728 SF = 64% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 599 SF = 33% 4.1 7.7 7.1 26.1 8.1 4.1 7.7 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 1,025 SF = 44% -STONE VENEER = 1,303 SF = 56% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 977 SF = 29% 7.3 26.17.7 7.8 5.14.1 4.1 6.16.1 7.3 7.6 4.1 7.85.1 7.3 7.7 26.1 4.1 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 438 SF = 36% -STONE VENEER = 728 SF = 64% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 599 SF = 33% 7.3 4.1 7.1 26.1 7.2 8.1 4.1 7.7 7.3 7.8 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville 12-Unit Building (12B) - Exteriors 3/16" = 1'-0"3 12-Unit Building (Type A) - Front 3/16" = 1'-0"4 12-Unit Building (Type A) - Left 3/16" = 1'-0"5 12-Unit Building (Type A) - Rear 3/16" = 1'-0"6 12-Unit Building (Type A) - Right Page 404 of 447 EXTERIOR MATERIALS TAG KEY 5.1 ALUMINUM RAILINGS - COLOR: BLACK 4.1 CULTURED STONE - COLOR: TBD 5.3 METAL FENCE POST - COLOR: BLACK 6.1 CEDAR TIMBER - COLOR: STAINED 5.2 CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING - COLOR: BLACK 7.5 PVC SKIRTBOARD - COLOR: WHITE 7.1 LAP SIDING - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.3 BOARD & BATTEN SIDING - SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.4 TRIM - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.6 ASPHALT SHINGLES - COLOR: CHARCOAL 26.1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING - COLOR: BLACK 8.1 GLAZING 7.7 DECORATIVE 12"x36" LOUVER - COLOR: BLACK 5.4 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: WHITE Level 1 100'-0" CH Truss Brg. 112'-6" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 476 SF = 39% -STONE VENEER = 735 SF = 61% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 472 SF = 28% 7.3 7.4 7.1 7.6 Level 1 100'-0" CH Truss Brg. 112'-6" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 648 SF = 50% -STONE VENEER = 631 SF = 50% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 253 SF = 17% 6.1 7.1 7.6 6.1 7.3 7.4 5.2 4.1 28'-0 83/256"Level 1 100'-0" CH Truss Brg. 112'-6" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 550 SF = 50% -STONE VENEER = 558 SF = 50% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 300 SF = 27%7.3 4.1 7.3 4.1 Level 1 100'-0" CH Truss Brg. 112'-6" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 688 SF = 50% -STONE VENEER = 694 SF = 50% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING/DOORS = 291 SF = 21% 7.34.1 5.2 4.1 7.3 7.74.1 5.2 5.2 kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville Clubhouse - Exterior Elevations 3/16" = 1'-0"1 Clubhouse - North Elevation 3/16" = 1'-0"2 Clubhouse - West Elevation 3/16" = 1'-0"3 Clubhouse - East Elevation 3/16" = 1'-0"4 Clubhouse - South Elevation EXHIBIT K2 Page 405 of 447 FD FD FITNESS MEN'S LOBBY VESTIBULE OFFICE WORK ROOM MECH COFFEE BAR WOMEN'SYOGA A500 2 OUTDOOR PATIO COVERED SEATINGGRILL STATIONS GAME ROOM COMMUNITY ROOM OFFICE TRELLIS AREA A500386'-4"39'-4" SD_301 2 SD_301 4 SD_301 1 SD_3013 106'-0"33'-0"43'-4"68'-0" POOL 2'-6"4'-0"7'-6"6'-6"SUNDANCE LAKEVILLE ADHERED CONCRETE MASONRY VENEER TO MATCH THE BUILDINGS ROCKFACE LIMESTONE SILL CAP CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE FOUNDATION -SEE STRUCT DOUBLE SIDED SIGN CABINET AND GRAPHIC DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED w/ SIGN VENDOR kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville Clubhouse - Floor Plans 3/16" = 1'-0"1 SD-Level 1 - Clubhouse 3/4" = 1'-0"3 Monument Sign - SD Page 406 of 447 FD FD Level 1 100'-0" Maint. Truss Brg 109'-1 1/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 142 SF = 50% -STONE VENEER = 144 SF = 50% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 44 SF = 13% Level 1 100'-0" Maint. Truss Brg 109'-1 1/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 64 SF = 48% -STONE VENEER = 70 SF = 52% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 50 SF = 19% 7.34.1 7.6 Level 1 100'-0" Maint. Truss Brg 109'-1 1/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 149 SF = 48% -STONE VENEER = 162 SF = 52% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 18 SF = 1% 4.1 7.3 7.6 Level 1 100'-0" Maint. Truss Brg 109'-1 1/8" EXTERIOR MATERIALS PRIMARY MATERIALS -FIBER CEMENT SIDING/TRIM = 59 SF = 54% -STONE VENEER = 50 SF = 46% TRANSPARENCY -GLAZING = 76 SF = 28% 7.64.1 7.3 499 ft² Pool Equip. & Maint. Storage M3 77 ft² Bike Fixit M1 77 ft² Pet Wash M2 SD_302 1 SD_302 2 SD_302 4 SD_3023 36'-0"20'-0"EXTERIOR MATERIALS TAG KEY 5.1 ALUMINUM RAILINGS - COLOR: BLACK 4.1 CULTURED STONE - COLOR: TBD 5.3 METAL FENCE POST - COLOR: BLACK 6.1 CEDAR TIMBER - COLOR: STAINED 5.2 CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING - COLOR: BLACK 7.5 PVC SKIRTBOARD - COLOR: WHITE 7.1 LAP SIDING - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.3 BOARD & BATTEN SIDING - SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.4 TRIM - COLOR: SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE 7.6 ASPHALT SHINGLES - COLOR: CHARCOAL 26.1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING - COLOR: BLACK 8.1 GLAZING 7.7 DECORATIVE 12"x36" LOUVER - COLOR: BLACK 5.4 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: WHITE kaas wilson architects Timberland Partners Lakeville, MN Sundance Lakeville Maintenance - Exterior Elevations 3/16" = 1'-0"1 Maintenance Building - 1 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"2 Maintenance Building - 2 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"4 Maintenance Building - 3 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"3 Maintenance Building - 4 Copy 1 3/16" = 1'-0"5 SD-Level 1 - Maintenance Page 407 of 447 OF SHEETSINGLE FAMILYTHREE BEDROOM RAMBLERSUNDANCE LAKEVILLEDATE ISSUED: BID SET: PERMIT: REVISIONS: 6/18/21 ---- .. 7/23/21 - 3 BEDRM. Copyright of these documents is owned by RT RESIDENTIAL, INC. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOR:RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVELAKEVILLE, MN 55044TEL-(952) 322-8700TIMBERLAND PARTNERS8500 NORMANDALE LAKE BLVD.SUITE 700MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554371 1 APPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ABOVE GRADE FINISHED BELOW GRADE FINISHED Square footages are measured to the exterior finished surface of the outside walls. Square footage calculations were made based on plan dimensions only and may vary from the finished square footage of the house as built. In addition, plan dimensions are not exact and are subject to some variance. However, all construction shall be in substantial compliance with the Contract Documents. BELOW GRADE UNFINISHED GARAGE SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 1,866 0 1,866 692 EXHIBIT L Page 408 of 447 OF SHEETSINGLE FAMILYTHREE BEDROOM PLANSUNDANCE LAKEVILLEDATE ISSUED: BID SET: PERMIT: REVISIONS: 6/18/21 ---- .. ---- Copyright of these documents is owned by RT RESIDENTIAL, INC. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOR:RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVELAKEVILLE, MN 55044TEL-(952) 322-8700TIMBERLAND PARTNERS8500 NORMANDALE LAKE BLVD.SUITE 700MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554371 1 APPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ABOVE GRADE FINISHED BELOW GRADE FINISHED Square footages are measured to the exterior finished surface of the outside walls. Square footage calculations were made based on plan dimensions only and may vary from the finished square footage of the house as built. In addition, plan dimensions are not exact and are subject to some variance. However, all construction shall be in substantial compliance with the Contract Documents. BELOW GRADE UNFINISHED GARAGE SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 2,210 0 972 695 Page 409 of 447 OF SHEETSINGLE FAMILYFOUR BEDROOM PLANSUNDANCE LAKEVILLEDATE ISSUED: BID SET: PERMIT: REVISIONS: 6/18/21 ---- .. ---- Copyright of these documents is owned by RT RESIDENTIAL, INC. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.GENERAL CONTRACTOR:RT RESIDENTIAL, INC.16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVELAKEVILLE, MN 55044TEL-(952) 322-8700TIMBERLAND PARTNERS8500 NORMANDALE LAKE BLVD.SUITE 700MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554371 1 APPROXIMATE SQUARE FOOTAGE ABOVE GRADE FINISHED BELOW GRADE FINISHED Square footages are measured to the exterior finished surface of the outside walls. Square footage calculations were made based on plan dimensions only and may vary from the finished square footage of the house as built. In addition, plan dimensions are not exact and are subject to some variance. However, all construction shall be in substantial compliance with the Contract Documents. BELOW GRADE UNFINISHED GARAGE SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 2,802 0 1,380 691 Page 410 of 447 Sundance Lakeville Traffic Impact Study Lakeville, MN Prepared For: Timberland Partners, Inc. 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd. Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55437 Prepared By: Nick Grage, PE, PTOE, RSP1 Alliant Engineering, Inc. 733 Marquette Ave, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Final Report May 23, 2024 EXHIBIT M Page 411 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 i May 23, 2024 Table of Contents List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ii 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................1 2.1 STUDY AREA INTERSECTIONS .......................................................................................... 