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MARCH 17, 1997
7:00 P.M.
The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and
boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's
personal judgment. If you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be
recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" ftem on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All
comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda items is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's
1. Call to order and flag pledge.
2. Roll call
3. Approve minutes of the March 3, 1997, City Council meeting.
4. Staff announcements.
a. Attorney
b. Engineer
c. Administrator
d. Chief of Police: Monthly Report
e. Parks & Recreation Director: Monthly Report
5. Presentations/Introductions.
a. Proclamation for Campfire Birthday Week.
6. Citizens' Comments.
7. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under Consent agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed
below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these kerns. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the consent agenda and considered separately.
a. Claims for payment.
b. February Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental Affairs Committee, March 4, 1997
• Parks & Recreation Committee, March 5, 1997
Planning Commission, March 6, 1997
MARCH 17, 1997
Cable TV Board, February 18, 1997
Lakeville Ames Ice Arena Committee, February 26, 1997
Traffic Safety Committee, March 4, 1997
Economic Development Commission, February 25, 1997
d. Final payment and acceptance of improvements for construction of Well
No. 11, Improvement Project 95-2.
e. Resolution approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for
Well No. 12 collection pipe, Improvement Project 96-10B.
f. Amendment to landscape maintenance contract with Jeff Reisinger Lawn
g. Production Assistant leave of absence from March 29 to June 14, 1997.
h. Receive 205th Street feasibility study and authorize City Engineer to
prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a trail. on the
south side of .205th Street between Jacquard Avenue and Kansas
• i. Maintenance contract with Cramer Buildin Services for Cit Hall HVAC
9 Y
j. Paradise Hills subdivision credits for Ipava Avenue improvements.
k. S & B Limited (Verified Credentials) alternate security agreement.
I. Resolution approving registered land survey for Kaler (Wayside Park)
m. Resolution accepting donation from the Lakeville Jaycees to the
Recreation Sponsorship Program.
n. Encroachment Agreement for 20785 Holyoke Avenue with Dr. Gregory
and Nancy Smith.
o. Agreement for administrative subdivision, assessment agreements for
storm sewer area charges and permanent and temporary easement
agreements for the Chart House Restaurant complex.
• 8. Public hearing on District 2B sealcoating, Improvement Project 97-2.
MARCH 17, 1997
a. Attest to legal notice.
b. Presentation of the proposed project.
c. Questions and/or comments.
d. Motion to close, or continue, the public hearing.
e. Resolution ordering, or denying, the project.
9. NAC Work Plan proposal for Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update.
10. Presentation of the Lake .Marion Diagnostic Feasibility Report.
a. Authorize Curly Leaf pond weed treatment in Lake Marion.
11. Authorize Orchard Lake water quality study and alum treatment of storm water
ponds in Brackett's Crossing.
12. Review and authorize South Creek/Airlake trout stream monitoring proposal.
13. Resolution amending storm water management utility fund.
14. Kenridge Addition.
• a. Variance
b. Resolution approving final plat
15. Resolution approving final plat of Highcroft Addition.
16. Receive application of Crystal Lake Golf Club for a cabaret license and call a
public hearing for April 7, 1997.
17. Consider appointment to the Economic Development Commission.
18. Set a Council work session.
19. Unfinished business (for discussion only).
20. New business (for discussion only).
21. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, April 7, 1997
Board of Review meeting, April 8, 1997
22. Adjourn.