HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA226946 Approved Krista Stryker - CAD ENG814 E 1475 N Lehi, UT 84043 m: (309) 645-0999 Solar Professional Engineering Consulting 2024.08.12 admin@lucenteng.co Everlight Solar PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 RE: Engineering Services Stryker Residence 20841 Greenwood Avenue, Lakeville, MN 4.48 kW System Job #4772649 To Whom It May Concern, A. Assumptions from Field Observation provided by Everlight Solar Roof Roof B Roof Finish :Asphalt Shingle Asphalt Shingle Roof Underlayment :OSB OSB Roof Profile :Gable Gable Roof Structural System :Metal Plate Trusses Metal Plate Trusses Truss Top Chord/Setup :2 x 4 / Double Fink 2 x 4 / Double Fink Chord/Rafter Wood Grade : Truss/Rafter Spacing :24'' o.c.24'' o.c. Roof Slope :26 deg 26 deg Max Top Chord/Rafter Span :8.14 ft 8.14 ft Bearing Wall Type : Convl Lt-Frame Constr CLFC Foundation : Permanent Concrete Permanent Concrete Stories : Single Single B. Building Design Criteria Code : 2020 MNRC (ASCE 7-16) Risk Category : II Roof Live Load : 20 psf (0 psf at panels) Occupancy Class : IRC-1 Ground Snow Load : 50 psf Roof Dead Load : 6.5 psf Ult Wind Speed : 115 mph PV Dead Load : 3 psf Exposure Category : C Total Dead Load : 9.5 psf C. Summary of Existing Structure Results Roof - Adaquate to support the additional imposed loads. No structural upgrades are required. Spruce-Pine-Fir MSR 1650f-1.5E or better After review of the field observations and based on our calculations and in accordance with the applicable building codes and current industry standards, the existing roof structure supporting the proposed alterations consisting of the solar array has been determined to be: Lucent Engineering, P.C. August 30, 2024 We have reviewed the following information regarding the solar panel installation for this project. Alterations to these documents or plans shall not be made without direct written consent of the Engineer of Record. The following structural design regarding the proposed alterations have been prepared from these assumptions. The verification of the field observations is the responsibility of the contractor. Prior to commencement of work, the contractor shall verify the framing sizes, spacings, and spans noted in the sealed plans, calculations, and/or certification letter and notify the Engineer of Record of any discrepancies. D. Solar Panel Support Bracket Anchorage 1. 2. Manufacturer's Panel Bracket Connection to Roof Chord/Rafter Member: Fastener : (2) #14 SS Screws per Bracket NDS Withdrawl Value : 122 lbs/inch Min. Thread Length and Pentration Depth : 2.5'' 3. 4. E. Overall Summary Sincerely, Nicholas J. Bowens, PE License No. 60936 Limits of Scope of Work and Liability Page 2 of 2 Stryker Residence The existing structure is assumed to have been designed and constructed following appropriate codes at the time of erection and assumed to have appropriated permits. The calculations performed are only for the roof framing supporting the solar array installation referenced in the stamped plans and were completed according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures, professional engineering, and design experience opinions and judgements. Existing deficiencies which are unknown or were not observed during the time the site observation are not included in this scope of work. All solar panel modules, racking, and mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per the manufacturer's approved installation specifications. The Engineer of Record and the engineering consulting firm assume no responsibility for misuse or improper installation. This analysis is not stamped for water leakage. Framing was determined on information in provided plans and/or photos, along with engineering judgement. Prior to commencement of work, the contractor shall verify the framing sizes, spacings, and spans noted in the stamped plans, calculations, and/or certification letter and notify the Engineer of Record of any discrepancies prior to starting construction. If during solar panel installation, the roof framing members appear unstable or deflect non- uniformly, our office should be notified before proceeding with the installation. The contactor shall also verify that there are no damage/deficiencies (i.e., dry rot, water damage, termite damage, framing member/connection damage, etc.) to framing that was not addressed in the stamped plans, calculations, and/or certification letter and notify the Engineer of Record of any concerns prior to starting construction. Lucent Engineering, P.C.August 30, 2024 Should you have any questions regarding this letter or if you require further information, do not hesitate to contact me. Considering the existing roof's slope, size, spacing, condition, and calculated loads, the panel bracket supports shall be placed no greater than 48 in. o/c. Panel supports connections shall be staggered to distribute load to adjacent trusses. Solar panels shall be designed, mounted, and installed in accordance with the most recent ''Ironridge Manual'', which can be found on the Ironridge website (http://ironridge.com). Based on the information supplied to us at the time of this report, on the evaluation of the existing structure, and solar array panel bracket connection, it is our opinion that the roof system will adequately support the additional loads imposed by the solar array. This evaluation conforms to 2020 MNRC and current industry standards. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. NICHOLAS J BOWENS 08-30-2024 LICENSE NUMBER: 60936 DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STREET VIEW: .