1 2.2 DATA COLLECTION .......................................................................................................... 1 2.2.1 Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................................................................... 1 2.2.2 Roadway/Intersection Characteristics ................................................................................................... 4 2.2.3 Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations ..................................................................................................... 4 2.3 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 4 3.0 Proposed Development ......................................................................................................6 3.1 TRIP GENERATION ........................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Future Conditions ..............................................................................................................9 4.1 PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ................................ 9 4.1.1 Planned Developments .......................................................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Planned Infrastructure Improvements ................................................................................................... 9 4.2 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH .................................................................................. 10 4.3 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 13 4.3.1 Year 2025 Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.3.2 Year 2045 Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.4 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................... 14 4.4.1 Development Site Through Traffic ....................................................................................................... 14 4.4.2 Residential Neighborhood Through Traffic .......................................................................................... 14 5.0 Site Plan/Access Review ..................................................................................................14 5.1 SIGHT LINE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 15 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations ...............................................................................16 Appendix A – Collected Turning Movement Counts ................................................................ A Appendix B – Detailed Operations and Queuing Analysis ....................................................... B Page 412 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 ii May 23, 2024 List of Figures Figure 1 – Project Location............................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2 – Existing Conditions ....................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3 – Proposed Site Plan ......................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 – Trip Directional Distribution ......................................................................................... 8 Figure 5 – CSAH 46 Historical AADT Volume ........................................................................... 10 Figure 6 – Year 2025 Conditions .................................................................................................. 11 Figure 7 – Year 2045 Conditions .................................................................................................. 12 List of Tables Table 1 – Roadway Characteristics................................................................................................. 4 Table 2 – Intersection Characteristics ............................................................................................. 4 Table 3 – Level of Service Criteria ................................................................................................. 5 Table 4 – Existing Traffic Operations Analysis ............................................................................. 5 Table 5 – Trip Generation Estimates – Sundance Lakeville........................................................... 6 Table 6 – Year 2025 Traffic Operations Analysis ........................................................................ 13 Table 7 – Year 2045 Traffic Operations Analysis ........................................................................ 13 Table 8 – Sight Line Analysis ....................................................................................................... 15 Page 413 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 1 May 23, 2024 1.0 Introduction Alliant Engineering has completed a traffic impact study for the proposed Sundance Lakeville residential development located in the northwest quadrant of the County State Aid Highway 46 (CSAH 46) & Buck Hill Road intersection in Lakeville, MN (see Figure 1). The main objectives of this study are to evaluate existing traffic operations within the study area, identify potential traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network due to development generated trips, and recommend improvements to address identified issues. The assumptions, analysis, and study conclusions/recommendations offered for consideration are as follows. 2.0 Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline for identifying any future impacts associated with the proposed development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes intersection turning movement counts, field observations, and an intersection operations analysis. 2.1 Study Area Intersections In consultation with City of Lakeville staff, the following study intersections were identified: • CSAH 46 (162nd Street W) & Kendale Drive • CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 2.2 Data Collection 2.2.1 Traffic Volumes To document existing conditions, weekday turning movement counts were collected at the study intersections by Alliant Engineering in August 2023 over the following time periods: • AM Peak Period: 6:00-9:00 a.m. • PM Peak Period: 4:00-7:00 p.m. The existing peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections are shown in Figure 2. Collected turning movement counts are included in Appendix A. Previously collected 2017 and 2021 turning movement counts, including applied adjustments to 2021 counts to account for any lingering impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, were no longer considered as traffic volumes are considered to have normalized throughout the greater Twin Cities area. Page 414 of 447 Project Location Figure 1 ALLIANT Sundance Lakeville TIS COUNTY COUNTY Burnsville Lakeville 46 5 35 Hill Buck Development Proposed Page 415 of 447 COUNTY Existing Conditions Figure 2Sundance Lakeville TIS ALLIANT 46 Development Proposed Buck Hill Rd Kendale DrX,XXX 8,300 Dupont AveKendale Dr158th St LEGEND AM (PM) Peak Hour VolumeXX (XX) CSAH 46 Buck Hill RdLane Geometry Through/Stop Control Daily Volume* Signalized Control CSAH 46 Kendale Dr** approach to allow side-by-side vehicles. **Sufficient width exists on the southbound(14) 22 R(1) 1 R (359) 252 T (6) 3 L (138) 97 R(18) 17 T (26) 19 L(27) 18 R (358) 290 T (12) 10 L Turning Movement Counts (TMC) from August 2023. *2019 AADT volume - MnDOT Traffic Mapping Application.(98)L 59(37)T 13(32)R 12 (127)L 100 (364)T 273 (103)R 67(24)L 44(0)T 1(2)R 2 (21)L 8 (355)T 280 (46)R 16 Page 416 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 4 May 23, 2024 2.2.2 Roadway/Intersection Characteristics Field observations were completed to identify roadway and intersection characteristics within the study area (i.e., geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls), which are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 – Roadway Characteristics Roadway Cross-Section Speed Limit Functional Classification CSAH 46 4-Lane Divided 45 mph Minor Arterial Kendale Drive 2-Lane Undivided 30 mph Local Buck Hill Road 3-Lane Undivided 40 mph Collector Table 2 – Intersection Characteristics Intersection Traffic Control Lane Designations by Approach (1) NB SB EB WB CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive Through/Stop R LTR (2) L/T/T/R L/T/T/R CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road Traffic Signal L/T/R L/T/R L/T/T/R L/T/T/R (1) L=Left-Turn, T=Through, R=Right-Turn (2) Dakota County plans to restrict Kendale Drive to a three-quarter access, eliminating SB left-turn and through movements 2.2.3 Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Existing pedestrian/bicycle accommodations within the study area were also documented: • Mixed-use trails run along both the north and south sides of CSAH 46 • A sidewalk runs along the west side of Buck Hill Road 2.3 Traffic Operations Analysis An existing conditions traffic operations analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software to establish a baseline condition to which future traffic operations could be compared. Operations analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates the quality of traffic flow through an intersection. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to the delay threshold values presented in Table 3. Intersections are given a ranking from LOS A through LOS F. