HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-2024 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5,2024-6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Joe Masiarchin, Parks & Recreation Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk; Brad Paulson, Police Chief; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director; Frank Dempsey: Associate Planner 3. Citizen Comments Dan Grigsby, 8513 172 St W, addressed the City Council about the businesses that illegally advertise in the public right-of-way. Bob Erickson, 19081 Inndale Avenue, addressed the City Council regarding a design feature of the Ipava Improvement section. 4. Additional agenda information City Administrator Miller explained that Item 60, had a minor revision. There was a change in dates on the change orders. 5. Presentations/Introductions a. 2024 Taste of Lakeville Bridget Powers, Chair of the Taste of Lakeville provided the Council with a summary of 2024 event. b. Public Works Quarterly Report Public Works Director Paul Oehme presented the Public Works Quarterly report. 6. Consent Agenda Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Wolter, to approve the following: Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee,Volk, Wolter a. Check Register Summary b. Check Register Summary- 07/30/2024 c. Minutes of the 07/15/2024 City Council Meeting Ciry Council Meeting Minutes August 5, 2024 Page 2 d. Minutes of the 07/22/2024 Work Session e. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville North Boys Hockey Boosters f. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Dakota Curling Club g. Temporary on-sale liquor license to Lakeville Area Arts Center/City of Lakeville h. Proposal from Wastequip LLC for Grand Prairie Park Toter Recycling and Trash Containers i. Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the City Code j. Approve Settlement Agreement with Trinity Evangelical Free Church of Lakeville k. Leo A. Daly Contract Amendment l. Water Treatment Facility Carpeting m. Approve Amendment Number One to Professional Services Agreement with SRF Consulting for Grand Prairie Park n. No Parking Resolution for 202nd Street o. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Airlake 70 First Addition& KTJ First Addition Public Improvements (City Project 22-24) p. Approve Updated Pedestrian Crosswalk Policy q. Purchase of a lift station control panel and control accessories for the new Crystal Lake Lift Station No. 26. r. Proposals for t6e Preparation of Feasibility Report and Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Street Reconstruction Project s. Professional Services Agreements for Final Design and Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluations for 2025 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs and Overlays Project t. Proposal from Dakota Electric Association (DEA) for the Installation of Electric Service at Grand Prairie Park u. Antlers Ridge Final Plat v. Estoria Lakeville Final Plat w. Zaytsev Conditional Use Permit x. Henning Devries Addition Final Plat 7. Action Items a. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition Ryan Sailer, Representing Timberland Partners, Inc., has submitted applications and plans for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for Sundance Lakeville Second Addition. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the staff report. Sundance Lakeville Second Addition proposes one lot and one block with 13 townhome buildings and 167 City Council Meeting Minutes August 5, 2024 Page 3 dwelling units, and nine single-family home lots with rental homes, all totaling 15.75 acres north of 162nd Street(CSAH 46), west of Buck Hill Road and east of Kendale Avenue. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the preliminary plat and conditional use permit at its July 18, 2024 meeting. There was public comment with concerns of traffic patterns, increased traffic to the neighborhoods to the west and north, traffic speeds through the neighborhoods, questions about findings in the traffic study, and Dakota County's decision to restrict Kendale Drive at 162"d Street(CSAH 46)to a three-quarter intersection and proposed building setbacks and landscape screening along the north and west property boundaries. The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to approve the preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to 12 stipulations,with one commission voting no with concerns regarding the proposed public use of a private road. The City Council discussed private roadway design,the northern boundary, and crossings near the clubhouse. The council took comments from the public. Tara Weishaar, 15939 Kendale Circle, expressed concerns about the private road. Sam Hass, 15729 Bryant Court, said he was pleased with adding the fence and pine trees. Chelsey Nguyen, 15956 Kendale Drive, property backs up to this land. Her other concern is the traffic and sidewalks within this development. Staff added that they aze working on the potential sidewalk design. Lee moved, seconded by Bermel, to approve the preliminary plat of Sundance Lakeville Second Addition, a conditional use permit to allow more than one multi-family principal building on one lot and adopt findings of fact. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter 8. Unfinished Business None 9. New Business None 10. Announcements a. Next City Council Meeting Monday,August 19,2024 b. Next Work Session Monday,August 26,2024 11. Adjourn Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Volk, to adjourn at 7:21 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter City Council Meeting Minutes August 5, 2024 Page 4 Respectfully Submitted, G�r� � Ann Or ofsky, City Clerk Luke M. Heller, Mayor