\street_view_image.png COVER - PV01 PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PV MODULES: (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) DC SYSTEM SIZE 4.97 KW DC INVERTER(S): (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S AC SYSTEM SIZE 4.48 KW AC RACKING RACKING: IRONRIDGE XR-10 ATTACHMENT: QUICKMOUNT HALO ULTRAGRIP APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES 2023 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 2020 MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE 2020 MINNESOTA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2020 MINNESOTA FIRE CODE SITE SPECIFICATIONS OCCUPANCY: IRC-1 ZONING: RESIDENTIAL STREET VIEW AERIAL VIEW PV01 COVER PV02 SITE PLAN PV03 ROOF PLAN PV04 MOUNTING DETAIL PV05 LINE DIAGRAM PV06 ELECTRICAL CALCS PV07 LABELS PV08 PLACARD PV09 SITE PHOTOS PV10 TEST PROCEDURE SHEET INDEX GENERAL NOTES 1.INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC ARTICLE 690, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE NEC CODES WHERE NOTED OR EXISTING 2.PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE AROUND EXISTING AND PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL COMPLY WITH NEC ARTICLE 110 3.ALL WIRES, INCLUDING THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC ARTICLE 250 4.THE PV MODULES ARE CONSIDERED NON-COMBUSTIBLE; THIS SYSTEM IS UTILITY INTERACTIVE PER UL 1741 AND DOES NOT INCLUDE STORAGE BATTERIES OR OTHER ALTERNATIVE STORAGE SOURCES 5.ALL DC WIRES SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO [NEC 690.8] 6.DC CONDUCTORS SHALL BE WITHIN PROTECTED RACEWAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH [NEC 690.31] 7.ALL SIGNAGE TO BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL JURISDICTIONAL BUILDING CODE I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. NICHOLAS J BOWENS 08-30-2024 LICENSE NUMBER: 60936 AC MSP JB M C PV AC Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN FRONT OF HOME DRIVEWAY ARRAY DETAILS: MOUNTING PLANE:AZIMUTH:TILT: MP1 213°26° VISIBLE, LOCKABLE, LABELED AC DISCONNECT LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF UTILITY METER SITE PLAN - PV02 EQUIPMENT LEGEND: INVERTERVISIBLE, LOCKABLE, LABELED UTILITY AC DISCONNECT METER SOCKET (FOR UTILITY PV METER) UTILITY METER MAIN SERVICE PANEL LC LOAD CENTER FIRE ACCESS PATHWAY (3' TYP) C INV PV AC MSP M COMBINER BOX PROPERTY LINEBATTBATTERY(IES) SUB SUB PANEL SD SERVICE DISCONNECT JB JUNCTION BOX PV MODULES CASE #: 05933833 NO CLEARANCE ISSUES AROUND HOME OR SOLAR ARRAY ELECTRIC SERVICE LINES ARE UNDERGROUND NOT OVERHEAD MP1 20841 Greenwood Avenue 138'-4" 77'-6" ALL PV EQUIPMENT INSTALLED WITHIN 10' OF UTILITY METER 24/7 UNESCORTED KEYLESS ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO XCEL ENERGY FOR ALL XCEL ENERGY OWNED METERS AND DISCONNECTS SOLAR ARRAY INVERTERS BEHIND PANELS MAIN SERVICE PANEL LOCATED INSIDE UTILITY AC DISCONNECT PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT INSTALLER NAME: EVERLIGHT SOLAR LLC EMAIL: permits@everlightsolar.com 210TH ST W672' SI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. NICHOLAS J BOWENS 08-30-2024 LICENSE NUMBER: 60936 AC MSP JB M C PV AC Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: EQUIPMENT INFORMATION:ROOF INFO:PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY STRUCTURAL CRITERIA RACKING MANUFACTURER:IRONRIDGE ROOF TYPE:ASPHALT SHINGLE PV MODULE COUNT:14 RACKING PART NUMBER:XR-10 ROOF FRAMING:MANUFACTURED TRUSS ARRAY AREA:MODULE COUNT * 19.61 ft² = 274.54 ft² ATTACHMENTS:QUICKMOUNT HALO ULTRAGRIP RAFTER/TOP CHORD SIZE:2x4 ROOF AREA:2540 ft² ATTACHMENT QTY:30 RAFTER/TOP CHORD SPACING:24"PERCENT OF ROOF COVERED:11% SPLICE QTY:4 ATTACHMENT SPACING 48"ARRAY WEIGHT:MODULE COUNT * 42.99 lbs = 601.86 lbs MIDCLAMP QTY:24 POINT LOAD:ARRAY lbs/ATTACHMENT QTY = 20.06 lbs ENDCLAMP QTY:8 DISTRIBUTED LOAD: (lbs/ft²)ARRAY WEIGHT/AREA = 2.19 lbs/ft² SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN ROOF PLAN - PV03 18" 36" I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. NICHOLAS J BOWENS 08-30-2024 LICENSE NUMBER: 60936 RAIL (E) COMP SHINGLE ROOF (1 LAYER) ATTACHMENT PV MODULE (E) RAFTER/TOP CHORD DETAIL, MOUNTING AND FLASHING RD STRUCTURAL SCREW PN RD-1430-01-M1 WITH 2-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT (PER MANUFACTURER) 4" RAIL 2.5" MIN. EMBED. FLASHING (SEE DATASHEET FOR DETAILS) RAIL 1" PV MODULE FRAME RAIL ATTACHMENT 3 RAIL PV MODULE MAX SPAN1'-8" MAX. 21 FRONT VIEW 10" MIN - 1'-4" MAX2'-8" MIN - 3'-10" MAX 10" MIN - 1'-4" MAX SIDE VIEW3 (E) RAFTER/TOP CHORDS (E) RAFTER/TOP CHORD END CLAMP DETAILS MID CLAMP DETAILS21 END CLAMP MID CLAMP 2'-8" MIN - 3'-10" MAX Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: EQUIPMENT INFORMATION:ROOF INFO:PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY STRUCTURAL CRITERIA RACKING MANUFACTURER:IRONRIDGE ROOF TYPE:ASPHALT SHINGLE PV MODULE COUNT:14 RACKING PART NUMBER:XR-10 ROOF FRAMING:MANUFACTURED TRUSS ARRAY AREA:MODULE COUNT * 19.61 ft² = 274.54 ft² ATTACHMENTS:QUICKMOUNT HALO ULTRAGRIP RAFTER/TOP CHORD SIZE:2x4 ROOF AREA:2540 ft² ATTACHMENT QTY:30 RAFTER/TOP CHORD SPACING:24"PERCENT OF ROOF COVERED:11% SPLICE QTY:4 ATTACHMENT SPACING 48"ARRAY WEIGHT:MODULE COUNT * 42.99 lbs = 601.86 lbs MIDCLAMP QTY:24 POINT LOAD:ARRAY lbs/ATTACHMENT QTY = 20.06 lbs ENDCLAMP QTY:8 DISTRIBUTED LOAD: (lbs/ft²)ARRAY WEIGHT/AREA = 2.19 lbs/ft² SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN MOUNTING DETAIL - PV04 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. NICHOLAS J BOWENS 08-30-2024 LICENSE NUMBER: 60936 K4977-INT MILBANK LUG KIT TO BE ADDED (E) 200A-2P (E) 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1-PH, 240V RATED SERVICE *LUG KIT CANNOT BE SPLICING TYPE* (E) LOADS N G (E) 1Ø, 120/240 VAC TO UTILITY GRID (E) UTILITY METER LINE SIDE LOAD SIDE (E)GROUNDING ELECTRODE 4 ML1 L2 N AC COMBINER BOXSOLAR LOADS ONLY UL 1741 COMPLIANT (N) 100A AC DC AC DC6 INVERTERS STRING (1) 12 MODULES 1 INVERTERS STRING (2) 2 MODULES NEMA 3R J-BOX 21 N G 1 (N) (2) 20A-2P AC DC AC DC 3 LINE SIDE LOAD SIDE PV (N) UTILITY PV PRODUCTION METER 33 (N) UTILITY AC DISCONNECT REFERENCE POINT OF APPLICABILITY THE PV PRODUCTION METER SOCKET MUST HAVE LEVER BYPASS 1-PH, 3-WIRE, 120/240V, 200A NO LOADS OR STAGE SYSTEM ON DER SIDE OF PRODUCTION METER VISIBLE-OPEN TYPE, LOCKABLE, READILY ACCESSIBLE, LABELED, 240V, 2-POLE VISIBLE-OPEN TYPE, LOCKABLE, READILY ACCESSIBLE, LABELED, 