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation, with vehicles experiencing minimal delays. LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity, or a breakdown of traffic flow. The LOS D/E threshold for overall intersection operations is often used as the indicator of congestion in an urban area. For side-street stop-controlled intersections, a key measure of operational effectiveness is the side-street LOS. Long delays and poor LOS can occur on side-street approaches even if the overall intersection is functioning well, making side-street LOS a valuable design criterion. Page 417 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 5 May 23, 2024 Table 3 – Level of Service Criteria After LOS, the second component of the traffic operations analysis is a study of vehicular queuing, or the lineup of vehicles waiting to pass through an intersection. An intersection can operate with an acceptable LOS, but if queues from the intersection block entrances to turn lanes or adjacent driveways, unsafe operating conditions could result. The 95th percentile queue, or the length of queue with only a five percent probability of being exceeded during an analysis period, is considered the standard for design purposes. The existing traffic operations analysis was performed at the study intersections for the volume adjusted a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Results of the existing traffic operations analysis, presented in Table 4, indicate that each study intersection currently operates at overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulations. Detailed operations and queuing analysis results are presented in Appendix B. Table 4 – Existing Traffic Operations Analysis Description Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection A Free Flow: Low volumes and no delays.0 - 10 0 - 10 B Stable Flow: Speeds restricted by travel conditions, minor delays.> 10 - 20 > 10 - 15 C Stable Flow: Speeds and maneuverability closely controlled due to higher volumes.> 20 - 35 > 15 - 25 D Stable Flow: Speeds considerably affected by change in operating conditions. High density traffic restricts maneuverability, volume near capacity.> 35 - 55 > 25 - 35 E Unstable Flow: Low speeds, considerable delay, volume at or slightly over capacity.> 55 - 80 > 35 - 50 F Forced Flow: Very low speeds, volume exceed capacity, long delays with stop and go traffic.> 80 > 50 Source: Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition, Transportation Research Board, Exhibits 19-8, 20-2, 21-8, 22-8. Delay per Vehicle (seconds) Level of Service CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive A /A 1.2 /6.8 A /A 1.2 /9.4 CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road A /C 7.2 /25.5 A /C 8.3 /21.0 LOS Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Approach Delay Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (s)LOS Delay (s) Page 418 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 6 May 23, 2024 3.0 Proposed Development The proposed Sundance Lakeville development, shown in Figure 3, is expected to provide nine (9) single-family detached homes and 167 multi-family townhomes in the northwest quadrant of the CSAH 46/Buck Hill Road intersection in Lakeville. In addition, the development will include two single-story retail centers, covering about 26,500 sq. ft. combined, on the south side of the developed area. While the proposed development construction timeframe is currently unknown, a year 2025 completion was assumed for the purpose of this study. Access to the development is proposed at the following locations: • Along Buck Hill Road approximately 250 feet north of CSAH 46 (East Access) o The outbound (eastbound) approach is expected to be stop controlled and consist of a single shared left-turn/right-turn lane • Along Kendale Drive approximately 200 feet north of CSAH 46 (West Access) o The outbound (westbound) approach is expected to be stop controlled and consist of a single shared left-turn/right-turn lane • Along Kendale Drive approximately 500 feet north of CSAH 46 (Single-Family Access) o The outbound (westbound) approach is expected to be stop controlled and consist of a single shared left-turn/right-turn lane 3.1 Trip Generation Trip generation estimates for the proposed Sundance Lakeville development were completed for the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours as well as on a daily basis by utilizing the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (ITE TGM). Results of the trip generation estimates, shown in Table 5, indicate the proposed development is expected to generate approximately 136 a.m. peak hour trips, 268 p.m. peak hour trips, and 2,656 daily trips. The distribution of development generated trips, shown in Figure 4, was estimated based on a review of existing traffic volumes/patterns and by engineering judgement. This trip distribution was then applied to the estimated proposed development generated trips in the future conditions analysis years. Table 5 – Trip Generation Estimates – Sundance Lakeville Trips In Trips Out Total Trips Trips In Trips Out Total Trips Single-Family Detached Housing (210)Dwellings 9 2 4 6 5 3 8 86 Multifamily Housing (220)Dwellings 167 16 51 67 54 31 85 1,126 Strip Retail Plaza [<40k sq ft] (822)1000 sq ft.26.5 38 25 63 87 88 175 1,444 56 80 136 146 122 268 2,656 Setting Assumption: General urban/suburban setting (1) Peak hour of the adjacent roadway network Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition Daily TripsLand Use (ITE Code)Size AM Peak Hour Trips(1)PM Peak Hour Trips(1) Units Total Development Trips Page 419 of 447 Page 420 of 447 Page 421 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 9 May 23, 2024 4.0 Future Conditions To determine potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, future conditions were evaluated using Synchro/SimTraffic software. The future conditions evaluated in this study were the year 2025 (i.e., one year after assumed development completion) and the year 2045 (20-year horizon). 4.1 Planned Developments and Infrastructure Improvements Planned developments and infrastructure improvements that may influence future traffic volumes within the study area were reviewed. 4.1.1 Planned Developments The Moments memory care senior living facility opened in December of 2018 in the southeast quadrant of the CSAH 46/Buck Hill Road intersection. A second phase of the Moments was expected to open later in year 2021 with 60 new memory care senior living units. Given the updated turning movement counts collected in August 2023 it is assumed that trips related to The Moments Phase II development are included in the analysis. It should be noted that a general background traffic growth rate was applied in the future conditions analysis and is expected to account for any variations in the limited trips added by The Moments Phase II development. No other planned developments within the study area are known at this time. 4.1.2 Planned Infrastructure Improvements The existing configuration of the CSAH 46/Kendale Drive intersection restricts the northbound approach to a three-quarter access preventing northbound left-turn and through movements. This design was intentional, as Dakota County plans to also restrict the northbound approach to a three- quarter access as well, eliminating southbound left-turn and through movements. Once these movements are restricted, motorists destined for CSAH 46 eastbound and/or I-35 will likely utilize the proposed roadway internal to the development site to access CSAH 46 via Buck Hill Road. To account for this change in traffic patterns, volumes associated with the restricted movements were redistributed to the CSAH 46/Buck Hill Road intersection to evaluate 2025 and 2045 conditions. According to information presented in the Lakeville 2040 Comprehensive Plan, no other significant roadway improvements are planned within the study area through the year 2040. Page 422 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 10 May 23, 2024 4.2 Background Traffic Growth Historical annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes along CSAH 46 were provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) via its online Traffic Mapping Application. The historical AADT data was reviewed to determine growth trends within the study area. The CSAH 46 AADT volume data, shown in Figure 5, indicates a slight growth trend over a 20+ year period. Based on this data, and traffic forecasts in the Lakeville 2040 Comprehensive Plan, a conservative annual growth rate of one percent was applied to existing traffic volumes to provide an estimate of future background traffic growth. The resultant year 2025 conditions and year 2045 conditions, a combination of background traffic volumes, redistributed trips, and trips generated by the proposed development, are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively. Figure 5 – CSAH 46 Historical AADT Volume Per Dakota County comments received on May 10th, 2024, historical AADT volumes were once again reviewed and compared to projections from the Dakota County 2040 Transportation Plan which suggests the study segment of CSAH 46 between CSAH 5 to I-35 West Ramp would reach 11,800 AADT in 2040. The most recent draft AADT available – 7,384 in 2023 – supports 2019 AADT volumes which show traffic volumes along CSAH 46 decreasing rather than increasing. When 2040 AADT estimates were developed using the Dakota County Travel Demand Model the 2019 AADT of 8,300 along this segment of CSAH 46 was not utilized – instead the 2016 AADT of 9,000 was included, resulting in a higher projection for 2040. Applying an annual growth rate of one percent, as noted above, is still expected to be a conversative estimate of future traffic volumes which, based on 2019 and 2023 AADTs, is not expected to reach 11,800 per the Dakota County 2040 Transportation Plan. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025AADT VolumeCSAH 46 AADT Volume Linear (CSAH 46 AADT Volume)Growth Trendline Page 423 of 447 Page 424 of 447 Page 425 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 13 May 23, 2024 4.3 Traffic Operations Analysis Future conditions traffic operations analyses were completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software to determine potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed development. 4.3.1 Year 2025 Conditions Results of the year 2025 traffic operations analysis, presented in Table 6, indicate that all study intersections and proposed access locations are expected to operate at overall LOS B during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulations. Detailed operations and queuing analysis results are presented in Appendix B. Table 6 – Year 2025 Traffic Operations Analysis 4.3.2 Year 2045 Conditions Results of the year 2045 traffic operations analysis, presented in Table 7, indicate that all study intersections and proposed access locations are expected to operate at overall LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulations. Detailed operations and queuing analysis results are presented in Appendix B. Table 7 – Year 2045 Traffic Operations Analysis Generally, the proposed development is expected to have minimal impact on study area traffic operations even with the redistributed Kendale Drive southbound volumes. Therefore, no geometric or traffic control improvements are required from an operations perspective. CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive A /A 0.8 /2.7 A /A 1.1 /3.0 CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road A /C 9.6 /29.0 B /C 10.3 /23.7 Buck Hill Road & East Access A /A 1.9 /3.4 A /A 1.9 /3.8 Kendale Drive & West Access A /A 1.8 /4.2 A /A 1.4 /4.3 Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access A /A 0.3 /4.4 A /A 0.2 /4.1 LOS Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Approach Delay Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Approach Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (s)LOS Delay (s) CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive A /A 0.8 /2.7 A /D 2.0 /28.8 CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road B /C 10.8 /31.1 B /C 11.4 /24.7 Buck Hill Road & East Access A /A 1.9 /3.6 A /A 2.0 /4.2 Kendale Drive & West Access A /A 1.9 /4.2 A /C 4.0 /19.2 Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access A /A 0.3 /4.7 A /A 0.2 /4.3 LOS Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Approach Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (s)LOS Delay (s) Delay Results: Overall Intersection / Worst Approach Page 426 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 14 May 23, 2024 4.4 Additional Considerations Additional considerations related to the proposed development include the following: 4.4.1 Development Site Through Traffic The East Access and West Access of the proposed development will be linked by an east/west roadway running parallel to CSAH 46. In addition to proposed development trips, this new roadway will facilitate southbound Kendale Drive movements restricted by the planned conversion of the CSAH 46/Kendal Drive intersection to a three-quarter access by Dakota County. As a public road rather than a private road, traffic along Buck Hill Road destined for Kendale Drive may also utilize this new roadway but the impact is expected to be negligible. 4.4.2 Residential Neighborhood Through Traffic For access to and from CSAH 5 west of the Sundance Lakeville site, a limited number of motorists associated with the proposed development, particularly those originating from and destined to the Single-Family Access, may choose to route through the adjacent residential neighborhood via Kendale Drive, Dupont Avenue, and 158th Street. However, the narrow, winding, and low-speed nature of these roadways is expected to make this route less attractive than CSAH 46 to the majority of residents associated with the proposed development. Consequently, less than 150 daily trips associated with the proposed Sundance Lakeville development would be expected to utilize the Kendale Drive, Dupont Avenue, and 158th Street residential neighborhood route. 5.0 Site Plan/Access Review A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommended potential improvements regarding vehicle ingress/egress, internal traffic circulation, and pedestrian/bicycle connectivity. The following key points are offered for consideration: • The proposed East Access along Buck Hill Road is expected to provide approximately 250 feet of effective southbound vehicle storage between the driveway and CSAH 46. This distance is expected to accommodate the southbound forecast 95th percentile peak period queues at the CSAH 46/Buck Hill Road intersection through the year 2045. o Note: 95th percentile queues are defined as the queue length that only has a five- percent probability of being exceeded. Average queues are expected to be much shorter, and typically there is not a need to design turn lanes beyond this metric. • The proposed internal roadways appear to adequately accommodate typical passenger vehicles. However, turning movements should be reviewed to ensure design vehicles such as garbage/recycling trucks have adequate accommodations to negotiate internal roadways. • Establish appropriate traffic control (e.g., through/stop control) at internal roadway intersections to minimize driver confusion and the potential for conflicts. • Sidewalks and/or trails within the proposed development should be extended to meet the existing sidewalk along Buck Hill Road and the existing trail along CSAH 46. Page 427 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 15 May 23, 2024 5.1 Sight Line Analysis Alliant conducted a sight line analysis for the proposed accesses along both Kendale Drive and Buck Hill Road based on the current site plan and aerial imagery. Approximate sight distances measured for both accesses, looking to the northwest and northeast, are show below in Table 8. Table 8 – Sight Line Analysis Access Distance from Intersection Speed Limit Design Sight Distance Measured Sight Distance Kendale Drive & West Access 200 feet 30 mph 335 feet 310 feet Buck Hill Road & East Access 250 feet 40 mph 445 feet 450 feet All sight distances were conservatively compared to Table 9-7, Design Intersection Sight Distance for Case B1, Left Turn from Stop from the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 7th Edition which assumes a passenger car as the design vehicle. • Kendale Drive & West Access: The required intersection sight distance for a 30-mph roadway is 335 feet. Comparing the required distance to the approximate sight distances measured (310 feet), the sight distance to the northwest is not meeting by 25 feet. However, if the curvature of the roadway reduces approaching vehicle speeds to 25 mph the required distance would only be 280 feet and the approximate sight distance would be adequate. Furthermore, the proximity of the West Access to the stop-controlled intersection of CSAH 46/Kendale Drive would also reduce approaching vehicle speeds. • Buck Hill Road & East Access: The required intersection sight distance for a 40 -mph roadway is 445 feet. Comparing the required distance to the approximate sight distances measured, the sight distance to the northeast (450 feet) would be adequate. o The removal of scrub trees along the east side of Buck Hill Road may provide additional visibility for both eastbound motorists and northbound left-turning motorists if sight lines remain a concern. Existing foliage, time of day (sunrise, sunset), seasonal variations, and stop bar placement may impact the actual site distances for stopped vehicles exiting either development access. Despite the Kendale Drive & West Access approximate sight distance being slightly below the required distance neither access is expected to pose a safety risk due to sight lines. Page 428 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 16 May 23, 2024 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The following study conclusions and recommendations are offered for consideration: • Results of the existing traffic operations analysis indicate that all study intersections currently operate at overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulations. • The proposed Sundance Lakeville development is expected to provide nine (9) single-family detached homes and 167 multi-family townhomes in the northwest quadrant of the CSAH 46/ Buck Hill Road intersection in Lakeville. In addition, the development will include two single- story retail centers, covering about 26,500 sq. ft. combined, on the south side of the developed area. While the proposed development construction timeframe is currently unknown, a year 2025 completion was assumed for the purpose of this study. o The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 136 a.m. peak hour trips, 268 p.m. peak hour trips, and 2,656 daily trips. • Results of the year 2025 traffic operations analysis indicate that all study intersections and proposed access locations are expected to operate at