HomeMy WebLinkAbout7000 205th St W-Survey205THSTREETSANSANSANSANSTOSTOSTOSTOWATWATSANSANCSWATSANWATWATWAT Drainage and UtilityEasement per the platof CEDAR HILLS3RD ADDITIONBuilding Pad per Grading PlanBuildingSetback11Proposed HousePlan Name Bristol, EN12, A3WalkoutLowest Floor Elev. = (1008.93)Existing SidewalkLOT 1PorchGarageSidewalk20.0025.5013.7712.8759.15L=66.53R=433.00Δ=8°48'11"S64°41 '26"W 136 .00S29°42'40"E 87.34S55°53'15"W 136.0038.7526.176.1221.5010.002.0020.0018.7914.8830.87 22.7527.8316.7822.7026.8649.8159.33 59.3349.8126.86 1001.1(1001.2)1004.1(1004.1)1015.3(1015.6)1013.6(1013.8)1013.301007.941009.811014.48X 1014.01008.6 X1008.4 XX 1013.8 (7.5%)(1016.60)(1016.1) XX (1008.2)1012.88RE1013.28TC X 1014.26TC X1014.60 X1014.97TC XX (1008.2)X (1007.7)X (1007.7)15.006.13 0.121016101210101008100810081010101210141016 1006100410061004100210001 0 0 2FO1015.02 RECODrainTile(1014.5)551055101010166325.68 N528093.06 E166334.57 N528070.69 E166306.55 N528068.48 E166372.98 N528029.25 E1013.6266 Foot Public ROW10141014N:\0025850.01\DWG\SURVEY\3RD ADD\0025850.01B11L01 3RD.DWG Lakeville, MinnesotaCedar HillsCertificate of Survey.CNAGMKLennarPREPARED FOR:Phone   :hLWeZaWer 'rLYe 6XLWe Fax  0LnneWonNa 01 Toll Free  .FIELD CREW:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:© 2024 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.comPROJECT NUMBER: 0025850.010'20'40'LEGENDCABLE TV BOXTVNATURAL GAS METERGSTREET LIGHTELECTRIC BOXEELECTRIC METERESANITARY MANHOLESSEWER CLEANOUTCOCATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLESTTELEPHONE BOXTGATE VALVEHYDRANTWATER METERWCURB STOP BOXCSWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERSANSTOWATFLARED END SECTION1) Curb & gutter and utilities are existing.2) Building dimensions do not reflect brick facing.3) Grading Plan by Westwood Professional Services Inc.initial submittal date 02/06/20.4) Building shown reflects Bristol foundation plan, sheet A2, dated 06/01/2024.Lot 1, Block 11, CEDAR HILLS 3RD ADDITION,according to the recorded plat thereof, DakotaCounty, Minnesota.Address- 7000 205th Street WDenotes iron monument foundDenotes iron monument setx xxx.x Denotes existing elevationx (xxx.xx) Denotes proposed elevationBenchmark- Minnesota Department of Transportation Control Point "1914H", Elevation = 959.11 (N.A.V.D. 1988), not graphically shown.IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONSLot area = 10,371 sq. ft.House area = 1,769 sq. ft.Porch area = 92 sq. ft.Driveway and Sidewalk = 789 sq. ft.Impervious area 2,650 sq. ft. /25.6% of total of lot areaNW Quarter, Section 27, Township 114, Range 20Garage Floor Elev. = (1016.60)(at overhead door)Top of Foundation Wall Elev. = (1016.93)Lowest Floor Elev. = (1008.93)I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or undermy direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed LandSurveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 07/24/2024Chris Ambourn, PS DateMinnesota License No. 43055chris.ambourn@westwoodps.com