240V, 2-POLE, FUSED (N) PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT (N) 25A FUSES 30A30A Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN VISIBLE, LOCKABLE, LABELED AC DISCONNECT LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF UTILITY METER LINE DIAGRAM - PV05 AP SYSTEMS DS3-S SPECS MAX INPUT VOLTAGE:60 V MAX DC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT:16 A MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER:640 W MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT:2.66 A NOM. OUTPUT VOLTAGE:240 V 1-PHASE, 60 Hz, UL 1741 LISTED LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (Hi-Mo) SPECS POWER MAX (PMAX):355 W OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (VOC):40.6 V MAX POWER-POINT CURRENT (IMP):10.27 A MAX POWER-POINT VOLTAGE (VMP):34.6 V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC):11.25 A SERIES FUSE RATING:20 A EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE PV MODULES:(14)LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO)355 W INVERTERS:(7)AP SYSTEMS DS3-S 640 W AC DISCONNECT(S):(2)PV AC DISCONNECT, 240V, 2-POLE 30 A AC COMBINER:(1)AC COMBINER 100 A TAG CONDUCTOR DETAILS GROUND DETAILS CONDUIT SIZE 1 (2) 12-2 PV-WIRE, USE-2 COPPER (1) 10 AWG BARE COPPER N/A - FREE AIR 2 (4) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 COPPER (1) 10 AWG THWN-2 COPPER 1" EMT 3 (3) 6 AWG THWN-2 COPPER (1) 8 AWG THWN-2 COPPER 1" EMT 4 (3) 6 AWG THWN-2 COPPER N/A NO GROUND WIRE PRESENT 1" EMT DESIGN SHALL MEET NEC REQUIREMENTS CASE #: 05933833 *SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION* NEC 230.46, NEC 230.79 & NEC 705.11 ALL PV EQUIPMENT INSTALLED WITHIN 10' OF UTILITY METER Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN SYSTEM OCPD CALCULATIONS INVERTER MODEL(S):AP SYSTEMS DS3-S # OF INVERTERS:7 MAX OUTPUT CURRENT:(7 X 2.66A) = 18.62A (MAX OUTPUT CURRENT) X 125% ≤ OCPD RATING (18.62A) X 1.25 = 23.275A ≤ 25A NUMBER OF CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS PERCENT OF VALUES 4-6 .80 7-9 .70 10-20 .50 GROUNDING & GENERAL NOTES: 1. PV INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED, TRANSFORMER-LESS TYPE. 2. DC GEC AND AC EGC TO BE SPLICED TO EXISTING ELECTRODE 3. ANY EXISTING WIRING INVOLVED WITH PV SYSTEM CONNECTION THAT IS FOUND TO BE INADEQUATE PER CODE SHALL BE CORRECTED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 4. JUNCTION BOX QUANTITIES, AND PLACEMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD - JUNCTION BOXES DEPICTED ON ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM REPRESENT WIRE TYPE TRANSITIONS. 5. AC DISCONNECT NOTED IN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE OPTIONAL IF OTHER AC DISCONNECTING MEANS IS LOCATED WITHIN 10' OF SERVICE DISCONNECT. 6. SIZING OF OVER CURRENT PROTECTION DEVICES ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST WHOLE AMPERE WITH DECIMAL FRACTIONS SMALLER THAN 0.5 DROPPED ACCORDING TO 220.5(B) INTERCONNECTION NOTES: DISCONNECT NOTES: 1. GROUND FAULT PROTECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH [NEC 215.9] & [NEC 230.95] 2. SUPPLY SIDE INTERCONNECTION ACCORDING TO [NEC 705.12] WITH SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH [NEC 240.21] 1. DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SWITCH IS OPENED THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING LIVE ARE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS MARKED “LINE SIDE” (TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS) 2. AC DISCONNECT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL, BE LOCKABLE, AND BE A VISIBLE-BREAK SWITCH. 3. FUSED AC DISCONNECT TO BE USED. STRING CALCULATIONS MAXIMUM STRING CALCULATION MICRO INVERTERS IN CIRCUIT:6 NOMINAL STRING VOLTAGE:240 MAX STRING AC CURRENT:15.96 A MAX STRING AC POWER:3840 W ELECTRICAL CALCS - PV06 METER CAN TAP MAIN BUSBAR RATING:200 A MAIN DISCONNECT RATING:200 A BACKFEED CAPACITY:200 A SERVICE RATING ≥ MAX OUTPUT CURRENT X 125% 200A ≥ 23.275A TAG CONDUCTOR DETAILS GROUND DETAILS CONDUIT SIZE CONDUCTOR RATING AMBIENT TEMP DEGREE COLUMN TEMP DERATE # OF CONDUCTOR DERATE CONDUCTOR RATING W/ DERATES CONDUIT FILL 1 (2) 12-2 PV-WIRE, USE-2 COPPER (1) 10 AWG BARE COPPER N/A - FREE AIR 30 A 32°C 90°C 0.96 1 29 A N/A - FREE AIR 2 (4) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 COPPER (1) 10 AWG THWN-2 COPPER 1" EMT 40 A 32°C 90°C 0.96 0.8 31 A 12.2% 3 (3) 6 AWG THWN-2 COPPER (1) 8 AWG THWN-2 COPPER 1" EMT 65 A 32°C 75°C 0.94 1 61 A 21.9% 4 (3) 6 AWG THWN-2 COPPER N/A NO GROUND WIRE PRESENT 1" EMT 65 A 32°C 75°C 0.94 1 61 A 17.6% Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN LABELS - PV07 LABEL 5 EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTOR SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES SHALL BE MARKED TO INDICATE THE PRESENCE OF ALL SOURCES.[NEC 705.12(B)(3)] LABEL 3 PLACED ADJACENT TO THE BACK-FED BREAKER FROM THE INVERTER IF TIE IN CONSISTS OF LOAD SIDE CONNECTION TO BUSBAR. [NEC 705.12(B)(2)] LABEL 6 AT DIRECT-CURRENT EXPOSED RACEWAYS, CABLE TRAYS, COVERS AND ENCLOSURES OF JUNCTION BOXES, AND OTHER WIRING METHODS; SPACED AT MAXIMUM 10FT SECTION OR WHERE SEPARATED BY ENCLOSURES, WALLS, PARTITIONS, CEILINGS, OR FLOORS. [NEC 690.31(D)(2)] LABEL 8 SIGN LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3FT FROM INITIATION DEVICE [NEC 690.56(D)(2)]. LABEL 7 FOR PV SYSTEMS THAT SHUT DOWN THE ARRAY AND CONDUCTORS LEAVING THE ARRAY: SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 3 FT AWAY FROM SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED AND SHALL INDICATE THE LOCATION OF ALL IDENTIFIED RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCHES IF NOT AT THE SAME LOCATION. [NEC 690.12(D)] LABEL 1 PLACED ON THE MAIN DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR THE PV SYSTEM. [NEC 690.13(B)] LABELING NOTES: 1.LABELS CALLED OUT ACCORDING TO ALL COMMON CONFIGURATIONS. ELECTRICIAN TO DETERMINE EXACT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD PER CURRENT NEC AND LOCAL CODES AND MAKE APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENTS. 2.LABELING REQUIREMENTS BASED ON THE 2023 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, OSHA STANDARD 19010.145, ANSI Z535. 