overall LOS B during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours with all study intersections and proposed access locations expected to operate at overall LOS B or better during the year 2045 a.m. and p.m. peak hours. In addition, no significant side-street delay or queuing issues were observed in the traffic simulations. o Generally, the proposed development is expected to have minimal impact on study area traffic operations even with the redistributed Kendale Drive southbound volumes. Therefore, no geometric improvements are required from an operations perspective. • Additional considerations related to the proposed development include the following: o The new east/west roadway will facilitate southbound Kendale Drive movements restricted by the planned conversion of the CSAH 46/Kendal Drive intersection to a three-quarter access by Dakota County. As a public road rather than a private road, traffic along Buck Hill Road destined for Kendale Drive may also utilize this new roadway but the impact is expected to be negligible. o For access to and from CSAH 5 west of the Sundance Lakeville site, a limited number of motorists associated with the proposed development, particularly those originating from and destined to the Single-Family Access, may choose to route through the adjacent residential neighborhood via Kendale Drive, Dupont Avenue, and 158th Street. However, the narrow, winding, and low-speed nature of these roadways is expected to make this route less attractive than CSAH 46 to the majority of residents associated with the proposed development. Consequently, less than 150 daily trips associated with the proposed development would be expected to utilize the Kendale Drive, Dupont Avenue, and 158th Street residential neighborhood route. • A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommended potential improvements regarding vehicle ingress/egress, internal traffic circulation, and pedestrian/bicycle connectivity and is documented in Section 5.0: Site Plan/Access Review. Page 429 of 447 Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 A1 Appendix A – Collected Turning Movement Counts Page 430 of 447 Intersection:Site Code: Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 6:00 -- 12 -- --12 1 --1 26 1 28 -- -- -- -- 1 1 1 -- -- 24 --24 -- 65 2 6:15 -- 7 -- --7 -- -- -- 43 1 44 -- -- -- -- 3 3 -- -- -- 27 2 29 -- 83 -- 6:30 -- 10 -- --10 -- -- -- 60 1 61 -- -- -- -- 6 6 -- -- -- 46 --46 -- 123 -- 6:45 -- 16 -- --16 -- -- -- 64 3 67 -- -- -- -- 3 3 -- 1 -- 52 --53 -- 139 -- Hour Total -- 45 -- --45 1 -- 1 193 6 200 -- -- -- -- 13 13 1 1 -- 149 2 152 -- 410 2 7:00 -- 10 -- --10 -- -- 1 62 1 64 -- -- -- -- 3 3 -- -- -- 37 --37 -- 114 -- 7:15 -- 7 1 1 9 -- -- 2 66 6 74 -- -- 1 -- 3 4 -- -- 1 53 --54 -- 141 -- 7:30 -- 10 -- 1 11 -- -- 1 66 1 68 -- -- -- -- 6 6 1 -- -- 56 --56 -- 141 1 7:45 -- 13 -- --13 -- -- 1 93 6 100 -- -- -- -- 9 9 -- -- 1 70 1 72 -- 194 -- Hour Total -- 40 1 2 43 -- -- 5 287 14 306 -- -- 1 -- 21 22 1 -- 2 216 1 219 -- 590 1 8:00 -- 14 -- --14 -- -- 4 55 3 62 -- -- -- -- 4 4 -- -- 1 67 --68 -- 148 -- 8:15 -- 11 -- --11 1 1 1 57 2 61 -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- 54 --54 -- 128 1 8:30 -- 8 -- --8 -- -- 1 63 6 70 -- -- -- -- 3 3 1 -- -- 46 --46 -- 127 1 8:45 -- 16 -- --16 -- -- 4 60 5 69 -- -- -- -- 1 1 -- -- -- 41 --41 -- 127 -- Hour Total -- 49 -- --49 1 1 10 235 16 262 -- -- -- -- 10 10 1 -- 1 208 --209 -- 530 2 16:00 -- 5 -- --5 -- -- 2 79 12 93 -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- 86 --86 -- 186 -- 16:15 -- 9 -- 1 10 -- 1 5 95 18 119 -- -- -- -- 3 3 2 1 2 95 1 99 -- 231 2 16:30 -- 7 -- 1 8 -- -- 5 95 7 107 -- -- -- -- 4 4 -- -- 1 84 --85 -- 204 -- 16:45 -- 3 -- --3 1 -- 6 70 8 84 -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- 1 96 --97 -- 186 1 Hour Total -- 24 -- 2 26 1 1 18 339 45 403 -- -- -- -- 11 11 2 1 4 361 1 367 -- 807 3 17:00 -- 5 -- --5 -- -- 5 94 13 112 -- -- -- -- 5 5 1 1 2 79 --82 -- 204 1 17:15 -- 10 1 --11 -- -- 8 82 12 102 -- -- -- -- 1 1 -- -- -- 92 1 93 -- 207 -- 17:30 1 8 -- 1 10 1 1 4 88 14 107 -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- -- 78 2 80 -- 199 1 17:45 -- 7 -- --7 1 -- 3 79 5 87 -- -- -- -- 1 1 1 -- 2 68 --70 -- 165 2 Hour Total 1 30 1 1 33 2 1 20 343 44 408 -- -- -- -- 9 9 2 1 4 317 3 325 -- 775 4 18:00 -- 7 -- --7 -- -- 1 53 12 66 -- -- -- -- 5 5 -- -- -- 64 --64 -- 142 -- 18:15 -- 11 1 1 13 -- 1 6 67 9 83 -- -- -- -- 6 6 -- -- -- 60 --60 -- 162 -- 18:30 -- 5 -- --5 -- 1 9 87 7 104 -- -- -- -- 1 1 1 -- -- 58 --58 -- 168 1 18:45 -- 7 -- --7 -- -- 2 50 13 65 -- -- -- -- --0 -- -- 1 48 1 50 -- 122 -- Hour Total --30 1 1 32 --2 18 257 41 318 --------12 12 1 --1 230 1 232 --594 1 Grand Total 1 218 3 6 228 5 5 72 1654 166 1897 ----1 --76 77 8 3 12 1481 8 1504 --3706 13 % of App. 0.4% 95.6% 1.3% 2.6%0.3% 3.8% 87.2% 8.8%0.0% 1.3% 0.0% 98.7%0.2% 0.8% 98.5% 0.5% % of Total 0.0% 5.9% 0.1% 0.2% 6.2% 38.5% 0.1% 1.9% 44.6% 4.5% 51.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.1% 2.1% 61.5% 0.1% 0.3% 40.0% 0.2% 40.6% 0.0% Cars Total 1 217 3 6 227 5 5 71 1638 165 1879 -- -- -- -- 75 75 6 3 11 1459 8 1481 -- 3662 11 Cars % of Movement 100% 99.5% 100% 100% 99.6% 45.5% 100% 98.6% 99.0% 99.4% 99.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 98.7% 97.4% 54.5% 100% 91.7% 98.5% 100% 98.5% 0.0% 98.8% Trucks Total -- 1 -- --1 -- -- 1 16 1 18 -- -- 1 -- 1 2 2 -- 1 22 --23 -- 44 2 Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 1.0% 0.6% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 0.0% 1.3% 2.6% ##### 0.0% 8.3% 1.5% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 1.2% All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 360 N/A Page No: 1 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Kendale Dr 6/3/2021 Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total Page 431 of 447 Intersection:Site Code Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 7:15 -- 7 1 1 9 ---- 2 66 6 74 -- -- 1 -- 3 4 -- -- 1 53 --54 -- 141 -- 7:30 -- 10 -- 1 11 -- -- 1 66 1 68 -- -- -- -- 6 6 1 -- -- 56 --56 -- 141 1 7:45 -- 13 -- --13 -- -- 1 93 6 100 -- -- -- -- 9 9 -- -- 1 70 1 72 -- 194 -- 8:00 --14 ----14 ----4 55 3 62 --------4 4 ----1 67 --68 --148 -- Hour Total -- 44 1 2 47 -- -- 8 280 16 304 -- -- 1 -- 22 23 1 -- 3 246 1 250 -- 624 1 % of App. 0.0% 93.6% 2.1% 4.3%0.0% 2.6% 92.1% 5.3%0.0% 4.3% 0.0% 95.7%0.0% 1.2% 98.4% 0.4% % of Total 0.0% 7.1% 0.2% 0.3% 7.5% 0.0% 0.0% 1.3% 44.9% 2.6% 48.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 3.5% 3.7% ##### 0.0% 0.5% 39.4% 0.2% 40.1% 0.0% Cars Total -- 44 1 2 47 -- -- 8 275 15 298 -- -- -- -- 22 22 1 -- 2 240 1 243 -- 610 1 Cars % of Movement 0.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 98.2% 93.8% 98.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 95.7% ##### 0.0% 66.7% 97.6% 100% 97.2% 0.0% 97.8% Trucks Total -- -- -- --0 -- -- -- 5 1 6 -- -- 1 -- --1 -- -- 1 6 --7 -- 14 -- Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -- 0.0% 0.0% 1.8% 6.3% 2.0% -- 0.0% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 4.3% -- 0.0% 33.3% 2.4% 0.0% 2.8% -- 2.2% Peak Hour Begins At:7:15 Total Vehicles:624 Truck %:2.2%044 LeftThruRight 2 1 AM Peak Hour Data 3Peds/Bikes00 Peds/ Bikes Left Thru8 280 All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 N/A 360 Page No: 2 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 6/3/2021 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Kendale Dr Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total Peds/ Bikes 1 16RightPeds/BikesThru Right 1 0Left 22 LeftThruRight1 246 Intersection:Site Code Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 16:15 -- 9 -- 1 10 -- 1 5 95 18 119 -- -- -- -- 3 3 2 1 2 95 1 99 -- 231 2 16:30 -- 7 -- 1 8 -- -- 5 95 7 107 -- -- -- -- 4 4 -- -- 1 84 --85 -- 204 -- 16:45 -- 3 -- --3 1 -- 6 70 8 84 -- -- -- -- 2 2 -- -- 1 96 --97 -- 186 1 17:00 --5 ----5 ----5 94 13 112 --------5 5 1 1 2 79 --82 --204 1 Hour Total -- 24 -- 2 26 1 1 21 354 46 422 -- -- -- -- 14 14 3 2 6 354 1 363 -- 825 4 % of App. 0.0% 92.3% 0.0% 7.7%0.2% 5.0% 83.9% 10.9%0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100%0.6% 1.7% 97.5% 0.3% % of Total 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.2% 3.2% 25.0% 0.1% 2.5% 42.9% 5.6% 51.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 1.7% 75.0% 0.2% 0.7% 42.9% 0.1% #### 0.0% Cars Total -- 24 -- 2 26 1 1 21 351 46 419 -- -- -- -- 13 13 3 2 6 354 1 363 -- 821 4 Cars % of Movement 0.0% 100% 0.0% 100% 100% 25.0% 100% 100% 99.2% 100% 99.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 92.9% 92.9% 75.