3.MATERIAL BASED ON THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4.LABELS TO BE OF SUFFICIENT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED [NEC 110.21] 5.LABELS TO BE A MINIMUM LETTER HEIGHT OF 3/8", WHITE ON RED BACKGROUND; REFLECTIVE, AND PERMANENTLY AFFIXED [NEC 690.31(D)(2)] LABEL 4 PLACED ON EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTOR SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES [NEC 705.10] LABEL 2 FOR PV DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE THE LINE AND LOAD TERMINALS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. [NEC 690.13(B)] WARNING! TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION !WARNING EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR. ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD MAIN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT WARNING! POWER SOURCE OUTPUT DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE. PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWICH TO THE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN ARRAY SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN SOLAR ELECTRIC PV PANELS RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FOR SOLAR PV SYSTEM EXISTING SUB PANEL (ONLY IF WHERE POINT OF INTERCONNECTION IS MADE) **ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM SHOWN ABOVE IS FOR LABELING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT AN ACTUAL REPRESENATION OF EQUIPMENT AND CONNECTIONS TO BE INSTALLED. LABEL LOCATIONS PRESENTED MAY VERY DEPENDING ON TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION METHOD AND LOCATION PRESENTED ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM PAGE. ** JUNCTION BOX MAIN SERVICE PANEL AC DISCONNECT PV COMBINER SUBPANEL - IF USED TO COMBINE PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS OR INVERTER (ONLY IF PV INTERCONNECTION CONSISTS OF LOAD SIDE BREAKER) (ONLY IF PV INTERCONNECTION CONSISTS OF LOAD SIDE BREAKER) LABELING DIAGRAM: 1 2 3 4 7 5 2 3 4 5 1 1 3 8 1 6 6 CAUTION! MULTIPLE SOURCES OF POWER 15 PRODUCTION METER LABEL 15 PLACARD TO BE PLACED AT PRODUCTION METER PER XCEL ENERGY. AC MSP JB M C PV AC Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN SYSTEM UTILIZES MICROINVERTERS UNDER EACH MODULE CAUTION 20841 Greenwood Avenue, Lakeville MN 55044 DIRECTORY: PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. (ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE WILL BE INSTALLED AS OUTLINED WITHIN: NEC 690.56(B)&(C), [NEC 705.10] PLACARD - PV08 FRONT OF HOME POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAYS WITH SAFETY DISCONNECTS AS SHOWN: EMERGENCY CONTACT 833-786-4387 EVERLIGHT SOLAR MAIN DISTRIBUTION UTILITY DISCONNECT RAPID SHUTDOWN AC DISCONNECT SWITCH COMBINER PV ARRAY Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN SITE PHOTOS: PHOTOS - PV09 Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN FRONT/BACK VIEWS - PV09.1 SITE PHOTOS: Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN SIDE VIEWS SIDE VIEWS - PV09.2 SITE PHOTOS: Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN METER/OPEN MSP - PV09.3 SITE PHOTOS: Everlight Solar Construction PO Box 930550 Verona, WI 53593 License# DCQ-111802116 833.786.4387 ext. 701 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Sunburn Construction, LLC dba Everlight Solar 7369 Highway 13 W Savage, MN 55378 License #: BC771658 (833)786-4387 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: SITE INFORMATION KRISTA STRYKER UTILITY ACCOUNT HOLDER: KRISTA STRYKER 20841 GREENWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 AC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.48 KW AC DC SYSTEM SIZE: 4.97 KW DC LAT, 44.6470771 LONG, -93.2236505 (14) LONGI LR4-60HPB 355M (HI-MO) (7) AP SYSTEMS DS3-S DRAWN BY: SoloCAD 8/30/2024 XCEL ENERGY MN TEST PROCEDURE - PV10 Contact Info and General 1.Name of Customer who owns service, the Xcel Energy “customer of record” for existing services 2.Installation premise address shall match application address 2.1 Address shall match the premise address for existing customer/services 3.Application OID, SRC, or case number assigned to the project 4.A note stating “All testing shall be performed by qualified personnel" Testing Applicable to all DER 5.The procedure shall provide steps to verify fixed power factor settings for each inverter meet the project requirements 6.The unintentional islanding test shall at minimum contain the following steps: 6.1 Steps that verify DER system is ready to be energized 6.2 Steps to verify labeling for the Main Service Panel, DER Protection, DC Disconnect, AC disconnect, Utility AC disconnect, Production Meter (when applicable) and other relevant labelling and signage 6.3 Steps to energize the DER system 6.4 While in normal operation, steps to verify the voltages at the DER AC terminals are within 5% of the combined DER AC voltage ratings and all LEDs, alarms, and/or LCD codes are “normal” 6.5 While in normal operation, steps to verify that all DER units are operational and producing power 6.6 Steps to simulate the loss of utility source11 for the unintentional islanding test shall be listed 6.6.1 Clearly identify the disconnection device being used to simulate this utility power outage 6.7 Using a voltmeter, verify the voltage at the inverter side of the AC disconnect has dropped to zero 6.7.1 Only customer-owned equipment shall be used for this verification. Xcel Energy will not provide special equipment for this verification. Xcel `Energy provided meters shall not be used for this verification. 6.8 Using an ammeter or the DER’s display/metering, verify the DER has ceased to energize within two seconds. For three phase systems, three phase monitoring may be required. 