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0% 99.5% Trucks Total -- -- -- --0 -- -- -- 3 --3 -- -- -- -- 1 1 -- -- -- -- --0 -- 4 -- Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -- 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.7% -- 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1% 7.1% -- 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -- 0.5% Peak Hour Begins At:16:15 Total Vehicles:825 Truck %:0.5% All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 N/A 360 Page No: 3 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 6/3/2021 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound 2 0 24 Kendale Dr CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kendale Dr Peds/ Bikes 1 Right Thru Left 46RightPeds/Bikes0PM Peak Hour Data 354ThruLeft822LeftThru354Peds/Bikes0Right10 0 14 Left Thru Right Peds/ Bikes 3 Intersection:Site Code: Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 6:00 -- 3 -- 1 4 -- --4 29 3 36 -- -- 1 -- 8 9 -- -- -- 34 2 36 -- 85 -- 6:15 -- 5 -- --5 -- -- 17 42 7 66 -- -- 2 -- 8 10 -- -- 1 35 3 39 1 120 1 6:30 -- 9 4 --13 -- -- 14 63 9 86 -- -- 4 1 17 22 -- -- 1 57 5 63 -- 184 -- 6:45 -- 15 2 1 18 -- -- 18 58 15 91 -- -- 6 2 19 27 -- -- 2 67 4 73 -- 209 -- Hour Total -- 32 6 2 40 -- -- 53 192 34 279 -- -- 13 3 52 68 -- -- 4 193 14 211 1 598 1 7:00 -- 14 4 1 19 -- -- 21 63 11 95 -- -- 1 2 10 13 -- -- 1 48 1 50 -- 177 -- 7:15 -- 9 3 3 15 -- -- 21 69 15 105 -- -- 2 2 21 25 -- -- 2 62 4 68 -- 213 -- 7:30 -- 20 1 2 23 -- 1 19 61 9 90 -- -- 8 4 38 50 1 -- 2 66 4 72 1 235 2 7:45 -- 15 4 2 21 -- -- 22 95 31 148 -- -- 6 6 20 32 -- -- 2 87 4 93 -- 294 -- Hour Total -- 58 12 8 78 -- 1 83 288 66 438 -- -- 17 14 89 120 1 -- 7 263 13 283 1 919 2 8:00 -- 11 7 3 21 -- -- 24 56 9 89 -- -- 4 5 21 30 -- -- 3 78 5 86 -- 226 -- 8:15 -- 13 1 5 19 -- -- 35 57 18 110 -- -- 1 2 18 21 -- -- 3 59 5 67 -- 217 -- 8:30 -- 14 1 5 20 1 1 36 64 14 115 -- -- 3 4 31 38 -- -- -- 50 4 54 1 227 2 8:45 -- 11 1 1 13 -- -- 25 65 19 109 -- -- 7 3 22 32 -- -- 3 54 5 62 -- 216 -- Hour Total -- 49 10 14 73 1 1 120 242 60 423 -- -- 15 14 92 121 -- -- 9 241 19 269 1 886 2 16:00 -- 20 8 9 37 -- -- 26 72 25 123 -- -- 8 3 27 38 -- -- 4 86 7 97 2 295 2 16:15 -- 26 11 10 47 -- 3 30 99 22 154 -- -- 8 2 27 37 -- -- 2 92 7 101 -- 339 -- 16:30 -- 16 10 9 35 -- 1 30 92 23 146 -- -- 8 4 44 56 -- -- 6 85 5 96 -- 333 -- 16:45 -- 30 6 3 39 -- -- 37 76 28 141 -- -- 5 6 28 39 -- -- 3 93 10 106 1 325 1 Hour Total -- 92 35 31 158 -- 4 123 339 98 564 -- -- 29 15 126 170 -- -- 15 356 29 400 3 1292 3 17:00 -- 26 10 10 46 -- 1 30 97 30 158 -- -- 5 6 39 50 -- -- 1 88 5 94 -- 348 -- 17:15 -- 25 9 8 42 -- -- 24 93 40 157 -- -- 8 3 21 32 -- -- 6 91 3 100 -- 331 -- 17:30 -- 28 6 3 37 -- -- 29 96 28 153 -- -- 9 6 33 48 -- -- 5 77 6 88 -- 326 -- 17:45 -- 27 4 11 42 -- 1 24 65 34 124 -- -- 7 7 21 35 -- -- 4 64 6 74 3 275 3 Hour Total -- 106 29 32 167 -- 2 107 351 132 592 -- -- 29 22 114 165 -- -- 16 320 20 356 3 1280 3 18:00 -- 21 4 8 33 -- 1 24 58 40 123 -- -- 2 9 26 37 -- -- 6 67 5 78 -- 271 -- 18:15 -- 24 4 3 31 -- 1 44 75 36 156 -- -- 6 5 16 27 -- -- 11 60 6 77 2 291 2 18:30 -- 24 9 15 48 -- -- 30 82 40 152 -- -- 6 6 22 34 -- -- 10 48 7 65 -- 299 -- 18:45 -- 26 7 10 43 -- 1 31 49 27 108 -- -- 4 3 17 24 -- -- 3 54 1 58 -- 233 -- Hour Total --95 24 36 155 --3 129 264 143 539 ----18 23 81 122 ----30 229 19 278 2 1094 2 Grand Total --432 116 123 671 1 11 615 1676 533 2835 ----121 91 554 766 1 --81 1602 114 1797 11 6069 13 % of App. 0.0% 64.4% 17.3% 18.3%0.4% 21.7% 59.1% 18.8%0.0% 15.8% 11.9% 72.3%0.0% 4.5% 89.1% 6.3% % of Total 0.0% 7.1% 1.9% 2.0% 11.1% 7.7% 0.2% 10.1% 27.6% 8.8% 46.7% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 1.5% 9.1% 12.6% 7.7% 0.0% 1.3% 26.4% 1.9% 29.6% 84.6% Cars Total -- 431 116 123 670 -- 11 613 1657 531 2812 -- -- 121 91 552 764 -- -- 81 1578 114 1773 4 6019 4 Cars % of Movement 0.0% 99.8% 100% 100% 99.9% 0.0% 100% 99.7% 98.9% 99.6% 99.2% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 100% 99.6% 99.7% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 98.5% 100% 98.7% ##### 99.2% Trucks Total -- 1 -- --1 1 -- 2 19 2 23 -- -- -- -- 2 2 1 -- -- 24 --24 7 50 9 Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 11.1% 0.0% 0.3% 1.1% 0.4% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.3% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 1.3% 77.8% 0.8% Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Buck Hill Rd CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kenyon Ave CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 361 N/A Page No: 1 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Buck Hill Rd 8/23/2023 Page 434 of 447 Intersection:Site Code Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 7:30 -- 20 1 2 23 -- 1 19 61 9 90 -- -- 8 4 38 50 1 -- 2 66 4 72 1 235 2 7:45 -- 15 4 2 21 -- -- 22 95 31 148 -- -- 6 6 20 32 -- -- 2 87 4 93 -- 294 -- 8:00 -- 11 7 3 21 -- -- 24 56 9 89 -- -- 4 5 21 30 -- -- 3 78 5 86 -- 226 -- 8:15 --13 1 5 19 ----35 57 18 110 ----1 2 18 21 ----3 59 5 67 --217 -- Hour Total -- 59 13 12 84 -- 1 100 269 67 437 -- -- 19 17 97 133 1 -- 10 290 18 318 1 972 2 % of App. 0.0% 70.2% 15.5% 14.3%0.2% 22.9% 61.6% 15.3%0.0% 14.3% 12.8% 72.9%0.0% 3.1% 91.2% 5.7% % of Total 0.0% 6.1% 1.3% 1.2% 8.6% 0.0% 0.1% 10.3% 27.7% 6.9% 45.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 1.7% 10.0% 13.7% 50.0% 0.0% 1.0% 29.8% 1.9% 32.7% 50.0% Cars Total -- 58 13 12 83 -- 1 100 264 67 432 -- -- 19 17 97 133 -- -- 10 281 18 309 -- 957 -- Cars % of Movement 0.0% 98.3% 100% 100% 98.8% -- 100% 100% 98.1% 100% 98.9% -- 0.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% -- 0.0% 100% 96.9% 100% 97.2% -- 98.5% Trucks Total -- 1 -- --1 -- -- -- 5 --5 -- -- -- -- --0 1 -- -- 9 --9 1 15 2 Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% 1.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.1% 0.0% 2.8% 50.0% 1.5% Peak Hour Begins At:7:30 Total Vehicles:972 Truck %:1.5% Peds/ Bikes 1 67RightPeds/BikesThru Right 19 17Left 97 LeftThruRight18 290 Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Buck Hill Rd CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kenyon Ave CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 N/A 361 Page No: 2 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 8/23/2023 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Buck Hill Rd 10Peds/Bikes00 Peds/ Bikes Left Thru101 269159 LeftThruRight 12 13 AM Peak Hour Data Intersection:Site Code Date:Ref Pt: Duration: Start Time U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes U- Turn Left Thru Right App. Total Peds/ Bikes 16:15 -- 26 11 10 47 -- 3 30 99 22 154 -- -- 8 2 27 37 -- -- 2 92 7 101 -- 339 -- 16:30 -- 16 10 9 35 -- 1 30 92 23 146 -- -- 8 4 44 56 -- -- 6 85 5 96 -- 333 -- 16:45 -- 30 6 3 39 -- -- 37 76 28 141 -- -- 5 6 28 39 -- -- 3 93 10 106 1 325 1 17:00 --26 10 10 46 --1 30 97 30 158 ----5 6 39 50 ----1 88 5 94 --348 -- Hour Total -- 98 37 32 167 -- 5 127 364 103 599 -- -- 26 18 138 182 -- -- 12 358 27 397 1 1345 1 % of App. 0.0% 58.7% 22.2% 19.2%0.8% 21.2% 60.8% 17.2%0.0% 14.3% 9.9% 75.8%0.0% 3.0% 90.2% 6.8% % of Total 0.0% 7.3% 2.8% 2.4% 12.4% 0.0% 0.4% 9.4% 27.1% 7.7% 44.5% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 1.3% 10.3% 13.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 26.6% 2.0% #### ##### Cars Total -- 98 37 32 167 -- 5 126 360 103 594 -- -- 26 18 138 182 -- -- 12 357 27 396 1 1339 1 Cars % of Movement 0.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0% 100% 99.2% 98.9% 100% 99.2% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 100% 99.7% 100% #### ##### 99.6% Trucks Total -- -- -- --0 -- -- 1 4 --5 -- -- -- -- --0 -- -- -- 1 --1 -- 6 -- Trucks % of Movement 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -- 0.0% 0.8% 1.1% 0.0% 0.8% -- 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -- 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% -- 0.4% Peak Hour Begins At:16:15 Total Vehicles:1345 Truck %:0.4% Left Thru Right Peds/ Bikes 0 Peds/Bikes0Right2726 18 138Left12 132LeftThru358103RightPeds/Bikes1PM Peak Hour Data 364Thru32 37 98 Buck Hill Rd CSAH 46 (162nd St SW)Kenyon Ave Peds/ Bikes 0 Right Thru Left CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) Int. Veh. Total Int. Ped/ Bike Total Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound All Vehicles (Cars & Trucks) Printed ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 S Marquette Ave #700, Minneapolis, MN 55402 N/A 361 Page No: 3 of 36:00-9:00, 16:00-19:00 8/23/2023 CSAH 46 (162nd St SW) & Buck Hill Rd Traffic Impact Study Sundance Lakeville Alliant No. 221-0039.0 B1 Appendix B – Detailed Operations and Queuing Analysis Page 437 of 447 Existing Conditions - AM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.9 0.4 0.5 2.0 0.9 0.7 0.0 0.0 2.6 7.0 6.6 3.5 1.2 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 3 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 29 45 45 8 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 5.2 4.3 0.7 8.2 4.1 2.3 29.1 22.4 3.9 30.8 25.7 2.9 7.2 Movement LOS A A A A A A C C A C C A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 16 55 9 47 32 13 39 36 48 79 30 25 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Existing Conditions - PM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 2.5 0.4 0.2 2.9 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 2.5 10.0 0.0 3.2 1.2 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 9 0 0 25 0 2 0 0 24 35 35 10 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 11.9 7.7 1.3 9.4 4.5 2.2 23.8 22.1 4.3 27.0 20.5 3.7 8.3 Movement LOS B A A A A A C C A C C A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 24 76 18 68 45 24 50 31 50 101 48 33 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 7.4 5.1 9.0 21.0 A A A C Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 4.1 4.6 10.4 25.5 A A B C Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total 2.5 9.4 A A A A Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.4 1.3 Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection TotalTraffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.4 0.9 2.6 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach 6.8 A A A A Page 438 of 447 Year 2025 Conditions - AM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 1.4 0.3 0.6 2.0 0.9 0.6 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.2 2.8 0.8 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 