7.Verify DER LEDs, alarms, and/or LCD codes are appropriate for loss of Utility source 8.Steps to restore the lost Utility source shall be listed 9.A step to verify that the inverter system delays five (5) minutes before resuming power output after the Utility source is restored shall be listed CASE #: 05933833 2023/06/25 Rev1.9PRODUCT FEATURESWIRING SCHEMATICDS3 SeriesThe most powerful Dual Microinverter• One microinverter connects to two solar modules• Max output power reaching 640VA, 768VA or 880VA• Two independent input channels (MPPT)• CA Rule 21 (UL 1741 SB) compliant• NEC 2020 690.12 Rapid Shutdown Compliant• Encrypted Wireless ZigBee Communication• Phase Monitored and Phase BalancedAPsystems’ 3rd generation of dual-module microinverters, the DS3 product family represents the culmination of years of power conversion expertise and innovation in high-efficiency, high-density power conversion to maximize the peak performance of today’s high-capacity PV modules. The DS3 series reaches unprecedented levels of power output. It features 2 input channels, each with independent MPPT, and encrypted wireless ZigBee communication. An innovative and compact design makes the product lighter while maximizing power production, and silicone-encapsulated components reduce stress on electronics, facilitate thermal dissipation, and enhance weatherproofing. Reliability is significantly increased thanks to 20% fewer components than previous generations. A 24/7 energy access through apps or web based portal facilitate remote diagnosis and maintenance.The DS3 series is grid-interactive and fully compliant with CA Rule 21 requirements. With its unparalleled performance, efficiency of 97.3%, and increased reliability, the APsystems DS3 series is a gamechanger for residential and commercial solar.Leading the Industry inSolar Microinverter TechnologyRegionModelUSA CanadaDatasheet | DS3 Microinverter SeriesMechanical Data Operating Ambient Temperature Range(4)-40°F to +149°F (-40°C to +65°C)Storage Temperature Range -40°F to +185°F (-40°C to+85°C)Dimensions (W x H x D) 10.3” × 8.6” × 1.6” (263mm x 218mm x 41.2mm)10.3” × 8.6” × 1.7” (263mm x 218mm x 42.5mm)Weight5.7lbs(2.7kg) 6.8lbs(3.1kg)DC Connector Type Stäubli MC4 PV-ADBP4-S2&ADSP4-S2CoolingNatural Convection - No FansEnclosure Environmental Rating Type 6EfficiencyPeak Efficiency97.3%CEC Efficiency97%Nominal MPPT Efficiency 99.5%Night Power Consumption 20mWFeaturesCommunication (Inverter To ECU) (5)Encrypted ZigBee Isolation Design High Frequency Transformers, Galvanically IsolatedEnergy Management Energy Management Analysis (EMA) systemWarranty(6)10 Years Standard ; 25 Years OptionalComplianceSafety and EMC Compliance UL1741; CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-16; UL1741SA; UL1741SB; IEEE1547; Rule 21; SRD-V2.0; FCC Part15; ICES-003;NEC2014&NEC2017&NEC2020 Section 690.11 DC Arc-Fault circuit Protection; NEC2014&NEC2017&NEC2020 Section 690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV systems on BuildingsAPsystems8627 N. Mopac Expy, Suite 150, Austin, TX 78759apsystems.com© All Rights ReservedSpecifications subject to change without notice please ensure you are using the most recent update found at web : usa.APsystems.comMeets the standard requirements for Distributed Energy Resources (UL 1741) and identified with the CSA Listed MarkInput Data (DC)Recommended PV Module Power (STC) Range 250Wp-480Wp+ 265Wp-570Wp+ 300Wp-660Wp+Peak Power Tracking Voltage(1)28V-45VOperating Voltage Range 26V-60VMaximum Input Voltage60VMaximum Input Current 16A x 2 18A x 2 20A x 2Maximum input short circuit current 20A per input 22.5A per input 25A per inputOutput Data (AC)Maximum Continuous Output Power 640VA 768VA 880VANominal Output Voltage/Range(2)240V / 211V-264VNominal Output Current 2.66A 3.2A 3.7AMaximum Output Fault Current (ac) And Duration 5.691Apk, 26.75ms of duration; 3.307ArmsNominal Output Frequency/ Range(2)60Hz/58.8Hz-61.2Hz(HECO:57Hz-63Hz)Power Factor (Default/Adjustable) 0.99/0.8 leading…0.8 laggingMaximum Units per 30A Branch(3)976Maximum Units per 20A Branch(3)654AC Bus Cable10AWG / 12AWGDS3-LDS3-S DS3(1)VMP values may be different on previous DS3 models with a 34 -45V range for microinverters not connected to an ECU and 30-45V range for devices upgraded with an ECU. (2)Nominal voltage/frequency range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. (3)Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. (4)The inverter may enter to power de-grade mode under poor ventilation and heat dissipation installation environment. (5) Recommend no more than 80 inverters register to one ECU for stable communication. (6)To be eligible for the warranty, APsystems microinverters need to be monitored via the EMA portal. Please refer to our warranty T&Cs available on usa.APsystems.com. Tech Brief:PTWSPÄLK.YV\UKPUNMVY,]LY`(WWSPJH[PVUThe UFO family of components eliminates the need for separate grounding hardware by bonding solar modules directly to IronRidge XR Rails. All system types that feature the UFO family—Flush Mount, Tilt Mount and Ground Mount—are fully listed to the UL 2703 standard.UFO hardware forms secure electrical bonds with both the module and the rail, resulting in many parallel grounding paths throughout the system. This leads to safer and more reliable installations.UFO Family of Components<UP]LYZHS-HZ[LUPUN6IQLJ[<-6The UFO securely bonds solar modules to XR Rails. It comes assembled and lubricated, and FDQÀWDZLGHUDQJHRIPRGXOHKHLJKWVhe gore<UP]LYZHS-HZ[LThe UFO securely bRails. It comes asseFDQÀWDZLGHUDQJH:[VWWLY:SLL]LThe Stopper Sleeve snaps onto the UFO, converting it into a bonded end clamp.)6::™ SpliceBonded Structural Splice connects rails with built-in bonding teeth. No tools or hardware needed.)VUKLK([[HJOTLU[ZThe bonding bolt attaches and bonds the L-foot to the rail. It is installed with the same socket as the rest of the system..YV\UKPUN3\NA single Grounding Lug connects an entire row of PV modules to the grounding conductor.)6::™ SpliceBonded Structural Splice il i h b il i:`Z[LT+PHNYHT<3*LY[PÄJH[PVUThe IronRidge Flush Mount, Tilt Mount, and Ground Mount Systems have been listed to UL 2703 by Intertek Group plc.UL 2703 is the standard for evaluating solar mounting systems. It ensures these devices will maintain strong electrical and mechanical connections over an extended period of time in extreme outdoor environments.0YVU9PKNL0UJ(SSYPNO[ZYLZLY]LK=PZP[^^^PYWH[LU[ZJVTMVYWH[LU[PUMVYTH[PVU=LYZPVUTech Brief*YVZZ:`Z[LT*VTWH[PIPSP[`-LH[\YL -S\ZO4V\U[ ;PS[4V\U[ .YV\UK4V\U[XR Rails((XR100 & XR1000UFO/Stopper(((BOSS™ Splice((N/AGrounding Lugs1 per Row 1 per Row 1 per ArrayMicroinverters & Power OptimizersCompatible with most MLPE manufacturers.Refer to system installation manual.Fire RatingClass A Class A N/AModulesTested or Evaluated with over 400 Framed ModulesRefer to installation manuals for a detailed list.