13 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 29 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 7.0 4.7 0.9 7.2 4.3 2.5 26.1 26.2 3.7 31.8 24.1 2.3 9.6 Movement LOS A A A A A A C C A C C A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 18 51 13 40 36 20 37 36 43 149 32 17 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 5.6 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 1.9 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 63 0 63 0 0 0 17 17 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.1 1.8 0.7 0.0 1.8 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 38 0 38 0 0 0 11 11 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Year 2025 Conditions - PM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 1.9 0.4 0.3 2.8 1.3 1.8 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.5 3.3 1.1 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 22 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 26 7 7 31 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 12.9 9.7 1.6 10.8 5.3 3.0 23.6 22.6 4.3 28.6 16.8 3.1 10.3 Movement LOS B A A B A A C C A C B A B Movement 95th Queue (ft) 22 86 18 74 49 42 47 42 51 168 50 29 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 6.8 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.9 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 57 0 57 0 0 0 48 48 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.2 0.1 2.1 0.3 0.0 1.4 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 45 0 45 0 0 0 20 20 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.4 0.9 2.4 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Intersection Total Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 4.6 4.4 2.7 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 9.9 29.0 A A A C Westbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Buck Hill Road & East Access 3.4 0.0 1.4 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach A A A A Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach 4.2 0.3 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 0.2 1.7 Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access 0.0 4.4 0.1 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & West Access 0.0 Intersection Total Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.5 1.4 0.0 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 2.2 Intersection Total Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 9.3 5.7 9.2 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach 0.5 Northbound Approach Southbound Approach A A A A Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach 0.0 23.7 A A A C 3.0 A A A A Westbound Approach MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 2.2 Intersection Total Through/Stop Buck Hill Road & East Access 3.8 1.9 A A A A Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & West Access 0.0 4.3 0.2 Traffic Control Intersection Through/Stop Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access 0.0 4.1 0.1 0.0 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Page 439 of 447 Year 2045 Conditions - AM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 1.5 0.3 0.8 1.9 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.4 3.0 0.8 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 15 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 29 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 10.1 5.8 0.9 10.4 4.7 2.9 24.3 23.2 4.2 35.5 17.5 2.6 10.8 Movement LOS B A A B A A C C A D B A B Movement 95th Queue (ft) 22 71 19 70 39 22 40 40 52 166 38 20 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 5.6 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.7 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.9 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 58 0 58 0 0 0 19 19 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.3 0.1 2.0 0.2 0.0 1.9 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 41 0 41 0 0 0 17 17 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 23 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Year 2045 Conditions - PM Peak Hour EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 3.5 0.4 0.0 3.6 1.4 1.6 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 31.7 2.0 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A D A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 29 0 0 32 0 3 0 0 25 37 37 39 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 12.8 12.0 1.7 14.3 6.3 3.7 21.7 17.5 5.0 30.1 18.7 4.2 11.4 Movement LOS B B A B A A C B A C B A B Movement 95th Queue (ft) 27 111 17 97 56 47 53 44 65 183 63 36 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 8.5 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 2.0 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 59 0 59 0 0 0 48 48 0 0 4 4 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.4 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.3 0.2 2.2 0.6 0.0 4.0 Movement LOS A A A C A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 57 0 57 0 0 0 23 23 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Movement Delay (sec/veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Movement LOS A A A A A A A A A A A A A Movement 95th Queue (ft) 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approach Delay (sec/veh) Approach LOS Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.4 1.0 2.4 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Intersection Total Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 5.7 5.4 2.7 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 9.7 31.1 A A A C Westbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Buck Hill Road & East Access 3.6 0.0 1.5 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach A A A A Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach 4.2 0.5 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 0.2 1.9 Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access 0.0 4.7 0.2 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & West Access 0.0 Intersection Total Through/Stop CSAH 46 & Kendale Drive 0.6 1.5 0.0 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 2.5 Intersection Total Traffic Signal CSAH 46 & Buck Hill Road 11.3 7.2 8.9 Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach 0.5 Northbound Approach Southbound Approach A A A A Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach 0.0 24.7 B A A C 28.8 A A A D Westbound Approach MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach 2.2 Intersection Total Through/Stop Buck Hill Road & East Access 4.2 2.0 A C A A Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Through/Stop Kendale Drive & West Access 0.0 19.2 0.3 Traffic Control Intersection Through/Stop Kendale Drive & Single-Family Access 0.0 4.3 0.1 0.0 A A A A Traffic Control Intersection MOE Eastbound Approach Westbound Approach Northbound Approach Southbound Approach Intersection Total Page 440 of 447 City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Jon Nelson, Assistant City Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Joe Masiarchin, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Julie Stahl, Finance Director Dave Mathews, Building Official Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director Date: July 8, 2024 Subject: Sundance Lakeville Second Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Tree Preservation Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Timberland Partners, LLC has submitted preliminary plat applications for a development to be known as Sundance Lakeville Second Addition. The proposed subdivision is located north of and adjacent to 162nd Street West (CSAH 46), west of and adjacent to Buck Hill Road, and including and adjacent to Kendale Drive. The parent parcels consist of one metes and bounds parcel (PID No. 220011037020) zoned RM-1, Medium Density Residential District, RST-2-, Single- and Two-Family Residential District, and C-3, General Commercial District. The preliminary plat consists of nine (9) single family lots, thirteen (13) attached townhome lots, and one (1) clubhouse lot within one (1) block, and one (1) outlot on 14.74 acres. The Developer is dedicating 0.50 acres as Kenyon Court right-of-way. The outlots created with the preliminary plat shall have the following use: Outlot A: Stormwater Management Basin; to be deeded to the City (0.22 acres) The proposed development will be completed by: Developer: Timberland Partners, LLC Engineer/Surveyor: Alliant Engineering Page 441 of 447 SSUUNNDDAANNCCEE LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE 22NNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 88,, 22002244 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 66 SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Sundance Lakeville Second Addition site consists of undeveloped agricultural land and wooded areas generally draining north to south. There are two barns and a property access on the south end of the site. There is an overhead utility line on the north end of the site. EEAASSEEMMEENNTTSS There are no existing easements on the parent parcel that will be vacated with the preliminary plat. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT 162nd Street West (CSAH 46) Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is located north of and adjacent to 162nd Street West, a minor arterial roadway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 162nd Street West is constructed as a four-lane divided urban roadway adjacent to the preliminary plat. The existing right-of-way is a total of 150-ft as shown on the preliminary plat. No additional right- of-way is required. Site access shall be modified at the intersection of Kendale Drive and 162nd Street West in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Dakota County Plat Commission. Buck Hill Road Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is located west of and adjacent to Buck Hill Road, a local roadway. Access for the development is proposed at Buck Hill Road. Buck Hill Road is designated as a 60-foot-wide urban road with a sidewalk along one side, within a varying width right-of-way. The Developer shall construct improvements along Buck Hill Road as determined with the first phase final plat. Kendale Drive Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is located adjacent to and including Kendale Drive, a local roadway. Kendale Drive is designated as a 32-foot-wide rural roadway. The Developer shall improve Kendale Drive as an urban roadway section on the east side. Kendale Drive was dedicated 60-feet of right-of-way to the City with the Sundance Lakeville final plat. The Sundance Lakeville Second Addition final plat shall show Outlot A, Sundance Lakeville as right-of-way dedicated to the City. Site access shall be modified at the intersection of Kendale Drive and 162nd Street West in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Dakota County Plat Commission. Kenyon Avenue Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the construction of Kenyon Court, a local roadway. Kenyon Court is designed as a 32-foot-wide urban roadway terminating in a cul-de-sac. The Developer is dedicating the necessary right-of-way. Page 442 of 447 SSUUNNDDAANNCCEE LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE 22NNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 88,, 22002244 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 66 Private Drives Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the construction of a privately owned and maintained roadway network providing driveway access to the attached townhome units. The private roadway network is designed as 24-foot-wide urban roadway, with the exception of a 32-foot-wide urban roadway connecting Buck Hill Road and Kendale Drive. The Developer shall dedicate a drainage and utility easement over the private roadway. The City shall not be responsible for any repairs (including cost) to the private roadway due to maintenance within the easement area. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction will be determined with each phase of construction. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS,, AANNDD SSII DDEEWWAALLKKSS Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the construction of public sidewalks. Five-foot-wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of Kendale Drive from 162nd Street West to Dupont Avenue. The Developer will be credited for sidewalk installed between the western plat boundary and Dupont Avenue. The City’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan does not designate a future neighborhood park within Sundance Residential. The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be satisfied through a cash contribution with the final plat. Only area outside of wetlands, wetland buffers and stormwater basins is to be credited or compensated for park dedication purposes. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANN IITTAARRYY SSEE WWEERR Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is located within subdistricts CL-41200 of the Crystal Lake sanitary sewer district, as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed through sanitary sewer to the northern trunk monitored by meter M630 and continue to the Seneca Wastewater Treatment Facility. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the extension of public sanitary sewer. 8-inch sanitary sewer will be extended from Kendale Drive through Kenyon Court. City sanitary sewer lift station No. 26 is under construction in conjunction with Sundance Residential. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for construction of sanitary sewer lift station No. 26. The fee shall be calculated based on the development impact to the overall sanitary flow to the lift station. Page 443 of 447 SSUUNNDDAANNCCEE LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE 22NNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 88,, 22002244 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 66 The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and will be required with the final plat. The fee will be based on the current rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the extension of public watermain. 8-inch watermain will be extended within the subdivision from 8-inch watermain extended onto a private drive constructed with the Sundance Lakeville development. The 8- inch watermain extends to the subdivision from Buck Hill Road. 8-inch watermain shall be extended along Kendale Drive from 162nd Street West to Dupont Avenue. The 8-inch watermain installed along Kendale Drive shall extend through Kenyon Court to the northern terminus of the cul-de-sac. The Developer will be credited for watermain installed between the western plat boundary and Dupont Avenue. The City’s Comprehensive Water Plan does not identify any trunk watermain improvements within the proposed plat. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINN EESS An overhead electric transmission line and poles are located along the north side of the parent parcel. The transmission line is a high voltage line and is therefore not required to be buried, consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is located within subdistricts CL-007, CL-009, and CL-010 of the Crystal Lake stormwater district, as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the construction of one publicly owned and maintained stormwater management basin and three privately-owned and maintained stormwater management basins to collect and treat the stormwater runoff generated from the site. Three of the basins will ultimately outlet to the storm sewer along Kendale Drive to the west. One basin will outlet to the storm sewer along 162nd Street West to the south. The Developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement and grant an easement to the City over the private stormwater improvements. The public stormwater management basin will be located within Outlot A which will be deeded to the City with the final plat. The stormwater management design is consistent with City ordinance requirements. The temporary basin constructed with Sundance Lakeville shall be removed and restored in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit requirements. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings Page 444 of 447 SSUUNNDDAANNCCEE LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE 22NNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 88,, 22002244 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 66 placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition includes the construction of public and private sewer systems. Public storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public stormwater management basin located within Outlot A. Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within Sundance Lakeville Second Addition for the street sub-cuts and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction shall be the developer’s responsibility to install and finance. The Storm Sewer Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be collected with the Sundance Residential final plat. Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Sundance Lakeville Second Addition is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS A wetland delineation was completed and reviewed by City Staff. No wetlands were identified on the site. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN A tree preservation plan was submitted by the developer for the entirety of the Sundance subdivision. There are 783 significant trees located within the preliminary plat boundaries. The tree preservation plan proposes to save 643 of the significant trees on site. A tree preservation plan for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition shall be submitted prior to Page 445 of 447 SSUUNNDDAANNCCEE LLAAKKEEVVIILLLLEE 22NNDD AADDDDIITTIIOONN PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT JJUULLYY 88,, 22002244 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 66 issuance of a city grading permit. Significant trees, as identified in the Lakeville Subdivision Ordinance, shall be protected and preserved through termination of all grading and construction activities. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The Developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing a SWPPP for the site prior to construction. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction must be documented in the SWPPP. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, grading and erosion control plan, tree preservation, and utility plan for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report. Page 446 of 447 Date: 8/5/2024 Next Work Session Monday, August 26, 2024 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Overview Supporting Information None Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: No Source: Envision Lakeville Community Values: Report Completed by: Page 447 of 447