íApproved Enphase microinverters can provide equipment grounding of IronRidge systems, eliminating the need for JURXQGLQJOXJVDQGÀHOGLQVWDOOHGHTXLSPHQWJURXQGFRQGXFWRUV (*& $PLQLPXPRIWZRPLFURLQYHUWHUVPRXQWHGWRWKHsame rail and connected to the same Engage cable is required. Refer to installation manuals for additional details..V[V0YVU9PKNLJVT<-6     May 25, 2021 Page 1 of 11                 Xcel Energy Requirements for DER Application Completeness Review Applicable to Xcel Energy Minnesota          May 25, 2021 Page 2 of 11   Table of Contents 1.0 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 3  2.0 Terms and References .................................................................................................................... 3  2.1 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 3  2.2 References .................................................................................................................................. 3  3.0 One Line Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 4  4.0 Site Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 7  5.0 Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 9  6.0 Document Dependencies ............................................................................................................... 9  6.1 Internal Documents .................................................................................................................... 9  6.2 External Documents ................................................................................................................... 9  Appendix A – Template for Notice of Incomplete Initial Application Materials ...................................... 10           May 25, 2021 Page 3 of 11   1.0 Scope Outlined below are the engineering documents and associated minimum requirements for a  Distributed Energy Resource (DER) interconnection application to be deemed complete. The  requirements apply to all DER for the purpose of providing additional detail on how application  completeness will be reviewed with respect to governing interconnection requirements.  Interconnections using Energy Storage Systems must also follow the Xcel Energy Storage  Interconnection Guidelines in addition to the below requirements. In the context of this document,  “Dedicated Power Production Facility” refers to interconnections that connect directly to the  Distribution System for the sole purpose of exporting energy to the distribution system and do not  have electrical services associated with serving a customer load or premise.  Appendix A – Template for Notice of Incomplete Initial Application Materials provides a notification  template for communicating with Interconnection Customers when their initial application cannot be  deemed complete in accordance with this document.  2.0 Terms and References Applicable terms and company/industry references are provided below.  2.1 Glossary Distributed Energy Resource (DER): Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) include all sources, including  energy storage systems.  All sources interconnected in parallel with Xcel Energy’s system require an  interconnection review.  Reference Point of Applicability: The location, either the Point of Common Coupling or the Point of  DER Connection, where the interconnection and interoperability performance requirements specified  in IEEE 1547 apply. With mutual agreement, the Area EPS Operator and Customer may determine a  point between the Point of Common Coupling and Point of DER Connection. See Minnesota DER  Technical Interconnection and Interoperability Requirements for more information.  2.2 References 1. Xcel Energy Section 9 Tariff  2. Xcel Energy Section 10 Tariff  3. Xcel Energy Standard for Electric installation and Use  4. Xcel Energy Storage Interconnection Guidelines  5. National Electric Code  6. UL 1741  7. IEEE 1547        May 25, 2021 Page 4 of 11   3.0 One Line Diagram One‐Line diagram, also known as a single‐line diagram, showing the installation of the DER system and  associated equipment shall be required with each interconnection application. To reduce the chances  of a delayed deemed‐complete status by increasing the overall clarity of the one‐line, it is strongly  recommended to use a standard graphical symbol set, such as that found in IEEE 315, when such a  standardized symbol exists. The following information shall be clearly depicted on the one‐line  diagram:  Contact information and General  3.1 Customer Name.   Note: The Customer Name on the one‐line should match the Customer Name on the  application.   3.2 Application OID, SRC, or case number assigned to the project  3.3 Clearly identify the Reference Point of Applicability (RPA). This is the location that the DER system  will meet the requirements of IEEE 1547.   Note: For practical purposes, indicating the location that measurements will be taken as  the “RPA” for the witness test is sufficient to satisfy this requirement in most cases. If  measurements are being taken at a disconnect, it should be clear which side of the  disconnect measurements are being taken.   3.4 For systems larger than 250 kW, a signature from a professional engineer licensed in Minnesota is  required.   Electrical Component Schematic  3.5 The electrical connections of all major components between the main service meter1 and the DER  system.   Note: Examples of major components include interconnection transformers, breakers,  fuses, reclosers, meters, current transformers2, potential transformers, and inverters.   Note: All customer equipment shall be located on the customer‐side of the main service  meter  Note: All Dedicated Power Production Facilities require a dedicated transformer with no  other associated load or DER interconnections.              1 Xcel Energy infrastructure is not required to be shown on the customer one‐line. Any Xcel Energy equipment shown is  subject to change at Xcel Energy’s discretion and should not be used for planning/design purposes by the customer  2 CT polarity should be clearly marked on the drawing.      May 25, 2021 Page 5 of 11   3.6 Main service meter and main service panel  Note: Breakers serving only load do not need to be shown in detail, but some indication  that load is served from the main service panel, or any other panel in the drawing, is  requested. The presence of another breaker is enough to indicate to the reviewer that  additional load is served from this panel.  3.7 Main service protection between DER and the utility  Note: This protective device shall be provided immediately after the main service meter.  Typical protective devices include circuit breakers and fuses. An unfused disconnect is not  considered a protective device. When connected behind a main service panel, the main  service breaker will suffice as the protective device.   3.8 The main service meter voltage and number of phases, and if present, any transformer winding  configuration and voltages. Please do not include any instrument transformer ratios.  3.9 The aggregate kW AC nameplate rating of each DER system  Note: For example, this will be the sum of all inverters present on a PV system.   3.10 The AC Voltage of the DER System  3.11 The expected individual kW AC nameplate rating of each inverter of the system  Note: Effort should be made to include the most accurate inverter model at the time of  application submission, as it adds greater clarity to the expected performance and  operation of the system, reducing the likelihood of additional requests for information at  the next step in the process. However, it is expected that designs may be non‐materially  modified after application submission and prior to commissioning. This includes the  inverters models. Some flexibility will be provided for this requirement, but final one‐lines  will need final inverter makes and models prior to permission to operate being granted.   3.12 Number of phases of the inverters.   3.13 Number of phases of the DER system. If a three‐phase system is using single‐phase inverters,  indicate the quantity of inverters per phase.   3.14 When multiple DER units are existing or proposed on a single service: all DER systems shall be  shown with proposed and existing marked  3.15 For energy storage systems: the Configuration Mode being applied for shall be clearly indicated  on the one‐line. Refer to Section 10 in the TSM for Configuration Mode details.   3.16 If auxiliary DER equipment power is necessary, the circuit for this auxiliary equipment shall be  shown  Note: Examples of auxiliary DER equipment include axis trackers, heaters, lighting, etc.   3.17 If used, indicate any control system, such as a power control system or plant controller. Give a  functional description of the control system.   Note: A description of the system should be provided to help the reviewer understand the  goals or purpose of the control system. If the control system relies on additional sensors,  such CTs or PTs, these should be indicated and referenced in the description.        May 25, 2021 Page 6 of 11   Metering   3.18 PV Production meter, if applicable, with ownership noted (utility or customer)  3.18.1 For single‐phase installations, the meter shall be specified as 1‐phase, 3‐wire  3.18.2 For three‐phase installations, the meter shall be specified as 3‐phase, 4‐wire  Note: No loads shall be connected on the DER side of an Xcel Energy‐owned production  meter. Energy Storage Systems are permissible, provided they only charge from the DER,  and not the grid, at any time. Indicate PV‐only charging if this is the case.   3.18.3 All Xcel‐owned production meters shall be installed at an Xcel Energy standard voltage3  3.19 The PV production meter will be required to have the PV generation wired to the line side  terminals. Please indicate the LINE SIDE and LOAD SIDE of the PV production meter on the line  diagram.  3.19.1 Customer owned meters shall not be located on the DER side of the Xcel Energy  production meter4  3.20 For systems with an output of 200 amps or more: any Xcel‐owned metering requiring PTs shall be  shown with the PTs unfused  AC Disconnect  3.21 A visible‐open type, lockable, and readily accessible AC disconnect for purposes of isolating the  DER from the utility source labeled “Utility AC Disconnect,” “Photovoltaic Utility AC Disconnect,”  or similar shall be shown  3.21.1 Other AC Disconnects shall not be labeled or identified as a “Utility” AC Disconnect, if  applicable  Note: The “Utility AC Disconnect” must be accessible to Xcel Energy’s personnel 24/7  without escort, hindrance, or delay. Rack‐out/draw‐out breakers5 do not qualify as a  “Utility” AC Disconnect.  3.21.2 For installations that require a Production Meter, the Utility AC Disconnect shall be  located between the DER and production meter  3.21.3 For installations not requiring a Production Meter, the Utility AC Disconnect shall be  located between the DER and main service      3 Xcel Energy standard service voltages can be found on Pg. 24, section 3.1.1 of the Electric Standard For Electric Installation  and Use. The inverter side of a step‐up transformer may be a non‐standard Xcel Energy voltage, provided that no Xcel  Energy metering is located between the step‐up transformer and the inverter  4 Refer to applicable state interconnection tariffs and program rules to determine if production meters are applicable  5 Xcel Energy crews do not operate customer rack‐out/draw‐out breakers and would require customer’s personnel to  operate to create a visible‐open, which causes hindrance and delay that is not acceptable for the “Utility” AC Disconnect.      May 25, 2021 Page 7 of 11   3.21.4 When multiple DER units are existing or proposed on a single service: if a single Utility AC  Disconnect cannot be used to disconnect all DER, all Utility AC Disconnects should include  numerical identification such as “Utility AC Disconnect 1 of 2” or similar. The number of  disconnects required to be operated to isolate the DER from the utility should be clear.  Ground Referencing (applies only to systems 100 kW and greater)  3.22 Ground referencing6 equipment shall be installed between the main service meter and  production meter to provide a ground reference for the system  3.22.1 Details of the ground reference equipment required on the one‐line: Type/winding configuration of ground referencing equipment X0 value X0/R0 ratio Neutral current rating Equipment fault withstand rating  3.22.2 Loss of ground referencing equipment shall immediately trip the DER system offline The method of monitoring and tripping shall be shown on the one‐line  4.0 Site Plan Site Plan or location plan identifying location of equipment noted on the one line shall show the  following information:  Contact Information and General  4.1 Customer Name  Note: The Customer Name on the site diagram should match the Customer Name on the  application  4.2 Installation premise address  Note: The Installation address shall match application address  4.3 Installer name & contact information  4.4 Application OID, SRC, or case number assigned to the project  4.5 Building(s) and streets shall be labelled  Note: A minimum of one street should be included on the site plan, with the name,  distance, and direction to the nearest cross street, if the nearest cross street is not shown  4.6 Compass direction (indicate North)      6 See the “PV and Inverter‐based DER Ground Referencing Requirements and Sample Calculations” document for ground  reference requirements      May 25, 2021 Page 8 of 11   Electrical Component Locations  4.7 Main service entrance, all meter locations, disconnects, transformers, proposed and existing DER  systems  4.7.1 Distance shall be noted between metering and disconnects.   4.7.2 For dedicated power production facilities: when an overhead primary service  interconnection is used, the customer pole shall be no less than 25’ from the Xcel Energy  meter pole. Typical acceptable distance from the Xcel Energy meter pole to the customer  pole is 40’  4.8 The Production Meter and AC Disconnect should be located together in a readily accessible  location within 10’ of the main service meter  4.8.1 If the AC disconnect or Production Meter is not located within 10 feet of the main service  meter7, a label meeting all requirements of the “Label Details” section should be placed at  the main service meter clearly showing the location of the AC Disconnect  4.9 24/7 unescorted keyless access shall be provided to all Xcel Energy equipment  4.10 If DER facilities are in close proximity to overhead electric service lines, position, distance and  clearance concerns in relation to facilities should be noted. All customer facilities are subject to  NESC clearance requirements in relation to Xcel Energy owned facilities.    4.11 A separate Detail View or Plan View may be required to clearly show location of meters, main  service and AC disconnect, when the site layout is unclear or illegible when printed on an 11”x17”  sheet                                      7 If either the metering equipment or disconnect, or both, will be located indoors, this will be evaluated as an exception,  which may or may not be approved based on the accessibility of the AC Disconnect or the clarity of the placard      May 25, 2021 Page 9 of 11   5.0 Revision History Revision Date Prepared By Approved By Notes  2.0  JCH   Converted to standard  format/layout, added  several sections  3.0 3/3/2021 MMH   Removed sections already  covered in the TSM or in  other parts of the process  and are not required by MN  DIP to be submitted in the  initial application, clarified  requirements for the One  Line Diagram and Site Plan  3.5 5/25/2021 MMH   Added clarification on  Utility AC Disconnect and  alignment with TSM                6.0 Document Dependencies 6.1 Internal Documents 1. Xcel Energy Section 9 Tariff  2. Xcel Energy Section 10 Tariff  3. Xcel Energy Standard for Electric installation and Use  4. Xcel Energy Storage Interconnection Guidelines  6.2 External Documents 1. National Electric Code  2. UL1741  3. IEEE 1547         May 25, 2021 Page 10 of 11   Appendix A – Template for Notice of Incomplete Initial Application Materials If a DER interconnection application is incomplete, complete the form on the following page and  provide a copy to the responsible Program Manager.  The Program Manager will then communicate  with the Interconnection Customer to address any issues within the required timeframe.  Save a copy  of this form in the appropriate engineering folder for the project.         May 25, 2021 Page 11 of 11   May 25, 2021  To Whom it May Concern:    Regarding your DER interconnection request for application number(s):  ____________________________________________________________________________________  in the state of ___________________________, we are writing to inform you that one or more aspects  of your application are not complete and require action to update before we can proceed with more  detailed engineering reviews.  Missing information is noted below under the relevant section heading.  Section 3.0 One Line Diagram           Section 4.0 Site Plan           Please update your relevant application documents and resubmit for Xcel Energy review in accordance  with the governing interconnection process timelines.